#gabriel cannon
Does Gabriel Cannon know that I want him carnally? I will also accept Robert Lamar Stafford Jr.
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a railcannon
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a cannon for railing
I will figure out where to post the noncropped version along with some other more reavelng stuff I'll be making/already made.
I don't really wanna do another social media becouse I shouldn't, and I was thinking about putting it on my kofi behind a "whatever you feel like" tip, becouse well, ya boy just got disabled and needs to afford a neurologist, plus hrt would be nice someday.
Idk how to set up the tip thing. My demigirlfriend suggested making a subscription deal for my spiceworks but I will be hopping fandoms and consistency is the bane of my existence and I just don't want to drag the poor souls who got baited into giving me money into something they're not into.
I'm willing to hear out anyone interested in the full version or just more from me.
Enough oversharing I'll regret when I come to my senses.
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mandywandywoowah · 7 months
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gabriel after seeing the shit i say about him in tags
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sweetmapple · 9 months
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Didn't mean to moan like that my bad
( 01100010 01110101 01111001 00100000 01101101 01100101 00100000 01100100 01101001 01101110 01101110 01100101 01110010 00100000 01100110 01101001 01110010 01110011 01110100 ) (<-V1's binary but im gonna have to have you translate it, cant make my shitty jokes too easy)
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hetfieldlvr · 1 month
SOME OF MY ZERO DAY HEAD CANNONS🤓☝️ (they are real bad and random)
- andre probably had some type of jealousy at cals ‘attractiveness’ but he wouldn’t say anything.
-when andre and cal would have sleepovers, whoever’s house they were in the guest would be forced to sleep on he floor (ex: when they slept at andre’s house, andre would make cal sleep on the floor while andre would be cozied up in bed)
-andre got bullied more than cal but andre would just be pissed over it and cal would have a total crash out, EVEN THO CAL DOESNT GET BULLIED A WHOLE LOT.
-cal has tried to get andre and rachel to be friends once but when he left the room they sat there waiting for him to come back and when he did they began to talk again.
-rachel thought cal was gay for andre for a little bit.
-andre hates doing presentations. not because he’s nervous but because he hates everyone in his classes.
-when andre said he wanted to shoot up the school for the very first time cal was like 😲
-if Ark was made in the 2000s, cal would play it and andre would clown on him for it.
-cal would order pizzas to ‘bother’ andre but andre does NOT care🙅‍♀️ (cuz he making money🤑)
-every time cal would do something weird, andre would ignore it because he either does not care, didnt really process what he said, or thinks that cal says this type of shit all the time.
-andre would pretend to throw punches at cal but he would use so much force that sometimes he actually does punch him and he would say “oops” and try not to laugh.
-when andre would drink like a coke or something and he has to burp, he taps on cals shoulder and when cal looks at him he would burp in cals face🙁
-when cal would think about shooting himself on zero day he would get sad at how he wouldn’t be able to talk to andre when he’s dead.
-i’m sure younger people (freshmen, and sophomores) would have a hallway crush on andre and cal.
-andre was considering if he should hang out with cal, after people called them fags for being together so much.
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goldenenene · 1 month
Ultrakill - Bloodpop Animatic 2024 Animation meme brain rot!! Youtube Twitter
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portaldraws · 8 months
Small voice test I did for Shoulder Cannon!
Audio is from this video!
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thepurpleclownz · 4 months
Gabriel and preening
Preening and grooming each others feathers is a normal social custom in Heaven/Angelic communities
Preening helps with cleaning any debris, removing broken barbs, and promoting healthy feather growth by removing any pin feathers. Preening is a beneficial part of Angelic culture due to not only helping wing health, but also connecting with other angelic deities and having an intimate relationship with them
Preening is usually reserved for close family, friends, and or partners due to touching another person wings is deemed inappropriate.
Wings of angels who lack such intimate connections with other angels or simply aren’t around anyone they trust look more rugged and unkept at their more hard to reach areas.
