#general kyiari
commander2794 · 3 years
It’s all over
@firstofficerwiggles, My piece for the Clone Wars Victory Ball AU event.
mostly fluff, OC Clones and their OC Jedi.
Drift moved away from the crowds to lean against the wall and take a moment. The war was finally over. They’d won and he and all his brothers had been invited to this ball so that they could be shown off. He still didn’t believe that they were being appreciated for themselves by senators. But maybe time would make him believe. This party was too fancy, he’d been to a few fancy parties, ordered to attend fundraisers to be shown off and bragged about as one of the Republic's prize weapons. To try and encourage donations to the senator hosting the event. But he’d never gotten to really be part of the party and he felt so uncomfortable. This sort of event was not what he was used to. The war still weighed heavy on his mind and the future as well. The chancellor being a separatist was still making his head spin even now. How had everyone missed that? Even the Jedi, for everything they knew, they could sense, had missed it. 
Breeze passed by with a civilian on his arm and winked at him. He had to smile. It was admittedly nice to see his vode relaxing. They wouldn’t have to go to war again. They could finally learn to live like regular people. They wouldn’t die, forgotten on some battlefield. They’d get to live and meet people and do things. There was even a rumor that several Jedi were helping to craft a clone rights bill to get them all citizenship. His Jedi had whispered that there’d been a bit of an argument through the temple on which Jedi got to work on it. 
His Jedi, there was the topic that was still weighing on his mind. It had been one thing when they were general and commander and they were in the field all the time and the galaxy was at war. But now he got to add other things besides war to his life. Kyiari would return to the temple and to her life as a Jedi. Would he get to see her? Would she even want him anymore, now that they weren’t facing life and death every day? He didn’t know and he wasn’t sure he wanted to. He’d admitted he loved her long ago and he firmly believed that he would love her until something finally killed him. 
He wasn’t sure what life would look like now. But he hoped that everything would work out. The Jedi didn’t seem inclined to simply abandon them to figure out a galaxy that they quite literally hadn’t been created to ‘live’ in, alone. They were meant to die for it, not be part of it. And those damn chips. He reached his hand up and felt the small scar on his head again, just like he’d been doing since the thing was removed. The thought that someone could have used him, could have overrode his own will and forced him to hurt his Jedi, his Kyiari, the thought still chilled him. And that someone could have controlled his vode, that made him furious. He wasn’t usually one to be anxious about the future, but he couldn’t help it now. So much had happened and so much seemed uncertain. 
Another vod passing near drew his attention. This time it was Aspect. He was actually dancing. Aspect, who had always refused any opportunity to dance, even at 79’s, was dancing. Of course, it had a lot to do with his partner though, that much Drift was sure of. The Jedi healer, Elsie, who’d been brought into their legion as a field medic. They’d been spending time together since Elsie started coming around and Drift had been sure they were together. Seeing them now, together and how happy Aspect looked. He had no doubts. He wouldn’t push the medic to talk. He was just happy that his brothers were getting a chance to celebrate together. Not just the 727 and the RRL. But all of them, the entire GAR. 
He wasn’t surprised when a hand landed hard on each shoulder. He’d seen his boys trying to sneak up on him. Staying aware of his surroundings was a survival habit. He would likely never be rid of the ability. Checkmate stood on his left, likely having been next to Breeze, they were practically inseparable and always had been. Feedback was on his right and probably either on his way to Breeze and Checkmate or to the table full of food. Both of them had big grins and were simply staring at him. “What?” They didn’t bother to say anything, both just pointing at the entrance to this over the top event. There stood Kyiari, 
She wore the outer cloak of the Jedi over an actual dress. If he could have thought, he would have found it strange that she was wearing a dress, but he couldn’t think. He didn’t even notice Checkmate and Feedback moving away to continue the party. All he could see was her. It had been a couple days since he’d last seen her. She’d come by to explain some of what had happened and to check on the boys, but she’d been insisting on otherwise staying near General Windu. He’d apparently been injured in his fight with the Chancellor and according to Kyiari, both she and General Billaba were staying close. She turned her head and looked at him and started towards him, but was quickly swarmed by senators and some of the natborn who’d been invited. He chuckled, always attracting attention everywhere they went, that was his girl. 
