#gender-neutral feedee
feral-ffa · 1 year
Ever wondered how those instagram foodie account girls stay skinny even though they're eating 5 items from a different trendy restaurant every day?
You had idly wondered that, but most of all you just couldn't believe your luck when you finally sealed the deal with a cute and sweet rising star foodie.
The first time the two of you went out for a content shooting dinner, it was to a nice fusion sit down place. She told you she'd mostly just talk to her tripod. All you had to do was get some close up shots of crispy crusts and cheese pulls and then just not eat till she had all the footage she needed. Easy trade off for a free dinner with a beautiful girl!
When the waiter came around, she rattled off an order of two house cocktails, two apps, and three entrees, before turning to you and asking you to pick your favorite entree too. You obliged, ordering pineapple fried rice.
When the food came out, she started taking pictures and recording, and she was still working on the appetizers when the 4 big entrees came to the table. You did your best suppressing your hunger and helping her get the perfect shot of her sampling each dish. When she was done and told you to dig in, you both started devouring the still-warm food. But you had to state the obvious. "There's no way we can finish all this."
She waved you off. "We'll take the rest in to-go boxes. Not like it's going to waste."
Still, it seemed like a shame to not have the food hot and fresh out of the kitchen. She got full shortly, but you plugged on, finishing the entirety of the lettuce wraps and spring roll appetizers, both desserts she ordered, and the sweet and saucy pork adobo. It felt like you barely put a dent in the other dishes, so you got to go boxes.
As full as you felt leaving, the siren call of leftovers lured you to the fridge twice more that night.
And so it went, your girlfriend taking you to snack joints and restaurants to help film, and you doing your best to clean the plates after. You never truly could though, always bested by her choice of rich cuisines or gimmicky posts ranking every kind of cronut or rice dog a place offered.
Until you all went to a fancy prix fixe place she had fought to get reservations for. You each got five modest portions of perfectly cooked food and you cleaned yours up no problem. She had started to get winded by the meat course and only had half of her dessert.
"Finally a member of the clean plate club, huh?" she teased as she snapped a picture of the receipt.
"Well they give you those small fancy portions," you protested. "Two bites of quail. Two bites of steak. Three raviolis. Tastes good though."
She just laughed and gave you an affectionate pat on the tummy.
You did find yourself having to size up your clothes as the seasons changed, but again, you considered it a reasonable tradeoff for the pampered life you were now living.
"I hope you're ready for this," your girlfriend chided you on the way to the state fair in the summer. She was partnering with them for a series of 'everything I ate at the state fair' videos, which of course was actually going to be everything you ate.
You faithfully videoed her taking the first bite of what felt like a million little snacks, making sure to capture her reaction. Wide eyes at the cheese pull from a mozzarella stick, unimpressed at a dry turkey leg, laughing as she got a good angle to chomp down on tornado fries, smiling in pleasure at cherry topped funnel cake.
Soon as she was satisfied with the footage, she would pass the greasy treat off to you and drag you to the next line. You lost count of all the fair food you hurriedly plowed through that day, the hand dipped corn dogs, berry shortcakes, bbq sandwiches, and fried oreos.
The shoot ended with you finishing off a huge fresh squeezed cold lemonade she had taken one (1) sip of. It was the only thing you had room for, and you felt it filling in the gaps in your already food-stuffed gut. You waddled after her to the petting zoo, where she wanted to treat herself to some baby animal cuddles as a reward for getting all the footage and b-roll she needed before sundown.
Before you sat on the bench outside for a breather, you noticed your stuffed belly peeking out of your shirt. Sure you just ate nearly everything the fair had to offer, but this was a new XXL shirt! You glanced at her inside the pen, scratching a piglet behind the ears.
"The pigs are my favorite."
"Yeah, I bet."
You went ahead and bought new shirts and pants again. As time passed you got better at eating as much of your girlfriend's orders as possible in one sitting. You especially looked forward to when she did collab videos with her friends. They'd reserve a long table and it would be laden with over a dozen meals. You got to try everything, eat as much as you wanted of your favorites, and there would still be leftovers.
One night before going out to film at a sushi restaurant, she warned you, "this is a hand roll place and i booked us the omakase menu, it's $250 for 6 small bites."
You helped her get pics and enjoyed the delicious savory raw seafood, but she caught the downcast look on your face and the hand on your belly after you left.
"Don't tell me you're still hungry?"
"You aren't?"
"No, I actually finished every course. Even the miso soup."
"Well I'm used to cleaning up after you don't finish every course!" You wrapped your arms around her, and pulled her in close to whisper in her ear. "You always pick where we go, can I choose somewhere just this once?"
"Let me guess," she said as she leaned into your soft belly. "You want to stop at mcdonalds?"
So the two of you stopped at the drive thru, chatting and laughing in the car as you worked your way through a big bag of burgers and fries.
You continued to feel grateful for this lifestyle, but you were especially excited when your girlfriend told you she booked a reservation at Pina's Table, a new Italian restaurant that was already getting lots of buzz on the socials.
When you arrived for your reservation, both in nicer clothes for the opening weekend, you were shown to a intimate booth near the back. You felt a little nervous sliding in, as you could just barely fit. But before long you were more focused on the menu. After she ordered her usual sampler spread of two apps, two cocktails and three entrees, the waiter turned to you for your selection, and you decided to be bolder today.
