#gammy makes a post
gameraramen · 8 months
Hello @sonofdysonsphere! I'm your @touhousecretsanta for this year, and I have brought you a fanfic featuring Marisa and Alice which you can read at AO3!
Thank you for being patient, and I hope you enjoy!
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bending-sickle · 1 year
gimpy in British English (ˈɡɪmpɪ) adjective, the US equivalent of gammy
gammy in British English (ˈɡæmɪ) adjective, US equivalent: gimpy
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storiesbyjes2g · 8 months
3.80 Favor ain't fair
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I couldn't help but watch the elders and how they dealt with each other. All of us had long since gotten used to this post-divorce world we lived in. Though everyone had moved on, I expected Winterfest to be very weird. Me seeing Dwayne with Mama or Dad hearing about him from me was one thing, but having them in the same room was another. Dad made a lot of progress, but was he ready for that? I had prepared to be a buffer or make an excuse for him, but he looked surprisingly comfortable. Dwayne was the one who was hesitant. He had always been reserved and comfortable in the background, however, so he could have been okay. Mama was all smiles, of course. Heh, this was probably the best day of her year with her kids and both lovers at home. I watched them all with pride despite feeling like it was all very weird. It took a LOT for all of them to get to that place. I honestly doubted Dad would ever get there, but he walked around Mama's house grinning up a storm and peacefully sharing a space with the man who took away his soulmate. Winterfest miracles did exist.
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After dinner, Rosie found me, and I gave her some holiday love.
"Happy Winterfest, Ro! You've been a very good girl. You think Father Winter will bring you a nice treat?"
Alessia stood there watching us, and I hoped she would do better with our dogs than she did with Tofu.
"Did you meet your auntie yet?"
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"Ehhhhh...hi," Alessia said stiffly.
I laughed.
"She's not gonna bite you, Less. Just put your hand out slowly and let her smell you. If she thinks you're okay, she'll let you touch her."
"Okaaaaay." She bent over slowly and cautiously. "I'm coming down...don't be weird..."
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Rosie stepped toward her equally as cautious, sniffed her hand, and then sat in front of her.
"See? She likes you. Give her a pat on the head so she knows you're friendly."
"That was really cool. She's cute."
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She never gave Tofu a chance. Maybe Rosie and Kooper will win her over.
Mama came in with the dirty dishes and caught Less and I having seconds.
"Hey! Don't fill up on that. There's dessert, you know."
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Dwayne left shortly after dinner. He said wanted us to enjoy our family time. I could see the disappointment in Mama's eyes and imagined her saying something like, "but you're my family too." Dwayne was a realist, and I appreciated that because Mama's fantasy land was gonna get someone's feelings hurt eventually.
It was time for presents, and I caught a glimpse of Less and Sophia dancing in the living room as I passed by. Whether they had bonded or it was just coincidence, I was glad to see them together, not in conflict.
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"Luca," Mama sang, "I've got something extra special for you!"
Alessia rolled her eyes.
"Here she goes with the special gifts just for Luca."
"It's not a special gift! It belongs to him."
She handed me a box, and I took it hesitantly. What did she have of mine? And why make a big deal out of it on Winterfest? She wasn't the re-gifting type.
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"Uhh...thanks," I said.
I took the box and opened it slowly. Inside, I saw a painting I'd seen my entire life. It hung in my room when I was little. And then when we moved to Newcrest, Mama put it in the kitchen. I seemed to recall one time Mama said Gammy painted some things for my nursery before I was born. This had to be one of them!
"Gammy's painting?? You're gonna let me have it?!!"
"She painted it for you. The one with the dogs too, but I want to hold on to that one."
"Yeah, of course! Wow! Thanks, Mama. This is so cool!"
I thought about our frigid meeting in the cemetery often. I loved that I now had evidence of our past relationship and would hang it in a place of honor in our new house.
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After presents, we gathered around the tree and sang songs. And as always, Less acted like she was too cool for school. That only made us turn up and be even sillier. At least she was in a good mood, though. At the end of the night, she sat on the rocking chair doing belly laughs. It was very contagious, so I joined in. Mama came in and told us a story about how Father Winter came to their house in Sulani while she was doing belly laughs. He thought it was adorable and gave her some tips! And just like how it happened in her story, Father Winter walked in on her doing a belly laugh demo for us.
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"I remember you," he said. "You still go it."
"Thank you, Father Winter! This is my son, Luca! He's getting married soon!"
"Yes," he said, "I've been watching him. He's been very good this year. This is one of my extra special gifts."
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I didn't know what to think. An extra special gift from Mama, and another from The Man himself? And I was getting married in three days to the kindest, sweetest, funniest woman in the world? It was all too much. I thought about everything I'd gone through and how burdened and confused I was. All of that was a test. I held on and did the best I could, and now I was being rewarded. Not with a gift from Father Winter, but in love, success, favor, and friendship. I had already reckoned with my problems, but at that moment, I felt like the struggle was officially over.
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nuclear-wazte-eater · 7 months
I just wanted to post about my silly guys before I post my fic
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(Art is by my friend, not me!)
Creed (left) and Cairo (right) grew up together in West Virginia. Creed's mother abandoned him and his father is unknown so he lives with his Grandmother (called Gammy). Cairo lives with his mother, little sister, and uncle. His dad passed away when he was young and his mother married his uncle (💀).
Cairo works at a skate shop while Creed is a stocker at a grocery store. They're both 19 and candy-obsessed. They live in a trailer park and are neighbors.
Also, their moms were crazy obsessed with the idea of being pregnant at the same time and raising the kids together but that didn't work out too good because they had a falling out. But Cairo's mom, Stephanie, still loves and cares for Creed.
In the fic, they're infatuated with Johnny Cage's movies and travel across the country to meet him. The story is based around the movie Mortal Kombat Legends: Cage Match. For the most part, I strictly follow the movie and even use the script but I intentionally made it so Johnny is a bit more popular than he was in the movie. I also changed it to not be in the 80s. But I literally only did that so I could make The Walking Dead references.
In all honesty, I'm probably gonna start a new fic involving Creed and Cairo soon (probably with KTJL! Boomer because I love him)
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futurebellyache · 2 years
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Who should Digest you?
I think I'm tired of the endless grind of work. Any preds following me interested in giving me someplace soft to rest? I’m all yours.
Aaaand post. You finalize your Facebook message as you lean back in your chair. Work had drained you, and some people at work are just absolutely miserable. Fucking Cathy.
Ending up in some cute or sexy person's gut sounded wonderful. You had a couple of ideas, but you were a tad interested to see who volunteered…
The first comment came in mere minutes after posting.
Stephanie Simmerset
You aren't at all surprised to see your little sister, Stephanie, jumping at this opportunity.
She had always been your cute little sister, and you'd spoiled her rotten. And perhaps because of that, she'd grown quite affectionate to you. At first it was cute stuff like 'marrying big bro', but eventually, it turned vorish and she'd pestered you about being her 18th birthday present. How wonderful having her brother be her first meal would be.
You thankfully weren't able to attend and had been avoiding her these last few months. But… spoiling her one last time and helping stretch out her gut doesn't sound like a terrible way to go. The idea of replacing the baby fat she’d lost in the last several years makes you feel a bit odd…
Stephanie was a bit of a scatterbrained blonde, forgetful but in a way that made her quite endearing. She’d grown a lot over the years, now reaching you in height. Though her curves were still quite petite. She wasn’t exactly a trained pred, and hadn’t gotten the chance to mold her T&A into the bombshell you expect from predators.
You'd taken it as the desire of a young girl to be like the voracious adults, but now she was old enough where you think she could actually swallow you down. Perhaps you could help her take this important step to adulthood. An untrained pred was barely different from a prey in the eyes of a hungry predator. You’d be keeping her safe by letting her digest you. Plus the slight taboo of your sister appeals to your perverted side…
You hear your phone ding, must be another comment. The second is… you can't help but let out an immense sigh.
Cathy Bingleheart
Hah! Always knew you were a prey slut. If you want a real gut to mess you up, mine would LOVE to put you in your place.
Fucking Cathy.
