#gandra gee
kiiriminna · 9 months
can you draw Gandra & fenton in their classic DT1987 outfits?
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F: Hey, this actually isn't all that bad!
G: Gee, good to you...
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What do you like to do in your spare time when you're not working or doing Science stuff?
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Gee... I don't know where to start... I spend lots of time with Gandra, and sometimes I hang out with M'ma and watch some soap operas...
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You gotta take every opportunity to hang out with your familia no matter what!!
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dyklopces · 3 years
feminine urge to make this a ducktales blog.
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big-chicken-man · 3 years
Well, this is nothing new. One very small hen, one very tall rooster, and a cable she needs held in the air far above where she could possibly reach. Gamdra is very clearly sizing him up at this point; she's not even remotely afraid of him, after all. "You know me well enough to know that if you don't hand me that, I will scale you to get it."
To Steelbeak, it isn’t about sparking fear in Gandra, oh no. Nor is such a display a test of his own prowess or her spirit. The rooster is being a bully, enjoying her reactions and waiting to witness her next moves. Whether Gandra’s vocalized mission is a threat or promise, Steelbeak takes a long pace backwards with a cheshire grin to taunt the hen.
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“Gee, Gandra, normally I’d be scared, but today, Steel Mountain ain’t open for climbin’. I guess you’ll just have to go find a spare, eheh heh heh!”
It’s always petty with him, always stealing tiny things that amount to nothing more than minor inconvenience in the end. Steelbeak has proven himself to be among the most lethal agents and mobsters of them all, and here he is, exercising his abilities in a manner so similar to that of an older brother. 
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tcthinecwnself-a · 4 years
@heedingcalls​​ said: “I swear to god, if you get blood on me…” Steelbeak @ Gandra
“Gee, metal breath, if only someone had, I don’t know, BLOCKED THE KNIFE!” Gandra snapped, pressing herself closer to the corner she and Steelbeak now found themselves in. She had half the mind to take the top of her arm and rub it over his pristine white suit, see how he would like a nice dark red line over it. But, it wouldn’t do much good.
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“Great, now I’m gonna have to come up with a story for my boyfriend.” She groaned. “Like a lab or kitchen accident. And it’s all your fault!” 
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ducktales-wco-oo · 4 years
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001 ducktales hello kfdgkjdkfg - ✩ { @musetothemusic​​ } ✩
✩ { Meme​ } ✩
001 | send me a fandom and i will tell you my:
Favorite character: Gee... I wonder who that could possibly be. XD ... FENTON CRACKSHELL-CABRERA ALL THE WAY
Least Favorite character: Bubba (*shruggles*)
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Fendrake, Crackbeaks, Fenro, Drakepad, Gravesbeaks, Gladchito (Pfffff... That fuckin’ name) PolyNerds, Fendrakepad- ... Fuck, there are so many ships and I’m well over the limit, so please just assume that I am a Shipping Bish. lol
Character I find most attractive: Drake Mallard
Character I would marry: Fenton would be the Best Husbando
Character I would be best friends with: Launchpad
a random thought: I wish Fents was in more eps... and he needs to sing :’D
An unpopular opinion: Honestly, I don’t mind the changes in personality with some characters for the most part or the influx of Original Ones being used in the show.
My Canon OTP: Drakepad (it’s canon and no one can convince me otherwise)
My Non-canon OTP: Fendrake X3 
Most Badass Character: Drake Mallard (boi has cartoon-level strength and resilience) 
Most Epic Villain: Look, Imma just say it... Mark Beaks can be a badass when he’s not meme-ing shit up and being a Trash Parrot. Just- how he manipulated Fenton into joining him, reprogramming the suit, slipping Gandra in as a Red Sparrow, getting through the security systems, etc... HE’S A GOOD VILLAIN sometimes.
Pairing I am not a fan of: Scroldie (don’t @ me, I just Don’t Like It)
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Don’t get me wrong, Gladstone is awesome and I adore that bastard gander... I just- I have a soft spot for Comic Gladstone, and DO wish that some of his more in-depth personality could be touched upon in the show... as well as his more Iconic Design Traits. Ex: His HAIR and his HAT and his BOWTIE and- *rambles on about Lucky Goose Son*
Favourite Friendship: Drakepad
Character I most identify with: Huey
Character I wish I could be: Fenton ‘cause he’s a hella smart, fluffy duck who is helping peeps both in and out of a frickin’ superhero suit lol 
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psychosistr · 4 years
FOWL Facets- Chapter 10
Summary: Steelbeak tells the girls he’s alive, and Domino tells everyone what he has planned for the future.
