#geeky talks bad guys (2014)
madegeeky · 7 months
Never thought I'd see a cop show be so fucking liberal and thoughtful as to acknowledge that a person who is diagnosed with psychopathy is not, by default, a serial killer. They have "persistent antisocial behavior, impaired empathy and remorse, and bold, disinhibited, and egotistical traits" (Wikipedia) but none of that means that they are going to (or have) become a serial killer. (The show uses the word "psychopathy" so that's what I'll be using.)
The basic premise of the show, which is the Korean drama Bad Guys, is that a detective uses 3 prisoners to help him fight crime, usually people who have killed repeatedly. There's the mobster, the hitman, and the aforementioned psychopath, Jung-moon.
It later turns out that Jung-moon has been framed for the serial killings that he went to jail for. He was framed, in fact, by the detective he is now working for because, well, he was a psychopath so that meant that it had to be him, even if there was no real evidence.
But it is wrong and the show specifically states that. It was wrong, the show says, that this was done to someone no matter what they were diagnosed with. It was wrong, the show says, that the detective assumed the worst of Jung-moon because of his diagnosis. It was wrong, the show says, that Jung-moon was sent to prison for years. It was cruel and awful and wrong.
And the show never refutes that Jung-moon has psychopathy! Never! No one ever calls it into question, tries to say that he didn't do the killings because he's not obviously not a psychopath. He has psychopathy but he still didn't deserve to go to jail or be treated the way he was treated. The psychopathy is never used as a reason to make it better or understandable that he was sent away.
They even have the detective apologize to Jung-moon! "I branded you as a psychopath, blaming everything on you," says the detective. "I'm sorry. Please forgive me." There's no attempt to make excuses, to pretend that there was another reason he thought it was Jung-moon. He straight up just admits that that was the only reason he targeted Jung-moon. And he acknowledges that this was wrong and cruel of him.
The detective then gives Jung-moon his gun and tells him that he deserves to be shot by the other man. And Jung-moon puts the gun to the detective's head and says, "I can't feel the emotions you fee. Because I can't feel those feelings, I wanted to learn them. Whether it's blame, sadness, happiness, I learned from you for the past couple months." And then Jung-moon doesn't pull the trigger. He's a psychopath. He has low empathy and low self-control and he still doesn't kill the detective.
I just wasn't expecting such a nuanced, respectful, and kind look at a character diagnosed with psychopathy from a silly little cop drama which is basically just a mystery with cops being overly dramatic and a fuck ton of fight scenes. It was just incredibly refreshing to see.
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katthemermaid3 · 7 years
A bit about me.
I figured I should tell you guys a little bit about me.
I’m a 21 year old wife and mom. My son just turned 3 and I have been married for 2 years. I have been with my sons father for almost 4 years. I did not graduate high school. My anxiety basically keeps me from continuing my education. I have had anxiety and depression since I was 10. I was first diagnosed with “Borderline Depression” I don’t even know how it would be classified as borderline. I have moved around a lot in my life. I was born in Montana. At the age of 4 my mother moved us to Oklahoma where I spent the next 11 years of my life. Then at the age of 15 we moved back to Montana. Only for my mother to kick me out 8 months later. She believed stupid rumors there were being thrown around in school. Luckily for me though my dad took me in. I had only known my father for 3 months. I stayed with him and went to high school on the Flathead Reservation. I was a sophomore in high school. I had a history of abusive boyfriends and girlfriends. I also has a history of self harm. I would starve myself and I would harm my self any chance I got. I thought I would never be normal. But that changed when I met Tallon. He was a senior in the school. He was creepy and geeky. I loved it. He asked my if I wanted to watch some movies at his place one weekend in April. I said yes. We hit it off and he asked me out. I made the poor boy wait until Monday for me to answer. Of course I said yes. He got me to stop harming myself and to start eating again. I helped him finally stand up to his mom. We were together for 11 months before we found out I was pregnant. I was 6 days 6 weeks when we found out. I remember the next day he said that I should have a abortion. He then told me that his mom talked him into it. I told him that if the baby goes I go to. I ignored him for a week after that. He finally showed up at my house and apologized