#gaining dat muscle mass
academyguide · 2 years
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captain-grump · 8 years
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Chris looks really hench here💪🏼
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druidubal · 6 years
(approx. 2800 words)
The ancient pines brooded in the mist, their gray-black branches drooping. Even the grass was starved of color. Only the occasional floating wisp, a small point of wan light, broke the gloom.
Ubal let himself think of the Echo Isles, and of Feralas, and hungered for the color green.
Somewhere in those pines, the night elves were watching the camp. They'd followed the Horde all through the bitter march north, sniping and killing stragglers, then vanishing back into the forest like ghosts.
"-- set fire to the forest here. Try to do as much damage as possible," troop commander Bralash Axefury was saying. "Druids, scouts, keep watch over them. Don't let those night elf scum pick them off."
It was the same tactic they had used for three days now. First the peons would fan out and squirt the tree trunks with the flammable liquid concocted by the goblins; then, the pyromancers would set it afire. Within moments, each tree would be burning like a torch. The flames would consume it in a few minutes, but not before spreading to every other tree within a hundred paces. The wildfire would burn until it ran out of nearby trees, or until the night elves managed to put it out.
Ubal understood the strategy. Wreak as much havoc in as many places as possible, forcing the night elves to turn their energies and resources away from harassing the Horde to fighting the fires. Each fire cost them valuable cover for ambushes, and the Horde gained a little more ground.
Sometimes something had to be destroyed to gain a greater good. The Echo Island rainforests he'd once roamed had been cut down to make room for the massive Darkspear military complex. Now, if this army could drive the Alliance out of the Kalimdor mainland and occupy Teldrassil, the Horde would finally have all the timber it needed. No one would talk about chopping down the forests of Feralas any longer.
Still, he didn't have to like it.
They moved out, plunging into the gray morning fog under the trees.
Each peon had a metal tank of the fluid strapped to his back, with a leather and bronze hose and nozzle attached. They held the nozzles as they walked, muscles tensed under their ragged shirts and rudimentary armor. Their gazes darted uneasily between the treetops, the shadows, the drifting wisps. Only Bralash's authority kept them going.
Ubal didn't blame them. He'd seen what the wisps could do. Even he felt his pulse speed up. He didn't take his eyes off the trees.
The troop had three druids, counting Ubal himself, Je'kon -- another young troll -- and Kirima Rainwind, an old shuhalo. In his opinion, they needed more, but most of the Horde's druids were in Silithus now. In the center of the group walked the pyromancers -- three blood elves and a goblin.
The coolness and mist did nothing to soothe him. It felt as if the silent forest were holding its breath.
A pale wisp drifted past, but it ignored him. They were supposed to be pacified now. From this close, he could see its tiny night elven face, slack and idiot, devoid of the intelligence it would have had in life.
You'd think they would set them free. In their own way, the night elves were as merciless as any orc.
"Far enough!" Bralash called. "Now, get to work!" The fog slightly muffled his voice.
An acrid chemical reek reached Ubal's nostrils as the peons began spraying. He turned and padded away into the shadows beneath the trees, using his stealth magic to fade into near-invisibility. Kirima and Je'kon, the other two druids, did likewise, spreading out and weaving into a complex pattern of movement meant to guard the firestarters as closely as possible while keeping their movements unpredictable to any watching enemies -- and, of course, avoiding the fires.
He strained his eyes and ears but could hear nothing. No stealthy rustles in the branches above, no squeak of a bow being drawn. He sniffed, but the sharp stink of pine resin clogged his nostrils.
Behind him the forest flared with light, as the mages cast their spells on the soaked tree trunks and fires blazed into life, blasting the mist away and tainting it with smoke.
The three druids had their own section of camp, their tents forming a rough triangle.
As they whiled away the off-duty hours before sleep, they talked. Ubal had learned a little about his companions. Kirima -- never a truly powerful druid -- was old and grizzled, her muzzle almost white. She limped slightly most mornings, troubled by arthritis afflicting an old battle wound in her left leg (a memento from the Outland war). Je'kon, on the other hand, was young and untested. He'd served briefly at the Mor'shan Rampart and Stonemaul Hold, but this was his first big offensive.
Perhaps it was a mercy to kill the maddened furbolg.
The creatures rushed at them wild-eyed, foam dripping from their jaws as they gnashed their yellow teeth. Their matted fur reeked. Their eyes held nothing of sanity as they charged, uncaring of their wounds, trampling the fallen corpses of their fellows. Ubal's troop lost two peons the first day when they were overwhelmed and had to retreat.
The soldiers couldn't find any cubs or old ones in Blackwood Den. Ubal tried not to think about what had happened to them. There was only rotting food and feces, as if the furbolg had lost interest even in basic cleanliness.
He brought them down with tooth and claw, killing furbolg until he was half-blind with exhaustion.
That evening, as the druids sat by the fire eating supper, Je'kon broke the silence.
"I never see anyt'ing like it. What made dem so maddened like dat?"
Kirima looked over at him with her deep brown eyes.
"Don't you know?" she asked. "We did, when we burned the trees."
 The entire Horde force in Darkshore united again for the next stage of the assault -- crossing the Wildbend River. Even so, the stalemate lasted for fourteen days. The flying machines continued the battle, piloted by goblins and the more harebrained champions. They flew over enemy lines to firebomb the kaldorei, dryads and Ancients that massed on the north bank.
The Horde druids stayed in Blackwood Den with the wounded, the sick, and non-combatants. They helped to heal the casualties and guard the fringes of the camp.
Ubal was glad he didn't have to see the Ancients burn alive, even if they were enemies.
Even now, with the battlefront far beyond, the kaldorei stalked them. The night elves had an uncanny ability to slip through the slightest gaps in their patrols. Kodos spooked and bolted into the woods. Wagons and catapults went up in flames, or had wheels and axles broken. Flying machines in repair were sabotaged. Supplies turned up missing, or befouled with urine and excrement, or even poisoned. Anyone stepping out of the camp, even briefly, risked their lives. Sometimes others would find the bloodied corpse; other times, the victim simply was never seen again.
Sometimes, even druids did not return from patrol.
The great cat leaped down from the branches of the tree above him, but his own feline hearing caught the faint scratch of claws on bark above just in time. He jumped aside, letting the enemy druid thump down onto the soft forest soil. The night elf's cat form was dusky purple-gray, with white-painted crescent moons on each shoulder.
She turned her glowing white eyes on him, and then they leaped at each other.
They clawed each other's faces and shoulders and snapped at each others' throats. Neither one growled or roared; the night elf no more wanted to attract extra enemies than he did.
Suddenly, inexplicably, there was a pause in the fight. Ubal's face dripped blood; his claws were sunk deeply into the other's shoulder. Her white eyes blazed with hate and loathing.
Defiler! she spat in the cat-form language. You are no druid!
Then they threw themselves upon each other again.
Finally, Ubal managed to tear out the other druid's throat. Even as the blood fountained from her ripped jugular vein, she clawed at his shoulders and forelegs and face until the hatred died from her eyes and she fell back, kicking in her death throes.
On the fourteenth day, the stalemate ended.
Ubal spent the night patrolling the woods just beyond the camp's western edge, looking for Sentinels or enemy druids offering the regular troops any last-ditch harassment.
At sunrise, he circled back in, and shapeshifted back as he approached the sentries. Somehow, being in troll form brought him a feeling of relief. Not much, but some. After identifying himself to them, he entered the camp.
The massive Horde camp stretched far beyond the furbolg dens. Endless tents stood in more or less orderly rows. Off-duty fighters sat together in open spots, talking, singing campaign songs together, eating. Ubal walked through them, speaking to no one except for brief greetings, until he reached the part of the camp where some of the off-duty Horde druids had gathered.
Here, no one was singing, and very few were talking. The tauren and trolls who were not sleeping or eating sat in silence, shoulders slumped, heads low.
He found Kirima and Je'kon in their assigned place.
"Didja see anyt'ing? Any elves?" Je'kon asked him.
"Nothing dis time," he answered.
Their attempt at small talk dwindled and then fell silent again as they ate their rations of stew, pork, and hardtack.  Even as the sun cleared the tops of the distant trees and warmed the camp, they barely looked at each other.
Je'kon had lowered his gaze to the ground; now he sat unmoving. Ubal glanced at Kirima. Her gaze had gone distant again, unfocused.
He closed his own eyes. He could feel the land's energy beneath him, sullen and brooding.
He didn't look at them again. He wondered if they were thinking the same thing that he was.
Maybe we won't advance any further. Maybe Sylvanas will come to her senses.
A swell of sound broke him out of his numb reverie. What the --? He opened his eyes and looked around.
Heads turned, ears perking, as a swell of orcish shouts and cheers rose in the northeast. Suddenly animated again, Je'kon stood up, trying to see what was going on. His eyes went wide.
An orc warrior came running through the druids' tents, shouting and jubilant.
"Saurfang! Saurfang's forces have come!"
The cheers were swelling into a loud chant, spreading through the camp.
"Saurfang! Saurfang!"
The push resumed -- northward, ever northward, toward Darnassus.
More and more fire. Each day, fewer and fewer trees. Sometimes they crossed ground that another troop had already burned -- the earth covered with ash and bits of charcoaled wood, the trees blackened stumps.
Smoke obscured the sky, forming dense clouds overhead. Their underbellies reflected orange and gold. At night, the glow of fire was everywhere. The army walked on ashes, camped on ashes, breathed in ashes and smoke.
The forest's sullen silence had ended. Every night now, before he fell asleep, he could hear it screaming. He was too exhausted to pay it heed.
Ubal sneezed and coughed. His eyes were sore and red-rimmed. His throat felt as if it had been scrubbed with a hard-bristle brush.
Sometimes he saw the charred corpses of animals. This one was certainly a stag -- the antlers were obvious, scorched dark. That one had been a bear, though the blackened body was twisted, exposed teeth snarling in the skeletal open jaws.
He found a corpse of what he thought was a night elf, but it was too burned to be sure.
One morning, as they marched north, they passed a humanoid corpse draped over a smaller corpse.
A night elf and a gnome, he would tell himself later. A gnome. Not a child.
He heard someone nearby retching.
Only much later did Ubal learn that the little village was called Anu'dorini. Thirty-four night elves all told, including the children, with only two Sentinels to defend it; it made for a short, easy fight.
He shepherded a night elf woman and girl, pushing them forward. The woman, a tall, dignified civilian, scarcely honored her captor with a look, but she kept a tight grip on the child's hand. The girl looked around bewildered, not truly understanding what had happened.
They passed by the bloodied corpse of a slain Sentinel, stretched out on the floor of an open building. The night elf woman quickly moved to place herself between the body and the child she was leading.
They reached the place where the prisoners were being held, crowded into a clearing, watched over by impassive orc grunts and a Wolfrider. The night elf woman never looked at him; she still held the girl's hand as she went to sit down on the grass among the other prisoners. Ubal could hear sobs -- it sounded like two or three people, no more. The others were silent.
"What is this?" a harsh voice rasped.
Executor Raimund Hopebreaker walked over, glowering at the prisoners. The two Dark Rangers flanking him stared impassively at the scene, bows in their hands.
Osgeth Warfury, the orc commander, stepped forward, saluting. "Executor! I did not know you were coming --"
"Never mind that," Raimund snapped. "Why are these night elves here?"
"These are all the prisoners, Executor. Both Sentinels died in the fight. Do you wish to see their corpses?"
"I want to see these as corpses," Raimund said. "No prisoners were to be taken. It is the Dark Lady's order."
Osgeth's back stiffened. "I received no such order, Executor."
"Then someone failed in their duty. We cannot spare time or guards for prisoners." Raimund gestured at the night elves. "Dispose of this refuse. Now."
Osgeth stared at him, eyes wide. "They're unarmed prisoners, Executor. Civilians. They are no threat."
"Do it now, Commander Osgeth, or the Dark Lady will hear of your insubordination."
"But --"
Raimund raised his voice to the group at large. "Soldiers of the Horde, kill these worms. Kiera, Clarissa -- assist them."
The Dark Rangers nocked arrows and fired into the prisoners in a blur of motion. Two night elves screamed in agony, clutching at the shafts embedded in their bellies. The Rangers had not gone for the quick kill.
Cursing, Osgeth drew his axe and waded into the prisoners, chopping with quick, economical motions. The other orcs joined in. The shrieks of terror mingled with death screams.
Night elves leaped up to flee, but the Rangers turned to them and began picking them off with pinpoint accuracy. No more gutshots.
A young night elf woman streaked past Ubal, running for the trees.
His body shifted without thought, went into motion without his willing it. He bounded after her. In two leaps, he was upon her, his weight slamming her to the ground. She did not have time to scream before his jaws crushed her neck.
Backing off the corpse, he saw the black arrow in her left side, embedded all the way up to the still-quivering fletching. The arrowhead stood out on the other side, impaling her.
He looked about, his mind racing to catch up with what he had done. He saw no more escaping prisoners. He shapeshifted back, and returned.
Night elves lay strewn on the ground: old men, women, children. A man stirred, arms moving, making a feeble attempt to get up. Even as Ubal watched, a grunt stepped over, raised his axe, and brought it down on him.
Raimund's Dark Rangers were already roaming the field, retrieving their arrows from the corpses.
In a nearby cluster of Horde druids, Kirima stared at the corpses without moving. Slowly, deliberately, she turned her back on Raimund and Osgeth and began walking away.
It took Commander Osgeth several moments to notice her. He shouted: "Private Kirima! Where do you think you're going? Get back here! NOW!"
Kirima did not even flick her ears. Ignoring the commander, she kept walking toward the trees.
"Private Shaanu! Stop her! Bring her back!"
The Tauren warrior watched Kirima. He made no move to stop her; he merely watched.
A cold resolve filled Ubal's mind. Enough.
He turned, chose a direction, and began walking.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw another druid get up and start walking away. Then another.
"STOP THEM!" Osgeth almost screamed, as Raimund and his Dark Rangers stared in disbelief.
Ubal felt his back prickle, expecting the hot shock of an arrow. It didn't come. The thought of lurking kaldorei passed through his mind, but it wasn't enough to make him stop.
Reaching the trees, he shifted into cat form. He kept walking away until the forest swallowed him from sight.
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peteazzi-blog · 7 years
Keep it simple, stupid!
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Firstly, before I get criticised I don’t have a perfect body-don’t claim to have one. But I’m passionate and currently getting qualified in health and fitness so here we go.
So let’s talk…bulk or shred? I want to bulk but I don’t want a belly…I want to shred but I want my ass to stay the same size. I want abs but I want my chest to be bigger! 12 week transformation…how do we do that? Have I transformed? Why can’t I do both? Sit in two chairs at once? I want to look like Joe Blow on Instagram...look at dat ass, those legs, that chest. I wanna be #FITFAM
Hold uppppp!!!!!!! Breathe…let’s keep it simple!  
First shock..you cannot bulk and shred at the same time.
Second shock....you will never look like Joe Blow damn Joe doesn’t even look like Joe.
Let’s get real.
So you want to gain muscle? The body is a very simple and smart machine you will gain muscle..it is by no means impossible but first you need to eat more!
You need to be in a calorie surplus.
What does this all mean- help! I’m confused!
Ok, so first thing is first.
Third shock is you will put on weight during this calorie surpluss some of this weight will be muscle and some of this weight will be fat unfortunately pure lean muscle tissue without adding body fat does not exist! (hence why most people bulk in winter...tighter jeans, and looser shirt season). This is a hard concept to wrap your head around!!! You are meaning to tell me I need to go Kirsty Alley circa 2009 to look somewhat like Joe Blow? Yeah to some degree you do. Mr. Blow himself eventually realized after much thought that in order to reach his goals, he to would have to see some fat belly gains to see booty/leg mass gains.
Ok, this kinda makes sense/sounds good but how do I do it? So do I need to eat more? Yes- thats a good start. Welcome to bulking season.
Eating more will in turn give you more energy, more energy will in turn allow you to train better, lift heavier, therefore getting stronger...BOOTY GAINS!!!  
So I need to eat more and train harder and I will see results? Yes most certainily.
Butt remember...you need to remain in a calorie surplus to gain mass. Watch that daily energy expenditure and how it can vary quite a bit depending on your activity. So if you just had a good sweaty session of sex (no matter what you are eating) that's an extra 200-300 kcals easily.  There goes your surplus.  There goes the gains you’re after!
So let’s eat!
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gathering-storm · 7 years
(gonna answer this like a drabble for the fun of it)
A power mightier than any other stands before the shackled hellion, their shining wings spread wide behind them and a stern look upon their square jawed face. “Rise, Scourge Darkwing, your judgement has come”, this unknown entity commanded, Darkwing standing seemingly against his will as the shackles send a powerful current through him, “your crimes are as abhorrent as they are numerous, your darkness knowing no limit”, this creature announced whilst pointing a glimmering blade at the demon’s neck, “conversely, you have shown yourself to have a true heart filled with care for those closest to you, your skills as a parent unsurpassed, though often practiced in your own unique way and your kindness, though rarely shown, is often worthy of sainthood.” They rattled as though mulling over every detail.
“JuSt gEt On wITh iT!” the imprisoned devil hissed angrily, having grown more and more impatient with each word his jailor had prattled “yoU alREadY CauGHt me yOu FUcK, MAKE MY DAY!!!!” He yelled, lashing out at the entity only to be yanked back harshly by that which held him “In time, you are admitably…. difficult….. to judge”, came the honest, calm admission as the celestial examined his charge, “your past and a great many of your deeds are dark, but you are a product of choices made long before you first drew breath, you are a nightmare of existence, though not one if your own making…..” They hummed with a finger upon their chin “ah, I have it, you shall be sentenced to….” They trailed off, all of reality warping around him and Darkwing before shattering completely into an endless blackness.
Soon the blackness gave way to a crying infant, their dark green fur accented with a peach fuzz muzzle and light brown chest, their eyes a deep scarlet red and two miniature bat wings cradling his shoulders laying in front of the throne a former Lord of Dread once ruled in an ornate wicker basket, a note attached to its front, signed with the ancient Seraphim symbol of Justice.
Jericho and Clabius
The pure white doors of a hospital slam open amidst a rush of activity, two stretchers wheeled in with the utmost haste a second later. “Doctor, this one’s crashing!” One of the nurses shouts, the portable monitor hooked up to the carriage bearing a heavily tattooed, grey skinned man sounding out in a harsh beep as the line upon it becomes flat “get me the shockers, full charge and someone get that needle off to the lab,” a black haired doctor ordered motioning to a syringe filled with violet liquid currently in a clear plastic biohazard bag carried by one of the EMTs, “we need to figure out what’s in it if we’re going to help this man!”
“now his friend’s convulsing!” Another of the nurses shouted, the other incapacitated male, this one bearing an artificial arm, long red hair and a green Z on the front of his throat, caught in the grip of a full body seizure, his unconscious body twitching violently, every muscle flexing in waves. “ 50mg of atropine stat!” The doctor ordered whilst moving to restrain the flailing patient along with four nurses, pinning him down before restraining him at the ankles and wrists.