Notes: Ah, a short, sweet chapter to close out this emotional rollercoaster of a story. Hope you guys enjoyed it ^^
-First Chapter-
When arriving back in the main entryway, Steelbeak is hardly surprised to find a pair of striped arms wrapping around him from his shoulders to his ankles like a pair of snakes and pulling him right up to an overly-excited spinel hanging from the ceiling by her legs.
“Steely, you did it!” Loony stretches her neck and turns her head so that she’s looking at Steelbeak right-side up. “You made Dommy’s bad feelings go down!”
Steelbeak shrugs with one of his usual arrogant smirks. “Eh, what can I say? I’m just THAT friggin’ good.” After a minute, though, his face changes to a more strained smile. “Hey, Loons?”
“Yeah?” The stretchy spinel tilts her head curiously, still smiling brightly at him.
“Be a doll an’ put me down, would ya?” His eyes flick poignantly towards the floor a couple feet below.
Loony suddenly realizes that she is, in fact, still keeping the melanite suspended mid-air and gives him an apologetic smile. “Whoopsie-doodles! Sorry, Steely!” She sets him back down and unwraps her arms from around him.
“Don’t worry ‘bout it, stretch- no harm done.” He tells her while fixing his suit.
“Surprisingly.” A voice from the lounging area beside him says.
Turning his head, to get a better look, Steelbeak is even less surprised to see Gandra reclined back on one of the benches while idly scrolling through something on a projected hologram-screen coming from the watch on her wrist. “And what’s that supposed t’ mean?”
“That you’re still alive.” The star-sapphire replies bluntly. “I’m surprised you made it through that in one piece.”
“Guess I’m just lucky.” Steelbeak’s eyes narrow at the other chicken, before he regains his earlier smirk. “Either that or SOMEONE’S lost her touch.” Oh, how he loves that challenging and frustrated glare he can always draw out when he pushes her buttons just right. “Somethin’ wrong, stardust?” He asks with the fakest sounding attempt at sympathy in the universe. “Hey, you ain’t lookin’ too happy there, toots. Shouldn’t we be celebratin’? I mean, it’s not like you really WANTED me gone, right?”
Gandra rolls her eyes at his taunting and makes her screen bigger to block out his smug face. “Think I’d celebrate more if you’d actually kicked the bucket..”
“So sorry t’ disappoint ya, Gee, but goin’ down that easy ain’t exactly my style.” The only thing Steelbeak enjoys more than teasing the star-sapphire for her height is calling her out on the extremely rare occasions where her predictions end up being off- it’s one of his favorite pastimes.
His laughter is interrupted by a voice too deep to be Gandra’s. “No, but being loud enough to shake the walls certainly is.” Turning to look at the hall he’d come in through earlier, Steelbeak sees Domino entering the main room as well.
“DOMMY!” Loony drops down from the ceiling next to the obsidian, arms ready to wrap him up in an excited hug. She stops just an inch shy, however, when a single black hand is raised in a silent request. “Oopsies!” Her arms instantly stop and retract before they even have a chance to grab the other gem. “Sorry, Dommy..”
Domino gives her a half-smile and shakes his head. “It’s fine, Loony..just..not right now, okay? Maybe later.” After receiving a happy and agreeable nod in return, Domino redirects his attention to the room as a whole, his demeanor shifting into something far more serious. “F.O.W.L. has been compromised by a Diamond loyalist.”
“If it’s true, then that’s a pretty big deal.” The screen in front of Gandra vanishes as she sits up properly. “Are you sure?”
“Yes.” Domino answers definitively. “I always thought it was odd that none of my requests for information were ever answered or even followed up- if anything, there should have at least been a negative reply- but we were always sent out on long-term missions immediately following a request, most likely to distract me from how much time had passed. If it had happened only once or twice, it could have been blamed on coincidence, or carelessness, or a report falling through the system’s cracks..but I’ve submitted more than eight hundred requests over the years and have never ONCE received an acknowledgement on it.” He shakes his head, the look on his face showing his frustration. “At that point, it’s impossible to call it an accident: Someone within F.O.W.L.- someone very high up in the chain of command- has been intercepting my requests because they KNOW the truth about what happened and are trying to keep people from finding out.”
“So,” His partner looks down at him with a raised brow. “Whattaya wanna do ‘bout it, Deedee?”
