#gabriels ouroboros kings
unlimitedhorsepower · 2 years
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the sternbild royalty turned evil, but getting along great! kind of, because ryan is testing barnabys and keiths patience every day as a recreational activity and either of them could kill him in one hit because of how his NEXT power leaves him vulnerable inspiration for this image sequence under the cut:
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also yknow this is one of those drawings i worked on quite some time for no reason and it just didnt start looking better. sometimes you just end up identifying mistakes that require a redraw and you dont feel like it. lazy artists i am you
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egoismt · 4 years
【SPN 筆記】 Castiel’s related episodes 出場一覽
分享個人為了重看及找片方便而做的筆記,供有需要的朋友們參考 ^^ Ps. 配合原劇官方設定,Castiel 的暱稱記為 Cass,請見諒 Orz
Castiel's Appearances
Season 3
306:Red Sky at Morning (mentioned by Sam in a spell)
Season 4
401:Lazarus Rising (Cass 首次出場)
402:Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester (Cass 要 Dean 更尊重他)
403:In The Beginning (Cass 送 Dean 回1973)
404:Metamorphosis (mentioned only)
407:It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester (Cass 帶 Uriel 準備淨化小鎮,與 Dean 公園談話)
409:I Know What You Did Last Summer (Cass 和 Uriel 追捕 Anna)
410:Heaven and Hell (Cass 和 Uriel Anna 對抗 Alastair)
415:Death Takes A Holiday (Cass 說 Dean 是特別的而破例)
416:On The Head Of A Pin (Cass 和 Uriel 要 Dean 拷問 Alastair,和 Anna 交談求指引)
417:It's A Terrible Life (mentioned only)
418:The Monster at the End of This Book (Cass 告知 Dean 說 Chuck 是先知受保護)
419:Jump the Shark (mentioned only)
420:The Rapture (Cass 容器 Jimmy 的故事)
421:When the Levee Breaks (Cass 讓 Dean 宣示效忠天堂以救 Sam,讓 Anna 被捉)
422:Lucifer Rising (Cass 為放走 Dean 而抗命墮天)
Season 5
501:Sympathy for the Devil (Cass 復活救 Dean 反抗 Zachariah,打鬥戲)
502:Good God, Y'all (Cass 告知兄弟要去找 God)
503:Free To Be You and Me (Cass 和 Dean 扮 FBI 找拉斐爾/上妓院)
504:The End (Cass 2014版)
506:I Believe the Children Are Our Future (Cass 被變成公仔)
508:Changing Channels (兄弟穿越節目,Cass 首抗 Gabriel)
510:Abandon All Hope... (Cass 首見 Crowley Meg 及 Lucifer)
513:The Song Remains the Same (Cass 送兄弟回1978而重傷)
514:My Bloody Valentine (Cass 與兄弟對抗饑荒騎士)
516:Dark Side of the Moon (Cass 要兄弟在天堂找 Joshua 問上帝下落)
517:99 Problems (Cass 喝醉,對抗巴比倫淫婦而受傷)
518:Point of No Return (Cass 在林中打敗天使救 Adam,痛扁要說 yes 的 Dean 並捨身驅逐天使們)
521:Two Minutes to Midnight (Cass 因傷進醫院,對抗瘟疫騎士,首次用槍)
522:Swan Song (Cass 睡在 baby 後座,首發 assbutt,二度復活)
Season 6
601:Exile on Main Street (mentioned only)
603:The Third Man (Cass 說與 Dean 羈絆更深,首見 Balthazar)
606:You Can't Handle The Truth (Cass 兩秒內搜完全城找真理號角)
607:Family Matters (Cass 測出 Sam 沒了靈魂,說真身跟大樓一樣大)
610:Caged Heat (Cass 看A片,吻 Meg,燒 Crowley 骨頭)
612:Like A Virgin (Cass 說碰 Sam 靈魂的感覺像被活剝,想抱 Sam 被拒)
615:The French Mistake (兄弟穿越片場遇見 Misha 扮的Cass)
617:My Heart Will Go On (Cass 對抗命運女神,鐵達尼號)
618:Frontierland (Cass 送兄弟回1861西部取灰,被部下刺傷)
619:Mommy Dearest (Cass 與Bobby 兄弟對抗 Eve,兄弟起疑)
620:The Man Who Would Be King (Cass 自敘與 Crowley 合作經過)
621:Let It Bleed (Cass 救 Lisa,兄弟策反 Balthazar)
622:The Man Who Knew Too Much (Cass 殺了 Balthazar,變成新上帝)
Season 7
701:Meet the New Boss (Cass 當新上帝,肉體逐漸崩壞,返魂給煉獄)
702:Hello, Cruel World (Cass 被利維坦佔據而投湖)
705:Shut Up, Dr. Phil (seen in Dean's nightmare)
717:The Born-Again Identity (Cass 失憶,後救 Sam 而瘋)
718:Party On, Garth (mentioned only)
721:Reading Is Fundamental (Cass 因惡魔石碑而醒,Meg 殺天使救 Cass)
722:There Will Be Blood (mentioned only)
723:Survival of the Fittest (Cass 想給 Crowley 蜂蜜,與 Dean 合作殺利維坦 Dick 後一起落入煉獄)
Season 8
801:We Need to Talk About Kevin (mentioned only)
802:What's Up, Tiger Mommy? (seen in Dean's flashbacks of Purgatory,Cass 與 Dean 煉獄重逢)
805:Blood Brother (seen in Dean's flashbacks of Purgatory,煉獄逃亡)
806:Southern Comfort (mentioned only)
807:A Little Slice of Kevin (Cass 被救離煉獄,與 Dean 救 Kevin,首見 Naomi)
808:Hunteri Heroici (Cass 想當獵人,與 Sam 救讓動畫效果成真的老人)
810:Torn and Frayed (Cass 與兄弟救小天使後殺之,隱約記起被洗腦片段,流血淚)
813:Everybody Hates Hitler (mentioned only)
816:Remember the Titans (mentioned only,Dean 祈禱求 Cass 關照 Sam)
817:Goodbye Stranger (Cass 因洗腦暴打 Dean,後清醒帶走天使石碑)
818:Freaks and Geeks (mentioned only)
820:Pac-Man Fever (mentioned only)
821:The Great Escapist (Crowley 挖 Cass 腹部奪走天使石碑)
822:Clip Show (Cass 商店購物遇 Metatron)
823:Sacrifice ( "ET回家了",Cass 被 Metatron 奪走 grace,天使們集體墜落)
Season 9
901:I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here (Cass 人類生活第一天,殺女天使,進洗衣店換衣服)
902:Devil May Care (mentioned only)
903:I'm No Angel (流浪的 Cass 被女死神 April 折磨,被逐出地堡)
904:Slumber Party (mentioned only)
906:Heaven Can't Wait (Cass 當便利店員,幫顧小孩,與 Dean 對抗仁慈天使)
909:Holy Terror (Cass 查案重遇兄弟一起去喝酒,第一次學人類祈禱,被抓被折磨後殺天使奪取 grace)
910:Road Trip (Cass Dean Crowley 聯手驅逐佔據 Sam 的 Gadreel)
911:First Born (Cass 抽 grace 救 Sam,兩人擁抱)
914:Captives (Cass 殺天使戰友 Bartholomew)
918:Meta Fiction (Cass 被 Metatron 綁架,開始有追隨者)
920:Bloodlines (mentioned only)
921:King of the Damned (Cass 成為天使群指揮官,策反 Gadreel 對抗 Metatron )
922:Stairway to Heaven (Cass 為 Dean 放棄天使軍隊)
923:Do You Believe In Miracles? (Cass 救 Gadreel 變弱,設計捕獲 Metatron)
Ps. Misha direct 917:Mother's Little Helper
Season 10
1001:Black (變弱的 Cass 與 Hannah 追逃亡天使)
1002:Reichenbach (Cass 與 Hannah 車禍,天使睡顏)
1003:Soul Survivor (Crowley 殺天使奪 grace 救 Cass,Cass 讓惡魔 Dean 變回人類,Jensen direct)
1007:Girls, Girls, Girls (Hannah 裸戲/吻 Cass )
1009:The Things We Left Behind (Cass 首見長大的 Jimmy 女兒 Claire,Dean 與溫柔眼神的 Cass 在漢堡店交談)
1010:The Hunter Games (Cass 彌補與 Claire 的關係,從天堂借 Metatron 想救 Dean 但無效)
1011:There's No Place Like Home (mentioned only)
1013:Halt & Catch Fire (mentioned only)
1014:The Executioner's Song (Cass Crowley 與兄弟合作殺該隱)
1017:Inside Man (Cass 與 Sam 透過通靈 Bobby 從天堂劫走 Metatron)
