#garo robe
lordsooga · 1 year
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Yay yippie wahoo wheeeee!!!!
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starakex · 8 months
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Finally got new TV Bench so now I can cram all my Legend of Zelda guys together
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cyber54prime · 1 month
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Felt like sketching a Garo robe confused by a Subrosien
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zaruba-needslove · 11 months
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Three generations of GARO Knights~
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kosmicwraith · 1 year
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A thirst for blood looms...
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darksaiyangoku · 8 months
RWBY x Garo: Into the Fire
Where there is light, shadows lurk and fear reigns. Yet by the blade of the knights, Mankind was given hope.
A crowd booed and jeered, pelting Jaune with stones, dirty clothes and rotten fruits and vegetables. He could do nothing but grit his teeth and bare the pain as he was dragged across the streets by the inquisitors of Vale. Small tears were forming in his eyes and his face tensed from trying to supress his sadness. He felt like a failure. It was only his second mission and he had already made a mess of things. His "trial", if you could even call it that, didn't allow for him to defend himself. Every lord and lady threw accusations of witchcraft against him, for which he could not rebuff thanks to the sways of the young priest, Cardin Winchester.
The inquisitors stopped in the middle of the city and dragged Jaune up to the pyre, bounding him up tight. Walking towards him with Cardin, dressed in a wine red robe and a a golden emblem of the cardinal bird on his back.
Cardin: *smiles sinisterly* Good people of Vale, we have gathered here today to witness justice! *points to Jaune* What we have here is a witch! A heretic servant of the Grimm sent here to uproot our peaceful lives and bring damnation upon us!
The boos of the crowd grew louder. Jaune hung his head, not wanting to face the humiliation.
Cardin: Thanks to our fine inquisitors, we have captured the witch and now, we shall send him back to the depths of hell where he belongs! *turns to Jaune* Do you have any last words to say before we cleanse you?
Jaune glared at Cardin, his eyes bloodshot with anger. Cardin simply smirked and lit the pyre with a torch. Jaune heard the cheers of the crowd as sweat began dripping from his skin and the heat was becoming intense. His lungs were filled with the toxic smoke and he coughed violently. It was pitiful. Jaune couldn't believe that he was dying like this. Suddenly, the cries of a horse alerted the crowd and a woman riding on horseback leapt into the town square. She quickly dismounted and, using only her fists, started to beat down the inquisitors one by one. Cardin drew his knife and tried to attack, only to be disarmed and knocked down. She turned to the pyre and raised her hands, splitting it so that it wouldn't crawl to Jaune. Walking up to him, she cut open the binds and caught him as he fell into her arms. With a sharp whistle, she called her stallion and jumped into him, riding off with Jaune in toe.
They rode for an hour until they stopped at the woods. The mysterious stranger dismounted again and let go of Jaune, who was still in shock at the whole ordeal.
Jaune: Um, thank you mademoiselle. Not many people would've raised their arms to save someone like me.
Stranger: Well unlike them, I actually have a heart. Watching an innocent die like that is sickening and the fact that they have the nerve to cheer about it. *clenches fist*
Jaune: I am truly grateful. *bows* May I ask your name?
The mysterious woman unhooded herself, revealing light tanned skin, luscious golden blonde hair and bright eyes that resembled the lilac flower. Jaune immediately stood back, in awe at her stunning beauty. She gave him a warm smile and reached out to touch his hand.
Yang: My name is Yang Xiao Long. You could say I'm a kindred spirit of sorts. *shows Jaune a necklace*
Jaune: *eyes wide* T-That's a necklace from the Makai Order. Y-You're a Makai Knight?
Yang: *nods head*That I am. From now on, your life is mine and my life is yours. *touches his hand*
Jaune felt a warm sensation course through his body. Not one of hatred and death like the fires from the t,ial. but a soft and gentle warmth that reminded him of his role as a protector of mankind. From her pockets, Yang handed him another necklace. It was a golden yellow pendant in the shape of a burning heart. Jaune smiled and held the pendant to his chest. His will to fight had returned.
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ixtaek · 1 month
The Legend of Zelda: A Crossing of Stars
Chapter 27 - The Garo Robe
Are you invisible in the dark?
(Continuing the Zelda Space AU, finally caught back up to the posts on Ao3, will be back to weekly after this!)
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pathfinderunlocked · 1 year
Garo Master - CR8 Undead
A boss version of a robed ninja spirit, based on the Zelda enemy of the same name.