“I’m going to find out who that person is and remove him, and any of his co-conspirators, from F.O.W.L. personally.” Domino reigns in the deadly intent of his voice so that he can speak to his team calmly once again. “It won’t be easy…and, if I’m not careful, I could be branded as a traitor, or worse..but that’s a risk I’m willing to take. I’ll take one of the back-up pod-ships and try to keep in contact with you as much as possible with updates on my location and any information I find.” He looks at the assortment of dark gems in the room with him, at the gems who’d become his team, his family, over the past few thousand years, knowing that, this time, he couldn’t ask them to-
“Count me in!” A cheerful voice to his left says.
Domino looks beside himself to see Loony giving him a confident smile. “Loony, you can’t-”
“We’re a packaged deal, right?” The smile on Loony’s face is as bright as ever, but the softness of her voice and the look in her eyes are far more meaningful. “Where you go, I go- that’s the rule, remember?”
Domino tries to fight the smile forming on his own beak, but it’s practically impossible. He’s not surprised at all to have his own words thrown back at him in such a supportive way. After all, what else would he expect from the gem who was practically a sister to him?
“Guess I’m in, too.” To Domino’s surprise, he sees Gandra get up from her seat and look at him with an indifferent roll of her eyes- the effect greatly diminished by the small smile on her face. “If White Diamond messes things up with F.O.W.L., where else am I gonna go when I’m bored?”
He knows the star-sapphire is just putting up a front. While she’s still the newest member of the crew, she clearly enjoys her spot on the team and the freedom it offers her. Domino and Steelbeak may still be quietly keeping to their promise of seeing anyone else on the ship besides themselves and Loony as expendable, but they knew that Gandra was handy to have around and, given that they scouted her and invited her to join F.O.W.L. themselves, they knew she was more trustworthy than some of the agency’s more senior members.
“Three of you crammed int’ one teeny tiny pod? That’s gonna be a pain.” Domino looks to his other side to see Steelbeak grinning down at him. “Tell ya what, short fuse- why don’t ya just stay here and we ALL take the Black Iron Comet? It’d be roomier AND faster.”
Domino stares up at the melanite before, with a fondly exasperated sigh, he closes his eyes and shakes his head, unable to keep the equally fond smile off of his face. He should have seen that coming. Steelbeak’s been his partner for more than eight and a half thousand years now. Time after time the melanite has proven how far he’s willing to go for him and has more than earned his trust- the incident in his room just a few minutes ago serving as yet another prime example of his partner’s loyalty.
“I suppose you do have a point.” He looks to each gem in the room as he speaks, his voice serious but far less grave than it had been a minute ago. “From now on, we’ll need to be prepared for anything. We’ll have to be extremely careful with who we trust- any information we find stays with us until we know for sure whom we can trust within F.O.W.L. and who we cannot. We’ll also need to stick together to avoid being caught by the enemy- no going off on our own anymore.” He briefly side-eyes one gem in particular after that comment, the rooster rolling his eyes but nodding in agreement at the subtle jab regarding his recent capture. “Now,” He gives the gems around him a confident smirk. “Let’s show those traitors what happens when you double-cross F.O.W.L.”
The chorus of agreeing cheers around him makes Domino’s confidence in their future grow ten-fold. After all, with a team this good backing him up, not even the Diamonds will stand a chance.
<-Previous Chapter
End Notes: And there we have it- an end to one story, but the beginning of a new one. This group was SO much fun to write and I definitely have plans to do more with all of them in the future after I get the main universe more developed. I’m thinking of having the FOWL Facets story run as a sort of side-story to the Fearsome Facets universe that will occasionally cross over with the FOWL group tracking down the origins of the cluster before everyone comes together in the big series finale.
Wanted to give another HUGE thank you to both @eleanorose123 / @thefriendlyfour and @deldraws19 for allowing me to write this story using their awesome OC’s! They’re wonderful and I look forward to doing so much more with them later on ^^
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DuckTales-The Dangerous Chemistry of Gandra Gee/The Duck Knight Returns Recap
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Fenton jumps into the world of romance. Later Scrooge makes a Darkwing Duck movie. Spoilers below.
The episode begins with Gizmoduck stopping a villian who weirdly looks exactly like Doofenshmirtz. He flies to meet Huey and Webby. Seeing Gizmoduck fly into an ally and Fenton walking out. He adds her to a list people who know who he is, including that barista at Starducks, dry cleaner, and everyone on his block.
He then bumps into Gandra Gee. She is properly the most changed character in the show since Doofus Drake. In the original, she was a receptionist with long blonde hair. She was supportive and nice, but kind of bland. Gandra in this was a punk look with short black hair and is an anti-corporate scientist.
