paunchsalazar · 10 months
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playing Fire Emblem Awakening… some parents and children
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lannisterdaddyissues · 2 months
trying some new pairings in my current awakening playthrough and every single one of them is canon in my mind now
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pandorastower · 3 months
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Art from composite
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fore-seer · 2 years
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lattehearted · 1 year
ship tags 2 / ? - fe a.wakening part 1 (general ; no blogs tagged atm) except for g.aimari for @fablewrote
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skeletalscallybones · 4 months
Best Fire Emblem Heroes Duo Hero ideas poll ROUND 2
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Version 5 Release
Hey there, welcome to what I'm calling the 🌈 Rainbow Edition 🌈 of UGA! Unfortunately Tumblr's preview of the mod name on top of the new title screen makes it a little... cluttered. Anyway, here are the changes you can expect:
NEW SUPPORTS: M!Robin/Owain S, Lissa/Olivia C-S, Stahl/Gaius C-S, Stahl/Libra C-S, Cordelia/Cherche C-S, Owain/Laurent C-S, Nowi&Tiki C-A, Lucina&Frederick PC, Morgan&Owain PC, Owain&Maribelle PC, Brady&Lissa PC
Included EU and JP versions of the sibling code patch
Functional support log for all non-spotpass gen 1 characters
Custom title screen for ease of checking installation
New Ch11 CG when Chrom marries a man
Replaced the frilly pink sleeve in the Ch12 CG with light green longsleeve shirt
Minor edits to existing vanilla and original GA supports for better consistency
Remembered to give Kellam a Ch12 spouse scene
Fixed animation error in Vaike's Ch12 spouse scene
Big thanks to everyone who's contributed!
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sentofight · 7 months
ooc. me replying? nah. i will make a ship thingie post for my muses wahahaha.
bold (prefers it) italics (can happen) cross (needs building but could happen)
This list will not be naming the ships i have but the name of characters in the muse's franchise (if i have interactions in other verses might add characters i see my muse clicking with in that verse.) Though i will add if the character named is taken or not.
deuce (taken by @/oursongofhealing)
honestly he is probably one of the few muses i can't put a name just some ideas of who can be compatible with him.
strong willed
willing to accept that he is not a romantic person and will see his job as important as you? and maybe more because he is pragmatic person
can compromise to some extent, but never that be conflicting with the person or their interest
Lara Mel Marta
Fractured Milla
Jude Mathis
Avatar/ Robin m/f
Avatar f/m
Avatar f/m
Mark ( taken by @/rcdhotnight)
someone kind and understanding of his 'vampire dilemma'
idk what else to write he is not that demanding he is a sweet child sobs
MC f/m
shinji (im putting him despite not being one of my favs for personal reasons but i cant ignore that he is part of aki's life and ngl i like the trio mitsu x aki x shinji but haha we dont talk about that cuz some d.umblr ding dong people are fossils with ideas)
probably more but thinking
Lu Guang
Can't think of someone compatible with his in the TYPE0 world, but Emina can and might ruffle his feathers a little bit. idk.
ngl Aki Minahara could have a chance if she is a little bit older dlfkjsdkfs
anyway he looks for someone serious about the relationship.
he wants a family not just one night stand but he is afraid of making said family because of the crystal and dying and getting people's memories wiped clean.
basically, he does not want to be forgotten ...
uuh he can cook so he is not expecting the whole 'gender role thing'. as long as you are good in the things you like to do, then sure fine. tbh he prefers to cook. he is not big on eating other people's food. though he wont stop you from cooking. surprise him.
cats. tbh it is not something he can give up on for a partner???? because for him feeding and looking after the stray cats is an important part of his life. silly as it sounds but he takes it seriously.
he can compromise a little bit with the cat thing but don't expect him to stop going out to feed them.
laugh tracks but sure. I feel like Severa would be fun to see her bicker with him. they can judge their parents together lol
---she's younger than the 2nd generation.
---she's old than most of the cast.
someone who can understand her past is not something she is proud of and wants to change
Licca (big crush she's older than him but he does not understand)
in lore
in awakening verse
Avatar f/m
in lore
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feaincorrectquotes · 1 year
Since Mobile tumblr can’t view the info page i’ll make it a post aswell 
Welcome to Fea incorrect quotes!
Here I post incorrect quotes and silly scenarios for my favorite game, Fire Emblem Awakening.
