#gahhhhh i love my friends so much i want to jump up and down
finchsthoughts · 1 year
It's Loving My Friends o'clock and no one can stop me .
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cocoisbestgirl · 5 years
Fanfic I can't think of a name for pt 13
    Xavier wore unfamiliar clothes. He was wearing a lab coat, and the dark spirit behind him wasn’t speaking up for once, that or the silence spell wore off. Though it didn’t even look like it was trying to speak.
    “Well, I know this is a very….unfortunate way to introduce well to some of you, myself.”
    Xavier cleared his throat, and looked down at his hand before looking back up.
    “Well, there is a way I can get every last one of you out of this situation, unharmed.”
    “Go on! Don’t just stop talking!” the silver haired girl screamed as she ran towards the bars. She could’ve reached Xavier if she was just a little bit taller, and her arms just a tad longer. 
    “Ahem, me and...well, a 'close friend' of mine have an offer.”
    “Listen gingersnap! You better keep talking or you’ll come out of here with one less limb!”
        “Bring it on you silver-zzxzzxxzzxzxjgft” Xavier shut the dark spirit up and looked down at the silver girl. Magda almost saw something in Xavier's eyes change for only a moment..
    “It’s called Project Goddess. Now, I’m not allowed to tell you much about what it entails for you all, but I can definitely say that you will all get out of here if you agree. I have the ability to sneak every last one of you out without leaving a trace."
    “Sign me up. I’ll do anything to get out of here!” The silver haired girl reached for Xavier.
“What’s the project about exactly?” Kelly asked.
“As long as apple pie is there Motiti will be there!” Motiti cheered, seemingly unaware of the current circumstances.
“Well, the project is mainly aimed to bring the Goddess back down to earth.”
“I can’t tell you much more than that. I already said more than I was supposed too. Rest assured you will not be harmed, intentionally anyways. So, I’m going to assume you are all willing to join the experiment?”
“Get me the hell out of here!” The silver girl screamed.
“I have to go with Silver over there, I’m willing.” Kelly whimpered out as her body shook.
“Motiti is always willing to help out! Will there be pie?” 
“Yes, Motiti,” Xavier laughed, “All of you will get exactly what you want when you participate.”
    Xavier finally looked at Magda.
    ‘Anything I want? And freedom at the same time?’
“Yes, of course I’m willing.”
“Fantastic! I’ll just need a blood sample from all of you, I will warn you. I won’t be able to get you out unless you are eligible for the project, boss’s rules. Not mine. I’ll start with Kelly.”
Xavier went around collecting the blood from everybody, except for the silver haired girl, who had cut herself with a rock to get the blood herself. Strange woman.
“Well, I’ll be back in a day or two.” Xavier left and smiled at the girls on his way out.
“This is bad this is bad!” Felicity paced her room loudly, “H-how on earth am I gonna tell Alan!? No! I can’t tell him he’ll hate me! Oh...what’s the use? He’ll hate me anyway…. I gave him the worst advice humanly possible! Now his girlfriend is missing, and I told him to ignore it! Gahhhhh!”
Felicity buried her head into her pillow, “I’m the worst. Just the worst. W-wait! If I find Magda,” She jumped off of her bed and paced faster. 
“If I find Magda, nobody will hate me! They’ll think I’m a hero! That’s it!” 
Felicity ran to her balcony door and swung it open. The scent of summer filled her nose. She looked down at the drop from her balcony to the ground. It was nothing if you knew what you were doing. 
    When Alan woke up alone for the second time this week he finally began to get worried. 2 days was far too long.
    ‘I don’t care if I’m being controlling!' I need to know what happened to her. Alan got his uniform on and grabbed his sword.
    The streets were actually busy for once. People were talking, and children were playing. Everything was fine and dandy. Except for Magda.
    ‘Maybe Felicity is wrong! Maybe Magda wants me to look for her.’
    Alan continued walking the streets until a man ran up to him.
“Mr. knight sir, are you looking for the missing nobles,”
“A few days ago two noblewomen and a servant disappeared!”
“What- What were their names?”
“Kelly, Motiti, and Madga Ellenstein, why?”
‘Magda? No… she can’t..’
“A-are you sure about Magda!?” The desperation In alan’s voice was clear 
“Yes! I’m positive!”
“Do you know anything about their disappearance!?”
