#ge. maybe I am wrong in which case I apologize
twilightknight17 · 3 months
The Promised Day - Part 2
Man, I meant to get the rest of this written up sooner, but I’ve started a new job and it’s tiring. I wanna talk about the final boss so badly, though, because Atlus has personally attacked me again, so here we go.
We ascend to the top of the stairs, where we arrive at the shrine to humanity’s desire for the end. It’s kind of beautiful, actually, even if I don’t know if the mosaics are meant to mean anything.
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But now we finally get to see our final foe.
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He’s really cool. The upgraded graphics really emphasize all the glowing details and colors.
Yukari calls him Ryoji, and he responds that he almost misses the name he used to be called. But now he’s not even the harbinger of the Fall. He says there’s no longer a distinction between Nyx and himself.
Not sure I believe that, considering he admits to missing his name and he still recognizes us.
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...so… I get the logic behind re-translating things to make them more accurate and stuff. But something as iconic as the final boss’s speech? Especially when all you’ve really done is reword it to make it more… grandiose? Like, before, it was simple and to the point.
“What people fear most, what they try to ignore… that is what I am.”
He's not some villain that needs to be dramatic. Sure, calling himself “wretched” proves that it’s definitely still Ryoji in there and he’s definitely still upset about this, but I dunno. He’s always been Death. He didn’t ‘become’ it; he’s just changed forms. And somehow, the idea that he’s still that much of himself right now, rather than being almost entirely overwritten by Nyx’s will… I don’t think I like that as much?? It doesn’t fit.
It’s like how the movie handled the reveal in December. Was him oneshotting everyone’s personas while hovering in front of the full moon cool as hell? Yes. But does it suit his character to pull out the “Don’t worry, I’m not going to kill you” monologue? Not really. Ryoji’s not like that. Passing out on the bridge while apologizing for what he is fits his character a lot more.
Either way, we might be afraid, but we have to do this.
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……maybe hitting the Reaper with Armageddon twice was a bad idea. Because these first rounds have been… not very hard. Level 90 Minato and level 86ish everyone else is a little too much. X’D
It still took time, though. We had to fight through twelve rounds, after all. But now it’s time for the Death Arcana.
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…again, why change lines like this when you’re basically just making them a frillier version of the same thing. “It matters not who you are. Death awaits you.” There was nothing wrong with that?? Spend your time on other things. X’D
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I do absolutely love how the final Arcana adds the watching eyes and the red veins. It’s so cool. My boy is so good.
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So they’ve given the Avatar a new almighty attack called “Apocalypse” that takes everyone down to 1% of their HP, which had the potential to be a LOT worse if he’d used it during one of the sections where he was getting 3 or 4 turns in a row. I don’t know if I just got lucky with having time to heal, but it wasn’t actually that scary after the first time.
It’s got a world-cracking animation that makes me think of Armageddon, though, so that’s cool.
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And the animation for Night Queen is awesome! He summons all the Arcana cards for it. ^_^
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But… they’ve taken away Moonless Gown.
It’s not even that he didn’t use it. It’s just gone entirely. The spell I specifically associate with Ryoji.
I guess they thought it made the boss too hard? But… it’s the final boss. You’re fighting Death Incarnate at the end of the world. It SHOULD be hard. I was looking forward to having to claw my way through this fight to the bitter end. But it wasn’t really bitter at all.
...there was a point I could have used Armageddon to end it, and didn’t, just because I wanted to keep going and see what happened.
I know I keep making fun of Atlus for the whole “core P3 experience” thing, but in this case, I DID want the core P3 experience, and I didn’t get it. So I’m actually disappointed. X’D
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Nope, sorry Mitsuru.
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The moon is coming to kill us, whether we like it or not.
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People on the streets are being freed from their coffins, and are beginning to panic and collapse into lesser shadows. It’s mayhem.
Takaya manages to stagger to the roof and laugh about how great this all is, right before crushing gravity smashes all of us to the ground. No one can move; no one can do anything, and Minato is blacking out.
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Igor tells Minato that it’s time to draw on all the bonds we’ve forged and harness their strength. I do not have all my social links maxed, so I suppose it’s lucky that I still have enough power. X’D
Igor also says he never dreamed of seeing this card with his own eyes, so… yeah. This is a one-of-a-kind miracle.
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And on that note, I like, “No miracle is beyond your reach” better. X’D
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The elevator reaches its destination, the doors open to a blaze of light, and like I said last time, I like the movie’s element of summoning Messiah as a fusion on the rooftop a lot better. Feels more climactic. But Minato pushes himself to his feet, pushes forward, and goes to confront Nyx on his own.
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The inside of Nyx is trippy as hell, and leads to the core, which is a big glowing egg.
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She tries to kill Minato with an ability that is literally just “death”, but Minato keeps one HP and takes a swing at her. His teammates all chime in to give him strength, even Shinji, and not only does he return to full health, but he can no longer be hit by the death spell at all. It does nothing to him.
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And thus we come to the endgame.
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I’ve always liked the gameplay representation of the Great Seal. The fact that it costs exactly how much health you have. The fact that you’re not casting it through a persona, you’re drawing entirely from yourself, empowered by your ultimate arcana. The fact that this is your only option, after attacking directly proves useless.
And from a story perspective, it hurts. It hurts so much to see this boy who had nothing gain friends, family, a life that he loves… and he has to give it all up to keep the people he cares for safe.
Makes you wonder if Philemon knew what it would take, when he blessed his chosen one with the Wild Card this time.
I could go on about that sort of thing for a while, so we’ll just leave it at that, with the casting of the Great Seal.
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All that’s left is the ending, now. And yeah. I really like the Avatar fight, but I expected it to be a lot harder. So I am, somehow, both content and disappointed.
It’s an interesting feeling. XD
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
For your answer on number 6, I can think of lots of animals that could be/would've been taken in by the elves
1. Kākāpō, there's only 104 of them in the entirety of new zealand
2. White Heron, only 100-104 of them
3. Moa, extinct
4. Huia, extinct
5. Ha'ast Eagle
5. Maui's Dolphin (that's the actual name), only 55 of them
6. Greater short tailed bat. The exact population is unknown but they're listed as endangered
I'm mostly thinking about the Moa and Ha'ast eagle, though, as they are very extinct, and I lowkey think they'd fit into the world.
The Moa was about 3 meters (Roughly 9 ft tall). They were similar to Emu in stature, but fatter and with thicker legs. Their feathers were similar to a kiwi's feathers.
The Ha'ast eagle had a wingspan of 3 meters (Roughly 9 ft) and often fought and killed Emus. From what I can tell, they looked like standard eagles aside from the size
Tuatara might be included in the sanctuary, just because they're endangered and also are legitimate dinosaurs. Like, they are the last species of a reptile that thrived in the triassic period. They aren't lizards. They have a third eye. They're absolutely epic and I love them with my whole heart. Also they take about 35 years to fully mature, and live to 60 years on average but can live up to around a century.
(for context, this is in response to an ask I answered a while ago talking about how more human animals fit into the elven world)
I agree with you! In fact, it's technically canon that these animals would be looked after by the elves. No animals have ever gone extinct (to their knowledge, but as humans are aware of these they would be too) under their care and they look after those that in danger of doing so, which would include all of these! I'm sure there are innumerable other species throughout different counties all around the world that would be protected by the elves.
When answering that ask game I was thinking more along the terms of dogs and horses because those were the examples given. Really well known, widespread, non-magical animals that are associated with typical human life. So that's where my "they don't fit" answer came from. For endangered species that changes because it's explicitly stated that the elves work to prevent extinction.
They definitely would be caring for all these creatures, and they're probably chilling out in the sanctuary right now. it's one of those "it's not directly mentioned but is entirely supported by canon" things! Shannon will likely never say anything about the Moa or the Ha'ast eagle, but since no species has gone extinct they'd have to be cared for!
That's a long way of saying I agree with you, but I agree with you!
Also for fun, to those seeing this ask under the cut are pictures of most of the animals Heathen is talking about! The only one I didn't include was the White Heron, which is because google is telling me the White Heron isn't actually in danger. The white-bellied heron is, but not the white heron, and to avoid confusion I'm just omitting it
but otherwise here are a lot of animal pics!
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Moa, extinct
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Huia, extinct
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Ha'ast Eagle
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Maui's Dolphin
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Greater Short Tailed Bat
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[IDs in alt text]
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eirenical · 3 years
*drops by to yell about "post-canon Huo Daofu and Xiao Ge… time-sharing Wu Xie"* <3 <3
AHAHAHA-- RIGHT. So, @elenothar when I told you I wanted to hold on to this ask and let the fic percolate, I didn't think it would then CONSUME MY THOUGHTS for the next several days until I had to get some of it down on paper. O_o;;; So, this is shaping up to be longer than originally intended, and this bit is still on the rough side, but here's the first (1200+ word) scene? To gauge interest, maybe? (...oh who am I kidding; interest or no interest, I'm gonna write it anyway. XD) Enjoy? ^_^
It was quiet. The party that had raged and roared like a living beast for hours before now slumbered. Huo Daofu threaded his way carefully through the sleeping and unconscious bodies it had left in its wake to take up a careful perch on one of the few remaining upright pieces of furniture. As he settled in, the bench's occupant lifted his bottle to clink aimlessly against his, then briefly raised it before taking a pull. Huo Daofu obediently took a sip from his own bottle; there was little enough left in it.
Lowering his bottle, Huo Daofu let it dangle loosely from his hand as he leaned over to brace his elbows on his knees. It had been a long time since he'd indulged himself this way. A very long time. Beside him, Wang Pangzi leaned back to rest his elbows on the table behind them, tipping his head back. He was smiling. "Now *that* was a party."
The corners of Huo Daofu's lips pulled up in an answering smile before he even realized they had. They'd been doing that a lot lately. Smiling without his express permission.
They used to do that often. Before.
The smile fell from Huo Daofu's lips as though it had been washed away by a bucket of cold water. He'd been down this road before. He'd been down this road before, and it had only led him to heartbreak. He had no desire to travel it again now that he knew where it led. He looked up, gaze catching on the only other upright person in the room. Zhang Qiling. Xiao-ge. Wu Xie's Menyouping. Wu Xie's—
Huo Daofu tore his gaze away, closing his eyes to the sight and finishing off his bottle in one long pull. By the time he had finished, Pangzi's leg was a heavy line of warmth against his own, his outstretched knee lazily nudging into him. He laughed. "Now, where have I seen that look before, I wonder?"
Taking advantage of the few inches remaining on his side of the bench, Huo Daofu shifted away, frowning to discourage Pangzi from claiming the inches he'd ceded. Pangzi, of course, took no notice. Wu Xie had ruined his understanding of personal space, like he had for so many others… if Pangzi had had any to begin with. Pangzi had rolled onto his hip to face Huo Daofu, one arm propping his head up on the table, the other bracing his own bottle on his hip. He raised an eyebrow.
Huo Daofu matched that look, stare for stare, for as long as he could before breaking. He twirled his empty bottle idly back and forth between his hands, wishing he hadn't finished it, that he could take another drink in lieu of answering the question so clearly waiting in Pangzi's open expression. Finally, he sighed, leaning back against the table. Quietly, he said, "How do you let him go? When the mission is over, when the wounds are healed, and to the victor have gone the spoils… how do you let him go?"
Pangzi's snort ruffled the short hair at the back of Huo Daofu's neck, and he repressed a shudder. "Xiao-ge?" Pangzi's hand waved wildly across the room for a moment before he snorted again. "He's like a feral cat, that one. Happy to accept food and skritchings and pettings when it pleases him, but restless and aggressive if tied down to one place for too long. It's better for everyone concerned to let him wander where he will and when he will. Eventually you just…" he shrugged. "…learn to accept it." There was a brief pause, then Pangzi reached out and poked Huo Daofu hard in the shoulder. "Aiyo. You're not turning into another Sang Bei'er on me, are you? One Xiao-ge superfan is already more than we can handle."
Huo Daofu turned to face Pangzi, his face hardening. Zhang Qiling. Really.
As their eyes met, Pangzi's face abruptly softened. "Ah. Ah, ah, ah. OK." That last came out in English, and Pangzi reached out again, this time to pat the spot on Huo Daofu's shoulder that he had just poked a moment before. "Apologies, apologies. I misunderstood." Another pat.
