#gaba bar
bbwgigs · 2 years
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hunterrrs · 1 year
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Brian Dumoulin may be one of the most interesting men to wear black and gold in quite some time, as he's got so many passions outside of hockey, like travel, food and wine. The 31-year-old shared some of his must-haves, both on and off the ice, at home and on the road.
Wine books, magazines and podcasts
One magazine I've subscribed to that I really like is called Noble Rot. It's from London, where they have two different wine bars and a wine store. I really like the stuff that they write. It's really, really cool.
For podcasts, there hasn't been as many recently. But through the course of like 2010 to 2021, there was a podcast called 'I'll Drink to That!' It's a guy named Levi Dalton. He basically interviews everyone, from people who work in restaurants, winemakers, wholesale distributors - anyone in the wine trade. They talk about how they got into wine. With the winemaking, it can be very technical, where they talk about decisions with the barrels, decisions with when to pick, how their vineyards are different than the other… so it's very intricate. I wouldn't say it's for a beginner (laughs), but it's really good information.
For books, the last one I read is called 'Terrior Footprints' by Pedro Parra. He's sort of an expert. It's a book about wine and how when you blind taste, you kind of taste soil in the glass, and that's a good way to blind taste because you can really pick up different notes if you know where it's grown in.
Grassl universal glasses
I use those normally. I also use Zalto universal glasses for whites, Zalto burgundy glasses for pinots and lighter reds, and Zalto bordeaux glasses for heavier reds
Loose leaf imported tea
I do a lot of green. Lingering Clouds is a green tea that I really like. Then there's Gaba, which is good for after meals, for digestion. That still has a little caffeine, so I don't try to do that towards nighttime. I always have loose leaf chamomile before bed. I'll usually do that around 7-7:30 PM, or I'm going to the bathroom all night (laughs).
Snacks with a bit of a kick
I mean, it's not healthy or anything, but I like salt and vinegar chips. Those get me, my wife too (laughs). We'll have a bag and all of sudden, it's gone. It's easy to finish a whole bag. I also like Smart Sweets sour gummy bears [the green package]. We have them on the team plane.
The stovetop
My favorite kitchen utensil is honestly the stovetop. I like cooking on the stove a lot better, I'd say, just because grilling is a little bit harder to control. I'll do steak on the stovetop, but obviously I'll cook burgers on the grill, and stuff like that. But I like just trying a bunch of different things on the stovetop.
Broom and dustpan
I love to clean and sweep, it's soothing. I like the broom and dustpan. I'm old fashioned. That's all I need.
That's just because I don't want to comb my hair. It's just laziness. That's one thing that I'm not into, is clothes. I'm not a clothes guy.
Lacrosse ball
I like to roll out on that for recovery. I really like that, it's easy. It's really good for your legs and your hips, to get into the small little muscles.
michelle giving us what we need: dumo, man of culture
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becomingkatie · 4 days
Theo's visit to the neurologist went about as expected... His summary included "limited exam due to temperament" with his attitude described as "vocalizing." He was pissed. In the report where the doctor was describing his heart and lungs, she wrote, "No murmur or arrhythmia but difficult to hear over growling/yowling." That's our baby boy.
They think there probably is something wrong with his brain, based on the limited amount of observation he allowed them. Whether it's a tumor, encephalitis, or early-onset kitty dementia is unclear. MRI scheduled for next week so we can really spend some dough. We have a lot of fears and anxieties and also a lot of sadness.
It is really hard to sit in the next room and hear your cat scream like he's being stabbed, when you know they're just trying to listen to his heart with the stethoscope. But he's terrified and angry and doesn't understand. Taking him in for the MRI next week is going to suck, but they're having us give him gabapentin and trazadone the night before and morning of. Unfortunately, last time we gave him gabapentin to try to help him calm down before a vet visit, he freaked out and injured his head trying to break out of the carrier. He wouldn't stop scraping his head against the bars even when he was bleeding. He panics, and I think he panics worse when he's loopy on medication and doesn't know why he doesn't feel like himself. Hopefully the gaba+trazadone combo is better?
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darkmaga-retard · 14 days
Ben Bartee
Sep 09, 2024
Full disclosure: I’m voting in my own poll here for Option #1. Having experience with benzodiazepines, as an armchair psychoanalyst, I believe that Mamala may have serious performance anxiety, and those little bars of liberation may help her cope. Unfortunately for her and the nation forced to listen to her musings, they are also extremely inhibitory of any sense of restraint, hence the frequent outbursts of blood-curdling hyena-like laughter and nonsensical tangents about coconut trees.
Of course, alcohol has extremely similar effects, as it targets the same GABA receptors as benzos. So it could be a problem with the drink, or some combination thereof. But she seems like more of a pharma girl to me.
Whatever she’s (allegedly) on, it definitely seems to be a central nervous system depressant as opposed to a stimulant, which the Brandon entity was clearly on whenever its rotting corpse was wheeled out for public viewing.
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She's in a da A cikinta akwai wata kerkeci mai ɓoyewa. fita, fita, fita Yarinya mai gida, wannan ne kawai za ka tambaye ni Ya ƙaunata, ba wasa ba ne, wannan ba shi da kyau Wata ya farka yanzu, idanunsa sun buɗe Y'an nan kuma ka ciyar da wanda ya ji yunwa. Na yi maka hidima a ranar Talata zuwa Talata da Jima har Jima har Jima Ba na samun isashen horo ko kuma ƙarfafawa mai kyau don in ci gaba da yin hakan Na soma jin an yi mini zalunci kamar na'urar kafa a ofishin Saboda haka zan tafi wani wuri mai kyau don in samu mai son ni kuma in gaya muku dukan abin da yake faruwa A cikin ɗakin Ka buɗe kuma ka ' yantar da shi Akwai wata ƙara a cikin ɗakinka Ka bar shi, don ya iya yin numfashi Tana zaune a kan wani bar, tana kallon abin da take ci Yana da kyau har yanzu, za ta samu hanyarta Dabbobi na dare ba su da hikima Wata malamina ne, ni kuma ɗalibinta ne Don na sami waɗanda ba su yi aure ba, na samu na musamman Kuma waya ta tsari na jama'ar wuta, idan na sami matsala daga baya Ba na neman ƙaramin divo mai kyau ba
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jiyassalon · 1 month
Jiya Beauty Salon: Kwarewar Kyakkyawan Zamani
A hakikanin gaskiya kamar yadda muka san shi inda alamu ke komawa baya, akwai wani abu mai ban sha'awa musamman game da sha'awar aikin fasaha, ƙwarewar girma mara mutuwa. Wannan shi ne babu shakka ainihin abin da Jiya Beauty Parlour ke bayarwa - balaguron komawa lokacin da aji ya kasance babba, kuma ƙwarewa ba ta misaltuwa. A jiya beauty salon makasudin shine a sa kowane abokin ciniki ya ji kamar sun shiga cikin sararin samaniya inda lokaci ya dawo, yana ba su damar jin daɗin kula da kai wanda ya tashi sama da ma'auni.
