#galra kuro
rorimoon9597 · 10 months
"Paladin Cadets, please report to the briefing room." Artemis looked up from her homework, confused. She moved anyway, marking where she was and standing.
She made her way to the briefing room, wondering what she was needed for.
She entered the room when she got there, nodding to Curtis and the other Bridge Officers when they filed out from the meeting they were in.
She was the first to arrive, unsurprisingly. Leo constantly had things he was working on, and was always researching something or looking through old scientific papers. Rex spent his time baking, Alex was probably coming from the training deck, and Sava was probably coming from where she was helping in the engine room.
Her parents, Lance and Keith Kogane, were there already, and they smiled as she walked in.
"Hey, mija. I hope you weren't too busy," Lance said. Artemis shook her head.
"No, I wasn't. I was working on some math homework," she replied. Kosmo teleported up to her, begging for pets. She caved in.
"Man, I suck at math," Lance commented.
"You do," Keith agreed. Lance gave him an indignant look. "What? You came to my room after we found Kuro and tried to work out how many Paladins we had even though it's the simplest thing in the universe." Lance huffed.
"I was struggling that day." Artemis chose to sit in her seat, ignoring her parents.
Leo came not too long after she did, Alex, Sava and Rex right behind him.
"Are we late?" He asked. Shiro shook his head.
"No, you're just in time," he said.
"Alright." The other four sat down.
"What did you need us for?" Alex, ever the leader, asked.
"There has been a request for help from a Coalition planet," Shiro began. He smiled at the confused looks that were shared around. "I'll hand this to you, Lance."
"Thank you, Shiro," Lance replied. He stood at the front of the table, screen behind him clear to see. An image of a planet appeared on the screen behind him. "Shaatull is a planet that's relatively new to the Coalition. Their culture is based around crystals, and they have some really interesting theories about Quintessence and relationships."
"You can talk about it later on, okay?" Keith said, a reminder. Not dismissing him entirely, an invitation to talk as much as he wanted to when they had time to talk about it.
"Right. Anyway, Shaatull has certain creatures. None of them are insanely dangerous, because it's not a death world like Earth, or New Altea or New Daibazaal. Recently the head of Shaatull, Lady Ravra, reached out to us and requested our help with a creature that has been terrorizing the planet. Or, that's what they say about it."
"What does this creature look like?" Leo asked, genuinely curious about this creature.
"This is what it looks like." The image of the planet disappeared, replaced with a few images that looked like it came from a security camera. Not the best quality, but it was enough to give them an idea of the creature. "This is the creature that has been causing so much panic." Pidge rested her head on her joined hands.
"It looks like some sort of cross between a cat, a fox, and a phoenix or something," she observed. Artemis looked closer at one of the clearest pictures and noted that she was right.
It was nothing like what Artemis had seen, and she'd seen a lot. Her dad had a cosmic teleporting wolf as a pet, her grandmother was Galra, and she was training to become a proper Paladin of Voltron.
The creature, from what she could see, was gorgeous. Its fur was and amber colour, and it had a white muzzle from what she could see. The white went from the muzzle to somewhere around it's stomach. The tail was only slightly bushy, almost as if it were a combination between a fox and a cat tail. It's paws, which were like a cat's paws, had white socks. It had wings, which went from the same amber as its fur where the wings were connected to an off white colour.
"It's beautiful," she commented.
"It is," Lance agreed.
"The Atlas crew is working on finding where it comes from. While we are working on that, you five are to go to Shaatull and trap the creature. Do not harm it. When we know where it comes from, we will release it and figure out ways to stop this from happening again, to protect the creature's species, and the ecosystems of other planets," Shiro said.
"Yessir!" The five Paladin Cadets said, in sync. Determination showed on their faces.
"This is your first mission. We will set up check-in times to keep updated on your progress and to help you wherever you may need it. However, apart from that, you will only have each other to depend on." The thought made Artemis... nervous.
"We'll go pack as soon as we can," Alex said.
"Go do that now. We will sort out the check-in times," Allura encouraged.
"I agree with Allura there," Shiro said.
Clearly dismissed, the five of them stood up and went to their quarters.
"This is so exciting!" Sava said. Leo shook his head.
"It might be tough but..."
"How long do you think it might take for us to be able to trap the creature?" Rex asked, nervous.
"Patience yields focus," Leo reminded them. It was something that Shiro told all of the children he knew - Keith, all of the Paladins, the first MFEs, and now them, the Paladin Cadets, and the MFE Cadets.
They split up, going to their individual ways to their rooms.
Artemis cast one look at her homework, still on her desk. She turned away from it to grab a duffle bag.
She set out to pack it, grabbing underwear, a couple of hoodies, some jeans and spare shirts. She grabbed her toothbrush and toothpaste too, as well as her hairbrush, some basic skincare products, and her shampoo and conditioner.
She grabbed some of her electronics, too. Her phone, headphones, and a tablet and the pen that went with it, as well as the chargers for those things.
She didn't over pack, fortunately. And she remembered to put in her pajamas, too.
Her phone pinged. She grabbed it and checked the notification that appeared on the screen.
Artemis checked the time, noting that she was set to leave that afternoon after lunch. She double checked her bag, making sure she had everything then triple-checked it. Once she was satisfied that she had everything she needed, she left her room and went to the Lion hangar.
When she was younger, her parents would take her and Alex around the ship, showing them all of the different places. She was four or five when they first did that, and she still remembered how it felt to be around the lions.
They radiated power, each and everyone of them. Black radiated power that told anyone and everyone that she was in charge, that she could zap them all if she wanted but chose not to. Green radiated the sort of power that came with scientists; smart, desiring knowledge, and using what they had to do their part.
Blue radiated the same sort of power that came from the ocean. Calm, playful, even, but with deadly currents and the ability to go from calm to raging quickly. Yellow radiated kindness, a solid rock to lean on when needed, and dependent.
Red had always stuck out to her, though. The lion was known to be fierce, unpredictable and dangerous to those who didn't know her. Hotheaded and reckless. Yet when Artemis first looked at Red, the only thing she felt from the lion was protectiveness, warmth like what one expected from a fire on a cold night, or a campfire. She was an observer, observing and making moves that no one could predict when she needed to. A gentle fire that would flair up when it needed to, often in the heat of battle.
Despite that though, Red was still rather stubborn.
"Hey, girl. We're going on a mission! I thought that I'd bring my stuff here now so that I don't have to worry about it later," Artemis said. Red's particle barrier went down, and she bent down, her jaws opening to grant Artemis access.
