#feedee pov
I can hardly breath. My stomach hurts. I’m so full. I ate too much. I cannot imagine getting up from the couch. My belly weighs me down. I feel so groggy. 
I have to focus on my breathing. I’m so thoroughly beached all I can do is cradle my fat, blubbery gut spread over my lap. It’s dominating my evenings recently. It demands I feed it until I can’t think straight. 
I am sitting upright, in a sluggish daze. I’m too full to lay down comfortably, but so, so exhausted. It’s taking all my energy to just digest all this food, and breathe correctly. Burps keep escaping my lips. Every time I press out more air, I get a momentary relief. I’m so swollen, so bloated, so distended. I’m completely overladen with delicious food. So totally engorged with my failed restraint. 
I keep fantasizing about eating more cookies. Today I added about 32 soft baked cookies of various kinds to my evening feeding. I ate so many I lost count, but some still remain on the table in front of me. But that table is so, so, so far away. 
Leaning forward feels impossible. I still probably couldn’t reach. I just can’t reach past my belly right now. I keep trying to talk myself into moving. Just standing up and getting my cookies. Just a little effort. But I’m too heavy. Much too heavy now.
I keep sipping my drink. I can barely reach it, and it’s running out. I’m thirsty, but I also need to be sure I fill all remaining space. That’s what my belly requires, after all. 
My belly is so warm, and so squishy. It’s like I have a personal pillow attached at all times. A giant, soft, jiggly beanbag just hanging over my waistband, or between my legs, or into sinks. It feels so good when I lift it up and it completely overfills my arms. It spills over my forearms and flops over my hands as I hold the meaty underside. I love bouncing it up and down, and letting it drop. I love how I have a deep, plunging overhang and a thick upper roll beneath my tits. I love how said roll is one of many that are piled up on my sides and connected around to my back. 
My entire torso is covered in a hefty, thick, sagging layer of fat. I’m a butterball, a tub of lard, a fleshy sack of dough. It encases me, buries me, crushes me. It’s no small part of why I’m pinned to this couch. 
I’ve outgrown tape measures, seat belts, booths, and many shirts. All thanks to this gluttonous, greedy, grotesquely overfed gut. It’s in control. I’m just carrying it to its next meal. I’m just making sure the food gets where it needs to go.
It needs to be so much bigger.
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beelzechubb · 20 days
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Hey folks sorry I've been gone all week! I hope this fatty playing with his belly makes up for it ❤️🐷
Also you guys are crazy thank you guys so much for the 1000 followers!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
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growmydarling · 1 year
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pov: i'm feeding you just one more bite of banana cream pie. yes, it's the last one. i promise. 💖 😏
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sugar-softies · 1 month
You notice one day that your crush likes people bigger.
They flirt with guys that have bellies resting in their laps, their last girlfriend weighed as much as two and a half of you together, their browser history held no surprises for you when you snuck a peek.
You decide a couple pounds can't hurt, just to catch their eye, just fifteen or so, you don't want to go crazy.
Except, you do sort of go a little crazy, turns out it's really fun eating so much and letting yourself splurge on junk food, and as you get rounder you fail to notice when you've succeeded in catching your crush's eye.
They certainly notice your appetite though, and start encouraging it, always teasing and reminding you it's lunchtime and eventually even packing you snacks and then meals for when you hang out together.
Without realizing it, you're both trying to fatten you up, and what was once a fun intro to food is now a gauntlet that leaves you in a food coma every night.
One night they finally take you to the buffet, and dedicate themself to running back and forth all night bringing you more plates. You forget to even keep up a conversation as you shovel food into your mouth, and you seriously overdo it because one moment you're chowing down and the next you come out of that reverie halfway up the stairs to your apartment. You're panting and groaning and so full and they're supporting you and your full belly and trying to help you up the stairs while there's barely room for you let alone another person. Your sides brush against the walls of the stairwell and each step is exhausting but they finally help you make it to bed where you immediately fall asleep.
When you wake up, you experience the first time it takes a few tries to roll over. You don't get a chance to see how hard it is to get out of bed, because once you've managed to roll your crush- now partner- enters with an enormous breakfast in bed.
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spamhamandeggs · 2 years
The Thrill of Getting Fat
Diet culture. We can’t escape it. Always telling us what we shouldn’t eat, that we need to lose weight. Fat is taboo.
So how do we, as feedists, deal with that taboo? We break it. We’re naughty. After all, everybody knows that when someone tells you that you can’t have something, you want it all the more. It’s thrilling to be naughty, to break the rules, to give diet culture the middle finger. It’s thrilling to get fat. I think this is part of the allure of being a feedee: violating the weight taboo.
There’s the open gluttony and getting obscene amounts of food to eat. I can imagine my feeder saying at the drive-through, “three, no I better make that four double burgers just in case they want a snack before dinner,” thereby implying that a full double burger is merely a snack. Or going to a buffet and getting a plate with a comical quantity of fattening desserts.