You'd had to follow her to be friendly since your company was so small. You had grown to despise her. She was a fake blonde with a fairly chubby gut. One you bet she'd just gotten from her shitty diet and lack of exercise. There’s no way she could actually entice somebody inside of her, though physically she didn’t seem weak.
But… she was rather stacked. Her tits were massive, like volleyballs that pushed out farther than her gut. And her ass would definitely smother you. If she ate you, you'd be lost in that sea of fat. Probably with those interns who all 'suddenly quit' last year. Likely trusted her a bit more than they should have.
There's some masochistic desire inside you that's tempted to allow her to have your way for you. No matter how frustrating the idea is.
While you argue with your inner submissive demon, another ding and another comment.
Jennifer Gammy
I see you've finally decided to become a meal. You know I'd always be willing to accommodate you. I'd make sure you went out happy. My belly always has room for somebody like you.
Her words linger on your mind and remind you of back when you'd dated her. This was Jennifer, or Jen as most people called her. She was a very tall, slightly chubby woman with long red hair. She was a tad plump all over, a very soft-looking girl. You can still feel her gentle warmth around you when you close your eyes.
You'd actually been in the same friend circle for a while and gradually drifted closer, until finally dating. And then you learned just how kinky she was. She would tie you up in her lap and idly play games with you in her lap, holding the controller at your crotch, licking your feet, roleplay of her cheating with some dude and eating them to hide them (the dude wasn't aware it was roleplay), even temporarily holding you in her gut. Sometimes even for hours, and in public.
You'd absolutely still be with her if you could, but she'd suddenly realized she could no longer see you as anything but food. And dating food was ridiculous. So you broke up. After everything you'd been through, you'd become a flustered mess just talking to her. So after it all, you'd kind of drifted apart.
But now you could meet again. Though, this time you really would be food… You can't help but wonder how much she meant those words. How exactly would she treat you if you willingly gave yourself to her?
While you reminisce, your phone beeps again. You flip it open and see the face of the cutest boy you know.
Addison JustAddison
If you're just THROWING yourself away. Let me have you. I promise, it'll be as wonderful as that night we spent together. I even have some fun stuff we could try, since dieing doesn't matter ;)
And don't worry, I'll make sure to flush your ass
It was Addison… You couldn’t quite believe it. He was always dressed as a girl, and was a one night thing you'd had years ago. He had absolutely dominated you. He is the only person who has managed to knock you unconscious through sheer pleasure. You can't even remember how many times you'd cum that one night alone. He’d adored making you struggle beneath him, feeling himself inside you. Honestly, you can still feel him cumming inside you, in a way. Or perhaps that’s just your mind playing tricks…
And he hadn't left you anything to find him again. He'd ruined you and left. Until now, almost as if he had been waiting. He must have been keeping tabs on you, perhaps if something like this had happened. The account in question was unfamiliar, perhaps having been modified to reveal his hand. What a mysterious boy…
You remember that feeling of being bound to the bed, the taste of his cock on your lips, and what he said he’d do to you the next day. Idly threats to swallow you hole and add you to him… and you were definitely attracted to him. He was thin, but soft. Specifically in the belly and bum. Just enough tummy fat to show that he’d eaten his fair share of people. His pink, shoulder-length hair bounced around and helped accentuate his strange mannerisms. He was always a bit… extra. One of the incredibly fun things about him.
You ignored any of the other comments. These choices were good enough to pick from, and you didn’t wanna spend too long dwelling on it. Last thing you’d want is to upset them by getting cold feet. But which person deserved to have you? Two of them meant something in your life, but the other two would put you in your place. One was an absolute bitch, and the other just wants your body squirming for them.
You open your phone once more and thumb to a private chat you had with a number of people. All of whom were interested in taking a vorish plunge themselves, but hadn’t for various reasons.
Hey guys, which of these girls (and guy) do you think I should let eat me?
Feel free to comment below who you would to consume you. Highest points will be picked for the continuation. Extra points if you tell why.
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seoul-bros · 2 years
More breadcrumbs on the trail to PJM1
Looking at Nick Lee's resume makes for interesting reading.
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Most people have mentioned his association with Lil Nas X on the Grammy nominated Industry Baby.
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It's on my current playlist and no one is going to forget this video in a hurry.
He also worked on Dolla Sign Slime. Hear that brass, that's all Nick Lee. He is a Julliard trained jazz trombonist who found his producer calling while putting together a memorial for his grandfather's funeral. He dropped out of Julliard and has been in LA ever since. He is round about the same age as the Golden Maknae.
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On the Spotify page below you can listen to some of his previously produced tunes.
These include three tracks from CL's solo debut album Alpha. One of those is Tie a Cherry. CL another performer with individual chops and attitude.
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This is an exciting development on the road to PJM1. I used to play brass and I love the deep rich sound it brings to any track and believe me, Jimin has the talent and attitude to match that sound. Who can forget what he did with less than a minute camera time in the 2020 Gammys?
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Bring it on Jimin! I can't wait to see what you got!
Post Date: 13/11/2022
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college-girl199328 · 2 years
It had to be the Academy Awards that got burned in tonight’s SNL cold open, didn’t it? But did it have to be this gammy cold opening to the year’s Oscars having the slap, which was awesome, I mean bad, so bad?" said Heidi Gardner as "either Maria Menounos or Kit Hoover--they haven’t told me which yet" in the NBC late-night show’s first few minutes. "So, this year to make sure nothing crazy happens, the Academy hired a new head of security: a notoriously calm and sane person, Mike Tyson," she says as Kenan Thompson strolled on screen as the former heavyweight champion.
At that point, Saturday Night Live should have realized that it had a case of less is more. But the show wanted more, so I should warn you: the following things will set me off," Thompson’s Tyson told Gardner’s Access Hollywood host and her Mario Lopez sidekick (played by Marcello Hernandez). "Clapping, statues of gold people, and shows that last more than three hours, and also hearing the phrase ‘the magic of movies,’ " the fictional Tyson went on to say, with references to Oscar host Jimmy Kimmel being equipped with a "flamethrower" as a new security measure.
“Seriously, how great is this?” exclaimed cast member Chloe Fineman as Jamie Lee Curtis next up in the longer-than-usual skit. Were the fictional version of the "Everywhere, All at Once star and Best Supporting Actress nominee entirely rhetorical? Maddeningly, an on-screen sidebar mid-cold open of Draft Kings taking bets on “George Santos pretending to be Tom Cruise,” “Chris Rock” showing up, and the billion-to-one of “Harvey Weinstein Introduces Kanye West” teased how good this Oscar-centric skit could have been.
Even the great Bowen Yang showing up the truth-challenged freshman congressman claiming to be the Top Gun: Maverick star "Thomas Q. Cruise" was not the redeemer it needed to be. "Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to be everyone everywhere all at once," was an understatement into Sunday’s Oscars, plus further fallout from Dominion Voting System’s defamation suit against Fox News and the self-cannibalism that the race for the GOP 2024 presidential nomination is already gearing up to be, the topical SNL had no shortage of satire at its disposal for this week. A new document and deposition dump in the Dominion vs. FNC legal war the past few days could have easily and shamelessly provided Saturday Night Live with another cold open mocking Fox News, as it did the week before.
But after the slap heard around the world when Will Smith took a whack live onstage at Rock for mocking his wife Jada Pinkett Smith, this week’s cold open had to be a hot take on the 95th Academy Awards, and the banality of pre-ceremony red carpet shows pummeled later in the cold open with comparisons between the 95th Academy Awards and "how racist and sexist your Grampa was at 95," we should have seen where this was going from the start--and it wasn’t good.
"I guess everyone in Hollywood has diabetes," Gardner quipped right at the start of the cold open with a lame swipe at Tinsley Town’s new weight-shedding love affair with the drug Ozempic. "We are so excited to have been standing outside the Dolby Theatre for almost 153 hours," added Hernandez’s Lopez. "But it’s all worth asking Angela Bassett if she really did the thing.
With Wednesday star Jenna Ortega as host and The 1975 as musical guest, tonight’s 15th episode of the 48th season finds SNL in the final stretch for this year. In what could be EP Lorne Michaels’ last stint at the helm, the NBC late-nighter is also facing a very unfunny labor disruption as the show’s post-production editors could strike on April 1. As the rest of Hollywood gears up for the WGA sitting down with the studios on March 20 for likely contentious negotiations on a new three-year contract, the Editors Guild has another virtual chat set with NBCUniversal reps on March 13 for the 95th Academy Awards, starting at 8 p.m. ET (5 p.m. PT) on Sunday on ABC with Jimmy Kimmel back as the host for a third time. And they have basically promised there will be no fisticuffs this year, at least not literally.
