#magical stuffing
alphasunpup · 11 months
Feedist Kinktober Day 20- Bloodsucker
I sighed walking down the street, looking out for new prey. They just didn't make em like they used to before. Everyone was so focused on fitness, and diets, and fucking wheatgrass. Why did mortals love wheatgrass so much?!
Where was the decadence? The opulence? The grandiose of hedonism that only the luxury of true nobility could experience?
No, all of that was gone. No longer was the plushness and fatness of hedonism celebrated, exalted, even. It was shamed. And that was truly the greatest failure of humanity.
Now, here I was stalking the streets. Hoping some gym bunny who was a little heftier would come by so I didn't feel like I was starving.
Instead you passed. You with your brown skin glistening with sweat. You with curly hair tied up with a bandana. You were huffing and puffing walking out of the gym. I narrowed my eyes and could see you snacking on some chocolate bar. Ah, you were a first timer. First time gym member were so delectable. So easy to have slip into those old habits again.
I decide to descend from the rooftop, gently floating down. I come up from behind you. Your blood throbs in your veins, loud enough for my hearing to pick up on. I have to stop myself from licking my fangs. Apparently humans didn't do that either.
I enchant you with both words and appearance. I invite you to dinner, using a little hypnotism to convince you. I let you go back to your place to get ready and then escort you back to my place.
You are enchanted with the castle I live in. It's a bit gothic in design but very modern on the inside. I escort you to a dining hall that a few centuries would've been considered a feast hall. I have you sit at the head of the table gazing at the feast before you.
There's glazed ham, stuffed turkey, fried fish, fruits delicately coated in sugar. Puffed pastries, cakes, even modern day candy. Whatever could've been imagined on the long dining table was there.
You obliviously say you can't eat all of this. It would be too rude to eat this sumptuous feast. I wave you off and encourage you to eat. You get a whiff and by then the magic has slipped in and seeped into your bones.
You feel compelled almost to eat now. A slice of glazed honey ham, melts down your throat. Tender and juicy meat as a bit dribbles down your lip. My eyes roll back again, getting simply a scent of how delectable your blood would be after this feast. It was just a matter of patience. All good things happened to those who wait.
It was a tantalizing two hours of you eating, talking. Surprisingly out of my victims you were the one who interested me the most. The one most fit to become my little blood bank for a while. You sat in your seat, tears ruining your makeup a bit. You had gorged yourself on the meal like a proper sovereign.
Your belly pushed against your dress, pushing into the table now. Your breast sat upon your belly like books placed on a proper shelf. A belch rippled from your mouth and you moaned. You shuddered and whined a little. Your eyes hazy and glazed over from the amount of food you filled yourself up with. Sitting there so pretty and fat, like a fattened up doe.
And just like a doe you had no clue when the predator had descended onto you. I finally sunk my fangs in, tasting your blood. I could get snippets of the flavors of the feast. A heady moan fell out of my mouth as the flavors danced on my lip. A small gasp and whine come from you. I ignore them as I take my fill.
Once I feel my own belly filled, I pull away. I ask my servants to take you to the princess suite of my castle. I held a hand to my own bloated stomach, pressing against my button-up and vest. I let out a small burp and shudder.
Oh you would do, you would do nicely. You were going to be my princess of gluttony, glutting yourself on my feast cooked up by my servants. Oh you were going to get fat, obese even, and I was going to get fat off you, my princess.
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quiverdream · 2 years
Today’s fantasy is about a magical mystery woman who starts feeding a man until he’s very stuffed, and then when he can’t take another bite, she puts a hand to his distended stomach and causes the food he ate to duplicate again and again and again … 😈
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beary-good-finds · 2 months
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✨ Magic the Dragon Beanie Baby by Ty Inc, 1995 ✨
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waterlullaby · 10 months
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magic and scorch went on a walk today!
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tsuchinokoroyale · 2 months
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The reviews are in!!!
