#gaia born au
au-sonic-smackdown · 7 months
AU Sonic Smackdown- Round 3, Right Side
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Gaia Born AU belongs to @juliemultiverse (art by @thefantasylife)
Words Hurt AU belongs to @oddogoblino
Learn more about them under the cut!
Gaia Born AU-
Sonic is like a big gold retriever. He’s happy to make friends where ever he goes. He was made on the ARK but was immaturely taken out of his incubation tank as an infant. He was raised by his brother tails on bygone island before they moved 5 years later.
His abilities include, Shadow Melding, Super strength, elastic arms and has the ability to sense others emotions.
Words Hurt AU-
In this au, Earth is decaying, the planet slowly losing its ability to sustain life due to mankind’s lack of care to it. To try and survive, they attempted to move people to planet mobius as it held similar conditions as earth. The mobians at first welcomed them happily, happy to help those in need. Eventually, the humans began trying to repeat their old mistakes and began digging into mobius and setting up machines to harvest from it to try and save Earth. The planet didn’t handle this as well as earth once did, machines quickly backfiring and any mobians nearby during the incidents quickly falling ill. That’s how the infections started.
Sonic’s parents were one of the few first mobians infected, having lost them due to them going into the second form of the illness that’s caused from starvation. They’d been “quarantined” and left without food or an energy source for too long. He was only a toddler when this happened. He’s now part of Vanilla’s secret organization that helps infected mobians survive outside of the homes they’d been kicked out of due to fear. Sonic himself works as a secret delivery boy and tends to travel to make sure infected mobians have access to food and water and even just simple pleasantries like games and toys. He met Tails as a 4 yr old who’d been born from infected parents, taking care of him when they weren’t. Currently Sonic is 17 and Tails is 8.
Sonic is mostly his same ole usual self except he’s a lot less social. He doesn’t talk to anyone except for Tails, Vanilla, and sometimes Cream. He was naturally born with his super speed but keeps it hidden due to not wanting to be mistaken as an infected. He still has to fight Eggman as the mad doctor tries to manipulate both uninfected and infected mobians’ fears and resentment toward each other. He has a civilian disguise named Nicky so no one recognizes him as the superspeedy hero. He’s a bit more easily agitated but only because he doesn’t get enough sleep with his work.
Sonic’s right eye is always tearing up, not because he’s emotional but because of repeated exposure to infectious spores. The spores can only infect others if inhaled or through exposed open wounds. Hes naturally immune to the illness, but he doesn’t know that, and wouldn’t ever take chances on it. Whenever he gets injured, he disinfects the wound immediately and patches it up like others would in hopes to avoid spore-infection.
Infected mobians tend to live in abandoned spaces that their cities and towns assigned for them to live. Infected mobians feed off energy, whether that be electricity, emotions, powerful items, etc, but can also eat normal foods just fine. They need normal food to keep sane and prevent them from going into the second form that attacks anything with energy in it. Only the second form can infect others directly, making it the most dangerous and is an automatic kill-on-sight if seen. No one knows yet if you can change infected back to normal after they’ve transformed. Vanilla takes care of transformed infected when Sonic reports the incidents.
Mobians aren’t the only things infected, plant and wildlife have been mutated by the illness aswell. The symptoms of the infection is body mutations, a blue tongue, and increased hunger and thirst. Mobians born from infected parents can’t go into the second form but they become feral without food. Bites from hostile born-infected mobians are less likely to spread the infection but it isn’t impossible.
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oddogoblino · 8 months
"So...going on round three, huh? Wonder who I'm up agai-"
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Gaia born sonic belongs to @juliemultiverse
Apocalypse delivery boy vs all the funky creachures , how has he survived?
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skinnatblr · 8 months
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Was talking about the first scene for Gaia born and @thefantasylife drew this. Got permission to post this. Made my day, not entirely what happens but I love it.
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donelywell · 8 months
I love your at so much!! It’s so soft! But what do you mean by ‘Hedgefox’? You mentioned it a couple of times but there’s no explanation on the page?
Thank you! And I'm glad you asked! >:D (I'm basically waiting for people to ask for this stuff, or else I'm just gonna hold it until I eventually post it way later down the line)
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The HedgeFox is this AU's equivalent of the Werehog, but since wolves are HUGE, I changed the species to a Werefox (plus Sonic and Tails being the same species is an adorable bonus).
He wasn't cursed by Dark Gaia when the world split apart, he was just born a were-being.
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(super rough idea of what the different moons do to his appearance)
I go on a super babble-fest, so there's an entire rant below the cut.
When a Super Moon (3-4 times a year) appears, Sonic's HedgeFox form increases from 56 cm to 65 cm to reflect the roughly 14% increase the moon appears to be then and becomes 'super charged' in a sense.
He becomes super paranoid and overstimulated when it's a Super Moon, thinking goes into more primal instincts, with him calling Tails his 'cub' even.
A Super Moon to a were-being in this universe is a nightmare, but it gives you plenty of time to realize what's about to happen so you can find a spot to hide (kind of to protect others, but mostly to protect yourself from the sensory overload you're about to face).
The cycle of a Full moon takes place in normally 3 nights in a row once a month.
Night 1, Transform. Day 1, Revert to normal. Night 2, Transform. Day 2, Revert to normal. Night 3, Transform. Day 3, Revert to normal until next full moon cycle.