Then there’s the pleasure of eating. Of course, there’s the taste of the food, but the real thrill is in the choice of food, because I’m not getting fat on vegetables. Oh, no. Diet culture tells us to avoid “junk” or “unhealthy” food, but as a fattening up feedee, I’m feasting on foods everyone else feels guilty about. To vanilla society, each bite is an embrace of depravity.
Of course, the results of feeding are also their own thrill. Other people fret about outgrowing clothes, but I get to look forward to it. Rather than stress over finding time to exercise and lose another pound, I get to be lazy and pleasure myself with decadence. I get to enjoy my budding bulging belly and feel my feeder’s pride in it. And of course, once I’m truly fat, I won’t be able to hide how much space I take up while engaging in flagrant gluttony. It’s quite an act of rebellion to be undeniably fat yet still shamelessly choose the most fattening foods to gorge on.
So, let’s go for a thrill ride. Let’s go out and get something to eat. Let’s go make me fat.
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feral-ffa · 1 year
Ever wondered how those instagram foodie account girls stay skinny even though they're eating 5 items from a different trendy restaurant every day?
You had idly wondered that, but most of all you just couldn't believe your luck when you finally sealed the deal with a cute and sweet rising star foodie.
The first time the two of you went out for a content shooting dinner, it was to a nice fusion sit down place. She told you she'd mostly just talk to her tripod. All you had to do was get some close up shots of crispy crusts and cheese pulls and then just not eat till she had all the footage she needed. Easy trade off for a free dinner with a beautiful girl!
When the waiter came around, she rattled off an order of two house cocktails, two apps, and three entrees, before turning to you and asking you to pick your favorite entree too. You obliged, ordering pineapple fried rice.
When the food came out, she started taking pictures and recording, and she was still working on the appetizers when the 4 big entrees came to the table. You did your best suppressing your hunger and helping her get the perfect shot of her sampling each dish. When she was done and told you to dig in, you both started devouring the still-warm food. But you had to state the obvious. "There's no way we can finish all this."
She waved you off. "We'll take the rest in to-go boxes. Not like it's going to waste."
Still, it seemed like a shame to not have the food hot and fresh out of the kitchen. She got full shortly, but you plugged on, finishing the entirety of the lettuce wraps and spring roll appetizers, both desserts she ordered, and the sweet and saucy pork adobo. It felt like you barely put a dent in the other dishes, so you got to go boxes.
As full as you felt leaving, the siren call of leftovers lured you to the fridge twice more that night.
And so it went, your girlfriend taking you to snack joints and restaurants to help film, and you doing your best to clean the plates after. You never truly could though, always bested by her choice of rich cuisines or gimmicky posts ranking every kind of cronut or rice dog a place offered.
Until you all went to a fancy prix fixe place she had fought to get reservations for. You each got five modest portions of perfectly cooked food and you cleaned yours up no problem. She had started to get winded by the meat course and only had half of her dessert.
"Finally a member of the clean plate club, huh?" she teased as she snapped a picture of the receipt.
"Well they give you those small fancy portions," you protested. "Two bites of quail. Two bites of steak. Three raviolis. Tastes good though."
She just laughed and gave you an affectionate pat on the tummy.
You did find yourself having to size up your clothes as the seasons changed, but again, you considered it a reasonable tradeoff for the pampered life you were now living.
"I hope you're ready for this," your girlfriend chided you on the way to the state fair in the summer. She was partnering with them for a series of 'everything I ate at the state fair' videos, which of course was actually going to be everything you ate.
You faithfully videoed her taking the first bite of what felt like a million little snacks, making sure to capture her reaction. Wide eyes at the cheese pull from a mozzarella stick, unimpressed at a dry turkey leg, laughing as she got a good angle to chomp down on tornado fries, smiling in pleasure at cherry topped funnel cake.
Soon as she was satisfied with the footage, she would pass the greasy treat off to you and drag you to the next line. You lost count of all the fair food you hurriedly plowed through that day, the hand dipped corn dogs, berry shortcakes, bbq sandwiches, and fried oreos.
The shoot ended with you finishing off a huge fresh squeezed cold lemonade she had taken one (1) sip of. It was the only thing you had room for, and you felt it filling in the gaps in your already food-stuffed gut. You waddled after her to the petting zoo, where she wanted to treat herself to some baby animal cuddles as a reward for getting all the footage and b-roll she needed before sundown.
Before you sat on the bench outside for a breather, you noticed your stuffed belly peeking out of your shirt. Sure you just ate nearly everything the fair had to offer, but this was a new XXL shirt! You glanced at her inside the pen, scratching a piglet behind the ears.
"The pigs are my favorite."
"Yeah, I bet."
