#gaffi stick
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PIC INFO: Resolution at 4000x6000 -- Spotlight on a male Tusken Raider costume (with gaffi stick) from "STAR WARS: Episode IV – A New Hope" on display at the STAR WARS and the Power of Costume" traveling exhibit at the Detroit Institute of Arts in Detroit, MI, c. July 2018. 📸: Michael Barera
Source: https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Star_Wars_and_the_Power_of_Costume_July_2018_23_(Tusken_Raider_male_costume_with_gaffi_from_Episode_IV).jpg.
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When Boba loves, he loves fierce.
I need everyone to know this, and feel it in the bones of your souls.
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lakemojave · 15 days
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This afternoon at 2pm pacific: Tales From the Rambler Episode 11!!!
DM'd by Bill @gabajoofs, starring Dot @radiofreederry as Janica Halcyon, Sebastian @lakemojave as Bhuri'Hssyngig, Jordan @brucebocchi as Ced Saverem, Heather @chansaw as Val Griv'ir, and Julia @thottacelli as Caitvuna Conu!
Art by @bijillion, recap under the cut! See y'all then!
THE STORY SO FAR: It has been years since the end of the Galactic Civil War. The New Republic struggles to rebuild the galaxy after decades of Imperial rule, locked in a cold war with the remnant Pentastar Alignment. All the while, in the dark corners of the galaxy, organized crime groups compete with each other to gain power in the galactic underworld after the collapse of the Hutt Cartel. Now, the crew of the transport ship the Rambler have been thrust into this gritty, cutthroat world...
LAST TIME: The crew of the Rambler made one final stop on their travels through Tatooine, delivering the bones of the Krayt Dragon they slew to the Tusken Raiders as a gift. The Tuskens made a gift of their own in the form of a gaffi stick, a symbol of friendship, and the revelation of their people's true name: the Kurrmurr.
Blasting off into hyperspace en route to Corellia, Bhuri and Hank decorated the mess hall with the horn and pearls Bhuri had taken from the Krayt Dragon, and Janica got some sleep, fitfully interrupted by a nightmare in which she was visited by a mysterious figure during the Battle of Endor. She woke up in a cold sweat and went to sleep in the cabin, joined by Bhuri, who laid a blanket over her.
It was pouring rain when the crew returned to Corellia and the newly-expanded Halcyon Transport Solutions headquarters. Entering the building, the crew was met by Valarr Ulgo, leader of the Children of Ghorman, a clandestine group of Imperial hunters. Valarr recruited the crew to hunt down and capture Mod Terrik, a stormtrooper who had killed the aunt and uncle of First Master Luke Skywalker and now hid in plain sight on Corellia, with Skywalker having requested Terrik be captured alive.
The crew agreed, and took some time to rest before beginning the assignment. Work teams began upgrades to the Rambler as Ced and Bhuri went weapon shopping, Caitvuna met with some friends to discuss the recent Pentastar invasion of Ord Mantell, and Janica purchased a 2-1B medical droid from her droidsmith friend Qorol.
In the morning as the crew prepared to leave, they were ambushed by more bounty hunters. They slew the hunters save for one, who they attempted to send back to his employers to send a message. However, he was killed by Corellian security as they responded to the attack. Now, nursing injuries, the crew regroups...
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soularsss · 3 months
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went to the museum for some inspiration and was like HEY!!! that’s a Tusken Raiders stick!! gaffi stick!!!
they’re called totokia, but i reckon you tusken enjoyers have also run down this path
also. i saw a weird little guy.
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bobafettfanclub · 1 year
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Temuera Morrison at Supanova Comic Con, photographed by Bouncelight Photography "Using a broom for a Gaffi stick, he made an impressive entrance before welcoming us in his native tongue. He told great stories and was genuinely happy to see his fans and answer questions." See more from the photographer: https://www.instagram.com/bounce_light/
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passionoffett · 1 year
The Armorer mentioned how Mandalorians shape theirselves as they shape their steel. Boba Fett forged his gaffi stick and his new armor (made out of the black robes he was given by the Tusken) while shaping a new version of him.
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The Bond Between Us ~ 59
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 2,460ish
Summary: You and your group go to Mos Eisley to find a ship to take you to Alderaan. 