“Hedonistic beefcake. Fattest ass with the most eager tight hole. Will make you cum 10/10” - a white guy
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goobersplat · 1 month
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Ty Attic Treasures Beanie Baby Merwyn The Wizard
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fatguarddog · 9 months
You're the heir to the royal family of a kingdom besieged by demons and during a surrender, are offered up to one of the Demon Lords as a prize of battle. Don't worry, he assures you with a warm yet devious smile, you'll soon 'grow' to love your new life with him
You're taken back to his manor and draped in a lavish, yet skimpy outfit, one that really shows off your body and highlights the slight curves of your features. Your new Lord sits you down at a huge banquet table and takes his seat across from you. All manner of succulent and delicious foods are lined up before you, you take a moment to really take in the size of this hulking, handsome demon and assume he must eat like a beast. But when his impish servants are done setting the table, he just brings his elbows onto the table to rest his head in his hands. He smiles at you,
"You've nothing to fear. Eat."
His voice is so commanding. Nervously, you load up your plate with foods that seem the most familiar to you. Roast chicken, potatoes, various vegetables and a bread roll. It's delicious. With the effect the war has had on your kingdom, you can't remember the last time event he royal family could assemble such a sumptuous selection to feast upon... so you end up forgetting yourself a little and eating until you're quite stuffed. You lean back in your chair and graciously thank your Lord for the meal, shyly paying your compliments to the chef
"Good," he smiles wider and snaps his fingers. "Eat."
A surge of warmth courses through your body. With some demonic intervention, everything you'e just eaten rapidly digests within you and you feel hungry again. Your frame even grows a little bit softer, though not enough for you to notice just yet. You blush and oblige his order, you brain trying to rationalise what's happening. A display of dominance, perhaps? Or did he notice how much you were enjoying the food after having had so little for so long and just wanted you to get to enjoy that more? Was something bad coming after this, or was he actually a good demon somehow?
All of your questions seemed to melt away as you dug in to the feast again, this time trying the honey roasted ham, sweet fruits, leg shank and more. Once again you eat until you feel completely stuffed. Once again you thank your Lord for such a wonderful meal... and once again he smiles at you with fiery eyes from across the table, his own plate still empty and untouched,
"Good," another snap of his fingers. "Eat."
That familiar surge of warmth strikes again, but this time you notice how much plumper you look after, especially in your skimpy clothes. You look up at your Lord in shock and confusion, but he just gestures to the food in front of him. You timidly shake your head, yet your stomach growls audibly in the large dining hall
"Perhaps you'd be more in the mood for wine and cheese?" the demon snaps and the feast before you changes to a decadent cheese plate with crackers and dried meats abound. "Or would my royal prize prefer dessert?" Another snap and the table becomes stacked with cakes, pies and pastries alongside jugs filled with custards and creams, all so sweetly mouth watering The look of disbelief doesn't leave your face. Your stomach growls louder, more painfully as your owner laughs
"Better not to ignore your hunger, my dear. It'll be much more pleasurable for you if you just. Eat."
The command rings through you and sends shivers down your spine, you want nothing more than to stuff your face with every dessert in sight. Your hands reach forward greedily and you begin to eat your fill as your Lord looks on, almost lovingly at you
"So good, so obedient, I'm going to like you a lot," he stands and gently makes his way all around the table to your side, his towering form standing behind you, gently rubbing your now slightly pudgy shoulders. "I'll spoil you so much, feast after feast, night after night of pure pleasure to make you into the perfectly fattened up image of hedonism," his hands feels so good and warm on your soft skin as you gorge yourself. "Just think how demoralising it'll be for your kingdom, to see how easily their royal heir fell to demonic corruption... but I must say from a personal standpoint, I do just think you look so beautiful enjoying yourself like this. I'll have a bath ready for us after I think you're done here, there we can really relax and get to know each other, my dear. But for now, please keep eating. I told you you would grow to love it here."
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autismdogg · 9 months
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My Little Pony Build-A-Bear collection, 2013
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tastescomics · 2 months
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Someone has been swapping the regular pastries for those on the special menu lately… Jules, have you been sneaking bites at work?
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yeah, we gay, keep scrolling
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alphasunpup · 11 months
Feedist Kinktober Day 21- Temptation
The cake in the fridge stares you down. I lick your lips thinking about the moist deliciousness, but you couldn't, shouldn't! You had a diet. You had a gym membership. And you had been saving that cake for your cheat day. It was fine, you would survive.
