#general hak
soo-won · 1 year
Hi Lumen, I love your AnY posts so much! I hope I can hear your opinions about the relationship between Hak and Kye-sook. I think it is not simply an enemy...
Thank you so much for the question OMG! And I'm glad you like my posts too :')
Keishuk and Hak's dynamic is something I LOVE to get lost in thoughts about because everytime they interact you can feel the electricity in the air, you know? There is something extremely engaging about them imo. And outside of the fact I crack ship them because I think their interactions are very hot, I have a lot to say about them!
The thing about them is they're the same pole of a magnet. Like it's because they're actually extremely similar that they have this constant animosity towards each other. There is real hatred on Hak's end, understandably, and Keishuk clearly looked at Hak with contempt until recently. But there is this thing about them where they also understand each other in a way? Because they went throught the same thing. The Lord they pledged loyalty to was murdered by the opposite faction and they started to live following their child, the only thing Il and Yuhon left behind, dedicating their whole life to protect them and what they fight for, and dreaming of getting back what was stolen from them. They're both haunted by their powerlessness and the fear to fail to protect what matters to them and especially Yona and Suwon. And it's these shared feelings, directed in opposite directions that makes their relationship what it is. I think they both ended up being aware of these similarities in the other even if not consciously. Also they both easily get extremely anxious and tend to act emotionaly because of it (and that's what differentiates them the most from Yona and Suwon, too.)
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Thinking about them together requires to think about Keishuk on his own, because it's only after understanding that Keishuk is driven by the constant need of to have things go according to his plans, because as a disabled man this is his only way of fighting and protecting, that I think you can start seeing the connections with Hak. Keishuk was shaped by the feeling he needs to be useful, that can also be seen in Hak especially early on in the manga.
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And that's where it's also fun to imagine what represented Hak to Keishuk before the coup. A pawn with so much potential that is unusable because of his attachment to Il. A man with the strength Keishuk doesn't have, a strength he lacked when Yuhon was being murdered before his eyes, and that Hak uses to serve his murderer. To be honest I don't think Keishuk cared that much about Hak and it seems he barely knew about him before the coup, but I like to imagine he saw him as a waste. However, Suwon had given up the hope of ever having Hak on his side, but Keishuk never forgot, and Keishuk is not burdened by any complex feelings towards Hak like Suwon or Judo are, so the idea of someday managing to control and use him for Suwon's and by extension Kouka's sake is something he maybe always kept in the back of his mind ( we still don't know what was Coup Crew's plan irt Yona and Hak if they hadnt caught Suwon red-handed after all).
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Throughout the series, Hak comes to want to protect Kouka and fight for his country of his own volition, whether Yona asks him to or not. Which makes him share something more with Keishuk. Hak, in his willingness to become a pawn to protect Kouka, becomes in Keishuk's eyes a proxy in a way, even though Hak fights for his own reasons. Keishuk can't fight on a battlefield anymore, but Hak, who shares a common goal and a similar way of seeing himself as disposable, becomes a weapon. Hak becomes the sword or the shield Keishuk can wield to protect Suwon.
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And it makes their relationship very ironic. They are opposed and enemies by the fact they serve two person that are supposed to be at odds with each other, but when these two persons enter an alliance and walk in the same direction, then it makes Keishuk and Hak simply share the same feelings and protect what the other cares for. Aka Keishuk becoming "protective" of Yona and the dragons (even if it's not out of sympathy) and Hak protecting Suwon.
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In no way does it mean they become friends or that they do this for each other, though. Hak and Keishuk are in a constant battle of compromise and Hak is very much aware that Keishuk won't hesitate to take from him and use him and his friends if he sees it fit. And Keishuk is aware that he has to tread carefully if he wants to use them longer. But I find all this super interesting! They're fated enemies in a way, so to see them kinda forced to work together despite all the spite they have for each other is fun.
Lastly, something that I'm obsessed with when it comes to Keishuk and Hak is how they're connected by their respective relationship with Suwon. I already wrote a long post about Keishuk and Yona as foils in relation to Suwon, but I think the same can be said of Keishuk and Hak, even if obviously the way they do so differ.
Keishuk's presence in this scene is anime exclusive, so everyone is free to consider it canon or not. Personally I'm in love with it and I think it adds a lot of depth to Keishuk and his feelings towards Hak and Suwon so it's canon to me lmao. This scene shows a Keishuk that feels pride in knowing the "real Suwon" that Hak is ignorant about, and he taunts him about it. Like "Look, /I/ am his right-hand man, and he didn't chose you. /I/ know his suffering and you don't know anything."
And the thing is...yeah. Keishuk is not wrong here, and it brings into light an aspect of Suwon and Hak's relationship that is often only implied, aka the fact Suwon didn't trust and rely on Hak, when Hak /wanted/ to be the person Suwon would depend on. But the Suwon Keishuk knows is not "the real Suwon" either. The truth is both Keishuk and Hak know a part of Suwon that the other don't, and I find this deeply fascinating.
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This is reenforced by the fact that Hak didn't even know of Keishuk's existence just like how he was ignorant of the dark parts of Suwon's life, or how Keishuk and Hak were physically assigned to two distinct symbolic places (Yonhi's mansion and Hiryuu Castle). They were totally separated, literally and in Suwon's heart.
Hak knows nothing of the Suwon at Yonhi's mansion that planned the coup for 10 years alongside Keishuk and many others. He knew nothing of Suwon's resentments, of the truth behind his grand and distant goal or the way he is resolved to discard anything to achieve his goals, even what Hak cares for. Keishuk was and is still undeniably Suwon's closest ally (despite the distance between them but Suwon and Keishuk deserve their own post lmao), and despite their differences they share the same goal and ideologies like they do with no one else. They share the same pain of losing Yuhon and the anger and feeling of injustice that came with it, and the same afront of Il's rule. But likewise, Keishuk doesn't know the depth of the bond Suwon shared with Hak, and the truth in the time they spent together. Keishuk only pragmatically saw Hak as someone that will try to kill Suwon someday, as he understands very well where he comes from, underestimating(among other things) the importance Suwon and Hak hold for each other and the depth of their trust.
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That's where the Sen Province arc is interesting as well. This arc is notable for many things, but one of them is the complete absence of Suwon and the fact the troops are basically led by both Keishuk and Hak. I just said that Keishuk and Hak were completely separated by what they know of Suwon, yet what this arc highlights is that they both know him extremely well. In the end, they grew up and studied with the same Suwon, and this common knowledge of him connects them. Like to remember something as a specific counter-strategy Suwon likes is proof of the amount of time they both spent separately with Suwon and their fondness for him. It's because this moment makes Keishuk acknowledge that Hak does know Suwon well that he starts being interested in using him furthermore.
