lachenn · 8 years
gekirena, moveforward887
replied to your post“Today for the first to in my life I confessed to a girl. I feel like...”
you were so brave! that's great!
what a huge step! hopefully it will work out for you
Yoo, I’ve been meaning to answer these for a couple of days but just arrived home from traveling. just wanted to say thank u. As soon as I confessed I was feeling conflicted and honestly just awful but these words helped me alot so yeah thx so much  ;__;
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gekirena · 8 years
GekiRena’s Trip to Japan....All I could see was Orange and Green (if you know what I mean)
Hey guys! Just came back to share this with you all! Me and my family went to Japan for 5 days (March 23-27, 2016). It was a dream come true! Just too bad we had a tour guide....I couldn’t go to Nagoya T_T BUT despite that, everything reminded me of Orange (SKE48) and Green (Rena) so if you would like to know how my trip went then feel free to read below. (WARNING: LONG POST AHEAD)
First off I got so lucky that I won a Japan sim card with free wifi in it on the first raffle of the first day XD
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Okay to start off here are some tourist-y pics of Japan. Taken by me and my sisters. (there are more but this post will get long)
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^ My favorite shot <3
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^ This is Akihabara.....we just passed by it!!!! T_T stupid tour guide ugh....My sisters and I really wanted to go (we’re huge anime fans). But the next time we go to Japan, we will definitely spare a day only for Akihabara! hahaha
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^ Tokyo Tower....again....we just passed by it on our way to Disneyland.
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^ Rena’s beloved Disneyland! This place seems like a dream or a fairytale story straight out of the book! We just roam around and took pics....
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^ Me and my sisters had to wait in the cold for 4 hours just to ride one......In the end we only experienced one ride in Disneyland that lasted about 3 minutes LOL and we waited for 4 hours for that! HAHAHAA...HA...ha...
And then....FOOOOOOOD! Everything I ate was delicious!!!
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^ this reminded me of Doraemon so I just had to eat one XD
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^ Airport food hahahha just had to take a snap of it. I got myself a wine hihihi
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^ when it comes to spicy noodles, what comes into mind??? Of course! Renaaaaa!!! It was delicious! and it was cheap too!
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^ Rena’s beloved melonpan!!! yummy~
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^ KII’s Ramune in candy form XD 
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^ ANNNND Ramune ice cream! hahahah I tried looking for the real ramune drink but I couldn’t find one T_T My sisters even tried helping me but we just couldn’t T_T
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^Okay this is not orange but I just had too experience it once XD I ate an AKB48 chips! lol
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^ Mikan! Rumiiiii XD
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^ I also got to try sake haha
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^ Was so ecstatic to see this! Was looking for a SKE48 poster LOL but none....
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^ Panda reminds me of Yukko wearing that panda hat during 1+1 wa 2 janaiyo
And of course......there’s no Japan trip without experiencing a ride on a Shinkansen!!!! Everything reminded me of Rena lol I rode one thinking the possibility Rena sat on my seat XDDDD
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^ AND THIS! Vending machines from Japan! Reminds me of my ultimate favorite SKE song!!!! YES! THAT VENDING MACHINE SONG XD Koe ga kasureru kurai!
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^ Just a souvenir with my sisters
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^ We also went to BicCamera and I saw these!!! Was looking for the newest SKE single and Rena’s single....I was so sad to know it hasn’t been release yet when we were there! T_T If only we could’ve gone to Japan a week later! I could’ve bought Rena’s 1st solo single T_T
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^ There’s Akisun’s single too!
Now onto the SKE related things I bought for myself! haha I actually bought a lot more like mangas, another set of chopsticks, a bag, new shirt, more food, anime keychains from Gacha XD But these are the things that reminded me of SKE lol
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^ Chopsticks and shinkansen in one! of course I had to buy it!
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^ I was lucky to get this! Ikura! Reminds me of who you ask? Of course, Rena! XD It’s her fave sushi after all plus Miona from Nogizaka46 says that her face is as small as an ikura lol
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^ Was trying so hard to find a magazine with Rena on it, but I couldnt find one ugh Anyways, good thing I saw this! I immediately bought it lol
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^ Okay, even if I didn’t get to go to Nagoya and buy an official SKE48 lightstick, I still bought one from a mart(that has everything @_@) It changes into more than 10 colors i think haha so cool~ 
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^ I was happy to buy Rena’s last SKE single straight from Japan and not by ordering it online T_T I even got a Masanya photo!