“Well, I don’t know much...but I believe they could be hidden near…”
    Felicity kept walking through the town. It was a tiny village near the edge of the woods that surrounded finsel, and separated Finsel from other nearby kingdoms. The town was always quiet, nothing much usually ever happened. That’s what made it the perfect place for a kidnapping. Nobody would ever expect anything to happen. 
    She just didn’t know where on earth they would manage to hide people. Felicity hid her face with the hood of her cloak. She was near positive that nobody would recognize her even if they did see her face, but she wanted to be extra sure. People seemed to stare at her whenever she passed by. The streets were cracked from neglect, and grass sprouts shot up from them wildly.
    The town seemed business as usual. Nothing much seemed to be the matter, though she saw somebody exit the woods. They looked….familiar… ginger hair...whatever.
    Felicity walked around the woods for a good half an hour, without finding much of anything. 
    “I spy with my little eye something…silver!” 
    “It’s my hair again.  Isn’t it, Motiti?”
    “You are really good at this game, Miss Silver!”
    “When you only look at one particular thing it makes it easy. Hey Blondie, how about you take a turn,” Silver pointed at Magda.
    “Oh um...I spy with my little eyes something….green!”
    “Something green huh?” Silver and Motiti looked around.
    Kelly finally perked up for the first time in hours, “Oh! Oh! I got it! It’s the leaf on Silver’s shoulder isn’t it!”
    “You got it Kelly!”
    The girls went silent for a few seconds.
    “Ya know...you nobles aren’t as bad as I was thinking you were…”
    “But Motiti isn’t a noble!” Motiti chimed in.
    “ Then I wasn’t talking to you!”
    Motiti whimpered and hid behind Kelly.
    “Uh...Listen I’m sorry…. Motiti. I’m sorry Kelly I’m sorry Maggie or whatever your name is!”
    Magda was going to correct the small girl, but stopped. She was already a bit too close for comfort with Silver,and the last thing she needed was to pick a fight.
    “Magda, How did your eye get hurt? That bandage looks brutal? Did it get cut out?”
    “Oh...no not at all. I...well somebody tried to kidnap me… so I fought back.”
    “Let me guess, you cried for help.”
    “No...I smashed him over the head with a teacup then beat him unconscious with one of my high heels.”
    “Whoa, not bad. Did he die?” Shana smiled at Magda, impressed by this hoity toity princess’s ability to actually fight.
    “I...never wanted to find out...so I didn’t really ask,”
    “Why not? If he tried to kidnap you wouldn’t you want to find out?”
    “I don’t wish harm on...anybody really, even though he was not a good person.”
    “We all have our moments, Magda.”
    “I’ve never killed a person,” Kelly looked at Magda.
    “Kelly, you are about to make me add another kill to my streak. I wasn't talking to you."
    “Yeah, Magda?”
    “Do you think we’ll get out of here alive?”
    “What do you mean?”
    “What if Xavier isn’t coming back?”
    “Why would he just snatch our blood and go? Makes no sense to me.”
    “What if he clones us, and uses our clones as puppets?” Kelly said as she stood up to stretch her legs.
    “Can you all lighten up, for like a minute? What are we doing here. Why don’t we at least try to escape. Just to keep our minds off of the horrificness of this all.”
    “Well, being taken to a lab doesn’t sound all that bad, I mean there should be a lot of people to talk too,”
    “And lots of yummy pie!”
    “Yeah, And maybe I can stop running away from everything for a while. I’d enjoy a break from it all. Hey, Magda ...what about you?”
    “I...don't ...I don’t think the lab will offer much for me. Everything I want..is back home.”
    “Ugh! Just when I thought I was starting to like you. You just wanna go home and be a nob-”
    “I want to see Alan….”
    “Uh...what? Repeat?”
    “I want to see Alan. I would happily give up my nobility to be with him.”
    “Ah...well you just gained back some points with me Magda. He’s the blonde guard right? You know blonde hair, blue eyes not really tall, but not short either."
    Kelly made a small chuckle.
    “Yeah,Yeah I’m short I got it! I’m a little garden gnome!”
    Alan ran through the small village on the edge of Finsel’s territory. His eyes scanned for any sign of Magda and the others. The townspeople held no useful information. Most of them were scared of the leader of the guards being in such a tiny town.