If Huo Daofu could have moved further away without falling off the bench, he would have. He wasn't used to… this. Pangzi sat up beside him, finally, taking another pull of his bottle before turning his own gaze across the room. Zhang Qiling was still sitting upright, looking down at a boneless Wu Xie, who was sprawled across his lap like some oversized cat, with a softer look than Huo Daofu had ever seen on his face. His fingers slowly sifted through Wu Xie's hair and Wu Xie curled *closer* and— Huo Daofu's stomach clenched at the sudden sense memory of his own fingers sliding through that same hair. He dropped his head into his hands, doing his best to convince himself when Pangzi's overly heavy patting resumed moments later, that it was reassuring and not intrusive.
Softly, and with almost more sympathy in it than Huo Daofu could bear, Pangzi said, "I hate to say it, but I think you're very much barking up the wrong tree here. I don't have a great track record, myself, of being able to let him go. Exhibit A being me literally falling to my knees and begging for his life outside your very own youtiao shop, not all that long ago… in case you forgot."
Quietly. "I haven't forgotten."
How could he?
It had been years at that point, since Huo Daofu had last set eyes on Wu Xie, years since what they'd had had ended in a fiery explosion of tempers that had left a hole inside him that had still been only slowly healing when Wang Pangzi showed up on his doorstep. He'd seriously considered, then, leaving Wu Xie to die, had still been considering it days later when he joined them on that frantic rescue mission from which Wu Xie should not have returned. But being near him, supporting him, taking care of him, day after day after day… of being subject to that wry, unassuming smile and the dry sense of humor that they'd always shared… of having that body back in his arms, no matter how dire the circumstances… it had weighed on him until he'd reached a wary sort of peace with himself and an even warier sort of peace with Wu Xie. Huo Daofu had bid him goodbye on that last desperate mission fully expecting it to *be* goodbye, that having made their peace, they could let each other go, and Huo Daofu would be left to remember him fondly after his death, instead of with the bitterness that had so overshadowed their last parting.
But then Wu Xie had returned.
With Zhang Qiling at his side.
And now Huo Daofu was faced with a Wu Xie who had let *him* go… and he being unable to return the favor.
Pushing himself off the bench, Huo Daofu gave Pangzi a pat of his own in return. "Never mind, Pangzi. I'll find my own way." Softly. "I always do." And then before Pangzi could say another word, Huo Daofu turned and left. He had responsibilities. He had his pride. He was no longer 20 years old, willing to pine forever after the unattainable. It was time to let go. Angry words hadn't worked the last time, formed as they had been of barbed hooks that pulled both ways. This time, Huo Daofu would simply… wish Wu Xie well. And hope that that would be enough to cut the ties that needed to be cut, for both their sakes.
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Texts from the Lost Tomb, part 5.2
Also yes this is a 5 part story arc, why do you ask, no I’m not “avoiding real life work”
Main Chat
Wu Xie: And we are just so grateful you are above all that.
Zhang Qiling: You were fully awake and insisted we pack and go as soon as possible in case there was, and I quote, “more weird shit happening we can cash in on.”
Wu Xie: I mean it’s kind of interesting that the Zhang family sent a car for us. We could have driven. So what is going on there, I wonder?
Zhang Qiling: I agree, in this particular case, with Pangzi. You should not have gotten in their vehicle while we were still inside the house. It forced us to follow you into the van to prevent separation, and they seemed to be expecting that. I don’t know whether Zhang Rishan intended this, but I don’t trust him.
Wu Xie: :( I got excited and didn’t think it through. I’m sorry.
Wu Xie: oh relax, I’m fine. No fever at all today, remember? I feel a lot better, too.
Zhang Qiling: It is odd to say this, but Pangzi is right again. You are barely back on your feet and could easily get worse again. Wu Xie. Jacket. Now.
Wu Xie: Oh fine. Teaming up on me, I see. Happy now?
Wu Xie: If it is an abduction, it wouldn’t be them moving against the whole Wu family—not with Uncle Erbai in charge. Zhang Rishan strikes me as someone who doesn’t make a move unless he is sure of his plan, and this is all a bit last-minute to be a big shift. Besides, they let Xiao Ge keep his sword and we still have all our phones.
Zhang Qiling: In fairness, you were waving them around and yelling that if they tried anything it was going to be “yippeekiyay motherfucker all up in this bitch.”
Wu Xie: me too. That’s Zhang Rishan on the steps. This must be urgent. Everybody stay shiny.
Zhang Qiling: I will be getting out first. Wu Xie in the middle, Pangzi at the rear.
Wang Pangzi: AND WHAT A VIEW;)
An hour later…
Main Chat
Wu Xie: Is everyone okay? I tried knocking but nothing is getting through, these are some solid walls.
Wu Xie: guys???
Zhang Qiling: Apologies, I was trying to break down the door.
Wu Xie: fuck Pangzi, I know, okay??
I’m an idiot, I’m so fucking stupid. It’s not like it’s the first or fiftieth time I’ve put you two in danger, either.
Zhang Qiling: I’m sorry. This is my fault. My line has a ruthlessly pragmatic streak and they’ve clearly wanted to test us separately to see why the necklace reacted to our arrival like that. It does not excuse Zhang Rishan trapping us in these separate rooms.
Zhang Qiling: no. Wu Xie?
Zhang Qiling: Wu Xie, answer me.
Wang Pangzi: WU XIE
Zhang Qiling: I’m going to try breaking down the door again.
Wu Xie: Hello, Wang Pangzi and Zhang Qiling. My apologies for the rather inhospitable circumstances, but this seemed expedient considering the unknown qualities of the necklace. I could not be sure who was causing what, or what could happen next, and thus have temporarily set you in separate rooms for the sake of everyone’s safety.
Zhang Qiling: Your concerns for everyone’s safety are noted. Thank you for whatever you believe you’ve done right here.
Now. If you release us immediately and return Wu Xie to us, we will consider leaving without direct personal retribution.
Wu Xie: I regret that this has happened, I hope to make it up to you in the future. For the purpose of today’s needs, however—I will have my men escort the two of you out if you so desire, but unfortunately Wu Xie will need to stay until we have finished examining him.
Wu Xie: There is no call for rudeness. He will not be harmed. The artifact was responding to him directly. It has not lit up like this in over 200 years, and I need to understand why it is responding, and responding to someone who is not our kin, which it has never done before. This could have implications for everyone in my family if it could protect someone at the right moment.
Wu Xie: The testing would be going better if Wu Xie wasn’t worrying himself unnecessarily over where you both are, it’s making our readings difficult.
Zhang Qiling: Zhang Rishan. I appreciate that you must think of our family first in your decisions. As must I. I hope you can appreciate what that means for decisions I make.
Zhang Qiling: A compromise: we stay with him as you run your tests. That will calm him and assuage Pangzi’s concerns and prevent me from…testing the limits of your lifespan.
Wu Xie: I accept that this may temporarily impact our relations, but am hopeful that you will come to understand that sometimes I need to make certain choices for this family that are…difficult. I will come to let you—One moment. Something seems to be happening.
Babysitters Club Chat
Zhang Qiling: I’m attempting to convince him to let us out. Of course we will not simply sit there. Some lying to gain trust is necessary here.
At the same time…
Bonnie and Clyde Chat
Xie Yuchen: …so, this is not what I expected to find.
Hei Yangjing: yeah kiddo is a bit freaked out:/ this sucks. I mean I get that they are concerned blah blah blah necklace goes brightbright but maybe we should go find the other two
or at least find a way to let Wu Xie know we are here, that room he’s in looks like a dungeon and not in a good way
Xie Yuchen: Does it look like I’m able to do anything right now? Also, I’m fairly certain they won’t be harmed. Zhang Rishan may be callous, but he isn’t stupid.
Hei Yangjing: r u kidding
he split up Romeo and Juliet, then left Romeo with a sword—seems pretty stupid to me
Xie Yuchen: Yeah I’m not going near that. He made his bed with that choice. What can you see? These Neanderthal guards are blocking my view.
Hei Yangjing: uh so there’s like a lab table situation
Wu Xie isn’t tied up, a good sign in this context
I can’t see what those people are holding, they’re talking a lot and some asshole just grabbed Wu Xie’s arm, looks like maybe they are putting in an IV?
The necklace is—oh. Oh shit.
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ceoofanticatradora · 4 years
We need more anti C//A who are Adora stans (like you seem to be) so that people can understand that C///A is bad for Adora. Heck C//A is bad for Catra too, but the shippers don't seem to realize it. If Catra had been able to let Adora go maybe she could have healed instead of her festering and the abuse may have ended instead of escalated.
Hello Dear, welcome on my Blog and a big thank you for your message! Firstly I wanna apologize that this response is reaching you more than three full days, almost four later. Just real life getting into the way of my online presence (at least I got my A-Levels admission!) but I assure you that replying to you was on my To Do List the entire time. And while I could've typed something quick, I thought you deserved a full length response just as much as the person before you received. That goes for anyone really to ask/write me anything in the future.
Adora is a character that has flaws, her own interests, things she struggles with/is insecure about etc. but she also still works on being better (up to Season 5). This makes her relatable, fleshed out and overall three dimensional. Overall for me that makes Adora very likeable. Which is funny because when I first watched the show I thought of her as too goofy and felt like she as a character was overall just flat. Her character design did not speak to me either, the ponytail with the weird hair poof and these pointy shoulders of her jacket just really were not my taste. Isn't it amazing how perceptions can change?
As you can guess from that description I did not always stan Adora and she's probably still not my favorite character but over the almost two years I've been in this fandom I've grown rather fond of her. Other important characters to me are Kyle (a very relatable comfort character of mine, he learned to stand up for himself and others and I support that, f*ck Season 5 for barely acknowledging his existence), Lonnie (apart from treating Kyle badly (which I really do NOT support or excuse) I really love her, man, some women just do me like that, I mean she really stood up to Catra like that), Entrapta (I'm autistic too! It's great to have some representation, seeing the ableism/treatment she experiences in the show is not so much though), Seahawk (I don't even know why, I have some issues with his behavior towards Mermista at times but overall I love this dork), Scorpia (she reminds me of myself so much and I really wanna give her hugs, I'm so glad she chose to no longer let Catra treat her like that even though I will be forever salty she just immediately forgave her), Peekablue (I can explain this even less than Seahawk, especially since it was not even really him in the end but his existence somehow helped me cope with Season 5, without him I probably would've left this fandom ... and also my favorite color is blue) and Double Trouble (now there's enough people already critcizing how they're not exactly great Non-binary representation but this dramatic lizard will forever be in my heart, that reality check they gave Catra, basically slapping her in the face with facts was satisfying as h*ck, also I like lizards overall).
Now there's plenty of characters I like, dislike (or even hate) or am simply indifferent about but after all this is not a tier list but me talking about Adora, Catra and Catradora. Adora started off as this girl that was so sure what she was doing is right but once she was taught differently she was willing to leave everything she knew (except Catra, because she valued her despite everything) behind. And not only that, she broke out of the abuse cycle that Catra tried so hard to keep upright. And that is exactly what makes Adora such a good role model. She teaches children (or people) that:
Your past doesn't define what/who you are or what/who you can become
-> Adora used to be a Horde soldier and did not know where she came from, but nonetheless she found herself a family and became a hero that saved thousands of people
You can always change your mind and start a new life if you feel disappointed in what you are doing/who you are as a person
-> Basically the exact same point, Adora started a new life as she saw what the Horde really was and changed her mind about who to fight for
You deserve love too, be it platonic or romantic (or se*ual???) (If you're aro and/or ace just ignore the part that does not work for you)
-> While Adora for various reasons thought her only use was to please others and meet their needs and expectations (mostly due to Shadow Weaver and Catra) she learned to accept that she too deserves love and validation (if the love aspect would not have been focused on it being romantic love so she could smooch Catra in the finale this would've been a billion times better because she got love from her friends that showed her her real value)
You can walk away from something/someone, that does not make you egoistic/selfish
-> Adora walked away from the Horde, after Catra stubbornly refused to come with her despite many offers (basically Catra broke the promise, not Adora) from her too and that did not make her a "traitor" or "selfish", h*ck, Adora in the end did this for a bigger purpose too, even if part of it was her not wanting to live with such wrong morals
Your opinions, feelings etc. about a person/something can change and that is perfectly fine and valid, being able to change is part of what makes someone human
-> Adora's views on many things changed throughout the show: The Horde and the Rebellion, the First Ones, Catra, being She-Ra, herself, her priorities and so on ... she actually makes use of her brain, which is why Catra saying "Don't you ge it?" or calling her an idiot and dumb never sat right with me, she's a realistic character for shifting with her thoughts, feelings etc. and sometimes just does not fully think things through
You don't have to let other people treat you like sh*t (just because they have some issues they never worked through does not give them any right to let it out on you)
-> This point is obviously centered mostly around Catra and her abusing Adora almost every chance she gets, which is why Adora standing up for herself and not letting Catra blame her for her own decisions and mistakes is so important, "You made your choice, now live with it" is one of the most powerful lines throughout all the five Seasons
Now I'm sure there is still more to Adora's character than what I just listed and unfortunately almost all the points basically got pushed aside, well, Adora as a character got pushed aside in Season 5. All her growth, the things that made me love her, see her as great role model for so many people robbed of their value for the sake of making everything revolve around Catra. That brings me to her and how you are absolutely right that Catradora is harmful to both characters. Of course Adora is affected most by it in the end but Catra too is obviously suffering under the fandoms obsession and just the overall idea of them being romantically involved.
