#gavin's my favourite character ATM
yugioh-why-not · 2 years
I have one question with Yu-Gi-Oh! Sevens. Do they not know you can just play duel monsters how ever you want on a desk without the holograms and duel disks? get five penalties who cares! No one can stop you from duelling on your bedroom floor, what are they going to do? send in a squat team and be like ‘kids! How dare you play a game meant for children!!!’ 
They just stress about the penalties so much -w-
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autisticempathydaemon · 10 months
For the matchups /np <3
What song are you fixated on at the moment? What lyric or verse, and why?
At the moment it’s Vienna by Billy Joel, ‘she’s always a woman’ is one of my favourites ever and Vienna just hits right as I feel like I’m behind a lot of the friends that I grew up with atm. (My fave parts are ‘you’re so ahead of yourself that you’ve forgot what you need’ and ‘ you can’t be everything you wanna be before your time’.
What is your Enneagram type?
I don’t know my enneagram sorry but I know my personality type is ENFP if that’s any help :)
Tell me about your childhood imaginary friend.
Funnily enough he was a dog, like I used to just imagine I had a dog and he’d follow me around, sometimes he’d talk and sometimes he wouldn’t and he was named after ‘Balto’ from the animated movie.
What is your go to way to fall asleep?
I don’t really have one, I usually end up waking up not remembering falling asleep in the first place. I basically just wait until I’m tired enough for it just happen.
If you had to change your name, what would it be, and why? (In tandem, if you have changed your name, why did you pick that one?)
Although I wouldn’t like to change my first name, as I think it suits me, I did change my last name to my Grandma’s maiden name after she’d told me she was sad that she couldn’t keep it when she married my grandad.
What Redacted boy holds no appeal to you, and why? Like, not the one you hate but the one who you don’t get the hype for. (I won’t judge, I promise.)
I feel awful about this one, but Guy. I don’t dislike him or anything but I’m also not necessarily excited when he gets an upload. I’m also not sure why, he just doesn’t hit the same for me as he seems to do for a lot of other people.
Tell me about that one book/movie/tv show you know all the words to.
Fantastic Mr Fox. I love it, I love the framing and the colours and the characters. They’re all very ‘human’ in different ways and the moment between Foxy and Felicity near the waterfall is so relatable I want to eat it.
Which Redacted boy are you platonically attracted to? Like- forget dating, which dude do you want to be your best friend?
SO MANY. Like the entire D.A.M.N squad. I love all the characters and I don’t mind anger but if Damien directed it at me I’d get defensive and that wouldn’t make for a good couple. Gavin, I wouldn’t really like my partner flirting with other people, Huxley I enjoy hiking but simply can’t picture myself dating him because he’s with Damien etc etc
Do you have a go-to thing you ramble about when you’re tired, and if so, what is it? (For example, my boyfriend knows I’m ready to sleep when I start talking about space.)
The signal for me being tired is actually that I go very quiet/ not talkative. But if I was to ramble about something it would probably just be about things that had happened irl, old funny story’s and stuff (or whatever fandoms I’m in at the time depending on who I’m with).
Tell me your go-to gas station and drink combo.
Red Bull. Always Red Bull. 🧎🏻
Extra’s: My favourite colour is green. I love movies, reading/writing and animals. I’m a Libra. My love languages are acts of service and physical touch but again, depending on the person.
Thank you!
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As always, I love it when I am given so much information to work with! You seem so lovely and agreeable, it’s hard to think with whom you wouldn’t work well. Somehow, the “loving animals” bit convinced me, because what’s better for an animal lover than our beloved beta boy who can turn into a wolf on a whim?
Asher strikes me as the type of guy who works best with someone like himself. He works well with everyone, by his nature, but you and he would have so many similarities that being together would be wonderfully easy. It’s the big things like your extroverted natures and your compatible love languages. Yet it’s also the little things like your shared love of hiking and caffeinated battery acid (I say affectionately as a Strawberry Apricot Red Bull fiend).
You’d be the sort of couple who operate like well-oiled cogs of a machine, like one of you was a telepath, that’s how naturally you communicate and maneuver around each other. It’s a wonderfully comfortable, joyful life that the two of you have. There’s lots of alternating days of him showing you Halo and you showing him new, interesting movies, countless lectures from David about y’all having to drink something not poisoned with taurine, and so, so much love.
I confess, I messed up/ Dropping "I'm sorry" like you're still around/ And I know you're dressed up/ Hey kid you'll never live this down/ You're just the girl all the boys want to dance with/ And I'm just the boy who's had too many chances
I’ve just got to give the boy a FOB song, you must understand; I also think it’s a really fun choice for y’all. I love the movie references, the fun, boppy tempo, the dramatic, theatrical way Asher would fall to his knees on the kitchen floor as he belts it out at you in true, emo kid fashion. It’s infectious, and you would be helpless to either sing or headbang along.