But she and Fenton hit it off so he invites her to his lab. Huey and Webby set up everything to make it look like a romantic restaurant. But it turns out that Gandra is working with Mark Beaks. They built nano machines based on Gizmoduck tech, but since it was made off of Gizmoduck, it needs Fenton voice command to activate them.
While Gandra works Fenton, Beaks just downs the nano machines. As Gandra and Fenton talks, Gandra starts to actually like him. But Webby sees Gandra’s phone, she learns the truth. As she tells everyone, a bored Mark Beaks breaks in. Fenton says his catch phrase, turning him into Gizmoduck and Beaks into a hulk. Apparently he drank too much. He takes Huey and Webby and goes on a rampage across town.  
Fenton calls out Gandra’s hypocrisy of claiming to be an independent scientist while accepting money from someone like Beaks. The two work together to stop Beaks and before Gandra leaves she leaves a formula to help fenton with his invention.
A really cute episode. 3 ½ out of 4.
The episode begins with Launchpad and Dewey going to see Jim Starling, the actor for Darkwing Duck. Launchpad gets into a fight with another fan, the only other fan, when Dewey notices that Darkwing Duck is ending. It turns out that Scrooge is making a Darkwing Duck movie.  
Jim, Launchpad, and Dewey headover. Dewey is mad at Scrooge for not telling him about the movie, but Scrooge counters that would of meant with dealing with Dewey at the movie studio. They see the trailer, which is very “The Dark Knight”. Dewey is confused, Launchpad is not happy with the dark tone, while Jim doesn’t care as long as he’s in it. But he’s not. The actor playing Darkwing was the nameless fan from early.
Scrooge puts Dewey incharge since he the target audience. He goes mad with power.
Launchpad and Jim, stage a break in to prove that Jim is better for the part. Launchpad tries to lock the unnamed actor in his trailer. A fight ensues but neither of them wants to damage the DW merch they have in the trailer. The two have a heart to heart and the unnamed actor and Launchpad decide to work with the movie. The unnamed actor approaches Jim asks his help for the best Darkwing performance he can give. Jim bashes his head in and locks him in a closet.
Jim crashes the shoot but he’s clearly not well. He refuses to stop filming shooting lighting with a ray gun, causing fire in the process. The unnamed actor pops up, in his Darkwing costume, and he and Jim fight. An explosion rocks the studio, and Jim is gone. Scrooge decides to just call it a loss and cancel the movie. Launchpad encourages the actor to be Darkwing Duck for real, after all Gizmoduck does it. He reveals his name, Drake Mallard.
Meanwhile, Jim have survived, but his costume has turned a very familiar yellow and black. They want dark and gritty, he’ll give them dark and gritty.
The twist that the old Darkwing turning into Negaduck, and the new actor being Darkwing the whole time was amazing. A great mediation on what franchises mean to fans and how they affect people for better or worse.  
3 ½ out of 4
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romunomuses said:“ We’re the best thing that’s ever happened to this place.” (gayforgizmotech) to Gandra : ' D
     Crystal blue hues light up with a fond warmth when she hears Mark comment about the two of them. It's nice, one of the more peaceful moments where they're not yelling at employees or driving each other nuts. That past time had dwindled down some since they had started dating, thankfully. Eye lashes flutter close, the corner of her beak curling into a small smile as she gently hooks her arm underneath his. Being curling up close beside him. 
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"Gee, Beaksy, you know just what women wanna hear~ " She can't help but croon teasingly, allowing her head to rest upon his shoulder. "I do have to agree with you there, though. People are just jell with how good we complete each other~ ! "   
With her free hand, she uses it to flip her hair, as if someone were to come by them & see her haughty motion. Like she would even care. "Anywho, did you have any plans that we could maybe spend the day together ? "
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mars-wants-candy · 5 years
Hey soo uhhh am idea (kinda Crackbeaks)
So I was thinking about how in the old Ducktales series,Fenton had a love interest named Gandra Gee (Dee?). Well I kinda have an idea for her. Basically she’s uhh....well I made her evil so let’s get that outta the way
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a thing i want in DT2017 that probably won’t happen
Gandra Dee. For those of you unfamiliar, she was Fenton Crackshell’s girlfriend, and I just thought their relationship was really cute. But with DT2017 being quick with the jokes and over-the-top with... everything, the relationship could be so much funnier. (Also, given that New Fenton is now a brown duck instead of white, maybe Gandra could be a black swan instead of a white one)
In the original, Fenton had a crush on Gandra, but thought she’d never want a dorky guy like him. So, as Gizmoduck, he flirted with her, only to find out she actually loved Fenton and had merely been waiting for him to ask her out.