Notes: Please share your thoughts and I hate that I have to ask you to be kind. I know that some believe that I shouldn’t continue this story but our little star is a Skywalker and this is the Skywalker Saga. Besides, don’t you want to see if she becomes the Chosen One? I know my writing isn’t the greatest all the time, but please be patient and realize that I am human. Also, a reminder that Obi-Wan is based on Ewan McGregor.
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You wished that you could trust the Force—even trust Obi-Wan— in this situation, but the voice inside of you screaming to stay home was winning. The only reason you even made it out to Luke’s speeder was that Obi-Wan had a hold of your hand and R2 was basically pushing you out the door. That droid hadn’t changed one bit and was going to do anything to get you out the door. You wished that saving Leia could have gotten you out the door, but the overwhelming sense that nothing would ever be the same again was controlling your decisions.
Luke’s speeder was not meant for three adults and two droids, but you were all going to make it work. The droids got tied onto the back of the speeder while Luke took the driver’s seat, Obi-Wan took the passenger seat, and you sat in the middle. To give Luke space, you were practically on Obi-Wan’s lap, not that either of you minded. Both of you felt the need to constantly have contact with each other.
Luke stopped when the group stumbled upon a Sandcrawler with dead Jawas surrounding it. The three of you and the two droids unloaded the speeder and began inspecting the area. You would sense the trouble in the Force.
“It looks like the Sandpeople did this, alright,” Luke said. “Look. There’s gaffi sticks, bantha tracks. It’s just, I’ve never heard of them hitting anteing this big before.”
“They didn’t,” you responded. “We are meant to think they did.” You pointed at the tracks in the sand. “These tracks are side-by-side. Sandpeople always ride single file to hide their numbers.”
“These are the same Jawas that sold us R2 and 3PO.”
“These blast points, too accurate for Sandpeople,” Obi-Wan added, looking at the Sandcrawler. “Only Imperial stormtroopers are so precise.” You scoffed and rolled your eyes, knowing that their precision had nothing on the Clones you used to work with.
“Why would Imperial troops want to slaughter Jawas?”
“You have something they want,” you replied, drawing attention to the two droids.
“If they traced the robots here, they may have learned who they sold them to. And that would lead them back… home!” Luke rushed toward his speeder.
“Wait, Luke!” Obi-Wan shouted after him. “It’s too dangerous!”
Luke paid Obi-Wan’s plea no mind as he raced to his speeder. You were quick to catch up and jump into the speeder before Obi-Wan or Luke could stop you. Luke didn’t say a word as he drove the speeder as fast as he could back to his home. You could already sense what had happened there. When you pulled up, there was dark smoke billowing out of the burning homestead. You and Luke jumped out.
“Uncle Owen!” Luke shouted as he stumbled toward the home. “Aunt Beru! Uncle Owen!”
Suddenly, Luke stopped. You slowly came up beside him and followed his line of sight to see what he was staring at. There, near the doorway, were the couple’s smoldering remains. You inhaled sharply and looked away, focusing on Luke. You were surprised at how well you could sense his emotions. They were rapidly changing from fear to anger to a new resolve that you couldn’t quite place. You were worried at how quick and dark his emotions were, similar to Anakin’s.
“Luke,” you said softly, placing a hand on your nephew’s shoulder. “I’m so sorry.”
“They were all I had left,” Luke admitted, breaking your heart.
“No,” you shook your head. “You have me and Obi-Wan now. We won’t let you be alone.”
Luke drove the two of you back to the Sandcrawler, where C3PO and Obi-Wan were burning the bodies of the dead Jawas. Solemn, Luke jumped out of the speeder and walked up to Obi-Wan, with you behind him.
“There’s nothing you could have done, Luke, had you been there,” Obi-Wan told the young man. “You’d have been killed, too, and the droids would be in the hands of the Empire.”
“I want to come with you to Alderaan,” Luke said resolutely. “There’s nothing here for me now. I want to learn the ways of the Force and become a Jedi like my father.” 
Obi-Wan looked at you but you quickly diverted your gaze. He sighed and then looked back at Luke. “Then to Mos Eisley we will go.”
Your group piled back into the speeder and headed for Mos Eisley. You focused on the landscape the majority of the way. Trying to allow yourself some time to process everything that was going on and what could possibly happen, you closed yourself off from Obi-Wan. He immediately sensed the divide and wished that you hadn’t felt the need to do that. Respecting your decision though, Obi-Wan simply took hold of your hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
Luke stopped the speeder on a bluff overlooking Mos Eisley. Everyone got out to stretch their legs. You and Obi-Wan stood hand in hand, looking over the view.
