#gay Frankenstein creating life despite not being able to create life with another man?
can-of-w0rmz · 1 year
I was looking through some A-Level English literature resources since I’m going into sixth form next year and determined to convince my teachers to let us read Frankenstein, and I just came across the take that Victor is sexist because he wants to “cut women out from the creation process” 💀 just say the man is gay and move on
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ok J&H Fandom, let’s talk:
“Popular” blog @thatsmyhyde​ is a prominent creator in the J&H Fandom. But here’s where the problem shows up: 
the content they make is concerning at least, and full of red flags at worst. 
DISCLAIMER: This is all information I have gathered through their tumblr blog - I am not aware of what other things they may be posting on other social medias or their written work.  ANOTHER DISCLAIMER: Please be polite, I am a minor, and am just creating this post to ward off / warn other minors from following this person. If you are an adult interacting with this post and blog, be mindful of your actions and be responsible
Trigger warnings for: discussions of homophobia, discussions of p//phillia, fat-shaming, fat-phobia (?), etc. Just be on general edge for this post, we’re talking about a lot of weird stuff
I will be linking their posts as I am not going to take screenshots of their art.
This is not a comprehensive list of all the things they’ve done - these are the ones I could think of and was able to adress. If you have anything additional you want to add to this post (such as concerning things they may do on other social media), feel free to reblog and add on the things you need to say, just please don’t be dumb. 
Let’s start with the premise: Henry Jekyll creates an alter ego, Edward Hyde. They begin a relationship - an emotional and physical one. Their AU features Jekyde (A popular ship in the fandom, the name stands for Jekyll x Hyde), people have various views on this ship. 
So far so fine, right? Here are the problems:
1. Their Henry Jekyll is an awful person. Now, let’s start by saying that of course you can have bad people in your works, those are, after-all: villains. The problem is,Henry Jekyll is a harmful walking gay sterotype, and an outlet for Biscuit’s obvious fat fetish. But their relationship isn’t just toxic it’s romanticised in how toxic it is.
a. The harmful stereotype - Their Henry Jekyll has a “thing” for younger men, even though he is in his middle-ages, and Hyde looks like a young child. (Age gap relationships are their own thing - they come with their own burdens, and this is not the post to discuss them. This topic will lead into the Edward  Hyde section of this post.) But, it was a known homophobic scare-mongering tactic of straight parents to accuse everyone who is gay that they are ‘out to prey on your youths’. This is a stereotype that stigmatized the LGBT community, and still harmfully affects them to this day. 
b. The fat fetish: Jekyll is frequently seen with cake (as seen here, here, and here)  or being self-loathing, to the point of suicide. (click the link here to acess a list of suicide and other crisis hotlines! you matter to me!). Now, the self-loathing could be a symptom of depression or other mental illness, so I am not going to talk about it, as a person with mental illnesses.  But the self-loathing in addition to him being fat is not good. Media is drowning in the “self-loathing fat person” and as someone who isn’t thin i’m tired of seeing this. 
- The fetish aspect comes in him constantly being referred to “Chonky”, a term usually used for overweight/obese cats and being drawn obsessed with cake. It fetishises his weight and dehumanises him into something people call their animals. Also, here’s more of Jekyll eating food and being embarassed by it, though this time because it’s seen as “servant’s food”. 
- Biscuit admits to liking them “Big and chunky” in posts like this. 
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[Photo id: A string of texts that says: tantok, frankenstein, twink lore, dorian slipped through the cracks and got himself sketched by yours truly the other day because he brought lord henry along, he and the slime didn’t have to fight to the death because they’ve both got their own chonky old toxic henries to focus on, but this blog still ain’t big enough for the two of ‘em. end id]
- They also talk about how they ‘prefer’ to draw fat (chonky) people. Image attatched above. the thing that should be noticed is that they say ‘chonky old toxic henries’ . they, once again, are making fat people a fetish. 
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[Photo id: Anonymous asks: are you gonna make a victor design tho biscuit responds: Oh, man, anon, I hate to disappoint but.....probably not. Aside from my non-humanoids and hellspwans (slime gremlins, corpse creatures, and etcetera), I’m extremely uninterested in drawing young thin men. I really need middle-aged chonk to hold my attention. If poor Victor Frankenstein had only been 40-something and round when he made his great creation, then he’d definitely get a design from yours truly. As it is though, he’s not holding my attention enough to want to. end id] 
Biscuit once again talks about how he doesn’t want to draw ‘thin men’, because he is only interested in older ‘round’ people. He, is, once again, bringing to light his fetish for fat people. 
2. Edward Hyde is basically a child - Edward Hyde is drawn in boy’s school clothes, is taken in and raised like a child after Jekyll’s death, and is constantly cooed over by the creator, even earning a nickname of ‘slime’ from them. In addition, he also has ‘family photos’ taken with Utterson, has his toenails kept, is the height of a child, and teeths. This, paired with the fact that he is in a toxic, abusive, relationship with a man in his middle ages is concerning and should not be romanticised. 
