sainz · 1 year
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i knew he was okay cause that bandage did not look serious at all aksjsjs
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miumiumanzo · 6 months
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pasutri gaje
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sidsinning · 2 years
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Not sure if this was intentional on Bethesanday's part (maybe not) but I feel like there's somethin to be said about Erandur's old name meaning destroyer of peace but then being reclaimed as bringer of peace.
Like one could argue that being a priest for Vaermina who leaves her victims with reoccurring nightmares is certainly not bringing any peace. But then he escapes the temple, rebands himself with a new name and goes back to bring peace to DawnStar.
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crafantale · 1 year
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What's supposed to be an Indonesian slice of life romantic comedy Line Webtoon about young husband and wife who work in civil government office becomes an unclear mess of Cyberpunk-Spider-verse-whatever aesthetic because the movie adaptation from Falcon Pictures uses AI in their poster
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This is what they're supposed to look like
Fans say their civil government office uniform is definitive for this couple
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The author Anissa Nisfihani is popular in the 2014-2017 era and her manga was even published in Japan
So the fact that the production company prefer to avoid using artists, including the webtoon's own author to create the poster even for something and someone this popular doesn't bode well for the future of Indonesian artists
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The author doesn't know about the poster choice, she can only can confirm that the movie script does follow the webtoon
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A look at the Falcon Pictures Instagram shows that they've been using AI to create their other movie posters
The company said the poster is just a prototype but they already have a press conference using it
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Currently the poster is being roasted both on Twitter and Instagram for being AI geenerated instead of hiring artists or even the author herself and for carrying the wrong vibe
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himaflo · 2 years
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6 Webtoon challenge!
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soficierva1734 · 1 year
El tipo de cosas ultra específicas que tengo que buscar para después no andar escribiendo pelotudeces.
The kind of ultra-specific things I have to look for so that I don't go around writing bullshit.
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In the image: «population density map of texas from 1952 to 1962».
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Si bien me saqué un 6.7 y un 6.8, ese 4.5 me atormentará lo que queda del semestre.
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rici-diarygirly · 2 months
Kayak nya gue emang selalu lari ke sini ketika ga ada tempat buat cerita atau tempat buat gue jadi diri sendiri.. bukan karena org² sekitar gue jahat.. tapi karena emang gue ga mau mereka tau sisi diri gue yang sedang sedih/down/ga mood
Tapi yah, di sisi lain.. emang ga ada juga yang nanyain ke gue gimana kabar gue? Udah makan apa belum? I don't mean a boyfriend.. tapi temen² gue..
Apa emang gini ya, efek gue terlalu akrab dengan banyak orang ? Dan efek dri terlalu peduli pada bnyk org?
Entah lah..
Gue emang senang kok ngasi perhatian, gue ga minta balasan.. gue happy ketika mereka yang sedih bisa balik mood nya atau jadi lebih tenang setelah gue temenin.. tapi,
Ada masa gue butuh kloningan diri gue.. untuk gue sendiri.. karena yang lain engga ada.. belum ada mungkin ya..
Tapi ini udah mau 23 tahun lho😆
Ga ga.. ada dulu tapi skrg pastinya ud sibuk sama kehidupan masing²
Apa ini ciri² kudu nyari cowo? Do I need a husband? haha No No.. belum waktunya..