Due to Gabriel’s time as Judge of Hell, not many people have come to take care of his hard-to-reach pin feathers. Due to this, Gabriel’s flight does take a bit of a tool since he didn’t have many healthy feathers to take flight with. Well, until that machine came around
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ionlylikemycat · 2 years
gabriel calls nathan and annalise my loves, always in the plural even if he’s talking to just one of them
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daughterofadeadman · 1 year
The Bonds That Tie:
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Head cannons 18+ 18+ 18+ 18+ 18+ 18+
Bc there is literally no fucking content for this book series and I love the fucking characters so much. Some of the head cannons are horny some are just really sad. Spoilers for sure but if you don’t know what I’m talking about it might not spoil anything.
The Bonds That Tie by J Bree
He loves the idea that everyone knows his bond wants him.
If he could get away with it he would 100% show everyone in town just how much his bond wants him iykyk
He LITERALLY asked if he could eat Oli out on the back of his motorcycle 😭😭 he doesn’t care if it’s in public
I also think he loves when Oli wants to fuck more than one of them at a time. It’s like a competition in his brain.
He wants to be the one to fuck her the best. He wants her to crave him just as he craves her.
I also think it hurt him the most when Oli disappeared. Everyone else already had some type of trauma before that but Gabe didn’t. He literally had a full on break down when he found out she was gone. Plus he was only 14 when it happened.
Gabe didn’t know what it was like NOT to be loved. Everyone loved him so why was it that his bond, the one person who would love him above all else didn’t want him? That broke him.
It feels out of character for me that Atlas is covered in tattoos. He comes from a very wealthy family. And he is like indestructible. So I think they were a form of self harm for him.
Like he’s this self assured asshole rich kid that can do or say whatever he wants bc there will never be any consequences. Except he doesn’t think anyone really loves him.
It’s not until he understands what his mother did for him does he understand and she loved him in the only way she could.
When Oli disappeared I think it solidified in his mind that no one would ever really love him. And that’s when I think he found a way to start getting tattoos. And that shit would have to hurt like hell bc, like I said indestructible. So a little needle isn’t gonna do it.
Gryphon fucks. That’s not even a head cannon that’s just fucking cannon.
This man. This man I stg.
While I know Gryphon knows Oli doesn’t belong to him, I also know that when he is fucking her he wants her to forget that.
This is a man who asks her who her pussy belongs to and if she answers wrong he makes her regret it.
Also he is into her leaving marks. He wants the rest of the bond group to know just how much she likes fucking him. And he does know bc he can literally read her mind.
Plus I think when she was still living in the dorms, even though he trusted Gabe to walk her home and keep her safe, he sat out in the parking lot or hung out on the first floor with the security guard to keep her safe.
Okay not just to keep her safe he was also so fucking scared she would run away again and he couldn’t live with himself knowing she was out in the world and didn’t want him as much as he wanted her.
The reason North is so mean to her when she first got back is because she hurt Nox. Not because she left him. He can deal with people being mean to him, hating him, but his brother doesn’t deserve that no matter how big of an asshole he might be sometimes.
The reason he thinks she’s a gold digger is bc the only women who would look past the monster of his bond were women who wanted his money. Why would his bonded be any different?
The night they went to the dinner party together he let himself pretend that it wasn’t fake. That he could kiss her whenever he wanted to. That he could hold her hand and she wouldn’t pull away. That she wasn’t acting. That every night she could be his and love him like he couldn’t love himself. That they could be a normal bonded. But when she looked at him with hate in her eyes he was reminded that she wanted to run away again and wouldn’t tell him why. That is the reason when she asked for them to stop at a store he ignored her. If she couldn’t love him then he wouldn’t love her.
But it was so hard. He loved everything about her. He used all of his resources to find out her favorite drink and food. He had contacted every school she had ever went to, every friend she had ever made and asked countless questions in hopes of finding her when she left. If there was anything to know about Oleander Fallows, he knew it. But it didn’t help him get her back.
Nox didn’t want a bonded. After what had happened in his childhood he didn’t need one at all. He didn’t want one to mirror his parents either. Maybe if he didn’t have to share a bonded with North like his mother and her sister (North’s mother) had he could have given it a try.
But when they got the results back that his brother shared his bonded with him, his heart sunk. Would history repeat itself? Would they be doomed to the same cycle of torture?
Nox wanted to run. He wanted to get as far away from the news as he could. So when he heard that Oli had run the first thing he felt was relief. The second? Sadness. Regret. Longing. And then he settled in anger.