He settled against the wall a bit more and just watched. The thoughts that had started to bother him finally settled down. They’d return later. But he could once again just enjoy the night off. 
As he waited for her to be able to slip away, his comm pinged. He’d been told it was a night off, so he almost didn’t check it, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw Checkmate pulling out his; Feedback and Aspect as well. Fishing them out of the suits they’d been given for the evening. It was a message from Kyiari. “Found a surprise a couple hours ago. Thought you’d all want to see, head over to the furthest lounge.” Across the massive room he could see the men of the 727 extracting themselves from whatever they were doing. It seemed the message had only been sent to one company in the battalion though, based on who was going. If he’d gotten it, the surprise must be for him as well.  
He joined the rest of them is trying to slip out as subtly as a group of clones could. Luckily, there were plenty of their brothers around to distract those who’d stop them. He saw Tempest Squad and Thunderwave among those moving. Sinks and the other company pilots. Even Bynn had gotten the message and he’d been transferred over to the Coruscant Guard a while back. Whatever their general had arranged for them. It must be big. 
The vode who had gotten to the room ahead of him were standing and staring when he got there. The room was empty except for a trooper standing near the window staring out, wearing a clean set of blacks instead of the suits or armor the rest were wearing. As he moves into the crowd around the door, they must have finally made enough noise to be noticed, because the vod at the window turned and Drift could swear he stopped breathing. Those tattoos, that stupid smile that was spreading over his face as he looked from face to face. Drift had never thought he’d see him again. That he was dead, another brother fallen on a dust ball far away who’s body couldn’t be retrieved. But there he stood, alive and smiling, hurt, but standing. Sinks was one of the first to move. They’d had a rivalry, but it had mostly been lighthearted. He’d been nearly broken when they’d lost Crash. The hug they shared was one of relief and joy and the shared comfort of familiarity. Drift let most of the others go first. He always put himself last, let his men, his brothers have their time, get what they needed first. But there was no denying that he was crying when he finally had the chance to embrace his vod’ika and welcome him home. 
It was a while before any of them felt like leaving that room. Having their vod come back made most want to stay close, as though he’d slip away again the minute they turned their back. It seemed Sinks and Coil weren’t about to let him go anytime soon. They were hovering so close that there was always a hand or arm or leg touching him at all times. Eventually though, most went back. After all, somebody had to serve as the distraction so that those who’d been closest to Crash could stay without being bothered by the natborns. 
Walking back into the main ballroom though, it felt a little like he’d been punched again. Kyiari had removed her robe, leaving her dress on full display. She was a vision. The dress was nearly the same dark brown as her robes. One shoulder was bare while a piece of softer brown satin brushed across her breasts to cover the other shoulder. Her waist was emphasized with the only embroidery on the dress, a gold leaf pattern stretching similar to a belt. The skirt, the skirt was full and reached to the floor, but there was a slit in the side all the way up to her thigh, her blue skin taunting him as she moved. This was not her usual attire. She usually stayed covered up in layers at these events. Wearing this, it was different, it was unusual, it was for him, it had to be. Especially as she turned and he caught sight of her necklace, a rather inexpensive thing. A small purple flower with three green leaves and lying partially hidden behind the flower, a durasteel ring, polished but handmade. His ring, on the necklace he’d given her.
 he was moving toward her before he even realized what he was doing, before he could stop and make it look like he was doing anything but making a beeline for his general though, she was walking towards him as well.  
“Hello Commander” His rank had never sounded so sweet as it did when she said it in that soft voice as she looked him over. But tonight, he wanted something more, the war was supposed to be over after all. 
“No titles today Kyiari,” He said softly, mindful of where they were. “It’s just us for now.”