Days later both men awoke near simultaneously in the sterile surroundings of the hospital’s intensive care unit, their expressions as blank as their memories and the first sight greeting them that of each other, confusion evident as the heavily tattooed one spoke, saying “where are we?” And only reply that of an uncertain grunt
For years he had fought, being sent against enemies foreign, domestic and interplanetary, his own commanders turning against him for fear of his growing reputation putting him in a position to threaten their power. Each fight, each battle taking its toll upon this hardened military man, every comrade who fell in the line of duty a friend, a sister or a brother he would never forget, never see again. The very blood which courses through his veins was as much a curse as it was a blessing, granting him immense power and neigh invulnerability at the expense of dwindling his humanity, the voice it brought with it a monster which preyed upon his anger in times of crisis.
He had suffered this way for what seemed as a lifetime, his initial love for his role as a proud soldier giving way to a jaded harshness combined with an utter loathing for those who sent he and his teams into countless warzones as expendable pawns and a desire to keep anyone else from loosing as much as he had.
Fortunately for this forlorn fighter, fate would soon have its reward, though not in a way he could have predicted…..
Gunfire roared through the night, explosions and the cries of stricken combatants it’s chorus in the thrilling and terrifying song of battle. This was the environment in which Daryl thrived, the chaos of warfare, though not an addiction, an often welcome break from having to restrain himself, his strength could be used to the utmost, armored skin put to the test. This specific battle had proven itself a particular challenge, the enemy, a paramilitary force, fought furiously and with all the precision and cohesiveness of a true national army.
the fighting dragged on for days, the opposition and Daryl gaining ground only to lose it back and forth in a seemingly endless cycle until, on the morning of the sixth day, a child from a nearby village wandered into the battlefield. Seeing this lone innocent in the line of fire, Daryl rushed to protect them, ignoring the large rail howitzer slowly leveling it’s barrel toward him. It was over in an instant, the loud roar of the gun followed by a soft, subdued thud as the round struck it’s target, sending the heroic soldier tumbling yards away in an unconscious and near death mass of mangled man.
When next he awoke, he found himself in the haphazard confines of a village hospital surrounded by the same people with whom he had been fighting. A large man with skin like charred burlap and eyes of verdant sapphire stepped forward cautiously, holding out a mirror toward his former enemy, the face which appeared on the marred glass not that of a coal-skinned mutation but that of a sun-kissed man with deep brown orbs peering from above gentle cheekbones. “But…what the fuck?!” Daryl spurted in wide eyed confusion, surprised both by his appearance and the friendliness these people where showing him “you saved dat chi-old, you are no longah our en-eh-mee”, came the nervous yet admiring response in a near Ugandan accent, “you can live wit us, until you recovah.” They offered sincerely.
Weeks passed, the bond between Daryl and the villagers growing from one of trepidation and anxious mistrust to one like that of a warm, loving family, the hardened man finally having what a lifetime of war had denied him for so long, true companionship, lasting peace and normalcy. When the time came for him to return to his duty, he paused at the edge of this blessed ville, tears of joy mixed with sorrow dripping down his softened face, his heart yearning to stay with these angels made flesh. He had found his home but thought he must leave it behind. That was until, almost as if as a sign from above the only radio in the entire village crackled to life, a voice thereon announcing the death of a celebrated foreign soldier…..Daryl himself.
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ntfitness-blog · 7 years
Steroids for Dummies
Anabolic steroids are synthetic analogs or derivatives of Testosterone and nor-testosterone. In the 1930s, scientists found that these anabolic steroids could increase the growth of muscle in lab animals. The compounds were then used to treat debilitating diseases in humans.
In the 1950s, a doctor, John Ziegler had dispensed an oral anabolic steroid by the name of Dianabol. Soon after, athletes began to use this steroid in order to increase muscle mass and strength. Soon, more and more analogs and derivatives were being made available to athletes.
While all steroids have the same four ring carbon structure, simple chemical alterations produced different effects in terms of anabolic/androgenic activity. Anabolic activity refers to the steroid’s ability to facilitate skeletal muscle growth, while androgenic activity refers to how potent the drug is at inducing the development of male sexual characteristics (facial hair, deep voice, the ability to channel surf and watch six TV programs at once, etc.)
How They do Dat?
Now, even though all of the exact mechanisms through which anabolic steroids exert their effects haven’t been discovered, they all increase muscle mass to some degree. One way steroids are believed to work is by binding to the androgen receptor (AR). Once the steroid has bound to the AR, it begins to activate protein synthesis. This protein synthesis allows for an increase in muscle tissue over a rather short period of time. T-mag contributor Bill Roberts has classified steroids such as these as “Class I.”
The other side of the coin would be steroids that bind to the AR slightly, or not at all. I think most of these steroids exert their effects by inhibiting the effects that glucocorticoids have upon muscle tissue. In other words, they prevent glucocorticoids from increasing glutamine synthetase and causing muscle tissue breakdown. This would be an anti-catabolic activity. This inhibition of glucocorticoids¹ effects may explain why most anabolic steroids work fairly well in the treatment of osteoperosis, since glucocorticoids can have influence or cause osteoperosis. This also backs up my belief, that on a mg per mg basis, Class II steroids will increase muscle tissue to a greater degree than Class I steroids.
While there still isn’t a clear cut explanation of how anabolic steroids exert their effects, these two mechanisms help to explain most steroid actions. Bill Roberts refers to these steroids that don’t exert their effects via the AR as “Class II.” Also, keep in mind that some steroids work via the AR as well as through non-AR mechanisms. It should also be noted that anabolic steroids increase the retention of nitrogen, potassium, sodium, phosphorous, and chloride.
Steroid Flavors: The differences between various ‘roids
Below I’ve compiled a list of some anabolic steroids, including their relative potency and some other info. Sometimes, the names of steroids can be confusing to a newbie. This is because you have the chemical name, the various brand names, and the slang or street names for each product.
For example, methandrostenolone is known to most people as Dianabol, but you probably hear it referred to as D-bol. Of course, you’ll likely be using the veterinary version called Reforvit-B, whose street name is Reffie or Reffie-B. Got all that? Don’t worry, the more you read the more you get used to all the terminology. To help you out, I’ve listed the chemical name as well as a few of the trade names for each 'roid.
Fluoxymesterone (Halotestin, Stenox)
This is a 17-alpha alkylated steroid. In other words, it’s been altered in order to withstand the liver’s “first pass” metabolism to a better degree, i.e., the liver doesn’t inactivate the stuff before it can exert its effects. Without this alkylation, you’d need much higher concentrations to get results, as is the case with any 17-AA. Anyhow, this steroid appears to have a lower affinity for the AR, but can agonize the receptor at higher dosages.
As far as “real world” effects, fluoxymesterone has a reputation for increasing strength to a large degree. However, gains in muscle mass on this steroid aren’t very great. In clinical settings, dosages range from 2.5 mg to 40 mg a day in divided dosages. However, bodybuilders have been known to use from 30 to 80 mg per day. It has a half-life of approximately 9.2 to 10 hours. (I’ll talk about why knowing about half-lives is important later.) Oh yeah, and it doesn’t aromatize. This means it’s not likely to convert to estrogen, the female hormone. In the real world, that means the risk getting gyno (bitch tits, i.e. breast tissue growth in males) is small to nonexistent.
Methandrostenolone (Dianabol, Reforvit, Anabol)
This 17-AA steroid was the first to be introduced to athletes in the 50s. Bodybuilders caught on soon after, no doubt. It’s aromatizable, and therefore can increase estrogen levels. Since it doesn’t bind very well to the AR, it’s thought that it works by antagonizing the effects of catabolic glucocorticoids.
D-bol has a great reputation for increasing both size and strength to a pretty good degree. While the half life isn’t readily available in the literature, it can be assumed through deductive reasoning that it’s around four to seven hours. Bodybuilders typically use around 25 to 100 mg per day depending on whether it’s used alone or in conjunction with another steroid (a practice calledstacking).
Stanozolol (Winstrol)
This steroid is also17-AA. It can’t aromatize and doesn’t bind very well to the AR. Consequently, it’s likely to exert its anabolic effects in a similar fashion to that of methandrostenolone. In other words, it affects glucocorticoids in a beneficial manner.
Another benefit may be its ability to antagonize or block progesterone from binding to receptors. Progesterone is one of the reasons why certain anabolics cause water retention.
Stanozolol has a great reputation for increases in strength as well as moderate increases in muscle mass. Actually, these “moderate” gains are rather impressive, considering that this drug doesn’t cause much water retention. In clinical settings, typical dosages are between 2 to 6 mg daily. In order to see desired effects, bodybuilders typically consume between 25 to 100 mg daily. While I can’t locate any literature on its half-life, based on its molecular composition it would seem to have a slightly longer half-life than most of the other orals. I’d say it’s likely to be in the range of 7 to15 hours.
Oxandrolone (sold as oxandrolone powder or Oxandrolona)
This is yet another 17-AA. It won’t aromatize but appears as though it will bind to the AR as long as the dosages are high enough. It has a reputation for increasing strength gains, as well as having a “hardening” effect. This is supported somewhat, as oxandrolone was shown to reduce subcutaneous fat to a greater degree than Testosterone. Whether this is an inherent property of all 17-AA steroids or an effect that’s unique to oxandrolone, I’m not sure.
Oxandrolone, along with most of the other synthetic steroids, are thought to be equally (if not more) anabolic than Testosterone on a milligram per milligram basis, while minimizing androgenic side effects. Oxandrolone was shown to have approximately six times the anabolic effect of methyltestosterone in human subjects, following oral doses. Oxandrolone may also increase the number of skeletal muscle androgen receptors.
In clinical settings, dosages have ranged from 1.25 to 80 mg per day. Bodybuilders may take anywhere from 25 to 160 mg per day. The half-life is approximately nine hours.
Methenolone Acetate and Enanthate (Primobolan)
This steroid doesn’t aromatize and can either be ingested via the acetate version or injected via the enanthate. This steroid does bind rather well to the AR and is known for its mild gains in muscle mass. Still, considering that it’ll cause next to zero water retention, these gains are rather good. (Note that some bodybuilders think certain steroids work better based solely on the weight they gain. In actuality, they could be just retaining a lot of water along with the muscle gains. These are the same guys who think they “lose” a lot of muscle after their cycle is completed, when they actually just lost much of the water they’d been holding.)
Clinical dosages that are commonly seen with methenolone range from 10 to 20 mg daily, sometimes a little higher for the oral version. For the enanthate version, dosages are usually 100 mg every two to four weeks. Bodybuilders typically use 400 to 1000 mg a week. The half-life appears to be very similar to Deca, perhaps slightly shorter. So with this in mind, I’d say the half-life would be around five to seven days.
Oxymetholone (Anadrol)
This 17-AA steroid can’t aromatize, but has been known to have progestenic properties and thus, can cause water retention. It has a great reputation for increasing muscle mass and strength to a large degree. It’s also thought to have a very high anabolic/androgenic ratio.
The typical dosage in clinical settings is one to five milligrams per kilogram of bodyweight per day. So, a 150 pound person would consume anywhere from 68 to 341 mg per day. However, the higher dosages aren’t employed that often. Bodybuilders typically consume around 50 to 150 mg per day. While I can’t find info on the half-life in the formal literature, it would seem it’s similar to that of stanozolol. Obviously, this isn’t a hard fact, but the half-life should be right in the neighborhood of 7 to15 hours. Only God and Bill Roberts know for sure.
Testosterone Enanthate, Cypionate, Propionate, Suspension (commonly called “T”)
This steroid can aromatize and binds well to the AR. It’s well known for its ability to produce great gains in muscle size and strength, provided that the dosages are high enough. It does cause quite a bit of water retention and has quite a few side effects when compared to the other anabolics.
Clinical dosages vary, but cypionate and enanthate are both injected every two to three weeks at dosages of around 200 to 300 mg. Propionate and suspension aren’t preferred as they don’t provide that long of a sustained release. Bodybuilders typically use around 500 to 1,000 mg per week. The cypionate ester has a half-life of around eight days. Enanthate is just slightly shorter and propionate is quite a bit shorter. By the way, Testosterone in a suspension has a half-life of only 10 to 100 minutes.
Nandrolone Decanoate and Laurate (usually referred to as Deca)
This steroid binds very well to the AR and doesn’t aromatize. It can produce moderate gains in muscle mass with little water retention. However, it, like oxymetholone, can be progestenic leading to water retention when higher dosages are used.
In clinical settings, dosages are around 50 to 100 mg every three to four weeks. Bodybuilders use around 300 to 800 mg per week. The decanoate ester has a half-life of six to eight days and the laurate ester commonly seen in veterinary products has a slightly longer half-life.
How do I get these here steer-oids anyway?
Easy! Just call 1-555-I WANNA TO BE HYOOGE and tell Gunter what you want! Tell him Cy sent ya! Okay, you knew I couldn’t give you a real source, right? Still, it doesn’t take much searching to find some gear. Searching on the Web is one way, or you can do it the old fashioned and usually more expensive way and look for one of the local dealers. I mean don’t go up to the largest guy in the gym and say in a loud voice, “Hey man, do you have any of that Reforvit stuff?” Just ask around in a discrete manner. Someone always knows a certain “guy.” For a more in depth look, check out Chris Shugart’s article called Getting the Gear.
How to Construct a Cycle: The Cliff Notes Version
The dosages should be determined after evaluating two things: one, what results you’d like to see and two, which drugs you’re stacking. There are other factors to consider, but for the sake of simplicity we’ll stick with these two for now.
Regardless of what type of results you’re looking for, it would be wise to stack two drugs that work through different mechanisms in order to get a synergistic effect. For instance, you’d get better results by stacking nandrolone with stanozolol as opposed to nandrolone and oxandrolone. This is because nandrolone and oxandrolone both bind to the AR. I’ve given you a few examples of stacks below. I’ll give a quick review afterward.
Stack 1: Nandrolone, 450 mg per week along with 50 mg per day of stanozololStack 2: Nandrolone, 450 mg per week along with 50 mg per day of methandrostenoloneStack 3: Oxandrolone, 40 mg per day along with 50 mg per day of stanozololStack 4: Testosterone enanthate, 500 mg per week along with 50 mg stanozolol or methandrostenolone per dayStack 5: Testosterone or nandrolone, 500 mg per week with 50 mg oxymetholone per dayStack 6: Methenolone, 600 mg per week with 50 mg per day stanozolol
Let’s take a closer look at the first stack. You’d inject 450 mg on day one and then six to eight days later another 450 mg and so on. The stanozolol (or any oral) would yield the best results when spread out as evenly as possible in order to allow the drug to remain in the bloodstream throughout the day.
Also, by knowing the half-lives of drugs, you can figure out, to an approximate level, how much of the drug is currently active in your body. So, if on day one you injected 450 mg, then on day seven or eight you should have around 225 mg that’s still active. When you inject another 450 mg, you then have approximately 675 mg of nandrolone in your body at that moment. However, that number then begins to slowly decline in an instant. By simply applying the half-life, you can figure out just how much of the drug is still in your bloodstream.
As a quick note, half-lives can vary depending on a number of factors, and this is why most texts give you a range, like four to nine hours. One such thing is the size of the person. Generally speaking, the larger the body mass of the person, the shorter the half-life is going to be. While some guys will only ingest oral steroids on the days that they work out, you don’t necessarily have to do this. Remember, you’re recovering on those off days, so why not help accelerate the process?
The oxandrolone and stanozolol stack above (#3) would be for those who are “needle phobic.” However, this particular stack shouldn’t be used for too long, because the 17-AA are the steroids that are most associated with liver damage.
As far as how long to stay “on” and how long to go “off,” here’s my take: It really depends on what your goals are. I mean, if you want to gain 35 pounds in two months, then chances are you won’t be able to cycle off and still attain that goal. If, however, you’re keeping safety in mind and would only like to gain something like eight to twelve pounds, then a two to three week “on,” followed for four to six weeks “off” cycle will suffice.
The Safest and Most Effective Cycles
The safest cycles would include, of course, the safest steroids, for a short period of time. The most effective cycle, on the other hand, is generally going to include the most risks. Such is the nature of steroids; the most effective stuff is also the most “dangerous,” so to speak. Also keep in mind that there’s no perfectly “safe” or risk-free steroid. One particular steroid may not give you gyno, but may be tough on the liver. Another may not be tough on the liver, but may increase the risk of your hair falling out. See what I mean? This is the “give and take” of the steroid game.
Below is an abbreviated list of the safest and most effective steroids in my opinion. “Gains” is basically defined by how much muscle mass you’ll put on. Side effects include the risk of liver damage, gynecomastia, water retention (edema), and possible hair loss.
SteroidSide EffectsGainsFluoxymesteroneRisk of liver damageLow-ModerateMethandrostenoloneHair loss, edema, gyno, liverModerateStanozololLiverModerateOxandroloneLiverLow-ModerateMethenolone *See belowLow-ModerateOxymetholoneLiver, edemaModerate-HighTestosteroneEdema, hair loss, gynoModerate-HighNandroloneSlight EdemaModerate-High
* Methenolone – As with all anabolic steroids, methenolone will cause some inhibition of your own Testosterone production and may cause some testicular atrophy, i.e. your balls may shrink a little. (They usually return to normal after you discontinue use, however.) You can greatly reduce these effects by simply using something like clomiphene (Clomid) both during and after the cycle.
Now, don’t get me wrong here. When I give these ratings for gains, I’m taking into account the dosages that people typically use. Any anabolic steroid can produce great gains in muscle mass if high enough dosages are used. However, it isn’t very feasible to ask someone to use 1,000 mg of oxandrolone per week.
The Tool Box
If you’re going to use any injectable gear, then of course you’re going to need some “darts.” You can pick up syringes at your local pharmacy unless your state has certain restrictions. Also, you can purchase needles online. Just do a little searching around and you’ll find several places that’ll hook you up. Syringes will run you around 50 cents apiece. Note that it’ll be more difficult to obtain needles (at least from the larger, more “legit” companies) if you live in California and Illinois. You’ll usually need a doctor’s prescription in those states. Still, if you look around enough, you can get what you need.
You’ll need anywhere from a one inch to 1.5 inch, 25 to 22 gauge syringe. Remember, the bigger the gauge, the smaller the needle. Bill Roberts also writes about using super tiny insulin needles (29 or 30 gauge) and compensating for their narrow size by injecting very slowly, like for a full minute.
You’ll want to get around ten or more syringes, depending on how many injections you plan on doing. Just go up to the pharmacist and ask for them. Try not to be wearing your Testosterone T-shirt. In most cases the pharmacist won’t ask you anything, but some are “funny” and like to play God by telling you that they won’t sell them to you or that they don’t have them. If they do ask, simply tell them that you take injections of Testosterone for replacement therapy and you have to pick up some syringes. After this, go and get a bottle of rubbing alcohol and some cotton swabs. You may also want to get some band-aids.
Next up, you’ll need to get some products that are a little more difficult to obtain. These are clomiphene, tamoxifen (Nolvadex), and possibly anastrozole. Whether you choose tamoxifen or clomiphene is up to you. If you have an aromatizable steroid, it would be best to use tamoxifen or high dosages of clomiphene in order to prevent the large increases of estrogen from binding to receptors in areas like breast tissue. If you don’t do this, you could end up with gynecomastia, aka bitch tits, dollies, and formerly known as Pamela Lees.
If the steroid doesn’t aromatize, you’ll still need something to help your endogenous (natural) Testosterone levels recover. That something should be clomiphene. While tamoxifen can also increase Testosterone levels, you’ll need to use higher dosages to do so. Regardless, think of these things as necessary tools. These two will help save you a lot of trouble! Don’t do a cycle unless you have one of them.