How dare she not want him? How dare she be bonded to him and not want him. Nox felt abandoned. He felt the terror and trauma from his childhood come creeping right back in. So he decided to hate her just like he hated his mother.
He replaced his hatred of one bonded for another.
After a few years of hating Oli and being glad she was gone, she came back. He watched as it destroyed his family once again and he decided that they would all be better if she was gone again. He wished she would just disappear. So instead of being sad that she didn’t love him, that she didn’t want him, that she didn’t care about him, he was angry. So angry he couldn’t sleep. Couldn’t eat. Couldn’t breath. That’s why he started drinking. To be drunk was to be numb. To be numb was to be safe. With her back he knew he would never be safe again.
I think Oli’s first kiss was with Nox in the hallway after the tacteam scene and it makes me so mad for her. I hate that scene with Nox so much it made me hate him.
When Oli got away from Davies i think she made up scenarios about each of her bonds. She saw their pictures when she was in the hospital at 14 and their ages so she made up whole lives for all of them. At 16 she decided what Gifts she thought suited them best and what nicknames they might give her. She loved them so much without ever meeting them.
Oli was sure she would die without ever meeting her bonds and she was okay with that as long as it meant they would always be safe.
When she was 14 she was most excited about meeting Gabe and Atlas when she found out they were to be her bonded bc they were the same age as her. Then Nox and Gryphon because 19 isn’t that old but she wasn’t excited about meeting North because he was 24 years old. And that was just gross. What would they even have in common?
When the tacteam found her in the cafe she was excited to see her bonds for the first time but also so fucking scared she couldn’t breath. She never wanted to hurt them.
The first night in her dorm room she cried. She cried so hard she ended up passing out. She cried for all the time she wasted on the run bc what was it for if they were in danger again? She cried for her parents and she cried for herself because she could never have them. She could never love them the way she wanted to because she had to leave them again. She cried so hard and for so long she almost didn’t wake up for class. Her eyes were swollen and her nose was runny.
Oli had a diary where she wrote down all of their last names with hers just to test them out. Oleander Draven? Oleander Shore? Oleander Bassinger? Oleander Ardern? She decided that they would just have to take her last name because she was the central bond. Oleander Fallows sounded best after all.
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jupiterstupiter · 7 months
Two gay ass queers their relationship started by the "send this floppa to your crush" image
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frankbeetle · 10 months
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A bunch of Gothic lit drawings, half of these are drawn by @pastro0
click to see full images
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mandywandywoowah · 6 months
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grossion5z · 2 months
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my stupid little guys 💔💔💔
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hirik0 · 11 months
Ripped apart
COD Ghosts Cannon divergence
David 'Hesh' Walker is storming in the office of his father he's about to explode and he wants an explanation. Elias Walker is standig up from his chair needing to hug his returned son. "Hesh", his father starts but he dont let's him finish punching his father. This man Rorke has Logan. Elias falls to the ground not expecting Hesh to react like this, looking shocked when he sits up. "He has Logan and its your fault", Hesh screams at his father ready to punsh him again, but Merrick is holding him back. "Let me", Hesh screams, fighting against the hold of the second in command, tearing the wound on his leg open again. If hes not angry he will break down over the fact that he could not save his littel brother, that he failed Logan. That their own father send them in the trap of a man that made it his mission to destroy the Ghosts and their father took them on the Team, knowing this psyco is haunting them. What kind of father is doing this, only a shitty one, Hesh is sure of it.