The smile she gave him, that was the smile he’d fought for. “Drift.”
He needed to say it before he forgot, before that damn dress and his ring on her neck made him forget, He’d get more answers later, for now though, “Thank you for bringing Crash. It’s good to know he’s alive. To be able to see him and know he’s back and alive and with his vode where he belongs.”  
“I’ll always bring your brothers home whenever I can. You all deserved to be together as much as you want. He needed it too. To know he’s not alone anymore.” She slowly looked him up and down, that familiar glimmer in her eyes “you look nice, ankai’a”
He gently tugged at her hand, prompting her to twirl for him, before moving closer. “You look beautiful, cyare. Mesh’la” he let himself smirk just a bit. It was satisfying to know that she thought he looked better than he thought he did. “I don’t think I’m seen this dress before. It looks spectacular on you, wear this for someone special?”
 “Of course, I wore this for the best man I’ve ever met, and I love him very much. I thought a victory ball might be a nice place to dress up for him.”
He smiled and would have stayed there forever, but those battlefield senses hadn’t dulled in the days since the war ended. He could see the senators and their guests eyeing them and some moving closer, clearly trying to hear what they were whispering to each other. That just wouldn’t do. Maybe it was selfish, but he wanted his Jedi all to himself for just awhile longer. He’d have to share her with the rest of the galaxy soon enough. He lifted a hand and gestured to the dancefloor. “Care for a dance.” 
“Of course Drift, I’d love to” Kyiari placed her small blue hand in his and he led her out on the floor. As he pulled her in close and began swaying to the music, it seemed the galaxy narrowed. His brothers laughter surrounding him and his girl in his arms as the music swelled. It was almost enough to make him believe it was all truly over.
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shabre-legacy · 4 years
Kyiari met her troopers in suitably dramatic entrance style for a Jedi. The 91st had been assigned an important mission. An attempt to strike back against the separatists since they had an advantage while the Republic found and moved their troops, and got them supplied and organized. Kyiari was with her Master, meeting the troops and fighting with them for the first time. Unfortunately due to the jungle terrain they were in, the only point to drop them at was a bit of distance from the objective and there were only a few routes where the foliage was thin enough that they could travel through it. Commander Ponds and Major Drift were there with some of the other captains and officers from the regiments and battalions that made up the Recon Corps. He met his officers, learned their names and introduced himself and attempted to introduce his padawan. Kind of a ‘”I’m Jedi Master General Mace Windu” and gestures to the side where his padawan should be standing just behind and off to the side, where she had been standing just moments before, “and this is my padawan Commander Kyiari Lesana” glancing over his shoulder and where did his padawan disappear to this time?’ sort of a thing.
He reaches out with the Force and locates her just as she drops down from a tall tree over them. Landing next to her master in one of those landing poses where you end up crouched low to the ground and looking down then you have to stand up. Seeing a dark deep blue twi’lek in altered Jedi robes fall from the sky was not expected, but the troopers are trained well and don’t react much. After all, they were told they were serving under Jedi, that Jedi were weird, that Jedi did things no one else did or could do. She is super dramatic so she looks up at them first before popping up lightly onto her feet. It’s that look the intense focus in her bright green eyes as she looks at them where they can see her for the first time that hits Drift right in the heart. He starts falling then and there. It takes a while to recognize it though. 
She tells Windu that she went up the tree to get a good view of the surrounding terrain. He reminds her that their troopers are recon and she should let them do their jobs. She counters saying she could sense enemies, but only at a distance and likely out of view. And she located them. Fine, they’ll discuss later, for now what did she find. There’s two groups of droids blocking her way, big ones. Lots of droids. Possibly half or more of the total forces at the objective, based on previous intel. Ok they know we’re here. Windu sees an opportunity to get Lesana working with the regiments that were assigned to her. That had been sorted only recently, they hadn’t had a chance to discuss it. He asks if two regiments will be enough. She laughs and responds that it’s more then enough, she could do it herself, but better to not strain themselves this early in the war, right master? Of course, This is Major Drift and Major Cres (for the other regiment). This part of the mission is yours. He wants to make sure that she’s prepared in case she has to deploy while he is stuck on Coruscant. She’s a senior padawan after all. She can do that, provided she’s ready. She nods shifting a little to become a bit more serious and focused with a cheerful but determined “yes master” and steps forward to face the Troopers and present her plan for taking down the obstacles in their path.