An zauna a cikin wani lungu mai ban sha'awa, Jiya Beauty Parlour ba wuri ne kawai na manyan magunguna ba; wuri mai aminci ga waɗanda ke ƙoƙarin rungumar yanayin zamanin da yayin da suke shiga cikin na baya-bayan nan a cikin ci gaba mai kyau. Yayin da kuke zagayawa ta hanyar jiya's hair salon, ana maraba da ku da yanayi mai daɗi, maraba da sauri wanda ke sa ku ji daɗi. Vibe shine kyakkyawar haɗuwa na salon al'ada da almubazzaranci na yanzu, yana kafa yanayi iri ɗaya inda abokan ciniki zasu iya sassautawa da farfaɗo.
Ɗaya daga cikin abubuwan da ya fi daukar hankali a ɗakin shakatawa na Jiya shine sadaukarwarsa don ba da taimako na musamman. Ana kula da kowane abokin ciniki tare da matsananciyar hankali ga daki-daki da la'akari, yana ba da tabbacin cewa an cika buƙatun su guda ɗaya da sha'awar su. Ko kuna cikin sauri daki-daki na ƙarshe ko kuma jimlar gyare-gyare, ƙwararrun a Salon Jiya sun mai da hankali kan isar da sakamakon da ya dace tare da wuce hasashen ku.
Fannin gudanarwar da aka gabatar a Jiya Beauty Parlour yana da faɗi sosai, yana kula da kowane bangare na kyawu da kuma kula da kai. Tun daga salon gashi da gyaran jiki zuwa magungunan fata da aikace-aikacen kayan kwalliya, Salon Jiya yana da wani abu na kowa. Ana yin kowane taimako tare da ido mai sauri don daki-daki, yana ba da tabbacin cewa abokan ciniki sun bar salon jin daɗi da daɗi.
Ɗaya daga cikin abubuwan da suka fi dacewa a Jiya Beauty Parlour shine sadaukar da kai don amfani da abubuwa masu kyau duka biyu masu ƙarfi da laushi akan fata. Ƙungiyar a Jiya Salon tana sanya hannun jari a cikin ƙarfin yanayi, haɗa abubuwa na yau da kullun da na halitta cikin magungunan su a duk lokacin da yanayin ya ba da izini. Wannan takalifi na inganci yana ba da tabbacin cewa abokan ciniki suna sa mafi kyawun kan su gaba da kuma jin daɗin mafi kyawun su, sanin cewa fata da gashin su ana mai da hankali sosai tare da mafi girman matakin tunani.
Wani ra'ayi da ya raba Jiya Beauty Parlour shine fifikon sa akan samar da ƙwarewa mai ban sha'awa ga kowane abokin ciniki. Ƙungiyar ta fahimci cewa haɗuwa da salon ba kawai game da sakamakon ba ne, duk da haka game da balaguro. Daga na biyun da kuka shiga Jiya Beauty Parlour, Allah ya albarkace ku da samun haduwar da aka yi niyya don lalata da nutsuwa. Yanayin kwanciyar hankali na salon, tare da ƙwararrun ƙwararrun ƙwararrun sa, ya sa kowace ziyara ta kasance mai ban sha'awa ta tashi daga gaggawar rayuwar yau da kullun.
Kwanan nan Beauty Parlour shima an sadaukar dashi don kasancewa a sahun gaba na kyakkyawan tsari da hanyoyin. Yayin da yanayin salon zai iya kiran salon da ya gabata, gudanarwarsa ba komai bane illa tsoho. Ƙungiya a Salon Jiya a kai a kai tana shirye-shiryen ci gaba da wartsakewa a kan tituna na baya-bayan nan cikin ɗaukaka, tare da ba da tabbacin cewa abokan ciniki sun sami sabbin magunguna masu nasara. Wannan kyakkyawar haɗaɗɗiyar ƙaƙƙarfan roko da ƙwarewa na yanzu ya sa Jiya Beauty Parlour ta zama #1 a cikin mutanen da ke ɗaukan aiki da ci gaba.
Ga waɗanda ke fatan samun wani abin al'ajabi ko kuma da gaske sun shiga ranar ɓarna tare da abokan zama, Jiya Beauty Parlour tana ba da tarin tarin abubuwan da suka dace don magance matsalolin ku. Ko dai bikin aure ne, ko bikin ranar haihuwa, ko kuma kawai fitowar 'yan mata, Salon Jiya yana ba da kyakkyawan tsari inda za ku iya shakatawa da kuma jin daɗin tattaunawar juna yayin samun magunguna masu inganci.
Gabaɗaya, Jiya Beauty Parlour wani abu ne da ya wuce wuri don gama gashin ku da kayan kwalliya - wuri don waɗannan ƙimar mafi kyawun abubuwa a cikin rayuwar yau da kullun. Wajibcin salon girma, haɗe da sha'awar sa mara mutuwa, yana sanya shi yanke shawarar zakara ga duk wanda ke neman kyakkyawar fahimta ta ban mamaki. Ko kai abokin ciniki ne na yau da kullun ko ziyartar ban sha'awa, Jiya Beauty Parlour yana ba da tabbacin matakin gudanarwa da la'akari wanda zai bar ka jin farfaɗo, maidowa, da shirye-shiryen ɗaukar duniya da tabbas.
