#clone victory ball AU
droolingvenus · 27 days
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Hello, and welcome to my little corner of Hell! You can call me Venus, I'm not new to this hellsite by any means and I finally decided it was time to carve out the niche in the Star Wars fandom that I always dreamed of someone else making.
On this blog, I will be posting various headcanons, blurbs, quotes, fanart, possibly fanfictions of my own writing, all relating to what I consider to be my favorite ships, including rare pairings and a variety of ships that I think I came up with because I am single IRL and would really rather not be.
I personally write a ridiculous amount of self-indulgent fanfiction that I don't post anywhere and only write for my own enjoyment, but my preferred pairings and AUs are very rarely anywhere near canon. I always hoped there were more people with uncommon interests in the fandom, but after years of no luck, I've made the decision to find them myself, or convert some people...
My main ships that I enjoy writing about/am interested in exploring are:
Quinfox/Foxquin/Vox (Quinlan Vos x Commander Fox)
Codywan (Commander Cody x Obi-Wan Kenobi)
Blyla (Aayla Secura x Commander Bly)
Quinobi/Obiquin (Quinlan Vos x Obi-Wan Kenobi)
Rexsoka (Extremely wary of this one, I would only explore the concept post-Clone Wars Era as Ahsoka is... A child before the end of the War... Yeah, none of that please)
Kanera (Kanan Jarrus x Hera Syndulla)
Dinluke (Din Djarin x Luke Skywalker)
Wreckme? (Padme Amidala x Wrecker? Weird one that I think ONE SINGULAR PERSON has art of and now it lives in my brain dumpster and I've been toying with it a bit)
I'm curious about Kit Fisto x Aayla Secura a Commander Bly, but I haven't actually explored it much, so if you've got any thoughts or favorite fan works, feel free to send them my way!
These are the ships that I currently find myself interested in and writing about, but I'm open to hearing about what other people might like, my only boundaries are non-familial/platonic ships between clones, that's not my cup of tea, and any Master/Padawan ships, something I'm not interested in and would prefer to not engage with, you do you, of course.
I also enjoy at least two AUs, one that I believe pre-dates my use of it and the other is a very common one: Sith AU (Duh) and Victory Ball AU (In which the Clone War ends in a Republic-Jedi victory and things are all made right, Palpatine will always die, usually in increasingly hilarious or vengeful ways, depending on how my day went)
I am a SUCKER for the Soulmate trope/AU, and if anyone ever wants my thoughts on a specific ship being soulmates, ask! I will gladly babble my nonsense to any who wish to hear it!
I will forewarn that I am likely to post about ships + reader, for example, I'm already planning for my first real post to be a Quinfox x reader headcanon, so if you're like me and are polyamorous or LGBTQ+ in another way, you're welcome to send things in too! There's room for everyone around here, my little deal is that no one can be harmed and it can't be an illegal relationship (Examples include but are not limited to: Non-Con, incest, underage/of age partners, abusive dynamics/themes, coercion,) in our standards. As long as it would be legal here, I can usually give it a chance, though if you want me to write about a ship committing crimes together... That's a different story, I have access to Google and no respect for my search history, if you want to hear about being Codywan's assassin/lover, shoot me an ask, I have thoughts ;)
Lastly, I will post NSFW and suggestive content at some point and while I will do my best to add many tags and warnings, if you can't handle that risk and/or you are under 18, GO AWAY. I'm not sorry that I'm an adult and that I enjoy adult content, and anyone who doesn't want to see it is more than welcome to leave.
Ageless blogs and blogs run by minors will be blocked, and it will not be warned or nice, I don't want you here and if you're truly mature, you should be mature enough to respect that this space is not for you.
Asks are open, requests are open, ranting in the asks is more than welcome, feel free to send any questions in and I'll get to them ASAP!
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seriowan · 2 years
a clan of four (dad!wolffe x mom!reader) (republic victory au)
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⭒ summary: wolffe brings his daughters to the jedi temple and comes to terms with a few things about himself, all with the help of his father-figure ⭒ word count: 3.9k ⭒ pairing: dad!wolffe x mom!reader — with special appearances from the wolf pack and plo koon ⭒ rating: G (general audiences) - unless you are not fond of children/parenting; all of this is just fluff, baby fever, and comfort ⭒ a/n: we've finally come to the first edition to the clone dad's series! coming up next is in the line-up is: cody, tech, echo, crosshair, hunter, wrecker, rex, and fives! my inbox is open for dad!clone headcanons — and they might be included in the upcoming fics!