Just like with Adora the stans make almost everything about Catra over her relationship with Adora. She too can barely exist outside of it and if she wasn't the fan favorite she'd most likely would too be mostly in Fanarts that include Adora and not just her (if you google "Catra Fanart" most content is still Catra and Catra only but here and there Catradora still peaks through). But for whatever reason the fandom still views her more as her own person as the other ones? Catrouble and Scorptra Shippers might actually still get less hate than Glimmadora Shippers (I'm not denying they don't get any, they most certaintly do) which is just plain hypocricy and favorism. Kinda like the: A woman needs to be loyal to her husband and her husband only but if the husband wants to be active with other women that is perfectly fine because "that is just how men are" or how i like to call it ... sexism. Now in this case they are both women so it's not sexism but yo do get my point.
But much more importantly, Catra has an unhealthy obsession with Adora. Signs of that are for example:
Constantly talking about Adora, even when said person is not around (to Shadow Weaver, Scorpia etc.)
Obsessing over having control over Adora like in that one Episode "Are you kidding? I finally got control over Adora, I'm not giving that up!"
Building her entire character and her actions around Adora "We need to take Adora down", "Adora left me", "I'd rather see the whole world end than see you win!", also shown in Season 5 where she states she does save Glimmer only for Adora and not for Glimmer or to do the right thing
Getting aggressive or very emotional over Adora like clawing the wall, having nightmares etc. (destructive behavior towards herself and others)
Having no or barely any characteristics outside of her relationship with Adora like, we don't know her interests or likes and dislikes outside of being evil, obsessed with Adora, being abused by Shadow Weaver ...
Trying to force Adora to meet her needs and expectations regardless of Adora's owns
Sacrificing her oppurtunity to be happy in the Crimson Waste for the sake of her Adora obsession and being better than her at all costs
So yes, you were very right with saying that not putting Catra in a relationship with Adora would've benefited both characters. Catra could've learned to exist on her own, develop interests and a life outside of Adora. Learn to accept herself and eventually come to terms with her childhood abuse. She could've been free and not "the abusive cat girl that ended up with the person she unhealthily obsessed over to the point of no return" she kinda is now. Even if we ignore the whole "dating your long term abuser" part from Adora's side and "being rewarded" for horrible behavior, Catra alone is not giving a good example to people watching. As much as I dislike Catra, disdain her even, an ending where she is dependent on Adora, unable to stand on her own two legs after she led armies in war is not what I would wish for her, even with a decent redemption arc (that she did not get).
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(i.e. it’s liveblogging 306 time! Guess me liveblogging the latest manga chapter is a thing now anyways let’s go)
Ok before we even get to the chapter...that title illustration with Midoriya and Shigaraki is sick as fuck. Like I may not like Horikoshi per se but his art skills really are spectacular (donate them to me please...if I had horikoshis art skills I would simply be unstoppable).
Oh small Iida Uraraka and Jirou 🥺🥺🥺 they r going to see Midoriya in glad!! ...Bakustans better not be annoying about this, bkg didn’t get to see him before cause All Might wanted to be with Midoriya alone plus him blasting his way through the hospital hallway is a safety hazard plus I doubt yelling at a coma patient would do any good (since he was already doing that in the hallway I doubt he’d stop once he got to Midoriya’s room) - at best it wouldn’t make a difference and at worst it could be bad for Midoriya’s mental state...everyone put Midoriya’s well-being over Bakugou’s feelings for once which is nice (and since Midoriya’s awake now bkg can probably see him later)
Ah yes All Might once again doing his tried and true “telling people about OFA without first consulting Midoriya even though it’s his quirk now” (and yes I know the situations are different and it’s probably more important that the heroes know but I still wish Midoriya could’ve given his consent...at least endeavor’s not there so maybe nobody will tell him? ...wishful thinking ik but let me have this)
Oof is that cantcha-see-kun? He does not look too happy to find out about endeavor
#Bare minimum things but it’s good that the heroes finally told the truth about everything & didn’t try to cover anything up. Don’t love how hawks is still treating Twice’s death as something unavoidable but w/e
Reporter lady was making some points up until endeavor started speaking but then she went to “you need to put society at ease & take down every villain!” & I was like Ah :/ no
“That’s how I as Endeavor can atone” how does taking down every villain atone for what you did to your family??? Am I missing something here??? He’s always been a powerful hero who takes down a lot of villains, that doesn’t help his family at all! To “atone” I think he’d have to really realize why what he did was wrong, apologize to each family member individually for what he did to them personally as well as what he did to the whole family, change his actions, and follow THEIR lead on how much/when/if he would be allowed into their lives at least. It’s not really up to the public to forgive him or not (besides people he arrested/people he hurt doing hero work I guess but that’s different) bc they’re not the ones he hurt! Yes society’s faith in him is shaken (and with good reason), but yet again this atonement seems to prioritize his public image over his family. And even if he’s focusing on atoning to his family separately in private, that’s still not the way to atone to the public bc they don’t really doubt his ability to take down villains, they doubt his character, in which case he should focus on saving people rather than taking down villains.
I’m so glad to finally see Inko omg!!! So glad she’s finally confirmed to be safe!!
Ugh big endeavor panel do we really need another “watch me!” moment from him?
Hi Dabi! Sorry your attempt wasn’t fully successful, maybe next time you’ll get through to them king!
Well. I finally got my “Midoriya tells someone about OFA himself” moment...but at what cost 😭 (also he said “I felt I HAD TO reveal my secret to everyone in class A” so that’s...not exactly what I had in mind...I was more hoping for “he tells someone bc he’s figured out it’s HIS quirk and HIS secret to tell and he wants his friend(s) to know” but...at least this is better than “he gets halfway found out and all might tells someone” I guess?)
I do LOVE though that rather than going the obvious route he could’ve gone via class 1a’s reactions, Horikoshi chose to focus on Uraraka and re-stress her desire to save the heroes when they need to be saved (Uraraka arc now??? Pls???) + she is one of Midoriya’s best friends so it makes sense to focus on her (though having said that Where Is Iida....he’s Midoriya’s best friend too and it would’ve been easy to draw him into the scene!!)
Did Midoriya tell anyone where he was going??? Like??? What about his mom??? Where is he staying if not at ua did he think that through??? I mostly got over the “sad bc of my class 1a found family agenda” reaction due to accidentally seeing leaks on Instagram a couple days ago, but now I’m just thinking about the fact that for all that ua is a flawed institution & it’s probably good that he left and now he finally might get some “thinking about what’s wrong with society” type character development, I hope he has a plan and some place to live where he won’t be found but has access to resources he needs otherwise he’s just causing more problems for himself :/ (To clarify I’m not mad at him for making the decision to leave, it must’ve been really hard for him since ua is still his dream school but this way his friends are probably in less danger - I’m just worried about if he’s gonna be ok on his own and I know that logically the answer is yes but like :(. Also he looked so sad in the last panel :( )
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heraldofzaun · 3 years
This is a post I’ve been thinking about making for quite some time, especially due to looking at how my own personal depiction of Viktor differs from what seems to be the general fandom interpretation - especially after the LoR cards released and gave us a few canonical acolytes.
I won’t beat around the bush here: this is going to be about why I personally believe that associating the Glorious Evolution specifically with headcanons about Viktor or his acolytes being trans, or Viktor performing gender-affirming surgeries, or things in a similar vein is a poor decision, and why I don’t include this interpretation in my writings. This isn’t meant to discourage people from writing Viktor or his acolytes as trans, of course - my Viktor is agender, although he’s not aware of it, and it would be absurd to say that his followers have to be cis - but I think it’s important to look at the implications that come from writing Viktor as explicitly someone who helps people relieve and manage their dysphoria through his work with the GE.
Firstly, no matter how you spin it: Viktor’s idea of the Glorious Evolution has always been painted in a negative light. I’ve done my work to portray it as idealistically as possible, but at the end of the day his goals have always been about removing (at the very least, negative) emotions from himself, as well as mechanizing himself and others.
“Desiring both to revolutionize his field and to eliminate the jealous human emotions which festered inside him, he engineered parts to replace and improve his own body... He saw himself as the patron and pioneer of Valoran's future, a future in which man would renounce his flesh in favor of superior hextech augmentations.” (Original lore.)
“He saw human involvement in any part of a process as a grossly inefficient aberration - a view that put him at odds with a great many of his fellow students and professors, who saw the very things Viktor sought to remove as the source of human ingenuity and creativity.” (New lore.)
“Jayce reported the incident [of Viktor creating a device that allowed someone to “effectively control” another person]  to the college masters, and Viktor was censured for violating basic human dignity - though, in his eyes, his work would have saved many lives. He was expelled from the college, and retreated to his old laboratory in Zaun, disgusted by the narrow-minded perceptions of Piltover's inhabitants. Alone in the depths, Viktor sank into a deep depression, enduring a traumatic period of introspection for many weeks. He wrestled with the ethical dilemma he now faced, finding that, once again, human emotion and weakness had stood in his way. He had been trying to help, to enhance people beyond their natural capabilities to avoid error and save lives. Revelation came when he realized that he too had succumbed to such emotions, allowing his naive belief that good intentions could overcome ingrained prejudice to blind him to human failings. Viktor knew he could not expect others to follow where he did not go first, so, in secret, he operated on himself to remove those parts of his flesh and psyche that relied upon or were inhibited by emotion.” (New lore.)
This, when combined with how Viktor has also always been intended as a more villainous character - his visual design language, voice lines, and how he leans into the “evil Russian scientist” stereotype all confirm that - mean that from an out-of-universe standpoint, we’re meant to see his ideas as wrong and misguided. Multiple other champions have lines specifically about how he’s wrong - Ekko calls him “everything wrong with Zaun”, Camille (who is morally grey at best, and a cold-blooded killer at worst) calls his work “quaint”, implying that it doesn’t go far enough for her liking, and Heimerdinger makes the point that without humans, no one will be left to appreciate Viktor’s work. It doesn’t matter if Viktor has good intentions - the narrative tells us time and time again that his path leads to a very dark place, especially in new lore where he’s comfortable with violating free will for the sake of preventing death.
It seems obvious to me that a character who auto-amputates as a way to cope with overwhelming emotions, who decides that emotions themselves are a burden, who is repeatedly described as having an obsession with the Glorious Evolution regardless of lore, who is described as who you go to when you’re desperate in new lore... is clearly someone whose surgeries (at least of himself, where they are implied to be unnecessary - again, auto-amputation) and end goals are supposed to be read as a violation of human nature and dignity. Here we pivot to talking about trans issues in specific.
I’m of the firm belief that it’s not a good idea to associate gender-affirming surgeries, HRT, or any other thing used for transitioning with a character whose surgeries are supposed to be read as a violation of the human form. This plays directly into the anti-trans idea that transitioning is, well, a violation of the human form. It is not a good idea to write the man who cuts off his own limbs to poorly cope with his emotions as a patron of trans rights. It’s drawing a direct parallel between Viktor’s auto-amputations, which we are supposed to read as not only a very bad thing and the product of obsession, but arguably self-harm, with life-saving medical care.
(There’s also the issue that some people seem to assume that transhumanism is, in any way, inherently related to being trans - but that’s a whole other topic that I don’t feel very qualified to write on. I consider myself someone interested in transhumanist concepts, when applied appropriately (i.e. not ending up in eugenicist territory), but I am far from an expert on transhumanist thought. I think it’s enough to say that no, they’re not related. They’re just two things with the same prefix. Please don’t confuse the two.)
