moonflower91 · 5 years
Davos to Arya: Do you fish, Arya?
Arya: No. Fish are gross.
Davos: Let me give you a piece of fishing advice...
Arya: I said I don't--
Davos: When you have a fish on the line, you don't just drag it behind the boat. You either reel it in or cut him loose. Especially if he's a nice fish, with a big lovable fish heart.
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brittababbles · 5 years
Lord, the gendry/Arya bunch will be singing tonight.
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If Gendry and Sansa do marry, it better not be similar to Rob and Cersei’s relationship.
If Gendry loses Arya, that would be like Rob losing Lyanna. And I don’t want Sansa to become bitter and jaded like Cersei, through Rob’s disdain. I can only see this alliance happening if Arya, or Jon die, or both.
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jandjsalmon · 7 years
What other fics are your faves/masterpieces?
Oooh grayface! You ask the hard questions.
I struggled with answering this over the last couple days for a couple reasons. FIRSTLY - as I tried to compile the list, I got caught up rereading a bunch. I’ve spent the better part of three days either refreshing my Instagram to flail over lilicole at Coachella, or rereading old favourite fanfics. Total time!suck. lol.
Also, like I’ve said in the past, I read A LOT of fic. Like, I think I was several thousand fics last year (Completed and WIPS) on top of the 53 original novels I read for my goodreads challenge in 2016). I read a lot of fic and honestly, I *like* most of the fics I finish because if I hate something or it doesn’t give me joy, I’m not going to continue reading it. (As an example, just recently, I stopped reading a fic by a friend of mine - not because it’s terrible writing (because it wasn’t) or because I don’t love my friend (cuz I do - she’s talented and wonderful and kind and every good thing) - but because every update of the story was giving me anxiety and literal rage at the characters to the point where I was unproductive in real life because I was so mad. Fic is supposed to be fun - even angsty and emotional fic - so I literally had to unsubscribe and take a step back a bit. I still love her, and will read other stories by her - just not that one anymore. It’s a complex thing. So, there’s that.
And then there is the fact that I like a lot of fics that I wouldn’t call MASTERPIECES but… I *liked* them. It’s hard to know what crosses that line into epic awesomeness. I generally bookmark my particular favourites but again - does that mean I think they’re all MASTERPIECES? What does being a MASTERPIECE entail? And maybe there is fic that I absolutely am over the moon about - that other people wonder “What’s the big deal?” There are several favourites of mine that could be like that.
And what if a fic is short? Most Masterpieces are usually Tolstoy length, aren’t they? Sometimes. But sometimes they’re short and perfect and speak to me RIGHT NOW (before more canon makes them suddenly AU) but reading them after isn’t as gut punchy. And sometimes they start as AU and yet they’re still freaking spectacular.
And I hate to throw even one more wrench into the problem - but here’s another: I’ve been around fandom in general for a LONG time. Like 12 years. 12 years where I was really active in fic writing/reading/reviewing/betaing/reccing etc. That makes for a LOT of different specific fandoms. Are you interested in the fics I fell in love with 10 years ago when all I read was Draco/Ginny? Or what about my Sherlolly love? Or Hiccastrid? Or Gendarya? Or Violate? Or Shenny? Or Reylo? Or most recently Bughead? Like - I have a lot of favourites that I read and reread over and over again in all of those fandoms.
And what if a MASTERPIECE is a fan favourite? Does it HAVE to be a fan favourite? Maybe it was written by a BNF and maybe it wasn’t. I was accused of BEING a BNF once (which is laughable - as I’ve mentioned in posts before, I’m a collector of BNF friends - I don’t claim to be one myself) - but does that colour whether I think something is a MASTERPIECE or not?
Does my opinion even matter for that matter?
One last thing before I actually give you a mini list of just a FEW of my favourite “Masterpiece” fics. As I’ve said, I like to collect writers. It’s kinda selfish of me - but I like to surround myself with fandom friends who have so much talent that the metaphorical room is thick with it. Probably because I’m only a mediocre writer myself - but I sure do know how to fangirl people who deserve praise. So, sometimes I love an author so much that every thing they write is a Mastepiece to me. How can I choose when everything they write is so perfect?
