buckgasms · 1 year
How did daddy Bucky x princess meet?🥰🥺
I think this is my Magnum Opus 🤭 it's mega long so forgive me but I just have a lot of feelings when it comes to Daddy Bucky and Princess 🩷
I'd love to hear your thoughts, feedback and obviously do keep sending me asks and ideas because I could write for these two for the rest of my life
Also a huge thanks to @mandijo17 and @clara-geekhime specifically, but to all of you who love them 🌷
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- So I think it's a sure thing that when they met you, (Princess) were working at a really boring, horrible office job.
- You took the job at Peirce Enterprises because it was a chance to be creative and use your artistic skills, but as time went on it was becoming more strict, the workloads were humungous and all your colleagues were just plain mean.
- Most of the time you could hide at your little cubicle and get on with your work without being bothered, but sometimes mean guys would come around and steal your little plushies, move your stuff and leer at you.
- When you had to go to meetings the boss would shout, making you nervous as hell, so when you were called upon, you would stutter and struggle to speak.
- That just made everything so much worse.
- One afternoon it was really bad. Mr Peirce had a big business meeting with Bucky Barnes.
- Everyone knew who he was.
- He owned almost all the real estate in Brooklyn, had fancy hotels, nightclubs, restaurants and god knows what else in his portfolio.
- He was also absolutely gorgeous, not that you were looking....
- So anyway, it was a big fucking deal and your work, some of your absolute best, was on display.
- "This is trash!" Pierce yelled and threw the paperwork at you knocking over your tea in the process.
- "What's your excuse?" He continued as your work soaked up the brown liquid and your eyes began to sting.
- "I...I...um, I thought..."
- He mocks your struggle and scoffs. "Get the hell out of my office...."
- Jumping out of your seat you run to the door, tears streaming down your face as you flee to your desk.
- Not long after your colleagues drop by, saying it's all your fault they have to stay late and do more work. "Cost us our fucking bonus you dumbass" one of them says.
- Under the desk you squeeze at your little plushie, before dashing off to the supply cupboard.
- A few moments later there is a knock at the door. Before you can say anything it opens, and to your total shock, there is Bucky Barnes.
- He smiles, a kind smile but it's like he's holding his tongue.
- "This is a nice supply cupboard..." He comes in a bit further and hands you a handkerchief. "I fucking love stationery, nothing like a new notepad, or a y'know when you get a really good pen? And don't get me started on laminators... fuck those things are cool..."
- Before you can stop yourself you start giggling, hiccuping as he looks back at you and smiles more openly than before.
- He walks you back to your desk, admiring your cubicle, pointing out the pretty drawings and giving your little teddy a squeeze before placing it carefully on your desk.
- "Listen, I really loved your work. I thought it was excellent. If you want a change of scenery, let me know and I'd be happy to find a place for you in my organisation."
- He hands you a business card before giving you a wink and leaving. He shoots glares of death to all your co workers who are staring totally bemused at what they've just witnessed.
- About a month later you are sitting at your desk and a parcel is dropped off by the moody receptionist.
- You sit confused for a moment before your curiosity peaks and you tear into the parcel.
- It's full of the most amazing things. A new iPad, apple pen stylus, notepads, pens, a fluffy pencil case and a little bunny teddy. It's an explosion of pink and you can't help tap your feet in excitement at this mystery parcel.
- Then your phone rings.
- It's Bucky's number.
- You know that because you have put his business card on your desk and memorised the number and each letter of his name until you know it by heart.
- "Hello?" You say quietly and look around, making sure no one can hear.
- "Did you get my parcel?" His rumbly voice tickles your ear, and you imagine him whispering just behind you. Your feet keep bouncing.
- "It's from you? Why?"
- "Well I thought maybe it might convince you to up sticks and work somewhere you are appreciated?"
- You smile and play with the ears of the bunny, "and what made you think I'd like this particular sort of thing?"
- "Just a hunch Princess..."
- Well that was nice. You struggle to breath a little but manage to pull it together for a sort of half laugh.
- "There is a condition though. You can only keep that stuff if you come for an interview. Otherwise I'm going to need it back..."
- Just then your boss storms through the office, eyes on you. You quickly say goodbye before he unleashes a tirade on your team. You manage to hide your parcel as he rants and raves, feeling oddly soothed by the soft bunny ear running between your fingers.
- You knock on the door of Bucky's office later that day. You have the box in your arms and your backpack weighing on your shoulders.
- He let's you in with a smile which drops when he sees the box in your arms.
- "Don't tell me you're bringing that back?" He says incredulously as you softly smile and place it on his desk.
- The office is light and spacious, expensive furniture everywhere, a plush couch and of course a statement desk that you imagine he looks quite imposing sitting behind.
- "I was offered a better job today. I just don't feel right taking your gifts when it makes sense to stay there right? I'm sure once I'm in control of things, it will get better?"
- You seem to be asking him, rather than telling him and despite his downcast face, he doesn't press it.
- He flicks the lid open and peruses the contents, before clicking his tongue and raising an eyebrow.
- "Hmm I thought there was a bunny in here?"
- You face flushes and you even feel yourself pout. "I didn't think... I mean it's..."
- He grins, boyish delight on his face as he holds out his hand.
- "C'mon, it belongs here, not in that place."
- You control the urge to stamp your foot and have a total temper tantrum, which is totally not how you would ever behave in front of anyone. There's even a little scowl on your face as you hand it over and and takes it in his arms.
- You feel jealous of both of them before staying a firmer goodbye and leave, but not before his chuckles reach your ears and make you smile.
- Monday morning you make your way into your new office. It's pretty bare but you gasp when you see the bunny sitting on the desk, a little note wishing you "Good luck x" in it's arms.
- You kiss its head and beam as you start unpacking, feeling lighter than air.
- Maybe you couldn't work for Bucky anyway. It wouldn't be good to have a crush on your boss?
- You finish sorting everything out and get to work, making sure Bucky's card is back on your desktop.
- Then an email dings up and you are called to a meeting. 2 hours!! It should be illegal. You give your bunny a squeeze before heading off.
- You were feeling exhausted from the meeting when you came back to your office. Everyone in the area was quiet for a change. No snarky comments, no cruel joke.
- But you soon realised why.
- Opening the door of your office you found it trashed. Paper everywhere, screen scratched, books ripped and nasty words carved in the wood of your desk.
- Worst of all, the head of your bunny left sadisticly on your chair.
- It was too much. All the pain and awfulness you had taken on in the last year was too much.
- You had never done anything to them and they just continuously bullied you and made your life miserable.
- Looking around the room you felt utter dispair until you saw Bucky's card, ripped in half.
- Grabbing your bag you walked out of the room and didn't stop until you reached the lift. They shouted something at you but you didn't care. You couldn't take on any more of their hate.
- You walked through the city in a blur. Tears streamed down your face but you just kept walking and walking until you were there. You'd walked all the way to Bucky's building.
- The security desk looked quite disturbed to see you so emotional but you asked for Bucky and they pointed towards the lifts and made your way up.
- In that moment you wondered what the hell you were doing? Why were you in the lift?? Heading closer to his office looking like an absolute lunatic??
- Before you could stop them the doors slid open and there he was waiting. Without saying a word he pulled you out of the lift and into his arms.
- The dam broke fully and you sobbed into his chest. You managed to wail something about the bunny, your office, how mean they were...
- He managed to walk you into his office and sat on the comfy sofa and held you tight until you finally took a shaky breath and stopped crying.
- "Why are people so mean?" You whisper as he wipes the last few tears from your cheek before taking your hand in his.
- "I'm so sorry sweetie. You don't deserve that..."
- You feel so exhausted that when he takes you back in his arms and gently strokes your hair you just release a deep breath and slip into sleep.