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[Photo id: the text reads: In his first year of existence, Hyde lost teeth and regrew them in a mildly similar fashion to a kid losing baby teeth - except it wasn’t all of his teeth (Just the canines and some random molars) and they weren’t replaced with a larger set, just with teeth exactly the same as the ones that had been lost. No one knows what was up with this. the teeth are still in Jekyll’s study in a little jar. end id]
a. Hyde is treated like a child after Jekyll’s death. Hyde teething is concerning because that’s something infants do. He also clings to utterson like a child. The idea that he gets taken in by Utterson, whisked away to an estate out in the country, despite both of them having romantic feelings for Jekyll is. how do I put this: WEIRD. (seriously, imagine your father/father-figure dating ur significant other / having a crush on them before you two got together and after). 
b. Hyde dresses like a child, whilst being sexually active and wearing lingerie. Now, on their own, these traits aren’t a problem - but together? They are very much a problem.  
- Hyde dressing as a child is concerning because he is also treated like a child at certain points in their “lore”. After Jekyll’s death, Hyde becomes a singular entity, and is taken away by Utterson. To care for, like a child. This post sums it up well: he wears both children’s clothes and lingerie. 
- Hyde has a very strange appearance - if you compare it to his early design (which was less cartoony and looked more like a man in his twenties), Hyde’s current design is concerning. Why does he have the height of a child? Why does he have eyes that take up a grand part of his face? Now, one could argue that ‘he is not human’ - but if he is treated like a human, whilst wearing children’s/youthful clothes, teeths, and his general enchanment with the world - he appears as human (and looks eerily similar to a child), which is why him being sexually active, wearing lingerie, and being friendly with prostitutes (one that gave him underwear and other articles of clothing)  is concerning. 
- That said, Utterson is directly talked about being ‘adopted into gremlin fatherhood’ (paraphrasing). 
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[Photo id: the text reads: 59. Jekyll is irresitibly attracted to everything about Hyde, but if he could somehow be forced to list hte most attractive physical attributes of Edward Hyde in his opinion, aside from Hyde’s youthful appearance in general it would be his eyes, his overbite (Jekyll perceived the way Hyde’s-) the screenshot cuts of the rest of the paragraph. end id] 
- Jekyll has a ‘thing’ for younger men. This is to the point that the most attractive part about Hyde is that he is young. (or looks like it), Hyde looking very young is concerning because that would make their verison of Doctor Jekyll a p*dophille . This is something the artist has either not recognized, realised, or simply does not acknowledge. 
3. The toxic relationship (and how it’s romanticised) - The relationship in this ‘AU’ is: love comes first, toxic nature comes second. If you scroll through the blog you may see some reference of ‘Henry Jekyll is such a toxic person teehee’ and a lot of them kissing, being together, smiling, or enjoying life. Now, obviously, an artist - if they do not want to - should not draw characters being toxic to each other. But it is concerning when the above points come into a factor, that the toxic nature of their relationship comes second to the highs of their relationship, at least on their blog. 
Here is one of the only examples I’ve seen of Biscuit talk about the relationship in a detailed negative light. 
4. The fandom - Whilst Biscuit says it’s ok for minors to interact with his blog (in that blog he says that he tags nsfw - which is true.) he does not regularly mention that his jekyde is toxic - not in a concerete way. He romanticises it (despite acknowledging it’s flaws), and the only way it may or may not be (i would not know) acknowledged is his fic: which is mature and not meant for minors. He does not tag his posts with regular triggers for things like: alcohol, drugs, mental illnesses, or abuse (any variants). They’re not even in his blog’s description! If Biscuit had acknowledged it in his blog, something along the lines of: “Hey! This blog has <content warnings> be warned when interacting! But no, he does not. 
- A lot of the people who draw things, or generally interact with Biscuit are minors. Being exposed to such a thing may be harmful to my peers, and I am worried. To minors who are fans of Biscuit: if you’ve made it this far, thank you, I know you’re mature and responsible, but being exposed to content creators like Biscuit could lead you down a dangerous path of having this kind of thing normalised to you. Be careful with the content you consume, please! And thank you for making it this far, I’m sure you’re a lovely person :)!
Thank you for taking the time to read this! Stay safe, tell the people you love that you love them. 