Here are a few general information to look forward to / be aware of.
.The pairings on this page are fixed and won’t shift unless I feel like it.
the pairings are as followed
First Gen Pairings
Chrom x F!Robin
Lissa x Lon'qu
Frederick x Sumia
Gaius x Cordelia
Henry x Olivia
Stahl x Tharja
Miriel x Donnel
Sully x Gregor
Panne x Libra
Ricken x Nowi
Kellam x Maribelle
Virion x Cherche
Second Gen Pairings
Lucina x Inigo
M!Morgan x Severa
F!Morgan x Gerome
Owain x Cynthia
Laurent x Noire
Brady x Kjelle
Yarne x Nah
. I don’t have pairngs for other characters currently, so feel free to send me some suggestions.
. Female Robin is my favorite Robin so don’t expect to see male Robin
. I love the idea of Twin Morgans, on the scenario of twin morgans Female morgan (the younger twin) will retain the name morgan while Male morgan (the older twin) will be named Marc. (Marc being Morgan’s Japanese name).
I hope you enjoy
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hiddentrails7 · 2 years
Kidnapper: We have one of your men, pay us and you will get him back.
Frederick: Which one?
Kidnapper, while Inigo is staring at him intensely: T-the fashionable one.
Frederick: He made you say that, right?
Kidnapper, on the verge of crying: Just come and take him back. Please.
Brady: Love is dumb.
Brady, glancing at Owain as they punch a hole in a wall: And I'm the dumbest bitch alive.
Olivia: This is a mistake.
Henry, enthusiastically: A mistake we're going to laugh about one day!
Olivia: But not today.
Henry, still enthusiastic: Oh no, today is going to be hell!
Cherche: But what about Henry?
Ricken: Don't worry about him.
Ricken: I once watched him fall down 5 flights of stairs, stand up, and keep eating his hotdog like nothing happened.
Donnel: So, how did the date with Lon'qu go?
Stahl: I tried complimenting him, but couldn't decide on whether to say "you have an amazing smile" or "you have nice eyes." Then he smiled a little and I panicked and said, "You have eyes."
Ricken: I’m kind of crushing on someone... but I’m worried about telling you who it is cause you’re not going to like it...
Vaike: Just rip the bandage off, shortie.
Ricken: It’s Henry.
Vaike: Put the bandage back on.
Kidnapper: We have a troop of yours.
Frederick: Which one.
Kidnapper: The loud, annoying one who never shuts up
Frederick: Which one.
Stahl: I’ve never smoked marijuana.
Stahl: I ate a brownie once at a party.
Stahl: It was intense. It was kind of indescribable. I felt like I was floating.
Stahl: Turns out there was no pot in the brownie. It was just an insanely good brownie.
Chrom @ Robin: I'm not gay but DAMN
Lissa: You don't have to be gay to appreciate a good looking guy
Chrom: Nah I'd fuck him
Lissa: Oh okay shit
Robin: What did you two do.
Robin: You're not in trouble. I just need to know if I need to lie to Lissa again or not.
Donnel: You know what they say: if you can't beat them, curl up in a ball and protect your organs.
Stahl: ...Nobody says that.
Sully: Being gay is a constant battle between "I wish to sit on a window bench with my lover, our legs tangling as we listen to the birds" and "Hey, let's go throw rocks at fascists" and I think that's very sexy of us.
Say'ri: If the window's open and you time it right, you can do both.
Chrom: Who traumatized you?
Robin: Do you you want a list?
Chrom, with Falchion out: Ya actually
Basilio: I'm gonna prank him by calling him Lon'qu.
Olivia: I don't understand. That's his name..?
Lon'qu: *Walks around the corner*
Basilio: Hey Lon'qu
Basilio: Lon'qu?
Lon'qu: Are you mad at me?
Basilio: Oh no, I'm sorry Lon. Come here son.
Olivia: Oh, I see
Sully: Based on genital structure, men should really be the ones wearing skirts and women should be wearing pants.
Stahl: The Scots were right all along
Kellam: The Scots did it to hide more knives on their bodies
Gaius: The Scots were right all along.
Sumia: How do you feel about children?
Sully: Uh, they’re okay, I guess. I mean, if I saw one on the street I wouldn’t throw a rock at them. 
Sumia: Why would you throw a rock at a child. 
Sully: I just said I wouldn’t.