"How about the chicken marsala. And the baked ziti."
Both of your selections looked so good when they arrived, you could barely stop drooling while filming her slicing open a burrata and tasting the spaghetti all'amatriciana. It felt like a million years passed before she gave you the OK to dig in.
You started off sampling a little bit of everything, and it was of course just as good as expected. You were enjoying a mouthful of ziti when the flash from her phone went off. Startled, you looked up. Had she forgotten to get a picture of something?
"Sorry," she blushed, putting her phone back down. "You're enjoying yourself so much, I just wanted to save it to remember."
You laughed. "If that's good, just wait till after I'm done."
You dug into the warm food, savoring the light burrata and tomato salad and the heavier mushroom ravioli and amatriciana. You ate with relish for what seemed like ages until you started to feel the table pushing into your swollen stomach.
Exhausted, you leaned back, against the soft booth, your fullness finally catching up to you. You subtly opened the top button of your pants, letting your belly flow out to bump the table again. There was still so much of each entree left....
You were spared from the eternal dilemma by the chef, a young and energetic guy, coming to the table to drop off a sampling of cannoli and gelato. Your girlfriend jumped up excitedly to shake his hand and take selfies, and passed the phone to you to you could take a couple pictures of them... after you struggled to haul yourself to your feet.
"Thank you so much for helping get the word out," she chef thanked her profusely. "Pina's Table is my baby. I'm thrilled how many people turned out for it."
"Thank you so much for inviting us!" Your girlfriend chirped in reply. "Everything was delicious."
"I'm thrilled you enjoyed it! It's a labor of love." The chef clapped her on the shoulder before turning to you. "And of course your seal approval means just as much too! Seems like you enjoyed, huh?" He gave your belly a playful poke.
"I wouldn't be where I am now without the belly behind the account," your girlfriend agreed, reaching over to give your tummy another squeeze, jostling out a small burp.
The pair of them shared another laugh and selfie before the chef left to go gladhand some other tables.
"Should we get the to-go boxes?" she asked, patting you gently on the butt as you squeezed yourself back into the booth.
"I think I have a little room left."
You pulled the plate of ravioli in front of you and started working on it again as she took a short video of the desserts.
'The belly behind the account,' huh? You could get used to that.
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adiproseprose · 5 months
You expect to wake up to your alarm; maybe your partners arm slinking over your waist, the cat pressing itself into your space. Any of your normal indicators that it's time to wake up.
What you don't expect, however, is to feel the thick underside of a gut brushing against the bottoms of your knees, an unfamiliar dip in your sofa, normally vacant space on the couch filled in by a wide, soft expansion of...you.
The second thing you feel is something cold and wire-like being squeezed by the unfamiliar folds of your throat, coupled with cold air shooting into your nose. You reach with with a newly bloated hand, fingers tight and tingling with a numbness you recognize via hours of horny scrolling through diabetes symptoms pages. You shudder as you pull a sweat greased cord to a nasal cannula from your third or fourth chin, huffing slightly. Most likely from holding your arm up past your chest for longer than a few seconds for the first time in God knows how long.
You move onto to the main issue; hands travel down, sausage fingers wrap themselves around your third to last love handle, right under your saggy f-cups, breathing unconsciously growing harder as you wobble one of your many new slabs of meat. You smooth your hands over your belly, a pale white apron taking up your entire lap, now the size of a park bench and about as soft as a bowl of cool whip, stiff peaks melted down to a flabby mess and dripping off your thighs, burying your crotch and a swollen fupa.
You hold your arms out in front of you, cellulite and blubber dripping off of them as you think about all the times you prayed for this. Fantasizing with weighted suits, peeping at larders in public, eyes closed, hands down your pants as you wondered what it would be like to carry all of *this*. Now you're here, taking up your entire sofa, barely able to turn your blubber packed neck, wheezing from just hardly shifting your arms up and down. Amble pockets of stretch marked flab ripple across your arduous form. There's only one question that wracks your mind after you've half-processed your new reality-
"Good morning, larder."
He strolls in, grease stained plain white box wider than his shoulders gripped in both hands. You inhale through your nose, instinctively starting to scoot over to make room for him on the couch before your fluid-logged hip crashes against the arm. The act leaves your already corroded joints sore and your mouth sucking for air like a fish. He makes eye contact with you like a predator does a wounded boar. "Babe," You wheeze, the ensuing *What's going on, etc etc* cut off by a cream filled doughnut shoved past your lips. Your chins press against your throat and jiggle against your collar bone as you chew it in two big bites, taking it down your throat and sucking the white cream filling off his finger. Gulping it down leaves you panting for breath and he cuts off your struggle with a kiss, groping your right blubberous tit. You close your eyes and reach for another doughnut. Maybe you'll be fatter when you wake up...
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sticky-cravings · 4 months
Stoned Stuffing Saturday
After a long week at the office, you can finally relax. You wake up around 10am on Saturday and begin your first ever all-day binge. Lately, gorging yourself silly has been all you can think about. Today you will make your fantasies come true.
You wake and bake and order a dozen donuts, three sausage breakfast sandwiches, and a large sugary iced coffee from your favorite fast food joint. While you wait for your doordash, you crack open a tub of ice cream and plop yourself on the couch. You're kinda chubby already, but after some online encouragement you're convinced that you're waaayy too skinny.