“Mos Eisley Spaceport,” Obi-Wan said. “You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious.”
Luke threw Obi-Wan a determined smile before the young man went back toward the speeder. Your husband then turned his focus on you as you kept your gaze on the spaceport.
“They’re still looking for us,” you whispered. “We have to be careful.”
“We will trust in the Force,” Obi-Wan responded. “It will guide us to someone who will get us to Alderaan safely and then we will help Leia.”
The streets of Mos Eisley were more crowded than you thought they would be. Luke drove the speeder slowly through the streets. You grew more and more concerned with the number of stormtroopers you kept seeing. A group of them ended up stopping the speeder. They looked at the two droids attached to the back of the vehicle.
“How long have you had these droids?” One of the stormtroopers asked.
“About three or four seasons,” Luke easily lied.
“They’re for sale if you want them,” Obi-Wan quickly added.
“Let me see your identification,” the trooper requested.
“You don’t need to see our identification.” You could sense Obi-Wan’s use of the Force on the stormtroopers.
“We don’t need need to see your identification.”
“These are not the droids you're looking for.”
“These are not the droids we’re looking for.”
“We can go about our business.”
“You can go about your business.”
“Move along.”
“Move along.” The stormtrooper waved your group through. “Move along.”
Luke didn’t hesitate to continue on. You felt little relief from being able to trick the stormtroopers. Luke parked the speeder in front of a rundown cantina. Jawas quickly ran up and began to examine the speeder.
“I can’t abide these Jawas,” 3PO said. “Disgusting creatures.”
“Go on, go on,” Luke shooed the Jawas as he got out of his speeder. 
Obi-Wan helped you out, slipping your hood over your head gently before his fingers briefly caressed your cheek. He wanted to help you so badly, but knew that he wouldn’t get anywhere else you were ready to receive the help. He gave you a small smile before kissing your forehead. You smiled softly back at Obi-Wan as he took your hand.
“I can’t understand how we got by those troopers,” Luke said as the two of you came up to him. “I thought we were dead.”
“The Force can have a strong influence on the weak-minded,” Ben responded. “You will find it a powerful ally.” The three of you headed toward the cantina.
“Do you really think we’re going to find a pilot here that’ll take us to Alderaan?”
“Well, most of the best freighter pilots can be found here. Only watch your step. This place can be a little rough.”
The cantina was filled with a thin layer of smoke when you entered. There was an array of people and creatures scattered throughout the cantina. Obi-Wan guided you over to the bar, where he kept you closer to his side as he saw the way some of the cantina customers were looking at you. You looked around the area as Obi-Wan quickly started talking to a galactic pirate near you. You were too in your own head to hear Obi-Wan gently calling for you before he began guiding you over to a Wookiee.
“Are you alright, little star?” Obi-Wan quietly asked before you both reached the Wookie. You swallowed and nodded, not convincing Obi-Wan one bit. “Hello,” he turned his focus back to the Wookiee. “I heard that you have a ship that might suit our needs.” 
The Wookiee responded with his name, Chewbacca, and that he was the first mate on a ship. He then asked what the two of you needed.
“We need passage to the Alderaan system,” Obi-Wan answered. “As quickly as possible.”
Chewbacca responded that he needed to talk to his Captain and that he’d have to talk to his captain first.
“Of course,” replied Obi-Wan. 
Chewbacca nodded and went off to go find his captain. The two of you turned back toward the bar to see Luke being picked on. A human and an alien creature readied their weapons at Luke. You and Obi-Wan swiftly came up behind Luke.
“This little one isn’t worth the effort,” Obi-Wan told those aiming at Luke. “Come let me buy you something—“
A powerful blow had Luke sailing across the room. The creature in front of you drew a laser pistol from its belt and leveled it at you. Obi-Wan was quick to place himself in front of you.
“No blasters! No blasters!” The bartender shouted.
Without a second thought, Obi-Wan ignited his lightsaber and in a flash, one of the creature's arms was on the floor. Carefully and swiftly, Obi-Wan placed his lightsaber back on his belt. He took your arm and started pulling you toward Luke.
“Obi-Wan!” You quietly reprimanded. “What were you thinking? That was a dead giveaway about what you are!”
“What we are, my dear,” he corrected, brushing your concern aside. “It doesn’t matter anymore. We are leaving this planet anyway.” He let go of you in order to help Luke up to his feet.