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Kyiari hurries through the halls to Thorns office. What had been intended to be a five minute check had turned into a fifteen minute conversation with 3 masters. She'd had to stop and get directions. It had been too long since she'd been able to visit her friend. She finally reaches the office and knocks on the frame. She looks much the same as last time Thorn had seen her. The biggest difference in appearance is the string of beads she'd had worn behind her earcones every previous time they'd seen each other is gone. Inside the office she could see her friend and a younger trooper curled up in a comfortable armchair. This must be the person Thorn wanted her to help. "Good afternoon Commander Thorn, it's good to see you again after so long." She kept her voice low so as not to startle either.
Thorn looks up from his work to see the General. His face lights up impossibly at her appearance.
"Comm-General", he jumps up to greet her with an enthusiastic handshake, "Congratulations on the promotion. I'm very happy for you, Sir. Please, can I offer you something? A piece of candy? Water? I have caff, too, if you'd like that instead", he offers, totally forgetting that Ait is sleeping and he should probably be quiet.
Ait startles at the loud voice, arms flailing out already searching for their armor. “Wazzit? Zap? What’s the situation?” Ait mumbles, managing to retrieve their vambraces, the only pieces of armor close enough to their chair. They obviously aren’t fully awake yet, but is quickly waking up and acting on training based instinct to be ready for any potential combat situation.
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jedikyiari · 3 years
Kyiari sat in front of the terminal in her quarters staring at the screen in frustration. She shoved the project in front of her further up on the desk and dropped her head onto the desk. She'd been trying for three hours but she just couldn't figure it out. The small box had a makeshift hook and a handful of string tied in a messy knot. She was never going to figure out how to do a proper braid for her new padawan. Her poor padawan had been through so much in one night and it was her own fault. She never should have sent her on alone without knowing her skill level. It was her first day as a padawan and she'd almost died due to choices Kyiari had made and now she was in medbay for another few days. Kyiari had not been allowed in. Carpe and Aspect teaming up to kick her out and back to her quarters to rest as soon as she was patched up. Aspect was just happy she wasn't spending a few days unconscious again. And Carpe said that he wanted the new commander to focus on resting instead of trying to impress her new master. They'd both threatened to sedate her and carry her back to her quarters if she didn't go sleep. Which she had. But she woke up after several hours to the realization that she didn't have hair. It wasn't that she was shocked that she didn't, more that she'd somehow never learned to braid the hair of her friends who did in a proper padawan style and her padawan had hair. She wouldn't use a string of bands and beads like Kyiari had, but an actual braid of hair. Kyiari knew how to braid the string, hair was harder. She'd been trying for hours now. She'd even sent a holo to her old creche master and to Master Mace. They'd both responded with instructions and links to vids and Master Mace promised that when they reached him, he would help her if she hadn't figured it out. But she knew him well enough to know that he expected her to learn this.