"Mission?" Red asked.
"Yep. We're being sent out to trap this creature from a planet known as Shaatull. It's not meant to be there, you see, so we have to figure out where it comes from and get it back to its home," Artemis explained. She placed her bag down and made sure that it would be secure.
"After I have some lunch," Artemis replied. She stepped out of Red's mouth and onto the floor of the hangar. She turned to press a hand to Red's nose. "You won't be doing much except for flying to Shaatull and back. Sorry, girl."
"It fine." Artemis nodded.
Apparently, as her bond with Red grew, the lion would be able to speak in complete sentences. The fact that she was able to even hear simple sentences from Red was nothing short of an achievement. Not even Leo, the technological genius of the team, could hear simple words. He could only hear Green's growls and purrs and understand how they were meant to be taken.
Artemis walked to the cafeteria and grabbed some lunch. Looking around, she could see Leo, Sakura, and Shiro and Adam sitting together. Artemis got the hit and went to find her family.
It was easy, considering the fact that the red and black of both of her parents uniforms stood out among the sea of orange.
She slid into the seat next to Alex.
"I'm kind of nervous," Alex said. He was picking at his food.
"Hey, it's okay, mijo. At least you won't mess up your first mission as badly as your dad did when he first became the Black Paladin."
"Hey, I was mourning the loss of my brother," Keith shot back.
"I know. At least I was there to reign you in, eh?"
"Gay," Pidge said as she passed, a tray of food in her hands.
"That's glaringly obvious, Pidgeon!" Lance replied, a grin on his face. Artemis looked towards her twin and sniggered. No one else in the cafeteria bothered to look up. The Paladin's close relationship was normal, now.
Silvio slid into the seat next to Alex.
"I heard about the mission," he said nonchalantly, biting into the garlic knot he grabbed.
"It's nerve-wracking," Alex said.
"Our mission to free Shay's Balmera was super nerve-wracking," Lance reminisced. "So much so that we teased Hunk about his obvious crush on Shay." Keith snorted.
"I very clearly remember the way Pidge called Shay his girlfriend," he said. Lance barked out a laugh.
"Man, those times were... much better than the rest of the war." A grimaced passed both of her parent's faces.
"The problem I have right now is what we're going to do to trap the creature," Artemis said, pulling both of her parents out of their thoughts before they got too far.
"Simple. Get its trust, then trap it in a cage," Lance told her.
"But it won't trust us after that," Artemis said, pouting.
"It'll be fine, Arti. We'll have to break its trust to get it safe." Artemis nodded.
They ate in silence after that. Then, as one, the Paladin Cadets got up and put their trays back. They left the cafeteria and went to the armory, where the Paladin armor was sitting, already out for all of them.
Artemis grabbed the red armor and the accompanying undersuit. Sava grabbed the blue one, Alex the black, Leo the green, and Rex the yellow.
They ducked into the changing rooms, changing out of their Cadet uniforms and into their armor. Artemis grabbed the red pin and put it into a hidden pocket.
She went back to the armory and grabbed the red bayard. She threw the black one to Alex, who caught it and stored it away in his storage bars. They handed the others their bayards, too.
Now fully ready, they walked to the lion hangar.
"Mijo, mija," Lance said. He walked up to them and wrapped them both up into a hug. She returned it.
"Alex, Artemis." Both twins pulled away to face their dad. He handed them something. "Your grandma left these with me last time." Alex and Artemis gasped when they realised what their dad was offering them.
Two Luxite blades, like the ones the Blade of Marmora carried. One had a black grip. It stood out against the blueish colour of the blade. The other one had a red grip.
"They're both linked to your life forces. The red one is linked to Alex's life force, the black one is linked to Artemis'. I was waiting for your first mission to give these to you."
"He's had them for years, since you were babies. He decided to give them to you when you turned eighteen, but then you were both chosen by one of the lions, so he decided to give them to you before you went on your first mission," Lance explained. Artemis reached out and took the red blade.
It was perfect in her hand, the red grip comfortable in her hands. The symbol of the Blades glowed with Alex's life force, his Quintessence. She pulled it out of the sheath and turned it this way and that in the light. She put it back into the sheath and hugged her dad. Alex joined her.
"Thank you," she murmured.
"Anything for my children," Keith replied. Lance joined them.
Artemis waved goodbye to her parents from Red's jaw, then stepped inside. She sat in the pilot's seat and, when the doors opened, shot off into space just behind Black. A wormhole opened, and she flew through, right to Shaatull's solar system, and far away from the Atlas and her parents.
Shaatull, though, was a pretty planet from space. There was pink, and some green, and yellow, too.
"The pink is land, the green is water," Leo informed them.
"Alright. I've got the landing coordinates here, I'll send them to you guys," Alex said. His face went from the nervous look to focused. Artemis, knowing Alex like she knew the back of her hand, could see the nerves still there, in his eyes. "Everyone got them?"
"Yep," Artemis replied. She entered them into Red's system.
"Ditto," Rex said.
"I've got them," Leo confirmed.
"Me too," Sava piped up. Alex nodded.
"Alright, team, let's go." Black sped up, heading to the planet. Artemis urged Red forwards, matching the speed that her brother set for them. She could see Blue on her right, just behind her.
They entered Shaatull's atmosphere. The grass and the leaves of the trees were all different shades of pink, and the sky was a similar blur hue as Earth's sky was. There were clusters of something sparkling in clusters on the ground.
"This kind of reminds me of Barbie Land from that twenty twenty-three Barbie movie," Sava commented. There was laughter through the comms.
"Let's not let the Shaatullians hear that," Alex suggested.
"Wouldn't dream of it," Sava replied.
They landed in the designated landing area. A group of Shaatullians were waiting for them, ready to greet them.
"Alright, the atmosphere is safe for all of us to breathe. We can leave our helmets behind," Leo said.
"Let's do that, then," Alex agreed. Artemis stood up and took off her helmet, leaving it on her seat. She walked out of Red and onto the ground, falling in step just behind Alex.
The Shaatullians were an interesting people. They were mostly humanoid, but they weren't entirely so. They were tinted dark colours that contrasted with the landscape, and came in all different colours. Artemis counted four fingers on each hand. They wore loose clothing, like robes that people in the Middle East would wear, which were pale in contrast to their skin. They had long hair that was tied back, and they were decorated in crystals.
Alex led them up to a Shaatullian who was a deep purple. A pink crystal hung around their neck, glowing slightly.
"Paladin Cadets, it is an honor and a relief to have you on our planet," the Shaatullian, who Artemis guessed was Lady Ravra, greeted them.