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Artwork by Ellenent at DeviantArt.
This is a higher level version of the garo robe from Majora’s Mask that I posted earlier this week, designed to be a boss fight.
Although they appear to be humanoids shrouded in long cloaks, garo masters are empty shells with nothing beneath the robe.  Like the garo robes that serve under them, they’re the remnants of warrior spies with a strict code of honor who committed ritual suicide in a way that left no body behind, in order to prevent their enemies from learning the information they had.  Many of these warriors, animated by their own willpower, return as undead and continue to gather information in death, haunting the locations where they were assigned to.
Garo masters lead the warriors that serve under them even in death, following the same chain of command that they followed in life.  They’re not, unfortunately, particularly capable of realizing that their war has long since ended.
Garo masters hide from their enemies, and begin battle by creating a ring of fire, preferably in the surprise round.  Once the ring of fire has been created, they dash quickly in and out of it to attack.
I previously posted the Stalblind and Bongo Bongo, two other Zelda bosses.  I also want to give a shout out to The Legend of Zelda: An RPG to the Past for more Zelda creatures, races and items converted to Pathfinder 1e, including some stat blocks for living Garo that haven’t yet become restless spirits.
Garo Master - CR 8
Shrouded in a long ornamental cloak, two pinpoints of light shine out from behind the mask covering this assassin’s face.  It wields a pair of thin, curved swords that dance with fire.
XP 4,800 LE Medium undead Init +6 Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +16
AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +6 Dex, +1 shield) hp 85 (10d8+40) plus 15 temp hp Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +10 Immune undead traits Resist fire 10
Speed 40 ft. Melee +1 flaming wakizashi +10/+5 (1d6+7/18-20 plus 1d6 fire) and +1 flaming burst wakizashi +10 (1d6+4/18-20 plus 1d6 fire) or +1 flaming burst wakizashi +14/+9 (1d6+7/18-20 plus 1d6 fire) Special Attacks death throes, rend (2 wakizashi, 1d6+10 plus 1d6 fire), ring of fire, sneak attack 2d6, two-weapon charge
Spell-like Abilities (CL 10th; concentration +14)     3/day—false life (self only, already cast)
Str 14, Dex 22, Con —, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 18 Base Atk +7; CMB +9; CMD 25 Feats Slashing Grace, Two-Weapon Defense, Two-Weapon Grace, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse Skills Acrobatics +15 (+23 to jump), Disguise +8, Climb +11, Perception +16, Sense Motive +10, Stealth +23; Racial Bonuses +8 Acrobatics to jump, +4 Stealth Languages Common, Necril SQ graceful landing, ki points, quick run Gear +1 wakizashi x2, mwk studded leather armor
Death Throes (Su) When a garo master is slain, its body combusts in a flash of white-hot flame. This acts like a fireball that deals 10d6 fire damage in a 20-foot-radius burst.  A DC 19 Reflex save halves the damage.  A garo master’s gear is unaffected by this explosion.  The save DC is Charisma-based.
Ki Points (Su) A garo master has a pool of 8 ki points per day.  Its ki points can be used to fuel its various special abilities listed below.
Flaming Jutsu (Su) By spending 1 ki point as a swift action, a garo master can imbue up to 2 magic weapons it’s wielding with the flaming property for a duration of 1 minute.  This effect is already included in its statistics ability.
Graceful Landing (Su) As long as a garo master has at least 1 ki point remaining, it is immune to falling damage and always lands on its feet.
Leap Into Nothing (Su) By spending 1 ki point as a move action, a garo master can leap up into the air and disappear, reappearing at a point it can see within its movement speed, and can perform a feint against one target within 10 feet of either its starting point or its destination as a free action.  This is a teleportation effect.
Offensive Defense (Ex) When a garo master hits a creature with a melee attack that deals sneak attack damage, the garo master gains a +2 dodge bonus to AC for one round. The dodge bonus only applies against the creature it sneak attacked, and the dodge bonus does not stack with itself.
Quick Run (Su) By spending 1 ki point as a swift action, a garo master can take another move action on its turn, although its movement speed is halved during this extra move action.
Ring of Fire (Su) By spending 1 ki point as a standard action, a garo master can create a ring of fire along the ground with a radius as small as 10 feet or as wide as 40 feet.  This ring of fire is a vertical sheet of fire that rises from the ground to a height of 20 feet along the edge of the radius.   The ring of fire inhibits visibility, causing attacks that pass through the edge of it to have a 20% miss chance.  The ring of fire must be initially centered such that the garo master is inside the radius, but once it has been placed, the garo master can freely enter and leave the ring of fire.  Creatures and unattended objects other than the garo master that enter or end their turn in the edge of this ring of fire take 10d6 fire damage with no saving throw.