Maybe in DT2017, they could amp this up to 1,000%. Like, Gandra being CLEARLY in love with him and constantly dropping hints and Fenton just not getting it, and Gyro suffering.
Gandra: Say, Fenton, I just so happened to accidentally buy two movie tickets instead of one! How silly of me! Do you happen to know any single, handsome, adorable, brilliant guys I happen to work with who would want to take the other ticket??? And go with me??? To the movies??? To~geth~er?
Fenton: Ohhh, I get what you’re saying! ... HEY MANNY, GANDRA HAS A EXTRA TICKET TO THE MOVIES, YOU WANNA GO?
Gandra: ... /just. sulks off./
Fenton: ... /Sigh/ Gee, Mister Gyro, you ever think a girl like that could be interested in someone like me?
Gyro: ... Am I accidentally putting “idiots required” in the want ads?
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psychosistr · 4 years
FOWL Facets- Chapter 2
Summary: Domino and the others wake up their captive to ask him a few questions. Will he cooperate, or is he as stubborn as the real-deal?
Notes: Wanted to go ahead and give a trigger warning for some PTSD in this one because Domino’s past trauma plays a big role throughout this story, but it really starts to show in this chapter.
-First Chapter-
“Wake up.” A harsh voice says right before the melanite feels something hard and metallic strike him across his face.
“Nh..” He slowly blinks his eyes open, looking around as he tries to reorient himself in the dark room lit only by a single lighting crystal above his head.
As he takes in his surroundings, he finds that he is seated in a silver chair. Looking down, he notices that he’s tied up with what he at first thinks is a black and white rope, but he quickly learns it is actually the arm of the spinel from before when he sees a grey gloved hand wave at him. Looking to either side of him, he sees the spinel on his left and the star-sapphire on his right. Finally, looking in front of him, he sees the snowflake obsidian glaring down at him with one of his pistols- presumably what hit him across the face- held in one of his hands where his arms were crossed in front of his chest.
“Now that you’re awake,” Domino looks down at the melanite with a menacing expression on his face as he begins the interrogation. “We have a few questions for you. Namely, who you are, who you work for, and-” He uncrosses his arms to reveal that the watch the melanite had been wearing before is now clutched in his hand. “-what you’ve done with my partner.” He puts the watch down on a nearby table, only the corner of it visible in the dim lighting of the room. “Let’s start with who you are and how you managed to activate Steelbeak’s gem-ID-locked beacon.” He narrows his eyes at the other gem in warning. “Now drop the disguise and talk.”
“……” The melanite smirks after a moment. “Gee, was my actin’ that bad? I thought I really nailed the lingo.” His gem glows for a moment as his appearance begins to shift. His body proportions and colors remain largely the same, but his outfit changes from the suit he was wearing before to a pair of black and white pin-stripe pants held up with black suspenders, a white button-up shirt with the top three buttons open and the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, black suede chukka boots, sheer black shortie-cut gloves, an undone red bowtie hanging loosely off of his neck, a fedora that matches his pants with a white band holding up a red rose on his left side sitting on his head to push his comb down so that it hangs down to the left rather than sit straight up, and a white surgical mask with a black X and O on the front covering his beak. One thing that doesn’t change about him, however, is his gemstone- the gem still being a black ball-cut melanite in the exact same location. “I gotta know,” He says with a chuckle. “What gave me away?”
“Everything.” Domino looks the gem over, taking in his true appearance indifferently. “Where do I even start?”
“Oh! Oh! I know where to start!” Loony raises her free hand and jumps up and down a few times before looking at the melanite. “You called me ‘sweetheart’. Steely never calls me that! Plus, you said you forgot to bring me back a present- and Steely never, ever, EVER forgets!”
“He also never apologizes for knocking someone over.” Gandra leans against the wall beside the melanite with her arms folded. “If it was Loony, sure, he’d probably help her up, but they’d both just laugh it off. If it was Domino, he’d be too busy running to the other end of the ship. Me, though?” She rolls her eyes with an annoyed sigh. “The big jerk just laughs and tells me he ‘can’t see me down there’.”
“To put it simply, you were way too polite to be the real Steelbeak.” Domino says with a slow shake of his head. “You knocked instead of just walking in- Steelbeak hasn’t bothered knocking on my door for the past few thousand years. You also didn’t try to correct me for using the wrong code- Steelbeak is an egomaniac and loves showing off how much more he knows then everyone else, he’d jump at a chance to tell me that I said something wrong for a change. Not to mention you called Loony and Gandra ‘ladies’.”