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All that being said, I also just really love whenever they taunt each other. I think it's delicious like, look at that. There is just something whenever they share a page and I'm obsessed with it. Suwon and Yona kinda stay polite with each other (more or less) but Keishuk and Hak don't give a shit like that and it's refreshing. Despite everything I've said above, the part that makes them not stand each other's ass and rile each other is an essential of their dynamic and I eat it up. There is almost a sort of competitiveness? and it's very fun. I never want them to like each other it's so much better this way.
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Alas now Keishuk has to be polite with Hak for political schemes reasons and I'm sad because I miss those times very much </3.
TDLR : They're not friends they're not enemies but a secret third thing.
(Bonus: fun hakyona / keiwon parallel and i ship neither but it's endearing)
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fanwarrior321 · 2 years
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the art in this panel is glorious, but the ferocity seen between the two of them makes me wanna see what they're like at full strength
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hak · 4 months
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this must just be a general early writing plot hole thing but it’s also weird hak says the royal family is known for conspiring against each other but 1) il killing his brother wasn’t common knowledge 2) yona’s mom dying was an “outsider” attack and other than those the only royal family in kouka/sky tribe was yona and soo-won’s sides which narratively don’t have any turbulence publicly before soo-won even kills il
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Click above for the video documentary
Living as "2nd-Generation" of Religious Devotees
Many children of religious devotees have been affected by their parents' beliefs. Now they are speaking out about the anguish religion has caused them and searching for a way to move on.
Broadcast on January 20, 2024 / Available until January 21, 2025
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olivieraa · 9 months
now I know both these VA's as better characters than the two I'm mentioning
but I'll prob never be able to watch Zexal the same again
knowing Orbital and Kotori's VA's are married as of recent years
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whatisonthemoon · 1 year
Warning For Second Generation: Potential Incoming Outreach to “Inactive” “Blessed Children”
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Did you know that UC has a new president?
Demian Dunkley was appointed the end of May when church held an inauguration in the New Yorker the end of May. Dunkley was president of UC about three years ago then Mrs Moon sent him to what the church refers to as Asia 1 (India, Thailand…). He was also pastor of Las Vegas church during In Jin’s Lovin’ Life time.
You can’t deny Demian has a charismatic guy. He has this blind faith and unbiased devotion to Mrs Moon. He also has relationship and respect of many second generation and members. He has the exceptions of not only Mrs Moon but membership that his leadership will bring a new wave to the dying church. In his speech he referred many times that the UC will now be referenced as -The Witnessing Church.
Dunkley was leader of Vegas church under Lovin’ Life under In jin during which LL was able to organize the second generation and unite them under ball room dancing, sports festivals, mega church, rock bands, etc. She created a vibe for the church with hopes to witness to younger people. I get the feeling that Dunkley will use some of these tactics for the new witnessing push.
During the inauguration speech he introduced 6 of twelve “sisters” that will be witnessing leaders. To seal the deal each woman received a special sweater from Mrs. Moon’s own wardrobe. These “sisters” were all second gen.
It seems like every three years the church dusts off its witnessing campaign and part of their plan of action is to target inactive and ex members to bring them back. So-second gen. be warned— if a church friend calls you to invite you to picnic, dinner, sports festival or whatever. It’s not because they want to talk, spend time with you but more like they have a quota to reach.
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Demian Dunkley Admits Fraud - from the twitter of ex-Moonie podcast Falling Out
Demian Dunkley on Steve Hassan
‎Falling Out with Elgen Strait: S4 E9- The Empress' Old Clothes on Apple Podcasts
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gugug4g4 · 1 month
Hero vs Villain
The Antagonist Soo-won in the manga is the "I'll save the world for you" type of guy. Basically every hero ever. He loved his dad, so he became the king who saved the Kingdom just as his dad wanted him to.
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The main protagonist Hak on the other hand is the "I'll burn the word down to save her" type guy. Classis villain. He killed anyone trying to harm Yona to save her life on the day of the regicide. He would kill anything and anyone for Yona.
Yet, we love Hak and Yona, cheered for their growth and development and was appalled by Soo won's betrayal. I just adore how Mizuho Kusanagi plays with perspective. Akatsuki no Yona was a villains perspective all along. From the beginning, she was the spoilt princess of a selfish king leading a kingdom to ruin. Hak knew this, being a generals son, he was very aware how how things were outside the castle but he didn't care, if it meant Yona would be happy.
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mundoperla · 2 years
𝘿𝘽𝘿 𝙠𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙨𝙪𝙧𝙫𝙞𝙫𝙤𝙧 𝙨/𝙤 “𝙧𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙚𝙫𝙞𝙣𝙜” 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙢𝙨𝙚𝙡𝙫𝙚𝙨 𝙖𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙜𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙝𝙪𝙧𝙩. (help)
DBD killers x Gender Neutral S/O
— Getting cut up wasn’t stopping you from having a quick minute to yourself. Little did you know that you had a front row audience to your little show.
[ characters included;; pyramid head, herman carter, caleb quinn, ji-woon hak & danny johnson ]
⚠️⚠️ [tw(s);; wounds, messing with said wounds for trickster, general nsfw, dub-con, trickster being freaky with your wounds, trickster is his own warning tbh, mentions of killer inflicted cuts, full on devils tango with trickster & ghostie😔deathslinger jerks off to you🧍‍♂️] ⚠️⚠️
ppl who know me irl im so sorry if ur seeing this
·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙   .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ . ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙.
𝕻𝖞𝖗𝖆𝖒𝖎𝖉 𝕳𝖊𝖆𝖉—𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕰𝖝𝖊𝖈𝖚𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖊𝖗
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⋆。°✩ You were one of the last two survivors in the match, his sights were set on Jonah but another sound caught his attention.
⋆。°✩ Straying away from the pools of blood and scratch marks, he followed the low grunts coming from behind one of the boulders surrounding the Macmillan Estate.
⋆。°✩ How you couldn’t hear his heavy breathing before is wild, even after he had caught you in such a.. provocative position…
⋆。°✩ The back of your shirt was shredded & only hanging on by a thread. The large gash on your back displayed for him and the world to see. You had cuts all over your abdomen and chest. The more you contorted the more pain you felt. That was irrelevant right now.
⋆。°✩ Your other hand was lost between your legs, but Pyra could see the mess that was dripping onto the floor beneath where you were hunched over. You weren’t good at suppressing your voice.
⋆。°✩ His pants grew tighter the more he stood there and silently watched you. Maybe he could grumble a bit to get your attention? You would have thought his breathing would’ve gotten your attention by now.
⋆。°✩ There was obvious appeal to him, he 𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀𝙎 the visuals of you being all cut up. Especially since it was his doing. How he wasn’t immediately acting out to fulfill his desires was incredible.