and said he wanted the baby. Everything was fine until his mom convinced me to move in to her place with them when I was 9 months pregnant. She tried to have my dad arrested all because I was still in school a week before my due date. But honestly that was my choice. I wanted to be in school then. I ended up giving birth to a happy little baby boy on October 23rd 2014. I was in labor for 2 days. It was a lot for my 17 year old body. About 3 weeks later 1 week before my 18 th birthday I collapsed in pain and passed out. Only to wake up in the hospital. My appendix was about to erupt and I had to be rushed from the hospital I was at on the reservation to a big one a hour away. I had to leave my baby boy with Tallon’s mother and go have surgery. They refused to let Tallon in the ambulance so he had to drive behind it. I made it out fine but was told that if I had brushed off the pain like I usually do it could have been fatal. I was able to go home 3 days later to my son and relax. A few months pass by and Tallon’s mom basically flipped. She tried calling the cops saying I was trying to kill her by putting salt in her coffee creamer and that I was stealing her cigarettes. But none of that was true. We left that night and stayed with my grandparents. We got a new car and found a nice trailer to rent. Not long after that we decided to get married. It wasn’t all Romantic with the whole down on one knee and all that. We just sat there and he said “Hey. We should get married.” I said ok. We ended up getting married June 12th 2015. We had a little barbecue and had his mom and his family there. My dads family had a funeral to go to in Idaho so they couldn’t make it and I didn’t talk to my mom. She moved back to Oklahoma 4 months after she kicked me out. I had some friends there though. My best friend at the time was pregnant and it was high risk so she just sat and talked. She brought a old friend of mine who had just shaved her head so now whenever I look at my wedding photos I laugh. Some other old friend from school were there too. People thought we were crazy for getting married 2 weeks after I left school. I was only 18 and he was only 20. But we were happy.
We are still in the trailer getting ready to buy a house. We still have the van. We have 2 cats and a mostly hairless dog. Our son just turned 3 and I say I’m 21 but I am 20. I’ll be 21 on the 14th of November. My husband is 23. We are getting ready for our Disney trip in March.
I should be happy shouldn’t I? But I’m not. I don’t know why. My depression is getting bad. I have started having blackouts. They get scary. At first it would be I would blackout and when I came too I would be in another part of the house doing something and it’s like 4 hours later. But then it escalated. Each time it would be something new. I would be outside sitting in the street. Or I would be laying in the tub fully clothed trying to basically drown myself. But now...... Now when I come too after a blackout I end up finding out that I hurt myself. I wake up to cuts all over my body. You see. I used to want to kill my self. I even tried a few times. But they failed. A friend would find me or it just didn’t work. I have tried overdosing and slitting myself. But it never worked. After the last time though I changed. I was 16. I was with Tallon at the time. I had cheated on him. I felt like shit. I was at a friends house drinking with her and her friends. I hated myself so much after that that I took some alcohol and went into her bathroom and just started swallowing all the pills in her cabinet. She had pain killers, sleeping pills, and some other ones that I don’t remember. I just started downing them with the alcohol. I sat on the floor looking at my phone. I had texted him telling him what I had done. He sent me a voicemail saying that he still loved me and that we would get through this together. I felt bad. All I could see was his face in my mind. I decided that I loved him too much to leave him behind. I crawled to the toilet and made myself puke out everything I possibly could in my stomach. I decided right then that I didn’t want to die. And I still don’t. But apparently according to my therapist my subconscious still wants me to die. Something deep down in me does not want to be alive. I still don’t understand why it is happening now when I am finally happy and normal. But it is. I don’t want to die and I am happy with my life. But at the same time I know that I do want to die. And that I will never escape that.
So sorry if this is jumbled and shit. But that is a little about me.
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rickydavidpowell · 7 years
Spider-Man Homecoming movie review.
Spider-Man Homecoming takes two of my favourite movie genres, high school teenage comedy movies and superhero movies throws them in a blender and pours out the geeky goodness in to the MARVEL Cinematic Universe…(insert drooling noises here).
