sleepy-bebby · 2 years
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dylsexai · 2 years
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punk-coyote · 2 years
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superbeans89 · 2 years
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Brb going to Poland
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martwe-jeze · 2 years
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malditomundo · 26 days
Jak finał - MŚ 2006 - mecz o półfinał
Jestem wciąż w euforii po Igrzyskach i nie mogę się doczekać startu Plusligi z prawie wszystkimi kadrowiczami w składzie. Nie mogę się doczekać właściwego powitania członków reprezentacji w każdej polskiej hali. W oczekiwaniu, pewnie jak spora część kibiców, oglądam archiwalne mecze.
Cała faza grupowa na Mistrzostwach Świata w 2006 roku w Japonii to były szybkie 3:0 dla Polski późną nocą lub wcześnie rano. Pamiętam, jak wstawałam budzona budzikiem o 01:00, 02:00, 03:00 w nocy z tą wyjątkową absolutną pewnością, że zaraz pewnie wygramy i po nieco ponad godzinie pójdę z powrotem spać. W dzisiejszej erze Mistrzów Wszystkiego to nie byłoby nic nadzwyczajnego, ale prawie 20 lat temu nigdy nie mogliśmy być pewni, czy uda nam się wygrać z dużo gorszym przeciwnikiem. Przegrane z Australią, Estonią itp. były na porządku dziennym.
Dlatego wg mnie te MŚ w 2006 roku są dla polskiej siatkówki przełomowe, tak jak tegoroczne Igrzyska. Jeszcze bardziej przełomowy był mecz o półfinał, tak bardzo przypominający mecz z USA w Paryżu.
Przez dwa sety nie było nawet cienia szansy na to, żeby Polska zbliżyła się do przeciwnika. Mieliśmy wielopunktowe straty, których już nie udało się zmniejszyć do końca seta. Rywal grał pewnie i wygrywał wszystkie kontrataki. Ale to się zmieniło w trzecim secie. Od początku do końca graliśmy punkt za punkt, nie pozwalając na uzyskanie większej przewagi. Aż w końcówce poddenerwowany przeciwnik zaczął popełniać błędy. Przełamaliśmy rywala. W czwartym i piątym secie utrzymywaliśmy już kilka punktów przewagi aż do końca.
Myślę, że to był na tym turnieju nasz finał, najważniejszy mecz, w którym wyczerpały się nasze pokłady emocjonalne (kolejny mecz o finał z Bułgarią był już dużo spokojniejszy i pewniej wygrany). Finał z Brazylią był już wtedy poza naszym zasięgiem.
Odnajduję tu ogromną analogię z półfinałem Igrzysk. Moim zdaniem ostatni mecz z USA był naszym finałem, który kompletnie wyczerpał nas psychicznie, fizycznie i emocjonalnie. Dał nam medal, ale nie zostawił w nas siły na kolejną wojnę nerwów, przełamanie pewnych siebie Francuzów.
Srebrny medal z MŚ 2006 roku odblokował nasze głowy, pokazał, że potrafimy cierpliwością, techniką, koncentracją wygrywać pewnie mecze ze słabszymi przeciwnikami, jak i przełamywać rywali wtedy, kiedy nie idzie.
Będę już na zawsze wdzięczna trenerowi Raulowi Lozano i zawodnikom: Pawłowi Zagumnemu, Piotrowi Gackowi, Michałowi Winiarskiemu, Piotrowi Gruszce, Danielowi Plińskiemu, Łukaszowi Kadziewiczowi, Mariuszowi Wlazłemu i Grzegorzowi Szymańskiemu za wyciągnięcie tego meczu i utorowanie drogi sukcesów polskiej reprezentacji mężczyzn.
Jeszcze bardziej jestem im wdzięczna za pozostanie w polskim środowisku siatkarskim i nieustanną pracę na rzecz jego rozwoju.
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laikahh · 1 year
ohh no . oh dear lord no
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likopinina · 1 month
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artfight attack on Gacek
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ozzgin · 2 months
We got our cat oliver via the distribution system as well we found him under a CAT excavator so we found a cat under a cat lol so handsome
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Boy, what a comfy chub you’ve got there. That’s a puffy cat alright. A distinguished gentleman, overseeing the matters of the world before having a fat - yet polite - nap. Thank you for gracing us with his image.
The topic of cats in the wild reminded me of something last night, so I thought I'd share the photo here. In 2021 we visited Szczecin for the first time, and we stumbled upon this cat house! Much later I saw it covered in a viral TikTok video about the city's cat resident, who's now become a touristic attraction. Found the whole thing very funky. Here's the note (roughly) translated using Google:
"Hi! My name is Gacek. I have been living here for 6 years. I am a free-roaming cat and I want to stay. I'm happy to pose for photos, but please don't pet me while I'm napping. Sachets and delicacies are always welcome. Thank you for respecting my requests."
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afeelgoodblog · 2 years
#075 - The Best News of Last Week - February 27, 2023
🐈 - Do you know Gacek, the most famous cat in Poland?
Hey there! It's Erica here, and I'm excited to share with you some of the most uplifting news stories of the week. In a world that can sometimes seem filled with negativity, it's important to focus on the positive and find inspiration in the good things that are happening around us. Let's dive into this week's collection of wholesome news!
1. 8-year-old boy missing from Washington state for 8 months is found in Missouri
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A boy who has been missing from Washington state since at least mid-June was found safe in Missouri, the FBI office in Seattle said Tuesday.
Authorities said 8-year-old Breadson John had vanished by June 17, when a welfare check at his home in Vancouver, Washington, just across the state line from Oregon, determined his absence.