Anastrozole can be an alternative when using an aromatizable steroid, although it’s rather expensive. Remember, place clomiphene or tamoxifen in the same class as syringes and rubbing alcohol. In other words, you can’t start the cycle until you have them. Most sources that sell steroids also sell Clomid and the like.
Injection Techniques
Now, the injectable steroids are meant to be delivered intramuscularly, meaning, that you’re going to have to inject relatively deep into the muscle. The “standard” needle is 22 gauge, 1.5 inch. This is used for injection into the buttocks. You can also use a smaller needle, like a 25 gauge, one inch, but it will take longer to inject and there’s a chance you may not inject into the muscle fibers, depending on how much fat is on your ass. Generally though, most guys can get away with using a one inch needle. Also, you should take into account that although it will inject a lot faster, a larger gauge like 20 or below, will cause more pain and will damage more tissue.
The second most common injection site is the thigh. With this, you should only need a one inch needle. You can also inject into the shoulder as well as other places, but I’d prefer if you stuck with these two for now.
Okay, so now the question is, “Where exactly should you inject?” Well, if you’re going to inject into the buttocks, you’ll need to pick a cheek and then imagine a horizontal line beginning at the crack of your butt and extending outwards. Next, imagine a vertical line right down the middle of the first line. So now your butt cheek should be divided into four squares. The place to inject is in the upper most corner on the outermost section, i.e. the top right square.
For the thigh, a quick way to do it is to look at your hip and knee, and then imagine a line in between the two. This and a little bit lower are the areas you can inject. Make sure this is on the outside of your thigh!
Okay, so now you’re ready. First thing? Wash your hands. Now find the spot, take a cotton swab and put some rubbing alcohol on it. Swab the area that you’ll inject. Grab the syringe and push it in at a 90° angle. (Some say to hold the needle like you’re about the throw a dart.) Once the needle is fully submerged, pull back on the plunger just slightly and look to see if any blood enters. If it does, pull out and find a new place, as you’ve entered a vein and you don’t want to inject into a vein.
If no blood appears, begin to push the plunger. Remember, the slower you push, the less pain you’ll feel. Once the liquid is gone, pull the syringe directly out and apply a cotton swab to the site. Hold tightly for about 30 seconds and then either tape it on or put a bandage on it. Pull your pants back up; you’re done!
There’s also an old trick that involves pulling the skin slightly over to one side before you stick in the needle. After you inject, let the skin go back to it’s normal place. This is said to close the little path made by the needle to keep all your gear in your ass where it’s supposed to be. This isn’t that much of a worry in all honesty, but it’s an option.
Discard the syringe in a safe place and use a new one for the next injection. Never use the same needle twice (it’ll be dull, plus you’ll risk infection by reusing it) and, of course, never share a needle with anyone, especially if your training partner just happens to be a Haitian hemophiliac homosexual intravenous drug user.
The Quality of Human vs. Vet Steroids
Chances are, if you get a hold of some gear, it’s going to be a veterinary product. The reason being is that it’s much cheaper than human versions and is often just as good. Not to mention, it’s also more available. The question that some people have is whether or not the vet steroids “work as well” as the human versions.
The fact is, as long as they’re dosed correctly, they’ll work just as well. I’ve heard some people say that nandrolone decanoate in veterinary form doesn’t work as well for humans because it’s meant for animals. This just isn’t true. Look, the fact is nandrolone decanoate is nandrolone decanoate. Just because the label says it’s for animal use only doesn’t decrease the effectiveness.
Now, the only two things that should be of concern are under-dosed and unsterile products. Make no mistake about it, most of these “vet” companies know that humans consume much of their marketed products. They also know that a bad reputation will soon leave them broke. So most companies make sure that their products are sterile and dosed correctly in order to have repeat customers.
However, there are a few companies that screw up here and there. One such company is Brovel. According to Brock Strasser, quite a few guys report infections and such while using their products. In all fairness, I know a few guys who have practically lived on Brovel’s T-200 and Norandren for years and have never had a problem. Still, Brock knows his stuff when it comes to this type of issue, so I personally wouldn’t take the chance. Stick to what Brock deems as clean and correctly dosed and you should be fine.
How Much is this Going to Cost Me?
Costs can vary greatly depending on where you are, who you go through, and what brand you’re getting. Just as with anything that you may purchase, shop around for the best deals or go directly to the source, if possible. In other words, bringing it back from Mexico yourself will be much cheaper than buying it from a local dealer. Each method has its own set of risks, of course.
How to Avoid Side Effects
Side effects seen with steroid use include gynecomastia, alopecia (or hair loss), acne, and edema or water retention. Most of these can be avoided or the risks can at least be minimized. To prevent gyno, either use non-aromatizable steroids or nolvadex/clomiphene. Alopecia can be helped by using finasteride (Propecia). Acne can be helped by keeping your skin clean, using an over-the-counter product containing salicylic acid, and avoiding the more androgenic steroids.
Water retention can be avoided somewhat by closely monitoring sodium intake as well as sticking to non-aromatizable steroids. (Excessive sodium intake usually leads to excess water retention whether you’re juicing or not.) As far as minimizing liver damage, simply don’t use 17-AA steroids, and if you do, don’t use them for prolonged periods of time. In truth, most of the horror stories you hear about steroid side effects come from people who didn’t do any research and didn’t put any thought or planning into their cycle. Still, there are risks.
Closing Statement
Well, guys, hopefully I’ve helped answer at least some of the questions that you’ve had regarding steroid use. Remember, the most powerful thing you can do is research. Don’t stop here. Read, read, and read some more! The T-mag previous issues section would be a great place to start. Learn all you can before you take the plunge.
Treat this as an investment. You wouldn’t just stop at the first dealer and pick the closest car in the lot would you? Well, obtaining and using anabolic steroids is similar. You need to educate yourself as much as possible, find a way to access the gear and make the best possible purchase to suit your needs or desires
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Crazy - Chapter 21 (Previous Chapters)
Rated: T
Chapter Summary: Mikey confronts Raphael and the red banded turtle can't believe what he's hearing…
Raphael lumbered back into the lair; heart palpitating frantically in his chest and body a mass of nerves that was ready to implode any second. He wanted nothing more than to just go pound on his punching bag or lift weights until he felt absolutely nothing but the searing white pain enveloping every muscle in his arms and shoulders. He was still adamant he made the right decision not to kiss April but it still hurt like fuckin' hell to have ultimate euphoria so close and to just not take it.
He'd relished in always been the rebel, the risk-taker, the one who defied all logic and expectations to do whatever the hell he deemed fit…but with April, it was a whole different ballgame.
April made him want to curse, scream, cry, rage before ultimately kissing the very ground she walked on. To grovel at her feet for only the sheer opportunity to kiss the tips of her dainty fingers. Totally enamored with her very being and presence yet so hopelessly angry she could cause such an effect on him. The intense diversity of these overwhelming emotions were none he could possibly begin to understand. She was his muse, his obsession, his deepest desire for the sheer opportunity to just stay in her mere presence….he was certain she'd be the untimely death of him.
No one had ever made him feel this way; it was like he wasn't in control of his body or mind; everything about her just encapsulated his very being and he was merely the puppet to her pulling the invisible strings.
If only she knew the power she had over him…
Over the one turtle who rebelled against everything; was selfish and hotheaded, never letting anyone in and always pushing others away…yet she had him in the palm of her hand; turning him into muddy green turtle putty without any effort whatsoever. It was absolutely maddening how much of a hold she had over him…
Pathetic was what it was.
It was like he was helplessly cast underneath her spell; adrift in a tidal wave of intense, soul-crushing emotions without any chance of coming up for air. Lost in a sea of her every wanton desire; for an opportunity for her to notice him as more than a friend; a confidant…a mutated turtle freak. He wanted her to see him as more than just his scaly flesh and reptile blood. Raph wanted April to see into his heart; to allot her the knowledge of how much he really cared about her…loved her like he loved no one else before or could imagine loving since…yet every single fiber in his being knew it would never be the case.
Feet dragging slightly, he moved into the weight room adjacent the open living area.
Going about subconsciously, he moved over to the cabinet and pulled out a roll of white bandage tape. Wrapping up his knuckles and fingers before he lost his mind to his body. Mindlessly slamming the bag of sawdust and sand with raw knuckles and sore knees just to numb the sensation of her finger tips that still ghosted over his neck. To cloud over the scent of her minty breath, so wanton and close. Damn, he could still smell her; that mane of hair that always carried the aroma of spring flowers, aloe, and a scarce hint of coconut oil.
Even if his body was completely enamored with working out or otherwise, she still never was far from his thoughts; his internal musing of which she always played the key role. Never wandering far from his fleeting subconscious; her heart-shaped face, beautiful hourglass frame, breathy laughter, soft voice, cornflower blue eyes, and wave after wave of bouncy dark chocolate locks cascading over her thin shoulders.
April was all he could think about.
Yet it wasn't just physical; she was far more than just a pretty face and stellar body. Unconditional love, kindness and loyalty far outweighing her beauty and putting it to shame. Caring about them when she had nothing to gain; pushing past the world's standards to look past their physicality and still deeply care about them as no human dared to before or since. To see they were more than just freakish mutants. Raphael would be the first to admit that it may have been her beauty than tempted him initially, but it was her personality that completely sucked him in. She was like a drug, constantly invading at every opportune moment just to prove how weak he really was.
For all his fronting and badassery, he was just a mere puppet, a mere pawn to his obsession for April O'Neil.
It was pathetic, sickening, and convoluted but right now, he didn't give a flying fuck. He supposed he always would be cast adrift on the sea of her memories; her very being and presence so intoxicating. Breathing in nothing but her til his lungs gave out. The visions of her smile in his mind's eye; her voice and smell so potent. She wasn't just a want, it was more of a necessity; to never let go and to hopelessly surrender to the emotions she brought out in him. Everything inside of him screamed in rebellion over her vice grip she carried on his heart but he ignored those. Surrendering to this obsession was so easy yet when he found himself with her...it was so different.
If only he could…
"RAPH!" a scream shattered whatever hell reality he'd been thrust into.
All of a sudden, his eyes cleared up to see the very confused, bemused face of Michelangelo staring up at him from the other side of the punching bag. The shock of seeing his orange-banded brother there was nothing to a sudden a strange pain in his hands brought him fully out of whatever trance he was under.
Chancing a glance down, Raphael realized his knuckles had long ago been bleeding; the rust colored, sticky substance now permanently staining the battered gray bag and the once white bandages.
"Fuck!" Raphael growled in great annoyance; the sting from his hands numbing any embarrassment his little trance may have caused.
"Raph?!" Mikey asked again in a quieter tone but Raphael visibly jumped at it anyway.
"Mike. Ya scared the shit outta me! The fuck you want?" Raph growled low in his throat; internally punching himself for talking to Mikey like that when it probably wasn't warranted. Ignoring how his breath was choppy and his pupils partially dilated; likely looked like some mindless zombie. Internally, he wondered just how long he was out of it…
"Nothin'," he replied with a dramatic shrug, "Ya were just making a ruckus in here; thought I'd make sure ya weren't breaking anything like last time."
Raphael rolled his eyes at his answer; pushing back his shoulders before going back at toward the bag with gusto if only to drown out whatever other stupid thing Mikey would say next. He continued this for a few minutes as he waited for the youngest brother to speak, but he didn't; he also didn't leave.
As time went on, it became painfully obvious that Mikey didn't seem to have any desire to vacate the room anytime soon. So much for some damn peace and quiet…
Well aware that his youngest brother was not going to just go away without prompting, Raphael spoke up.
"What do you want, Mike?" Raph grunted, the words punctuated by each blow his fists dealt the saw dust bag. Mikey didn't immediately answer so he spoke again, "Where are Don and Leo? Go annoy them cause I sure as hell ain't in the mood for dis."
"Donnie's asleep and it's Leo turn for patrol." Mikey replied with a lazy shrug. From the corner of his eye, Raphael watched as he kicked at some invisible dirt around on the tattered concrete floor. "Splinter finally let me leave the Hashi just a few minutes ago cause he got tired of standing there watchin' me to make sure I wasn't goofin' off…"
The audible shift that took place in the youngest turtle's voice did not go unnoticed by Raphael. Fists slowing down only slightly, he grunted before replying, "Did ya come here just to squeeze an apology from me, or what? Ya gettin' sent to the Hashi wasn't my damn fault; dat shit was all you, so dontcha hold yer breath on that one, Mike."
"I don't want an apology." the youngest muttered under his breath.
That was enough to stop Raphael cold.
"...What?" he breathed out, hating how his voice took an octave shift with the clenching of his throat.
"I said, I don't want an apology."
"Then what do you want? I ain't exactly in the mood to entertain ya." Raph grumbled out, forcing his vision to study the nicks and grooves on the bag in front of him.
"I know, that. I'm just…I-I'm just wondering why you didn't even bother to tell me that you and April were…ya know - a 'thing'?" Mikey muttered under his breath but Raphael heard it perfectly and his body and mind had the reaction you would expect.
"WHAT!?" he nearly screeched; cheeks and heart aflame at the very accusation. His body was honed in fight or flight mode and it was leaning toward the latter with every painful second that ticked by. How dare Mikey assume even anything was going on, let alone THAT!? Heart a fiercely guarded secret that no one better damn near know nothing about…
"Yeah…It's kinda hard not to notice something is goin' on between ya."
"Heh," Raph couldn't help but chuckle if only because he had no other idea of how to react, "M-Mike, I think ya got the wrong idea. There is nothing going on." Denying it was always the easiest route after all.
"No use lying to me now, Raph. The least you could do for stealing my girl is be honest with me." Mikey flat out admitted and Raphael almost swallowed his tongue at the firmness of his youngest brother's voice.
"S-Steal yer girl?! What the actual fuck gave ya that idea? April is just a friend! I -" Raphael staunchly denied in a louder voice than probably necessary; hating and trying to ignore how hot his face had become and heart palpitating uncomfortably in his chest. Deplored how his body instantly reacted to Mikey calling April "his girl" bothered him more than usual.
"How do you know?" the youngest interrupted; angry blue eyes staring up defiantly at him. Quite a rare sight indeed…usually he was scared shit-less by his massive older brother and his domineering ways and rightly so.
"...What?" it seemed as if that was his only answer for most things tonight.
"Heh. It's so obvious. I mean, she spends a helluva lot of time with you considering she's just a 'friend'," Mikey reiterated with air-quotes, "Always inviting you over and you even spending the night sometimes. All the special treats she brings you and all the movies you guys watch together… I guess I just ignored it before, but... I dunno. She's different with you than she is with any of us." Mikey just seemed nonplussed now; averting his gaze and beginning to pace around the crowded space.
It reminded him far too much of too many moments prior.
How Mike usually sought him out and told him something he was afraid to tell anyone else. While he normally wore his heart on his sleeve, there were certain things Michelangelo only relayed to Raphael. A certain aspect of their relationship; a trusted bond that allowed Raph to hear things their other family members would be impervious to. It astonished him how much Mikey had trusted him with these secrets and he knew what Mike was relaying him wasn't easy for anyone; even him.
Yet another side of him refused his youngest brother's words. His own doubts and speculations about his own emotions bringing out his normal rebellion.
"Yer out of yer fuckin' mind!" Raph growled, eagerly returning to his beat-down on the punching bag even as his knuckles protested. Desperate to drown out his own thoughts as well as Mikey's continuing rant.
"Am I? Ya sure it's not you, bro? You typically got your head shoved so far up your ass that you barely notice anything around here! Let alone the way she looks at you!" Mikey interrupted, bravely pulling back on the punching back so Raphael couldn't reach it.
"Mike! Fuckin stop it! Ya don't know what the hell yer talking about!" Raphael bellowed, reaching back over to pull it back but Mikey dodged it. His cheeks were aflame and his heart was thundering against his rib-cage.
"MIKEY!" Raphael fired a warning shot in the form of a feral roar.
"Just fuckin' listen to me, Raph!" Mikey shouted; blue eyes defiant and angry for one of the first times Raphael could remember. His normally laid back clown of a brother had shifted and it was enough to give Mikey a chance to speak.
"What about tonight? You don't think I saw that!?"Mikey asked, gesturing loosely to the direction of the living room. "You landed right on her tonight but instead of flinchin' and demandin' you get off of her…she looked like she wanted ya to kiss her or somethin'…and for a second, I kinda thought you would."
Raphael froze like a deer in the headlights.
"You may think I'm stupid Raph, but you must be completely deaf, dumb, and blind if ya can't see the way she looks at you…How she always looked at you…" Mikey turned away, "…I-I just wished I noticed it sooner to save myself the heartbreak." the words were softly-spoken, melancholy almost, as Raphael's clenched fists released.
Raphael stood as if stuck in a loophole of time. Body tense and stiff as his eyes finally gravitated toward Michelangelo to really look at him. Back was turned and shell most of what he could see but the slightly trembling in his shoulders gave him away and Raphael felt his heart rupture. As hair-brained and empty-headed as Mikey was most of the time, there was no denying the truth of the words he spoke and the conviction of which he said them.
…Mikey wouldn't have said any of it if he didn't mean it…
Catching his breath, he allowed Mike's words to flush over his body. To register the truth of them. Yeah, April and him did spend an awful lot of time together…alone mostly. She always went out of her way to invite him over, buy him food. Brought over movies he liked and took time out of her hellish schedule to see him at least a once or twice a week…But that didn't mean anything…right? April spent time with his other brothers too. Yeah, she may have spent more time with him personally but he assumed it was just because they liked the same movies. It still didn't answer exactly why she called or texted him to see how he was daily…not his brothers, but him…
…why would she do that if she didn't…
"See?" Mikey suddenly spoke bringing the elder brother out of his thoughts; he saw Mikey now looking at him and the sadness lacing those blue eyes didn't belong there. "I think it's more than that, Raph…actually, I know there is. Take it for whatever that is but… I dunno."
Raphael's throat felt tight as his eyes rose to the face of his brother. An utter sadness that he hated lingered there. "Y-You think she…" he stuttered before his tongue completely gave out.
"Hell, I dunno. I'm just tellin' you what I see. I may not know a lot about humans but I think I've seen enough chick flicks to warrant a lot of it…" Mikey shrugged.
"Mike…" Raph growled.
"You have to admit she spend a lot of one-on-one time with you and I doubt it's 'cause of your sparkling personality."
Raph didn't know how to answer that.
"What about you? I know it's kind of a stupid question, but, do you like her that way?" Mikey asked, peering curiously at Raphael.
Raph's face felt like it was on fire; averting his amber eyes quickly before Mikey could see the shifting emotions in them.
"What the hell does it matter?" Raphael finally muttered out. What the fuckin' hell good would lying do now anyway?
"Whataya mean?"
"It ain't gonna happen, Mike." Raph replied with a dejected chuckle, loathing how his chest tightened painfully to verbally admit it. Yet, he supposed the sooner he came to terms with it, the better off he would be.
"How do you know?"
"Mike, I doubt April -"
"Look, Raph. You have an opportunity here that any of us would die for!" Mikey suddenly shouted and Raphael jumped at the pain lacing his voice. Amber eyes gravitated toward Mikey and he wished he didn't. Tears laced those sad blue eyes and it damn near broke his heart to see his little brother in that condition…
"Mike…" Raph breathed.