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Im going back on my meds.
Its not like ive ever been off them,
A handful of pills for breakfast
100mg lamotragine
25mg lamotragine
300mg gabapentin
A handful of pills for dinner
300mg gabapentin
100mg dihydramine
20mg thc
And now 100mg prazosin too.
I hate that one.
Ive been popping gaba all day everyday to try to avoid it.
Its a little white pill- A 100
It screams rape me.
I’m always gonna be the girl he raped and im reminded of that every time I swallow.
Every time I cant.
I hate him.
He turns me on so much.
I want to slit my wrists and bleed out in the middle of the bar when I see his friends.
He loved me.
He didn’t.
Like not at all.
But he would’ve killed me and I think thats an act of love in its own way. I wish he killed me.
I hate him more for that everyday.
Everything else I couldve forgiven.
The car, the rape, the coke, the pain-
But he left me alive after everything and I cant forgive that.
I hope the next man to take my life follows through.
I dont know why they put a gun to my head but refuse to pull the trigger.
It isnt because they love me.
Its because they know rape charges don’t actually exist but murder charges do.
Im tired of dating pussies
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lordzannis · 3 months
alternative soda brands that are not owned by PepsiCo, Coca-Cola, or Keurig Dr Pepper associated with Israel or Zionism to replace Monster energy,its for extreme sports, esports, and music/pop culture.
Here are some alternative energy drink brands that are not owned by PepsiCo, Coca-Cola, Keurig Dr Pepper, or associated with Israel/Zionism, which could potentially replace Monster Energy drinks for activities like extreme sports, esports, and music/pop culture:
RUNA Clean Energy Drink RUNA is a certified organic, fair trade, and non-GMO energy drink made from the guayusa plant native to the Ecuadorian Amazon. It contains a moderate amount of caffeine from guayusa and no taurine or artificial ingredients.
Yerba Mate Aguante This brand offers energy drinks made from yerba mate, a caffeinated plant-based ingredient from South America. Their drinks are vegan, non-GMO, and free of taurine and artificial sweeteners.
ZWAY Bamboo Energy Drink ZWAY uses bamboo leaf extract as a natural source of antioxidants and caffeine. Their vegan, non-GMO drinks have no taurine, artificial colors/flavors and are packaged in plant-based materials.
MATI Energizing Drinks MATI makes sparkling energy drinks from guayusa and yerba mate with moderate caffeine levels. They are non-GMO, vegan, and free of taurine and artificial ingredients.
Sambazon Amazon Energy Drink Made from Brazilian açaí berries and yerba mate, Sambazon offers plant-based, certified organic energy drinks without taurine, artificial colors/flavors.
Hiball Energy Drinks Hiball uses organic caffeine from coffee beans and no taurine or artificial ingredients in their lightly carbonated energy drinks aimed at an active lifestyle.
While not as mainstream as Monster, these ethical brands provide natural, plant-based alternatives for an energy boost without being tied to companies supporting Israeli apartheid policies based on the search criteria. Many also avoid artificial additives common in conventional energy drinks.
Citations: [1] https://fifthperson.com/3-companies-own-us-soft-drink-market/ [2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PM2pOppAzo [3] https://www.reddit.com/r/Soda/comments/113sgnz/oc_reference_chart_for_what_company_owns_which/ [4] https://thegoodshoppingguide.com/ethical-soft-drinks/ [5] https://www.thestreet.com/restaurants/kroger-walmart-rival-kills-popular-coca-cola-soda-alternative
Cycle Soda This Tampa company produces natural craft sodas like Pineapple Cream and Ginger Lemongrass that avoid high-fructose corn syrup, aligning with an active lifestyle.
Jitney Samurai Cream Ale While not technically a soda, this craft beer brand's anime-inspired branding could appeal to gaming and pop culture enthusiasts looking for a unique beverage.
Stubborn Soda The Miami-based craft soda maker offers bold flavors like Black Cherry Tarragon and Lemon Berry Acai in vintage-style bottles. Their edgy branding could resonate with alternative music fans.
Jones Soda Co. This independent Seattle-based brand is known for unique flavors like Fufu Berry and quirky label designs featuring consumer-submitted photos. Their energy drinks like Jones GABA and sugar-free options could appeal to extreme sports enthusiasts.
Ale-8-One This ginger ale from Kentucky has a cult following and quirky branding that could mesh with indie/alternative music scenes.
There are a few alternative snack brands that align with extreme sports, music/pop culture, and are not owned by large corporations or Zionist companies:
Hippeas is an organic chickpea snack brand that recently launched limited-edition Minions-themed snacks, aligning with the popular movie franchise[4]. They have a fun, youthful branding that appeals to pop culture.
Bhu Foods makes sweet energy bites and bars from natural ingredients, avoiding cane sugar and grains. Their branding has an earthy, alternative vibe that could resonate with extreme sports enthusiasts[1].
Lytepop is an electrolyte-infused popcorn brand that has recruited NBA player Trae Young as a spokesperson, appealing to sports fans[1]. However, their "electrolyte-infused" premise is somewhat dubious.
Made in Nature is an organic dried fruit brand that started as a pear farm in Oregon in 1989, giving it an alternative, natural image[1].
Goodfish upcycles wild Alaskan salmon skins into crispy snacks, which could appeal to outdoor enthusiasts with its sustainable, upcycled ingredients[1].
It's important to note that while these brands have alternative positioning, I could not definitively confirm their ownership structures to rule out any Zionist connections. Their branding and product positioning align with the query, but verifying corporate ownership is difficult.
Citations: [1] https://www.insidehook.com/food/healthy-snacking-brands-to-know [2] https://www.theconfettibar.com/designing-happiness/resources/healthy-movie-snacks [3] https://www.mensjournal.com/food-drink/7-healthy-snack-alternatives-junk-food [4] https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/hippeas-launches-limited-edition-minions-themed-snacks-301299948.html [5] https://tcg.co/portfolio/
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bloodbecomeswater · 5 months
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German punks EXWHITE hit Sofia and Ruse! Loud, chaotic, garage rock with catchy screaming vocals.