1018:Book of the Damned (Cass 與 Metatron 同行,找回 grace)
1019:The Werther Project (mentioned only)
1020:Angel Heart (Cass 與兄弟帶 Claire 找媽媽)
1021:Dark Dynasty (Cass 顧 Charlie 與 Rowena)
1022:The Prisoner (Cass 被該隱之印影響的 Dean 痛打)
1023:Brother's Keeper (Cass 召喚 Crowley 幫忙 Rowena 破詛咒救 Dean,中瘋狗咒)
Season 11
1101:Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire (中瘋狗咒的 Cass 逃離農莊,被天使們囚禁)
1102:Form and Void (中瘋狗咒的 Cass 被天使們拷問)
1103:The Bad Seed (中瘋狗咒的 Cass 癲癇發作及解咒,Jensen direct)
1104:Baby (Cass 電話匯報查案資料,voice only)
1105:Thin Lizzie (mentioned only)
1106:Our Little World (Cass 宅在家及痛扁 Metatron 問 Darkness 的事)
1107:Plush (mentioned only)
1110:The Devil in the Details (Cass 首見 Darkness/被 Lucifer 附身)
1111:Into the Mystic (路西卡公園散步及與 Dean 談 Darkness)
1112:Don't You Forget About Me (mentioned only)
1114:The Vessel (路西卡送 Dean 回潛艇/攻擊 Sam 及 Dean)
1115:Beyond the Mat (路西卡在地獄虐 Crowley)
1116:Safe House (mentioned only)
1118:Hell's Angel (路西卡進天堂,Crowley Rowena 與兄弟聯手施咒想驅逐 Cass 體內的 Lucifer)
1119:The Chitters (mentioned only)
1120:Don't Call Me Shurley (mentioned only)
1121:All in the Family (Darkness 虐路西卡,後被兄弟及上帝救走)
1122:We Happy Few (路西卡與上帝談話,組成聯軍攻擊 Darkness 但失敗)
1123:Alpha and Omega (Dean 說 Cass 是最好的朋友,Cass 告別身負靈魂炸彈的 Dean)
Season 12
1201:Keep Calm and Carry On (Cass 與 Dean Mary 重逢,去找被英國記錄者綁架的 Sam,但在路上被暴打)
1202:Mamma Mia (Cass 一行救回 Sam)
1203:The Foundry (Cass 與 Crowley 追查 Lucifer 下落)
1204:American Nightmare (mentioned only)
1207:Rock Never Dies (Cass Crowley 與兄弟阻止搖滾明星 Lucifer)
1208:LOTUS (Cass 一行追查懷孕的 Kelly 及附身總統的 Lucifer)
1209:First Blood (Cass 與 Mary 救回入獄的兄弟,殺死死神)
1210:Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets (Cass 與天使戰友們對抗從過去來為女兒復仇的 Lily)
1211:Regarding Dean (mentioned only)
1212:Stuck in the Middle (With You) (Cass 被米迦勒之矛重傷)
1213:Family Feud (mentioned only)
1214:The Raid (mentioned only)
1215:Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell (Cass 秀顛倒的 FBI 章追查 Kelly)
1217:The British Invasion (voice and mentioned only)
1218:The Memory Remains (voice and mentioned only)
1219:The Future (Cass 接受 Dean 的錄音帶,與 Kelly 聯手殺了 Dagon 後離開)
1220:Twigs & Twine & Tasha Banes (mentioned only)
1221:There's Something About Mary (mentioned only)
1222:Who We Are (mentioned only)
1223:All Along the Watchtower (Cass 吻 Kelly 頭,與兄弟穿越天啟世界,被 Lucifer 所殺)
Season 13
1301:Lost & Found (Dean 火化 Cass 的遺體)
1302:The Rising Son (mentioned only)
1303:Patience (虛無中的 Cass 被 Jack 喚醒)
1304:The Big Empty (Cass 在虛無中對抗宇宙版 Cass,後復活)
1305:Advanced Thanatology (Cass 片尾與兄弟重逢)
1306:Tombstone (Cass 首見 Jack,與 Dean 扮德州騎警查案)
1307:War of the Worlds (Lucifer 在天堂入口救 Cass,後一起被惡魔抓走)
1308:The Scorpion and The Frog (mentioned only)
1309:The Bad Place (mentioned only)
1311:Breakdown (mentioned only)
1312:Various & Sundry Villains (Cass 與 Lucifer 逃獄相殺)
1313:Devil's Bargain (Cass 與兄弟追查在天使幫助下前往天堂稱王的 Lucifer)
1314:Good Intentions (Cass 與 Dean 對抗古戰士,拷問先知多納太羅)
1315:A Most Holy Man (mentioned only)
1316:Scoobynatural (Cass 與兄弟化成史酷比人物)
1318:Bring 'em Back Alive (Cass 與 Sam 救回精神受創的 Gabriel)
1319:Funeralia (Cass 發現天使人手不足,天堂戒嚴)
1320:Unfinished Business (mentioned only)
1321:Beat the Devil (Sam 夢到溫家聚餐,Cass 一行抓到 Lucifer 並前往天啟世界救人)
1322:Exodus (Cass 一行逃離天啟世界)
1323:Let the Good Times Roll (Cass 一行與米迦丁殺死 Lucifer)
Season 14
1401:Stranger in a Strange Land (Cass 為找 Dean 被酒吧惡魔們俘虜)
1402:Gods and Monsters (Cass 與失去能力的 Jack 和 Lucifer 肉身 Nick 對談)
1403:The Scar (Cass 與 Dean 重逢,與 Jack 救中了衰老咒的女孩)
1404:Mint Condition (mentioned only)
1405:Nightmare Logic (mentioned only)
1407:Unhuman Nature (Cass 與兄弟照顧衰弱的 Jack)
1408:Byzantium (Cass 與兄弟在 Jack 死後共飲,去天堂找 Jack,與 Empty 協議)
1409:The Spear (Cass 一行追查 AU 凱雅的長矛以對抗米迦勒)
1410:Nihilism (Cass 與 Sam 進 Dean 的意識以囚禁米迦勒)
1411:Damaged Goods (mentioned only)
1412:Prophet and Loss (Cass 扮醫生救多納太羅)
1413:Lebanon (Zachariah 與 Cass 對抗擾亂時間的兄弟)
1414:Ouroboros (Jack 救中了蛇精毒的 Cass,燒光附身 Rowena 的米迦勒)
1415:Peace of Mind (Cass 與 Sam 到復古奶昔店查案)
1416:Don't Go In The Woods (mentioned only)
1417:Game Night (Cass 與女天使 Anael 找 God 以幫 Jack 重置靈魂)
1418:Absence (Cass 去天堂找被 Jack 誤殺的 Mary)
1419:Jack in the Box (Cass 殺了控制 Jack 的天使 Duma,怪兄弟將 Jack 關入馬拉克之棺)
1420:Moriah (Cass 找回上帝,Jack 被上帝所殺)
Season 15
1501:Back and to the Future (Cass 用獵槍與兄弟對抗小鎮僵屍/鬼魂們)
1502:Raising Hell (Cass Rowena Ketch 與兄弟對抗小鎮鬼魂們)
1503:The Rupture (Cass 燒了附身 Jack 的惡魔,與 Dean 決裂)
1504:Atomic Monsters (mentioned only)
1505:Proverbs 17:3 (Sam 簡訊關心 Cass 近況,mentioned only)
1506:Golden Time (Cass 準備釣魚散心,獨立查獲失蹤少年,殺灯靈)
1507:Last Call (Cass 用人質威脅英國巫醫救 Sam)
1508:Our Father, Who Aren't in Heaven (Rowena 勸和 Destiel,Cass 說服米迦勒提供能囚禁上帝的咒語)
1509:The Trap (Cass 和 Dean 二度去煉獄,Dean 流淚向 Cass 祈禱說內心話,兩人和好)
1510:The Heroes' Journey (mentioned only,Garth 的 baby Cass 看 Dean 眼神不一般)
1511:The Gamblers (Cass 殺壞天使救回 Jack,Team Free Will 團圓)
1512:Galaxy Brain (Cass 和 Dean 對飲,和 Jack 玩桌遊,和 Jody 互動)
1513:Destiny's Child (Cass 假死去 Empty 找 Ruby 問線索,跟 Dean 有老夫妻式互動)
1514:Last Holiday (mentioned only)
1515:Gimme Shelter (Cass 跟 Jack 合作查案,得知 Jack 打算自爆殺上帝)
1516:Drag Me Away (From You) (mentioned only,Cass 發簡訊問 Dean 是否已將 Jack 的事告知 Sam)
1517:Unity (為救 Jack,Cass 跟 Sam 合作找到 Death 的圖書館,了解 Death 的企圖)
1518:Despair (Cass 為救 Dean,含淚告白後被 Empty 帶走)
1519:Inherit the Earth (Cass 僅出現在假電話及回憶片段剪輯中)
1520:Carry On (mentioned only,Cass 被 Jack 復活,幫 Jack 改造天堂)
Ghostfacers (Cass 按小說找 Ghostfacers,special webisode)
A Very Special Supernatural Special (archive footage)
Supernatural: Heart of the Dragon (non-canon)
Supernatural: The Unholy Cause (non-canon)
Supernatural: War of the Sons (non-canon)
Supernatural: Cold Fire (non-canon)
Supernatural: The Men of Letters Bestiary: Winchester Family Edition (non-canon, mentioned only)
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intensionsuspension · 5 years