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“Do you remember the rules, Lulu?” 
   Luna bounced up the steps one by one, light-up shoes bursting with every colorful stomp. She held her father’s index finger in a tight grip, swinging his arm as they ventured up to the temple.
   “Yes, papa,” she chirped, reciting Wolffe’s rules like a mantra. “Never leave your eyes. No playing. No screaming. No bothering ba’buir and his friends-” 
   “The Jedi.” 
   “Yes, them,” she muttered, waving him off with a small hand. Wolffe rolled his eyes at her dismissive attitude, the corner of his lip twitching upwards when he once again noticed that she was just like him. Six years old and she already had a fiery attitude that made him want to pinch her cheeks and shower her face with kisses. 
   “You’re missing one more rule, pup,” he added in a hum as they reached the last step. 
   She let go of his hand, gazing up at him with big, round brown eyes. “I am?” 
   He nodded, glancing back down the steps.
   When she followed his gaze, Luna grinned. “Oh! When it’s time to go home, I have to go home. No hiding.” 
   “No hiding,” he repeated with a firm nod, gently settling his hand atop her head. “Got it?” 
   “Got it, papa.”
You took your time gathering your bearings out of your airspeeder before following Wolffe and Luna up to the temple. With the baby strapped to your chest, comfortably babbling in her carrier, you knew it would take you a bit to make sure you had all the baby necessities. The last thing you wanted to do was walk all the way back down the stairs to where Wolffe parked the speeder. 
   Nova didn’t seem to mind. She babbled as babies do, toothless gums munching on her balled fists. As you walked up the stairs, you kept your hand on her back, gazing down at her with the occasional smile. It always made her giggle, soft eyes full of endless love as she peered up at you like you were the most beautiful, comforting thing in the world. 
   Wolffe and Luna were waiting at the top of the steps for you and Nova, identical smiles on their faces when you joined them. 
   Nova’s babbles caused Wolffe to give her a long, subtle gaze. With a gentle finger, he tugged her clenched fist out of her mouth and replaced it with the pacifier clipped to her gray onesie. She accepted it with rushed greed, her mouth opening and devouring the squishy plastic with enough impatience to make him chuckle. 
   While your clan of four momentarily took a pause, a loud gasp suddenly echoed from the open temple doors.
   Donning his gear with his helmet tucked under his arm, Comet immediately broke into a wide grin the moment he saw both of his nieces. Sinker stood to his left with his arms crossed over his chest, a proud smirk on his face, while Boost was on the other side, waving his arms above his head as if trying to flag down the entire family’s attention. 
   “It’s the mini pack!!” Comet laughed loudly as he crouched to a knee, dropping his helmet to hold out his arms wide. “AND LOOK! MY LITTLE LOONIE-MOONIE IS HERE!” 
   “UNCLE COMET!” Luna shrieked happily, letting go of Wolffe’s hand before breaking into a sprint. Her little legs moved swiftly, carrying her to Comet in record-breaking speed before she collided into his chest, sending him flat to the ground. 
   His laughter was loud, echoing all the way into the temple and back as he rubbed the little girl’s head. “Hey, little warrior! Looks like your killjoy pops finally brought you out here again!” 
   She nodded, glancing back as you and Wolffe joined them. “Papa finally let me come after I got in trouble last time.” 
   “Ah.” Comet sucked his lips against his teeth, flashing Wolffe a guilty grin. “Looks like you didn’t like our last game, huh?” 
   “She was missing for two hours ‘cause of your kriffing game,” Wolffe grunted sourly, glaring at his brother. “You should know she takes those games seriously, especially hide-and-seek.” 
   Comet squeezed Luna’s cheeks together, cooing in an overly-affectionate tone. “I know! My itty bitty little niece is the bestest competitor in this galaxy!” His smile dropped when he caught Wolffe’s blank stare. “What? She gets it from you, vod. Remember that story Fox told us about you when you were a cadet-” 
   While Luna broke out in a fit of laughter at Wolffe’s immediate glower, Sinker and Boost both approached you and Nova, lowering their heads to give the baby their undivided attention. 