    Alan had been here before, it was when he was just starting to rise in ranks. It was a petty thief who had stolen jewelry, Alan had caught him quickly which helped his prestige slightly. He was even offered a wife from the mayor of the town. Which he obviously declined, not because the girl was not easy on the eyes, but because of her age. A 16 year old guard and a 28 year old mayor’s daughter just didn’t seem right in his mind. He didn’t care much for romance at that time, he was only a boy who just wanted an escape from the slums he had grown up in. He had a good life, a loving father, a caring mother, heck even a bird, but he wanted more for his future family. If only they could’ve seen him now...
    Alan shook himself awake and walked into the forest, they were empty and besides the basic nature noises were quiet. He held his sword in his hand, just in case an animal tried to attack.
    “Alan! Over here!” 
    “Felicity?” Alan anxiously walked towards the voice, yep it was her. Felicity Ellenstein.
    “Okay, Alan I want you to listen to me,here. Keep an open mind. Ivan told me this is where he grew up.”
    “Yeah, and-?”
    “Him and Magda were childhood friends. We have to get Ivan. He’s our best bet at finding Magda!”
    “I don’t think that will work, Felicity.”
    “No Ivan told me about a place he used to play as a child. It was an ancient looking castle. It had a prison, too. Alan, we need to get Ivan.”
    “Felicity,  it will take around a day to get to the city and back. What if he doesn’t even remember?”
    “Alan, a wise woman once told me: ‘A 1% chance is better than no chance at all’ it will take you weeks to comb through these forests, and Magda will probably already be dead if we wait that long.”
    “Felicity, I don’t really have a choice. Do I?”
    Felicity nodded her head and smiled, “You better have brought your own horse!”
    “Do you think it’s day or night?”
    “Hm...Motiti? How many naps have you taken.”
    “Well there’s no sun or blankies. Motiti can’t sleep at all!” Motiti whined and she curled herself up into a ball.
    “I’ve slept twice, I think?” Kelly said 
    “I don’t count. Been here longer than any of you.”
    “Ah, I’ve slept once.”
    “Let’s go with 2 days? Does that sound right?” Kelly walked over to the oren and quietly stroked her ears.
    The girls heard a door opening and loudly shutting. They all stayed quiet, and Kelly squealed with joy as she saw who it was. It was Xavier, finally.
“Well, do we all get out now!”
    “The boss told me one of you has to stay,”
    The room went silent. You could hear a pin drop easy. The air felt heavy. 
    “Ahem, Kelly congratulations you have been accepted.”
    “Yes! Motiti did you hear that!”
    “Motiti is so happy for you!”
    “Motiti, you’re in too. You will just be a servant for a little while. Until we know for sure about the safety on humans.”
    “Oh! Motiti loves cooking can I cook! Pretty pretty please!? Oh, but cleaning is good too! So is washing dishes and-” The oren trailed off for a good few minutes.
            "And Magda.. you..cannot come."
          The air in the room became heavy and Silver looked at Magda. Magds felt her legs go to mush within seconds. She grabbed the bars of the prison and looked at Xavier.
          Why wasn't she accepted? Did that other lady bribe Xavier. What was wrong? Did she do something wrong?
"Magda there isn't an easy way to say
this but...you're-"
Magda's brain blacked out for a few 
 seconds. No...it can't. Not now. If this was any other time she'd be happy but right now? She felt hands catch her as she began to fall to the ground. She barely reacted, she heard Silver yell out something but it all sounded like it was underwater.
          That one word took away Magda's ability to move and think. This was supposed to be a happy moment for her. Most women would consider this their happiest moment. This moment was ruined, tainted by her circumstance. Why couldn't this be happy?
        Magda finally put one hand on her belly and shivered heavily. She wondered what Alan would think. Would he be happy? Angry? He will be a wonderful father to their child….
Sorry I've been dead for like 3 weeks my computer decided to die on me and it's out for repairs and should be back in a few days. Excuse any spelling or grammar errors,I wrote this on my phone!
Edit 1: Its still not back
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clarkesablake · 6 years
As Promised...
I rewatched the episode this evening and quickly typed out my rereactions in chronological order. Please like this post if you’d want to see it again next week. It’s probably slightly messy, because I’ve never done something like this, but it was fun, and it’s a good insight into my inner monologue. I’ll also get better as the season goes on. Ik I love reading stuff like this on other people’s blogs. 
Overall, I liked the episode. It was slightly underwhelming, because we already knew most of what happened, but it was cute, and I’m excited for the story this season. (and, as someone who has never actually said or believed this before: It really is Our year Blarkes!)