Death Stranding Playlist
While I love the canonical playlist Kojima put together, I decided to create this self indulgent playlist for myself. It’s extremely long (120 songs and counting) and includes a range of genres, mostly various forms of metal, rock, and folk. The playlist is set in the narrative’s chronological order, and could probably be played alongside a playthrough. Figured I’d post this if anyone’s interested. I’m including the link to the YouTube playlist below. The listener’s guide is detailed under the cut, and it explains which character(s) each song represents. Any questions/comments are appreciated. (tungle is a dysfunctional hellsite and won’t allow me to post both a video and an under the cut in the same post so I’m going to add the link in a reblog to this post)
Listener’s Guide
The Day the World Went Away - Nine Inch Nails - All
The Nomad - Iron Maiden - Sam
Loner - Black Sabbath - Sam
I Am a Rock - Simon & Garfunkel - Sam
Shadows of the Valley - Iron Maiden - Sam
The Shadow People - Lucas King - The Beached Things
Riders on the Storm - The Doors - All
The Package - A Perfect Circle - The Mules
Tiger Mountain Peasant Song - Fleet Foxes - Sam & Amelie/Bridget 
Isolation - Joy Division - Isolation - Sam
Curses - The Crane Wives - Fragile & Sam
People are Strange - The Doors - Sam
Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy) - John Lennon - Cliff & BB
Lullaby - Dixie Chicks - Cliff & BB
The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner - Iron Maiden - Sam
Career of Evil - Blue Öyster Cult - Higgs
An Cat Dubh/Into the Heart - U2 - Sam & Fragile
A Mother’s Prayer - Celine Dion - Mama & Lockne
Mother and Child Divided - Porcupine Tree - Mama & Lockne
Mothers of the Disappeared - U2 - Mama & Lockne
Where You Lead - Carole King - Mama & Lockne
My Sister Says the Saddest Things - Grimes - Mama & Lockne
My Death - Scott Walker - Mama & Lockne
Planet Hell - Nightwish - Cliff & The Beached Soldiers
These Colours Don’t Run - Iron Maiden - Cliff & The Beached Soldiers
Paschendale - Iron Maiden - Cliff & The Beached Soldiers
The Great Unknown - Cliff & The Beached Soldiers 
To Hell and Back - Sabaton - Cliff 
Disposable Heroes - Metallica - Cliff & The Beached Soldiers 
Decades - Joy Division - Cliff & The Beached Soldiers
New Frontier - Iron Maiden - Deadman
Out of the Silent Planet - Iron Maiden - All
Are ‘Friends’ Electric - Gary Numan - Deadman
Fortunes of War - Iron Maiden - Cliff & The Beached Soldiers 
Veteran of the Psychic Wars - Blue Öyster Cult - Cliff & The Beached Soldiers 
War - Lucas King - Cliff & The Beached Soldiers 
No Quarter - Tool - Cliff & The Beached Soldiers 
Lord of this World - Black Sabbath - Cliff & The Beached Soldiers 
Lean on Me - Bill Withers - Sam & Deadman
Sleepless - Anathema - Cliff
The Light at the End of the World - My Dying Bride - Heartman
Tears in Heaven - Eric Clapton - Heartman
Electric Funeral - Black Sabbath - Higgs
Brighter than a Thousand Suns - Iron Maiden - Higgs
Apocalypse Woman - My Dying Bride - Higgs & Amelie/Bridget
Ænema - Tool - Higgs & Amelie/Bridget 
Eyes on Fire - Blue Foundation - Fragile & Higgs
Gimme Shelter - The Rolling Stones - All
Flying Whales - Gojira - Sam
Run Through the Jungle - Creedence Clearwater Revival - Cliff & The Beached Soldiers
Fortunate Son - Creedence Clearwater Revival - Cliff & The Beached Soldiers
War Pigs - Black Sabbath - Cliff & The Beached Soldiers
Behind Blue Eyes - The Who - Cliff
For the Greater Good of God - Iron Maiden - Cliff
A National Acrobat - Black Sabbath - BB & Louise
Land of Confusion - Disturbed - All
The Fragile - Nine Inch Nails - Sam & Fragile
The Art of Dying - Gojira - Sam
Dream of Mirrors - Iron Maiden - Sam
Run to the Water - Live - Sam & Amelie/Bridget
Infinite Dreams - Iron Maiden - Amelie/Bridget
Face in the Sand - Iron Maiden - Amelie/Bridget
The Creator had a Mastertape - Porcupine Tree - Amelie/Bridget
Pet & Lullaby - A Perfect Circle - Ameli/Bridget & Sam
Fool’s Errand - Fleet Foxes - Sam & Amelie/Bridget
Orestes - A Perfect Circle - Sam & Amelie/Bridget
The End - The Doors - Amelie/Bridget & Sam
O’Children - Nick Cave - Amelie/Bridget
Push the Sky Away - Nick Cave - Amelie/Bridget & Sam
Out of the Shadows - Iron Maiden - All
Star Spangled Banner - Francis Scott Key - All
The Man Who Would be King - Iron Maiden - Die-Hardman
Brothers in Arms - Dire Straits - Die-Hardman & Cliff
Jambi - Tool - Die-Hardman & Cliff
Vacuity - Gojira - Sam
I Will - Radiohead - Cliff
One Last Goodbye - Anathema - Cliff & Lisa
Invincible - Tool - Cliff
Swimming Horses - Siouxsie & The Banshees - Cliff, Lisa, & Amelie/Bridget
Pale White Horse - The Oh Hellos - Cliff & Amelie/Bridget  
Unknown Soldier - The Doors - Cliff
Sail to the Moon - Radiohead - Cliff & Sam
The Weeping Song - Nick Cave - Cliff & Sam
Sonny Boy - Al Jolson - Cliff & Sam
This Isn’t the Place - Nine Inch Nails - Cliff
Into the Lake of Ghosts - My Dying Bride - Cliff 
Right Turn - Alice Mudgarden - Cliff,  Bridge/Amelie, Die-Hardman, and Sam
The Evil That Men Do - Iron Maiden - Amelie/Bridget, Cliff, Die-Hardman and Sam
 Leaders of Men - Joy Division - Sam, Amelie/Bridget, Die-Hardman
By and Down - A Perfect Circle - Sam & Amelie/Bridget
Ghost Love Score - Nightwish - Cliff, Lisa, & Sam
H. - Tool - Cliff & Sam
Ghost on the Shore - Lord Huron - Sam
Ouroboros - Gojira - Sam
Revelations - Iron Maiden - Sam
Lord, Protect My Child - Lost Dogs - Cliff & Sam
Alive - Pearl Jam - Sam, Cliff, & Amelie/Bridget
Top - Live - Sam & Amelie/Bridget
When the Night is Over - Lord Huron - Heartman
Acrobat - U2 - Sam & Fragile 