- A little while later you wake up, a soft blanket over you and you mumble a quiet 'hello?' as you sit up.
- "Hey, are you feeling ok? I got us some dinner I was worried you hadn't eaten all day..."
- You feel mortified but he shushes your apologies and puts a plate down in front of you.
- "Be a good girl and eat" he says smiling and you can't help but tuck in as your hunger (and praise kink) kicks in.
- You both sit comfortably, talking about various things, avoiding the reason for your arrival, keeping it light.
- Still, you find yourself unable to be sad around him. He makes you feel so safe and happy. It's addictive.
- He drops you home a few hours later, walking you right to the door, his hand resting on your arm, keeping you close.
- "So maybe I can come in for an interview in the end?" You say, feeling awkward but ultimately worried about what you are going to do now you can't go back to your actual job.
- He chuckles and takes your hand in his. "Do me a favour, don't worry about it. Will you let me figure something out for you?"
- He pulls you in a little closer and looks down at you, a cocky grin on his face.
- "Umm well, I worry about a lot of things Bucky... How can I not?"
- He rolls his eyes and presses a kiss to your forehead.
- "Because Princess, you can trust me..."
- Speechless, you nod before planting a rushed kiss to his chin/cheek before speeding into your apartment.
- Then next few days are filled with texts, flowers, phonecalls and gifts from Bucky.
- You can't help the huge grin that spreads across your face when something from him appears, or his name lights up your phone screen.
- "Hi Bucky" you say one morning as he calls first thing. You roll over in bed and squeeze the huge bunny he sent you the day before.
- "Good mornin', tell me what you're doing today?" He says with slight growl as you snuggle down deeper under the covers and giggle.
- "Umm I don't know, maybe you should tell me?" You tease, biting your lip and listen to his deep chuckle.
- "Well first off, you are coming here for that interview, and then I'm taking you out to dinner to celebrate you're new job..."
- You giggle again and huff at his silliness. "Bucky that's cheating! I would feel bad if I didn't deserve it..."
- He tuts at the other end of the line and tells you, if you aren't there at midday you were going to have your first disciplinary.
- You were intrigued by that but you figured you better get moving.
- You showed up on time, dressed in a pretty dress, your portfolio of artwork in your arms and a smile on your face.
- Bucky's secretary greeted you with a big smile and even hugged you when you arrived.
- "Hi I'm Wanda, I feel like I know you already! Go straight in, he's waiting for you!"
- You smiled, feeling flustered as she ushered you into the room where he is indeed waiting for you, his crisp shirt and checkered pants looking divine, his hair slicked back into a bun. It almost makes you drop your folders but you manage to hold on and plop them onto the desk before taking a seat across from him.
- The 'interview' goes well. He asks for your work history, where did you study and what you want to achieve.
- It was silly really. But you actually enjoyed it. You did have a big brain in your pretty head and it was nice to talk positively about yourself and not fear mocking, snarky comments.
- After an hour he smiled and stood up, reaching for your hand so you mirroed him and he shook your hand.
- "Welcome aboard darlin' now let's go celebrate."
- Hours later you were back in Bucky's office, a little tipsy and full of delicious food.
- He had taken you to one of his restaurants, one of the fanciest in town and both of you had gotten a little drunk on champagne and each other.
- You had insisted that a part of your interview had not been completed, so you headed back to the office, giggling all the way up in the lift.
- Back in his office you 'ah-hahd' as your portfolio sat on the desk untouched. "You haven't seen my work properly Bucky."
- He looks at you a lot more hungrily than he ever has before as you beckon him over and push him into his seat before placing yourself on his lap and opening your book.
- "See now look at this one" you say as his hands drift over your thighs and rub small circles into your skin. He hums as you turn the page and show him another, this time his lips press to your bare shoulder. "Very pretty" he murmers as you turn again.
- Suddenly his hands glide up your body and you drop the book, turning in his lap and crashing your lips to his waiting ones.
- He wastes no time lifting you up onto the desk and gripping your face before dragging you into a crazed kiss.
- You are moaning in moments as you help him push off his suit jacket and watch hungrily as he pulls the shirt over his head, revealing his tanned, toned chest.
- He leans in and captures your lips again as your hands drift over his body and his hands push your dress upwards and pulling your underwear down, stopping for a moment and breaking the kiss.
- "You gonna let me see you Princess? Let me take care of you?"
- Wrapping your arms around his neck you bite at his lip and nod, doe eyes staring up at him.
- "Please... Please Bucky..."
- He pushes you down slowly and removes your underwear with a firm rip making you gasp and moan as his hot breath fans over your folds.
- "Fucking.... So pretty baby, knew you would be" he growls before diving in, licking and sucking at your soaked folds, one hand pushing your thighs wider as the other toyed with your entrance, eliciting a loan moan of pleasure when he sank his finger in and curled it towards him.
- He teased you and drove you closer to the edge until he pulled back, dragging you upwards and planting a kiss to your lips as he presses his thick cock to your pussy.
- "You taste so sweet princess but I wanna feel you... You want that babygirl?" You can only nod and reach between you, guiding him to you.
- "Please... Da... Bucky need you..." You stutter and he can't help but pause, a sly grin on his face.
- "What did you say baby? Were you thinking about someone else?" He's smiling like the devil because either the truth will be delightful or the lie will be ridiculous.
- You shake your head and grab for his face, pressing kisses to his lips.
- "No, no, didn't mean, da- um Bucky please, please just.... Fuck, fuck me please da- shit Bucky please??"
- He fully laughs at that before resting his forehead against yours, slipping his hands under your thighs and lifting you, until he's seated and you are straddling him, his thick perfect cock just pressed against your soaked heat.
- "Princess, you aren't a very good liar" he says and rubs his nails along your sensitive skin. "Just say it baby... Say what you wanna say to me when I'm fucking that pretty little pussy...."
- He lines himself up as you whimper, chewing your lip before you lean in and whisper it, so quiet as if someone else in the world might hear it.
- "Daddy.... Please?"
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witchersoldier · 1 year
Stars He Hung // part three
azriel x fem!reader
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SUMMARY: He hung the stars for you. Then he made you cry them all.
WARNINGS: (+16) angst, cursing, aggression, use of Y/N, fluff, bad and rushed writing, not proof read.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: English is not my mother tongue, so forgive any grammar/spelling mistakes. Also I feel so sorry it took me almost one year to write and post this last bit. I don't even know how to feel about this one. It's like it's missing something, but I don't know what. I had other two versions of this, but this felt less worse 🫠
tag list (I don't even know if you guys still want a tag in this, but here we go): @clara-geekhime @yakoxshadow @feysandzoyalailover @tell-me-a-poem @positivewitch @marina468 @lucyysthings @peachy-aisha @starrsstruck-blog @lovelyladymayy
Seconds, minutes, hours. I lost track of time. The memories I just now recovered punched me so hard into a loop of sorrow, rage and grief. Spiraling into the darkest emotions, but all I could see was light. Fucking starlight.
That agonizing tug at my heart and the torturous pain from being away from Azriel, it was all because of the mating bond. A mating bond he was aware of and simply choose to ignore. Did I really mean nothing to him? Nothing, to the point where he didn’t even try to reject it?
The air around me was suffocating, and the only thing keeping me grounded was my firm grip on the edges of the wooden dresser. A grip slowly loosening its strength. Inside me, all over my body I could feel something begging to crawl out of me. A power so strong and angry, itching to explode and wreak havoc. Begging to destroy the world outside just as much as I felt broken inside and I had no control over it. Panic begun creeping up my spine and star tears continued spilling out of my eyes. Rapid shallow breaths coming out of my mouth. I couldn’t think straight, but I knew I was doomed from the moment lilac tendrils of power slowly seeped from the tip of my fingers, then growing into my hands and arms and my chest, until it was wrapped around me entirely.