"Listen to me, Raph. It doesn't matter how little of a chance there is - it's still a chance! Why would you let it hold you back when this is a once in a lifetime opportunity! I mean, seriously, bro! There ain't too many girls knocking at our door. April is here and she really cares about you. I know she does…"
"...y-you think?"
Mikey shrugged, a sad smile lifting the corners of his mouth. "Heh. Well, you lucky bastard, if I were you, I wouldn't pass it up even if there was only a single chance in hell. I'd fuckin' hold on and never let go…but hey, that's just me."
Raphael grew silent.
Mind a torrent of emotions he could scarcely deal with but a sudden alarm sounding had anything he may or not have said fall to the wayside.
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pk663-blog · 5 years
Below are examples of some clinical researches published in peer-reviewed scholastic journals regarding the restorative advantages (or not) of garlic.
Lung cancer danger
People that consumed raw garlic at the very least twice a week throughout the 7 year study period had a 44 percent lower risk of developing lung cancer, according to a study conducted at the Jiangsu Provincial Center for Disease Control and also Prevention in China.
The researchers, that published their research in the journal Cancer Prevention Research study, executed in person interviews with 1,424 lung cancer people and 4,543 healthy individuals. They were inquired about their diet as well as way of life, including inquiries on smoking cigarettes as well as how usually they ate garlic.
The study authors composed: "Protective association in between consumption of raw garlic and lung cancer cells has actually been observed with a dose-response pattern, suggesting that garlic may possibly act as a chemo-preventive representative for lung cancer cells."
Mind cancer cells
Organo-sulfur substances found in garlic have actually been recognized as reliable in destroying the cells in glioblastomas, a type of lethal brain growth.
Researchers at the Medical College of South Carolina reported in the journal Cancer cells that 3 pure organo-sulfur substances from garlic - DAS, DADS, as well as DATS - "showed efficiency in eliminating mind cancer cells, but DATS proved to be the most effective."
Co-author, Ray Swapan, Ph.D., stated "This study highlights the great promise of plant-originated substances as alternative medicine for controlling the malignant development of human mind tumor cells. Even more researches are needed in animal versions of mind lumps prior to application of this restorative approach to mind tumor people."
Hip osteo arthritis
Ladies whose diet plans were abundant in allium vegetables had reduced levels of osteo arthritis, a group at King's College London and the University of East Anglia, both in England, reported in the journal BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. Instances of allium vegetables consist of garlic, leeks, shallots, onions, and also rakkyo.
The research writers claimed their findings not just highlighted the feasible impact of diet plan on osteoarthritis outcomes but likewise showed the possibility for making use of compounds that exist in garlic to establish treatments for the condition.
The long-lasting study, involving greater than 1,000 healthy female twins, discovered that those whose nutritional habits included lots of fruit and vegetables, "particularly alliums such as garlic," had less signs of very early osteoarthritis in the hip joint.
Potentially a powerful antibiotic
Diallyl sulfide, a substance in garlic, was 100 times much more effective than 2 prominent anti-biotics in battling the Campylobacter microorganism, according to a research study released in the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy.
The Campylobacter bacterium is just one of the most common causes of digestive infections.
Senior author, Dr. Xiaonan Lu, from Washington State College, stated, "This job is very interesting to me because it reveals that this substance has the possible to reduce disease-causing bacteria in the setting and also in our food supply."
Heart security
Garlic in heart-shaped bowl
Garlic might have heart-protective chemicals.
Diallyl trisulfide, a component of garlic oil, helps secure the heart throughout cardiac surgical procedure and also after a heart attack, researchers at Emory University School of Medicine found. They likewise think diallyl trisulfide might be utilized as a therapy for heart failure.
Hydrogen sulfide gas has actually been revealed to shield the heart from damage.
Nonetheless, it is an unpredictable compound as well as difficult to provide as therapy.
Because of this, the scientists chose to concentrate on diallyl trisulfide, a garlic oil component, as a much safer means to supply the advantages of hydrogen sulfide to the heart.
In experiments using research laboratory computer mice, the team found that, after a cardiac arrest, the computer mice that had actually obtained diallyl sulfide had 61 percent much less heart damages in the area in danger, compared to the unattended mice.
In one more study, released in the Journal of Agricultural and also Food Chemistry, scientists found that garlic oil might aid secure diabetic issues people from cardiomyopathy.
Cardiomyopathy is the leading cause of death amongst diabetes mellitus clients. It is a persistent illness of the myocardium (heart muscle mass), which is extraordinarily thickened, enlarged, and/or tensed.
The team fed diabetic lab rats either garlic oil or corn oil. Those fed garlic oil experienced considerably extra changes connected with protection versus heart damage, compared with the animals that were fed corn oil.
The research authors wrote, "Finally, garlic oil has considerable possibility for protecting hearts from diabetes-induced cardiomyopathy."
Human researches will require to be carried out to confirm the results of this research.
High cholesterol and also hypertension
Researchers at Ankara University checked out the impacts of garlic remove supplementation on the blood lipid (fat) profile of patients with high blood cholesterol. Their research study was released in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry And Biology.
The research entailed 23 volunteers, all with high cholesterol; 13 of them additionally had hypertension. They were divided right into 2 teams:
The high-cholesterol normotensive group (normal high blood pressure).
The high-cholesterol hypertensive group (hypertension).
They took garlic remove supplements for 4 months and also were on a regular basis checked for blood lipid criteria, along with kidney and also liver function.
At the end of the 4 months, the researchers concluded "... garlic remove supplementation improves blood lipid profile, strengthens blood antioxidant possibility, and also triggers considerable decreases in systolic as well as diastolic blood pressures. It likewise results in a decline in the level of oxidation item (MDA) in the blood examples, which demonstrates decreased oxidation responses in the body."
To put it simply, the garlic remove supplements decreased high cholesterol levels, as well as also high blood pressure in the individuals with hypertension. The scientists added that theirs was a little research study - more work needs to be executed.
Prostate cancer cells
Medical professionals at the Department of Urology, China-Japan Friendship Medical Facility, Beijing, China, executed a research reviewing the connection in between Allium vegetable intake as well as prostate cancer threat.
They collected and evaluated released studies up to May 2013 and reported their findings in the Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Cells Prevention.
The research authors wrapped up, "Allium veggies, particularly garlic consumption, relate to a reduced threat of prostate cancer cells."
The group likewise commented that due to the fact that there are few relevant research studies, better well-designed prospective researches should be executed to validate their searchings for.
Prostate cancer cells carefully
Prostate cancer cells in detail
In the United States, prostate cancer is one of the most usual cancer cells in men.
Alcohol-induced liver injury
Alcohol-induced liver injury is brought on by the long-lasting over-consumption of alcohols.
Researchers at the Institute of Toxicology, Institution of Public Health And Wellness, Shandong University, China, wanted to identify whether diallyl disulfide (DADDY), a garlic-derived organosulfur substance, might have safety results versus ethanol-induced oxidative stress and anxiety.
Their research study was released in Biochimica et Biophysica Acta.
The researchers wrapped up that PAPA might aid shield against ethanol-induced liver injury.
Preterm (premature) distribution
Microbial infections during pregnancy increase a female's danger of preterm delivery. Scientists at the Division of Public Health, Norwegian Institute of Public Wellness, researched what influence foods might have on antimicrobial infections as well as preterm distribution risk.
The study as well as its findings were published in the Journal of Nutrition.
Ronny Myhre and also associates focused on the results of Alliums as well as dried fruits, due to the fact that a literary works search had actually determined these two foods as revealing the greatest guarantee for reducing preterm distribution danger.
The group explored the intake of dried out fruit and also Alliums among 18,888 women in the Norwegian Mom and also Kid Cohort, of whom 5 percent (950) undertook spontaneous PTD (preterm shipment).
The study writers concluded, "Consumption of food with antimicrobial as well as prebiotic compounds may be of importance to decrease the threat of spontaneous PTD. Specifically, garlic was connected with general lower threat of spontaneous PTD."
Garlic as well as the acute rhinitis
A team of researchers from St. Joseph Family Members Medicine Residency, Indiana, carried out a research study labelled "Treatment of the Common Cold in Kid and also Adults," published in American Family Physician.
They reported that "Prophylactic use of garlic might decrease the regularity of colds in grownups, however has no result on duration of symptoms." Prophylactic usage suggests utilizing it frequently to avoid illness.
Though there is some study to recommend that raw garlic has the most benefits, various other researches have looked at overall allium consumption, both raw and also cooked, and have located benefits. Consequently, you can enjoy garlic in a selection of means to gain its benefits.
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threyes · 5 years
Below are instances of some clinical studies published in peer-reviewed scholastic journals about the restorative benefits (or otherwise) of garlic.
Lung cancer cells risk
People that consumed raw garlic at least twice a week throughout the 7 year study duration had a 44 percent lower threat of developing lung cancer cells, according to a research study conducted at the Jiangsu Provincial Center for Disease Control and Avoidance in China.
The scientists, who published their study in the journal Cancer Avoidance Study, performed face-to-face interviews with 1,424 lung cancer people as well as 4,543 healthy and balanced people. They were asked about their diet regimen and way of living, consisting of inquiries on smoking and also how commonly they ate garlic.
The study writers composed: "Protective organization between intake of raw garlic and lung cancer has actually been observed with a dose-response pattern, recommending that garlic may possibly work as a chemo-preventive representative for lung cancer."
Mind cancer cells
Organo-sulfur substances discovered in garlic have been determined as efficient in damaging the cells in glioblastomas, a kind of fatal mind tumor.
Scientists at the Medical College of South Carolina reported in the journal Cancer cells that 3 pure organo-sulfur compounds from garlic - DAS, DADS, as well as DATS - "demonstrated efficacy in removing brain cancer cells, but DATS confirmed to be one of the most reliable."
Co-author, Ray Swapan, Ph.D., said "This study highlights the terrific assurance of plant-originated compounds as natural medicine for regulating the deadly development of human mind tumor cells. More research studies are required in pet designs of brain tumors before application of this healing approach to mind tumor people."
Hip osteo arthritis
Ladies whose diets were rich in allium veggies had lower degrees of osteo arthritis, a team at King's College London as well as the University of East Anglia, both in England, reported in the journal BMC Bone and joint Conditions. Instances of allium vegetables include garlic, leeks, shallots, onions, and rakkyo.
The research study writers claimed their findings not just highlighted the feasible effect of diet regimen on osteo arthritis results however likewise demonstrated the capacity for using substances that exist in garlic to establish therapies for the problem.
The long-lasting research study, entailing greater than 1,000 healthy women twins, located that those whose nutritional routines consisted of a lot of fruit and vegetables, "specifically alliums such as garlic," had less indications of early osteo arthritis in the hip joint.
Potentially a powerful antibiotic
Diallyl sulfide, a compound in garlic, was 100 times a lot more reliable than 2 popular prescription antibiotics in fighting the Campylobacter germs, according to a study released in the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy.
The Campylobacter germs is among the most common sources of intestinal infections.
Elderly writer, Dr. Xiaonan Lu, from Washington State College, said, "This job is really interesting to me since it shows that this compound has the possible to lower disease-causing germs in the setting and in our food supply."
Heart protection
Garlic in heart-shaped dish
Garlic might contain heart-protective chemicals.
Diallyl trisulfide, a component of garlic oil, aids secure the heart during heart surgery and also after a cardiac arrest, researchers at Emory College School of Medication discovered. They additionally think diallyl trisulfide can be used as a treatment for heart failure.
Hydrogen sulfide gas has actually been revealed to safeguard the heart from damage.
Nonetheless, it is an unpredictable compound and also hard to deliver as treatment.
Because of this, the scientists made a decision to concentrate on diallyl trisulfide, a garlic oil element, as a much safer means to deliver the advantages of hydrogen sulfide to the heart.
In experiments utilizing laboratory mice, the group located that, after a cardiovascular disease, the computer mice that had actually received diallyl sulfide had 61 percent much less heart damages in the location in danger, compared with the untreated mice.
In another research study, published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, researchers located that garlic oil may help safeguard diabetes individuals from cardiomyopathy.
Cardiomyopathy is the leading reason of death amongst diabetes mellitus clients. It is a chronic condition of the myocardium (heart muscle mass), which is extraordinarily enlarged, bigger, and/or tensed.
The group fed diabetic person lab rats either garlic oil or corn oil. Those fed garlic oil experienced substantially a lot more adjustments related to defense against heart damage, compared with the pets that were fed corn oil.
The study writers created, "In conclusion, garlic oil possesses significant possibility for safeguarding hearts from diabetes-induced cardiomyopathy."
Human studies will certainly need to be executed to validate the results of this study.
High cholesterol and also high blood pressure
Researchers at Ankara University explored the effects of garlic remove supplements on the blood lipid (fat) account of people with high blood cholesterol. Their research study was released in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry.
The research included 23 volunteers, all with high cholesterol; 13 of them additionally had hypertension. They were split right into 2 groups:
The high-cholesterol normotensive team (regular blood pressure).
The high-cholesterol hypertensive group (high blood pressure).
They took garlic remove supplements for 4 months and also were regularly looked for blood lipid parameters, along with kidney and liver function.
At the end of the 4 months, the researchers concluded "... garlic essence supplements boosts blood lipid account, enhances blood antioxidant potential, as well as creates significant reductions in systolic as well as diastolic high blood pressure. It additionally leads to a decline in the degree of oxidation item (MDA) in the blood examples, which demonstrates reduced oxidation responses in the body."
In other words, the garlic remove supplements lowered high cholesterol levels, as well as additionally blood pressure in the patients with high blood pressure. The scientists included that their own was a tiny research study - more work needs to be carried out.
Prostate cancer
Doctors at the Department of Urology, China-Japan Friendship Health Center, Beijing, China, accomplished a research reviewing the connection in between Allium vegetable usage as well as prostate cancer danger.
They gathered and evaluated published studies as much as May 2013 and also reported their findings in the Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Avoidance.
The study writers ended, "Allium vegetables, specifically garlic consumption, are related to a lowered danger of prostate cancer."
The group additionally commented that because there are few appropriate researches, additionally well-designed prospective researches must be accomplished to validate their searchings for.
Prostate cancer cells in detail
Prostate cancer cells thoroughly
In the United States, prostate cancer cells is the most typical cancer in men.
Alcohol-induced liver injury
Alcohol-induced liver injury is brought on by the long-term over-consumption of alcoholic beverages.
Scientists at the Institute of Toxicology, School of Public Wellness, Shandong University, China, wished to figure out whether diallyl disulfide (DADDY), a garlic-derived organosulfur compound, may have safety impacts against ethanol-induced oxidative tension.
Their research was published in Biochimica et Biophysica Acta.
The researchers wrapped up that DADS could help secure versus ethanol-induced liver injury.
Preterm (premature) delivery
Microbial infections while pregnant increase a woman's risk of preterm shipment. Scientists at the Division of Public Health, Norwegian Institute of Public Health and wellness, studied what influence foods could carry antimicrobial infections as well as preterm distribution risk.
The research study and its findings were released in the Journal of Nutrition.
Ronny Myhre and colleagues focused on the impacts of Alliums and also dried fruits, because a literature search had actually determined these two foods as showing the best guarantee for decreasing preterm shipment danger.
The team explored the consumption of dried out fruit and also Alliums among 18,888 ladies in the Norwegian Mommy and Youngster Cohort, of whom 5 percent (950) went through spontaneous PTD (preterm distribution).
The study writers ended, "Intake of food with antimicrobial and prebiotic substances may be of significance to reduce the threat of spontaneous PTD. Specifically, garlic was connected with total reduced threat of spontaneous PTD."
Garlic and the common cold
A team of researchers from St. Joseph Family Medication Residency, Indiana, carried out a research titled "Therapy of the Acute Rhinitis in Children as well as Grownups," released in American Family Physician.
They reported that "Preventative use garlic might decrease the regularity of colds in grownups, but has no impact on period of symptoms." Prophylactic use suggests utilizing it routinely to prevent disease.
Though there is some research study to suggest that raw garlic has the most benefits, various other studies have actually looked at total allium consumption, both raw as well as prepared, and also have actually discovered benefits. As a result, you can take pleasure in garlic in a variety of ways to gain its benefits.
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foursprout-blog · 7 years
250 People Reveal The Lesson They Learned After A Failed Relationship
New Post has been published on http://foursprout.com/happiness/250-people-reveal-the-lesson-they-learned-after-a-failed-relationship/
250 People Reveal The Lesson They Learned After A Failed Relationship
Edu Grande
1. “Waiting for a man to change is the biggest mistake a woman has ever made.”
2. “If they are not ‘what’ you want in the beginning, move on.”
3. “Self-love is the foundation of any relationship.”
4. “No matter how good you were together once the other stopped choosing you, it’s over. Also, no matter what you’ve been through… you gotta thank them for the memories. I’m pretty sure it’s not all bad. Just thank them but don’t dwell on it.”
5. “Don’t expect a cheater to change. If s/he is always looking for attention of others after all you give, it’ll never be enough…and/or s/he’s may be a narcissist.”
6. “Never beg someone to love or be with you, because if someone truly and utterly cares about you, they will treat you as a priority.”
7. “It doesn’t matter how long you’ve known each other and how much ups and downs you’ve shared. If he decides to leave and turn his back from you, there is nothing you can do. But you can always regain your balance, so long as you have not lost yourself in the process of losing him. Above all, love and respect yourself.”
8. “No matter how much you want your relationship to be your last, you cannot force someone to stay if they choose to give up on you.
Also, you can’t force something that isn’t meant to work out in the first place.”
9. “Love yourself more than you love him Love yourself more than you love him Love yourself more than you love him Love yourself more than you love him Love yourself more than you love him Love yourself more than you love him So it’s not gonna hurt dat much when things didn’t work out.”
10. “Sometimes it’s better to let go and move on than it is to fight for something that only one of you truly wants.”
11. “Proving yourself will never be a guarantee that he will choose you!!! Love yourself!!! That’s all you have! YOURSELF!!!”
12. “Some may be more suited for you than others, and you may think you found the perfect person for you but the ONE is a myth. I don’t believe anyone who says they found the ONE because the person you found is someone you liked best from the pool you were exposed to, and not the entire population on the planet. Obvious gross incompatibilities aside, there is no ONE perfect person for you that you need to constantly be in search of. Bottom line, every relationship, whatever the degree of compatibility of the couple, is a lot of work and can survive only with willful commitment to work on themselves and the relationship. You, your partner, and your relationship will always be works in progress. Embrace that. You can’t give someone everything all the time, nor can you expect it. You are both perpetually learning from each other and life, growing together and trying to give each other the best, also bringing out the best in the other person. The grass always seems greener on the other side, but realize the value of what is in front of you. This doesn’t mean you settle or compromise beyond your breaking point. Just learn to appreciate things for what they are rather than be deluded into a never-ending search for something better; spoiled by every iteration of ‘happily ever afters’ in the movies and books. Real life starts AFTER the fairy-tale ending in the books and the movies.”
13. “Don’t be too dependent on your emotional needs to others. Love yourself enough that you need not to look for a love from others.”
14. “Learn to forgive no matter how much the person caused so much pain and no matter how hurtful it is. Forgiving is always associated with forgetting. Forget in a way that you need to move on and keep moving forward even if that person is no longer with you in crossing those paths. Forgive and forget will give you peace of mind.”
15. “When someone continues to hurt you, end the relationship. It really is that simple. It matters not who they are. Put some boundaries up; if they still hurt you, move on!”