You see why this is a SUPER tough question?
ANYWAY - if you got through that, you deserve some links. Remember, some of these will be in fandoms that you aren’t into, greyface. But I hope one or two of them catch your eye. I loved each and every one of them.
And if you’re a writer, and I’ve loved on one of your stories with comments and praise and yet it’s NOT mentioned right here - that doesn’t mean that in the eyes of “Jandy Salmon” it’s not a Masterpiece, it just means that I had so much to choose from and such conflicting feelings about which/how many to share that it didn’t get mentioned. But remember, I’m sincere in every review I leave - and I try to leave at least fangirly squeeing on like 95% of the stories/chapters I read (which is a freaking lot). It’s been a while since I posted fic, but I /still/ receive reviews that make my heart happy and I think being actively engaged with reviews helps build connections with the authors I love.
Right? Okay Right. Here’s the list of just a FEW of my favourites (fics that I would probably call MASTERPIECES) that I read over and over again because I love them THAT much:
List Compiled April 17/2017
Jane Austen
The Effect Series by Shem (Kitty Bennet/OC, Lizzie/Darcy)
Everingham by katharhino (Fanny Price/Henry Crawford)
Mansfield End by Ione (Fanny Price/Henry Crawford)
How to Train your Dragon
Simple Gifts by Ecoutez (Hiccup/Astrid)
The Element of Surprise by Ecoutez (Hiccastrid)
Game of Thrones
Not Today by ebmordecai (Arya/Gendry)
Pretty much any (Jaime/Brienne) fic by SigilBroken but especially these two series’:
Honour Thy Regard http://archiveofourown.org/series/48322
In this Light http://archiveofourown.org/series/53759
Sherlock (Sherlolly)
Longer Than the Road That Stretches Out Ahead by sunken_standard
In the End by Lono
The Deaf and the Blind and the Color Red by Solshine
The Falling by Petra Todd
The Full House by Emcee
That 70s Show (Hyde/Jackie)
Hyde’s Long Way Home by MistyMountainHop https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7072364/1/Hyde-s-Long-Way-Home
Sky High (Warren/Layla)
Why Villains Have A Better Life By  KFD
It Just Takes Some Time By Half-elf
The Office (Jim/Pam)
Oracle Mom By time4moxie https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3893458/1/Oracle-Mom
In My Life, I Love You More By bluelimit https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6420571/1/In-My-Life-I-Love-You-More
Laugh this Life with Me by shannanagin https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2853729/1/This-Life-With-Me
Big Bang Theory (Shenny)
the paladin protocol by spaceanjl https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5623923/1/
miles to go (before i sleep) by medusa20 http://archiveofourown.org/works/250535/chapters/387524
& light is only now just breaking by allthingsholy http://archiveofourown.org/works/154681
the road ahead is clear again by notalwaysweak http://archiveofourown.org/works/250525/chapters/387513
Doctor Who (mostly Ten/Rose)
Chaos Verse by earlgreytea68 (The whole collection is AMAZING) http://earlgreytea68.livejournal.com/82528.html
Welcome To Your Life by cenowar https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3130472/1/Welcome-To-Your-Life
Life As You Know It by cenowar https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3575257/1/Life-As-You-Know-It
Battlestar Galatica (Lee/Kara)
Alone Time by alissabobissa http://beyond-insane.livejournal.com/601124.html
Any and EVERY Starbuck/Apollo fic by hackaddict  (Freaking MASTER of BSG fic) http://hackaddict.livejournal.com/tag/starbuck%2Fapollo
Harry Potter
For our allotted time is the passing of a shadow by florahart (Cedric/Hermione *whut?*) http://hp-springsmut.livejournal.com/79314.html
Under by Tudorrose1533 (Draco/Ginny)
The More is My Unrest by Arabella and Jedi Boadicea (Draco/Ginny)
American Horror Story (Violate)
Sucker Love by Tjoek  *Incomplete but still a Masterpiece* https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7612662/1/Sucker-Love  
You have been Weighed by Shootingstella http://ahs-exchange.livejournal.com/8634.html
Then anything written by @lolableu (who also writes awesome Divergent fanfic btw), GrayGlube @whatwouldflorencedo (also awesome GoT fic), ScarletWoman @feelavalanche (also started one of my fave Veronica Mars WIPs), and OhYellowBird @ohhyellowbird (also wrote a freaking AMAZING Reylo fic too). These girls are my Awesome Nerds - my Lunchtable girls and I love them. There is no higher praise than that. Read them.