Third Eye - Florence & The Machine - Fragile
Bad - U2 - Sam & Fragile
Iris - Goo Goo Dolls - Fragile & Sam
Wasting Love - Iron Maiden - Sam & Fragile
The Night We Met - Lord Huron - Fragile & Sam
Atmosphere - Joy Division - Fragile & Sam
Where is Your Rider - The Oh Hellos - All
Dog Days are Over - Florence & The Machine - All
Don’t Stop - Fleetwood Mac - All
Journeyman - Iron Maiden - Sam
Hello My Old Heart - The Oh Hellos - Sam & Louise
Solsbury Hill - Peter Gabriel - Sam, Louise, and Cliff
The Protector - Blackwater Holylight - Sam & Louise
Forever Young - Bob Dylan - Cliff & Sam
Father - Lucas King - Sam & Cliff
Adopted - Lucas King - Sam & Louise
War Was in Color - Carbon Leaf - Cliff & Louise
Your Protector - Fleet Foxes - Cliff & Lisa
Father & Daughter - Paul Simon - Sam & Louise
Lullaby - Billy Joel - Sam & Louise
83 notes · View notes
fictionz · 2 years
New Fiction 2021
Previously: 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013
2021: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec
Short Stories
Jan - “The Night Face Up” by Julio Cortazar and Paul Blackburn (trans.) (1967)
Jan - “The Use of Force” by William Carlos Williams (1938)
Jan - “A Conversation from the Third Floor” by Mohamed Al Bisatie (2003)
Jan - “The Mexican” by Jack London (1911)
Jan - “Battles in the Desert” by Jose Emilio Pacheco (1980)
Jan - “Second Star to the Right…” by Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens (1999)
Jan - “First Steps” by Kristine Kathryn Rusch (1999)
Jan - “Dead Man's Hand” by Jeffrey Lang (1999)
Jan - “Old Souls” by Michael Jan Friedman (1999)
Jan - “Sins of the Mother” by S.D. Perry (1999)
Jan - “Infinity” by Susan Wright (1999)
Jan - “Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor” by S.D. Perry and Robert Simpson (1999)
Jan - “The Music Between the Notes” by Steven Barnes (1999)
Jan - “Reflections” by L.A. Graf (1999)
Jan - “…and straight on 'til morning” by Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens (1999)
Feb - “Time capsule found on the dead planet” by Margaret Atwood (2009)
Feb - “The Street” by H.P. Lovecraft (1920)
Feb - “The Crooked Man” by Charles Beaumont (1955)
Jun - “What Is Remembered” by Alice Munro (2001)
Jun - “Old Babes in the Wood” by Margaret Atwood (2021)
Jul - “Revisited, Part One” by Anonymous (2003)
Jul - “Ha'mara” by Kevin G. Summers (2003)
Jul - “The Orb of Opportunity” by Michael A. Martin and Andy Mangels (2003)
Jul - “Broken Oaths” by Keith R. A. DeCandido (2003)
Jul - “... Loved I Not Honor More” by Christopher L. Bennett (2003)
Jul - “Three Sides to Every Story” by Terri Osborne (2003)
Jul - “The Devil You Know” by Heather Jarman (2003)
Jul - “Foundlings” by Jeffrey Lang (2003)
Jul - “Chiaroscuro” by Geoffrey Thorne (2003)
Jul - “Face Value” by Una McCormack (2003)
Jul - “The Calling” by Andrew J. Robinson (2003)
Jul - “Revisited, Part Two” by Anonymous (2003)
Aug - “A Delicate Architecture” by Catherynne M. Valente (2010)
Oct - “Iqsinaqtutalik Piqtuq: The Haunted Blizzard” by Aviaq Johnston (2020)
Oct - “Uironda” by Luigi Musolino & James D. Jenkins (trans.) (2018)
Oct - “The Bloody Chamber” by Angela Carter (1979)
Oct - “Tree of the Forest Seven Bells Turns the World Round Midnight” by Sheree Renee Thomas (2016)
Oct - “The Remorse of Professor Panebianco” by Greye La Spina (1925)
Oct - “The House Party at Smoky Island” by Lucy Maud Montgomery (1935)
Oct - “Calcutta, Lord of Nerves” by Poppy Z. Brite (1992)
Oct - “Letter to a Young Lady in Paris” by Julio Cortazar (1951)
Oct - “The Pelican Bar” by Karen Joy Fowler (2009)
Oct - “Cargo” by E. Michael Lewis (2008)
Oct - “The Erl-King” by Elizabeth Hand (1998)
Oct - “Tlon, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius” by Jorge Luis Borges & Norman Thomas di Giovanni (trans.) (1940)
Oct - “The Show” by Priya Sharma (2011)
Oct - “Teratisms” by Kathe Koja (1991)
Oct - “Kerfol” by Edith Wharton (1916)
Oct - “Demon” by Joyce Carol Oates (1996)
Oct - “The Other Place” by Mary Gaitskill (2011)
Oct - “Absit” by Angelica Gorodischer & Amalia Gladhart (trans.) (2013)
Oct - “Guess” by Meg Elison (2020)
Oct - “Ghosts of August” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez (1980)
Oct - “Aura” by Carlos Fuentes & Adrian Ziegler (trans.) (1962)
Oct - “The Follower” by Nuzo Onoh (2014)
Oct - “The Death of Halpin Frayser” by Ambrose Bierce (1891)
Oct - “The Shadow” by Edith Nesbit (1905)
Oct - “The Story of Ming-Y” by Lafcadio Hearn (1887)
Oct - “Free Ride” by Cameron Morris & Nina Matsumoto (2016)
Oct - “What You Eat” by Alys Hobbs (2020)
Nov - “The Quiet Boy” by Nick Antosca (2019)
Feb - The Left Hand of Destiny, Book One by J.G. Hertzler & Jeffrey Lang (2003)
Feb - The Left Hand of Destiny, Book Two by J.G. Hertzler & Jeffrey Lang (2003)
Apr - A Stitch in Time by Andrew J. Robinson (2000)
Jun - Altered Egos by Kenneth Girard (1983)
Nov - Angels & Demons by Dan Brown (2000)
Nov - The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown (2009)
Dec - Inferno by Dan Brown (2013)
Dec - Origin by Dan Brown (2016)
Jan - “Guernica” by James Johnson Sweeney (1940)
Jan - “The Colonel” by Carolyn Forche (1978)
Jan - “The Diameter of the Bomb” by Yehuda Amichai (1979)
Jan - “Sonnet” by Yehuda Amichai (1958)
Jan - “1937? What did they tell you? Que te contaron? Ki konte ou?” by Julia Alvarez (2019)
Jan - “The Octopus” by Jose Emilio Pacheco (1985)
Feb - “Assembly Line” by Shu Ting (1992)
Feb - “Bride” by Maggie Smith (2020)
Feb - “Words Heard, By Accident, Over The Phone” by Sylvia Plath (1962)
Feb - “Diving into the Wreck” by Adrienne Rich (1973)
Oct - “Ammutseba Rising” by Ann K. Schwader (2015)