The doordash comes and you shuffle to the door in a haze. You bring your morning feast back to the couch and put on your favorite show. After an hour and a few extra tokes, all the food is gone. Your head feels fuzzy and warm, your body is glued to the couch. All you can think about is your next meal.
You decide to order three grande burritos and a quesadilla for lunch. Chips and a 2L bottle of soda are a free add-on, so you might as well get those, too. When you go to stand up for the food, you feel a breeze against your lower bulging belly. It turns you on immensely.
The first burrito goes down your gullet in a flash. By the second one you're slowing down; absentmindedly chewing as you watch a comedy movie. You pat your tightly packed gut when you finish the second burrito, proud of how much you've eaten. In between, you chug straight from the two liter bottle of soda and gulp down the melted ice cream from this morning.
Your t-shirt rides up exposing your distended swollen belly. It's shiny and red with how tight you've packed it full of food. You let out loud, unapologetic burps as you unwrap your third burrito. By 3pm, the burrito and quesadilla are tucked away in your belly, and you can't move at all. Not even to wipe your sauce-covered face. You drift off for a nap and wake up around 5pm.
Another joint and you feel the munchies kick in like crazy. Time to order more food! Dinner will be three quarter-pounder cheeseburgers with two large orders of fries from a local burger place. You lumber to your fridge, holding your globular belly as you search for the six-pack of beer you bought last night. You pull it out and waddle back to the couch with some cheetos and cinnamon rolls.
You lay out your dinner in front of you on the coffee table. Your belly is so big now, you have to spread your legs to accommodate its size. You scarf down the first greasy cheeseburger. Grease and sauce falls on your t-shirt as you gorge yourself, taking gulps of beer in between. Each burger gets more and more delicious as you indulge in your gluttony and hedonism.
Only the fries remain. You balance them on your belly as you lean back and burp helplessly. Your t-shirt rides all the way up to your chest, and your sweatpants are rolled down to make room for your big belly. You smack your full gut, causing you to belch loud and hard. You taste the beer, burritos, and burgers in your breath. Your eyes start to get heavy; the food coma finally setting in after a thrilling day of indulgence.
You pass out belly-up on the couch, dreaming of how you'll fatten yourself up tomorrow.
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fattenupbuttercup · 2 months
I'm thinking of getting my feedee a feedee...
I'm not a feedee but mine has loved becoming a balloon so much... and I can tell they are curious about being a feeder...
They said I could get another feedee too. I have been thinking I might be poly, so I'm wondering if they'd be okay being part of my fat harem one day... or maybe I should say my "herd".
I want my feedee to get competitive and always try to stay my fattest, prized pig. They get jealous so maybe more feedees vying for my love will spurr on their growth.
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alphasunpup · 1 year
Feedist Kinktober Day 11- Forbidden Fruit
"You see those fruit trees over there? It was said if you were to eat from those trees the gods would punish you," I chuckle. We had decided to go on a nature hike I was leading you down a trail I used to do as a kid.
"What a ridic-" I began and then look to you, nomming on a pear like it would be your last meal.
"Please tell me you didn't just eat from the fruit?"
"I won't tell you that I just ate the fruit," You say with a sheepish smile.
I sigh. "C'mon let's get you back home and call poison control."
You nod but then you sit down. You groan and your face pinches up in discomfort. You sit down on a nearby rock and begin to breath a little heavy.
"You okay?"
You're about to answer but you groan instead. Your belly falls forward and pops your pants down. I dodge out the way as your pants button launches itself from your pants. I hear the seams of your pants stretch as brown skin fills out into the cold air. I rub your thighs amazed by the fat accumulating in the lower part of your body. I go to look at your backside and notice how your butt looks like two basketballs attached to your backside.
"What's happening?" You groan. You burp and rub your belly. I notice a bit of green in the center of your brown belly that's beginning to spread pound, by pound.
I sigh. "Mortals, you never do listen. Well at least I can say eating the forbidden fruit isn't a punishment, at least it's a matter of perspective."
I walk over to one of the fruit tree. The fruit has an unusual luster to it. It shines in the sunlight as if it was metallic rather than a glossy fruit. I grab an apple and walk back to you.
"So, willing to see how far this god will punish you?" I ask with a devious smile.
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envihellbender · 2 years
Dwyer anon here. Dom feeder Raphael that wants to make his sweetheart immobile?
Feeder Emblem: Raphael Kirsten
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Content: dom feeder, sub feedee, Raphael x GN reader
If Raphael had a sinister bone in his body, you’d say he planned the whole thing from the beginning. He always invited you to eat with him during one of his many meals in the day, and in the dining hall he always had a feast made for him. The first time he piled ten plates onto the table in front of the both of you, proudly proclaiming that you were to share. You wanted to be polite and ate as much as you can, you found he watched you intently with his friendly smile and warm eyes.
“Come on! You can have some more,” Raphael said, pushing another plate in front of you. You follow his instructions. That was, in hindsight, the first sign. Perhaps when his large, warm calloused hand held it in front of you he was asking for your permission to continue. By accepting you opened the door, and that’s when things started to spiral.