But for a Super Moon, it goes a little differently.
Night 1, Transform. Day 1, Stay in form. Night 2, Super Moon Further Transform. Day 2, Revert to Normal Full Moon Form. Night 3, Stay in form. Day 3, Finally Revert normal until next full moon cycle.
Yep, they remain in the Full Moon form even during the day when it's a Super Moon, it saves them energy from going straight from their base form to their Super Moon form.
Their power is basically doubled on a Super Moon, but that just leads to them being incredibly paranoid that they'll harm someone they care about by accident.
During a Super Moon, Sonic cannot release Tails. He seriously tries, knowing that he's being overprotective, but his mind is too clouded with worry that he can't even begin to fight it (not really that Tails minds, it does though worry him that his dad is going through so much in his mind and all he can do to help is just be in his arms). After Knuckles joins the party, they learn that he can finally release Tails if Knuckles is nearby, but he still has to keep a sharp eye on the kit.
A Micro Moon is a lot more simple. Due to how far the moon is, they can actually choose whether or not to transform into the were-being, but it's 14% smaller and half as strong as normal.
Ehem- uh, sorry for the rambling. I really like the Werehog and well, since this is my AU, I can make it stay. >:) It probably doesn't make any sense, sorry about that.
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virune · 4 months
question that i couldn’t find if you answered or not for literal shadow: does black doom still invade the earth? are there any connections to black doom still, or is it just dark gaia?? i am LOVING this au and the venom vibes from it !!!
i haven't given it much thought, but i'm thinking that shadow is probably a hybrid between black arms alien, dark gaia, and chaos energy. gerald was still trying to save maria in this au, and he worked with black doom to achieve that goal - literal shadow was the unintended result, and he survived fifty years after the incident. just born, knowing very little besides the warmth of a young girl's smile, he waited for her when he fell to earth.
black doom does invade, and sonic has to fight him, with shadow's help. it unfortunately dredges up some difficult memories for him.
and thank you!! ❤ i did take a little inspiration from venom to help me iron out some wrinkles in the lore :)
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ksitalo · 25 days
Sorry for my bad english
Au where leo, piper , haze and frank get their godly parents and roles swapped
Piper being the child of pluto born from a broken pact and recently sent to camp jupiter by her father who was trying to protect her from something, she have to learn how to control her power and not hurt her friends while also tries to save her dad and thanatos who both got captured and inprisioned
Leo being the child of mars who lost his mother by gaia when her monsters found their home, esperanza fought the Monsters with a gun mad of celestial bronze to give him enough time to escape.
After running away from another foster home(some months before the events of SON) leo is found by reyna while looking for jason and is brought up to camp jupiter by her
Hazel being a child of aphrodite who was saved by nico from the underwolrd while he was looking for bianca but instead of being brought to camp halfblood hera steal her from nico before he can even notice, and give her fake memories after sending her to wildnerness school
And now she have to figure out her memories while tries to control her charmspeak
Frank the child of hephaestus who ironicaly born with both fire and shapeshifting powers and to balance that hera gave him the piece of wood tied to his life which made him terrified of his own powers his entire life
Even worse because his mother died into a fire some years ago trying to saving him and his wood so he is terrified of using it
His grandma sent him to wildnerness knowing that hedge was going there(hephaestus told her) and here she meets Hazel and falls in love with her
Their backstory still a little bit incomplete but i thought it would be a cool idea
And also jason and percy still the same which meas tha the trios are now
Percy/leo/piper and Jason/frank/hazel
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kittygamer2888 · 8 months
My finger slipped and all of a sudden this was in my gallery.
That's crazy-
Also also, Knuckles redesign moment??👀
I looked on Google and found a really good scarf for him
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lmao, they do look pretty cool tho--
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frostybearpaws · 4 months
AU ask! Tell me about the kids relationship with their big sis, Jinx.
Before the twins were born but Sevika was visibly pregnant (with what they thought was just one big ass baby) Jinx had a lot of internal build up of negative feelings and negative thoughts that equate to, they’ve had their time with me, now they’re having “real children” which ultimately led to an emotional meltdown and a screaming match between panicking Jinx and hormonal Sevika.
eventually, when the climate has cooled down and they are once again able to talk to one another, they are able to dispel the thoughts that Jinx had regarding her position in the family now that there was going to be a tiny human.
at this point Jinx starts to cautiously look forward to the arrival of what she thinks is one sibling then BOOM she gets two. (Initially she kind of freaks out but warms to the idea with some coaxing)
no one knew that there were going to be twins so it was a surprise for everybody. Silco showed Jinx her new brother and then learned that there was another one to which Jinx yelled, “holy shit does she have a whole clown car in there?” Sevika was not amused.
after the twins are born Jinx is still a little unsure about them. They’re loud and are these weirdly helpless little blobs that have uncanny (but also totally expected) similarity to the two people who have raised her.
a couple months down the line she’s finally interacting with the twins, she makes two discoveries. Gaia is a very cuddly baby who will grab a hold of someone and Not Let Go which is fine just don’t let him get your hair and Atlas has the most adorable grumpy baby face and these discoveries make her want to learn more about them.
then Sevika has Sif, cognito baby number three and is what Jinx calls a delayed triplet (because she is 11 months younger than the twins).