Why couldn’t she get this? She just wanted to be a good master. She wasn’t ready. If Depa was only just getting her first padawan and she’d been on the council for years, how was she supposed to manage to properly train one? But she was expected to? At least until the Council recognized they made a mistake and gave Shirane a better master. Kyiari just wanted to do her best for the poor girl who got stuck with the reckless, adrenaline junkie, fighter who explodes things when she gets upset. She’d tried to go with the same braid that she often helped Drift do. Then she’d tried the Chalactain braids that Depa had taught her, but neither looked right and she couldn’t get the beads in without tangling and knotting the strings. The terminal in front of her chimed with an incoming message. She looked up with a weary sigh to see a holorecording from Master Mace. She quickly opened the holo and began to watch the holo. Her master stood in what appeared to be a LAAT “Kyiari, I only have a few moments before we enter combat again. I can feel your fear and know you feel unprepared and inadequate to the task given you. You have always been better then you believed yourself to be. I am quite proud of the Jedi that you have become. You are ready for this. Meditate, calm your mind and above all, Trust in the Force. It will guide you.”  The holo was short, but enough. Somehow her master always knew just what to say or maybe he just knew she didn’t meditate enough. She pushed her chair back and moved over to her meditation space, kneeling on the thin carpet and trying to focus, to calm her mind and her heart. She’d only been doing so a few moments however, when her comm pinged. “General, Commander Palladian has been cleared by Carpe for a short visit if you wish.” She stood and took a deep breath. She may not be ready, but ready or not, she had a responsibility. She stepped over to the desk, picked up the first of Shirane’s new beads and bands and headed to medbay. It was time to start stepping up.
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clonesandjedi · 3 years
I know I promised the intro to Kyiari’s next mission today, but I might have forgotten I had a game tonight and it always runs long. Also I have work in the morning (mandatory overtime) so I have to sleep. I hope to be able to do so after work tomorrow or early wednesday. 
Aacha had some fun adventures though, and found her contact, and attempted to solo an AT-ST, and revealed her saber. So that was fun. 
though I do wonder how Rebel era Rex, Gregor and Wolffe would react to meeting Aacha. I mean she’s the daughter of a Jedi general and clone commander. So there’s the whole Jedi thing. But also she’s half-clone. And training herself to be a Jedi. So would they just react similarly to how they do with Ezra and Kanan or differently. I’m still working that out for the gm
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shabre-legacy · 4 years
So for Kyiari, I’ve got her as the second padawan of Mace Windu, he took over her training due to her abilities. Her psychometry and her enhanced empathy abilities occasionally cause her to lose control particularly with shatterpoint and combustion. Mace is particularly skilled in shatterpoint, and as an incredibly disciplined Jedi well suited to helping her hone her own discipline over her abilities. Her first master dies partially through her training. 
When the war breaks out and Mace is given joint command of the 91st, Kyiari is given command of two regiments and occasionally more depending on the particular mission that she is assigned to accomplish. Her second in command is Captain Drift. While Mace is often on Coruscant, she is there less frequently, being a senior padawan allows Mace to assign missions to her that he cannot take care of himself due to his duties. 
While her training has turned her into a disciplined and focused young Jedi, she’s also highly energetic and athletic, often jumping/climbing nearby trees or cliffs to get a better view of the area and incorporating a lot of flips and dramatic entrances, slightly more so then most other Jedi. She’s 18 when the war begins. 
Along with the general Jedi Force abilities and combat skills and training she also has psychometry, enhanced empathy, and is skilled in basic healing, battle meditation, shatter point, combustion, malacia, consistor sato, and Force cloaking. 
Also due to the AU and stuff I was thinking about when i created Drift and then Kyiari, she also suffers from Flashburn when she undergoes particularly traumatic events. 
She is highly skilled in lightsaber combat, generally preferring a combination of Niman and Vapaad, however being that Niman requires at least 4 forms prior to learning it, she is also trained in form 1, 3, 4, and 5, shii-cho, soresu, ataru, and shien/djem do. Vapaad is the form she has the least training in, having only started training in it a few months after Windu took her on. 
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Kyiari looks at Ait while he talks, trying to give him her complete attention. This is important. She only looks down for a moment after he’s done speaking. At least there was some trust in Master Ti. Not turning to her was a concept she didn’t fully grasp, but the reasons were clear and she reminds herself that their life had been so different, she couldn’t judge the decision. The soldiers under her command had told her a few stories. It no longer surprised her when new troopers arrived believing they could trust no one but their brothers. “The only one you knew that had the abilities. That must have been desperately lonely. I can’t even imagine coming into my abilities without being surrounded by others who had the same and understood. I can understand the necessity. It was more risk than any of you were willing to take. Something must have happened recently though, for you to decide to have the Commander contact me. Have your abilities shifted in some way? Have you been able to do new things recently? When did you learn of your abilities? Also is there a specific time during your training that the kaminoans seem to push at for Force abilities or do they not seem to do that, just from your experience?”