A garo master can only create one ring of fire at a time.  A ring of fire lasts for 1 minute, or until the garo master is destroyed or takes any amount of cold damage.
Two-Weapon Charge (Su) By spending 1 ki point as part of a charge, while wielding a weapon in each hand, a garo master can attack twice at the end of the charge, once with each of its weapons.
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nayrusfountain · 7 months
Feather: Remlit OC!
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Meet Feather! He is a Remlit/Ragdoll hybrid born in the Terminian country of Noctua!
This little fluffball had gone through a rough start in life, having been dumped by a cruel breeder as a tiny kitten. He and his kitty family lived in the ruins of the Old Capital of Noctua, a Terminian Sheikah city that was destroyed during the Ikanian War long ago. They shared the ruptured ruins with other strays and wild animals. The feral cat community, who lived on the eastern end of the city, were guarded by a Lynx, whom they saw as their protector.
When mysterious human activity began circulating across the capital, Feather's fate would interwine with an unlikely friend. Feather was caught in a fox trap while playing in the forest. His screams attracted the worst kind of predator; a human. More specifically, a scary Sheikah from the fearsome Garo Clan. The little feline cried in fear, too scared to look at this horrible creature in the eye, as he fought for his life. The man reaches down, resisting the sting of his wild claws, and to Feather's surprise, dislodge the steel trap from his bleeding leg. He then wrapped the little animal in his robe to calm him down and applied a solution mixed with fairy dust to his injuries, healing him. Once the cat had recovered, the Sheikah let him go and gently shooed him off as more hooded ninjas stalked towards them.
From that day on, Feather never stopped thinking about the kind man, wondering about how he was doing and if he helped any other animals in the city. Although it is strictly forbidding to make contact with humans, Feather was hoping to catch a glimpse of the Garo one day to thank him.
Sometime following this chance encounter, the little feline found a tattered old cloak discarded in the woods beyond the city limits. Sniffing it, he recognized the scent immediately. Excited, he batted and rolled in it, happy to find nesting material that reminded him of the Garo who showed him mercy. However, the owner of the robe, (regretting his decision to throw his attire away), came back to reclaim he cloak. Because this is the first time he witness the man's face, Feather was terrified of the unfamiliar human and would swat him whenever he reached for his robe. He soon felt guilty when he saw the confused and hurt look the person expressed and let him have his robe back. The man was grateful and stroked the little feline. At this, Feather took a whiff of his scent and realized this stranger was the man who saved him from the trap. The cat watched him go before following, much to the Garo's curiousity. The Garo didn't object to having company and allowed the Remlit to follow and rub across his legs, completely fascinated. Feather followed him home, back to the Garo base, where they both received wary stares from hundreds of hooded soldiers, none accustomed to animals as companions.
Although many advised the Garo to get rid of the cat, spurring brief arguments of disowning the notion of pets, they settle for the current Garo Master's decision. The leader did not object to Feather's presence, seeing a golden opportunity in utilizing the animal for personal gain.
From then on, Feather, by the order of the new Garo Master, was repurposed for the Clan in exchange for letting him stay. They trained Feather to wear a harness packed with weapons and supplies to deliver to their trouble soldiers. They latched a collar with a miniature crystal ball to spy on their adversaries, and he was trained to open doors and fetch items on command.
Feather didn't fully understand the complexity of any of these tasks, as long as he gets cuddles from his new human friend who vows to take care of him. Despite being surrounded by his kind and being a respected figure, the Garo (who Feather learned is a naturally born mind reader) was often sad and lonely. The Remlit would run to his side and let his grief run its course, helping him feel better by speaking telepathically or just being there for him. Feather made it a point to not abandon this person, and the Garo, who he learned was named after the healing stone, Jasper, devoted to cherish this kind creature and protect him with his life.
In the Sheikah people, mind reading is a rare and random phenomenon that occurs when a halo encircles the moon on the night of a Sheikah's birth. There are different types of Mind Readers, but they all share fundamental principles. Telepathic communication is universal, and this ability can bypass the most extreme language barrier between man and animal. Because of this, Mind Readers will often befriend even the most feral of beasts.