In my opinion, Viktor should not be seen as someone whose work is a direct benefit to trans individuals. (Again, not to say that Viktor can’t have followers who are trans. But please, please consider before making him the person that they go to for help with transitioning. The man doesn’t even have a medical degree, and his canonical work is described as being all about function over form. He’s not the surgeon you want.) I don’t think that Viktor’s gender identity, whatever it may be, should be associated with his obsession with the Glorious Evolution - or at the least, it shouldn’t be portrayed as a positive association. (In the sense of Viktor using the GE/his own surgeries as a positive affirmation of his gender... I’m struggling to precisely define this at the moment, apologies.) The GE is, textually, an unhealthy coping mechanism.
(There’s maybe something to be said for a Viktor who has disassociated himself so far from humanity that he no longer considers gender applicable to himself... but please, be careful if you write this. I’m speaking as someone who’s agender: I’m tired of my identity being used as shorthand for someone or something becoming or being nonhuman. I’m tired of people treating Blitzcrank being reskinned as a they/them pronoun user as something revolutionary, if they themselves don’t use those pronouns or aren’t nonbinary. I’m not going to pretend that I’m the arbiter of what people can and can’t write, but I’m tired of seeing myself - as an autistic and agender person - represented solely by unfeeling aliens and machines and whatever else, and being told that it’s good, actually, because any representation is good representation. I’d like for people to be more mindful in what they write and promote, but I think that this is becoming a tangent.)
I guess it comes time for me to defend my own depiction, then, since as I’ve mentioned above I do write Viktor as agender. I admit that I want to see aspects of myself in the characters that I like, but I also strive to be aware of the implications that these aspects may have. My Viktor’s gender identity has absolutely nothing to do with his idea of the Glorious Evolution - he has no dysphoria that he attempts to relieve through his surgeries, he does not see roboticization as a way to move past the gender binary... he doesn’t even realize that he’s not a cis man, because he hasn’t had the time or tools to introspect on that aspect of himself. (He’d be rather confused if you told him that people generally tend to feel as if they’re a certain gender - he’s just... himself.) I’ve written him in this way to try to make it clear that he has always felt this way about himself - that the GE has nothing to do with it - and that it has no influence on his actions as the Machine Herald.
There isn’t really a good way to wrap this up. Again, I am not saying that Viktor or his acolytes shouldn’t be written as trans, nor trying to stop people from writing that - only that their transness shouldn’t be directly associated with his idea of the Glorious Evolution. I think that we need to be mindful of what kinds of tropes that our depictions can fall into, and in this case a non-mindful depiction of Viktor as trans can seen as equating being trans to what’s easily read as self-harm/a violation of human nature. I doubt that anyone genuinely intends this association, but it can be made regardless, and so I prefer to keep the two concepts wholly separate in my depiction.
If you’ve made it this far, thank you for reading. I’m willing to answer any questions that arise from this.
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shijiujun · 4 years
Anon Asks: Thanks! I was thinking of another hurt/comfort, but if you could turn it into fluff then I’m all for it! When LY asked QCS “which would you choose: pride or money” and they both chose pride... I wondered what would make LY choose QCS over pride, or have QCS choose LY. Granted I’m only on episode 15 but I’m totally fine with spoilers! Or if that’s a little much... maybe a little moment where LY can flaunt his own family credentials to save QCS (and BYN)?
So I did a quick thing and wrote your first prompt - I think you’ll probably see an example of your prompt in the show when Chusheng kneels in front of one of the gang bosses and slices his chest open all to protect Lu Yao because to him pride is a given thing, but Lu Yao, Youning and the Green Dragon Gang’s survival/safety are worth more to him than his pride for sure. Still, I did a sort of established relationship AU take on your prompt. 
Second prompt here!
my heart keeps searching
Since getting together with Lu Yao, Chusheng has sworn off three things — Hiding his injuries from Lu Yao, going to the nightclub and brothel and finally, drinking.
“If I ever do any of those things again,” Chusheng declares to Lu Yao, “I’ll write an apology and reflection essay and read it out loud at the entrance to my office to the rest of the guys at the station.”
Read it in full below
Since getting together with Lu Yao, Chusheng has sworn off three things — Hiding his injuries from Lu Yao, going to the nightclub and brothel and finally, drinking without Lu Yao’s supervision.
This comes a week after they first have their first kiss and decide to be with each other, despite the possible opposition from Bai lao-ye and Lu Yao’s family. Even if their friends and the people they know turn on them for being in such an unconventional and ridiculous relationship, even if Chusheng may lose his job at the station, they are sure nothing is going to tear them apart. Not if they can help it.
Chusheng sits on an empty bed in the emergency room of the hospital, wincing as he firmly holds a cold compress over the left side of his torso. He’s here alone today, having snuck off early in the morning to get this treated before Lu Yao wakes up. His little boyfriend is afraid of blood and violence, and there is no need for him to bear witness to this.
After all, Chusheng is used to toughing it out. This is what Qiao Si-ye does — he is an example to his brothers, the brothers who rely on him, and how embarrassing would it be if he cannot shake off a simple injury like this?
Being one of the Eight Martial Arts Master in Shanghai is something he doesn’t mention much anymore. Now he is Inspector Qiao, and still Qiao Si-ye to most of the public. The titles don’t matter much to him, but the hard work he put in to earn them does. It’s proof that he hasn’t spent the last two decades in vain, that he has, above all odds, survived and lived well, even if the life he has chosen might seem unsavoury to some.
A good son to Bai lao-ye, a good brother and leader to his brothers, and a fair, just and competent inspector to the rest of the public. The last he knows he has because of Lu Yao’s brilliance. These are identities that are central to his very self.
Too many things have changed since he met Lu Yao in that alley that chilly morning, Lu Yao in his blue satin pyjamas and waving his hands around like an idiot. An adorable idiot. His idiot.
Chusheng supposes that makes him an idiot too for wanting to be with Lu Yao this much and honestly? He would do the same if he had a chance to go back and relive the past few months.
He would want Lu Yao always. In this life, in the next and in the one after, he wants to be with Lu Yao, no matter what.
And so when the door to the ward slams open, revealing a panting and livid Lu Yao, Chusheng knows he’s in trouble.
“… San Tu, what are you doing here?” he asks with a smile, trying to sound nonchalant. “It’s so early, you should have slept in-“
“You left me in bed before even the sun was up,” snaps Lu Yao, stomping forward and looking Chusheng over. “I knew it! I knew you were hiding something from me yesterday when you returned home. What is it?”
He pries Chusheng’s hand, carrying the cold compress, away from his body and stares.
“San Tu, it’s alright. It’s just two bruised ribs, I swear. I didn’t want to wake you so I came here alone-“
“Bullshit! You were trying to hide this from me,” Lu Yao says, his eyes suddenly watering.
Chusheng blinks and his entire body stiffens at the sight of fresh tears in his boyfriend’s eyes. This is an unwelcomed surprise. Of course he knows what a crybaby and timid thing his Lu Yao is, but this is the first time he’s seen his tears come forth so easily, especially after they became certain of their feelings for each other.
His heart aches, and Chusheng panics.
“San Tu- Yao Yao, I’m sorry, don’t cry, I didn’t mean to-“
“You always do this!” Lu Yao sniffs, looking away to hide from Chusheng. “With Zhiqing-ge it was like this, with Hu laoda you were you like this too, you keep getting hurt and I’m always the last to know about it. Am I not your boyfriend? Does it mean so little to you?”
“Yao Yao, that’s not it. I swear,” Chusheng exhales heavily, reaching out for Lu Yao’s hand and squeezing. “I’m sorry, I really am. I… I promise, I won’t hide an injury from you again. I swear on my parents’ graves, Lu Yao-“
Lu Yao finally turns back to look at him, his eyebrows furrowed in a frown at the declaration. He knows what Chusheng’s parents mean to him. Biting at his lips, Lu Yao feels all the hurt and upset wash away slowly.
Crouching down, Lu Yao mumbles, “I’m your boyfriend. I like you so much, Lao Qiao. You know that right? So if you get hurt, I’m going to hurt too. And if you hide it from me, I’ll hurt even worse.”
Uncaring of the curious eyes staring at them from all corners of the room, Chusheng raises a hand and slowly cups Lu Yao’s jaw in his palm. His thumb gently caresses at Lu Yao’s cheekbone, marvelling at how beautiful he is, at how a brilliant, bright and wonderful person like Lu Yao likes him.
This is his most precious treasure, the one worth the most amongst the collection of all the expensive things he owns.
“Mnn,” he agrees, his lips curving. “I won’t do it again.”
Satisfied at that, Lu Yao lets the matter go. Instead, he checks with the nurse over Chusheng’s injuries, and glares when the nurse corrects him on his cracked, not bruised ribs. After listening to some brief instructions on what to do for Chusheng, Lu Yao swiftly bundles Chusheng up in his shirt and jacket, then ushers the man out of the hospital and into Chusheng’s car parked at the curb.
As they’re about to reach home, Lu Yao turns to Chusheng and asks, “What if you lie to me again?”
“San Tu. I’ve already sworn to you that-“
“Not only that!” Lu Yao realizes, putting a hand up. He begins to count, “Hiding your injuries from me, sneaking off to Chang San Tang and Bai Le Men when I’m not looking and hanging out with the pretty girls there… drinking! And not only those too, I mean I’m okay if you smoke occasionally and if you gamble and see your other friends-“
“If I ever hide my injuries from you again, go to those places and drink again,” Chusheng declares with determination, “I’ll write an apology and reflection essay and read it out loud at the entrance to my office to the guys at the station.”
That cuts Lu Yao’s rant off, and he stares with wide eyes at Chusheng, not quite believing that it is this easy.
Arriving home to Chusheng’s apartment just in time, Chusheng pulls up in front of the building and turns the car engine off before turning to look at Lu Yao. Without another word, he draws the taller man in across the seats, reaching for Lu Yao’s lips and kisses him softly.
“Since my baobei asked me so nicely,” Chusheng promises again, leaning back slightly and peering up at Lu Yao. “I’ve already given you everything, what’s a few more?”
Lu Yao’s answering grin and the way his eyes soften at what he said makes it all worth it.
Six weeks later
“Do I really have to do this?” asks Chusheng, looking up from his pile of papers, pen in hand. “Yao Yao-“
Lu Yao puts up one hand, silencing him. “You were the one who set the punishment, Lao Qiao. How many more words do you have to go?”
The detective is lounging on the couch, Chusheng in his line of vision standing outside of his office.  He looks plenty awkward there and he’s already written nine pages, which means he’s got one more to go. No matter how many times Chusheng turns around to look at Lu Yao, his boyfriend resolutely does not return his gaze as he focuses on flipping page after page of his book languidly.
Sighing softly, Chusheng continues to write.
Lu Yao is right. He did set the punishment after all, and it was his fault for hitting all three of Lu Yao’s pet peeves. To be fair, he was at Chang San Tang getting a lead on their current case, and he was going to tell Lu Yao when he returned home that night. The woman he was speaking to, a new addition to the brothel, insisted on him drinking before she would tell him what he needed to know. After that, like a full stroke of bad luck, who knew that a fight would break out in the brothel between three men and two women that escalated in a blink of an eye, and how could Chusheng not step in to help?
That’s how he ended up in the hospital in the middle of the night with a cut on his arm and Lu Yao storming in again barely ten minutes later, before Chusheng even had the chance to give him a call.
When he’s done with the last page, he looks at Lu Yao again, clearing his throat.
“Yao Yao, I’m done, can I go in and read it to you-“
“Nope, you said you’d read it on the steps of your office to your brothers and everyone else!”
Chusheng sighs, biting at his lips as he considers this. How embarrassing would this be, to say that he was wrong and do it in front of the boys at the station? The main doors to the station are wide open as well, so anyone walking past can simply step in and watch.
Not only that, but his relationship with Lu Yao has not been made public yet, not intentionally as Chusheng doesn’t hide how much he loves to touch and look at Lu Yao even at the station, but they haven’t made an official announcement.
He’s Qiao Si-ye, one of the Eight Martial Arts Masters in Shanghai, and how will he look anyone in the eye again after this?
He remembered asking Lu Yao if he would choose pride over money, and they’d both chosen pride then, because having pride was more important than anything else in the world for men like them. Lu Yao and Chusheng would rather face poverty and struggle with money, and they have, albeit in different degrees, all to protect their pride.
However, between pride, face, honour… what was all of that in front of Lu Yao?
If Chusheng had to make a choice between embarrassing himself, losing face and making Lu Yao happy, he would choose Lu Yao, everytime.
Opening his mouth, Chusheng begins reading his apology essay, starting off with how sorry he is for breaking his promises to Lu Yao.
Everyone, including Ah Dou and Salim, stop where they are with wide, horrified eyes as they look up at their almighty inspector apologizing. In public. Using such humble, mushy words.