Comic Shorts/Single Issues
Jan - “The Girl In The Fields” by Abby Howard (2021)
Jan - “Mattress, Used” by Abby Howard (2021)
Jan - “The Boy From The Sea” by Abby Howard (2021)
Jan - “Our Lake Monster” by Abby Howard (2021)
Jan - “Kindred Spirits” by Abby Howard (2021)
Jun - “The Ghoul Man” by Jaime Hernandez (2002)
Jun - “Futon” by Junji Ito (2015)
Jun - “Wooden Spirit” by Junji Ito (2015)
Jun - “Tomio - Red Turtleneck” by Junji Ito (2015)
Jun - “Gentle Goodbye” by Junji Ito (2015)
Jul - “Dissection-chan” by Junji Ito (2015)
Jul - “Blackbird” by Junji Ito (2015)
Jul - “Magami Nanakuse” by Junji Ito (2015)
Jul - “Whispering Woman” by Junji Ito (2015)
Oct - “Heavy Fog” by Abby Howard (2021)
Oct - “Tatter Up!” by Graham Ingels (1955)
Oct - “Rasberry Surprise” by W. Maxwell Prince, Martin Morazzo, Chris O'Halloran, Good Old Neon (2018)
Oct - “Strung Along” by Richard Corben (2016)
Nov - “Mother Whale's Funeral” by Taishe (2021)
Nov - “The Suit” by Bad Space Comics (2021)
Dec - “Breaking the News” by Cosmignion (2021)
Graphic Novels/Trades
Feb - Saga of the Swamp Thing, Book One by Alan Moore, Stephen Bisette, John Totleben, Dan Day, Rick Veitch, Tatjana Wood, John Costanza, & Todd Klein (1984-1987)
Dec - Chew, Vol. 1: Taster's Choice by John Layman & Rob Guillory (2009) 
Short Games/Demos
Mar - “Berserker and Thumbnail Maker” dev. andretchen (2021)
Mar - “In the pines, in the pines, where the sun never shines” dev. Dead Idle Games (2019)
Jul - “Security Booth” dev. Kyle Horwood (2021) 
Video Games
Feb - Sayonara Wild Hearts dev. Simogo (2019)
Feb - Outer Wilds dev. Mobius Digital (2019)
Mar - West of Loathing dev. Asymmetric Publications (2017)
Mar - Sonic Mania dev. Christian Whitehead, PagodaWest Games, & Headcannon (2017)
Mar - Snatcher dev. Konami (1994)
Apr - Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Crossroads of Time dev. Novotrade International (1995)
Apr - Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Harbinger dev. Stormfront Studios (1996)
May - What Remains of Edith Finch dev. Giant Sparrow (2017)
May - Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - The Fallen dev. The Collective (2000)
Jun - If On A Winter's Night, Four Travelers dev. Dead Idle Games (2021)
Jul - Simply Mindy dev. Sexums (2016)
Aug - Mega Man 5 dev. Capcom (1992)
Aug - Psychonauts 2 dev. Double Fine Productions (2021)
Sep - The Curse of Monkey Island dev. LucasArts (1997)
Sep - Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Dominion Wars dev. Gizmo Games (2001)
Oct - Silent Hill 2 dev. Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo (2001)
Oct - Little Nightmares II dev. Tarsier Studios (2021)
Oct - Maneater dev. Tripwire Interactive (2020)
Oct - Twelve Minutes dev. Luis Antonio (2021)
Oct - Nightmare Collection: Dead of the Brain dev. FairyTale (1992)
Nov - NIER dev. Cavia (2010)
Dec - The Da Vinci Code: Light Puzzle dev. Impressionware (2006)
Dec - The Da Vinci Code: The Quest Begins dev. Sandcastle Studios, Inc. (2006)
Dec - Inferno: Journey Through Hell dev. Part IV (2016)
Dec - The Da Vinci Code: Helix dev. Sandcastle Studios, Inc. (2006)
Dec - Angels & Demons dev. Glu Mobile (2009)
Dec - The Da Vinci Code 3D dev. SouthEnd Interactive (2006)
Dec - The Da Vinci Code dev. The Collective (2006)
Feb - The Piano Lesson by August Wilson (1987)
Short Films
Jan - “How to Fish” dir. Jack Kinney (1942)
Jan - “Croissant de Triomphe” dir. Paul Rudish (2013)
Jan - “No Service” dir. Paul Rudish (2013)
Jan - “Yodelberg” dir. Aaron Springer (2013)
Jan - “New York Weenie” dir. Aaron Springer (2013)
Jan - “Tokyo Go” dir. Paul Rudish (2013)
Jan - “Stayin' Cool” dir. Dave Wasson (2013)
Feb - “The Legend of Beavis” dir. KhalidSMShahin (2021)
Mar - “Where's Ghislaine” dir. Molly Lambert (2020)
Mar - “Weirdos Go Shopping” dir. Carrie Brownstein (2016)
Apr - “Burrow” dir. Madeline Sharafian (2020)
Apr - “Genius Loci” dir. Adrien Merigeau (2019)
Apr - “Opera” dir. Erick Oh (2020)
Apr - “If anything happens I love you” dir. Will McCormack & Michael Govier (2020)
Apr - “Ja-Folkio” dir. Gísli Darri (2020)
Apr - “Kapaemahu” dir. Kanaka (2020)
Apr - “The Snail and the Whale” dir. Max Lang & Daniel Snaddon (2020)
Apr - “To: Gerard” dir. Taylor Meacham (2020)
Apr - “The Present” dir. Farah Nabulsi (2020)
Apr - “Feeling Through” dir. Doug Roland (2020)
Apr - “Two Distant Strangers” dir. Travon Free & Martin Desmond Roe (2020)
Apr - “Ayn Levana” dir. Tomer Shushan (2020)
Apr - “The Letter Room” dir. Elvira Lind (2020)
Apr - “Monsters in The Dark” dir. Apollonia Thomaier (2021)
Apr - “The Tell-Tale Heart” dir. Ted Parmelee (1953)
Apr - “Captain Yajima” dir. Worthikids (2021)
Jun - “Are You Lost in the World Like Me?” dir. Steve Cutts (2017)
Aug - “Little Runmo” dir. Gooseworx (2019)
Aug - “Three Robots” dir. Victor Maldonado & Alfredo Torres (2019)
Aug - “Beyond the Aquila Rift” dir. Leon Berelle, Dominique Boidin, Remi Kozyra, Maxime Luere (2019)
Aug - “Ice Age” dir. Tim Miller (2019)
Aug - “Sonnie's Edge” dir. Dave Wilson (2019)
Aug - “When the Yogurt Took Over” dir. Victor Maldonado & Alfredo Torres (2019)
Aug - “The Secret War” dir. Istvan Zorkoczy (2019)
Aug - “Sucker of Souls” dir. Owen Sullivan (2019)
Aug - “The Witness” dir. Alberto Mielgo (2019)
Aug - “Suits” dir. Franck Balson (2019)
Aug - “Good Hunting” dir. Oliver Thomas (2019)
Aug - “The Dump” dir. Javier Recio Gracia (2019)
Aug - “Shape-Shifters” dir. Gabriele Pennacchioli (2019)
Aug - “Fish Night” dir. Damian Nenow (2019)
Aug - “Helping Hand” dir. Jon Yeo (2019)
Aug - “Alternate Histories” dir. Victor Maldonado & Alfredo Torres (2019)