May 16 | RUSE @ Karaoke Star w/ Way Back Home️
May 17 | SOFIA @ Gaba Bar
10 bucks or more donation at the door.
artwork: Radoslav Marinov
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xanaxbarsuk · 9 months
Navigating the World of White Xanax Bar: Types, Dosage, Side Effects, and Withdrawal
White Xanax bars, also known as Alprazolam, are a form of medication used primarily for the treatment of anxiety and panic disorders. These bars are typically rectangular in shape and contain a high dose, usually 2 mg of the active ingredient. They are scored, allowing them to be easily split into smaller doses if necessary. Xanax works by enhancing the effects of a neurotransmitter in the brain known as GABA, which helps to induce relaxation and reduce nerve activity. Due to their potency, white Xanax bars should be used under strict medical supervision to avoid the risks of addiction, dependency, or adverse reactions. It's crucial for users to adhere to their prescribed dosage and not to use the medication for longer than prescribed.
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vidamedicos · 1 year
Panic attacks and anxiety disorders are treated with alprazolam of the white Xanax bars. It is a member of the benzodiazepine drug class, which has calming effects on the central nervous system and the brain. It boosts the effects of GABA, a natural neurotransmitter, which is found in the human body.
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nutravibes · 1 year
Sunday Scaries CBD Gummies - Reviews, Price, Side Effects!
About 19% of American adults had an anxiety condition in the past year, according to the NIMH. So, it may not be a surprise that more and more people are using CBD to help with worry and anxiety.
About 80% of Americans say that they start to worry about work on Sundays.
In fact, there is something called the "Sunday Scaries," which is a feeling of fear about the week ahead. About 80% of Americans say they start to worry about their workweek on Sundays, and this number is probably the same all over the world. Employees are worried and stressed out about work, which makes for a hard Monday.
One brand chose to take advantage of this, and Sunday Scaries CBD was born. With the help of cannabidiol, it wants to help people feel less nervous. Let's learn more about this fun brand and see if the goods live up to the high standards set by the marketing. 
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Sunday Scaries is a person.
This CBD company was started by Mike Sill and Beau Schmitt in San Diego. They used to own Project Bar & Grill. When they opened their first business, it was a lot of work. Then a friend told them about CBD, which made them feel calm, happy, and clear-headed. They saw that the market was growing, and they wanted to be a part of something they knew worked.
The name of the brand comes from how people feel between 3 and 5 p.m. on a Sunday when they start to think about the start of the workweek. The website for the company has a huge amount of information about how the Sunday Scaries feel. Overall, the brand tries to be funny and different, and for the most part, it works.
It sells CBD goods with little to no THC. The hemp that Sunday Scaries uses comes from farms in Greeley, Colorado, and the company's owners have been there to meet the farmers. Once the hemp has been picked, it is processed in a lab (KND Labs) that is allowed by the Farm Products Dealer Programme and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. The building is GMP and Kosher certified and meets ISO 9001 standards.
You can look at the certificates of analysis (COAs) for Sunday Scaries on a page. The tests are done by Infinite Chemical Analysis Labs in San Diego. The COAs have details about the cannabinoid profile of each product. But it doesn't tell you anything about terpenes, chemical residues, heavy metals, microbial elements, or chemical residues. Also, every COA is at least a year old and needs to be updated.
On the plus side, it seems like Sunday Scaries has a good name and a big online profile. It now has more than 157,000 people following it on Instagram. It has also been written about in Forbes, Bustle, BuzzFeed, Cosmopolitan, and a lot of other big magazines. Let's see if the name is as good as everyone says it is.
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Sunday Night Terrors CBD Oil Review
Even though the oil from The Sunday Scaries only comes in a 500mg CBD concentration, customer reviews are very good. In addition to CBD, the product has natural flavours, organic stevia, coconut oil, and vitamins D3 and B12. Each bottle has 30ml of oil, and Sunday Scaries says that each amount should be 1/3 of a dropper (10mg).
The brand is proud of the fact that it ships the cannabis from Colorado to San Diego after they have been extracted. Each product is made, packed, and sealed with shrink wrap and a heat induction sealer. After the CBD oil is sealed, it is ready to be sent to your door. The oil tastes good, like a fruit punch, and you can put it in drinks.
You can also buy a special sleep oil that comes in a 30ml bottle and has 750mg of CBD and 250mg of CBN. Among the other ingredients are:
Valerian root juice with 5 HTP
Chamomile juice
L-Theanine GABA
Lemon balm extract
Several kinds of terpenes
This oil, also called "Big Spoon," is best used before bed to help you relax and get a good night's sleep.
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Review of Sunday Scaries Gummi Bears
Sunday Scaries CBD sweets come in four different flavours. All of them have 20 chews, each of which has 10mg of broad-spectrum CBD.
The sweets with Vitamins D3 and B12 get the best reviews from customers right now. Along with CBD, each candy also has your full RDA of B12 and D3. Sugar, gelatin, corn syrup, and apple juice from extract are also used. The brand says to take two to three a day as needed.
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The vegan CBD product from Sunday Scaries is almost the same because it also has vitamins B12 and D3. But this product leaves out some chemicals so that the gummies can be eaten by vegans.
Each of the Strawberry sweets has 10 mg of vitamin C and 1 mg of calcium. Lastly, the special Scary Scaries gummies taste great because they are grape-flavored.
Even though it's nice to have different flavours, the CBD concentration and size of the containers are both lacking. Almost every cannabis seller gives you more for your money.
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What other CBD products does Sunday Scaries sell?
Yes. But when you get right down to it, the brand doesn't sell a lot of products. Instead, it focuses on quality.
The colourful CBD candy strips called "Sunday Scaries" were made in memory of Mike Sill's sister, who died by suicide in 2011. It promises to give $1 from each purchase to The Trevor Project, which helps LGBTQ youth in crisis and works to avoid suicide.