·       Clarke looking at maps, nice callback to s1, #1 earth skills student
·       “at least I don’t have to swim” I didn’t think about the fact that she was at Becca’s house, the ocean dried up, makes sense
·       She’s so freaking pretty I’m sorry wow
·       I always assumed she wouldn’t even try to dig up the bunker until after 5 years, I didn’t realize she’d try to join them at all
·       I’m wishing we saw some of her first moments/days after praimfiya
·       Is it a coincidence that the rubble collapsed after she looked at Lex.a’s throne? I think not lol.
·       “how the hell am I gonna make it 5 years?” they did a good job conveying how hopeless her situation seems, and how long that time really is when you’re alone
·       MAYA AND JASPER ghfbgrkeu I’m so sadd, I’m sooo glad she’s getting to mourn
·       I hope Monty gets to read his letter
·       “realll cheerful clarke, ignore me” loll this cracks me up, so relatable, coping humor
·       “I’m proud of you” *insert sobbing* she thinks she’s gonna die, she Loves him
·       These landscapes are really cool!
·       Her eyes are so blue
·       Idk who she’s thanking for the rain, but I love seeing her smiling at the little things abt earth such as rain, it’s a lot like s1 really when they breathed real air for the first time and the delinquents celebrated the first rain
·       The radiation storms remind me of acid fog in s1 too, I wonder if they’ll continue to be a thing, probably not after 6 years I guess
·       SO the solar panels are destroyed, why does the rover work later in the episode? I’m kinda confused about that
·       Sidenote: the wandering through the desert reminds me of Holes
·       It’s really difficult to watch Clarke breaking down like this, but how much she’s fought thus far shows us that she really does want to survive deep down, it’s just hard
·       Is it weird that I smiled when she killed the bird? I strangely enjoy going back to the basics of survival, finding resources, again, like s1. I had missed that aspect of earth being just earth, nature in its purest form, beautiful and terrifying
·       She’s being reborn in the water <33
·       I love Madi’s little village, I hope they use a lot of that set
·       “God this would be so much easier if I knew you were alive, If I knew I was gonna see you again” GAHHHHH
·       “Positive thoughts Clarke,” gfeuwcvke I love it
·       I even missed Trigedasleng what even
·       Baby Madi is adorable and terrifying
·       It’s an interesting thought that Madi was trained to avoid the flamekeepers and that’s why she was never found, I love little details like this!
·       I would love hearing her talk more about her childhood and parents
·       Okay It’s great that Clarke’s using medical skills again, but she didn’t clean the wound, and she most def should have lost her leg from infection without sterile equipment
·       Madi in the window like a horror movie actually made me jump
·       How many times will they use the same tree shot from the pilot lmao
·       Clarke is lucky Madi didn’t stab her w/ that spear tbh
·       “child from hell” lollllllllllll
·       Clarke’s not the only one good w/ kids, I love how she left the drawing without saying Anything
·       She’s also hella good at manipulating people (in this case it’s in a good way)
·       Little Madi’s smile awwwww
·       Clarke looks so Good in her tank top and w/ the fish Madi taught her how to catch, she’s gonna have so many more Grounder skills now!
·       Still wondering how they fixed the rover
·       Also confused as to why Clarke wants Madi to speak only English (other than for the purposes of the show)
·       “Do you think they’ll come back too?” Because priorities <3
·       Triple G: Green’s green goop <3 + Make algae not war, Te Amo Monty
·       Emori being happy and joking w/ the others and being excited about spacewalks and defending her new friend Raven this is Everything
·       I’m also glad they made a system to avoid talking about the time, and considerate because of how hard this is on Raven
·       I was so surprised by the whole Murphy being separate from the group thing! But it makes sense. I still love him SO much. And despite him struggling a little bit rn he’s still a smiling adorable idiot
·       “you’re not worthless Murphy” SAY IT LOUDER FOR EVERYONE IN THE BACK
·       “We make decisions as a team here” Emori has grown so much I can’t
·       Dropship Parallelsssss
·       “All of them” Clarke’s first instinct = ALL the guns, Bellamy would be so proud
·       Madi hiding in the whole is a Clear Octavia parallel this is gonna be so Interesting
·       “Only choice” ((((ALSO AN OXYMORON BY THE WAY))))
·       Zeke is beautifuul and smart, ((((((((((JUST LIKE RAVEN REYES AHHHHHHHH))))))))))))
·       I wonder if we’ll learn more about the two other non-violent offenders
·       “for starters cause she’s a kid” GOOD REASON thx reasonable man, it’s unfortunate you died
·       “There are no good guys” a dangerous rhetoric to teach a kid Clarke, there might be consequences for that in more ways than one
·       Just let Monty be HAppY, he just wants to be safe and w/ the people he loves
·       I don’t really get Marper but I’m so glad she’s there for him
·       I love Raven and Emori friendship!