You met every day, and as your relationship flourished, as the meal was filled with kisses on your knuckles and a thick arm around your shoulders Raphael became more and more demanding. Instead of gentle nudges, he wouldn’t take no for an answer. His honey coloured eyes almost dared you to say the safe word, but you never did. You always ate more and more. His thick, strong hands would rub your belly afterwards, it discended obscenely from the mountains of food he pushed you to eat. You’d hiccup as he did, growing dizzy as you wondered if you’d vomit. As the buttons popped from your shirt and you saw your belly pouring into your lap Raphael clapped in delight.
“I can’t believe you managed to gain so much already! I’m so proud of you, darlin’,” he said wrapping an arm around and giving your chubby cheek a long, deep kiss. “Now let’s keep feeding you until that pretty butt of yours breaks the bench.”
“No, no,” you said swaying. “If I keep eating I’ll be sick. Or my stomach will burst.”
“If you wanna stop, just say the word,” Raphael said with a smirk and glinting eyes. You swallowed, the arrangement had been going for months and you’d tripled in size since it began. Your clothes were straining and barely able to contain your girth.
“I… can keep going,” you reply. You didn’t get this far by giving up.
“There we go!” Raphael replied giving you a gentle squeeze. “Come on, let’s keep going. I’ll refill the plates. We can make a night of it.”
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gluttenousgoddess · 27 days
I haven’t made an about me post in a while so here it is!
Age- 23/24
Gender- female
Sexuality- straight
Relationship status - Taken
Role- Feedee with feeder tendencies
Weight- over 400lbs
Height- 5’7
Gaming pc/xbox
Reading fantasy/romance
Writing fantasy/romance
Color- Green
Drink - Vanilla Coke
Alcoholic drink - Amaretto sour
Food- anything Asian
Game- Baldurs gate 3
Book- Elric of Melnibonè
Animal - Fox
Season- fall
Dessert- Tiramisu
Hogwartz house - slytherin
Dnd class - warlock
Middle earth race- Elf
Dnd race - Fire genasi
Werewolf or vamp- Vampire
GOT house- Stark
Alignment - Chaotic neutral
Celebrity crush - Henry cavil
Fictional crush- too many to count :(
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bitter-after-hours · 1 month
Caving and making an about me post lol
Hi cuties, thank you for being here! Firstly this is a NSFW blog so MINORS DNI
If you're weird in a bad way to me, I will block you. Also probably will block you if you're a man, but we'll see.
You can call me Bitter, for now, or your favorite term of endearment (gender neutral preferred), or my name if I give it to you. I'm 25, nonbinary, and a big ol dyke. The profile icon image art is mine (send me a dm if interested in commissions!)
My main is @bitter-sweetener follow me there for life quips, hyperfixation fandom posting, and my creative endeavors
I am very kink positive. Very enthusiasic about consent. Sex and sexuality are some of my special interests. I like to smoke weed and write raunchy things.
Have any questions?? Send me an ask 💕
Be hot, be kind, and be safe xoxo
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eatforcherry · 2 months
My blog is 18+ ONLY. I will block minors and no age in bio accounts. Please have your age somewhere if you follow or interact with my posts. "18+" does not count as an age. I do check.
✩ I’m Cherry, it’s what you can call me.
✩ I’m 36. From the UK
✩ FAT- 348lbs
✩ Non-binary/femme/AFAB/Queer (Whichever ya want) ✩They/she pronouns, please.
✩ Pansexual
✩ You might know me as Cherrybombe on Feabie :)
✩Asks- Yes ✩DMs- Yes I’d love to make friends on here. If you're under 27 please don’t DM me for anything other than SFW conversation. I am not interested in anything else with those who are much younger than me. Please respect this <3 I prefer followers to be over 21, but you can follow and interact with my posts only if you are over 18.
Vanilla me:
✩ Casual games -Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley, Pokémon etc.
✩ 80’s music. Punk, New Wave, Proto-Punk, Post-Punk, Grunge, Rock, Glam Rock, Metal
✩ Too many craft hobbies
✩ Sanrio enby (sorry)
Kink Me:
✩ Feeder, fat admirer, enabler, etc. etc. Not a feedee or gainer myself. ✩ Soft-ish Domme. ✩ Ethical BDSM & D/s ✩ Kink posts are gender neutral for anyone to enjoy 💕 ✩ Ask me to tag anything for you. (On anon is fine. Don’t worry, I’ll always accommodate) Yes: ✩ Stuffing ✩ Teasing ✩ Chastity ✩ Belly/body appreciation ✩ Praise ✩ Sissy & gender play ✩ Soft Domme ✩ FFA/QFA & Feedism
No: X Minors X DDLG/ MDLB X Animal/Zoo X Blood/gore/etc X Real immobility X Death feedism/illness, etc. X Transphobia/TERFs/Detrans X Homophobia X Racism/race fetishism x Pregnancy/Mpreg
Anything resembling harm to minors or real dubious consent is an instant block and report.
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alphasunpup · 11 months
Feedist Kinktober Day 20- Bloodsucker
I sighed walking down the street, looking out for new prey. They just didn't make em like they used to before. Everyone was so focused on fitness, and diets, and fucking wheatgrass. Why did mortals love wheatgrass so much?!