Jinx is now more excited for Sif now that she has interacted with her twins and decided it was a good experience. What kind of trips her up is that there is an uncanny parallel with her position in the family now being what Vi used to be. She is now the big sister to two younger brothers and littlest sister. She gets a bit emotional about that but resolves to be “better than Vi” (bc at this point Vi and Jinx have pretty much burned their bridge and it will take a long time to rekindle any kind of sisterly bond because of this interaction.)
she does her best to be a good big sister. She teaches her siblings how to defend themselves (so does the rest of the family so they are basically trained assassins by the age of like nine and ten)
Sif ends up taking after Jinx and making weapons. (jinx is very very pleased with that, and there is an added bonus of Sif being naturally gifted in magic)
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horizon-ranger · 2 months
New au idea: Quen-born Aloy.
GAIA chose the Nora to take Aloy because she knew they'd raise her no matter what. If the Quen still reside near their ELEUTHIA cradle, imagine an Aloy raised by the Quen.
Sure at first they thought it was just an abandoned child, perhaps one who's family got swept away by the yearly floods, but as she reaches maturity she's looking more and more like a certain Ancestor. If anything she'd probably be taken into the imperial family, perhaps end up akin to Ceo.
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au-sonic-smackdown · 8 months
AU Sonic Smackdown - Round 2, Right Side
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Gaia Born AU belongs to @juliemultiverse (art by @thefantasylife)
Evil Sonic AU belongs to @kittygamer2888
Learn more about them under the cut!
Gaia Born AU-
Sonic is like a big gold retriever. He’s happy to make friends where ever he goes. He was made on the ARK but was immaturely taken out of his incubation tank as an infant. He was raised by his brother tails on bygone island before they moved 5 years later.
His abilities include, Shadow Melding, Super strength, elastic arms and has the ability to sense others emotions.
Evil Sonic AU-
Sonic’s personality is mostly firm, serious, and can be a bit arrogant at times. He can also be quick to rush things like attacking without a plan and plan’s his fights during battle. He could care less about Knuckles and his friends, he just wants the Master Emerald and have that ultimate power to himself.
His abilities are mostly the same as the original Sonic (Spindash, homing attack, etc.) but he tends to use his machines more as he doesn’t like getting his hands dirty, those are only in rare and dire times.
Sonic used to be this normal, brown, free-spirited hedgehog who just wanted to make friends with the animals and mobians in the woods and cities, but that all changed when he broke the sound barrier, changing him from brown to blue. Everything changed that day as his friends backstabbed him and betrayed him, left him for dead out alone in the woods. More time passes by and he would get bullied non-stop, and he was no longer the same friendly hedgehog he used to be as he became more distant and quiet throughout his years as a kid. But once Sonic saw how Tails would be bullied for being different too, he convinced Tails, manipulated him into joining his plan. To take over the world and change the planet his was, their way. And Tails, being a gullible kid at the time, accepted it. And after a while, Sonic didn’t want to admit it, but deep down, he started seeing Tails as his beother later on in the years. To this day, Tails still works for Sonic, him being the one who plans the robots and builds them while Sonic is the one who plans the battles, but he has been practicing building his own robots with the help of Tails around.
Extra info: His name “Sonic” was just a nickname his friends used to give him because of his speed, and because of this, Sonic would go back to referring himself to his government name, “Ogilvie Maurice”. And because the nickname “Tails” was a name that was given to the fox by the bullies in this AU, Tails still goes by “Miles Prower” here.
But because of Knuckles being the hero of this AU, he comes up with a new nickname for Maurice, it being “Needlemouse”. So now that’s what Maurice goes by, “Mr. Needlemouse” while Miles is simply just “Dr. Miles Prower”.
Bonus: All of the characters here are aged up more, so Sonic here is only 20 years old and is 3'4. So.. there’s that.
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tokyoteddywolf · 3 days
CONTENT WARNING: Graphic blood, body horror, violent injuries, internal organs, implied offscreen death, parasitism, one really fucked up Pokémon. You have been warned.
Contains lore and worldbuilding content for The Obsidian Mew AU.
(I did say this was a horror au, yanno. Oh and have some Music to go with this, for flavor :D)
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In which I take the Shadow Stone parasitism and ramp it up.
There are five stages to Corruption into a Shadow Pokémon; Early Stage, Middle Stage, Late Stage, "Too Late" Stage, and Crystallized Decomp.
This specimen is in the "Too Late" Stage of possession by Shadow Stones. There is no saving it. There is no purifying it. It's simply too far gone, too badly damaged. In this stage, multiple vital organs and bones have been literally replaced by growing Shadow Stones.
Ones like these know only a neverending hunger, but no matter how much they consume, it's not enough. Anything with Gaia Energy, they'll go after, driving even calm herbivores to violent prey hunting methods. Oh they can last a bit longer with food, but death is inevitable. Without Obsidian to do her job, Pokémon like this Wyrdeer have fallen prey to infection from the Shadow Stones.
And Obsidian has not been doing her job.
Before Anne and Mewtwo were even born, there was a time aptly named "The Era of Darkness". Arceus had to beg Obsidian to return to her duties.
I'll let you guess what happened.