"Lady Ravra, it is an honor to meet you as well. I do wish that the circumstances were much better than this, though," Alex said.
"As do I. Now come, follow me, we must discuss our options." Lady Ravra turned around and led them through an estate that was huge.
The walls and floors were made out of a marble-like material, and there were crystals everywhere. In the chandeliers, in the artworks and arches of the hallways. Crystal statues, and crystal columns. Artemis looked around in awe, unable to tear her eyes away from anything in fear of missing anything.
"You can explore later," Leo reminded her. She nodded, and turned to face the front.
They came to a room that housed a crystal table made of some sort of brown crystal. The chairs, thankfully, were made of wood.
"Please, have a seat," Lady Ravra said. They sat down at the rounded table, Artemis on Alex's right, Sava on her right. Leo and Rex were on Alex's left.
Lady Ravra introduced them to her councilors, all of whom nodded in reply. In turn, Alex introduced each of them.
"So, about this creature?" Alex prompted. Lady Ravra nodded.
"Yes. This creature came on a trade ship. We have made sure that the people who have brought it to our planet have paid their fine for doing such a thing, but no one knows where the creature came from," Lady Ravra said. Alex nodded.
"Fortunately, the Atlas' scientific crew is searching for the creature's home. If all goes well, then we will be able to trap the creature and take it back to it's home planet," he explained.
"How do you plan on trapping it?" A councilor asked.
"We'll have to get the creature to trust us, which will take some time. We have a cage that we can trap the creature in when we get to that part, though it will be a while until we can do that," Artemis explained.
"So you wish to release it in its home world?" Lady Ravra asked.
"Precisely. And, with the information we receive about the creature, we can properly document it and enforce rules and regulations surrounding it to keep something like this from happening again," Leo added on to Artemis' explanation. There were murmurs as the plan was discussed by the councilors and Lady Ravra. Finally, she stood up.
"Paladin Cadets," she said. Her voice was clear, with a hint of a sound that was like crystals clinking against each other. "We will provide you with anything you may need in order to capture the creature. We trust that you will be sure to capture it." Alex stood up.
"We promise to help with this issue, and bring your planet back to stability," he said, using his Black Paladin voice. Authoritative, sure and steady.
This declaration closed the meeting, and the five of them were led to the rooms that they would be staying in. Someone had gone in and grabbed their things, because Artemis' things were at the end of her bed. Sava's things were at the end of another bed, right next to the one that Artemis had been given.
As soon as she was inside of their room, Artemis stripped off the armor. She didn't throw it anywhere, instead choosing to piled it up into a corner. She grabbed her spare clothes and put them on. She could hear Sava doing the same as her. Once they were done, they sat on their respective beds. Sava scanned the platter of food left for them.
"Safe for us to eat," she said. She grabbed a strawberry looking thing. Artemis grabbed a pastry thing. It was sweet when she bit into it, perfectly satisfying her giant sweet tooth that she'd inherited from her dad.
There was a knock on the door.
"Arti? Sav?" Leo called through the wood.
"Come in," Artemis said. Leo opened the door and walked in, followed by Alex and Rex. Leo sat on a chair while Alex joined Artemis on her bed, and Rex sat on the floor.
"You can sit on a chair, you know," Sava pointed out to him. Rex shrugged.
"The floor's comfortable," he replied.
"Check-in time, let's go," Leo said. He set up the communicator, they all crowded around it.
A holographic screen appeared, showing the faces of the Paladins. Artemis watched as worry disappeared from her parent's faces like ripples in water.
"How's it going?" Shiro asked. Right to the point.
"We came out of a meeting with Lady Ravra and her council not too long ago. They explained that the creature came in on a trade ship, though no one's sure when it got on," Alex reported. There were nods.
"The team is researching on where it comes from, but so far it's proved to be fruitless," Pidge told them. "Coran has been sent the images of the creature, and he has a team looking into it. Hopefully, with our combined efforts, we will be able to figure this out."
"We'll start searching for the creature in the morning," Alex said. Looking out the window, Artemis saw that the sun was setting.
"That's a good idea," Lance agreed, also eyeing the window that he could see.
They talked a bit more before signing off. The boys retreated to their room, and Artemis climbed into her bed.
"G'night," she mumbled.
"Night," Sava replied.
The next morning, when she woke up, Artemis stretched and went to the bathroom. She showered and changed, threw her hair up into a ponytail and let Sava use the bathroom after her.
They were given breakfast by a servant. Artemis ate her fill, and left the rest for Sava, who ate her own fill after she came out of the bathroom wearing casual clothing as well.
They went to meet up with the boys afterwards.
"The best thing for us to do is to split up and search for the creature. It'll give us a better chance at spotting it," Alex said. He was typing something out on his phone, probably a message to the Atlas about what they were doing. "The creature has been spotted here multiple times, trying to steal food, so that's where we're going to start our search. Feel free to buy yourselves something while we're here."
"Alright," Leo said. They were standing not too far from where the market was, and even from here, Artemis could see all of the people milling around. Mothers with babies strapped to their backs, children chasing each other, and men talking to each other.
It was so interesting, and Artemis had always been one to learn about culture. Exploring a market place was perfect for learning about the Shaatullian culture.
"Lady Ravra gave me some maps. There's enough for all of us to have one each. Artemis, you take this area. Leo, you take this part. Rex, you take this one. Sava, you take this one. I'll search here." Alex pointed out each part. Artemis took one of the paper maps from her brother and a pen from her backpack and outlined her area. The others did the same on their maps, handing the pen back to her once they were done. "Meet back here before dinner time. Lady Ravra has invited us to eat with her."
"Copy that," the four of them said in unison.
They split up after that and went to find their areas. Once Artemis found the start of her area from where she'd entered, she started to explore and search for the creature.
The Shaatullians were rather fond of bright colours, she noticed. All of the stalls sold things like jewelry and scarves and clothing all in different shades, as well as some food. Curious about the culture, Artemis bought some candy. The candy tasted good, and they were in the shape of crystals.
Papa wasn't lying when he said that the Shaatullians find crystals important, she thought as she watched a mother buy her child their first piece of jewelry. Artemis couldn't help but smile at the child's happy expression as their mother helped them put it on. The vendor smiled as well.
"Come and get Soul Crystals here! Perfect gift for married couples and parents!" One of the vendors shouted. Artemis stopped, thinking about it. She was... intrigued, to say the least. And her papa would love to have a souvenir from this planet.