Ait’s eyes widened slightly as he listened to all of the General’s questions. Deciding to start with the last question, Ait took a breath before answering. “I never noticed any specific tests surrounding force abilities, sir. I don’t think the Kaminoans know enough to test for force sensitivity. Force sensitivity was known as something the Jedi had, and when we learned about the Jedi was when I realized what was happening.”
Ait grinned slightly at her. “Needless to say I had a bit of an existential freak out.”
Their grin quickly slid off their face. “I’ve had some trouble in the Senate. The amount of emotion in the building can be very overwhelming, especially those directed at myself and my vode. I also slipped up today and caught a blaster one of my vode dropped where a Senator or other natborn could have seen. I was able regain control until the end of my shift, but once I got to a safe place, I lost control again and unintentionally reorganized some of the maintenance closet. I don’t want to get any of my vode in trouble by losing control where a natborn superior officers Senator could see.”
[ I cant add anything to this. Thorn is just a witness. ]
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Kyiari gestures to the chair Ait had been in, “Please sit, I doubt this will be any kind of a formal conversation.” She takes a breath, gathering her thoughts “So before I ask my questions, and I’m sure you have many as well. I’d like to apologize on behalf of the Order. We failed you. You should have started basic level training in control soon after Master Ti reached Kamino and the fact that you didn’t, that’s on us. Do you know if you are the only trooper who is Force Sensitive?
Thorn wants to answer, but he holds himself back. This is not his turn to say anything. He will just watch and learn as much as he can. If he can even learn anything from just an interrogation.
“Sir, I’ve never met anyone else like me before, and I’ve only learned today that there are other trooper’s like me,” Ait sits down, perched on the edge of their seat. “And there are many good reasons why General Ti wasn’t able to know about any of us on Kamino. We all learn basic shielding techniques anyway as part of our standard training because many of us work alongside or end up fighting against Force Sensitives. I’m sure others like me also end up developing those shields on their own. The main reason I kept quiet is because if the Kaminoans found out about my abilities, my being defective, I wouldn’t have made it off of Kamino. If they found out, I wouldn’t be here, and the vode on Kamino would have more against them for being found defective. Testing would occur to discover how to prevent this from occurring, and more vode regardless of if they are actually Force sensitive would be in danger. On Kamino, we keep quiet to keep each other safe and alive, General. It’s not that we don’t trust General Ti, we do. She has done so much good on Kamino, but you never know who could overhear and report someone to the Kaminoans.”
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jedikyiari · 3 years
A message arrives at Kyiari's commpad:
Good Afternoon Commander Lasana,
I know we haven't spoken in a while but I believe we are still well aquainted enough to call each other friends. And friends help each other out if they are in need. I need to introduce you to someone. Someone who might be appreciative of some help of you. I would like to ask you to report to my office as soon as you can. Please send me message when that could he arranged so I can prepare everything.
Best regards,
Commander CC-7314 Thorn of the Coruscant Guard
The message came as a bit of a surprise, but it still made her smile a bit as she typed out a response.
“Good afternoon Commander. I’m glad to help where I can. I’ve finished my training for the afternoon. After I speak with Master Mace, I should have a few hours free. Perhaps 5 minutes before I can leave the Temple. I will head directly to your office afterwards.
You should also know that I passed my trials awhile back and was both knighted and promoted. I am now a Jedi Knight and a general.
May the Force be with you
General Kyiari Lesana”
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It was good to see a familiar face, so to speak, with the whole situation that she'd been dealing with. And not starting the conversation with a blaster is an improvement, even if he was less friendly.
"Commander Thorn, it's good to see you again. I wish we had time to catch up. Unfortunately I have to add to your workload."