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skinnatblr · 8 months
Hello, I’m one of the contestants of the AU Sonic Smackdown, @delightrolls, the creator of the Sonic Thunderstorm AU. I was trying to decide who to vote for between you and @liminaltumbly, but the decision is proving to be difficult. Would you kindly tell me more about your Gaia Born AU? Anything and everything you feel comfortable sharing about your remarkable story! And if you want some more specific questions I would like to ask:
Is there a tag or some other way to find information on your story? I looked through your blog for a while and searched Gaia Born AU but I couldn’t find anything on it.
If Sonic was on the ARK does he remember Shadow, Maria, and Gerald?
If Sonic was born on the ARK how did he get sent to the planet?
Is Sonic’s Gaia Born Form permanent or a transformation that happens under certain circumstances?
Does Sonic still fight Eggman or someone else?
Does Sonic still have his trademark speed or is he slow like the Werehog?
Do any of Sonic’s friends outside of Tails appear? How do they feel about Sonic’s Gaia Born Form? How do the public at large feel about Sonic’s Gaia Born Form?
Where do Sonic and Tails move to after leaving Bygone Island?
If Sonic can sense people’s emotions does he also feel them or is he simply aware of them?
And one just out of curiosity, what would it be like if you Sonic met my Sonic, Duality? There’s a lot of hate from Empaths toward people with Narcissistic Personality Disorder, would your Sonic judge / fear / hate my Sonic for their condition or would he be aware of the fact the NPD is a disorder the person can’t help and that it doesn’t necessarily make someone a bad person? Would your Sonic be able to sense how emotional unstable Duality is?
Thank you for your time and regardless of whether you win or lose I think your story is remarkable :)
I’m currently doing my very best to write what I can about Gaia born so at the moment there no tag for him. Sonic was way too young to even open his eyes to remember shadow, Maria or the professor. But there is a strong connection that he can sense between him and shadow when they first meet. When the raid happened shadow placed Sonic in an escape pod to help Maria barricade the door but somehow his pod malfunctioned and shot him to the planet below without warning. His Werehog form is permanent (side eyes unleashed) and he does not have the super speed like his og counterpart. Yes, Sonic does still fight Eggman and even has a metal sonic counterpart. After moving from bygone island they met Vanilla the Rabbit after being homeless in the city and were practically adopted by her. All before cream was even in the picture. Knuckles was the first out of their friend group to meet Sonic and Tails and fully believed sonic was the monster eggman perceived him to be. Stubborn as he was it took until sonic met Chao for the first time to prove this fact was false. Up until his teens every friend he meets is a bit standoffish because of his appearance. Thanks to his golden retriever personality it doesn’t take long for people to warm up to him.
Honestly at first glance at your sonic, I think mine would love him and give him hugs and if he heard your characters story he would do everything to be a good friend to him. He sometimes struggles when emotions are mixed with someone so he asks if they’re ok or not.
Good luck to you too. Your au sounds pretty cool too :)
Don’t know if this counts as propaganda but I’ll tag @au-sonic-smackdown anyway :p
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fern-the-fox · 3 months
I have another AU idea that i want to bring to life someday, its not as fleshed out as Stories Untold but its already following a story so it doesn't really need a plot except for a few changes.
Whats your guys thoughts on a Brother Bear AU? focusing on Sonic and Tails, a little bit of knuckles. Characters aside from Sonic and Tails are still to be decided.
So if any of your bones creak like mine, Brother Bear is an old disney movie with beautiful native and inuit representation. Back when disney wasnt just trying to find a pretty buck and actually made their movies visually appealing along with a detailed story.
It follows 3 brothers, the oldest dies from a bear attack unintentionally caused by the youngest going after it to recitify a mistake. The youngest being Kenai or Sonic in this AU.
Kenai or Sonic, decides to seek avenge his brothers death by killing the beast. This is the beginning of where i change things around, i want to be as close to the source material as possible but my changes wont fit realistically so your gonna have a dire wolf sized fox. The movie is based on inuit culture and i cant use inuit representation 100% so this is a FICTIONAL native AU. Not based on any real cultures, inspired but not based.
That being said, Sonic goes to hunt this dire fox much to the dismay of the 2nd brother. I cant decide whos who aside from sonic.
Sonic kills this fox after an aggressive battle and the spirits, gaia, punish him for taking an unnecessary life by turning him into a mobian.
Forgot to mention 😅 sonic and his "brothers" are human and there are normal animals, but the beasts are mobians. Catch my drift on this? Okay.
Okay so Sonic kills the fox and is turned into a what? Hedgehog mobian! Because at the beginning, when a tribe member comes of age, they receive a totem of who they represent. Sonics was a cute little Hedgehog, the Hedgehog of love.
Yeah Amys gonna like that one lmao 🤣 😘
The 2nd brother comes last minute to see a changed Sonic and the aftermath of a fight. Thinking the random blue hedgehog killed Sonic, now thinking he lost 2 brothers he goes to attack. Sonic narrowly escapes and is separated for now.
Ive explained enough of the movie at this point, but Sonic comes across Tails who is a lone mobian. Born amd raised. Tails is Koda, the little bear Kenai meets.
Sonic at first is not liking the company of Tails, but while they travel across the land, they start to bond and Sonic begins to feel attached to the kid. His moralites and perspectives beging to change
Tails is a little shit in this btw, exactly like Koda. Does not shut up and is glued to Sonic in an endearing sort of way.
