girafeduvexin · 2 months
Ce qui me tue surtout avec la popularité d'Attal sur tiktok, c'est à quel point c'est ÉVIDENT qu'il prépare 2027, si jamais y avait un doute et pinaise, ça marche avec les jeunes visiblement.
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90sb-tch · 1 month
Le sable est doux, le soleil ne brûle pas, l'air rafraîchit, les vagues nous surprennent, les gens sont gentils, le beurre est salé.
La Bretagne en été.
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trashlord-watson · 6 months
uh oh les potos ya 1 2 c drama qui se pointe dans mon coin de la toile........... ça va promettre lmao
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lolochaponnay · 2 months
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halebop-s-art · 1 year
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Potit sketch fait pour le discord vdf ! ❤️
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michitodd · 5 months
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Another drawing from a month or two ago.
I don't have practice in anatomy, and I was already running out of time, so the reference to Jason is on the necklace. 😭
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visitafghanistan · 2 years
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A young boy riding a bike in Logar province of Afghanistan on the Gardez highway. Taken on November 19, 2022
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grosse envie de laisser tomber (tous ces gens qui sont contents d’être tes ami.e.s parce que c’est toi qui organise tout le temps tout et qui relance tout le temps pour tout)
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barbiemonamie · 1 year
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elmaxlys · 2 years
Le gars qui n'a jamais vu que Foot 2 Rue, quand il regarde la Coupe du Monde: les Bleus en finale ? c'est comme dans F2R !
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tigirl-and-co · 2 years
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If you ever feel like nobody wants to hear your worldbuilding, please remember my favourite fanfic is just a guy talking about some places he made up
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energiologue · 5 months
Vous êtes maintenant dans une nouvelle ligne de temps de votre création
. . VOUS POUVEZ ENTENDRE CE TEXTE EN CLIQUANT SUR LE LIEN CI-DESSUS . Je suis le JE SUIS. Je suis venu pour être avec vous en ce moment, en ce moment propice, en ce moment capital que vous approchez maintenant. Pas tellement juste pour l’Éclipse qui est sur le point de se produire, l’Éclipse solaire, mais à cause du changement, du changement qui vient sur vous tous, vous tous qui êtes prêts,…
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pitch-and-moan · 8 months
Ghaznigarry Gardez Ross
A remake of the adaptation of the David Mamet play, about former Taliban fighters now forced to work as salesmen in an office.
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le-panda-chocovore · 1 year
Le français c'est vraiment une langue chiante pour les pronoms neutre. Pourquoi tous les mots ont besoin d'être genrés wsh ???? Extremement nul, 0/5 je recommande pas.
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magicarpedore · 2 years
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Quand elles me demandent ce que je pense de “ce pote que tu as rencontré l’autre jour” et je comprends immédiatement qu’elles ont envie de jouer les marieuses et de me maquer avec le type en question.
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thewhumpcaretaker · 2 months
i just thought of something bc of ur cavity fic which is vincent kissing chidi’s arrow wound after the osaka scene aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa they’re so silly and deranged<3
Aaaaaaa I really struggled with this one, I think because it's the first time I've written them during the events of the movies and this is a crisis moment for both of them. It made me get stuck on the fact that John is inevitably coming for them :( But I think I offered some amount of hope for a happy ending - it's open to interpretation. Honestly you can ignore like the whole second half if you just don't want to think about that part lmao...
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-⚜- Torn Open for You -⚜-
TW: kissing open wounds, discussion of murder
Image Sources: Left (my screenshot) | Right | Kiss
Chidi’s text had come a half hour ago to say that the plane had landed. At such times, he told Vincent his every move, keeping in constant contact just as he would if they were side by side, perpetually on the verge of touching. But it wasn’t enough – Vincent was still pacing with nerves when the door finally opened.
“Chidi!” It was too intimate a tone for a boss, but the past day had worn him down, and he called out the moment they saw each other. He needed to feel safe again. He needed Chidi not just as his bodyguard, but as his husband. And he didn’t realize until that moment that he had been worried almost sick about him. Koji was a formidable foe, and the Osaka Continental was a fortress. Even with all his skills at his disposal and Caine at his side, there had always been a chance…
He was in Chidi’s arms before he could think any more awful things, because Chidi crossed the room immediately and hugged Vincent to his chest. Perhaps he had been equally worried. But all he said was, “Je suis désolé monsieur. [I’m sorry, sir.]”
“Non, vous avez bien fait. [No. You did well.]” He pulled back to look him in the eyes, letting his hands slide down Chidi’s biceps to the wrist. Chidi winced in response, and he looked down to see that there were drops of blood soaking through two layers on his forearm. “Laissez-moi voir. [Let me see.]”
Chidi held it out to let him push the sleeve. Sure enough, there was a wound underneath. It was hastily tied up with a piece of cloth that Vincent untied to reveal a deep cut, mostly stabilized but still trickling.
“Ils t'ont blessé... [[They hurt you…]”
“Une flèche. Ce n’était pas un problème. Je l'ai sorti. [An arrow. It wasn’t a problem. I pulled it out.]”
Vincent sucked in his breath, riding a mixture of lust and protective rage at the image of Chidi ripping an arrow from his arm and continuing the fight as if nothing had happened. He’d seen him like that many times – a force of nature, totally berserk. At moments like that, it was impossible for anyone but Vincent to bring him to heel. Maybe that was true at all times, in fact. His fingers traced the flesh around the wound, feeling the rawness of Chidi’s power, the veins embracing the muscle. “Formidable comme toujours, mon amour. [Formidable as always, my love],” he breathed. “Mais pourquoi n’avez-vous pas reçu de traitement avant de rentrer? [But why didn’t you get treatment before flying back?]”