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harmcityherald · 2 years
im screaming about the pump again. I get so angry I inherit meatheads folly. its like having a Volkswagen parked in the living room and this stupid pump I gave up on slowly leaked water over the floor under it. yea that seems safe. right now I wish it would blow up fly across baltimore and land squarely on his fucking head. I swear, the shit I have withstood is phenomenal. now im all wet again and waiting for this Volkswagen to fall through the floor. All to give this turtle, this abandoned turtle, this poor creature I didn't choose to have a good life. That's my kryptonite right there. people dump on me and I try to always do the right thing. I should make turtle soup and get this monstrosity out of my house. post the soup on fb so they see it. they won't care they left her ass behind quick. gammy gammy gammy. don't worry baby we'll get through this together. although I foresee the day this Volkswagen goes in the basement. nice rock floor down there. first i need a dumpster to get the crap they have dumped on me down there. steps. gotta just keep making steps.
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Here, Have my GamTav Scenarios since I have nothing better to post:
1- Tavros goes over for Gamzee to help him walk with his legs for the first time. Then he's like
and Gamzee shushes him dramatically
GAMZEE: DuDe.. DuDe DuDe BrO mY mAn.. BrOtHeR i KnOw YoU cAn ThRoUgH tHiS bItCh.
Tavros turns with a new confidence then falls face first to the ground. Gamzee stares into the void completely out of it. Tavros gets up still confident as fuck and walks away.
2- Tavros back on alternia tells Gamzee the time he saw a paper bag that was flying in the wind, and how
and Gamzee nodding a long with Tavros subconsciously recreating Firework by Troll Katy Perry.
3- Gamzee finding nicknames for Tavros.
GAMZEE: TaVdUdE tAvBrO bRoRoS bItChMaN fUcKrOs.
GAMZEE: DuDe EvErYoNe HaS a LiTtLe BiGaSs TwInKlE bItChMaNiNg..
GAMZEE: TaVvY tAvBrO bRoRoS tAvDuDe It Is.
GAMZEE: LiKiInGgG aLl ThEsE wIcKeD mEmOrSeLs YoU cReAtIvE mAkInG hErE.
GAMZEE: HeHeHeHeHeHeHe No PrObLeM dUdErOs.
Karkat cameo
4- Gamzee admitting he never brushes his teeth or hair which runs a chill down Tavros's spine to which he's surprised he can subconsciously get.
Next time on the meteor Tavros has a bunch of combs and fang cleaners
Gamzee, nervously sweating
GAMZEE: WhAt'S uP mY dOgG.
Tavros, holding up the items
5- They light fireworks inside the meteor which then causes multiple equipment to burn.
GAMZEE: kInDa FoRgOt WhAt I'm DoInG hErE..
SOLLUX: ii am goiing to KIILL YOU!!!!!
GAMZEE: I cAn'T rUn.. I'm ToO sLoW.
TAVROS, who's watching GAMZEE run next to him: bUT YOU'RE RUNNING?
GAMZEE, who sees the world in slow motion: Oh, OkAy ThIs Is JuSt SpEeDrUnNiNg.
SOLLUX: come fuckiing BACK here
6- Tavros, Gamzee and Aradiabot having a dance party in which Feferi joins in.
Vriska tries to shut it down to which she gets punched by Aradiabot, they continue dancing with Tavros stopping midway trying to see if she's okay but then shrugs it off.
And Gamzee's dancing looks like this!
7- Final scenario is Gamzee and Gctavrosprite on earth C, Gctavrosprite after confessing to Gamz - they go together in Roxy and Callie's house and spend time watching movies and doing shit they used to do in their childhood.
GAMZEE: AnD tHiS oNe We WrOtE wHeN yOu WaNtEd To TaLk AbOuT mEgArOnGaReX.
GAMZEE, smiling: YoU wErE a SwEeThEaRt BaCk WhEn..
GAMZEE: GlAd ThAt GoOdNeSs Is SwIrLiNg iN tHeRe StIlL.
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gameraramen · 11 months
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girldraki · 3 years
thinking about gammy driving various uncomfortable truths in and it’s just coming out like that “your trauma didn’t make you funny and while we’re on the topic your music taste is unlistenable etc” post
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askthefamous8 · 4 years
Famous 8′s new years resolutions
Yes, I know it’s March. SOMEONE (Thomas) forgot to post these at the appropriate time. We really need to stop leaving him in charge of the blog when Percy’s away. But anyway, here are the Famous 8′s resolutions for 2021. We got a message on Twitter asking about these, so James went and asked around- hence why they’re phrased as statements. According to James...
Thomas: “I dont make resolutions because I never keep them. Oh, actually, no- I want to try Taco Bell!!! As soon as I can go out I’m making Gaylen drive us to Liverpool.”
Edward: “To be less afraid of breaking my routine. When it suits me. Maybe.”
Henry: “I don’t have a resolution, I saw this video on YouTube about how you should have a “theme” for the year, rather than a resolution. So my theme this year is healing! I’ve bought some books on crystal healing-” and then I hung up.
Gordon: “Do I have to answer? Well, I wouldn’t call it a resolution, but I’d like to get to know Lady Redferne a little better.”
James: I want to try and be nicer. Edward’s going to help me because he’s the nicest person I know. He can stand to live with me so I know he knows his stuff.
Percy: “Go on adventures more often. When it’s safe, I mean. Oh and , uh, when it’s safe- sorry I said that didn’t i? and there’s no plague. No, not with anyone in particular, why?”
Toby: “I’d like to try cross breeding a pair of my lavender plants. My lizard died, bless her, so I’d like to get another one once I can go out. That’s all I’d like to do this year. Thank you. “
Duck: “I asked you not to call me unless it was an emergency, James. But you won’t leave me alone until I’ve answered, will you? I’d like to learn to dance the waltz with someone two feet taller than myself and a gammy leg. Thank you and goodbye, James.”
Well. There you go. Let me know if you want to know how well they’re sticking to their resolutions and I’ll send James on the case.
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lord-explosion-baku · 5 years
Hero Santa
Sero x fem!reader
Warnings: yellow sour fruit, swearing
A/N: wow it’s been a long time that I’ve posted a oneshot. Sorry about that. My job keeps me busy and the fic I’m writing takes priority. This isn’t a request either so I’m ;;; this is entirely self-indulgent. I’ve just discovered a newfound love for mr. tape boy and wanted to write something about him. There’s a lot of cringey things in here. Like, secondhand emebarssment type things. But I just wanted to write something funny and wholesome, straying away from the incessant dubcon that litters my blog. If this makes you embarrassed then I think I’ve done my job right? If this makes you smile, then double points for me, I guess! Also, fuck you, I'm still mourning the loss of blockbuster movies so it exists in this one shot. huzzah.
You barrel in through Sero’s threshold, clutching your sides as you bust out laughing, exhilarated from you and Sero’s grand escape from a dastardly encounter— you seeing your ex boyfriend in public. Sero flings himself after you, clamping his hands down on your shoulders practically shaking as he tries to catch his breath.
“D-do you think he saw us??” He snickers, twirling around you to throw his house keys down on his front door counter top.
“I’m sure he did! He said my name right before you grabbed me!”
Sero’s grin widens as he sifts through your bag to grab one of the many sweet treats he picked out for the both of you. “But are you really sure that he saw us?”
“Sero, you literally spider-manned us out of blockbuster. The entire store saw us! They’re going to have to get a long ass ladder to get that tape off the ceiling!” You grin at him and with your best, most formal tone, you mock, “that was quite indecent, young man!”
“Ehhh. I’m sure they have somebody at the blockbuster who was like a leg extension or flying quirk. They’ll be fine!
You snort. “I can’t believe you just referred to blockbuster as ‘the blockbuster’ like you’re some kinda old lady!”
“Now, why don’t you make a decision on what my identity is? Who am I: Spider-Man or Gammy NumNums?”