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Miraculous Tales of Ladybug & Chat Noir
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Emeline Gaius {The Longtime Childhood Friend}-Bisexual, 15, Lawful Good
Christopher Cameron {The Blue-Eyed Guy}-Pansexual, 16, Chaotic Good
Samuel Lane {The High IQ}-Straight Ally/Transmac, 16, Lawful Good
Adan Long {The Enthusiastic Athlete}- Demiboy/Biromantic Demisexual, 15, Chaotic Good
Darcy Rogers {The Astro Loving Female}-Bisexual, 15, Chaotic Good
Jabez Rogers {The Bright Student with Mad Skills}-Asexual, 17, Lawful Good
Teagen Fuller {The Lively Cyber Chick}-Intersex/Demigender, 15, Neutral Good/Good
Sampson Gordon {The Goth Guy}-Biromantic Demisexual/Nonbinary, 16, Neutral Good
Juan Martín Andrade {The Tanned Attitude in a Can}-Bisexual, 16,  Chaotic Neutral/Neutral Good
Hanita Brown {The Strong, Silent, and Giant  Genius}- Sapphic/Butch Lebsian/Genderfluid, 16, Good
Electa Bourne {The Plays By the Rules Army Cadet}-Genderfluid/Bi-Curious/Demigirl , 16, Lawful Good
Chesiree Payne-Long {The  98 ½ Pound Brainiac}-Bi-Curious/Demigirl/Polyamorous, 14, Chaotic Good
Dwayne Galloway {The Ethereal and Mysterious Moonchild}-Abroasexual/Agender, 15, Lawful Good
Diana Brady {The Mega Queen Bee}-Mean Lesbian/Demigirl/Lipstick Lesbian, 16, Lawful Neutral/Lawful Neutral-Good
Kyong Cheon-Sa {The Very Sweet Sweetheart}-Bisexual/Omnisexual/Demigirl, 16, Chaotic Good
Jenson Davis {The Heartless Tomboy}-Achillean, 16, Lawful Neutral/Neutral Good
Joey Lee {The Cool Musician}-Demiboy/Demisexual, 16, Neutral Good/Good
Loralei  Marie Francoise Bien Aimé-Mero {The  Sassy Fashion Blogger}-Lipstick Lebsian/Girlflux, 15, Lawful Good/Neutral Good
Maximus Rich {The Total Affluent Brat}-Straight Ally, 17, Chaotic Bad 
Dawson Sharp {The Superstar Wannabe}-Pansexual, 16, Lawful  Neutral/Neutral Good
Dashanique King {The Pretty Jockette}-Demigirl/Sapphic/Transfeminine, 17, Chaotic Neutral Good
Mattie Ballard {The Gal Who’s Has a Great Personality and then Some}-Bigender/Transfemale/Demigirl, 15, Chaotic Good
Sophia Harrington {The Ultimate Sweet Gamer}-Omnisexual/Polysexual, 15, ChaoticGood
Kenji Hashimoto-Santana {The Playful Student}-Demi-Acesexual/Agender, 16, Chaotic Good 
Beckett Nà Zhōng-Chéng (Graceful Loyal) {The Guy Who’s Deep & Mysterious}-Polysexual, 16, Chaotic Good
Shaney Ross {The Devious & Dirt Disturber}-Nonbinary/Pangender, 16, Chaotic Neutral 
Patricio Santángel {The Jaw-Dropping}-Transmac/Demiboy/Bisexual, 16, Chaotic Neutral/Chaotic Neutral-Good
Solomon John {The Quiet Hunk-to-a-Munk}-Gay/Achillean, 16,  Lawful Neutral/ Lawful Neutral-Good
Isabella Alexander van Azéma {The Desirable & Classy Lady}-Aceflux/Nice Lesbian, 15, Lawful Good
Tyndall Junior Nicholas-Mathis {The Wicked DJ}-Nonbinary/Omnisexual, 15, Lawful Good 
Roméo Beauchamp {The Class Jokester}-Demiboy/Biromantic Demisexual, 15, Chaotic Neutral-Good/Chaotic Good
Noémi Hinto (Dakota)-Quint {The Determined Reporter}-Bisexual/Demigirl, 15, Lawful Neutral-Good/Good
Stanley Thomson {The Mr. Chatterbox}-Gay,  16, Lawful Good
Zephaniah Wiley-Toshiaki (Bright And Happy) {The Indie Dude}-Pansexual, 16, Chaotic Good
Prosperity Davison {The Affluent Brat’s Sneaky Cousin}-Straight Ally, 17, Chaotic Bad 
Tyndarus Maro {The Big Outside}-Arosexual, 16, Lawful Neutral/Lawful Neutral-Good
Miraculous Tales of Ladybug & Chat Noir (Belongs to and Created by Thomas Astruc)
Based on the Main Characters of Totally Spies, Danny Phantom, Total Drama Return of The Island (Belongs to and Created by David Michel & Vincent Chalvon-Demersay, Butch Hartman, and Fresh TV, Inc)
Main characters and The Drama Kids of 👑✨TALES OF GOLD QUEEN’S GOLDEN EMPIRE✨👑(Belongs to and Created by @gloomycherub-mysterious/@sullenwriter-log/@glazedwriter-mystery0014)
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findroleplay · 2 years
Heya, I'm Vee, 18+ years old, female (she/her) from the CET timezone! I'm looking for a few new Fandom Roleplays!