   “That’s one strong kid, mama bear,” Sinker smirked, teasingly nudging your side. “You tryin’ to bulk her up for a winter storm or somethin’? Preparin’ her for another war?” 
   You chuckled, shaking your head. “She’s got her dad’s appetite. I couldn’t stop her from bulking up even if I wanted to. And I don’t think Wolffe would let me anyway. He likes her chubby cheeks.” 
   Boost laughed, gently offering his finger for Nova’s small hand to grab onto. She smiled around her pacifier, causing both him and Sinker to melt with small aww's. 
   “C’mon,” Wolffe muttered, gently gripping your elbow, “We’ve got to catch Master Plo before the council meeting. Our visit is supposed to be quick-” 
   “Sweet!” Comet bounced up to his feet, taking Luna’s hand in his own. She bounced on the balls of her feet, vibrating with excitement. “We’ll go with you-” 
   Wolffe shook his head. “No. Luna’s here to pay Master Plo a visit and-”  He suddenly paused, eyes narrowing. “Aren’t you three supposed to be filling out your ledgers back at the barracks?” 
   Comet’s eyes widened and he offered a grim, humorless chuckle. Sinker immediately cleared his throat and put his helmet on. Booster put his hands behind his back and subtly turned on his heel, whistling as he started strolling toward the steps of the temple. 
   Glancing down, Comet gave Luna an apologetic smile. “Looks like we’ve gotta finish our game some other time, loonie-moonie.” 
   Luna’s brows pinched, wounded eyes flicking up to Wolffe. “But papa-” 
   Wolffe slowly arched a brow and she clamped her lips shut, sagging her sad shoulders. Comet sighed, gutted by her dejected expression. “Hey, I’ll see you later, okay? Give Uncle Comet a bit and I’ll try to be back before you head home, okay? If I don’t make it, I’ll try to drop by your house if your parents think that’s okay.” 
   Hopeful eyes flickered between you and Wolffe, both from Luna and Comet. 
   Wolffe grimaced, glancing at you to silently ask for your opinion. You smiled, nodding. With a sigh, he gave in and muttered, “Get your gear checked and you can stop by tonight for dinner.” 
   Luna took Comet’s hand, bouncing up and down in excitement. “Mommy’s making rainbow noodles!” 
   Comet returned the sentiment with equal enthusiasm, guiding her jumps up and down until she was breathless with laughter and heaving for air. When he let go and finally started walking back towards Sinker and Boost, he waved goodbye, shouting, “See you later, loonie-moonie!” 
   Luna waved. “Bye, Uncle Comet!” 
   While the two shared a brief but competitive game of who could wave the hardest, Wolffe turned towards you, his attention returning to his baby. His touch was gentle, full of hesitation and care as he scooped Nova out of her carrier and held her to his chest. The lack of armor allowed the one year old to curl into her father’s warm chest, cooing happily as her curious eyes bounced all around. 
   You were smiling without realizing it. It happened a lot, those subtle looks of love offered when Wolffe was oblivious to them, but it happened more often now that he was a father of two. When Luna was born, he could hardly hold her without being as stiff as a shiny on his first day in the field. He handled his firstborn as if she was glass, too afraid to touch or hold her with his battle-worn hands. 
   It took time for him to adjust to fatherhood, but Luna and Nova melted away all of the fears and insecurities that he had, turning him into a mother bear and protective guardian. He watched over his girls like a hawk, all while giving Luna the space she needed to find her own footing and personality in the world. 
   Now, they were his prized creation. He carried Luna like she was weightless, raising her above his head to bring her closer to the clouds. He cradled Nova like she was priceless, without fear or hesitation to show her off to the world. They were his and he was theirs — and you knew, without a doubt, that his devotion for his family ran deeper than you could ever possibly imagine. 
   Wolffe turned towards you, his eyes softening the moment they met yours. You blushed, knowing you were caught red-handed. 
   “Hi,” you hummed. 
   “Hey,” he said softly, offering you the smallest smile. “You doing alright, mama?” 
   There it was: that special softness he kept reserved for his girls. 