Where was the decadence? The opulence? The grandiose of hedonism that only the luxury of true nobility could experience?
No, all of that was gone. No longer was the plushness and fatness of hedonism celebrated, exalted, even. It was shamed. And that was truly the greatest failure of humanity.
Now, here I was stalking the streets. Hoping some gym bunny who was a little heftier would come by so I didn't feel like I was starving.
Instead you passed. You with your brown skin glistening with sweat. You with curly hair tied up with a bandana. You were huffing and puffing walking out of the gym. I narrowed my eyes and could see you snacking on some chocolate bar. Ah, you were a first timer. First time gym member were so delectable. So easy to have slip into those old habits again.
I decide to descend from the rooftop, gently floating down. I come up from behind you. Your blood throbs in your veins, loud enough for my hearing to pick up on. I have to stop myself from licking my fangs. Apparently humans didn't do that either.
I enchant you with both words and appearance. I invite you to dinner, using a little hypnotism to convince you. I let you go back to your place to get ready and then escort you back to my place.
You are enchanted with the castle I live in. It's a bit gothic in design but very modern on the inside. I escort you to a dining hall that a few centuries would've been considered a feast hall. I have you sit at the head of the table gazing at the feast before you.
There's glazed ham, stuffed turkey, fried fish, fruits delicately coated in sugar. Puffed pastries, cakes, even modern day candy. Whatever could've been imagined on the long dining table was there.
You obliviously say you can't eat all of this. It would be too rude to eat this sumptuous feast. I wave you off and encourage you to eat. You get a whiff and by then the magic has slipped in and seeped into your bones.
You feel compelled almost to eat now. A slice of glazed honey ham, melts down your throat. Tender and juicy meat as a bit dribbles down your lip. My eyes roll back again, getting simply a scent of how delectable your blood would be after this feast. It was just a matter of patience. All good things happened to those who wait.
It was a tantalizing two hours of you eating, talking. Surprisingly out of my victims you were the one who interested me the most. The one most fit to become my little blood bank for a while. You sat in your seat, tears ruining your makeup a bit. You had gorged yourself on the meal like a proper sovereign.
Your belly pushed against your dress, pushing into the table now. Your breast sat upon your belly like books placed on a proper shelf. A belch rippled from your mouth and you moaned. You shuddered and whined a little. Your eyes hazy and glazed over from the amount of food you filled yourself up with. Sitting there so pretty and fat, like a fattened up doe.
And just like a doe you had no clue when the predator had descended onto you. I finally sunk my fangs in, tasting your blood. I could get snippets of the flavors of the feast. A heady moan fell out of my mouth as the flavors danced on my lip. A small gasp and whine come from you. I ignore them as I take my fill.
Once I feel my own belly filled, I pull away. I ask my servants to take you to the princess suite of my castle. I held a hand to my own bloated stomach, pressing against my button-up and vest. I let out a small burp and shudder.
Oh you would do, you would do nicely. You were going to be my princess of gluttony, glutting yourself on my feast cooked up by my servants. Oh you were going to get fat, obese even, and I was going to get fat off you, my princess.
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sapphicc-ace · 3 months
💗About me!💗
They/she, sapphic
Pretty self explanatory. I'm still kinds figuring out my gender identity but for now I'm a femby, feminine leaning non binary person. If you don't respect that move along. I dont at all mind being referred to femininely but a they once in a while might be nice, still figuring things out yknow? And when it comes to the next two topics, as the name implies I'm very sapphic, meaning I'm not rlly into the masc side of things. But all gendered peoples are welcome here and I'd love to be friends with anyone!! Also I have a lot of social anxiety so forgive me for being stupid fhfhrjf
Aromantic...maybe demi?
I think im aromantic. I'm not actively looking for a serious relationship, but who knows maybe thatll change one day. Just keep it in mind when you dm me im not really looking for a relationship, pls dont get your hopes up. However, I love being flirty and making people happy and flustered with complimentsand teasing😋 I'm open to queerplatonic/poly stuff and would love to be an encourager to any fem feedees, or just make new friends! So feel free to reach out as long as you respect my boundaries (and ofc I'll respect yours, be sure to tell me them so I know!!)
If I think you're cool and am comfortable with you and you live in or near new york...👀
A graysexual feedist?
Yes, asexuality is a spectrum, and in truth I think i reside more on the lines of graysexual. For some, asexuality means not being sexual whatsoever. For others, like me, you can still experience stuff like arousel, without the need for sex itself. I personally am put off by sex organs of all kinds. Sex itself is physically pleasurable, but conceptually does nothing for me. Tldr, I only get off on feedism, my love for feedism is an aesthetic fixation consciously, while my body gets horny about it.
And as the name implies I loooove soft feedism! Casually encouraging someone to overeat, praising and teasing their softness, cute shit gets me so bad. I do enjoy some more hard stuff too, but usually only if my partner is into it. I naturally lean more soft core.