⋆。°✩ The last generator had been popped, frustration plastered itself on your face. Jonah wasn’t gonna linger and wait for you in the first place so you’d better get going. You can finish this some other time.
⋆。°✩ You gathered yourself together, pulling your bottoms back up, ready to go up to one of the exits to leave the trial.
⋆。°✩ He was still standing there. Not a muscle had moved since he found you.
⋆。°✩ Did he.. did he see.. was he watching you this whole time ?!
⋆。°✩ You dashed past him trying to avoid the paranoia and embarrassment that was flooding your mind, but he still didn’t budge.
⋆。°✩ You and Jonah escaped **relatively** fine, there were more med kits at the campfire for the two of you to get bandaged back up. That encounter with the executioner was something you didn’t plan on sharing with anyone else for as long as you remained in the fog.
⋆。°✩ Pyra returned to the killer’s campfire as silent as usual. Ignoring the more lively killer’s advances to try and interact, he couldn’t get you off of his mind. Would you skitter off and do that again if he sliced you with his blade?
⋆。°✩ Hopefully the entity would give him another opportunity to test that theory out soon.
𝕯𝖆𝖓𝖓𝖞 𝕵𝖔𝖍𝖓𝖘𝖔𝖓—𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕲𝖍𝖔𝖘𝖙𝖋𝖆𝖈𝖊
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⋆。°✩ There’s only four generators left; most (if not all of) your friends are on death hook and/or injured.
⋆。°✩ Going up against Ghostface was never easy, he was good at what he did, and it was something new with him every time.
⋆。°✩ He was especially good at tearing you down no matter how big of a fight you put up.
⋆。°✩ You and Nea were in chase, the two of you were badly injured but healing felt impossible with how quickly he’d locate you and the others.
⋆。°✩ Nea had shoved you out of the way so you could make some distance, leaving her alone in this chase wasn’t something you wanted to do, but you’d rather get out of here a bit battered and bruised than dead.
⋆。°✩ Your entire body was burning with how badly beaten up you were, you were exhausted from the nonstop running, your shoulders ached from being thrown onto the rusty hooks of coldwind farm, and most importantly? you’re sexually frustrated.
⋆。°✩ The only completed generator rumbled from the inside of the barn, lights blaring down on the metal fences surrounding it. Limping over towards the piles of unused hay that sat in front of a nearby window for a quick escape if needed.
⋆。°✩ Shimmying out of your jeans and underwear, you quickly got to work. You wouldn’t take too long, right ?
⋆。°✩ Nea had just gotten mori’d & Dwight hooked for the last time. It was just you and Quentin who remained in the trial. Danny was saving you for last, you were his obsession after all.
⋆。°✩ You had lost track of how much time you spent in the haystacks, Quentin had just died yet you stayed quivering in your spot, your hand felt tired but you 𝙣𝙚𝙚𝙙𝙚𝙙 some kind of relief.
⋆。°✩ Danny searched for you after he finished your final teammate, but he couldn’t find you. No matter how much he retraced his steps and looked underneath tables and searched every locker, you remained unfound.
⋆。°✩ Hatch had spawned right outside shack, but you weren’t there to make him watch you leave either. He could of just closed it so the exits gates would open and the timer would start, but something told him not to do that.
⋆。°✩ Confusion clouded his mind until he had done another quick pass of the barn, low sighs echoing past the thin walls.
⋆。°✩ 𝙊𝙝? Is this where you’ve been hiding from him this whole time? Crouching close to the ground, he had began to sneakily wander the abandoned building whilst following your low grunts.
⋆。°✩ Peaking from behind one of the hay bales, he found you. He sat still for a moment, trying to process what it was you were doing.
⋆。°✩ How long has it been since he’s touched himself? He can’t remember either. Time in the entity’s realm felt like an eternity…
⋆。°✩ There’s an endless amount of time for him to eliminate entire survivor teams, maybe he’d let you get hatch in exchange for some relief too.
⋆。°✩ His movements were quick and he had no issue vocalizing to you about what he wanted once he had you pinned. Glad to know that you were also on board for such a grand exchange!
⋆。°✩ The grip he had on your hips was tight, your legs caging him inside, the two of you needed this more than anything.
⋆。°✩ With every thrust you had the wind knocked out of you, he had no intention of being soft with you in that moment. You had no complaints of course, he began whining into your chest how gorgeous you looked with his marks all over your arms and legs; how he wanted to tough you up even more than he had already.
⋆。°✩ You guys had gone at it for what felt like hours, you even got the privilege to see the bottom half of his face when he pulled his mask up so he could bite and suck at your neck and chest. Your fellow survivors back at the fire were wondering where you were. Danny only had Ji-Woon and Frank to question where he was back at the killer’s camp, nobody else really paid attention to him.
⋆。°✩ Your little “session” had came to an end, the walk to the hatch was mostly silent with the exception of Danny cracking a joke to fill the air around you.
⋆。°✩ With a quick smack on the ass he gave you a quick goodbye and ran off somewhere on the map giggling manically. You resorted to 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 for human contact? Bless your heart..
𝕮𝖆𝖑𝖊𝖇 𝕼𝖚𝖎𝖓𝖓—𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕯𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖍𝖘𝖑𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖗
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⋆。°✩ God fucking dammit.
⋆。°✩ You hated going up against The Deathslinger, he was precise, quick, efficient, and honestly a bit charming.
⋆。°✩ There was some type of tension between the two of you, the long pauses when he’d catch you with his speargun just to eye you down before letting you run off, the whistles when he’d catch you bent over to rummage chests, it was obvious to anyone in y’all’s radius that he found you attractive.
⋆。°✩ Every trial you had with him you came out with a scar from a wound he inflicted himself, to be quite honest? you liked having these little reminders of him on your body.
⋆。°✩ This trial with him went no different than the last, your arms were so badly cut up and you had bruises where the butt of the speargun had wacked you earlier. Your sweat mixing inside your wounds wasn’t helping either. Nobody had brought a medkit nor circle of healing so you had to rely on your teammates, yet none of them were to be found after spreading out when the killer had appeared.
⋆。°✩ Did Caleb get to them already? There’s no way that could be the case.. But with how he kills others so quickly there is always a possibility.
⋆。°✩You were getting stressed out, none of your teammates were to be found, you’re too paranoid to even touch a gen because you’re injured, too much is going on all at once and you can’t take it anymore.
⋆。°✩ ❝I need to jerk off.❞
⋆。°✩ Garden of Joy had a dark room in the main house, it wasn’t far from where you stood so you made your way there.
⋆。°✩ You could just barely see your hands when you entered the room, but the red light shining in from the hallway made this sequence of actions much more sensual.