16. “The relationship with my ex-wife ended 25 years ago but we have a son together. I’ve cut her out of my life and only have a relationship with my son. She continues to manipulate every situation. Hard to move on when she still needs to control everything.”
17. “When they start trying to change you or quiet your voice, let them go. Fall in love with someone who doesn’t make you think love is hard. True love should be as natural as breathing. Don’t ignore your instincts. Be with someone who values you completely…and who sees you the way you’ve always wanted to see yourself. Someone who would never intentionally hurt you verbally, emotionally, or physically. Someone who can apologize sincerely. Someone who is all in…your teammate, your partner in life…they don’t make you work for or prove your value to them or your relationship. Someone who makes your relationship their priority.”
18. “Have your own life. Make yourself happy. Don’t rely on someone to make you happy. Enjoy spending time with yourself. Have self-fulfillment.”
19. “With any relationship problem, there are three sides to it: his (or hers), hers (or his), and the objective reality. I have seen way too many promising relationships being abandoned prematurely because one or both of them are unwilling to consider the objective reality owing to the reinforcement of their own negative delusions. Everyone thinks they are right and what suffers is something beautiful together that could have been.”
20. “God has better plans than I thought I already had for myself. And wait for God’s perfect timing. Stop putting everything on a hurry. Know your worth.”
21. “Once consistency stops and distance starts, it’s time to stop lying to yourself and leave. Stop making excuses for him. Because there will be a time where all you find yourself doing is giving. And that feeling of being empty comes into play. Almost like you are being robbed of life. Don’t be afraid to be alone. Because it’s so much worse being with someone and STILL feeling alone.”
22. “Be happy Be positive Never regret meet anyone coz each of them teaches you something Forgive and forget Don’t ruin your self-worth just because you trust. Don’t be a cheater just because your ex didn’t appreciate your loyalty Appreciate everything Try to let it go. You deserve to be happy Learn from the positive one leave the negative one Love yourself before you love someone else Stop judging yourself Get a life! Last but not least. Be beautiful. Be rich. Be you. Be a Queen.”
23. “Forgive and move forward. Don’t chase. The only things that can change a person’s stance/perspective on a failed relationship are time and experience. People, once removed from a situation, can better evaluate their own mistakes, find solutions, and come to less-clouded decisions. It’s cliche as all hell, but ‘if you love someone set them free, if they cone back it was meant to be’-just remember it goes both ways; love yourself enough to set yourself free, also.”
24. “Be brave enough not to sacrifice self-respect. Never expect from broken promises. Continue living up with your dreams no matter how broken or how devastated you are. Don’t ignore the red flags that consistently show up.”
25. “Don’t EVER disregard red flags. Never settle for less than what you deserve. Be firm, know your worth. Never lower your standards. Be strong enough to stand up for yourself and your beliefs. You could bend for them, but don’t ever break the rules you’ve set to protect yourself. Be wise, every single time. Some men are manipulative and love to play the victim. Show them that shit doesn’t get to you. If they’re guilt-tripping you, be rad enough to point out their shits. Don’t be afraid to backfire. Like when they say, ‘Okay so I am not doing enough then.’ Oh yes lazy-ass! Your words mean nothing when your actions tell otherwise! ‘Don’t worry, I’m used to being dumped.’ Why the hell don’t you change your ways then?
Don’t.baby.them. Be fierce, girl.”
26. “I always tell myself there’s no such thing as a failed relationship…it’s just two people whose paths were only meant to cross for a little while.”
27. “Always go with your instinct if someone doesn’t feel right for you…and walk away rather than settle or expect them to change…whether they change or not is out of your control!…and ALWAYS learn something about yourself from that experience to inform yourself in the next one!”
28. “I’ve learned that it’s not easy to handle the pain….Really, very painful. If I get a chance to bring back the past, I wish I didn’t meet that person.”
29. “I am a hard-headed strong woman and I deserve someone who accepts that and does not expect me to change. I deserve someone who has my best interests in mind and understands that my dreams comes before anybody else. I deserve someone who loves me so deeply that my cheeks hurt from smiling too much and that learns my way of returning love. Without all of the failed relationships I would not have learned any of this.
Heartbreak sucks, but without pain we could never appreciate the good. I do not regret a single relationship I had or how it turned out; every end and bad situation just makes me more ready for when I find the ‘one.’ I have gained insights and friendships I could have never imagined and I have grown to be more myself at every end. So here is to you, relationships of my past; without you I would not be me.”
30. “People come and go. You don’t get to choose who will stay. A nine-year relationship ended over a month-old ‘not so good kind’ of friendship. When it’s time to choose, guess who did he let go.”
31. “Not to date DJ hipster vegetarians. I should’ve know better when his pants were tighter than mine and I had more muscle mass. Lmao.”
32. “That even after years together with no previous signs they can still snap one night and beat the crap out of you in front of your kid without provocation. Relationship done, left that night after leaving the hospital. Not looking back.”
33. “You make your own happiness. You shouldn’t take the blame for someone else’s bullshit; they have to own their own. Don’t let anyone hit you or talk down to you. Learn to say ‘enough is enough.’”
34. “That you have the right to speak up about how you feel, not needing to be afraid offending your partner especially if it’s the truth.”
35. “Don’t settle for less than you deserve. If that person makes you doubt yourself and can’t accept your past mistakes, flaws, shortcomings, and differences, then he’s definitely not the right person.”
36. “No matter how much you love the other person, never let them hurt your self-respect and always trust your gut feelings; blind trust leads to destruction.”
37. “You can’t settle. You may have started out great, but the second you both start to realize you want different things, it’s time to let it go. No matter how much you love that person, you need to love yourself first. Also, if there is no trust, you are not gonna last. You need to be able to trust your partner.”
38. “One of the important lessons to learn is to not chase after people. If you lose someone, don’t allow their absence to make you lose yourself, too. You were fine before you met them, so you can learn how to be happy again without them. You are strong, beautiful/handsome, and you will be okay.”
39. “Love and prioritize yourself. That is the best way to protect yourself from people who want to hurt you. Love without regrets, but learn how to say NO and be assertive as possible. Do not be bossy, demanding, or clingy. Remember, love is a simple thing to do. Do not over-complicate things.”
40. “I learned that you need to have your own life as well. We thought that it’s ideal if you and your significant other do everything together. But you know what? It’s no good. You need to be happy on your own. Don’t depend your happiness to her/him. I also learned that trust is important and so is honesty. No matter how hard it is. Trust fully and be honest. It’s not a failed relationship. It’s a successful one. I learned a lot from it. I am treasuring all the memories.”
41. “Love hurts and it’s overrated, but you don’t have to suffer from it. Love yourself first and the right people will come. It may take a lot of work, patience, and mistakes, but what’s meant for you will be there.”
42. “Don’t rely your happiness on someone else; you’ll get hurt in the long run. Always leave something for yourself. Trust God; He has greater plans for you. Seek His will in all you do and He will show you which path to take.”
43. “Actions speak louder than words, never lower your standards or allow anyone to treat you badly, and you can’t force anyone to love you-if they want to walk away just let them, look forward to the better things that are coming rather than wasting tears over someone who isn’t worth it.”
44. “Listen to your heart AND your brain. Sometimes, as much as we want something to work, if it’s not meant to be, you have to be realistic and walk away. Life’s too short to waste trying to make something work that just won’t.”
45. “Love yourself more. Value your worth so if the relationship fails I know it’s painful but you will handle it by faith and you can survive without that person. Every failed relationship is a way of learning to become a better you.”
46. “Age is not an indication of maturity. A man can be in his 40’s and still behave like a teenage boy. It’s about how willing they are to make changes and step up to challenges. I have friends in their 30’s or 20’s more mature than this guy. It isn’t in how great they initially are already. Don’t bank on that. It’s on how open they are to change and stepping up to responsibility. Also, if you catch him lying about important things thrice. Different important things. Once is forgivable. Twice can be considered, but three major lies indicate something really wrong with this person and his lack of respect for you as a human being.”
47. “Don’t ignore the red flags. Don’t ignore those quiet, subtle thoughts that you have in the beginning that it’s not going to work. Pay very close attention to a person’s choices that they’ve made. People show you the person that they want you to see and hide what they don’t want you to see. It can be years before you fully know someone, and then it may be too late to get out. So, trust your intuition. Pay attention to those thoughts that pop up from your subconscious. Those red flags are moments when they’re giving you an accidental glimpse of who they really are. The choices that they’ve made prior to you are the choices that they’ll make with you. Biggest warning sign of all is to watch out for the perpetual victim. That person who has one story after another of things that happened to them and they are the victim of someone else’s actions. They will continue that with you. Nothing is ever because they made a bad choice. Nothing is ever their fault. They take responsibility for nothing. You will be one more person that abused them in some way as they are crying about it to someone new.”
48. “The importance of fighting fair. When you’re angry and just saying anything you can to hurt the other person, whether it’s true or not-that’s not fighting fair. You can never take back the things you say in those moments and the other person can never forget them. My husband and I fight plenty, but even when I am at my angriest with him, I don’t fight dirty and I never say something just to hurt him. An argument should still be productive.”
49. “It’s important not to get TOO wrapped up in your emotions. Love and attraction are important, but you have to be realistic, too-if you each want completely different things, that’s probably not going to be the best fit. Be able to recognize that you can love someone and they can love you back and you can still be wrong for each other.”
50. “1. Never expect the same kind of love you give in return…you’ll end up focused on the ideal relationship you want…which ain’t gonna happen. 2. Trusts vs. mistrust. If you can’t, he can’t, either. Be open and vocal. 3. If it changes you, you’re either fooled or prioritized. 4. Being loved twice as much you love them is way better. 5. Accept pain if it breaks you. 6. Stay strong. 7. Karma hits hard. Let them have a taste of their own medicine.”
51. “Relationships are work, but after being in a good relationship v. a bad one, I’ve learned that while the work can be hard, it shouldn’t make you miserable.
The work should feel rewarding and not make you stressed beyond belief.
I hate that saying that the more you suffer for a relationship, the stronger it is. No. That’s bull. The right person won’t make you suffer.”
52. “That until love is tested by trying times you will not really know who loves truly. Wait till adversity comes; it’s easy to love when it’s all rosy!”
53. “I guess I could sum it all up to patience. I was too impatient with myself that it caused me to question my self-worth and made me dive into a relationship I wasn’t ready for. I was too impatient with others that I assumed that we were going somewhere, but I was wrong…I was too impatient with everything that it caused me to be frustrated with how things were going in my life…I guess with time, I’ve learned to be more patient with myself and understand my value as a woman. I’ve learned to be patient with others in understanding their true intentions, and more importantly, I’ve learned to be patient with God’s plans for me, because I know what He has planned is waaaaay better than what I have planned for myself.”
54. “That it is true, you accept the love you think you deserve. When you realize you deserve better, it kind of smacks you in the face. I didn’t equate the disrespect I was used to receiving as anything but being ‘pushed to be better.’ These days, I am pushed to be better by someone who shows their love and support for who I already am as well as who I want to become. I know now that I deserve a great love, and I found it.”
55. “Don’t stay just because you’re afraid of what others think. Don’t see leaving as failure. Knowing yourself well enough to know when something isn’t healthy for you anymore is a great accomplishment. Chances are that your friends and family are waiting for you to leave anyway and are prepared to jump to help you.”
56. “If they’re willing to run at the first sign of trouble rather than work through it, walk away.
As soon as you become an option, walk away.
If they’re not willing to ‘Love’ all of you (the good and the bad), walk away.
There will be someone who will love ALL of you including, your flaws all the way down to your core.
Forgive those who have hurt you, as peace of mind heals the soul.”
57. “Love with your heart. Not with your whole heart, though, leave some for you.
Don’t regret. Learn and move forward. The flaws will appear in time. Don’t force yourself to accept the flaws of your relationship because it will eventually break you.
If it’s over, it’s over.
Don’t fall in love right away. Heal and grow.
Ask all the questions in the beginning to save yourself from a possible heartache in the long run.
Give space, but talk things out with your partner.”
58. “That there’s no one that really got away. No, they did not get away but it was a choice of either you or the other person. Two separate ways. Because if you guys are really meant to be, no matter how long or short the relationship is, you will always find ways to stay.”
59. “Always give the benefit of the doubt. Just because you’re married does not mean you can treat your spouse any way you please. A desperate needy woman is very unattractive. You will be OK. Hating that person only chains you to him/ her, forgive and you will be free, not because that person deserves it but to set yourself free.”
60. “That you cannot allow yourself to be in a relationship with some unfinished issues with yourself. It is really important that you have to know yourself in every aspect so that you will know exactly what you really want. The other one is be in a relationship because you really want to be with that person and not just because you just want some company. It’s truly unfair for the both of you being stuck in a relationship just for the sake of being in.”
61. “Someone who truly loves you would never leave you to deal with depression on your own after they get knowledge of it. And most definitely won’t do it over Whatsapp and while on a business trip to Sweden, especially if it has been 10 years. And then come back when they see you’re finally doing better and are ready to move on to better things/people.”
62. “Make sure that you are not the only one who has anything to contribute to the divorce. Because the useless, disrespectful, entitled half will take it all and still ask, ‘Where’s the rest of it?’ So make sure you tell them to get off of their ass, work harder, save money, start a retirement account, and don’t blow $30,000 out of our business account on non-business-related purchases and then blame others.”
63. “I learned that no matter how long you’ve been together…or how many times you’ve given forgiveness…or countless time where you chose the love you have over other things that can be a great opportunity for you…they will still LEAVE YOU…the painful thing was when they just left you without answers on why…I realized that they are not as all out for you as you are to them…and that they only think of themselves rather than you or the things that could hurt you…The more you forgive…the more you get hurt…but you will always reach the end point… when you reach that? Stop. Move on. Cry if you need to…but then when you’re done…Focus on what matters…be brave and learn to love and take care of yourself more…Pray for GOD’s love and guidance…”
64. “Don’t miss out on something good just because it’s different than what you planned. Sometimes, it’s okay to change your dreams and take a chance. And sometimes, love just isn’t enough. But if you are lucky, when one door closes, whether on purpose or accidentally, another will open.”
65. “Never regret what happened with you and your ex; things happen for a reason, Don’t get mad with your ex, forgive him and forgive yourself as well, learn to accept the fact that it is over, remind yourself that there’s always better to come along, and surround yourself with positivity.”
66. “We’ll meet that perfect person in our life but no matter how perfect they are sometimes they are just not perfect for us. At the end of the day, we should just be happy having to meet the person we used to love who also loved us, and accept the fact that relationships end because on the long way run we tend to say things we don’t mean and hurt the person we love and who loves us. You don’t talk to each other like that before but now you do.”
67. “I won’t shed another tear for someone who can’t talk about what is going on. Relationships are work and rewarding when both put in the work…”
68. “If they don’t accept you for who you are and help you become a better person instead of constantly criticizing you and judging you for your faults, then they do not truly love you. Love should happen through the good bad and ugly and if they bring you down instead of lifting you up then they ain’t worth it.”
69. “To always listen to your intuitions and acknowledge your instincts! That ‘little voice’ that tells you some things that someone is doing and saying is toxic for you, should never be ignored because this voice you hear is your wake up call to finding yourself again!”
70. “Don’t let yourself be pressured into a relationship you don’t want just because all your friends like that friend better, the person keeps crying about it, and everyone is saying ‘you should give them a chance.’”
71. “Don’t stay for a one-time high if they’ve given you an all-time low. You can’t be the only one giving 100% all the time while they give you 100% once in a blue moon.”
72. “People are fickle and treat partners like disposable objects now with so much social media & too many choices…a simple disagreement and it’s just too easy to swipe right /left or whatever to find another. Sad world.”
73. “Don’t ignore your own feelings. If you think that the relationship you are in is wrong, then it is. Never settle for words, always pay attention to how they treat you. And don’t forget to not get lost; make sure you know your way back.”
74. “- Never sacrifice self-respect. If someone no longer respects you and is talking down to you, be brave enough to walk away.” – You can be angry, but never say something that will hurt her feelings. It may remain on her mind forever. – Be strong and continue living up to your dreams. Your happiness and decisions in life shouldn’t depend on someone. – Give yourself time to heal. – When you’re done moving on, don’t be afraid to love again with the things you’ve learned from the past. You sure are a better person now. – Love fiercely. As long as you’re happy, don’t be afraid to take risks. Love without regrets.”
75. “That every ‘I love you’ doesn’t come from the heart, but its just to please the other party.”
76. “To be careful not to be too selfless, because they will use you. They know what’s your weakness.
That even the ugliest guy cheats and doesn’t appreciate.”
77. “That lashing out and being guarded isn’t the solution to hurt feelings. But if they don’t listen to you when you do verbalize your vulnerabilities, throw their shit in a dumpster and break up with them.”
78. “Begging someone to stay is the biggest mistake you will ever make. And you’ll regret it for life. Recognize your anxiety on time and control it. Also let go of your past the moment it’s over. Believe me, it has the ability to fuck your present and future together the longer you hold it. And above all, self-love is the answer to everything.”
79. “It doesn’t matter how much you love him/her. Toxic is toxic and someone better will come along; just be patient, never stop praying. You’ll be able to move on and it will be so much more.”
80. “You can’t make anyone love you no matter what you have money, clothes, etc., if they really love you then they don’t really care about what you have…and if they show ‘love’ when you have a lot but show no love when you have nothing. then that was NEVER love.”
81. “Learning to trust God and asking for His guidance and patience. God knows and has the power to change any bad person to good and build love into anyone’s heart for you at any time. Thus, trusting God’s plans is the lesson I have learned . I know for a fact that if one relationship fails, there is another relationship to be experienced.”
82. “Never ever lose yourself in the midst of loving someone else. Because when they decide to leave, you’re left with nothing and you’ll have to go through all the hard process alone, searching for your lost self.”
83. “Always always one’s instincts never lie…if you feel something isn’t right in a relationship…then definitely it isn’t right…Don’t brush it off…Don’t give excuses.”
84. “Never expect another person to change their ways. Don’t ignore the red flags; get out immediately. Never trust someone who cheats on you, and never trust or get involved with a drug addict or alcoholic.”
85. “Definitely don’t ignore your gut. If you feel like something is wrong, it probably is.”
86. “Don’t forgive a cheater. They were fine doing it once, they will be fine doing it again and you don’t deserve that.”
87. “The flip side of ‘you can’t change someone’ is ‘don’t become something you’re not for somebody else.’ You’re better off holding out for someone who accepts you as-is that you also accept as-is.”
88. “That the advice I heard as a child ‘you have to be nice to everybody or they won’t like you,’ was terrible advice.”
89. “What is meant for you will be yours; learn to let go…there’s a difference between somebody who wants you and somebody who would do anything to keep you.”
90. “We all have our own imperfections. I’m not perfect…my partner isn’t, either…but you shouldn’t find perfection in another person.”
91. “When someone shows you who they are, believe them. Actions will ALWAYS speak louder than words eventually. There will come a time where words won’t mean much.”
92. “Find someone with the same life goals as you. You cannot spend your life waiting for your partner to be ready when they clearly don’t want the same thing, whatever that may be.”
93. “People are who they are. You can’t change them. Even if they wish to change (and do), any trauma in the relationship can bring them back right to the beginning and the actions that they revert to.”
94. “Learn to love yourself first, because time changes us all. People age, grow up, grow apart, and suddenly all you are left with is YOU.”