Feedism topics i love:
-Button pops
-Gluttony🥴😵‍💫 🥰(especially the "helpless" style of gluttony)
-Tight clothes
-Burps (in particular lil borps from being too stuffed)
-General soft feeder-feedee stuff
-Before/after, seeing progress, that kinda thing
-General chubby love especially from non feedist sources, call me a dork but that pureness makes me heart sing🥺
Stuff I'm neutral on (can be cute in the right scenerio):
-Pet play
-Belly noises
-"mommy" type stuff
Things I am NOT interested in however:
-Graphic stuff about genitals/holes. Knowing youre super aroused can add to it but just...no holes pls
-Blueberry stuff
-death feedism/health issues
-Abusive situations
-Any bodily fluid or substance that comes out of you lol
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(BTW anythibg on here that's halfway is like neutral, like I won't be sad over a lack of it but I like it!)
ADHD, undiagnosed autistic, probably an anxiety disorder, yeah I'm kind of a mess
Other interests:
-Videogames, generally big on Nintendo stuff and play plenty of steam games. Not really into super competitive stuff, realism or most shooters, but some big names are Kirby, Smash Ult, TF2, Pokémon, Celeste, Animal Crossing, and I'm a huge fan of many roguelikes like Binding of Isaac.
-Animals: pls send me cute photos of your cat🥺
-Magic the Gathering (filthy commander player who hasn't bothered learning the meta for other formats)
-Failed artist but I love seeing other works!
-Foodie (no honestly outside of kink I'm a huge slut for good food, but I'm as picky as a 5 year old so it's a struggle lol)
-Weird horror stuff, warning I WILL tell you my analog horror theories
-Animated shows like adventure time
-stupid movies, I will quote some bad movie I havnt seen in years because it suck with me for no reason
That's pretty much everything I think is important to know about me. I'll edit later if things change. Hope you have a good day full of delicious foods! (Or full of adorable fatties if you're an fa!)💗
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I am both of these btw spiritually (credit: punkitt)
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extra-stout-stories · 6 months
( #feedist vignettes. Reblog if you like a fit feeder becoming fatter than their feedee. Gender neutral. Written in response to this ask, and my asks are still open.)
You used to stay fit for contrast's sake.
Not me. I've never been skinny. I was a greedy fatty as a kid, and I'm a greedy fatty now. When I first saw the look in your eyes when we met, I understood why you felt like you had to stay skinny. You have to look your "best" if you want to get your hands on a belly like this, right? After all, I'm a prize. Cute, charming, and dedicated to being hugely fucking fat.
But contrast is hard to maintain when you're around me. After all, I don't diet, to put it mildly. You always liked to come with me on my supermarket trips, because it turned you on as much as it turned me on to follow me through every aisle as I grabbed treat after treat, loading my cart up with all the most delicious fattening things, occasionally flipping a package over to check calorie counts and imagining how much weight I could gain if I ate the whole thing in one sitting.
It turned you on even more when I did eat the whole thing in one sitting.
And when your mind is taken over by horniness, it's easy to reach for one more bite and not lose track of just how much you've been putting away.
When you got chubby, it didn't bother you as much as you expected it would. I still couldn't keep my hands off you. It was annoying to shop for a whole new wardrobe, but you put your old clothes in storage temporarily until you got back to your gym routine.
You found yourself enjoying eating with me. When I got so full that even I couldn't take it any more, there was still all that food waiting to be eaten. And you always did like food. It wasn't easy staying thin, was it?
Then your belly developed a hang. You freaked out a little bit, at first. That lasted just a few hours, until I took you into the bedroom and showed you just how good it feels to have a partner's adoring lips and fingertips teasing your underbelly, how good it feels to grip your belly with one hand and feel it jiggle while you climax.
You were hooked.
We were shopping for two at the supermarket now. Two fatties pushing carts full of junk food, a slowly waddling superfat and a chunky little smallfat. It felt right, somehow. Romantic. Intimate.
But I've lived in this body my whole life. For you, it was all new. You weren't used to getting out of breath so easily. You weren't expecting the little aches and pains that make you decide to just sit and keep eating rather than get up from the couch. I was so tender when you needed me to be. So supportive.
When you wanted me to, though, I could tease you about how fat you were getting. About how if you weren't careful, you were going to get even fatter than me.
You wanted me to.
A lot.
And guess what?
It wasn't just teasing.
I'm back to one cart at the supermarket now, on the days when I don't splurge on curbside pickup or in-home delivery. You've gotten a little too fat to make those trips. Easier to just sit on the couch while I go out. Easier to sit there snacking while you wait for me to get back.
And now I'm the one with that wild look in my eye when I see you. You're gigantic. It's like you fill the couch entirely. It's not just that nobody would ever believe you used to be a gym rat. It's that nobody would ever believe you could walk more than a couple of steps at a time. I can hardly believe it, and I'm the one who helped make you this way.
I can't keep my hands off you.
I joke sometimes about how I corrupted you. I tease you about how your appetite is so out of control that you've gotten even fatter than me.
But you tease me right back. Did you just call me skinny?
We're going to have to do something about that…
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faeriehighfemme · 8 months
helfaye, 26, they/it 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
soft grunge high fae forest nymph
18+ to interact, 20+ to follow, 23+ to flirt.
usual dni criteria, just dont be a weirdo i guess? oh, and if you’re transphobic please just choke!! be respectful or i’ll curse your bloodline forever!!
