#gabbys feelings
dimplecki · 1 year
I cant believe my new icom is a real photo and not some edited fanart lmao I was so excited I showed this to my husband and he's like
"J2 are such sluts. you can totally make them make out." And he's not far from the truth I mean look at that. So intimate
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sadmages · 1 year
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In my mind palace my tav and Astarion are playing the exact same game of 5D chess and they don't realize it yet
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kimenochan · 6 months
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Hello lgbt
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kelemvorskiss · 6 months
i love shane and marry him in every playthrough but also
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gootube · 10 months
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My angel hare fanart
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kimdokjas · 1 year
"Kim Dokja is an underdog who works part-time and eats at convenience stores, but at the end of the world he saves people. I wanted to give comfort to young people who, just like Kim Dokja, are wondering about the value of their existence."
— Won Dongyeon, Realize Pictures (리얼라이즈픽쳐스) representative regarding ORV's live-action adaptation (source)
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muffy-official · 25 days
I feel like I can't seem to make anything proper again, just another little crisis so have those random doodles and whenever I'm there mentally again I keep worrying way too much and trying to not think I'm annoying with my character stuff sorry for the semi vent, but somehow this week's been weird private matter wise😭
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Gabs might also have to make it clear she's no nurse, that she's only capable of basic things+ stitching, but she'd aid grunts and other expop who got friendly fire'd immediately if needed. With primes she's a bit hesitant but gets the job done. One time she wouldn't care about anything is if pulling sleeves or pant legs up too high cuts blood circulation after a while as she refuses to cut the fabric to have it go up better. You gotta endure it once it's done
Also screw yall/j *genderbends the prime asset as a excuse to draw these suit sets*
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spama · 2 years
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your honor these bitches fucking gay
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obsessedwbbfan · 12 days
More heart eyes from these 2
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elizabethkitley · 3 months
He's there too...
someone said shes always losing when hes around fgbjd
anyway lets focus on how she has great chemistry with lexie yasss i love them my favorite besties
i love that we're getting active caitie back like you'd be hard pressed to find content like this from her socials within the past year or so
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dimplecki · 1 year
I'm feeling so emotional about spn final lately
I feel like I'm only now starting to grieve. I watched it, cried and repressed it completely
Mainly because I was waiting for it for so long and hating what the show has become. Couldn't really connect the final to the show I used to adore...
But now I'm rewatching the show and back here on tumblr (after many years) and it just hurts so much to know its ended and re-connecting with the fandom post final makes it even more real..
15 years of my life (on and off) I've been obsessed and invested with this show and Sam/Dean
I am now coming to terms with the ending and its so hard :( I'm so sad
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sadmages · 8 days
i feel so bad im almost tempted to open up overwatvh. thats the devil speaking
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odegoob · 27 days
leo scoring off the bench is great bc it is a leo goal and I will want those always. leo scoring off the bench is not great bc it brings back the selective amnesia people who say he has no impact when starting
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aceghosts · 2 months
WIP/Last Sentence Wednesday
Hey Everyone! I've been tagged to share what I'm working on by @captastra, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @voidika, @imogenkol, @theelderhazelnut,
@cloudofbutterflies92, and @cassietrn. Thank you for tagging in a WIP Wednesday/Last Sentence.
Taglist (Opt In/Out): @bbrocklesnar, @alexxmason, @sergeiravenov, @tommyarashikage, @chyrstis,
@carlosoliveiraa, @clicheantagonist, @strangefable, @direwombat, @raresvtm,
@katsigian, @inafieldofdaisies, @confidentandgood, @simplegenius042, @derelictheretic,
@roofgeese, @wanderingaldecaldo, @g0dspeeed
Snippets are all under the cut! Also, both of these WIPs are in the first draft stages, which means they're very rough and all subject to a lot of change.
First up is the Relic Malfunction fic! As I mentioned on Music Monday, I stopped working on this for a while, but came back to it after thinking about it more and jotting down a rough outline. This fic is going to be roughly five parts. It starts with Rooney having a relic malfunction attack at an Arasaka party and will eventually lead into a modified Don't Fear the Reaper ending. (I know that isn't a great summary, but I don't want to give too much away!)
My last line is from Part 3:
Rooney has always known that their death would be some of sort of sacrifice; they just didn’t know if it would be at the hands of the military or someone else. “You and I both know what has to happen. You need to go back in my body.”
Also, have a longer snippet from Part 1 featuring @bbrocklesnar's Gabbi:
“You’ll owe me more than one, Shepard. Someone is also going to have to cover when Yorinobu discovers that you're missing.”
Rooney jokingly replies, "Oh please, you'll have fun with that."
“True,” she smirks, “here let me help you.” Gabbi pulls their arm over her shoulder, letting Rooney lean on her. They're still unsteady on their feet, but having Gabbi to lean against helps. The pair exit the medical room, heading into the eerily quiet hallway.
As the two slowly walk down the hallway, Rooney realizes that it is rather empty. Too empty for their liking. There should be other Arasaka employees on this floor, yet they haven't seen anyone yet. “Is it just me, or is Araska Tower unusually empty?” They really don't like this. Arasaka Tower is rarely ever empty. Quiet at times, but never empty.
Second is the Parade/Festival fic. In this fic, Rooney helps V and Takemura escape Smasher and Arasaka when they come to "rescue" Hanako. Obviously, Yorinobu sees this as a betrayal, and Rooney does feel some conflicting feelings over their actions (Their love for Yorinobu vs Their duty towards V to help them find a cure to the Relic). In the end, Rooney is going to have to make a choice. Here is a snippet from Yorinobu's POV:
Sliding down against his desk, Yorinobu puts his head in his hands, distraught. Why? Why had they betrayed him? Yorinobu expected to be betrayed by many, especially as a potential heir of the Arasaka Corporation. He knew his own family would betray him, too scared of his father to stand against him. He knew the sniveling Arasaka board members, eager to gain power, would betray him the moment they thought it would give them an advantage. Besides a few members of the Steel Dragons, Yorinobu did not expect Rooney to betray him. He thought he could trust them, even after all this time apart.
When he first met Rooney back in the facility, Yorinobu assumed they would attempt to use him, to find some way to manipulate him to their advantage. Yet, Yorinobu quickly came to realize that Rooney was an earnest person, even in ways they didn’t realize. They were open with him, coming to trust him quickly. Rooney bared the parts that they hid under an armor of strength and stability, allowing him to see their softer, more human side. In turn, Rooney had come to see Yorinobu as he was, not as the heir of Arasaka, but as the architect of its destruction.
They had quickly found a place in his heart, becoming indispensable to Yorinobu. He wanted a future with them, a future where everyone could be free of Arasaka’s shadow, including himself and Rooney. When he found Rooney again in Night City, Yorinobu had been determined not to lose them again. He had been foolish enough to push them away once; he would not do it again. If only he had not been so blinded, perhaps he would have seen their conflicting loyalties earlier.
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kimdokjas · 1 year
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the orv reading experience™
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minophus · 4 months
I do think gabriel should enjoy a little weed. After he calms down and is Calmed down ... pardon my cringe ... by a minos...i think hes capable of having fun
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