I'm looking for Canon x OC, FxM only (will double for AxA) and very much offer to Double! I only roleplay on Discord.
I am semi-literate to literate. I can write a couple paragraphs, but I prefere not having too much pressure when it comes to length. I usually type around the max. length on Discord, sometimes more. But somedays it might be a bit less.
I write my OC in first person and the character I double as (plus any additional ones) in third person.
I am in college and not the most active (most likely no rapid fire), yet I try to answer regularly and ask of my partner to be patient. Roleplaying is just a hobby for me, so I don't wanna force myself to reply, if I still got work to do or wanna spend my freetime with something else.
I am a big fan of Romance, Angst and Drama! I also like mature themes and topics, like unhealthy relationships, perhaps some yandere here and there and a couple AUs! Smut is possible, yet would I prefere to let it be an afterthought, instead of the whole story.
I also enjoy love triangles (or squares) and am always up to also double for those!
When it comes to Fandoms, those are the ones that I'm looking for, as well as which characters I'd wanna pair my OC with. The coloured ones are my favourites! I can double up as any names characters, as well as a bunch more!
Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugou, Shoto Todoroki, Tenya Iida, Denki Kaminari, Eijirou Kirishima, Hanta Sero, Yuga Aoyama, Mashirao Ojiro, Fumikage Tokoyami, Hitoshi Shinso, Neito Monoma, Mirio Togata, Tamaki Amajiki, Yo Shindo, Inasa Yoarashi, Seiji Shishikura, Natsu Todoroki, Rody Soul, Shota Aizawa, Keigo Tamaki/Hawks, Taishiro Toyomitsu/Fatgum, Mirai Sasaki/Sir Nighteye, Enji Todoroki/Endeavour, Toshinori Yagi/All Might, Kai Chisaki/Overhaul, Touya Todoroki/Dabi, Jin Bubaigawara/Twice, Atsuhiro Sako/Mr. Compress, Shuichi Iguchi/Spinner, Tomura Shigaraki
Byakuya Togami, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Mondo Owada, Leon Kuwata, Nagito Komaeda, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, Gundham Tanaka, Kazuichi Soda, Hajime Hinata, Izuru Kamukura, Nekomaru Nidai, Gonta Gokuhara, Kokichi Ouma, K1B0, Shuichi Saihara, Kaito Momota, Rantaro Amami, Ryoma Hoshi, Korekiyo Shinguji
Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir, Luka Couffaine/Viperion, Felix Graham de Vanilly, Kim le Chien
Percy Jackson, Luke Castellan, Leo Valdez, Jason Grace, Apollo, Frank Zhang, Octavian
Shulk, Reyn, Dunban, Kallian, Rex, Zeke, Jin, Malos, Mikhail, Akhos, Adam, Minoth, Hugo, Noah, Lanz, Taion, Isurd, Zeon, N, Bolearis, Aizel
Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd, Sylvain Jose Gautier, Felix Hugo Fraldarius, Ashe Ubert, Dedue Molinaro, Claude von Riegan, Chrom, Frederick, Stahl, Vaike, Lon'zu, Virion, Gaius, Henry, Gregor, Owain, Inigo, Yarne, Brady, Alm, Lukas, Gray, Tobin, Kliff, Clive, Forsyth, Python, Luthier, Conrad, Fernand, Berkut, Ryoma, Takumi, Xander, Leo, Odin, Laslow, Niles, Silas, Kaden
Junpei Tenmyouji, Santa/Aoi Kurashiki, Sigma Klim/Kyle Klim
Kaname Date, Kuruto Ryuki, Saito Sejima, Moma Kumakura, Lien Twining, Gen Ishiyagane
Shu Amiguchi, Nenji Ogata, Takatoshi Hijiyama, Keitaro Miura, Ei Sekigahara, Takemi Wajima
Towa Asakura, Aya Kamiyama, Rui Miyamoto, Ryuuji Tada, Kyosuke Wakamiya
