#gank squad
asleepinawell · 3 months
I missed a ton of npc interactions in shadow of the erdtree which meant I'd often have them say things referring to a conversation we'd never had which was confusing, however this did lead to one of my favorite moments when I found Leda somewhere and she just says hmm wonder who I should kill next. and I'm like. girl what. who the fuck have you been killing??? and she's like actually now that I have my free will back I've decided I hate people and also Ansbach needs to die. and I'm just like hello??????? ma'am????? what is happening here????? funniest shit ever. diversity win the homicidal hater of the group is a woman
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punkeropercyjackson · 8 months
Ghost/prowler makes me visceraly uncomfortable as a black dad and white mom kid because exactly one shipper dosen't do that snowbunny stereotypes shit with them(most often 'delicate white girl and rough black boy' grossness)and they're monoracial black so i straight up put it on the search bar to block every single shipper except them because none of them know how to act but y'know WHAT.Y'all Prowler/punk shippers ain't any better-Miles G is turned into a 'gay panic' gothy tsundere bf instead of a severely traumatized black teen vigilante and Hobie has all his actual personality taken away too to reduce him down to his looks so he can be the pervy and idiotic love interest for him that 'fixes' his 'denial' or whatever and every Prowler!Movie!Hobie i've seen looks like one of them yaoi doujinshi dude's so combined with how Miles G having a Gwen ruins the Ghostflower 'soulmates by choice instead of destiny' slay and Hobie and Miles G won't be seen actually meeting for years from now,i'm throwing both these ships in the shredder.Only Margo and 42 Ganke can date Miles G now,the rest of y'all can join us when you learn to be normal about black boy trauma
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emergencypunter · 1 year
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Rubicon 3’s Number One Hater Extraordinaire
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eldenrat · 2 months
The reason I have not said anything about Elden Ring pvp in an eternity is:
1) I don’t have any level 150 characters atm :(
2) I couldn’t make a decent build to save my life
3) i forgor 💀
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fantomette22 · 6 months
Damn i really passed like 17mins on the gank squad 💀 wow. I beat them at least 😭
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valehour · 3 months
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people of the free world. I demand like 100 quid or else I will ruin this perfectly good Dex/int character's statline into a Dex/int/faith build for literally no good reason
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rominasaintofthebud · 5 months
i understand how micolash felt
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appleimps · 8 months
My Ganondorf Elden Ring build was SOOO much fun when he was still in the 60-80s level range.
I use the Taunter's Tongue now on all of my playthroughs to make myself vulnerable to being invaded solo, and honestly my Ganon build when he was still using the Starscourge Greatswords gave me some of the best invasions I've had. I miss the beginning-mid stages of his build wahh
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subsequentibis · 1 year
wait if eva literally wasnt even one of the defectors to begin with and wasnt coordinating with adam that means ocelot just didnt show up for the scheduled rendezvous. #1 flake. king of dodging responsibility. tag two blokes who do fuck all
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vaguely-concerned · 1 year
the discrepancy between the depiction of ganks in most of legends canon vs. in the edge of the empire rpg will never stop being hilarious to me
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they are all the most feared mercenaries and killers in the galaxy and exactly the same amount of cool
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asleepinawell · 3 months
i know that it is considered "cheating" to summon a buddy in soulsborne games by some people who take games way too seriously, but difficulty aside, it's just fun as heck? like if you get a really good summon and the two of you are just in sync and both get super excited after you win? it's just fantastic. faith in humanity restored moments, would recommend
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belfrysol · 1 month
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just realized I forgot to buy the pants for promised consort and I went into ng+ already
I have to fight the hardest boss fromsoft put in a souls-ish game
hoo boy
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valence-e · 1 month
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Operators no longer do the funny eye thing where you tap them, because of woke.
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sadlazzle · 1 year
oh fuck the cave of the dead even more. oh my god
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i really did not expect to be called that during the Leda gank squad fight …..
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darksouls2yuri · 2 years
i cant even be mad at the multi bosses in ds2 because im genuinely having fun trying to beat them i just like to complain a lot
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