“Who am I to say? I don't know Spider-Man’s secret identity. How are we so sure that Gammy NumNums herself isn’t Spider-Man?
“Oh shit, I think you’re onto something there.” Sero plops down on his couch, setting his treats down on the table next to it. “I’m really living the greatest triple life, huh? The best of all worlds.”
“I’ll say.” You mosey into the room, vibrating with happiness and comfort you get whenever you’re in Sero’s house. You nod at the pile of blankets he has at his feet. The two of you are going to be having a blanket fort movie night, something you’ve been looking forward to all week long. “Shall we get started?”
“Nah nah nah, lemme take care of all of this! Can you get the popcorn ready?”
You nod and grab two different packets from your bag. “Butter or kettle? I couldn’t decide.”
“What do I look like, an animal? Butter! Buttery butter. I want my popcorn to slide off my fingertips!”
You mock a gag. “I think maybe you are an animal,” you say and throw a pillow at Sero’s face before hopping to the kitchen before he could retaliate.
You leave the room with a giant smile on your face. Back at the store, you let yourself freeze in front of your ex while a thousand thoughts ran through your head. It’s always been odd seeing him in public after the two of you broke up, but every time you have seen him, you’ve been able to hide yourself immediately. Thankfully Sero was there when you were discovered and you recovered from your mental paralysis as soon as he swung the two of you out and away from him.
Sero has really been a special kind of hero towards you since your breakup. He’s been nothing but supportive of you— there for you whether you needed a shoulder to cry on or someone to bring a smile to your face. Sero is your guy. Sometimes both! You recall an instance where you were done crying but had said something along the lines of “my heart might be broken,” and without hesitating, Sero clicked out a piece of his tape and placed it over your chest, telling you that he’d be there to fix it. That’s when you first realized that maybe your heart could change fall into a new direction. He has really become something very… special to you. You find your heart skipping a beat during certain instances. If his hand lingers on your waist for a second longer than you’re used to, your mind goes haywire. It’s funny— you know you have feelings for him, and you’re pretty positive he might reciprocate those feelings, but the two of you avoid saying anything about it like the plague. You’re completely comfortable with him, but sometimes when you’re alone, when you’re close, the air grows thick with tension and the two of you sit in silence until one of you inevitable break the silence by making some lame joke. But god, sometimes you just want to hold the boy down and smooch his face!!
You pause in the hallway to check yourself in the mirror, pursing your lips as you turn to inspect your teal blue pajama bottoms. You sigh, embarrassed to have been in public with your lounge wear: slippers and all. If you had been expecting to see anybody, you would’ve done your makeup, maybe put on a skirt and some cute boots, but he saw you looking like a slob with a shit ton of candy in your hands.
After you pop your corn, you return to Sero’s living room, amazed at how quickly he made the fort transformation. Blankets hang from the walls and ceiling, cascading down with nice curves centering on an arena of fluffy pillows with Sero sprawled out in the middle, languidly pushing chocolate covered cookie dough into his mouth while he bats at the controls to get the movie started. You pause at the doorway, shifting your weight from one leg to another nervously until he looks at you, lifting a brow when you bite your lip.
“I know,” he says with a grin, “I’m absolutely brilliant.”
“You’re just alright.” You take you seat next to the boy, and burrow your cold feet under his legs. He gives you a funny grin, but you shrug it off. “I’m cold!”
“I think I-“ Sero presses his lips together, a worried look crawling over his face “-I’m certain I spared a blanket or two for us to actually use.”
He takes a moment to look around and after he finds nothing, he gives you a wide eyed stare. “Oh no.”
“See, this is why you're just alright.”
Sero hops up. “No, no, no— I’m not just alright. I’m the king of this here fort.” Sero raises his hands to feel around for a blanket used for the roof that’s unnecessary for the structure. His shirt lifts, exposing his tight midriff to you, and you tell yourself to look away, but you just can’t bring yourself to. Your eyes linger on his naval before drifting down towards his gray sweatpants where you can definitely make out the outline of his dick. You could scream.
“Do forts usually have kings?”
“This one does.”
You get to you knees, fully aware of how it might look to him if he so much as glances down, and ask, “if you’re the king, what would that make me?”
“That’s easy,” Sero says, carefully peeling some tape off a loose blanket, “you’re the princess.”
“HA! So you’re my dad?!”
Sero snickers before his eyes meet yours, blanket falling into his hands. He hesitates for a moment while he looks down at you, his brows furrowing as the tips of his ears grow to be a redder hue.
“Absolutely not,” he whispers in a tone softer than you’re used to. The blanket fall to the floor, but Sero stays stock still, eyes glazing over as he takes in your suggestive position.
“Then how does this work?” You quip, growing all the more embarrassed that you’re practically begging for him to make a move while at the same time, doing absolutely nothing.
“Don’t you remember?” Finally, he crouches down, leveling his head with yours. You can feel his breath dance across your face as he continues, “I swept you off your feet. Stole you right out from under the nose of a beastly emperor. The princess is merely a guest at my fort; it’s a safe haven for her.”
“Then one could say that the princess owes the king a lot for saving her life…”
“The king is only happy when the princess is safe and happy. She owes him nothing.”
“Is that so…?” You reach a hand into the popcorn bowl, grin sinisterly at ‘the king’, and buck a handful of the buttery goodness Sero loves so much right at his face. “Little did you know, the princess has been planning to assassinate the king in order to take the fort for herself!”
“Damn you, princess!” Sero laughs, throwing his own handful right back at you. “The king has been betrayed one too many times after giving in to acts of charity!”
“The king is a fool!” You yell, swinging a pillow at his face, knocking him back into his cushioned seminar. “Long live princess me!!”
Sero moves to remove your assault weapon from his face, only to have you climb on top of him to pin his hands behind his back
“You suck.”
“You sure wish I would.”
“I—“ Sero’s face flushes beat red while you smirk down at him. You tighten your thighs hold around him but get distracted by something poking your chest. It’s popcorn.
“Oh. Ew.” Without thinking, you pull the bits out from your bra and pop them into your mouth. Sero gives you a funny grin and it’s your turn to flush. You hide behind your hands and cry, “GAHH! I’m not a princess! I’m a troll!”
Sero uses this opening to his advantage, grabbing onto your hands and using sheer strength, flings you onto your back, panning you down against a pillowy wonderland.
“Ahhh curse your hero training,” you laugh, wiggling your legs around so you can lay more comfortably under your faux assailant.
“Troll princess,” Sero sighs, his warm breath cascading down your neck, causing shivers to prickle all across your body, “I've got you now.”
“Oh nooo.” You toss your head back, subtly lifting your pelvis to press against his. Heat floods into your belly when you feel his hardening erection pulsate against you. This isn’t what friends do and you know that. He has to know that, too. “The King’s got the poor, helpless princess locked beneath him. Whatever can she do? Whatever will he do?”
Sero goes silent. His eyes scan over your face, lips patting when they land in yours. You’re unsure of what to do— what to say. At this point you might as well tell him to kiss you.
“I don’t wanna play this game anymore,” he says in a sort of morose way. You heart falls and your stomach goes to knots. Maybe you were wrong about him feeling the same way for you do? Maybe the two of you are just really good friends. But his hands don’t move from their pinned position.
“Sero… we don’t have to do this if you don’t w—“
Your sentence gets cut short by Sero’s lips suddenly locking onto yours. You hum in surprise, but kiss him back, your skin practically screaming in delight when his tongue slides over your bottom lip. You try to reach up to him but Sero’s bolted hands hold your wrists firmly, keeping them above your head and all you can do is roll your tongue over his, trying to catch as much of him as you can before the kiss breaks.
But it doesn’t. He pushes your wrists together so he can hold you with one hand while the other slides down to your body, caressing your side until he squeezes your waist. You lift your pelvis and his arm wraps around your back, pulling you closer against his body. His cock rubs against your pubic bone and you can’t help but imagine what it may feel like inside of you.
You manage to free one of your hands and swiftly move it down to his sweats, greedily massaging him through his pants. Finally Sero pulls away, a trail of saliva connecting your lips to his.