Kyo Soma, Yuki Soma, Shigure Soma, Hatsuharu Soma, Momiji Soma, Kureno Soma, Akito Soma
Reki Kyan, Langa Hasegawa, Miya Chinen, Kojiro Nanjo/Joe
Tamaki Suoh, Hikaru Hitachiin, Kaoru Hitachiin, Takashi Morinozuka, Kyoya Ootori
Hunter, Edric Blight
Lance McClain, Lotor, Keith Kogane
Ed Nygma, Victor Zsasz, Bruce Wayne, Jerome Valeska, Jeremiah Valeska
John Constantine, Leonard Snart, Mick Rory, Ray Palmer, Rip Hunter, Nate Heywood, Behrad Tarazi, Jefferson "Jax" Jackson
Gilbert Blythe, Jerry Baynard, Moody Spurgeon
Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Billy Hargrove
If interested, my Discord is: ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ#5078
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fefuckability · 1 year
The Awakening Bracket Qualifier! Starts July 26th at 3pm EDT
Here's how it's going to work:
There are going to be 7 qualifying polls (Four for the men, three for the women)
Pick your favorite from each poll
Polls will run for one week (I'd prefer 3 days but alas Tumblr doesn't offer the option yet)
The top 16 male characters and the top 16 female characters will qualify for the men's and women's brackets.
Qualifier 1 (Chrom, M!Robin, Virion, Frederick, Vaike, Gregor, Henry, Libra)
Qualifier 2 (Stahl, Kellam, Gaius, Lon'qu, Basilio, Walhart, Yen'fey, Priam)
Qualifier 3 (Owain, Inigo, Brady, Gerome, Yarne, Laurent)
Qualifier 4 (Validar, Cervantes, Excellus, Mustafa, Gangrel, Old Hubba, Farber)
Qualifier 5 (F!Robin, Lissa*, Emmeryn, Cherche, Sumia, Cordelia, Panne, Anna)
Qualifier 6 (Sully, Maribelle, Tharja, Miriel, Olivia, Say'ri, Tiki, Flavia, Naga)
Qualifier 7 (Lucina, Kjelle, Cynthia, Severa, Noire, Pheros, Raimi, Aversa, Phila)
Characters who are excluded from voting:
Anyone who obviously both looks and acts like a literal child. Some characters are borderline so discretion may be used
Palette swapped characters (e.g. Victor and Vincent)
Anyone who lacks either a portrait or a unique name
Characters who do not have a unique humanoid form (e.g. Grima, because they either look like a dragon or they just look like Robin)
Characters who are technically included in Awakening via Einherjar, but would fit better with another game's poll (e.g. Marth)
*Yes, I know Lissa is canonically 15 at the start of Awakening. However, there's a two year time skip and she's canonically at least 17, possibly 18 by the end of the game. Taking that into consideration I've decided to include her. Assume she's at her post-time skip age for the purposes of these polls.
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quietsun5268 · 1 year
Who's the Most Likely, Least Likely, or Maybe Parent (Mother and Father) for each Morgan (Male and Female) based on Classes, looks, supports, and/or mannerisms?
Most Child units inherit the hair color from their fathers (with the exception of Female Morgan, who inherited her mother's hair color, and Lucina). But some parents are more fitting for some child units then others based on Classes, looks, supports, mannerisms, etc. I'm not looking for who would make the kid stronger. Just a parent who would make sense for the Child Units.
Recap: Brady Severa Cynthia Laurent Noire Yarne Gerome Nah Kjelle Lucina Owain Inigo
Each Morgan has a slightly different personality. Here we will go through 3 categories. Male, Female, and what both have regardless of their gender.