An alarmed pang echoed throughout my ribcage, centering me back in the room ever so slightly that I could hear faint shouts and footsteps. Suddenly, hands passed through the cocoon of power I trapped myself in and touched my forehead and cheeks, grabbed my arms and legs, lifting me off the ground. My sight was blurred and too bright, but I caught a glimpse of Rhysand’s once deep violet eyes, they’re so washed-out now. ‘Within the first five days, the colors you see will start to fade away’. The chance to reach out to the High Lord and beg for his help slipped with a gush of cold wind. Winnowed. Someone winnowed me away from the house and the people living there. Thankfully. Because as soon as I felt the ground beneath me again, a fraction of my power shattered through my veins and into the world.
My uncontrolled outburst was barred by shadows and a blue power shield that I recognized all too well. The Illyrian male I so naively fell for, the reason for all this troubled commotion, my mate. Azriel.
I looked up into his eyes, still so colorful. Strong honey irises staring back at me, bright with a bit of concern and fear. Of course it would go down like that; he would be the last thing to vanish, he would remain just to spite me.
Taking in my surroundings, I recognized Azriel had winnowed us just outside Rhys’ cabin in the Illyrian mountains. I also realized how close we were to each other, his hands holding me safely close to him, almost clinging onto me, as if in fear I’d collapse. I harshly slid my hands between us and up to his chest, pushing him as far and hard as I could, “Y/N, please” Azriel whispered, his soft voice mixed a bit with a husky tone. He dared take a step forward and as his hands tried to reach mine I noticed they were covered in fresh bruises. Despite of me knowing better and him not deserving my attention, I couldn’t help but still worry about it. As soon as he touched me I came to my senses again, feeling the unbearable heartache threatening to drown me and the star tears continuing to blind me. Sorrow, rage, grief, the need of revenge and closure making their way back, awakening the momentarily calm pit of power. I threw punch after punch after punch at Azriel’s body not really caring where they landed, just wanting them to make him hurt like you are. Each time my fist touched him, sparkles of lilac power flew. “Y/N/N, please, let me talk to you.” He pleaded, but didn’t try to stop my assaults. “Now you want to talk, huh?” I screamed at his face, angry sad tears cascading down my cheeks nonstop. “You just couldn’t have talked to me before you tore my heart apart, right mate?” spatting the word out with so much venom, I waited for his reaction. Azriel only accepted my accusations and blows, curling into himself. I could’ve sworn tears also ran from his eyes, but surely it was only my compromised vision playing trick on me, my wishful soul fantasizing about something that would never be. “You are my mate and you fucking knew it. If you didn’t want that burden, you could’ve rejected this damned bond and be done with it. Be done with me! But you just had to crush my heart that I willingly put in your hands, drop it to the ground and stomp on it. Why did you do it? Why do you hate me so much?” once again I had an outburst of power, that caught Azriel by surprise and sent him stumbling back, falling on the ground covered with a thin layer of snow.
I was so tired of feeling this way, so tired of hurting, being angry and pitying myself. All the need to put up a fight disappeared, so did my strength. “Did I really mean so little to you?” was the last thing I said before dropping to my knees and sobbing, my hands clutching my sweater right above my heart. With my throat sore from the screaming seconds prior, I managed to slowly whisper to him, “I used to look at you like you hung the fucking stars on the sky, but in reality you’re the one who made them fall. I reject the b-” Azriel got up from his place on the ground so fast, running to me and dropping back down on his knees, one by each side of me, caging me in and covering my mouth with one hand, the other resting on my thigh. Looking up and staring deep in his wet honey-colored eyes, I felt wave after wave of regret, anguish, self-doubt and hate. “All I ever wanted was to love and to be loved in return. But the moment love came to me, I cowered and messed it all up like the damned fuck-up I am. I know sorry won’t fix it, I know that I took everything from you, but please don’t take this from me. I love you” Azriel begged, tears brimming his eyes. His hand that covered my mouth joined his other one on my lap, absent-mindedly fidgeting. He kept silent expecting my response, but I couldn’t bring myself to form any phrase at the moment. I broke down in cries once again, feeling overwhelmed by my feelings and his.
Azriel wrapped his strong arms around me, pulling me into his chest and caressing my arms and back. I didn’t fight against him, but rather relaxed in his embrace. “It’s okay baby girl, I got you now. I am so very sorry for hurting you. I’m sorry”, he cried to me as I cried to him. He just held me there, allowing me to gather my thoughts as he shares his deepest feelings. Taking in all his emotions he’s showing through the mating bond. How much he hated himself, how unworthy he felt, the way he denied and dismissed all good things thrown his way. Azriel was trapped in a horrifying loop of desiring, achieving, self-doubting and giving up.
Slowly I back up from his embrace, wishing to look into his eyes as I speak, “Trust is something so easily broken and so hard to mend,” I spoke with a soft yet firm voice, “but love is a feeling that can remain strong even through stormy weathers. And the love that I feel for you, though shaken up, remains, Az.” Azriel silently nods and gives a weak smile. I cup his cheeks with my hands, carefully wiping his tears away with my thumbs. Azriel is so much taller than me, but at this moment he couldn’t look smaller, sinking into his shame. “I understand the turmoil of feelings you kept to yourself until now, I see them and they are valid, Az. It saddens me to know how you feel about yourself, but you let those feelings affect people around you, too. And that can’t go on.” He mouthed a weak ‘I’m sorry’ and shrunk into himself even more. “I love you too, Azriel. But you broke my trust and you made me hurt in ways I can’t describe”, my voice cracked at the end of my sentence. That made Azriel look back into my eyes, “I know angel, and for that I am sorry.” He sighs and I can see him trying to form the correct phrases to express him feelings aloud. “You said that you used to look at me like I hung the fucking stars on the sky,” I let out a weak giggle when he quoted me like that, he gave me a small grin “but now I am the one who took them out” he paused for a moment, taking deep breaths before resting his forehead against mine, “Y/N, please let me hang the stars back up again. Bigger and brighter, this time.”
My eyes were glued to his, our breath mixing together because of how close we are to one another. Through the bond I can sense how nervous he is and how much truth is behind his words. Without hesitation I capture his lips on mine. I was so familiar with the feeling of kissing Azriel’s soft lips, but this time it was different. This kiss is meaningful, full of passion. His hands make their way to cup my wet cheeks, and mine find their place around his neck. My fingers lock into his soft hair, gently pulling at it. Azriel licks my lips, begging to deepen the kiss. I pull away before I can completely surrender myself to him. For a brief moment I can feel the anxiousness on Azriel’s ending, but it’s soon replaced with relief and love when I let him feel and see all of my emotions.
“You’re the other half of me Az. You are my mate and I love you, so much.” I told him, pouring a bit of my heart out to him. “And you’re the better part of me, my angel, my mate. I love you, and I will never let you forget that.” Happy tears made their way into my eyes, and I noticed the lack of light in them. My tears were just tears again. Because my love wasn’t unrequited anymore. Sure we have a long path to take until we can completely heal, many obstacles we will have to face. But at this moment, for tonight, all I can think of is the stars he will hang.
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dolliedarlin · 3 years
c o m i n g  s o o n...
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s u m. : the day your daughter decides to make a pact to be brother and sister with a friendly green-haired boy at her nursery, you are finally given the chance to fall in love with the right person. 
p a i r. : prohero!singlefather!izuku x singlemother!reader
g. : fluff ; angst ; single mom!reader ; singledad!izuku ; prohero!izuku ; single parent!au ; agedup!izuku ; single parent!au ...
o n e. | t w o. | t h r e e. | f o u r. | f i v e. 