2. World’s biggest four-day working week trial hailed a ‘major breakthrough’
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The trial of a four-day working week in the UK, the largest of its kind in the world, has been celebrated as a “major breakthrough” after the majority of participating companies announced their intention to continue with the shorter week.
The trial, which ran for six months from June last year, required firms to reduce their working hours for all employees by 20 per cent without any reduction in wages.
At least 56 out of the 61 companies confirmed they will continue with the four-day working week, while 18 of them have made the policy a permanent change.
3. This dying baby turtle survived after drifting 4,000 miles to Ireland
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A family strolling on a beach in Ireland earlier this month spotted a seafarer that had washed up on the rocks. Less than a year old, the female loggerhead survived a months-long journey across the Atlantic Ocean, teeming with dangers including predators and plastic. Although she was still alive, the turtle was dehydrated, massively underweight.
They called her Cróga, the Irish word for “brave.” After finding Cróga in the northwestern part of Ireland, the family called a few groups that rehabilitate whales and dolphins. There, Cróga’s rehabilitation began.
4. A Hernando toddler found alive after being missing for nearly 24 hours
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A 2-year-old boy was lost in the Florida woods for 24 hours. Everyone feared the worst. Hundreds of volunteers came out to look for him.
One volunteer came to a fork in a field: right or left? He trusted his gut, went left and soon heard a whimper. It was the little boy, crying but in good health.
I found something interesting while reading this article: If you are part of a SAR team looking for a child to not only call their name but also that they aren’t in trouble. Young children sometimes hide from potential rescuers because they’re afraid they’ll get in trouble.
5. German man remains free of the HIV virus years after receiving stem cell treatment.
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Researchers are announcing that a 53-year-old man in Germany has been cured of HIV.
Referred to as "the Dusseldorf patient" to protect his privacy, researchers said he is the fifth confirmed case of an HIV cure. Although the details of his successful treatment were first announced at a conference in 2019, researchers could not confirm he had been officially cured at that time. Today, researchers announced the Dusseldorf patient still has no detectable virus in his body, even after stopping his HIV medication four years ago.
6. South Korea court recognises same-sex couple rights for first time
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A South Korean court has for the first time recognised the rights of a same-sex couple in the country. In a landmark ruling, the Seoul High Court found a government health insurer did owe coverage to the spouse of a customer after the firm withdrew it when it found out the pair were gay.
The men had held a wedding ceremony in 2019, but same-sex marriage is not recognised in South Korea.
Activists say the ruling is a leap forward for LGBT rights in the country.
7. A fat cat has become the top-rated tourist attraction in a Polish city with a perfect 5-star average on Google Maps
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A fat black-and-white cat called Gacek has become the top-rated tourist attraction in the Polish city of Szczecin.
Gacek has a perfect five-star rating on Google Maps. His name, pronounced gats-ek, means "long-eared bat" in Polish. Gacek first drew international attention when he appeared in a YouTube documentary in 2020
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That's it for this week. If you liked this post you can support this newsletter with a small kofi donation:
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Let's carry the positivity into next week and keep spreading the good news!
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solacerider · 2 months
Artfight 2024 below
Solace you have an art blog!- It's been a month since I've posted any actual art, but I've been working on the artfight attacks and waited till the end to post them all!
Because I've done a lot this year (again), I'm leaving them below the line so it's not shown as a long post on the dashboard. Feel free check out the creators below and/or save them for next year's attack!
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I've included both the artfight usernames and a link to where you can find them (wherever possible) From top left to bottom right:
Gretta by galaxypuddingg (galaxypuddingg on insta)
Brigid by Triskelle
Hotaru by Cakelets @myaverageartblog
Cataclyzm by ChatteringShadows
Whisp by EmeryGrey
Summer by Starry3071
Lumina by Perlendrache (nadja.perlendrache on insta)
Isa by pemto @pempempemto
Urzul by MoonBerryBat @moonberrybat
Ann by Bloom_ (REDpandaMAD on ToyHouse)
Doc by Nanotide @nanotide
Terrence by blu3tac0z @blu3tac0z
Spider-Flor by mothdust
Yui by tthecalliophonee @nevertheyponder
King Sybbyl by KingSybbyl (KingSybbylDraws on Twitter)
Green Light by moeblob @moeblob
Tatharad by Rhizor_Red @rhizor-red
Matcha Latte by BlueCravat (skyesongss on insta)
Soyu by Korrie0jack @jaxonzombie
Ibuki by Gacek (gacvnio on insta)
Mika by autism2009 @waxcleaning
Iris by DigitalTeacup (DustyTeacup on ToyHouse)
Khepri by LucidScreams (Lucid_Sxreams on insta)
Ren Tokyo by Loghann (Loghandraws on insta)
Yukimi by BlossomTato @blossomtato
Nibblets by MaruMaruX (@maru_comics on insta)
Draven by KibblePuppy (KibblePuppy on ToyHouse)
Blackjack by SpookyNyan @spookynyan
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the-gentle-jellofish · 2 months
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Other artfight drawings!!
These oc are: xez_lo , neomalice , @w3vil-grows , Gacek
(The one's who are not tagged are the one not on tumblr, go see their artfight account!!)
P.S. also my artfight is jellofishyboi_man
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twojtesc · 1 year
Gacek wielkouch.
Gacek wielkouch.
Gacek wielkouch.
Gacek wielkouch.
Gacek wielkouch.
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trzpiotka · 10 months
ważne: kot Gacek ze Szczecina schudł
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timberwool · 2 years
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Yooooo got my cast off!
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Goes by names: "Gary" / "Gacuś" or "Gacek" / "Señor Dickface"
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Kot Gacek
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