This is not only an apology essay.
It’s a love letter all in one.
Ah Dou walks away stiffly, unblinking as he tries to process this.
As Chusheng moves on to the third page, to the part where he is halfway through eulogizing the merits of having Lu Yao as his loving, caring boyfriend and how sorry he is to have wronged him, he feels a sharp tug on his hand and stumbles, all the way back inside his office. The doors shut loudly behind him and the ensuing silence is deafening in everyone’s ears.
“I never signed up for this,” Salim mumbles forlornly after a moment, walking away with a stack of documents that he was intending to bring up to the inspector’s office for signing.
His comment breaks the trance that has collectively settled over everyone in the vicinity within earshot of Inspector Qiao’s speech.
“Was that Si-ge?! Was that actually him?!”
“What the fuck was he saying?”
“My god, he is so whipped for Detective Lu, I told you there was something going on between them both! Lin Qing, you owe me a silver coin!”
Behind closed doors, Lu Yao has Chusheng pressed hard against the walls, kissing him with fervour, much to the Chusheng’s pleasant surprise.
“All your men heard you,” Lu Yao says breathily, pulling away. “Everyone on the streets could probably hear you.”
Chusheng laughs, ducking his head downwards for another kiss, “Didn’t you want me to read it loudly? I’m not done yet. I did write ten pages full after all. Aren’t you interested to hear what I wrote?”
If Lu Yao wasn’t sure before, he’s definitely certain now.
He loves this man. He loves him to bits, every breath he takes is full of one Qiao Chusheng and Lu Yao doesn’t regret it one bit.
In a rare instance of courage and boldness, Lu Yao reaches out to the side and locks the door, before dragging Chusheng with him in the direction of the couch.
“You can whisper the rest of it in my ear,” he grins.
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idreamtofthereaper · 4 years
Dong Sicheng (Clarity Oneshot)
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NCT 127 // NCT DREAM // WAYV // Clarity Main Masterlist
A series of oneshots for different groups, for each member, wherein instead of them being your boyfriend, how they will be as your ex.
this is the last installment for NCT 127′s version! slide into my ask which one I should do first: dream or wayv’s <3
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The Angel
the most dangerous people
are the ones that looks like an angel
but would scare one if they come across it
in your case
you learned this in a form of dong sicheng
and honestly
you deserve it
Meet Sicheng
you were Lucas’ best friend turned girlfriend
you met lucas at some fashion show he was in attendance of
and you asked your manager who that cute devil was
“Him? Oh that’s Lucas, he’s part of a boy group or something. He’s cute isn’t he?”
“He really is. If you could arrange something for us I’ll owe you my left eye and my first born.”
the both of you became the ambassador for Burberry 
and everything just started there
after a few months together, schedules were cleared and you finally got to meet his group members
he mentioned you to them already and vise versa
but there weren’t any formal meeting until recently
and there, you met lucas and his members
most especially, dong sicheng
sicheng was especially talkative around you
he wasn’t straight forward or downright flirty
but everytime he could mention you, he would
The Problem
“Sicheng, where’s Lucas? I thought he was here?” You asked confused, closing the dorm’s front door as you entered.
Sicheng’s head rose up when the door opened and was looking at you with a delicate smile on its face. “He just went to the store with Kun-ge. They’ll be back in a few minutes.”
“Oh okay, I’ll be waiting at his room-”
“Why don’t you just wait for them here? The couch has a big spot and I have some latest company gossip.” Sicheng scooted over to the couch while he was saying it, proceeding to then pat the space beside him.
“You know what, sure.”
Something about Sicheng was different that day, you noted while he was telling you the latest news about their stylist and her past with a trainee. 
You would chuckle when he would but ultimately, you couldn’t understand a thing he was saying. If anything, you could only note one thing about him that time.
His eyes was so beautiful and his lips looks irresistible.
The Mistake
“Lucas, Yukhei, wait wait. Please let me explain.” 
“Yn, let’s not make this any harder for me. Please leave, I really don’t want to see you anymore.” Lucas said while you grabbed his arms, him just pulling you out the dorm. Out of Sicheng’s room.
“No, no please. Let’s talk this one out. Lucas, I love you. I love-” You couldn’t manage to finish what you’re saying beyond the tears and sob he managed to get you out the dorm and slammed the door in your face.
You tried knocking on the door again and even slam your palm against it, hearing faintly the voices of the other members arguing but Lucas’ and Sicheng’s were more amplified.
You were sitting down at the pavement when the door of their dorm opened, turning around hastily in hopes it was Lucas but you saw Sicheng instead, still disheveled and tired. 
“Please tell Lucas to even text me. What happened between us Sicheng was a mistake and would never happen again.”
you were wrong
The Double Cross
later that night, you were miserable and had no one else
you couldn’t call your manager
she was only useful when it comes to professional and business stuff
this wasn’t
you already left multiple messages on Lucas phone when it rang
but was only defeated when you saw it was Sicheng calling
“What now? Don’t call me ever again-”
“They kicked me out, please just tonight at least let me sleep on your carpet.”
What happened that afternoon was a mistake.
And the night after that.
And the day after that.
And after that.
It was difficult to acknowledge your feelings for sicheng
he eventually had to be let back in the dorms per the company
but he told you how no one looks at his direction
but you couldn’t sympathize with him
he did this 
you did this
and kept on doing it
he was the mistake you couldn’t accept
but also wouldn’t stop doing
The Line
your ‘setup’ with sicheng was simple
nothing serious
it’s something the two of you didn’t discussed but also didn’t need to be said
but you just with good conscience do it anymore
“Sicheng, I can’t do this anymore. We need to end this.”
He only chuckled while picking up his shirt, his back facing you. “You said that last week.”
“I know, I’m serious now. I’m moving.” Sicheng turn around and looked at you with disbelief. “I don’t know where, maybe just a city or a country but I will take time off from everything, especially from you.”
“Wait, you don’t have to do this-”
“I do. Especially when I’m around you. I can’t get enough of you and that needs to change. I can’t have you, we can’t have each other. We don’t deserve to be happy.” You then stood up, wrapping the blankets around your body and push Sicheng out while he was reasoning with you.
Unlike you, he left as soon as you closed the door on his face and like you said, ended everything.
Break Benefits
after spending some time at a countryside
away from prying eyes of the media
only your agency, family, and manager only knowing your exact location
you got the clearing of the mind you needed
you then wrote out a lengthy apology and sent it to Lucas
not even caring if he would reply but you needed to apologize again and let it all out
and taking a risk on your last day at vacation
you called sicheng to make sure lucas got it
“Uhm, yeah I think. He was reading something earlier while he was eating a sandwich.”
“Okay that’s everything I needed to know. Goodbye Sicheng.”
“No, no. I had enough.”
“That’s not what I was supposed to say. I also want to apologize. It’s unfair I apoogized to Lucas but never to you, I’m sorry. I’m really really sorry. I really do hope the best for you, I hope you’re happy.”
“I am when I left you. Bye Sicheng.”
After ending the call, you finally found clarity.
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mcheang · 5 years
Feng Jiu’s revenge against Lian Song
This was meant to be a short fic but somehow escalated to this...
Feng Jiu can understand him not helping her when she was a handkerchief, if even Zhe Yan left her behind, but did he have to eat her fish too and taunt her about Cheng Yu’s health? It just left her hungry and worried. Not a good combination.
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So what if, instead of Lian Song bringing just Ali to see his Cousin, he also brought Cheng Yu.
Cheng Yu immediately greets Jiu Ge as an old Friend. Feng Jiu numbly returns the greeting.
Upon seeing them, and after pinching Dong Hua’s leg twice, Lian Song mentioned that he brought these 2 pining friends to distract them from their worry over Feng Jiu.
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Feng Jiu just shot the prince a mischievous smile. Turning to Cheng Yu, she inquired after her health.
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Cheng Yu: I’m fine now that I can finally rest.
Feng Jiu: oh, I am so glad. I’ve been so worried ever since some rascal told me you were bedridden with a terrible headache and had fallen into a coma. I would have come to visit you, but that same rascal stole my supper and I was too weak to come find you.
There is only one person who Cheng Yu calls a rascal.
As Feng Jiu continued to enjoy her meal, Cheng Yu slowly turned to glare at the sweating Lian Song. What did he do to deserve this? Wasn’t the fox queen being kind of petty?
Cheng Yu cracked her knuckles menacingly. “That rascal indeed deserves to be punished. How dare he curse me to fall ill and steal a hungry girl’s food?”
Lian Song gave a weak laugh. “Come now, aren’t you both being too hard on this fellow. Maybe he was joking and didn’t mean any harm by it.”
Feng Jiu gave him a look. After all the torment she went through, she cannot get back at Dijun, but she can get back at his accomplice. “Ah, but this fellow knew how much I had already suffered. He knew that a weirdo was bullying me.” Dong Hua looked at Feng Jiu. She stared back unabashedly. After all he put her through, she had no qualms repeating the insult.
This whole time, Jiheng had been trying to serve Dong Hua soup but he ignored her in favour of the show in front of him.
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Lian Song quickly took advantage of the situation and tried to appease Feng Jiu.
“Princess Jiheng, you don’t have to worry about Feng Jiu’s cooking. I’ve had her food before and it was the best meal I’ve ever had. Right, Dong Hua?”
Dong Hua turned to look at his buddy. “That is true. Now that she and I are neighbours, I can try her cooking. Considering the last time Xiao Bai cooked for me, you even ate my share.”
Lian Song’s brain: Oh come on. Now you are holding a grudge too?
Noticing Xiao Yan’s desolate expression, Feng Jiu leans over to whisper to him. Deciding to cheer him up, Feng Jiu decides to head to the kitchen to order more food for their new guests and ones that will suit Xiao Yan’s tastes.
Ali, Cheng Yu and Xiao Yan want to follow her but she gives them her bag of cakes instead. Then gives Xiao Yan’s share to Meng Shao and Jie Lu instead.
Feng Jiu tells Xiao Yan not to worry as she will order his favourite dish. If they can’t make it, then she will make it.
Dong Hua spills his soup.
Seeing Jiheng care for Dong Hua, Feng Jiu doesn’t have to worry about him and so goes over to the kitchen.
While the four of the guests enjoy the delicious cakes, Xiao Yan watches miserably as Jiheng tries to offer Dong Hua more soup. Lian Song is just miserable today.
Meng Shao and Jie Lu praise Feng Jiu’s cakes. Ali and Cheng Yu puff up like proud parents. Ali even mentions Feng Jiu was best at making sorrowless cakes.
Lian Song: What? She made those sorrowless cakes?
Cheng Yu gave Lian Song a too sweet smile. “Yes. And she also told me what happened the last time you tried it.” Her expression turned cold. Dream on, it said.
Lian Song: things are making more sense now.
Dong Hua already suspected Xiao Bai was the culinary maid from Tai Chen Palace. He wasn’t that surprised.
Meng Shao expresses a wish to try those cakes.
Dong Hua is getting annoyed because he didn’t get to try a cake. The soup is not appealing to him, even if it is favourite.
Feng Jiu returns, promising new dishes that are to Xiao Yan, Cheng Yu and Ali’s tastes.
When the dishes arrive, Dong Hua notes which one is for Xiao Yan. He accidentally causes the soup vessel to hit that dish, spilling all over poor Xiao Yan.
Feng Jiu fusses over him, making Dong Hua’s mood blacken. Lian Song doesn’t dare taunt Dong Hua now.
Jiheng leaves, disappointed her soup was wasted.
Seeing no way for Dong Hua and Xiao Yan to have a civil dinner together, Feng Jiu offers to treat him to a dessert place, Cheng Yu and Ali should come to. Dong Hua and Lian Song don’t have to strain themselves, Feng Jiu has heard how they enjoy spending their time alone, without the bustle of noisy youths. Meng Shao and Jiu Ge are welcome to join them though.
The prince and princess wisely and politely decline.
Lian Song and Dong Hua unhappily stare after the group of 4 romping happily to the dessert shop.
Lian Song: I did something nice today and this is the thanks I get?
Meanwhile, Feng Jiu is hugging her BFF and Cousin fiercely, crying about how hard Dijun has made her life.
Xiao Yan reminds her that she is only in this competition because of Dong Hua.
Cheng Yu refutes Xiao Yan’s nonsense. Of course Feng Jiu should not forgive Dong Hua so easily. He owes her too much. This favour can be counted towards that debt.
Cheng Yu coddled the abused fox queen, promising to teach Lian Song a lesson for being mean to her.