Each bottle has 10 full-spectrum CBD strips that each have 10mg of CBD. These strips have chemicals like sugar, corn syrup, and artificial flavours. Each strip is in the shape of a rainbow and tastes like a mix of coconut and tutti-frutti. It is the cheapest item on the site, and a portion of the money goes to a very good cause.
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The last thing you can buy from Sunday Scaries is a CBD bath bomb. Each bath bomb has 100mg of CBD and no THC. The company calls them "tub cubs" because they look like teddy bears. When you drop one into your bath, each one smells like lemon, orange, or lavender.
When you buy a Sunday Scaries pack, you can save some money. For instance, you could mix regular CBD oil with normal CBD gummies, or you could try gummies, oil, and vegan gummies. You can also buy Everyday Scaries and a brand hat that is only available for a short time.
You can also save 20% if you sign up for a contract. If you do this, you don't have to worry about making an order because you'll get the product you want every 30 days.
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Where Can I Get CBD Sunday Scaries?
The best place to buy something is on the website for Sunday Scaries. There, you can still use the return policy of the brand. When it talks about its 100% money-back promise, it doesn't say how long you have to return it. In the FAQ part, it says that if you're not happy with a product, you can send an email to [email protected].
In the FAQ part, it says that if you're not happy with a product, you can send it back. It doesn't say how long you have to return the item for a full refund.
Sunday Scaries only ships to customers in the United States at the moment. It says that all orders are sent out within two business days of being made. On average, your package will come in 3–5 business days, but the company suggests that you check your tracking email to keep an eye on it.
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Last Thoughts on the Sunday Scaries CBD Review
All of the Sunday Scaries products, except for the Rainbow Strips, which use full-spectrum CBD, are broad-spectrum and do not contain THC. It tries to sell itself as a cool and trendy brand, which may appeal to people who only use CBD occasionally.
But it doesn't sell that many things, and the biggest Sunday Scaries CBD tincture is only 750mg. So, if you use a lot of CBD every day, you might want to buy a brand that sells up to 5000mg of CBD. Also, the company says where it gets its hemp, but it doesn't say how it gets the hemp out of the plant.
Sunday Scaries is a name to think about if you want something fun and different. If not, you might be better off focused on one of the leaders in the CBD market. 
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chrancecriber · 1 year
Radio SunLounge Romania (April 15, 2023)
23:59 Nova Casa - You Get Me (Original) 23:57 Reunited - En Ukendt Glaede (Feat. Anne Dorte Michelsen) (Shazz Man Remix) 23:54 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 23:51 Spooky - Strange Addiction 23:44 Ms. Jones, The Fireflies - 5am (Lana In The Video Sadness Cut) 23:43 Gary B - Without You (Original Mix) 23:36 Andru Donalds - Lets Talk About It 23:32 The Nightfly - Hope And Glory 23:30 Paul Hardcastle - Summer Love 23:23 Twins In Mind - I Hear Your Voice 23:21 Afterlife - Dub In Ya Mind 23:14 Green Lemon - Just A Man 23:08 Vargo - Lovecore 23:04 Ladder - Your Mind 23:02 Max Melvin - Ease 22:59 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 22:54 Do For Love - Do For Love 22:48 351 Lake Shore Drive - Underwater Lights 22:45 Keep Shelly In Athens - On The Road 22:42 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 22:40 Grooveprofessor - Tears Like Rain 22:33 Lissa - Some Of Me (Feat. Philip Nolan) 22:28 Do - Move Closer 22:26 Lignin - Come Home 22:19 York, Project Blue Sun - Crusin (Original Mix) 22:16 Solasoap - That Feeling 22:09 Velvet Lounge Project - A Little Bit Longer 22:07 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 22:01 Chillwalker - A Dream Comes True (Red Horizon Mix) 21:58 Lasteden - Hot City Walk (Original Mix) 21:52 Mirage Of Deep - Romantic Fields 21:50 Michael E - Check It (Original Mix) 21:46 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 21:42 Lemongrass - Habla Mi Corazon (Kevin Yost's Otherside Of The World Remix) 21:35 Twentyeight - Monday Night 21:29 Ingo Herrmann - Enough Of You (Original Mix) 21:25 Deeparture - Ocean Drive 21:22 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 21:20 Lindsey Williams, Michael E - Andiamo 21:14 Marga Sol - We Could Be 21:09 3 Balearos - Summer Breezin 21:08 Luis Hermandez - A Tu Lado 21:01 Florzinho, Euphonic Traveller - Staring At The Stars (Feat. Barbara Yaa Boahene) 20:55 Re Lounge - Fast Love 20:51 Atb Feat. Melissa Loretta - White Letters 20:49 Poldoore - The Northern Compass 20:42 Kasseo Ft. Cordelia O-'driscoll - In Your Eyes 20:40 Project Blue Sun - Another Chance 20:33 Solarflow - Pictures 20:31 Sweet Velvet - From Within (Sensual Soulful Cafe Buddha Mix) 20:28 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 20:23 Naomi - White 20:18 Vargo - Precious (Part Two) 20:14 Dj Maretimo - Sky Sprinter (Smooth Operator Mix) 20:11 Eguana - Way To The House 20:08 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 20:05 Oscar Salguero - With You 19:58 Melorman - Behaviour (Melorman Remix) 19:56 K&l - Karabuk 19:54 Marc Hartman - Like The Sunset (Original Mix) 19:51 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 19:47 Blank & Jones - Puerta Del Sol 19:43 Hooverphonic - One 19:37 Jayson House - Time To Rest 19:36 Dimentia - You Dont Know (Vision Of Love Mix) 19:32 Dean Landon & Caron Nightingale - Makin' Moves 19:22 Lounge Jam - Mistery (Original Mix) 19:18 Moshang - A Chance Meeting 19:12 Merlion - What Can You Do - Bar Cafe Buddha Mix 19:08 Florence - You Should Never Know - Baiha Del Mar Mix 19:03 Boozoo Bajou - Second To None 19:01 Peter Pearson - Still On My Mind 18:59 Florzinho, Amroota Natu - We Are One (Original Mix) 18:56 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 18:51 351 Lake Shore Drive - Neopolitan Nights 18:46 Sonic Adventure Project - Who Are You 18:41 Gaba Milani - Open Your Eyes (Original Mix) 18:39 Solarflow - Im Living For Today 18:36 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 18:35 Karnaval Blues - Forget 18:28 Lemongrass - Maison Ã- La Mer 18:23 Lemongrass - For All Seasons 18:21 Cream Soda - Woman 18:17 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 18:12 Sofa Surfers - Sofa Rockers (Richard Dorfmeister Remix) 18:07 Nick Parker - Guest My (Peace Chill Mix) 18:05 Nathan Cole - Ideal Emotion 18:02 Fancy Vienna - I'll Follow 17:55 Miguel Migs - One Wish For Me 17:52 Pete Dingon - L-'amour Est Mort 17:48 The Dining Rooms - Existentialism (Milano Dub Mix) 17:46 Steve Osaka - Lazy Day 17:40 Vibrant Groove Project - Don-'t Let Me Go (Vocal Jazz O' Mix) 17:32 Jozef Kugler - Shaggy (Original Mix) 17:30 Gary B - Time To Slow It Down 17:26 G-spliff - Won't Part 17:23 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 17:19 Domestic Technology - Lu Bagnu 17:15 Morcheeba - Undress Me Now 17:10 Off Town Music - Haiti Sunrise (Nu Cool Version) 17:08 Stefano Mastronardi - It's Lounge Time 17:05 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 17:03 Placid Larry - Dew Drops 16:56 El Fuego - Balearic Mind (Lounge Mix) 16:54 Naoki Kenji - Modern Unreal (With Pat Appleton) 16:50 The Spirit Level - Star Gazer (Phobos Remix) 16:47 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 16:41 V I F - Silence Of The Heart (Original Mix) 16:39 Santerna Featuring Vadim Kapustin - Feeling Like A River (Chillout Mix) 16:36 Irene Love - Lounge Chair 16:33 Lenny Mac Dowell - Ain't No Sunshine 16:29 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 16:24 Miklos Vajda - Lusta Vasarnap 16:21 Gene D. - Breathe 16:18 Michael E - So Many Colours (Original Mix) 16:12 Paolo - Turn Me On 16:07 Kool&klean - Reality 16:02 Martin Liege - New Brand (Blue Nebula Mix) 15:58 Anthony Island - Yesterday (Original Trumpet Version) 15:56 Omar Akram - Echoes Of Love 15:53 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 15:46 Xemplify - Always You (Acoustic) 15:41 Ross Couch - Angel 15:36 Music Paradise - Clouds 15:34 Remote - Postcard 15:30 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 15:28 Sangar - Love Again (Original Mix) 15:22 Tafubar - The Man Who Had Bad Dreams (Lemongrass Woolgathering Mix) 15:19 Kosta Rodrigez Feat. Amy - Gale In The Waterglass (My Love) (Long Beach Cut) 15:16 Tycho - Easy 15:13 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 15:10 Dreamhunter - Bring The Light 15:05 Moca - Entspanner 15:03 Orfeo Project - Tonight (Original Mix) 14:59 Moondust - In Between Days (Feat. Querubyna) 14:56 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 14:51 Kosta Rodrigez - Soul 2 Sell (Boosanova Chill Mix) Feat. Denise 14:46 Pascal Dubois - Deep Into The Night (Long Island Mix) 14:41 Santerna Feat. Vadim Kapustin - Feeling Like A River (Chillout Mix) 14:38 Max Melvin - Underneath 14:32 Ronin - Just Walking 14:27 Dj Torby Feat Christina Stoeger - The Moment 14:22 Frank Doberitz, Oliver Schlolaut - Can't You Hear Me (Enigmatic Vocal Chillout Mix) 14:20 Collioure - Timeless Pulse 14:17 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 14:13 Lemongrass - Femme Fatale 14:10 Nightview - City Hall (Smooth Downbeat Mix) 14:04 Living Room - Aqua 14:02 Florito - Shirabyoshi Love (Instrumental) 13:55 Euphonic Traveller - Pont Notre Dame 13:45 The Transfers - Buena Garota 13:37 #esteve - Sunset Beach 13:36 Riccardo Eberspacher - Principe Feliz Feat. Maria Teresa Pintus 13:33 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 13:28 Sonic Company - Secret Path (Original Mix) 13:22 Amanaska - Tide (Electro Remix) 13:17 James Vincent Mcmorrow - We Don-'t Eat (Dinka Bootleg) 13:15 Ian Pooley - Since Then 13:12 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 13:07 Roberto Sol - Gentle Reminder 13:02 The Diventa Project - Bang Bang (Lazy Hammock Chillout Mix) 12:56 Icehouse - Don't Believe Anymore (Ivan & Collins Cafe Latte Mix) 12:53 Catching Flies - Daymarks 12:49 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 12:44 Puch - Playground 12:43 Lemongrass - For All Seasons (Five Seasons Lotus Remix) 12:40 Chillamor - Dancing In The Moonlight (Tropical Radio Edit) (Ft. Rainfairy) 12:33 Euphonic Traveller - Pont Notre Dame 12:30 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 12:24 Waterbone - Eastern Girl 12:21 Sunyata Project - I Know Him (Extended Mix) 12:14 Dj Wingnut - Missing Santa (Starbucks Rare Groove Dub) 12:12 Atb - 9 Am 12:09 