EXTRAS : tbw
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s u m. : you always believed that leaving everything you knew and loved behind was a reasonable decision; it was your choice and was made with the best interest of your dearest one at heart. however, years later, when your past returns to you, you slowly begin doubting the choice you’ve made.
p a i r. : prohero!shoto x singlemother!reader
g. : fluff ; angst ; high school sweetheart!!reader; single mom!reader ; high school sweetheart!todoroki ; prohero!todoroki ; agedup!todoroki ; single parent!au ...
o n e. | t w o. | t h r e e. | f o u r. | f i v e.
EXTRAS : tbw
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s u m. : iida does his best but still manages to come short when trying to cater to his daughter’s every need. though, it isn’t too unreasonable to expect from a single father. his struggles with keeping his daughter content as well as work as a formidable hero eventually ease up as soon as he hires you to babysit.  
p a i r. : prohero!singlefather!iida x babysitter!reader
g. : fluff ; angst ; singledad!iida ; babysitter!reader ; prohero!iida ; agedup!iida ; singleparent!au ; ...
o n e. | t w o. | t h r e e. | f o u r. | f i v e.
EXTRAS : tbw
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s u m. : being neighbours with a prohero should have been every child’s dream but your child wasn’t like the rest, instead, she favoured the neighbours pet cat much more. rather than taking offence, your dashing indigo-haired neighbour happily agreed. 
p a i r. : prohero!shinso x singlemother!neighbour!reader
g. : fluff ; angst ; neighbour!reader; single mom!reader ; neighbour!shinso ; prohero!shinso ; agedup!shinso ; single parent!au ...
o n e. | t w o. | t h r e e. | f o u r. | f i v e.
EXTRAS : tbw
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⎡ just a quick note to say that since my genre sections tend to reveal more of what may happen/unfold and it’s still going to be a while before i begin writing this, i’ll be writing the genre later on
additionally, i don’t know if the bakusquad endearment series taglist would want to be apart of this series too so, for the meantime, the taglist is just my permanent taglist right now ⎦
t a g l i s t : @ablogforreblogs ; @fairy0writes ; @nyanyabisjjj ; @jabkie ; @sirstrawberry ; @yutaeminnie ; @sizzlingdonutturtlemuffin ; @kirishiimaa ; @omnipotentroyal ; @beaniebanby ; @antique-daphne ; @shotoful ; @theehoneybunii ; @ravyeolii ; @chesirekittycat
@fukyouthink​ ; @clara-geekhime​ ; @awilddreamerwrites​ ; @crapimahuman​ ; @hikaru-mikazuki​ ; @lilacgraveyard​ ; @gwend0lyne​
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aka-a-shii · 4 years
Day Out || Akaashi K.
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Akaashi x F!Reader
genre: fluff
warnings: nothing just fluffiness :3
a/n: i am so sorry that this took so long ㅠㅠㅠㅠ i had been caught up with work and studying but here’s the last piece for the Oya Oya Dads Squad. i hope you love and enjoy this one.. thank you for your patience! 😘
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the sun rays peeked through the blinds illuminating Akaashi’s peaceful sleeping face, you slowly bent over to his side and planted a soft kiss onto his cheek.
“wake up, sleepyhead”
Akaashi groaned in response as his eyes started to flutter open. he squints his eyes as the sunlight reflected on his gunmetal blue orbs.
“good morning, angel.” he greeted huskily as sleep still evident in his voice.
you gently press a kiss on his lips as he smiled thru the kiss.
“why are you still here? isn’t your appointment by 9am?” he inquired when he pulled away as his eyes landed on the clock at the bedside table indicating its already 8:30am.
you smiled at him. “Keita was kinda cranky when he woke up earlier so i had to tuck him back to bed again.”
he got up from the bed and wrapped his arms around you, his hands resting on your baby bump.
“you should go now or you will be late.” he stated. you gently placed your hand above his as you reached your free hand to ruffle his hair.
“will you be okay without me?” you asked.
he tightened his hold onto you and nuzzled his face onto the crook of your neck. “of course, princess. so don’t worry and just relax.” Akaashi reassures you.
he walks you to the front door and with a final hug and a gentle kiss on your lips, you left for your appointment.
Akaashi then trotted towards the kitchen to make breakfast for him and keita, he wore his midnight blue apron and reached for the ingredients from the pantry.
he was mixing the batter when he heard little padding of footsteps towards the kitchen, when he turned around, he saw his 4y/o toddler clutching his owl blankie on one hand and his owl plushie on the other.
“good morning, bud! you hungry?” he greets his son.
Keita gently nodded as he rubbed sleep from his eyes. “where’s mommy?” he asked.
“mommy went out to see the doctor.” Akaashi replied as he mixed the batter. he was then responded with silence and when he turned to face his son, he was met by keita’s glassy eyes.
“i-is mommy sick?” his voice almost cracking. Akaashi then turned the stove off and rushed towards the boy and scooped him up. “sshhh don’t cry.” he wiped the tears on his son’s cheek. “mommy is not sick, okay? she just went for a check up to see if the baby is growing healthy in her tummy.” he shushed his son.
“m-mommy and the b-baby will be o-okay?” he sniffled against his dad’s chest. “yes of course! mommy and baby are strong.” Akaashi reassures him.
once he had calmed down, he placed him on his chair and ruffled his hair. “why don’t we eat breakfast first then we’ll go meet mommy later?” Keita nodded enthusiastically in response as Akaashi went back to finishing the pancakes.
they happily munched on their breakfast, basking with each other’s presence as they planned their trip for later. Keita being excited to go out on a day-out with his dad after so long.
Keita was Akaashi’s pride and joy. he was so ecstatic when you came home one day with the news of being pregnant with your first child. as keita grew, Akaashi had already thought about having a second child which is why baby number two is on its way. Akaashi himself knew that being an only child is somewhat lonely and he doesn’t want Keita to feel the same as he grow older.
after getting ready, Akaashi finally adjusted Keita’s owl hat and headed out of your humble abode.
“where do you wanna go first?” Akaashi asked as he placed Keita on the car seat at the back of his car.
your son looked so enthralled as he spoke with enthusiasm. “bookstore!”
Akaashi lets out a chuckle and ruffle his son’s hair. “okay buddy.”
the drive to the bookstore was short yet the father and son duo enjoyed every bit of it. and as Akaashi led his son inside, he didn’t missed how sparkles on Keita’s eyes glistened at awe. “daddy! books! lots of them!” he excitedly grabbed his father’s sleeve as he pulled him to the children’s books section.
Keita got his love for books from Akaashi and its not the only thing he got from him. he was exactly the splitting image of Akaashi Keiji, from the gunmetal blue eyes, to the messy jet black hair and even the little mannerism of fidgeting his fingers when anxious. all good genes inherited from Akaashi.
they stopped in front of one of the bookshelves and keita took a book. he showed it to his dad with stars emitting from his eyes that definitely matches his dad’s. “do you want to get that one?” Akaashi asked and Keita nods furiously. “don’t you want more?” he added and keita just shook his head and gazed on the book he’s holding. “i just want this one daddy!” he beamed. the book keita took was a picture book of “The Little Prince”, you personal favorite. and at an early age, Keita had begun reading as one of his past time activities. you would tell him the story from hours to end and it never fails to amaze him. which is why he grew to love the story of “The Little Prince” as well.
as soon as Akaashi took the book, they roamed each aisle in the bookstore, scanning some new releases that might caught your husband’s liking. and when he found a book they went to the cashier and paid for their purchase. the old lady behind the cashier took notice that Akaashi brought his son. “he looks exactly just like you.” she commented and handed him their books. “he surely does!” he replied with a big smile on his face and took their books. the both of them bid their goodbyes to the old lady and headed to their final stop to meet you.
its was a warm and cozy cafe where you and Akaashi had your first date during highschool. the place held so many memories with you and your husband, and now with your little family. they settled on a booth near the window where your regular spot is. Akaashi sipping his coffee as Keita downed his blueberry crepes. the chiming bells caught their attention as you made your way into the cafe. waddling with your 5-month belly to their booth, Akaashi immediately stood up and guided you, placing a kiss on top of your head. “how was the check up?” he inquired and sat you on the chair besides his. “the doctor said she’s growing healthy and we have nothing to worry about.” you reached for Keita’s hair and ruffled it. “she also said that i just need to continue taking the supplements for the both of us.”