“I’m alright,” Luke said.
Obi-Wan pointed to where Chewbacca was standing, signaling for them to come. “This is Chewbacca. He’s the first mate on a ship that might suit our needs.”
The three of you walked over to Chewbacca who led you over to a booth. The three of you and Chewbacca sat down before a roguish star pilot slipped into the seat next to his first mate. You could sense his cockiness radiating off of him in waves.
“Han Solo,” the pilot introduced himself. “I’m captain of the Millennium Falcon. Chewie here tells me you’re looking for passage to the Alderaan system.”
“Yes, indeed,” Obi-Wan replied. “If it’s a fast ship.”
“Fast ship?” Han repeated with a surprised scoff. “You’ve never heard of the Millennium Falcon?”
“Should we have?” You retorted.
Han wasn’t pleased with your response. “It’s the ship that made the Kessel run in less than twelve parsecs.” You and Obi-Wan shared an unimpressed look. “I’ve outrun Imperial starships, not the local bulk cruisers, mind you. I’m talking about the big Corellian ships now. She’s fast enough for you, old man. What’s the cargo?”
“Only passengers,” Obi-Wan answered. “Myself, my wife, the boy, two droids, and no questions asked.”
“What is it? Some kind of local trouble?”
“Let’s just say we’d like to avoid any Imperial entanglements.”
“Well, that’s the trick, isn’t it? And it’s going to cost you something extra. Ten thousand in advance.”
“Ten thousand?” Luke questioned, shocked by the amount. “We could almost buy our own ship for that!”
“But who’s going to fly it, kid? You?”
“You bet I could!” Luke stood up to try and a point. “I’m not such a bad pilot myself! We don’t have to sit here and listen—“
“We haven’t that much with us. But we could pay you two thousand now, plus fifteen when we reach Alderaan.”
“Bail’s not going to be too happy that you’re giving away his money like this,” you warned Obi-Wan through his thoughts.
“He will be fine,” your husband responded. “It’s us and besides we are going to be saving Leia for the second time.”
“Seventeen, huh?” Han was surprised at the price. He leaned back and pondered it for a few moments. “Okay. You guys got yourself a ship. We’ll leave as soon as you’re ready. Docking bay ninety-four.”
“Ninety-four,” Obi-Wan repeated.
Han’s eyes found something behind your group. “Looks like somebody’s beginning to take an interest in your handiwork.”
You turned around to see four Imperial stormtroopers looking at the arm on the ground and talking to the bartender. The bartender pointed to the booth that you were at. Obi-Wan quickly pulled you up and led you and Luke out of the cantina before the troopers could notice.
Luke sold his speeder as 3PO and R2 met back up with your group, having been kicked out of the cantina. Holding Obi-Wan’s hand, you entered docking bay ninety-four with your group. Resting in the middle of the huge hole is a large, round, clearly beat-up, and pieced-together ship.
“What a piece of junk!” Luke exclaimed upon observing the ship in front of you.
Han came around, wiping his hands off with a rag. “She’ll make point five beyond light speed. She may not look like much, but she’s got it where it counts, kid. I’ve added some special modifications myself.” Suddenly, Chewbacca rushed up the ramp and urged the others to follow. “We’re a little rushed, so if you’ll hurry aboard, we’ll get out of here.”
Obi-Wan gave your hand a squeeze as the two of you headed up the ship’s ramp. You stopped about halfway up it and turned around. You had left Tatooine before with an unknown future ahead, and looking back on it now, it felt very similar to this. Obi-Wan had stopped to give you some time, allowing you to single when you were ready to continue into the ship.
The ship was more spacious than you that it would be on the inside. It was just as beat-up and pieced together on the inside as it was on the out. As you went to get yourself settled, you heard Han yell as he ran through the ship.
“Chewie, get us out of here!”
next chapter >
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graphicpolicy · 10 months
Boba Fett fans won't want to miss the Boba Fett 1/6 Scale Collectible Set
Boba Fett fans won't want to miss the Boba Fett 1/6 Scale Collectible Set #starwars #bobafett #mandalorian
Two gifts in one! The Boba Fett (Deluxe Version) 1/6 Scale Collectible Set by Hot Toys features an armored Boba Fett figure plus a Boba Fett figure with a tailored black robe outfit and a gaffi stick. The set also comes with an abundance of accessories including a jetpack, a flamethrower effect, a damaged stormtrooper helmet, and a uniquely styled rocky diorama display stand.  This site contains…
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marierg · 11 months
Biscuits and Beskar: 2
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Pairing: Boba Fett x OC Kaylee Manu
Warnings: Mentions of injuries, language, mentions of past traumas, fighting, poor self image, getting nervous around the Daimyo, frisky thoughts (still pretty sfw).