⋆。°✩ Your one good hand migrated down to unbutton your jeans, past your underwear and immediately towards your sex.
⋆。°✩ Your back was pressed against the lockers and your mind was full of fog. Nothing mattered in your short moments of bliss.
⋆。°✩ Caleb lingered in the next room over, he’d cleared your entire team long ago and now it was just the two of you left in the map. He searched for the hatch just so he could properly bring you to it instead of slaughtering you like the last person.
⋆。°✩ Originally there to sit and ponder for a moment before resuming his search, became something else much quicker. He didn’t plan on making his presence known to you, instead he decided to join you from his current spot.
⋆。°✩ Unbuckling his belt and removing his pants with haste, he took a slow & steady speed with his hand. He makes no noise as to not disturb or startle you. You must want him badly the way you’re touching yourself after his usual antics.
⋆。°✩ Hearing you whimper out his name is pushing him over the edge, he wants to go in there and take you himself but he just wants to keep what’s going on currently.
⋆。°✩ His body feels so hot, he’s getting closer to his release and by the way you’re whining so are you. Low grunts escape his lips, his hot seed coating his fist along with a small patch on his pants. He’d have to change real soon once this match ended.
⋆。°✩ You’d just finished too, pulling your pants up and making your way to the doorway just to be immediately faced with Caleb just as you turned the corner. That same shit eating grin stretched across his face.
⋆。°✩ ❝Wished we coulda’ done more while yer’ here, but let’s get’cha down to the hatch. ❞
𝕵𝖎-𝖂𝖔𝖔𝖓 𝕳𝖆𝖐—𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕿𝖗𝖎𝖈𝖐𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗
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⋆。°✩ He’s toying with you and has no intention on stopping any time soon.
⋆。°✩ He wishes he had his phone on him so he could record your wonderful screams for a new song!
⋆。°✩ You’re wandering aimlessly through Midwich, your pants and shirt are basically shredded. Small cuts litter every part of your body like one big morbid tattoo, every time you move it’s that same stinging sensation that pushes you closer to tears.
⋆。°✩ He’s so annoying. He doesn’t even bother taking the knives that still stick into the muscles of your thighs when he downs & hooks you. Then complains how quickly he runs out of the luminescent blades even though he’ll waste them by tossing them around the place before actually aiming someone down.
⋆。°✩ Despite your internal protests to keep moving, you came to a stop in one of the classrooms towards the very back of the building.
⋆。°✩ You had a medkit on you so you could bandage up your deeper wounds, but what purpose did these knives serve you now? The Trickster definitely wasn’t gonna come back for them in the first place.
⋆。°✩ You tucked one into your back pocket, maybe decisive strike with an actual blade would be much more efficient.
⋆。°✩ He’s had these knives long before the fog had taken him, fans would go crazy to have one of these knives in their possession. 𝙏𝙃𝙀 Trickster’s knives, not some cheap replica of them — but the real deal. One that his actual hands had touched.
⋆。°✩ He was kind of cute now that you thought about it. If you removed his… murderous behaviors then he’d be pretty cool. Maybe.
⋆。°✩ Fans across the world would kill to be in your place, especially when he would sling you over his broad shoulders, his large hand tight on your back to ensure you don’t wiggle free. Being as close to someone of such high importance is so strange, but you feel so special when he’s man handling you.
⋆。°✩ He probably only saw you as another survivor and nothing more, but you could live with that. Having him as the main material for your private sessions wasn’t gonna kill either of you.
⋆。°✩ Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. He was so stupid but here you are, folding at the thought of him yanking you away from generators and tossing you around like you’re nothing.
⋆。°✩ Strutting down the hallway in yet another outfit the entity had gifted him, freshly stained after attacking the rest of your team. He hadn’t seen you in a minute, so of course he had to go out looking for you~!
⋆。°✩ He’d reached the very end of the hallway, prepared to turn back around he caught a glimpse of your jacket in one of the doorways.
⋆。°✩ Aww, why were you hiding ? Didn’t you wanna see him ?
⋆。°✩ Swinging through the doorway fully prepared to wack you with his usual weapon, he got a good eyeful of what you were really doing.
⋆。°✩ Now you’ve got him interested, you’re ready for him to knock you unconscious so you can briefly forget this moment of embarrassment and be immediately brought back to the campfire, but you aren’t given that gracious of an exit.
⋆。°✩ He won’t shut the fuck up, palming himself through the leather material of his pants whilst degrading you.
⋆。°✩ It’s turning you on even more, there’s no way he’s unaware of this effect he has on you.
⋆。°✩ You’re this desperate for him that you’re getting off to the idea of him tossing you around? Hurting you even? How pathetic of you.
⋆。°✩ But since he’s so kind, he’ll help you with your little issue. Unfortunately for you, this douchebag is fucking you completely stupid.
⋆。°✩ He’s gripping onto your arms as hard as possible to ensure your little cuts will sting some more, occasionally shoving his cock into your mouth to watch the cut on your cheek stretch open more and more.
⋆。°✩ He’ll keep you here for as long as the entity allows it. This feeling of bliss is something he can’t get enough of, he needs to savor this.
⋆。°✩ The little blade you kept fell out of your pocket mid thrust, of course he wasn’t going to let this go unnoticed. Now what were you gonna do with this? You need a physical reminder of him for when you go back? Jeez you must like him a whole lot.
⋆。°✩ Once the two of you are finished he’ll sit in a dazed trance for a good while, don’t bother trying to talk to him, you won’t get anywhere.
⋆。°✩ You use this opportunity to run off and find the rest of your team who’re also in the same rough condition as you. You all make it out together leaving Ji-Woon in the school to do whatever until he goes back.
⋆。°✩ He’ll consult Danny and Frank about his newfound fascination with you, but won’t share specifics why.
⋆。°✩ A dedicated fan will always have his full attention no matter what realm they are in.
𝕳𝖊𝖗𝖒𝖆𝖓 𝕮𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖊𝖗—𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕯𝖔𝖈𝖙𝖔𝖗
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⋆。°✩ Your brain is beyond deep fried and you can barely form a cohesive thought.
⋆。°✩ Every word that comes out of your mouth is on the spot or impulsive and you can’t even process anything anymore.
⋆。°✩ Your entire body is tingling and you’re only getting so much friction from crouching and running.
⋆。°✩ Was this a common side effect from the doctor’s shocks? Everyone else looks horrified once they’re completely insane, but you? you’re grinding against nothing like a bitch in heat.
⋆。°✩ You were stable enough to know not to ask your fellow survivors for some help, you don’t think the killer would help you either.
⋆。°✩ Or so you thought.
⋆。°✩ Herman watches you from afar, laughing to himself; that he’s the one causing you to need to relieve yourself just because of him.