Artemis turned and walked to the booth.
The booth was covered in those simple crystal necklaces that Artemis had noticed everyone wearing, all of which glowed slightly, like Lady Ravra's. None of these ones glowed, though they came in all different kinds of colours. Pink, purple, blue, green, red and many others. The vendor grinned when they saw her.
"Well, hello there, traveler! May I interest you in a Soul Crystal for your significant other? Or perhaps as a gift for your parents?"
"What do they do?" She asked, eyes roving over the crystals.
"Well, these are an ancient tradition among our people. They are linked to two people's Quintessence. It allows for couples to feel each other's emotions, as well as acts as a compass of sorts for them, so that they always know where each other are, and how they are feeling."
"Is that why they glow?" She questioned. The vendor nodded.
"Precisely," they said.
"How much would it be to get a couple for my parents?"
"Fifty VIC," the vendor replied.
I have a few hundred VIC in my wallet, she thought.
"Buy. Lance like," Red said.
"Keep it a secret from him," Artemis said.
"Yes. Secret. Surprise." Artemis pulled out her wallet and pulled out a 100 VIC note.
"Here," she said, handing the money over.
The vendor took the note.
"Now, just close your eyes, and search for the crystals that match your parents. It's easier for those who have Quintessence sensitivity." Artemis closed her eyes, feeling for something that matched her parents. She opened her eyes and looked at the crystals her Quintessence sensitivity helped her zero in on.
"Those two, that blue one with white swirls and that red one that has gold in it, those match perfectly," she said, pointing to the crystals. They were on a basic black string. The blue one looked like the ocean, while the red one looked like fire.
The vendor boxed them up and tied the boxes with a ribbon without question.
"I wish your parents wonderful and fulfilling life, Young One," the vendor said. Artemis nodded.
She left the vendor after that and wandered around some more. The crystals she bought were in her bag, waiting to be given to her parents.
She continued around the market. She bought some fresh meat and some fruit for the creature to eat when she came across it. Part of gaining its trust was to give it food, which was a universal sign of 'I'm not here to fuck you up' with all species, not just people.
There was a commotion. Artemis looked over to see it.
The creature, which was the size of a cat that was somewhere between being an adult and a kitten still. It was trying to get some meat, but was being chased off by a vendor.
Artemis leapt into action. She ran after the creature, following along as it flew through the air and ran on buildings. She never took her eyes off of it, which caused quite a few close calls with other people.
"Hey, watch it!" One yelled.
"Sorry, gotta chase this creature," she shouted.
She ran around a corner, using her arm to turn more accurately. She used the momentum to keep going.
She followed the creature out of the market and to a dilapidated house on the outskirts of the city. It flew in, and Artemis followed, slowing down do not scare it.
The house was made of the same stone as the other houses were, but the crystals that adorned them were missing. Artemis stepped over a chunk of rock that had fallen from the ceiling and into the room. Dust and rocks covered the ground. Artemis saw the creature in a corner. It yowled at her, wings and fur puffed up to make it look larger.
"Hey, it's okay, I don't want to hurt you," she said. She crouched down and sat on the floor, making herself smaller, less intimidating as much as she could. "You're hungry, aren't you? That's why you were trying to take that meat from that guy."
The creature growled at her, still untrusting. Slowly and clearly, so that the creature could see what she was doing, she pulled out the meat from the bag the vendor had given her. She held up a chunk of the slightly green meat - the colour reminded her of the description of dragon meat or whatever it was Hagrid has used as an ice pack in The Order of the Phoenix.
"Here, I got this especially for you," she said. She chucked it to the creature, as far as she could. The creature crept forward and sniffed the meat. It took it and went back to its corner, chewing on the meat. Artemis took out her phone and snapped a picture, sending it to the others and the Paladins and Shiro.
Artemis: I've found the creature. Artemis: It eats meat. Artemis: Click to see image.
Shiro: Good job. We'll pass on the picture and the information.
Pidge: It's even prettier than the security pictures show.
Alex: Save the location of where it's staying so that you can find it later. Alex: It'll be better for you to be the one to capture it in the end.
Artemis: Already on it.
She saved the location on her phone and looked up. She saw that the creature was looking at her, having eaten the meat she gave to it.
"Here, have some more. You need to eat all you can so that you don't starve. I'd rather be able to take you back to your home than have you die," she said. She grabbed more meat and chucked it over to the creature. It grabbed that meat, too. Artemis chucked over the rest of the meat and stayed there. She stayed there until an hour and a half before dinner.
The creature watched her with wary eyes.
"I'll be back with more food tomorrow, and a bowl. I'll be able to give you water without having to force you to get too close if you don't want to." She turned to leave. Before she was our from under the door, she turned back to smile at the creature. "Bye." She walked away from the house.
True to her word, she set out to the house that the creature lived in the next day. She packed her electronics into her backpack along with some lunch and some meat and water, then set out. She went and bought a couple wooden bowls, and made her way back to the house.
The creature was still there. It growled softly, a warning to not come any closer.
"Hello, pretty. How are you today?" The creature growled again. Artemis nodded. "Fair enough. I've brought some bowls with me, so I can put your food in there as well as some water. You don't have to worry about coming too close to me anymore." As she told the creature about the bowls, she pulled them out, and poured some water in one. She set it on the ground, not too far from the creature, not too close. She then took the meat and put it into the other bowl. She set that down next to the water bowl.
She walked to the opposite side of the the room compared to the creature, the bowls halfway between them. She got herself comfortable and put on some music, using her headphones. She started to draw on her tablet.
She sketched out the creature, capturing it's beauty on a canvas. It moved forward to sniff the bowls. It realised that she wasn't trying to kill it and watched her. Artemis watched it herself, and smiled as the creature ate the meat and drank some of the water before hopping up onto it's perch.
She grabbed her phone and opened the voice recordings.
"Day two of taming the... creature. We don't know what it is still, but it's beautiful. I'd say that it's the same as a kitten that's nearing the same size as a fully grown cat from Earth. I've given it some meat, and some water. They're both in a bowl so that it doesn't have to come too close to me if it doesn't want to. I'll continue to do this until I can get close to it without it panicking and trying to murder me."
She went back to her drawing when she finished the log.
Pidge: We've found out what the creature is. Pidge: It's called a Refr, and it's from Hvalba, which is an extremely new planet, only having sentient life within the last 357 years.
Artemis: Seems like a cool place tho.
Pidge: It is.