You went ahead and bought new shirts and pants again. As time passed you got better at eating as much of your girlfriend's orders as possible in one sitting. You especially looked forward to when she did collab videos with her friends. They'd reserve a long table and it would be laden with over a dozen meals. You got to try everything, eat as much as you wanted of your favorites, and there would still be leftovers.
One night before going out to film at a sushi restaurant, she warned you, "this is a hand roll place and i booked us the omakase menu, it's $250 for 6 small bites."
You helped her get pics and enjoyed the delicious savory raw seafood, but she caught the downcast look on your face and the hand on your belly after you left.
"Don't tell me you're still hungry?"
"You aren't?"
"No, I actually finished every course. Even the miso soup."
"Well I'm used to cleaning up after you don't finish every course!" You wrapped your arms around her, and pulled her in close to whisper in her ear. "You always pick where we go, can I choose somewhere just this once?"
"Let me guess," she said as she leaned into your soft belly. "You want to stop at mcdonalds?"
So the two of you stopped at the drive thru, chatting and laughing in the car as you worked your way through a big bag of burgers and fries.
You continued to feel grateful for this lifestyle, but you were especially excited when your girlfriend told you she booked a reservation at Pina's Table, a new Italian restaurant that was already getting lots of buzz on the socials.
When you arrived for your reservation, both in nicer clothes for the opening weekend, you were shown to a intimate booth near the back. You felt a little nervous sliding in, as you could just barely fit. But before long you were more focused on the menu. After she ordered her usual sampler spread of two apps, two cocktails and three entrees, the waiter turned to you for your selection, and you decided to be bolder today.
"How about the chicken marsala. And the baked ziti."
Both of your selections looked so good when they arrived, you could barely stop drooling while filming her slicing open a burrata and tasting the spaghetti all'amatriciana. It felt like a million years passed before she gave you the OK to dig in.
You started off sampling a little bit of everything, and it was of course just as good as expected. You were enjoying a mouthful of ziti when the flash from her phone went off. Startled, you looked up. Had she forgotten to get a picture of something?
"Sorry," she blushed, putting her phone back down. "You're enjoying yourself so much, I just wanted to save it to remember."
You laughed. "If that's good, just wait till after I'm done."
You dug into the warm food, savoring the light burrata and tomato salad and the heavier mushroom ravioli and amatriciana. You ate with relish for what seemed like ages until you started to feel the table pushing into your swollen stomach.
Exhausted, you leaned back, against the soft booth, your fullness finally catching up to you. You subtly opened the top button of your pants, letting your belly flow out to bump the table again. There was still so much of each entree left....
You were spared from the eternal dilemma by the chef, a young and energetic guy, coming to the table to drop off a sampling of cannoli and gelato. Your girlfriend jumped up excitedly to shake his hand and take selfies, and passed the phone to you to you could take a couple pictures of them... after you struggled to haul yourself to your feet.
"Thank you so much for helping get the word out," she chef thanked her profusely. "Pina's Table is my baby. I'm thrilled how many people turned out for it."
"Thank you so much for inviting us!" Your girlfriend chirped in reply. "Everything was delicious."
"I'm thrilled you enjoyed it! It's a labor of love." The chef clapped her on the shoulder before turning to you. "And of course your seal approval means just as much too! Seems like you enjoyed, huh?" He gave your belly a playful poke.
"I wouldn't be where I am now without the belly behind the account," your girlfriend agreed, reaching over to give your tummy another squeeze, jostling out a small burp.
The pair of them shared another laugh and selfie before the chef left to go gladhand some other tables.
"Should we get the to-go boxes?" she asked, patting you gently on the butt as you squeezed yourself back into the booth.
"I think I have a little room left."
You pulled the plate of ravioli in front of you and started working on it again as she took a short video of the desserts.
'The belly behind the account,' huh? You could get used to that.
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adiproseprose · 1 year
That moment of realization in your feedees eyes during their waddle that they aren't going to make it to the kitchen, but they're too far from the couch to sit down
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the-fae-in-your-walls · 4 months
Feedism POV
[Reader x Caring Feeder]
CW: Feedism, Weight Gain
“Okay, and 3… 2… 1! That's the last of it! Great job gorgeous!” Your feeder exclaims, that familiar goofy smile spreading across her lips as she looks in awe at your swollen, bloated form. Eating this much is hardly a rare occurrence for you by now, naturally, eating enough on a daily basis to put the average family of 4 to shame, yet your feeder remains as giddy as ever.
Her endless optimism seemed paralleled only by her drive to make you grow, yet she was perfectly aware of how important aftercare was to you. She gently brushes your cheek with her hands, a smile plastered across her face. “See? That wasn't so bad! You did such a good job baby! I'm so freaking proud of you!” she adds, her hands slowly exploring as they make their way towards your soft, yet incredibly over packed stomach.