The Garos follow a strict "No Pets" policy, as they are seen as a "detrimental distraction." Animals are to be utilized for their skills and usefulness in missions only. They are tools to the Garos and nothing more. Despite this, Feather grew on the clan, though many would not openly admit this.
Feather is often mistaken for a raccoon by hunters, and there were time Garo hunters would second guest their shot in fear of accidentally shooting their Spy Cat.
Feather is, unofficially, Jasper's emotional support animal. Despite his strong outgoing determination, the war had recently been taking a toll on his mental health, which worries the little cat. Feather had to remind Jasper that he still has people who loved him and that he has a lot to look forward to in life. Jasper has grown noticeably calmer and motivated since befriending the Remlit, and he even began talking to a female clanmate more often, as requested by Feather.
Feather is part Remlit. His mom was a prized show Remlit who was being bred for her pedigree. A rouge stray tomcat snuck into the breeding center and impregnated her, which infuriated the breeder who later dumped them all. She took care of her litter and raised them in complete freedom, learning the ways of the wild.
And that's it! Feather will be an important character for future projects. Hope you enjoyed it!
This is a peek into some stories that are currently in development. More characters and information will be posted over the year.
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goddesstrolls · 4 months
The troll was hooded, garbed clearly as a Garo warrior. That which, up until that moment, Okahni thought he was the very last.
The hooded troll sprang backwards as Okahni drew his swords. They moved like a warrior, and were armed like one, judging by the twin scimitars the troll unsheathed at the same time.
The hooded troll sprang forward and Okahni moved back. They continued to try to strike at him, and he dodged or blocked each attack, circling them in the confined space as he read their moves and searched for an opening. They threw an unexpected knife, which he caught and tossed back- That seemed to surprise them, and the blade disappeared into the dark of their hood. Okahni wagered it had just grazed their cheek.
He took the following moment as his opening, darting forward and forcefully disarming them of one blade. They made an attempt to ram the hilt of the other weapon into his gut, and he responded by slashing their arm with his own scimitar and then disarming them of their other weapon.
He bashed them in the face, partially with the meat of his palm and partially with the pommel of one sword, knocking them back.
"Speak." Okahni hissed. "You've lost. Tell me your secrets. You fight like a Garo, what are you?"
The robed troll hissed wordlessly, perhaps in frustration. Another voice spoke from behind them both.
"Go on, Ichiro. You lost." An older troll strolled casually up to them, robed in the Garo warrior fashion but with his hood down. He threw an easy smile at Okahni, and the troll on the ground- Ichiro- Seemed disgruntled before speaking in a rattling hiss.
"I am a warrior."
Okahni held out his hand to help them to their feet. The troll hesitated, and then took it.
"I don't see how that's possible." Okahni replied, his gaze flickering between the two trolls. "I've never met either of you."
"The same could be said for you." The older troll said. "You fight as a Garo."
Okahni didn't reply. These two trolls could be trying to trick him, somehow- Rationally, it didn't make sense, he couldn't fathom who even could pull off such a convincing display but a real warrior.
But his training dictated silence even in the face of rationality. Ichiro only had to say as much as he had because he lost their fight- Giving up a 'secret' was customary.
In the wake of Okahni's silence, Ichiro pulled off his hood. He was young, no older than Okahni and bleeding from his face where his own knife- Thrown by Okahni- had gashed his cheek.
"Where are you from?" Okahni asked. Ichiro set his jaw and narrowed his eyes suspiciously, apparently set on saying no more, but the older troll tilted his head with a thoughtful look.
"I'll show you. I think I know what's happened."
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astarab1aze · 7 months
➥ The White Wyrm
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⸻Technical Information. // Face, Voice, etc.
01. Faceclaim. Shirasu Kinjou   [ Donten ni Warau ]  &  Rin    [ Kami-sama no Uroko ] 04. Voice Claim. TBA
⸻Profile Information. // Name, Age, etc.
01. Name. Furie Night   [ Fuu, Fury, Furious (after great-grandpax30) ] 02. Alias. Euphony of Mausza, The White Wyrm 03. Sex. Male 04. Gender. Male 05. Age. 26…?  06. Birth Date. December 7th   [ Saggitarius ] 07. Blood Type. Sub-type WWB+ 08. Race. Were-wyrm, American by nationality ; French-Japanese by ethnicity. 09. Marital Status. Single, formerly engaged to Yule Z'raza   [ Multiship ] 10. Orientation. Demisexual   [ Biromantic / no preference ] 11. Residence. Enfurious Night’s Estate in Belle Valley, Southern Crossroads
⸻Physical Information. // Body, Equipment, Family, etc.