The next day you look in the fridge and see the cake. Your chubby belly growls at you. You think about it, the richness of the cake. But you shake your head, instead you would have some eggs and make your own lox sandwich! There you were having protein now.
You were at work and you could've sworn you saw the cake inside the fridge in the break room. No, it was just your imagination. There was only some chocolate pudding. I mean it wouldn't hurt, no! You had to stick to the diet. So, you opted to eat the salad you brought.
You get home and all you can think about is the cake. It lures you, ensnares you with the richness of the frosting. You slide your finger on top of the cake and moan. So, good. You shake your head and decide that was enough temptation for one night.
For the next six days the cake calls you. You feel compelled to eat it but you resist, you always resist. You go with the healthier option and a little treat to get you by. Finally, it's sunday and now you may indulge.
But when you look inside the fridge, there's only one slice of cake left. You furrow your brow trying to remember when you even grabbed a slice. But it didn't matter, all that mattered was the cake. You got a fork and begun to dig in.
It's sweet, moist, and cold. Almost like an ice cream cake. The chocolate is rich and thick as it goes down your throat. You moan and finish your slice and when you look in the fridge, there's a replica of the cake. You don't remember buying another one but that didn't matter. You grab your fork and dig in. Of course, you didn't care. You couldn't resist temptation.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 3 months
Omg Exorcists hunting like Ospreys
They dive and go sploosh in the water then fly back out no problem
Vaggie shows this once and Charlie, a no wing haver, is amazed by her gfs ability to fly out of water very much “but??? Wings in water meant to be no bueno??”
the one thing vaggie misses from heaven: Dive Bomb Fishing
XD no but, imagine Vaggie spending ages hunting around the city for a swimming pool big enough to show off to her girlfriend in. Up in heaven there was beaches and bright sparkling bodies of water, but hell is overcrowded and....
Vaggie: "How hard is it to find a body of water in hell that DOESN''T already have a dead body floating in it!?"
Angel Dust: "I dunno toots. Probs as hard as a long throbbing-"
Vaggie: "Shut up and keep looking or die."
she finally finds one and gets SO giddy about it, same as when she was excited to show the hotel commercial to Charlie, dragging her gf over to the edge of the one sanitary pool in hell like
Vaggie: (hopping up and down) "Are you ready for the surprise?"
Charlie: "I, think so??"
Vaggie: "Good!"
Vaggie: (hugs gf) (hops back again) (Grins)
Charlie: "Vaggie wh- pffthaha! You're really excited about this 'super cool angel trick thing' aren't you?"
Vaggie: "You have no idea."
Vaggie: "Now hold this taxidermized fish for me."
Charlie: "Hold the what."
it's a fair question. clean swimming pools aren't the only thing it's tricky to find in hell
Vaggie: "Fish!"
Vaggie: "There's not a lot of fish options down here but we're gonna pretend it's a salmon. Or was one, in a past life."
Charlie: "Do I have to- I mean, is me holding it CRUCIAL to the surprise..?"
Vaggie: "You can throw it in the pool soon don't worry."
Charlie: "If it's in the pool Vaggie I don't think I'm going in that water."
Vaggie: "That's perfect! Just get ready to throw."
Vaggie starts stretching her wings
meanwhile poor Charlie wants to SO MUCH to be supportive about the angel thing after how not great that revelation started out so she's nodding and smiling and not instantly yeeting the horror fish and internally doing math equations trying to figure this out so she can be extra super happy about it
Vaggie: (twirling spear) "Ok babe, I'm gonna fly up real high, and when you see me wave you toss the abomination fish into the pool. Right?"
Charlie: "OK!!! Fly wave throw fish, got it!"
Charlie was ready for anything she was PREPARED
she was NOT prepared to see her girlfriend plummet through the air and dive smack dead into a pool at what looks like literal break-neck speed
Charlie: "VAGGIE!?!?!?"
Angel Dust: "Mmm not bad. 10 outta 10 for looking like she's gotta death wish. Slaaaaay!"
Charlie: "IS SHE OKAY?!"
Husk: "0 out of fucking 10. That shit looks wet as fuck."