A/N: This is written in the style of a reader insert where the reader is Kaylee. So Kaylee is not used to her little world getting set off kilter. She likes the idea of a partner but doesn't usually have the time. Then Boba walks in and the feelings hit like a ton of bricks. Boba is intrigued and Fennec is in the background like a chess master moving the pieces. Fennec is ma girl, like I would love to be besties with her.
Picture credit: Disney and Lucasfilm
Words: 3000 ish...
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“Come work for the Daimyo they said. It'll be great they said. You only might get killed on your first day.”
You hissed out a breath body aching, but there was work to do. You weren't about to let either of the bosses catch you slacking. The second in command had the eyes of a shreik-hawk. She had given very clear instructions to you: keep the Daimyo in good health and spirits. There was an unspoken or else in the silent look she gave that didn't bear testing. You had cautiously requested to see the kitchen. It was an appalling, dirty wreck, and that would have been a kind assessment.
The walk in was out of range, produce and meat were going bad, whomp rats had gotten into most of the dry storage. Then there was the equipment! Looking at the assassin with beribboned hair you quickly insisted on a full remodel. Fennec, as she had introduced herself, had simply given you a slight nod of approval telling you to let her know whatever you needed. You had expected an argument or at least some grumbling. Instead the woman walked away quiet as death.
You weren't entirely certain that she wasn't the specter herself.
“Honestly the state of this place, might as well have left the door open. Wake up to a krayt dragon in the throne room playing with the Rancor.”
It was pure luck that the kids had returned to the palace when they had. The smell of Wookie fur a dead give away for trouble the minute you all crossed the threshold. And while you hadn't necessarily formed your own opinion about the new Daimyo, no one deserved to die ripped limb from limb. Racing up the stairs there the beast was, crushing the man as his feet dangled off the floor.
Bless Drash's soul, the girl had no fear going right for the great terror head on. The others fell in rank behind her ready to brawl. You had joined in as well, landed a few cuts with your knife before being flung like a rag doll across the room. Landing squarely on a very warm, large body. The breath, along with all sense apparently, knocked from you as you lay atop of the infamous Boba Fett.
A half naked Boba Fett whose arms had circled around steadying you and what had been your reaction? Instead of being terrified you had dumbly looked down at his dark, handsome face, swiped your sleeve at his cut lip and said, “You're bleeding.”
What kind of a fool does that?! In the middle of a fight no less! But damn the man for being so handsome... probably why he wore that bucket. Wouldn't get any business done at all with those eyes on everyone seeking audience going dumb.
His brown eyes that had stared back at you like there wasn't a gargantuan, killer hairball not a few feet away. Eyes that should have been cold or harsh or angry given his reputation. But no, they were warm and just a touch amused. He had smirked and quickly rolled, pushing you into a protected side of the room before grabbing a gaffi stick to rejoin the maylay. He was broad in the chest with bearlike strength, fluid and graceful in his movement. Watching as he coordinated his attacks with the others dancing with perfect rhythm. The new Daimyo was something to behold and not one to be trifled with for certain.
Back in the present you moved the grill grates back into place and relit the pilot light. The cabinets were in varying states of repair, counter now resealed and secure again. Rough first days, but looking around now it was starting to feel like your own space. You couldn't help but do a little spin to test out the cleaned floors. The tile in the kitchen was beautiful, thoroughly swept and polished to a high shine. Amazing what you could find hidden under all that tattoine sand.
Not unlike the handsome man in armor down the hall...
Karabast you needed to get a grip! So what if the man was broad and solid. So what if he was kind to those around him. So what if he was honorable in victory and spared the life of the being sent to kill him. And so what if he had protected you. Boba Fett was the boss you were the cook.
“Kaylee don't be a fool... finally landed a good job GET A GRIP!” For Maker's sake you'd only just met the man. Not to mention that you knew better than anyone that crime lords only wanted the arm candy types. Pretty little airheads that didn't care what shady deals happened around them. Not scared, round, small little things like you. Placing the last of the racks in the oven you stacked the pans back on the shelves, clanging them angrily. It was stupid of you to be acting like this.