They become like brothers until it gets to the point of the movie where Tails is talking about why hes alone and his separation from his mom. Sonic breaks his own heart telling Tails that before changing, before the knowledge he has now about the mobians, he killed Tails mother to avenge his brother.
Honey there is so much unbreakable bond material with this movie, i even made an AI voice generated clip of Tails singing "im on my way" by phil collins.
Its getting pen to paper is where im stuck, im still working out how to present my idea visually. Id honestly adore seeing ideas from you guys.
Knuckles i cant decide if he should be the Shaman or the oldest brother. Kinda want Shadow to be the 2nd brother.
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mythos321 · 2 months
Part 2 of my WoF x Persona Au!
Chapter Two:Leap Through Fire!
As Clay emerged from the flames of his Persona, he now wore a black tailcoat over a high necked waistcoat and black pants, which hid most of his muscular body, with the white bird like mask upon his face once again, now worn with pride, as His Persona continued its introduction from before.
“I am The Dark Son of Gaia, Obsidian, I am the soul of the rebel within you! If you so desire, I shall grant you the power to relieve yourself of this crisis”
“Give me your power, and destroy them all, Obsidian!” Clay said with a strengthened resolve and confident aura around him, as he destroyed what was left of the guards, and Clay grabbed Tsunami and threw her onto his back and began to hold her there with his wings.
“Wh-What’s going on!” Tsunami shouted on top of him, still haven’t fully taken in whatever is happening
“I don’t know! But it feels amazing! Let’s get the hell out of here now!” Clay yelled as he ran out of the cell door and saw the cowering Shadow Whirlpool
“H-how could you! who do you think you are stepping to The King!” Before He could finish, Tsunami jumped off of Clays back and socked the so called king in his froggy eyes
“Yeah! you like that you son of a Batfish?!” Tsunami yelled, as Clay then picked the “King” up by his tail and threw him into the back of cell they were previously in with zero effort, then burning the lock with his fire so it wouldn’t budge
“Get back here! you can’t do this to me!” King Whirlpool shouted helplessly as Tsunami hopped back onto Clays back, and the duo ran off.
“So, what was that anyway?! that strange serpent(?) thing, and clothes, why are you wearing clothes now?! fancy ones at that!” Tsunami kept questioning, and Clay couldn’t even hope to give her an answer, as it was all as confusing for her as it was for him…though also a lot more fun.
as they kept running however, Clays attire suddenly changed back to normal, the duo both looked completely bewildered while still keeping on the run, until they finally found a large gate and without thinking, Clay tried to run into it, and though they made it momentarily budge, the gate stayed up, and instead Clay was left with a mild pain as Tsunami herself fell off from his back after the impact
“Maybe if we slam it the same time it could break down?” Clay asked Tsunami, who seemed to be in a sudden massive pain, which Clay saw was mostly in the area of her wing joints
“Your wings…did Whirlpool do something to them?…it’s not my fault right?”
“As if that bastard could, and no, it ain’t because of you…but, I don’t wanna talk about it…” Tsunami seemed to become surprisingly depressed in a quick time, and Clay decided not to push on the obviously painful subject.
“I understand, I’ll keep carrying you then, and we can find another way.” Clay offered, and put Tsunami back on him, with her clearly still in pain at her wings lower joints.
As the two continued through the dungeon area, Clay nearly walked into a hallway when it suddenly bursted with flames.
“Shit, that��s not good! how the hell do we get out now!”
“…Do you trust me?”
“I mean, a little? I don’t see how that factors right now”
“Just get under me, and I’ll wrap you with my wings for the next part, hold em tightly u like a blanket if you have to!”
“Wait…are you going to launch yourself through the fire?!? are you insane! you’ll turn into a crispy mess and I’ll end cooked alive!”
“Just trust me! I can easily get us through this!”
“…alright, just….don’t get us killed, okay?” Tsunami said, as Clay covered her under his wings, and he launched through the fiery pathway, going 3 quarters through before rolling them through the end
“Three moons, we’re actually okay!”
“Told ya!” Clay stated as his body quickly cooled off from the leap through fire
“Wait, did your persona give you some fire immunity or something?”
“Not at all! I was just kinda born with it!”
“Wait, you were born from a blood red egg! That’s badass!”
“…huh, guess so! y’know you’re way better than I thought you’d be…can I be honest? I completely thought you’d book it back there, at the cell, before you summoned that ghost thing, so, thanks for not leaving me to die!”
“Bah, you’d have done the same for me!” Clay gave Tsunami a smile, as she seemed to glow on part of her scales, and Clay now looked a little confused and curipus
“Oh, forgot other tribes don’t know those, um, that was aquatic for- eh, it doesn’t matter much.” Tsunami seemed to let whatever she said, as the two then saw a group of shadows approaching, and Clay jumped into a small hiding spot for them both, until the guards finally went away, and they continued their trek through the dungeon area.
“Damn it, if we don’t find a way out of here soon, I feel like we’ll be done for!” Tsunami voiced her frustration, as the two suddenly heard a clanking sound near one of the cells up ahead, almost like something, or someone, was trying to get their attention
As the two slowly made their way to the cell, Tsunami noticed multiple prisoners in various cells, all various young seawings that seemed to be void of consciousness, just standing in their cells, void of any emotion. The worst part of it all, was Tsunami could almost recognize each face as they passed through.