He shrugged, a little apologetically. “Je pensais qu'il était urgent que je revienne. [I thought it was urgent that I return.]”
It tugged at his heart to imagine Chidi trying to get back to him as quickly as possible. He thought back to moments from their texts: "C'est fini, je reviens immédiatement." "Je serai bientôt avec toi." "Je te verrai avant le coucher du soleil, je le promets." ”Gardez les autres près de vous pendant que vous attendez, s'il vous plaît. C’est dangereux en ce moment.” [“It’s over, I’m coming back immediately.” “I’ll be with you soon.” “I’ll see you before sunset, I promise.” “Keep the others close while you wait, please. It’s dangerous right now.”] Chidi cared so much…
Vincent pulled his forearm upward and planted a kiss right over the bloody mess, slow and tender. Chidi watched him with pure reverence. He licked iron off his lips and pressed them to Chidi’s. Equally slow. Equally tender.
“Je vais vous chercher un médecin tout de suite. [I’ll get you a medic right away.]” His voice came out soft and heady, as it did when they were alone.
“Merci, monsieur.” But they didn’t move away just yet. Vincent cradled that bleeding arm against his heart. For his part, Chidi just caressed Vincent’s cheek, allowing their gazes to hold on each other. It was very, very, unfortunate, Vincent thought, that his phone went off just then.
He dragged himself away from the peace in Chidi’s eyes to glance down at the screen. The horrible pressure of the situation crashed back over him. It was that damn tracker again.
Chidi must have noticed his involuntary snarl. “Quelque chose ne va pas? [Is something wrong?]”
Vincent shoved the phone onto the table a little too hard, without bothering to answer the text. “Cet imbécile exige des augmentations de primes comme des bonbons. Je lui dis non, je reconsidère, je lui dis oui, et il le veut déjà plus haut. [This imbecile has been demanding bounty increases like candy. I tell him no, I reconsider, I tell him yes, and he already wants it higher.]”
Chidi lingered with his mouth open long enough that Vincent gave him permission. “Parler. Vous pensez à quelque chose. [Speak. You’re thinking something.]”
“Monsieur, ça vaut le coup. Dis-lui oui la première fois. Votre vie n'a pas de prix. Peu importe combien il demande. Je veux juste que tu sois en sécurité. [Sir, it’s worth it. Tell him yes the first time. Your life is priceless. It doesn’t matter how much he asks for. I just want you to be safe.]”
Your life is priceless…after a second, Vincent butted his head into his lover’s shoulder to hide the happy blush on his cheeks. “Peut êtreeee... [Mayyyybe…]” he conceded, “Mais il fait ça exprès, il essaie de me ridiculiser. Chaque fois que je lui parle, j’ai l’impression que c’est moi qui me fais poignarder. Il va me faire carrément supplier avant de faire ce qu’on lui dit. J’entends déjà la satisfaction dans sa voix si je dis oui, et il – il apprécie ça, il sait comment je vais et il est… [But he’s doing this on purpose, he’s trying to make a fool out of me. Every time I talk to him, it feels like I’m the one who’s getting stabbed. He’s going to make me outright beg before he’ll do as he’s told. I can already hear the satisfaction in his voice if I say yes, and he’s – he’s fucking enjoying it, he knows how I am and he’s…]”
Chidi tilted his face back up to meet their gazes. Vincent could read anger there. “C’est donc un homme sans valeur. Cela n’a pas d’importance, monsieur. Ce n’est personne. Vous êtes le Marquis de Gramont et vous récupérerez tout ce qu’il vous prendra au dixuple. [He’s a worthless sort of man then. He doesn’t matter, sir. He’s nobody. You’re the Marquis de Gramont and you will get back everything that he takes tenfold.]”
Chidi didn’t talk like this often, didn’t even suggest that the two of them should give in to anyone. Vincent searched his face and found real concern. He was serious, John Wick really scared him.
He couldn’t deny that he felt it too. A terrible dread in the pit of his stomach, like something was coming. Its name was John Wick, and it had to be stamped out.
Vincent considered while Chidi took his hand from off his arm and kissed it. A kiss on the palm. “En plus, c’est un imbécile. Il ne pourra pas profiter de l’argent. [Besides, he’s the fool. He won’t get to enjoy the money.]” A kiss on the knuckles. “Il n’aura même pas l’occasion de se réjouir. Quand ce sera fini, je le tuerai pour avoir joué avec toi dans un moment comme celui-ci. [He won’t even get to gloat. When this is over, I’ll kill him for toying with you at a time like this.]” A kiss on his ring.
Vincent grinned as if his lover had offered to take him out for ice cream. “Est-ce ainsi? [Is that so?]”
“Bien sûr, Marquis. [Of course, Marquis.]”
There were times in his life when he would never have considered debasing himself so much as to say yes to a first offer for a deal, let alone beg to a subordinate. The thought of giving in to this little prick still felt almost physically painful but… the certainty that Chidi would be beside him no matter what made a sliver of a dent in that feeling. “Eh bien. Je vais y penser. [Well then. I’ll think about it.]” For you. If you’ll tear yourself open for me, no matter how much it hurts…well. Maybe I can do the same.
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