This Spider-Man movie is not the origin story of Peter Parker becoming Spider-Man that we have all seen a billion times, essentially this movie is about Peter Parker becoming a better Spider-Man than he was at the beginning of the movie, although it is kind of alluded to by Peter we don’t see nor did we need to see Uncle Ben dying in the street again to know the story of how or why Parker becomes everybody’s favourite webhead,
Throughout the (what seemed to be endless) trailers for Spider-Man Homecoming I, like many others had my fears that SONY/MARVEL would take away from Spider-Man by forcing way too much of Iron Man in to this movie but I’m happy to say that is not the case, Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark/Iron Man is perfect as always, every time he appears on screen it’s for a purpose not just to carry a movie with a lesser known actor as the film’s lead,
Speaking of, let’s talk about Tom Holland, this kid IS Spider-Man, he’s perfect, he is the Peter Parker/Spider-Man that all us die hard comic book fan boys have wanted to see on the big screen our entire lives, he is funny, awkward, loveable and most importantly (no disrespect to Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield…well maybe a little bit) he finally actually looks like a high school kid! He doesn’t look or feel like a 25 year old guy playing a high schooler, the fact that Peter Parker has to juggle being a teenager and also a superhero is what makes the character so endearing, he is not solely focused on saving the world, he is just a kid so he has to make it to school on time, participate in an academic decathlon and attend a school dance just like a regular high school teen would, of course being Spider-Man takes a toll on Peter Parker’s high school activities and this movie does a great job at showing Peter’s struggles,
The main antagonist of Spider-Man Homecoming is Adrian Toomes/Vulture played by the Batman himself Michael Keaton, unlike the main villain in Wonder Woman (see my review here, http://rickydavidpowell.tumblr.com/post/161305952829/wonder-woman-movie-review) this character was so well fleshed out throughout the movie it kind of made you feel for him at some points, he is not your average villain that wants to take over or destroy the world, he is just doing bad things to make a good living for his family, there is a nice twist to Michael Keaton’s character that I did not see coming and it really tied the whole movie together before the final act of the film,
Now before you criticise me for being a fanboy there were some things that I thought were lazy and reused, the scene in which Adrian Toomes/Vulture figures out that Peter Parker is Spider-Man felt completely ripped from Sam Raimi’s 2002 Spider-Man movie when Willem Dafoe realised Tobey Maguire was in fact Spider-Man, I’m not sure if it was a little nod to the first movie but when the penny finally drops and Toomes reveals to Parker that he knows who he is a green traffic light shines on Toomes’ face almost making him look like Willem Dafoe’s Green Goblin, another scene shows Spider-Man shooting his web down an elevator shaft to catch his love interest before her demise which is almost identical to a scene in 2014’s The Amazing Spider-Man 2,
Despite my few little nit picky complaints I really enjoyed Spider-Man Homecoming, as a life long comic book fan I was happy to finally see our friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man done Justice on the big screen, overall I give Spider-Man Homecoming an A-.
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popliar · 7 years
quick thoughts on the bts spotify mixtapes
aka i talk a lot of nonsense
Rap Monster: Careful to play by mixtape rules, but also the most eclectic and diverse mix in terms of genre and time. Bon Iver AND Aphex Twin AND Sade AND Chet Baker. Plus! Pre-OKC Radiohead! I love this nerd sob. I think it kinda reflects who he wants to be, it’s his aspirational self - broad-minded, genre-crossing, able to draw influences from the past as well as look ahead to current/future trends, a little edgy in a geeky way. OR as I think of it - Namjoon as college kid AU: the soundtrack.
Rap Monster’s Heavy Rotations Film - Aphex Twin - Come To Daddy PRBLMS - 6LACK - FREE 6LACK 143 - Musiq Soulchild - Aijuswanaseing I Love You - Lido - I Love You High and Dry - Radiohead - The Bends My Funny Valentine - Chet Baker - Chet Baker Sings Karaoke - Drake - Thank Me Later One Mic - Nas - Greatest Hits Swim Good - Frank Ocean - Swim Good CPU - Raury, RZA - All We Need Really Love - D’Angelo - Black Messiah U-RITE - THEY. - U-RITE Baby Blue - King Krule - 6 Feet Beneath The Moon About You - xxyyxx - Xxyyxx By Your Side - Remastered - Sade - The Ultimate Collection Rain - Razah - Rain Cleanin’ Out My Closet - Eminem - The Eminem Show Déjà Vu - TWENTY88 - TWENTY88 Perth - Bon Iver - Bon Iver
Suga: Look at this focus and discipline! Just the adherence to form and theme and its brevity make it stand out. There's nothing like super underground or surprising here and I'm wary of saying this expresses something personal the way Namjoon's does - but this is a good solid 'snapshot of the genre'. Also I'm just so unreasonably pleased both he and Namjoon included Nas.