“Oh, heh~,” he says, seizing your hand. “I’m, uh, really sensitive…”
“Oh? I’d like to see just how-“ again, you’re cut off by Sero claiming your lips, the kiss more forceful the second time around. It’s messy, and wet, and desperate, and you find yourself sighing into his mouth every time you get a chance to breathe, only to have those short moments thrown away by your own need possessing your body to kiss him back harsher, hands reaching up to his hair to tug and pull, exciting you when you hear a groan build up in the back Sero’s throat.
“Fuck.” Sero’s lips meet your neck, his hand resting against your exposed belly. It’s cold but you don’t mind; your body craves his cool touch. Using his tongue, Sero draw a long strip up from your neck to your ear, causing your body to shudder. You practically melt when he whispers, “I want you. I want you so bad. You have no idea.”
You sigh as Sero nibbles in your ear, his hands boldly exploring farther up your body. “I… think I have some idea.”
“Nuh-uh.” Sero leans back, his eyes shamelessly scanning over your body. You didn’t think it possible, but your skin warms up even more from his lingering gaze. As much as you like the attention, you want his hands right back on you pronto. “There’s no way you could possibly like me as much as I like you…”
You scowl at him. Too much talking and not enough kissing. You pull your shirt off and unclasp your bra, throwing your garments to the side, exposing yourself to him. Nervous tingles nip at your body, but the look on his face, the way his eyes flick from your face to your chest and back to your face as his adam’s apple bobs, makes it all worth it.
“Shit… you’re so— you’re everything to me, I need you to know that, like, if you’re at all uncomfortable or like if I do something you don’t like— god, you’re gorgeous, I just wanna—“
“-Sero…” You take his hands in yours and lead them back to your body. “Please… touch me.”
Sero presses his lips to yours in a sweeter manner, him molding to you nearly perfectly as his hands run up your sides. Goosebumps erupt across your body when he pushes you back down against the pillows. His right hand cups your breast as he trails kisses down your chest, only pausing when he begins to snicker.
“Salty,” he says, his tongue licking dangerous close to your nipple. “You taste like popcorn.”
“Ohhhh noooooo-ahhh~!”
A pretty sight: Sero’s pink tongue rolling out to lav over your puckered bud. 
His lips wrap around your nipple; he sucks and your body jolts forward. He’s not the only one who’s sensitive. His eyes meet yours and he offers you a sinister grin. “I like it.”
Your breathing grows heavy while Sero makes his way down your stomach, making sure to pay extra attention to the places that make you squirm when he kisses them. He gets to your pajama shorts and pets your clothed slit with a knuckle. Your hips buck up when he leans down and licks you through your shorts, excited pulsations grabbing at your core. You need more.
Your shorts fly off by your own doing, whether it’s to get the ball rolling or if you want him to be giving you the exact same lustful stare he is now is lost to you, but you’ll take it. You love it. You want him to look at you like that forever.
Sero pets your core, his own breath shuddering as you roll your hips at his touch.
“You’re already so fucking wet,” he says, annunciating every word as if it pains him to say it. He rests his head in your thigh as he lazily teases you, seeming to enjoy your light mewling that comes when his fingers grow closer to your clit, the way your body moves to his touch. “I want it.”
“What ~ahah~ what are you gonna do about it?”
“Hmmm.” To your severe displeasure, Sero removes to hands, only to strip himself of his own shirt. You stare at him in awe; of course you’ve seen him shirtless before, but under these circumstances, it’s different. And you’re sure he’s bulked our a bit since the last time you caught him half-naked. Goodness.
“Ohh my god,” you sigh when he tosses his shirt to the sigh, the sight of his muscles moving over you incredibly enticing.
“What?” Sero gets to his elbows and spreads your legs open for him. He gives your pussy a long lick and groans, closing his eyes when he kisses your pubic bone. “You got something to say?”
“You’re just… so… ohhhh~!”
Sero begins laving at your heat, drowning the room with your surprised moans. His skillful tongue traces your caverns until his mouth is covered in your need. He eats you out like he’s starving for it— hell, he could’ve been famished if he says there’s no way you can like him more than he likes you. His tongue circles your clit, his never ceasing groans adding to your pleasure. You reach down as grasp at his soft hair, massaging his head as he toys with your sensitivity.
“So what, Princess?” He asks as his fingers tease your hole. The nickname sends shivers up your spine. You don’t mind it, you just didn’t think that something so cheesy could sound so hot coming from him.
“So— ahhh ahah~!” A loud moan you aren’t expecting tears out from your throat when Sero plunges two fingers into your depths. He chuckles and returns his attention back to your clit, watching your face contort in pleasure through heavy eyelashes. He sucks in you while his fingers curl against your walls, the threat of your own release building up against your stomach. You moan and pull his hair, whispering incomprehensible words, trying to find the right way to encourage him, the right way to warn him that you’re close.
“I know, I’ve got a big tongue, huh?” Oh, so he could be a smug bastard, too?
“Sssaaah~” You try saying his name, but it’s lost to you. You don’t know what to call him: Hanta? Sero? He’s been your friend for so long that saying his actual name might sound weird on your tongue, but what if saying his last name sounds weird to him? “Hero…”
“Hmmm?” His low voice murmuring into your core sends your body into a frenzy. Your body starts to shake and grip onto the cushions to keep you grounded, but that doesn’t save you from the next word you yelp out as your body is lost to ecstatic fits.
“Fuck! Oh god, Santa~ nnng~ hah~!” You squeeze your thighs together, locking him in as he gifts you with little kitten licks, elongating your excruciating orgasm with the low reverberations of his voice while he laps up your pleasure.
Your body settles but that doesn’t stop him at first. He savors your twitching body, kissing your swollen bud tenderly, brushing his hands across your sweat covered body, until he looks up at you and grins.
“So you have some kinda Christmas kink?”
You catch your breath, gazing up at the makeshift blanket ceiling, before looking back down at his goofy, red face. “What do you mean?”
“You just called me ‘Santa.’ I mean, Christmas isn’t for another month but I’m sure I could find a Santa hat somewhere if that’s what you’re into. I live to please.”
“Oh no.” You bury yourself behind your hands. “No I didn’t. No, no, noooo!!”
Sero climbs on top of you and kisses your hands. “Hey,” he sings at you, “don’t hide. I don’t kink shame.”
You grab a pillow a fling it into his face. “Shut up! Noooo!”
The two of you laugh together, his breath fanning you as he buries his head in the crook of your neck. The two of you stay like that for mere seconds but it feels like an eternity. He made you cum, but still, you crave him. You want more of him.
“That was actually really hot.” You feel him grin against your neck. “You forgetting my name. It kinda made me feel good. Really good.”
“I could… I could make you feel better,” you whisper, wrapping your hands around his back, using your fingernails to tickle his skin. He flushes.
“Is that so?” He leans down and pecks your lips. “‘Cause I wasn’t done with you. I wanna see if I can make you say all seven reindeers’ names.”
“Oh, fuck you!”
He quirks a brow. “You wanna?”
...Desperately. “Yes.”
Sero’s all too quick to free himself of his sweats and you side him by pulling his boxers down. You gulp at the sight of his erection; it’s a nice size with a beautiful curve, pre-cum already seeping out through the slit of his reddened head. You look to him and bite your lips. You grasp at the base of his length and guide his cockhead to to your mouth, pulling you tongue out to lick at his knob.
“Ahh~, um, I’m really-“
“Sensitive?” You ask before lulling your tongue underneath his cock.
“Y-yess,” he hisses, grasping at your hair to pull you back.
You grin wryly back at him. “Then how’s this going to work?”
“With me in control-“ he smirks “-lay back princess.”
You pout at him but he moves to kiss your neck, gently pushing your shoulders down so you’re back on the cushions. You reach your hands up and arch your back, an obvious ploy to get him all the more hot and bothered, and not an unsuccessful one at that.
“God damn,” he breathes, stroking his cock while taking in your figure. “God, I lo—… I need to say something before we go any further.”
“Hmmm?” You run your hands down your body. You stop at your breasts, teasing your nipples, and biting your lips. “You can say anything to me.”
“Sweet Jesus, you’re not making this easy.” He sighs and falls over you. A hand cups your face, his thumb tracing the curve of your lips. It looks like he’s eating to say something serious, but you can hardly think straight with his hardened dick resting against your thigh.
