#gang leader!namjoon
4200nemobackup · 2 years
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Pairing:gang leader! Jungkook x Gang leader! Leader
Chapter description: y/n finally meets the kind “J” in a different light, which opens up a lead in Carmens brutal murder. Later on, the FBI arrives for another visit, and along comes Jungkook, appearing in front of Luckis eyes after three long years. With her fuming and irritability, Luckis emotions end up boiling over, but she realizes she has to make an important choice in order to make the case move forward; Even if she has a strong feeling she’s going to regret her decision.
Taglist: @bloodline1632 @lchimmyl @namjooncrabs @zoroscrustyboogers0 @monochrome-707
A/N: Enjoy! Happy late birthday @bloodline1632 I LOVE YOU SWEETIE AND HOPE YOU ENJOY!!!! <3333333
Lucki found herself standing in front of a gigantic building on the edge of Manhattan. The infrastructure was entirely futuristic, which meant that it had to be wildly expensive. Was this the type of life “J” lived? So lavish and luxurious.
Lucki wasn’t used to this at all. Where she was from, everyone lived in apartment buildings. The typical section eight. Barely any AC and broken pipes. Broken dreams, and broken cries instead. No one could live like that. Fate just didn’t allow them that chance.
Y/n braced herself as she stepped forward to ring the houses doorbell. She tapped the black button, and suddenly a pleasant sound was presented to her in the form of music. A cute little ringer for such a fancy place. You see something new everyday around here, huh?
The same feminine voice that answered “J”s phone spoke over the outside speakers.
“Lucki. Or y/n Jung.”
“One moment please!”
There immediately came a buzzing sound, from one of the speakers at the door, and a click that followed.
The door was opened, revealing the inside of the mysterious yet entrancing building.
Portaits of art lined the home, completing the pair of velvet furniture to go with it. Comfortable couches fit for the monarchy, and glass tables so shiny one could see their own reflection in them. Glittery chandeliers Lucki couldn’t even afford to pay for with her life. Yes, everything looked that expensive. So expensive that with her near twenty year experience, she wouldn’t be able to afford damage.
Lucki continued walking cautiously through the living room, both trying to avoid accidents and sudden confrontation. In her efforts, she couldn’t feel the presence behind her, curiously watching her every move.
Lucki became shocked in an instant, placing her hand on top of the waistband of her pants, where her gun sat ready and cocked. It was her go to defense mechanism. Force of habit, one would call it.
“You are Ms.Jung, right?” The person asked
Lucki faced them, still on high alert. She was greeted by a familiar face; one of the guards traveling with J when they had first met at Carmens funeral.
“Oh…yea,” Began Lucki. “I’m here to see Mr.Park.”
The guard simply and softly smiled at Lucki, nodding her head in understanding.
“He’s just right upstairs, first door to your left. But first, I must take your weapon from you. The boss doesn’t allow people to see him with weapons in hand.”
Lucki nodded and handed over her handgun, reluctantly. Her gun, her protection. Their separation seemed like an omen of her death.
Unfortunately, this seemed like a set-up. But, this was Mr.Park. The same Park who showed her compassion at Carmens funeral. The same exact Park who even offered to help her solve her best friends murder.
Why would he want to set her up?
He was probably terrified. Petrified of guns and violence. He seemed to be a spectator, one who watches from outside the scope. Seeing everything the eye can behold, good and bad, sad and glad. Glory. Defeat. He probably had seen it all and prayed he wasn’t next.
That’s the only reason, Lucki thought. That’s the only reason a man would live like a king exiled from his own kingdom.
Before Lucki could turn around and resume her examinations, the guard spoke once again.
“Also, before you go up there, please change into these robes.” She advised, as she handed Lucki a soft white robe, completed with white fluffy slippers on top of it. “The boss hates outside germs inside of his home. He’s a bit of a germaphobe, so be careful.”
Lucki nodded once again whilst taking the articles of clothing from the guard. She somewhat understood the concern, germs were bad of course. But changing clothes? That was interesting to say the least. Even a bit excessive of Mr.Park.
Just as quick as she received her orders, Lucki changed into the stylish, but comfortable, garments. Her body felt as if it was wrapped in an everlasting warm hug. At all times, she was being snuggled by the robes fleece.
She began ascending the stairs, tiptoeing lightly. The stairs were built in a circular motion, making it feel like a merry go round. Y/n was slowly coming into dizziness, the constant twirl of the stairs, making her head and stomach spin.
Just in time, she reached the first door to her left, just where the guard said Mr.Park was. She gracefully knocked, waiting a bit for a response.
The door immediately is opened, to her surprise. Standing to greet her was a beautiful woman who had no hair: tattoos covering her head in place of tresses. She was wearing a very flattering white blouse, with long black bottoms and Christian louboutins.
“You’re Ms.Jung aren’t you?”
So she was the voice. The voice over the speakers, and over the phone when Lucki originally called.
“Uh, yea.”
“Please come in! Have a seat in front of him.”
“Thank you.” 
At long last, Lucki was able to greet Mr.Park in person, properly at least. She plopped down in front of him, deciding to examine his office like she had done to the rest of his home. Lucki soon diverted her eyes to Jimin, who sat patiently waiting for her attention with a welcoming smile.
“Nice to finally see you Ms.Jung.”
Lucki paused her excavation, now looking at him.
“Thanks. It’s nice to see you too, Mr.Park.”
Lucki and Mr.park both extended a hand to meet each other’s in the middle. They shook each other’s hands happily.
“Please, call me Jimin. There’s no need for formalities.”
“Ok.” Said Lucki.
“Are you hungry? I’m sure you haven’t eaten well in the last few days.”
Jimin was incredibly perceptive. He was extremely correct. Food had barely touched the corners of y/ns lips. She was just eating basic snacks, something like little Debbie pies. Things like little chips here and there. She couldn’t force herself to eat a full meal just yet. The power of grief made her feel sick to her stomach. Mourning took away her human needs, and the effects of that looked very visible on her.
“……… yes.”
“Aldina my darling! Please bring two menus here for my guest and I.”
There was a bit of silence before the same woman who greeted Lucki at the door arrived again with menus in hand. She grinned softly, but there was light radiating from herself. Lucki admired the woman’s uniqueness. She’d never seen someone be able to express themself so extremely. Numerous tattoos lined the woman’s cranium, decorated like a painting that was crafted meticulously for hours.
“Here you are,” she said as she handed both of them small brochures. “I am Aldina. If you need anything, please do not hesitate to tell me.”
“No problem. Thank you.”
Aldina excused herself, but not without Jimin’s longing puppy eyes following her sashaying figure out of the room. Lucki saw this. She understood how Jimin probably felt for Aldina.
“You should go for it, Jimin. She’s really pretty and nice too.”
Jimin froze, his cheeks turning an angry shade of red.
“Was it that obvious?”
Lucki smiled and nodded twice.
“Let us look through our menus!” Jimin announced as he pushed his nose into the open brochure, trying his very best to hide from embarrassment.
Lucki chuckled, and began to read her own menu right after.
“I really want to date her, but I’m afraid. She’s so daring and loves trying new things. And me, I’m more prude and sheltered. If I could never leave my home, I would but, my job forces me to.But then again, that’s simply what I love about her. ”
“Well,” y/n started. “If you really like her, you should be willing to try the things she likes, and vice versa.”
Jimin nodded along. “That is true.”
Sooner or later, the pair ordered and was brought their piping hot meals. It was brought out like how it usually happened in the movies. Unveiled from the steel basting cover, revealing one of the most beautiful meals Lucki had ever feasted her eyes upon. Finally her stomach gave in. It unclenched and was ready to allow her to devour a meal after this long.
As they dug in, Jimin went into his drawer and pulled out a creme folder.
He opened it, the first picture in the deck of evidence being a picture of a playing card. An Ace to be exact.
Lucki stared holes into it.
“I bet you’re wondering what I even have to do with this case.” Said Jimin. “At least a month ago, my sister was left incredibly handicapped by someone. A gunshot wound to the head, and one to the chest she brutally received. Just like everyone else in the folder of evidence. The FBI couldn’t give me an answer, so I went searching for them myself.”
“This took me a little time, but it felt like centuries. I spent time immersing myself and my team in the streets, gathering important information, and playing devils advocate. I made lots of potential friends, that led me up to this point.”
“The killers Alias is Ace. Ace as in Ace of spades.”
Lucki dropped her fork in her food, looking up at Jimin in awe of his ability to figure out such information. Tears formed in her eyes. She was finally getting close, close to putting Carmens death to rest.
“Yes. It took so long for me to find out, but I figured it out. The killer left a piece of evidence at every scene, trying to tell people who they were.”
Jimin removed a stack of pictures from the folder and handed it to Lucki.
“He left a playing card, an Ace covered in blood at every scene.”
Luckis grip was everything but calm and steady as she examined the cards details. Just as Jimin stated, the card was drenched in blood, but one was still able to see that it was an Ace regardless.
The FBI neglected to show Lucki this piece of evidence before. Was it because they didn’t know about it?
“The FBI wants me to stop meddling in this case, cause they say it’s too dangerous, but they’ve proven to me that they’re incompetent. That’s why I believe people like you and I, are best for solving this. That’s why I called you. I knew that together, we could bring justice for my sister, and your best friend. Only if you’re willing of course.”
Lucki was quick to decide. She wanted nothing more than to bring justice to whoever took Carmen away from her. She wanted nothing less than to spit on the grave of whoever stole Carmen’s life as it blossomed in its prime. Killing a caterpillar in its cocoon. Someone had to pay for that.
“Yes. Without a doubt, yes.”
Jimin grinned brightly. He reached over the table to engulf a hand of Luckis within his own.
“Thank you, Ms.Jung. It’s a pleasure. I will make sure that we catch this person and put them under the jail for what they’ve done to us and several others.”
Lucki nodded firmly. She already felt herself trusting Jimin’s words. The man seemed highly genuine, not an inch of deceit coating his soft spoken words.
But his position in her world was confirmed. He was a spectator. He did watch from the sideline in a way. Maybe only meddling when he needed to. He wasn’t off putting, even as a rich person, which possibly put him in a good position with a bunch of other people in the streets. Everyone hated the condescending, but loved the curious. There was a noticeable difference when it came to rich folk who reared their heads in gang politics. Jimin was obviously the latter: curious.
Lucki was Jimin’s first guest in a long while to be waved off by him at his own front door step. His usual goodbye happened from the confines of his office, but he felt he had a heart to extend to her. They were in the same situation. They were both looking for answers in a place where there seemed to be none.
Lucki waved goodbye too, happiness drenching her skin for the first time since Carmens death. Jimin’s revelations were a godsend. For the first time, her search felt meaningful. She could have hope and faith that the murderer would be found. She could tell Carmen that she could truly Rest In Peace.
Finally, Jimin’s private cab drove off, speeding away from his expensive home.
Lucki watched on for a second time, as the tall glass buildings complimented this side of town. The condos, and the fancy stores and shops made her eye twinkle. Like a child, she reached out for her distant dreams of the opposite of poverty. The bright side of the moon that she couldn’t see.
Y/n stared for what seemed like forever, until her thoughts were interrupted by her blaring ringtone.
It was Hobi.
“Yeah,” answered Lucki.
“Y/n, the fbi wants to meet with us again. The location is Paco’s coffee and creme. Hurry up and get there in like ten.”
“Ugh,ok.” Lucki said, disgusted. The last thing she wanted to do was speak to those assholes, but she couldn’t evade the law unfortunately. She was still latched onto the thought that hey probably would arrest her and anyone associated with her if they didn’t comply. Of course she wouldn’t want to take such a chance.
She tapped the driver on the shoulder, alerting him of her sudden detour. He rerouted, efficiently switching directions.
Conveniently, Paco’s coffee and creme was just down the street from their current location.
Quickly, Lucki hopped out of the car, saying thank you. She dashed up to Hoseok, standing next to him and watching the license plate of the car jiggle as the car sped off.
Hoseok eyed his sister. “How was that Park guy? Was he cool?”
“Yup. He made a break in the case these dumbasses couldn’t. Why do they even want to meet us again? Didn’t they say they would wait until we called?”
Two years worth of memories flooded Luckis brain with just a whiff of a familiar fragrance. Dark Noir, the cologne of a boy who once had her back. He was once proof that in this world, she could trust no one but her own family. He was evidence that a kiss meant bullshit. Feelings and crushes meant dog shit to people, and they were willing to trade it and break it for business deals and a double cross.
Yes, it was him. It was that asshole who broke her little teenaged heart.
“Uncle hobi, nice to see you.”
Undeniably him, the boy who had to trade loyalty for his manhood.
“Lucki. Longtime no see.”
Jeon Jungkook. Nearly the bane of her teen existence.
“Nice to finally see you both after so long.”
His voice reverberated in Luckis cranium, as she couldn’t believe it was really him. She hated him. Why was he here?
Of course, Hoseok was delighted to see the “traitor”. His reaction was merely natural. Anyone would be excited to see the child they once baby-sat all grown up.
Hobi hugged Jungkooks muscular frame, patting his back lovingly.
“Ah, you’re all adult now! I feel like an old man standing next to you and y/n. My babies are finally grown. It’s like from an ugly duckling to pretty swans.”
Jungkook laughed, whilst Lucki scoffed. That was Hobis way of showing love; making wise cracks.
To spoil the moment, Detectives Min and Kim appeared. It seemed like they sucked the fun out of the atmosphere whenever they arrived.
“Let’s head inside shall we? We have important matters to discuss.” Detective Kim commanded. He led the way into Pacos, and Min secured a table for them all to sit at.
Jungkook kept a lingering stare on Luckis backside. Seeing her again for the first time in two years was surreal. She was even prettier than her seventeen year old self. Even then, she seemed to be the same old y/n. She still dressed the same, with her baggy jeans, and tight fitted shirts. He remembered that her and Carmen liked to dress alike.
Jungkook felt sorry for Lucki. He knew how much Carmen meant to her. Everyone knew it, but to see their friendship at work was a different story. He’d lived it, honestly. They truly were a dynamic duo in their own right.
As they all took their seats, Luckis shoulder brushed Jungkooks broad one, making Jungkook shudder. He felt as if he was treading on thin ice around her. The atmosphere was rigid. It felt like something was going to explode near him, and all he had to do was just wait for it to happen.
Kim started, sighing in defeat already. He had gotten no where with this case since he and Min had been assigned to it, and he felt like shit. They hadn’t even touched the surface of the rabbit hole the case bled into, and every piece of “evidence” they collected were nearly already public knowledge.
“As you already knew, this case is a huge case. We interviewed your friend over here, Mr.Jeon, and we’ve concluded that he had nothing to do with it.”
Luckis eyes couldn’t stop themselves from slipping to the back of her head. “Ok? What does that have to do with me? Have you even found anything other than that?”
Hobi jumped, startled, but not shocked by his sisters answer to the statement.
“Lucki, please.”
“No Hobi. Don’t try and silence me,” Lucki glared at both investigators, their antics putting her at her wits end. “You are both incompetent! You haven’t found any other piece of evidence that can move the case forward. There are people who have gotten farther with this investigation than you two have and I’m supposed to trust you with my best friends justice? Fat chance, at best.”
Kim, now on his defense, had veins popping out of his neck. It was like Lucki was rubbing it in. He knew that they hadn’t found anything, it wasn’t like he was ignoring the fact.
“I fucking get it! I know that we haven’t fucking found shit on the case, alright? We’re frustrated too!”
“Not enough!” Yelled Lucki. “You clearly aren’t looking hard enough. If you were, you would know that the killers alias is ace!”
The room paused, as all of the tables guests exchanged glances with each other. It was now Mins turn to chime in.
“How did you know that? Why didn’t you tell us earlier?”
“I just found out today from a little birdy. He’s gotten way farther than you both have.”
Kim facepalmed, as Min wrote the important information down. It was clear that they needed to come to a compromise. Kim needed this big break, and Lucki wanted Justice. There was only one way for them to do this.
“Fine,” Kim began. “I’ll admit, we’re down and out. I don’t wanna let this case slip out of my fingers, so let’s just do this. How about, we work together? We can make real things happen. We’re the FBI, right? We can really arrest people when push comes to shove.”
“We can make sure that whoever Ace is, will be under the jail, but that would mean that we all have to work together. Everyone’s level of expertise would be needed.”
Lucki hated the sound of that plan. This means that she would have to work with Jungkook, and she despised his guts. But on the other hand, Kim was right. The FBI had plenty of authority. They could do a lot more than Jimin could probably do, with his limited authority.
With a deep breath and clenched eyes, Lucki nodded in reluctant agreement.
She was to compromise.
“Okay. I’ll do it.” She said.
Jungkook went wide eyed, surprised at Luckis answer.
“I’ll do it, too.” He said.
“Okay. We have ourselves a deal.”
“But one condition,” detective Kim said.
“You tell us everything your source is telling you.”
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btsfests · 7 months
Daddy's Home Fest
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There's no better time than when daddy is home.
DILF BTS is coming to a Tumblr near you Spring 2024!
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♡ Title: Before, Now and After
♡ Pairing: Alpha Gang Boss!Yoongi x Omega Maid!Seokjin
♡ Rating: 18+
♡ Genre: gang au, dead dove, parent au, a/b/o | angst, fluff, smut
♡ Summary: As the leader of the infamous Bangtan, Yoongi is untouchable and lives life as he pleases. He thinks he has it all until the tall and broad shoulder omegan maid, Kim Seokjin walks into his office and makes Yoongi second guess what he wants in life.
by @sweetestofchaos
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♡ Title: Daddy, Daughter, and Dewey Decimals
♡ Pairing: Single Dad!Namjoon x (f)reader
♡ Rating: 18+
♡ Genre: Parent AU, Fluff, Smut, Mutual Pining
♡ Summary: I adored the daddy and daughter duo that came to visit me every week at the library. Sunhee was cute and vivacious and her dad was every single woman's dream. A simple request, one late night, and a slip of the tongue revealing it wasn't just one-sided attraction.
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♡ Pairing: Seokjin x f. reader
♡ Rating: 18+
♡ Genre: Slice of life, established married couple, PWP
♡ Summary: When you come across your daughter and Seokjin having a princess-themed tea party, you can't help but fall in love with your husband a little more. It helps that you find him absolutely ravishing in the little pink dress he wears too.
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♡ Title: Love Blooms
♡ Pairing: Jin x Hoseok
♡ Rating: MA
♡ Genre: Divorced, single father AU | angst, fluff, smut
♡ Summary: Summary: Divorced and lost, Jin grapples with self-discovery and single fatherhood. Then, sunshine arrives in the form of Hoseok, helping him explore his desires and build a found family. Their love faces challenges - ex-wife drama, societal disapproval - but together they prove love and acceptance can bloom even in unexpected gardens
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♡ Title: Lose You to Love Me
♡ Pairing: Yoongi x f! Reader
♡ Rating: 🔞
♡ Genre: Smut, Fluff, Angst
♡ Summary: Yoongi thought he had everything. The woman of his dreams whom he gave everything for. The sweetest Princess who became his whole world the minute she was born and a career he can say he's happy in but what happens when it all comes crumbling down when one small secret blows his marriage open?
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♡ Title: Off Limits
♡ Pairing: Female Reader x Seokjin
♡ Rating: 18+
♡ Genre: smut, porn with very little plot
♡ Summary: You are visiting your family over spring break and discover that the family you used to babysit for are separated. Does this mean Mister Kim is no longer off limits?
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♡ Title: podcast
♡ Pairing: single father!Namjoon x f! reader
♡ Rating: 18+
♡ Genre: single father AU | fluff, angst, smut, slow burn
♡ Summary: You and Namjoon keep bumping into each other at multiple instances, as if destined to. In a world where past loves and current responsibilities intertwine, Namjoon navigates the complexities of single fatherhood, cherishing the moments with his daughter, Nari, while reflecting on lost love through his popular podcast, "A Loveless Lover." A chance encounter at a daycare center brings him face to face with you, sparking a connection rooted in compassion and shared moments of vulnerability. As their worlds collide, the possibility of new beginnings looms, challenging Namjoon and you to confront the past and consider the future with newfound hope.
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♡ Title: sakura 🌸
♡ Pairing: king!yoongi x (f) reader
♡ Rating: 18+
♡ Genre: mature, fluff, angst, pining
♡ Summary: yoongi could never figure out how could a sakura tree bloom right on his son’s seventh birthday. logically, atleast, for his kingdom’s soil wasn't blessed enough for beautiful flora; however, when his inspection rounds reveal a trip totally unexpected, and in a crescendo of buried memories, his love for the tree gets as bright as the petals of the blossom.
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♡ Title: Shatter With Me
♡ Pairing: Model!Jungkook x Surrogate!f.Reader
♡ Rating: MA 18+
♡ Genre: Best Friend's Husband, Surrogacy AU | heavy angst, smut, mild fluff
♡ Summary: Your best friend, Jiyoon, and her husband, Jungkook, have faced years of hardship trying to start a family. In a last-ditch effort to have their dream life, they seek solace in surrogacy. Wanting to see your best friend smile, you offer to become the bright beacon at the end of the tunnel, giving them what they have always wanted. But what happens when you begin to shine your light on their darkness? Things aren’t always as they seem—happiness can be a façade, shattering under the lightest pressure.
by @colormepurplex2
Daddy Jungkook came home April 24. Read here!
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♡ Pairing: teacher!jimin x teacher! f. reader
♡ rating: 18+
♡ Genre: enemies to lovers, coworker au, single father au
♡ Summary: Being a Pre-K teacher is no easy feat, but Jimin is always up for the challenge. However, on his first day on the job, he makes an enemy in the parking lot before he even sets foot inside the building. Looks like this school year won’t be all sunshine and rainbows after all.
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♡ Title: baby fangs
♡ Pairing: Jimin x Jungkook
♡ Rating: Explicit/18+
♡ Genre: Urban fantasy, vampires, strangers to lovers, angst, smut
♡ Summary: As a human, Jungkook thought life was meaningless. It isn’t until he dies that he finds something worth living for: the family he never had.
by @gimmethatagustd
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Made by me
The Masterlist
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Side Characters: Namjoon/doctor, Seokjin/doctor, Taehyung/Hybrid Tiger, Jungkook/Bunny Hybrid, Hoseok/assistant.
Warnings: Smut, mentions of blood, sharp objects, rut, beast behavior.
Genre: Fantasy, hybrids au, smut.
SUMMARY》 Yoongi is a black mamba hybrid one of rarest species of hybrids, who’s about to be put down due to his lack of interest in living. But everything changes after the new medical assistance (y/n) takes a liking to him. Meeting after meeting he realise his feelings for her are not the only thing growing.
INTRO - In the books they say
ONE - Love at first bite
TWO - Bath me with your love
THREE - Hungry for your love I
FOUR - The truth untold II
FIVE - Bitter taste, Jealousy and bites
SIX - Take Me Home
SEVEN - The last bite
On Going
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Side Characters: Min Yoongi as Agust D/Mafia boss, Jung Hoseok as Jack/Concierge, Namjoon/Police detective, Jungkook/Police detective, Park Jimin/thief and gang leader, Taehyung/Mafia member FBI Mole, Paradise owner. Jin/unknown, Busan/Mafia boss.
Warnings: This story contains nsfw content (descriptive blood, gore, etc.) as well as sexual content. Mentions may include violence, consumption of alcohol, explicit sexual interactions, sharp objects, knife play, description of injuries, themes of major horror and also explores obsessive behaviors and codependency, robbery, killing, guns, torturing, fire, toxic yandere men, violence, possessive behaviour, unhealthy relationships.
SUMMARY: You made it. Now a police intern as you always promised to your father before he died, you were more than happy to finally be able to help people like he did. But the law was not what you expected to be like. You did not know how lonely it would be for a young woman to grow her career in this kingdom. Having to take care of your 18 year old brother wasn't easy too and things just got a lot worse when you've met Agust D. The king of the mafia Min. He sure knew how to make a life turn into a hell hole.
ONE - Red Chopsticks
TWO - I’ll find you in a dark Paradise
THREE - A deal with the devil
FOUR - Welcome to my world
FIVE - Good girl gone bad COMING SOON
SIX - Dance with the devil COMING SOON
On Going
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Side characters: Park Jimin/White fox hybrid.
Warnings: Mentions of blood, death, violence, sharp objects, suggestive words, smut, alcohol, killing.
Genre: Fantasy, romance, strangers to lovers, R +18.
SUMMARY: Did you know a fox only mates once in their life? For almost 400 years Min Yoongi never mated before, all theses years of emptiness and loneliness. He had tried so many times to end with his own hands. Until one night a hint of sweet and fire blows towards his nose, the smell was something he never felt before. And blood. Running for your life you felt hopeless in front of a lake, two man following you behind. Their disgusting smiles and eyes savoring your female body, you knew what they would do but you'd rather die. It all started with fire.
INTRO - Run little girl
ONE - Wood, cinnamon and honey.
TWO - Please wash away this blood on my skin
THREE - A taste of honey and dreams
FOUR - A Rise From The Shadows (coming soon)
FINAL BREATH (coming soon)
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Side Characters: Yoongi/black cat hybrid, Hoseok/human, Taehyung/golden hybrid.
Warnings: Smut, violence, mentions of blood. And finally some fluff.
SUMMARY: Jungkook needed to hide. He was on the run. And what better place for a bunny hybrid to hide then a Bunny coffee shop? How could he resist? You smelled sweet and looked nice. All it took was one smile of yours and a bunny bread and he was on all fours for you.
INTRO - Bunny on the run
ONE - Bunnies don’t like water (coming out soon)
TWO - Carrot Cake 🥕: Bunny in the kitchen (coming soon)
THREE - Muscle Bunny to the rescue (coming soon)
FOUR - Bunny Fever (coming soon)
THE LAST BUN (Coming soon)
Coming soon
My Best Friends Crush
Characters: Min Yoongi/music theory Teacher, Jung Hoseok/dance teacher, Jungkook/art and design student, Jimin/danc student, reader/art student.
Genre: strangers to lovers, forbidden love?
Warnings: mentions of explicit language, sexual references(smutty material), consumption of alcohol, age difference.
Summary: “my whole life I always hated rules and protocols, growing to fin comfort on art as I could express myself unapologetically and freely. But there was one rule I made with myself; never fall in love with your friend crush.
With my rebellious nature, it was bound to be broken but I just never meet someone who would take that seriously.”
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lostberet · 1 month
⋅˚₊‧ ଳ MOB DAYCARE teaser | min yoongi (m)
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𐙚 synopsis: After almost meeting Satan himself, Agust D is forced to take a hiatus from his underwork mob work. However, during his hiatus, he is stumbled upon a 4 year old. And so far, being a guardian is harder than being a mob leader.
༘⋆ genre: explicit (18+) ; angst , romance , violence, suspense , smut ; haegeum au , gang au , parenthood au .
༘⋆ disclaimer: Obsessiveness, Possessiveness, Manipulative behavior, Violence, Mention of death, eventual smut, Sexual themes, If you’re not 18+ please, PLEASE, do not interact. Be mindful of the warnings. Let me know if I miss anything.
༘⋆ a/note: coming back with a new series even though I have not yet started HeartBurn, but I will soon!
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Have you told Agust D, the Panther mob clan leader he would be left to die 2 years ago, he would have laughed in your face before pointing a gun to your face and pulling the trigger. 
Have you told him he would be in a scenario in which he had to take a hiatus from his work a year ago, as he lay in the hospital, he would not believe you. He would not put a gun to your head, in fact, he would only shake his head. Because a year ago, he would have been almost sent to meet Satan himself. A year ago, he would have almost lost his life, a taste of death. And he didn’t like it.
Agust D stared blankly at the toddler sitting on the stairs outside his home. His mouth was dry as the burning sun stabbed his back. The man looked up at the sun, squinting. August D had been forced to leave work- his dirty work for a while. He had been taken to the mountains, far from the underground base to recover. Far from the city..
So far.. From the city.. So why was a toddler sitting on the stairs of his home? 
“Ay.. kid?” Agust questioned, his voice cracking from the dryness. The toddler only looked up at him, big eyes staring back at him, “where’s your mom? Dad?” 
The child only stared at Agust for a second. A second was enough for Agust to notice the sunburn cheeks of the child as well as the dried tears and dirty face on the child. As he stared hard at the child the kid’s bottom lip trembled before bursting into sobs, standing from where he sat and running towards the man. Startled by the sudden approach, Agust took a step back, catching his balance as the toddler hugged his leg, “mama!” 
The child cried as he gripped onto the older man harder, “ay! I ain’t your mama!” 
After an unsuccessful mission of leaving the child, Agust took him into his home. Setting him down in his beautiful living room with cartoons playing on the TV. With a frown on his face, Agust turned to look at his main group, “Whose fucking kid is this?” 
He received confused looks and frowns, “hyung..” The younger man started, clearing his throat, “there is no one living on this mountain..” Agust's face scar itches, causing him to wince, his head turning to meet the other, “so you’re saying this kid just got dropped off and left to die?” Agust grumbled, “Jungkook, please..”
“Jungkook is right, hyung,” Namjoon stated, looking up from his phone, “A possible failed kidnapping?” Agust- Yoongi stared back at Namjoon, “find this kid’s parents.” 
And as his team left his home, Yoongi looked back at the child, who stared at the TV, his small fingers in his mouth as he bit his nails. Biting the inside of his cheek, Yoongi called back to the group, “and bring some clothes for this kid, too.”
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2024 © LOSTBERET, all rights reserved. please do not copy, plagiarize, translate, repost, or steal my work.
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The Price of Love and Loyalty - Lee Minho x Reader
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Summary: Y/N is sent deep into enemy territory, by her older brother, to try and mend an age old feud between two Mafia organisations. Can she gain the trust of the Stray Kids? Can a hatred that long standing be fixed by a simple truce? All Y/N knows for sure is it's going to take a lot of patience to make this messy situation work out for the best.
Do not repost or translate my work! My blog is 18+ so minors do not interact!
TW: gangs, mafia families, weapons and mentions of violence, some major hostility between everyone involved, mean Minho, mentions of BTS as a rival gang.
Word Count: 3K
"This is a bad idea Namjoon. A really fucking bad idea"
Y/N's words echo through her thoughts as she walks the streets of Seoul. 
Slender fingers pull at the sleeves of rather thin coat attempting to pull it closer to her shivering body as she roams the abandoned streets looking for a very particular building, it's been a long time since she'd been allowed to this part of town so she endeavours to soak it all in before she's no doubt banished back to her own territory… or worse. 
Her older brother Namjoon was the imposing, usually smart, leader of the Mafia she belonged to but she truly feared her beloved brother may have finally lost his mind if he thought sending his little sister into enemy territory is a good idea. 
Bangtan had lost a lot of good and loyal members recently in fights with their rivals Stray kids, so determined not to lose anyone else Namjoon decided a truce was the best course of action. 
That is why Y/N is currently trudging towards Stray Kids headquarters, her nervous eyes flitting between buildings that tower above her.
"Almost there" she whispers to herself in a bid to settle her nerves. 
She rounds the last corner to her destination with a weary smile and is about to walk the last stretch of pavement when a blow to the back of her head sends her body hurtling to the rocky floor, dark bleeds into her vision as she moans in pain before losing consciousness.
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When Y/N finally wakes up her eyes are watering, barely adjusting to the harsh light when a dark chuckle sounds in her throbbing ears. She looks down as her head swirls with confusion and notices that she's tied to a chair with thick black ropes.
Groaning, she tries to lift her head to look at her assailant. A disparaging ‘tsk’ is sent her way as her eyes finally focus on the man in front of her.
“I would advise you not to move too much YN, you'll only make things worse for yourself” she recognises the voice as a pair of cruel brown eyes reveal themselves.
"Lee Minho" she grits her teeth as the words drip from her throat like venom.
A sinister smile stretches over his lips and reaches his cheeks as he glares at the woman left helpless before him looking her up and down before whispering in a dark tone ”you're in my territory now little one”
Y/N glares at Minho as she watches his movements carefully "you've got a shitty way of greeting people, you didn't need to knock me out. I would have come peacefully"
Minho scoffs as he moves closer to her "yeah yeah and I'm the king of England, why are you in my territory anyway?”
He's so close to her now that she can feel his warm breath fan over her face as he speaks. She hums to herself as she acknowledges his words.
"Wouldn't you like to know?" A smirk graces her features as she tugs on the ropes binding her hands behind her back "maybe I'm just here to get a glimpse at the great and powerful Lee Minho, is that a crime?"
The man's distaste for Y/N is palpable as his nose scrunches in disgust “Oh, not at all YN…” he coos sweetly at her, his words dripping with sarcasm “but your appearance here is still a little suspicious don't you think…”. Minho tilts his head to the side as he looks at her.
Y/N notes that, with his face so close, his eyes are a warmer shade of brown than she remembered with almost golden flecks scattered around the orbs making them shine beautifully and yet at the same time they appear so cold and cruel. She doesn't dwell on those distracting thoughts for long though as she tugs on the ropes again to no avail.
With an overly dramatic sigh her head tips backwards in an attempt to get away from his fiercely perceptive gaze.
"Fine, fine I'm here on behalf of my brother. He wants to talk to Chan. Figured he'd be shot on sight if he came here himself so here I am…yay" her eyes roll as she feigns enthusiasm.
Minho’s eyes glow darkly but surprisingly he does chuckle at her “ah, so you’re just Namjoon's little messenger? But why does he want to talk to Chan?”
Y/N’s eyes shift to look away from the man to a dark corner of the bleak room "I guess you could say that. Is that really any of your concern? I'm here to talk to Bang Chan, not you"
A low, almost animalistic, growl leaves his throat almost shocking her “anything involving Chan's safety is of concern to me, little girl”
Minho’s gruff voice echoes loudly in the small room “so, I advise you not to hide anything from me, otherwise you won’t be getting what you came for. Haven't you learnt not to mess with me Y/N?”
Minho moves his head away from her face as his fingers trace over a small wound, coated in dry blood.
Wanting to be as far away from Minho as she possibly can given her circumstances she tries to shift her body but can only pull so far away with her hands bound making her huff in annoyance.
"My brother wants to call a truce between our organisations" the room is silent for a moment before Minho finally speaks up.
“A truce?” he's clearly not very happy about the offer judging by the frown on his face “and why do you want a truce?” he smiles crookedly as he adds “our families work very differently. You, above anyone should know that for a fact”
Her ability to remain calm is slipping as she grits her teeth to stop the insults that threaten to leave her lips.
"Oh come on Minho we both know a truce would be beneficial to us all. We've both lost good people in the last few months, Jungkook has a hole in his leg currently because of a gun fight with your men!"
The brooding man smiles fondly at this fact "ah yes…poor pathetic Jungkook"
Something inside of her snaps at that "well I happen to know that your precious little Hannie is bundled up in bandages right now after a run in with Jimin" she smirks at the probing words knowing it's bound to get a reaction.
A fire blazes in Minho's eyes as he reaches out to grip her hair harshly between his fingers "the fuck did you just say?"
Y/N simply smiles at him as she remains silent, wide doe eyes blinking at him in fake innocence.