“Ratty leave that be, I'm not done fixing the door yet,” The little droid paused its shelving work drooping his antenna and beeping fearfully. Cringing at having been so stern you softened your tone. “Hey I'm not mad, it's ok buddy. It's just that I really need you to help me finish the pantry right now. R9 can handle that.”
The little rat catcher was so easily spooked, he had hid for hours when you first started. You could see the many dents and rewires that told you the poor little bit had been previously abused. All of them had, even 8-D8 had mismatched parts. Well that wouldn't happen from now on, not on your watch. If there was one thing this whole palace needed it was a little bit of care and attention. Giving a soft smile you tried again, “How 'bout it? I'll get you both a nice oil bath after we're done?”
With a happy set of boops the droid had scurried to where you stood happily handing you the sorted in date items. Honestly how any of the beings here weren't dead from food poisoning was a wonder, “First thing tomorrow you and me are going to tackle the last of the cabinets and the walk in. Sound like a plan? Can't have the boss thinking we slack about can we now.”
Ratty beeped and swiveled his head in agreement.
Boba observed you from the shadows, much like he had the day before. Did you even realize that you sang loud enough he could hear in the throne room? As for your last comment, the boss didn't think you a slack about. Already the place looked brighter, cleaner. There were fresh herb planters lining the walls and things neat and tidy. He had half smirked watching as you sharpened the knives, checking the balance of the tang and blade with practiced ease. A craftswoman about her work.
Loath as Boba was to admit it, Fennec had been right. Already operations about the palace were running more efficiently. He was pleased that you had decided to stay, though unhappy with the restrictive movements you worked with. You were pushing through an injury just to prove your worth to the boss. Even Boba was still stiff after using the bacta tank, Wookies were never an easy fight. He had noticed all too well the little winces, the ginger bending at the hip and deep breaths. Worse was that it was his negligence that led to your injury. He allowed for the Palace to continue crumbling into disrepair; it had been careless and he received a painful lesson when Krrsantan had breached security. Stepping into the kitchen fully Boba noticed the food and various drinks on the side board, easy to grab and more than enough to keep this lot fed. Seeing a tray of cookies he picked up the delicate treat.
“Oh Lord Fett! I'm sorry for the chaos, the kitchen should be done by tomorrow.” You stumbled coming out of the pantry but managed not to fall. "I'm sorry I hope you haven't been... How can I help you."
He hummed in amusement, removing his helmet and tucking it snugly under his arm. You looked flushed and tired Boba thought, watching as you fidgeted nervously.
“I could make something for you...”
He waived a hand ceasing your nervous ramble, “You've done more than enough, especially being injured.”
“Just sore sir, I can still work.” Oh kark, wouldn't that just be the way of things. Two days of work and you get fired for being slow.
“That was not in question,” Leaning a hip on the counter he ate the cookie, taking in the subtle butter and almond flavors of the treat. It was delicious, as was his meal earlier. For the first time in a long while Boba felt energized, his mind sharper. It didn't hurt his mood any that the little chef was pleasing to glace at as well. Must have some Pantoran blood with the slight purple highlight in your hair and golden eyes. “I have a duty to those under my employ. I will send Fennec to see to you after the meeting.”
“I'm fine really...”
“Never the less.” Fixing the woman with a very unimpressed stare Boba made a grumbling noise in the back of his throat. Stubborn little thing. “Fennec will see to you after the meeting.”
“Well at least let me make you a fresh cup of Kaf.” You turned to walk to the machine. Your stomach dropped, not only for being scolded but also because you had screwed up. You had been so focused on trying to get the kitchen sorted and the food made that you hadn't even thought to ask Fennec for an itinerary. If your Papa were alive he would have shaken his head at such a rookie mistake. You decided to try to roll with the situation, keeping a calm tone. “And how many are expected?”
“It is only the few of us here, though there are some new faces that you should know.” Boba could see that his comment had put you on edge. He pivoted quickly wanting to put you at ease, which was a curiosity in itself. Perhaps he had gone soft, “Your name is Kaylee correct?”
“Yes Lord Fett,” Why were you blushing and why did his voice sound like smoky velvet to your ears? A grown ass woman did not turn into a simpering mess just because the new boss was as handsome as the devil himself and sounded twice as enticing. Oh Garsa was right you really needed to get out more. Straightening your apron and folding your hands you tried to compose yourself. “Chef Kaylee Manu at your service.”