This was hard. Again, I feel like you could pair well with just so many people; narrowing it down to two was an ordeal. In the end, I like Anton for you because you two contrast in a lot of the ways you and Asher compare. Also, I chose Sam as a runner-up for you because you two hiking together would be really cute. Also, You/Sam is giving kind of David/Asher but in another font, and I love Dasher /lh
note: thank you so much for waiting 💕
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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katlakitty · 2 years
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#dbh – 163 Einträge
#detroit become human – 123 Einträge
#detroit: become human – 77 Einträge
#gavin reed – 74 Einträge
#dbh connor – 62 Einträge
#dbh rk900 – 53 Einträge
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#dbh gavin – 48 Einträge
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#traveling across half of thedas apparently doesn't take months on foot or horseback
Meine Top-Einträge im Jahr 2022:
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3 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 24. August 2022
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4 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 29. August 2022
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I made Connor on Picrew
4 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 24. August 2022
Get to know me tag
I totally missed the tags from @cptjh-arts and @yayen-chan. Better late than never I guess?
rules: answer the questions and tag 9 people you want to know better
favourite colour: have to say blue. Although I like violet as well.
currently reading: do fanfictions count? ;) I haven't picked up a book in ... months. Oh my. Jumping between different fanfics and fandoms atm. Detroit Become Human (d'uh), Cyberpunk 2077, Dragon Age and Mass Effect for the most part.
The last book I read was a manga version of Pride and Prejudice if I remember correctly.
Last song: Panic Switch by Silversun Pickups. The song is part of a Spotify playlist I often listen to when I'm writing.
Last series: I usually jump from series to series depending on my mood. Last series would be: Queer as Folk, Outlander, Virgin River, Afterlife.
Last movie: last movie I put on in the background while I was doing something else was probably Frozen or Moana. Last movie I put on an was actually paying attention to it would be Detroit Evolution from Octopunk Media. I just can't get enough of those two.
sweet/savory/spicy: oh no, so I have to choose? I'll probably go for sweet then. I love crêpes suzette and cinnamon rolls, so...
currently working on: way too many things for brain to handle. Wips for basically everything I'm interested in. My first multi chapter dbh fanfiction should be finished and ready for beta reading soon. If I don't get distracted by another wip in the meantime. They are all in a state of an unfinished and unpolished mess right now.
tagging: Sorry if you've already been tagged by someone or don't to tags. I probably missed while looking through the posts. @klayr-de-gall @kgrsgmr @deadlilmoon @elvhenfaer @elisa897 @nock-and-bolt @knuttydraws @dudewheresmynug @hanatsuki89
5 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 17. September 2022
Meine #1 des Jahres 2022
Awkward first meeting between Nines and Gavin?
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11 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 21. August 2022
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Detroit Become Human Meme
I saw that @that-android-from-cyberlife did this meme by @dbhtychou so I thought I’d give it a go!
How long have you been in the fandom? Like, 2 months? A bit late, I know.
How did you find out about DBH? On Tumblr, of all things. A bunch of people suddenly wouldn’t shut up about it about a year or so back and I thought, ooh, a game about androids? I definitely have to play that! So I bought it..... And then didn’t play it for a year.
Have you played the game, or only watched a playthrough? Both! I was adamant to finish playing my playthrough before I watched any on YouTube though, I wanted my first playthrough to be as unbiased as possible.
What is it about DBH that bought you into the fandom? The characters! I absolutely adore 95% of them and I wanted to find like-minded people! Plus, I knew DBH was something that I would be obsessed with for quite a while.
Favourite chapter, part, or scene of the game? I have a few, but if I had to pick one, it’d be Crossroads. Finally seeing the main 3 interact was so rewarding, even if I do wish there was more of it. I also adore From the Dead. That whole scene just took my breath away. Just the visuals, the sound, the creepiness, the atmosphere. It’s so good!
Favourite of the main 3 Look at my username and take a wild guess, haha. Honestly, I adore all three protags but Markus has my heart.
Favourite character(s) not part of the main 3 Hank, Luther and Carl. BEST DADS!
If you lived in the DBH world, would you be a human or android? I’d be human but I’d be a hardcore android sympathiser. Hell, I am now and androids aren’t even real.
Favourite ships? RK1K! RK1K! RK1K! I honestly love them so much. I was like hey, I really love Markus and I really love Connor, who should I ship them with? And then I saw some absolutely marvellous art of them together and a new OTP was born! And it’s such a great ship because it just makes so much sense! And it ADDS to the story.
I also really like Luthara and I’m still highkey mad that Kara didn’t get to smooch her gentle giant at the end!