Veronica Mars (Dick/Mac)
Sinclair-Mackenzie  by BIFF1 https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10127131/1/Sinclair-Mackenzie
Mercy on the Undeserved By LVfangirl https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10310550/1/Mercy-on-the-Undeserved
Star Wars (Reylo) - probably the hardest section to choose from - because I’ve literally read over 1000 fics in the last year and bookmarked nearly 100 which I *liked/loved*.
Firstly - read anything by diasterisms (kylorenvevo) - especially Ghostwalks (Gin and Fog) http://archiveofourown.org/works/6931657 (there are only like a dozen stories so I’m serious when I say read them all. *waves fangirly flag*
when there’s nothing left to burn, you have to set yourself on fire. by ohyellowbird (told you she’d show up down here) http://archiveofourown.org/works/5564245
Forms by Trebia  (a fandom staple) http://archiveofourown.org/works/5454443
Isolation by TearoomSaloon http://archiveofourown.org/works/5937457
Sky Marked Souls by AnonymousMink http://archiveofourown.org/works/5816995
On a White Horse by ms_qualia http://archiveofourown.org/works/5863972
Ahgh - there are just so many Reylo fics. This is definitely not a definitive list. Read terapid, corariley, and perrydowning too. I promise I love SO many and all of you writers are freaking brilliant.
OKAY - and lastly Bughead (Riverdale). I am still very active in this fandom, and it's constantly evolving - so I recommend you check out my Mod Faves tag at the @blueandgoldoffice for my current favourites. 🤙
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gizkasparadise · 5 years
Yes, hello! I miss your writing, and I'm sorry I can't follow you down the GenArya path, but I wait with bated breath when you pick Reylo back up. It looks like you're having a lot of fun with your new stuff, though. Stay happy, my friend. 😘
this is so sweet, thanks!! im probably going to jump back into star wars fic writing toward the end of the year/once im super hype for epix :D 
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ashleyfanfic · 5 years
We know that we will have some Joyneris moments in season 8, but how do you think have we some opportunity to see Genarya and Jaimsa moments?
I think we’ll definitely have some Gendraya moments but I doubt we’ll get any Jaimsa moments. That’s just a crackship and I love it, but it’s not realistic. 
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GoT Tag Game
I was tagged by, @sansarya, @alystargaryen and @aryaestarks - thank you all so much!!! Rules: Answer the questions and then tag seven people :) the first character i fell in love with: Daenerys a character I never expected to love as much as I do now: brienne and yara and jamie tbh a character everyone else loves that I don’t: tyrion a character I love that everyone else hates: and well all of the Stark kids especially sansa and bran a character I used to love but don’t any longer: dany, I still like her just not as much and I used too a character I would kiss: bronn, i feel he knows his way round a lady or yara my gay queen a character I’d slap: joffrey a character I’d want to be like: sansa she's so strong i love her a character who makes me laugh: podrick and tormund a character i miss: MARGAERY TYRELL a pairing i love: P X S, sansaery and genarya a pairing i dont like: it's no the pairings i don't like it's the aggressive, hateful and closeminded shippers that come with them.... Anyways I tag... @ladybaelish, @demonartist, @petyrbaelish, @thehound, @aredhels, @dianacprince and @voldevolts
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elenamegami-blog · 12 years
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So THAT was your intention!
Robert, you sly old fox deer... 8D ♥♥♥
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moonflower91 · 5 years
When Arya found out that Gendry has been with 3 other women after escaping the Red Woman
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