·       Murphy knows he done fed up something good he’s just too proud to deal w/ it rn
·       Murven <333 I’ll take them how I can get them, and I love that she doesn’t put up with his bs
·       Ik I’m supposed to be mad at bech.o but I love seeing Bellamy happy and hopeful and smiling and having someone there to support him (plus do yourself the favor of appreciating his kissing skills and imagining Clarke there)
·       Octavia looks terrifyingly beautiful oh my lands
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[Sweeter than Ice Cream -Remus Lupin x Reader]
“She’s fine. She has some ice cream. I wish I had ice cream.” Word Count- 1725 Warnings- None Please don’t plagiarize/ repost Okay, I thought the prompt was kind of funny and kind of adorable so I just went for it. I’ve been posting so much the past few days that I didn’t see any reason to hesitate writing this. Also, I’ve went up seven followers in two days and I know that to other people, that’s not a lot, but to me it really is so thank you to everyone that has followed me and I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. *** “Why did you recommend the saddest goddamn movie you could find?” Sirius choked, tears welling his silver eyes. You were sitting on the sofa in the Gryffindor common room, buried beneath the fluffiest blankets you could find in your room. You had your legs thrown over your friend, Remus, and James was drowning under his quilt from his dorm on the love seat. Sirius and Peter sat on the floor with their backs leaning against the sofa, chocolate frogs peeking out of the edges of their chocolate coated lips. “I didn’t remember it ever being this sad,” You wept as the credits for Terms of Endearment came on the television screen. “Y/N, are you sure you’re okay?” Remus asked, concern in his eyes. Before you could reassure him, James cut you off. “She’s fine. She has ice cream. I wish I had ice cream.” He grumbled and you rolled your eyes, wiping a few tears from your face. No matter how many times you wiped tears away, more just rolled down your face. “You should have bloody brought some up from the kitchens with you then.” You shot back and he mouthed the words back to you, holding his hand up beside his face, mimicking the motion of a mouth. You sunk further back against the sofa, tiredness plaguing you. “Maybe I didn’t want some then.” “Since when was there a time when you didn’t want ice cream?” “Since-Since- gahhhhh,” James threw his head back against the sofa and you chuckled as he continued to struggle to find a viable answer. “I think we should go back to the dorm now, guys,” Sirius yawned and you looked at the clock, eyes wide. It was three o’clock in the morning. So maybe time did fly when you were having fun. James, Sirius, and Peter gathered their blankets and left up the boys’ staircase, leaving their discarded chocolate frog packets and sweet packets strewn across the common room floor. You settled back against the pillow and closed your eyes, deciding that you would rather stay in the common room than go back to your dorm. Lily was always a snorer anyway. “You can’t stay down here all night,” You jumped, snapping over your eyes. You had forgotten that Remus was there entirely and you weren’t prepared for anyone commenting. “I think I can, actually. I’m pretty comfy, I’ve finished my ice cream, and there aren’t any snoring roommates down here. I think it will work just fine,” You responded indignantly and he rolled his eyes. “I’m not going to leave you down here on your own.” “Why not? The only other people here this late at night will be the house elves, and they love me. I’ll be fine,” You reassured him but he still looked unconvinced. “I’m staying here just to be sure,” He said and you knew there would be no changing his mind. You moved closer to the back of the sofa and he laid down beside you, wrapping an arm around your waist. You blushed furiously due to the proximity. You would never tell him but you always had a soft spot for the gentle giant. But you also knew that he would never want to be with anyone due to his condition so you kept quiet about it, much to the other marauders discontent. “Why won’t you just say something? He’s been in love with you since second year, it’s not like you would be facing rejection! He’s never going to say anything so it’s up to you to make the first move so just grow some balls and do it!” James exclaimed and you rolled your eyes, closing the book in your lap. “Remus has not been in love with me since second year. I can read that boy like a book, I would have figured it out by now. And even if he was, do you not remember what he said about not wanting to be in a relationship ever in fear of putting them in danger? Even if I did say something and he felt the same way, he’d reject me because he’s that fucking selfless.” You retaliated and James slumped against the post of his bed, defeated. They all knew that you were right. Remus was a stubborn one and he wasn’t likely to ever change how he felt about love and the whole prospect of being in it. Not even you could change his mind, and that hurt you