#gardening references
xamitra-art · 8 days
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For many of years I had this tradition of drawing Wirt and the beast once a year to see how much I have improved, then depression hit in 2023 and couldn't continue, but it left so really amazing art in the process
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 1 month
How Are You Holding Up, Moony? Sun Misses You So Much...
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How do you think...?
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pragmaticjest · 1 year
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draw one of the levels of the backrooms ^^
used a reference image i found on pinterest (guess which one i draw)
(hint: very difficult 100% HARD)
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Of course Walters would recruit Team Sonic at a Chuck E Cheese style restaurant.
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marnorourastar · 6 days
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Here comes the sun...doo-doo-doo-doo, here comes the sun, and I say "It's alright"☀️🧡💛ᯓ★⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪
Yes, Orel fan of The Beatles...again...on this profile...💥💥💥❗💯
I was listening to Here Comes the Sun on repeat while doing this… yeaaaah...
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amphibianaday · 9 months
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day 1514
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pickled-flowers · 9 months
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The love was there, wasn’t it?
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userarmand · 7 months
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Q: I've loved watching all of your interviews together. You've got great chemistry. What was the moment you knew you'd really get along?
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fallloverfic · 3 months
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I'm sure it's been pointed out, but when you realize manhwa Yoojin/Hyunje did the Sophie/Howl air walk thing...
Ah terrifying, tall, special coat-wearing, magical blonde men from other worlds and their shorter, dark-haired, terrified partners...
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fishfingersandscarves · 9 months
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hello i am once again continuing my tradition of redesigning my favorite book's cover
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ryssbelle · 7 months
Does the flower from your first n2 post have any significance? Why isn't it blooming?
Yes the flower here does have significance!
It’s a memorial flower, the exact species of flower is one I made up, it’s one that has a strange growth period, there’s no real way to tell when it’s going to bloom but it does only bloom at night.
John Dory got the seeds while on one of his searches and gave it to Floyd since at the time Floyd was severely depressed and was spending all day everyday in his room in the bunker. JD had given Floyd a bunch of seeds for a garden but Floyd ended up only planting one which he’s been taking care of since he planted it.
He planted it on Clays birthday so they refer to it as Clay’s flower, but it’s a memorial for all their lost family members, so their parents, grandma, Clay, and Spruce/Bruce
Other than just maintaining it, Floyd also talks to it like the ones they lost can hear him through the flower, he visits it at least once everyday while the other brothers only visit on anniversaries and birthdays. (They also only bring the lights and photos out then as well, to keep the photos safe from damage)
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It’s Floyd’s way of grieving :)
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real-odark · 4 months
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in trousers girls redraw ,!!
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maplebitts · 6 months
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It’s always hard making the first move
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toiletpudding · 7 months
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Pt. 4 Pt. 6
Another shorty, next up is some colored art for the next part since it’s not really a comic panel and then an ✨important part✨
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sstardustt3 · 3 months
“Sorry you have reached a number that is disconnected or is no longer in service.” -falsettos fanfic
Authors note- uhhh this is kinda trashy because I made it in like 15 minutes without editing
Word count- 1.149k
Warnings- angst, canonical character death, Marvin needs a therapist that isn’t Mendel, post act 2, implied character death, Marvin’s giddy seizures references, suicidal thoughts, seriously someone get him a psychiatrist
Summary- Marvin thinks about him and whizzer, he comes to the realization that his memory of whizzer is fading.
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-requests for fics and hcs are always welcome-
It had been two months.
Or exactly 1460 hours since whizzer had left permanently. 840 hours since he saw his lover lowered into the ground, buried underneath hot soil. It was sunny that day, the sun beamed down on the back of his neck causing sweat to form and trickle onto the inside part of the collar of the white button up.
Marvin hated the Sun, he always preferred the rain. Cold wet rain made him feel less alone, the pitter patter as the rain hit the ground or the window brung him comfort. The sun didn’t. But whizzer liked the sun; he liked both actually, but above all weather conditions he loved the sun. He remembered asking him about it once, said something about how the heat from it gave him a dopamine rush. He remembered whizzer sounding-
His thought ended there. He searched for words to describe how he sounded on that day, but he could barely do it. The sound of his voice was faint like a memory from when your three. Marvin stood still. Completely frozen as he tried desperately to remember.
Whizzer, whizzer, whizzer, whizzer.
He searched his mind desperately for every memory he and whizzer had to remember what he sounded like. It hadn’t been that long had it? No no, whizzer wasn’t gone. Whizzer was still here in memory, he had to remember or else whizzer would be gone. He would’ve lost whizzer forever. There would be no salvation for it.