⋆。°✩ Is he also aroused? Of course, he’s not gonna bother hiding it from others, this reaction came from you; his newest test subject.
⋆。°✩You’re so sensitive now, you’re suppressing everything the second a teammate places a hand on your back to ask if you’re alright. Herman doesn’t want other subjects interjecting during his observation so he will remove them immediately. You need to be closely examined.
⋆。°✩ He’s watching you silently, you can travel to the farthest corner of the abandoned ski resort but he will always be watching you.
⋆。°✩ In the moments where you’re confident that you are truly alone he will still be “examining” you. Just a little shock and you’re back to coming undone on the single mattress of one of the few rooms in the resort.
⋆。°✩ Back at the killer’s camp he will silently remove himself from the environment to secretly relieve himself from another trial of examination. Seeing you grind hopelessly into the piano seat of the saloon was not something he expected today. However with these experiments he learns more and more every time.
⋆。°✩He wants to taste you more than anything, to lick the messes you make of yourself off your fingers. He needs you so bad but he refuses to let himself have you just like that.
⋆。°✩ He can’t just rush this experiment, all his research needs to be thorough. You’re too perfect of a specimen to just let off the hook so soon.
⋆。°✩ Although he will not make it known how filthy his thoughts are, he will let you know that he is in fact interested.
⋆。°✩ He wont let you leave the trial alive regardless of how he feels. Some examinations need the subject to be completely unscathed or damaged. You’re always gonna be the perfect candidate for new experiments.
·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙   .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ . ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙.
this is my first time like actually writing lord forgive how messy this is
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rootsofdread · 1 year
Hi! Can I request Trickster, Michael, Ghostface and Skull Merchant and Bubba with a survivor reader basically being goofy with the other survivors and fucking up gens every 5 seconds because their laughing and can't focus and when they get hooked they make jokes and try to annoy the hell out of the killer? And when it's time to escape they drop their stuff for the killer and leave cause they thought it was a fun match? GN reader pls :)
my first bubba request!! i loved writing him for you 🥺🥺
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Bubba Sawyer / The Cannibal:
Bubba knows being in the Entity’s realm isn’t pleasant; it’s been a long time since he’s seen anyone have fun. So in all honesty — he kind of enjoys seeing you all have some fun. He’s the first to run over when he hears several explosions in a row from a generator, because he’s almost certain that it’s you, and he could always use a good laugh. You’re the first person in an even longer time to really make him smile, he loves getting to spend time with you during trials and he especially loves getting to laugh with you. For one trial, he can forget that he has a job to do. He can focus on you instead. His favorite thing is getting your gifts after the trials — he gets so excited seeing you leave something for him. He especially loves toolboxes, so he can work on his chainsaw, but he loves everything you give him. He always looks forward to seeing you again.
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Michael Myers / The Shape:
Michael doesn’t really understand how or why you’re so comfortable being so…yourself in trials. It’s such a foreign concept to him. Everyone else is so focused on staying alive, but you, you’re…you’re out in the trials having fun, and laughing. He likes to sit and observe you from afar. You usually try to get him in on the joke, come on over here, Mikey, we’re all having fun, but he just shakes his head. Sometimes he gets closer to you and just looms while you and your fellow survivors cry laughing over your antics, exploding the generator you’re all working on at any possible turn. You’ll never get that done. He may seem judgemental, but really, he’s just…watching. He finds it entertaining, in a way, seeing some of you have fun here. He even feels a bit special when you take the time to leave him your things; he doesn’t necessarily have a use for them, but…it’s nice.
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Danny Johnson / The Ghostface:
Danny is likely the only one that would be willing to join you in your antics; he seems to love a good laugh just as much as you do. Particularly, he loves either sneaking up on you by ending up just behind your shoulder and waiting to see how long it takes you to notice him, or by sneaking up on a teammate and not only waiting to see how long it takes them to notice, but also making gestures with his hands to try to get you to laugh, too. He loves how much fun you are — everyone else is such a buzzkill, he can’t imagine why, of course, but you just love to have fun here. You’re always laughing and smiling and making everyone else do the same, and it has him utterly smitten with you. You’re his favorite survivor to hang out with, and it absolutely delights him when you leave him your items at the exit gates. He takes everything you give him, and it’d be safe to assume he’s amassed a collection…somewhere.
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Ji-Woon Hak / The Trickster:
Ji-Woon is a loose canon — for a long time, you were never sure how he would react to you, because it was almost always different. Sometimes he seemed annoyed by your antics, or amused, sometimes he completely ignored you and went for someone else; sometimes he was particularly bloodythirsty and you were his first target. It was always a toss-up. Over time, he gets more used to you and your shenanigans — he less feels the need to kill you for them and more just lets you have your fun. As long as you’re not specifically giving him problems, he doesn’t seem to really care. Sometimes, even, when he passes by you looking for someone else, he gives you a little smile or giggle, indicating he may just be amused by you now. And every time you leave him an item, you see him take it, and later, when he sees you outside of a trial, he hands it back to you with a genuine autograph.
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Adriana Imai / The Skull Merchant:
Adriana, truthfully, will have none of it. She knows you won’t give her a challenge and she seems to not care much for that fact — she tends to leave you alone during trials and let you have your fun, slowly picking off your team members instead. Sometimes, she’ll give you a look when she passes by you, silently telling you to do something. Run, scream, hide, give her something to hunt you for. Yet, she seems almost flustered when you look back at her with that big grin on your face. She tends to let you go, too, always responding with you’re no fun if you ask her why, but you’ve always considered, perhaps, she has a soft spot for you. She’d never admit it. She does accept your items at the end, though. She knows she can find uses for them.
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safaasaf12 · 2 months
My name is Safaa Jad Al-Hak from Gaza, the land of resilience and strong will. I lead a married life and I am a mother to a young child who was born during a time of war. Despite the circumstances, I refuse to lose hope and draw strength from these difficult situations.
I hold a Bachelor's degree in Law from the University of Palestine, where I excelled in my studies and achieved an outstanding GPA. I have always been determined to achieve excellence in my academic life.
However, the arrival of war shattered our dreams and memories. Unfortunately, our lives have been greatly affected. My son is suffering from prevalent diseases due to the harsh conditions we are living in. In order to provide him with the necessary treatment and ensure a better life for him, I need your support and generous donations.
I aspire to continue my life and my son's life outside of Gaza in peace, and I am committed to doing my utmost to achieve that. I believe in the importance of mutual assistance and solidarity in building a better community.
I hope that you will kindly support and assist me in this difficult stage, so that I can help my son and give him the life he deserves. I will be deeply grateful for any help you can provide, and I assure you that all our efforts will be directed towards the right path.
Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to collaborating with you to create new opportunities and make a positive change in our lives.
With sincere regards,
I feel very sad and embarrassed to ask for help, but I have no other options left. I know that this request is difficult, but I also know that there is still humanity and living consciences and I believe in miracles.
Every donation will make an enormous difference in helping me save my family.
@sar-soor @communistchilchuck @90-ghost @el-shab-hussein @nabulsi .
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under-my-pillow · 21 days
The recent chapter makes me cry but also makes me quite angry as well.
Hak admits it. Doing something for his own country scares him. He admits he can't make a choice like that, that is fine.
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But then this? Why does the story between them always get spun in a way that only Soo-won is wrong! The narrative seems to emphasize that only Soo-won committed a grave crime and is facing the consequences, the punishment.
Hak still doesn't get the point! Why did things end up being this way! Once again it sounds like the burden is put all on Soo-won to correct things? Like Hak doesn't have anything to correct?!
He's not saying Maybe both of us could have made different choices... Maybe if I had tried a little better with my position...
Yes, I am aware the conversation started out with Soo-won saying if he went back in time he'd do the same, but isn't that true?
He asks if he went back in time would he really repeat the same, then what about you, Hak? Would you do the same? Everything Hak says from, I can't change the way you think to punishment to tweak things around to create a better outcome... Why is it only Soo-won's responsibility to create a better outcome?
He is not saying, yes, I am scared to choose so, let's change it together, let us make a choice so we don't have to choose among ourselves, grieve like this, and remain broken like this...
Us - We made mistakes, if we ever get a chance to go back let us make different choices.
He is not acknowledging that Soo-won's drastic choice was a result of generals like him being stupid and careless.
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For as long as people dump everything on him, forget once, even if he goes back in time a thousand times, he can only keep making the same choices.
Like it's always Soo-won's guilt. But what about you? Why the hell aren't you guilty? Why isn't he talking about his responsibility, his mistakes, his regrets!
I swear to God every time there's a conversation between these three it's always two people taking some kind of holy ground above him... Like everything was only because of Soo-won. I am honestly sick of it and I just want to tape his mouth shut!
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wraith2700 · 8 months
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No because zeno's motivation for the last two thousand years was trying to free the dragons out of their misery, like I know he said that he himself wants to die but when hak asked if there isn't any other way that's what he said, the dragons were his priority.
Also I know the title of the chapter is "the friend who doesn't call our names" and I know Zeno doesn't call them by their names so he doesn't get attached but you can't convince me for one second that Zeno doesn't love the others with all his heart,
that he doesn't look at jaeha and think good for him for being freed from his village and finding people who he loves enough to use his powers for them, that he doesn't cover him with blankets when he is asleep and share the role of being the eldest sibling and taking care of the others,
That he doesn't look at kija and think good for him for achieving his dream and developing as person as well as a dragon, that he doesn't get rid of the insects that scare kija after teasing him a little and tell him stories of dragons of the older generations,
That he doesn't look at shin ah and think good for him for growing up to be a wonderful human being who made lots of friends and didn't let his powers get in the way, that he doesn't play with him games all the time just like he promised him when he was little and that Zeno doesn't teach shin ah all sort of things from the his time and tell ridiculous far fetched stories which shin ah totally believes
In short Zeno is not a villain and I will literally fight anyone who says so
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IndoctriNation podcast – Blessed Child w/ Renee Thomas
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October 12, 2022
Podcast hosted by Rachel Bernstein
Renee Thomas holds a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, while also being a tattoo artist and human rights activist. She was born and raised in the Unification Church as a 2nd generation “blessed child". A decade after leaving and processing life outside the cult, she now speaks about the experience publicly with the hashtag #exmoonie.
Renee is also the host of "Blessed Child", a podcast where people can come together and speak frankly on their vast range of experiences, within the moon cult and other systems of control. Blessed Child is a place for survivors to find community, deconstruct old belief systems, and share personal stories.
In this emotional and informative conversation, Renee offers Rachel her personal insights as a "Blessed Child" born into the Unification Church. She expertly encapsulates the sprawling authoritarian power and reach of the church as well as its narcissistic and destructive leaders. Together Renee and Rachel unpack the difficulties that are all too commonly experienced by second-generation members of high-control groups. Renee explains how she grounds herself through art and family and highlights the ways she works toward healing.
Before You Go: Rachel points out the importance of integrating into a connective and safe community in order to see yourself in the truest light, beyond the prejudices of the group's dogma, and examines Renee's powerful concept of leaving a thousand times.
Additional information:
More info on Renee's artwork and her Blessed Child podcast here:
Follow this link for more information on Christiane Coste, the murdered missionary that Renee mentioned, who helped establish The News World which helped lay the foundation for The Washington Times:
Raped and murdered: Sun Myung Moon said: “Our sister is a glorious martyr in God’s providence”
The bi-weekly Rising Tide was launched by the Freedom Leadership Foundation in the US in 1969.
News World was launched in New York on December 31, 1976
The Washington Times was launched in February 1982
The News World was rebranded as the New York City Tribune in April 1983
United States Congressional investigation of Moon’s organization
Politics and religion interwoven
The connection between Sun Myung Moon and Nobusuke Kishi began in the 1960s, not before.
The International Federation for Victory over Communism was founded in Seoul on January 13, 1968.
How Sun Myung Moon bought protection in Japan https://tragedyofthesixmarys.com/moon-bought-protection-japan/ 1a. The LDP’s Tangled Ties to the Unification Church (2022) 1b. NNLASS press conference held in Tokyo on FFWPU/UC “spiritual sales” (2022) 2. Richard J. Samuels – Kishi and Corruption:  An Anatomy of the 1955 System (2001) 3. John Roberts – Earth-conquering Moonies (1978) 4. Kishi wrote a letter to US President Reagan to get Moon sprung from jail. (1984)
There are reports that Sun Myung Moon asked for 84 mansions to be purchased for him all around the world.
Suicide of Japanese ‘Moon money mule’ in Uruguay. Mother of three children
Human trafficking in the Unification Church/FFWPU is despicable
Indoctrination podcasts:
Whisked Away By The Moonies with Cynthia Lilley and Cathryn Mazer - S3E1pt1
A Bond That Was Life-Saving with Cynthia Lilley and Cathryn Mazer, ex-Unification Church - S3E1pt2
Teddy Hose on the Indoctrination podcast
Teddy Hose   Moon and Machine
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daddy-deathslinger · 6 months
Hey, I'm a big sucker for DBD imagines and posts and you're one of the top three I like.
Is it ok if I can have some imagines of Caleb, Kazan, and Trickster reacting to an s/o who LOUDLY curses in their native tongue (Like Caleb = Irish S/O, Kazan = Japenese S/O) and they let it out during a trial with them, shocking even the crows.