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^ By the way! Our last day was the day the 48G held their concert at Yokohama Stadium! I actually didn’t know there will be a concert, I saw two men wearing pink and blue hats with Team A and Team B on it with matching shirts. I was like “Ohhh AKB fans”. That was when we were at the elevator of the hotel we stayed at for days. I only knew about the concert when a friend chatted me about it and gave me the live stream as it was about to end -_- I was like, “WHYYYY YOU DO THIS TO ME GOD, WHYYYY”. I was watching the live stream of the concert on my phone inside the bus on our way to the airport T_T
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^ This has been your SKE tour guide to Japan. Would’ve loved to go to Nagoya tho T_T
Peace out,
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rhianhowell · 9 years
can you please tell me where can i find the original pics of the pics you posted of Glaiza? please? this is trmdfangirl btw ^^
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doctor48md · 9 years
gekirena replied to your post: “All that’s left is for AKB48 to announce when and where the 48G Summer…”
Sorry but I disagree…I dont want Rena divided for August…I think it’ll be better for her not to participate in a 48G con and just focus on her grad con. We dont want the same thing to happen like AKB RH & Nagoya Dome again….
I don’t know. I still feel it’s only right that she is included in this year’s 48G Summer Concert if there’s going to be one before she leaves.
I would go so far even as to advocate for Rena’s graduation concert it to be integrated and streamlined into the 48G Summer Concert series: have it as the culminating event, for example, similar to how Itano Tomomi’s graduation concert rounded off a month’s worth of large-scale concerts in 2013.
She’s been a regular - and one could argue, cornerstone - member of the 48G-wide Senbatsu ever since first joining it six years ago in 10nen Sakura, and would have continued to be one regardless of her choice not to run at Sousenkyo this year. She’s spearheaded SKE48′s presence at 48G-wide events as one of the major defining faces of the group. She nurtured and remains a major inspiration to legions of junior members not only in SKE48, but across 48G too.
I’m sorry to disagree, but I’m willing to argue that Rena deserves that much - to graduate not only with SKE48’s support, but to graduate with the strength and blessings of the entire 48G behind her as well.
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nodangonoparty · 10 years
gekirena replied to your post “Is it wierd to say that I’m glad that Rena isn’t taking part in this...”
It isn't weird! Everyone is like freaking out and talking about graduation, but i dont feel that at all! I'm happy for her!
Same here! I’m happier knowing that she’s pursuing what she wants to do.
sakaeandfrog replied to your post: “Is it wierd to say that I’m glad that Rena isn’t taking part in this...”
Nope. Ofc some regret she won't be "competing" but for those for whom Rena is more important than the 48G/AKB, it's obviously a sound decision. I was relieved too. And now... I'm excited to see what will happen =D
I’m relived as well. I was worried that she was taking on alot heading into the sousenkyo, but now I’m happy that the weight of the event won’t be something in her way anymore.
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thumbster · 10 years
gekirena replied to your post: No Oshi anyone anymore...
I’m sorry you had to experience this all over again….I was broken when Yukko left…But you had to experience it 3 times so I can only imagine how hard this must be for you….
Actually... this time, I wasn't shock... because maybe because Tsuu was never a push member? I mean, I saw some potential in her but with a lot of factor outside, I wouldn't be surprise if one day she would announce her graduation. And she did...
Or it just that so many SKE have graduate recently, I mean even Mizuho, who's kinda got decent push, decide to graduate, I was at the point that I can't be shock amymore, lol
But the sadness... well... just have to live with it.
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myaoshi-blog · 10 years
somebody wake gekirena up and tell her she got noticed 
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celicazeros · 10 years
Awesome work!
your video just posted by yukko in her G+..thats nice !!
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lachenn · 9 years
replied to your post
i think the announcement is that Rena is gonna be a regular and be officially be a part of the BIG4
Ohh that would be great I hope that’s it!
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gekirena · 9 years
This is gekirena speaking. I just want to thank all my 4,066 followers for your continuous support on this blog. Unfortunately, I think it’s time for this blog to come to an end. I’m sure most of you have noticed my inactiveness...I update but very rarely now. I’ve been really busy with another fandom (any TRMD fans here?) 
I’ve been in the SKE fandom since Kataomoi Finally. I’ve experienced seeing all my oshis graduating...First was Yukko, then Airin and the most recent one, was Rena. After Rena’s graduation I lost my motivation to update this blog. To be honest, my interest in SKE is now next to zero. I never thought this day will come, I was so passionate about SKE48. But I never regret anything. I’m happy to have been a part of this fandom and witness all the great and bad things that has happened to SKE48. 