"Why would we want a truce after everything Namjoon has allowed his men to do?" Minho drops her hair from his hold as he turns his back on her, ready to leave her to rot in that disgusting room.
"I understand you don't trust us and I don't blame you. Hell if you came knocking on my door I'd have Yoongi knocking you on your ass in seconds"
She lets out a laugh as Minho's retreating form stiffens "that's another reason why I'm the one that's here"
At that Minho turns to face her with a look of actual interest in what she had to say "I need to see Bang Chan before I continue speaking, I don't want the message to be misinterpreted"
His eyes roll but he gives her his full attention again “you're right, I don’t trust you”
Minho’s body seems to tense but he isn't outright rejecting her words “but since you are here in the flesh clearly as a sign of goodwill, I will let you talk to Chan”
Minho steps away but she feels a chill run down her spine as he turns towards her “but I’ll be staying right here with you”
It's an understandable response really and she had been waiting for it, Minho is part of Bang Chan's inner circle and the head of his security detail so she doesn't fight him on this front.
"I expected that so please untie me so we can get this over and done with" she wiggles her arms to get his attention on her bound limbs.
Minho seems to think for a moment, weighing up his options before he mutters a gruff “No. You stay bound”
Minho uses one of his hands to grip her arm, lifting her body up into a standing position making her whine out in frustration.
He keeps his hold on her arm firm as he stands beside her “for our safety and yours…let’s go" without any more warning he begins pulling her out of the room and down a long corridor.
They pass a few locked doors and armed guards before stopping at a large and intricately decorated door.
"Are you ready?" Minho smirks as his hands come to knock on the door.
He gives the door a few sharp taps before opening the door to reveal the Bang Chan himself staring at them intently.
There's a few men huddled around him as they point to some papers that are scattered across the leaders desk, the hurried whispers stopping abruptly as Minho steps into the room stopping as the pair reach Chan.
“Hyung I have a surprise for you” Chan's eyes almost bulge out of his head as he clearly recognises Y/N.
Chan's eyes stay trained on Y/N for a few moments before they slide to her side to look at Minho "what the fuck is she doing here? Should I be expecting Namjoon to burst through my window any second now?"
He's clearly very annoyed and at that moment Y/N is glad it isn't being directed at her.
"Apparently she was sent here by Namjoon actually" Minho shrugs his shoulders dismissively.
"Oh really? What happened to her head then? And why is she tied up?"
At this Minho finally looks somewhat sheepish "okay that was me but she was intruding on our turf!"
"I didn't know she was here to deliver a message and I sure as shit didn't wait around to ask! I haven't untied her in case tries something" Minho turns his head pointedly to look in her direction as he finishes speaking.
Chan sighs deeply as he rubs his eyes "a message? What message?" Chan's eyes are planted firmly on Y/N again, much to her displeasure, as Minho nudges her.
"I have already told Minho this…" she glares at him as he smiles amused by her side
"but I'll say it again for the benefit of everyone in the room, I'm here because my brother wants a truce between Bangtan and Stray kids" she waits patiently as her words float through the air.
Chan’s gaze is laser focused on the nervous girl, he is silent for a moment before he finally speaks.
“A truce, huh...?"
"Why does Namjoon want a truce and why send his precious little sister into the lion's den? Any of us could have killed you on the spot, you’re lucky you escaped Minho with a simple cut”
Clearing her throat before speaking again she looks to the floor "Namjoon's sick of seeing his brothers hurt and murdered"
"That's why he wants a truce and as for your other questions, he sent me because he knows that above all else you respect women. He figured you'd at least let me explain myself"
She takes a breath as all the eyes in the room are focused on her
"that and well, there's too much bad blood between you and our members. At least I haven't killed any of your men" she finishes as her eyes scan the men standing beside Chan.
She recognises a few faces.
She notes that Felix and Changbin are at his side with Seungmin off in the corner watching her intently with dark cold eyes as he spins a butterfly knife between his fingers sending chills down her spine.
"He also sent me because I'm part of the deal he's offering"
"As a sign of good faith Namjoon is proposing that I stay here until you can be sure he won't attack your 'home' anymore" she closes her eyes for a moment as she tries to calm her rapidly beating heart.
The room is so silent after her speech that it's almost suffocating as she waits with bated breath for some sort of response.
Chan's face hardens, surprising her "he's offering to keep you here? Like you're some sort of prize for us to hang on the wall? What if we don't trust you enough to keep you here?"
Y/N goes to speak but is stopped as Chan stands up from his seat. He walks around the desk and towards her as sweat starts to build on her forehead.
"Are you even willing to stay here? Willing to follow my rules?" Y/N nods to Chan's questions.
"Namjoon has asked me to do this and I will do it to the best of my ability. I've also seen such horrible things, watched our members get hurt, had to watch Taehyung hold Jungkook down as he screams in pain so that I can make the blood running from his leg finally stop…".
Her vision becomes cloudy as she bites her lip as the tears drip down her cheeks "I want it to stop" she whispers as she looks down to the floor, not wanting the enemy to see her hurting even if she was trying to negotiate an alliance with them.
Bang Chan is silent as he looks at her for a moment, she can feel that Minho is looking at her too and the thought makes her wriggle against the rope wrapped around her hands.
“very well…I can see the loyalty you have for your family. I only hope we can trust you to show the same loyalty to us”
Chan turns his back on them as he walks back to his desk ignoring the surprised looks from the younger members "you can untie her now Min"
Minho nods as he pulls out a knife and cuts the rope. Her eyes drift to his own and she notices that his face is a little softer than it had initially as Chan sits down he watches Y/N wipe the tears from her face with a look of sadness.
"I take it your brother will be in touch to finalise the details?" She simply nods, not quite trusting her words.
"In that case, Minho, I'll be entrusting dear Y/N to you to watch over" Minho groans at the command but nods dutifully.
"Take her and get her step up in the room beside yours" Chan gives Y/N one last look before returning his attention to the papers on his desk, Minho takes a hold of her arm more carefully than before and tugs her out of the room.
It's oddly silent as they walk down the winding corridors which lead to his room, Minho finally speaks up after noticing the awkwardness of the situation.
"I suppose I should officially welcome you to the family..." Minho says while attempting to diffuse the tension.
He leads Y/N up a flight of stairs before finally reaching two doors "My room is the first on the left here if you need anything and this is your room" Minho opens the door and ushers Y/N into the room as he strolls in after her.
Y/N looks around the room while Minho fiddles with something off to the side; the room is relatively simple, she notes, it has a large floor to ceiling wardrobe, a comfy double bed. A full sized mirror and a lamp stowed beside a small bedside table.
Minho gives her a few moments to find her bearings before speaking "well it's late and I'm ready for this day to be fucking over"
His sigh makes her turn to look at his face, his eyes are bloodshot and has bags under them which makes her wince as he gives her a piece of paper which seems to hold his phone number on it.
"in case you need it… try not to though ‘kay?" she nods while watching him walk to the door, leaving the young woman to her new personal space.
"Chan will probably arrange for me or Bin to go get your shit from Bangtan so don't worry about all that"
Y/N eyes start to water a little at the mention of her old home making Minho panic as he moves towards the door "since I'll be watching over you for now, if you need anything just text me or knock on the wall… I guess”
He's about to leave when Y/N grabs his wrist making him turn back “thank you for you know… not killing me straight off the bat”
Minho snorts at her words as he nods “hmm you're lucky you’ve got a pretty face. Wouldn't want to mess it up too much” again he laughs at her when he notices her wide eyes.
“Night” he smiles ever so slightly as he turns and slips away into his own room leaving Y/N alone to take everything in.
Changing into some old shorts and a baggy top she found laid on top of her bedside table she flung herself onto the bed, it was comfy sure but it wasn't home.
As her thoughts turn to her brother and his own inner circle, each of the members in it becoming like family themselves, tears flow freely from her heavy eyes and her chest rises with her increasing sobs.
She doesn't even care anymore if the Stray Kids members can hear her, she's distraught about leaving them behind but she understood why Namjoon had done it and that made the pain in her heart burn a little less brightly.
She'd done this for them, to stop the bloodshed and pain that invaded their lives daily and if her living here was the only way to do that she would have to suck it up and deal with it. As she's about to go to sleep her phone, which she had almost forgotten about, buzzes to life with messages coming through fast.
Jeon Cena 💪🏼:
Are you okay?
Do I need to beat some bitches up?
Cause I swear I'll come down there and
God of Destruction 💀:
Please tell me you got there safely? 💜
Kook calm down, I'm sure everything's fine
Jiminie Cricket 🦗:
Speak to us Y/NNN
If you don't answer I'll be forced to cut a bitch 🔪
J-Nope 🔆:
Has anyone heard from her yet?
Guessing not?
Motionless Min 😴:
Starting to worry now…
Jinnie Choos 💁🏼‍♂️:
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Lil Tae Tae 🎤:
If she doesn't answer in the next 5 minutes I say we burn their building to the fucking ground
Jinnie Choos 💁🏼‍♂️:
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Motionless Min 😴:
Wouldn't we risk killing Y/N doing that?
Seems counter intuitive? 🤷🏼‍♂️
God of Destruction 💀:
No one is doing anything until she gets in touch and that's final
Everybody got that?
Jeon Cena 💪🏼:
What if she doesn't get in touch?
We sit around and do nothing?
Strawberry Shortcake 🍰:
I'm fine!
Please don't burn the building down 🙈
Just been given a room so it could be worse
Seems like I'm stuck with Lee Minho for the time being 😫
She can't help but laugh as fresh tears roll down her cheeks "fuck I'm going to miss these idiots"
Y/N wipes the tears from her eyes before quickly explaining to the guys exactly what had happened from Minho tying her up, which was met with many furious responses, to Chan agreeing to the truce.
It takes her a few hours but finally the exhaustion finally kicks in and her swollen eyes close as she begins to dream of her happy life back at Bangtan.
Once she felt she'd given a good enough update she bid them all good night and buried herself under the unfamiliar covers.
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minniepetals · 1 year
cry me a river | the apologies
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— summary: how many apologies have you heard in your life? too many to count
— pairing: bts x reader
— genre: angst, mafia!au
— word count: 5.7k
— warnings: none
— PART 21 / previous post / masterpost
“Do you know how much we panicked when you didn’t come home and fell out of the radar?” When Namjoon finally gets a moment amidst the whole chaos of Yoongi finally back with you still unconscious even after the successful surgery, the door is closed and locked, and no one except the seven of them stands in the room of the hospital that is still hosting you. They can finally confront Yoongi about what happened.
“I thought I knew Min Yoongi but the moment you were kidnapped, everything that I thought I knew about you fell out of place when I tried connecting everything to see what happened, who you angered, the people you were around before you joined me, but I came up with nothing. You’re not someone who’ll go out there secretly meeting up with leaders and pissing them off, I know that, and I trust the person that you are now, right in front of me, so I knew whoever was trying to hurt you couldn’t possibly be someone we know, and that’s when I figured there’s been something you haven’t told us. Perhaps it doesn’t matter now, and perhaps it’s all in the past for you, but Min Yoongi, I have to know everything because the moment you get hurt again, I won’t stand for it.”
“There isn’t anyone else,” Yoongi says, quick but truthful, and so they listen in to what he has to say. Yoongi hesitates for a moment, remembering what you asked him in the alleyway a few days ago, how you asked whether Namjoon would care now, and because he knows the answer, he takes a deep breath to let the truth tell itself. “I am,” he pauses, “was, the heir of the Viper gang.”
They react with dumbfounded expressions, and Yoongi knows it’s a shock because how would anyone have figured that out? He’s always been quiet, stood back to let others handle things, dislikes watching people getting tortured, and does everything the opposite of what an heir does.
Every child that’s born under a mafia ruler is taught to stand formidable, act a certain way, and talk a certain way. No one has ever been an exception, so of course it comes out as a shock when Yoongi reveals to them that not only is he related to the Vipers but was the son of Min Junmyeon.
And he had a sister.
“Junmyeon never said anything because I was like a child thrown out of the throne that was meant to be his. Although I wasn’t kicked out.” He looks up, a small, bitter smile curling up just slightly. “I didn’t lie when I said I ran away from the life I was born into. I did run. I ran because I was invisible and because no one cared. They didn’t care to search for me and force me back so I didn’t return. For some time I was content with that life. I wasn’t happy but I wasn’t sad. I was okay with it. When Nari was born, Junmyeon took a whole 180-degree turn and flipped his switch. His whole life was dedicated to her but I never came to resent the way she stole the attention of everyone in the gang. I didn’t care, but I did want to seek approval. What sort of child wouldn’t? I was a good brother, protected her when needed, but eventually I grew tired of being invisible to everyone and just ran. When no one came searching for me, I returned once to see how things were, to see if they had cared but just had a hard time looking for me. But in the end, no one sought out for the lost heir, they probably didn’t even notice, so I took off to the streets and decided it was better there than to live a doll life, invisible to everyone.”
When he speaks of his past, the sort of person he was before he met them, Yoongi doesn’t speak with emotions. He isn’t that man who was filled with emotions days ago when they brought you here, when he didn’t want anyone close enough to touch you, when he took his promise to you to heart. 
Perhaps it was his guilt toward you, perhaps it was his way of apologizing, and no one would blame him for that.
Yet this Yoongi is different. This Yoongi is the usual Yoongi everyone sees, the Yoongi who looks so lifeless, who looks as if he has no heart or anything he desires in this life.
“We were enemies then,” he tells Namjoon, and this time there’s a bit of life, a small little crease in between his brows. “Your gang and the Vipers didn’t get along and, I knew who you were when you saved me that day from those thugs, yet I still followed you because you were the first person who saw me. You saw me and you saved me, while back in the Viper’s manor, I was kidnapped along with Nari and took a scar down my back for her but no one cared. They never cared, and when I received my first kindness…I decided to follow you. But I was too guilty to tell you the truth about who I was and where I came from. That’s why I never said anything.”
“But the Vipers stopped mattering to me a few years after we met,” Namjoon points out. “Why did you never tell me then?”
“I…” He catches himself, pausing, and takes a brief glance at the others. “Everyone else…went through something much worse than I,” he says. Softly. They watch him with confusion though let him keep speaking. “I grew up alright. I grew up privileged. The only thing about me was Junmyeon’s neglect and being invisible to everyone in that manor. Compare that to what everyone else went through? I didn’t want to bring my problems in, I didn’t want to inconvenience anyone with my useless worries. You all had people after you, wanting to actively hunt you down and hurt you.”
“Just because you didn’t have people actively trying to kidnap you doesn’t mean you were safe from the abuse,” Hoseok cuts in as he strolls down to take Yoongi’s hands. He was there when Namjoon saved him, he was right there to have seen the scars Yoongi retained and the pain in the little boy’s expression that night. Yoongi may act like he never cared back then but he did. And both Namjoon and Hoseok have seen it to remember the story otherwise.
“In the end, you were still kidnapped. They showed up years too late but you still ended up hurt.” Seokjin places a hand on his face, brows creased when he runs a smooth thumb over the bandage wrapped around his eye.
“This wasn’t because they went out of their way to hurt me,” Yoongi admits, the good eye meeting the floor with a little tilt in his head. “I actually got hurt because Nari was about to kill Y/N and stepped forth trying to stop her and in the process, she got my eye.”
So they really did have intentions to kill you.
“You watched her too, didn’t you?” Taehyung asks. “It wasn’t just Sunoo. You saw it too.”
He wonders how he would have felt being in his hyung’s position, watching the woman he once loved going through such torture right before his eyes, all the while knowing he could do nothing. In the end, Yoongi was able to save you. In the end, Yoongi carried you out and ran you to safety with the little kid who had been the reason the both of you couldn’t get out that soon.
You both sacrificed something.
Namjoon holds Yoongi’s face in his hands and presses their foreheads together, closing his eyes as he tries to envision the pain. Yoongi will only be able to use one eye from now on, and although it will take a moment, he’ll adjust and he’ll get used to it. But for now, they’re here for him, through and through.
“From now on, no more secrets,” he whispers into the silence that walks in. “I don’t want to know how it feels to lose someone else. I can’t.”
Silence saved by the beeping on the monitor that indicates you still live, that your heart is still racing. Yuna, still seated on the floor but now on the floor of the room you’ve been relocated to, sits still to hear the sound, not moving an inch because if she cannot see, she can hear. It’s the only thing that’s keeping her sane.
Mingyu sits on a chair by your bedside. Dasom stands against a wall beside the door, arms crossed, eyes closed. Yeonjun sits on the couch along a wall, watching Sunoo who had refused to leave until he sees you wake, and in his stubbornness to sleep when needed, he’s finally managed to fall asleep with the sleeping dose Yeonjun used on him.
A few more Reapers stand outside the door, watching, waiting.
A finger twitches, subtly, but it doesn’t leave the hawk eyes of your right hand man. 
“Boss?” He calls, standing.
A heartbeat.
Then before he realizes, an arm extends out of nowhere, leaving him in a chokehold with a grip that has lost much of her strength after the event she’s gone through.
“Boss, it’s Mingyu,” Dasom quickly says when she runs to your side and Yuna has followed along.
Your eyes which had been deadly and alerted with suspicion, loses their glare once you realize who the person that had been by your side was. 
You loosen your grip around Mingyu’s neck, brows furrowing slightly as you take a look at your hand, realizing there are white bandages wrapped all the way up to your neck You stare at your fingers, noticing the pain in your wake, before something hits you and you feel a strong headache pounding hard.
You look over at Mingyu when you get up with the help from Dasom, feeling some sense of deja vu, though you can’t explain why.
“Have I…choked you..before?” You ask. As ridiculous as it sounds — because you’d never lay a hand on your Reapers — something about it just feels a bit…familiar, for some reason. Maybe you’re still dreaming, maybe the madness is spreading and you’re just making things up now but why, for some reason, do you feel as if you’ve held Mingyu by the neck before?
Mingyu doesn’t hesitate nor does he look away when he answers; “No.”
You have your reply and yet it still feels odd when you bring your hand to your head, slowly and gently rubbing your temples as you close your eyes. But then something suddenly hits you and you open your eyes again.
“Where am I?” This isn’t the manor or any place that belongs to you. You’d recognize it if it was.
“It’s a small hospital that belongs to Bangtan,” Mingyu explains. “It was the closest place they could get you to for help.” Your eyes widen in alertness but he’s quick to continue before your heart rate can increase. “As far as I know, Mr. Min was the only one to have touched you. He fended off anyone that tried to get close.”
Yoongi went to the extent for you?
You look down at yourself again, dressed in something you’ve never worn before and it almost feels as if you’re playing some patient in a mental ward. Father never cared to send you to hospitals when you were hurt, you were always taken care of by the medic team or during times when he’d punish you by not enlisting their help, it was your Reapers that had to find what they could to help you.
You’ve never been bedridden in a hospital bed before.
What a sight to behold.
You hate it.
When you throw the blanket off you and try to pull the uncomfortable IVs from your wrist, Mingyu takes your hand to stop you. “Look at your legs, boss, you can’t walk. And you’re still in pain everywhere.”
Wrapped legs. Wrapped arms, torso, and chest.
You look like a mummy.
“I’m not in pain,” you deny. “I can walk—”
“No, you can’t.” He stands tall, refusing to let you do what you wish and you know Mingyu only does this when you’re putting your health at risk otherwise he’d never go against you.
Still, you shake your head when he tries to put you back and they hear the way your heart rate increases. You look over at the sound of the monitor, falling with even more loathe because that thing is like a window to the things you want to hide. You try to push Mingyu off, a lump in your throat because it feels like you’re a prisoner and you don’t want to be here.
You don’t want to be here.
“I don’t like this,” you breathe out but Mingyu holds your shoulders and leans in close.
“That isn’t for you to say and this isn’t the place to panic,” he reminds you in a low tone and you know. You know this isn’t the place, you aren’t safe here, you aren’t safe to express and panic and get upset and do whatever it is you want to do but that’s exactly why you don’t want to be here.
You aren’t safe.
“I want to go home.” A shudder comes through you, a tremor in your hands.
The monitor continues updating.
Beep. Beep. Beepbeep—
“Stop it. Please, stop it. Don’t let them come in.” You know it’s alerting whoever can hear it outside this room. You know the door is about to open because you’re a patient and patients mean listening to what the doctors say and what the nurses say and what everyone else says. “Don’t let them come. Don’t let them come.”
“Yeonjun.” He takes Sunoo in his arms upon Mingyu’s command, leaving out the door. “Yeong.” Mingyu speaks into an earpiece and Lisa, Haneul, and Yiseul rush in.
Mingyu, Dasom, and Yuna back off to let them do their job while outside the door, Yeong and Jae have stepped up to stand guard.
“What’s going on?” Namjoon asks when the two Reapers hold their hands up, refusing to let anyone else in. From where he stands, along with the curtain covering the one window of the door, he can’t see what’s going on.
“We cannot let you in,” Yeong says strictly. “Please. For our boss’s privacy.”
“Is she hurting again?” Sunoo, who had woken up amidst the chaos, asks with worry shaking him once again.
“It’s not what you’re imagining,” Yeonjun tells him straightforwardly in a blunt tone, before looking up at the group that has gathered as if telling Namjoon he should know exactly what he means.
Upon that subtle confirmation, Namjoon backs down, nodding at his people to leave you be, before he walks off with Yoongi and Jungkook following behind.
On the other side of the wall, you must be awake and not taking things well. You’re panicking perhaps, losing your composure, and only the Reapers are allowed to see anything of that relating to you. No one else.
Back in the manor when you had confronted him and pretended to be the bad guy in his life, he saw a brief moment of you losing your composure. They all did. 
The moment you realized you had touched Namjoon, the moment everything started coming down so you walked over to a corner away from them all. You held yourself well despite everything threatening to tear you apart and Mingyu came in time to get you out of there, but in this hospital where you’ve undergone surgery and cannot move around so carelessly, there is only so little your mind can do to trick you out of panic.
And perhaps because it’s failing to protect you from the eyes of strangers, from the eyes of people you don’t trust, maybe that’s why the Reapers have all come into defense mode and have refused anyone to go near you.
“I want to go home.” Meanwhile, you repeat those words inside the room, feeling your throat clogging up and something scratching it so hard you wish to just tear it out. “I want to go home. Take me home.”
The monitor is still going off while you try to shake the hands that try to hold you down, kicking off the blanket, struggling to stay still.
“I want to go home..” Soon your voice dies down, quieting, quieting, until it turns completely silent and you’re simply doing nothing but trembling uncontrollably. You let your knees kick up to your chest, head lowered into them, hands coming around to cover your ears and they know. They know what’s happening.
You’ve never been loud. Not ever.
And although the silence, coldness, and the dark scares you more than anything else in this life, it is the only thing you succumb to when you feel as if everything has gone out of control.
Your silence tears your Reapers apart because it is your silence that tells them you aren’t okay.
That you’re in your most frightened state.
Lisa lets Mingyu come close when you succumb to the silence and they all stand back to watch him work his magic.
He dips the bed when he takes a seat, and when he reaches out to give your arm a tentative touch and you don’t flinch away, he allows himself closer. He puts both his legs onto the bed and pulls you in like you’re nothing but a small little child who needs calming down. Mingyu brings you into his lap and takes your hand from your ear, letting your head rest against his chest so you can hear the beat of his heart, and wraps his arms around you in a soft, soft embrace.
It takes time but eventually, the shaking stops. Eventually, the tension falls away and you allow yourself to welcome the embrace and let your limbs fall loose.
Too tired to hold up.
Too tired to keep strength.
Your heartbeat slows as it follows after the one you’re listening to as if it is the only sound in this world that can save you from the depth of the sea.
The sound of the whale singing you a lullaby and bringing you to fall asleep once again.
“Deal with them. I don’t know what Yoongi wants but it’s not my call to have them dead.”
Days after sending that letter off to Namjoon once things started to calm down on your end, you hear news of the remaining members of the Vipers completely wiped out. You’d been back at your manor for a good time now, ever since waking up for the second time and finding relief in knowing you weren’t at some unknown place. Luckily. 
Your Reapers always know just what to do when a situation calls for it and you’re glad you have them by your side.
With you bedded and unable to walk and do much on your own, you let them follow you through words alone. The Academy is to set up training lessons on both combat and weapon skills. Initially, when building the school you thought against the idea, but since Sunoo’s been used against you as leverage, you figure giving them some life skills should come in handy in the future. They won’t become your little assassins per se but if they want to survive in this world, they have to learn how to fight it. It’s for their own survival, you can’t have a situation with Sunoo repeating again. They should at least know how to defend themselves if anything.
You’ve also told your Reapers the names of the people that have hurt you before, the ones they don’t know of, the ones from before Yuna arrived. It’s a secret you’ve always kept in the back of your memories, not wanting them to return, but if another situation comes out in a similar fashion, you’d rather be prepared.
They have to know, even if it’s just names.
At least then they won’t be led into the dark if you’re taken away again and will have a better chance at suspecting who.
When you’re good enough to stand on your feet and when Mingyu stops becoming so overbearing, the first place you visit is The Academy where Sunoo stays in his dorm alone, isolated from the rest.
“What’re you doing not playing with your friends?” His head perks up when he hears your familiar voice, that look of dread and loneliness brightened up if even for a moment. You see the way his eyes light up, widening, his feet meeting the floor when he jumps down from his bed, quick on his knees with a head lowered down to the floor before anyone can tell him anything.
You freeze in the moment, silent, before signaling to Yeong to have the door closed so that only you and Mingyu remain.
Your second in command walks off to the side, leaning against the wall to give you space when you approach the little boy whose shoulder trembles when lowered before you.
“Sunoo,” you call, and he flinches a little. “It is during times like this you should surround yourself with your peers, otherwise—”
“I’m sorry,” he cuts you off and you simply stand there again, not approaching any further.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” Yuna, age thirteen, tears rolled down her working eyes when you ran to room 157. “I just…I just want to make it all better.” Apologizing because she was incompetent.
“I’m sorry.” Mingyu, age twenty-six, uttered the only words he could find when you told him one could not break a broken person. “I want to save you.” But he can’t.
“I’m sorry.” Yeonjun, age ten, handing you a cup of rose water, his jaws clenched after your father’s Reapers left the room. “It’s tea,” he says. “It isn’t poisoned,” he says. And you drink it.
“I’m sorry.” Dasom, age twenty-four, blood on her face, blood on her hands, knelt before you with a head lowered, shoulders trembling. “I won’t make the same mistake as he did.” Killed the first Reaper that almost spilled your secrets.
“I’m sorry.” Nakyum, age seventeen, accepts his fate with a smile, eyes only looking your way with the rest of your Reapers surrounding him. The first to lose control, the first unable to restrain himself. “I hope in my next life, I can run to your side without having to hold myself back. May we meet again…in that life.” Dead.
Someone apologizes when they can do nothing. Someone apologizes when they’ve done something. In the end, fate will always pull the people around you into the hell you’ve been born into. No matter how much you push them away to escape it, to live the life they so deserve, they remain still and stubborn, vowing to always stay by your side no matter what.
Yuna lost her eyes. Nakyum lost his life.
No one else.
No one else.
You sit on the floor in front of Sunoo, crossing your legs together and close your eyes. You take in a deep breath, in and out, head tilted to the sky as if sending a prayer to Nakyum, asking him to continue his duties in watching over you all. You’re still selfish to this day, wanting to hold onto the dead.
“You did well,” you say into the silence. “You did well.”
Sunoo shakes his head, still unable to look you in the eyes. Perhaps feeling unworthy to do so. “You almost died.”
“But I didn’t,” you affirm and you see the way his hands ball into fists, turning knuckle white. “One day, perhaps, you can be like that gentleman that stepped in to take the blade for me. One day you will be strong to protect the ones you care about. But until that day comes, you have to accept the fact that you’re weak. Do not dwell on what could have been, dwell on how you could have done better. You acted well and played your part. Nari wanted you to scream and lose control, she wanted you to beg her to not hurt me, she wanted to watch you fall apart. If you had fallen victim to her play, she would have done worse on me, Sunoo, I know she would have. There are people who exist to make things harder on others. There are people who exist to laugh in the face of tears.”
“Even still—”
“Even still,” you cut him off, repeating those two words with more emphasis, “you are a child. And you cannot expect to do anything more than to stand and watch. Sometimes being a good bystander is all there is to do. Sometimes being a good bystander is all you can do. You protected me, Sunoo, so do not apologize for doing what I had asked you to do. But if you find yourself still dwelling on the fact that you should have done better,” you lift his head from where it sits, resting a cold hand on his face when he tries so hard to keep the tears back for your sake, “get stronger.”
Sunoo bites onto his lower lip, eyes kept wide and unblinking because he knows that if he wishes to not cry, a single blink will allow the rain to fall. “Yes, my lady.”
You pat him on the head and stand from your seat before simply walking off. 
When the door closes behind you, only then does he finally allow himself to cry.
“I’m sorry,” his voice breaks when Mingyu approaches him on the floor, hands rushing to wipe his tears yet they keep on coming. “I’m sorry I…I don’t know how to stop. The lady hates tears and yet—”
“You did well.”
Sunoo shakes his head. “I still showed her my tears. I..I-I’m not supposed to—”
“Boss was born in an environment that forced her to block all her emotions out. Her own father was a manipulating man who is incompetent of feeling. You are seven.” He places a hand on Sunoo’s shoulder and gives him a gentle squeeze. “Boss built you a place under her rule so that children like you do not have to live the life she led. She will forgive you if you cry.”
And so he does.
He cries. 
This time without hands pushing the tears away, this time with snot and hiccups and sounds. And as Mingyu watches the little kid who was forced to hold a weight upon those shoulders, he wishes he could see the same with you.
And not succumbing to the silence.
“Should you be walking on your feet so casually like that?”
One question still remains. One question that has you questioning everything else.
Why the hell does Namjoon seem so cool about everything?
I mean you didn’t provoke him any further and made jabs at him but why are the two of you okay enough to send letters to each other regarding the Viper situation? Isn’t he supposed to be mad at you for Jungwon? And the fact that you got Yoongi hurt to the point of him only being able to see through one eye now? Namjoon’s protective when it comes to his loved ones getting hurt so why aren’t you being yelled at? And why was he cool enough to send you to their private hospital and even had doctors on standby? You didn’t use them but that’s beside the point.
Is it because you were on the verge of death? But Namjoon never cared about that when it came to his enemies.
You look over at Yoongi not so discreetly, a tilt in your head, confusion plastered on your face, and in his own confusion as to why you turned to him in the first place, he simply gives you no response.
So you turn back to Namjoon, shrugging at his question. “It’s been over a month, I wouldn’t let just anyone take me down like that.”
He hums, agreeing, and you take another look at Yoongi who doesn’t avoid eye contact. The last time you saw him he was all bloody, blood dripping past the wet cloth you placed over his eye. The last time was when you were in that alleyway, telling him to not let anyone touch you.
He kept his promise, according to Mingyu, and perhaps that was his showing of apology for what he’d done to you all those years ago. You wouldn’t deem Yoongi as someone to have ignored the little trust you had put in him.
“I have a question, Kim Namjoon.” You turn to the man in charge. “Did what happened the last time we met each other fly past your head? Because it awfully feels as if it’s not affecting you one bit. Unless this is all just a ploy to lure me in and kill me afterwards.”
He raises a brow. “You think I like playing things out in the long run?”
Right. When it comes to Namjoon, whatever he wants, whoever he wants dead, they usually die within a week of his declaration. He doesn’t do the waiting game.
“Then why am I still alive?” You ask so casually it’s as if you were speaking of the weather. “Are you a fool?”
“I’m not a fool, Y/N, and that’s precisely why I will not kill you, whether you try to force my hands or not.” He gives you a pointed stare and you look away, arms crossing over your chest. Namjoon continues under your silence. “Did you know that in a moment of weakness, you let your mask fall? Did you really think I’d continue believing you so easily? After that act you played and went into madness?”
You ball your hand into a fist, ready to cut back. “I—”
“You didn’t kill Jungwon, but you know exactly who did it.” Those eyes of his, when you look at them, dares for you to refute the claim he just made and it brings a shiver down your spine. He’s never been one to play around, rarely cracks jokes, is always aloof, and has that resting glare on his face. Perhaps you shouldn’t have chanted those words so much you brought yourself into madness.
It was your fault your mask fell.
“And until you’re willing to tell me, I won’t accept your deal in wanting to cut Bangtan off your allied forces.”
You frown at his proposition, confused. “Wha—”
“You need me, Y/N,” he cuts you off, getting straight to the point and you sit there, simply staring with a dumbfounded expression. “I have more power and influence than the Reapers do. I have ways to get dirt over anyone and I have connections. That’s why you approached me in the first place; because you needed to use my power. I will continue to give you that. I’ll allow you to use me. And when you’re done using me, you can throw me out after giving me the truth to who killed Jungwon.”
Seokjin, who had stood beside Yoongi this whole time, slides a paper over to you and when you look at it, you realize it’s a contract. A new one.
You only have to glance at it for a brief moment to understand the words that are written there. “You’re giving me quite the advantage, Namjoon.”
Total control to be able to use him whenever, as long as you’re able to provide him information on his brother’s death once you are done with him. In translation: he was allowing you to treat him as a pawn.
“You know all I want is the truth about my brother, and you’re the only one who can provide me with that.”
The last person to have seen Kim Jungwon. The only person besides Namjoon to have been close to him.
You raise a brow his way, suspicious. “All for some information, you’re willing to become my pawn.”
“You believed I had treated you as such all those years ago, would it not be fair?”
He doesn’t say it straight out but you know just what he’s trying to imply. You were once a pawn in the chess game he played with your father, used as a leverage, and free to ask anything of you. And being the sort of person that you were all those years ago, you could never say no to what Namjoon asked of you. Three years passed, he grew tired of you, and discarded you to be eaten up by the enemy.
This is, in unspoken words, his apology.
You take the pen from the table to scribble out your signature before standing up to walk out without another word.
Though you pause right before you can open the door, turn a step around to address Yoongi, giving him a small bow. “Thank you.” And walk out.
Yoongi’s way of apology meant a lot more. You don’t want some discreet way of apology, you don’t want to play fire with fire even though that had been your intention from the very beginning. But even then, it was never your intention to take revenge back on Namjoon just to use him as a pawn.
It’s not what you want.
You want him begging on his knees the way you had done. You want him begging you for forgiveness and actually mean it.
You can accept Yoongi’s apology. You won’t forgive him yet but you can accept it. He stepped up when you were on the verge of death, stood in front of a blade, and had his own eye blinded. He then picked both you and Sunoo up in his arms and took revenge back on the Vipers, successfully killing them off in one go. And with the little trust you gave him in your moment of weakness, he kept his word and warded off anyone that tried to get close to you.
The Reapers were contacted, rushed to your side, and took care of you.
In the beginning, Yoongi was just a victim who had to fall prey into making a decision he hadn’t wanted to make.
Kim Namjoon’s taking a step but he’s still lightyears away from forgiveness.
Feelings cannot be forced, feelings are something you will not blame him for, but because he lied to you and betrayed your trust, you know you won’t let him off easily.