   You glanced down when Luna slipped between you both, gazing up with pink cheeks and a giddy, knowing grin. Taking her hand in your own, you gave it a comforting squeeze and looked back at Wolffe, sharing a secret glance.
“Yeah, love. I’m doing pretty good.” 
   His proud eyes bounced from you to Luna then Nova. Wolffe huffed a breath through his nose, like an airy little laugh, before nudging his chin up to the temple.
   “Alright, pups. Let’s go find your ba’buir.” 
Luna grabbed his spare hand and yours, swinging both arms as the clan of four began walking through the temple archway.
Master Plo Koon was standing in the hall among a cluster of Jedi when you, Wolffe, Luna, and Nova turned the corner. They looked deep in conversation, sharing important, stoic glances with one another, when a loud roar suddenly cut through the silence of the hallway, causing all of the Jedis to turn and look right at your family in surprise. 
   “BA’BUIRRRR!” Luna screamed, ripping her hand out of yours to run up to Master Plo. 
   “Luna!” Wolffe angrily scolded, his expression becoming apologetic when the Masters glanced at him in amusement. They excused themselves and stepped away from Master Plo when the Kel Dor reached down, scooping Luna up by her armpits the moment she was within arm’s reach. 
   Luna threw her arms around his head, burying her face in the crook of his neck while the Jedi gave a rich and deep chuckle.
   “Hello, little moon.” His voice was so full of warmth and adoration, laced with a gentleness that only a grandfather could offer. She shyly tucked her chin to her chest, giggling while Plo swiped his long finger against her cheek to brush a coil of hair behind her ear. “How are you?” 
   Luna leaned her head against his shoulder, playing with the soft fabric of his robe as she spoke in a sing-song voice, “I’m ok, ba’buir. Can we go see the butterflies in the garden?” 
   “I’m afraid not today, little one,” Plo apologized softly as he carried her towards Wolffe and you. “There are important matters I must attend to within the high council.” 
   She jutted her bottom lip in a pout. “Aww, okay. Tomorrow?” 
   He glanced back at Wolffe, the two exchanging a brief, silent conversation before Plo looked back at Luna, eyes crinkling with his pleased expression. “Of course. I will make the time to bring you to the garden. I saw a new butterfly that I think you will find very beautiful.” 
   “Really?” Luna gasped.
   He nodded, poking her nose. “Not quite as beautiful as you, little one, but close.” 
   “Thank you, ba’buir,” she said with a soft giggle.
   Master Plo finally turned your way, bowing his head in a greeting nod that you returned. He placed his hand on your shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze. “How have you been with Nova, tenooya?” 
   You always felt a pang of appreciation in your chest when he called you daughter in Kel Dorian. It made you feel so at home, loved by Wolffe and his father, that you often struggled to fight the lump in your throat when he’d say it. 
   You glanced at Nova, now asleep with her head resting on Wolffe’s shoulder, and sighed softly. “It’s been tough but we’ve been managing pretty well. Wolffe helps me a lot when Nova struggles to sleep through the night and he stays home with the girls when I have to go to work. I’m really grateful for all the effort he’s put into being there when I can’t.” 
   Plo hummed, offering a proud look towards Wolffe and the sleeping baby. “You’ve proven yourself to be an excellent father and husband, Commander. I had no doubts.” 
   Wolffe cleared his throat, shuffling from foot to foot as if struggling to keep himself formal. He placed his hand over Nova’s back in a cradling gesture, curtly nodding at Master Plo in a gesture of thanks. “I do what I can for my family, buir.” 
   Luna was the first to frown when the comlink on Master Plo’s vambrace emitted a faint chime. She immediately locked her arms around his neck, whining softly, “No, don’t go, ba’buir! We haven't had tea time yet! We just got here!” 
   Plo brushed his hand over her head, sighing softly. “I’m sorry, little moon. While I enjoy your visits, I'm afraid I have much work to do. No need to fret, I will see you tomorrow, alright?” 
   She sniffled, wiping her glossy eyes with the back of her hand. “And you gonna show me the butterflies?” 
   “I’ll show you all that your little heart desires.”
   That was enough for Luna to reluctantly nod. She turned away, signaling for Master Plo to set her back down on the ground. The moment her feet touched the tile, she walked to your side and wrapped her arms around your leg, burying her face against your thigh as she sniffled a few more times. 