Least favourite/ most disliked ships. Reed900, Convin and Hankcon. I have all these filtered because I just cannot deal with them. As much as I don’t like Hankcon, at least that makes some sense. But I hate Gavin Reed with a fiery passion, so no way in hell would I inflict his shitty personality on anyone. Even an unknown like the rk900.
If you have fanworks, where can I find them? I don’t have any DBH works atm, I’m working on it though! When I do finally write something you will be able to find them here
Recommend a DBH fic written by someone else. I’ll rec Primer by deriliarch because it has one of the funniest sentences I’ve ever read in it - ‘It also happened to be built like a fucking Greek God and had pale green eyes that stood out against its coloring like it was some sort of anime character. Jesus fucking Christ, Elijah, really?’
Kamski gifts Markus to Carl. Carl is not impressed. Go read it, it’s good y’all.
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mechabones · 5 years
D, F, P, X, Y?
D: Is there a song or a playlist to associate with These Violent Delights?
Many! I do have a playlist but it’s private atm. The two songs that really resonate with me for this fic at the moment though are Hey Joe & Gangsters.
F: Share a snippet from one of your favourite dialogue scenes you’ve written & explain why you’re proud of it.
Easily the dialogue from chapter two. Gavin regards Richard/Nines as the Big Bad Wolf & Richard calls him Red in reference to Little Red Riding Hood.
Near the end of the chapter, Richard calls him Red again after Gavin calls him Wolf & Gavin says, “I already told you, the wolf eats Little Red Riding Hood-” to which Richard responds with “Oh, I heard you.” ;)
P: How much do you plan in advance, versus letting the story unfold as you go?
I actually have a notebook for writing down my plans & ideas for this fic! But the story really does evolve on its own & it’s already escaping my guidelines smh.
X: A character you enjoy making suffer?
Well, considering I always make Gav suffer-
Y: A character you want to protcet.
...Gavin. I know I made him suffer but dammit he deserves love;-;
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(This will be entirely Out Of Character)
Tagged by: @ask-angel-rk800connor-au Thanks!
Name: Hiyo.
How long you’ve been RPing: 8 years, almost 9.
First platform you RPd on: Facebook
First RP/Fandom/Character: I was Moaning Mirtle, so Harry Potter fandom, and I went commenting everywhere. They strangely loved me xD
Fandoms you’ve RPd in: Oh god. So: Harry Potter, an Italian novel called Vampire Kisses, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Hunger Games, The Walking Dead, some invented stories, Miraculous Ladybug, and lately Detroit: Become Human. I hope that I'm not forgetting any fandom!
Favourite fiction genres: I'm into angst like A LOT, but fluffs and some NSFW (possibly with a /sense/) don't bother me at all~
Favourite tropes: People hate eachother, they become friends (or lovers). That's the best.
AU/Plot/Genre you’re craving rn: ...Too many, for real. Poor Gavin knows something atm.
Biggest turnoffs in RP: Meh, I don't know. Maybe when a character is being /really/ mean with my character and the RP becomes just annoying because too nasty?
Now tag the mutuals you haven’t interacted with much and want to get to know better!
I don't know basically anybody at the moment here, so I won't tag anyone. Feel free to take this post and answer with your experience!
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ruriska · 7 years
@mujaween tagged me in this question thingaling! here i go.
Name: Ruriska
Nickname: Ruri, Ru, RuriPuri, whatever the fuck you wanna call me.
Gender: Female
Sign: Snake, Taurus
Height: no clue... kinda short tho. low 5’s haha.
Sexual Orientation:  Grey-ace
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff (nobody is surprised)
Favorite Color: Green
Time Right Now: 9:52PM   
Average Hours of Sleep: Depends on if I can sleep in or not but around 6 - 8.
Lucky Number: 7 or 8.
Last Google Search: Sentai Genji (for research....)
Favorite Fictional Characters: Vegeta from DBZ, Kotetsu from Tiger and Bunny, McCree from OH IDK SOME GAME, Gavin from The Lightbringer Series.
Blankets I Sleep with: At least two. As it is currently winter, I’m on about four or five atm. My body is weak and does not retain warmth. 
Favorite Bands/Artists: My taste is... eclectic. I’ll be obsessed with one song at a time. Choosing a favourite artist is difficult. So I’m not gonna. 
Dream Trips: I’ve done Japan twice, so I have to pick a new destination. Canada would be nice. No, wait, I’d love to go to Paris with my mum. That’ll do nicely.
When did you make this Blog: Is there somewhere I can check this? I have no fucking idea.
Follower Count: 129 (at least half of these are porn bots)
When did your Blog Reach it’s Peak: I will never peak. I’m near the bottom of the mountain, already puffed out and stopping for a snack. Was that not the question?
Why did you choose your URL: Ruriska has been my SN forever. I am Ruri, Ruri is me.
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