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When they get back, Cheng Yu keeps her word and chases after Lian Song to give him a beating. When they return, Lian Song is sporting a large bruise and offers Feng Jiu his sincerest apologies for depriving a starving maiden of her food.
Once they leave, Feng Jiu turns to Dong Hua and huffs before stomping off without a good night.
Dong Hua’s eyebrows rise. Cheng Yu is a bad influence on Xiao Bai.
Anyway, training takes place as usual, with the kiss and ointment scenes.
When the tournament arrives, Ali and Cheng Yu are also present. Cheng Yu is infuriated that the fruit was stolen and goes to confront Dong Hua, dragging Feng Jiu along. When they learn from Xiao Yan/Jiheng that he returned to Taichen Palace, Cheng Yu tells Feng Jiu not to worry. She will get her that fruit; by hook or by crook.
In short, she gets Lian Song to bring her back to Taichen Palace where she confronts Dong Hua. Cheng Yu explains the real reason Feng Jiu wanted the fruit. If he wants to make peace with Jiheng, use some other treasure. But that fruit belongs to Feng Jiu.
Realizing his mistake, Dong Hua agrees to return the fruit to Xiao Bai and brings Cheng Yu with him back to the valley.
Lian Song decides to stay behind and question Si Ming.
They find Ali consoling his Cousin and doing his best to stop her from doing anything rash. Mostly by tying their hands together. Xiao Yan is also there comforting his good Friend, irritating Dong Hua. How annoying that his fruit theft backfired on him badly.
Dong Hua apologizes to Feng Jiu. He can’t explain the reason he stole the fruit in front of the others. It wasn’t the right time. Feng Jiu politely accepts his apology but thanks Cheng Yu wholeheartedly.
Cheng Yu already scolded Dong Hua but Xiao Yan still wants to give ice face a piece of his mind.
To change the subject and avoid offending Dijun, Cheng Yu suggests they might as well eat the peaches while they wait.
Dong Hua stays behind, trying to figure out how to get Xiao Bai to stop hating him.
Lian Song stops by and tells Dong Hua the whole story.
Dong Hua looks like he has a headache. He had just realized he liked Xiao Bai romantically, only to learn that he had seriously wronged her in stealing her fruit. He thought Xiao Bai had a bad impression of him for the whole handkerchief issue and thereafter, but they had been improving until the fruit issue. Now Lian Song is telling him Feng Jiu was his beloved fox who had been horribly neglected, not to mention how much she had done for him already.
Feng Jiu had done so much for him, but he had wronged her so much. He now realizes how much he likes her, and how much reason she has to hate and reject him.
What can he do?
Feng Jiu will want to return home now that she has the fruit...
He has the amnesia potion but Cheng Yu will help remind Feng Jiu what went down.
Lian Song’s advice: tell Feng Jiu the truth and apologize.
In any case, clear up that misunderstanding about Jiheng. Lian Song will take Ali and Cheng Yu home so Dong Hua can get closer to Feng Jiu without interference.
For more advice, remember the advice he gave Ye Hua?
1. use natural good looks to charm her....won’t work in this case
2. Be the hero and save her again....yeah, he owes her too much now so there won’t be any debt anyway
3. Injure self so she will nurse you...he will have to be truly injured since illusions don’t work on immortals
Feng Jiu could have returned with Cheng Yu but decides to wait because she wants to bid Meng Shao and Jie Lu a proper goodbye.
After their friends leave, Dong Hua visits Xiao Bai. He struggles to explain the situation again. He didn’t want her to have the Saha fruit because he was jealous of Yan Chiwu getting pastries from her. Feng Jiu is confused.
“I thought you were jealous because of Jiheng.”
Dong Hua confesses that he likes Xiao Bai, not Jiheng. But Feng Jiu can’t believe that so easily. She has suffered so much already because of Dong Hua.
Dong Hua asks what he can do to convince her of his feelings.
The thing is...Xiao Bai is not sure what to do if his feelings are sincere.
Dong Hua admits he knows what Xiao Bai has done for him.
Feng Jiu: Are you confessing your feelings because you feel guilty? Don’t worry. It’s all in the past. I have long decided to move on.
Dong Hua: I really do like you. It is not because of guilt. I liked you before Lian Song told me all you have done for me.
Feng Jiu just stares at him, speechless.
Dong Hua: Xiao Bai, what do I have to do to prove my love for you?
Feng Jiu looks torn about wanting to leave but Dong Hua is holding onto her hand.
After a moment of thought, Feng Jiu offers, “Carve out your heart for me. My aunt told me that is the sincerest form of expressing your love....but you don’t have to do it. I just can’t think of any other act right now.”
This could work for Dong Hua....
The next day, Feng Jiu is horrified to see Dong Hua heavily injured because he had actually cut his heart in half.
Feeling guilty, Feng Jiu agrees to nurse him back to health. During which time, she sings him lullabies and makes him toffee.
To prevent loss of face, Dong Hua’s injury must be kept secret. Which means Jiheng isnt allowed to see him.
Actually Dong Hua is exaggerating his pain...but hey, the dude’s shameless.
Anyway, Dong Hua gives Feng Jiu the ring. She has no choice but to accept the gift.
It will protect her from Miao Luo.
Ok, so Feng Jiu reluctantly believes Dijun likes her....but that doesn’t mean she wants to be with him!!!!
Dijun just asks to let him court her. Feng Jiu unwillingly agrees.
But there isn’t much opportunity to court her in the valley. Not to mention Feng Jiu misses Qingqiu where Dong Hua can’t exactly stay with her constantly since they are not engaged. Granted, he can be shameless but he doesn’t want to offend her family.
Upon leaving, Feng Jiu bids farewell to her new friends and clears the misunderstanding with Meng Shao. (Im following the drama so I have no idea why Jiheng was absent)
Feng Jiu returns to Qingqiu and at least clears off the blind dates once she makes it clear she accepted Dong Hua’s courtship.
Dong Hua decides to take her to the Mortal Realm first for a festival. There are many worlds, one of them probably has a party right then.
Soon it becomes known that Dong Hua is pursuing the Qingqiu queen and that all other suitors should avoid following his lead lest they face his petty vengeance.
Some wonder if the mighty Dong Hua was under a love spell. Ridiculous.
Others wondered if he was just obsessed with red foxes.... first he had a pet, now a lover....
Zhi He heard the news and rushed back, demanding to see her brother. Dong Hua wasn’t back yet, but Chonglin kicked her out because she wasn’t invited.
Despite taking her out on romantic dates and making her happy, Dong Hua still hasn’t received Feng Jiu’s acceptance.
Lian Song inquires via Cheng Yu who had already asked Feng Jiu.
It turns out Feng Jiu wants a man who will be beside her in danger and comfort her when she’s sad. Dong Hua hasn’t done any of those things much.
(To be fair, she was fighting Miao Luo to save Dong Hua.)
Lian Song warns Dong Hua not to stage a threat to Feng Jiu as Cheng Yu will see right through it and blab.
Then the opportunity comes during the Bing Cang ceremony.
Nie Chuyin appears and wins a fight against Feng Jiu. Because Dong Hua is not married to her, he cannot fight against the demon in the ceremony.
Nie Chuyin was instructed by Miao Luo to retrieve that ring! She wants Feng Jiu’s protection removed.
Once Feng Jiu passed it over however, Dong Hua promptly stole it back. When asked why he stole it, Dong Hua said the ring was an expression of love. He does not want the demon boasting about possessing Dong Hua’s token of affection.
Nie Chuyin leaves in humiliation.
Anyway, Feng Jiu already fulfilled Nie Chuyin’s wish and proceeded with the ceremony.
Dong Hua comforts Feng Jiu over her loss, reminding her that it was an unfair fight.
Feng Jiu remembers how Dong Hua helped her through her grandfather’s test and actually asks him to dinner.
It is the first time she has made a move. Dong Hua happily accepts.
Feng Jiu is finally ready to accept Dong Hua romantically and is given back her ring.
They go out on a few more dates before Dong Hua asks her to be his queen. She accepts.
Dong Hua literally gets them registered before the actual wedding.
Zhi He returns and is again kicked out.
Jiheng tries to interfere and be a maid at the palace but Dong Hua just cuts her off from his life by getting her Brother to accept her back. Meanwhile, Xiao Yan and other guards are ordered to guard her in Fanyin Valley and make sure she stays there. (In the book, she was dying but in the drama she was still alive but her poison had worsened.)
They have a happy wedding. Cheng Yu takes all the credit despite Lian Song’s protests.
Miao Luo is irritated because without the blood tear and red qi...she can’t escape. And she can’t give Nie Chuyin more power without either.
Nie Chuyin tries to sabotage the other demon lords but he is held in contempt for his interruption of the Bingcang ceremony.
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lanzhanlanzhan · 5 years
seein all the bjyx dramas around Zhan-ge makes me so frickin sad and mad. what the hell is wrong with those shippers/fans? this shit would ruin Zhan and Yibo's beautiful friendship and they would slowly stop interacting and meet each other and i don't want this to happen. i wanna see them as happy and close to each other as they used to be. and i wanna see them in new projects together. but this would make them stop. i hate this and i'm so worried about Zhanzhan he didn't deserve this mess
Just to clarify, not everything about the mess around Xiao Zhan is shipping-related. If you only heard about it from me and it looked this way, I apologize, since in my first post, the version of the story I shared was the version where alleged BJYX fans attacked WZC. (This goes to show what XZ Studio is on about—rumors are bad, kids!) I am in the BJYX circle (hell, I even feed its English-speaking community writing for it) and I am always wary of fellow fans crossing the line. This is not even limited to just BJYX, because it has happened to other idol fandoms I have dipped my toes in before—fans pushing their fantasies to their idols, whether about themselves or with another celebrity, bringing ships in events that should not be about that, tagging their idols in the more questionable content we all know happen in fandom, and so on.
Just for the purposes of clarity (although big disclaimer again that I am but a fan and so like many others is an outsider and do not know everything), later in the day yesterday, other versions of the story surfaced. I don't even know if the alleged attack on WZC even occured, but his name did get dragged into an issue he likely did not ask for, what with fans from camps all over arguing with each other and throwing words at even the actors themselves. The first version, and I think this was one of the top rumors that some fans and XZ's camp were trying to allay, was about the alleged attack and WZC being angry about it, as shown in videos that went around different social media platforms of WZC "angrily" pulling his hood down. However, a longer version of the video supports another version of the story, which was that WZC only pulled his hood down to show fans that he was not Xiao Zhan, whom they were waiting for outside of the hotel. This video looked more tame, with fans somewhat relenting and some even saying, "Oh, Jiang Cheng" as though, yep, realizing it wasn't Xiao Zhan.
But the fact that there was an angle of WYB/BJYX fans being behind the alleged attack brings attention to another ugly side of the fan camp, which is that there is a lot of in-fighting among solo fans and shipper fans, which has been going on for a while. If there really was no attack on WZC, then somebody spread the rumor that he was. At the height of the issue, these different camps were fighting again. Even Wang Yibo, who for all intents and purposes did just one thing for Xiao Zhan's birthday, still got dragged along. Some people actually criticized Wang Yibo for—get this—greeting Xiao Zhan, accusing him of riding on Xiao Zhan's and their ship's popularity to gain attention. I have... either so many words or no words for this. Sure, Xiao Zhan has been #1 since August (I think), but Wang Yibo has actually been his #2 on some days and has not gone too low in the daily rankings from what I have seen. Also, Wang Yibo pandering to fans, really? We who love him could only wish this was true. We wish he did more fanservice. Do you guys even know what Wang Yibo was doing yesterday while all this BS is going down? Watching the MotoGP World Championship, fanboying Márquez like the motorcycle nerd he is. Bless this boy, I hope he just stays the way he is and just continue doing what he loves.
Apart from all of these, some fans just plain behaving badly around Xiao Zhan is still a very big issue. #SaveXiaoZhan also trended from what seems to be because of how a fan, either accidentally or on purpose, bumped into Xiao Zhan, and people saying that this is the reason why he had a visible injury on his head on his birthday. Once again, whichever version of stories we hear may be true, Xiao Zhan's camp did release that statement confirming that there have been extreme, already harmful behaviors going on. They affect Xiao Zhan and they affect his friends. This is not the first time these things have happened, it's just that now there is finally a dedicated studio taking care of Xiao Zhan. But many other weird things have happened in the past. A fan once cancelled Xiao Zhan's flight. Fans blocked his way and got too close even way before, and during times he did not have much security around him. Not just Xiao Zhan, I also remember the time when there were rumors of Wang Yibo having a girlfriend, and it caused such an uproar among his fans that his agency had to release an official statement. Another time, Wang Yibo's number got leaked, and he eventually had to change his number and move all accounts related to it because he kept getting calls until even late at night. His number was used for unsolicited transactions, etc. He told fans how it had already started affecting his life, how he hated the inconvenience of having to change numbers, and asked for fans to be reasonable. That post was heartbreaking, but truly, things around these idols can sometimes get a bit nuts.