“Hey, everything alright?” Clay asked as he saw Tsunamis discomfort
“It’s…it’s nothing, I’ll tell you in a second I guess, let’s just find out what the hell is over there.”
As the duo creeped upon the final cell, they kept their guard up in case it was some sort of trap.
“Hey, you two! you’re the ones who started rushing through the castle dungeon right?” said the voice in the cell as Clay and Tsunami continued to etch towards them, before jumping forward and looking straight ahead…and seeing no one.
“huh? where are they? Shit, was it actually a trap!” Tsunami wondered out loud, even though she was clearly in no condition to fight it wasn’t gonna stop her from trying if she has to.
“Hey! Big Guy, Jacket Gal, I’m down here!” The two heard the voice once again, and looked down to see a small seawing like creature, wearing something similar to bandit clothing, and physically looked about 4 and a half years old, but was only the size of a 2 year old Dragonet. The strangest part though were his dark green eyes, which not only had what appeared to be traces of gold apart of them, but also shaped similarly to a cats!
“Woah! what’s with your eyes!” Tsunami blurted out
“You’re not castle soldiers right?” The Green Dragonet asked, more scared in tone
“As if we’d ever work with this shitheel! We’re trying to get the hell out of here! If anything, you look more like an enemy! you ever got creepy eyes like Whirlpool!” Tsunami stated
“How can I be an enemy you dunce! I’m locked in a cell!” The Seawing pointed out, now a mix of scared and angry
“Hey, don’t worry. You want us to help you out right?” Clay comforted them, though slightly thrown off initially by their eyes, he could tell they’re a kid just like him or Tsunami, though younger by a year or two.
“YES! please! They threw my key away, so I really need your help out!” The Seawing pleaded, and Clay tried to figure out a way to get them out
“Perhaps I can be of assistance?”
Clay heard Obsidian in his mind once again, and after a moment of concentration managed to bring it forth, momentarily freaking out Tsunami yet making the young Seawing excite
“You have a persona! great! just have it take off the door!” The Seawing instructed
“…you may want to back away for this one” Clay stated, as an image came forth in his mind, and he pointed towards the doors lock. Obsidians head then began to morph, changing into that of a shotgun, and blasted off not only the lock, but most of the cell, leaving The Seawing shocked yet intrigued while Tsunami was baffled at what Clays persona just did.
“I’m sorry, did that thing just turn its face into a shotgun?!” Tsunami asked, as The Younger Seawing jumped through the hole in the door
“Must be a power of your Persona! Truly impressive for someone I can tell is just starting out!”
“…So, what’s up with the eyes?” Clay asked, now that The young Seawing was free
“I’m not sure, far as my memory goes, I’ve always had these golden greens!” The Seawing State stated, clearly proud of them
“No, he meant why are they like a cats.” Tsunami stated. “Also knowing why you’re so small would be nice.”
“That’s none of your business!…well, now that I’m free, what do you say to a partnership? you helped me out, and now I’ll help you out!” The Seawing offered, holding out his hand to shake
“Sounds good to me.” Clay shook the young Seawings hand, and they shot each other a smile.
“Turtle.” The Young Seawing told his name
“Moose.” Clay said back, making Turtle and Tsunami both look confused
“Wait, um, no, my name is-” before Turtle could explain, Clay began snickering
“Oh my moons, I’m just messing with you two, I know how Seawing names work.” Clay kept laughing, as the three now continued through the dungeon, finding a drawbridge over a large abyss with a statue of Whirlpool next to it.
Clay was about to suggest flying, until he realized 2 things. First was that since Whirlpool himself was a dragon, why would he imagine a drawbridge if he himself could fly over it, meaning it may be another trap. The second was that Tsunamis wings were not in good shape to put the strain of flying on them. Clay then looked towards Turtle for answers, with which he delivered
“Well, Clay, since you seem to know things better than Jacket Gal over there, I’ll mainly show you how to go about something like this.” Turtle said, with Tsunami looking angry at the insult. “As you’ll seen soon enough, this statues mouth contains a secret button! press on that, and you’ll make this drawbridge lower in no time!”
Clay did as Turtle instructed, and the drawbridge lowered itself just as they hoped.
“How the hell were we supposed to know that?!?” Tsunami questioned
“Pff, you’re such an amateur, Jacket Gal, now let’s keep going!” Turtle stated, and the 3 ran across the drawbridge, only for them to suddenly be surrounded by castle soldiers, and Clay suddenly went back into his Phantom Thief attire
“SHIT ITS THEM.” Tsunami shouted, clearly frightened as she grabbed a random candlestick to defend with
“You really are amateur! as if that would do anything to them! Just stay still and don’t get hurt.” Turtle said as he jumped off of Tsunami and next to Clay. “Say, you can fight right? Let’s do this!” Turtle then concentrated, as he then became surrounded by a beam of green light.