6 h earlier
It's was suposed to be a easy mission. Going in going out, stealing some intel. Something easy something the two newest members of the Ghost team could do alone. Something to do in between big mission, to train, low risk a good learning experience, something to prepere them to do fieldwork with out the rest of the Ghosts. Now they are on the run from Rorke the man that wants to kill all of them. They are running away from what was ones a littel californinan town south of LA behind the wall in the middel of no man's land. It's concerning how close Rorke is to the wall with out them knowing, but it hits Hesh that they probably have very less on the former Ghost in general. They are running along the rocky coast. Desperately trying to get to exfile or finding a hiding spot what ever they reach first. Evading bullets, hiding as good as they can behind rocks, what ever they can do to get away from the man that hopefully will kill them, everything else would be a worse fate. He hears Logan panting behind him, they are on a small rocky path, neither of them would ever set a foot on if they wouldn't literally run for their lifes. The rock under their feet is crumbling a desater about to happen something that is slowing them down. Atleast nobody is shotting at them at the moment. "Scarecrow, I think we got away", Hesh says over radio the only problem is he has no idea where they are and how to get to exfile. "Good. Where is your location?", their father asks back. "A cliff? About 2 hours away from where you dropped us off?", Hesh explains unsure where they even are before noticing and cursing the path they are on is ending in a big gap where part of the rock broke away. A dead end, if the federation is following them, they are fucked. He shares a look with Logan who is simply pointing up, to say we need to climb. Hesh looks trying to see if they could jump over the gap, they can not and even if the could its questionable if the rock would not break under the weight. "I need a better location Hesh", it comes over the radio. "I can't give you a better one. We are on a small path on a the cliff, very good view of the Pacific." Hesh knows this is not helping at all, that its childish of him to act like this. What else can he even say, he knows they fucked up, they where forced by not really paying attention to walk this shitty path, like they just left boot camp. "Hesh, is there anything we can use as a landmark?", Elias ask sounding like he is about to panic, what is not helping at all, besides that their father is caring for them in someway. "Part of the cliff broke away?", Hesh answer unsure god he sounds like a idiot, he nearly dont hears the sound of something hitting the water but before he can realise what is happening its to late. Sudenly Logan is grabing his shoulder in a panic he lost his footing as part of the ground he's standing on is breaking away. In an instict Hesh trys to get a hold on the stone wall, but its to no use, he now has some rock in his hand, well atleast they die with the knowledge that they would not be able to climb the wall up, while falling in to the ocean. "Hesh, we need a clear landmark", is probably the last think the Walker brothers hear before hitting the water.
The next thing Hesh knows hes laying on a small beach, coughing up water about to throw up. He looks around seeing Logan just a few meters away looking absolutely exhausted. They survived, thanks to Logan, but still having no idea where the fuck they are. "Hesh, Logan", Merrick voice comes over the radio but neither of the brothers are able to answer, coughing up water. The blaclava they are wearing are not helping at all so Hesh rolls his up so his mouth and nose are free, inhalling the air greddy, looking around to find some sort of landmark to give. When Hesh finaly has a breath to spare for talking, he simply states "We are alive, had a unplanned swim we are on a small part of beach, maybe its just a sandbank." Thats when Rorke is apearing and Hesh starts to shake not only because he is cold, but out of fear what this man will do to them. "Ah finaly meeting Elias sons in person", the leader of the federations troops is saying having a simle on his face that makes Hesh blood freeze. No, no they made it so far it can't stop here. "Hesh?", Merrick is asking urgently needing more to find them, not knowing what a shit situation the brothers are in. "Look at you two, how big and strong you got since I saw you the last time", Rorke continues making Hesh heart race what, what does Rorke mean with this. They never meet any Ghosts as kids their father never having his two parts of his life touch before Odin. "Tell me how does it feel being send to the slaughter by Elias? I know that feeling to good, he left me to die", Rorke continues his littel monologe and its only now that Hesh notices he lost his weapons in the fall, not that he thinks he can move faster then Rorke if he really had to, but he would try. The man is stepping closer to Logan, pulling out a gun and for the first time since Odin Hesh is affrait for their lifes. He hears a shot, and then his leg hurts, Rorke shot him in the leg, like he is playing with them, why not kill them its the chance. "Tell Elias hello from me and never forget David, it's your fathers fault what is happening from here." Everything is happening in slow motion from there for Hesh, Logan gets hit against the head with the weapon and falls over and then to his absolute horror Rorke grabbing one of his brothers legs to drag his littel brother away. "No, Logan!" He trys to reach the hand Logans is desperately holding out for him to reach for help. But he can't, this fucker made sure that he can't reach his brother, is he dragging Logan away extra slowly to taunt him? "Logan! LOGAN!!", he screams desperately trying to reach his brother having to watch helplessly how his brother is kidnapped, he never feelt this powerless in his life. Then time as a cruel punishment is starting to flow normal again and his brother is gone. Everything stops at this moment he dont hears Merrick over the radio it dosent matter anymore, that he is bleeding out is not mattering anymore, nothing matters anymore, he failed Logan, he is a failure, he failed and Logan has to endurce the consequences. The only time he needed to protect his brother he failed. He dont know how much later Kegan is finding him, he don't hear his questions, dont registers that Kegan is patching him up, dont hear Kegan tell everyone that Logan is MIA. He is a failure and he let his brother down. The foundation of his mind is breaking under him and he feels himself falling into a deep black hole.