   Master Plo peered down at her with the faintest look of sadness before turning to Wolffe and Nova. He tilted his head while Wolffe turned his shoulder, allowing the Kel Dor to get a better look at the baby’s sleeping expression. Plo’s expression was gentle but there seemed to be a sense of pride and happiness as he glanced from her to Wolffe, then to you and Luna. With a gentle touch, as light and airy as a feather, he caressed his knuckle over the rosiest part of the baby’s cheek, exhaling a soft sigh. 
   “You’ve made quite an impressive family, Wolffe,” he murmured, “They are a testament of your good heart and devotion, and I am honored to be here to watch you and your children grow. The Force has rewarded you well for the sacrifices you made for others. You’ve made me proud, son.” 
   The comlink on his vambrace sang out once more. Luna reached out, longingly making grabby gestures towards Master Plo when he began to step away from the clan of four. You reassuringly placed a hand on her back and rubbed her arm in soothing motions with the other.
   “I will see you tomorrow, little moon,” he promised her before glancing at you. “Perhaps you and Nova would like to join us? Master Obi-Wan and Master Jocasta have been eager to meet the little one.” 
   “I would love to join, ba’buir,” you said warmly, honored by the invitation. “We’ll see you then.” 
   He nodded, giving Wolffe a final gaze that only the two of them could understand. 
   A gentle silence settled as Master Plo entered the lift to the high council’s chamber. Wolffe remained in place, gazing at the spot where the general once stood, before finally turning his head towards Luna when she sniffled loudly. 
   With one hand on Nova’s back to support her sleeping body, he crouched down to a knee and gently thumbed Luna’s chin, tilting her head up. She tried to cower against the shelter of your thigh, but Wolffe’s voice grabbed her attention. 
   “Lulu,” he muttered, holding the side of her face. “You’ll see your ba’buir tomorrow. Do you want Comet to see you crying when he visits tonight?” 
   She hesitated, then shook her head, her voice barely above a soft whisper. “No, papa.” 
   He cocked his head, the corner of his mouth lifting. “What’d I tell you to do when you miss ba’buir?”
   She unfurled from your side, lifting her gaze to Wolffe’s. “If I think really-really hard about how I miss him, I’ll feel him in my heart?” 
   “That’s it, pup.” He soothingly rubbed his thumb over her cheek. “He’ll give you a little nudge if you think about him really, really hard.” 
   She sniffled once more but she didn’t seem as sad about Master Plo’s departure as before. Glancing back down the way you came, she suddenly sagged her shoulders. Luna rubbed her knuckle into her eye before looking up to her father and lifting her hands. “Can you carry me?” 
   Wolffe’s happiness was subtle, contained within the sudden glint in his eyes as he gently put Nova back in the carrier on your chest. She stirred, eyes flicking open as she regained her comfort within the harness, only to fall asleep not a moment later. Her pacifier fell from her lips, quickly replaced with her thumb. 
   Wolffe scooped Luna up and placed her on his shoulders, giving her the chance to rest her cheek against his head. He held her ankles as she interlocked her fingers underneath his chin, tired eyes fluttering open and closed every few seconds. 
   Your face fell with sympathy and you reached up to gently brush her wild curls out of her face. “Did all that walking get you tired, Lulu?” 
   “Yes, mommy,” she murmured, sleepily curling Wolffe’s hair around her fingers. She didn’t seem bothered by the fact that it was tickling her nose. As you and Wolffe began your walk back out the temple, each of you carrying one of your sleepy babies, Luna gave a long open-mouthed yawn, smacking her lips together. “Papa?” 
   “Yeah, kid?” 
   “Can you tell me the story about the small people and the volcano?” 
   He huffed. “With the Aleena’s? You know that story, Lulu. I tell it to you every night.” 
   “Mhm, I like it.” Her faint giggle was too sleepy to last more than a second before turning into a sigh. “It’s silly.” 
   “Yeah, I know,” he huffed under his breath, giving you a look when you smirked. You knew the story well, and you were also aware of how much he hated spending time on Aleen. Luna’s obsession with the story was nothing more than a curse, but Wolffe could never seem to say no when she’d ask to hear it over and over again. 