Aug - “Lucky 13” dir. Jerome Chen (2019)
Aug - “Blindspot” dir. Vitaliy Shushko (2019)
Aug - “Zima Blue” dir. Robert Valley (2019)
Sep - “Old Buck” dir. David James Armsby (2021)
Nov - “Ghost Castle” dir. Louie Zong (2021)
Nov - “Expectations” dir. Elena Rogova & Zhenia Pavlenko (2020)
Dec - “Little Fella Farms” dir. Alec Smith (2021)
Jan - Chef dir. Jon Favreau (2014)
Jan - The Old Guard dir. Gina Prince-Bythewood (2020)
Jan - Scott Pilgrim vs. the World dir. Edgar Wright (2010)
Jan - The Lovebirds dir. Michael Showalter (2020)
Jan - Creature from the Black Lagoon dir. Jack Arnold (1954)
Jan - The Midnight Sky dir. George Clooney (2020)
Jan - Promising Young Woman dir. Emerald Fennell (2020)
Jan - Wonder Woman 1984 dir. Patty Jenkins (2020)
Jan - The Little Things dir. John Lee Hancock (2021)
Feb - Psycho Goreman dir. Steven Kostanski (2021)
Feb - Judas and the Black Messiah dir. Shaka King (2021)
Feb - Willy's Wonderland dir. Kevin Lewis (2021)
Feb - Minari dir. Lee Isaac Chung (2020)
Feb - Nomadland dir. Chloe Zhao (2020)
Apr - The Pianist dir. Roman Polanski (2002)
Apr - The Journey of Natty Gann dir. Jeremy Kagan (1985)
Apr - Aeon Flux dir. Karyn Kusama (2005)
Apr - Lucky dir. Natasha Kermani (2021)
Apr - A New Leaf dir. Elaine May (1971)
Apr - The Dig dir. Simon Stone (2021)
Apr - Shipwrecked dir. Nils Gaup (1990)
Apr - Godzilla vs. Kong dir. Adam Wingard (2021)
Apr - Avalon dir. Mamoru Oshii (2001)
Apr - Nobody dir. Ilya Naishuller (2021)
Apr - The Fog dir. John Carpenter (1980)
Apr - Blood Simple dir. Joel Coen & Ethan Coen (1984)
Apr - Rango dir. Gore Verbinski (2011)
Apr - The Black Cauldron dir. Ted Berman & Richard Rich (1984)
Apr - Batman: The Killing Joke dir. Sam Liu (2016)
Apr - Tangled dir. Nathan Greno & Byron Howard (2010)
Apr - The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge on the Run dir. Tim Hill (2020)
Apr - Race for Your Life, Charlie Brown dir. Bill Melendez & Phil Roman (1977)
Apr - La Casa Lobo dir. Cristobal Leon & Joaquin Cocina (2018)
Apr - Seoul Station dir. Yeon Sang-ho (2016)
Apr - The Last Unicorn dir. Arthur Rankin Jr. & Jules Bass (1982)
Apr - Fantastic Planet dir. Rene Laloux (1973)
May - Bone Tomahawk dir. S. Craig Zahler (2015)
Jun - Fatherhood dir. Paul Weitz (2021)
Jun - Hachi: A Dog's Tale dir. Lasse Hallstrom (2009)
Jun - The Squid and the Whale dir. Noah Baumbach (2005)
Jul - Zola dir. Janicza Bravo (2021)
Jul - A Quiet Place Part II dir. John Krasinski (2021)
Jul - Black Widow dir. Cate Shortland (2021)
Jul - F9 dir. Justin Lin (2021)
Jul - Pig dir. Michael Sarnoski (2021)
Jul - Old dir. M. Night Shyamalan (2021)
Jul - Snake Eyes dir. Robert Schwentke (2021)
Jul - Jungle Cruise dir. Jaume Collet-Serra (2021)
Aug - The Green Knight dir. David Lowery (2021)
Aug - The Suicide Squad dir. James Gunn (2021)
Aug - Escape from Mogadishu dir. Ryoo Seung-wan (2021)
Aug - Free Guy dir. Shawn Levy (2021)
Aug - Don't Breathe 2 dir. Rodo Sayagues (2021)
Aug - The Night House dir. David Bruckner (2021)
Aug - The Protege dir. Martin Campbell (2021)
Aug - Reminiscence dir. Lisa Joy (2021)
Sep - Candyman dir. Nia DaCosta (2021)
Sep - Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings dir. Destin Daniel Cretton (2021)
Sep - Malignant dir. James Wan (2021)
Sep - Copshop dir. Joe Carnahan (2021)
Sep - The Card Counter dir. Paul Schrader (2021)
Sep - Carrie dir. Brian De Palma (1976)
Oct - The Babysitter dir. McG (2017)
Oct - Dracula dir. Tod Browning & Karl Freund (1931)
Oct - Venom: Let There Be Carnage dir. Andy Serkis (2021)
Oct - Titane dir. Julia Ducournau (2021)
Oct - Frankenweenie dir. Tim Burton (2012)
Oct - Gretel & Hansel dir. Oz Perkins (2020)
Oct - Deep Red dir. Dario Argento (1975)
Oct - LandLocked dir. Paul Owens (2021)
Oct - The Lure dir. Agnieszka Smoczynska (2015)
Oct - Lamb dir. Valdimar Johannsson (2021)
Oct - Population 436 dir. Michelle MacLaren (2006)
Oct - Pet Sematary Two dir. Mary Lambert (1992)
Oct - The Slumber Party Massacre dir. Amy Holden Jones (1982)
Oct - Messiah of Evil dir. Willard Huyck & Gloria Katz (1973)
Oct - Track of the Vampire (aka Blood Bath) dir. Jack Hill & Stephanie Rothman (1966)
Oct - Halloween Kills dir. David Gordon Green (2021)
Oct - The Hitch-Hiker dir. Ida Lupino (1953)
Oct - Office Killer dir. Cindy Sherman (1997)
Oct - Tigers Are Not Afraid dir. Issa Lopez (2016)
Oct - Shin Godzilla dir. Hideaki Anno & Shinji Higuchi (2016)
Oct - Wolf's Hole dir. Vera Chytilova (1987)
Oct - Saint Maud dir. Rose Glass (2020)
Oct - The Cursed Palace dir. Hasan Redha (1962)
Oct - Dream Home dir. Pang Ho-cheung (2010)
Oct - Viy dir. Georgiy Kropachyov & Konstantin Ershov (1967)
Oct - Halloween dir. John Carpenter (1978)
Oct - La Llorona dir. Jayro Bustamante (2019)
Oct - Last Night in Soho dir. Edgar Wright (2021)
Oct - The Invisible Man dir. James Whale (1933)
Oct - The Wolf Man dir. George Waggner (1941)
Oct - Blood Diner dir. Jackie Kong (1987)
Oct - Antlers dir. Scott Cooper (2021)
Nov - No Time to Die dir. Cary Joji Fukunaga (2021)
Nov - Dune dir. Denis Villeneuve (2021)
Nov - The French Dispatch dir. Wes Anderson (2021)
Nov - Eternals dir. Chloe Zhao (2021)
Nov - Ghostbusters: Afterlife dir. Jason Reitman (2021)
Nov - Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City dir. Johannes Roberts (2021)
Dec - House of Gucci dir. Ridley Scott (2021)
Dec - Looper dir. Rian Johnson (2012)
Dec - King Arthur: Legend of the Sword dir. Guy Ritchie (2017)
Dec - Spider-Man: No Way Home dir. Jon Watts (2021)
Dec - Midnight Run dir. Martin Brest (1988)
Dec - Encanto dir. Byron Howard, Jared Bush, & Charise Castro Smith (2021)
Dec - El Camino Christmas dir. David E. Talbert (2017)