17. Physical Description. Furie’s hair is stark white, thick, silky. More akin to that of a mop than anything else, he does occasionally pin it all out of his eyes, though this is rarer than you might think. His hair is very soft and easy to comb through. His eyes are a soft, pale lilac in color. Gentle though very guarded, revealing very little. He has a lean and narrow body type featuring some toning, standing at an odd 5'7". His skin is a pale but neutral tone, unblemished aside from a scar in his left side in the shape of blackwyrm’s jaws, many rows of teeth having bore into his skin, and some old nicks, scrapes, and cuts from less than ideal transformation cycles. There are patches of iridescent scales in various places on his body. He has a tattoo of a spacial summoning circle split between both of his hands in enchanted white ink. He wears a black and purple modified hakama and a dramatic high-collared sleeveless shirt, forgoing the theatrics of a robe or cape, as well as a shortcloak made of starlight. 
13. Equipment. He keeps a blackwyrm whistle to call his Bluebird, an infinite pocket, fragments of a fallen star, a pair of singing stones, a wand made of meteorite, keys to the estate, a traveling mirror, and a Mauszan scrying glass. 14. Occupation. Cryptic fortune-teller ; An Oracle of Mausza in the Mauszan clergy 15. Job Performance. Beloved, but how much of what he says is true? How could he possibly compare to the likes of his predecessors? 16. Parents. Fraya Sinclair & Fallow Night ; Both living, but are no longer together on account of how utterly insufferable Fallow is as a person 17. Siblings. None
⸻Personality Information. // Likes, Strengths, etc.
18. Likes. Flying, iced coffee, cottonmouth cakes, FrankenLeeches, natural settings, stargazing, night walking, spending time with Bluebird, perusing nightmarkets, meandering Bell’s Hollow, collecting art & small shiny objects, reading the stars, etc.  19. Dislikes. Self-destructive types, human arrogance, vampires, the Red Hand, the Belegerande family (especially Spira; Simone’s okay), scarbuncle cheese, his relation to Enfurious and Sortia, being patronized, being compared to other oracles or family members, granny Ageha, most of the Mauszan clergy, Sanguinarians (worshippers of Sanguinach), the DRS, criminals, etc. 
20. Positive Traits. Gentle. Steadfast. Rational. Emotionally intelligent. Diligent. Generous. Thoughtful. Wise. Forgiving. Merciful. Questions authority. Determined. Resilient. Knowledgeable.  21. Negative Traits. Closed-off. Cold. Opportunistic. Avoidant. Distant. Impersonal. Cryptic. Chronically late. Does not forget. Secretive. Bitter. Uncertain. Hoarder. Difficulty letting go. Selectively caring. Territorial. Prefers to be hands-off. Cowardly. Fickle. 22. Goals. To keep the likes of Sortia Morgana and Loux Garo from ever finding the sanguine star, to find it himself and prevent the destruction of all the world and protect it from selfish whims and further death. 23. Desires. Salvation from his grief, for the grace of Mausza to replace his anguish with comfort and peace.  24. Alignment. Neutral Good
25. Personality. Furie is bit of a difficult nut to crack, being a reserved and quiet individual with no straightforward or truly personable inclinations. He presents as unreadable as physically possible, hiding himself beneath layer upon layer of carefully interwoven threads of polite neutrality, cool professionalism, and placidity. There’s a quiet determination about him, a hidden and unwavering steadfastness that anchors him to life and heroic pursuits, but just as this, he’s equally as regretful and deems himself unworthy of the atonement he seeks. He blames himself for the accident of his fiance’s death and is ever and constantly searching for a means of redeeming himself. On top of this, he doesn’t feel he has anything of value to say beyond his divination, harboring some resentment toward Mausza, the clergy, and Mauszan worshippers. All anyone wants from him is his service, not to know what he thinks, feels, likes, or dislikes, so he gives it to them and keeps silent about all else (though this is in part due to the trauma of Yule’s death), putting as much distance as he can between himself and others. Generally speaking, he’s understanding and careful, thoughtful and wise, but he’s not above violence or sneaky tricks, lying, manipulation, or other such things to further his own ends - he will always try the non-violent route, though because of Mausza’s favoritism towards him, he’s given special permissions to use force if necessary during his search for the sanguine star.
⸻Sorcery Information. // Element, Talent, etc.