“This,” he says, stroking the back of his hand against your cheek, “can’t be… I can’t be just a rebound for you. I know I might not seem like it, but I’m an all or nothing kinda guy. You can either just be my friend—my really good friend that I’ll think about for all eternity, or you can be… my friend who I’m allowed to take on dates and kiss in public and have high make out sessions whenever we want…”
Oh! Oh he’s asking you out! You can’t help the grin from spreading across your face, but you don’t realize you’re not responding until he continues with—
“And if you’re not yet over that guy… I think I can wait for you, but I don’t… want to get my hopes up or anything…”
Sero your DICK is on my THIGH!
“Sero, you’re not a rebound. I would be very happy if you would take me on dates, kiss me in public, and have high make out sessions with me. I’d even be happy if I get to call you my boyfriend.”
He beams. “You mean that?”
“Yesss, I do. We were practically dating already!”
“Nahhh, I’ve just been warming you up. You don’t know dating until we’ve conquered the entire laser tag arena together.”
This dork. “Then I’ll wait for that with bated breath. Now, please for the love of god, fuck me before I explode!”
“Oho, we can’t have that…”
Sero lines himself up with center, allowing his cockhead to toy with your hot, needy entrance. He curses and rolls his head back as he inches himself forward, testing your heat before pulling out completely. His eyelids grow heavy when he pushes into you again and you feel yourself clamp down on him. You whimper. He feels bigger than he looks and it takes some pull before he’s completely inside you, but god, oh god, after you get used to it, you can’t help but moan as his dick slides in and out of you.
“Mmmphhhfuck, that’s good.” Slowly, Sero rolls his hips, gently fucking you at a near excruciating pace. He breathes through his teeth as his cock grinds into your walls. It feels fantastic having the head of his cock rubbing against the certain spot deep inside you. His arm wraps around your back and he pulls you flush against him, your breasts bouncing against his chest as he quickens the pace, kissing you fiercely, hungrily , while his hands lock you into place.
“You don’t know,” he seethes, “how long I’ve wanted this.”
He bites down in your neck and you claw at his back, mewling. The force, even though he’s taking his time, is addicting and you find yourself syncing up with him in no time; cursing, and panting as you sync up with him. He feels so good that you could cry, instead, you beg.
“More,” you sigh, practically his humping cock, “please Sero. I ahhh~ I need more!”
Sero growls and it sends you body spinning with lust and agony. He pushes you back down and forces himself to his hilt, making you cry out in sheer ecstasy. He presses his hand against your belly, pulls out and pushes back in with the same extremity. “More?” He growls in a sort of sensually dark tone that floods your body and shakes you to your core. “You want more, babe? I’ll give the princess anything she wants!”
“Fuuuck!” You cry, filling the room with pathetic moans as Sero drills into you with such indignant fury that it nearly makes your eyes go black. Your body grows wet with perspiration and lust, Sero pushing into you with pools of his own sweat meshing with yours.
He silences your pathetic moaning with a violent kiss, biting down on your bottom lip while he greedily paws at your breasts. Then, he stills completely, pulling back, fanning your face while he pants, “ho ho ho, amiright?”
“PFFFFT NOOO!!” Your belly clenches as the two of you bust out laughing, until Sero eyes completely glaze over.
“Ohhhh fuck,” he groans. “Keep laughing, that feels so—ohhhhh fuck!”
Something completely takes him over and you laughter turns to screams of delight when he starts completely pulverizing you with such an intense, bruising velocity that you could see your soul escape your mouth. He slams into you, lifting your leg over his head, keeping his quick and relentless pace until you feel his cock begin to throb.
“You’re. Just. So. Fucking. Hot!” he says through gritted teeth. His fingers quickly dance around your clit, rubbing at your pleasure until you feel yourself coil and your cunt flutters around his girth. “God, I can feel it. You’re close. Fuck! Babe, you need to cum. Princess, please, I can’t-!”
“I’m ~nggg~ so close!!”
Sero kisses you, shoving his tongue against yours, urgently needing to taste you. His dick twitches within you, his fingers desperately trying to get you to keep up. Your hair stands up on the back of your neck. Your coil breaks. You clench around him and allow waves of pleasure to burst through you as he rams into you with rigorous intent. You cling on to him, crying out about how good he feels, how you can’t stand not having him fill you up, how you want to feel his everything deep, deep inside of you.
Sero grunts and ruts into you. Warmth floods your core as thick ropes of cum line your hungry walls. There’s so much and it doesn’t seem to stop coming as he slows his grooving, kissing your forehead while his orgasm chases yours. You breathe in sync with one another, staring each other in the eyes, unsure of what to say, what to do, before he finally pulls out and let’s you leak onto the cushions.
“Oh, whoops,” he says, inspecting the mess. “Lemme just— warm towel…”
He hops up, but you grab him by the wrist and pull him down into a kiss. He grins against you and you feel yourself growing jubilant with everything that just happened.
“You’re incredible,” you say, holding him there for a moment before letting him back up.
“No, you.”
“I mean it!” He brings his hands up in mock defense. “You have no idea! You have no idea! I just-! Lemme get a towel and then I’ll shower you with praise!”
Sero is gone and back in a flash, warmed wet towel in hand. He takes his time wiping the sweat off your body, making sure to talk uncharacteristically sweet to you while he takes care. He wraps you in the blanket that hath forsaken him and cleans the white mess on the cushion before joining you under said blanket. His body is warmer than the blanket and you love it.
“Sooo… the movie. Movie night with my girlfriend!”
“Ha! That’s right! This is one of my favorite movies so you better pay attention! No distractions!”
“Mhmmm,” he hums half-heartedly. “No distractions.”
But even while the movie plays, your warm bodies are pressed right up against each other. There’s definitely going to be more distractions. The two of you have been waiting for this for too long, and Sero has to prove that he’s not just alright, and he certainly wants to learn all about your secret Christmas kink.
TAGS FOR EVERYTHING: @ayeputita @yandere-inamorata @dee-madwriter @unboundbnha @rizamendoza808, @rubycubix @smbody-stole-mycar-radio @zellllyyyy @sarcastictextstuck @kpanime @captain-sin-allmight-queen @psionicsnow @wickedlewicked @ghost-of-todoroki @kattariapenn @im-an-adult-sometimes @bnhya @local-senpai @eggpienutbuttercroissant @usernamekate94 @reyvenclaww @hi-ho-and-hello @rubyred-imagines
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travesty-majesty · 4 years
Postwickshipping fic bc I’m in the mood
(I’ve never written a pkmn fic before so hopefully I get the characters ok! This is basically a comfort ship for me)
(Set five years after main game! Assuming the characters were around 16 in main game, around 20-21 now)
This was it, the fifth year Gloria was taking on someone to defend her title as Champion. Hop couldn’t make it to the stadium as he was holed up in the lab to keep an eye on some Pokemon, but he was watching it from his phone, cheering for his girlfriend.
They had started dating maybe a year or two after Gloria became champion. Despite Gloria often being busy with her Champion work, she always made sure to stay over in Hop’s house once a week. Any day one of them had off they spent with the other in their workplace, and if they both had the day off, date night!
It was going great so far. Gloria often complained of all the work being the Champion took, and how she’d love to be able to settle down with someone (preferably Hop). Hop just laughed and told her it’d calm down at some point. He’d never admit he wanted the same thing. He’d love to be able to have normal meals with her, go out exploring together... He just wants to be with her as much as he can be.
One day Gloria joked that if she ever lost her title she wasn’t entirely sure what she’d do. Hop threw out there that Sonia could always use another assistant, to which they both laughed. Hop didn’t think much of it.
He turned his focus to the match. Both Gloria and her opponent were on their last Pokemon, down to very low health. Hop liked to predict what her next move would be, and this one was obvious.
“Well, if she uses Quick Attack now, she’ll definitely win! She outspeeds Cinderace, so even if they both use it, she’ll go first! She’s got this in the bag.” He described to himself, punching the air before she had even won. The Rockruff that had been bounding around stopped and looked up at him, barking once.
“See? It’s easy! Oh, wait! It’s her turn.” He turned up the volume. “C’mon, mate...”
‘Mate’ always slipped out, even though they’re dating.