Dec - The Matrix Resurrections dir. Lana Wachowski (2021)
Dec - Don't Look Up dir. Adam McKay (2021)
Dec - Nightmare Alley dir. Guillermo del Toro (2021)
TV Episodes
Feb - The Simpsons - “Mr. Spritz Goes to Washington” (2003)
Feb - The Simpsons - “C.E. D'oh” (2003)
Jun - La Rosa de Guadalupe - “Cachito de loteria” (2018)
Jun - Dr. Candido Perez - “El premio y el tesorito” (2021)
Aug - Star Trek: Lower Decks - “Strange Energies” (2021)
Oct - The Simpsons  - “Treehouse of Horror XXXII” (2021)
Oct - Bob's Burgers - “The Pumpkinening” (2021)
Nov - Star Trek Continues - “Pilgrim of Eternity” (2013)
Nov - Star Trek Continues - “Lolani” (2014)
Nov - Star Trek Continues - “Fairest of Them All” (2014)
Dec - Vencer el pasado - “Lo que nos define ante los demas” (2021)
Dec - La desalmada - “El hijo que espera Isabela es mio” (2021)
Dec - La Rosa de Guadalupe - “La vendedora de ilusiones” (2021)
TV Series
Jan - The Queen's Gambit (2020)
Jan - The Boys - Seasons 1 & 2 (2019-2020)
Jan - Hunters - Season 1 (2020)
Jan - The Mandalorian - Season 2 (2020)
Jan - Cobra Kai - Seasons 1-3 (2018-2019, 2021)
Jan - Virgin River - Seasons 1 & 2 (2019-2020)
Feb - Fleabag - Series 1 & 2 (2016, 2019)
Feb - Undone (2019)
Mar - WandaVision (2021)
Apr - The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (2021)
Aug - Star Trek: Discovery - Season 3 (2020)
Aug - Star Trek: Lower Decks - Season 1 (2020)
Aug - Loki (2021)
Aug - Star Wars: The Bad Batch (2021)
Nov - The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (1992-1996)
Dec - Hawkeye (2021)
Dec - The Lost Symbol (2021)
0 notes
swipestream · 6 years
Sensor Sweep: Shannach- The Last, Hero Kids, Solo, E. R. Eddison
Books (Haffner Press): “Picking up where Lorelei of the Red Mist: Planetary Romances left off, this volume collects the final 17 stories of strange adventures on other worlds from the undisputed “Queen of Space Opera.”  Drawn from the last years of pulp magazines such as Planet Stories, Startling Stories, and digests magazines like Venture Science Fiction, Shannach – The Last: Farewell to Mars sees Brackett at the peak of her talents.  Oddly, it is at this point where she abandons the “planetary romance” sub-genre and embarks on a small string of stories tinged with social relevance. This departure didn’t stop editors asking for some of “that old Brackett magic” and she offered up two latter day tales (“The Road to Sinharat” and “Purple Priestess of the Mad Moon”) before returning to chronicle further adventures of Eric John Stark in her final “Skaith” novels. Closing out the collection is a trio of tales written on commission from the ‘king of anthologies,’ Roger Elwood.”
  Comic Books (Of Wolves and Men): “There’s an awful lot of people in Comicsgate who almost get the Culture War (1). So I do have to admit that there’s a certain ironic humor in seeing a number of people who were quite critical of Vox Day’s Alt-Hero project having to nut up and do the exact same thing six months later. (2)
The main (if usually unstated) goal of ComicsGate has always been to force a reform on the existing comics industry, truly a worthy goal. People want the old Marvel and DC comics back. However it increasingly looks like this noble goal is impossible. The old rotten institutions are simply too corrupt and converged.”
  RPG (RPG Pundit): “Today, the RPGPundit goes after a group notorious for how well they handle the slightest criticism of anything they do: Parents. Oh, also, millennial hipsters, who are just as renowned for their thickness of skin. Let’s do this thing.
I really have to question why it is that the makers of what are supposedly “RPGs for kids” always end up making an RPG when you play kids?”
  Games (Table Top Gaming News): “Honestly, I don’t read a lot of fiction. I’m much more interested in non-fiction. So the upcoming The Board Game Book looks to be right up my alley. It’s all about last year’s greatest hits in terms of games, including interviews with the designers and insight into what made those games such a hit. Expect to see it on Kickstarter in June.From the announcement: A group of leading games writers has unveiled an upcoming book exploring the biggest tabletop hits of 2018.
The Board Game Book – coming to Kickstarter in June – will be a high-quality hardback featuring over 100 games from across all sections of the hobby. Weighing in at over 250 pages and 120,000 words of original games journalism, it will combine insightful critical reviews, designer interviews and stunning studio photography.”
  Pulp Rev (Jeffro’s Space Gaming Blog): “Inappropriate Characters is a new youtube series on tabletop games featuring some of the guys from the scene that are most likely to take flack from the culture police. Appendix N and the Pulp Revolution get mentioned in the inaugural segment during the Barsoom discussion– it’s at the 20 minute mark and runs for about ten minutes if you want to catch that. But hey… why not live large, put on a pot of coffee, and kick back with the whole thing? It’s a good show!”
  Cinema (Reactionary Times): “The answer is, no. It’s too early for that. Sorry. Deadline Hollywood has it tracking at about 160 million for Memorial Day weekend. Now they are turning Memorial Day into a four day weekend so it can do that kind of business but none the less, it’s going to make at least that much money. There is nothing else opening that weekend and I doubt if Deadpool can suck all the air out of the room.
Realistically it’s going to end up somewhere in Suicide Squad territory at seven hundred million, plus or minus fifty million.