She knows exactly where to apply pressure in order to make you burp, a great relief after such a large feeding session, during which she'd been as much a cheerleader to you as a feeder. When you started dating seriously, you were far smaller than you are now, always struggling to find a feeder who matched your drive, looking out for your needs. Yet once you'd met her, there truly was no going back for you.
She'd taken you from simply “fat” to enormously obese. Long gone were the days of getting dressed alone, showering alone and standing alone. These changes certainly did scare you at first, but each was made so intimate, so tender and so loving that soon you could never imagine wanting to do anything alone again.
Constant positive affirmation and reassurance were her methods of keeping you happy, pampered and, more importantly, loved. Tender kisses placed on areas of yourself that you had previously disliked, her cooing as you completed even the simplest of tasks, nights spent making you feel important.
Yes, her endless love has spoiled you. It had gotten you used to constantly being the most important person in any given situation, yet neither of you could think of a single reason as to why this was anything other than an improvement.
You feel her as her lythe, energetic fingers dance across your stomach as you sink further into your post-stuffing haze. You can feel as they gently circle your rolls, causing you to burp repeatedly, relief washing over you as you finally have the room to breathe. Her brilliant, excited smile makes your heart flutter as you look down. Endless enthusiasm, an endless pull to make you ever larger, more comfortable and pampered.
“Okay baby, are you ready for more?”
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thesoftnesssupreme · 2 days
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I stretch the measuring tape around my neck first, feeling how it digs into the soft flesh. I move down to my chest, wrapping the tape tightly around the thick rolls of back fat and my breasts, watching the numbers climb higher and higher. My belly is next, and it takes effort just to get the tape all the way around its massive girth. I can’t even see the numbers without pushing aside my fat, each new inch making me realize just how much more of me there is. Thighs like tree trunks, calves swollen and heavy; even my ankles have grown thick and wide.
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Please, stuff me until I’m out of breath. (make it so I can’t breath properly)
Please, stuff me until I’m heaving. (make me unable to swallow anymore)
Please, stuff me until I’m burping uncontrollably. (make me burp as I’m trying to eat more)
Please, stuff me until my jaw is sore. (make my tongue cramp)
Please, stuff me until I can’t stand up without assistance. (make me too heavy to help)
Please, stuff me until I can’t walk. (make me temporarily immobile)
Please, stuff me until I am sleepy. (make me pass out)
Please, stuff me until my belly is distended. (make my gut so much fatter)
Please, stuff me until I’m addicted to eating. (make me desperate for more food)
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beelzechubb · 11 days
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This belly desperately needs some more food 🐷🐷🐷
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growmydarling · 2 years
come on, be a good feedee and finish this carton. i want to get a few more pounds on you this month.
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spamhamandeggs · 2 years
Feedee’s Creed
(Repeat after me.)
I am not fat because I made a mistake. I am not fat because I sometimes indulge a little. I am not fat because of the choices I make. I am not even fat because of the food I like to eat. I am fat because it is a part of who I am. Being fat is a part of my personality. Being fat is as much a part of what makes me me as my hobbies and taste in music. If I was not fat, I would not be me anymore.
But I am not yet done getting fat. There is still so much more wonderful and tasty food left in the world to eat. There is so much more decadent food waiting to help fulfill me and become a part of me. A fatter. Me.
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adiproseprose · 1 year
Some things about rapid weight gain
It happens while doing something physical like walking or on a jog, your speedy pace slows down to a frumpy waddle
A person whose been thin their whole lives learning about certain sensations like sweat between your rolls, your thighs chafing as they grind together, and stretch marks
Looking down and suddenly being unable to see your feet
Waking up obese and being barely able to move, struggling to sit up past your huge belly
Discovering your a feedee via rapid weight gain, loving the feeling of having no muscle and being dragged down by 100's of pounds and wanting more
Having a fat persons appetite and metabolism as well as body, so losing weight is incredibly difficult.
Nobody believes you when try to explain that this isn't just the result of laziness and overeating, so you're teased, humiliated and shamed by your friends or partner for letting yourself go (bonus points if you've previously made fun of fat people as well and this is a karma type thing)
Outgrowing your current outfit, as well as an entire wardrobe in such a short span so your forced to walk around in overly tight clothes/naked for this duration
Constantly starving and uncontrollably binging everything you have
Stamina going down drastically and suddenly, struggling to walk just a few blocks, not even necesarily because of your weight but because this is such an alien experience and you haven't had time to build up muscle like a lot of fat people do
Developing sudden health issues along with your weight gain. A sudden increase in your blood pressure, having asthma when you've always been in great physical condition, having a heart attack from the sudden change in cholestral
Sudden immobility, plopping down the ground a giant heaping blob, unable to pull yourself and requiring emergency services to lift you off the street or out of your house.
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beelzechubb · 1 month
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Who wants to help me blow up 🐷😈
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