more than you could let them, or anyone, know. “Are you really that much of a chicken that you’re not going to take the chance that maybe, he may be thinking differently now? Come on, Y/N, you’ve always been one to dream,” Peter piped up and you froze, your eyes not moving further past the sentence in the book that you were reading. He was right, annoyingly so. “Just drop the subject already,” You snapped. “But, Y/N-“ “I said drop it!” “Hey, are you okay? You’re still crying,” Remus said, wiping away the tears that were still on your face, the callouses on his fingertips passing gently over your face. “It’s nothing.” It had become your go to phrase the past few weeks. Whenever someone asked if something was wrong or if you were upset, the words slipped out as if they were programmed into your brain for that very reason. You couldn’t let your friends know that your unrequited feelings bothered you so you buried them as deep as you could. “We both know you’re lying.” That, you were not expecting. You stared at the brunette with wide eyes, confused as to how he had figured it out. You thought you were discrete. “I-I’m not lying,” You whispered hiding your face behind your hands. He could always read your facial expressions better than an Enid Blyton novel so you decided to eliminate as many opportunities to find out the truth as you could. “You’re been…different…these past few months. You’re not as bubbly and happy as you used to be. Bloody hell, you barely go pranking with Padfoot and Prongs anymore. And I seem to be the only person that is out of the loop. Whenever I ask the others, they always say to ‘Go ask Y/N’ and ‘It’s her secret to tell you, not ours.’ Since when did you tell them things and not me? It couldn’t be that bad!” Remus’ voice rose with every sentence and you trembled. He never rose his voice at you. Never. “I-I-“ “I want the fucking truth this time, not the first lie that comes into your head!” “It’s because I’m fucking in love with you, that’s why, you idiot!” Silence. You could have heard a pin drop. Remus stared at you, wide eyed, his mouth gaping. Your eyes welled with tears as you jumped off the sofa and started running towards the girls’ staircase, deciding that staying there would be better than the awkward silence and the apologetic rejection that you knew would come to pass. “Y/N, wait-“ “You can reject me in the morning, I’m too tired for this now,” You choked, more tears streaming down your face. You thought that the most tears you would ever cry would have been at the movie you had watched earlier that night, Terms of Endearment. You were wrong. “Would you just listen! When did I say that I was going to reject you?” You froze on the second step, your heart beating loudly in your chest. “You said that you wouldn’t ever want to be with anyone in case that they would find out and call you a monster, or in case you would hurt them,” You recited the words rhythmically, as if you had heard them a hundred times over, which, technically, you had. “Why would I think that I was any different?” “Because you’re not just anyone,” You turned around to face him and he smiled softly, the dim light of the fire kissing the ends of his sandy brown hair. “You’re Y/N. You’re the fifth marauder. You’ve been my best friend since first year and hopefully for all the years to come. You cry at sad movies and yet you watch them anyway. You eat more ice cream than I eat chocolate and your record time for reading a book is tied with mine. You pull pranks and take the blame when you get caught because you know that James is trying to clean up his act and can’t have any more detentions to do so. You have to ask me to reach for the books on the second to top shelf in the library because last time you tried by yourself you fell of the chair and broke your arm. You stopped James and Sirius from bullying Snape even though you hate him just as much. You were the one who came up with the idea of becoming animagi and have the cutest little cat Animagus I think I’ve ever seen. You console the girls that Padfoot dumps and talk James up to Lily, even though you think he’s still too big for his boots. How in the world does any of that stuff make you just anyone?” With every point he said he took a step closer to you until he was standing right in front of you, his face inches away. Your stomach was filled with a thousand butterflies and your heart was beating faster than a snitches wings. “If I admire every single thing about you, what reason would I have to reject you? What reason would I have to reject you if I’m in love with you?” He placed one hand on your cheek and pressed his lips against your gently, pulling away after a few seconds to see if you were alright with it. Your face was brighter than the Lumos charm, blush igniting both of your cheeks. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him again, grinning that finally, you would no longer have to hide. “So, I guess I’m not going back to my dorm now?” You smirked and he shook his head, pecking you on the tip of your nose. “You could try.”
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