   He couldn’t really say no to her at all. 
   You took a step closer to his side, walking shoulder-to-shoulder as he began recounting the memory. 
   “I was part of a relief expedition at the time. You remember what that means, Lulu?” 
   “Mhm. You went and saved people with food and water and medicine.” 
   “Hm, close enough. Well, your papa was sent with these two droids-” 
   “R2D2 and C3PO.” 
    “...Are you going to tell the story, or am I?”
   “Sorry, papa. Keep going.” 
   Wolffe continued, oblivious to the smile you gave him and Luna. Even as Luna’s eyes began to stay closed longer than she could keep them open, Wolffe continued talking, ignoring those who looked at him as he walked by. He paid no mind to the Jedi or the clones that watched him go, telling his daughter’s favorite story while she sleepily played with his hair. 
   Nova stirred on your chest. You looked down at her, the perfect little blend of you and your husband, and lovingly brushed your thumb down the bridge of her nose. 
   “My little stars,” you murmured quietly to yourself, caressing all of the features she shared with her father. “Your daddy and I love you and your big sister very, very much.”
   Distracted by the sleeping baby, you didn’t realize that Wolffe had stopped at the entrance of the temple. He was gazing right at you, subtle love sitting in his eyes. The moment you walked to his side, he arched his brows and pointed a finger up at the sleeping girl on his shoulders. Luna’s arms sagged on both sides of his head, her cheek squished against the top of his head as she snored, mouth open. 
   “Wow,” you sang, slightly impressed. “She’s out cold.” 
   Wolffe shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t blame her. Comet has a habit of sucking everyone’s energy pretty quickly.” 
   You smirked. “Either that or your story was boring enough to knock her out.”
  “Smartass,” he murmured, causing you to playfully gasp and cover Nova’s ears. 
   “Mind your manners, riduur. There are children present.” Wolffe rolled his eyes and you smirked, nudging his side. As you stepped outside, you recalled Plo’s words and smiled softly to yourself, causing Wolffe to tilt his head in curiosity.
   “Something on your mind?” 
   “Mm. I’m just thinking about what Master Plo said…”  You glanced up at Luna, your heart bursting at the sight of her hand subconsciously resting on her father’s cheek, even in her sleep. “He’s right, you know.” 
   “About our family?” His attention flicked down to Nova and he swallowed, tearing his eyes away to look straight ahead. “I know. You girls are all I could ever need in life.” 
   “No,” you said softly, shaking your head. “Not about that, although I love you for thinking that way… I’m talking about what he said about you being a good father and a good husband. I know it’s hard to believe it sometimes but he's right. You are a good father and you’re the best husband I could ever ask for. You know that, right?” 
   Wolffe took a moment before he sagged his shoulders with a slow, eased breath through his nose. His throat bobbed with a swallow and his fingers continued subconsciously caressing the skin of Luna’s ankle, seeking her touch as if to comfort himself. 
   Eventually, he spoke. 
   “I try to be like him, cyare.” 
   You halted at the bottom of the temple steps, causing Wolffe to stop and turn. When he noticed your glossy eyes, he took a step closer before leaning down to press his forehead against yours. You sighed, your body easing the moment you felt him near. 
   “You’re doing an amazing job, Wolffe,” you murmured, kissing his nose. “Plo is proud of you and I am too.” 
   Wolffe kissed your forehead before straightening up. He cupped the side of your face and smirked, his voice low and teasing when he said, “You’re goin’ soft on me, cyare.”  
   You huffed in mock frustration, swatting his wrist away before turning back towards the parked airspeeder. 
   “What?” He called after you, causing Nova to stir awake. “Am I wrong?” 
   Without looking over your shoulder, you lifted a hand and flipped him off, earning a gravelly laugh. Wolffe gently laid Luna down in the back seats as you hopped into the passenger seat, one hand holding the back of Nova’s head as she tilted it to look at you. Sleepy eyes blinked, flicking around her surroundings before immediately settling on Wolffe as he sat in the driver’s seat. 
   When he saw her open eyes, he smiled and leaned over, stamping a soft kiss to her forehead. She babbled and he chuckled, shaking his head at her antics.
   You grunted in disbelief, smirking when he gave you a strange look. 
   “Who’s going soft now?” 