I rage around failing gens and evading, and I always cause a scene when I do 😅. You don't have to find any accurate swear words or curses, I like to see the build up to their reactions for it XD!
Hi there! I hope ya like what I came up with, I wanted to try and google some swears in these languages so if something's incorrect, blame google! xD
The Deathslinger/Caleb Quinn reacting to his S/O cursing in Irish:
It’s a trial like any other for you. Repair generators, flee from the killer, yadda yadda.
The killer in this trial is Caleb, so you know he’s gonna go a bit easier on you, which is good because you feel distracted this trial.
It might be the map, you hate the creepy school of Silent Hill. Nothing ever seems to go right when you’re sent to this map.
To prove your point, you suddenly get very startled while sneaking up to a generator.
BANG! It’s a corpse, it just falls right out of a locker! Right in front of you, as you’re sneaking by!
You can’t help it, the words just come out.
“Nách mór an diabhal thú! Fucking manky piece of-”
The next second, you’re startled again, this time by none other than Caleb, sneaking up behind you.
“Caleb! What in the goddamn-”
Your curses are cut short when you see the confused look on Caleb’s face. 
He just stares at you, and you’re starting to wonder if he’s alright.
Then, he suddenly burst out into laughter.
He laughs and laughs, folding himself double where he stands, tears forming in his eyes.
“Yeah yeah, laugh it up. This thing scared me, alright?” you hiss, but Caleb only continues laughing as he leaves the room.
The Oni/Kazan Yamaoka reacting to his S/O cursing in Japanese:
You and Meg find each other in a trial. You decide to sneak up to a generator together, since you make a notoriously good engineer team.
The wet bamboo rustles beside you as you sit down at your silent generator, and as Meg keeps watch at first, you start working the cables.
This is easy. You know your way around generators, you’ve repaired hundreds of them by now.
Even though Kazan is the killer in this trial, you’re not nervous. He goes easy on you, and you’re not worried about Meg and her speedy legs.
Meg is still keeping watch just in case Kazan shows up, and you’re almost halfway on the generator. This is too easy, why-
A part of the generator explodes right in your face, and the next second all hell breaks loose.
“Kuso kurae! Motherfucker! This stupid piece of shit generator!”
You go on and on about where the generator can get lost and you don’t even notice Meg staring at you like she could kill you.
You do notice the heavy footsteps approaching, however. You go silent, just now noticing the echo from your angered voice.
Kazan looks at you, just staring from behind his mask.
Then, he grabs his sword and slowly saunters along, as if nothing had happened. You hear him mutter something to himself, then he’s gone.
The Trickster/Ji-Woon Hak reacting to his S/O cursing in Korean:
It’s just one of those days. Nothing goes right, and every possible thing fucks up.
You’re so tired of this trial, even if your Ji-Woon is the killer.
You wish this would just end already. You break every part in the generators, you can’t sneak or hide for shit apparently and on top of everything Quentin is just aimlessly staring at the wall whenever you come across him in the trial. He must be falling asleep again, stupid guy.
The cup finally spills over for you, when Ji-Woon finds you and decides to taunt you a bit.
He brandishes his knives, singing about how easy you are to catch and how useless your teammates are in this trial. It’s like a whole performance.
You sigh in anger and suddenly you shout: “Gae-sae-kki! Shut up, you idiot!”
Ji-Woon quiets down and stops in the middle of a tap dance, staring at you.
“Babe, I’m sorry, I love you”, you say. “Just, shut up! And you look stupid, dancing like that!”
A moment of silence, then Ji-Woon grins at you.
To your surprise, he leans over and kisses your cheek, then he giggles and starts walking towards Quentin, who’s now clearly asleep.
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lorimnnn · 2 years
dbd killers with a crybaby!reader
don’t worry, i promise i’m working on pt.3 of Mine for the Michael fic. I’m just supr unmotivated but don’t want you thinking i’m dead or something. anyway:
summary: jiwoon hak and the ghost face with a reader who tears up easily. you’re sensitive and not good with confrontation nor blood, and are super sensitive to the pain around you. sometimes you get overwhelmed and just need to sit down and cry it out...
cw: i mean, it’s dbd? swearing, gore, murders, obsession
also, i’m taking requests!
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finds your tears entertaining, appreciates that you’re such a willing participant in his art
it takes a few trials for him to realise that your reactions aren’t temporary and are a genuine response to your surroundings
starts to find you a bit annoying after that
like, what are you doing here if you can’t handle it? all the survivors need a bit of grit to survive. you’re no fun otherwise. once he realises that, he starts to transfer his anger towards the Entity.
will be in denial that he feels bad for you
the first few trials that he realises if he chases you, you’ll just collapse and cry or sniffle really adorably pathetically. unintentionally makes you his obsession each trial because he saves you for last, mostly because you’re no fun and the easiest to kill
will mori you out of frustration
eventually starts snatching you by the back of your collar and dumping you through the hatch. not because he feels guilty. no, not at all. you’re just really, really annoying...
finds himself thinking about you always 
why are you always crying?
don’t you know you have to adapt?
you have to get over it. 
one day you’re the only one left again and not only that, but that dreaded Trickster is saving you for last again. from your point of view, he’s deliberately tormenting you knowing that mentally, you can’t take it.
he’s secretly going easy on you because he’s wondering whether or not you’ll have it in yourself to finish the generators and stand up for yourself
but you’re so distraught that you mess up one of the generators and it explodes, and you can’t take it, you burst into tears. you feel so bad for the other survivors for being roped in with you, and you can’t even do your part right without crying. 
“Aish!” he swears sharply. A knife slams into the wall next to your head and you jump, lifting your wet face from your arms to stare at The Trickster. Fear quakes through your body and you brace yourself for his assault, whether that be another mori or basically dumping you through the hatch like used trash (it hasn’t occurred to you that he might be being nice when he does it, because logically, he has no reason to be nice)
you start to whimper when the tip of his blade finds your chin, forcing your head back. it thuds against the wall and pain spirals across the back of your skull, a wince lancing across your expression--- a cute little look that earns you a chuckle from the demented idol. 
“You’re really annoying, you know,” he tells you. “You can’t do anything right.”
oh, and he’ll say this like he’s comforting you, his voice soft and sweet and soothing. your muddled little brain can’t begin to understand what he’s trying to say to you, and only clings to his faux kindness.
at this point, he’ll just have to accept it. he has a soft spot for you. you’re just so cute and helpless, and you can’t help it that you care so much for your fellow survivors even though you’re nothing but a waste of space on their team...
is this why you’re always compensating by using yourself as a human shield? honestly, while it’s partly admirable, he finds the more you offer yourself up to him like that, the less he wants to hurt you
With his other hand, he strokes buries it in your hair. The way he strokes it is gentle enough, but you’re well aware he can snap your neck in seconds if he wants to. 