“Well Chef Kaylee, I would like your input on further improvements for the Palace. What you see as needs for the staff here including yourself.” Boba tried to keep his tone even and low. He watched as you worked the knobs on the fancy Kaf machine. From this angle he had a fine view of your figure hidden beneath the apron and well worn coveralls. Something he had noted earlier, the flight coveralls. Embroidered with desert blooms and stars, tailored at the waist to taper giving you more of a fitted look than the excess material was originally designed for. It was far too warm an outfit given the climate and your job, so that begged the question why? Yet even under the cumbersome layers he watched as you gracefully approached and offered him a mug of Kaf.
Boba well remembered your curvy form as it was pressed flush to him on the floor of the tower. How your hands had softly touched his face. He wouldn't have even noticed the cut had you not said anything. No he was far to distracted by how gently you acted, how your eyes didn't look on him in fear. How even now you seemed more flustered than genuinely afraid. When Krrsantan had ran from the tower you stayed with him, again asking if he was hurt. The whole journey down the stairs you had stayed close to him, squeezing his hand at every little bump. It stroked his ego being your protector, even if only for a few moments.
Fennec had teased him for glancing too long as you had moved about the dinning room, serving food and drink while offering your thoughts. Then there was her amused eye roll at his reaction when you left to collect the belongings that had finally arrived. It seemed you didn't own much, a few bags and a trunk at most. Skad had teased you about his back hurting from the weight only for you to remind him who was making diner and that it was something he enjoyed. You didn't snark or threaten, just keeping your voice firm and even to remind the pup who was in charge.
It was that same tone that you had used throughout the meeting, keeping the peace while also pointing out deficiencies. You were smart and direct, giving a working list of the immediate needs. You knew many of the city's dealers and craftsmen and also demonstrated a firm grasp of the groups that ran the different sectors of the city as well as the local officials. For a simple cook you were proving anything but.
There was a certain air about the you that Boba couldn't quite place; confident yet reserved, calm yet strong. Then there was the quality of your work; not only was the food excellent, but the presentation of each dish was flawless down to the garnish and sauces. Clearly you were not a product of the sands, you had honed your craft off world. You were a puzzle, one that he couldn't seem to place, which was all the more reason that he had Fennec observe you closely. Leaning on his throne in contemplation the question remained, “Who are you Kaylee Manu?”
Boba watched as his second in command strode into the throne room, stopping to pour a drink. He waited, tapping the arm of the throne in thought. “Anything to report?”
Fennec played with the cup in her hand, “She knows her city I'll say that. Every place that we ordered from happily handed our orders over, especially when Kaylee's name came up.”
“That bothers you?”
“No, quite helpful actually. Something Garsa Fwip told me though...” Thinking over the information Fennec debated again telling Boba. She had seen much in her time both good and bad. Not much bothered her, couldn't afford it in this line of work. Most hunters had a code that they followed, certain things that were off the table. But there were always some scum out there that ignored such things. Taking another swig of the spotchka she half sat on the steps. “Seems our chef has made a few people angry, people who would like very much to see her gone. Including Mok Shaiz.”
“Oh she has?” Boba watched Fennec nod, “and what did she do to incur such wrath?”
“It would appear our esteemed Mayor was in business with Bib Fortuna. In exchange for his tribute Fortuna would rid the streets of it's excess citizenry, the troublemakers. According to Garsa they weren't particular about who... or how young.” Fennec heard the creaking leather of gloves as Boba flexed out of anger. “A few of the citizens helped to hide people, especially the kids. Fed them, looked after the ones whose families were killed as an example.”
Boba glanced to the entry where Skad was speaking with Nitro and Nakita, “The Mods...”
“Among others, Garsa has been protecting her till now,” Fennec had seen the good will that just your name incurred, that was worth more than credits. Working for a crime boss could get messy though, like the other night. Still if Boba was determined to be a Daimyo and not just another crime lord having someone like you around would be invaluable. “Everyone we visited would appreciate it if Kaylee were kept safe.”
“Hmm brave little thing,” He tilted his helmet in the direction of the palace apartments, “not many would have done that.”
“Not many would have kept doing it after having their business burned out from under them and left for dead.” Fennec could hear Boba growl from under the helmet. “Should I ask around?”