"Day twenty of taming the Refr, who I have discovered in a girl. She's friendly now, and she has let the others get close to her. That's as long as I'm here, though. No one can get close to her without her trying to maim them if I'm not around. She trusts me enough to keep her safe from danger if it ever arises. That's... that's the same level of trust Dad and Kosmo have. I don't know if we're going to be able to actually release her onto Hvalba, but it's worth a shot." She finished the log and looked at the Refr.
"Mrow?" The Refr asked. Artemis smiled.
"I'm going to go now, girl. I have to get back to my friends before it's too dark," she said. She stood up and packed her things into her bag and then set off for Lady Ravra's estate.
She was barely walking for five minutes before she heard the telltale signs of something following her. She looked back to see the Refr landing on a building.
Artemis grabbed her phone and took a picture of it.
Artemis: I don't think we need to trap it. Artemis: And I think I have a pet now.
Keith: That's fine.
Lance: At least it's safe. Lance: Don't worry, I give you my full permission to keep the Refr if you want to.
Allura: We can still create rules and regulations surrounding the Refrs to keep something like this from happening again.
Artemis: Alright. Artemis: She'll only let people near her if I'm around tho.
Alex: That's some Dad and Kosmo level trust.
Lance: It is.
Artemis put her phone away and turned the Refr, who was still there.
"Come on, girl. I'll take you to Red, she's a safe space for you to stay," she told it. The Refr tilted her head.
Artemis started her walk again, path engraved in her mind. She could hear the Refr following her, all the way to Red, who bent down to let Artemis in. The Refr followed.
"You'll be safe here," Artemis said. She offered her hand to the Refr, who pushed its face into it. "You need a name." She thought through all of the names. "How about... Amber?" The Refr purred at the name. "Amber it is."
Artemis had to leave Amber in Red, which was simple enough. She went back to her room, where Sava was waiting.
"So you have a pet now, huh?"
"Yup. I've named her Amber," Artemis replied. She grabbed her pajamas and went into the bathroom and changed.
"Amber's a nice name," Sava commented when she walked back out.
"Yup. And we've finished the mission, so we can leave soon."
"Thank quiznack. I miss Hunk's cooking," Sava said.
"I miss Dad and Papa," Artemis said. She climbed onto the bed and under the covers.
The next day, the five of them climbed into their lions and departed Shaatull. Amber sat on one of the consoles, staring out at space. Artemis flew Red through the wormhole that appeared and into the Lion hangar, landing her expertly.
"Let's go, girl," she said to Amber. The Refr meowed again and followed her out of red. Artemis went and hugged her parents when she saw them, leaving Amber to watch with curious eyes.
"This is the Refr," Lance said when he pulled away. He knelt down and offered Amber a hand.
"Yeah. Her name's Amber," Artemis replied. She watched as Amber readily accepted pets from Lance.
"You guys have to debrief. Bring Amber with you," Keith said.
"I will," Artemis agreed.
Ten minutes later, and she was in the briefing room for the mission debrief. Amber laid on the table, watching everyone. Artemis' hand on Amber's head kept her calm.
"Why do we have to do a debrief?" Alex asked.
"Protocol," Adam answered.
"Adam's right. This is protocol, and the Garrison will have my head if I don't do this," Shiro said with a sigh. "Trust me, I hate debriefs too. I don't even know why I'm still the captain of the Atlas."
"Let's not question life choices now, otosan," Leo said.
"Alright. Let's get through this."
It was... surprisingly quick. Amber willingly got up and went to meet everyone in the room that she didn't know, including Kosmo, who touched his nose to Amber's nose in greeting. After sniffing each other, they curled up on the ground together.
"That's cute," Alex commented.
"Yeah, it is," Artemis agreed.
"I didn't expect for you to end up with a pet after all of this," Leo said.
"Shut up," Artemis shot back. Leo stuck his tongue out at her. Artemis returned it.
"It's good to have you guys back," Shiro said.
"You're a sap," Adam said. Everyone laughed at that, causing Amber to look up from where she was lying on top of Kosmo.
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scattered-winter · 1 year
I was think more about Shiro’s Bayard being able to turn into a fan (or maybe a pair of fans) and this popped into my head:
*Team Voltron is planning on how to infiltrate a heavily fortified Galra base*
Coran: The place is absolutely crawling with soldiers. There isn’t a single blind spot along the perimeter or gap in the patrol schedule.
Pidge: So, stealthing our way in is pretty impossible. We’re going a distraction if we want to get in, and a big one at that.
Lance: How the heck are we going get the attention of all those guards? An explosion?
Allura: Unfortunately, no. An explosion way draw the exterior guards’ attention, but the soldiers inside the base will be put on high alert.
Shiro: Let me handle it, I’ll distract the guards while you get inside.
Hunk: Uh, you sure about that, it could be really dangerous.
Lance: Yeah, what are you gonna do, enrapture them with a fan dance.
Shiro: *smiling* Actually, yes.
*Later, at the base*
Guard 1: Hey, Gorlak?
Guard 2: *sighs* Yes. Steve.
Steve: You ever think that, I dunno, we’re the bad guys?
Gorlak: I honestly try not to think to much at all. Less likely to be executed for treason that way.
Steve: See, that’s what I mean! If the Galra Empire and Zarkon are so great, why do—
Coran, projecting his voice through his Olkari Cubes: Ladies, gentlemen, and nonbinary persons, may I please have your attention!
Gorlak: The fuck is happening?
Coran: It is with greatest pride and deepest please that I welcome you welcome you hear tonight. We invite you all to please, relax, put your swords and guns away as we present, the one, the only, Kuro no Shishi.
*a spotlight suddenly appears, illuminating Shiro, who is dressed in a beautiful black kimono patterned with stars and a porcelain lion mask. His Bayard is transformed into a pair of folding fans*
*Music plays from the cubes as Shiro begins to dance. It is entrancing, slow, graceful, and elegant, not a single wasted movement.*
Steve: *utterly enraptured* …what were we talking about.
Gorlak: *similarly enraptured* Stop talking and watch the pretty dancing lion.
*The guards all gather in a crowd to watch Shiro’s dance, completely unaware of the other Paladins sneaking towards the base behind an outcropping of rocks.*
Lance: Huh, when Shiro said he was going to do a fan dance, I was expecting something more… sultry. But this is amazing.
Keith: Shiro’s classically trained in nihon-buyo. You should have seen him at the party they held before the Keroberos mission.
Pidge: Shiro can apparently cut a rug, that’s great. Now come on, we’ve got more important things to do, right Hunk?
Hunk: *completely mesmerized by Shiro’s dancing* It’s so beautiful, I never want him to stop.