Female Morgan
1.) Female Morgan's Class in Future Past 2 is a Wyvern Lord While it could be from Male Robin due to his large class sets, it also could be from either Sully, Cherche, Panne, Nowi, Say'ri, Tiki, or Aversa. In Fire Emblem Heroes, Female Morgan is like a combination of the Tactician and Dark Flier (she even rides a Pegasus). So the Dark Flier part could be from Lissa, Sumia, Maribelle, Cordelia, Olivia, Say'ri, Emmeryn, or Aversa. But it could be from Male Robin.
2.) Female Morgan looks similar to Sumia. But then again…. (see: section 3 in the category Both Morgans)
3.) One of the things that makes her more different than Male Morgan is that, while they are both cheerful, Female Morgan has more…. energy compared to him (like if she's given an extra dose of sugar). Which would make both Lissa, Cynthia and Nowi more fitting to be her mother. (See section 1 in category Both Morgans. There's a slight difference between Energetic and Cheerful)
4.) Female Morgan is also a bit of a prankster, as shown in a Hot Spring Scramble talk with Cynthia, where they plan on pranking the people who want to go into the hot springs. Which might be inherited from Lissa or Maribelle (Maribelle told Brady that her husband does a daily tea ritual is just a prank. See Brady's support with any of his fathers). But then again it could be from Male Robin since he did play a bit of a prank on Maribelle by teaching her "The slang of the unwashed lowborn common folk".
5.) Tiki, hints that Robin is a similar person to the hero king Marth, who married the pegasus rider Caeda who is often liked with Sumia as the recurrent love interest of the lord. With Male Robin being similar to Marth in personality, instead of Marth direct descendent Chrom (who Tiki hints is similar to his ancestral Sigurd, who married Deirdre, despite not knowing one another long after a chance encounter. Which could make Chrom and Olivia's marriage a reference to the pairing.), Male Robin and Sumia's marriage could be a reference to the pairing.
(?) Female Morgan is shown to be insensitive. Maribelle also came across as well. See Maribelle's C Support with Male Robin.
(?) We know in Female Morgan's supports with Yarne, she acts rather roughly to him, in their S Rank it's because she wanted his attention. Lissa's S Support with Male Robin has her admit to him she's pranking him to get his attention.
(?) We know one of the things that make both Male Robin and Female Morgan similar to each other are their amnesia. But one can also say that it also makes Morgan similar to Emmeryn too.
Male Morgan
1.) Remember in Chrom's B Support when he walks in on Female Robin (Avatar) naked. Male Morgan walks in on a bathing Kjelle in their S Support, so he could've gotten it from him. However, In Female Robin's A support with Chrom she walks in on him naked. She also does it to Gaius and Say'ri.
2.) Male Morgan's Class in Future Past 1 is a Sorcerer While it could be from Female Robin due to her large class sets, It could also be from either Libra, Henry, or Gangrel.
3.) Male Morgan Looks similar to Henry. But then again… (see: section 3 in the category Both Morgans)
4.) Male Morgan likes bugs, revealed in all his supports with Noire and in his C-Support with Lucina if she's his sister. Lon'qu likes bugs, In Summer Scramble DLC, he reveals to Gaius that he liked to catch them as a kid and finds them fascinating. Lissa also catches him catching butterflies in one of their support conversations. So liking bugs could come from Lon'qu. Maybe Henry since Henry likes animals (plus he can talk to insects). However, Male Morgan has exceptions, cockroaches and giant fire-breathing scorpions
5.) While Male Morgan is still cheerful, he's a lot more mellow and nicer compared to Female Morgan (not that she's intentionally mean per say, just has poor social skills. She has her own nice moments. One of the examples of her Hot Spring Scramble talk with Severa where she listens to her woes and gives her advice.). His niceness stands out, which makes him similar to Stahl, Kellam, Libra, Henry (Henry does like helping people, he just has a completely misguided and rather unorthodox way in doing it.), Donnel, and Chrom but it could be something he inherited from Female Robin.
6.) Despite Male Morgan claiming that he does not remember Lucina in his recruitment conversation with Chrom or Robin, in his sibling support conversation with Lucina, Morgan has memories of her wielding the Falchion in the future. Which is a direct contradiction of his whole 'can only remember my mom' thing.
(?) In Fire Emblem Heroes, Male Morgan's artwork depicts him in the Tactician class wielding Grima's Truth. Tactician classes in Awakening can't use dark magic, Only Dark mages and Sorcerers can. While Male Morgan could've been taught by a father who has dark magic or has the option to change into a Dark mages and Sorcerers class, it could also be from Female Robin's Various classes.