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shrewful · 6 years
you wanna hear about lesbians???? MY lesbians????
of course, you do! they’re awful 
(I was going to wait until all the worldbuilding was done, but @mercyandcruelty has inspired me to enlighten y’all on my two demigod gays from my wip Perish & Prosper) Rosefingers / Velvera
Subversion of the ‘nature is beautiful and pure’ notion/trope
Lady Frankenstein (the scientist and not the monster) with magic
Made a pact with an ancient cosmic deity bent on bringing the world back to the days of survival of the fittest/rule of beasts in exchange for the ability to manipulate organic matter/cells. Yes, it is an absurdly powerful ability that would allow her to actually rule the world, if she wasn’t much more interested in using said ability to study biology like the big scientist nerd she is / eventually falling in love with the person designated to stop her from destroying civilization. In any case, the pact stains her hands red, earning her the name Rosefingers
For most the novel, she’s pretty much the worse? Remorse and empathy are out the window, she creates horrible demented monsters for shits and giggles and once cut off someone’s brain’s ability to make dopamine to prove a point. Little by little, through her friend Bealiamonte, her eventual girlfriend and the literal deity of reason and empathy calling her fucked up and kissing her forehead to bless her with stop-being-an-asshole-and-realize-people-aren’t-just-chunks-of-meat juice, she becomes a better person. She still does some undoubtedly morally questionable things, but a lot less unfeeling murder. 
eventual girlfriend’s purpose of existence is to keep Velvera from destroying civilization. it is assumed this is via her kicking Velvera’s studious ass, but surprise! lesbians. cosmic deities (besides destiny, who stans them as a couple) do not like this. 
Realizes she’s in love with her eventual girlfriend via them fighting (more of Velvera looking in her general direction and her almost passing out, despite her being able to kick Velvera’s studious ass within 2.3 seconds), Velvera making contact with her, tapping into her nervous system to see what this weird gremlin is feeling, realizing that the gremlin is scared and proceeding to be
very confused
as to why the gremlin being scared upsets her. 
Spirit In the Woods / Ghost / Eventual Girlfriend(TM)
I love her so much. So Much.
person-with-fire-abilities-can’t-control-their-emotions trope, balanced with a healthy dose of them being too gentle for their own good
The deity of death (better explained as the deity of forces that keep life in check; natural disasters, earthquakes, storms, and most of all, fire.) fell in love with her mom, Gi-Gilaine, who they could talk to through her dreams. They eventually develop what can be equated to a relationship, but it’s a bit complicated considering the deity, is y’kno, a deity, which only exists as thoughts in her dreams. The deity vents to her that its adversary -- the same deity that makes a pact with Velvera -- is becoming stronger and stronger, and they fear they won’t be able to defeat them, explaining that Destiny (another deity) let them know the other deity (as previously said) would make a powerful pact with a human in the future. (note -- these people who make pacts with deities are called Disciples.) Gi-Gilaine offers her child (she is super pregnant) as a disciple, knowing that disciples that are born disciples are much more powerful than those who don’t make the pact after they’re born. The deity accepts, but promises Gi-Gilaine that the baby’s happiness and love (remember that part, it’s important) will be protected above all else.
born with fire abilities, but later learns to use storms and small earthquakes as well.
raised by smoke-based furry-skeleton spirits (look there’s a lot of worldbuilding I gotta get through) that survive off burning things. (the island that Gi-Gilaine lived on was burned to the ground, leaving just these spirits, its a very long story, we’ll get there eventually, I promise -- ) they never teach her to write or much of anything like that, but man does she learn to tussle!! that, and, ~chivalry~
the skeleton spirits found her in the woods, thus the name. 
Magic-scientists come to her island and is shocked at her, with her being the only living example of the genetic traits native to her island -- some of which include horns (I'm a simple woman. I like horns.) and a disposition to spirits. She agrees to let them take her back to their institute/college/research facility so they can study how spirit disposition works after death-deity (called Them with a capital T but I'm trying not to blabber) tells her that the person she’s destined to keep in check is there; Velvera.
surprise!! Velvera is the one designated to study her. it results in a strange situation; in daytime, Velvera pokes Spirit with some sticks and asks her if she sees ghosts, and at night, they both slap on their disciple outfits (in which they can’t recognize each other) and duke it out (or, at least, Spirit causes some large inconvenience that gets in the way of Velvera’s schemes, Velvera chases after Spirit, and Spirit gets too scared to fight back and dips.) 
Confusing crush(TM) starts when Spirit actually gets paralyzed with fear in one of these moments -- Velvera does the previously mentioned realizing she’s scared thing, and in the process of getting close enough to do so, Spirit passes out. Velvera discovers who she is, being able to take off her mask, and decides to just take Spirit back to her (Spirit’s, not Velvera’s dorm in the institute and put her in bed. Spirit wakes up to see Velvera putting her on the bed, leaving a very perfect looking bowl of fruit on the nightstand and leaving the room. 
what proceeds is a whole lot of “velvera I think you’re trying to flirt but those really do just sound like threats”
personality wise, Spirit is ROUGH, TOUGH, BRASH and BUFF but an absolute sweetheart in all honesty. Tell her someone was mean to you and she will suplex them out a window. She will vault a storm drain from its place and plunge herself inside to save some ducklings. She could probably punch a hole through a brick wall but if it’s too dark she’ll start crying. 
wise but dumb 
Velvera has to teach her how to read. She cries when she’s frustrated. They usually have to take breaks and make some pie for her to calm down, so cooking books are her main mode of learning. 
if you’re nice she’ll kiss the back of your hand like a damn knight (with permission)
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