Ayo diriku.. semangat lagi.. hug hug my self🫂❤️✨️
24 April 2024 Wednesday
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malaparalosusername · 3 months
Felicidades, has logrado llegar a la adultez. Ten tu ansiedad, viene gratis con el paquete
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aikonokotoba · 7 months
Minnaaa o-mata heeee Kembali lagi dengan saya yang tengah menyambut musim gugur dengan tanpa persediaan stok bakso *nangis* Dibilang musim gugur juga, engga sih karena sudah 10 derajat dan jari merah merah karena bentar lagi beku. Kali ini saya akan menyapa para pembaca pertama kali di tahun ini! (entri terakhir Desember 2022 yang mana tahun 2023 ini, hampir 1 tahun Tyas ga nulis sama sekali)…
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uraandri · 11 months
i ate the nastiest (positive) karađorđeva šnicla tonight and i'm still recovering
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mirshaseraphim · 1 year
Powrót do natury - powrót do Siebie
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Czy wiedziałeś, że wibracje natury mają uzdrawiające właściwości? Wie to każdy Ziemianin ! Mimo tego, zostaliśmy od tego odcięci - od tego najcenniejszego daru jakim jest natura. Ziemia - Terra Gaia, jest duchowo żywą istotą, która zrodziła naszą planetę. Miała swoje różne kulty, miejsca mocy, święte gaje (po nazwie) i leśne świątynie. Żyją na tej planecie przepiękne istoty duchowe (duchy przyrody i bóstwa) o których możemy sobie nawet nie zdawać sprawy i pojęcia ponieważ nasze zmysły przyrodzone zostały zablokowane lub nie były dość rozwijane by wewnętrznymi zmysłami czuć i dostrzec obecność istot duchowych. Natomiast my widzimy obecnie i dostrzegamy przynajmniej królestwo roślin, zwierząt i kamieni. A także naszą własną cywilizację - która co jak co ale odłączyła nas niejako od siebie samych, od ludzi, od porozumienia - od jedności którą jesteśmy. Nie ego, ale eco. Jesteśmy przecież zbudowani z tych samych tkanek i cząstek atomowych co zwierzęta i rośliny. Ktoś kiedyś postanowił sprytnie i jakże zmyślnie oddzielić człowieka rzekomo go wywyższając, ale było to haniebne w skutkach dla człowieka działanie niszczące go samego i przyrodę wokół niego. Dlatego jest nam w tych czasach potrzebna świadomość ekologiczna, a nawet głęboko ekologiczna. Wspierajmy bioróżnorodność, nie jedzmy zwierząt, szanujmy życie gdyż życie jest święte. Jedzmy zdrowo, dziękujmy za spożyte jedzenie, rozmawiajmy z drzewami, roślinami, kryształami i duchowymi strażnikami przyrody. Kupujmy od zdrowych producentów rolniczych kupowaną żywność, sadźmy własnoręcznie warzywa i owoce, korzystajmy z wolnej energii elektrycznej, zbierajmy śmieci, sadźmy drzewa, produkujmy ekologiczne produkty, chrońmy najpiękniejsze lasy na naszych terenach, łączmy się w zgodzie i jedności z innymi ludźmi, mieszkajmy blisko lasu, nauczmy się budować i konstruować rzeczy praktycznie potrzebne nam do życia żeby żyć poza systemem, a przynajmniej starać się żyć poza nim - pamiętajmy to my kreujemy swoją rzeczywistość. Twórzmy własnoręcznie kosmetyki naturalne, uzdrawiajmy się ziołami - jednym słowem korzystajmy z naturalnego daru od którego nas odłączono.
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matheusarnold · 2 years
An intro like usual, or no? Idk lol
Okay, so... I'm back!!! Hehehe dah lama banget ga main Tumblr :( There's a lot that has changed here, which i really really like and appreciate ✨ walaupun banyak juga yang menurutku masih perlu di-enhance, tapi ya all good lha Ada beberapa alasan pribadi kenapa aku memutuskan untuk aktif lagi di Tumblr (Which you can skip karena ini pasti boring dan ga ada faedah nya wkwk)
Yang pertama, Twitter sucks :(
No no no, bukan karena Elon, tapi menurutku Twitter emang belum bisa jadi medium yang tepat buat mencurahkan berbagai pemikiran pribadiku yang butuh format penulisan yang bebas, yaa basically customizable lah. And yeah, you guess it, Tumblr is the ✨Answer✨ karena sifatnya yang memang bener" murni blogging, ga kayak Twitter yang menurutku jatuhnya lebih ke forum & thread gitu sih... So yeah, that's the first reason.
Second, ada banyak konten K-Pop dan art yang bener" asik dan menghibur wkwkw
Which is kinda weird, karena aku ga merasakan level hiburan yang sama di sosmed lainnya. Di Tumblr itu, aku ga merasa seperti mindlessly scrolling through all kind of contents, tapi aku bener" enjoy setiap postingan yang aku lihat saat aku lagi scrolling. So yeah, i love Tumblr ❤️.
Dan yang terakhir, Tumblr is making me feel like i'm lonely and not being watched by so many people (Which i really like, of course)
Walaupun mungkin kenyataannya bisa aja ada ribuan orang yang berkunjung ke profil Tumblr ku, still, it feels good karena di sini fokusnya bener" bukan untuk jadi populer, atau untuk pamer lifestyle dll, tapi murni bener" untuk sharing aja, apa pun itu yang mau kita share.