SUGA’S Hip-Hop Replay N.Y. State of Mind - Nas - Illmatic XX POWER - Album Version (Edited) - Kanye West - My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy New God Flow.1 - Album Version (Edited) - Kanye West, Pusha T - Kanye West Presents Good Music Cruel Summer The Way I Am - Eminem - The Marshall Mathers LP Losing Out (feat. Royce Da 5’9) - Black Milk, Royce Da 5’9 - Tronic My Moment (feat. 2 Chainz, Meek Mill, Jeremih) - DJ Drama, 2 Chainz, Meek Mill, Jeremih - My Moment (feat. 2 Chainz, Meek Mill, Jeremih) HYFR (Hell Ya F***ing Right) - Album Version - Drake, Lil Wayne - Take Care (Deluxe) This or That - Prod. by Statik Selektah - Reks, Styles P, Termanology, DJ Corbet, Freeway, - Rhythmatic Eternal King Supreme Ali Bomaye - The Game, 2 Chainz, Rick Ross - Jesus Piece Bugatti - Ace Hood, Future, Wiz Khalifa, T.I., Meek Mill, French Montana - Trials & Tribulations (Deluxe) Notorious Thugs - Amended, 2014 Remastered Version - The Notorious B.I.G. - Life After Death (Remastered Edition) [Amended] Work Out - J. Cole - Work Out (Clean Version)
J-Hope: Looser adherence to theme and form, maybe a freer expression of personality? Seems like a good mix of stuff he genuinely likes without having overthought it. This is a fun one and I forgive The Chainsmokers because I for real gasped when I saw he included Blue (!), ASAP Rocky's Fashion Killa (!!) and Diddy & Faith's I'll Be Missing You (!!!!). HE’S MY FAVE FOR A REASON YOU KNOW.
J-Hope’s JAM Sunday Candy - Donnie Trumpet & The Social Experiment - Surf Beware - Big Sean, Jhene Aiko, Lil Wayne - Beware One Love - Blue - One Love i - Kendrick Lamar - i YOUTH - Troye Sivan - Blue Neighborhood (Deluxe) Dance On Me - GoldLink - And After That, We Didn’t Talk Fashion Killa - A$AP Rocky - LONG.LIVE.A$AP (Deluxe Version) Talk - DJ Snake, George Maple - Encore Knock Knock - Mac Miller - Knock Knock - Single Cinderella (feat. Ty Dolla $ign) - Mac Miller, Ty Dolla $ign - The Divine Feminine Fakin It (feat. Ofelia K) - Kaskade, Felix Cartal - Fakin It (feat. Ofelia K) Sidewalks - The Weeknd, Kendrick Lamar - Starboy さくらんぼ - LOVE IS BORN ~13th Anniversary 2016~ - Ai Otsuka - LOVE IS BORN ~13th Anniversary 2016~ I’ll Be Missing You (feat. 112) - Diddy, Faith Evans, 112, Bad Boy’s 10th Anniversary- The Hits Paris - The Chainsmokers - Paris Closer - The Chainsmokers - Closer No. 99 - Joey Bada$$ - B4.DA.$$
Jin: I like how this is split into two halves, like a cassette with a side A and a side B, divided down the middle with some beautifully subtle and understated self-promo - never change Jin!!! At the same time Idk how personal this one is either. The mix of pretty mainstream hiphop with pretty mainstream  top 40 and rnb is solid but very safe. Like he figured out who we expect him & BTS to be, and goodnaturedly played along. (That said there is a lot to be said for playing safe, as we get to the maknae line playlists...)
Jin’s GA CHI DEUL EUL LAE? Lost - BTS - WINGS (LOL I HATE JIN) Weight in Gold - Gallant - Ology Black and Yellow - Wiz Khalifa - Rolling Papers 6 Foot 7 Foot - Lil Wayne, Cory Gunz - Tha Carter IV (Deluxe) Rap God - Eminem - The Marshall Mathers LP2 Black Skinhead - Kanye West - Yeezus Hold On, We’re Going Home - Drake, Majid Jordan - Nothing Was The Same (Deluxe) It’s Definitely You - V, Jin - HWARANG, Pt. 2 (Music from the Original TV Series) (JIN IS THE #1 PROMOTER) Viva La Vida - Coldplay - Viva La Vida Or Death And All His Friends Fix You - Coldplay - X & Y Kiss the Sky - Jason Derulo - Kiss the Sky Ain’t Giving Up - Craig David, Sigala - Following My Intuition (Deluxe) Party - Chris Brown, Usher, Gucci Mane - Party Love Right Next To You - Karina - Love Right Next To You
Jungkook: He is an adorable baby who loves soft things AWWWW! This is just... the softest mix ever. And I wanna know who got into the Eels first, him or Jimin? Who introduced them to the Eels, of ALL THE BANDS IN THE WORLD? This is way too long and sleepy for me to enjoy for more than a couple of songs at a time, it’s just not my style tbh. But I find it really endearing and genuine. No posturing.