“Come forth, Honu!” Turtle shouted, as he manifested a giant emerald colored being that seemed to be partly turtle and partly dragon like in its appearance, with a large powerful golden brown shell upon its back that also sprouted a set of long dragon wings. It also powerful arms that had flippers partially stick out from the forearms and legs. and held in its claws a gigantic fishhook with a sharp edge to it. It wore a slightly open coat fitted with long shoulder pads fitted with a green cape with golden edges, and its head was similar to a seawings, but with long white horns similar to that of its hook replacing the normal seawing horns. To top it all off was a pair of black pants held by a massive belt buckle shaped similar to a Turtle.
“This’d be light work for even one of us! but with us both? It couldn’t be easier!” Turtle declared as he and Clay prepared to face the shadows.
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eloaholiveira · 7 months
Hello, I’m one of the contestants of the AU Sonic Smackdown, @delightrolls, the creator of the Sonic Thunderstorm AU. I was trying to decide who to vote for between you and @wereh0gz, but the decision is proving to be difficult. Would you kindly tell me more about your Freaks AU? Anything and everything you feel comfortable sharing about your impeccable story! And if you want some more specific questions I would like to ask these questions and I apologize in advance for the amount of them, your AU is just very intriguing. Feel free to take your time answering all of these:
Are all Echidnas Wood Nymphs / Dryads / Drus or is it just Knuckles? If it’s just Knuckles how did he get like that?
Did the Knuckles Clan still invoke the wrath of Chaos leaving Knuckles as the sole survivor?
Are characters like Omega, and Cream in the Freaks AU?
Are the Chaotix still detectives? If not, what do they do?
What are Zombies like? Do they eat brains like most Zombies in stories do or do they eat something else?
Is Silver also a Vegan Vampire?
Can Vampires also be satiated by Animal Blood or is it only Mobian / Tree Blood?
What are the pros and cons of drinking Mobian Blood vs Tree Blood?
Can Vampires eat solid food or are they limited to fluids?
If someone is bitten by a Vampire are they guaranteed to turn into a Vampire or Zombie or can other things happen as well?
Are Vampires weak to Sunlight?
What happens when The Order takes someone? Are they killed or imprisoned? If they are imprisoned what happens to them in prison?
What are Demons like?
Were Surge and Kit born Demons or did someone or something turn them into Demons?
Do Iblis, Solaris, Dark Gaia, and Light Gaia exist in this story?
Can someone earn the title of High Howler outside of killing the current High Howler? How would one do this?
What are the lifespans of the various Freaks?
What are Fairies like?
Sticks doesn’t believe in the Supernatural but is a Fairy, are Fairies not Supernatural?
What does the Morning Glory Pack do?
If Mimic turned Mighty and Mighty is part of Amy’s Pack does that mean Mimic is also a part of Amy’s Pack?
How many members are in Amy’s Pack? Is Eric in Amy’s Pack?
Is Ashe also a Werebeast?
Has anyone willingly become a Freak?
Would eating a possessed object completely destroy it or would the Ghost simply possess the person who ate them?
Thank you for your time and regardless of whether you win or lose I think your story is impeccable :)
Hey!!! And thank you ❤️
1- Yes, all echidnas - from Knuckles' tribe - were Wood Nymphs.
2- Yes, and Knuckles still guards the Master Emerald at Angel Island.
3- Cream is in the AU!!! I just have yet to draw her, and shes a mundane. Not sure ig Omega will appear just yet.
4- The Chaotix are still detectives, think Kemono Jihen: they take care of supernatural incidents, sorta like vigilantes(is that the correct term? ^^") They're also family, Vector is the single dad of these two. lol
5- You got flesh-eating zombies... and then you have Gadget, who personally loves pastries. XD
6- Silver is learning about 'vampire veganism' with Espio.
7/8- Sort of, a sentiment's blood not only make them stronger but they're also well fed. Vegan vampires are weaker since they don't consume live blood.
9- Yes vampires are weak to sunlight, but it's mostly based on their diet. Those who drink live blood might get hurt real badly, and those who are vegan usually have way higher tolerance to sunlight just getting itchy.
10- Still reworking/revamping The Order
11- Demons are either sinners or born-demons. Demons can be summoned by mundanes, sinners cannot.
12- Surge and Kit are born demons, they got summoned by Starline.
13- Gaia is a single entity like a God, Iblis and Solaris do not exist in this story.
14- You don't need to kill the previous High Howler to become one, you can earn the title, it's not well known how to do so, but you must not have killed innocent people in order to earn it. Or you could be a High Howler's Heir and inherit the 'throne' when they die.
15- Still working on fairies, but they're mostly chill, being able to change between fairy form (tiny) and mobian form. Fairies have powers related to the elements/nature.
16- Fairies are supernaturals, Sticks just never took fairy form/'unlocked' her powers so she never figured out she was a fairy herself! XD
17- Morning Glory is currently trying to track down Mimic, since he's going around causing mayhem n all.
18- Amy's pack got 7 members, 2 of which are demons (Surge and Kitsunami). Eric is an omega, he's on his own, and Ashe is a mobian, he didn't get turned.
19- I shall talk about that soon... 👁️👁️
20- The person who ate it would probably die... or vomit it out. XD
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aqualblue · 23 days
What are you art inspirations? Your style is so pretty and unique. Also could you tell me more about your OC's? Like what they do and their personalities?
tyyy hahahaehe!!
my main art inspiration is ennuigrl. I had almost quit drawing entirely until I spotted their acc on twitter and found my love for drawing all over again through simply viewing their art. I also Take a lot inspiration from Street Fighter, winx club, my little pony fim, dmc, guilty gear, mortal kombat, and Dragon Ball in style/character design !