   Wolffe rolled his eyes but he didn’t deny it — and deep down, you knew he never would.
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@agenteliix @starqueensthings @fives-lover @moonstrider9904 @lucyysthings @boomtowngirl @babygirlrex0504 @lucyysthings @fossilisedtreeresin @lizartgurl @mrs-grumpysniper @corona-one @maulslittlemeowmeow @misogirl828 @theclonesdeservebetter @frietiemeloen @pinkiemme @torchbearerkyle @witchklng @ivela3 @kaminocasey @sunflowerrex  @nekotaetae @literallydontlook @discarded-beskar
if there is any trouble with the tags, please let me know! apparently, there's been some issues with tags and i'd like to make sure that it isn't causing any problems over here :)
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l-lend · 1 year
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This is part of the @cloneficgiftexchange. The person I got was: @captainpains
I hope you enjoy some Victory Ball AU with Captain Rex
Prompt used: "You think you're hilarious, don't you?" "Yes, yes I do."
Warning(s): a touch of angst if you squint, fluff, shenanigans
Word Count: 836 Words
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@locitapurplepink, @burningfieldof-clover, @writing-positivelyexisting, @rain-on-kamino
Your bottom lip remained captured between your teeth as the speeder came to a stop. The building looming over the city streets twinkled in the night. A beacon for personnel to gather while dressed to the nines. A hand curled around yours, smoothing over your knuckles.
“Rex, are you sure?”
The captain's smile offered slight relief to your nerves, “I'd have the pleasure of escorting no one else.”
The corners of your lips twitched as your cheeks gained some warmth. Your free hand tracing over the fabric of your formal attire. The door slid open with a whispered hiss. The low hum of chatter from the sea of dress uniforms accented with their partners for the evening wrapped in shades that match the colors typically adorning their armor.
He extended his hand to stabilize your ascent. His gentle grip a tether ushering you into the bright lights and décor. Once inside, the air carried an electricity of restless troopers charged up from crowded flights to Coruscant and enough spirits to drown a sarlacc.
“Where t-”
If they were not out in the open, the captain would have attempted to drag you away from the grinning trooper closing in. The captain sighed and swept a hand over his close kept blonde hair before the other trooper was in ear shot.
“Cyare, this is Arc Tr-”
“Just Fives is fine,” He greeted, extending a hand for you to shake.
His smile growing as his eyes went from your face, to the captain's and back to you.
“So this is the lovely creature that has the captain's eye.” Fives chuckled, “Thanks by the way. Rex would let us go early any time you called.”
A giggle slipped past your lips at taking in Rex's pout, “Glad I could help.”
“He's got good taste. You look better in our colors than we do.”
Rex's arm curled around your waist as he eyed his subordinate, “I couldn't agree more.”
Footsteps skittered against the polished floor. The soft squealing of dress shoes on the surface in an attempt to slow down.
“Fives!” huffed another trooper, “Hardcase...trying to...outdrink...big guy...from 99.”
The arc trooper raised a brow, “This I gotta see,” He shot a parting grin, “You two have fun, alright?”
The pair of troopers took their leave with Fives launching a two fingered salute. The captain shook his head with the hint of a chuckle as soon as the pair of troopers were out of earshot.
“They'll be the death of me.” He murmured, soon offering a smile.
“Shall we?”
With your own smile creeping across your lips, you crossed the threshold entering a space set aside for the main event. The dance floor changing hues as droids adjusted lights to music. A throng of troopers and dates alike crowded the floor. Dances ranging from sweet and chaste to motions that would be provocative even in the confines of clone bars.
Music cut through any dance floor chatter as another song began. The clone captain studied your expression. Your glances to what drew your attention; that sparkle in your eyes he never tired of. When you turned your gaze back to him, his hand swept out to the floor before you.
Your hand slipped into his, surrendering to the undertow of the dance floor. A hand cradling your lower back as you both found place within the rhythm. Your features creasing as he moved. Never once jostling you despite the movements of other dancers. You closed the distance. Your free hand inching higher along his shoulder.
“You think you're hilarious, don't you?”
He chuckled, “Yes, yes I do.”
Your pursed your lips, “You said you couldn't dance.”
“Thought I'd surprise you.”