#sarin is my tag for my dearly beloved @butchgargoyle ꨄ︎
misc acct is @swampwings, side is @catgirlcollared
text media asks
stone bottom switch with a big submissive lean. currently partnered to the sweetest loverbutch. open to flirting and the possibility of another!! im not new to tumblr but new to the nsft side, asks are fine but only mutuals may dm me.
they/it preferred but she is alright from friends! feminine or neutral compliments are welcome. my gender is [redacted] but i am high femme.
i have asd and ocd, my social battery drains fast and im cripplingly shy… flirting with me is okay but please be mindful that i may be nervous or slow to reply to things. be good or be gone!! also be respectful of my partner(s).
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fayamn · 1 year
Feedee or Feeder: Bridget
This is two scenes with Bridget from Guilty Gear as a feedee or a feeder. Gender neutral reader.
Feedee Bridget
E-Easy as pie...! Ayayay... I'm so full... It's fine I can count on you to prepare my food without the stuff I dislike... Yeah, you know it! Bitter herbs and shiitake mushrooms, bleh... It's not like there is space for that between the sweets and the greasy food huh? It's no good, you're filling me on quite the unhealthy diet... Don't you worry about that, I love all of it. The food, the extra weight, the attention... You just have to accept you've made it hell for me to find cute clothes, meanie! Wait! No fair! You can't threaten me with giving me less food! I know you enjoy this at least as much as I do. And you can't deny it, I almost have the imprint of your hands on my belly by now. All right feed me more, I really want to make my wasted bounty hunting career worth every single pound.
Hmph! Wait! Too fast! My limit? I'm just getting started! You're too eager, my cuteness requires you to be more gentle and - UuurRrrp! Oh... That wasn't very professional of me... Not that there much professional left on display here, except professional eater. And professional cutie of course, you're right. Hmmm... I know you wanted me to keep the handcuff hula-hoop around my waist until my absolute limit... Well... It's now... Oh, I'm dizzy... It's too tight, help me remove it! Hmmm... Aha! Much better! Behold! Unleashed lard! Oh I look so much fatter without that pressing in... I know there's no way I'm ever putting it back on, you're making sure of that - umf! Right Now by schtuffing my fache even - ulp! More. You can wait between two sentences you know, I'm not going anywhere! Urp...
Slow, huh? Of course look at what a blimp you made me! I'm short too, so my BMI shot through the roof... And I'm definitely not burning calories and yo-yo tricks and moving... Don't tell me you think those clumsy weak fat hands are for holding anything more than junk food now! And my flabby legs are for jumping around, I'm not getting an inch off the ground. I'm not even getting off my butt most of the time anyways. Hmph! Woopsies! Oh yeah that was definitely my skirt... Appropriate that my butt ruined it when I was talking about it. It's okay don't bother trying to retrieve it now, no spelunking of my fat rolls until you're done feeding me. Going easy on me? Does it look like I can't take it? Keep the calories coming, I need more belly to cover any indecent parts, and to have more of the cutest thing around~
UuuUurrrRrpp!... Oof! How's this? Okay now I'm reeaaally getting stuffed... Which means... Time to get your hands on my gut. How yeah it's huge and soft and heavy? You bet, I only have the biggest and fattest belly around. So, happy to have engorged, fattened, plumped me this much? Reaching down for the skirt? Good luck digging it out, I'm not budging while you're all up on me, it's too good. Hehe, got you! Did I fluster you pushing your head in my belly fat? S-Stop! You're making me blush~ Ah, your hands feel so good yes! Knead my plump fat dough, I'm so stretched from the stuffing but there is too much blubber on top you can even barely feel it. And what I'm digesting now is gonna make me so much fatter than now, a poor little obese thing that is filling our couch.
Now now, help me get up! I want to lie down, and we're gonna have a way better time in the bedroom anyways. Haaa... Haaa... And I'm up, aha! Huff... Look what I can do! I can stand, I can waddle... Enjoying the show of my gut reaching my thighs? You better, it's not going anywhere. What? No, I'm not jumping, I'm already tired!... Fine, I wanna try too. And... Whao! What happened? I didn't leave the ground did I? But that noise the planks made... That was scary. I better go to the bed before I break something. Well, might break the bed soon given how I'm overfed like a piggy. Aaah, finally! I'm not the nimble thin cutie I used to be... Now I'm a ton more cute~ Well, not yet. You know what? That little walk freed some space in my stomach that requires a snack...
Feeder Bridget
Whoever you are, welcome to the show! Too slow! Whoop, caught ya! Too easy! Mind holding yourself right in my yo-yo string for a while? Let me give your face a good look. Oh, you're cute... But I'm way cuter. And also I don't have a bounty on my face, meanwhile you have, and I'm going to be the one who claims it. You're not going to resist if I unbind you? Yeah, would have guessed you'd try and be a pain in my butt. Guess it's time for plan B then. Or F, for Fattening. Oh yeah, I've tried it before, it's effective at pacifying baddies like you. Oh, I wouldn't? Don't underestimate the cute ones! You already did, that's why you're bound and on the floor, and you're the one of us that is going to be morbidly obese and all docile soon. How's that? Woo boy... I'm definitely going to prefer you with cheeks too puffed up to protest.