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Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
Oh gosh, this list is always changing, but I've been rereading some old fics lately so those are mostly the ones that are top of mind rn:
Nijk shöst - this fic is somehow 5 years old now?? It's one of 8 fics for the Holland/ Rhy Maresh ship tag for the Darker Shades of Magic tag, so it's by far the most rarepair fic I've ever written, but I really love Holland being surprised by Rhy's flirting, and Holland's dream in the garden, so I have soft spot for this fic.
A Truth Universally Acknowledged - I love anything set in the Regency era, especially Jane Austen, so I had so much fun writing this sheith omegaverse Pride & Prejudice AU that it turned into a four-part series. Trying to write a riff on P&P was super intimidating, but I'm still proud of how it came out!
mirror images (when we kiss) - a kurosheith fic about a VLD AU where Keith saved Kuro and Shiro from the clone facility, and the aftermath where they try to adjust to their new dynamic. The scene where Keith and Kuro gradually start co-sleeping with Shiro and steal his shirts is one of my favorites!
The Horse and the Rider and the Red Fire Glowing - a sheith fic inspired by LOTR (specifically the Rohirrim) where Keith turns up in Shiro's bed after a skirmish with the Galra. It was so much fun writing a story inspired by my 6th-grade obsessions (LOTR and horses), so I've always loved this fic.
Turn - I'd been wanting to write a vampire/ werewolf story for aaages, so this grad school mdzs AU with vampire Lan Zhan and werewolf Wei Ying was so much fun to write! I love Lan Zhan reluctantly warming up to Wei Ying, and his friendship with Wen Qing, including wlw/ mlm solidarity and teasing each other about their crushes on the Jiang siblings.
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noodlesinner · 1 year
Kuro x Genderneutralreader- smut~ Voltron Legendary Defender
I wrote this back in July, so enjoy from what I wrote. I will post another story on here so be on the lookout 👀
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Hello! It's been a while since I wrote in such a long time which was like in the beginning of me being apart of my very first fandom which was Voltron and writing a book in 2017-2018 about this fandom I was apart of for two years. But time changes and I want to get back into writing so, in this first chapter reading from the title this is about a character by the name of Kuro which is a clone that was named after Shiro was discovered to be a clone from the show and I adore this character. I hope you enjoy reading and this one is spicy~ 18+
You and your friends went on a mission to stop the galra from having to take over a planet while traveling in space. Once you made it onto the planet, you and Pidge manage to make it onto the ship as you looked around for new technology to test back on the ship, you ended up in the back and found a clone that kinda looked like Shiro but he had yellow eyes, his hands were really huge not to mention his claw like nails. He looked up at you as you glared at him with awe. Once he came up to you, he tilted his head and looked into your eyes as he studied on your features. You took his hand as you and Pidge alongside with the clone made it back onto the palace. Everyone was shocked to see a clone like Shiro that was entirely different from him. Allura looked at him as she agreed to keep him on board.
~Next Day~
You awoke with screaming from the kitchen as you went to investigate what was happening, you noticed Lance's face beet red as Kuro wandered over to you and licked your cheek. "Kuro no!" Lance cried. You were confused as to why Kuro licked your cheek as you look dumbfounded and sat down next to Lance and Hunk sitting by the stove confused. "What the hell just happened?" You question to the two paladins. "Oh Lance explained to me about a rule and if you lick something you own it." Hunk said as he cooked. You were looking over at Lance. "What?" He exclaimed. You rolled your eyes as you got some water out of the fridge and wandered back into your room and decided to train in the battle room to take a breather.
~2 hours later~
Your all sweaty from training as you start up again by fighting the practice dummy in there and had an unexpected visitor come in which was Kuro himself. "Oh hey Kuro." You said. Kuro had wave as he watched you. You felt him stare at you while practicing and felt your chest become heavy. "Hey look out." You heard him shout and without warning, he pushed you out the way from being hit from the drone and was towering over you as he looked at you. Your heart started to beat rapidly on how close he was as you were about to speak, you were lifted off the ground. "You ok? I hope I didn't tackle you that hard." You nodded as you were blushing and ran off.
~later that night~
You didn't know what to do. You had a crush on him ever since you both met on that ship and can't get him out of your mind. You've been frustrated trying not be weird around him and your mind is telling you to just tell him straight up. But before you had a chance to walk out to find him, he was already at your door. "Hey is this a bad time?" He said as your door swished opened. You looked over at him as you responded. "Yes! Wait no! It's complicated." You face flat into your bed as you groaned and he walked over to you. You looked at him with a grin plastered on his face like he was up to no good. "Why are you staring at me?" You asked. He picked you up and laid you down back on your bed, as you were about to speak he kissed you. All the emotions within your mind disappeared as you closed your eyes as his hand trailed down to your cheek, putting his leg on the other side of you as he pinned your wrist. "Wait- K-Kuro!" He stopped. You looked at him with his yellow eyes beaming at as your face started to heat up. You didn't know how to take it all in with him kissing you and your breathing go a little funny. He got lower towards your face as he whispered in your ear-"I know. I know you have a crush on me little cadet~ and I would like to share my feelings with you to if you let me.~" Kuro gently whispered as he started kissing your neck. You felt his lips as you arched your back with your hands wandering to his back as you hugged him close. "Let me help with all those pent up frustrations you been dealing with~ the release you've been wanting so long~ that you were unable to feed off~ I want you to let go~" he whispered.