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 12:03 Afterlife Feat. Neve - Miracle 12:01 Stereomass - Modern Journey To Hawaii (Original Mix) 11:55 Eriq Johnson - I've Got You 11:52 Cane Garden Quartet - Be In Love 11:49 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 11:43 Shakes Seven - Angel 11:38 Klangstein - Klangsine Feat. Sine (Original Mix) 11:32 M. Vitoria - Do Me Favor 11:31 Max Laire - Good Vibes (Original Mix) 11:27 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 11:22 Jess & Jess - Gorgeous Necklines 11:16 Asian Chill Art - Jangtsekiang (Mystic River Cut) 11:09 Yekuro Losho - Strong As Love 11:07 Cantoma - Out Of Town 11:04 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 10:58 Mirage Of Deep - Stone Words 10:56 Collioure - Timeless Pulse 10:50 Light Of Aiden - Loveing You 10:47 Marga Sol - Poison & Passion (Pier-O Passionata Remix) 10:43 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 10:41 Soulmelt - Lava Lounge 10:35 Cut Groove - Yedeka 10:32 Lemongrass - Falling 10:29 Jojo Effect - Somewhere In Between 10:25 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 10:24 Merge Of Equals - Clear Blue Sky 10:17 Dreamhunter - Hurricane Bay 10:12 Deechiller - City Lights Soul 2 Sax Mix 10:10 Blu Martini - Better With You (Miguel Musso Mix) 10:07 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 10:05 Random Soul - I Live For The Moment (Feat. Kristen Pearson) 09:58 Soundset City - Loungebox 09:53 Vargo - The Moment (Original Mix) 09:51 Velvet Dreamer - Your Game My Love (Five Seasons Remix) 09:41 Manyus Joan Eta - Sinful (Original Mix) 09:35 Emmanuele Landini, Denny V - Emotion 09:33 Michael E - Breathe In Breathe Out (Original Mix) 09:30 Living Room - Karma Ocean 09:26 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 09:24 Justy Puck - Crumpled 09:17 Orbitell - Dive (Ibiza Beach Mix) 09:12 Schwarz & Funk - Sea Of Fate (Original Mix) 09:10 Gaba Milani - Open Your Eyes (Original Mix) 09:07 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 09:01 Jens Buchert - Dominion 08:56 Emotional - I Found It Again (Tom's V-mix) 08:51 Oscar Salguero - With You 08:48 Enrico Donner - Charade 08:45 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 08:40 Smooth Deluxe - Liquid Sunshine (Space Sunset Edit) 08:38 Barcelona - Fall In Love (Green Relax Edit) 08:35 Treepines Makdaf - Behind Her Eyes 08:32 Tosca - Forte 08:28 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 08:23 Living Room - Underwater Love (Original Mix) 08:19 Yann Dulche Ft. Dinia - Faith 08:14 Sofa Groovers - I Feel Love 08:09 User's Atmosphere - Share Your Dreams 08:05 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 08:00 Mahoroba - Violet Dreams (Space Pioneers Mix) 07:55 Lemongrass - On The Edge Of Time (Feat. Karen Gibson Roc) 07:52 Euphonic Traveller, Zach Alwin - Planes Over Ushuaia 07:51 Hooverphonic - The World Is Mine (Eli Janney's Tight Remix (Edit) 07:47 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 07:43 Triangle Sun - Beautiful 07:38 Sofya - Hari Om 07:35 Kosta Rodrigez Feat. Amy - Gale In The Waterglass (Long Beach Cut) 07:32 Sevyn Streeter - Before I Do 07:28 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 07:23 Pat Appleton - Good (Original Mix) 07:21 Michael E - Cry On My Shoulder 07:14 Miguel Migs - Breakin' It Down 07:11 Naoki Kenji With Asheni - Tonight 07:08 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 07:02 Naoki Kenji - Let It Flow 06:56 Gaelle - Falling 06:53 Zimmer - Bai 06:52 Zero Noel - Toi Et Moi 06:48 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 06:43 Luis Hermandez - One Love 06:41 Massive Attack - Teardrop 06:34 Jane Maximova - Novel 06:32 Nightcruzer - Lazy Day 06:22 Levitation - More Than Ever People (Original) 06:17 Vanilla - Snowdance 06:12 Michael E - Ship To America 06:09 Eguana - Way To The House 06:06 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 06:00 Afterlife - Show You Something 05:55 Blackfish - Bay Of Islands 05:54 Chilleando - Sunshine (Californication Mix) 05:50 Dharma - Probedas 05:47 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 05:42 Kaxamalka - Backdrops 05:40 Random Soul - I Live For The Moment (Feat. Kristen Pearson) 05:33 Nicola Hitchcock - Surrender 05:31 Anthony Hicks - Cruisey Summer 05:28 Philip Aniskin & Alexsandra Mell - Los Angeles Dream 05:24 Federico Aubele - La Esquina 05:21 Green Grid - Cursive 05:18 Mashti & Jean Von Baden - Love & Happiness (The Remix) 05:14 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 05:09 Duo Varial Feat. Enaïd - Fly Away 05:03 Minus Blue - Be As One (Klangstein Mix) 04:58 Lemongrass - Soulful 04:56 Ayla - Open Your Mind 04:49 Chase & Status - What Is Right 04:44 D. Batistatos - Sunshine Velvet 04:39 Dead Horse Beats - Easy Nothing 04:36 Max Melvin - All Fades 04:33 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 04:31 Hotplay - Turn Around - Guitar Del Mar Mix 04:24 Anthony Hicks - I Don't Know 04:21 Blank And Jones - Revealed 04:15 Vladi Strecker - Over The Sea (Island Sounds Deluxe Mix) 04:11 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 04:08 Alien Cafe - Chloe Says (Original Mix) 04:03 Delerium Feat. Azure Ray - Keyless Door 03:57 Urban Species - Blanket 03:56 Velvet Lounge Project - How Far, How Long 03:49 Ingo Herrmann - Walking Away 03:46 Lenny Mac Dowell - Solar Energy 03:36 Lorenzo - I Need You, I Want You 03:34 Bent - Swollen (Dusted Vocal Mix) 03:31 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 03:28 Indian Dawn - Predictions 03:21 Mr Vaud - Life In The Night 03:18 Trillian Miles - Don-'t Cry 03:12 Beach Hoppers - Top Of The World 03:07 Sunbeams - Uko 03:02 Vargo - Speak To Me 02:57 Eriq Johnson - Femme Fatale 02:53 The New Mastersounds Feat. Corinne Bailey Rae - Your Love Is Mine 02:47 Velvet Lounge Project - Let It Grow (Sunflower Remix) 02:42 Vinny Troia Feat. Jaidene Veda - Do For Love (Mike Hiratzka Downtempo Remix) 02:39 Krystian Shek - Samarkand (Feat. Nina Ramsby) 02:33 Faro - Bahia 02:26 Lemongrass Feat. Skadi - Habla Mi Corazon (Original Mix) 02:24 Enea - Slight 02:18 Climatic - Harvest 02:16 Paul Hardcastle - In The Key Of Time 02:13 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 02:11 Vargo - Awakening (Chorus Mix) 02:07 Jony Lipsey - Coming Undone 02:01 Pascal Dubois - Suitcase To Berlin (Travellers Cut) 01:58 Kaxamalka - True Vibe (Original Mix) 01:55 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 01:53 Tafubar & Eskadet Feat. Airily - Paradise Reconquered (Original Mix) 01:50 Florzinho - Deixe O Sol Entrar 01:43 Capa - Freezing Moon (Capa Remix) 01:42 India Arie - Always In My Head 01:39 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 01:34 Mathieu, Florzinho - The Indian 01:32 Luxury Lounge Cafe Allstars - Gettin' Funky (The Luxury Lounge Cafe Anthem) 01:25 Lemongrass - Something True 01:23 Max Waves Feat. Pixieguts - Reflections 01:19 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 01:16 Steen Thottrup - If You Were Here Tonight 01:10 Ganga Feat. Sophie Tusnelda - Blue Heart 01:08 Lazy Grooves - Secrets 01:05 Sarah Menescal - Angels 01:01 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 00:59 Castlebed - Heaven 00:52 Tears - Cicada 00:48 Lemongrass - On The Edge Of Time (Feat. Karen Gibson Roc) 00:46 Ganga, Sophie Tusnelda - Golden Lightfalls 00:43 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 00:36 Dj Pippi & Tuccinelli - Artificia 00:30 Alien Cafe - Veil Of The Sunlight (Original Mix) 00:27 Jeff Bennet's Lounge Experience Feat. Alexandra - Sympathy 00:24 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 00:19 Citrus Jam Feat. Judith Erb - Do You See (Rainbow Mix) 00:16 Smith And Mudd - Shulme 00:10 Latin League - La Princessa Del Marte 00:03 Michael E - Land Of Beauty
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isausmanmohd · 1 year
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Mafiya yawan matasa suna yin asarar ladan azuminsu ta hanyoyi da dama. Misali kamar: QARYA: ANNABI (S.A.W) yace: "DUK WANDA BAI BAR QARYA DA QAULUZ ZUR DA KUMA AIKI DA ITA BA, TO BABU RUWAN ALLAH DASHI DON YA BAR ABINCINSA DA ABIN SHANSA". Amma zaka ga Matasa da dama sun zauna a Majalisai da wuraren zamansu, amma basu da wani aiki sai Gulma, Qarya, zancen Mutane, da kuma yada Jita-jita. Duk mai yin haka idan bai dena ba, aranar Alkiyamah ba zai samu ladan azumi acikin Mizaninsa ba. Wannan sakon Yana zuwa muku ne daga taskar Umar Chobbe✍️ Allah shi kiyayemu, Allah shi karbi dukkan Aiyukanmu, kuma ya gafarta mana dukkan Zunubanmu Gaba Daya Albarkan ANNABI S.A.W https://www.instagram.com/p/CqTXuA2IkWr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Hukunce Hukuncen Sallah
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*Hukuncin wanda ya manta wani rukuni daga cikin rukunan sallah..*
*1️⃣Duk wanda ya manta kabbarar harama* to👇
Duk wanda ya manta da kabbarar harama a sallarsa to bashi da sallah, kuma dole ne ya sake yin kabbara ya sake wannan sallar.
*2️⃣Duk wanda ya manta da addu'ar bude salla* to👇
-Duk wanda ya manta da addu'ar bude salla to ya cika sallarsa kuma babu komai akan sa ba sai ya sake salla ba, domin addu'an bude salla Sunnah ce ba farilla ba.
*3️⃣Duk wanda ya manta da ta'awizi da basmala a sallah* to 👇
Duk wanda ya manta da neman ta'awizi da basmala a farkon sallar sa, to shi ma ba sai ya yi komai ba domin sunna ne.
*4️⃣Duk wanda ya manta da karanta suratul fatiha ko wata aya daga fatiha* 👇
Duk wanda ya manta bai karanta fatiha a wata raka’a daga cikin raka'oin sallar sa ba, to ya koma gare ta wannan raka'ar. Ma'ana: to ya tashi ya karanta fatihar a wannan raka’ar matukar bai kai ga tsayuwar raka'ah ta gaba ba, idan kuma ya kai ga tsayuwar raka'a ta gaba, to sai ya sanya raka'ar ta gaban a matsayin raka'ar farko. Sai ya yar da waccen. Sannan kuma a wannan yanayin yana wajaba gare shi ya yi sujjadar mantuwa kuma zata kasance bayan sallama ne saboda karuwar da ta same shi acikin sallar sa.
*5️⃣Duk wanda ya manta bai karanta sura bayan fatiha ba:*
– Wannan ba sai ya yi komai ba, domin karanta sura bayan fatiha ko duk ayoyin da suka sawaka gare shi yin su ba wajibi ba ne.
*6️⃣Duk wanda ya manta da Kabbarorin mikewa*
- kabbarorin dagowa a cikin sallah wajibi ne (dagowa ruku'u, tafiya sujuda, dagowa daga sujuda, dss), duk wanda ya bar su da gangan ya bata sallarsa, wanda ya bar su yana mai mantuwa ya yi sujjadar mantuwa kafin ya yi sallama.
*7️⃣Duk wanda ya manta da ruku'u*
To shi wannan ya ya zai yi?? 🤓
📌Sai ku biyo a fitowa na gaba don jin fiqhun da zai gyara mana ibadar mu ta salla, ba komai bane ke bata salla dukka ba, mafi yawa ana yi mata service a dora...
Allah ya bamu ikon ji da kiyayewa, a turawa wasu don su amfana.. 🙏
*✍️Abou Khadeejatu Assalafeey*
0 notes
bbwgigs · 6 years
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