95. “1. You cannot love someone so much to make them love you back. 2. Some things end because it’s meant to end. 3. You have to put yourself first. 4. Don’t fight a losing battle.”
96. “Never expect someone to love you that way you love them. And if someone truly loves you, he would never make reason to hurt you.”
97. “Never stick around with someone who is willing to treat you so shitty and not feel bad about it. If they’re treating you like shit, they don’t love you or care for you.”
98. “Understand and practice the person’s love language. It is important to continue to date your spouse and surprise them.”
99. “I learned that it’s perfectly OK to love someone but not be with them, which freed me from the immature notion that I HAVE to be with the person I love. And I learned that I will love a lot of people, so losing one just makes way for the next one.”
100. “Nothing lasts forever, no attachments in life with things or other people. Best way is stay in love with yourself no matter what and let the universe lead you.”
101. “Never give more than they are willing to offer….never wait for the other person to change and leave when it serves you best…Don’t feel bad about it…”
102. “Don’t settle for unhappiness. Don’t make excuses for someone else’s terrible behavior. Know your own worth and don’t settle for someone who only cares for themselves.”
103. “‘What’s the quickest way to die every day? Love someone who doesn’t love you in return.’ That’s what I have learned…that kind of pain every day never ends.”
104. “Break your own heart first. If you come to the realization that they way you’re being treated isn’t right, end it and stick to your guns no matter what.”
105. “Don’t force it for convenience’s sake. Learn to say goodbye-you’re not only freeing yourself and the other person from a lifetime of unhappiness.”
106. “When someone decides they don’t love you, there’s nothing you can do to change their mind. And it has nothing to do with you.”
107. “Give your very best so you won’t have any regrets at the end, but never ever forget to love yourself. If you know how to value and love yourself, you then know how to love others.”
108. “You can never love someone without loving yourself first. Self love will make you realize your worth and be worthy of someone.”
109. “Waiting around for a man to change is the biggest mistake I have ever made. A leopard’s spots never change. It took me years to realize this.”
110. “Sometimes people just come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. Just gotta learn to decipher between them.”
111. “If he says he doesn’t want to get married and have kids…you should probably take his word for it. Hold out for the man that does want those things.”
112. “He told me that ‘you can’t love anyone if you don’t know how to loved yourself’ and maybe that’s the reason he had to leave.”
113. “Not to overdo things when the friendship is still fresh. Keep your feelings to yourself and not complicate things. Now, a friendship is lost. No relationship at all.”
114. “That even you’ve given everything to that person, if you’re not the person whom he or she wants, you will never be enough. No if’s, no but’s.”
115. “That relationships are designed to fail 90% of the time and people should be whole within themselves before trying to find someone else to fill the void.”
116. “Relationships are not doomed to fail. It is a two-person friendship. Both people have to be prepared to sacrifice things to make it work. And both need to support each other through tough times. Relationships are not for everyone, but they are not designed to fail. They are what the two people in them make it.”
117. “It’s not long how you’ve known each other, but how much commitment you have to sustain. Do not ignore the ‘signs.’ Do not ‘focus’ on the goodness they’ve shown; it’s easy to pretend.”
118. “That there are people out there who love you so dearly but simply do not know how to express themselves or show their love to you.”
119. “How long you’ve been with somebody doesn’t solidify the relationship, it’s the quality of the relationship that does that…”
120. “Despite the pain and headache of a failed relationship, know that you can love unconditionally without any expectations.”
121. “To stop waiting on others people’s potential. When people show you their true colors, believe them the first time!”
122. “Supportive of their decision.”
Listen before you project your opinion or thoughts.
Always remain calm.”
123. “Always trust your gut instinct and be true to yourself. Never let a person make you feel like you aren’t worth the best.”
124. “Men really ain’t shit; don’t be afraid to drop them, stay true to yourself, always remember who you are.”
125. “You are responsible for your own happiness and trust is an inside job.”
126. “I learned that no matter how much you love the person, it doesn’t guarantee that he will stay with you forever.”
127. “Self-worth, first to listen before jumping to conclusions, if the other person wants to not think it’s the end of self.”
128. “If someone cheats on you, leave. Don’t give second chances to someone who’s just gonna keep hurting you.”
129. “If you’re ever afraid of how your partner might react to literally anything you say even if that thing is not a big deal, get out.”
130. “If someone wants to walk away let them go, Just because a door closes doesn’t mean another door won’t open.”
131. “Love and compatibility are two equally different things. And a love that is forced is a love that isn’t meant for you.”
132. “Don’t chase. If he’s not into you, walk away.”
133. “Don’t depend your happiness to anyone or anything…happiness must be within in you…Being alone does not mean being lonely.”
134. “Don’t forget who you are while trying to make someone else happy. Things that make you happy matter, too.”
135. “If someone wants to do something, they will. If they don’t, there’ll be a ton of reasons in place of actions.”
136. “Suicide is just that. Someone chose to end his/her life. That is not your fault. YOU did not choose it!”
137. “To engage in a relationship only when you are really in love, and not because you feel needy of love.”
138. “I’ve learned that my worth isn’t dependent on anyone’s view. I’ve accepted that things don’t always go the way we wanted. That forgiving yourself is harder than the person who hurt you. I’ve learned that being free is better than loneliness in a relationship. That you shouldn’t settle for anything less than what you deserve. That validation from the other person isn’t needed. I am worth it. I don’t deserve being cheated on, being just someone’s fling. I’ve learned that letting go is sometimes the best that you do for yourself. That you would eventually move on and forgive that person. And it doesn’t mean that they’ll be cheaters all their lives. That good people do mistakes. And you’ll be happy for them. That pain brings maturity if you only focus on the lessons. That people come and go. Everything changes. And you can’t just take someone with you all the way if they chose not to. That love isn’t worth compromising self-respect. That love doesn’t feel like a competition.”
139. “Don’t beg for a spot in his life. If he really wanted you, you’d know it.”
140. “If a man truly loves you he will do anything to keep you.”
141. “Don’t expect too much.”
142. “Once you start thinking if what you’re feeling is just a phase, it’s not. Get yourself out.”
143. “Pay attention to what someone says v. what they do.
Don’t let anyone make you question your worth and it’s OK to be selfish sometimes.”
144. “Never leave anything at their house that you would not want to lose. It is not worth the trouble to try to get it back.”
145. “If the effort isn’t matched, leave.”
146. “Feeling sad won’t last and at some point, you won’t even think about this guy anymore.”
147. “Some people aren’t looking for love. They’re looking for help.”
148. “Time heals almost everything. The pain does go away.”
149. “If he is not ready, you can never change that. If he really wants you and really wants to be with you, he will never let you go.”
150. “Don’t trust anyone. Anyone can look you straight in the eye, tell you they love you but never mean it.”
151. “If it’s too good to be true, it’s too good to be true.”
152. “Acceptance, self-respect, letting go, getting over, and never stop moving forward.”
153. “In relationships, the little things are the big things.”
154. “Being a good woman will never keep a man. The only thing that will keep a man is a man that wants to be kept.”
155. “The BEST revenge is to move on. No Facebook insta-friends, no following. No thirsty pics. Delete, unfollow, learn a lesson and be fabulous.”
156. “Never make someone a priority if you’re only an option to them.”
157. “It always hurts to love someone who didn’t love you enough…”
158. “Women are not to be trusted. Especially ones of my generation.”
159. “Always leave some for yourself.”
160. “That you cannot make someone love you…no matter how hard you try!”
161. “Be in love with the person, not your love story.”
162. “You’re not a lesser person for having loved someone who didn’t love you back.”
163. “Don’t let your compassion be confused for apathy or passiveness.”
164. “When you he/she lies to you and promises not to do it again, HE WILL. A couple more times because he knows you’ll forgive him. That’s fucked-up love.”
165. “To never compromise your self-worth to make someone else feel better.”
166. “That I am worth everything, and that person was not.”
167. “Do not change yourself to make the other person like you more or to make them feel comfortable.”
168. “You don’t have to put up with being yelled at, put down, and not appreciated. Oh, that’s three things.”
169. “You can’t make someone want to change; they have to want it for themselves.”
170. “I learned that I played a role in why it didn’t work.”
171. “Giving people lots of chances will just break your heart more.”
172. “The relationship failed. I am not a failure. I learned that the person/people that leave are NOT connected to my destiny.”
173. “You cannot force someone to work it out if they don’t want to.”
174. “Don’t date an immature guy expecting he will grow up, especially if he’s narcissistic. He won’t.”
175. “If it’s not the right time it doesn’t matter how great you think they are-you aren’t ready.”
176. “Never abandon Europe to go live in the Amazon with a new partner.”
177. “You just love the person until that love fades away.”
178. “What you want can’t always be found in someone else.”
179. “Stand up for yourself. Make your wants and needs known. Communicate.”
180. “Never get used to emotional/verbal abuse. You are worth more than that.”
181. “You cannot give what you don’t have. Love yourself first. Then let love flow.”
182. “Forgive people, no matter how bad they hurt you. It’s for you, not them.”
183. “Never try to argue with a drunk, just leave!”
184. “That if his child/children aren’t his NUMBER ONE priority, it will never work out.”
185. “Move on sooner than later. Time is the most valuable thing you’ll ever have.”
186. “Ask more questions, talk to old girlfriends or ex-wives, plus family.”
187. “Friendships change afterward you lose some people and you gain some amazing ones.”
188. “To trust my instincts and when I feel that it’s over, that’s exactly what it is…over!”
189. “The ugly truth is better than a pretty lie.”
190. “Build on it, use it to grow. Mistakes are only failures when we don’t learn from them.”
191. “Never share your family secrets…they will use it to haunt you later…”
192. “Go slow. If someone is rushing into anything you’re not ready for, that’s a red flag.”
193. “Sometimes, a satisfying lie can do more good than the awful truth.”
194. “Pain never ends. It may dull it, but it never ends.”
195. “If your husband suggests you get divorced three weeks after the wedding, TAKE HIM UP ON IT!”
196. “That people can only change if they want to, not because you want them to.”
197. “You have to love yourself more.”
198. “Don’t give too much save something for yourself.”
199. “Trust that your personal deal-breakers are valid and not to waste your time with someone that sets off the deal-breaker flags.”
200. “Life goes on and love can still be found.”
201. “That I don’t need her to be complete.”
202. “That I’m just not very good at it, and I should probably just get some cats.”
203. “To listen to my gut feelings next time!!!!”
204. “Always remember that you can’t make homes in people.”
205. “Be as good to yourself as you want to be to them.”
206. “I am the only person responsible for my happiness.”
207. “Letting go!…don’t be so selfish holding on to something that no longer works for you.”
208. “Don’t let him change you ever. Love yourself.”
209. “You can’t fix anyone. You can help them. Maybe. But have no expectations.”
210. “That it’s not healthy being codependent. I’m good just as I am.”
211. “Some exes deserve to be forgiven… Others deserve to be forgotten.”
212. “You cannot expect a fairytale ending with someone who is treating you unfairly from the start.”
213. “Never lose yourself or change to make another happy. You will end up alone.”
214. “You’ll never be too much when you’re with the right person. Love makes time.”
215. “Don’t rely your happiness on anything but yourself.”
216. “Be yourself. No compromising on that one thing.”
217. “Communication and trust are the most important; with those you can conquer any storm.”
218. “If he’s out to change you, he isn’t the one for you.”
219. “Love is finite. If you keep giving without receiving, you’ll find yourself emptied out real soon.”
220. “That it’s easy to end up settling for less when you fall in love with a person.”
221. “That life is too short to be unhappy!”
222. “To never ever ever live with a man unless he puts a ring on my finger! Done, done and done!”
223. “Never compromise your own comfort for someone else’s demands.”
224. “Every single thing that happens, good or bad, is happening for you and your growth & evolution.”
225. “Don’t love too hard unless he loves you back that hard, too.”
226. “Give everything, so that you’ll never regret.”
227. “Stay true to yourself. And don’t be okay with a meddling mother in law.”
228. “It’s degrading to make someone love you.”
229. “That second chances are really rare.”
230. “God knows what it is that you need better than you do!”
231. “People aren’t always who they seem to be.”
232. “Don’t force someone to love you…Don’t give 100% of your love to someone. Just remain half for yourself.”
233. “If you feel you need to cheat, leave.”
234. “You can’t get everything that you want, including how badly you want them to stay.”
235. “ALWAYS RESPECT YOURSELF. Don’t settle for a man that doesn’t show his true identity.”
236. “If you suspect your other half is cheating, however much they state they are not, they are….”
237. “Know who you are before being one with a person.”
238. “No one has the same heart as you.”
239. “Don’t give too much. Just enough and make sure you leave yourself much enough of what you give.”
240. “I have learned there is someone in life that you are meant to be with, try and be patient.”
241. “A monogamist and a polygamist will never, ever work out.”
242. “Don’t love too much. Don’t trust too fast. Don’t give an effort unless he do the same thing too. Don’t let him treat you like a hell. Long-term relationship sometimes isn’t the best. If he told you that she is just a friend and he only loved you, please don’t trust him. He got some feelin’ for her. And the most important thing is if you already gave him too many chances to changed but he blew those chances, you already knew that he only take you for granted.”
243. “Never, ever walk on eggshells again. Be yourself.”
244. “Let go of anyone that weighs you down.”
245. “What lasts long doesn’t come easy, and what comes easy doesn’t last long.”
246. “Do not be overprotective of your partner. He/she will take you for granted.”
247. “That abuse is not just physical and never changes.”
248. “A decision made when your heart and mind are not in peace is not the right decision.”
249. “Learned to use actions to prove it instead of words. Never take the other for granted. Learned to provide support in whichever way is needed.”
250. “Women are fucking difficult.”
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250 People Reveal The Lesson They Learned After A Failed Relationship
New Post has been published on http://foursprout.com/happiness/250-people-reveal-the-lesson-they-learned-after-a-failed-relationship-2/
250 People Reveal The Lesson They Learned After A Failed Relationship
Edu Grande
1. “Waiting for a man to change is the biggest mistake a woman has ever made.”
2. “If they are not ‘what’ you want in the beginning, move on.”
3. “Self-love is the foundation of any relationship.”
4. “No matter how good you were together once the other stopped choosing you, it’s over. Also, no matter what you’ve been through… you gotta thank them for the memories. I’m pretty sure it’s not all bad. Just thank them but don’t dwell on it.”
5. “Don’t expect a cheater to change. If s/he is always looking for attention of others after all you give, it’ll never be enough…and/or s/he’s may be a narcissist.”
6. “Never beg someone to love or be with you, because if someone truly and utterly cares about you, they will treat you as a priority.”
7. “It doesn’t matter how long you’ve known each other and how much ups and downs you’ve shared. If he decides to leave and turn his back from you, there is nothing you can do. But you can always regain your balance, so long as you have not lost yourself in the process of losing him. Above all, love and respect yourself.”
8. “No matter how much you want your relationship to be your last, you cannot force someone to stay if they choose to give up on you.
Also, you can’t force something that isn’t meant to work out in the first place.”
9. “Love yourself more than you love him Love yourself more than you love him Love yourself more than you love him Love yourself more than you love him Love yourself more than you love him Love yourself more than you love him So it’s not gonna hurt dat much when things didn’t work out.”
10. “Sometimes it’s better to let go and move on than it is to fight for something that only one of you truly wants.”
11. “Proving yourself will never be a guarantee that he will choose you!!! Love yourself!!! That’s all you have! YOURSELF!!!”
12. “Some may be more suited for you than others, and you may think you found the perfect person for you but the ONE is a myth. I don’t believe anyone who says they found the ONE because the person you found is someone you liked best from the pool you were exposed to, and not the entire population on the planet. Obvious gross incompatibilities aside, there is no ONE perfect person for you that you need to constantly be in search of. Bottom line, every relationship, whatever the degree of compatibility of the couple, is a lot of work and can survive only with willful commitment to work on themselves and the relationship. You, your partner, and your relationship will always be works in progress. Embrace that. You can’t give someone everything all the time, nor can you expect it. You are both perpetually learning from each other and life, growing together and trying to give each other the best, also bringing out the best in the other person. The grass always seems greener on the other side, but realize the value of what is in front of you. This doesn’t mean you settle or compromise beyond your breaking point. Just learn to appreciate things for what they are rather than be deluded into a never-ending search for something better; spoiled by every iteration of ‘happily ever afters’ in the movies and books. Real life starts AFTER the fairy-tale ending in the books and the movies.”
13. “Don’t be too dependent on your emotional needs to others. Love yourself enough that you need not to look for a love from others.”
14. “Learn to forgive no matter how much the person caused so much pain and no matter how hurtful it is. Forgiving is always associated with forgetting. Forget in a way that you need to move on and keep moving forward even if that person is no longer with you in crossing those paths. Forgive and forget will give you peace of mind.”
15. “When someone continues to hurt you, end the relationship. It really is that simple. It matters not who they are. Put some boundaries up; if they still hurt you, move on!”
16. “The relationship with my ex-wife ended 25 years ago but we have a son together. I’ve cut her out of my life and only have a relationship with my son. She continues to manipulate every situation. Hard to move on when she still needs to control everything.”
17. “When they start trying to change you or quiet your voice, let them go. Fall in love with someone who doesn’t make you think love is hard. True love should be as natural as breathing. Don’t ignore your instincts. Be with someone who values you completely…and who sees you the way you’ve always wanted to see yourself. Someone who would never intentionally hurt you verbally, emotionally, or physically. Someone who can apologize sincerely. Someone who is all in…your teammate, your partner in life…they don’t make you work for or prove your value to them or your relationship. Someone who makes your relationship their priority.”
18. “Have your own life. Make yourself happy. Don’t rely on someone to make you happy. Enjoy spending time with yourself. Have self-fulfillment.”
19. “With any relationship problem, there are three sides to it: his (or hers), hers (or his), and the objective reality. I have seen way too many promising relationships being abandoned prematurely because one or both of them are unwilling to consider the objective reality owing to the reinforcement of their own negative delusions. Everyone thinks they are right and what suffers is something beautiful together that could have been.”
20. “God has better plans than I thought I already had for myself. And wait for God’s perfect timing. Stop putting everything on a hurry. Know your worth.”
21. “Once consistency stops and distance starts, it’s time to stop lying to yourself and leave. Stop making excuses for him. Because there will be a time where all you find yourself doing is giving. And that feeling of being empty comes into play. Almost like you are being robbed of life. Don’t be afraid to be alone. Because it’s so much worse being with someone and STILL feeling alone.”
22. “Be happy Be positive Never regret meet anyone coz each of them teaches you something Forgive and forget Don’t ruin your self-worth just because you trust. Don’t be a cheater just because your ex didn’t appreciate your loyalty Appreciate everything Try to let it go. You deserve to be happy Learn from the positive one leave the negative one Love yourself before you love someone else Stop judging yourself Get a life! Last but not least. Be beautiful. Be rich. Be you. Be a Queen.”
23. “Forgive and move forward. Don’t chase. The only things that can change a person’s stance/perspective on a failed relationship are time and experience. People, once removed from a situation, can better evaluate their own mistakes, find solutions, and come to less-clouded decisions. It’s cliche as all hell, but ‘if you love someone set them free, if they cone back it was meant to be’-just remember it goes both ways; love yourself enough to set yourself free, also.”
24. “Be brave enough not to sacrifice self-respect. Never expect from broken promises. Continue living up with your dreams no matter how broken or how devastated you are. Don’t ignore the red flags that consistently show up.”