Both Morgans
1.) Morgan is genuinely cheery, upbeat and smiles a lot. Like Henry, Gregor, Anna, Owain, Inigo, and Gangrel (see his support with Female Robin).
2.) Morgan can be ditzy. Could be from Donnel or Sumia. But Robin does have their moments of being Ditzy. For example, see Female Robin's B support with Lon'qu.
3.) Physically, they are both based on the body type 2 for Robin. You can say that Morgan looks like the opposite gender version of Robin when they were younger (if you see Robin's body type 2 as what body type 1 Robin would look like if they were younger).
4.) Both Morgan's greatest dream is to become a master tactician like Robin. Robin mentioned in their support that Morgan will surpass them. Its VERY obvious they got that from their parent but you could say they also got it from Laurent (In the future, Laurent was the tactician of the future kids), Severa (In her supports with Male Robin and in her B Support with Yarne, she's a decent strategist), or Virion (He plays chess which is considered a strategy game and He beats Robin at a strategy game in their supports). Maybe Miriel too, I mean while we don't see her engage in battle tactics, she's always analyzing something or other which is a trait necessary for a Tactician. Maybe Ricken since I'm pretty sure being studious is another necessary trait for a Tactician (and we know Morgan studies a lot in order to be a good tactician.).
(?) Those who saw that I didn't mention the second generation as a possible parent for both Morgans based on Classes is because it gets complicated due to the fact that A.) Robin has a huge class sets and B.) It depends on who fathered (or in Lucina's case mothered) the specific second generation so that they can pass down a class to Morgan.
(?) I don't think anyone in the Second Generation is most likely to be Both Morgan's parent because they exist in Future Past, so would the Robin there have Morgan (who is a little younger then the kids) with one of the Second Generation?
Who do you think is the child's units mostly likely, maybe, and least likely parents based on Classes, looks, supports, mannerisms, etc?
I'm not sure if I got everything. There's always a chance I'm missing something but I'm willing to listen to any input and reasons why you think whatever Mother or Father is suitable for each Morgans.
Who's the Most Likely Father for Male Morgan based on Classes, looks, supports, and/or mannerisms?: https://strawpoll.com/polls/PbZqRYL0vyN
Who's the Least Likely Father for Male Morgan based on Classes, looks, supports, and/or mannerisms?: https://strawpoll.com/polls/GeZAOop8PnV
Who's the Most Likely Mother for Female Morgan based on Classes, looks, supports, and/or mannerisms?: https://strawpoll.com/polls/PKgl3Pjp4np
Who's the Least Likely Mother for Female Morgan based on Classes, looks, supports, and/or mannerisms?: https://strawpoll.com/polls/1MnwO6N05n7
Reddit (you can click here if you want to see what other people think in the comments but know that the polls aren't in Reddit)
Edit: sorry everyone forget to add the second generation in the poll. Now it's added
This is the last one, now I'm finished with "Fire Emblem Awakening: Who's the Most Likely, Least Likely, or Maybe Fathers or Mothers For Each Child Units based on Classes, Looks, Supports, and/or Mannerisms?".
Which do you want me to do next? "Who Would Be The Most Likely Mothers or Fathers for the Fire Emblem Fates Children Units?" Or "Which of the Ending(s) Would Be A Happy One for (Insert Name Here) in Fire Emblem Three Houses?"
The last ones means which character ending (single or paired) has the character accomplish their goals. Because in some paired endings it seem like it's happy for one of the two characters instead of both of them. I've give you two examples: 1.) Most of Bernadetta's endings end up with her still being reclusive while a very few have her heal from that. 2.) Ingrid is a complicated case, her dream is to be a Knight but at the same time the County of Galatea's (the domain of her family) suffers from poor conditions for agriculture so Ingrid might have to marry in order to aid her land. It seems like she has to choose one over the other.
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roytheflamboyant · 9 months
8 and/or 21 for the Fire Emblem ask game? 😁 only if you want to, of course! 😁
Yes, thank you for asking! I answered 8 already but I’ll copy and paste it haha! Oh and to add on, I’ll bold my favorite of my favorites!