Akaashi smiled at that. “that’s good to hear.” and he rubbed your belly gently. turning your attention to your son, you asked him how his day went with his dad. “daddy bought me a book! let’s read it when we get home mommy!” he excitedly stated. “read it to me and my baby sister!” and that made the baby girl in your tummy to kick which made you jolt for a second. Akaashi noticed this and asked you if you’re okay. “the baby kicked!” you said and immediately the worry washing away from your husband’s handsome face. Keita jumped out from his seat and rushed towards you. “mommy are you okay?” concern all over his face. you reassured him you were and that his sister just moved in your tummy.
you gently reached for his tiny hand and placed it on your belly where his baby sisster kicked. and with that, the baby in you kicked again and Keita definitely felt it on how his eyes widened as a big smile plastered over his face. “the baby is moving!” he exclaimed. which made you and Akaashi to laugh.
Akaashi stood up and volunteered to order for you, while you and Keita stayed and continued to talk about their trip to the bookstore. Keta told you about the nice old lady back there who was so nice to him and how he is really excited to read the book with you when you get home. despite being the splitting image of your husband, Keita’s personality was more like you, bright and jolly, but sometimes he also act like his father which makes him a mixture of you both.
Akaashi approaches your booth with a tray in his hands, a cup of chai tea and a slice of blueberry cheesecake just like you wanted. you muttered a thanks as he slides back to his his seat enjoying the company of his two most favorite persons in the world. a smile grazing his handsome features as he gazed lovingly at the two of you, slowly he reached for your and gently stroke the wedding band adorning your finger. oh how lucky he was to be your husband he thought, and he can’t help the swelling of his when you locked eyes with him and smiled back at him. he would never exchange anything in this world for what he has now and what the future holds for him and his little family.
Akaashi mouthed a soft “i love you” and held your hand tighter, reciprocating his gestture, you then gave him a kiss on the cheek.
“i love you too.”
you and Keita is his universe that he’s ever grateful to have.
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Taglist: @whootwhoot @tsvvkki @mirikusashes @curiouslilbeast @saku-kun @chesley-cant-deal @clara-geekhime @michelepiekenma @raineedayze @kellesvt @lollypop-lam @kyomihann @doodleniella @akasuns
strikethrough = can’t be tagged
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Warnings: none
Tags: fluff, family au, soft daddy Levi
Pairings: Levi Ackerman/ Reader, Implied Jeankasa
Summary: Levi's very energetic chaotic kids like to play with Jean and Eren from time to time
~This was requested by @clara-geekhime
"Daddy! What are you doing there?"
"I want a piggy ride!"
The piercing little screams of the jumping toddlers made Levi's head throb in utter pain. A buzzing numbness overtakes his whole being as the tries to flip the thin crepe successfully inside the hot pan. He has assigned himself to make dinner for tonight, while you're out, strolling the nearby mall with Mikasa in search of baby products for her unborn growing little human being.
With a huff that blows some dark strands away from his eyes he relaxes his tense shoulders for no more than a moment. His eyes wander back and forth in despairate need not to burn the crepe -he'd be damned of he has to make more- and all around the bright lit kitchen, where his children are currently stomping. He relaxes at the image of two of them that are patiently waiting with their tiny hands on the table, silently blowing air on each other in an attempt to play without disturbing him. And he definitely wishes the other two were as calm as them.
But of course, Kuchel and Kurt are restless. They never stop wrestling or poking their siblings sides and cheeks, screaming obnoxiously loud and jumping from tile to tile, avoiding any line successfully.
"Where's mom I want to poo." John is batting his (e/c) eyes in his in the most respectful manner a four year old could ever master, making Levi almost let out a full blown laughter.
"Can you wait for me to finish cooking or should we go to the potty now?" Levi speaks in the sweetest voice possible while looking directly at his son. The abstractly sweet voice that exits the shy boy's mouth in confirmation to his latter statement drives Levi to turn off the stove and pull the two frying pans away from any remaining heat.
"Let's go kids."
An horde of dark haired sweethearts follow his lead with tiny steps down the hallway. Soft round features are adorned with beautiful expressionisms of admiration as they stare at their father. Excited, barely noticeable movements are made that emit shuffling sounds around the room while Levi sets the white colored potty down the tile floor of the bathroom and he can't help but chuckle. It always gets to him how these little people who have came out as a product of his love with you are able to look at him with such admiration and adoration in their young eyes.
Levi sits with his back against the closed bathroom door as he waits for John to finish with his session, watching as the three other kids plan on their next malicious way to convince you and him to buy them the toys they want. It makes him want to burst into loud obnoxious laughter, the fact that they remain unbeknownst to his ability to hear them.
"You can always ask." He admits, allowing some of the laughter that has bubbled in his chest to escape. "Mom and I would be really happy to buy any toy you want as long as you are nicely behaved."
In a movement he falls down on his knees to trap Kuchel into his embrace. The little girl cooes at the sudden feeling, quick to give in to her father's affectionate side. While her feathery cheek rubs against Levi's, much like a small kitten that purrs to the touch, Levi extends his arms to ruffle his sons' hair. These casual moments of affection and happiness are really shaping him into the world's most tender person that exists.
Once he has returned to the kitchen to finish his cooking the four little Ackermans decide to all sit on the kitchen table and watch him cook their favorite crepe fillings. He manages to take their orders, very seriously, with the occasional furrow of the brow when they speak, allowing them to play along this little game of restaurant he has just started. If the kids are occupied then he'll be fine cooking.
"Daddy, didn't you say your mommy never came back one day?" John requires, eyes almost watering as he looks up. And Levi almost drops the wooden cooking spoon to the floor upon the shock he receives.
"Mommy is not coming back?"
"What? Why is mommy never coming back?"
Once Kuchel beggins with her siren like crying, John follows in turn and Levi starts panicking. Chaos ensues to its extreme as the kids start jumping on their seats, panicking, screaming at eachother not letting him finish the potatoes he's currently frying.
"Brats, how is it you miss your mother when she's not home, every single time?"
His question goes answered and he's forced to close the stove once again as he tends to pick up each small kid in his lap, sitting them down in hopes of concentrating them in a single place. And just as he does the door bell rings, sending the kids to another wave of over expresed enthusiasm.
As he runs to the door, apron still on and hair messier than he'd ever choose to present himself with, the four little kids run after him, impatiently standing behind him at the door frame. Levi looks through the peephole and with a quick love he unlocks the door to reveal Jean and Eren to his toddlers, who jump once again in delight.
"Eren! Jean!" Their thin voices say in unison when they practically fall into the men's feet.
"Hey Levi, hey you guys! Aunty Mikasa and mommy are on their way."
Levi demands that the two males wash their hands and faces before they even think about touching his children, and both of them comply with no objections. They know him, one wrong hygiene move and he'll release the cleaning freak from the depths of his existence so for the sake of their own sanity they waste no time as they go to the bathroom.