“Pfft!” Gandra barely stops herself from laughing out loud at that, bringing a fist up to her beak as her shoulders shake with suppressed laughter. “Wait, he seriously said that?”
“Hahahahahaaahahaaaa!” Loony, on the other hand, doesn’t even try to hold in her giggles. In fact, she ends up falling to the ground and holding her stomach as she rolls around in a hysterical fit of laughter. “St-Steely..calling US ladi-pfft, ahahahahaaaa, I can’t even say it!”
The melanite glances back and forth between the female gems with a cocked brow. “What should I have said?”
“Dames.” Gandra answers first, a grin still on her face from the apparent absurdity of the idea.
“Dolls.” Loony gets out between chuckles as she gets back up to her feet, an immensely amused smile still on her own face.
“Even ‘girls’ or ‘gals’ would have been more acceptable.” Domino seems to be the only one still able to maintain a sense of seriousness for the moment. “Still,” He looks at the melanite’s gemstone, reaching over to tap it with his pistol. “I suppose we can give you some points for the voice and appearance..the stone looks like the real deal.”
“That’s ‘cause it is, bright eyes.” The melanite’s beak may be hidden, but they can all feel the proud smirk in his tone of voice. “I’m the gen-u-ine article: Black melanite, facet 3J8B-NVSB.”
“Another melanite..” Domino muses aloud. “And the same cut, no less…well, that explains how you were able to use his beacon: We hadn’t accounted for there being another black melanite within the closest five solar systems- let alone one with the exact same cut. The odds of that happening by mere coincidence would have to be at least 100,000,000,000,000 to 1.”
“Guess I’m just that lucky, huh?” The melanite says sarcastically. The sarcasm is short lived, though, as the pistol in the snowflake obsidian’s hand strikes him across the face with even more force than before. “Ow! Freakin’ STARS! Can’t you take a joke?!”
Domino glares down at his captive, moving his gun so that it’s pressed to the melanite’s head threateningly- his finger on the trigger. “My apologies,” His tone is calm, contradicting his threatening body language in an unsettling way that sends chills down the restrained gem’s back. “But I’m afraid I’m not one for jokes when my partner is missing.” He brings his empty hand up to grip the other gem’s stone, a thick white barrier appearing over the hand like a glove with the dual purpose of keeping him from directly touching the melanite as well as adding more force to the grip he begins applying to the stone. “Now, tell us who you work for & where they’re keeping Steelbeak and I’ll consider ending your existence painlessly.”
He hisses and winces in pain from the force on his stone, speaking quickly. “Hey, hey, now, no need for any of that, I’ll talk!” He lets out a relieved sigh when the pressure on his gem decreases, though the hand doesn’t retract at all. “Now, I ain’t gonna tell ya who I work for-” He receives a glare of warning, but continues speaking before the painful pressure can return. “-because this ain’t a work-related thing. This is just me doin’ a favor for a friend of a friend.”
“And just who would this ‘friend of a friend’ happen to be?” Domino’s patience is clearly running thin.
“A mutual acquaintance of ours by the name of ‘the Liquidator’.” The melanite watches the previously irritated look in the snowflake obsidian’s eyes briefly change to one of surprise before he schools his features back to their previous state.
“Liqui?” He doesn’t seem to be the only one surprised to hear the name, though, as Loony looks at the melanite with a confused expression. “Why would Liqui take Steely? I thought they still weren’t talking to each other??”
“They aren’t..” Domino eyes the melanite skeptically. “Which begs the question of WHY Liquidator would bother taking him?”
The melanite shrugs. “Sorry, bright eyes, he didn’t give me all the details. Most I know is he wanted t’ talk t’ YOU and your partner wasn’t too keen on cooperatin’.”
“Yeah, that sounds about right for him…” Domino sighs in mild annoyance before looking at their captive again. “I’m assuming Liquidator wants to do a hostage exchange?”
“Wooooow, you really are the smart one here, ain’t ya?” The melanite’s tone is sarcastic again as he leans back as much as he can with Loony’s arm still binding him. “Yeah, that was the plan from the beginnin’. Honestly, actually gettin’ ya to tag along was, like, Plan C. He figured you’d peg me for a fake before we got too far- said you’d be smart enough to tell I wasn’t the real-deal, but even I didn’t think you’d figure it out that fast.”
“Oh, please…” Domino rolls his eyes, quickly getting annoyed by the bound gem’s sarcastic praising in a voice that was far too familiar for his liking. “We’ve fought together since Era One. I could hardly call myself his partner if I couldn’t tell the real deal from a cheap imitation after all this time.” He taps the melanite’s gem to show his irritation and loss of patience with the conversation. “Now, are you going to cooperate and give us the coordinates for the rendezvous, or are we going to have to pry them out of you?”