8. Who are some of your favorite characters?
Happy to go into why I like a character if you’re super interested lol
Marth, Lewyn, Sigurd, Roy, Zephiel, Narcian, Echidna, Ninian, Gaius, Tharja, Chrom, (Grima!)Robin, Brady, Felix, Linhardt, Hubert, Dimitri, Lorenz, Seteth, Alear, Pandreo, Panette, Zelkov, Kagetsu, Ivy, Lindon, Rafal, Gregory
21. Characters from different fe games you would like to see interact? How do you think it would go?
I have never thought about this before but good god I NEED to see Brady and Boucheron cry over everything together?! They both look at, like, kittens playing together and just LOSE it. Maybe Brady plays a song on his violin and it’s so pretty Boucheron just starts crying in the middle of it. Boucheron shows Brady around a flower garden in Firene and Brady bawls over how beautiful it is. THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS
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mxbrightsky · 2 years
I got bored and ranked the fire emblem awakening characters based on how well I think they'd take care of a goldfish.
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reasoning for each character below the cut
Henry: he loves animals
Panne: she would not want a fish to be kept in a tank
Cordelia: she's a perfectionist
Tiki: I feel like with her being thousands of years old she's got hobbies. Maybe she spent like a couple decades really into goldfish. You don't know.
Cherche: given how well she cares for Minerva I also think she'd care that well for other animals, but obviously fish are not her main concern
Frederick: he just keeps things neat and orderly in general
Miriel and Laurent: I feel like they're well researched enough to care about a properly maintained fish tank
Nah: she takes super good care of a goldfish because she wants to appear more grown up, and therefore would want to be responsible even if it's just for a fish
Brady: his whole thing is that he looks pretty rugged but is actually kind of a soft guy (i think, it's been a while, if im wrong shhhh) but anyway I think that makes taking care of goldfish kind of like a suitable thing to go with that
Emmeryn: she's compassionate and caring, she wants to take good care of the goldfish, but also she's got a lot to be doing she doesn't have all the time in the world to be a goldfish mom
Libra: he also falls under "caring and so probably would want to do right by the fish but ultimately has other priorities"
Robin: sort of the same reasoning as Miriel and Laurent but a rung lower because I feel like they wouldn't be as perfectionist about it, like they don't know EVERYTHING but they know enough
Morgan: inherited the fish from Robin and therefore know how to take care of it.
Chrom: he's trying his best
Kjelle: she's also trying her best
Ricken: same reasoning as Nah but I don't think that fish is his number one priority so not as much energy put into it as her
Kellam: I feel like Kellam is the kind of guy who can do many many things to a competent degree and you just never notice until it comes up
Donnel: he's a farmboy he's probably decent with animals but maybe doesn't have the funds for anything above and beyond
Say'ri and Yen'fay: I don't remember much about them because they really don't have much supports and their story arc was rushed. But they seem fish capable.
Olivia: she is also trying her best
Stahl: regular guy. regular bowl
Gregor: I don't think he'd care about fish but he'd at least be positive towards them
Noire and Yarne: I don't think they can emotionally handle the responsibility of taking care of a fish /j
Flavia and Basilio: I don't think they'd care about fish either, but I think it would be funny if like, being the reigning Khan of Ferox also means you have to take care of some special goldfish. just in this alternate universe where everyone, singularly, owns a goldfish.
Gaius: he would win a fish at some kind of fair, and he would be upset he didn't get candy instead.
Lon'qu, Gerome, and Sully: I just don't think they'd care about fish. Gerome you could maybe make an argument for considering he cares about Minerva and I ranked Cherche high for that, but to me I don't think he cares about any animal other than Minerva.
Anna: she is selling goldfish in individual bowls
Lucina: this one is a joke based on her support line with whoever her mother is and how she canonically has bad fashion sense. so she'd decorate a fish tank with that bad fashion sense.
Inigo: he would somehow use fish to try to pick up ladies.
Severa: tries to make the fish tank incredibly aesthetically pleasing in order to one-up her mom but accidentally makes the fish tank unlivable by an actual fish.
Cynthia, Vaike, Lissa, Virion, Maribelle, Nowi, Owain, and Sumia: I know they all have different styles but like I feel like for all of them their placement in that tier is self explanatory.
Tharja: she is using that fish as an ingredient to a hex.
Priam: he eats it
Aversa: she gave the fish's soul up to grima
Gangrel: he'd kill the fish and blame it on Ylisse
Walhart: he thinks fish are beneath him
I am open to civilized debate on any of these rankings you think should be different
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