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euphoricfilter · 1 year
like crazy mini series:
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pairing(s): namjoon x reader, seokjin x reader, yoongi x reader, hoseok x reader, jimin x reader, taehyung x reader, jungkook x reader
genre: fluff || smut || angst || non-idol au || reincarnation au || strangers to lovers || established relationships || friends to lovers au || regency era au || gang au || college au || slight yandere au? ||
summary: the story of seven loves across eight lives.
word count: estimated 45k total
✧ mood-board : reaching for the stars
🪐 🌠 ∘₊✧─── *ੈ✩‧₊˚ ───✧₊∘ ✧ ˚  ·    . 💫
✧ part one
ੈ summary: the story of why you loved to dance in the rain.
word count: 14k
tags/ warnings: duke! taehyung, jimin, fluff, so much love, angst, death(s)/implied murder, mentions of blood, mentioned suicide, strangers to lovers, friends to lovers, smut in the forms of: implied loss of virginity, unprotected sex (don't be stupid, this is fiction), oral (fem receiving), multiple orgasms, creampie, cum play, talks of pregnancy and babies
✧ part two
ੈ summary: the story of how the universe sent you Namjoon
word count: 9.3k
tags/ warnings: gang leader! namjoon, fluff, a lot more love, angst, namjoon is tatted up, death/ murder, mentions of blood, mentioned sex trafficking, mentioned drugs, obsessive relationship, smut in the forms of: dom/ sub themes— kinda mean-ish dom! namjoon, lots of hickies, spitting in a mouth :), biting, strangely feral sex, pussy slapping, unprotected sex (this is fiction, don’t be stupid), pull out method (again, don’t be stupid), doggy style, squirting, the briefest ass play, implied/planned aftercare!! because namjoon isn’t heartless
✧ part three
ੈ summary: the story of how sometimes heartbreak hurts more than death
word count: ???
tags/ warnings: college bf! yoongi, fluff, a lot more love, angst, heartbreak, smut scene includes: public sex, protected sex (because that’s super cool!!), tongue technology master min yoongi, soft sex, multiple orgasms
✧ part four
ੈ summary: the story of when you seem to find out love just maybe isn’t meant for you
word count: ???
tags/ warnings: model! jungkook, baker! jin, hoseok!, fluff, more people in love it’s sick, angst, death/ murder (again), mentions of blood and injury, stalking, mentioned para-social relationship, smut in the forms of: ??? (gotta wait to find out ^~^)
✧ a supplementary story: you never walk alone
ੈ summary: the epilogue
word count: ???
tags/ warnings: ???
461 notes · View notes
i-am-baechu · 4 months
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Chapter Eight
Wishes (M) (Season One) 
Summary: After a long day of classes, Min Yoongi decides to take a break at the music hall that has become his second home. He walks in with his cigarette lit and his blank expression quickly changes when he sees a girl playing his piano. The moment their eyes meet, their lives become complicated and Yoongi blames himself for her future pain. Was the love we had honest? 
Genre: Gang au!, college au!,  strangers to enemies (one-sided), strangers to lovers, slow burn, friendships, romance, angst,  little comedy, and smut
Main pairing: Gang leader! Min Yoongi x Pianist! Reader 
Warnings: Explicit language, smut, mature themes, gangs, violence, smoking cigarettes, drugs, and alcohol usage 
Author's note: I worked really late in the past two days and I had to stay longer! I’m sorry this is late but something big happens in this chapter to make up lol 
⇜ Masterlist ⇝
There’s something about the silence that's comforting. It’s this unspoken feeling that makes you feel at home. There’s no one to take it away and it's something that never changes. It’s always there. No matter how hard you try. Even in moments when you're with people that make you feel something, silence is always there. You're the one to blame for the silence and you have to take responsibility before things get worse. Before things get worse...
Y/N stared at him and it was a look that he never wanted to see, “Y/N...” 
“You lied to me...You’ve been lying to me.” 
“I did it-”
“Don’t repeat it. I trusted you...all this for what? To make me look like an idiot?” 
Yoongi shook his head and brought her into him as she tried to push him away, “You're not an idiot...don’t ever say that about yourself.” He glanced down at her to see her standing still and he wiped the blood off of her forehead, “Y/N, I couldn’t tell you.” 
“Let. Me. Go.” 
“I won’t...I will never let you go...Never.” 
Four Days Ago 
Y/N watched with amusement and waved at her. She walked towards Yoongi with her arms over her chest, “Déjà vu.”
“At least I know your brain works.”
“I wish I could say the same about you.” 
Yoongi shook his head and glanced at Namjoon, “We’ll talk about it later.”
Y/N watched Namjoon walk away with annoyance in his step. She turned back to Yoongi and frowned, “What’s wrong with him?”
“Nothing, let me take you out.”
She raised her eyebrow and pursed her lips, “Taking me out?” 
“That’s what I said right, Bambi?” 
She snickered at this and sighed, “Fine, if I must. Where are you taking me?” 
“Seeing Lana.” 
The two walked side by side and this time Yoongi was the one that grabbed her hand. She glanced down and she couldn’t help but smile at the scene before her. Yoongi saw the smile and he couldn’t help but smile to himself. He rubbed her knuckles as the fall winds guided them to Lana’s restaurant. He opened the door and he raised his eyebrow, “If you're going to do that, lock the doors.”
“What’s happening?”
Yoongi moved his body to cover the scene from Y/N. Lana was on one of the tables with Hoseok on top of her. It was clear they were kissing with the lipstick stains on his lips and his flushed face. He was thanking god that he still had pants on. Hoseok let out a small cough and helped Lana off the table as she gave him a shy smile, “H-Hey...Why are you here?” 
“You're a restaurant owner, what do you think?”
He felt a small punch to his back and he glanced behind to see Y/N frowning at him, “Be nice.” 
He rolled his eyes and glanced back at Lana, “I wanted to eat with my Bambi.”
Yoongi moved to the side and Y/N smiled at Lana, “Good afternoon.” 
Lana glanced at Hoseok who was just as surprised as her. She looked back at Y/N and waved, “I was wondering when I would see you again.” 
“I’m glad I made a good first impression.”
Hoseok glanced at Yoongi and saw a look he had only seen once. He watched Y/N going towards Lana with excitement and he turned towards his boss with a smile, “Happiness looks good on you.”
Yoongi raised his eyebrow at him and shook his head, “Don’t say stupid things.” 
“It’s not stupid when it's the truth. You called her “My Bambi”, or am I hearing things?” 
Yoongi let out a small cough, “Get back to work.” 
Hoseok let out a laugh and glanced at Y/N, “Where there is love there is no darkness...remember that.” 
Yoongi looked towards Y/N who was laughing with Lana and it felt like a freeze frame from a movie. All he saw was her smile and compassionate eyes. Something he wasn’t used to and never will be but he wants to be especially with her. He looked back at Hoseok with a frown, “With my darkness, it will just suck her up...and then what?” 
“You’ll save her.” 
“Hoseok are you leaving?”
Hoseok turned towards Lana and frowned, “Yeah but I’ll come by tonight.”
She nodded her head and walked towards him with a smile on her face. She leaned towards him and placed a kiss on his cheek, “I’ll see you tonight.”
Yoongi glanced at Y/N who was watching the scene with a smile and Yoongi could sense the feeling of wanting. She walked towards her and pushed some hair off of her shoulder, “What’s with that look?” 
“What look?” 
“It's a look of wanting.” 
She frowned and glanced at Lana and then back at Yoongi, “Having someone sounds nice...that’s all.” 
“Am I invisible now?” 
She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest, “You know what I mean.”
“Do I Bambi? Use your words.” He pushed some hair from her forehead and she glanced up but he ignored her eyes, “For someone that likes to talk, you're silent.” 
“So....do you guys want ramen?”
Yoongi moved away from her at record speed and nodded his head, “Yeah, can we have what we had last time.”
Lana smirked at him and nodded his head, “Of course.” 
Yoongi wrapped his arm around Y/N’s waist and headed towards the back. He glanced down when he felt her head leaning on him. It was a nice feeling. They sat in the booth and he placed his hand on top of hers. She looked up at him with a raised eyebrow and he continued to play with her knuckles, “You want someone?” 
He felt her stiff and he looked up to see her flushed in the face, “I think everyone wants someone...to love.” 
“Have you ever been in love, Y/N?” 
She let out a small laugh and shook her head, “No...never. Have you?” 
He looked her into her eyes and smirked, “Slowly.” 
She was confused and went to open her mouth but it was stopped by ramen bowls. Lana placed the bowls and smiled, “If you guys want any drinks just let me know.”
“Thank you so much, Lana.”
Lana smiled at Y/N and winked at her, “Anything for you Bambi.”
Yoongi glared at Lana, “I’m the only one that can call her that.” 
“Yes, Mr. Min.” 
Yoongi turned back to Y/N to see her smiling as Lana left, “What’s with that smile?”
After eating, Yoongi took her to something he never showed anyone. Not even Namjoon. The walk was long and he offered her a piggy-back ride but she denied it (with a red face). He unlocked a gate and he felt her eyes on his back but he didn’t want to ruin the surprise. He grabbed her hand and smiled, “Do you trust me?” 
“I trust you.” 
They entered the small garden and he watched her eyes brighten up at the sight. There was a variety of roses blooming with lilies in the mix. He let go of her hand and placed his hands in his pockets as he watched her go towards the flowers. He smiled when he saw the excitement in her eyes. She turned back and was shocked at the sheer amount, “What is this?” 
Yoongi leaned against the wall and took a deep sniff of the garden, “It’s the last thing I have of my parents. When they died, they left a notebook with an address and the address is this. It was their garden, they wanted......they wanted me to show someone I care about.” Someone I love...
She glanced down at the lilies and smiled, “White lilies....”
He walked towards her and picked up the flower. He placed it in her hair and she stared at him with those wide doe eyes he came accustomed to, “Purity.” 
“They can also mean rebirth...fitting for you.”
He raised his eyebrow and creased her hair, “How so?”
“You don’t even realize that you're changing with me.” 
“Everything comes naturally with you.” He picked up a purple rose and placed it in her hands, “Everything.” 
“Purple rose?”
“A purple rose, Bambi. Decipher it.” 
She glanced down at the delicate flower and then back at him, “You tell me...” 
He leaned down and their forehead touched as she kept her eyes on his. He saw her eyes craving for an answer but he was a man that didn’t talk all that much. He leaned down and placed his lips on his and he let his actions tell her. He tilted his head and she followed his actions. The kiss wasn’t sexual like how he was used to but it was like the white lilies, pure. But it was also like the purple roses, love. 
When they leaned away, he placed his forehead on hers and she looked up at him, “A tyrant that’s poetic...how rare.” 
He chuckled and creased her cheek, “What’s rare is finding someone like you.” 
He watched her enter her house and he couldn’t help but feel like a teen again. A teenager who got his first kiss. It made him want to kick his feet up in joy. He started to walk back but stopped by Y/N’s school. He walked into the yard and looked around with full caution. He heard rumors about the school and how they had cases of gang action. The rumors were about a girl named Ana Jeon. Her father is a well-known mafia leader but her mother is a famous painter. They used the mother’s job as a cover-up. He just hopes that Ana isn’t involved with Y/N in any way.
He continued to walk around the campus and his eyes landed on an opening. A door that was left open. He raised his eyebrow at this, for a rich school their security should be better. He quietly went through the door, without touching the dark wood and entered. It looked like he was in a hallway and he tilted his head. There was a light at the end of the hall. His hand immediately went to his knife as he made his way slowly. 
He overheard a familiar voice and bit his lip, “The party is in two weeks. Remember that.”
He heard an annoyed sigh as he kept his back to the wall, “Why her? Out of everyone, her?” 
“She’s a L/N. The amount of power and money she has is more than any of you, Jessica, Ana. Remember your role.”
“Whatever Eunwoo.” 
Yoongi glared at the ground and had to hold back a curse. Y/N is too involved with this case and he didn’t like it. His only job is to protect her and protecting her is what he will do. He made his way out of the hall and quickly made his way back to the headquarters. 
He slammed the door and tossed his knife on the coffee table. Everyone looked at him with confused eyes but no one dared to say anything. It wasn’t until Jin left the kitchen to stand in front of Yoongi with worried eyes, “What’s wrong?” 
Yoongi ran his fingers through his hair and looked at Jin with pure anger, “That son of bitch Eunwoo...”
Jungkook glanced at Taehyung and then back at Yoongi, “What about him? We’re still collecting information on him.” 
“He wants...” Yoongi bit his lip and for the first time, his emotions took over him. He let tears appear and looked at Jin, “He wants Y/N. I-I don’t know what he wants but he wants her....fuck he wants her.” 
Yoongi dropped to his knees as Jimin made his way towards him in worry, “Yoongi...”
Namjoon watched with a frown and looked at the rest of the team, “Taehyung, keep a close eye on Y/N. Jungkook, you're going with him in case anything happens.” 
Yoongi looked up at him and let out a mocking laugh, “Why because she’s evidence?”
“No, because my brother is in love and the woman that he's in love with is in trouble.”  
“I never said I’m in love-’
“Let’s come up with a plan.” 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
He heard the familiar piano playing in the large music hall and he felt at ease. The delicate music sent warmth to his heart and he slowly walked towards her with a cigarette in his mouth. He let out a puff of smoke and smiled, “Your music sounds happier.” 
She turned around and smiled, “I have many reasons to be happy.”
He raised his eyebrow and leaned against the piano, “Want to tell me the reason?” 
“I think you can figure it out.” 
“Can I?” 
She rolled her eyes and let out a laugh, “If one can figure it out then another can.” 
He smirked at this and put out his cigarette under his foot. He sat next to her and glanced down at the keys, “Do you know someone named Cha Eunwoo?” 
She raised her eyebrow and nodded his head, “Sadly. I’ve known him since I was a child...why? Do you know him?”
I want to kill him, “No, I just heard his name through other people.” 
She nodded her head at this and he could tell that she did not like Eunwoo, “That makes sense. He's talked about by everyone.” 
“Why is that?”
“Rich and popular. I like his dad more, his dad is friends with mine. He was nicer and not weird at all.” 
Yoongi played two notes and then nodded his head, “Eunwoo was weird?” 
“He’s always been weird towards me. My mom wanted me to marry him because of how close he was with my dad. My dad never said no but he also never said yes. He’s always trying to capture my eyes...it’s annoying.”
Yoongi stopped playing and turned towards her with seriousness in his eyes, “Stay away from him.”
She let out a small laugh and turned towards him. Her smile dropped when she saw the seriousness in his eyes, “Is everything alright? And don’t say it's nothing, your eyes tell me otherwise.” 
“He’s trouble.” 
“I already knew that...You don’t need to tell me to do something.” 
Yoongi sighed and placed his hand on top of hers, “I know just be safe.” 
“I will.”
“That party you’ve been talking about, when is it?” 
She raised her eyebrow but answered, “It’s in two weeks. Why?”
He reached into his pocket and placed a red lily in her hand, “Y/N, I would like to be your date.” 
She laughed at this and raised her eyebrow, “It’s my event. You do realize I should be the one asking you.” 
“Never traditional.” 
“Clearly...I was going to ask you but now I don’t want to answer you.”
She rolled her eyes and looked away from him, “I guess I’ll have you as my date.” 
“You guess?”
“Yeah, I guess. I have a question for you.” 
Yoongi turned towards the piano and started to play, “Sure.”
“Why did I see Taehyung and Jungkook near my house?”
He stopped playing abruptly and looked at her, “What do you mean?” 
“Yoongi, I saw them. I also saw them at my school. Why? Tell me the truth.” 
Yoongi bit his lip and didn’t know what to say. The truth can hurt her but a lie can be agonizing. She was the beautiful garden with the different colors and he was the fire. Everything he touches turns into ash, everything. Maybe Namjoon was right. He shouldn’t be near her because look at where she is. In a problem that could cost her life and for what for selfish reasons. If he continues to see her then he's just as selfish. He wished this was another life with no problems and it was just them. That’s all he wanted. 
He swallowed some spit and let out a small cough, “Watching just in case they come and hurt you.”
“So they're doing your job?” 
“It’s extra security for you. It makes me feel better to know they’re there when I can’t be there for you.”
She looked away and he knew that it was because she was flushed in the face, “Why?” 
“Because I will always be there for you. No matter what.” I just have to be strong enough to walk away from you when the time comes... 
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@hopefulrascalstatesmantoad @secfir @amberpanda99
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intplayboy · 2 years
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summary: yoongi gets stuck in an awkward situation. and the next day, the gang is confronted with startling evidence that makes them rethink all they've known about their world over the last two decades and drives them to set out to investigate the truth.
pairings: mafia bts ot7 x experimented human female reader
genre: mafia au | moderate? angst | romance | sci-fi | action | fluff
warnings: mentions of guns, explosions, bone breaking, swearing, and violence.
word count: 8,094 (combined two chapters again)
masterpost | one | three
tag list: @juju-227592, @drunkzseok, @yourgirlcin, @babybunli, @xanny91, @bibetsa, @borahae-reads, @lalavione1309, @luvsbngtn, @tetehearts, @singukieee, @serendididy, @quixoticbittersweet, @iriaachan, @jksisbunntboy, @missseoulite, @xjiminsthighsx, @just-vaaalll, @chim-possible, @passionandsuga, @deadrose287, @kalala22, @bangtanxberm, @scuzmunkie, @sunoosult, @germ2001, @lovelgirl22, @thvkives, @kourtney-fairy-blog, @linlinlily, @getinthetardissammy-sh, @prakriti-j, @paramedicnerd004, @cuteipat, @iamkookiesforyou (the tags that are strikethrough could not be tagged)
copyright © 2022 by kumiko. all rights reserved. my works or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without express written permission from me except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
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"Here's the room." Yoongi huffs, as he opens the door, revealing another extravagant room. And it's conveniently the farthest away from the rest of us, so we don't have to deal with you, he thought.
You remain in your place, unsure of what to do, causing him to turn to face you. "What are you waiting for? Go in and take a look, you might be staying here for a while anyway."
You then enter the elegantly designed room and instinctively turn your head to study the area. "This... mine?"
"No, it's simply a place for you to sleep for the time being. It isn't yours." He spat, desperate to get out of this predicament that had been forced upon him.
30 minutes ago
"Why me! Ask Jimin, Jungkook, or even Taehyung! They're the ones who are most interested in this problem." He argues.
"You were being an asshole to her, that's why. I understand that this is a strange and unfamiliar circumstance for all of us, but she still managed to heal me." Namjoon reasoned, but Yoongi's agitated expression stayed the same. "Hobi-hyung, Jin-hyung? A little help here?"
"Leave Hobi out of this." The man with the scar hissed.
The blonde-haired man sighed. "Well, I did vote for her to stay. And this is because, after observing her, she didn't appear to be a threat."
"Not yet at least." He scoffs.
"How about looking at it this way, she could be a useful asset to us." Jin pitched in.
Yoongi's brows furrowed at him. "How?"
"She did heal Namjoon. Those kinds of injuries normally take days to completely heal, but she did it in an instant." He explains. "You can't tell me something like that isn't advantageous."
Namjoon nods. "Jin is right. Perhaps having her stay will benefit all of us."
"Or it might prove to be problematic for us. You're all being overoptimistic."
"And you're being overly pessimistic." The leader snaps back.
Oranyan clenches his jaw. "Well, I'm sorry if I want to protect all of us, and the years of blood, sweat, and tears we invested in."
"That is not anything you should be concerned about. That is not your job; it is mine." Namjoon narrows his gaze.
The words of the leader leave him slightly stunned, rendering him speechless as he takes a step back. How could he go against it, knowing how right he was?
"Fine. I'll take care of that measly girl for you." He scoffs as he walks out of the room, the tension in the air never dissipating.
back to present
"—ank you," Yoongi is snapped out of his thoughts by an innocent tiny voice belonging to the nameless girl.
"What did you say?" He asks, startled.
You glance at him warily. "T-thank you. R-room is nice."
When he notices your demeanor towards him, a small twinge of guilt rushes through him. But he immediately ignores it, remembering that you're the cause of his and Namjoon's disagreement.
"Uh- Sure? It's the smallest room out of all the rooms, I really don't see what's great about it." He mutters the last sentence.
For a few minutes, there was an awkward silence between the two of you before he clears his throat. "Well, um- Jin hyung is going to make dinner tonight, so just wait for his call in here till then."
You nod quietly, but Yoongi had already left the room.
A few hours later, Jin serves two large platters of freshly cooked Mandu and Bossam, as well as a sautee pot of Kimchi Jjigae. "Hey, everyone! Dinners ready, come down!"
Within a minute, multiple pairs of footsteps sounded, as the group comes towards the dining room. They all took their seats and began loading their plates and bowls before devouring the mouthwatering feast their hyung had prepared.
Minutes passed, and Jin felt as though something had been forgotten until it suddenly dawned on him. "Hey, where's the girl?"
Everyone shrugs silently, completely focused on their food, causing the eldest to sigh and then turn to face Yoongi. "Where is she?"
The addressed man knew he was being spoken to even without looking. He slurps his bowl and mumbles. "She's in the white room."
"The what-?" The hacker scrunched his brows.
"The white room." He repeated while Jin's eyes bulge in response. "Yoongi, that's a long way from our rooms! Why is she all the way over there?!"
"Hey, all you said was show her a room to stay in. You didn't say which room." He defended himself.
Namjoon merely shook his head and continued to eat. "Quit being a smartass, Yoongi."
The master manipulator smirks condescendingly at his leader. "I'm not wrong, am I though?"
"Watch it." The younger glares at him.
Jin, frustrated with the quarrel, lets out an exasperated sigh, cutting them off. "That's enough. I'll just deliver the food to her."
But, just as the eldest is about to rise from his seat, Namjoon stops him. "It's alright, hyung. Since Yoongi wants to act like the smartass he is, he should deliver the girl the dinner. You've worked hard enough already."
Jin leans back hesitantly as the tension comes back, and the other four men watch them silently. Namjoon's eyes never left Yoongi as did Yoongi's. The staredown lasts for what seems like hours before Oranyan huffs, rolling his eyes, and rises from his seat. "Fine. This is the last time I'm doing something for that girl."
Yoongi grudgingly walks along the lengthy corridor until arriving at the white room's door. He knocks on the door with one hand, holding the silver tray, but is met with silence.
He pinched his brows and twists the doorknob, pushing the door open. He then notices the girl dressed in his dongsaeng's clothes standing in front of the absurdly high window. He draws her attention with a clear throat. 007 turns to face him, then notices the meal tray he's carrying.
You blink. "What is that?"
"Jin hyung made dinner. He called all of us, but you didn't hear."
You remained still. That was what you were trained to do all your life. That's all you know: talk only when spoken to. And do as they say or face the consequences. Though you were allowed to ask a few innocent questions, you were smart enough to know that you needed to be cautious with your remarks.
"Well come over here and eat." He speaks.
"O-okay." You squeak as you crossed the room to Yoongi and stop in front of him.
He places the dinner tray on a little white coffee table and motions for you to take a seat next to it. You take your seat, finally seeing the warm meal in front of you.
With a blank face, he says. "Go, eat."
You plunged right into the meal, having forgotten how hungry you were. You ate with your bare hands, ignoring the spoon and chopsticks on either side of the tray. You had no idea what those were as you never had the luxury of having a delicious meal in such a humane manner.
The master manipulator stands a bit flabbergasted but doesn't show it, as you shove the contents into your mouth with your hands. For a bit, he doesn't do anything, waiting if you'll use the utensils that are plainly in front of you, but obviously, you don't.
He lets out an annoyed sigh and hesitantly crouches next to you, making you pause with a mouthful of food. "You do realize you don't have to use your hands?"
You tilt your head, as you usually do when they say something completely new to you. Yoongi takes a spoon in one hand and metal chopsticks in the other. "This is a spoon—" Then he waves the chopsticks. "And these are chopsticks."
"These are here to help you eat cleaner. I'll show you." He takes a spoonful of rice and dips half of it into the Kimchi Jjigae. He then takes the chopsticks and demonstrates by picking up a piece of pork and placing it on the rice, then bringing it to you. "You then bring it to your mouth and eat it."
You suddenly lean forward, clamping your mouth around the spoon that he is still holding. Your actions catch him off guard, causing his eyes to widen slightly and resulting in him dropping the spoon onto the tray.
He leaps away from you, feeling completely flustered. "Y-ya! What are you doing?!"
"When I brought to you, I meant for you to take it yourself! Not-" He exclaims, leaving no time for you to respond.
He exhales sharply. "I'm gonna grab napkins. You, just try to use the utensils like a normal person."
He pivots around and walks to the connected bathroom. Taking a few minutes to locate the roll of paper towels. He finally finds the paper towel and rips two out before exiting the restroom.
As he steps out, he hears metal clattering. He sets his eyes on the weird girl who is desperately trying to pick up a piece of food with chopsticks, just as he had earlier demonstrated for you.
He remained there silently observing you as you tried, again and again, to pick up the piece of pork that continued to fall pathetically every time you gripped it. And every time it falls, he notices your frustrated look.
The crease between your brows and the slight pout formed by the corners of your lips curving downward. His gaze never leaves you as he stands only a few feet away from you. How innocent, what if... What? You dare to complete that thought Min Yoongi, he muses.
Was it a faint spark he felt when he saw your childlike expression? No. It cannot or should not be. There is no room for such feelings anyway.
She won't get any food in her system at this rate. She's completely helpless... He mentally scoffs, unable to believe this is you, the girl referred to by his hyung as a "useful" asset for their infamous formidable gang. They must be joking, he discreetly clicks his tongue. How can this nameless girl be useful to them when she couldn't even eat properly?
Then he did what he does best: he pushed any soft feelings aside and approached your struggling figure abruptly. "Here— take this. Wipe your hands. I'll just do it for you because you're incompetent at it."
You couldn't help but gaze at him before grabbing the paper towel. You watch him as he takes a nearby stool to sit alongside you before noticing you haven't yet cleaned your hands. "Didn't I tell you to wipe your hands?"
He sighs grumpily. "How could I forget... You seem clueless to everything as Jungkook says." He then grabs your napkin and starts wiping the food crumbs from your hands.
He picked up the utensils and put chunks of food on the spoon before giving it to you. And, understanding his gestures, you leaned forward, latching your mouth around the spoon as you had done previously.
He couldn't help but feel hot on his cheeks as he continued to feed you. Why is he even doing this in the first place? Right. He did it because that scoundrel of a leader ordered him to. And only him, because he decided it was best to be wary around a girl they'd only just met, who miraculously healed their leader.
Once you finished your meal, thanks to the scarred-face man, a sudden knock erupted at the door. Yoongi instantly rose from his position, unwilling to risk being caught for such an intimate act on his case.
"Is everything okay in there-? Did she eat her food? You didn't do anything, right Yoongi?" Jin nags from the other side of the door.
The younger just rolled his eyes, disregarding the fact that his hyung couldn't see him. "No, I didn't do anything. But, yeah, she finished her food."
"You can come in, I'm leaving anyway." He hurriedly collects the meal tray, without looking at the girl, and walks towards the door.
Jin flings open the door, startled at Yoongi's appearance. "What's got you in such a rush-?"
The cold-hearted man simply brushes by him and strides out of the room, leaving the latter to huff. "Ya! If you know any better, you ought to drop that attitude!"
"Aish, what a kid." He mutters as he sees his dongsaeng quietly proceed down the hall.
Jin shifts his attention to the petite figure seated on the large chair and staring at him.
He approached her with a tight smile. "Hello."
"H-Hi." You reply softly.
"How did the food taste?" He asks.
"Good. W-was good." You respond, making the man grin, which makes you smile back.
He faintly chuckles at your reaction but then switches to a playful stern expression. "I hope Yoongi wasn't too patronizing— was he nice to you?"
You hummed politely. "He was..." Then you mimic his dongsaeng feeding you, using cute gestures.
"Oh..?" He lifts his brows, musing. "He did that?"
Jin crosses his arms, and you nod. "How interesting..."
"Well, I'm glad you enjoyed the food. I just came in to make sure you're okay." He clarifies.
Unlike the rest excluding Taehyung, Jin was arguably the one who exhibited more of a softer side for people; while being part of a merciless gang that might be regarded as heartless, he was still someone you could easily befriend. But the biggest warning anybody can provide about him is to never take advantage of his kindness; he's not the most forgiving person, and he'll show it to you.
Just as it is easy to be disgustingly greedy, the expert hacker will simply make you regret doing wrong. He'll make sure your sins come back to haunt you—and ruin you to the point where you're begging on your knees for that far-reaching forgiveness.
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The next morning, at eight o'clock, a sudden pounding was heard as a sleeping cat lay dead still in his bed. "Min Yoongi, get your ass up! We have an emergency meeting now!"
As the banging continues, the second-oldest member groans and blinks his eyes open. "Alright! I'm awake!"
He sat up grudgingly, rubbing his eyes in annoyance and subconsciously plotting to kill the person who had dared to disrupt his precious sleep. But when an emergency meeting is called, he has no choice but to stop everything and hurry to meet the rest of the group.
After freshening up, he finally arrives at their conference room. He is greeted by the other six members, whilst their leader stands in the far front, with his back to them.
Namjoon turns around and faces them as soon as Yoongi takes a seat. "Good. Everyone is here."
"I'm sure you're wondering why I called this meeting so suddenly." He begins.
"And why so damn early too..." Mumbles the master manipulator.
The leader's gaze narrows on him. "Pardon?"
He responds with a sarcastic smile. "I said, why did you call so early?"
"Well, allow me to finish then, hm?" Namjoon grits his teeth.
The latter shrugged and he continued. "I gathered you today, and so early if you're bothered— because I received an anonymous tip, and it was a pretty major one."
Jin arches a brow. "A tip? That's the first- we've never gotten a tip before."
"Not to mention an anonymous one. It sounds suspicious." Hoseok adds.
Jimin leans forward, his hands folded on the table. "What exactly is the tip about?"
"Let me correct myself, I received two separate tips but was told they were linked." Namjoon replies.
"I'll start with the first one. The group that ambushed us is working on a large delivery today; I'm not sure what it is, but they want it done quickly and only today." He explains. "And I'm assuming whatever they're delivering must be very important and perhaps quite valuable."
"And the second tip I was given involves your guys' case." Namjoon points to Jungkook and Jimin.
"What do you mean?" Jungkook furrowed his brows.
"According to our source, that same gang was seen making a deal with a man dressed in a suit... In front of the medical facility you're both investigating." He answers.
"That's weird— why is a gang dealing with an owner of a medical building?" Taehyung inquires.
Namjoon shakes his head. "I'm not sure who that man is with whom they negotiated the deal, but it's certainly questionable."
"I think the greater question is, what is a man like him doing meeting with a gang of criminals for?" Yoongi voices out.
The leader merely shrugs. "I don't have an answer for that. Hoseok, what do you think?"
"Perhaps the package might contain useful equipment for the facility." He thinks with his jaw clenched. "But why would that man ask them? It makes no sense."
"Jimin and Jungkook, how about you? Were you both aware of this?" Namjoon addresses them.
Jimin shook his head. "No, we're just as confused as the rest of you."
"Maybe- Jimin might be right about this." Jungkook speculates.
"What do you mean?" Jin asks.
The youngest gives Jimin a brief glance before Jimin speaks for him. "I told him I had a bad feeling about the whole thing..."
"Is there something we should know about?" Namjoon crossed his arms.
"We only checked yesterday— but the medical supplies and equipment went missing so suddenly." Jimin elaborates.
Jin steps forward. "How much are we talking about?"
"Couple dozens... couple dozens of batches." Jungkook responded.
The eldest's eyes widen. "WHAT?!"
"Could that possibly be the delivery?" Taehyung proposes.
Namjoon unfolds his arms. "Given the timing of everything, that seems plausible. It seems to be perfectly aligned—"
"Almost too perfectly." Yoongi interrupts. "How do you know whether what this anonymous person says is true?"
"I received the evidence this morning in the mail."
"Let's see it."
The leader nods, pulling out a clasp envelope and takes a stack of photographs and a flash drive from it. "There is no return address on the mail."
"Obviously." Oranyan mutters.
Namjoon clears his throat audibly. "The package had images of the exchange in action, and the flash drive has data on all of the missing equipment and supplies that are allegedly being delivered today."
"Yes, these are photographs, but do you realize how easy it is these days to edit photos and print them out as if they are real?" Yoongi reacts cynically.
Jin examines the photos more closely and notices something that none of the others can see, which coincidentally contradicts Yoongi's claim. "But, you can't fabricate these types of photos."
Then everyone turned to look at him. "Look at the type of material these photos are. This is a type of camera film that can only be developed with diluted water."
"Which means, it can't be edited. When a photo is taken, it is taken at the exact moment it is intended to capture— So, to put your mind at ease, these are real, and that exchange did occur."
"How about the supplies and equipment on the flash drive." Jimin questioned.
"A separate note said that the data on the flash drive is encrypted. You can still access it right, Jin?" Namjoon refers to the eldest member.
Jin sneered arrogantly. "Do you really need to ask? Of course, I can."
The expert hacker takes the flash drive and sits down at the long table, bringing out his computer. He proceeds by inserting the drive on the side of the computer, and within the next second, his fingers begin hitting the keys at practically lightning speed, with his eyes never leaving the screen.
Soon after, a smug grin formed on his face. "I'll be honest—that was a tenacious firewall they installed, but don't worry, I bypassed it all."
Jin stood up and walked up to the front to connect his computer to the television. The television turns on and displays his computer screen. "All I have to do is press enter, and all the data will be shown to us."
Namjoon nods at him, and Jin returns his nod before hitting the enter key. And then the data is unleashed, with dozens of files popping in rapid sequence. As the electronic beeps of the files fill their ears continuously, the group remains dumbstruck. They were not expecting so much data containing missing supplies and equipment to be uncovered right in front of their eyes.
"Joon, I thought you said the flash drive only had supplies that were expected to be delivered today?" Jimin stares at the screen, baffled.
"These aren't just lists of missing supplies from yesterday; this is the entire history of it all." Jin comments. "Take a look at these dates; they go back almost nineteen years."
"So you're saying this covert operation has been going on all along right under our noses?" Yoongi implied.
Jin faces him. "It appears so."
"For an operation like this to last this long, someone higher must be pulling the strings." Hoseok says.
"Hoseok is right. Now that we have a fresh light—thanks to our anonymous tip—the agenda has been changed—rather than Jungkook and Jimin investigating the facility, it's going to be all hands on deck for this one." Namjoon places his palms on the table and turns to face Jin. "However, Jin, you will have an additional independent task."
Shadow hacker raises his brow, subconsciously urging his leader to carry on. "You need to get all of the information you can on the girl. Anything that can answer every question about her."
"But in the meantime, we have a delivery to catch." The leader smirks slyly.
≫ play track: yes boss - the revenge instrumental ≪
"So- the anonymous tip didn't happen to provide us the location of their base..." Yoongi jokes sarcastically.
"No, however, they did give us the route they're traveling on to the drop-off." Namjoon replies.
