#gay besties was already in the making
Der eine, der seine Emotionen zeigen kann, will etwas besprechen.
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Der andere versteht nicht, dass es ein Problem gibt.
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Die Kommunikation schlägt fehl.
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Ava schaut zu und…
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“Es geht [sie] zwar nichts an, aber…”
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historical drama/sitcom where two gay best friends (woman and man) get lavender married--and proceed to spend the Fancy European Honeymoon their parents paid for acting as each other's wingman
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People like to talk about how Mike might have never actually liked El at all because his prepubescent puppy crush was actually just comphet, but what I haven’t seen discussed so much is the very real possibility that El never liked him (romantically) either.
When El and Max were clothes shopping in S3, El asked how she was supposed to know what she liked. She didn’t know how to discern her own taste, and this was after about 8 months worth of time where she was, if not integrating into society, at least hanging out with the party. By this point in the show, what things do we actually know that el has decided she likes? When she was with Hopper she listened to whatever records he had and watched whatever was on TV, because her world was so small that she didn’t have the luxury of choice. The only things she seems to have stated a preference for are Mike and Eggos. Mike, one of the first people she ever met outside of the lab, and Eggos, the first food he ever brought her. Now what are the odds that these are actually her favourite things, and that she’s not just imprinting?
We see a lot of this lack of knowledge of what she wants in how she dresses. As a small child, she only wears the hospital gowns that the lab provides her with. Once she breaks out she wears Mike’s clothes and Nancy’s old dress. When she lives with Hopper she wears his old clothes and whatever he brings her. Even when she has her punk makeover she’s just wearing what Kali dressed her up in. She chooses her own clothes while she’s out with Max, and almost immediately after that she breaks up with Mike. Even then, she feels the need to ask Max, as if she expects to be told what she’s supposed to like. In S4 it’s unclear how much of her wardrobe she’s chosen herself, but I’m assuming that the oversized shirts are probably Hopper’s, in which case she’s wearing them because she misses him and not because she actually likes them.
When El and Mike first met they were still small kids, and they knew each other for a grand total of a week. Regardless of what you think his reason for it was, Mike basically decided that their relationship was going to have a romantic context. El didn’t know what that meant! She spent her entire childhood in a laboratory and ended up repressing most of it by the time she escaped. We see in S2 that she likes to watch romance shows on TV, but those aren’t a realistic portrayal of relationships, and they’re likely her only interaction with the concept of romance. Despite apparently having been in a relationship for months, she seems pretty clueless about dating when talking to Max in S3. I’ll bet good money that she saw romcom meet-cutes and, overlaying them over her own experience with Mike, assumed that “love-at-first-sight” relationships were the norm for the general populace.
So here’s El, who’s never been able to consider what it is that she actually wants before, and one of the only people she’s ever met tells her he likes her romantically. Of course she’ll go along with it! Particularly when she sees relationships just like that on TV, because soap operas are her only real window into society for a whole year! She goes along with it because Mike says he likes her, so she assumes that means she must like him too, yet the moment Max prompts her to think about what it is she really wants, she breaks up with him. And then when she returns to the status quo of their relationship, long distance this time, she’s blatantly lying about so much! She’s not thinking about what she wants at all, she’s only considering what it is she thinks Mike wants.
I do think El likes Mike a lot, as a friend, but she’s never even considered their relationship through a platonic lens because she’s been told from the very start that it’s romantic.
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eremin0109 · 8 months
Not to dunk on the worst of evil on the eve of its finale but like gurl, you could never be the absolute whoreslut that is evilive.