25. “Don’t EVER disregard red flags. Never settle for less than what you deserve. Be firm, know your worth. Never lower your standards. Be strong enough to stand up for yourself and your beliefs. You could bend for them, but don’t ever break the rules you’ve set to protect yourself. Be wise, every single time. Some men are manipulative and love to play the victim. Show them that shit doesn’t get to you. If they’re guilt-tripping you, be rad enough to point out their shits. Don’t be afraid to backfire. Like when they say, ‘Okay so I am not doing enough then.’ Oh yes lazy-ass! Your words mean nothing when your actions tell otherwise! ‘Don’t worry, I’m used to being dumped.’ Why the hell don’t you change your ways then?
Don’t.baby.them. Be fierce, girl.”
26. “I always tell myself there’s no such thing as a failed relationship…it’s just two people whose paths were only meant to cross for a little while.”
27. “Always go with your instinct if someone doesn’t feel right for you…and walk away rather than settle or expect them to change…whether they change or not is out of your control!…and ALWAYS learn something about yourself from that experience to inform yourself in the next one!”
28. “I’ve learned that it’s not easy to handle the pain….Really, very painful. If I get a chance to bring back the past, I wish I didn’t meet that person.”
29. “I am a hard-headed strong woman and I deserve someone who accepts that and does not expect me to change. I deserve someone who has my best interests in mind and understands that my dreams comes before anybody else. I deserve someone who loves me so deeply that my cheeks hurt from smiling too much and that learns my way of returning love. Without all of the failed relationships I would not have learned any of this.
Heartbreak sucks, but without pain we could never appreciate the good. I do not regret a single relationship I had or how it turned out; every end and bad situation just makes me more ready for when I find the ‘one.’ I have gained insights and friendships I could have never imagined and I have grown to be more myself at every end. So here is to you, relationships of my past; without you I would not be me.”
30. “People come and go. You don’t get to choose who will stay. A nine-year relationship ended over a month-old ‘not so good kind’ of friendship. When it’s time to choose, guess who did he let go.”
31. “Not to date DJ hipster vegetarians. I should’ve know better when his pants were tighter than mine and I had more muscle mass. Lmao.”
32. “That even after years together with no previous signs they can still snap one night and beat the crap out of you in front of your kid without provocation. Relationship done, left that night after leaving the hospital. Not looking back.”
33. “You make your own happiness. You shouldn’t take the blame for someone else’s bullshit; they have to own their own. Don’t let anyone hit you or talk down to you. Learn to say ‘enough is enough.’”
34. “That you have the right to speak up about how you feel, not needing to be afraid offending your partner especially if it’s the truth.”
35. “Don’t settle for less than you deserve. If that person makes you doubt yourself and can’t accept your past mistakes, flaws, shortcomings, and differences, then he’s definitely not the right person.”
36. “No matter how much you love the other person, never let them hurt your self-respect and always trust your gut feelings; blind trust leads to destruction.”
37. “You can’t settle. You may have started out great, but the second you both start to realize you want different things, it’s time to let it go. No matter how much you love that person, you need to love yourself first. Also, if there is no trust, you are not gonna last. You need to be able to trust your partner.”
38. “One of the important lessons to learn is to not chase after people. If you lose someone, don’t allow their absence to make you lose yourself, too. You were fine before you met them, so you can learn how to be happy again without them. You are strong, beautiful/handsome, and you will be okay.”
39. “Love and prioritize yourself. That is the best way to protect yourself from people who want to hurt you. Love without regrets, but learn how to say NO and be assertive as possible. Do not be bossy, demanding, or clingy. Remember, love is a simple thing to do. Do not over-complicate things.”
40. “I learned that you need to have your own life as well. We thought that it’s ideal if you and your significant other do everything together. But you know what? It’s no good. You need to be happy on your own. Don’t depend your happiness to her/him. I also learned that trust is important and so is honesty. No matter how hard it is. Trust fully and be honest. It’s not a failed relationship. It’s a successful one. I learned a lot from it. I am treasuring all the memories.”
41. “Love hurts and it’s overrated, but you don’t have to suffer from it. Love yourself first and the right people will come. It may take a lot of work, patience, and mistakes, but what’s meant for you will be there.”
42. “Don’t rely your happiness on someone else; you’ll get hurt in the long run. Always leave something for yourself. Trust God; He has greater plans for you. Seek His will in all you do and He will show you which path to take.”
43. “Actions speak louder than words, never lower your standards or allow anyone to treat you badly, and you can’t force anyone to love you-if they want to walk away just let them, look forward to the better things that are coming rather than wasting tears over someone who isn’t worth it.”
44. “Listen to your heart AND your brain. Sometimes, as much as we want something to work, if it’s not meant to be, you have to be realistic and walk away. Life’s too short to waste trying to make something work that just won’t.”
45. “Love yourself more. Value your worth so if the relationship fails I know it’s painful but you will handle it by faith and you can survive without that person. Every failed relationship is a way of learning to become a better you.”
46. “Age is not an indication of maturity. A man can be in his 40’s and still behave like a teenage boy. It’s about how willing they are to make changes and step up to challenges. I have friends in their 30’s or 20’s more mature than this guy. It isn’t in how great they initially are already. Don’t bank on that. It’s on how open they are to change and stepping up to responsibility. Also, if you catch him lying about important things thrice. Different important things. Once is forgivable. Twice can be considered, but three major lies indicate something really wrong with this person and his lack of respect for you as a human being.”
47. “Don’t ignore the red flags. Don’t ignore those quiet, subtle thoughts that you have in the beginning that it’s not going to work. Pay very close attention to a person’s choices that they’ve made. People show you the person that they want you to see and hide what they don’t want you to see. It can be years before you fully know someone, and then it may be too late to get out. So, trust your intuition. Pay attention to those thoughts that pop up from your subconscious. Those red flags are moments when they’re giving you an accidental glimpse of who they really are. The choices that they’ve made prior to you are the choices that they’ll make with you. Biggest warning sign of all is to watch out for the perpetual victim. That person who has one story after another of things that happened to them and they are the victim of someone else’s actions. They will continue that with you. Nothing is ever because they made a bad choice. Nothing is ever their fault. They take responsibility for nothing. You will be one more person that abused them in some way as they are crying about it to someone new.”
48. “The importance of fighting fair. When you’re angry and just saying anything you can to hurt the other person, whether it’s true or not-that’s not fighting fair. You can never take back the things you say in those moments and the other person can never forget them. My husband and I fight plenty, but even when I am at my angriest with him, I don’t fight dirty and I never say something just to hurt him. An argument should still be productive.”
49. “It’s important not to get TOO wrapped up in your emotions. Love and attraction are important, but you have to be realistic, too-if you each want completely different things, that’s probably not going to be the best fit. Be able to recognize that you can love someone and they can love you back and you can still be wrong for each other.”
50. “1. Never expect the same kind of love you give in return…you’ll end up focused on the ideal relationship you want…which ain’t gonna happen. 2. Trusts vs. mistrust. If you can’t, he can’t, either. Be open and vocal. 3. If it changes you, you’re either fooled or prioritized. 4. Being loved twice as much you love them is way better. 5. Accept pain if it breaks you. 6. Stay strong. 7. Karma hits hard. Let them have a taste of their own medicine.”
51. “Relationships are work, but after being in a good relationship v. a bad one, I’ve learned that while the work can be hard, it shouldn’t make you miserable.
The work should feel rewarding and not make you stressed beyond belief.
I hate that saying that the more you suffer for a relationship, the stronger it is. No. That’s bull. The right person won’t make you suffer.”
52. “That until love is tested by trying times you will not really know who loves truly. Wait till adversity comes; it’s easy to love when it’s all rosy!”
53. “I guess I could sum it all up to patience. I was too impatient with myself that it caused me to question my self-worth and made me dive into a relationship I wasn’t ready for. I was too impatient with others that I assumed that we were going somewhere, but I was wrong…I was too impatient with everything that it caused me to be frustrated with how things were going in my life…I guess with time, I’ve learned to be more patient with myself and understand my value as a woman. I’ve learned to be patient with others in understanding their true intentions, and more importantly, I’ve learned to be patient with God’s plans for me, because I know what He has planned is waaaaay better than what I have planned for myself.”
54. “That it is true, you accept the love you think you deserve. When you realize you deserve better, it kind of smacks you in the face. I didn’t equate the disrespect I was used to receiving as anything but being ‘pushed to be better.’ These days, I am pushed to be better by someone who shows their love and support for who I already am as well as who I want to become. I know now that I deserve a great love, and I found it.”
55. “Don’t stay just because you’re afraid of what others think. Don’t see leaving as failure. Knowing yourself well enough to know when something isn’t healthy for you anymore is a great accomplishment. Chances are that your friends and family are waiting for you to leave anyway and are prepared to jump to help you.”
56. “If they’re willing to run at the first sign of trouble rather than work through it, walk away.
As soon as you become an option, walk away.
If they’re not willing to ‘Love’ all of you (the good and the bad), walk away.
There will be someone who will love ALL of you including, your flaws all the way down to your core.
Forgive those who have hurt you, as peace of mind heals the soul.”
57. “Love with your heart. Not with your whole heart, though, leave some for you.
Don’t regret. Learn and move forward. The flaws will appear in time. Don’t force yourself to accept the flaws of your relationship because it will eventually break you.
If it’s over, it’s over.
Don’t fall in love right away. Heal and grow.
Ask all the questions in the beginning to save yourself from a possible heartache in the long run.
Give space, but talk things out with your partner.”
58. “That there’s no one that really got away. No, they did not get away but it was a choice of either you or the other person. Two separate ways. Because if you guys are really meant to be, no matter how long or short the relationship is, you will always find ways to stay.”
59. “Always give the benefit of the doubt. Just because you’re married does not mean you can treat your spouse any way you please. A desperate needy woman is very unattractive. You will be OK. Hating that person only chains you to him/ her, forgive and you will be free, not because that person deserves it but to set yourself free.”
60. “That you cannot allow yourself to be in a relationship with some unfinished issues with yourself. It is really important that you have to know yourself in every aspect so that you will know exactly what you really want. The other one is be in a relationship because you really want to be with that person and not just because you just want some company. It’s truly unfair for the both of you being stuck in a relationship just for the sake of being in.”
61. “Someone who truly loves you would never leave you to deal with depression on your own after they get knowledge of it. And most definitely won’t do it over Whatsapp and while on a business trip to Sweden, especially if it has been 10 years. And then come back when they see you’re finally doing better and are ready to move on to better things/people.”
62. “Make sure that you are not the only one who has anything to contribute to the divorce. Because the useless, disrespectful, entitled half will take it all and still ask, ‘Where’s the rest of it?’ So make sure you tell them to get off of their ass, work harder, save money, start a retirement account, and don’t blow $30,000 out of our business account on non-business-related purchases and then blame others.”
63. “I learned that no matter how long you’ve been together…or how many times you’ve given forgiveness…or countless time where you chose the love you have over other things that can be a great opportunity for you…they will still LEAVE YOU…the painful thing was when they just left you without answers on why…I realized that they are not as all out for you as you are to them…and that they only think of themselves rather than you or the things that could hurt you…The more you forgive…the more you get hurt…but you will always reach the end point… when you reach that? Stop. Move on. Cry if you need to…but then when you’re done…Focus on what matters…be brave and learn to love and take care of yourself more…Pray for GOD’s love and guidance…”
64. “Don’t miss out on something good just because it’s different than what you planned. Sometimes, it’s okay to change your dreams and take a chance. And sometimes, love just isn’t enough. But if you are lucky, when one door closes, whether on purpose or accidentally, another will open.”
65. “Never regret what happened with you and your ex; things happen for a reason, Don’t get mad with your ex, forgive him and forgive yourself as well, learn to accept the fact that it is over, remind yourself that there’s always better to come along, and surround yourself with positivity.”
66. “We’ll meet that perfect person in our life but no matter how perfect they are sometimes they are just not perfect for us. At the end of the day, we should just be happy having to meet the person we used to love who also loved us, and accept the fact that relationships end because on the long way run we tend to say things we don’t mean and hurt the person we love and who loves us. You don’t talk to each other like that before but now you do.”
67. “I won’t shed another tear for someone who can’t talk about what is going on. Relationships are work and rewarding when both put in the work…”
68. “If they don’t accept you for who you are and help you become a better person instead of constantly criticizing you and judging you for your faults, then they do not truly love you. Love should happen through the good bad and ugly and if they bring you down instead of lifting you up then they ain’t worth it.”
69. “To always listen to your intuitions and acknowledge your instincts! That ‘little voice’ that tells you some things that someone is doing and saying is toxic for you, should never be ignored because this voice you hear is your wake up call to finding yourself again!”
70. “Don’t let yourself be pressured into a relationship you don’t want just because all your friends like that friend better, the person keeps crying about it, and everyone is saying ‘you should give them a chance.’”
71. “Don’t stay for a one-time high if they’ve given you an all-time low. You can’t be the only one giving 100% all the time while they give you 100% once in a blue moon.”
72. “People are fickle and treat partners like disposable objects now with so much social media & too many choices…a simple disagreement and it’s just too easy to swipe right /left or whatever to find another. Sad world.”
73. “Don’t ignore your own feelings. If you think that the relationship you are in is wrong, then it is. Never settle for words, always pay attention to how they treat you. And don’t forget to not get lost; make sure you know your way back.”
74. “- Never sacrifice self-respect. If someone no longer respects you and is talking down to you, be brave enough to walk away.” – You can be angry, but never say something that will hurt her feelings. It may remain on her mind forever. – Be strong and continue living up to your dreams. Your happiness and decisions in life shouldn’t depend on someone. – Give yourself time to heal. – When you’re done moving on, don’t be afraid to love again with the things you’ve learned from the past. You sure are a better person now. – Love fiercely. As long as you’re happy, don’t be afraid to take risks. Love without regrets.”
75. “That every ‘I love you’ doesn’t come from the heart, but its just to please the other party.”
76. “To be careful not to be too selfless, because they will use you. They know what’s your weakness.
That even the ugliest guy cheats and doesn’t appreciate.”
77. “That lashing out and being guarded isn’t the solution to hurt feelings. But if they don’t listen to you when you do verbalize your vulnerabilities, throw their shit in a dumpster and break up with them.”
78. “Begging someone to stay is the biggest mistake you will ever make. And you’ll regret it for life. Recognize your anxiety on time and control it. Also let go of your past the moment it’s over. Believe me, it has the ability to fuck your present and future together the longer you hold it. And above all, self-love is the answer to everything.”
79. “It doesn’t matter how much you love him/her. Toxic is toxic and someone better will come along; just be patient, never stop praying. You’ll be able to move on and it will be so much more.”
80. “You can’t make anyone love you no matter what you have money, clothes, etc., if they really love you then they don’t really care about what you have…and if they show ‘love’ when you have a lot but show no love when you have nothing. then that was NEVER love.”
81. “Learning to trust God and asking for His guidance and patience. God knows and has the power to change any bad person to good and build love into anyone’s heart for you at any time. Thus, trusting God’s plans is the lesson I have learned . I know for a fact that if one relationship fails, there is another relationship to be experienced.”
82. “Never ever lose yourself in the midst of loving someone else. Because when they decide to leave, you’re left with nothing and you’ll have to go through all the hard process alone, searching for your lost self.”
83. “Always always one’s instincts never lie…if you feel something isn’t right in a relationship…then definitely it isn’t right…Don’t brush it off…Don’t give excuses.”
84. “Never expect another person to change their ways. Don’t ignore the red flags; get out immediately. Never trust someone who cheats on you, and never trust or get involved with a drug addict or alcoholic.”
85. “Definitely don’t ignore your gut. If you feel like something is wrong, it probably is.”
86. “Don’t forgive a cheater. They were fine doing it once, they will be fine doing it again and you don’t deserve that.”
87. “The flip side of ‘you can’t change someone’ is ‘don’t become something you’re not for somebody else.’ You’re better off holding out for someone who accepts you as-is that you also accept as-is.”
88. “That the advice I heard as a child ‘you have to be nice to everybody or they won’t like you,’ was terrible advice.”
89. “What is meant for you will be yours; learn to let go…there’s a difference between somebody who wants you and somebody who would do anything to keep you.”
90. “We all have our own imperfections. I’m not perfect…my partner isn’t, either…but you shouldn’t find perfection in another person.”
91. “When someone shows you who they are, believe them. Actions will ALWAYS speak louder than words eventually. There will come a time where words won’t mean much.”
92. “Find someone with the same life goals as you. You cannot spend your life waiting for your partner to be ready when they clearly don’t want the same thing, whatever that may be.”
93. “People are who they are. You can’t change them. Even if they wish to change (and do), any trauma in the relationship can bring them back right to the beginning and the actions that they revert to.”
94. “Learn to love yourself first, because time changes us all. People age, grow up, grow apart, and suddenly all you are left with is YOU.”
95. “1. You cannot love someone so much to make them love you back. 2. Some things end because it’s meant to end. 3. You have to put yourself first. 4. Don’t fight a losing battle.”
96. “Never expect someone to love you that way you love them. And if someone truly loves you, he would never make reason to hurt you.”
97. “Never stick around with someone who is willing to treat you so shitty and not feel bad about it. If they’re treating you like shit, they don’t love you or care for you.”
98. “Understand and practice the person’s love language. It is important to continue to date your spouse and surprise them.”
99. “I learned that it’s perfectly OK to love someone but not be with them, which freed me from the immature notion that I HAVE to be with the person I love. And I learned that I will love a lot of people, so losing one just makes way for the next one.”
100. “Nothing lasts forever, no attachments in life with things or other people. Best way is stay in love with yourself no matter what and let the universe lead you.”
101. “Never give more than they are willing to offer….never wait for the other person to change and leave when it serves you best…Don’t feel bad about it…”
102. “Don’t settle for unhappiness. Don’t make excuses for someone else’s terrible behavior. Know your own worth and don’t settle for someone who only cares for themselves.”
103. “‘What’s the quickest way to die every day? Love someone who doesn’t love you in return.’ That’s what I have learned…that kind of pain every day never ends.”
104. “Break your own heart first. If you come to the realization that they way you’re being treated isn’t right, end it and stick to your guns no matter what.”
105. “Don’t force it for convenience’s sake. Learn to say goodbye-you’re not only freeing yourself and the other person from a lifetime of unhappiness.”
106. “When someone decides they don’t love you, there’s nothing you can do to change their mind. And it has nothing to do with you.”
107. “Give your very best so you won’t have any regrets at the end, but never ever forget to love yourself. If you know how to value and love yourself, you then know how to love others.”
108. “You can never love someone without loving yourself first. Self love will make you realize your worth and be worthy of someone.”
109. “Waiting around for a man to change is the biggest mistake I have ever made. A leopard’s spots never change. It took me years to realize this.”
110. “Sometimes people just come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. Just gotta learn to decipher between them.”
111. “If he says he doesn’t want to get married and have kids…you should probably take his word for it. Hold out for the man that does want those things.”
112. “He told me that ‘you can’t love anyone if you don’t know how to loved yourself’ and maybe that’s the reason he had to leave.”
113. “Not to overdo things when the friendship is still fresh. Keep your feelings to yourself and not complicate things. Now, a friendship is lost. No relationship at all.”
114. “That even you’ve given everything to that person, if you’re not the person whom he or she wants, you will never be enough. No if’s, no but’s.”