But now there is one thing I really need to focus on. And it requires my 100% focus, attention and hard work.
I have been accepted to a film school called IAFT. And I’m taking a diploma program for filmmaking. Which was always a dream of mine. And on December, I’ll be one step closer to that dream. I kinda feel like a SKE48 member lol graduating from the fandom in pursuit of my dream. 
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So yeah, that happened and I’m so excited! Now, regarding this blog. I’m not gonna delete this but I don’t think I will be able to update it either. There might be times I’ll still check tumblr(out of habit) and reblog stuff but I wont be able to promise I’ll be active like before. 
Rena has been one of my inspirations, she’s my role model. She’s so passionate about her dreams and goals, I hope to be someone as passionate and hardworking as her.
I had fun being in this fandom and supporting SKE48. I wish SKE48 all the best! Both the current and graduated members of this precious group. I love you all! Thank you for the memories!
Till next time I guess, 
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lowwh88 · 10 years
Hayate-san, can I ask something? I've just download the part 2from day1 of hako de ose concert that you upload, and when it's 99%, my IDM ask for a username n password from www/baidupcs/com u,u I tried to open that site but I can't. what should I do? u,u
gekirena has did an extensive tutorial on this :p
Please refer here.
For a full list of QnA on other issue, click here.
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rhianhowell · 9 years
gekirena answered your post: what should i gif next?
thanks for the gifsets as always!, i just want to say an advice, please put more lesbian related tags on your posts so that more people would see the show and eventually love it!
ohh that’s a great idea!! thanks, will do :)
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doctor48md · 10 years
gekirena replied to your post: If it's as calculated a move as you seem to imply...
Rena cares too much for SKE, she won’t leave yet being the way it is. Rena already explained her reason in the ske official blog.
Thank you for bringing that up. After seeing your reply, I went to take a look at her blog post. I understand where she’s coming from, and I’d like to give her the benefit of the doubt. I still can’t say I agree entirely with her decision, but I’m willing to respect her choice, after reading her thoughts and reasoning. It’s not like anyone’s forcing her to take part in the Elections, anyway.
Please don’t misunderstand: I don’t doubt Rena’s dedication to SKE48, not at all. She’s given a lot to SKE48, to 48G, even to Nogizaka46, and I sincerely appreciate every bit of it. She remains one of my top favourites across the whole of 48G (and my #2 in SKE48) for several reasons.
That said, I believe that she still has a lot to contribute. I believe that that she has the foresight and the wisdom to stand at the front of both SKE48 and 48G as one of its foremost leaders. SKE48 still needs her leadership to rally the group and her senior experience to guide the juniors, especially since several high-profile senior members have left the group in the past 12 months. I have thoroughly enjoyed her ongoing run in Nogizaka46, having seen her take her image as a graceful ‘Yamato Nadeshiko’-type of woman to the next level during her concurrency, and I would be lying if I said I didn’t want to see more of that.
Again, thank you for your reply, and I’m sorry for being a little paranoid (perhaps too paranoid). Forgive me, but there’s a part of me that still remains a little wary.
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thumbster · 11 years
hustlinontheflow replied to your post:don't try to be hero bitch. you fucking thai monkey shit. go fuck yourself otaku gaijin.
gekirena replied to your post:don't try to be hero bitch. you fucking thai monkey shit. go fuck yourself otaku gaijin.
LOL you’re too happy receiving a hate anon message XD
eshtarwind replied to your post:ryoulovekumi replied to your post:don’t try to be...
LMAO congratulations XDDD that takes you a really long while, so congratulations on that as well XD
I will not stand here today without any of you guys!
I'm so thank you forever!!!
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kumanechi · 11 years
gekirena replied to your post:It's been a day since the reformation and I'm still bitter they didn't make Rena an HKT kennin
she can hunt pretty lolis in Nogizaka XD
LOL true, but I would have liked to see her onstage with HKT lolis XDDD
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lachenn · 9 years
gekirena said: and that’s what bothers me….if it wasn’t true, then she should’ve said something about it by now…but she’s totally ignoring it……….it gives me a bad feeling….
I know. I think she does it because she knows everyone’s worried. So that’s her way of showing like everything fine on her end. She’s waiting to address everything properly tonight I guess. Like always she’s a mystery. I’m worried too tbh, but we can only wait...
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