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mwagneto · 2 months
wait omg are they making charles/edwin mutual
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derpinette · 3 months
i miss going to school because i always knew everybody's business but nobody knew mine due to being a huge loser. & it ruled
#now i am still a loser ( well actually this cool bubbly normie girl likes to pull me along with her but it makes me feel bad )#( also i hate going outside & barely do now because i am having an androphobia flare RN which is to say agoraphobia like i vomit... gay AF#but anyway i also went to small private schools with declining enrollment numbers all my life Well only two one for 13 years#& then i switched to a cheaper one on my senior year. i would lurk & people would be like No worries you can say it it's only nyumie here#or they would tell me directly when nobody would want to talk to them due to drama & then leave & forget me as soon as they could#nobody would ever ask about my business it was so effingg awesome. altho there were rumors i was gay ( completely true )#the fact that both schools were small made it so that it was easier to know what was happening in most grades#but now IDK ANYTHING EVER even if i were to eavesdrop my faculty is just way too big & i barely even attend anyway +i hate that dump ETC ET#this is so detrimental to my QOL & need to Observe &Lurk my life is so EMPTY & boring i want to know somebody's petty drama#& i KNOW it happens you just have to be in a circle & attend everyday which I CBAAAA. when people pull me aside to hang out i know then#but i want NO INVOLVEMENT !!!! i just want to be in the background leave me alone i already have a girl i can relate & be loyal to#& she dropped out i never thought i actually would but here we are. i just want to acquire information from a distance on a regular basis-_#the reason why i never hated going to school despite bullying up until like my last year is because well i grew up in my original school#so i was familiar with everyone & everyday there would be something new & funny to discuss with my bestie who lives far away now -_-#i meanwe only really saw eachother at school anyway Man i wish i could GO BACK but not really vut yes but no...
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araneapeixes · 1 year
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hecksupremechips · 6 months
I always heard people say that Layla should’ve gotten with Warren Peace instead of Will in sky high but guys come on it’s 2023 we all all know she and warren were just bearding for each other I’m sick of pretending they weren’t
#sky high#and okay maybe im projecting because just look at them and the amount of gay awakenings that were had to them#my own 😵‍💫#im a warren peace stan is this even kinda surprising hes emo he reads hes hotheaded he likes shitty poetry crap he has bad social skills#of course i was into him#and layla too come on shes got absolutely broken plant powers but shes a pacifist shes sweet shes an activist she calls the school fascist#but no yeah layla and warren so very clearly were not interested in each other at all like they will be bomb ass besties but romantically no#warren was literally playing the role of gbf like Layla was talking about will and hes like#girl just kiss him already#he had no desire to be with her romantically and was pretty explicity not into holding her hand#but he played along cuz he just wanted to make will mad like this is such gbf behavior akdjks#just like ‘oh so you wanna piss off your shitty crush? lol okay lets do this 😎’#plus like just look at him hes simply gay your honor#layla now layla is painfully obviously gay and its gonna hit her like a train#weve all wanted her to be gay our whole lives but noooo she had to get with boring fucking will#in my version she and will date for a while but feelings get complicated#she isnt sure if she likes will or if she just chose him cuz it was convenient to like her male friend#she always looked at other girls a bit longer than what was ‘normal’#but she isnt into labels! she doesnt need to worry about this! its fine everything is fine-#shes just an over eager ally thats all#the crisis lasts for years warren gives her The Stare shes like 🫣#listen im just trying to live out my childhood dream and make the characters i had an indescribable fascination with gay#and yes i was just watching sky high what about it
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ariesbilly · 2 years
no but actually post season 3 where billy ends up in a coma after starcourt and wakes up and remembers every awful thing he had to do and hes shaking with sobs remembering heather and her being his first victim when all she wanted to do was help him and he feels so guilty about it and max is like “no heather made it, shes alive” and billy doesnt believe her until heather comes walking in with steve and robin (there is much to explain, bills been out a while) 
and at first billys relieved to see her alive but also doesnt want her anywhere near him because hes afraid he’ll hurt her again etc etc but heather just crawls into the hospital bed with him and holds him and reassures him shes fine and its over and theyre gonna be okay now and just.... best friends <3
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no1ryomafan · 7 months
I have said this before but me being self proclaimed number 1 Ryoma fan and that being possibly literal-bc even if this bro had fans before me I might’ve simply done the most for him by talking about him so much + being the first to write fics that are in depth studies on his trauma across canons-I gotta say if there’s one other character I rotate a lot that isn’t him it’s probably Kei. (Shocking it’s not Hayato even if I do think about him too- but it’s usually associated with Ryoma bc gays 🗿)
I’m not even exaggerating when I say Kei would be my favorite and only isn’t because she doesn’t exist in many other canons yet my brain rotates the endless possibilities of how to incorporate her. I’ve already written a fic where she’s in shin vs neo verse which worked surprisingly well but I’ve been thinking how universally she could appear in other things. (Whether it be fitting her into a idea of a possible Go team in New or just a new canon completely) I think what I’ve narrow it down to is that she could be like- in Michirus role? Like she’s the supporting female who isn’t a pilot but helps out the real occasionally which I think would align very well especially with the original manga role she has of being Hayato’s assistant. And even if Hayato isn’t grandpa mode yet he still very much is in Saotomes position at that point. Not sure if she’d Hayato’s biological kid to further parallel Saotome and Michiru given well Hayato already adopts the Go team and his wife is irrelevant LOL.