Soon enough they are sat down the coffee table in the living room, or occasionally running around each kid, lifting them up in their arms and throwing them into the air. He takes a mental note on how those boys have grown into men for all the time he's known them, with sleek defined jaws and strong arms, harsh, bored eyes that didn't resemble the ones they used to have when they were younger. And to top everything off, Jean was becoming a new father, who needed Levi's help with anything he could, not that Levi was sure why he was indeed everyone's father figure.
Levi now shifts his attention to Kuchel who's brushing some shaggy hair away from her tiny face as she's walking towards him with wobbly steps. His chest wells up from unbearable happiness, legs working without his command to meet his daughter halfway and swoon her in his arms as if she weights as much as a feather. Her giggles can ring through everyone's ears, perfectly in sync with her brothers' screams of joy at the pirate roleplay game jeans and Eren are occupying them with. It's moments like these when he feels as if he should never have had a doubt for his abilities as a parent. His own luck of paternal figures haven't stripped him off of them, but if it weren't for you to assure him it'd be alright he wouldn't have warmed up on the idea, just yet, that he's the most amazing father that exists.
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geekhime · 3 years
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Custom Game Boy Boo
Customized with lots of Boo’s & custom labels and modded with a brand new IPS screen, speaker, buttons, screen protector for a unique custom Game Boy full of Boo’s!
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geekhime · 5 years
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サターンの呼び / Saturn no yobi
Gouache on paper
‘coz Hotaru deserves more loving~ ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡ 
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Or if you like what you see, please consider supporting my work here <3
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geekhime · 10 years
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The Legend Of Zelda Link’s Awakening custom Game Boy Color
Hand-painted on an original OEM GBC shell
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geekhime · 9 years
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Custom Nintendo New 3DS cover Blooper attack
Hand-painted with love!
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geekhime · 5 years
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New3DS Venusaur Pokemon handpainted cover
Unique hand-painted piece
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geekhime · 4 years
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ポケット SUMMER <3
Digital illustration
If you like what you see, please consider supporting my work here <3
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geekhime · 8 years
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Custom Super Mario Land New 3DS cover plates
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witchersoldier · 2 years
Stars He Hung || part two
azriel x fem!reader
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SUMMARY: He hung the stars for you. Then he made you cry them all.
WARNINGS: (+16) first person pov, angst, suicidal thoughts, unrequited love, more angst, probably bad writing.
Author's Note: I feel like I rushed into this one and it ended up more of a filler chapter than super important part of the story. It's not as good as I thought it'd be. But more is to come, hopefully faster than part two came. This was not proofread. Also sorry if I forget to tag anyone, I suck at this posting fics thing
tag list: @clara-geekhime
“Y/N sweetheart, are you awake?” someone knocked on my bedroom door, asking for me with a soothing voice. Barely awaken and already had a hammering headache, the consequences of crying myself to numbness hitting stronger than ever. I sat up on the bed, stretching my legs and arms. “Who is it?” I asked in between yawning. Slowly walking to the mirror placed above my dresser, I saw my reflection and the remaining golden stains on my face and neck. “It’s me, Feyre. Can I come in?” shit, I thought. I must have cried more after washing my face last night, when I thought I had calmed down. “Just a moment, please.” I responded while running to the bathroom sink to wash my face as fast as I could. Just before opening the door, I noticed my face wasn’t the only thing stained with golden tears, my pillow was too. Extending a hand towards the pillow, shiny purple tendrils of light seeped from me and reached to turn the messy side down.
Opening the door when everything seemed in order, Feyre’s big blue eyes greeted me, a sympathetic smile matching her doe eyes. “I won’t beat around the bush, so please, let’s sit down so we can talk.” She asked, worry in her voice. “Feyre, I appreciate your concern, really. But everything’s fine, you don’t have to worry.” I tried to assure her, but she just ignored my words and took my hand in hers, leading me to the lilac armchairs I had by the window, near the bookshelf-covered wall. Sitting down, I stared at her for quite some time before she spoke, “I talked with Amren earlier, about what I saw last night.” The words were carefully said to me, she knows it’s a touchy subject and I know that what she found about my condition is not going to be good news. “How bad is it?” I want nothing more than to be over with this conversation, so I can go back to the never ending self-pity cycle. “It’s a disease called Star Tear, caused by-” she paused, taking in a long breath before announcing “It’s caused by unrequited love.” I saw pain and confusion in Feyre’s eyes, it hurt her to tell me about this. Which is totally understandable, I’d hurt too, if I had to tell my best friend the fae she’s hopelessly in love with doesn’t reciprocate her feelings. But why is there confusion in her? Everything is so obviously clear. “The star light you’re crying; it’ll damage your vision. Within the first five days, the colors you see will start to fade away, until the only color you can see is from the golden tears.” Feyre was fidgeting with her hands. It’s been such a long time since I saw her antsy, anxious. “What happens after the five days? Do I die?” If I’m honest with myself, that’d be a great relief. Not having to deal with the shame, the pain he’s putting me through. “No. After those five days, you start losing your vision. If by the seventh day you’re still crying stars, you’ll be permanently blind.” How poetic, I think, living in the City of Starlight, crying stars for the love you give to a male who doesn’t seem to know how to love, then being blinded by love and stars. All those dreams I had as a youngling, about loving someone who makes you see stars, they were so misinterpreted. Everything I once craved turned into my own ruin. I dug my own grave, I cursed my own future. I deserve this awful destiny; I should be fated to an even worse one. I was so stupid. I am so stupid. He made me stupid.
“Thank you for letting me know, Fey, but I need to be alone right now. Please.” Holding back those stupidly bright tears were so difficult, so fucking difficult. Feyre has so much do deal with, I can’t stress her any further. I’d never forgive myself if I was to blame for worrying her during her pregnancy. This is the one thing I can’t bear to do. She stands up, but not to leave my room as I hoped she would. She stood in front of me, offering her hand before she sat by the arm of my own chair. Looking down at me, with her eyes so warm and comforting, “Y/N, I…” Feyre stopped as if she was balancing her words and deciding against voicing her thoughts. “It’s okay. Take your time. When you’re ready, come down and let’s have something to eat, okay?” I nodded before she left.
Overthinking all night, I barely got any sleep. Tossing and turning in my bed, my blanket fell off so many times, I lost count. My cheeks were once again dirty with star tears as I stare at my reflection in the mirror, trying to look presentable for the day. My temples hurt, headache taking over me, with something like pieces of a puzzle itching in my mind, trying to come together. She needed to ask me something, I noticed that. Whatever it was, must be like a blow to the stomach, something so hard to take in that Feyre, my High Lady and best friend, couldn’t ask me. As if anything she had to say could make me hurt more. Little did she know that there’s almost nothing left of me to hurt. Seeing Azriel giving Elain that necklace, being so close to her, feeling his desire, it ripped me apart. My chest tightened so much, there wasn’t enough air in the world for me to breath at that moment. I felt like my heart was tied by a rope so strong and powerful that I couldn’t get away from the scene. I was frozen in place. Tied to him. And the more I had to stretch that rope that bound us together, the more it hurt. Walking away from him physically hurt. I don’t think something could ever hurt me more than the weight of this rope on my chest. Crushing my heart, begging for release. Release.
I didn’t realize he had finished cleaning me up until I missed his body warmth beside me. Blindly reaching out to him, I touched his scarred hand, grabbing his attention back to me. “I love you, did you know that?” I said barely above a whisper, unconsciously caressing his hand. Azriel leaned down and softly kissed my forehead. He’s always been sweet to me, but even in my almost dozed off state I could feel the difference. This was tender, loving and even a little melancholic, as his lips trembled and tears formed in his waterline. I wish he would open up, let me him. I want to understand him, but right now I can barely keep my eyes open. “Let me in to your heart, I would never hurt you.” I muttered before the warmest and brightest of feelings inside my chest lulled me into a deep sleep.