Of course I'm prepared for that, I gotta admit it's super fun. How about a treat? Take this! Here we go! The little candy I made you swallow is just gonna make you fat. How did I get that? Money can get you a lot. Looking plushier already. And it's just the beginning! My yo-yo string is starting to feel snug huh? Don't worry, you won't break it, it's pretty solid. Not soft, unlike what you're getting. What's this, getting tubby aren't you? Ripping? Oh, that's your clothes, still not my yo-yo. Let me check those legs... Yeah should be fine, those are soft and plump now~ Here's a bonus! I should have told you before, but the fat forms by reducing your muscles, so you're gonna feel extra weak. And you're gonna feel that because you'll be. As soft and weak as a plushie!
Here you go. Get going! You're free! Are you even trying? Just kidding of course. must be so hard to be obese and weak now. Aha, you're waddling already? Out of breath... Come on, you're not that fat. You're still squeezed in your clothes! Although that's not an outfit I'd be going outside with. Huh, you're kidding me? So not cute, I'm glad I made you ruin it with lard. Too bad there aren't any cute outfits that's going to fit you once I'm done fattening you up. You thought it was over? Not done yet~ The first candy did well, but I'm sure you're gonna try something, you're not fat enough! Want some more? No? Come on, you'll love this! Oh of course it's too much. I don't know the meaning of quit. And you just had not to act tough. Aren't you happy you're given attention and a new body?
Here it goes! You're growing again! Aww, it's already too late for escaping... How slow do you waddle? My casual walking outpaces you. Aaah, giving up, that's more like it. Or is it the lack of muscles in your legs now with the extra blubber to lug around? Oh you're so tired. You're done! Just as your clothes, geez. It's so indecent... Luckily you have a natural apron to hide your crotch huh? Might have to roll you in now. I hope they'll recognize you with your bounty poster, because that lard has made you quite the disguise. I guess we'll find out when we get there. What's that look? Embarrassed? I mean, you should be, you're a bloated fatty standing in the shreds of your former clothes, just for being caught for your bounty by the cutest bounty hunter there is.
There! Come here... Oh, you won't move now? How frustrating! What can I do... It's not my first bounty not cooperating after extreme obesity you know? And I know exactly what to do with a piggy your size. Aww, blushing? Read you like a book. You're enjoying this, all of this, right fatty? Come on, you like having a cutie like me groping you, teasing you? What a wonderful thing I did to engorge you like you're cattle, don't you think? I'll charge up your batteries for you to walk, a massage of your massive body will be enough huh? Let me press right there... Aww, what a cute burp. Good, I'm sure you're going to enjoy it. I might give you a treat too if you beg enough. And if that's not enough to make you follow me, I guess I'll have to drag you in with my yo-yo string around your neck like a leash. Are you ready? Because I sure am!
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alphasunpup · 11 months
Feedist Kinktober Day 21- Temptation
The cake in the fridge stares you down. I lick your lips thinking about the moist deliciousness, but you couldn't, shouldn't! You had a diet. You had a gym membership. And you had been saving that cake for your cheat day. It was fine, you would survive.
The next day you look in the fridge and see the cake. Your chubby belly growls at you. You think about it, the richness of the cake. But you shake your head, instead you would have some eggs and make your own lox sandwich! There you were having protein now.
You were at work and you could've sworn you saw the cake inside the fridge in the break room. No, it was just your imagination. There was only some chocolate pudding. I mean it wouldn't hurt, no! You had to stick to the diet. So, you opted to eat the salad you brought.
You get home and all you can think about is the cake. It lures you, ensnares you with the richness of the frosting. You slide your finger on top of the cake and moan. So, good. You shake your head and decide that was enough temptation for one night.
For the next six days the cake calls you. You feel compelled to eat it but you resist, you always resist. You go with the healthier option and a little treat to get you by. Finally, it's sunday and now you may indulge.
But when you look inside the fridge, there's only one slice of cake left. You furrow your brow trying to remember when you even grabbed a slice. But it didn't matter, all that mattered was the cake. You got a fork and begun to dig in.
It's sweet, moist, and cold. Almost like an ice cream cake. The chocolate is rich and thick as it goes down your throat. You moan and finish your slice and when you look in the fridge, there's a replica of the cake. You don't remember buying another one but that didn't matter. You grab your fork and dig in. Of course, you didn't care. You couldn't resist temptation.
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feral-ffa · 8 months
Which abandoned WIP should I finish this week?
I feel like actually trying to finish something, so maybe it will actually happen if i know what the people want
A: Reader finds a selkie boy on the beach and brings him some fast food. Gender neutral feeder, modern fantasy, merboy feedee, soft feedism, no sex. Probably my most plain vanilla feedism option. Probably will be done the fastest. All fluff no plot.
B: Wild west sheriff finds a big fat slime boy in the local watering hole. M/M, historical fantasy, monsterfucking, nsfw, no feedism. I randomly was pulling porn themes and monsterboys out of a hat and got this. I then spent most my time writing it thinking about the worldbuilding. Extremely experimental. Again, no feedism in this. Just backstory and fucking a fat slime.
C: A groupie is hooking up with a chubby musician and he asks her to feed him. Male feedee, female feeder, nsfw, explicit feedism, messy eating and other light slob themes. This is based on the love god from gr*vity falls, fair warning. You don't need to have seen it. I only have like 4 sentences of this done. Not sure if it will be 1st or 2nd person pov yet.
Only open for one day, I want to start on this on Sunday. If this post is still up, I'm working on the winner.
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