"Hesh calm down your hurting yourself", Elias miserably fails to calm his hot-headed son down, only feeding Hesh rage even more. He was never good at this, but well he had to because his wife wasn't there to help him with this. "No, you.. you send us in a trap", Hesh screams he feels how he is about to break, like he finally reached rock bottom of the hole hole he fallen into. "There was no information that anyone would be there. The place was given up.", Elias trys to explain, he looked over the intel countless times since he got the call that his sons got compromise, there was nothing he oversaw, Hesh has to understandthis. "Oh and that will make it better? You took us on the team knowing, knowing this monster is hunting all of you. This your fault", somehow the rage Hesh is feeling is only getting stronger, turn the hurt he is feeling into aggression is numbing the pain, over playing what he is really feeling. Being angry is easy, anger is something he can deal with he knows anger. "Hesh, this is nobody's fault", Merrick tells him not losing his grip on him, but Hesh is really trying his hardest to get free, even with bleeding again. Rorke defently took the 'easier' brother with him. "Its only one person's fault and that is you Dad", is the last think Hesh says before the first sob is ripping through his body, the grief of losing his brother now fully hitting him.
Logan lays on the floor of the helicopter silent tears running down his face. He wishes Rorke would just have killed him there on the beach, what ever the other is planing is a worse fate then death. Nausea is spreading, he might throw up, his heart trys to break out of his chest and he cant really breath. Every breath hurts, did he injure himsels when they fallen in the ocean? He still hears Hesh screaming his name, while he slowly gets dragged over the beach to a jeep. How abosulty horrified Hesh sounded, he dont think that he heard Hesh like this before. And that is terrifying, not really helping his curent state. "I have big plans with you Logan, Elias don't even know what potential is in you, but don't worry you will reach your full potential under my supervision", Rorke tells him and the air becomes ice cold, as if he isn't already frezzing. What, what will this man do to him? The nausea gets worse at this. His only hope he has is that Hesh will do everything in his power to rescue him, right? His big brother will rescue him, he has to hope this, because he dont even wants to think about the alternative. He has no idea how long they are already in the air, but the further they get away from US soil the worse are his chances of him getting saved, they will not send anyone that deep into enemy territory for one person. What is one person in a war, nothing he trys to fight the hopelessness that is spreading through his brain. His shaking gets stronger, must be visible by now, his cloths still being wet and the floor of the helicopter is slowly sucking the warmth out of his body. They will try everything to get him home, Hesh will try everything in his power to gey him back. He cant forget this, what ever happens he cant forget this. "You think your father will let David find you or do you think he will sacrefice you for the war?", Rorke is asking as if he knows what Logan is thinking about, it's also strange to have Hesh be referred to as David. "Selected mutism I forgot, don't worry Logan it dosent matter what you would have answered, there is no way they will find you till I let them", the older man ends their littel conversation and Logan fels how tears are running down his face again. The way how casual Rorke is telling him this, knowing this is the truth, it makes Logan wish the fucking Helicopter is breaking apart then he atleast would be dead. "You know I never planned to get you two into your fathers mess, but then you joined the Team and I couldn't let this opertunity pass. This will hurt Elias more then anything I could ever come up with." He looks at Rorke for the first time really looking at him, tears still running down his face, but anger slowly fighting its way to through his calm character. He might be freezing, he might be a prisinor but he will survive this. Rorke is lifting his chin with his boot looking a tiny bit impressed. "I thought I picked the weaker brother, but I think I made a wrong call", Rorke says more to himself then to Logan. So Rorke does make mistakes and he can try to work with all the tiny mistakes to get free. He will survive this or die trying to get away.
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sweetmapple · 9 months
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Four WIPs for an in progress comic
I am being so mean to Gabriel but it’s basically writing itself
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