The master manipulator's face twisted in confusion. "The route? Why would they do that—" As it finally sinks in, he paused. "You can't be serious..."
Namjoon grins. "I see you caught on. And I am."
Taehyung shifts his eyes between the two. "Serious about what? What is your plan Namjoon?"
"Glad you asked, Taehyung. Here's the plan—" Namjoon types on the touchscreen table, which displays a grid map. "This is the route they intend to take-"
"It's a one-way road." Jungkook intercepts.
Namjoon nods. "Correct. I was initially confused as to why they would give me the route they were taking, but I now understand what they were attempting to convey."
Hoseok crosses his arms. "And just what is that?"
"We'll seize the delivery by striking them here." The leader expands on the touchscreen, zooming onto a selected spot on the map. "They'll be the most susceptible."
"Are you saying you want to stop them during the transport?" Jimin's mouth drops.
"Exactly. It's effective considering they won't expect it at all." The leader continues.
Jungkook exhales, leaning back in his chair. "First of all, why are they going that particular road?"
"Because no one, not even the cops, will be able to track them down there." Jin answers. "There are no cameras on the route, and computer GPS can't detect them. Even I won't be able to get visual— they're smart."
Namjoon tilts his head. "But there is another option. Radio satellite and thermal imaging."
"That may work, but..." Jin trails off.
Yoongi stares at his hyung. "But what?"
"I'd have to hack into the military mainframe." Jin mutters.
The younger scoffs. "That's crazy."
"But it is doable." Namjoon clarifies, and Jin begrudgingly nods.
"It is, but it will take some time if we don't want to be caught and traced."
"That's fine, and we won't." Their leader reassures.
Hoseok takes another look at the grid map of the marked route. "Alright, now that we have visual covered what's your plan on stopping the delivery there?"
"For starters, three trailer trucks will be on the road, one as backup protection and the first two carrying the cargo. So, we take out the third truck first." Namjoon begins. "We'll wait for them in the short tunnel right before the targeted spot. The only way this is going to work is if we all travel separately— which we will do via motorbikes."
He continues. "Jungkook, on the other hand, will be placed somewhere else. He'll serve as our element of surprise. Jungkook will be waiting on top of the tunnel for them to emerge. We won't be able to eliminate the third truck in the tunnel; Jungkook will have to do it."
"Hyung, I'm not sure how that will work." Jungkook comments.
He raises his finger. "I'll get to that— you'll fly the ultralight helicopter to the top of the tunnel, and Jin will act as your eyes and timer from there. Your objective is to set an explosive at the opposite end of the tunnel where they will exit. Before it explodes, you'll need to jump to the first truck. The idea is that the tunnel will collapse on the third truck, terminating it for us."
"What about the rest of us in the tunnel?" Yoongi questions.
"We'll follow them closely, in a single line, so we're out of their line of sight. Then, we'll split off and circle to the front and sides, surrounding the first two trucks." The fourth oldest member answers.
"And after Jungkook lands on the first truck, we'll have to help him in hijacking it, assuming they'll start a gunfight as they drive. Once he's in the truck, the one behind them will have no choice but to stop." He explains. "As soon as the men get out of the trucks, expect further gunplay. But I'm confident we'll all be fine."
"Any questions?" He glances around at his group for a moment before Hoseok starts chuckling.
"This might be one of the most daring plans you've ever conceived, Joonie."
Namjoon smiles cunningly as he shrugs. "We're the mafia, after all. Isn't it our job to be daring?"
"So are we all in agreement?"
Everyone nods and hums, prompting the leader to do the same. "Good, let's gear up then."
≫ stop track ≪
"Wait a minute—what about the girl?" Taehyung inquires.
Yoongi rolls his eyes. "What about her? As long as she stays put here, she'll be fine."
"I can attest to that; from what I've experienced, she's quite obedient." Jimin confirms.
"And, given that we live in the middle of nowhere, I don't believe there's anything to worry about." Adds Jungkook.
"Sun-Woo will be here, so he can keep an eye on her. So, at least she won't be completely alone." Jin pitches in.
Namjoon clapped his hands. "Are we done with the babysitting debate? We don't have much time."
Everyone then exits the meeting room and begins preparing for their hijacking mission.
"I never got the chance to ask, but where will Jin hyung be?" Jungkook inquires as they all load their gear in the garage.
"I'll be stationed close to the road. Don't be concerned about me; you'll see how I'll save your asses again."
The maknae rolls his eyes at his hyung's words, causing the hacker to shrug. "Sorry, can't help myself, I'm both attractive and extraordinarily smart."
"Can you get any more narcissistic?" Jungkook sighs, dejected.
"You're just upset that you can't outwit me." Jin poked out his tongue.
The younger smirks evilly. "Sure, but I can outmuscle you and immobilize you from the neck down."
"Well, I—" Jin attempts to respond but is cut off.
"All right, enough of this. We're wasting time." Irritation clearly heard in Namjoon's tone before he turns around.
With their leader's back to him, it was the maknae's turn to stick his tongue out at the oldest. "Jungkook stop being a child."
Jungkook's expression quickly changes, slightly startled by Namjoon's awareness of his immature behavior without looking. Whereas Jin tries to hold back his laughter as his dongsaeng gets scolded. The youngest narrows his eyes before rolling them and mumbling under his breath.
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An hour and three minutes. That's how long it took the five men to travel up the one-way road and hide inside the tunnels, awaiting the three semi-trucks transporting the stolen medical equipment or whatever- certainly for selfish motives, given they didn't do it legally.
As for the other two, Jungkook flew to the opposite end of the tunnel with the ultralight helicopter as planned, while Jin was stationed at a nearby local underground club.
"Jin how's the progress?" Namjoon spoke using their long-range micro earpiece, which allowed them to communicate over extended distances.
As he frantically types along his sixteen-inch, heavily encrypted computer keyboard, the hacker lets out a frustrated sigh. "This is a stateful inspection firewall, which means tons of packets, and tons of packets means many malicious codes, and those malicious codes translate to SSL encryption, which makes it more complicated than most we've encountered. One wrong code entry, anyone and everyone who has immediate access to the satellite imaging systems will be alerted exactly thirty seconds af—"
"Jin, you're rambling. Just say you need more time." Yoongi huffed. "I was utterly exhausted from listening to all of that information. Everything you said went in one ear and out the other."
"It's called a learning moment Yoongi, something you need more of. And if you're going to address me like that, you ought to put honorifics after my name." Jin responds harshly.
Their leader mentally shakes his head. "If you're finished bickering, Jin hyung, what's the status? Who knows how close they are."
"These bastards have three fucking walls. THREE! Although I cracked two of them, so one more down, but it may take a few minutes longer." He answered.
"Damn you, Jin hyung." Taehyung mutters quietly, which the eldest still managed to hear.
"Ya-! Didn't I tell you all that this is a military-grade security wall! And if you don't want to be caught, I said it would take time!" He was profoundly fed up with their pestering. The things I do for you impatient brats, he grumbles in his head.
Minutes later, the expert hacker miraculously breached the third firewall, just in time to locate their target using military satellite imaging. "GUYS! I got in, I have visual on the three trucks."
"Excellent-" comments Namjoon.
"We knew we could count on you, Jin hyung. Never doubt a second." Jungkook commended him.
"Yeah, yeah. It was whatever- anyway, they're close by. They should arrive in two minutes." Jin notifies them.
"Okay, engines hot everyone!" Namjoon orders and the others nod sagely with their black helmets on. "Did you set the detonator, Jungkook?"
The addressed man hums. "Yes. It's ready under Jin hyung's command."
"They're entering in... three... two... go after those sons of bitches." Shadow Hacker smirks smugly as he informs his team members.
The three semi-truck-looking vehicles entered the tunnel precisely on Jin's countdown, and the five men instantly formed a straight line, trailing just behind the third truck, completely hidden from the driver's side view mirrors.
"We need a headcount in each truck."
"On it." As usual, his lightning-fast fingers went to work, controlling access to the thermal imaging to peer through the trucks' metal.
"All right, the truck Jungkook is going to hijack has a dozen people inside, including the driver and one on the passenger side."
"And seven in the second truck—it's the third truck that's the issue."
"With sixteen people in that metal rectangle, you're obviously going to be outnumbered." Jin replies. "So smart move proposing to immediately eliminate the third truck."
"Thank our anonymous tip." Namjoon corrects.
Jin then turns his camera angle to the trucks traveling through the tunnels. "Jungkook, prepare to jump at my signal."
Tightening the utility harness that was around his hips and right upper thigh, Jungkook stands on the edge of the concrete tunnel and listens for his hyung's signal.
He cracks his knuckles and joints briefly before focusing his attention on the road below him, where he hears the faint sound of approaching vehicles. The first truck then appears. "Jump now!"
He leaps from the concrete and lands with a grunt on the top of the metal attached to the truck, rolling up on one knee. He glances behind him, over his shoulder, expecting the bomb he set to explode over the third vehicle under Jin's command.
The third vehicle was ready to depart the tunnel when the device failed to detonate. As a result, Jungkook's face was filled with confusion. Even the rest of the gang was bewildered. The man with the circle lens spectacles, on the other hand, begins to panic.
"Why didn't it go off, Jin?" Jungkook questioned.
Jin presses a button on a separate controller repeatedly; the button that was designed to remotely trigger the explosion, but it never did. Frustrated, he returns to his computer, pulling up satellite imagery to inspect the device Jungkook planted.
That was the moment he realized...
"YA! Jungkook, you took the wrong one!" Jin screeched through his headset.
"What?! But I wasn't the one who loaded it into the helicopter. When I walked in, it was already there." He defends himself. "I assumed you put it there."
"No, I did not! Whoever it was grabbed the wrong one!" Jin states.
"Fuck-" Someone murmured, but everyone heard, as the five men took their assigned positions. "Who said that? Was that you Namjoon?"
The leader mentally facepalms himself. "Shit- yeah. I was the one who left it in the helicopter."
Yoongi turns his head to glare at Namjoon for a fraction of a second. "What do we do now?!"
"I mean, didn't Jin say there's at least sixteen in that damn truck? We're going to be outnumbered and outgunned; please tell me you've got a backup plan!"
"I'm thinking alright! Try to take out their tires, first!" Namjoon shouts back.
Suddenly, the sides of the truck's metal piece begin to move, and a machine emerges, displaying a mini machine gun. Taehyung and Jimin, the two men designated on the sides, widened their eyes at this.
"ACTIVATE SHIELDS NOW!" Namjoon commands audibly.
Fortunately, the two members activated their shields barely a millisecond before shots were fired at them. "If you have a backup plan, I suggest you say something now!" yells Taehyung.
"Since when did these bastards get their hands on machine guns!" Hoseok exclaimed.
"Worry about that later! We've got bullets fired at us right now!" Jimin screams.
"Pull out, for now, take cover in the rear." Namjoon instructs, and they quickly comply, applying their brakes and retreating behind the third truck.
"Jin, any ideas?!" Yoongi calls to him.
"I'm on it right now." Looks like he's about to save their asses once again.
He switches the screen on his computer and brings up a coding system that is concurrently linked to the ultralight helicopter Jungkook was once in. "I've taken control of the helicopter and am heading it toward you."
"You can remotely control the helicopter?!" Jungkook hung his mouth apart slightly. "That means I didn't need to fly up there myself!"
"That's not entirely true, we needed someone to plant the bomb." Namjoon replied.
Jungkook crossed his arms. "Yeah, one that was the wrong one."
"Will you be able to take out the third truck?" The fourth oldest of the gang asks the eldest.
Jin hums. "Yes, I got an idea."
"Good, Taehyung and Jimin hang in there."
"It's not like we can go anywhere." Jimin rolled his eyes.
As if things couldn't get any worse, the rear hatch of the truck unexpectedly opens, showing all fourteen men inside, pointing weapons at the two. "JIN, GET YOUR ASS HERE FAST, THEY'RE AIMING AT US!"
"That's it, I'm heading over." The maknae announces, fed up.
"No, Jungkook, stick to the plan!" But he never listened, thinking, the plan that just backfired? Sure.
≫ play track: i like the way you die - black honey (on loop) ≪
He silently tched to himself as he sprinted over to jump across to the second vehicle, then did the same to land on the last truck, filled with the fourteen armed men.
As he approaches the open door, he takes an electrocution grenade, snaps the metal key off, and quickly throws it inside. Within a short moment, the grenade detonates, electrocuting three guys within the five-foot radius and paralyzing them for the next few hours.
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Jungkook then swings into the truck, confronting the remaining ten men head-on. "Let's dance shall we." He grins cunningly at the men who are startled by his abrupt entrance.
The men soon shook off their surprise and began firing at him. However, Jungkook's superhuman-like reflexes allow him to activate his energy shield, emitted from his wrist device, and deflect the bullets, just like the others. When he was close to one, he deactivated the shield and threw a punch at the first man, followed by a brutal knee strike to the gut.
Taking advantage of the vulnerable state, he tightly grips the poor man's wrist that held the gun and pins it around his back. With the man's gun, he starts shooting at another, killing them.
Now with five people left standing, he slides along the ground, avoiding the aimed weapons above him, without thinking. He instantly leaps up, catching them off guard as he gets ahold of the next target's arm and throws him over his shoulder. The man's shoulder is dislocated when he hits the ground, causing him to cry out in pain.
He reactivates his shield instinctively, just as the last four attempt to shoot at him again. Never pausing and depriving Jungkook of the chance to draw his own weapon. And unfortunately, he slowly finds himself backing up into the corner, pinned down. "Shit, Jin hyung, where are you?! I'm pinned down!"
With no reply, the sounds of a helicopter flying overhead filled their ears, and the fire ceased, and the men started pointing at the helicopter. "I'll handle it from here; get out of there right now."
Jungkook dashes towards the open hatch where the men were standing, withdrawing two of his guns from his hips and hitting their legs, immobilizing them. He then hastily climbs over to the top and races to the next moving truck.
Jin controls the helicopter by typing on the keyboard of his computer, dropping a distinct piece of machinery below it.
"Is that a fucking missile attached to the helicopter?!!" Jimin screams, his eyes widening at the sight.
"A FUCKING WHAT-?!" Yoongi screams in disbelief, momentarily gazing behind him.
"I suggest you, Jimin and Tae increase your distance from the truck." Jin advises.
"You don't need to tell me twice." Taehyung responded as the two pulled away from the truck.
Before hitting the enter key to launch the missile, the expert hacker makes a snide remark. "Enjoy the light show boys."
The missile is deployed, and the third truck explodes, demolishing it completely. The impact of the explosion drives Jungkook backward, but the youngest swiftly regains his balance on top of the truck.
"Bullseye!" Jin laughs cheerfully.
"Holy fuck, hyung, a goddamn missile? You're a fucking lunatic, man." Hoseok says.
"You should be thanking me; didn't I say I'd save your asses again?" He huffed.
"Great, the third truck is out. Proceed with the rest of the plan, everyone—hopefully the other two don't have machine guns on the side as well." Namjoon instructs once more. "Hyung, stay on standby in case we need another trick of yours."
As gunshots roared in the air, presumably from the between the two gangs, Jungkook dashed forward to the semi-truck's cab, where the driver and passenger sat. He swings over the passenger seat, breaking through the window and all at once kicking the man in the passenger seat in the head. As he swoops in effortlessly, he pulls out his combat knife and stabs the man in the neck, giving neither of them time to react and killing him quickly.
The driver panics and friskily reaches for his gun to shoot him. However, with another lethal brute power of Jungkook's kick, the man flies out of the moving truck before he could harm Jungkook.
The master combatant then hops into the driver's seat. "I've gained control of the first truck."
"Good. You know what to do, the others and I will be ready right after." Namjoon says.
Jungkook nods and slams on the brakes, turning the steering wheel sharply to block off the truck behind him.
The tires screeched as the truck behind Jungkook came to a halt, almost colliding with him. The maknae exits the cab and walks menacingly towards the truck, his hands wrapped around his two guns strapped to his hips.
The cab doors open as the two men attempt to eliminate Jungkook. But as soon as their heads poked out, they both dropped dead.
The rest of the members join Jungkook, facing the back of the truck with their weapons drawn.
"Jin cover the other truck, will you be able to target all of them?" Namjoon inquired.
"I might or might not have installed a mini MIRV." He smirked evilly as he hovered the helicopter over the truck Jungkook had earlier hijacked. (Multiple Independently-targetable Reentry Vehicles)
"All right, then, let's bring these treasures home." Namjoon comments. "And let's take one."
≫ track stop ≪
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The sun had set and the Bangtan Boys had returned home, they unloaded the dozens of batches of stolen equipment and supplies into their storage house on their property.
The seven members step into the quiet house, sweaty, slightly bloodied, and bruised from the anticipated gunfight with the other people in the trucks.
They surveyed the area as they entered the living room. "At least everything seems in place and clean. Looks like we had nothing to worry about."
"Sun-Woo!" Hoseok calls out.
Moments later, shuffling can be softly heard, and soon a figure emerged from the kitchen door. "Good evening, sirs, how did the mission go?"
"Everything went as planned." Namjoon responded, but the others snorted, making the leader groan. "Hey, at least we accomplished what we needed to do."
Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Yeah, barely, because somebody believed he was confident enough to know which exact explosive to take."
He puts his hands up defensively. "Excuse me- everything looked the same to me!"
Sun-woo shifts his gaze awkwardly between the '93 and '94 members. He hadn't expected them to start bickering.
"Sun-woo, where's the girl?" Jin asked.
Their butler turns to the oldest. "Oh, she's been inside the room since you all left."
"It appears she refuses to leave her spot, claiming you told her to 'stay here.'"
"So she didn't come out at all?" Hoseok arched his brow.
Their butler nods, leaving the gang rather surprised except for Jimin and Jungkook. Which Sun-Woo notices. "You both don't seem as surprised as the rest."
Both of them shrugged their shoulders. "She'd been acting like that since we met her, so we kind of expected it."
He lets out an 'ah' of understanding. "Do you want to see her? Shall I fetch her?"
"No, I'll get her—" Hoseok returns eye contact with the six other pairs of eyes now on him. "I'd like to make further observations on her."
"All right, go ahead." Namjoon gives a nod.
Hoseok then walked up their extravagant modern stairs and down the long corridor to the familiar white room that had not been used in a long time. He knocks on the door, respecting your privacy given that you're a lady, but it doesn't mean he would immediately be overly buddy-buddy with the girl they barely met less than twenty-four hours earlier.
He waits for a response but does not receive one, so he proceeds to push the door open. His gaze was drawn to your body fast asleep soundly across the bed.
Was she waiting for us this entire time, he wondered.
He approaches you quietly, taking in your sleeping form. That's when he noticed the dark circles under your eyes, which were partially hidden by your fluttery thick lashes. Your plump and slightly chapped lips, and your sunken cheeks, that showed signs of malnourishment.
Starting to think about it, he feels a little guilty knowing he needs to wake up the peaceful sleeping female who clearly needed the rest.
But he wants to know more about you, whether you're a threat to his family or innocent all along, but can you honestly call oneself innocent in this forsaken world? And to determine this stranger's true motives, he must present himself as 'friendly' and 'caring' towards you.
Nonetheless, he reached for you and gently shook you awake. "H-hey, wake up."
It takes a few moments, but you jolt up, terror etched across your face, thinking you're back in your ten-by-ten box from before.
"Woah woah woah- ease up, it's just me." He takes a step back, giving you space while calming you down.
As soon as you hear those words, your eyes focused on the man in front of you. 'It's just me,' the words echoed in your head, and security filled your body.
"Hi there, good morning sunshine." Says the masculine melodic voice.
"H-hi." You finally recognize him as one of the members you met the night previously. Ho-seon? Hosan? Hobi?
"How long have you slept?"
"I-I don't know."
He frowns slightly. "Hopefully you can sleep later on, it is pretty late. It's sunset already."
You tilt your head. "Sunset?"
"Yeah, sunset. Have you ever heard or seen a sunset?"
You shake your head, causing the older man to draw his lips together and then smile. "Well, let's meet the rest of the guys outside and I'll show you your first sunset."
"Okay." You said.
The pair of you finally join the rest of the group in the living room along with Sun-woo.
"Wow, she really did not leave the room." Taehyung stares in amazement.
"I presume she understands obedience very well." Sun-woo's eyes linger on you.
"I suppose so..."
Taehyung then approaches you, his boxy smile on his face. "Hey, cutie. Good job following orders."
You look at him with doe eyes, perplexed by his antics. He chuckles at this and raises his hand to pat you on the head, but as soon as you see his hand lift, your eyes flood with panic, and you pressed your eyelids shut, evidently waiting for impact.
Your reaction causes him to freeze and pull back almost immediately. "O-oh! I-I'm sorry!"
Hoseok watched their interaction. "I suppose she is sensitive to such actions... Perhaps, she suffered abuse before."
"Just reassure her that you won't hurt her, and she'll let you touch her." Jimin states.
Taehyung nods and returns his attention to you. "Hey, I'm not going to hurt you. I-I was just commending you."
You carefully open your eyes, watching with caution as Taehyung repeats his earlier moves, but more slowly. He then gently pats your head while smiling, revealing his adorable bread cheeks.
Jin clears his throat. "So... 007, you really just stayed in your room as we told you?"
You turn to face him, nodding in response. "Y-yes."
Jin was going to ask you another question about if you had eaten when you spoke up. "Someone hurt."
Everyone looks at you in confusion, then exchanges glance with each other. "Hurt? Well, I mean we kind of got into a fight but it's merely scratches, we're fine."
"No, someone hurt bad."
"Well, as you can see, we're perfectly standing up, so I think we're fine." Yoongi spits.
Jimin furrows his brows. "Yo, Yoongi, relax. She's just trying to help, maybe she's right."
"No one said anything on the way home, which usually means we all survived and are fine." Yoongi fired back.
You, on the other hand, are focused on the energy that alerts you of an injury emanating from a specific person. You follow your superhuman senses, and your feet move toward the man who shielded you the first time you met.
Your eyes trail up to his face. "You hurt, bad."
"Jungkook?" All eyes are now on him, making the maknae nervous and anxiously laughing. "No, no- I'm f-fine."
Jin raised a brow. "Are you really?"
He weakly nods. "Y-yeah, I really a—"
Suddenly, the dongsaeng dropped forward, his head and upper torso collapsing against you, causing everyone to exclaim. "Jungkook!"
masterpost | one | three
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namjoonscoffeeshop · 7 months
Karmic Soulmates|JJK
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Chapter 1
✧ Pairing:Jeon Jungkook x reader ✧ warning(s): explicit language, knife pointing(?), violence ✧ word count: 2.9k Next
mini m.list | Next
Today you decided to stay open late since the morning was slow you wanted to get as many sells as you could, the cafe was quiet and there was no customers other than quick visits who want a muffin or coffee but no one stayed. You stare out the window as you sit behind the cashier, your spine straightens and your heart begins to race. Outside the glass door you see a black Audi you knew only too well. 
A man steps out of the car, opening his umbrella as he shuts the door. You swallow, standing up from the small stool, I should’ve closed early you thought. Bitting your bottom lip. Inhaling you wait to hear the door bell chime alerting you that a customer has entered.  
You make eye contact with the man it was short as he looks down, placing his umbrella in the stand. “Nice place you got” 
“Why are you here” you ask, not wanting his visit to be long. He pushes his hair back, eyes falling on you as he watches your figure, he lets out a low chuckle “not even a hey how you been?” 
It was your turn to laugh, “didn’t know we had that type of relation ship” but you did. He was your first, in everything. Your first kiss…everything. You both were stuck in that world and only you got out but he didn’t. 
He nods his head, a small grin on his face. His hand reaches in his jackets pocket pulling out a black envelope with the golden wax seal you recognized instantly “he’s dead” 
Your eyes widen as you stare at the envelope thats being held out in front of you. “They want you to hold the funeral” he places down the envelope on the counter when you don’t receive it. 
“But he told me to not return” you mutter. he exhales, hand reaching for the envelope as he opens it and takes out the paper showing it to you “and that man is dead, namjoon overruled his order and said you can return” 
Namjoon, your older brother. Son of the gang leader, once you’re dad sent you away for not agreeing to the arranged marriage he had set for you. Namjoon took you out of that place and sent jungkook to relocate you somewhere else where you could live a normal life. And now he wants you to return. 
“Why didn’t you ever visit me, only you knew where I was” 
“Didn’t think you want anything to do with me, when I didn’t agree to leave with you. You were really clear” leaning over the counter his hand reaches for your face, holding your chin “you look gorgeous” he grins 
“You aren’t so bad yourself” your heart was pounding against your chest, it’s been six years but you never got over jungkook, how could you? He was your everything, he still is. 
His faces inches from yours as his breath hits your face , “jungkook..”
“Hmm” he response, and he’s kissing you. You don’t push him away as he kissed you softly, enjoying every second as his hand grips your nape tilting your head back and you realize you missed this, you missed him and you will never have enough from him. He’s kissing you harder, deeper with an urge you’ve never felt before. He stops with the sound of his phone ringing. 
Foreheads against each other as you both try to catch your breath, a smile on both your lips. Reaching into his jacket he takes out his phone, pecking your lips once more before he answers the phone. 
“Oh, hey love” he moves back, your body freezes as you stare at jungkook as he wipes his bottom lip with his dumb, eyes never leaving yours. “Yeah, I’m just on an errand namjoon sent me on” 
You shift in your spot, not believing what you were hearing “alright, see you tomorrow. Yeah love you too” pang
Your heart just squeezed in your chest and you felt like throwing the jar of straws at him. He puts the phone down, hanging up. “Back to this…namjoon told me to bring you tonight to his place” he looks up once he puts his phone away. 
“You kissed me..while dating someone?”
“I’m engaged actually” he shrugs “and what about it”
“Why am I engaged or?…” he raises a brow 
“No, why did you kiss me” you spat 
“Because I felt like it, and I know you did too” your jaw was about to hit the ground at his answer but you kept your composure trying not to give him the satisfaction. “Y/n, come on we have to go” 
“Just give me the address, I’ll go on my own” you give him your back, grabbing a mug from the sink as you begin to wash it. Turning on the water trying to block him off but he walks around the counter. “ don’t tell me it bothered you, it was just a kiss” he groans.
“I could care less, but as you can see I need to close up and clean. I don’t really care about whose funeral it is or if my brother is calling for me after all this time. no one owns me anymore”
You ignore how his body leans against the counter next to you, arms crossed against his chest as he stares at you “you know this place was only possible because of your brother right”
You turn to look at him with a face that said “and?” 
He shakes his head, letting out a chuckle “it’s funny how you hated everything about that world but the moment it benefited you, then it wasn’t dirty money” 
Dropping the mug into the sink you wipe your hands on the towel “you don’t know anything” your finger poking at his chest, “take me to my brother so we can get over this shit” 
“He can’t tonight” jungkook speaks up, he was getting on your nerves. “Then leave and Come back when he’s ready to see me” you reach into the sink ready to finish washing the dishes when he grips your arm pulling you towards him but you grip the knife, your swift moves catch him off guard and in a blink of an eye the tip of the knife is against his throat. His hand slowly letting go of your arm, he raises them up in defeat “haven’t lost your touch huh”
“I left, doesn’t mean I forgot what I had to go through to survive in there” 
“I can see” his eyes dart to the knife and back at you “you’ve been getting on my nerves since you got here” he smirks, his hands move quickly as he pushes the knife down, twisting your hand. You yelp, grip loosening as he gets a hold of the handle, but your free hand reaches behind him grabbing another knife directly placing it at his throat again as he does the same to you. the both of you stare at the knife each of you have against your throat. 
“You were a member, I was his daughter. You won’t ever be better than me” your voice sounds stern. His eyes soften as he stares at your eyes that were glaring at him “you don’t know what I had to go through being exactly that, his daughter. So this store was the least I could’ve gotten”  his hand lowers, dropping the knife on the counter “I’ll take you to him” he says. 
“Should’ve started with that” putting the knife down you walk towards the back, where no one would see and lift a counter top which revealed two duffel bags “take one and let’s head out” without asking anything he takes both of them ignoring your stares as he walks back to the front and holds the door for you. You finish shutting off all the lights. You pick up the umbrella, only covering yourself as you lock the door he is already putting the duffel bags in the trunk. 
“It’s getting late, we should hurry” he looks around, as if he was checking our surroundings. And it made sense, he was dead. 
The ride was silent, your eyes kept shutting on you, he noticed. Reaching towards the back he pulls out a blanket “here sleep, it’s going to be a long ride” and you listened, why? Because he was the only person you’d ever trust. Even if he just had a knife to your throat, you would trust this man with your life. 
The safe house was different, it wasn’t the one you had once lived in. Entering the front door you look up to the high ceilings with hanging chandeliers. Jungkook hits your shoulder with his as his chin nudges down the hall making you follow him as he steps off. “New house?”
“Yeah, last one got bombed”
“Sounds like shit went down”
“Well you never asked how he died”  you stop in your steps but he doesn’t, to his broad back you say “is namjoon ok, tell me now so I’m ready” 
“He wasn’t there if thats what you wanted to know. So he’s perfectly fine and healthy” you quickly catch up to him, your shoes squeaking against the floor. 
“Open” jungkook tells the two men in black suits who were guarding the door. jungkook drop the duffel bags on the ground by the sofa, turning towards the man who was talking to someone who you recognized right away. 
Both men turn their heads at the sound of the duffel bags hitting the floor, namjoons eyes drift from the bags to you “well if it isn’t my little sister” 
“Hey” you give him a small smile
“Hey? That’s all I get after all this time?” He speaks louder, feet moving as he walks towards you, pulling you into a tight hug “I’ve fucking missed you” 
“Should’ve visited me” you sarcastically say 
“You know I couldn’t” hands against his chest you push him away “then you didn’t miss me” he didn’t react to your words he always knew that you hated the life you were born in, you both were close but once you turned eleven everything changed. You were put into a safe house and trained to fight. You went through so much, and had no choice. Jungkook father was one of your dads closest friends, thats how you met him and how he became someone special to you. He was the only person who could be with you, and even alone with you. 
“You know why you’re here right?” He says softly 
“Yeah, you want to know where the map is” you stare at the multiple men who are in the room. Their eyes never meeting yours as they stare at the wall whichever point they were focusing on. “You can trust everyone here” he smiles 
“I don’t think so” you smile back. He stares at you for a moment before he gives you a small nods “everyone leave except seokjin” 
And you were fine with that. 
“First I want to say something” you speak once the door shuts. Namjoon’s attention focused on you “ you have to find a new holder. I don’t want this responsibility on me anymore. Second you need to get rid of my map” namjoon nods “that’s fine with me, but as for the holder, that might take a while. You know it has to be a women for some reason” 
“Stupid traditions, just fucking give it to someone you trust” you glare at him 
“Traditions can be broken” he raises his arms in defeat. Turning to jungkook you ask him for the duffel bags. He lifts them placing them on the table in front of namjoon. Once he steps aside you open the duffel bags and tilt them over letting the stacks on money flow out and some fall to the ground “this is me paying back for my cafe” you toss the duffel bags behind you. All three men stare at the money and look up at you. 
“You don’t have to-“ 
"I do" you cut your brother off, “as much as I love and miss you. After this I want to never see you. By that I mean never see this world again” he hesitated but he nods, he clears the table in one swift motion of his arm, the money falls on the ground. 
“The map, and it’s over then” 
“You should get a paper and pen” you say, turning your back to both men, you drop your jacket. Holding up your hair in a messy bun. jungkook quickly picking up the small blanket from the sofa as you lift your shirt up, undoing your bra. Jungkook hands you the blanket, as you cover your front but back completely exposed. 
“What the fuck” both men say in unison. 
The map was tattooed onto your back, and it wasn’t a simple X marks the spot map it was a detailed map with the boarder of the map being the names of all the people of the high table. And the X was the location of the high table’s supreme house. Where namjoon had to go in order to became the next head of house. 
Jungkook stares at you as you stand there exposing your back. Memories come back to him as his father had two men hold you down at the age of eleven as he tattooed the map to your back. “When did he do this”
“The same day he took me away” his hands clench into fists “jungkook” he says, eyes darting at him “you don’t look surprised” 
“Cause I had already seen it, my father was the one who did it….and” his eyes softly look at you. 
“We had sex, it’s not that hard to say; now is it” you eye jungkook who just stared back at you 
“Who’s gonna be the next person to draw this on someones body” you groan, just thinking about what eleven year old is going to have to go through this 
“Me” jungkook responds, 
“Well shit…you better start drawing then. I wanna leave”  and he does, he moves towards the back of the room where he picks up a pad and walks back to you. “ here sit” he pulls the stool over to you “I’m already ready, I know you hate this” even if he was a asshole earlier, when it came to this, your childhood and his. He did not joke. 
Sitting on the stool you grip the blanket, covering yourself. 
Your brother and jin were just starting at your back, shocked. They had wondered where you could have hidden the map. But it never crossed their mind that it could be tattooed on you. Jin looks at the ground, seeing the mountains of money on the ground “you made a mess, why did you push the money down”  he laughs 
“I thought she was going to bring out a paper or something or ask for a paper to Draw the map not this” he argues back 
“Not to be rude but can you both shut up while I draw this”
“I’m surprised  you don’t have it memorized after having sex with her” jin says, hating the Youngers attitude. Namjoon slaps his shoulder, glaring at him in disapproval of his comment. Both of you unaffected. “What?!” Jin yells 
“This is going to be long” you sigh 
“Yeah, now stay still” jungkook inhales, eyes moving from your back to the pad
The room was silent, it was deep into the night and you were still sitting on the stool. Your body was stiff from sitting straight and trying not to move. 
“We can take a break” jungkook says, stretching himself he too was tired. “I’d rather not, I want to leave” you stare at the wall ahead of you, not moving. 
You hear how he sighs, and the squeakiness of the chair as he gets up. His footsteps slowly getting to you. And then you felt it, how his hand touches your back gently. Giving you goosebumps as you shake in your skin “what are you doing” 
“My family is the one in charge of this, transition. And as I grew up with my father on my neck teaching me to be the best at this…I hated the thought that the next time I saw you. It would be because I had to get a hold of the map” 
His finger tips slowly slid along your back, following the lines of the tattoo. As he took in every detail “I knew you had it…the map. And recently until they sent me to get you. There was a meeting where everyone guessed where you could’ve hid it” he chuckles, the warmth of his finger tips as he traced your tattoo made your breath fasten gripping the blanket tighter 
“Namjoon pulled me aside and asked me if I knew, and I told him I did” you turn, giving him a shock look “are you fucking stupid” 
“I knew that if I said that to someone else they’d kill me but he wouldn’t, or at-least the answer to his next question really determined if he’d kill me or not” 
You give him your back again, his hand not returning to trace the lines. “He said if I had seen it in detail” he chuckles “and I thought, all the times we were together. You never let me look at it. Saying that you wanted to protect me, but I always thought it was cause you didn’t trust me” he laughs. 
you turn your head, look into his golden brown eyes "i just wanted to protect you"
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sweetlyskz · 2 years
For Better or for Worse
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Chapter One: The Arrangement
Pairing: poly!ot7 x reader
Genre: Mafia Au, Strangers to lovers, yandere Au
warnings: none
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November 16, 2015
Fall was always your favorite season of the year. It's when you and your father got to spend the most time with each other. However this year was different than any other.