To his credit, the impostor did a good job of not flinching or giving away how nervous the obsidian’s touch to his gem made him feel. “Hey now, I wasn’t forged last century- I ain’t givin ya the coordinates THAT easily.” His eyes clearly communicate the smirk hidden on his beak under the mask. “Start flyin’ north by two degrees east towards the country called ‘Oilrabia’ for about 500 miles. I’ll give ya the next direction after that.”
“……” Domino glares at the arrogant gem, gripping the melanite’s stone in his fingers harshly once more to make him squirm and wince from the pain. “You seem to forget that WE are the ones calling the shots here- not you. I could break you right here & now and leave your shards scattered around this worthless world for your ‘acquaintance’ to find over the next few years.” He narrows his eyes with a scowl, the look in his eyes speaking volumes’ worth of murderous intent as he grips hard enough that the pressure could start cracking the gem at any moment. “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t grind you down to dust and scatter you to the wind.”
The melanite cringes from the pain of having his gemstone squeezed so harshly, knowing instantly that the snowflake obsidian is DONE playing games with him by this point. Well, might as well use his trump card, right?
“You ain’t gonna let another partner you care about get shattered ‘cause you weren’t there, are you?”
“?!” The comment makes not only Domino’s eyes widen in surprise, but Loony’s as well. “How did you-?” He begins to ask, but is cut off by the melanite.
“Liquidator didn’t tell me much,” He relaxes slightly when the obsidian’s grip relents, even if the hand does still stay on his gem. “But he told me sayin’ somethin’ like that would get a good reaction outta ya- and he was not wrong about that.” He glances at the female gems on either side of him. “These two figured me out pretty quick, but you-” He looks back up into startled red eyes confidently. “-YOU knew from just one look that I wasn’t the real deal, right? You only bothered baitin’ me int’ talkin’ as a formality. That means you care about this Steelbeak jerk enough t’ know ‘im like the back of your hand. You did say you were partners since Era One, right? That’s gotta be, what? Five, six thousand years together? Probably longer than that with how close you two are.” There’s that look in his eyes again- the look that shows he’s smirking behind that stupid mask of his. “You know what Liquidator’s capable of…and ya know he don’t like Steelbeak enough t’ keep him alive if he doesn’t think he’ll get anythin’ for the trouble…do ya really think you’d be able t’ handle findin’ his shards floatin’ in the sea just ‘cause you couldn’ get t’ ‘im in time?”
Domino’s eyes are wide as he stares at the melanite- actually, no. He’s staring THROUGH him. The words he’s said echo in the obsidian’s mind, causing images to flash in front of his eyes as his consciousness teeters between the present and a point far in the past:
“…couldn’ get t’ ‘im in time…”
He ran as fast as his legs could carry him, turning sharp corners and using his barriers to keep him from crashing into anyone or anything in his way. His part of the base had just been cleared of enemies, they couldn’t fault him for going to assist the next section, right? He-They weren’t responding, so they must have needed all the help they could get! He would get there in time to help and-!
“…findin’ his shards…”
He froze when he came around the corner into the next hall. It couldn’t be…those shards could belong to anyone, right…? His body moved of its own accord, bringing him closer and closer to the gleaming red and black shards sitting on top of a red scarf that he knew all too well- after all, he’d given the appearance modifier to the fire opal to celebrate their first successful mission as partners…
“…partner you care about…shattered…”
He fell to his knees, his hands trembling as he reached for the small shards and slivers. The once smooth stone now felt so jagged in his palms. But…why…? Why had this happened? He’d just spoken to him- just seen him not that long ago! Why was this all that was left of him?!
…Wait…why WAS this all that was left of him…? There were only a couple of the fire opal’s shards, where was the rest of him? He ignored the stinging tears in his eyes, shouting to get the attention of the nearby eggmen and demanding to know where the rest of the shards were. Their lack of solid, coherent answers only added to the rage and sorrow warring in his gem and he began to lash out at the soldiers. The last thing he remembered was one of the higher-ranking generals pulling out a broken white gem destabilizer before everything went dark. When he woke up again, he was alone with nothing but the red scarf in one hand and his shattered partner’s remains in the other…
“…you weren’t there…”
“Dommy…” Loony sat on the floor in front of him, the two of them in his private quarters- the same place he’d stayed since “the incident” that was both too long ago and not far enough in the past yet. “It’s not your fault…you weren’t there…you couldn’t have-” Her words, some of the words that she’d repeated to him over and over again over the years since it happened, were cut off by a ringing sound in the other room. “Uh oh, I’ll be right back..” She sprung up from the floor and went to the other room to answer the call, accidentally leaving the door open in her haste. “Hiya! Sorry, but Domino’s not quiiiiiiiite ready to talk to anyone yet. Just gimme another year or two and I’ll have him rarin’ to go-!”