Her men had stayed close enough that they could hear the conversation. Her prisoner tried to interrupt "I didn't d..."
Kyiari was not going to tolerate that. The man had only survived because by the time she'd been able to pull together enough evidence to feel confident in her actions, it was too late to space him, so now she couldn't kill him until after he was found guilty. Her lekku were dancing in anger, she may not let it control her most of the time, but she'd never been good at hiding it.
"Stop. No one wants to hear it. You'll get your chance at your court martial. Be glad you're even getting that."
She tried not to let her anger leak into her voice when she turned back to Thorn. "I'm sorry to have to stick you with him."
"That is, after all, our job", Thorn gestures for his men to take over the prisoner. "He will be interrogated on the report you make, later, General. I hope you *have* a report, Sir?"
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jedikyiari · 3 years
"I'm familiar enough with the Jedi to know that you don't mean the physical way of photons traveling through space and time, but I remember my former General always liked a good laugh so I'm not going to correct myself."
It's simple humor. Not designed for a Jedi, more for a young child - but lets be honest, Thorn is nothing more than that, is he?
"Might as well get our laughs in when we can, right? You were in the GAR previously? Who was your general? If you're willing to tell me. I don't mean to pry into anything you'd rather not talk about."
Kyiari rocked back on her heels a bit and extended her awareness to locate the troopers in the area. Couldn't hurt to be aware. She liked Thorn, he seemed nice and she enjoyed his jokes, they weren't complicated. It was light and easy and fun.
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shabre-legacy · 4 years
Jek, Koll and Trivy are from the same batch and are the youngest members of the 747 at the time “Beautiful” occurs (about 4-5 months after being assigned to Kyiari’s command, 2 weeks after the first mission with their Jedi General and Commander.) 
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shabre-legacy · 4 years
How about 25 for the Get to know your author? And if you're feeling generous maybe the part you were most of proud of when writing vs the one you were most proud of when reading (idk about you but for me those can differ)
Hey :) thanks for the ask!
I think right now, those two are probably the same for me. Not usually, but right now :) So this bit is from towards the end of my one-shot Beautiful with Jedi Kyiari Lesana and Clone Commander Drift during a quiet moment where she shows him what the world looks like when you see it through the Force.
“...Kyiari kept hold of his hands as he turned his head and looked around. The descriptions didn’t do it justice, it was amazing. The depths of colors, the glow of life over everything, the swirls of light dancing over the waterfall and twisting among the stars. Even the rough army camp looked better like this. He could finally understand what the Jedi meant when they said that each trooper looked different in the Force. They didn’t just look different, each of his brothers felt different too. He couldn’t explain it, didn’t know what the Jedi called it, but it was there. Slowly after staring at everything he could, he turned his gaze back to Kyiari.
The planet’s moon had risen in the sky, the soft light dancing across her skin and making her eyes shine like the brightest jewels. That mischievous smile that she always seemed to wear across her face, gentler now then usual, but still there. The swirls of light being blown by the wind danced around her lekku, she drew them in and reflected them brighter. Just like she did him. Pulling him into her orbit and pushing him to become all the better for it. The moonlight, the lights, the breeze, the things he’d been feeling for weeks and burying them so deep he didn’t have to look at them, “You’re beautiful!” It was a breath, barely an exhale, spoken with the truth that appears most honestly under moonlight. It tumbled out of his mouth in a voice filled with awe and devotion. A wish, a hope, the most truthful thing he’d ever said.”
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commander2794 · 3 years
Commander Drift, Regimental clone commander for the fifth regiment of the 91st advanced recon corp under the command of Jedi Commander Kyiari Lesana, Commander Ponds and Jedi General Mace Windu. Commander of the 727th Battalion. Tempest Squad and Thunderwave, those are my boys.
