borisbubbles · 9 months
Eurovision 2023: #26
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26. ITALY Marco Mengoni - "Due vite" 4th place
Decade ranking: 76/116 [Above The Black Mamba, below Rosa Linn]
Who the hell drinks coffee with lemon juice?! Do Italians disrespect tea as much as the Eurovision?
I dunno guys, what do you expect me to write? All my Italy posts operate under a strict policy of post-nut clarity, and 2023 marked yet another year of impressionables male-gazing the fuck out of a Sanremo Ballad and putting it on a pedestal for merely showing up. Moreso than usual because Marco actually is a handsome guy.
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Anyway, is Due Vite good? Um, yeah I guess? I'm not the right person to ask. The things Due Vite and Marco excel at are things I don't value too much in (pop) music. I have developed coping mechanisms for romantic longing and intimacy without needing a Due Vite. If I want classiness, I just put on classical music track. if I want a hot guy, well, you know, other methods. What I do yearn for when I open YT or Spotify are upbeat distractions, anti-depression anthems, immersive experiences, or complex entries that provide an intellectual stimulus. Barring that funny gimmicks or remarkable journeys for the Eurovision Songs specifically. Due Vite is... well none of those lol. It's a plain and unpretentious romance ballad that floated its way to the top in a bad year based on Marco's looks and nationality. It's good in general, I think? Just not what I need in music.
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That said, Marco was better than I initially gave him credit for. Unlike Andrew (who?), Marco embraced his inner queer-coded himbot self and that improved him in my eyes. L'essenziale does not actively linger in my mind, but I remember Marco as stilted and wooden, staring off-camera like a deer caught in headlights. Ten years later he supplely pranced onto the catwalk all ~*MaFiA d'eLL ArCoBALeNo*~ like a glamorous gayzelle, which was an unexpected and epic move we all appreciated. Shameless fanservice king lmfao <3 The vibe carried through into Due Vite as well, which Marco managed to turn somewhat camp with his presence.
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So overal verdict: Italy was perfectly fine, I guess. Fourth place is an EXTREMELY generous result for what Due Vite truly was and the impressionables calling it ONE OF THE BEST EUROVISION BALLADS EVER is nothing short of insane to me. Otoh, things could have been so much worse? Liverpool2023 was not very good and Marco in fourth place is not even one of the ten worst results from it. Also, Fai Rusnore or Shitvidi would have scored the very same result if they had happened in 2023. So I am kind of pleased that the overrated Italian top fiver in this year was one that, well, I don't like, but can respect without too many reservations.
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hazellvsq · 1 year
ranking gayzel levesque love interests:
1. sadie kane: she literally could actually fix hazel but they will never be allowed to meet. they are literally amalgamations of everything they value in their partners its crazy. once you see it you can never unsee it. sadizel sweep goth girls of the world unite 
2. piper: were never allowed to interact on page but like. duh. obviously they would be into each other altho idk if it would last...however very sweet very tender very fun kind of a fwb vibe.
3. lavinia: i mean hazel is into goofballs but she also wants them to have braincells and lavinia bleached hers out. also i think lavinia would be careless with hazel’s heart and hazel knows it. she’s just not ready to commit.
4. lacy from the aphrodite cabin: i see the vision but we just do not know enough about her. they’d make better friends i think. ladizel rules tho.
5. reyna: oh this would be toxic as fuck. put the two most repressed bitches together and they will not heal each other’s hearts. if you reread son of neptune these two act polite but do NOT fuck with each other. that being said. i love mess i love drama i would like to see it.
6. rachel: see i think they’d be like. brunch friends. like every couple weeks. i think hazel would like her but only in small doses any more and she just gets kind of tired. rachel has a lot in common with both piper and sadie but i think her style of communication and the things she does would just wear hazel out mentally and she’d lose all attraction.
7. annabeth: just couldn’t happen. wouldn’t work. they both love overthinking things and not apologizing after fights. they’re fine as friends who don’t spend a ton of time alone together they’d probably kill each other as lovers.
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jaimeexar · 7 years
“i’m never listening to lilly about anything. ever,” jaime lamented, twisting her ankle so she’d get a better look in the light. it’d been a few weeks since she’d let her friend come at her with a needle taped to the end of a pencil ( thinking back, why on earth had she ever thought that it’d been a good idea ?) and though admittedly the stick and poke had healed better than she’d originally expected, it’d still ended up looking a lot more rudimentary than she’d have liked. luckily, hazel had offered to fix it up once it’d healed, hence why they were currently surrounded by sheets of doodled on paper and various print outs from -- jaime was ashamed to admit -- pinterest. though definitely not at all an artist, she knew roughly what she wanted and hoped that the finished product would come out looking a lot better than the mess that was currently etched into her skin. “do you think it’ll look okay?”