~1 minute later~
"Oh fuck!~" your muffled cries as he kissed you when he started going down on you and your hands covering your mouth to keep the level of your voice controlled to not wake any of your friends awoken from their slumber. His tongue was too much for you to handle as you climaxed on his face with your juices glistening from the moonlight. "Not bad cadet~ I might have to give you some more~" His teasing was too much for you to bear with as his fingers explored your bare torso. You couldn't wait anymore, you had pinned him down to the bed as you pulled on the string of his sweats to discover his cock all thick and heavy. "O-oh my~" you blushed as your eyes wandered for a bit and you thought-"How is this gonna fit?" You didn't have a chance to think before Kuro got on top of you again and rub the tip of his cock at your entrance as you gasped feeling what was about to enter you. "Be g-gentle~" he nodded as he slowly eased inside of you. You couldn't believe that the girth and thickness of his cock was slowly going in as you gripped his wrist from the pain you felt. But he rubbed your cheek for reassurance and told you-"I'm here my little cadet~I'll make sure you feel comfortable~" By that time, he was able to thrust his hips as you bit your lip, seeing his cock go in and out of your entrance with deep thrust. You started to feel his cock in your tummy as you place your hand to where his cock was and blushed since it was your first time feeling like this. He noticed your hand on your tummy and smirked. "You like this don't you my little cadet?~ You feel the tip of my cock deep within as it hits your little tummy?~ my little cocksleeve unable to speak while I fuck you dumb?~" you couldn't speak, how would you know? He was deep inside you and having to tease you left and right. Your face was all red and no words came out. You tighten around him when the words left from his mouth, his voice had become deeper and deeper as he cupped your face. "My little cadet~ enjoying my cock thrusting deep into you~ feeling me all the way~ I know your close~ close to have my cum sprayed all over inside of you~ I want you to beg me~ beg me to cum this deep~ say it for me, my little cadet~" you tried to open your mouth, but it was too much. Your body started to become sensitive to the touch as he kept going deeper and deeper. You grabbed the collar of his shirt as you pulled him down to your face as you whispered in his ear-"P-please!~ I-I-I want to cum~ p-p-please~ I-I-I n-n-need it s-s-so bad!~" you couldn't bear any longer, you arched your back as you started to tighten around him with the final last thrust with him cumming inside of you as you felt his cock pulsating. You both panted with your eyes looking up at him and he gently pulled out as cum leaked out from your entrance. "That's my cadet~" he said with a smile.
Kuro went inside your bathroom as he started up a warm bath for you to get in to ease the pain from your lower torso after an eventful night. As he eased you into the tub, he got in as well as he started to cuddle you. "I'm sorry if I went to hard my little cadet." He felt guilty, but you reassured him. "It's ok, I enjoyed it but never expected you to be so bold." Your cheeks started to heat up as you felt his hand touch your cheek. "Well...did I make a first good impression on you cadet?" You nodded. "You did." You smiled. Everything happened so quickly with the whole incident with him licking your lips yesterday morning and freaking out about your feelings towards the clone. But this was something you never wanted to forget. After the bath, he picked you up as you both dried off and got ready in bed. But something was lingering on your mind. "Hey I have a question?" You asked and he responded. "And I have an answer?" You spoke up. "When did you gained feelings for me?" He chuckled as he put his head on top of yours. "When you found me on that ship."
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Credits to Project_Ava on instagram
I hope you enjoyed the first part to this book and it doesn't look very long but it is. It feels good to write again after a while and I hope your enjoying the rest of your night and enjoy!!!
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hantheheart · 1 month
Voltron Self insert lore cause FUCK YOU THIS IS MY BLOG HAHAHAHA
like. 19 year old Han. Working as a cashier on a slow day getting dropped from their to some random planet in the back of fuck-all-nowhere that jsut HAPPENS to be getting invaded by the Galra and cause they don't don't know what the hell a human is, don't know what to do when they go "hey, I'm lost, can I go with you guys?" and then they follow a handful of Galra guys back to their ship who decide, "Yeah, we'll let someone higher up decide what to do, this is not why we were here."
And somehow get accepted as a new Galra soldier cause fuck yeah and then they're vibing in training and then a year later as a guard on the prison ship, they start bring the prisoners food here and there and some first aid and then that's just like for like… 3 years.
And then the Kerboros team show up and Han's like HEY WAIT A FUCKION MINUTE, I THOUGHT YOU BASTARDS DIDNT HAVE HUMANS and they hang out with Shiro a lot cause oh my god you're HUMAN And the two of them actually make plans to escape when he ends up getting out his own way so when he and the Paladins come get the prisoners themselves, Han helps them out and bails on the Galra to join team Voltron. They only really know parts of what happened to Shiro based on what he told them while they were both on the prison ship so they don't help too terribly much with the amnesia thing. And they're pretty good with fighting thanks to training with the Galra so they help train the Paladins, especially Lance and Hunk with blasters since that's why they're best with.
And when Shiro disappears at that one major fight with the Galra ( I think s2 finale? I can't remember) , they're trying so hard to find him cause they had a big dumb crush on him and they had been too anxious to follow through with anything and between Shiro's disappearance and Kuro's appearance, they get close with Allura and end up kinda-sorta dating? They hold hands and spend most of their free time together. And they're happy to see "Shiro" back but there's enough off they don't entirely trust him. I tried SO HARD to let them get the black Lion but I didn't think I was capable of doing that kind of leader stuff so there's a lot of time before Kuro of Han going into the Black Lion and begging it to let them pilot just until they found Shiro, just so the Lion could help, it HAD to be able to sense him, there's supposed to be some magic BOND pr some shit, JSUT HELP ME
And when Shiro DOES comes back, the three of them talk about it and POLYAMORY BABY and I never watched s8 so i dont know what happened, so in mine, they beat the Galra and everything went well until Han starts glitching Spiderverse style cause they're not from this universe the universe wants this foreign body OUT so the team tries everything to stabilize them until Han decides "i probably have to go back or this super painful thing that keeps happening is gonna kill me in front of these people i really care about so they leave on their own in one of the little ships and go back to the world they first warped to get wormholed back to their own world and basically crash the ship from inside the store they worked at and it explodes out the front and the cops and ambulances and military show up and Han just exists the ship and passes out and gets transported to a military base where they're detained. and the Paladins finally catch up and crash the Lions in the same place like "WHERE IS OUR IDIOT" and basically invade the military base and bring Han back and Pidge and Hunk Deus Ex Machina a way to get around the glitch thing and then its happily ever after!!! Shiro/Allura/Han get married and have a cute homestead with a barn where they have 4 dogs and a bunch of cats and Allura finds a chicken at a Farmer's Market and gets really attached so they have that too and Kieth and Lance get their shit together and Pidge and Hunk go on to do great things in their respective fields and Coran gets to do all the wonderful things he wants to in life and Shiro and Allura do work with all the intergalactic governments and get to come home tot heir goofy lover and I kicked Lotor in the dick because I hate him
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ao3feedsheith · 1 year
Keath(Keith) gets Rescued by the Best Alphas in Space
Keath(Keith) gets Rescued by the Best Alphas in Space https://archiveofourown.org/works/49259419 by jennydayznsfw Keath’s ship has broken down in the worst of places. Worst yet, she’s going into heat and forgot to bring her heat aids with her. Too bad her fiancée decided to break up with her only a few days before. The females of her species needed to mate, or use the synthesized semen capsules in order to survive. Now alone, and facing the possible threat of pirates, she’s also heading for heat sickness and eventually... death. Will anyone come to her rescue? Words: 2823, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape/Non-Con Categories: F/M Characters: Keith (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Kuro (Voltron) Relationships: Keith/Shiro (Voltron), Keith/Kuro (Voltron), Keith/Kuro/Shiro (Voltron), Kuro & Shiro (Voltron) Additional Tags: Dubious Consent, Mildly Dubious Consent, Smut, Fluff, Sick Keith (Voltron), Fem!Keith, Male!Shiro, Male!Kuro, Threesome - F/M/M, Implied Consent, Omegaverse, Omega Keith (Voltron), Omega Verse, Alpha/Omega, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Shiro (Voltron), Alpha Kuro, Cunnilingus, Penis In Vagina Sex, Oral Sex, Caretaking, Mating Cycles/In Heat, heat sickness, Spitroasting, Galra Keith (Voltron), Galra Shiro (Voltron), galra kuro, Outer Space, IN SPACE!, They're good guys your honor, I swear, Keath is Keith, Lactation, Nursing, Suckling via AO3 works tagged 'Keith/Shiro (Voltron)' https://archiveofourown.org August 10, 2023 at 05:08PM
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puppsworld · 2 years
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I drew the second piece for my alien au last night but i was so tired i just didnt feel like posting, especially since i had wicked wrist pain. 