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commander2794 · 3 years
Drift moved away from the crowds to lean against the wall and take a moment. The war was finally over. They’d won and he and all his brothers had been invited to this ball so that they could be shown off. He still couldn’t believe that they were being appreciated for themselves by senators. But maybe time would make him believe. This party was too fancy, he’d been to a few fancy parties, ordered to attend fundraisers to be shown off and bragged about as one of the Republic's prize weapons. To try and encourage donations to the senator hosting the event. But he’d never gotten to really be part of the party and he felt so uncomfortable. This sort of event was not what he was used to. The war still weighed heavy on his mind and the future as well. The chancellor being a sepratist was still making his head spin even now. How had everyone missed that? Even the Jedi, for everything they knew, they could sense, had missed it. 
Breeze passed by with a civilian on his arm and winked at him. He had to smile. It was admittedly nice to see his vode relaxing. They wouldn’t have to go to war again. They could finally learn to live like regular people. They wouldn’t die, forgotten on some battlefield. They’d get to live and meet people and do things. There was even a rumor that several Jedi were helping to craft a clone rights bill to get them all citizenship. His Jedi had whispered that there’d been a bit of an argument through the temple on which Jedi got to work on it. 
His Jedi, there was the topic that was still weighing on his mind. It had been one thing when they were general and commander and they were in the field all the time and the galaxy was at war. But now he got to add other things besides war to his life. Kyiari would return to the temple and to her life as a Jedi. Would he get to see her? Would she even want him anymore, now that they weren’t facing life and death every day? He didn’t know and he wasn’t sure he wanted to. He’d admitted he loved her long ago and he firmly believed that he would love her until something finally killed him. 
He wasn’t sure what life would look like now. But he hoped that everything would work out. The Jedi didn’t seem inclined to simply abandon them to figure out a galaxy that they quite literally hadn’t been created to ‘live’ in, alone. They were meant to die for it, not be part of it. And those damn chips. He reached his hand up and felt the small scar on his head again, just like he’d been doing since the thing was removed. The thought that someone could have used him, could have overrode his own will and forced him to hurt his Jedi, his Kyiari, the thought still chilled him. And that someone could have controlled his vode, that made him furious. He wasn’t usually one to be anxious about the future, but he couldn’t help it now. So much had happened and so much seemed uncertain. 
Another vod passing near drew his attention. This time it was Aspect. He was actually dancing. Aspect, who had always refused any opportunity to dance, even at 79’s, was dancing. Of course, it had a lot to do with his partner though, that much Drift was sure of. The Jedi healer, Elsie, who’d been brought into their legion as a field medic. They’d been spending time together since Elsie started coming around and Drift had been sure they were together. Seeing them now, together and how happy Aspect looked. He had no doubts. He wouldn’t push the medic to talk. He was just happy that his brothers were getting a chance to celebrate together. Not just the 727 and the RRL. But all of them, the entire GAR. 
He wasn’t surprised when a hand landed hard on each shoulder. He’d seen his boys trying to sneak up on him. Staying aware of his surrounding was survival habit. He would likely never be rid of the ability. Checkmate stood on his left, likely having been next to Breeze, they were practically inseparable and always had been. Feedback was on his right and probably either on his way to Breeze and Checkmate or to the table full of food. Both of them had big grins and were simply staring at him. “What?” They didn’t bother to say anything, both just pointing at the entrance to this over the top event. There stood Kyiari, She wore the outer cloak of the Jedi over an actual dress. If he could have thought, he would have found it strange that she was wearing a dress, but he couldn’t think. He didn’t even notice Checkmate and Feedback moving away to continue the party. All he could see was her. It had been a couple days since he’d last seen her. She’d come by to explain some of what had happened and to check on the boys, but she’d been insisting on otherwise staying near General Windu. He’d apparently been injured in his fight with the Chancellor and according to Kyiari, both she and General Billaba were staying close. She turned her head and looked at him and started towards him, but was quickly swarmed by senators and some of the natborn who’d been invited. He chuckled, always attracting attention everywhere they went, that was his girl. He settled against the wall a bit more and just watched. The thoughts that had started to bother him finally settling down. They’d return later. But he could once again just enjoy the night off.
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