115. “That relationships are designed to fail 90% of the time and people should be whole within themselves before trying to find someone else to fill the void.”
116. “Relationships are not doomed to fail. It is a two-person friendship. Both people have to be prepared to sacrifice things to make it work. And both need to support each other through tough times. Relationships are not for everyone, but they are not designed to fail. They are what the two people in them make it.”
117. “It’s not long how you’ve known each other, but how much commitment you have to sustain. Do not ignore the ‘signs.’ Do not ‘focus’ on the goodness they’ve shown; it’s easy to pretend.”
118. “That there are people out there who love you so dearly but simply do not know how to express themselves or show their love to you.”
119. “How long you’ve been with somebody doesn’t solidify the relationship, it’s the quality of the relationship that does that…”
120. “Despite the pain and headache of a failed relationship, know that you can love unconditionally without any expectations.”
121. “To stop waiting on others people’s potential. When people show you their true colors, believe them the first time!”
122. “Supportive of their decision.”
Listen before you project your opinion or thoughts.
Always remain calm.”
123. “Always trust your gut instinct and be true to yourself. Never let a person make you feel like you aren’t worth the best.”
124. “Men really ain’t shit; don’t be afraid to drop them, stay true to yourself, always remember who you are.”
125. “You are responsible for your own happiness and trust is an inside job.”
126. “I learned that no matter how much you love the person, it doesn’t guarantee that he will stay with you forever.”
127. “Self-worth, first to listen before jumping to conclusions, if the other person wants to not think it’s the end of self.”
128. “If someone cheats on you, leave. Don’t give second chances to someone who’s just gonna keep hurting you.”
129. “If you’re ever afraid of how your partner might react to literally anything you say even if that thing is not a big deal, get out.”
130. “If someone wants to walk away let them go, Just because a door closes doesn’t mean another door won’t open.”
131. “Love and compatibility are two equally different things. And a love that is forced is a love that isn’t meant for you.”
132. “Don’t chase. If he’s not into you, walk away.”
133. “Don’t depend your happiness to anyone or anything…happiness must be within in you…Being alone does not mean being lonely.”
134. “Don’t forget who you are while trying to make someone else happy. Things that make you happy matter, too.”
135. “If someone wants to do something, they will. If they don’t, there’ll be a ton of reasons in place of actions.”
136. “Suicide is just that. Someone chose to end his/her life. That is not your fault. YOU did not choose it!”
137. “To engage in a relationship only when you are really in love, and not because you feel needy of love.”
138. “I’ve learned that my worth isn’t dependent on anyone’s view. I’ve accepted that things don’t always go the way we wanted. That forgiving yourself is harder than the person who hurt you. I’ve learned that being free is better than loneliness in a relationship. That you shouldn’t settle for anything less than what you deserve. That validation from the other person isn’t needed. I am worth it. I don’t deserve being cheated on, being just someone’s fling. I’ve learned that letting go is sometimes the best that you do for yourself. That you would eventually move on and forgive that person. And it doesn’t mean that they’ll be cheaters all their lives. That good people do mistakes. And you’ll be happy for them. That pain brings maturity if you only focus on the lessons. That people come and go. Everything changes. And you can’t just take someone with you all the way if they chose not to. That love isn’t worth compromising self-respect. That love doesn’t feel like a competition.”
139. “Don’t beg for a spot in his life. If he really wanted you, you’d know it.”
140. “If a man truly loves you he will do anything to keep you.”
141. “Don’t expect too much.”
142. “Once you start thinking if what you’re feeling is just a phase, it’s not. Get yourself out.”
143. “Pay attention to what someone says v. what they do.
Don’t let anyone make you question your worth and it’s OK to be selfish sometimes.”
144. “Never leave anything at their house that you would not want to lose. It is not worth the trouble to try to get it back.”
145. “If the effort isn’t matched, leave.”
146. “Feeling sad won’t last and at some point, you won’t even think about this guy anymore.”
147. “Some people aren’t looking for love. They’re looking for help.”
148. “Time heals almost everything. The pain does go away.”
149. “If he is not ready, you can never change that. If he really wants you and really wants to be with you, he will never let you go.”
150. “Don’t trust anyone. Anyone can look you straight in the eye, tell you they love you but never mean it.”
151. “If it’s too good to be true, it’s too good to be true.”
152. “Acceptance, self-respect, letting go, getting over, and never stop moving forward.”
153. “In relationships, the little things are the big things.”
154. “Being a good woman will never keep a man. The only thing that will keep a man is a man that wants to be kept.”
155. “The BEST revenge is to move on. No Facebook insta-friends, no following. No thirsty pics. Delete, unfollow, learn a lesson and be fabulous.”
156. “Never make someone a priority if you’re only an option to them.”
157. “It always hurts to love someone who didn’t love you enough…”
158. “Women are not to be trusted. Especially ones of my generation.”
159. “Always leave some for yourself.”
160. “That you cannot make someone love you…no matter how hard you try!”
161. “Be in love with the person, not your love story.”
162. “You’re not a lesser person for having loved someone who didn’t love you back.”
163. “Don’t let your compassion be confused for apathy or passiveness.”
164. “When you he/she lies to you and promises not to do it again, HE WILL. A couple more times because he knows you’ll forgive him. That’s fucked-up love.”
165. “To never compromise your self-worth to make someone else feel better.”
166. “That I am worth everything, and that person was not.”
167. “Do not change yourself to make the other person like you more or to make them feel comfortable.”
168. “You don’t have to put up with being yelled at, put down, and not appreciated. Oh, that’s three things.”
169. “You can’t make someone want to change; they have to want it for themselves.”
170. “I learned that I played a role in why it didn’t work.”
171. “Giving people lots of chances will just break your heart more.”
172. “The relationship failed. I am not a failure. I learned that the person/people that leave are NOT connected to my destiny.”
173. “You cannot force someone to work it out if they don’t want to.”
174. “Don’t date an immature guy expecting he will grow up, especially if he’s narcissistic. He won’t.”
175. “If it’s not the right time it doesn’t matter how great you think they are-you aren’t ready.”
176. “Never abandon Europe to go live in the Amazon with a new partner.”
177. “You just love the person until that love fades away.”
178. “What you want can’t always be found in someone else.”
179. “Stand up for yourself. Make your wants and needs known. Communicate.”
180. “Never get used to emotional/verbal abuse. You are worth more than that.”
181. “You cannot give what you don’t have. Love yourself first. Then let love flow.”
182. “Forgive people, no matter how bad they hurt you. It’s for you, not them.”
183. “Never try to argue with a drunk, just leave!”
184. “That if his child/children aren’t his NUMBER ONE priority, it will never work out.”
185. “Move on sooner than later. Time is the most valuable thing you’ll ever have.”
186. “Ask more questions, talk to old girlfriends or ex-wives, plus family.”
187. “Friendships change afterward you lose some people and you gain some amazing ones.”
188. “To trust my instincts and when I feel that it’s over, that’s exactly what it is…over!”
189. “The ugly truth is better than a pretty lie.”
190. “Build on it, use it to grow. Mistakes are only failures when we don’t learn from them.”
191. “Never share your family secrets…they will use it to haunt you later…”
192. “Go slow. If someone is rushing into anything you’re not ready for, that’s a red flag.”
193. “Sometimes, a satisfying lie can do more good than the awful truth.”
194. “Pain never ends. It may dull it, but it never ends.”
195. “If your husband suggests you get divorced three weeks after the wedding, TAKE HIM UP ON IT!”
196. “That people can only change if they want to, not because you want them to.”
197. “You have to love yourself more.”
198. “Don’t give too much save something for yourself.”
199. “Trust that your personal deal-breakers are valid and not to waste your time with someone that sets off the deal-breaker flags.”
200. “Life goes on and love can still be found.”
201. “That I don’t need her to be complete.”
202. “That I’m just not very good at it, and I should probably just get some cats.”
203. “To listen to my gut feelings next time!!!!”
204. “Always remember that you can’t make homes in people.”
205. “Be as good to yourself as you want to be to them.”
206. “I am the only person responsible for my happiness.”
207. “Letting go!…don’t be so selfish holding on to something that no longer works for you.”
208. “Don’t let him change you ever. Love yourself.”
209. “You can’t fix anyone. You can help them. Maybe. But have no expectations.”
210. “That it’s not healthy being codependent. I’m good just as I am.”
211. “Some exes deserve to be forgiven… Others deserve to be forgotten.”
212. “You cannot expect a fairytale ending with someone who is treating you unfairly from the start.”
213. “Never lose yourself or change to make another happy. You will end up alone.”
214. “You’ll never be too much when you’re with the right person. Love makes time.”
215. “Don’t rely your happiness on anything but yourself.”
216. “Be yourself. No compromising on that one thing.”
217. “Communication and trust are the most important; with those you can conquer any storm.”
218. “If he’s out to change you, he isn’t the one for you.”
219. “Love is finite. If you keep giving without receiving, you’ll find yourself emptied out real soon.”
220. “That it’s easy to end up settling for less when you fall in love with a person.”
221. “That life is too short to be unhappy!”
222. “To never ever ever live with a man unless he puts a ring on my finger! Done, done and done!”
223. “Never compromise your own comfort for someone else’s demands.”
224. “Every single thing that happens, good or bad, is happening for you and your growth & evolution.”
225. “Don’t love too hard unless he loves you back that hard, too.”
226. “Give everything, so that you’ll never regret.”
227. “Stay true to yourself. And don’t be okay with a meddling mother in law.”
228. “It’s degrading to make someone love you.”
229. “That second chances are really rare.”
230. “God knows what it is that you need better than you do!”
231. “People aren’t always who they seem to be.”
232. “Don’t force someone to love you…Don’t give 100% of your love to someone. Just remain half for yourself.”
233. “If you feel you need to cheat, leave.”
234. “You can’t get everything that you want, including how badly you want them to stay.”
235. “ALWAYS RESPECT YOURSELF. Don’t settle for a man that doesn’t show his true identity.”
236. “If you suspect your other half is cheating, however much they state they are not, they are….”
237. “Know who you are before being one with a person.”
238. “No one has the same heart as you.”
239. “Don’t give too much. Just enough and make sure you leave yourself much enough of what you give.”
240. “I have learned there is someone in life that you are meant to be with, try and be patient.”
241. “A monogamist and a polygamist will never, ever work out.”
242. “Don’t love too much. Don’t trust too fast. Don’t give an effort unless he do the same thing too. Don’t let him treat you like a hell. Long-term relationship sometimes isn’t the best. If he told you that she is just a friend and he only loved you, please don’t trust him. He got some feelin’ for her. And the most important thing is if you already gave him too many chances to changed but he blew those chances, you already knew that he only take you for granted.”
243. “Never, ever walk on eggshells again. Be yourself.”
244. “Let go of anyone that weighs you down.”
245. “What lasts long doesn’t come easy, and what comes easy doesn’t last long.”
246. “Do not be overprotective of your partner. He/she will take you for granted.”
247. “That abuse is not just physical and never changes.”
248. “A decision made when your heart and mind are not in peace is not the right decision.”
249. “Learned to use actions to prove it instead of words. Never take the other for granted. Learned to provide support in whichever way is needed.”
250. “Women are fucking difficult.”
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sumner250-blog · 7 years
Why Lifting Heavy Weights Scares Most Women – Here’s What You’ll Actually Look Like
“How much can you bench? How much can you deadlift? How much can you squat?”
“Nah, I don’t go too heavy or do those exercises… I don’t want to get too big” Most women assume that weightlifting is only for men. Why? Because they don’t want to get “bulky” like the hulk! But surprise, even the female version of the strongest green Marvel character on earth She-hulk is hot and she can lift ridiculous amounts of weight without getting “bulky”!
The gif above, as a guy, is my reaction. Lifting heavy will lead you to getting really sexy and curvy! You won’t accidentally turn into what men have spent countless years trying to look like! “Woops, I think I got too much muscle”
Hold on to me with this if you are one of the women who are afraid to lift to heavy. You’re going to want to go heavy with your weight lifting sessions (with good form!) after reading this article!
Common Misconception #1: Lifting Heavy Will Make You Look Like A Female Arnold Schwarzenegger
Unless you take steroids, there’s no way in the world, no matter how often you train or perfect your diet, will you ever look like an overly-muscular cute girl like above! Women are genetically unable to build that much muscle in their upper body
Women are unable to get massive unless they use steroids. No surprise there!
We humans have this genetic “wall” to how much muscle a female can build related to your body size. Your genetic “wall” is called Myostatin prevents your body from gaining too much muscle.
Steroids break this genetic “wall” which will allow the body to keep on building muscle
Women have way less testosterone (15 times less!) than men making it difficult to get “bulky” (as if it was hard enough for us men to build muscle!) and unable to grow muscle quickly.
Correction: Lifting Heavy Weights Will Build a Thick, Curvy, Aesthetic Physique.
True, lifting heavy weights will not get you skinny like a Victoria’s Secret model but let’s be honest, is it worth eating a 1000 calories a day to look like one? If I were you I would eat whatever I want.
Mind you, female bodybuilders can easily eat a lot of food. Around 2,400 calories a day and still lose weight in a deficit. Why? Because maintaining muscle mass demands energy. The more muscle you have (for female bodybuilders, mostly on their legs and butt), the more calories you burn just by doing nothing!
The bigger the booty, the more calories are burnt? Seems like a great deal to me!
Common Misconception #2: Cardio Will Tone My Body
Yes, cardio is great for building cardiovascular endurance AKA stamina for those everyday enduring tasks but it has been proven that exercise has very little effect on weight loss. Toned?? What do you exactly mean by toned?
I’m not bashing cardio but I would like to set your goals in the right direction.
Steady-paced cardio will not have great effects on your body as it can decrease your muscle mass which to an extent, can lead to a saggy butt or a small butt along with skinny legs. When females perform most exercises, their hips, glutes, and legs grow the most. They actually grow better than men when exposed to stress AKA weight training.
Women recover from lower body exercises easily hence the reason why men tend to avoid leg days while women prefer leg day 8 times a week!
Correction: Weight Training Will Tone Your Body
I would very much like to be buried in these leggings because I am literally deceased at how pretty the colour is, DECEASED. I wear these in XS because I have very short leggies (5ft 3) 🙋🏽🐳. Also wearing the @womensbest hoodie in XS which I cropped myself! If you wanna nab it they have an easter sale running currently! Easter15 for 15% off woooooo! 🐰🐰🐰
A post shared by Bethany Tomlinson (@beth_fitnessuk) on Apr 16, 2017 at 8:57am PDT
The concept of bodybuilding is to build that well-rounded, aesthetic physique. Bodybuilding is made out of seasons of careful bulking and cutting.
You bulk to gain more muscle at the cost of a bit of fat by eating more than your body burns while training well.
Then you cut by keeping the muscle and lose the fat through a high-protein diet while being in a caloric deficit.
If you want a bigger butt, you’ll have to expose it to a certain stimulus so you body will need to grow. Put lots of stress into your glutes through heavy weights and you body will tell itself “you need to grow because we can’t handle this weight too often!”
Go for a challenging weight that will allow you to do 8-10 reps for 3 sets for each exercise.
🏋🏼‍♀️ THE ULTIMATE LEG DAY 🏋🏼‍♀️ As requested from yesterday, here is my fave workout to do when I either don't want to workout or have no idea what to do. I strip it back to basics – lifting heavy & getting a full body (with some heavy booty concentration) sweat on 💦 Perfecting these compound lifts will do wonders for your training in general, so as fun as all those fancy instagram workouts are, I thoroughly advise whippin' this out every so often! Plus, your core will thank you for it #helloabs 👋🏼 [for more workouts, click the link in my bio!] The workout: Activation (still worth activating those glutes to build dat bubble butt 🍑): A) RB Clams x10 per side B) RB Crab Walks x20 Repeat x3 1. Sumo Deadlifts 5×5 I only started deadlifting this year due to messing up my back in an accident when I was 13. I have to alter the form slightly but am currently doing 5×5 at 70-80kg (154lb-176lb), which I'm super proud of 🌟 2. Squats 5×5 Again due to my back these aren't always an option for me but I'm currently performing them at around 70kg (154lb), concentrating on form rather than weight. (A few months ago I could squat 120kg (265lb) 😭) If you're having trouble with squatting, head over to @amandabuccifit's YouTube channel where she's just done a fab squat tutorial 🍑 3. Hip Thrusts 5×5 The ultimate booty move 🙌🏼 make sure you use a mat or barbell pad over your hips! I perform these at 100-110kg (220-242lb). Booty burning finisher: A) RB Raised Glute Bridges x15 B) RB Hip Thrusts C) RB Crab Walks Repeat x3 🔥🔥🔥 (RB stands for resistance band) I LOVE working on strength & I honestly think that while getting a good isolated burn is amazing, compound lifts will always have my heart 💕 I find lifting as heavy as I can super empowering & these lifts are what made me fall in love with weightlifting 🤗 How about trying this killer workout & engaging your whole body (especially da booty!!) for the perfect start to your week 🙌🏼 Text/tag yo gym partner, let's goooo 🏋🏼‍♀️🏋🏼‍♀️🏋🏼‍♀️ #GFG #GraceFitGuide **video is at double speed I am not the usain bolt of squats** Wearing the new @gymsharkwomen cropped hoodies releasing this Friday! #gymshark #gymsharkwomen
A post shared by G R A 🌙 E | #GFG (@gracefituk) on Mar 19, 2017 at 12:22pm PDT
How Heavy Should I Lift?
When going for those weights, aim for a challenging weight that will stimulate your body to grow. Aim for 7-10 reps for 3 sets per exercise.
Try to get 1-2 minutes rest per set.
If you’re going for barbell squats, a good example would be 50% of your bodyweight for 8 reps and 3 sets for a beginner. As you progress try to aim for that milestone of 80% of your body weight squat for 8 reps.
Once you reach that certain milestone, you’re butt in proportion to your whole body will have already been plump and curvy!
Workout Routine For Women
Barbell Squats – 50% of your bodyweight for 8 reps – 3 sets
Hip Thrusts – With no weights for 10 reps – 3 sets
Barbell Lunges – 30% of your bodyweight for 8 long strides – 3 sets
Barbell Squats – 80% of your bodyweight for 8 reps – 3 sets
Hip Thrusts – With 5kg plate for 10 reps – 3 sets
Barbell Lunges – 60% of your bodyweight for 8 long strides – 3 sets
Leg Press Machine – 80% of your bodyweight for 8 reps
Bulgarian Squats with Dumbells – 20% of your bodyweight for 10 reps
By the time you reach advanced-level then you will have a well-defined glute goal!
Barbell Squats – 100% of your bodyweight for 8 reps – 3 sets
Hip Thrusts – With 10kg plate for 10 reps – 3 sets
Barbell Lunges – 70% of your bodyweight for 8 long strides – 3 sets
Leg Press Machine – 100% of your bodyweight for 8 reps
Bulgarian Squats with Dumbells – 40% of your bodyweight for 10 reps
Deadlifts – 100% of your bodyweight for 6 reps
These workout plans are based on weights relative to your bodyweight so reaching advanced level is guaranteed to have amazing results!
The post Why Lifting Heavy Weights Scares Most Women – Here’s What You’ll Actually Look Like appeared first on MyoAbility.
from Why Lifting Heavy Weights Scares Most Women – Here’s What You’ll Actually Look Like
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