"What are the streets saying these days, Gwi-Nam?"
"Rumor has it Bangtan just acquired some territory in Gwangju and Islan, right near Seoul", Gwi-Nam told your father. "Next up is Busan."
Your father huffed. "Who is Bangtan?" He asked.
Knock Knock.
Your father was not surprised to see you enter his office so suddenly. After school you would always visit him in his office, knowing that's usually where he is. You waved at Gwi-Nam and plopped in the chair in front of your fathers desk, paying little attention to their conversation.
"Bangtan is a new gang, led by a man named Kim Namjoon. Apparently, he's recruiting people from all over South Korea to Join his gang and has lots of powerful people already lined up" Gwi-Nam answered.
"So your telling me that a rookie gang leader has already obtained two whole territories?" Your father didn't seem as calm as you thought he would be. He honestly looked kind of worried.
"This is not good", he continued. "Any form of contact on this Namjoon kid? Maybe we can turn things around while he's still young and impressionable."
A couple days later and your father was finally able to have a meeting with Bangtan. However, he wasn't just having a meeting with the leader like he was expecting. After Kim Namjoon entered your fathers office, six other bodies followed.
"I apologize for not informing you sooner", Namjoon started. "But these are my partners and co leaders of Bangtan. Therefore, they couldn't miss this meeting."
It was hard to hear the whole conversation between them and your father from outside his office. You eavesdropped as hard as you could before hearing shuffling footsteps. In attempts to hide, you turned the corner into one of the many hallways in your family mansion.
"Listen, we appreciate the offer", You heard one of them say with a condescending tone. "However, there's already seven of us. Its not ideal for Bangtan." Letting curiousity get the better of you, you peeked your head out of the hallway, seeing the gang and your father standing in front of his office doors.
"You wont be able to acquire even a piece of Seoul territory without me", Your father promised.
"Wanna bet?"
While your father and the leader of Bangtan went back and forth, one of the members strayed away, walking in your direction. Did he see you? I mean it sure wasn't the best hiding spot but you tried.
"Jungkook, where are you headed?" He turned back around.
"Hyung, look", The boy pointed to the hallway you where hiding in. Everyone turned their heads to see you peeking out. Now feeling exposed, you walk out into the open, waving at everyone shyly.
"And who may this fine young woman be?" One of the members looked you up and down. Gwi-Nam ran and grabbed your arm, escorting you to your room.
"She is my daughter, and I swear if you even think about-"
"She's very beautiful, sir", Namjoon stated as we walked towards the exit. "I would watch her carefully. Some men might fight to have someone as gorgeous as her by their side."
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April 20, 2018
Bangtan had become the Dracula of South Korea. They now owned territory in every single city- even most of Seoul.
"You put up a hell of a good fight I'll tell you that", Namjoon laughed in your fathers face. "You know I bet that I could take Seoul territory by today. Aish, now I owe Jin a meal.”
He rolled his eyes. "I promised you that wouldn't happen, remember? Not unless you let me in on bangtan affairs."
"Well I've obviously proved that I can do it without you. Out of the twenty five districts in Seoul you now only own three of them."
He gulped nervously.
"Face it. You've met your match old man."
This couldn't be the end. It couldn't possibly end like this, at the hands of his enemy and not the hands of old age or retirement. Grasping for straws, your father gets desperate. "What do you want? H-how can I keep my territory?"
Joon sighed. "Well there is one thing you have that I want. You can't get your territory back but if you give me her than I'll let you keep what you have left."
Namjoon said her.
"You m-mean my..."
"Yes. Our lovely Y/n", He smiled. "Where is she anyway? All the little ones do is talk about her."
Your father felt sick to his stomach. What did he want with you, anyway? "N-no, you can't have her! I won't let you!"
"Listen, I'm trying to be nice here. Do it for Y/n, for your legacy."
He fought tooth and nail to keep you, but it was time to weigh his options and right now this was the best one. Unfortunately, you were still off at college during the time of the arrangement, but Namjoon didn't worry. They'd get to have you when you got back home.
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sweetestofchaos · 4 months
BNAA: About Time | M.YG x K.SJ
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🔪Pairing: Alpha Gang Boss!Yoongi x Omega Maid!Seokjin
🔪 Rating: 18+
🔪 Genre: gang au, dead dove, parent au, a/b/o, angst, fluff, smut, mxm, mpreg
🔪 Warnings: murder, blood, torture (described), drowning, stabbing, physical violence, unprotected sex, knotting, fingering, slick/cum eating, anal sex, oral, breast feeding, lactation kink (if you squint), a/b/o dynamics, scenting, strong language.
🔪 Word Count: 11.2k
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Standing at the top of the world, Bangtan's Alpha leader Min Youngi isn't looking for anything. He has all he needs here with his pack, at least that's what he thought until the new maid that was hired walks into his office, Omega Kim Seokjin.
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a/n:  this story is completely fiction. it was written for the daddy’s home fest hosted by @btsfests. if i missed any warnings, please let me know. if you would like to scream in my ask box, feel free it is open. for the sake of time, i did not have this fic betaed, if you see any major mistakes, please let me know.
fest masterlist 🔪 ao3 🔪series masterlist
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🔪chapter one 🔪chapter two
It’s late into the night, the moon is hidden behind a soft overcast of grey tinted clouds. Stars twinkle bright and yet little light spills into the house surrounded by a thick forest. Cordless bamboo blinds keep the house dark with the added protection of pleated taupe blackout curtains throughout the house. Yoongi sits in a wide office chair, large and comfortable, ebony in color with brass tipped legs and matching nail head direction around the hem to offset the black fabric of the chair.
A small golden lamp with a black rounded shade, sits on a dark wooden desk; it gives enough light to bathe the room in a soft glow. The sound of keys clicking fills the air along with the scrap of a pen against paper. Somewhere in the hallway, a grandfather clock chimes on the hour and the sound of clicking stops. The pen is set down and Yoongi heaves a deep sigh, his pale fingers pushing his black hair from his face as he leans back in the chair and stares up at the mini crystal chandelier. 
Yoongi’s body is relaxed but his face is tense, there is a furrow between his brows and his mouth is pulled into a frown. The room is drenched in the scent of burnt thyme, spicy and sharp as he thinks over the events of today. Someone had tried to steal a quarter of a billion won from him. They had no chance of getting away with it but he felt annoyed by the act. He wasn’t impressed, he was pissed. The idiots had spit on his name and like any good alpha, it was his job to gain that respect back.
It didn’t take long to gather the lower members of the gang, the foot soldiers and runners. They flocked to him like moths to a flame. They were desperate to become part of the Min Pack and followed his every command. Yoongi stood before them, dressed in a brand new two piece suit from Valentino.
It was a tanned blush, slightly muted with a blush linen shirt that had a scarf collar underneath. It was a handsome suit and he made it a point to stand there with his hair parted in the middle, leather boots on his feet and gold rings on his fingers. The other member of his innermost circle, his true pack, stood behind him. Namjoon, Hoseok and Jimin were terrifying to look at with cold eyes and even colder hearts. 
Yoongi was powerful. He was the pack alpha and once he snapped his fingers, two members of his inner circle, Jungkook and Taehyung (the terror twins he liked to refer to them as) dragged two beta males out to stand before him with their hands tied together in front of them.
Yoongi kept his composure, asked if they had any last words and didn’t flinch when one of them spit at his feet. He simply scoffed out a laugh as his lips twitched and nodded his head. Jungkook and Taehyung wasted no time in dragging the men in front of two large metal waste bins filled with water. Yoongi didn’t take his eyes off the men as his pack mates pushed them head first into the water. The men struggled to break free but it was useless. Yoongi held his hand up and they were pulled from the water, coughing and sputtering. 
The stench of piss was strong in the air and Yoongi could hear Jimin grumble to himself in disgust in the background. Yoongi stared at the betas before him and cocked his head as they struggled to breath properly with water in their lungs. He looked around at the others around him  and grinned, his canines sharp and white in the moonlight and fire. He licked his lips and clasped his hands behind his back before he nodded his head once more. The betas were shoved back into the water. Their legs kicked and banged against the tins, water splashed onto the ground and soon their bodies slumped unmoving. 
Jungkook and Taehyung held them under a little longer just to be safe before they threw the lifeless bodies onto the ground in front of the lower pack members. The threat was clear and Yoongi turned on his heel, walking away with his packmates behind him.
In his office, Yoongi sighs and runs a hand over his face. He can smell gasoline on his clothing and the faint trace of blood from the dirt that touched the bottom of his pants. The thought of a shower passes his mind and Yoongi pushes himself away from his desk. A shower before bed sounds wonderful. Leaving his office, Yoongi walks down the hall with his hands in his pockets and he hums to himself. No one is awake at this time. The maids are all sound asleep in the lower levels of the estate, along with the cooks. 
In the bathroom, Yoongi strips off his suit and lets it fall to the floor in a pile of wrinkled fabric. It looks out of place, very bright compared to the tans and black of the bathroom. The floor tile is a tan and white marble while the walls are black and tan marble. The hardware is all black with a beautiful white floating sink that could easily fit a medium sized dog in it. There are two shower heads, one a large square and the other a smaller rectangle. They hang on the wall beside the large tub that sits flush against the wall in all its elegant beauty. A smooth glass door trimmed with sleek black metal separates the shower and bathtub from the rest of the bathroom. 
Standing nude, Yoongi turns on the shower and uses the toilet while the water heats up. He eyes the bathtub and shakes his head. If he sits in there now, he knows he will most likely fall asleep. As he steps into the spray of the hot water, Yoongi groans. His pale skin starts to heat and flush as the water washes over his tired muscles. The pressure is strong enough to work tiny knots out from under Yoongi’s skin and his eyes slip shut in relief. His black hair sticks to his neck and forehead, some pieces pressing into his lid but Yoongi doesn’t really care. Placing his palms against the shower wall, he lifts his face towards the spray of the water and holds his breath. 
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Yoongi would much rather be sleeping right now but duty calls. Hoseok called at six o’clock in the morning with news of a pack that came from out of town. Their main pack was the same size as Bangtan’s. Seven members with the youngest being the same age as Jungkook. The Lim pack, also known as Got7. Yoongi vaguely recalls hearing about them from someone else but he isn’t too sure. He will have Namjoon run a background check on the members and Jimin can set up a meeting if it is beneficial to do so. 
“Mister Min?”
Yoongi’s eyes snap up from his coffee cup and he sees Haeun, his head maid looking at him with a knowing smile on her face. She is an older omega and Yoongi sees the woman much like a grandmother or aunt. She had been a maid when his parents were still alive and once they passed, she stayed by his side while most of the older maids of the house left. Haeun is a wonderful woman and Yoongi trusts her judgment. 
“Did you not get enough sleep last night?” 
Yoongi shakes his head and takes a sip of his coffee, “I apologize, Haeun. Please continue.”
Haeun nods her head and continues to go over the new hire information. Two of the maids have left on maternity leave, so Haeun has found two replacements for the time being. Yoongi is half paying attention, he really doesn’t care much about the maids and cooks that live in his home. He has enough security to handle any issue that may arise. Plus, Yoongi always keeps a gun at his waist. Bok Yon and Kim Seokjin are the new hires that will fill in for a few months and possibly be offered full employment if they fit in well enough. From what Haeun says, Yon is a female alpha and Seokjin is a male omega. 
“Thank you, Haeun. I’m sure both will do well. I have faith in your teaching.”
Yoongi downs the rest of his coffee and sets the empty cup in the sink, upside down. He smooths a hand through his hair, pushing a few flyways down out of his face.
“I’ll be in the main room with the guys. See to it that we are not disturbed.”
“As you wish, Mister Min.” 
Haeun bows low and Yoongi leaves the kitchen with his head held high.
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Seokjin is in awe. The Min estate is as beautiful as it is opulent. It is a three story high mini mansion with an attic and basement. Both locations are off limits to the staff and that’s okay with Seokjin. The moment he steps into the home, he is overcome with the powerful scent of alpha. Thyme and charcoal are infused in the air, each lungfull makes Seokjin’s inner wolf whine and he ignores the animal. It is a known fact that Min Yoongi is a capable alpha and one of the most sought after bachelors. Seokjin isn’t sure why, if he is to be honest. Sure, Min Yoongi is handsome and rich but from what Seokjin has seen on the television, he seems too serious and isn’t much of a talker.
Haeun is a kind omega woman. She explains how everything works in the Min manor and texts him a map of the home to help him get used to the layout. The map is color coded, blue rooms need dusting, white rooms are dusting and windows, yellow rooms need to be waxed and so on. The red rooms are off limits to staff outside of Haeun and two others that have been here for a long time. Seokjin doesn’t really care. He is happy to have this job and make good money.
It is an added bonus that Seokjin is able to stay in the manor and save up his money. He gets three meals a day, all free and his dry cleaning for his uniform is paid for as well. Hell, even his uniform is decent. A simple pair of black slacks with a white button up. Seokjin has the option to dress it up with a scarf or tie depending on how he feels. As an unmated omega, Seokjin has a set of scarfs that he will wear to help nullify his scent. The last thing Seokjin needs is for a random alpha to smell him and lose control. Sadly, it has happened before and Seokjin doesn’t want a repeat.
Seokjin glances up from his phone to make sure he is in the correct hallway and he frowns. The map is basic at best and looking around, Seokjin thinks he is in the right place. Looking down at the phone he sees that two of the rooms are coded white, so it will take him a little while to clean. He has a small cleaning caddy that he holds in his freehand filled with everything he needs for the rooms. From looking over the map, Seokjin also knows that there is a supply closet with extra products and items that don’t fit in the caddy as well. 
Setting the caddy on the floor, Seokjin quickly pulls a pair of earbuds from his pocket and shoves them in his ears. He clicks on his music app and scrolls through his playlists until he finds one that will give him the added boost to stay positive while he cleans a bunch of stupidly posh and expensive items that most likely have little to no use. Picking the caddy up from the floor, Seokjin hums to himself as he walks down to the hall to the first door that he will clean. 
Grabbing the handle, Seokjin twists his wrists and pushes open the door. He steps inside, taking notice of the tall shelves that line the walls filled with books. It looks to be a library of shorts to which Seokjin rolls his eyes. 
“Who needs a fucking library in their home?” He mutters to himself as he closes the door behind him. “Bet my ass none of these books have been read.”
Seokjin goes over to the closet shelf and looks to see how dusty it is. He is surprised to see hardly any dust on the shelves. Setting the caddy down on the table beside him, Seokjin slips on a pair of rubber gloves and bobs his head to the music playing in his ear while he gathers the cleaning supplies he’ll need for the room. Holding a microfiber rag in one hand and a can of polish in the other, Seokjin starts to dust the shelves, making sure to remove the books and put them back in their place.
Seokjin turns to head over to the other side of the room and he screams when he sees a set of brown eyes staring at him. The items in Seokjin’s hands clatter to the floor and he stares wide eyed at the owner of the home, Min Yoongi. There is a barely there smile on his lips as he trails his eyes down the length of Seokjin’s body until they drop to the items on the floor.
Seokjin sees Yoongi’s lips moving and quickly rips the earbuds from his ears, his face flushing in embarrassment. He cannot believe that he didn’t notice the alpha in the room with him but in Seokjin’s defense the whole room smells just like the rest of the house, just a little stronger.
“Who gave you permission to come in here?”
Seokjin stares at the alpha before him, confused by the question. Permission?
“I, um, I’m the new maid?” 
Seokjin stumbles over his words, unsure of how he is supposed to answer the question. Yoongi’s jaw clenches as he stares at the unfamiliar man in his office. This room is off limits to anyone except Haeun. Yoongi narrows his eyes as the man, his supposedly newly hired maid, inhales deeply through his nose. The man’s scent is very faint, he must be wearing some kind of blocker but Yoongi doesn’t smell anything that suggests the man is lying.
Yoongi rises to his feet and walks around his desk, not once taking his eyes off the taller man. Seokjin gulps as Yoongi comes closer until they are standing toe to toe.
“What’s your name?” 
Yoongi’s voice is rough as he speaks, his tone commanding but not unpleasant. Seokjin gives his name without a moment of hesitation and Yoongi licks his lips; repeating the name. Goosebumps rise on Seokjin’s arms and the hair on the back of his neck, how can his name sound so sensual coming from a stranger’s mouth?
“You shouldn’t be in here…Seokjin.”
“I, I…why?” 
Yoongi chuckles at the way Seokjin’s Adam's apples bobs from his swallowing so harshly. Staring at the unmarked skin makes Yoongi’s gum itch and he licks at his teeth. 
“This room is off limits.”
Seokjin’s eyes widen twice as big and Yoongi watches as Seokjin’s body starts to shake. His words are jumbled together and he is quick to drop to his knees before Yoongi. Seokjin claps his hands together and bows his head.
“I am so sorry sir. Mister Min! Please, I really, really need this job!”
Yoongi would be lying if he said seeing the pretty man on his knees didn’t stir something deep within him. Hell, even his wolf was wagging its tail in interest. Yoongi squats down in front of Seokjin and grips his chin between his thumb and index finger, forcing the man to look at him. Such pretty brown eyes and the more Yoongi looked, the more he saw. Flecks of blue glittered like jewels as Seokjin’s eyes started to water and his lips pulled down into a frown. An omega…cute.
Yoongi’s eyes drop to the plump lips of the omega before him and he raises an eyebrow, “Tell you what ‘mega-”
A whine slips past Seokjin’s lips and Yoongi smirks. Such a pretty sound from a pretty omega. Yoongi pulls Seokjin’s face closer to his until their nose bush against each other’s. He inhales deeply and trails his nose down Seokjin’s jawline until he reaches his throat and presses his nose into the skin. Seokjin’s whole body shutters and he grabs onto Yoongi’s dress shirt to steady himself. He tries to speak, he wants to tell Yoongi to let him go and leave him alone. He’s too close to his scent gland.
Seokjin opens his mouth to tell Yoongi off but a whiny “A-Alpha”, falls from his lips. Yoongi growls low in his chest at the calling. He digs his nose into the flushed skin of Seokjin’s neck and presses into the slightly raised spot where his scent gland is. Sweet peaches with a subtle hint of spicy washes down Yoongi’s throat and floods his lungs. Now this is a scent he can see himself dousing himself in every morning. He just wants a little taste and he takes as much. His tongue darting out to swipe at Seokjin’s gland once, twice before he moans and wraps his lips around the raised skin.
Seokjin’s bones turn to jello and he falls into Yoongi’s arms, sending Yoongi on his ass with Seokjin’s half on top of him. Yoongi growls and Seokjin scrambles to straddle Yoongi’s lap, a soft whine leaving his lips as Yoongi sucks harshly at his skin. They both shutter as peach cobbler and smoked thyme mingle together in the air. Seokjin holds onto Yoongi’s shoulders for dear life. If he lets go of the alpha underneath him, he feels as if he will float away into the abyss and never find his way back to himself. 
Yoongi's tongue refuses to stop licking and he can’t get enough of the sweetness. He swallows mouthful after mouthful of Seokjin scent, he wants to drown in it…bottle it and keep it on his person always. Yoongi’s alpha demands that he bite the omega, claim him and never let him go and that’s what pulls Yoongi’s from his drunken state of mind. He pulls away from Seokjin’s neck and peppers kisses back up the side of his neck and jawline before stopping at the underside of his chin.
“You’re the only one I want cleaning this room. Understand?” 
“Yes, Mister Min.”
Yoongi huffs against Seokjin’s skin and places a fleeting kiss to the space right underneath his bottom lip.
“Get out.”
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Haeun isn’t pleased when Yoongi dismisses her and the others from cleaning his office. She doesn’t understand why Seokjin of all people is assigned the task. That is until she sees the marks on Seokjin’s neck when he comes out of his room on one of his days off. He isn’t in his typical outfit, the uniform replaced with a simple white t-shirt tucked into a pair of jeans. He wears a light blue button up shirt over top, completely open that has buttons on the shoulders, again open with his left shoulder out. A silver necklace with a single hoop in the center hugs his throat and faded marks litter his skin. Haeun raises an eyebrow at Seokjin as she hones in on the necklace.
She has been with the Min pack for a long time, and has raised the young master since he was in diapers. The necklace that sits on Seokjin’s throat is the same one that the pack omega, Yoongi’s mother wore when she was still alive.
“Going somewhere?” Haeun raises her voice to make her presence known and Seokjin jumps having not seen the older woman standing in the hall.
Before Seokjin can answer, Yoongi appears with a pair of black sunglasses on his face. His black hair is pulled into a half knot on top of his head and he isn’t wearing a suit. Instead he wears a black mastermind t-shirt and a pair of black cargo pants with a purple suede zip up knit jacket overtop. Yoongi lifts his sunglasses and pushes them on top of his head before he looks between Haeun and Seokjin.
“You ready, ‘mega?”
Seokjin’s face heats up, his ears flushing brightly before he nods his head and hurries over to Yoongi’s side. Yoongi grabs hold of Seokjin’s hand and holds him tightly before he winks at Haeun and pulls Seokjin down the hall. Haeun stands in the hallway alone and shakes her head with a laugh. She did a thorough background check on Seokjin just like the other maids and she approves of what she hopes is the young couple courting. Yoongi’s job is dangerous but even still he deserves love. Seokjin is a kind and sweet omega with a good head on his shoulders. Haeun is sure that Seokjin will tame the wild beast that is Yoongi’s alpha and she cannot wait to see it happen.
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Yoongi sighs as he rolls his shoulders while walking down the hall to his office. He has been gone for the past three days on business in Tokyo and has just gotten back. He needs a drink and as much as he would rather take a nap than work, he has a few files that he needs to look over. Running a hand through his hair, Yoongi pushes open the door to his office and he finds Seokjin singing to himself as he dusts. He’s wearing his regular uniform, black slacks and a white button up but it's been three days since Yoongi has seen his sweet omega and Seokjin’s ass is looking good. 
Yoonig makes sure to slam the door closed knowing that Seokjin didn’t hear him come in and he smirks when Seokjin jumps with a yelp, dropping the rag in his hand on the floor. Seokjin turns with a frown on his face, ready to give whoever scared him hell but the moment he sees Yoongi, Seokjin’s face relaxes and he clears his throat. He removes his earbuds and shoves them in his pocket.
“You’re back.”
“I am,” Yoongi states as he walks over to his desk.
“I can leave and let you get work done.”
Yoongi shakes his head as he sits in his chair and loosens the tie around his neck. He stares at Seokjin from across the room and licks his lips, “You’re fine. Do what you need to do, ‘mega.”
Seokjin’s cheek flush and he nods his head, happily going back to cleaning. Yoongi sighs as his body sinks into his chair and he closes his eyes for a moment. He inhales and breathes in the scent of spiced peaches. He is sure that Seokjin has at some point sat in his chair while he was away which makes Yoongi chuckle to himself. His omega is such a brat. Opening his eyes, Yoongi focuses on the task at hand and turns on his computer, typing in his passcode and using the retina scanner that Namjoon installed. 
While he works, Yoongi can hear Seokjin humming to himself. He can smell the cleaning products and they make his nose itch. Clearing his throat, Yoongi looks from his computer and Seokjin’s eyes are already on him.
“Open a window, it’s stuffy in here.”
Seokjin follows Yoongi’s order without complaint and Yoongi tracks his every move. Seokjin’s thighs look strong and mighty thick in those slacks. Yoongi feels his pants start to tighten around his groin and he grunts, trying to adjust himself without Seokjin noticing. 
Seokjin turns to face Yoongi, a soft smile on his face as he pushes a strand of hair behind his ear.
“Pour me a drink?”
Yoongi thinks over his choices and nods his head.
“Anything is good.”
Seokjin makes his way over to a liquor cabinet that is built into the bookshelves. It’s large and juts out like a bay window with a woven cane backsplash and crystal clear glass facing. Inside bottles of whisky, bourbon and soju sit neatly together in groups separated by proof and price. Glasses are set out, face down to keep dust from getting into them and are covered with a soft clean linen that is used to wipe fingerprints. Silently, Seokjin prepares a glass for Yoongi, filling it halfway with Hibiki whisky. There is a subtle scent of sandalwood and rose that burns Seokjin’s nose as he replaces the cap but he ignores it. He is more of a red wine fan but can appreciate the dedication to whisky. 
Holding the glass carefully in his hands, Seokjin makes his way over to Yoongi, keeping his eyes on the floor before him, so that he doesn’t trip. Yoongi calls his name and Seokjin looks up, he sees the teasing smile on the alpha’s lips and his face heats up. Seokjin offers a smile and it soon turns into a grimace as the toe of his shoe catches the lip of the area rug and sends Seokjin’s jerking forward. He catches himself before he falls face first onto the floor but the whisky in the glass shoots forward and drenches Yoongi’s pants.
Seokjin gasps in horror while Yoongi just stares unblinking at the wet spot on his pants. Seokjin starts to panic and hastily drops to his knees before Yoongi. Clutching a cloth in his hand, Seokjin pats at Yoongi’s crotch and stammers out a million apologies. His scent is sharp with fear, the spice of it making Yoongi swallow thickly on his spit.
“I-I’m so sorry!”
“It was an accident.”
Seokjin freezes mid pat and he tenses when Yoongi grabs his chin forcing him to look up into his dark eyes. Thin flecks of red bleed into the brown and Seokjin’s inner wolf rolls onto its back. Yoongi licks his lower lip, tonguing the inside of his cheek as he runs the pad of his thumb across the soft plushness of Seokjin’s lower lip. He lets his blunt nail dig into the tender flesh, harsh enough to sting but not enough to break the skin. Seokjin’s eyes are wide but start to drop into a hooded gaze as Yoongi pulls his face closer to the wet patch between his legs.
“Clean it up, ‘Mega…properly.” 
The words come out in a growl and Seokjin’s whole body shutters as slick slips out and dampens his underwear. Warmed peaches with a splash of vanilla and cinnamon; Yoongi’s mouth waters and he bites his tongue. Seokjin’s hands shake as he grabs onto the belt buckle in front of him and tug it until it comes loose. Keeping his eyes on the task at hand, Seokjin fumbles with the button on Yoongi’s pants and he curses to himself as the zipper gets stuck. He can already picture himself clearly in his mind, on his knees before such a handsome and strong alpha, bumbling around like a baby fawn…
“Slowly, baby. Take it slow,” Yoongi’s voice is deep and soothing, it shoots right to Seokjin’s core and he leaks more slick. Yoongi’s nostrils flare and he huffs a rumbling growl as he pushes Seokjin’s face closer to where he wants him most.
The button comes undone and the zipper pulls down easily enough with a little wiggling on Seokjin’s part. The black fabric of Yoongi’s briefs is pulled flush against his hardened cock, the material doing every little to hide how heavy his balls sit between legs. Seokjin whines as he presses his nose into the crease of Yoongi’s thighs where his scent is the strongest. His jaw falls slack as he mouths at the bulge and moans as precum seeps through, mixing with the whisky to burn Seokjin’s tongue. 
A hand falls to Seokjin’s hair and his tremors taper off at the comforting weight of Yoongi’s hand, the blunt nails dragging through his hair and against his scalp puts Seokjin’s mind at ease. 
Alpha. Alpha has me. Alpha will guide me.
Seokjin doesn’t even bother to use his hands to tug Yoongi’s underwear down, he waits and watches with shaky breaths as Yoongi tugs the fabric just low enough for his dick to spring free, slapping against Seokjin’s lips. There is no time wasted before Seokjin is kitten licking the flushed tip, greedily swallowing every dribble of precum that Yoongi gives him. As more comes, Seokjin opens his mouth wider and sucks two inches in before he is a moaning mess between Yoongi’s legs. 
The grip on his hair tightens and Yoongi purrs in approval. He knew Seokjin’s sinful mouth would feel like heaven. He knew it the moment he saw the omega and now that Seokjin is kneeling before him, sucking him so good; all he knows is mine. Seokjin is his and his alone. No one else will ever know the pleasure that his throat can give, the softness of his lips as they brush against his dark pubes or the sweet scent that is growing thicker in the air. Seokjin gags around Yoongi’s cock and Yoongi curses, his toes curling as he fights to keep himself from pushing himself deeper down the omega’s throat.
“That’s a good boy. Taking Alpha so well, good Omega.”
The praise makes tears come to Seokjin’s eyes or it could be the lack of air in his lungs. As Yoongi starts to fuck his mouth gently, Seokjin’s mind cuts off and he falls into the pleasurable headspace of pleasing the alpha. It isn’t until Yoongi is cursing above him, grunting low in his chest that Seokjin comes back to himself and he moans as Yoongi comes in his mouth. It’s tangy, bitter with a subtle sweetness that makes Seokjin gag as he swallows it all down.
He pulls away from Yoongi, gasping for air and Yoongi fists his hair tightly, pulling Seokjin upward, so that he is now standing on his knees. Yoongi’s eyes are a gleaming red, no brown to be found and Seokjin purrs, chasing after bitten lips that look so kissable. As their lips touch, Yoongi’s alpha howls in delight. The taste of himself on Seokjin’s tongue twists deep in his gut, spreading a fire through his body that only Seokjin’s gushing slick can put out.
He yanks Seokjin up to his feet and traps him between the desk and himself. Rising to his feet, Yoongi grabs Seokjin’s shirt and tugs it from his pants, the hem wrinkled as it hangs loose on Seokjin’s waist. Wordlessly, Yoongi rips the material down the middle, the buttons scattering in all directions. The white shirt is pushed open until Seokjin’s nipples are visible and Yoongi purrs loudly, it’s deep and inviting, making Seokjin’s knees knock together as he quickly spreads his legs to give Yoongi enough room. 
Yoongi shuffles forward and wraps a hand around Seokjin’s throat, holding him in place as he noses at the raised skin of his scent gland. His tongue is hot and wet as he licks at the flesh, pulling that sweet peachy scent from Seokjin tenfold. His lips are soft, so soft for someone who can kill without a second thought and Seokjin shakes that idea from his mind. He focuses on the way Yoongi samples his skin with tiny nips and sucks. His teeth don’t leave marks but goosebumps rise along the damp path they lead to Seokjin’s nipples, pebbled and tempting. 
The moment Yoongi’s lips wrap around one, Seokjin throws his head back and his hands shoot out to grab onto Yoongi. He has to hold on to something or else he will destroy everything in sight. 
Seokjin’s voice is loud, so very loud and Yoongi chuckles against his flushed skin.
“So sensitive. I haven’t even touched you properly…” 
The words are teasing enough that Seokjin’s whole face darkens and Yoongi licks his lips. 
“Such a pretty sight you are, bet you even taste as good as you look.”
Seokjin whines once more as Yoongi keeps suckling and licking his nipples, tweaking the buds between his fingers and pulling at the soft tissue. Yoongi can feel the way Seokjin’s pulse drums under his skin and it makes his alpha preen. 
“Present for me, darling. Show alpha what’s his.”
Stepping away from Seokjin, Yoongi watches in amusement as the older omega scrambles to turn around and lay flat on his stomach on top of Yoongi’s desk. Some papers flutter to the floor but Yoongi isn’t concerned with them. The sight of Seokjin’s pert ass sticking out has his full attention, even more so the wet patch from where slick has leaked through. Yoongi palms Seokjin’s cheeks with his two hands and spreads them as best he can while they are covered. He presses forward and rubs his hardened length along the fabric making Seokjin whine loudly.
“What should I expect to see, darling? You wearing cute little panties or something slutty for me?” 
Seokjin shakes his head, his mouth opening and closing as he fails to form a coherent sentence to answer Yoongi’s question. Yoongi clicks his tongue and slaps Seokjin’s right cheek making the omega jerk forward, the edge of the desk digging into his thighs and pinching the skin. Yoongi reaches around to unclasp the button of Seokjin’s pants and pulls the tight fabric down his thighs, just below his knees. The sight that greets him is a pair of checkered pink and white cheeky panties with white lace along the trim. There is a wet patch where Seokjin is leaking slick and Yoongi hums in approval.
“My cute Omega,” Yoongi mummers as he lowers himself to his knees behind Seokjin and presses a tender kiss to the small of Seokjin’s back. The spicy scent of cinnamon covered peaches is so strong that Yoongi can’t taste it in the back of his throat. His tongue suddenly feels too big for his mouth and he struggles to control himself as his Alpha claws at his heart.
“So fucking pretty with your little fucking waist.” 
Yoongi drags his nose along the back of Seokjin’s thigh and bites the meaty part of his right cheek. Seokjin inhales sharply and his whole body shakes, the wet spot on his panties growing larger right before Yoongi’s eyes. Licking his lips, Yoongi reaches up and traces the white lace with his fingertips. 
“Tell me ‘mega, do you want my mouth here-” Yoongi ghosts his fingers over the soaked patch of fabric, hardly applying any pressure to Seokjin’s leaking core, “or here?” Yoongi slides his fingers to the front of Seokjin’s panties, following the hardened line of the cocklet that is hidden.
Seokjin’s mind is mush, a puddle of slick and horny thoughts that don’t even make sense to himself. He wants all of Yoongi and in turn he wants to give all of himself away. He will take everything that Yoongi will give and more.
“Will you take everything?” Yoongi’s voice is caught between amusement and wonder; there is a hint of a challenge that makes Seokjin nod his head dumbly.
“W-Want A-Alpha!” 
Yoongi tugs down Seokjin’s panties and inhales deeply, growling as he stares at the puckered hole that releases another glop of slick. It slides down Seokjin’s inner thigh and Yoongi licks it right up, slurping at the sensitive muscle without any warning. Seokjin screams loudly, his voice cracking as he begs for Yoongi to use his tongue and fingers. He wants to, needs to come. He can feel the heat pooling in his stomach, alighting every since nerve and blood vessels aflame as his mind chants alpha, alpha, alpha!
Yoongi gorges himself on the feast before him. His tongue can hardly reach deep enough inside of Seokjin, so he uses two fingers to milk the omega, making his hands and face sticky with slick. Seokjin is a sobbing mess, begging for release and demanding that Yoongi make him come at least twice on his tongue alone. It is a challenge that Yoongi takes to heart. Having had his fill for now of Seokjin’s slick, Yoongi twirls Seokjin around and grins devilishly at the perfect mouthful of cock before him. Omegas are never more than three inches and Seokjin is an easy two, he rests nicely against Yoongi’s tongue as he sucks him dry.
By the time Yoongi has pulled two releases from Seokjin, the elder male is a shaking sobbing mess of spit, slick and cum. He’s sweaty and marked up, his skin flushed with bite marks from Yoongi being unable to control himself. Such a pretty sight and all for Yoongi’s eyes only. Standing behind Seokjin, Yoongi peppers kisses to the base of Seokjin’s neck and massages his hips with his strong hands. Seokjin melts into the touch, the body heat welcoming against the coolness of the desk.