BUT ANYWAY!!! Heres kuro <3
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kuroandtheguys · 4 years
When haggar ripped open the realities she gave access to more than one version of voltron. When the realities closed the people remained. The realities bled until they were meshed.
It took a while for the pilots of the gold lion to be comfortable out of their uniforms. There was one of the two who was more confident.
When the galrans introduced themselves they identified themselves as Kuro and Kuron. It was kuron doing the talking, almost pushing his brother down.
The pair was to large for most of the clothing in this realities castle of lions. When they did find clothes kuro stood back while his brother took first pick. Kuro ended up in a pair of slightly to tight and to short pants pair with a shirt designed for someone with wider shoulders.
Kuro wondered through the halls slightly lost. Normally he could follow his nose to his room or the kitchen or the hangars but there was far to many people and far to many scents.
He sat on the floor and sighed. "Someone will find me and help."
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theprojectava · 7 years
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GalraAU - Sketch Dump ♥
So... I’m still alive I guess. XD I passed my finals and finally found the time to sketch out some more GalraAU stuff.
Since everything’s in reverse in this AU, Kuro isn’t a Human-Galra hybrid, but a Galra-Altean hybrid, hence the blue eyes and markings.
He gets all fluffed up when he meets Lance for the first time, because he’s an Alpha and Lance is an Omega. And he’s hyperaware of how good Lance smells. They try to be bros in this AU, too, but their plans get kinda crashed when Lance goes into heat and gets all needy.
Also: Since everything’s in reverse in this AU, Shiro’s and Kuros bionic arms are Altean-tech and glow blueish. ♥ Somehow this looks even more badass than the purple glow...
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cielpansyhive · 4 years
Happy Halloweiners! 😚 from me and Momma Pansy.
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Inktober day 2 : mindless
(mindless referred to me that wanted this for my space daddy, cuz Kuro>>>>>>>>)
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bandishedespeon · 6 years
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Galtean Betrayel
Kuro: “You could’ve been hurt!”
Lance: “Who? Me? Oh Kuro, you have such little trust in me!”
(The quality is a LOT better if you click on it!)
--- bit of background ---
Y’know I love me some Altean!Kuro and Galra!Lance. I was just thinking of how Kuro would react to Lance doing something so stupidly life endangering for something that could’ve been handled by someone else….and I thought he might explode with concerned anger. Y’know how some parents yell at their kids because they don’t know how to word their worry? Yeah, I imagine Kuro is like that. Obviously Lance already knows this so he resorts back to what he always falls back on when someone is angry/disappointed with him. Humour. 
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taniabaj · 6 years
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- Voltron S1 - Do you remember this guy?
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A Like For A Broken Clone ||CLOSED||
x ( @loverboi-langst )
Kuro had been angrily lurking in the prison for who knew how long anymore. So he killed a battle cruiser full of Galra soldiers in his rage over the span of two days, so what?
He was an agitated weapon and left to his own devices. Could you blame him when they forgot to feed him three days in a row?
Now he was chained up and put into lock down. So when he heard noise, he was curious, peering up at the door before him as the sounds of rushed footsteps and a few Galra Sentry’s hit the ground with a thud.
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What he didn’t expect when the door opened, was the sight of a Paladin of Voltron standing in the doorway staring at him. Bar the clawed arm, yellow eyes and sharper teeth, he knew who he looked like deep down, but it hadn’t clicked in for him at that exact moment yet.
Is he feeding me now? He thought idly and stared curiously, unmoving in his labyrinth of chains holding him down.
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rayofmysteries · 6 years
Voltron Discussion-S6.Ep5: Shiro’s Arm
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•“I seen you spent time with the druids. They do love to experiment” -Sendak, Voltron S1.Ep4
•“You and Me are connected. Both part of the Galra Empire. You’ve been broken and reformed. Just look and your hand. The others don’t know what you know. They haven’t seen what you’d seen.Do you think a monster like you could be a Voltron Paladin?” -Sendak, Voltron S1.Ep9
• “You could’ve been our greatest weapon” -Haggar S1.Ep11
• “You took my hand. What more do you want!” -Shiro S2.Ep3
Okay Think About This!!
Not only was the fight between Shiro and Keith emotional to watch, but when Keith used the black bayard to cut Shiro’s Galra arm off, it just send chills down my spine! I mean put everything aside for one second and think of this.
When we saw Shiro from the beginning, he had this Galra robotic arm. He was a prisoner of the Galra. They used him, hurt him and cloned him. And this arm attached to him was a reminder of what happened.
He was Galra’s prisoner, used to be “their greatest weapon”
And Keith Just Quiznecking cut it off to not just save himself, but it saved Shiro. As soon as that arm was destroyed, Kuron was shut down and for a split second, “Shiro” was there.
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The symbolism is that as soon as Keith cut Shiro’s Galra arm (something that was part of him and lingered) Shiro was no longer bound as a prisoner to the Galra and he was completely free from the Galra Empire and their evil.
I’m not the only one that’s thinking this right???
Now I really hope he can get a new replacement that isn’t weapon of evil and can finally rest with his Space family and have a long healthy and happy life.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. Have a nice day :)
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adreamneverends · 6 years
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Black & White!AU 
Five years time skip Katie and Shiro very happy how they both turn out the armor is great and older Katie is beautiful 
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