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rogalnikovs · 6 years
closed starter for @gayzels
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Fuck, fuck, fuck. His general thought process when the Bean was incredibly fucking crowded was one of total annoyance and he had never understood people’s inherent need to be such assholes about where their place in line was. In fact, there had been a few instances in the military he had completely taken no bullshit when it came to other soldiers that thought it was perfectly fucking fine to cut in line and that had gotten him in trouble a few times. Eyes flitting around warily as the line slowly moved forward, arms crossed over his chest and tapping his foot absently, he almost wished that time could be sped up just so he could get the fuck out of here. Boris had been intending to be at the office by noon, which wasn’t likely to happen until he reorganized his biological clock. Back in the military, he would have been up before the ass-crack of dawn and getting ready to go do shit before the sun even came up, if he hadn’t already, as well as having eaten breakfast. However, the past two years had been a rare luxury of sleeping in late and he had gotten used to it much quicker than he had figured he would, and ironically, it had become a bad habit he would have to wriggle out of now if he wanted to be half-decent at running a fucking business all over again. Two businesses and seventeen years of military service all crammed into one fucking lifetime sure felt like a damn accomplishment to him if he ever saw one and he was proud of that. Boris was not someone who would ever say he was proud of his service, not out of modesty so much as the disdain for the reason he had been pushed into it to begin with and unwillingness to give anyone the satisfaction that being thrown ass-first into the army had ended up being, in a very twisted way, both good and bad for him. Bad, as in, he had lost his fucking mind and went a little fucking insane and he still hadn’t gathered all his marbles back up and put them back into one big-ass marble. Good, as in, while he had lost them, he had figured out some semblance of close friends, some kind of tight-knit, wildly dysfunctional family that was a little too fucked up on all sides of the spectrum, and ultimately got a little too complicated- it happened. Fifteen years would allow it to happen. As he approached the counter and received his order of a cup of black coffee and slid the money across, he headed for the door. He really needed to get his ass moving and get everything done today, but there was still time before he had intended to go in. Slow and steady won the race, or whatever. However, he wasn’t paying any attention when he left through the door just as another woman was coming in and he walked right fucking into the other human being, and the bump caused him to jerk his arm and spill coffee down the front of his shirt, swearing immediately and loudly, “FUCK!” Reeling in a temper tantrum for a moment inwardly, his eyes still closed after spilling the coffee on himself, he growled, “I did not just spill my fucking coffee all over myself.” After he had told himself that, he opened his eyes and grimaced, looking down at his soiled shirt and growling again, before coming back down to earth enough to realize he had jostled the woman in front of him by walking into her. Fuck. Well, in this instance, he would have to be polite. “Sorry. I wasn’t looking where the fuck I was going.” Huffing and pushing his dog tags to the side to dab at the coffee on his shirt, he grumbled to himself, before muttering, “Are you alright?”
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sunchosens · 6 years
hey should I read the folk of air trilogy? Is it REALLY that good?
hi there!! it depends on what “that good” means to you! i personally read both the books in under 24 hrs so i would say they’re very good and very engaging, but i also adore fantasy, enemies to lovers, morally gray protagonists and so on, so they were right up my alley. overall i found the cruel prince to be a better read in terms of plot building and plot twists, but the ending of the wicked king killed me and i’m so hype for queen of nothing so i would definitely recommend the books! they’re not for everyone, as with every series, but i generally find holly black’s writing to be really compelling and the story to be fascinating. also im dtf three way with cardan and jude so there’s that
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astridism-blog · 7 years
text message | hazel !
ASTRID: hi, hazel!!
ASTRID: did you know that seven percent of american ( adults ) think chocolate milk comes from brown cows??
ASTRID: i don't know how sound the data is, but i thought that it was funny.
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guildwuff2 · 3 years
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hazel has become gayzel
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So I was typing out your name right? And I accidentally typed Gayzel. Thought you might appreciate that.
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bigscarymads · 7 years
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This my #10k face
#instagay #gayzelle #gaybros #running #gaydudes #gays #fitness
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nookbadlol · 4 years
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Reunited gayzelles ❤️ (they are gay icons I don’t make the rules)
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critter-of-habit · 5 years
T’challa to Shuri later: So, did you freeze?
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ch-archive · 5 years
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say it loud and say it proud, cape gayzel! it’s time to celebrate the lgbt+ residents of the cape with our weeklong pride festival with drag brunches, conferences, runs, dance parties, and all the good stuff to celebrate who we are. the festival will end with a parade through dock square and a party at sullivan’s pub. from today, june 12 to friday, june 21 you can post event starters on the dash using the tag #chevent014, and don’t forget to vote in this poll to decide when the discord event will be!
that’s not all, everyone! we also have a task to work on during the festival as well. all the cape gayzelians are invited to create floats for the parade. you can post images, drabbles, or threads revolving around the floats and tag them as #chtask010. happy pride, cape gayzel!
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scouring · 6 years
@ the person with the url gayzel
Give It To Me.
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seagrovegossip · 7 years
SUPERLATIVES TIME: best hair? best smile? best butt? best friend? best in the sack? best at being a partner? best job / worker? best fashion? best at flirting? best at kissing?
best hair: @lacklustrd, @casvndrabest smile: @sullivanism, @finlcybest butt: @itschaad, @apollojordansbest friend: @coooperisms, @minjiduhbest in the sack: @zarausten, @ananoskovbest at being a partner: @jaimeexar, @marleycallahanbest worker: @vincegagliardi, @gayzelsbest fashion: @stxrdvsts, @parkercullenbest at flirting: @celina-guan, @rick-dahlstrombest at kissing: @mickeymoran, @akiycmas
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zaneneptune · 7 years
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Pizza in hand, Zane makes his way towards Permanent Record, humming quietly under his breath. He had just gotten off of his shift at Joey’s and promised his friend some food and some much needed catch up, which was why he was heading towards the shop now. Walking into the shop, Zane looks around, giving Haxel a wave once he spots her. “Pizza’s here.” He says with a grin, approaching the counter. “I don’t normally do deliveries, but for you, I made an exception.”
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parkercullen · 7 years
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Most of the time Parker spent with Hazel was within the walls of Permanent Record, which was a shame. Deciding they needed to hang out more out of their prospective jobs, they had texted the brunette about hanging out, agreeing to pick her up from the shop after closing. Approaching the tattoo parlor, they let themself inside, smiling at the brunette as they walk inside. "I’m here to pick you up for our friend date. Your chariot awaits, my lady.” Parker says with a grin, motioning towards the door. “You ready?”
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