Yoongi fists the base of his length and glides the tip between Seokjin’s cheeks, collecting slick to make the slide inside easier, though Yoongi is sure there will be no resistance. He made sure to prepare Seokjin for what he has between his legs. Yoongi isn’t one to brag but his knot is massive and what he lacks in length he makes up for in girth. Seokjin reaches back with sweaty fingers and grabs at Yoongi’s arm, his finger slipping twice before Yoongi places his hand overtop the back of Seokjin’s and laces their fingers together.
“Easy, darling.”
Yoongi pushes himself forward and the head of his cock presses against the wet ring of muscles before it gives way. He slips in with no resistance until his hips press into Seokjin’s ass. Seokjin moans loudly, the air punched from his lungs as his body spasms to make room for Yoongi. Yoongi gives Seokjin a little time to adjust to his size before he pulls back, the drag of him against the velvety walls makes Seokjin cry out. His hand squeezes Yoongi’s tightly as sweat gathers at his brow. 
“F-Fuck! Yesssss!” Seokjin’s voice is warped, a mix between a whine and a purr. It makes Yoongi’s stomach clench and his alpha howls once more. Yoongi stares down at where their bodies are connected. His cock gleams in the low lighting of the room, wet and shiny with the omega’s slick that squelches loudly in his ears. Loud moans, breathy ‘oh’ and half whined ‘mores’ echo in the air and merge with the rhythmic smacking of Yoongi’s pelvis against Seokjin’s ass and thighs. His fingers dig into Seokjin’s hips, holding the omega in place as Yoongi growls, his chest rumbling with pride as Seokjin falls apart before him.
“S-Sound so pretty Omega,” Yoongi groans, licking over his canines that have sharpened at the sight of the omega’s bared neck. “Taking Alpha so good,” Yoongi slides a hand up the length of Seokjin’s arm, over his shoulder and tangles his fingers in the honey brown hair at the nape of his neck. “Always knew you would open so prettily.” 
Tugging on Seokjin’s hair, Yoongi makes the older man’s back arch more and he sinks deeper in the wet warmth that is Seokjin. Seokjin mewls, his words nothing more than babble as he begs for more, drooling all over the desk beneath him as Yoongi fucks him good and hard. The white of his shirt is damp with his sweat, the material now translucent as it sticks to his skin and catches the precum that dribbles from his cocklet.
A strong hand wraps around his tiny cock and Seokjin’s whole body shutters as Yoongi starts to tease the weeping tip. Yoongi hums in appreciation and tugs on Seokjin’s hair more, forcing the omega’s body to lift from the desk. Seokjin is quick to grab onto Yoongi’s forearms, holding himself up before he can fall. His back is arched as far as it can go, his neck is exposed to Yoongi, his gums throbbing and teeth itching to sink into the tender flesh and claim Seokjin as his own.
Turning his head slightly, Yoongi licks a fat wet strip up the side of Seokjin’s neck, right over the swollen scent gland and his eyes flash red. The sweetest fruit, fresh and ripe, juicy and light is a heavy nectar on Yoongi’s tongue as he drowns himself in Seokjin’s peach scent. It’s warmer, fuller with hints of cinnamon, like peach cobbler. Yoongi’s inner wolf is feral, howling at the alpha to claim his mate once and for all.
“Alpha! A-Alpha please!” Seokjin cries with tears in the corners of his eyes. 
Yoongi knows what the omega is asking for but he wants him to say it. He wants to hear the words, he wants Seokjin to beg. Yoongi chuckles something between a growl and a laugh as Seokjin tightens around his cock.
“Please what, Omega? Tell Alpha what you want.” 
Seokjin grits his teeth, sweat pouring down his forehead as he tries to catch his breath. Yoongi is rearranging his insides, carving a place for only him; ruining him for anyone else. Yoongi’s grip on his cocklet is teasing as he covers it with his whole fist and Seokjin can feel himself getting closer to his release. He needs Yoongi’s knot, and wants his bite!
“K-Knot me! O-Oh…f-fuck, mark me!”
Yoongi’s mouth waters and he sucks at Seokjin’s scent gland, drinking down the sweet peach as his knot swells at the base. Seokjin’s whole body is on the brink of falling off the edge, Yoongi just needs to push him a little farther. Opening his mouth wider, Yoongi grunts as he thrusts harshly into Seokjin, his knot popping deep inside. Seokjin screams as Yoongi’s teeth sink into the side of his neck, breaking the skin around his scent gland.
Blood floods Yoongi’s mouth and he comes with a growl deep in his chest, vibrating against Seokjin’s back as the omega sags against him. Seokjin comes, squirting around Yoongi’s cock and dribbling in his hand. It’s messy; wet and hot as the room fills with the scent of both the alpha and omega mixed together. Yoongi licks at the mark on Seokjin’s neck, closing the wound with his saliva easily before he kisses the newly formed mating mark. He noses at the wet skin and hums in delight as Seokjin’s body presses harder into his.
“Easy, ‘mega,” Yoongi whispers as he lowers the both of them into the chair behind him. Seokjin sits in his lap, spent and happy. Soft purrs rumble in his throat as he starts to scent Yoongi’s neck, his nose pressing into the flushed scent gland and Yoongi cranes his neck to give Seokjin more access.
“Mark me. Go head, baby.”
Yoongi encourages, scratching at the nape of Seokjin’s neck before he rests his hand fully on the sweaty skin. Seokjin sniffs and licks at the skin, his purrs growing in volume as smoked thyme sits in his throat. He sinks his teeth into Yoongi’s neck, applying more force to break the skin with his own blunt canines. Something warm wraps around their minds, a silk soft link, stronger than iron that binds the two of them together.
Yoongi nuzzles his cheek against Seokjin’s forehead, purring deeply before he presses a kiss to Seokjin’s sweaty hair. He looks at the mess that is his desk, paper thrown about, wet spots here and there; of what? Yoongi isn’t fully sure but he doesn’t care. It is a mess to worry about later.
As if reading his mind, Seokjin looks at the desk and pouts to which Yoongi kisses his new mating mark softly before he speaks.
“We can clean up once my knot goes down.”
“Stay with me?” Seokjin whispers and Yoongi huffs a deep sigh as he wraps an arm around Seokjin’s waist, making sure not to get the omega’s cum on his bare skin. He wipes his hand on Seokjin’s black pants and laughs as Seokjin whines in disgust.
Seokjin takes a deep breath and his brows furrow, “Yoongi?” 
“The window was open.”
Yoongi’s lips split into a smile and he nuzzles his nose against Seokjin’s temple, “Wanted everyone to hear that you're mine.”
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Seokjin stands in the middle of his shared closet with Yoongi, grumbling to himself as he struggles to button the tan trousers that hang on his hips. Lately, Seokjin has noticed that a lot of his more form fitting clothing isn’t as easy to put on. Seokjin thinks over the last few days and a frown slowly starts to form on his face. He has random cravings throughout the week, mostly kimchi jjigae or fried chicken, two meals that he tries not to eat all the time.
Now that he thinks about it, he has eaten fried chicken at least four times this week and has had kimchi jjigae twice a day. Seokjin stares down at his stomach and clicks his tongue, he always gets cravings when his heat is near.
Seokjin chews on the inside of his cheek as he tries to mentally track when his heat will hit. As he does the math in his head, Seokjin feels his blood run cold. If his math is right (it is), he should have had his heat sometime last month. Seokjin’s heat is never late and he would have noticed sooner but time moves differently with his mate. When Yoongi is near Seokjin, it is as if time doesn’t exist or it simply forgets about them. They are in their own world when with each other and nothing else matters. 
Kicking out of his pants, Seokjin rushes over to the full length mirror and turns to the side. He stares at himself, hard, scrutinizing every inch of himself as he looks up and down. He squints his eyes as he focuses on his stomach, it doesn’t look any different, there is no baby bump and truthfully he doesn’t feel any different. Besides the cravings, Seokjin feels perfectly fine.
He shakes his head and dismisses the whole idea. Maybe having a mate has changed his body’s chemistry? Maybe his heat and Yoongi’s rut are linked through the mating bond? Seokjin is sure he has read about that happening to other mated couples before online.
“What are you doing, darling?” 
Seokjin startles from the sudden appearance of Yoongi in the mirror. He is so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t even notice the alpha approaching. Seokjin’s ears burn bright and he crosses his arms over his stomach, hiding his stomach and looking down at the floor while he digs his sock-covered toes into the plush area rug beneath him. Yoongi watches his mate in the mirror and raises one of his perfectly plucked eyebrows.
“I asked a question, ‘mega.”
Seokjin chews on his bottom lip and glances up into the mirror, looking at Yoongi’s reflection from underneath his lashes.
“You say nothing-” Yoongi steps into the walk-in closet, closing the distance with each step forward, “and yet, you look guilty of something.”
His arms wrap around Seokjin’s waist, his hands resting on top of Seokjin’s arm. The way he thumbs at the skin on Seokjin’s wrist, pulls his scent out little by little. Yoongi hums as he skims his nose along the back of Seokjin’s shoulder, up the length of his neck before he presses a sweet kiss the raised skin of Seokjin’s scent gland. Seokjin whimpers, feeling the dampness of Yoongi’s lips. He must have just licked them or applied a balm.
Yoongi flicks his tongue out to tease the gland and his body tenses, Seokjin can hear his blood rushing behind his ears as his heart pounds harshly against his ribcage. He wonders if Yoongi can feel it too? Another quick lick to Seokjin’s scent gland makes him shiver in Yoongi’s arms and goosebumps rise on his skin. Yoongi spins Seokjin around so that they are facing each other, his eyes are ruby red, his fangs are elongated, poking out over his bottom lip as he frowns.
Seokjin looks away, giving his attention to the empty spot on the wall. Now that he’s looking at it, Seokjin is sure that he could find a nice piece of artwork to hang there. Keeping himself distracted, Seokjin ignores the way Yoongi huffs in annoyance before the alpha’s hands trail to the front of his stomach. Seokjin growls defensively and Yoongi snarls, his lips curling up to show his fangs even more. Seokjin's eyes bleed blue, submissive and frozen as Yoongi squats down in front of him. 
Seokjin can’t get his words out, his thoughts are cut off by the harshness at which Yoongi pushes his hands away from his stomach. The air is cool, bitingly so as it washes over his exposed stomach. The fabric of his shirt now balled tightly in Yoongi’s fists. The tip of Yoongi’s nose is warm, so soothing and safe as it presses into the hollow of Seokjin’s navel. Yoongi inhales deeply, the air rushing over Seokjin’s skin as Yoongi breathes him in.
There is the faintest trace of heavy cream splashed over warmed spiced peaches. His nose trails drown the darkened curls of belly hair until the scent of heavy cream is stronger; just a few inches to the left of Seokjin’s happy trail. Yoongi growls, low in his chest, it’s not a threat. The vibration skins into Seokjin’s bones and turns him to mush. He sinks into Yoongi’s arms, a puddle of honey goo, eyes still blue as he purrs against Yoongi’s neck.
Tiny kitten licks to Yoongi’s scent gland, mixed with the heavy cream makes the alpha inside Yoongi wag its tail and run in circles. His mate is pupped! Seokjin is in fact pregnant.
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It’s midday, the sun is high in the sky and there is a humid breeze that refuses to break. Music, splash and shouting fills the outside air. Yoongi is hosting a pool party to show face with the next chief commissioner. The guy is easy enough to put on Yoongi’s payroll but it doesn’t hurt to show him and his friends a little of the sweet life to cement the deal. Yoongi is dressed in a pair of black swim trunks that stop just above his knees. His black flip flops are tucked neatly under a chair with a black and gold towel hung over the back. He sits at the edge of the pool, his feet submerged midway up his calves with a glass of champagne in his hand.
The people around him are drinking and laughing, having a good time as the waitstaff walk around with refreshments and hors d'oeuvres. In the pool, the terror twins (Jungkook and Taehyung) are playing a game of chicken with Hoseok and Jimin. Namjoon is currently out of the house with Seokjin. The older omega doesn’t have a bathing suit that fits and as much as Yoongi wanted him to wear one of his shirts, Seokjin insisted that he get something to wear. Namjoon, being the only one who didn’t change into his swimwear yet, went with Seokjin and they were gone for a little over an hour.
“Master Min?” 
Yoongi looks up when one of the waitstaff offers him a selection of orange or orange pineapple mimosas. Yoongi switches out his glass for the orange pineapple mimosa and nods his head in thanks. Sipping at the sweet drink, Yoongi lifts his face towards the sun and sighs; it really is a beautiful day. 
In the distance a phone rings and Haeun wipes her hands on her apron before she answers the landline.
“Min residence. Haeun speaking, how may I direct your call?” 
“Haeun!” Namjoon’s voice spills from the speakers in a panic. “Haeun! Y-You have to tell Yoongi it’s time!”
“Time? Time for what, Master Namjoon?”
“Seokjin’s water broke!”
“Oh!” Haeun’s eyes widen at the news and she tells Namjoon to text the hospital information to Yoongi’s phone before she hangs up and rushes out the back door. “Master Min! Master Min!”
Haeun is out of breath by the time she reaches Yoongi’s side. He is staring at her with worried eyes, his scent burning as the rest of his pack members swim over to his side of the pool. 
“I-It’s Master Jin!”
“Spit it out, Haeun!” Yoongi snaps, his eyes bleeding red as his wolf starts to creep to the surface.
“The baby! The baby is coming!”
Yoongi’s blood freezes and it feels like all the warmth in the world has slipped away. He stares up at Haeun with unseeing eyes. His ears are suddenly muffled by cotton or maybe he has fallen under the water? It’s hard to understand anything but the cold touch of Hoseok’s hand on his shoulder pulls Yoongi from whatever headspace he fell into.
“Come on man! You’re bout to be a dad!!”
“We’ll handle things here and meet you at the hospital,” Jimin informs Yoongi as Taehyung and Jungkook start to round up the people in the pool.
Yoongi nods his head and allows for Hoseok and Haeun to pull him into the house to throw on a change of clothes. A simple pair of black slacks, tucks a white t-shirt into it and throws a black oversized jacket with a pair of low dunk black and white Nikes. His hair is still wet from the pool and hangs in his eyes but Yoongi doesn’t care. He jumps into the passenger seat of Hoseok’s car and the two of them take off towards the hospital that Namjoon texted him the address to. 
Traffic is backed up, bumper to bumper and Yoongi is on the phone with a crying Seokjin. The omega is in pain and distressed because Yoongi isn’t by his side. Namjoon’s voice is heard in the background but Seokjin snaps at Namjoon, telling the alpha not to touch him unless he wants to lose a few fingers. 
“I know darling, alpha will be there soon. Hang in there.”
“A-Alpha it hurts!”
Seokjin’s tears clog his throat and he struggles to breathe as the pup slowly makes its way down, down, down. He wants Yoongi, he wants his alpha, now! From his phone Namjoon hacks the light system and gives green lights the whole way to the hospital. Most of the traffic isn’t going Yoongi’s way, so it soon clears up and Hoseok reaches the hospital in a little over forty minutes. 
Yoongi rushes into the hospital and walks right past the security detail that Namjoon has set up around the delivery room. A nurse helps Yoongi get disinfected and dressed into a set of scrubs before he enters the delivery room. Seokjin is screaming, refusing to deliver the pup, his eyes are bright blue, and his teeth are sharper than normal.
Yoongi growls low in his throat, smoked thyme flooding the room and making Seokjin’s whole body fall lax. From Seokjin’s side, Namjoon gives Yoongi a thankful smile and hurries out of the room with a quick, “Good luck, Hyungs.” 
Yoongi takes his place beside Seokjin, offering the omega his hand to hold. The doctors ask if Seokjin would like any pain medicine and he agrees, now feeling safe enough to let himself be put under the influence of medical drugs. His alpha is by his side, Yoongi will not let anything happen to him or their pup.
“Ready, darling?” 
Seokjin whimpers with a nod of his head and Yoongi kisses his sweaty temple. 
“I’m right here. Alpha is right here with you.”
The doctor gets in between Seokjin’s legs that are raised on a set of stirrups and nods his head.
“Let’s deliver a healthy pup!”
In the waiting room, Hoseok sits with his ankles crossed while Namjoon paces back and forth. This is going to be the first pack pup and Seokjin wanted to keep the gender unknown until the birth. Of course everyone made bets on the gender but right now, the pack is hoping for a healthy pup, no matter the gender. A half hour in, the rest of the pack walks into the hospital and finds their way to the VIP floor where Hoseok and Namjoon are waiting.
“Any news?” Taehyung questions, his face flushed from running up all the flight of steps.
“Last we heard, Seokjin was only four centimeters dilated…whatever that means,” Hoseok informs and Namjoon opens his mouth to answer but the doors to the delivery room open and an older female comes out with a large smile on her face. 
“The Min pack?” 
“That’s us,” Jimin states, bouncing on the balls of his feet. Taehyung and Jungkook both grab hold of his hands and lace their fingers together to keep the shorter omega from bouncing too much.
“The pack omega is healthy as is the pup. Your pack alpha wanted me to inform you that the maknaes won the bet.”
The doctor leaves and the waiting room is silent. Everyone just stares at the three youngest and Jimin breaks down in tears.
“It’s a girl!” He sobs happily, just picturing all the cute outfits he can buy for the pack pup.
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Yoongi stands in the doorway of the nursery, his eyes are soft, his face relaxed as he stares at the sleeping omega in the rocking chair. Seokjin is sound asleep, his head tilted to one shoulder as he snores gently. A basket of unfolded baby clothing sits beside Seokjin on the side table while a pair of pink tights rests in Seokjin’s lap. Yoongi doesn’t stop the smile that takes over his face, his mate is too cute. Such a perfect omega, made for him and his pup.
Yoongi steps into the room and peaks into the crib, where his pup, Miyoung sleeps soundly. Her features are a mix of himself and Seokjin. She has Seokjin’s full lips and happy eyes while Yoongi’s button nose and face structure stand out. She is a chunky baby, all rolls and happy coos. At three months old, Yoongi can’t be any more in love. As he stares down at his pup, Miyoung’s face scrunches up and she does a big stretch in her sleep before she farts loudly. 
Yoongi’s eyes widen at the sound, his nose twists at the sour smell. Miyoung’s lips start to twitch and Yoongi reaches down into the crib. He scoops his daughter into his arms and gags. The pup smells worse than the foulest of scents. Yoongi isn’t sure why she smells this way, he is pretty sure that babies shouldn’t smell worse than spoiled milk.
Miyoung opens her eyes, already wet with unshed tears and Yoongi smiles down at her. He strokes her chubby cheek with a finger and brings her close to nuzzle his nose into the crook of her neck.
“Hello, babygirl.”
Yoongi keeps his tone soft, so that he doesn’t wake Seokjin from his mid afternoon nap. Laying the baby down on the changing table, Yoongi tries his best to make quick work of changing Miyoung’s diaper. The little girl is a wiggle worm and somehow her foot goes right into the dirty diaper making Yoongi frown. He reaches for another wipe to clean Miyoung’s foot and as he pulls his hand back, she kicks her foot out and catches the back of Yoongi’s hand.
“Miyoung,” Yoongi sighs as he grimaces. The warmth and the squish on his skin is not a pleasant feeling. 
“You’re getting poop everywhere.”
Yoongi glances over his shoulder to see that Seokjin is awake and watching him with laughing eyes. Yoongi feels heat attack his face and he turns back around to finish cleaning and changing Miyoung. Holding the baby in his arms, Yoongi turns to face his mate and Seokjin is now on his feet, rubbing his eyes.
“Did we wake you?” 
Seokjin shakes his head at Yoongi’s question and yawns, “My tits hurt and I need to pump.”
Yoongi looks at the watch on his wrist and sees that it is time for Miyoung’s feeding. Walking over towards Seokjin, Yoongi easily gathers the bag that holds most of Seokjin’s breastfeeding supplies and equipment. He rocks Miyoung from side to side while Seokjin sets himself up to pump. He leaves his left side untouched and Yoongi understands that Miyoung will drink straight from the nipple.
“Okay, hand her over.”
As Yoongi hands his daughter to the awaiting omega he can’t help but pout, “It’s not fair.”
“Mmm?” Seokjin pays Yoongi little mind as he tugs down the collar of his shirt to feed Miyoung.
“Why can’t I help you?”
Miyoung latches onto Seokjin’s puffy nipple easily and starts to suckle, her tiny hand fisting the material of Seokjin’s shirt.
“What are you talking about Yoon? You help me.”
Yoongi drops to his knees in front of Seokjin and makes room for himself between his omega’s 
thighs. Seokjin stares down at him and gulps; the scent of spiced peaches tickles Yoongi’s nose. Yoongi’s hands are large and warm as they rest on Seokjin’s hips and massage the soft skin. He lets his fingers work their magic, not once taking his eyes off of Seokjin’s. Leaning in, Yoongi kisses the scarred skin of Seokjin’s tummy and licks at the stretch marks. 
“I wanna taste too, ‘mega.”
Seokjin inhales a shaky breath, between the look in Yoongi’s eyes and his words, Seokjin feels feverish. He has never thought of Yoongi drinking from him but now that the idea is in his mind, the imagery is tempting. Yoongi smiles up at Seokjin, looking at him through his lashes, looking very much like a cat that got the cream…or is about to get the cream. Seokjin sucks his bottom lip between his teeth and nods his head quickly, two times. Yoongi wastes no time in removing the pump from Seokjin’s chest and quickly attacking his lips to the flushed and puffy nipple. 
The milk is sweet and coats Yoongi’s tongue like honey. It sprays into his mouth, hitting the back of his throat and making him moan as he swallows mouthful after mouthful. He doesn’t have to suck very hard, the constant stream of milk seems never ending and Yoongi wonders if this is what Seokjin means by a let down. He continues to massage Seokjin’s hips, rutting his hips against the edge of the rocking chair as his length hardens in his slacks. 
Seokjin bites his lip to keep from moaning. The way Yoongi drinks from him feels amazing, it’s a relief that Miyoung and the pump don’t fully give him. Yoongi is able to draw more from him and he applies just the right amount of pressure to help guild the milk flow. Seokjin sighs as he relaxes fully into the rocking chair and looks down at his two loves. He can feel the way Yoongi is humping against the rocking chair, it takes all of Seokjin’s will to not tease the needy alpha in front of him. The warmth from Yoongi’s hands and mouth is soothing; it makes a need bubble in Seokjin’s stomach that wasn’t there before.
“I-I think that’s enough.”
Seokjin pushes Yoongi’s face away from his chest gently, not wanting to jostle Miyoung. Yoongi allows for Seokjin to push him away and when he looks up at the omega, Seokjin’s face is flushed. There is a bead of white on Yoongi’s lower lip and as he licks it, he moans softly, not once taking his eyes from Seokjin’s.
“How can you taste so good, nae sarang?” Yoongi slowly rises to his feet and Seokjin can see the bulge in his pants. “Everything about you is delectable,” he inhales deeply and his eyes flash red as spiced peaches sting his nose, “should I eat something else?” 
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Yoongi sits in the kitchen, eating a salad while scrolling on his phone. He has a flight to catch soon, Jungkook should be here any moment to pick him up. The sound of meaty skin slapping against the tiled floor at a quickening rate catches Yoongi’s attention and he glances at the doorway. A curl mop of dark brown hair, pulled into two space buns catches Yoongi’s eyes and he smiles. Miyoung has found him and is speeding his way. Setting his phone down, Yoongi turns in the chair, watching as his little pup crawls into the kitchen, dressed in a cute sunshine yellow onesies with white and clouds and daisy printed all over it.
Her gummy smile is identical to Yoongi’s and she squeals in delight at the sight of her Appa. Miyoung crawls faster, giggling when Seokjin’s shout of surprise sounds from somewhere in the home. Yoongi smirks as his daughter grabs onto the leg of the chair and pulls herself up. Her tiny hand fists his pants and tug while babbling about her great escape.
“Listen here you little Houdini,” Yoongi starts as he scoops Miyoung up into his arms and sets her on the table tops, “you’re going to give your daddy a heart attack one of these days.”
Miyoung pays Yoongi’s words no mind as she reaches out and grabs his nose with her tiny hand. Yoongi huffs a laugh and wiggles his nose back and forth making Miyoung giggle wildly. Her hand falls to his lips and he presses a million little kisses to her palm. Seokjin comes into the kitchen minutes later, having followed the sounds of Miyoung’s laughter. Seokjin’s brown hair is messy, a mix of curls and waves. Some of it hangs in his eyes creating a soft curtain that makes him look much younger than he really is.
“Baby,” Seokjin scolds lightly as he walks into the kitchen and Miyoung looks at him with wide, wet eyes. “You’re too fast for Daddy. We were supposed to see Appa together.”
The whine in Seokjin’s voice makes Yoongi snort and he picks Miyoung up from the table to hold her in his arms. Their cheeks squish together and they both smile at Seokjin who just shakes his head with the fondest of smiles on his face. 
“You got your Appa, huh?” Seokjin grins as Miyoung turns her head and gums at Yoongi’s cheek, slobbering all over him.
Yoongi’s phone chimes as a car horn honks from outside. Standing with Miyoung in his arms, Yoongi shoves his phone into his back pocket and offers his hand for Seokjin’s to hold. Together the family of three head to the front door and Yoongi slips his feet into a pair of black shiny shoes. Opening the door, Yoongi turns to face Seokjin who waves at Jungkook who is standing outside of the car with a cigarette in his mouth.
“Be safe okay?” Seokjin whispers as Yoongi pulls him into a kiss. Their noses brush against each other as Yoongi scents Seokjin and he does the same to Miyoung who is holding onto his shirt tightly. 
“I love you so much.” Yoongi pecks Miyoung’s forehead and carefully hands her over to Seokjin. He looks at his mate and kisses his lips once more. “I will text you the moment I touch down. I won’t be gone for more than four days, five at the most. Hoseok will take my place if there are any issues.”
Seokjin nods his head and grabs Miyoung’s hand, “Say bye-bye Appa!”
Miyoung lets Seokjin wave her hand and she smiles wildly at Yoongi, “A-Aaaaappa!”
Seokjin squawks loudly, almost crushing Miyoung in the tightest of hugs while Yoongi’s chest swells with pride. Reaching out he steals Miyoung and cuddles her tightly in his chest. 
“Appa loves you pup. I love you so, so much.” He scents her once more and puckers his lips out to which Miyoung gives him a super wet kiss. 
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20 notes · View notes
riaarivic · 1 year
HATE 9: DANGER (M) I MYG x F!reader
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🌙 Pairings YoongixReader
🌙 Genres Mafia!AU, Smut, Angst, Action, Thriller, Enemies to lovers
🌙 Rating 18+ minors DNI
🌙 Summary  You were an INTERPOL Agent assigned to infiltrate the depths of the most powerful Gang in South Korea: The Seven Moons. Your objective: to impersonate the daughter of one of their leaders and destroy the operation from within. That is, if they don't discover you first.
And Traitors won’t have the mercy of a quick death
🌙 Warnings For this chapter: mentions of death, drugs and vioence, foul language, mentions of organized crime. Smut (yes, finally) explicit sex scene.
🌙 A/N At no time do I (the author) encourage this activity in life, it is important that you know that the criminal acts in this book are that, a crime, as well as harmful to health and should not be romanticized. This is all a work of fiction for entertainment.
Love, Ria
🌙 Chapter wordcount 5k (the longest one yet)
🌙 Series Index
1  2 3 4  5 6 7 8 9 10 11
HATE 9: DANGER (M) I MYG x F!reader
You don't have me, but I'm so full of you I'm going crazy So why are you doing this to me? Why are you making a fool out of me?
The more you fuck around… 
The more you’ll find out. 
Your grandmother used to tell you that everytime you got in trouble and in the Seven Moons’s case: They’ve been fucking around for too long. 
The Seven Moons’s history went way back to the first kkangpae during the Japanese occupation and the fights against the yakuza. They smuggled guns to the country during the military run in the 80’s. And of course were the Drug Kings during the clan wars 20 years ago. Every time a new leader rose, the clan had a new name and the member deleted every piece of evidence that linked them to their previous organization.
A clean page to start over. 
And in the end if there’s no body, there’s no crime. 
That is why they were yet to find out. 
The Seven Moons under Kim DoHan’s rule, were untouchable. Every crime committed by his orders was untraceable to him and his sons; they always made sure that someone else got their hands dirty and in the case they did finish a job they had enough people in power to make sure no one would ask questions. 
All of the seven young leaders' criminal records were so squeaky clean they could run for office. You were surprised you didn't see any pictures of Kim Namjoon or Kim Seokjin kissing babies on their files.
You could do a lot of fucking around if you were sure you’ll never get caught. 
That was the reason you were sent to Seoul in the first place.
And for the past 3 days you learned one thing. 
Kim Dohan and his seven moons were very fucking good at fucking around and not finding out. 
But pride was the cardinal sin of the powerful and more often than not, the reason for their demise. All you needed was to find an opening on The Seven Moon’s arrogance. 
And the best one you found. 
Was finding your way to Suga's bed. 
You weren’t really proud of it. But you have to do what you’ve got to do. 
“By any means necessary” were the exact words of the Lieutenant and sitting on the Shadow’s face on your second night in Seoul fell into that category. 
Not that you had other motives for it. 
The sun was about to rise in the sky when you finally reached your bedroom in the mansion and you knew you could not sleep tonight, not after what you saw at Jhope’s warehouse. 
You’ve witnessed violence, you served in the military, you’ve been in a war. 
But you’ve never seen something so cruel…
It was pure evil, the way those bodies piled up. 
And the message. 
“This is how the devil pays for your loyalty” 
Written with their own clansmen blood. 
Releasing a tired sigh you sat on your bed and took out a small digital recorder in your pocket. 
You had placed the device inside the meeting room earlier that day during the office tour. Hoping to catch some valuable information from the clan leaders. Now, as you got your laptop on your lap, you plugged in your earbuds and listened to the recording, your heart pounding with anticipation.
At first, the voices were barely audible, as if the speakers were deliberately trying to keep their conversation from being overheard. But your trained ears picked up snippets of words and phrases.
It was a conversation between Kim Dohan and Mr. Lee “your father” 
"...the heir is a liability..."  said Kim Dohan in a tone that made your blood run cold.
"...we must eliminate… before they gain too much power..." responded Mr. Lee and you made a mental note to find out who they were. You suspected they were talking about the Jade Dragon.
"...make it look like an accident..." Your hand shook as you rewound the recording and played back the crucial part. 
This wasn’t exactly what you had been waiting for, a piece of evidence that would help you bring down the entire clan. 
But it was a death sentence for the clan’s heir, who was unaware of the plot against him.
It had to be Kim Namjoon. 
You wondered what drove Kim Dohan to decide to get rid of his only biological son. You had to act fast. You couldn't let them carry out their plan. But how could you warn Namjoon without blowing your cover?
If they killed him and then wiped out the clan’s record there was no chance for you to find any evidence.
And without any evidence, you were done. 
Mission Failed.
You needed to rest. 
You closed your laptop and stared at the ceiling, your time was running out. And this piece of information was a drop of water compared to the sea of lies that existed around the Seven Moons clan. 
You needed something more, something bigger. 
The next morning on the Seven Moon's diningroom.
Awkward was not a good enough word to describe how everyone at that table was feeling.
Namjoon had a black eye.
Suga had a split lip.
No one knew how Jungkook had ended up with a hickey on his neck.
Jimin was still furious with everyone for making such a fuss in his club.
Jhope looked like his cereal was made of rusty nails and he had to swalow them whole.
Taehyung was looking at you as if he wanted to kill you…
Although that was nothing new.
You looked exactly how you felt.. like shit. 
Jin was the only one who seemed to be calm.
And as if the tension at that table didn't feel like it could be cut with a chainsaw. The clan’s Leader joined you for the first time at breakfast.
“Miss Nari, you have been in my house for a few days now and we have not had the opportunity to talk” Kim Dohan's deep voice crossed the dining table and his tone of authority made everyone present stop what they were doing “I hope you are adapting well to life here in Seoul, if there is anything you need, do not hesitate to let me know” 
“Thank you very much, sir” You answered him looking at him from afar feeling like his gaze could pierce through any lie, even for you, a trained agent looking at Kim Dohan was like looking straight in the devil’s eyes “I have everything I need, you are very kind” finished your phrase with the most convincing smile you could give. 
“Everyone can tell you have more than you need” Taehyung muttered quietly, just enough for you to hear him and you felt the blood rush to your cheeks. You weren't quite sure if it was anger or embarrassment you felt.
“If you want to say something at my table, Kim Taehyung, I hope you'll say it loud enough for all of us to hear” The Leader pounded his fist on the table making everyone jump a little out of their seats.
“Oh, Father, I was saying that Miss Nari seems to feel very comfortable at home. That is so great, because by the end of next month this will be your house  too. When she marries one of us” The young gangster replied with a shit eating grin.
You little shit.
Oh, how you wanted to wipe the smile off his face!
After the awkward breakfast was over, you felt like you were about to poke Taehyung with a toothpick right in the eye. When one of Kim Dohan’s bodyguards approached you quietly “The Leader wants to speak to you privately”
Your blood froze on your veins, if there was something you did not want to do was to be in the same room as Kim Dohan… alone. You looked at Suga who was on the other side of the room and he gave you an understanding smile. 
If the leader wanted to speak to you alone, he will have it his way.
You took a deep breath before opening the doors to The Leader’s office. The devil sat behind his massive desk, his piercing gaze fixed on you as you approached him. "Sit," he commanded, gesturing to the chair opposite him. You sat down, your heart pounding in your chest.
"You know that you are playing with fire, don't you?" Kim Dohan said in a low voice. "You may have fooled my men and my sons, but you can't fool me."
You tried to keep your expression neutral, but your mind was racing. Have you been discovered? Did Kim DoHan know that you were an undercover agent?
"I know about you and my son," Kim DoHan continued, his eyes narrowing. "Don't think that anything happens in my house without me knowing. You're lucky that I respect your father so much."
You felt your heart sink. 
Out of all the things you thought he could have discovered. That was the less awfull. 
But you could not be at ease. Now that you knew he was onto you.
"I-I don't know what you're talking about," you stammered, trying to stay calm.
"Oh, pretty lily. That was your first and last mistake. Do not lie to me," Kim DoHan said, his voice rising and his gaze darkened. "I have eyes and ears everywhere. This is my home and my kingdom to rule. You think you can deceive me, but you can't. You're playing a dangerous game, flower. And if you're not careful, you're going to get burned."
You noticed Kim Dohan kept calling you flower.
Just like Suga did. 
And that made you wonder if he was involved in this. 
You felt a cold sweat break out on her forehead. Kim Dohan's words were a clear warning, and you knew that you had to be more careful than ever. You nodded, keeping your eyes fixed on the floor.
"I understand," you said softly. "I won't let it happen again."
Kim Dohan leaned back in his chair, his expression inscrutable. "See that you don't. I won’t say I don't understand young love, but I really do not appreciate two of my sons fighting in a dark alley like hormonal teenagers over a girl. " he said, dismissing you with a wave of his hand.
You rose to your feet, your legs feeling weak. You knew that you had narrowly escaped a dangerous situation, and that you had to tread carefully from now on. As you left Kim DoHan's office, you knew that the stakes had just been raised, and that the game had become even more deadly.