Jungkook: I am Listening to It Right Now DNA - Lia Marie Johnson - DNA ILYSB - STRIPPED - LANY - Make Out I Need Some Sleep - Eels - Meet the EELS: Essential EELS 1996-2006 Vol.1 Beautiful Lies - Birdy - Beautiful Lies Dear No One - Tori Kelly - Foreword Like a Star - Corinne Bailey Rae - Corinne Bailey Rae Ghost in the Wind - Birdy - Ghost in the Wind What Do You Mean? - Justin Bieber - Purpose (Deluxe) Clouds - Before You Exit - Clouds - Single Lullaby - Arco - Coming to Terms Dream Lantern - RADWIMPS - Your Name. Nandemonaiya - Movie Version - RADWIMPS - Your Name. Heavy Weather - Bilie Marten - Heavy Weather Oasis - Jasmine Thompson - Oasis Boyfriend - Acoustic Version - Justin Bieber - Believe Acoustic Colors Of The Wind - From “Pocahontas” - Tori Kelly - We Love Disney Theme of Mitsuha -RADWIMPS - Your Name. 7 Years - Jasmine Thompson - 7 Years Lost Boy - Ruth B. - Lost Boy Mannequin - Yuna - Chapters (Deluxe)
V: I - I don't know what's happening here and I refuse to acknowledge it. (I LOVE YOU TAE but oh. my. god. 0_0)
V's Join Me Advice - Kehlani - SweetSexySavage (Deluxe) Undercover - Kehlani - Undercover Distraction - Kehlani - SweetSexySavage (Deluxe) CRZY - Kehlani - SweetSexySavage (Deluxe) I Wanna Be - Kehlani - SweetSexySavage (Deluxe) I Think of You - Jeremih, Big Sean, Chris Brown - I Think of You Castle on the Hill - Ed Sheeran - Castle on the Hill Shape of You - - Ed Sheeran - Castle on the Hill Piece of Mind - Kehlani - SweetSexySavage (Deluxe) Do U Dirty - Kehlani - Do U Dirty Crash (feat. Pell) - Skizzy Mars, Pell - Alone Together Alcoholics - Skizzy Mars - Alone Together Comb - Skizzy Mars - Alone Together Recognize (feat. JoJo) - Skizzy Mars, JoJo - Alone Together Fantasy (TEEMID Remix) - Alina Baraz, Galimatias, Teemid - Urban Flora (Remixes) I Will Be There - Agapornis, Come & C, ChocQuibTown - I Will Be There Falling Into You (studio version) - Hillsong Young & Free - Youth Revival Acoustic Heart Attack (Snakehips Remix) - Flight Facilities, Owl Eyes, Snakehips - Heart Attack (Remixes) Fields of Gold - Eva Cassidy - Songbird Creep - Karen Souza - Karen Souza Essentials
Jimin: Idky but this seems like exactly the sort of playlist a guy his age would be into? It's a fun mix again. AND EELS AGAIN WHY AND HOW. This lacks the period diversity of Hobi's but otherwise seems like a good counterpart. Like. It’s fine. 
Jimin's Joah? JOAH! Pillowtalk - Zayn - Men's Health: Beach Body Workout Motel Pool - Travis Garland - Travis Garland Stayin Out All Night - Wiz Khalifa - Stayin Out All Night Private Show - T.I., Chris Brown - Paperwork (Deluxe Clean) Lot To Learn - Luke Christopher - TMRW I Need Some Sleep - Eels - Meet the EELS: Essential EELS 1996-2006 Vol. 1 Alive (feat. Coucheron) - Kehlani, Coucheron - You Should Be Here You Should Be Here - Kehlani - You Should Be Here The Way (feat. Chance the Rapper) - Kehlani, Chance the Rapper - You Should Be Here Let Me Love You - DJ Snake, Justin Bieber - Encore Mark My Words - Justin Bieber - Purpose (Deluxe) Fa La La (a cappella) - Justin Bieber, Boyz II Men - Under the Mistletoe (Deluxe Version) Coffee - Miguel, Wale - Coffee face the sun - Miguel, Lenny Kravitz - Wildheart (Deluxe Version) Shape of You - Ed Sheeran - Shape of You i hate u, i love u (feat. olivia o'brien) - gnash, Olivia O'Brien - us Lost - Frank Ocean - channel ORANGE (explicit) Never Be the Same (feat. Jay Rock) - Ty Dolla $ign, Jay Rock - Beach House EP So Cold - Chris Brown - Graffiti
Overall winner: hyung line by a M I L E.
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