Gloria didn’t act for a moment, all cameras turned to her. She looked like she was planning something. Then she looked right into one of the cameras, looking directly at Hop. He almost felt like he was there. Then, she sighed and smiled.
“Inteleon, use Double Team!” She commanded with the confidence of someone who’d thought they’d won.
But everyone knew, even Gloria.
She’d doomed herself.
Hop gasped, dropping the phone.
“WHAT?! No, they’re gonna attack! You’d gonna lose! Gloriaaaaa..!”
Rockruff barked again.
“Oh, shush and let me be emotional!”
Inteleon used the move as told, and as Hop had imagined, the opposing trainer had gone for an attack, knocking Inteleon out.
That was it.
Gloria was no longer Champion.
Hop was speechless as the award ceremony was carried out. She lost? How? She was amazing at these battles, how did she just lose? While he wondered, the host asked “Anything you wanna say to the people at home?”
“One specific person, actually.” She said, taking the microphone.
He looked at the screen again.
“Keep the door unlocked, ok?”
- - -
It had only been two hours since the championship ended. As soon as it did, Hop had unlocked the door like she said, then promptly collapsed into the couch. He knew he wouldn’t be getting any work done, so he absent-mindedly stroked a Pyukumuku as he thought. Gloria didn’t seem upset at all, which was odd; many losses at Monopoly on her part had showed him she always gets at least a little bit frustrated.
So why did she just take it?  
It’s not like he was angry, or disappointed or something. He was just... confused.
As he wondered, he heard a bit of a commotion outside. Sighing, he stood up and popped his head out the door. People were crowded around the train station.
‘May as well go check that out. Get my mind off that.’ He thought. He stood up, bringing the pokemon back into their pokeballs before he left.
He made his way down to the station, hearing people chatter about the match. It’s not like he was the only one watching; everyone in Galar was watching.
When he got there, he had to push his way through a crowd, but when he got to the front, he saw...
Gloria, who had been talking to an excited fan, spun around when she heard his voice.
“Hop! You’re here!”
She made her way over, immediately hugging him. Yes, she was on her tippy toes. No, nobody mentioned it.
“I was gonna surprise you at the lab, you know.” She said. Hop laughed, hugging back tightly.
“Well, I’m here now, mate. We could still go, though, if you’d wanna?” He asked. She nodded, glancing around.
“Sure. Gotta tell you something in private, anyway.” She said.
Ominous much?
Either way, Gloria gave one or two more statements before taking Hop’s hand, leading them both back to the lab. Her hand was pretty warm, he noticed. Why, he couldn’t tell you. I suppose you just notice those small things when you’ve been with someone for so long.
- - -
Gloria collapsed onto the couch, sighing. “I sure missed this. You’re lucky, getting to sit here each day!”
“What are you, a couch expert?” Hop asked, both of them laughing. Eventually though, when both had calmed down, Hop spoke up again.
“So mate, about your match...”
“Oh, that? Nothing much.” She said nonchalantly.
“Wha- you lost! You lost your Champion status! Doesn’t that bother you?!” He asked. Gloria laughed, putting her hand over his.
“I thought you woulda realised. I lost on purpose.”
Hop didn’t react for a moment. When the words sunk in though, his eyes widened.
“What?! On purpose?! Why?!” He exclaimed.
“Well, a few things.” She started. “You know how I’ve been talking about how hectic becoming champion gets. I just... wanted to get away from it, I suppose. Besides, having ‘past Champion’ on my record is gonna be great for the ol’ resume.” She explained.
“I mean... Wow. So you’re just, ok with this? You’re not mad or anything?” He asked, still kinda surprised.
“Yep. I figured five years was good enough. Besides...”
She squeezed his hand, sighing.
“I wanted to be with you. Only seeing you on my days off just wasn’t enough for me.”
“Pfft- Well, same here! In a weird way, I’m sorta glad. Now I get to see your face whenever I want! And not just in your battles.”
“Do you watch all of them?”
“Every single one.”
Gloria laughed again. Hop smiled, just happy to be seeing her in front of him. It felt... almost surreal. He was happy, though. 
“But, uhh... there’s a second reason I decided to give it up. I wanted to settle down. Like, get a house, job... you know.”
“Oh, really..?”
“Mhm! But... obviously, I’m not just gonna move in somewhere on my own. So, I have two questions for you. One... would you be interested in... well, living with me- ah!”
Gloria was cut off by Hop suddenly throwing his arms around her. “Yeah! Yes, definitely! I- this is awesome!”
“Hahahaha! Glad you’re so enthusiastic.”
“Of course I am, mate! Do you think I’d say no?”
“Not really.”
They laughed again, pulling away. 
“And... ok, ready for question number two?” She asked.
“Not sure how it’s gonna get any more intense than the first question, but sure!”
“Ok, well... here, stand up.” 
Gloria stood up, pulling Hop to his feet. She was surprisingly strong, considering her height and build. When they were both standing, still giggling slightly, Gloria took a deep breath.
“Ok, ok, I- stop looking at me like that!”
“Can’t. You’re just too cute.”
“Dork.” Hop laughed at Gloria’s pout. She took a deep breath, then began speaking again.
“Ok, Hop. We’ve been together for years, and despite the long distance, we’ve been really happy together, right?”
“Ok, good. So, I’ve been thinking about this for a while, and I’ve finally decided to ask. Hop- gah, screw this gammy knee-”
Gloria stretched her leg, then dropped down onto one knee, pulling a box out of her back pocket. Hop covered his mouth, eyes wide. He was pretty sure he knew where this was going.
She flicked open the box.
“Hop, will you marry me?”
Hop instantly pulled her to her feet, kissing her. After a moment, Gloria smiled into the kiss, returning it. They stayed like that for a moment, just being happy. Eventually though, when their need for air tore them away from each other, Hop smiled.
“Yes. Definitely yes.”
~ ~ ~
Ik it’s probably bad but I really wanted to try my hand at postwickshipping so it probably isn’t perfect but it’s fluffy marriage proposal so :>>
(Sorry to all my non-pokemon followers lol) (which is probably a lot of you bc I’ve never posted pokemon content before)
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ms-hells-bells · 3 years
DSAService.exe is an Intel driver and support process, not a virus. It's possible that it got infected though, so I recommend updating drivers for whatever Intel devices you have in your computer. Also, in general, exe is an executable file, not a virus. (though they can be exe's since it's the easiest way to run a virus) Tons of essential processes in Windows itself run on multiple exe's.
yeah, after posting i searched it up, and basically it's a non essential driver file that the windows system detects as a virus because it's so poor that it gets super easily infected. i blocked it. i basically just don't let any exes get access, because if they're asking permission then they won't be necessary if they're not viruses, and it blocks the viruses.
my drivers are 4 years old because the intel drivers system is fucking stupid, it's tied into windows, and updates with windows updates. but i got a gammy wrong key with this refurbished laptop and had to deactivate windows to make it functional, so i cannot update the drivers. i've even tried manually from the lenovo and intel websites, but it doesn't work :|
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winters-tales · 4 years
The Red Queen
[A note from Fen: this was a commission piece. If you’re interested in commissioning me, check out the pinned post on my blog for prices.]
The road seemed to vanish into nothingness, an abrupt cliff of red stone severing the path.
“Did there used to be a lift here, to get to the top? I’ve seen those, they have a donkey on each end, and they go around, and the wheel turns, and -”
“They say there was a battle here once; the Red Queen stood against the hordes of darkness and didn’t falter. They say the stones of her city were stained as red as her skin with the blood of her foes, a goddess of victory using herself as a shield to save the rest of us.”
“Was that here?”
“That battle where her city ended up red – was that here? Is that why the rocks are red?”
“Lass, it’s just a story.”
She couldn’t remember how long she’d been fighting but it never seemed to end. An infinite tide swarming over the land, up the cliffs, swimming against the current of the waterfall, in their attempt to drag her down. To kill her. To end all life in this land.
She was tired.
A creature with bat wings and three heads flung itself at her head, shrieking, claws grasping for her eyes. In her exhaustion, she hit it with the flat of the blade and it spun, end over end, into a wall. She bit back a laugh at the absurdity of it and hefted her sword again.