Of course, there is little the international community can really do about what goes on inside China right now, unless maybe you speak Mandarin and are on Weibo. Even without the language barrier though, crowd control is never easy. Nonetheless, these all still serve as a good reminder of how people should behave in and outside of fandom. There are a lot of horror stories around fandom worlds, just take your pick which. Asian fans are not the only ones who have done extreme things. I very much agree that it can get sad and reach the point of being harmful to others, as in the case of the current issues now. I personally hope that all these boil over soon and the parties that got involved are resting and coping well.
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daturanerium · 5 years
i’m finally all caught up with @thepenumbrapodcast​ ‘s juno steel stories! here are my discordant thoughts on the story and the characters.
(i did this with the magnus archives season one, too! check it out here.)
SPOILERS FOR JUNO STEEL from s1e1 to s3ep2
general plot stuff:
this show. THIS SHOW. is written so well. the characterization is top-notch. the characters are fleshed out and interesting and engaging and they all grow and change and are affected by people and environments and time and events. they’re not static in the slightest.
i haven’t come across a story that deals with depression and suicidal idealization so well. i’m thoroughly impressed with how the writers both portrayed them and how well they have (so far) portrayed the healing process. wowowow.
THE LGBT REPRESENTATION IS OFF THE CHARTS. QUEERS LISTEN TO THIS SHOW. they have a nonbinary politician?? mlm romance and kiss in the first episode???? main character is nb with he/him pronouns??? SO MANY BADASS SAPPHIC SPY/MAFIA COUPLES.....IT TUGS AT MY HEART. the big strong guy is asexual??? i could go on for days but spoilers! just know that genuinely, you will not be disappointed.
this show has two main focuses/themes: trust and the future. it’s been so fantastic to see how juno and the other characters view both themes and how they changed themselves and/or others while encountering those themes in their everyday life.
ramses o’flaherty and the entire plotline that came with him was absolutely top-notch. it blew me away. ramses is a true complicated character, a grey area that makes you question everything you believe in. the storyline tackles politics, morals, and values while keeping it exciting and entertaining. it’s definitely one of my favorite storylines ever.
the writers are truly incredible. i’m really in awe. they inspire me!  i wish i had the energy right now to give them the praise essay that they deserve but i’m really tired and i want to get this posted. someday!
the worldbuilding is the perfect balance between two extremes that a lot of scifi authors really struggle with. juno explains how a (sort of) functioning mars city works in a way that feels natural and easy to understand, and the world he describes is both familiar and fascinating. although the environment is different, the audience is all too familiar with corruption and capitalism and classism. they keep the world relatable while giving it some really new and funky details (do i want a cat with six eyes and a stinger? of course! do i want to step outside for more than five hours and get radiation poisoning? that’s up for interpretation). they also chose a great route in making this story take place in the aftermath of (what seems to be) a galactic war instead of taking the traditional Save The World, End The War scifi route. it’s refreshing, and again, relatable (especially to me: i was born after 9/11 and have lived through the entirety of the war in afghanistan so the underlining feeling that hyperion city has that Something is Going To Go Wrong....i feel that).
there is so much more i want to say but this has been sitting in my drafts for weeks and i want to get it posted!
tl;dr: juno steel is really a fantastic work of art. it’s engaging and relatable and teaches valuable lessons about healing, trusting, and moving on in ways i have never seen another piece of media do so successfully. please give it a listen if you have a chance!
some character/character arc thoughts under the cut :)
god so dumb. just so fucking stupid. i love him.
i’m going to be honest. s1 and the beginning of s2 Juno was really hard for me to listen to. the way he treated others obviously was, to put it lightly, not the best (the monitor incident with rita comes to mind; i really hated that). it almost got repetitive, and since i’m already not a big fan of the depressed-asshole trope i was kind of hanging by a thread by the time ramses came around.
god am i glad i stuck around. his character growth and maturity within the second half of season two and the beginning of season three has been so satisfying! it hasn’t been perfect, but that’s part of the reason why it’s so good--it’s realistic and believable. he’s realized where his faults lie and is making a physical and mental effort to better himself. he’s even doing it verbally, explaining to people he trusts (rita) that he’s trying to be better and then actually acting on it. too often we see the depressed-asshole say the “i’m trying to be better!” line but don’t see any actions following it that signify that effort--that was my fear going into this. but that’s really, truly not the case here, and it’s such a breath of fresh air. plus, in-canon-wise, i’m so happy for juno he’s come so far!
okay nonbinary king i see you
that moment during the end of s2 when he found that baby rabbit in the sewers.....god.
juno appreciate rita challenge (accepted!)
his voice......is so soothing. except when he yells but he’s better now we’ve established that
i LOVE how as soon as he figures out that he likes you he sticks to you like glue. that’s super funny and cute and also fits him perfectly
miss dahlia rose if you’re out there.....
his complicated relationship with ramses was so fascinating and important. i loved listening to that storyline.
juno: “there’s no way in hell i’m doing this, fuck off” juno, five minutes later: [is doing it]
that’s pretty much the beginning plot of every episode lol ur so valid juno we love u
he’s ability to make the dumbest decisions continues to astound me. he likes to talk about how mick is always getting himself in trouble but god juno you’re really not one to talk
the fact that, in a world that literally runs on tech, he has no idea how a coms works. that’s so fucking funny. if you ignore the backstory that comes behind it.
did juno ever tell alessandra that he made it out of the desert alive or is she just out there in hyperion city somewhere mourning him with her wife?
i already sort of wrote on juno’s backstory but it’s so good. so good.
he’s so fucking soft. he loves so much!!!! and that scares him!!!! but he’s working on it!!!!!
is she the love of my life or do i just relate heavily to her? who knows
actually no we’re gonna talk about this
rita penumbrapodcast, queen of adhd. queen of oversharing. queen of tangents. queen of love. queen of excitement. queen of caring for her friends more than herself. queen of incredible intelligence shown in an unconventional way. queen of being underappreciated.
s1 and the beginning of s2 really stung me because i’ve been in rita’s positon--used as a punching bag by someone i care deeply about because it’s better me than someone else, because i’m willing to sacrifice my own health and safety for the sake of giving them an outlet. we put it under the guise of “helping”, but we don’t realize until later that it’s really not; we’re just letting them get away with hurting themselves and hurting us. the monitor incident comes to mind again. i actually had to pause and take a step away after hearing juno yell and the glass break--although my abusive friendships thankfully never got violent, that kind of unbridled anger was all too familiar and i was begging out loud for her to leave. she handles it like a champ, and i honestly can’t say whether or not that’s a good or bad thing: good because she knows he doesn’t mean it or bad because she’s used to it? because it’s later revealed that juno’s treated her poorly from the first day they met. i was really worried that their relationship was going to end up being static, “depressed-asshole bullies quirky female sidekick and she never fights back because she loves him” trope. but, thankfully, they’re not!
towards the end of s2 and the beginning of s3 we didn’t just see growth in juno, we saw growth in rita. she confronts juno through a thetabot down in the sewers, calling him out on his self-destructive tendencies and his habit of doing important things without anyone else’s help (in this case, disappearing for weeks without telling her where he was). she points out that maybe the only way for him to appreciate her is for her to do the same thing--disappear for weeks, forcing him to realize just how much he needs her. thankfully, this is after juno’s Big Realization, and he sincerely apologizes for his treatment of her and assures her that he’s trying to be better. (and, side note, but that apology was a good one. a really good one. he verbally acknowledges his many mistakes, including the one rita specifically mentioned, acknowledges that he does not deserve her forgiveness, tells her what he’s trying to do to be better, and then apologizes and asks for her help. that’s good. take notes, people.) later that season, she takes initiative for what seems to be the first time, coming up with a solid, well-thought-out plan, enacting it on her own, and saving both an entire city and her boss. you could probably hear my cheers from wherever you are on earth, because they were there and they were loud! rita saving the day mixed with juno breaking through the mind control with his overwhelming love and appreciation for her.....god. good stuff.
rita buying juno’s office as a surprise for him.......i Will cry
literally she’s just so wonderful i love her so much
every time she talks i’m like [one billion heart emojis mixed with like forty crying emojis]
RITA SPINOFF WHEN. i come from the critical role community so yall know for a fact i’ll back it on kickstarter
once her and juno’s relationship reaches a healthy balance (and they’re already well on their way which i’m so happy about!) they’re going to be so good together. so powerful. the Ultimate cheery vs broody relationship (although juno is less broody at this point and more....gentle asshole. we love growth). they were unstoppable before, but now? god help the galaxy lol
the fact that rita can just casually hack into literally any system in the galaxy is so.......impressive? hot? yeah.
please get this woman a girlfriend and a cat
rita x franny xoxo
rita is now in space, which is an interesting development. i just.....”rita in space” is not something i would have ever guessed at a week ago
wait oh my god.
i was sitting here thinking rita has some sort of trust fund/is secretly rich and that’s how she bought juno’s office and kept it afloat, but with the most recent episode’s developments it’s probably equally if not more likely that she either hacked into the nearest bank to give herself the creds needed or hacked the person she was buying it from to make it seem like she had made the payments. i literally adore her whoops
the little rita episodes make me so happy and i hope we get more of them!
tldr: i love her and she deserves the world and more, i’m glad her relationship with juno has changed into something a lot healthier with juno’s Realization mid-season-two, i hope she realizes the hero she already is in season three
.........oh how the turntables.
peter, season one: juno come with me so we can be together forever and travel the galaxy! i think i love you! juno: aw babe i wish i could but i’m sad and the city needs me :( peter, season three, when handed the opportunity to travel with a healing juno through the galaxy on a silver platter: actually fuck this lol i have One Job and it is to Only Think About My Current Assignment. this is smart and healthy.
this man.....this man right here officer. stole my fucking heart.
i don’t really have an essay for him because we haven’t seen enough of him to really gauge his character development beyond an obsession with debts and his aging. i’m guessing that will change this season though
the debts....what are they
can rita hack in and pay them off
god wouldn’t that be so funny. he spends his entire life trying to pay off these impossible debts and it’s stressing him out to the point where he feels he can’t focus on anything else. and one day he comes to the fam and explains everything and rita’s like “oh shit that’s easy i’ll take care of that right now!!! why didn’t you say something sooner” and hes like “what” and she’s like “yeah!” and he’s like “holy shit” and then he gets married to juno and they live happily ever after the end.
no but real talk
these debts. there’s a lot about them and the way he talks about them that really worries me. i feel like having them be simple money debt would be too easy, so maybe it’s something medical? that would explain both his obsession with his aging and his uncharacteristically excited reaction to the healing mother prime (i think that’s what it was whoops).
he also mentioned someone else before juno, someone that had some pretty strong romantic undertones. maybe they’re sick? but peter doesn’t seem like the type to throw away a relationship like that so quickly, so it doesn’t really match up that he would have someone sick and waiting for him but he’d still go after juno in season one. hmmm.
this one’s a real mystery lads. you think you have something figured out about peter nureyev but it just gives you more questions.
peter is the one mystery juno can’t solve. god, that’s good.
his voice is so good. i don’t remember who his voice actor is but they’re doing a fantastic job thank you!!!!
i actually don’t picture peter like how he’s portrayed in the official art and fanart? i wish i was an artist so i could draw him the way i see him but alas. (i still really like his official design tho!)
listen. you give me a mysterious thief that doesn’t exist and i am Forced to love him. i have a type.
thankfully peter seemed to come around during the most recent episode (s3e2 the man in glass) so i don’t think we’re going to get a repeat of season one. these debts, whatever they are, are definitely going to cause problems. i can’t wait to see what the writers do with this.