I have no idea if I’ll ever write this specific idea but I’m still- rotating it cause this is such a easy way to get around “picking between Sho or Kei as the 2nd pilot” since both of them can still exist even if one doesn’t get to pilot, idm my supporting females. (Granted there could always be like- plot line where Sho gets hurt so Kei is temporary pilot but I can’t remember if Getter ever really did this since “once your hurt your ass is basically replaced” lol)
#meg text#getter robo#au rambles#I think I rotate her so much because my friend and I talked about her relationship with Go#like it makes so much sense if among all the universal constants in getter one would be Kei is important to Go#granted the shift from “she’s my love interest” to “she’s my sister” will never not be so fucking drastic 💀#also I get why in SVN she wasn’t there for time and idk where you’d fit her but man Kei deserves a more significant role#hence why I imagine her in Michirus role because even if she also had it ROUGH some iterations knew how to use her#also Kei already has a established relationship w gai mainly thanks to arma so- Sho deserves to speak with her too#they can be besties who rat out on the boys but still have high respect for hayato#granted I know the real reason why this hasn’t happened is because Kei is a minor character and “no proper go manga adaptation??”#at this point I don’t expect a anime but it be nice if Go team got used in a spin off bc we had a good run of OG team#I’d also want them to use arc in spin offs too but I understand their more- finicky characters to use#given their main thing is their actual descendants of existing characters and one of them is our first boyo (ryoma)#if you took out the bloodline stuff it make them feel redundant because you can just use go team for that#also honestly despite how mixed arc anime is for everyone they really don’t need to be in anything after this#other then wishing they get something with nicer animation but that’s what’s SRW is for#(also back to Kei I’m a bit upset she did not get a cameo in arc even if she’d probably look horrendous it was just salt in the wound)#(GAI LITERALLY SAIDS WHEN HE DIES IN THE MANGA HE SEES KEI WHERE WAS SHE WITH ALL THE GETTER GHOSTS?)#actually Michiru wasn’t there too so it was probably just woman erasure /hj
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roitaminnah · 2 years
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two comics(?) i drew out with no dialogue and bonus self portraits of me in the airport having butterfly soup thoughts
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ambyandony · 3 months
i still havent figured out the deal with prosciutto and pesci in wayr
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anthyies · 1 year
i do think “the one "actually" lesbian character is an antagonist whose crush on her best friend ruined her life.” is an incredibly funny thing to say about rgu/juri. Like okay yes? Is that supposed to be a negative
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transmiqote · 11 months
it’s been over a year & a half since endwalker but the in from the cold quest is still living in my mind rent free
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veshialles · 4 months
lowkey worried my birthday is gonna be a disaster now... lmao.
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jemmo · 2 years
you’re telling me i don’t get to see his face every wednesday anymore????
and by he, i mean shin
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