Marvin’s body started to attempt to move, but he couldn’t. In fact, when he tried to, he immediately lost his balance and almost fell if it wasn’t for the wall. He’d been like this for a while, he’d been used to the muscle atrophy at this point. It had been happening even before whizzer got hospitalized. He did what he normally did, dragged his foot, forced himself to move desperately the tingling sensation and numbness.
He slumped to the ground as soon as he reached the small wooden table that his phone sat. He reached up, his hand searching for the familiar shape and started to push it off. He caught it as it feel and he quickly dialed.
He held the receiver up to his ear. His breath heavy with anticipation as it rang. It was only maybe 15 seconds but it felt like 15 years of waiting. 15 years of waiting for whizzer to answer, for him to ask Marvin howworks going, marvin would answer that he’s working late, that he’d be home soon. Marvin would be nice, say that he’d bring takeout on his way home. Whizzer would say okay. He’d come home to see whizzer. Everything would be alright that way.
Finally the ringing ended and Marvin gripped the reciver like a frightened hold with a knife.
“Hello this is whizzer brown, I’m out right now. Call back later, unless I’m ignoring you. In that case fuck off.”
The line went dead and Marvin called back again.
“Hello this is whizzer brown, I’m out right now. Call back later, unless I’m ignoring you. In that case fuck off.”
And again, and again, and again. He started laughing. It was kinda like whizzer was ignoring him huh? Like he was two years back when they’d first broken up. Marvin remember a couple days after the incident he had called whizzer seven times, one time sober where he left him harsh words. Called him a money hungry slut that couldn’t keep his legs shut that just leeched off of rich men. The other times he was drunk, completely hammered. Begging, apologizing like a pathetic loser. Whizzer only answered once. With the help of the voicemail he remembered the exact tone and cadence of his voice.
He paused and Marvin began his drunken apologies, whizzer cut him off after a sentence though.
“Marvin, lose my number. Never call me again or else I’m changing it.”
He sounded tired, angry, a little bit pained too. The line went dead after that and as much as Marvin was pissed that day that whizzer dared had the nerve to ignore, he ultimately obliged. He didn’t call him or see him until two years later.
Marvin laughed at the memory. Not that it was funny in any capacity, but the idea whizzer was just ignoring him again. That if he keeps pestering whizzers line he’d answer, cuss him out, yell obscenities at him. He wanted nothing more than for him to do that actually. He wanted to hear whizzer again, he wanted to touch and feel his hair, his skin. He wanted to talk to him. This was the closest he could get. So he dialed again, and again, and again.
For the first time in months he felt happy it was Like whizzer was still here, like whizzer was going to walk though their apartment door and kiss him. Everything of whizzer’s was still here after all. His cameras, his clothes, his shoes, his film, his baseball bat, his mitt, his racket. all of it. Whizzers stuff was in their room waiting for him. Whizzers line was still active, so eventually he’d answer and complain about Marvin blowing up his phone, he’d come home and tear Marvin a new one about not taking care of himself and his disgusting choice of clothes. Whizzers still here.
He dialed his number again. The numbers on it started to become more faded than the rest, Marvin didn’t know how long he’d been at this. Marvin had began to loose the concept of time outside of his work hours entirely actually. He held the receiver up to his ear again, waiting for the next hit of relief at whizzers voice as if it was a drug. But was instead swindled and scammed, being met with the robotic tone of a woman.
“Sorry you have reached a number that is disconnected or is no longer in service.”
He threw the reciver down to the floor, the line making the rest of the phone follow. It was most likely broken but Marvin didn’t care.
Whizzer was gone. Marvin couldn’t hear whizzers voice anymore. Marvin wouldn’t ever see whizzer again, Marvin wouldn’t see his lover come home, his lover wouldn’t take photos of him without him looking, he wouldn’t tear into him anymore for his poor choice of clothing and style, they wouldn’t play raquetball anymore, whizzers camera would collect dust, so would his film, whizzer wouldn’t play and loose against Jason, whizzer wouldn’t help Jason practice for baseball.
Whizzer brown was gone, he wasn’t coming back.
Marvin laughed and laughed and laughed. He writhed and clutched his stomach tightly as he curled into a ball. Laughs eventually turned into choked up sobs.
Whizzer brown was officially gone, there was no salvation or saving grace. Marvin had gotten one of his worse fears to come to fruition. At least Marvin would reunite with him soon enough, apologize for everything. He was bound to see his lover once more, kiss him, hold him, talk with him. eat with him, swallow him whole. Weather it be illness or the ocean, he’ll see whizzer once more.
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bellpeppersand-beef · 1 month
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-“I think we’re gonna have to kill this guy, Jet.” -“Damn.”
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