“You’re really lucky you’re cute. I almost feel bad for you.”
he does. he feels extremely bad for you because you’re not designed for this kind of world, and because of that he just can’t bring himself to recognise you as another survivor
“Hah,” he’ll sigh. “I can’t do it.”
“C-can’t do what?”
He’ll roll his eyes. “What else? Kill you.”
pulls you into his arms before you can comment on it. the affection is too much, you cry into him. he’ll make some comments about you ruining his clothes, but he doesn’t really mean it. will pull you closer if you try pull away. 
also keep in mind--- is not sympathising with you at all. he’s a psycho. he just learned to find pleasure in your tears and realised you’re kinda cute and can’t be roped in with the rest of the survivors if you’re never going to play the Entity’s game. (this is when he’ll start thinking something narccistic, like, ‘of course she cries and makes noises. this is the entity’s gift to me.)
the type to lick your face and taste your tears. “no more crying when you’re with me, okay? or I’ll give you something real to cry about.”
he either means he’ll fuck you or kill you again, but could honestly mean both depending on how you take it
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so many pictures
will max out his film on your tears
he knew about you the second the Entity welcomed you into her realm. at first, he just thought you were cute. he blamed it on the fleeting infatuation he felt towards you, knowing that once your fear wore off, you wouldn’t be that cute anymore
it never wore off
he became obsessed
openly obsessed too, will seek you out and ignore all the other survivors despite the Entity’s will, and will track you down outside of trials to stalk you, taunt you, anything to keep you in the constant state of meltdown he finds so endearing
experiments with your tears. doesn’t want you panicked all the time, of course. 
because of how he targets you in trials, the other survivors quickly adapted and learned to abandon you if they wanted to save themselves or win. danny weaponised this fact, of course.
“aw, babe, don’t be sad. or do. you’re all alone!”
will pull your terrified body against his chest and tip your head back with his knife, forcing you to watch your fellow survivors scatter around you. will tour you around the trial to see what makes you tick the most.
“are you proud of me, babe? i hooked all your friends within the first ten minutes of the trial.”
cue a sniffle that excites him even more
and you’ll feel it too. his hardness against your back, solid and probing and thrilled at your sensitivity. he wants to traumatise you as much as possible. he wants you horrified, and he wants to abuse your fear until there’s none left. there’s never been so much of it before.
don’t get the wrong idea, though. no matter how much he likes you, he won’t touch you--- he’s not a rapist, he’s a killer and a perv. will exploit your face with his camera and mori you and hook you as much as he wants. there’s no stopping him.
not for a while
it’s takes a really long time for him to start challenging why you still cry. it won’t occur to him that it’s such an abnormality until he’s stalking you six months in and watching you mourn another failed trial. let’s say it was with the oni. the oni mori-d you on the spot, and here you were, crying over it despite those same events happening every other trial without fail. and it only occurs to him because it’s six months and he was planning on something cheesy like, “happy six-month anniversary!” because he’s never been consistently obsessed for such a long period of time.
this is when the posessiveness starts to hit. The Oni made you cry? That large, angry piece of shit?
don’t worry babe, he’ll take care of it for you
Only he’s allowed to make you cry like that. only him and nobody else. this is when he’ll start laying claim, calling you his.
he flays the Oni and leaves his scraps scattered across his temple. takes a picture and leaves it on your bed so you know what he’s done, and calls it his anniversary gift
he’ll now start putting in the effort for you to trust him. wants you to admit you’re his, too!
who cares if he’s mori’d, hooked, tunnelled, and killed you a billion times over? fresh start, new beginnings!
will nail it through every one else’s heads that you’re his and that you’re tears are his and that blah blah blah is his
honestly, the other killers will only leave you alone so Danny will stop blabbing on and on about you 
he’s really starting to feel like your boyfriend now
that’s what the other survivors are calling him, anyway. y/n’s boyfriend. 
Danny fully embraces it and starts calling himself your boyfriend, much to your displeasure. But you do start to notice that your trials are becoming less and less frustrating to endure, and you know it’s because of him. He’s even saving you for last, now. The chasing isn’t even half-bad anymore. (And especially with Danny, he’s going to make the chasing feel kinky as fuck)
learns he really likes your laugh as much as he likes your tears. finds himself smiling when he grabs you around the waist mid-spring and hoists you off the ground.
shudders with a sick smirk when you hug him back. you’re so cute.
but he is the Ghostface. Wants you to love his alter-ego as much has you love Danny Johnson, your mostly normal, stalkerish boyfriend
forces you to hold his knife and pretend to hurt him, smirking when you cry 
makes you carve your initials into his body as you sniffle here and there, your tears stinging against the open wound 
kisses you and whispers dirty shit into your ear as you do so, because the dumbass thinks it’ll make it all better
“that’s it, baby. God, that feels so good. Push harder. Hurt me. Fuckkkk-”
“I don’t like this, Danny.”
“G-Ghostface.” Your bottom lip wobbles as more tears slip down your face. “I don’t like this, Ghostface.”
“Just a little longer, baby.”
Will be surprisingly gentle with you, once you admit you’re his
but don’t be fooled. you’re his forever. the second he’s jealous, or you consider leaving, remember he’s the same man who gets off on your pain and tormented you the first six months of knowing you...
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whatisonthemoon · 2 years
The UC is worried about 2nd Generation in the USA
Rumor has it that US Church leaders have raised to Hak Ja Han’s attention the growing number of second generation who have been connecting over the internet and are openly discussing the abusive practices and histories of the UC. They have noted that the BCs in Japan have been recently becoming more of a community, supporting one another in activism and in their post-UC survival, and this unity was forged by the recent assassination, but that in the US, there has been organizing and connecting for about a decade among former BCs and in the past 5 years, it has grown a lot. They are worried about class action law suits and that momentum will pick up like it has in Japan. They are worried specifically about news articles with second generation being interviewed about the abuses but especially podcasts and documentaries. They are also worried about the growing number of ex-BCs who understand the church’s more violent histories and are presenting a different, credible narrative to the public. Cara Jones’ documentary did not worry the UC, as it did not raise any issues around physical abuse, labor trafficking, sex trafficking, or anything else that these former BCs are beginning to openly discuss on YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, all over social media. It seems that the assassination has made a documentary feel inevitable to the UC’s PR. Their response so far has been to create a podcast with positive UC testimonies, put some ads online that present the UC as a non-inter-denominational movement that supports families, and pay some apologists to write articles decrying “religious persecution” against the Moonies. 
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