Turning back to the master assassin he gave a curt nod. Someone betrayed those who tried to protect the people of this city and Boba wanted to know who. If they still lived their days were numbered. No one would harm the people, much less children in Mos Espa ever again. As to your circumstance things like this usually resulted from greed or anger, someone had broken trust among the good Samaritans. Trust was a dangerous thing, it could kill if misplaced or was a powerful ally when well invested. He trusted Fennec and had been repaid well for that.
The question was what had made you trust enough to stay here? Especially when you had suffered so in the past? Boba could not see how he had earned such a privilege, but he would not squander it. “You can let them all know that Miss Manu is under my protection.”
“I already did.” Fennec studied the bottom of the empty cup, wondering what kind of strength it must take to be kind in a cruel world, to stand against the corruption that rotted a place like this and remain. Not many would have made your choice, nor endured the consequences with such grace. Fennec had seen first hand when she had helped treat your injury earlier. You had looked back at her with a grin saying, "Our lives are what we choose to make of it." Fennec knew fate to be a fickle thing, so was luck. Then again this whole Palace was filled with beings whom defied the odds.
@rain-on-kamino @daimyosprincess @pickleprickle @acatalystrising @kimiheartblade
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what-i-meant-to-say · 11 months
fic in progress... your body holds everything... sure, lock it behind a door in your mind... but inevitably it sweats up to the surface... 10yo you is NOW, baby... you're both you and the locked-away you
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He closed his eyes. Too tired to talk, too drained to go on with a fight.
“How old were you?” She sighed it out like she was just as emptied. 
Right away he saw the boy in his mind, out from under the door. 
The boy, still too small for a real gaffi stick. Never learned how many years he was. Cut down so small. So fucking small. Wrapped and laid him on the pyre very last, with his sturdy little training stick. Didn't weigh anything at all. That was how small, exactly how small. 
He swallowed. Hard to do even that, too spent to do it again. But take a breath and answer the question, you can give her that much. 
“I watched my father die…”
every night I watched it
“...happened right after that. I was ten.”
couldn't use my fuckin' words.
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thebestbobaflavour · 5 months
its really testing the limits of my maturity to see the boba fett bundle on fortnite shop so frequently.....
mannnnn its the thick healthy boba with the gaffi stick..... and it has slave i..... and the animation where he lowers the visormmm WHAT DO YOU MEAN I CAN'T HAVE IT 😭😭😭
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therapardalis · 1 year
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[Random Thing from @mysteriousmissweems.]
“I’m glad I quit the Senate,” she admitted. “I have a little homestead on Tatooine, a Bantha calf, and I can focus on weaving.” ------------
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"Tatooine?" Thera echoed, eyebrows up in surprise, "Isn't that - I mean, I understand wanting to get away from the crowds and the pressure, but isn't that a little extreme?" As far as she remembered the planet was a dust-bowl, with endless sand, mountains and rocky outcrops that could be looked at as 'majestic' ... if you didn't mind getting your head stove in with a gaffi stick.
"But, Bantha calf!" That part sounded much more appealing, "Do you have any holos? And is Bantha fur any good to weave?"
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burnwater13 · 2 years
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Grogu had loved the speeder bike. It was fast and fun and he didn't get thumped against the beskar hip pads that Din Djarin wore. That made life a lot better. The Tuskens they met on this trip had been pretty nice and Grogu appreciated the advice they gave the Mandalorian. They had realized that Grogu was going around at high speeds without goggles! How do you do that Mando?
It was easy for Din to forget because he always wore that helmet, but he hadn't gone to the trouble of getting one for Grogu yet. Now he had promised the Tuskens that he would and Grogu knew that was a promise he would keep. The Tuskens had long memories and pretty good accuracy with their Gaffi sticks. Din said no one needed to be hit with one of those more than once to remember what they were told.
Grogu had laughed about that. Apparently the beskar didn't cover every part of his body.
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kurara123 · 2 years
My Bandai S H Figuarts Boba Fett Deluxe arrived!!!!!1 😍
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I like to think that my ROTJ Boba figure is an asshole😅(he is basically Boba from Robot Chicken 💗😂)
I kid you not Boba came with some fine additional hands and one of them was for gripping gaffi stick and the other was a pointing finger…….soooo i saw the opportunity……and I took it 😂
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ierotits · 2 years
went to musée du quai branly today and saw something that remind me a lot of something from star wars...
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shit photo but these are fijian totokia, and it seems to me theres no doubt this is what inspired gaffi sticks!
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mtridactyla · 2 years
now he's making his OWN gaffi stick
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