She couldn’t think why these ones wanted to kill her this time. She was sure they had their reasons but they all blurred together after a while.
The first time they had wanted to dominate and subjugate, and she had risen from the ranks of slaves to overthrow a society so steeped in cruelty she’d had to build it back up again from scratch.
There had been peace, once.
She’d put her sword away and gone back to the fields, tending the crop, enjoying it now it was for the good of all and there was no lash for being slow. She wasn’t a warrior, she just knew right from wrong, kind from cruel, and would not stand for it.
Something huge stormed towards her, it’s 4 arms pounding the ground to pull it along faster, knocking aside everything in its path. She waited, watching the oversized jaws that couldn’t close properly get closer, then dropped her sword, concentrated hard, and pulled a solid wall of rock up in front of it, stopping its charge with abrupt finality.
Gods, she was tired.
A cry behind her banished all hope of there being an end, and she grabbed her sword and turned, diving back into the fray.
“Why was she called the Red Queen, anyway?”
“Don’t you ever listen? I said-”
“I’m not sure why. Sorry. My mind was away.”
“Away where?”
“You’ll ask anything, won’t you?”
“Well, you want to find this Queen, but I don’t know anything about her, but you won’t tell me about her unless I ask and even then I have to ask twice or even three times to get the answer. Besides, I'm bored.”
“You won’t be bored when we start to climb. And I won’t be able to chatter, then.”
“Yes, because you’re such a chatterbox already.”
“Well, alright. She’s the Red Queen because her skin was red.”
“That’s it?”
“Well, the stories are all different. Some say she’s the Red Queen because she was drenched in the blood of her enemies, some say because she was an angel and that’s what angels are like, some say she was a devil that changed sides-”
“Can they do that?”
“Devils, can they change sides?”
“If we see one, you can ask it while I run away.”
How much of this blood was hers, anyway? She didn’t even know what these things wanted except to kill and kill and kill. There had been no terms. There had been no declaration of war. Just sudden and brutal violence, and once again she’d been called down from her prison of glass, down to defend the people.
The second time they’d come from afar, claiming the lands as theirs because they’d found it. She’d put her plough aside, taken up her sword, and beaten them back again. What else could she have done?
After that victory there were no more fields for her. No, this time she had a glass dome at the very peak of the waterfall;  to watch for danger, and to see the scope of the people that looked to her to keep them safe. To see the scope of her failure if she couldn’t keep the danger at bay.
The glass dome shattered above her as something colossal flew through it, wings and fire and billowing black smoke.
Whatever had landed up there, above the waterfall, above her city, her people – it wanted to make a statement. It wanted to kill all hope of victory by its mere presence.
She refused to let hope die.
Her sword had broken at some point. Sometimes things were too big for steel to stand against. Her eyes blacked out as she dropped to her knees, reaching into the ground, searching for something, asking for a gift, for anything to help, anything!
The trees answered, and from the ground she pulled a scythe, the roots relinquishing the farming implement they had pulled under in answer to her pleas. She grinned humourlessly. A scythe felt better in her hands than a sword anyway.
The creature on top of the keep bellowed its challenge, its many eyes flickering from within the hellish smoke that shrouded it. At the noise, her soldiers faltered and the creatures they were battling picked up the pace, shrieking their victory.
She was so, so tired.
But she had wings too, and these were her people.
Scythe in hand, she threw herself up into the sky, casting out a cantrip to unfold wings behind her, carrying her up to the demon at the gates.
“Why are we looking for her?”
“You said it’s just a story. If it’s just a story, why are we looking for her?”
“People need hope.”
“Won’t it hurt more if we don’t find her? If people are expecting us to come back with her and we don’t, won’t it-”
“I liked it more when you were quiet, lass.”
“No, it’s fine, it’s just- it’s complicated. It might not be her specifically. Maybe she has descendants who’ll fight for us. Maybe we can find a weapon, say it was hers. Hope doesn’t need to be just one thing.”
“Isn’t that lying?”
“Probably. But Hope believes what it will.”
Everything was in tatters. Her armour was rent and battered beyond recognition; the buildings were in ruins, and there were bodies everywhere. But once again, they were victorious.
The more this happens, the less the victories feel that way, she thought, casting her eyes around the aftermath.  
When the demon had fallen with one last ear-splitting shriek, the rest of the hordes below had broken, fleeing into whichever direction they could, some opening small rifts and hurling themselves through in their desperation to get away.
She was certain now, that they kept coming for her.
She didn’t know why. She didn’t know what she’d done to earn anyone’s ire except, perhaps, exist, but she knew one thing: they couldn’t keep going like this.
She staggered down the steps of the keep, avoiding the shattered holes by luck more than anything. Someone spotted her and there was a hush, then a growing whisper, than a cry went up, celebrating the victory of their Queen.
She sat on the bottom step with a groan and a thump, definitely not the picture of grace she was sure the songs would say she was. One of her councilwomen, one eye swelling shut and one of her arms held close to her body, hurried over.
“It’s not going to stop,” she said as the councilwoman slumped next to her, hissing through her teeth as she jostled an obviously broken arm. “You really should get that looked at, we have plenty of healers.”
“Better they use their energy on the gravely wounded rather than my surface wounds,” came the reply.
“And you’re wrong; we don’t know that, not really. We can rebuild, strengthen the walls of the keep, maybe look into intra-planar wardings to prevent them from getting the drop on us-” The Queen waved her hand, cutting her friend off.
“Eva, I saw into its mind when I was fighting it.” She said wearily. Every word felt heavy, but she forced them out anyway. “While I’m here, it’s never going to stop.” Eva was silent as she digested this.
“You already have a solution, don’t you?”
“How did you find the climb, lass?”
“I don’t think I like being up high.”
“It’s ok, you’ve managed it. Rest there a while – lay on your back, close your eyes, and breathe nice and deep. You’re safe. You’re safe.”
“There was no other way to get here?”
“Talking doesn’t sound like breathing.”
“I have to breathe to talk! Anyway, talking distracts me from the climb we’ve just done.”
“Fair enough. No, there was no other way. The river is deeper and faster than it used to be, and there are treacherous things lurking in the waters, so we couldn’t cross it. Fastest way up was climbing alongside the waterfall.”
“How do you climb so well?”
“Practice? You have a gammy arm and- and you’re old! How old are you anyway?”
“Old enough to give you a clip for being impertinent. Wait here awhile and rest, I need to see if I have the right of things.”
She watched from the wreckage of her keep as the city left. Eva had argued long and hard but eventually she had been forced to concede; there would only ever be more attacks. The motion had been put towards the remaining council members, and they had reluctantly agreed. The city would evacuate, spreading out to take safety in other cities and settlements across the lands. The people would be divided, but that just meant there would be more chance of the story surviving through the generations.
Eva was the last to go, clumsily hugging her friend around the splint on her arm, before leading her group towards the setting sun.
The Queen watched them all go, stood atop her once-peaceful city. As the last rays of the setting sun lit the white walls of her keep in a fiery red, she planted her ceremonial sword point-down between her feet, dug deep for the last of her energy, and pulled.
Once again the ground rose to meet her, rising above her, around her, enclosing the city. Her gardens were buried, her shattered dome of accountability engulfed, until all was enclosed within solid rock. Safe from prying eyes, impervious even to time; no-one would find her here if they didn’t know to look.
Finally, she let the rock close in around her, lifting her face to feel the last of the sun’s warmth before darkness blanketed her senses, and she released her final spell.
“Would you like to see her?”
“Now who’s not listening, lass? I said: would you like to see her?”
“But you said she wasn’t real?”
“Did I say that? I said it was a story.”
“And stories aren’t real!”
“If I tell you my story, will I poof away into nothingness and stop being real, hm?”
“Well, no, but-”
“Lass. Come with me. Just a few short steps – watch the ledge there, it’s a little narrow – now, turn around.”
“She’s beautiful.”
“Yes, she is.”
“She has horns. And her skin really is red!”
“Observant as always, lass.”
“Did you paint this?”
“I have a gammy arm, remember?”
“So she was real?”
“Seems that way, doesn’t it? Real enough for a life-size painting on the cliffs above the waterfall.”
“So… what now? Eva?”
“Now? Now, lass, we wake her up.”
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