And yeah, that's it, i guess?
Aku gatau sih kenapa aku sharing alasan pribadiku barusan WKWK tapi ya justru itu, balik lagi ke fokus blog ini, yaitu untuk mendokumentasikan berbagai pemikiran pribadiku yang bebas, berantakan, dan tidak disensor 😁
So yeah, well, that's it.
Semua link social ku ada di sini btw, jadi silahkan stalking kalau kalian kepo ama saya wkwkwk
Oh and, kalau mau di follback, silahkan DM aja di medsos nya langsung yaa 👌
See you! 👋
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miss-hyoko · 1 year
Umm....if you're comfortable including Indonesia swear words then, can i ask for the first year with a best friend who say something in Indonesia very often?
Like if they're mad losing some video games they curse loudly and mumble something in indo so they can't understand? I'll take the gado-gado if it still available!
“Dear customer, I hope you can forgive me for the long wait. The food you requested is kind of unique, but here's your [ANJIR!] gado-gado.”
Character(s): Grim, Ace, Deuce, Jack, Epel, Sebek (aka First Year Gang)
Summary: MC speak Indonesian
Tag(s) and warning(s): GN!Reader, platonic, reader is Yuu, crack, very much self-indulgent
Note: OMG OMG ANON THIS IS SO HILARIOUS! I can't stop laughing while writing this hc; the possible chaos make me cackle like a madman 🤣🤣
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The first time you spoke in Indonesian, it was an accident. You and your friends are having lunch together in the cafeteria when suddenly Grim tries to steal Ace's food. The two of them quickly started bickering so badly that the table shook. Upset your meal was interrupted, you spontaneously shouted, “KALEM, ANJING! ORANG LAGI PADA MAKAN! (CALM DOWN, (you) DOG! PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO EAT HERE!)” which made everyone immediately fall silent and stare at you confusedly, didn't understand what you just said.
Deuce: “W-what language was that just now?”
Grim: “Yeah, Henchuman! What language is that? I never heard it before.”
Ace: “Well, I also don't know what language they're speaking, but one thing's for sure; they're furious.”
MC: “Glad you noticed it, Ace.” *smile forcibly* “You and Grim better shut your mouth up and continue eating in peace if you still want to borrow my notes for tomorrow exam.”
Grim, Ace: “Aye, aye, Captain.”
When school is over, your friends drag you back to Ramshackle to continue questioning you about the language you used earlier in the cafeteria. After quite an interrogation, they finally found out that you're speaking Indonesian, one of the many languages from your world.
Ace: “Still sounds odd to me.”
MC: *roll their eyes* “All languages must sound odd the first time you hear them, goblok.”
Grim: “Go- what?”
MC: *grins* “It's 'goblok', Grim. You pronounce it as go-block, which means 'dumbass'.”
Ace: *chokes* “You-”
Since almost everyone has heard you use Indonesian, you then choose to use it more often in your daily life. Now, NRC students sometimes hear the magicless human, the Prefect of Ramshackle, talking using weird language they didn't know about. Some people had asked you about the meaning of your words, but you never really answered them and only said that it was 'something that's often said back in my world'.
Most people believe it and accept your answer, while the rest are sceptical but don't ask any further. But your close friends know very well that you mainly use Indonesian whenever you want to complain, gossip, or are just too excited about someone or something.
Since the first years often hang out with you, they can't help but involuntary understand some Indonesian words that you often use, such as; 'mager' means too lazy to move, 'buset/anjir' means holy crap, 'gaje' means unclear, 'kuy' means let's go, 'santuy' means chill, and many more.
Grim doesn't mind you speaking Indonesian at all as long as you keep buying him cans of tuna. And because he's practically glued to you, he's slowly starting to be able to say some Indonesian words.
Ace and Epel don't mind as well. They even sometimes ask you to teach them swear words in Indonesian so they can 'curse other people without that person knowing'.
Deuce and Jack are neutral, mostly because they don't really understand what you're talking about in Indonesian. As long as what you say isn't a dangerous curse, they don't really care what you say.
Sebek is the one who always asks the meaning of what you say; if it were good, he would let it slide and maybe even add it to his list of praises for Malleus. But if it's not, he immediately gives you a long lecture about it right on the spot.
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salemsvlog · 2 months
I have to wait at least two hours to watch Ep6 and I’m dying inside.
Gajes de ser tercermundista, I guess.
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