Angel Dust: "Wuh luh wuh LOVE when thing get-"
Husk: "20 out of 10 if she drowns you."
Niffty: "Wheee! Me next!!!!!!""
Cherri Bomb: "Booo! 2 out of 10! It wasn't even a canon ball."
Niffty: "Did her spine snap? Is she-" (giggles) "Dead~?"
Alastor: "I'm SORRY to say it dearest but I SINCERELY doubt it! In fact it seems she is just about to surface, and NOT as a far more flatteringly corpse, ha ha!"
Vaggie's head pop back beaming and shaking water from her face
Vaggie: "Charlie! I got it!"
Charlie: "Not the question I'm asking! Wait, got what?"
Vaggie: (laughing) "Look!"
cue big wing flaps, Vaggie spraying everyone who isn't Charlie with water as she wings back up out of the pool and lifts her spear to show off...
Vaggie: "I got the fish!"
....the stuffed abomination skewered triumphantly on her heavenly spear
Charlie: "You- you caught it!?"
Vaggie: "On the first try! First try in years and-"
Vaggie: "I did!"
Charlie: "NO WAY!"
Vaggie: "Yeah!"
Charlie: "HOLY FUCK-"
Charlie, who has NEVER seen a diving bird irl before and whose is mind actually honestly BLOWN, cheering and jumping around and grabbing each of their sopping wet friends in turn to shake them and point at her gf, who
Charlie: "-just did that whatever that was she did that IT WAS AMAZING she went ZOOM like NYOOM and SPLOOSH and wOW-!"
Vaggie: (puffing up) "If there was real fish in that pool, we'd be having some for dinner tonight."
Charlie: "WOW!!"
Alastor: (dripping) (grinning tightly) "How. Delightful."
Alastor: "Oho~"
Vaggie: "What're you laughing at?"
Charlie: "-went WAY HIGH UP THERE and then she DOVE-"
Alastor: "Why at your cruel fate of course! Prepare to be MORTALLY embarrassed in front your partner's parent, my dear~"
Vaggie: "Are you kidding? Fishing is best skill I have."
Husk: (soaked) "That's not. Fucking. Fishing."
Vaggie: "Don't be bitter just because you can't do it, Husk."
Angel Dust: (also dripping) "Both of ya are nuts."
Cherri Bomb: (sadly holding up soggy bomb) "You could get a whole school of fish with one stick of dynamite. I'm just saying."
Niffty: "I wanna be the fish! SKEWER ME!"
Vaggie: "No offence Nif but, pass."
Niffty: "RRG!" (kicks her in the shins) "Stupid sport fishing lesbian!"
Vaggie: "Stupid good at sport fishing lesbian, you mean."
Vaggie: "No way!"
Charlie: "YES!! And IM gonna film it!!!"
Angel Dust: "An' we're all goin' home. Have fun with your gay nature docu-thingy."
Vaggie: "Have fun missing out on the fishing losers!"
Charlie: (hugging her) "This is so COOL! How do your wings even work after getting wet!? That's amazing!"
Vaggie: "It's what the daily preening is for, babe."
Angel Dust: (distantly) "Gaaaaaay...!"
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waterlullaby · 1 month
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ohh man holy grail moment for me right now!! a magic the dragon beanie buddy has flown her way to me :) and by that i mean. my local flea market’s beanie baby vendor who somehow has every single beanie baby/buddy sold her to me when i asked if he had any of her (and at a decent price, too- my wallet is thankful)
now Big Scorch has a girlfriend🏳️‍🌈
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goobersplat · 4 days
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Tokyo Disney Halloween Winnie the Pooh Wizard Plush
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thewitchystuff · 1 year
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Go outside and see the beautiful moon while you do a quick spell for your positive intentions for this next month!
Remember you can add your own spin to spells to make them more unique to you and what you want to manifest.
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khaotunq · 7 months
What I truly admire the most about the production behind Cherry Magic (Thai), is the way they find increasingly weirder suit cuts and camera angles to try and make New Thitipoom look in any way, in any capacity, on any planet in any form, smaller than Tay Tawan.
They keep failing, but they do keep trying. And that should be admired.
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