  Fiction (Tokien and Fantasy): “The history of Ballantine Books publishing the works of E.R. Eddison (1882-1945) is rather complicated, especially as one delves into the Pan/Ballantine editions and Canadian printings.  It involves only four books: The Worm Ouroboros (originally published in 1922), followed by the three volumes of Zimiamvia, Mistress of Mistresses (1935), A Fish Dinner in Memison (1941), and The Mezentian Gate (1958). The Ballantine Books editions of Eddison’s four novels came out in the U.S. between 1967 and 1969. Interestingly, the first edition of A Fish Dinner in Memison had been published only in the U.S., so the Pan/Ballantine edition of 1972 is the first edition of the book published in the U.K. Conversely, The Mezentian Gate, originally published only in the U.K., had its first American edition in the 1969 Ballantine paperback.”
  Magazines (Murania Press): “Webster’s Dictionary describes Potpourri as “a miscellaneous collection.” Murania Press describes Pulpourri as “a miscellaneous collection of well-written, impeccably researched essays on pulp fiction and how it influenced American popular culture of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.”
This latest volume in the Blood ‘n’ Thunder Presents series has been assembled by Ed Hulse from contributions by some of today’s most distinguished pop-culture scholars and archeologists. Their lengthy, informative essays are profusely illustrated with pulp and book covers, interior artwork, rare photographs, and movie posters. These writings are all new to Murania Press and were not previously published in back issues of Blood ‘n’ Thunder.”
  History (Osprey Publishing): “Armies of the Italian Wars of Unification 1848–70 (2)
MEN-AT-ARMS 520   Author: Gabriele Esposito  Illustrator: Giuseppe Rava
Short code: MAA 520 Publication Date: 23 Aug 2018”
  Sensor Sweep: Shannach- The Last, Hero Kids, Solo, E. R. Eddison published first on https://medium.com/@ReloadedPCGames
0 notes
unlimitedhorsepower · 2 years
my ouroboros au playlist going from general mood to barnaby to ryan to keith and then some ryankeith side songs and some general tie-up songs for the great plotline in my head. the lyrics are so deep to me. you wouldnt get it... or maybe you will
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i mainly blog about media interests i have but i actually care a lot about politics and yknow common human decency. i own two cats, and i owned my late finnhorse mare for over a decade. i miss her and still love horses a lot.
i allegedly study cultural anthropology at an university and used to study equine masseusing and art. however im kinda just surviving on disability pension rn. feel free to ask about anything else, i love talking!
right now ive dedicated this blog to t&b ryan goldsmith for funsies but i like various things. more than you could imagine
queue posts once per day and i basically only queue things unless im actively making new posts
i make a bunch of posts that i dont tag at all. good luck finding them bc i sure fucking cant find them. some posts i just end up deleting anyways
i rarely go into any tags bc i have brain fungus but if you wanted to show me a post by sending it to me i would probably love to see it!
i dont usually follow back bc of the aforementioned brain fungus and instead skim through the latest things on the blogs of ppl interacting with me (if you wonder why i reblogged something from you randomly)
even if i dont reply in the case i get really busy irl etc, i still always read everything sent to me, every single reply, tag and ask!
my art tag: #gabriels doodles
wildly varying quality/effort
i do take requests if you want to try your luck in my ask box
my art-only blog, where i only reblog finished-enough art (im so slow at writing captions ill put my art on here one day for real): @limitedhorsepower​
other miscellanous tags & fun facts about me:
the sun, the sky and the moon with extremely congruent life issues... its so deep and their themes go perfectly together
#gabriels ouroboros kings
barnaby & ryan & keith (side platter of ryan/keith)  
the sternbild royalty (king of heroes x2 and the wandering gravity prince) as antagonists.
theyre all part of ouroboros for different reasons, but more loyal to each other than the organization for various reasons
#gabriels salaryman heroes
ryan/yuri/keith mainly, self-indulgent joke about high school romance tropes in an office building 
more fun facts about me:
as you can see i have a few different T&B AUs that i may post about or just totally forget and never make content for again despite them being perfectly mapped out in my mind but i love to share facts about them
if you ever interact with me here and thought that my answer didnt make sense, it was probably just that my brain (ADHD&co.) actively works against me and i may make really bad typos or straightup forget to type half of the words in a sentence. but hey. i did my best. never be afraid to ask for a clarification though
i also genuinely suffer from being overtly verbose (again... my brain...) and please dont feel pressured to read something if i sent you an extremely long DM reply or made a really long-winded reblog or something. i just communicate like that but i dont mind if you cant read it LMFAO.
my long sentences makes me seem really serious sometimes even when im not but im very friendly i promise!
and let me know if my typing is hard to read, i can switch to proper capitalization and punctuation if needed
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unlimitedhorsepower · 2 years
i mainly blog about some media interests of mine, and also horses. i revived this blog after not using tumblr for a while to talk about light-hearted stuff because life, am i right? i care a lot about politics and such but i only talk about that elsewhere
right now ive dedicated this blog to ryan goldsmith because i can. ill change my mind some day. ​
im building #ryanyurikeith as a ship with my bare hands, brick by brick. 
i LOVE talking btw, and i read every tag, reply and ask i get. you can always send me an ask or message me but beware im extremely talkative. you WILL get a reply so long it shocks you like an electric eel
my art tag: #gabriels doodles
i post a lot of doodles, stuff i spent time on and some quick
my art-only blog, where i only reblog finished-enough art (im so slow at writing captions ill put my art on here one day for real): @limitedhorsepower
if you ever interact with me here and thought that my answer didnt make sense, it was probably just that my brain (ADHD&co.) actively works against me and i may make really bad typos or straightup forget to type half of the words in a sentence. but hey. i did my best. never be afraid to ask for a clarification though 
i have a few different T&B AUs that i may post about or just totally forget and never make content for again despite them being perfectly mapped out in my mind:
#gabriels ouroboros kings
barnaby & ryan & keith (side platter of ryan/keith)
the sternbild royalty (king of heroes x2 and the wandering gravity prince) as antagonists.
theyre all part of ouroboros for different reasons, but more loyal to each other than the organization for various reasons
#gabriels salaryman heroes
ryan/yuri/keith mainly, self-indulgent joke about high school romance tropes in an office building
anyways other fun facts about me are that i study cultural anthropology and have went to art school and studied horse masseusing. more fun details on my about page. link in the desc<3
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unlimitedhorsepower · 2 years
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rotating my sternbild royalty villain au in my head. barnaby was raised into it, ryan thinks its convenient in his goals to mansplain, manwhore and manipulate, and keith is there because he loves killing and maiming and being himself!
barnaby was never meant to become a hero by maverick here, instead an useful tool, hes cold and calculating and his celeb persona is how he interacts with normal people. he has so many issues.
ryans back injury/abandonment happened much earlier when he was a teen and he let one of those heroes die in action while making a sob story for the press. he realized how easy its to use his skill in insight to manipulate people since he refuses to be disposable (its the others who are disposable)
keith, instead of seeing all the good in the world so staunchly, sees all the evil in the world. he still likes walking his dogs, is awful at lying and as air-headed as ever, but hes going to put you in the fucking ground for accidentally stepping on johns paw because why not
ryan loves seeing how far he can tease (try to lie and manipulate) barnaby and keith so hes constantly on thin fucking ice because keith is easily the most powerful of them and barnabys power directly counters his but hes not afraid at all. you need some spice in your life to have fun
funny words source this thread
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unlimitedhorsepower · 2 years
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thinking about my ouroboros AU a lot. ryan voted for worst secret society tattoo placement for 10th year in a row
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