(my only fear is that it will end up fitting the “gay character has a sickness parallel to aids and it is incurable” trope. although the writers have so far done a fantastic job of writing queer characters and worlds as well as turning tropes on their heads, so even if it may seem like that’s the case in the beginning, i’ll most likely stick through it to see where they take it. i trust them).
peter i know you’ve never had a family in your life but. im gonna tell you a secret here. found family is cool and good and you’ll like it if you give it a chance.
i love him and as soon as i cut my hair short i’m gonna cosplay him. fashion king
peter nureyev makes me want to fall in love
watching (listening) to juno grow and mature was already fantastic, but to see it through the eyes of someone who respects him, cares for him, and loves him deeply? good lord.
the way peter talks about juno.....yeah.
and peter as an individual....WOW. master thief, yes wow impressive! but his growth is already focusing so much on trust and it’s been written so well. i can’t wait to see how much he continues to grow and learn to trust this season!!!
i would love to see him continue to narrate s3. i think it’s a really strong change of pace and it also puts some extra emphasis on juno’s growth while focusing on peter’s motivations and inner thoughts. i’m genuinely fine either way tho!
tl;dr: i love u emo boy i love u i love u
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little-owly · 7 years
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(let’s just pretend bryan and joey are dating and live together ssssh)
“Here you go,” Bryan smiled, handing the hot coffee cup to Joey. The sunshine of the early morning seeping through his office window. The two of them alone – surprisingly beating Matt and Bobby to the office first.
“Thanks.” Joey yawned, grabbing the foam cup, his thing fingers holding it gently, “I slept horrible last night.”
“I…thought you came home at 10? What happened?”
Joey paused, drinking from the cup, the warm inviting taste of the coffee running down his throat. He noticed Bryan had added more cream than usual, not minding however. Just as long as the coffee did it’s job.
“There was a problem with editing,” he replied, wiping away a drop of the drink from the corner of his mouth, “I didn’t wanna leave until it was fixed. I didn’t get in until 2 am.”
Bryan crossed his arms as he rested against the open door, “tsk tsk, so you only slept 4 hours? On a Te//am Ed//ge recording day?”
“I know, I know – but I’ve been drinking coffee nonstop to wake me up. I’ve down 3 cups already,” another long sip, “well, making it’s way up to 4.”
“Huh…4?” Bryan smirked. A smirk which screamed trouble – Bryan began to plan in his head. Joey needed to be punished, how many times has he told him to get home early for sleep? How many times have they’ve gone through with recording while he dragged on – nearly passing out from exhaustion during challenges?
Well, Bryan had to put a stop to it. Teach Joey a lesson.
“Yeah, why?” Joey asks, voice low.
“Oh, nothing. Drink up and let me know if you want me to make another cup for you,” he smiled, moving to kiss Joey’s forehead. The other sleepily chuckling.
“Thanks, Bry.” he replies, watching him walk away. Not knowing his punishment was just starting.
“Hey, Joey, just a quick heads up. We got an hour before recording.” Matthias popped into the office’s kitchen area. Joey finishing off the last cup of coffee, much more awake.
“Jeez dude, lighten up on the coffee before your heart gives out or something,” Matthias laughed, Joey rolling his eyes.
“Sorry, I’ll try not to drown myself from the inside.” He laughs along, Matthias sighing.
“Seriously. Take it easy, yeah? You’re gonna pee every five seconds at this rate.”
“Nah, I’ll be fine. Worse case scenario, I end up peeing for minutes at a time.” Joey shrugs, tossing the cup away, Matthias paying no mind to him.
In fact, maybe he was right. The sudden pressure in his bladder nagged at him. The coffees adding to his bladder. To top it all off? He was in such a rush, he hadn’t gone in the morning, still holding from last night.
Yeah, it’d be smart to go now – Joey thought. Rounding the corner to the empty hallway, only to come face to face with Bryan, who was walking away from the bathroom.
“Oh, hey,” Joey smiled. Bryan greeting him with a soft peck to his lips.
“Where you heading to?”
“Uh, the bathroom. Pretty obvious since this is the only way to it-”
Joey squeaks as Bryan takes his hand and pins him to the wall. Their faces only inches away. Joey’s eyes widened in surprise.
“I don’t think so,” Bryan whispers, voice low as he leans in closer, “I think you need to learn your lesson for coming home so late. For not listening to me when I tell you to get rest before we record.”
“What are you-”
Joey hissed as Bryan firmly placed his hand on his bladder. The pressure intensifying – not to a painful level, but a discomfort. Enough to make him arch his back slightly against the wall.
“You don’t get to use the bathroom at all until after we’re done recording for the day.” Bryan explained, Joey’s eyes looking back into his, “during breaks, you’ll drink whatever I give you. If i even see you sneak off to the bathroom, I’ll make your punishment harder, is that clear?”
Joey waits. Seeing Bryan’s eyes go soft from their intense stare down. Waiting for his okay. He knows all he says to say is ‘no’ and he’ll be free to go – but he wants to see how this plays out.
Bryan smiles. Quickly unpinning Joey as footsteps approach. Connor appearing, shirt completely wet, a new shirt in his hand.
“Oh hey,” he awkwardly smiles, “er, nobody’s going in there, right? Gunner thought it’d be funny to knock down my soda with a crumbled up paper ball,” he rolls his eyes.
“Nope! Go right ahead. Joey’s good too,” Bryan adds on. Walking away with Joey following behind.
The hour passed relatively quickly. Bryan only popping into Joey’s office to get him to the Ed//ge Spa//ce.
Joey slowed on the walk over. The discomfort rising in his bladder. Enough to where he’d normally stop what he’d doing and go.
“Ready for today’s challenge?” Bobby asked, tapping away at his clipboard.
“What is it?”
“Soda tasting challenge, part two.”
Joey groaned.
The universe was really out for him today, wasn’t it?
“Break!” Matthias called. Sitting up from his seat, leaving behind a laughing Bryan and…an unusually quiet Joey.
“Here, drink up-”
“Bry, I just drank like, 7 different sodas. I’m going to die if I drink anymore.”
“Oh c'mon. It was just one swallow each. Just drink up this water bottle.” Bryan instructed. Sliding the (rather large) bottle across the table to Joey.
His bladder screamed at him as he cautiously uncapped the bottle. Slowly gulping the water. Wanting nothing more than to please Bryan enough to let him go.
“Alright, back – Bobby? What’s next?” Matthias asked.
“Uh…hold on,” a pause. Joey casually pressed his legs together under the table. A low throb beginning in his lower belly. As long as his legs were pressed together, he’d be fine. The throbbing already subsiding, returning back to a dull pain. The ever increasing need to go still in the back of his mind.
“Oh! We’re doing another version of 'The Floor is Lava’ challenge. We added some more obstacles, we just need to set up.”
“Joey won’t mind helping out you and Matt set up!” Bryan added in, “I’m gonna use the bathroom really quick.”
He sighed. Carefully getting up to put down the tarp.
Joey whined, his bladder throbbing more, the liquid from before sloshing around in him. The pressure intense as he ran. Trying keep up. Trying to act as if nothing was wrong.
That is, until he leaped a bit too far in between obstacles. The spurt of warmth against his left thigh, slowly dribbling down. His face flushed, wincing.
“N-no,” he whispered, turning towards Bobby.
“C-can we take a break? I need to use the restro-om,” he asked, quiet as ever.
“Sure, you don’t look the best right now, dude. You sure you can go on?”
Joey nods. Looking back around to see Bryan and Matthias playfully arguing back and forth over who got last place. Bryan facing Matthias long enough for Joey to sneak around to the bathroom.
It…wouldn’t be much trouble if he just peed a tiny bit, would it? Bryan wouldn’t realize the difference – and he was pretty sure he’d wet himself if he didn’t relieve some of the pressure soon.
“…Where’s J-F//red?”
The quickly approaching sounds of footsteps made Joey whimper. Knees buckling together, breathing heavily through his nose. Quickly, he was pinned against the cold wall. Hidden from the others in the Ed//ge Sp//ace.
“I thought we talked about this Joey.”
“I…I know but I just n-need to go so b-badly and-”
“Did I give you permission to go?”
Joey stops. Shaking his head shamefully.
“Then why are you walking down this way? Are you disobeying me already?”
“P-please, Bryan-”
“No,” he paused, “In fact, I’m going to extend your punishment. Too bad, I was just thinking about letting you go during out mext break.”
He hissed once more, Bryan shoving his hand down to hold Joey. His grip tight as he leaned in closer, “if you leak anymore, I’ll punish you even more. We wouldn’t want that, would we?”
He shook his head. Bryan removing his hand and unpinning him.
“Good boy. Let’s get back to the others.”
The last four challenges were absolute torture. He whimpered quietly between running, jumping, and other various tasks. Standing awkwardly – his legs pushed together tightly when the camera wasn’t on him.
Joey wanted nothing more than to go. Nothing more than to use the bathroom.
“Alright, thats a wrap for today!” Bobby announced, his own voice tired, “finally clocking in at 8 pm.”
The crew set things away, murmurs of “great job” and “see ya tomorrow” were heard as Joey silently walked back to his office. Not daring to look at the door to the bathroom on his way in. Bladder throbbing with each step he took. Desperate as ever.
He closed his office door before doubling over. Hands stuffed in between his legs, shifting to and from, shaking as he groaned. He used what little self control he had in him to sit down, crossing his legs immediately to stop himself from leaking – knowing it’d be obvious if he did thanks to his grey shorts.
Joey squirmed, concentrating so much on his control, he hadn’t heard the door open. Opening his eyes to see Bryan standing in front of him, eyes dark and arms crossed.
“How bad?”
“B-bad…please, Bry – I’ve held on all day and just can’t. L-let me go to the restroom-”
“No. You can’t.” Bryan chuckled, straddling Joey’s squirming hips. Joey whimpered more as the new pressure made his bladder scream at him once more. The dull, painful, fullness in him nearly making him cry. His cock just barely leaking.
“I…Bryan.” He shuddered. Shoulders tense and back arched against the office chair.
“Tell me why you’re being punished. Tell me why I’m not letting you go to the bathroom.” He replies, hand firm against the bulge of Joey’s bladder. The other gasping harshly.
“I…I didn’t listen and came h-home late. I didn’t get e-enough sleep…for today. I-” he hisses, more awkward pressure applied. Bryan’s hand pushing against his squirming body.
“…and?” Bryan prompts.
“And I…disobeyed when you told me not to go-oh god, it h-hurts Bryan, please!”
Bryan shakes his head, now bouncing his hand against the bulge, absolute agony for Joey.
“I need a genuine apology now, Joey. Can you do that for me? And maybe I’ll let you go.”
“Please!” The other gasps, tears rushing down his face as he leaks, the warmth trailing down his leg, “I know I messed up and s-should’ve listened to you! I k-know I was d-disobedient but please! I won’t ever do it again, oh god I’m not going to make it, I’m-” Joey moaned. Bryan stopping his torture on his bulge.
“Please…?” he whimpered. Nearly crying as Bryan finally got up from his position.
“Let’s go. I think that’s good enough.”
Joey sobs, Bryan helping him up inch by inch. The chair creaking as he fully stands – Joey shamelessly shoves his hands in between his thighs. Purely to keep everything in. His bladder throbbing with pain, filled to it’s limit.
“Ssh, everyone left by now. Just follow me and we’ll get there in time,” Bryan comforted, letting Joey through first. The office silent as ever – save for his tiny gasps and whimpers.
Joey cried out as they reached the bathroom door, Bryan opening it and letting Joey in. Joey’s knees buckling as he hurried over to the toilet.
With a gentle kiss to Joey’s neck, Bryan pressed his hand once more into the bladder bulge from behind.
“W-wait, Bry I n-need to-”
“What? You can go now, I gave you permission.” Bryan pauses, hearing Joey leak more onto the tiled floor. Quiet pitter patters filling the silence of the room.
He swat Joey’s hand away as he tried to take out his cock.
“Oh? You thought I’d let you use the toilet? That’s cute.” Bryan chuckled. The heel of his hand pressing harder and harder. Joey moaning all the while, growing weak as he leaned against Bryan.
The stream nearly shot out of Joey, running down both his legs, flooding his shorts and socks. The wet warmth trailing down his legs and crotch. The loud hissing and Joey’s moans was all the noise they could hear in the office. Joey rested his head on Bryan’s shoulder as his body went slack. The combined relief and pleasure too much for him.
The stream of urine nearly lasted minutes on end. The slowed down trickle and sigh alerted Bryan that he was done. The large puddle in front of them spreading in between the tiles.
With soft kisses to his neck, Bryan smiled, “learn your lesson?”
Joey could only nod, too tired to actually speak.
“C'mon, let’s get you cleaned up, alright? Just hold tight while I clean up the bathroom and I’ll get a warm bath started for you when we get home.”
Joey smiled softly as Bryan led him out the bathroom to his office. Thankful he remembered he’d left spare clothes. Looking forward to the promised bath.
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