Later that day...
You were lying on your bed trying to process all the information you had gathered over the past days.
The realization dawned on you, it became clear that the Jade Dragon, the Chinese triad with a dark history, had resurfaced and were seeking retribution. The ability to send a message to the clan's secret hideout suggested that they had a mole within the organization.
And not just anyone had access to that place, it had to be someone with power.
You had enough reasons to suspect that Kim Namjoon was into some shady business, and you were determined to uncover the truth. Your gut suggested that it may have something to do with his father's plans to eliminate the heir.
With everything that happened so far, you were aware that time was running out, and you had until the end of the following month to compile all the evidence you could. 
This was your only opportunity to bring the clan to justice.
The moment the new heir was appointed, the clan would be rebranded under a fresh name, and all traces of their previous identity would vanish.
To make everything fucking worse, you had a hint that Kim DoHan was aware of your true intentions.
And early today he wasn’t just talking about you fucking his son.
Tap, Tap, Tap
Someone was tapping quickly on the balcony window in your room.
Ah, yes...
You weren't thinking about your main problem.
And said problem just hauled himself over the balcony railing with ease, his lean muscles rippling under his black shirt. He stood before you, an inscrutable expression on his chiseled face. In the moonlight light filtering through the curtains, his features seemed even more striking - the sharp jawline, the piercing obsidian eyes, the faint scar on his left eye that only added to his rugged appeal.
“Good evening Little flower. Can you let me in?”  he said in his low, melodic voice. He took a step closer. You could smell the heady, sandalwood scent of his cologne, feel the warmth radiating from his body. Your heart thudded in her chest.
“What are you doing here Suga?” you asked as you opened the window, the cold night breeze made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.
"I've been trying to figure something out,besides, I thought it was funny that we both used each other's window as an entrance,” he winked at you “your room smells like Lilies Is that on purpose?” 
“Suga, what are you doing here, are you on drugs?” you let out an inpatient sigh and the black-haired man stopped in front of you and took a lock of your hair still smiling at you “I'm clean as a Russian athlete before the Olympics. Didn’t I tell you to call me by my name, when we were alone, did you forget it?” 
“No, I didn't”
Of course you hadn't.
You had imagined calling him by his name when you kissed him again.
But that couldn't happen again. A flash of your conversation earlier with Kim DoHan passed through your mind.
It won’t happen again.
“What are you trying to figure out in the middle of the night in my room, Yoongi?” If you thought that man was close to you before, now Suga was almost completely attached to her body.
"I need your help."
You swallowed hard. "I don't know how I can help you."
He smiled, a slow, dangerous smile that made your knees weak. "I think you do. I see the way you look at me. The way your breath catches when I'm near you," He reached out and brushed a strand of hair from her face, his fingers trailing along her skin and igniting sparks beneath her flesh.
“But this is not about that. Although, we could talk about it later” he said.
Your heart raced. You knew after that conversation with Kim DoHan that you were flying too close to the sun, seeing Suga behind his father's back. But you couldn't deny the attraction you felt for him, the way his eyes seemed to look right through you right now.
"What do you need my help with?" you asked, trying to keep your voice steady.
"It's about what you saw last night at Jhope's warehouse," Suga said, pacing back and forth across the room. "Can you tell me everything?."
You felt a surge of adrenaline. This was exactly the kind of opening you were looking for. If Suga trusted you enough to ask, you’ll make him trust you enough to speak. 
"It was awful," you said. “I’ve never seen something like that before.”
"I know, pretty flower, but I really need you to tell me what you saw," Suga said, turning to face you. "I need you to find out what is happening, before it's too late."
You sighed as you began to recall everything you could remember while Suga listened carefully. That man's gaze was the only thing that could terrify her and make her want to run straight towards him at the same time.
"Thank you" he says, taking a step closer to her. "I can’t tell you right now how much you’ve helped me today. But I promise you, it's important."
You feel your heart skip a beat as he reaches out and brushes a strand of hair from your face.
"I don't know if I can trust you," you said, your voice barely above a whisper.
He takes another step closer and looks deep into her eyes. "You can trust me," he says, his voice filled with sincerity.
For a moment, you stand there in silence, the tension between you palpable. Then, he leans in, taking the lollipop out of his mouth and presses his lips to yours, and you felt yourself melting into his arms.
As you break apart, you realize that you’re in too deep. 
Suga made you feel as if you were running directly towards a cliff.
Ready to jump to the abyss. 
Fuck the consequences. 
“I actually came to figure out something else. You see, last night you were high and I’ve been told not to trust drunken truths. Bu you said you like me-” 
“I don't like you.”  You interrupted him trying to sound as convincing as you could, but Suga could see right through you. He smirked and took the lollipop between his fingers and tapped it to your lips. You understood what he was asking immediately.
You licked the lollipop looking right into his eyes. 
He took it again and put it in his mouth, rolling it around his tongue.
“Good girl. But you taste like lies.” The man ran his thumb delicately over her lips and brought his mouth close to your ear. “If you don't want me to kiss you again, tell me and I won't touch you again” his voice sounded almost like a growl “But if you'll give me your permission, I want to check a second thing”
Flying too close to the sun.
That was exactly what it felt like to kiss Suga.
“What thing?”
“If I really like you enough, that I don't give a fuck about all the trouble you're going to get me into” Now you the one who kissed him this time.
Oh, you were going to burn.
Suga bit your lower lip so that you would open your mouth a little and his tongue could roam freely over yours. His hands moved down from your face and over your neck, shoulders, breasts and hips.
Tonight, it felt different than the first night in his bedroom.
Tonight Suga was a man on a mission. 
His plan was to leave no corner of your body unknown.
Between the haze of desire that you were feeling, your mind came to its senses. 
As an undercover agent, you knew the risks of getting involved with the son of one of Seoul's most powerful mafia leaders.
Kim DoHan had fucking warned you less than four hours ago.
But when he dropped you onto the luxurious bed of your bedroom in the Mansion, you couldn't deny the attraction between you. As his intense gaze swept over your body, you felt a rush of excitement mixed with fear. 
As he leaned in to kiss you, you couldn't help but wonder if this was all part of his plan. Was he using you or did he genuinely want you? You pushed those thoughts aside and surrendered to the pleasure, letting yourself get lost in the moment.
“Yoongi.” you sighed between kisses, and to him his name sounded like the best melody he had ever heard in his life.
“Oh, little flower you're going to be the fucking death of me.” he growled lowering his lips to her neck to bite her and she let out a moan. 
That was the last remaining thread of control for both of you.
Yoongi drank your body like a man finding water in the middle of the desert, and when he undressed in front of you, you thought you forgot how to breathe.
The first night, he didn’t take his clothes off. He focused on you, and your pleasure. 
But tonight it was different.
His muscles flexed under his smooth white skin that glistened every time the moonlight landed right on the beads of sweat that ran down his body. Yoongi was covered in small and large scars that danced among the black ink that adorned his body. He had the clan tattoo right on his chest and you wanted to run your fingertips over all his markings and then, then you would kiss them.
As you took him in, your eyes rested for a second on a path of dark hair trailing down his belly inviting you to look just a little lower. You held your breath when you saw him in all his manhood.
He smiled at you, like someone who is about to commit a crime and has absolutely no regrets
“Everything you see is yours. All you have to do is ask nicely” he said, voice deep and musky.  
“I don't beg, ever” you said. He sat on the bed between your legs; both hands caressing the skin behind your knees.
“There's always a first time, flower” he said, not breaking eye contact, and you felt that all the heat of your body traveled to your center. Your skin vibrating with the low purr of Suga’s voice. You realize now the size of him and you wonder if he could fit inside. 
Just like the last time he savored every second, and you realize something about Suga:
He’s a tease.
He wants to bring you close to the edge, just enough you can graze the delicious feeling of the fall; to take you away from it. 
He’s like a cat you think. He is playing with his prey before he finally eats it. 
“Fuck, Yoongi” you whimper when he cups your panties with his hand, applying enough pressure to make you roll your head back and close your eyes. 
“You don't like me. You say. But look how wet this pussy is, and I haven’t even touched you” He’s right, you are arguably the most excited you’ve ever been in your life, and you’re embarrassingly soaked. 
“I never thought Miss Lee NaRi would be a liar” you wanted to pretend that sentence didn’t stroke a nerve in your heart. 
If only he knew.
You can only stare as he lowers himself to lift your shirt inch by agonizing inch. Slowly, he revealed your soft skin. And you had to bite your lip to prevent you from begging him to touch you. 
Luckily he wasn’t in the mood to make you wait any longer as he roamed his hands through your body. “Fuck, flower. You are beautiful,” he said more to himself than to you. But you can’t help but feel happy as you realize that you have the same effect on him as he has on you.
“Can I?” you realize he’s looking at your breasts, and when you nod, he dives down to take one in his mouth, sucking a nipple through the lacy fabric of your bra. You moan, threading your fingers in his dark hair, and you hear the little moan that escapes his mouth encouraging you to pull harder. And without thinking you do. 
Another husky moan leaves his chest as he languidly rolls his tongue over your skin. Reaching behind your back you unclasp your bra and he pulls it off your body to toss it somewhere around the room. 
He looks back at you and the sight that meets his eyes is sinful. Your hair sprawled between the satin pillows and your pupils blown with desire. 
This time you don’t have the effects of the drugs to blame. 
This is all Suga’s work. 
And He knows it.
“How do you want to come, flower? My tongue? My fingers? or…” His gaze trailed down to his member that stood proudly between you two “Or do you want me to fuck you and ruin you for everyone else?”
Your entire body clenches at the last question, and for some reason you agree that fucking Yoongi will, in fact, ruin you. 
“Fuck me” you said half a whisper half a moan. 
“What did you say, pretty flower?” you rolled your eyes at him and before you could bark any answer he slid his fingers between the lace of your panties. Playing with your opening and finding the exact destination with a long stroke. Head snapping back you mean loudly “Do you want me to fuck you? Hm?” his middle finger caressed your clit in circular motions dragging you closer and closer to the climax of your own pleasure. 
“I need your words.” he growled 
“Please fuck me, Yoongi” you moaned his name and he smiled wider. 
“Good girl. Everything you ask for, I’ll give it to you” He hooks his fingers to the elastic band of your underwear and takes it off your body. You assume it fell somewhere close to where your bra landed. “I’ll fuck you. I’ll ruin you for everybody else. But first, I’ll have to stretch you.” he pants as he enters two of his fingers on your cunt “You’re so fucking tight, flower. So fucking perfect for me.” 
You gasp as you feel the delicious stretch of a third finger entering you slowly, his other hand holds you tight by the waist. He leans over your body to kiss you once again and this time you feel like you’ve lost your sense of reality. 
You can still taste the sweet taste of the lollipop on his tongue as you suck on it. Kissing him like you want to take all you can until everything is inevitably taken away from you. 
“I- I fucking hate you” you shudder feeling flustered under his gaze as he moves back to look at you. 
“Don’t start lying to me again” He steps back just enough to lift one of your legs and rest it on his shoulder. You feel your body tremble in anticipation. He slowly rubs his full girth on your swollen clit, that’s when you realize he’s teasing you again. 
He starts moving at a maddening pace. Slowly rubbing himself in wet circles, without breaking eye contact “Lie to me again and see what happens” 
You swallow hard and you can’t help but think you have done nothing but lie to this man.
From the very first day.
You planted a mic in his bedroom. 
You are using him to get information so you can bring his clan…
His family to ruin. 
If only he knew, this morning you sent a message to the base with the exact day the clan is planning to announce the heir.
You just gave the Seven Moons away to INTERPOL.
But as he slowly enters you inch by inch and you scream his name you also realize one thing
You are also lying to yourself.
And you don't want to discover how.
“There.” You plead as he pushes his final inch inside you. You whimper and shiver at the delicious feeling of having him fill you to your limits. “Oh my God Yoongi”  
“I think I heard a pretty girl say she didn’t beg” 
“Shut up, and fuck me” 
In one swift motion he pulls out only leaving his tip, just to slam himself back so hard you hear the bed bang against the wall. He starts thrusting hard and you start seeing stars as you forget your own name. 
The slow torturing pace which he touched you is long forgotten as he enters you fast and hard. He’s unforgiving. Raising your hips so he can hit the right spots at the right angle. A moan chokes in your throat as he leans down again to kiss you. 
This time you can feel the cold feeling of his chains against your bare skin. 
“Yoongi” you cry, feeling hot tears run down your cheeks.
“It's okay, flower. I’ve got you. Let go” he grunts as he starts picking an even faster and harder pace. His hands move from your legs to caress your clit moving in rapid circular motion. And the devilish spark that lights on Suga’s eyes tells you he’s onto something. You don’t have to wait too long when he presses his hand down your lower belly to feel himself inside you.
You think you’ve lost your mind, whimpering, moaning and crying of pleasure. 
Suga was right, he just ruined you.
Your body shocks as a white hot wave of pleasure runs through it. Your orgasm hits you hard and he continues to fuck you through it as he gets closer to his not long after. You hear him gasp as he comes feeling the hot ropes of his cum land on your skin. 
“Let me clean you up. Pretty flower, stay here” he pants still not able to regain his breath. As if you could really move. 
He brought a wet towel from the ensuite bathroom to clean you up, and he didn’t leave it until he made sure you were thoroughly cleaned. 
That night Yoongi took you again.
Several times.
You knew you were playing with fire. 
And if you weren’t careful enough.
You will get burned.
But even if you knew you were both risking your lives.
Suga visited your balcony every night for the rest of that week.
And fuck the consequences.
One week later.
You were in one of the clan's armored vans on your way to meet Anya. You had talked earlier that day on the phone and agreed to meet at her apartment. You managed to convince Namjoon to send you with only one bodyguard.
Now, that was a mistake.
As you exited the freeway and slowed down to cross to the narrower streets the car you were in was rammed by a black SUV.
You felt yourself spinning around in the air.
Shards of glass flew everywhere.
You could only hear the screeching sound of metal hitting the ground.
Ten armed men got out of the cars that surrounded you.
You heard a shot.
You were not sure if it was yours or the driver's.
Someone forcibly pulled you off the roof of the car that was now on the ground.
Your head hurt too much.
You wished you had listened to Namjoon about taking more bodyguards.
You closed your eyes and could see Suga's smile the night before, when you were talking in his room.
Come and save me.
The more you fuck around,
the more you’ll find out. 
And now, you were about to. 
“Make it look like an accident” 
Well, ahem..... Hello?
You guys know there's always a chapter you would never read out loud I think this is mine. This is actually the first time that I write full on smut... and it was something.
Anyway, how are you guys? I hope we're all doing well, satying healthy and surviving this tour because... Min Yongi is a fucking menace. LIKE!? The rapping? The HAIR??? The whiskey drinking? The "You guys listent too well" UMMMM EXCUSE ME SIR BUT THAT IS ILLEGAL!
And HAEGUM, when i watched the video i giggled and kicked my feet because that is Hate! Yoongi. What a beautiful time to be writing a ganster au.
Ps. Thank you SO MUCH for liking and I have to thank each an every one of you for reblogging Hate! I really, really appreciate it.
From the bottom of my chicken heart,
Thank you.
Ria 🌙
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chaoticpuff17 · 2 months
I feel like I am the only one who has a soft corner for WTCAD Namjoon 🥺. I feel that he is what he is because he really is in love with mc. He's had a tough upbringing and is the gang leader so things would have made him act tough. I sometimes feel bad when mc doesn't respond to his attempts to make her see his love. His methods may be dark but his intentions are not. Mc is the colour in his grey black world and I am too soft for dad namjoon. He's so gentle and cute with nara like guy is wrapped around nara's tiny finger.
I do think that in an unconventional setup namjoon would have wooed mc and got her love through consent if he wasn't in the mafia 🌸🥺
I also have a soft spot for ADG Namjoon. He's psycho, but he does truly love the MC. In a better world he would have 100% wooed her. Romantic dates, wined and dined, and he would have gotten to know her and let her get to know him. But he's seriously damaged and that's not how this played out. He's doing his best, but unfortunately his best sucks.
I have toyed around with writing an ADG-esque story where Joon actually does get to woo the fics MC and make her fall in love before she finds out. But we'll see if I ever get around to it. Honestly don't know if anyone would want to read it either.
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euphoricfilter · 1 year
like crazy ~ part two
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☆゚part two of five
pairing(s): namjoon x reader, seokjin x reader, yoongi x reader, hoseok x reader, jimin x reader, taehyung x reader, jungkook x reader
genre: fluff || smut || angst || non-idol au || reincarnation au || friends to lovers || strangers to lovers || established relationships || regency era au || gang au || college au || slight yandere au? ||
summary: the story of how the universe sent you Namjoon.
word count: 9.3k
tags/ warnings: gang leader! namjoon, fluff, a lot more love, angst, namjoon is tatted up, death/ murder, mentions of blood, mentioned sex trafficking, mentioned drugs, obsessive relationship, smut in the forms of: dom/ sub themes— kinda mean-ish dom! namjoon, lots of hickies, spitting in a mouth :), biting, strangely feral sex, pussy slapping, unprotected sex (this is fiction, don’t be stupid), pull out method (again, don’t be stupid), doggy style, squirting, the briefest ass play, implied/planned aftercare!! because namjoon isn’t heartless
notes: not a promise but i'm going to try and get yoongi's part uploaded next week!! it's basically all written i just have to edit it all but this section of the story was getting way too long so i decided to just split it. again, feedback is always encouraged!! i really like this series and would love to know others' thoughts too <3
‘like crazy’ mini series masterlist || my main masterlist
🪐 🌠 ∘₊✧─── *ੈ✩‧₊˚ ───✧₊∘ ✧ ˚  ·    . 💫
Your third life was perhaps the strangest.
It had also been the shortest of all your lives, and perhaps the shortest of your loves. 
You hadn’t loved Namjoon any less than you had Taehyung or Jimin. 
Stupid, undying love had wormed its way into your heart; maybe without you even realizing this time. And then once again, you found yourself sinking with no escape and more heartbreak than you knew what to deal with. 
When you truly think about it, the universe had been a little crueller in this life. 
And in hindsight, she probably had taken pity on your poor soul for all the stories that follow this one.
From the day you could produce a coherent thought, you’d known everything. 
There was no life-changing realisation that you’d had with Jimin, no obliviousness to what your life had once been or everything you’ve ever lost. 
You’re pretty sure your whole world would have been different had you not been aware of your previous life, the butterfly effect is a real bitch when the knowledge you never asked for is thrust into your hands and you aren’t exactly sure what to do with it. 
At eighteen you’d moved out. Because as much as you’d tried, you’d never truly felt anything for your parents in this life.
It wasn’t hard to play the role of a doting daughter, not when your parents never paid much attention to you anyway. Or how you knew attaching yourself to people that would eventually pass was a whole new wave of pain you weren’t ready to put yourself up for. 
There was no guarantee that once you died in this life you’d come back for a fourth time, there was no guarantee that if you did ever make your way back into this world that you’d ever gain the knowledge of what once was. But it was a risk you had never been willing to take. If you’d lived another life, come back again and again, then what was there to say it weren’t to happen once more? 
You often wondered how your old mother must have felt, finding out the only family she had left was murdered. How horrified she must have been after hearing the news. Or if she’d been the one to stumble across yours and Jimin’s cold corpses. 
You doubted she was still alive either way, time hadn’t exactly been on your side, the world so much different than when you were last alive. 
So much more advanced than it had been. You had so many more rights as a women than you had in your previous life. Everything seemed so new, the smallest glimpses of the past peeking through the new age that you found yourself living in. 
The story of you and Namjoon starts where you and Jimin had ended. 
You look up at the set of apartment buildings. The land that used to be the foundation of your home no longer what it used to be. The garden was buried under cement, and all your secrets that had seeped into the walls were probably rotting somewhere in the landfill.
What was once a small house for two had been reconstructed, and built so much bigger and better. Better than anything you could have imagined your home to be. 
It felt a little patronizing, the land you’d died on morphed into something so much more spectacular. 
You remember how hard it had been to simply own a house of your own. How hard it must have been for Jimin to save enough to buy it. How you felt as though you’d finally achieved something in your pitiful life the day the two of you had moved in.
How when you look at the building stood before you, it didn’t seem like such a wonderful place anymore.
It wasn’t special. It wasn’t yours.
Once again, it was so far out of reach, so different, the familiarity, the warmth, all of it had died along with you and Jimin. 
Yours and Jimin’s lives had been so insignificant that no one had thought to keep the land your sacred burial ground. 
You don’t resent the world for stripping away such a large piece of your life away. (even less so when the change had been the sole reason you’d found Namjoon. Or rather how he’d found you).  
Meeting Namjoon had become somewhat of a blur. Words slipping off your tongue as the wind dug its nails into your cheeks, and your fingers and toes felt numb from the cold. Grey cottony clouds had been stuffed in your ears and your mind had been so far from your body. Perhaps seeping into the gravel, slipping between the frost and the soil as your mind reels with every little moment you’d ever spent on this very piece of land. 
Jimin had been the spring, but Namjoon had been the winter. 
You see, Taehyung and Jimin had been the gentle things that wandered in the sunlight, flowers and warm afternoons, sweet kisses and heart-swelling love. Namjoon is what lurks in the shadows, and ugly thunder storms or gnarly bite marks imbedded into tender skin. He was every rough edge and anxiety filled heartbeat, his touch gentle as poison seeps into every pore he traces over. 
“What are you doing here?” 
Your head snaps in the direction of Jimin’s voice. Words catching in your throat, your mouth opening and then closing and then falling open once more.
Your eyes widen only for prickly disappointment to drown your heart when you’re met with the face of a stranger.  Jimin's saccharine voice echoing through one ear and out the other.
You lips fall shut, heat creeping up your neck to your cheeks as your eyes meet those of the stranger. 
“I used to live here” you point to the block of flats. And although that may not exactly be true, you don’t bother elaborating. 
(And Namjoon doesn’t bother to tell you that no one had lived in that building since it had been built. It was his land before it had been constructed and he had no plans of ever renting out any of the rooms.) 
He takes a step closer to you, maybe only an arms length away, “It’s not safe in this area” 
You turn back to look at the building, “That’s a shame” you hum, “Maybe I should get going then” 
A weird sense of guilt runs through your veins. Guilt because you weren’t at all scared. And maybe it’s because after being killed twice, the idea of death doesn’t scare you all that much anymore. Not when you were tired of life, not when you could come back and have the chance to live all over again as a whole new person. 
“I never caught your name” he says, mild curiosty dancing in his eyes.
The air is frigid as it fills your lungs, “Y/n” 
“Namjoon” he holds a hand out for you to shake.
You look at his hand, debating whether to risk it, wondering if he had plans to grab you, erase you from existence. You’d tell him it were useless if that were the case, that you’re estranged from your family and you barely had any friends that would risk themselves for your own safety. That he’d be wasting his time more than he would be yours. 
His lips curl up at the corners as you shake his hand, “Want me to walk you home?” 
You meet his gaze, pulling your scarf tighter around your neck, “No. I’m quite capable” 
─── · 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
“I think there’s someone staring at you” your friend nudges you, hand cupping your ear. 
As much as you wanted to live a life of solitude, unprepared to face another life that ended in heartbreak, it was hard not to befriend someone along the way. 
The both of you would have probably quit this deadbeat job if it weren’t for each other. And luckily the place was run by an old woman that didn’t mind your shifts being practically identical. The income helped with rent and you got most meals free with the job, so really you had no plans to move anywhere else. 
Somehow, platonic love was a little easier to let go of, a little easier to mend, soothe until it doesn’t hurt as much and the memories fade like a painting left in sunlight for too long. You’d never wanted to come off as cold either, and what was one friend when you had a whole life ahead of you? 
Because as much as you liked to slip into your own world, replay the stories of Taehyung and Jimin until tears slip down your cheeks and you had half a mind to pull your aching heart out of youe chest, the strange sort of catharsis that hurts as much as it heals— having a friend wasn’t all that bad. 
And maybe you’d be upset if one day the two of you were to wander down separate paths, only to never meet at the crossroad and continue on with life like you hadn’t trekked for miles together; but maybe that hurt was worth the risk if it were easy to heal later on. A selfish thought, but you’d learnt that humans were simply built that way. That being selfish wasn’t all that terrible.
You look up at her, dropping the mug and cloth behind you in favor of leaning on the counter, arm to arm. 
“Who?” your head falls on her shoulder. 
“The guy over there” she nods her head in his direction. You follow her line of sight, eyes meeting the strangers’ very briefly before your gaze flitters out the storefront window. 
“Do you know him?” she asks, your head falling off her shoulder as someone stalks up to the counter. 
You squint as she takes the order, watching as the curious stranger flicks open a newpaper. 
You weren’t sure if he was simply confident or overly arrogant. His posture that of a man who gets his way, the kind of man you try to avoid when the sun sets. The kind of man you try to avoid when you go out for drinks and they offer you a night you’d never forget. 
His shoulders were lax, open. One leg crossed over the other. Chest broad and arms bulging under his thin dress shirt. He was handsome. Very handsome. And you knew he was aware of this fact, especially with the way all eyes were on him as people left the cafe. Their unrelenting stares doing nothing to deter his relaxed demeanour. 
“I don’t think so, no” you shake your head, turning back to grab a to-go cup, “Maybe he’s one of those creeps that have a thing for baristas” 
She frowns, hip knocking against yours with more force than intended, almost sending the cup you were holding flying. “Don’t say that, what if he’s a rich CEO and wants to take you on a date?” 
You can’t help the laugh that spills from your lips, “Doubt it. I don’t think rich CEOs drink cheap coffee on this side of town” 
She hums, “His suit does looks pretty expensive” 
“It does” you agree, meeting her eyes. 
“French make?” 
You tilt your head, taking another glance in his direction, “Italian” 
“Freshly pressed?” 
You slide the hot coffee across the counter, bitter annoyance creasing your eyebrows when you don’t even get a thank you. 
“I mean, there’s more ways to get money than just being a rich CEO” she tilts her head, eyes squinting ever so slightly.
“Maybe he’s a doctor” you run a finger over your bottom lip, and she throws her head back in laughter. 
“Maybe he does shady gang related stuff” 
Your nose scrunches up at that, “Like sex trafficking? What if he sells drugs?” 
She bites her lip. 
“You fiend” you laugh, “There’s bad boy, and then there’s just straight up criminal” 
She gives you an exasperated sigh, “What if he’s a nice? What if he wants true love, and cares about his family?” 
Your mouth falls open in disbelief, “I don’t–” you swallow, “You have strange preferences” is what you settle with. 
“Okay?” she laughs, “And what about you?” 
“A gentleman. The sappy ones that believe in true love” 
“Doesn’t seem to be many of those around anymore, not in this area at least” she nods, “Maybe we both have unattainable types” 
Your lips quirk up into a smile, “Maybe. I’m not really looking for love” 
“Why not? Add something fun to your life” 
Both of your attention is snatched by the door swinging shut, the stranger that had been keeping as eye on you slinking down the street, newspaper tucked underneath his arm. 
“I’m happy where I am” 
“You don’t go out” she deadpans. 
Your eyes narrow, “I do. For work, groceries, you know all that kinda stuff” 
It’s barely a laugh that puffs out of her, more an exasperated sigh, “How are you ever going to meet the love of your life?” 
Something bitter coats over your tongue, and you will yourself not to frown. You think your heart slowly starts to sink inside your chest, an ugly weight that has your eyes stinging a little. 
“I don’t think everyone has soulmates” you turn away from her, picking up the mug you’d put down earlier. 
“You’re so cynical sometimes, you know that? Besides, it’s not like you have to find a soulmate per say, just— a fling or something” 
“Yeah” you look at her over your shoulder, “Wanna go change? I’ll lock up today” 
She hums, “Are you sure? I don’t mind helping” 
You shake your head, pushing yourself onto your toes to place a mug back on the shelf, ‘I’ll be fine, you have somewhere you gotta be right?” 
“Yeah. My dad’s in the hospital again, I don’t know how I’m gonna pay the bill this time” 
You tuck your hair behind your ear, “Sorry to hear that” and truly you were. But as much as you wanted to offer to help her pay off the bills, you had your own utilities to pay for, a life to live.
And maybe you were a prime example of a selfish human.
She shrugs, “Life is shitty sometimes, not much I can do about it” 
She waves before she leaves, the door clicking shut behind her. You watch as she walks, only blinking when she’s out of sight. 
You stand there for a moment, time inside the cafe stopping as the world continues to move outside.
You can barely hear the chatter, muffled through the glass, though you see people’s smiles, watching groups of them laugh. Or two people holding hands. You see lovestruck looks in people’s eyes. Eyes that don’t seem to hold much emotion at all. Distress from someone on the phone. The smallest hint of happiness from someone listening to music. 
You fall back into reality when one of the boilers in the backroom rumbles, your attention quickly snatched as you duck under the counter to wash the tables. Your world now quiet enough for your thoughts to amplify. They fill up the room like thick smog, skipping around you with quick steps you almost stumble over your own feet. 
Some days you found yourself wondering what Taehyung would think of you now, how the both of you might have danced around the cafe, a piano piece playing in the background from a jukebox as you closed up for the night. Or what would happen when you’d finally go home to your one bedroom apartment and Jimin would be sprawled across the sheets, hair damp, and skin still damp, wet from just taking a shower. 
You startle when someone approaches you just as you lock up the door, “Willing to take my offer to walk you home this time?” 
With widened eyes you turn to meet the stranger, acute terror tickling your mind as you think he must have been hanging around the shop since he left earlier, just waiting for you to lock up, “Excuse me?” Your voice breathless. 
“It’s pretty late, and girls like you don’t fare well when the sun goes down” 
You slip the key to the cafe into your pocket, “I think I’ll pass” your shoulder barely brushes his as you slip past him, though you don’t miss the thump of footsteps behind you. Too close, yet not close enough for you to do anything about it. 
You stop, “What do you want?” 
“Come on, Y/n, We’re past that, I’m just making sure you get home safe” you watch as a dimpled smile tugs onto his face and you pull your coat tighter around your body, unsure if the shiver was from the cold or from him.  
Your eyes narrow, skeptical, “How’d you know my name?” 
Something akin to a scoff vibrates from his chest, “You’re fucking serious? Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten already?” 
You bite your bottom lip, eyes glazing over his face, memories playing like a strip of film in your mind, click click clicking until you pause when you catch sight of his face, a little blurred but his eyes are hard to forget. “Ah–” you sigh, “Namjoon” 
You will yourself no to smack the shit-eating grin off his face, rather turning back around, starting your walk home. 
“So i’m not that forgettable?” his steps fall in time with yours. No longer walking behind you, all caution thrown out of the window. 
“It took me all day to remember. Why were you just hanging out at the cafe? Don’t you have better things to do?” 
“No” he shakes his head. 
You don’t open your mouth the rest of the way home, and neither does Namjoon. Not until you’re stood on the step of your apartment building, slightly looking down at him. 
“Thanks for walking me home” you rock back and forth on your heels, “You don’t need to do it again though” 
Namjoon wets his bottom lip, pulling his scarf a little tighter around his neck. Condensed air whispering into nothing as he open his mouth to speak. 
“I want to see you again” Plain. Simple. Straight to the point. But not what you wanted to hear. 
You sigh, back of your throat drying as you inhale frost riddled air, “That’s a bit too forward, don’t you think?” 
He runs a hand over his chin, “I wouldn’t say so” 
“Whatever it is you want, Namjoon, I don’t want it” you tell him, hoping that by some miracle, your little hint penetrates his thick skull. 
“And how do you know what I want?” His arms fold across his chest. 
It doesn’t apparently, and you are so close to losing your tether. 
“Dating. Marriage. Sex. Simply a fling. I don’t want any of it” 
It irks you how he laughs, “Marriage is a bit too soon, I barely know you. But I’m not opposed to the rest” 
“But I am” 
“We’ll see about that” he waves you off, “i’ll see you around, yeah?” 
You choose not to reply, willing yourself not to look back as you push open the door to your building. 
─── · 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
“Do you fuck on the first date?” 
And for a moment you think your mind short circuits, neurones working overtime to piece together a coherent thought. Sparking against one another as his question replays in your mind. 
Everything with Namjoon was always so quick. What had been him walking you home had somehow melted into him taking you out to dinner on the nice side of town for a date that truly you hadn’t had any interest in. That was until he’d shown up at your door out of the blue barely a week after the two of you had met. 
You’d never told him your apartment number, and it had left you mildly curious as to who you’d gotten yourself involved in. You could only hope that if you came off dull enough he’d choose to go and flirt with another human that was willing to spread their legs for him on the first date. 
“I haven’t before. So, no” 
Namjoon hums, hand running over his jaw in thought. 
“How charming” he muses, and you’re unsure if it’s a laugh that rumbles from his chest or a scoff, perhaps a mixture of both. “They must have been true gentlemen. Let me know what I’m working with” 
You raise an eyebrow, and he nods for you to continue. 
“The first guy.. I suppose we never exactly had a first date. The second…we ate by a lake and talked about dreams and the universe, and then he made me a flower crown so I made one for him” 
Namjoon’s eyebrows furrow, “Men like that exist?” 
The corners of your lips quirk up, wistful memories of still-there emotions seeping back into your heart. “No. Otherwise we wouldn’t be here” 
“They’re dead?” 
You swallow, breath catching in the back of your throat. Namjoon’s head tilts, expectant. 
“Something like that” is all you can find yourself to manage. 
“You kill them yourself?” his eyebrow raises, though you think the both of you know the answer. And maybe that had been the moment you’d gotten an inkling of what Namjoon did for a living, and how utterly fascinating it was to talk about death so freely with another human being. 
It had always been so taboo. But it was simply the end of life, the end of a story. Everyone were to experience it one day, so why would no one ever talk about it? 
“No” you shake your head, “And this isn’t about them” 
“It’s not” he agrees, “I’ll leave the sex for next time as well” 
You cover a laugh with a cough, “How thoughtful of you” 
“You don’t seem upset” he points out, piercing eyes making it a point to hold eye contact. 
“About you wondering what happened to my dead lovers?” And he nods, “You’re understandably curious. I’m not going to hold that against you” you shrug. 
Your finger runs over the seam line of your dress, some small part of you on edge, always wondering what Namjoon’s next words would be. He was always so calculated. And a small part of you was scared he’d ask things you had no intention of mentioning. 
“And you’re not curious about my past relationships?” he asks, somewhat surprising you. 
You shake your head, “I think I’ve made it clear that I’m not interested in a relationship. So I really couldn’t care what your past endeavours were like” 
You sit up a little straighter when his lips quirk up into a smile, “I wonder why you’re here then. If you truly wanted nothing to do with me” 
Your tongue wets your bottom lip, “You’re awfully similar to a parasite, you know?” 
He raises an eyebrow, “Elaborate” 
“Do you believe in destiny?” 
“That doesn’t answer me” he shakes his head, “What does destiny have to do with parasites?” 
“You’re like a parasite because no matter where I go, you cling on to me like it’s all you know” you say, “For the last week since we’d met that one evening all you do is sit in the cafe all day while I work, walk me home and show up at my door on my days off even though I told you I’m not interested” 
“And destiny?”