Unique to my other characters, my winx club oc Lovera, and her two goons, Gaia and clover, are seperate entities in their own stories, as well as being the main part of my personal winx club x castlevania au
As for ocs, my main cast, (Tsuaki Family, Downtown trio: Brecken, Anna, Kaminari Nami) were first made in wizard101 when I used to play a lot, through drawing them they became their own ocs, and now I rotate them through fandom aus of fandoms im into. Anba's friend group/circle also consists of the extra Kotori (Cori, ditzy, clumsey, abscent minded), Karol (kind of a perv, tall, protects her friends), Caren(Sweet, some may think she's a mean girl but she's very kind), and Eris and Rhea(Reincarnations that come back easily any time they die, both untrustworthy shapeshifters) Currently my main focus and au for them, it's street fighter!! (and sometimes dmc/guilty gear)
I'll breakdown some of my main ocs below their personalities under the cut!!
Lovera: Lovera is one of my many completely inhuman ocs that appear human. Like an animal she wears bright colors and naturally has bright colors in her human/non human forms to indicate she's toxic. She's an ex fairy/fae, having had her wings permanently torn from her shoulder blades right at the root for aiding her father in destroying a large portion of the fairy realm and stealing dark magic for their own gain. She's gone on to become a dark sorceress, sort of self absorbed anti hero who doesn't meddle in the affiars of others. In the castlevania au, her personal isolation is due to her love not being reciprocated by Juste Belmont when he learns of her past. She eventually goes on to open up to Alucard however. As a fairy, she was "the fairy of the pale dragon heart", which just means the fairy of love
Anba: Anba is the one you see me draw the most, the stoic little critter with the headband/glasses. She's completely random, unpredictable, but can be quick to temper or resorting to violence when things go south. Despite her muscled body, she's very flexible, and able to fit herself inside small spaces which she enjoys. Her powers are paradoxial, meaning she can use two opposites at once (fire, ice, shadow, light, etc). Anba also has an obxnoious british twin cousin named Nokoribi who raised her when her elder three siblings and parents vanished for some time.
Paru: Paru is the only Tsukai sibbling born completely without the capeability to show that she's being malicious, even if she wanted to. She trusts everyone, ever, think how fluttershy is when thinking the best of everyone !. Paru often has no trouble making friends, or being nice, and like her name suggests, she has a pearl in her forehead, which is the only time such a neutral gem has been placed in a Tsukai family member. Paru and Anba were very close when Paru was alive.
Kessho [Tsukai]: Kessho almost NEVER emotes, Apart from sometimes smiling at her partner or her siblings. Kessho, Ame and armondo are all 55, so Kessho is very mature, cool headed, and well thought out. She's the most like Kage visually and fighting wise, having spider flexibility and powers, and able to shapeshift very well
Amejisuto & Armondo-Hisui: These two are practically the same person, like with Morrigan and Lilith. Both having nighttime related powers, Ame' is a sweet, motherly type who comes off airheaded but is actually very smart and cunning, whilst Armondo doesn't hide that he's a sly, sassy, kind of rude liar.
Turmeric: Turmeric is the eldest out of the paru, anba and himself tripletts. He's blank faced, rarely showing emotion outside of blank, and being annoyed or weirded out. He was originally anba's genderbend, but became his own character to me. His powers are light related, and he's Kessho's opposite.
Kage: Kage is an evil, disney step mother (except she's the bio mom) type of character, who is simply wearing the skin of a human she was born into the vessel as. She has a twin sister, who often stays out of the continent of Asia to avoid Kage. She's also in past of history, been known as the witch "Morgin Le Fay", and in the era of Japan when samurai's still fought dragons and evil yokai, "The ShiKage". She has an obsession with bugs, specifically arachnids and hates avians.
Anna(Sanari Gojo): Anna is very timid, shy, sweet. She doesn't go out of her way to be noticed but either due to Brecken and Nami, her friends, or her mentor, Anba, she ends up in trouble. Anna comes off as weak willed, but actually has very strong principle and is only shy and cowardly around people she cares about impressing. When it comes to evil people, albeit, in her terms, "bullies", she has a zero tolerance, and will beat the shit out of them. Her fighting style mixes karate and Gymnastics, and she has icy powers
Kaminari Nami: Nami is just a very unhinged girl and mistunderstood for it. She's very outgoing, sweet, and attentive to those around her. She enjoys girly things, not always clothes, but she owns lots of makeup and dolls. She's one of my only hatian ocs, the others being her mother, Mirlande, and her twin sister Masayoshi. Nami in general just really has lots of love to give and so comes off as intense when she tries to give it out. She learned to fight by wrestling Aligators in Jamaica where she was raised by an adopted big brother after her parents vanished ! Nami and her twin sister have storm/raging storms at sea powers, relating to their names
Brecekn: Brecken's your classic gangster and swindler. She's got a mysterious ability to talk anyone into any kind of deal or scam she's selling ha. In the street fighter au she has a bunch of fighters/boxers under her wing in her management company and takes a HUGE cut. She's cocky, but for good reason, as despite her size, she's a boxer/bear wrestler that packs a punch harder than being hit by a car. She has illusion based powers
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