26. Element. Spacial, Blackwyrm Soporific, & Necrotic - creation root & moderate control. 27. Shapeshifting. Innate monthly transformation into a white-violet blackwyrm - may transform outside of this, however, but it makes him sick and runs the risk of a permanent transformation. 28. Utility. Wards, curses, blessings, summoning - highly skilled. 29. Specialization. Divination & Prophecy - highly skilled due in part to both practice and raw talent. 30. Graduate School. Belegerande’s School for the Arcane, House Bell - the first of 11 total sorcery-centered schools established in North america in the 1500s; Quite a prestigious institution despite its current reputation. 31. Classification. Oracle ; Respected member of the Mauszan clergy, the Euphony of Mausza, working in conjunction with the Fateweavers of the Sightless Eye
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⸻Background Information. // Past to Present.
    He was born into the Night family, to a sorcerer and a were-wyrm with dominant genes. As both, he was born possessing a natural affinity for gravitic and necrotic schools of magic, inheriting the spacial abilities of a blackwyrm and the Night’s close relationship with necromancy. From birth, he had many doors open for him, but he chose a religious path early on in an effort to break away from the dark and dour nature of his family (especially his father), though this really only replaced one abusive group of people with another slightly more palatable one.
    But it was there he met his beloved, Yule, who showed him the beauties of hope and faith, pure and kind no matter the hardships she faced. He fell in love with her good-natured charm, adoring her so completely, he proposed. She accepted, of course. Tragically, however, tensions were running high as ever between the Red Hand, DRS, Sanguinarian extremists, and other factions, which coalesced into an all-out skirmish in several nightfolk cities throughout the United States. At the time, Furie and Yule were vacationing in Salem’s Crossing when a hoard of blackwyrms were unleashed into the town center. Buildings were destroyed, hundreds of people were killed or injured, and he and Yule were separated amid the chaos. He was swept away, caught in a blackwyrm’s jaws and nearly chewed in half; She was overpowered and killed, shredded to pieces. Surviving this without her left a hole inside him that could never be filled.
    Once he recovered from the attack, he dedicated himself to his work as a diviner of Mausza, going so far as to earn the Starstitcher’s Favor. Insodoing, he was given a special task - informed through communion with her that a sanguine star has fallen and must be retrieved before bad actors and violent retributors can get their hands on it, reduce the world as they knew it to ash and sow endless death. He was shown Loux and Sortia’s faces, along with the likes of Elluvius Black, Lilith Morningstar, Cedric & Claire Montgomery, Deadeye, and many others - promised the removal of his pain and grief, the serenity and grace to keep living, the courage and drive to continue. Because of his direct communion with Mausza, he was dubbed Euphony, her voice, among the clergy. This all put a whole new set of pressures and expectations on his shoulders, thrusting him into oracle status and all that comes with it. His position turned into something of a curse, testing his relationship with Mausza as well as his resolve.
    He is used as little more than a service, rather than sought out for genuine inquiries - taken for granted among his apparently graceless and faithless fellows, time and energy abused as both a man and a clerical leader. At this time, however, he has not wavered in his work despite his now shaky beliefs. He searches tirelessly for the star in an effort to please Mausza and achieve his peace, even though it’s costing him much more than he ever thought it would. 
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wolf garo/garo wolf
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name: wolf garo aka garo wolf.
appearance color: gold with silver part line wolf knight armor, gold eye, silver teeth, gold wolf wing ear, gold wolf wing, gold with silver part line robe.
model based: saejima/original garo & fur & wolf & knight.
weapons: original weapons & wolf garoken sword & giant wolf garoken sword & garo hand claw.
note: this is a first garo have the gold with silver part line robe like their human saejima family.
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starakex · 8 months
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I only had a handful of zelda enemies on my shelf because Nintendo doesn't like making weird merch anymore so the Stalfos and Lizalfos were getting lonely. Which is a crime btw Bought some awesome minis to paint for the Zelda Enemy Horde on my shelf. I love the results! They're so cool and fun to paint and I'm already lining up my cart for another batch!
Print available at HexwoodForge Original Sculpt by B Team Minis
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chaozrael · 3 years
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GARO COSPLAYS WITH ME @galvatrongirl T__T they are so cute with their lil robes and all... Garo robes are from Majoras Mask! Pics taken by Arnd Wöbbeking!
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marinedragon · 5 years
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More Wind Waker art! Yay! Here’s a Garo Robe from Majora’s Mask.
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aproxm · 2 years
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