“You already own my heart, my mate.” Azriel whispered to himself. The realization sending chills down his spine. He longed to feel like this, but there were so many things keeping him from getting what he’s always dreamed of. So many thoughts restraining him, keeping him trapped in this dark and cold pit, in a loop of fear and anger, sadness and self-hate, pain. What does it take to get out of this place? How does he let go?
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aka-a-shii · 4 years
Triple the Fun || Bokuto K.
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Bokuto x F!Reader
genre: fluff
warnings: none just pure fluffiness :) slightly suggestive at the end if you blink :))))
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cheers and shouts blaring all over the stadium as the final set comes to an end. MSBY Black Jackals won yet another game! you watched your husband’s game along with your triplets for the first time since most of the time Bokuto is out of the country for international competitions. and as the crowd dispersed, you made your way to Bokuto on the court hand in hand with yours and his baby owls
Bokuto came running towards you the moment he saw you and his little owls along the crowd. you are all dressed in his jersey which made him a lot more prouder.
“HEY HEY HEY!” he exclaimed as he approached you.
“HEY HEY HEY!” your kids copied their dad as they did the famous Bokuto beam towards him.
he scooped all three of them and peppered them with kisses.
“DAAAAAD!!! LET US RIDE YOUR BACK!” Natsuki exclaimed.
“Wait! Its my turn to ride dad’s back now!” Fuyumi retorted
the two girls were arguing while Akira, the youngest and the only boy just stood there watching her two sisters bicker.
“now, now you two. don’t fight. you can take turns riding daddy’s back” you told the kids smiling at them.
“that is right my little owls! c’mere Fuyumi you’ll be on my shoulders, while I carry Akira and Natsuki on my arms.” Bokuto stated as he lifted Fuyumi onto his shoulders.
“Kou, aren’t the three of them heavy for you?” you asked as you held Akira to him. you know that Bokuto is strong but its still worry you when he tries to pick all your kids up, its was okay when they’re still infants but now that they are three-year-old toddlers it made you a bit worried.
“its okay mommy owl! daddy owl can carry all his baby owls! Fuyumi hold on to daddy, okay?” he said as he lifted himself up.
you were amazed at how the balanced himself well with three additional little bodies with him. he stood and smiled proud as he lifted the triplets and you can’t help yourself but smile at them.
“see?” Bokuto turned to you beaming.
he was busy with the triplets when a reporter approached him.
“Bokuto-san, can we have an interview with you?” the reporter asked as he approached Bokuto
“of course! but my kids are with me, is it okay?” gesturing to his little owl
“yes, of course! we know that a lot of your fans wanted to see the triplets as well” the reporter replied smiling.
the interview went on and even with three kids on him, Bokuto doesn’t look fazed at all. it seems like three 3y/o toddlers aren’t heavy at all. people around the vicinity were all eyes on your family, some were smiling and others let out some awes and oohhhs. it is rare to see Bokuto with the triplets since most of the time he’s out of town for games and when he’s with you and the kids, he would take all the time with you no matter what.
as the interview is nearing its end, the reporter asked Bokuto what gives him inspiration of being the best ace there is.
“well, as for my inspiration, it would be my beautiful wife.” Bokuto casted a loving glance at you and you smiled back at him. “and of course, these three baby owls!”
suddenly Akira whispered to Bokuto’s ear which made Bokuto’s eyes go wide. he then turned to the reporter and said, “is it okay if my boy, Akira would have a little word?”
the reporter just nodded and smiled as he gestured the microphone to Akira.
“my dad is the best! p-please give a lot of love and s-support to my dad!” being the quietest and the most aloof among the three, Akira’s words made Bokuto tear up a little. Akira doesn’t show affection like his sisters most of the time, but when he does, its over for Bokuto’s heart.
Bokuto stared at his son with his signature toothy grin. “anything else you wanted to add?”
“i love daddy so much!” Akira shouted and then held the microphone back to the reporter.
everyone who saw went “awwww” and you definitely noticed that your husband’s eyes were welling of tears
the reporter thanked Bokuto and the kids as he bowed down and left.
you walked towards them after the interview and Bokuto still can’t believe what he heard from his son.
“d-do you really love daddy?” Bokuto asked Akira
but instead of answering, Akira just hugged him and nodded.
Bokuto took notice of you. “HONEEEEEEY!!!! AKIRA SAID HE LOVES ME!!!!” Bokuto exclaimed as tears started to roll over his cheeks.
“of course he loves you, Kou! you’re his dad and role model!” you let out a chuckle as you reached for Akira’s head and ruffled his hair.
Akira just smiled sheepishly. “we love you too daddy!” Fuyumi and Natsuki suddenly blurted out in chorus.
Bokuto lets out a hearty laugh which made your heart swell up more. “HEY HEY HEY! I LOVE YOU TOO MY BABY OWLS!”
“alright you guys, i think daddy is already exhausted. why don’t you come down now?” you as you took notice that your husband is indeed getting tired.
all three of them protested but Bokuto reassured them to give them a lot of piggyback rides at home.
“Bokkun!” you heard Atsumu called in a distance and all five of you turned to where he was.
“i guess its time for you to go, babe” you said nudging Bokuto’s shoulder. he then turned to you with a pout visible on his face indicating that he doesn’t want to go yet. he wanted more time with you and the kids.
“awww Kou, you’ll still see us when you get home later. now run along and enjoy the party!” you said as you pushed him slightly.
“b-but... i wanna be with my baby owls a little bit longer!” Bokuto protested while hugging the triplets closer to him.
“don’t worry daddy! we’ll wait for you at home!” Natsuki chirped.
“we’ll wait for you daddy! its a promise!” Fuyumi added.
“promise!” Akira said while looking intently at his father’s golden eyes that matches his own.
Bokuto then turned to you. “alright! i’ll be home early then! so wait for me, ‘kay?”
the triplets nodded in response eagerly then Bokuto kissed each of them on the forehead then turned to you and gave you a peck on the lips.
“see you, later y/n!” one final kiss on your cheek and he ran off towards his teammates while waving at you.
Bokuto definitely can’t wait to be home and spend the rest of the night with his beloved family.
later that night, being true to his words, Bokuto came home early as he could. excusing himself from the party as he badly wanted to be with you as soon as possible.
“I’M HOME!” the booming sound of his voice echoed to the hallways and three pairs of feet came racing towards the front door.
“DADDY!” all three of them came tackling Bokuto down and then burst out fit of laughters. you slowly trailed behind them smiling to yourself as you watched the scene in front of you.
“welcome home, daddy owl.” you greeted him with the warmest smile on your face.
Bokuto stood up and slowly made to where you’re standing. he lifted your chin and placed the most loving kiss onto your lips. “i’m home mommy owl” he said as he pulled away.
“piggyback rides!!! let’s go daddy!” you were suddenly interrupted when Natsuki pulled thier father towards the living room.
“laters baby. lemme first tire these little owls so i could have alone time with you later.” he said smirking then ran to play.
the night went on with lots of fun and laighter filling the room. they are running and jumping around, even the aloof Akira joining the fun. they rode their father’s back and Bokuto is not showing any sign of exhaustion at all. he was just happy to be with his kids after being far from them for so long. when they all got tired, you decided to watch “Despicable Me” and the room was filled with fits of laughter again as they gobble the smores and cookies you made. later, at the second movie, the kids are starting to doze off, feeling the tiredness engulf their little bodies bit by bit and at the middle of the movie, they were already sound alseep, soft little snores escaping their lips.