“You’ve said the same thing every month for the past thirty years. We are done waiting.” A harsh voice rudely interrupted Loony, making Domino’s eyes narrow and a scowl form on his beak as he pushed himself to his feet after who-knows-how-many-years of sitting in the same spot in the corner of his room. “Now tell him to get in here or we will-”
“There’s no need for that, sirs.” He walked into the room, coming up to stand beside Loony in front of the large hologram-monitor displaying three shadowy gems. “What do you need?”
“It’s about time you finally answered, Agent Domino.” The gem in the middle gave him a harsh look that would’ve made a lesser gem shiver in fear. “You are being reassigned to a new sector. We will have a ship there to collect you and your spinel-” Domino’s fist clenched slightly, but he bit back the usual reply he gave when someone said those words. “-in three days. Do not keep your new partner waiting.”
A new partner? Already? But it had only been-
“Understood, sirs.” He gave the automatic reply and bowed his head, ignoring the thoughts swirling within his mind.
Loony gave him a worried look when he didn’t look back up after the screen vanished. “Dommy? Hey, Dommy? Domini-?”
“-my? Dommy, you okay?” Loony’s neck is stretched so that her face is close to Domino’s, looking him in the eyes with a worried frown.
He blinks twice, shaking off the visions plaguing his mind so that he can return to the present- and to the task at hand. “I’m fine.” He looks past her to the melanite in the chair, the jerk having the nerve to still be smirking at him for his earlier words. “……” He sighs and closes his eyes for a moment to calm himself, taking in a deep breath and letting it out slowly. “Fine.” He opens his eyes once more and directs his next statement to their captive. “We’ll keep you alive…at least until we find where Liquidator is holding Steelbeak.” He can just tell the cocky gem is about to say something annoying, so he glances at the star-sapphire beside him instead. “Gandra.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know.” She takes off one of her fingerless gloves again, the lines on her palm lighting up like before.
The melanite sees the hand approaching him and tries to back away, though it proves futile with the spinel’s arm still wrapped tightly around him. “Woah, hey, that wasn’t part of the-!!” His protests turn into a startled yelp of pain when the destabilizing current makes contact with his head, causing him to spasm and twitch like before until his eyes turn a blank, vacant white color and his body goes limp.
Loony laughs as she unwinds her arm from around the now-unconscious gem, shaking off the stray sparks of white electricity on her extra-long limb. “That always tickles!” She grins before noticing Domino turning the lights back on and heading for the door. “Dommy?” She stretches her upper body over to meet him on his way out. “Whatcha doin’?”
“I’m going to the controls to adjust the auto-pilot’s path.” He looks back at her as well as Gandra with a calm, unreadably neutral expression on his face. “We’ll follow standard F.O.W.L. protocol: Keep two guards in the room at all times. Destabilize or bind him if he shows absolutely any signs of consciousness. Don’t keep him awake any longer than necessary.” He glances between the female gems. “Think you two can handle the first watch?”
“Sure.” Gandra shrugs, leaning against the wall behind her in preparation for a long shift.
“Abso-tootly-lutely!” Loony stretches and loops her arm up to her head so that she can give a playful salute. “You can count on me!” She smiles brightly at him, making him smile back at her fondly.
“I always do.” He says sincerely before exiting the room, leaving Gandra and Loony alone with their unconscious prisoner.
<-First Chapter Next Chapter->
End Notes: Warned you guys there’d be some PTSD and trauma involved in the story. Also, apologies in advance, but the story as a whole DOES involve a lot of flashbacks, as well, so be prepared for lots of jumping around between the past and the present in the rest of the chapters ^^”
On a more fun note, if no one guessed it already, the impostor is actually my own version of Nega-verse Steelbeak, who will likely be making an appearance in my next installment of my Friendly Four series! I wanted to give him an outfit reminiscent of a 1920′s gangster, but tempered with a bit of fun and a relaxed demeanor (hence the rose in his hat, the face mask that hides his metallic beak when he’s out in public, and the tie he never bothers remembering to ACTUALLY tie). He’s a clever and strong guy with a good heart, and while regular-universe Steelbeak specializes in espionage and manipulation, negaverse-Steelbeak specializes in psychological profiling and rescue missions.
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