“I said yes to today, because destiny is a bitch. And maybe it had been her that had sent us to one another” 
Namjoon leans back in his chair, “I do believe. To answer your earlier question” 
You sigh, “That doesn’t mean I want to dive head first into a relationship with you” 
“But you’re not opposed to the idea of us getting to know one another?” 
You bite your lip, maybe trying to hide a smile, “I didn’t say that” 
“It was implied though” Namjoon’s own lips curl upwards. 
“Was it?” 
Namjoon’s eyebrows furrow, “Don’t start acting like a brat now” 
“Or what?” 
He leans over the table, lithe fingers taking a hold of your jaw before he runs his thumb over your bottom lip, “Are you willing to play that game, love?” 
“Maybe one day, but I have a shift soon so I better get going. Thanks for dinner, I’ll make sure to add a complimentary cake with your coffee tomorrow” 
Namjoon’s fingers fall loose around your jaw, “You want me to visit tomorrow?” 
You push yourself to stand, chair squeaking against the tiled flooring, “Something like that” 
“When does your shift start?” 
“I open up tomorrow” 
He nods, “And you’re closing up tonight?” 
“Mmhmm” you hum. 
“I’ll come pick you up after I get some work done” he calls out to you, and you simply wave over your shoulder as you weave through tables towards the exit. 
Everything about life with Namjoon was fast paced. So quick you often found yourself stumbling after him as the both of you wander in the dark, no clear destination in mind. But as you stray away from him, he always seems to find where you are. 
Arguable coincidences turning a little more purposeful. You never thought much of it when you’d run into him while shopping, or out drinking with your friend. Never thinking it was weird how no matter where you seemed to be, Namjoon would be there too. Always there to find you, always there to bring you home. 
He loomed behind you like a shadow, an obedient guard dog that lurked in your shadows. 
When you truly think back to your time with Namjoon, every moment together was clouded by rose tinted glasses that you seemed to have refused to take off. 
It wasn’t long after that first encounter with one another that you started dating. And merely weeks after that, somehow Namjoon had convinced you to move in with him. He always told you how he didn’t like the side of town you lived on, how worried he got dropping you off at your door. 
Because he knew what happened when people slept, and the world was a little quieter. When the light of the moon didn’t spill into the dark corners of alleyways and brutish men think they run the streets that belong to him. 
“I have a lot of people’s blood on my hands, you understand that right?” he tucks a stray piece of hair behind your ear. 
You blink up at him from where you’re sat on his bed, “Yes” you nod. 
“That if you accept me like this– wholly me– there is no going back for either of us?” 
Your tongue wets your bottom lip. “I understand” 
The corner of his lip curls upwards, “Good. Because I had no plan of letting you go” 
And maybe that’s when you should have turned your back on him. That through the misted veil of sickly belief that fate had played a game with you again, you’d stayed– evidently leading to another tragedy. 
─── · 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Namjoon was the epitome of obsession, it coursed through his veins just as much as blood did. 
He was comparable to a magpie, though his form of treasure was delicate little beings like you that he liked to lock up. And watch as you dance for him behind the bars of a cage, eyes piercing into your very soul until it melts and he mends you back together again. 
“What’s wrong, my darling?” Namjoon frowns, slouching back into his chair. 
You lay the book over your chest, heart-wrenching deja vu tickling your insides. “It’s just work. The old lady that owns the place is lowering our pay” 
Namjoon hums, “Why don’t you quit?” he takes off his glasses, hand running over his face. 
“Quit?” you sit up, eyebrows furrowing, “I probably have enough saved for a couple of weeks but after that I’m done for. It’s not like I’m paying rent anymore” 
Namjoon pushes himself to stand, slinking around his desk to stand before you, “That’s why I’m here. You don’t have to work anymore, I’ve got the both of us” 
You shake your head, “Namjoon I can’t do that” you tell him, leaning into his touch as his thumb caresses your jaw. 
“And why not?” He crouches down, head tilting in a way that is so very much Namjoon. 
“It’s unfair on you. Plus, I’m capable of taking care of myself” 
He runs his thumb over his bottom lip, “I know you are, but why have all the added stress when I’m more than happy to do this for us”
Some days Namjoon seemed awfully normal. Integrated perfectly into society, just like the rest of human kind. And some days you found it scary how ordinary he seemed when you knew of the things he did. He always seemed so in control of his own mind, thoughts easily articulated into convincing words, dressed proper, a kind smile. 
It was unnerving how someone so perfect was so very much the evil that you fear as a child. The grim reaper who melts into the darkess, takes a life and thinks no more of that pitiful being’s existence as he stalks through the night ready to chew on another soul. 
Maybe it was blissful ignorance that had chained you to him. If he were the being that men feared then it was only smart to latch onto him, to pretend he didn’t do all these bad things and let him squeeze his way into your heart. For you to be docile and quiet and everything he wanted from you. Even if his love hurt, thick shards of glass piercing their way into your heart and your mind and your body and your soul. 
It was suffocating. Emotions too hard to decipher when he treated you as if you were the only thing that mattered in this cruel world. His love having a tiny semblance of your previous lovers. Foolish in the way you clung on to the smallest parts of them that you could, even though you knew it was never going to be the same. Namjoon was so far from being Taehyung. He was never going to be Jimin. His love a new type of raw, skinned alive and thrusted into your hands without much thought. 
Namjoon’s finger’s slip between your own, grass prickling the bare skin of your arms as you shift,  “Sirius” 
“Pardon?” you tilt your head to look at him, the softest smile on his face as he looks up at the sky. 
“You’re my Sirius” he closes his eyes, smile still lingering. 
“I don’t–” you start, mouth falling shut when he turns to look at you, eyes an endless abyss that you find yourself falling into. Every bad thing he’s ever done, suddenly no longer that evil when he looks at you like this. 
“If Sirius is the brightest star in the sky. Then you must be my Sirius” 
You blink, utterly baffled as to where this had come from. 
“Are you ill?” you dare ask, breath catching in the back of your throat. Warm, gentle, love heating your cheeks the lightest pink, though you doubt Namjoon would be able to see it in the light of the moon. 
A laugh bubbles from his chest, “No” he shakes his head, “Love turns us into fools sometimes” 
You push yourself up onto your elbows, fingers slipping from between his own. 
“That wasn’t foolish” you tell him, “Surprisingly profound. And incredibly sweet” 
“Is that the way to your heart? Sweet words and a pretty face?” he teases, sitting up. And you fall onto your back. 
“It seems so” you say, “Though you’ve already found a home in mine” 
“Is that so?” his hands run over your thighs, fingers teasing the hem of your shorts. 
“Mmhmm” you hum, eyes flickering back towards the sky. 
“Then it is lucky you’ve also found a home in mine” He leans down, arms caging your head as he presses a plush kiss to your cheeks, following the slope up to the tip of your nose before he presses a gentle kiss to your lips. 
“Not here” you murmur just as he pulls away, curious hands wandering over whatever bare skin he can grab onto. 
“But how is the world to know you belong to me?” he asks, warm breath fanning over your lips. 
You swallow, “I’m sure they’re all aware by now. More than a few men have lost their lives because of me” 
Namjoon pushes himself to sit up, frown morphing on his face, “I told you their blood is not on your hands, but mine” 
And he had told you that. Many times. Between kisses of reassurance, where his hands wander down for back as you cling to his suit jacket, guilt chewing away at your mind until you couldn’t take it anymore and begged him to stop his merciless ways when it came to you. Because in truth, no matter how many times he’d told you, their deaths are your fault. And will latch onto your weary soul. 
And maybe one day when death knocks at your door, he will open his book and list out every man that had ever died because of you, and then he will tell you the devil is waiting downstairs with the door open and a spare room just for you. 
Never once had you asked him to slip out of the bedroom as you slept, slaughtering every man that dared lock eyes with you for longer than Namjoon deemed necessary. Or utter your name from mouths made of filth, or gawk at the small sliver of skin you would show at dinner. Skin that was wholly his to touch and defile and bite at until he’d become the artist, painting you red only for flowers of purple to bloom across unblemished skin. 
“That doesn’t change the fact their premature demise wasn’t linked to me” 
“None of that” he hums, helping you sit up, fingers raking through your hair. “Angels don’t have human blood on their hands, it is above them”
The day you’d kneeled before him, begged for him to stop killing on your behalf, that he didn’t need to do more than he already was, that those men didn’t mean anything at all to you– he’d never mentioned another instance where he erased the existence of another human. 
That didn’t mean you were naive enough to believe he’d stopped killing. You weren’t stupid. It wasn’t hard to piece together the little things that happened when you’d wake up during the nights, sheets cold beside you and Namjoon nowhere to be seen until the sun had risen. 
Familiar faces printed on the front pages of newspapers, gruely deaths typed out without a lick of sympathy, just another face, just another story. 
And maybe it had been all your fault, bringing up such trivial things like destiny. Uttered how you thought fate had brought the two of you together, solidifying whatever little budding obsession Namjoon had for you. And it was ironic, how even after the tragedy of this life, the little flicker of hatred you held for fate herself was blown out, because as fucked up as it was; you had no regrets when it came to Namjoon. 
He’d built you up into an entirely new person. So different than you had been. Shown you a life that was so different from what you’d had before. So fresh. And new. And exciting. 
Impossible to hate. 
─── · 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
A choked moan catches in the back of your throat when Namjoon’s teeth clamp around your nipple, his chin spit-soaked as he lathers his tongue over your flushed skin. 
“Fuc– Namjoon” you huff, hips rutting upwards, desperate to chase after every lick of searing pleasure as your clit rubs against the soft fabric of your panties. 
Your pelvis knocks against his stomach, head tipping backwards as he kisses over your tender skin, tongue soothing over every divot that his teeth had left over your body. 
His hand slips down between your bodies, awfully mean as he hooks his fingers in the waist of your panties, tugging them upwards until the crotch is tucked snug between your folds, soaked fabric rubbing deliciously against your throbbing clit. 
“Yeah?” he laughs when you moan out his name, tears gathering along your waterline as you rut upwards. A feral sort of pleasure consuming your entire being, emotions rubbed red-raw, heart thrusted for Namjoon to chew on, to consume like it were his only life force. 
You whine when he lets go of your underwear, pleasure fizzling out, orgasm ebbing away. Your poor clit sending barely-there pleasure up your spine— utter frustration wracking throughout your body. 
You tug his face parallel to your own, fingers digging into his jaw, “No, no– Namjoon please” you whisper against his lips, fingers slipping to tangle into the hair on the back of his head. 
“What do you want?” he asks, fingers dancing across your thigh. 
Your mouth drops open in another shaky moan as his fingers dig into a hickey on your thigh, perfectly crafted; almost a hollowed heart shape. Proof of the rawest lust that’s mixed between your sweat slicked bodies, and his salvia that drips into your open mouth, tongue already out to catch his spit. You swallow, prickly heat dusting your cheeks as he smiles down at you, so proud as your tongue laps up the remanence of his saliva from your bottom lip. 
“You– want you so bad” your hands wander, anywhere they can grab on to him. 
Nails that dig into covered biceps— muscles flexing, over his pecks, sinking into the plush skin; perhaps some small part of yourself hoping that you could carve a chunk out of him to keep for your self, a part of Namjoon that will always be with you for when he’s gone. 
A strange desperate sort of need that has bloomed into your body and mind. Slithering through each valve of your heart, sinking its claws into the muscle, just Namjoon
He’d consumed your life, your every thought. Your skin alight as he touches you, your mind constantly buzzing with thought of him him him when he’s gone and just more more more of him when he’s with you. 
“Yeah?” he kisses your jaw, teeth nipping over the skin, sucking hard enough that you know you’ll be littered in marks of his lust for days to come. 
“Yeah” you nod, thighs clamping shut as you try and relieve some of the ache, beyond desperate for some form of release. The sort of release that you know only he would ever be able to give you, the feral sort of release that you never knew were possible if not for him. 
“My poor baby” he croons, sitting back on his heels. Goosebumps prickle the skin of your arms, the heat of Namjoon’s body leaving you cold when he pulls away. 
Your bottom lip is tucked between your teeth as he shucks his shirt off, you eye the ink that slithers up his chest, spreading across his arms. Deep black that stains his skin, bare hints of color peaking through. 
“It’s rude to stare” he reminds you, unbuttoning his pants, underwear soon following the rest of his clothes on the floor. 
“You’re just very pretty” you say, sitting up, chest heaving as you gasp for breath. Namjoon leans down, lips pressing against yours in a kiss that holds so many unsaid words, both from you and from him. 
“Not as pretty as you” he whispers, one hand taking a hold of his cock. He lathers pearly beads of precum down his length, his other hand slipping between your legs, thumb running over the length of your still-covered slit. 
“Take these off for me?” he asks, catching your attention that had been on his thick cock, “How precious” he whispers as you fall onto your back again, bare and wholly his to take. 
Your hair fanned out beneath you, teeth marks littering your skin and hickies that he doubts you’ll be able to fully cover; the whole world knowing that you’ve been claimed by him. 
You wriggle under his sharp gaze, eyes raking down the length of your body as though it were the first time. (He had every little dip of your body ingrained into his mind, though nothing would ever been the tangibility of you spread bare like before him) 
You thighs fall open, silent temptation— a silent invitation for him to fuck you senseless. 
“Turn around for me, darling. On your hands and knees, I plan to absolutely ruin you tonight” he runs a hand down the length of your thigh. 
You roll over, lifting your hips for him, cheek pressed against the duvet. Your outstretched hands grasp onto the pillows, though you doubt they’ll be much help if Namjoon does exactly what he had promised. 
You wiggle your hips, breath hitching in the back of your throat when a warm hand ghosts over your asscheeks. 
“Precious” he kisses the back of your thigh, sharp inhale from him causing your cheeks to flush the darkest shade of red. 
This thumb parts your folds, barely dipping into your hole before he’s trailing wet fingers upwards; free hand pulling your cheeks apart. 
He teases over your puckered asshole, nail raking over the delicate skin. “You’re a slut sometimes you know that?” he laughs, choosing to dip his index finger, nail deep into your ass. 
Your breath hitches, something similar to a moan spilling out and onto the sheets as you rock backwards. 
“Not a slut” you tell him, slick dribbling over your clit. 
“No?” he croons, pushing his finger further into you, empty cunt clenching around nothing as he teases a second finger around your ass hole. 
“No” you breath, fingers digging into his pillow. 
“Not a slut, but you like you like me toying around with your ass?” he laughs, finger slipping out as he finishes. 
A watery moan follows, asshole clenching around nothing as he toys with your pussy. Pulling your folds apart, and you hear it before you feel it, wet slap reverberating off the walls, sting following soon after. 
Your mouth falls open, fresh wave of arousal slipping from the entrance, dripping onto the sheets. 
“More” you beg, thighs quivering as you try to hold yourself up, “Please, more” you try to get a look at Namjoon from over your shoulder. 
You hear a mocking laugh rumble from his chest, squeak of surprise punched from your throat as he lands another harsh slap over your cunt, string of slick snapping as he pulls his hand back towards his body. 
His next slap lands on your clit, pain morphing into a strange sort of pleasure as you feel it wrack up your body, mind muddling into a mushy mess that has you rocking your hips backwards; desperate for at least one more measured slap to your flushed pussy.
Namjoon groans, wetting his bottom lip as he gets a glimpse of your puffy folds, so wet and messy he’s awfully tempted to lean down and lick you clean until you’re pleading for him to let you cum, only for him to push you over the edge so many time that you have to beg him to stop, and maybe if you start crying, delicate little tears cascading down your pink cheeks, then he’d take a little mercy on you. 
Another wave of arousal dribbles onto Namjoon’s cockhead as he runs it through your folds, blunt head pressing against your hole, walls stretching to accommodate his girth. 
“Oh” you whine, back arching a little deeper as he feeds an inch into you. 
His hands fall onto your hips, fingers sinking into the meat of your hips, ragged crescents far from majestic digging into your skin “Feels good” his hips stutter, your body jolting forwards. 
“Fuck– Namjoon” you cry when he loses all resolve, pelvis smacking against your ass, impatient to have your walls fully wrapped around his cock, the closest he’ll ever be to sinking under your skin and becoming one with you. The closest the two of you would ever physically be. 
“Fuck” he groans as your walls clench around him, your hand slipping between your chest and the bed, down to your stomach. 
It felt as though Namjoon had weaved his way into your body, so far inside of you, you wonder if he’d sunk into your stomach. His cock touches places you never knew felt this good, pleasure buzzing up your body with every unintentional sway of your hips. 
He barely pulls out, cockhead dragging deliciously through your walls before he eases himself back into you fully. 
“Faster, please, Namjoon” you swallow, throat awfully dry– and Namjoon hums.A hand leaves your hip, tangling into the hair on the back of your head. 
His cock drags through your walls, tip still wedged inside of you. You’re unsure if it’s a moan or a garbled scream that leaves your lips when he tugs you back by your hair; back arching uncomfortably as his hips snap into you. 
Arousal seeps onto the sheets past his cock and down his ball that barely brush past your swollen clit. 
“Ah–” you cry, fingers gripping onto the pillow as he punches back into you. 
“Like that? Yeah?” he grunts, the hand that was on your hip slipping underneath you, keeping you propped up as his finger leave your hair to press down on your shoulder. 
Tears dance across your waterline, raw pleasure consuming your entire being until all you feel is Namjoon’s thick cock dragging rapidly against your cunt, mind so wholly consumed by him you’d forgotten where you were. Who you were. What you were. 
His hands burn where they hold you, your ass red from each wet slap of his pelvis against your ass and the backs of your thighs. 
Your moans somewhat harmonise, pleasure coursing through both your bodies, rush of dopamine clouding any sort of sanity you thought you had left.
“Play with you clit for me” he groans, tugging you back onto his cock, position causing his cockhead to hit your g-spot perfectly from this angle. 
Your hand shakes as you bring it to your clit, swollen and pink, the barest touch enough to sent you lurching forwards; though you don’t get very far, Namjoon pulling you back with the grip he still has on your waist. Making sure he’s buried deep inside of you, making sure to hit that little sweet spot that has white dancing behind your eyes. 
“Oh” you cry, staccato of noises spilling from your lips as you toy with your clit, messy as your nails drag over the bundle of nerves. 
Namjoon feels you clench around him, ready to tip over the edge with him. 
“That’s a good girl” 
You hiccup a sob, “Gonne cum. Joonie I–” 
“I know, darling” he huffs out a laugh, “Cum for me, all pretty” 
Your thighs quiver, and you’re sure you would have collapsed by now if it weren’t for your boyfriend holding you up. 
You peel the pressure build in your stomach, fingers messy as you try to keep the stimulation up on your clit. Climbing higher and higher towards your peak. 
“Oh– Fuck” your free hand clamps over your mouth, eyes squeezing shut as you tip over the edge, squirting onto the sheets, soaking the fabric, little squeezes of watery cum tumbling past your fingers as you ride out your high— hips stuttering forward with each soft drag of your palm over your clit. 
The insides of your thighs shine, wet with your release, Namjoon’s balls seemingly just as wet when they smack against your clit. 
“Shit” his head tips backwards, and you cry as he slips out of you, sudden emptiness causing your cunt to clench, another spurt of cum dripping onto the sheets below you. 
Namjoon’s hand is rapid around his cock, pulling your ass cheeks apart he groans one last time before he shoots his seed over your red ass. 
It drips over your hole, dribbling down to your messy pussy; mixing with the mix of your cum and arousal. 
He smears his cum across your puckered hole, rubbing it across your folds and down to your clit. A low groan rumbles from Namjoon’s chest at the sight, your labia creamy white and shiny. 
“No” your thighs give out under you, his finger still smearing his cum over your sodden clit, throwing you into a less intense orgasm that has you trembling, sob catching in the back of your throat. 
“You’re so good, my darling” he whispers, wet fingers sliding over the expanse of your back, rubbing his release into your sweat slicked skin, “How about a bath?” he smiles when he catches sight of your closed eyes, “Hmm?” 
You nod, “Drink too” you whisper, voice hoarse and Namjoon traces over each hickey, feeling the dips in your skin that his teeth had left and over the swell of your ass. 
“And a drink too” he nods, “can I go to the kitchen to get a drink? Or would you want to come with me?” he asks. 
Your tongue slips past your lips, wetting your bottom lip as your muscles relax, “Come with you” 
“Yeah?” he laughs, “I’m gonna pick you up, okay?” 
You hum, rolling yourself onto your back. Your eyebrows furrow when your ass is met with wet sheets. “Clean sheets too” 
“Of course” he brushes the wet hair from your forehead. 
─── · 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
The day Namjoon had acted on impulse, your story had reached its climax– and it had been downhill after that. That is how most stories go after-all. 
And for the first time your ignorance to what Namjoon did behind your back had come to bite you in the ass. A sick little reminder that you should have listened to yourself all those months ago. That you should have never gotten involved with Namjoon. Should have just lived this life through with no hiccups and hopefully finally lay to rest at the end of your cycle. 
And somehow you found yourself here. 
It should have been nothing more than a night out together, nothing more than drinks and hands that wandered in intimate places under the table, no one any the wiser. Clothes imbedded with cigarette smoke and cheap liquor, Namjoon’s lips on your neck and yours on his cheek before he wandered to the bar for refills. 
All it had taken was one man to bring you both to downfall. One lingering, sweaty hand, five chubby fingers and two beady eyes that had no respect; one unruly man for your life to once again fall to shit. 
You’d never seen Namjoon anything but level-headed. He always had such control over his own life, knew how to control a room, his people, part of the city. He was always on top. It’s always been Namjoon’s world and you were simply living in it. 
A small whisper in the back of your mind had told you that surely— surely a man with that much power would one day snap. Perhaps not at you, but you’d placed yourself in his line of fire. Dominoes stacked up one after the other and no matter how fast you ran, they would always catch up to you, knocking you over with them. 
And you knew. You knew that a story with you and Namjoon was sure to be another tragedy. And maybe you wanted to believe that he was invincible, that death wouldn’t rattle at behind him like it had the last two of your lovers, and you suppose he didn’t. 
Death was after you. 
Death was scared of Namjoon, but not you. 
“I told you” you whisper, eyes flitting back to your lover when you catch the attention of an officer, “I fucking told you not to do it, that we could sort something out later but you just had to–” 
He had to kill him. Well, he didn’t have to. But he did. 
“I’ll sort it out” he takes your hands, “Don’t stress too much” 
You exhale, chest deflating, utterly defeated, “And how do you plan to fix this?” 
“I’ve got a good lawyer” he tells you, leaning into the table a little more. 
And you want to tell him his lawyer was shit, that there was no way for him to plead innocent when so many people had seen him slaughter someone out of pure rage, no matter if it were in the back of a club, in a drunk daze, you doubt many would forget the shrill cry of a man slowly losing his life. You doubt many would defend a man that was known for chewing up the lives of any man or woman that he deemed unworthy. 
“You trust me? Don’t you?” He interlaces your fingers, squeezing. 
You nod, swallowing hard as an officer slinks past your table. Unnerving as you eye the weapons strapped to their belts and the haunting jangle of keys. 
“Yes. Yes I do” 
“Good.” he nods, “I need you to do a few things for me while I’m held up” 
“Okay” you whisper, foot tapping anxiously against the floor. Palms flushing in a cold sweat.
“Pack your bags, there’s money under the bed, go away for a while” 
Your eyebrows furrow, “What?” 
“I need you to leave the city for a while until I’m out of here” 
“Namjoon I don’t–” 
He tucks your hair behind your ear, smile tugging at the corners of his lips. Ever so gentle, a lame attempt at reassurance. Though you only find your heart rate picking up, hands trembling ever so slightly. And you wonder if he can feel it; your fear. You wonder if he can taste it on the tip of his tongue. 
“A lot of people are going to be after you now that I’m not around” 
You shake your head, mouth opening to say something though you’re unsure what. 
“I have a lot of enemies” he says carefully, slowly, “And they all know about the delicate little flower I hold, and they’ll want to pluck her and tear her petals off one by one” 
You swallow, “Namjoon” tears threaten to fall to which he brushes a thumb over your cheeks. 
Shaking his head, “None of that” he smiles, “Soon we’ll be together again, and everything will go back to normal, and we’ll be happy” 
You flinch as a bell rings, hands trembling when chairs scrape against the laminated flooring. You swallow down the lump in your throat, bottom lip tucked between your teeth as you simply stare at Namjoon. Curious to see how long it would take for you to get lost in his eyes, to be able to wander his mind and simply live there., Safe, happy. 
He told you that you’d be happy. ,
“Go” he nods behind him, “I’ll see you soon, yeah? I think I can have one more visit before trial” 
The both of you stand, Namjoon pulling you into his chest. He kisses your forehead, displeased scoff tumbling off his lips when one of the officers towers over you. Eyebrow raised and expectant. 
He lets go, and you clench your jaw. Your chest expands, lungs stinging with the rush of oxygen— and you will yourself to look up at Namjoon, painting every little crevice of his face into your mind before you’re slipping past him towards the door. Unable to say anything. 
Because you know if you did you’d break down. And you wouldn’t do that to him right now. Not when he’s told you how much it physically pains him to watch you suffer, how your tears should never fall, how your heart should never hurt. 
“Sirius” Namjoon calls out and you look over your shoulder, “Remember that. My brightest star” 
You wave, swallowing down the sob that claws up your throat. 
And you’d barely made it halfway home before your life had slipped from beneath your feet for a third time. 
Stem snapped, and petals picked; a rotting rose left to decompose on blood-soaked concrete, with the regrets of not even leaving Namjoon behind with a final ‘I love you’. And a faint wish that life after you would fare him a little better. 
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thank you for reading!! <3 🌌
permanent taglist: @m1sss1mp @supernoonanyc
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babecoups · 2 years
the “𝔟𝔬𝔯𝔫 𝔱𝔬 𝔰𝔦𝔫” collab
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Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
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Welcome to the Born to Sin Collab. All of these stories have restricted ratings for audiences above the age of 18. For some stories you must be at least 21 to read. Readers who are not of age are prohibited from reading or interacting. There is no taglist for this masterlist. Check with the author of the story you wish to be tagged in to see if they have a taglist. Heed each story’s warnings and please read responsibly. We hope you enjoy…
Playlist - coming soon
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⍆ title: ersatz by @mimikookie​ (18+)
⍆ pairing: best friend!hongjoong x detective!(f)reader
⍆ genre: action | angst | best friends to lovers | fluff | mafia au | mystery | smut
⍆ summary: Despite Hongjoong’s disapproval, determination drove you to set your sights on apprehending the notorious mafia leader, Choi San. Though just when you thought you had everything to expose San for who he really was, you realize you may have been led astray all along.
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⍆ title: panacea by @temptaetions​​ (18+)
⍆ pairing: fugitive/ex-gang member!choi san x undercover cop!(f)reader
⍆ genre: angst | smut | strangers to lovers
⍆ summary: A jack of all trades but a master of none, San was good at many things. When a robbery gone wrong ends in him running from the law, he doesn’t realize that your appearance in his life is nothing short of an undercover operation.
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⍆ title: trust me by @sweetestofchaos​ (21+)
⍆ pairing: gang member!mark x demon heiress!reader x gang member!mingi
⍆ genre: fluff | gang au | smut | strangers to lovers
⍆ summary:  Going to South Korea in your father's place was no mistake. He wanted more power and he sent his strongest player to win the game. Why he thought you would play by the rules is beyond you, for you wanted to step out of his shadow. You know what they say, right? Out with the old and in with the new!
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Wooyoung - coming soon
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⍆ title: cecidit magnolia by @sugakookitty​ (18+)
⍆ pairing: cult leader!taehyung x undercover agent!(f)reader
⍆ genre: angst | crime au | dystopian au | smut | steampunk au | supernatural elements
⍆ summary: Your first big case with the FBI leads to you posing undercover to grab information on the infamous sadistic cult leader, Kim Taehyung. This group may keep to themselves, but beneath the surface is a large, organized crime operation involving some of the most powerful politicians. Will you be able to gather enough information for the case? Or will you simply become too close for comfort? 
Your life depends on the answer.
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⍆ title: escapism by @minjoonalist​ (18+)
⍆ pairing: dealer!yoongi x reader
⍆ genre: crime au | gang au | smut
⍆ summary: If there’s one thing he’s ever wanted, it was an escape. From the guilt, the greed…the constant pain. You were looking for that too, just as covered in the blood of your past mistakes and distracted from the reality of your cruel addiction. Why would you ever believe he would leave you alone?
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⍆ title: ride or die by @bangtanintotheroom​ (18+)
⍆ pairing: criminal!jungkook x citizen-turned-criminal!(f)reader
⍆ genre: angst | crime au | non idol au | smut | strangers to lovers
⍆ summary: To think that the only person who would look out for you was a man who could pull a gun on anyone without hesitation. Forget what he did for a living, you owed him your life; the two of you only needed each other in this fucked up world. 
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⍆ title: taste of sin by @daimyosjeon​ (18+)
⍆ pairing: mafia!namjoon x drug lord's daughter!reader 
⍆ genre: angst | arranged marriage | mafia au | smut
⍆ summary: I know there's something more behind the façade that he shows to the world. There has to be. It was hard but not impossible for me to understand that he wants me just like I want him.
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⍆ title: the destruction's illusion by @namjinsmoonchile​ (21+) 
⍆ pairing: gang leader!seokjin x killer witch!oc x gang member!jimin
⍆ genre: crime au | fluff | horror | romance | smut | supernatural elements | thriller
⍆ summary: Seokjin has it all: power, money, and a woman no one but he could have. But blood debts have to be paid or someone will find that illusions are destructive. 
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⍆ title: the untouchables by @hobeemin​ (21+)
⍆ pairing: hitman!jung hoseok x heiress!poc (f) reader
⍆ genre: angst | crime au | drama | mystery | smut | strangers to lovers |  thriller
⍆ summary: You met under the most unconventional circumstances. True to your work, you never turned anyone away in need, yet you found yourself drawn to this enigma of a man. The time comes when he must make a choice... the revelations could mean life or death.
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⍆ title: descendants by @babecoups​ (18+)
⍆ pairing: mafia boss’s son!jinyoung x maid!(f)reader
⍆ genre: angst | enemies to lovers | mafia au | smut | supernatural 
⍆ summary: You grandparents worked for the Parks, your parents work for the Parks… You will not work for the Parks, and there’s only one way out. 
Park Jinyoung.
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⍆ title: fast and the furious by @sun-kore​ (18+)
⍆ pairing: gang member!yugyeom x reader
⍆ genre: angst | fluff | gang au | smut
⍆ summary: You went to the bar looking for a one night stand, but instead you are dragged in the middle of the gang war with the one they call the "errand boy" aka Yugyeom. Seeing more than you should have, you stick to his side while you weave yourself out of this world of trouble.
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⍆ title: on the rocks by @wordycerty​ (21+)
⍆ pairing: gang leader!jackson x reader
⍆ genre: angst | fluff | forbidden love | gang au | smut 
⍆ summary: A mob boss falls for the cute barista, ultimately forgetting his position and the danger he attracts. When his enemies start to topple his empire, he's forced to choose between fighting to keep what he's built or starting anew with the love he's found.
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⍆ title: ride by @toikiii​ (18+)
⍆ pairing: jaebeom x f!reader
⍆ genre: angst | mafia au | slow burn | smut
⍆ summary: The one life lesson your parents taught you was to not owe anyone anything. fitting, since they soon left you all alone after that. You try your best to stay on the straight and narrow, but when a mafia boss keeps happening upon you and saving your ass in the most unlikely of circumstances, you can't help but offer him the only thing you have. your heart.
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⍆ title: trust me by @sweetestofchaos​ (21+)
⍆ pairing: gang member!mark x demon heiress!reader x gang member!mingi
⍆ genre: fluff | gang au | smut | strangers to lovers
⍆ summary: Going to South Korea in your father's place was no mistake. He wanted more power and he sent his strongest player to win the game. Why he thought you would play by the rules is beyond you, for you wanted to step out of his shadow. You know what they say, right? Out with the old and in with the new!
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Youngjae - coming soon...
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⍆ title: blood money by @iibonniee​ (21+)
⍆ pairing: mafia!minhyuk x waitress!reader
⍆ genre: angst | crime au | romance | slow burn | smut
⍆ summary: Nobody can ever really run from their past no matter how hard they try. Y/N knew of this truth well. Minhyuk knew that once he found her again he was going to make sure she remembered where she belonged.
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⍆ title: city lights by @iibonniee​ (21+)
⍆ pairing: mafia!kihyun x spy!reader
⍆ genre: angst | crime | fluff | romance | smut | suspense
⍆ summary: Kihyun believes his wife is the rival mafia leader and is ready to end her when the true enemy shows up to kill them both. Can they get out alive and will their marriage survive the mess they've made?
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⍆ title: criminal love by @wordycerty​ (21+)
⍆ pairing: criminal!hyungwon x cop!reader
⍆ genre: angst | forbidden love | gang au | smut | thriller
⍆ summary: A trigger-happy detective struggles to bring down the mysterious newcomer shaking up the criminal world while fending off the advances of a persistent gang “underling.”
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⍆ title: the spider’s web by @hobeemin​​ (21+)
⍆ pairing: underground fighter!im changkyun x hbic/crime boss!poc (f) reader
⍆ genre: angst | crime au | drama | enemies to lovers | gang au | smut
⍆ summary: That sickly sweet smile. Only she had any affect on him. With the curl of a finger he'd bow down to her and her alone. Is he ready for the trap she's laid?
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⍆ title: acrimony by @kqweenn​ (21+)
⍆ pairing: kkangpae!taeyong x escort!reader x yakuza!yuta
⍆ genre: angst | crime au | drama | smut | street gang au 
⍆ summary: Both leaders used to be the closest of allies but recent affairs of their respective gangs have been straining their relationship lately. Desperate to quell the brewing feud between them, their right hand-men recommended solving this with the only thing they want in common - you.
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⍆ title: rivals in crime by @flurrys-creativity​​ (18+)
⍆ pairing: criminal!jaehyun x criminal (f)reader
⍆ genre: angst | enemies to lovers | smut
⍆ summary: Everything went well and in order in your district until you caught some unknown drug dealers lurking around the corners of your casinos. You didn’t even have to ask them for their boss, knowing only one man would be this brazen. He always tried overpowering you. Maybe it was time to send Jaehyun a declaration of war.
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⍆ title: relapse by @jiminschanelearring​ (21+)
⍆ pairing: trap queen!chaeyoung x banker!reader 
⍆ genre: angst | childhood enemies to lovers | fluff | gang au | smut
⍆ summary: Chaeyoung and Y/n have history of being competitive. It dates back since elementary school, but what happens when Chaeyoung suddenly dropout and leaves without a trace. A few years later while Y/n is at work she notice Chaeyoung. However Chaeyoung isn’t the glasses wearing, stumbling, annoying teenager anymore. Now she’s a notorious gang leader that specializes in money laundering and Y/n just so happens to be a banker.
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Do not copy, translate, steal, or claim as your own. 
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