“maybe we should call it a night.” you said as you ran your fingers onto Akira’s soft locks who was deep asleep on your lap.
“yeah, maybe we should”. Bokuto whispered back and gently moved to pick the two girls up who were also asleep on both of his side.
you folowed Bokuto towards the kids’ bedroom with Akira in your arms. you gently tucked them in their blankets and you both kissed each of their foreheads good night.
“sweet dreams our little owls” you whispered as you silently closed the door behind you. you suddenly felt Bokuto’s strong arms snaked around your waist. “now, lemme give mommy owl my attention.” he whispered into your ear making you moan softly.
he hoisted you up and captured your lips into a searing, deep, longing kiss as you made your way towards your bedroom. then when you reached the bed he gently plopped you down and hovered above you.
“aren’t you tired?” you asked in between his kisses
“i got my recharge during the movie earlier.” he replied as he pulled back only to stare at you lovingly yet the lust was evident in his golden eyes and dove down once again to your lips then sliding down to your jaw and into your neck.
boy he still had the extra stamina for you, his wonderful wife. no wonder where your kids got the hyperactivity from. it really does run in the blood. this, indeed will be a long night for you after all. obviously.
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Taglist: @whootwhoot @tsvvkki @mirikusashes @justapotterhead @curiouslilbeast @saku-kun @chesley-cant-deal @clara-geekhime @micheleinumaki @raineedayze @kellesvt @lollypop-lam @kyomihann @doodleniella @akasuns
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aka-a-shii · 4 years
Double Surprise || Kuroo T.
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Kuroo x F!Reader
genre: fluff; crack
warnings: light swearing
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Kuroo was so ecstatic when you broke the news to him during your 2nd trimester. he can’t definitely utter a word just as how surprised and happy he was and all he could do was hug you tight and peppered your face with butterfly kisses.
he was so surprised that he thought of an idea. why not surprise everybody close to the both of you as well? and that led you to what situation you are now, in front of both of your families.
no one really knew except you and Kuroo that you were having twins until you gave birth. which totally surprised both of your families. they were so shocked when they entered your hospital room seeing you with both babies in your arms. your mom bursts out of tears when she saw her grandsons while your dad just patted Kuroo’s back giving him a knowing “you-did-a-great-job” look, proud of his son-in-law. Kuroo’s older sister’s reaction was way more predictable than you thought, she just whacked Kuroo’s head for keeping it a secret from her and you couldn’t stop laughing at them.
the next victims of his were his closest friends. Kenma almost dropped the baby when Kuroo introduced the other twin and he gave him a scowling look like he was so betrayed by his friend.
“what the hell? you almost dropped my son!” Kuroo exclaimed.
“fuck you! you almost gave me a heart attack!” Kenma retorted as he handed you the other baby. “do the others know???” he asked.
“not yet” you replied. “Tetsu is planning to drop the bomb when we get home this weekend. everyone’s gonna be there... so...” you giggled. “i can’t wait to see their reactions.”
the next were Akaashi and Tsukishima. the moment they entered the room, both of their jaws dropped in unison.
“twins?” Akaashi asked as he looked over Kuroo who was grinning from ear to ear.
“yep! surprised aren’t yah?” Kuroo then took one of the twins from you and cradled him in his arms.
“oh! you brought Naoki with you?” you asked Tsukki as your gaze landed on the baby carrier in front of him. the baby boy was sleeping peacefully against Tsukishima’s chest while sucking his tiny thumb.
“yeah... my wife is at work and i’m on my day off today so i brought him. also to meet his future playmate.” he paused. “but i didn’t expect that he’ll be meeting two instead.”
you let out a laugh as the two visitors took seats on the couch.
“how’s your wife doing?” you turned to Akaashi. “i heard she was having a hard time because of pregnancy.” your face was laced with concern
“she’s alright.” Akaashi smiled. “but i guess her morning sickness is kinda inevitable. i might request my boss to allow me to work from home so i could be there for her.”
“that’s excellent! you’ll also have more time with her and your soon-to-be-born child” Kuroo butted in.
Akaashi turned to him, “so? does Bokuto-san knows about this?”
Kuroo flashed his chesire grin and he shook his head. “nope! he’s on a honeymoon right now. and not a word to him. got that Akaashi?” he gave Akaashi a stern look
Tsukishima scoffed. “i could already imagine his face the moment you drop him the news.”
Kuroo just laughed it out. “imma try video calling him this weekend and we’ll see. oh be there too, okay?”
Later that weekend, your house was bustling with people, a few friends were there to congratulate the both of you. the whole Nekoma team was also there.
Kuroo was definitely a prankster to the core and you knew it by heart, so you had expected that he would pull such prank to his former teammates. they were all gathered in the living room as Kuroo put his prank into action and suggested to take a group photo. you volunteered to take their photo. Kuroo took a seat at the center of the couch as he hold one of the twins.
“okay! ready! 1. 2. 3.”
Kuroo then handed his son to Yaku, who was beside him as he secretly made his way to get the other twin from the nursery. you were trying so hard not to laugh as you imagined the team’s reactions. they were busy ogling over the baby when Kuroo came back with the other.
“now that we had took a photo with Toshiaki, why don’t we take a photo with his twin, Yoshiaki?” Kuroo announced as he placed the other twin into Yamamoto’s arms.
everybody’s eyes went wide as they gasped in surprise. and Kuroo can’t help but laugh at his teammates’ reactions. you were laughing yourself while recording them.
“you dumbass!” Yaku sneered.
“KUROO-SAN??????!!!!!! Y/N-SAN?????!!!!! YOU HAD TWINS???????!!!!!” Lev couldn’t believe it himself.
Yamamoto was still dumbfounded as he look back and forth to Toshiaki and Yoshiaki who was in his arms.
Kai just smiled at the both of you and Kenma was at the corner cackling. “now i am not the only one.” he said as he wiped the tears from laughing.
Later that evening, you video called Bokuto . “HAAAAAAAAAAAA????? KUROO!!!! BROOOOOOOO WHY DID YOU DO THIS????????? HMP!!!!!!” Bokuto was all pouty when Kuroo showed your sons to him.
“AND I WAS THE LAST ONE TO KNOW ABOUT THIS???????? WAIT I WAS REALLY THE LAST ONE?????? AKAASHI DIDN’T SAY A WORD TOO!!!!!!” he was rambling about how unfait Kuroo was for not telling him sooner.
“Tetsu told Akaashi not to say a word to you, so we won’t spoil the surprise. were you surprised. Bo?” you giggled.
“OF COURSE!!!! DAMN MAYBE WE SHOULD MAKE TWINS TOO! “Bokuto turned to his wife beside him
his wife just smacked his head and apologized to you but you didn’t mind at all.
“oya? are you challenging me?” Kuroo smirked. “then get on with it.”
“I AM.” Bokuto stood up from the screen, annoyed, stomping towards the bedroom grumbling profanities as he told his wife to shut the lap top off.
the three of you laughed at it as his wife apologized for her husband’s antics as she bid you goodbye and ended the call.
you were standing by the crib, watching your little angels sleep peacefully, you can’t help but plant soft kisses onto each of their forehead, when you felt your husband’s arms wrapped around your waist. he rested his chin onto your shoulder as you gently caressed the back of his head.
“they totally got their looks from you, Tetsu” Kuroo just hummed in response and tighten his hold onto you.
“did we really made them?” you asked while you stared lovingly at your sons.
“hell yeah we did.”
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Taglist: @whootwhoot @tsvvkki @mirikusashes @justapotterhead @curiouslilbeast @saku-kun @chesley-cant-deal @clara-geekhime @michelepiekenma @raineedayze @kellesvt @lollypop-lam @kyomihann @doodleniella @akasuns
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