“So was it Jesse or Commander Tano that was your practice partner?”
“...General Skywalker called in a favor with Senator Amidala.”
The sight before of the calm and composed captain of the 501st Legion avoiding your eyes, warmed your heart. However it was the dusting of along the tips of his ears drew you closer until your lips graced his cheek. A gesture that was chaste, but also a spark which could light an inferno if left unchecked.
“Pulling out all the stops tonight? I'm honored.”
“It's a special night.” He replied, continuing his guidance in your own section of the dance floor, “The galaxy and my brothers are safe.”
The warmth in your chest unfurled like a slumbering loth cat prompting you to reorient your arms to envelop him: A clone who had seen unspeakable horrors on the battle field, yet refused to let the life he never asked for turn him bitter and jaded.
His hand began a soothing circuit along your back. Fingertips barely making their presence known.
“You alright, Cyare?”
You looked to him; his feature twisted in concern. The lights of the venue seemed to cast him in a halo.
Your lips crashed onto his. The embers resting in your chest roaring to life. Much too soon, lips parted for air.
“I'm glad you're here.”
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Main Master List
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AO3 Link (Din Djarin x reader; Luke Skywalker x reader)
It’s Over - Master List
AO3 Link [COMPLETED] (Various)
Moving On - Master List
AO3 Link (Wolffe x OC)
Star Wars Fic Roulette
AO3 Link (Varios Sar Wars Character x OC)
Star Wars Jukebox Roulette
AO3 Link (Varios Sar Wars Character x OC)
___________ON GOING___________
Daniel Craig Characters
AO3 Link (Bond, James Bond; Benoit Blanc)
One-Offs & Mini Series - Master List
AO3 Link (Various Star Wars Characters)
Once Upon A Time on the Razor Crest
AO3 Link (Din Djarin x OC)
Sins of the Father - Master List
 AO3 Link (Din Djarin x OC)
Star Wars & James Bond Quote Roulette
AO3 Link (Various Star Wars Character x OC/reader; James Bond Characters x OC/reader)
The Gym Membership (Modern AU) - Master List
AO3 LINK (Bad Batch x OCs)
The Reunion - Master List
AO3 Link (Bad Batch x OCs)
The Royal Diaries: A Mandalorian Fairytale
AO3 Link (Boba Fett x OC; Din Djarin x OC)
Upside Down - Master List
AO3 LINK (Rex x OC)
CAST TAKEOVER EVENT (FEB 19, 2022) - 200 Celebration
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saradika · 3 years
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This moodboard is my contribution to the wonderful Victory Ball AU by @firstofficerwiggles! 💕
And I also have a short drabble to go along with the event.
Dance With Me
Commander Cody x Reader, Commander Cody x Obi-Wan
Rated G, 376 words
Tags: love triangle, yearning, jealousy
You spot him at the bar, hands cradling around a glass of amber liquid that make your throat burn just looking at it. His navy coat is slung over the back of his seat, his crisp white sleeves nearly rolled and pushed up his toned forearms. The tie around his neck is loose, the collar of his shirt open by two buttons, exposing just a hint of skin. You deduce that yes, he has been here for a while.
Approaching from the side, you bump your hip against his as you grab the empty bar stool to Cody’s right.
“We’re supposed to be celebrating, Commander. Why are you holed up over here?”
An eyebrow lifts as he glances your way, before he takes a long gulp from his glass. You don’t miss the way his eyes seem to flicker unconsciously towards a familiar group of people gathering near the crowded edge of the dance floor.
“Ah.” Your hand props up your chin as you lean towards him, “You should just ask him, Cody.”
Cody shoots you a look of surprise, his brow lifting, but then he’s shaking his head, “Ah, no, I couldn’t-“
His words die out, and he’s taking another drink to fill the silence. You’re already thinking, a smile turning up your lips as you lean towards him again, “Then dance with me.”
Cody’s head turns your way, head tilting with interest. A silent prompt to continue, so you do.
“Yeah,” You nod, as the plan begins to form. “Come out there with me. I bet the General won’t be able to resist - he’ll be asking you to dance in no time.”
Your cheeks burn as Cody considers, his gaze flicking over you thoughtfully. It doesn’t mean anything, you tell yourself - pushing the mental image of you grinding up against him out of your head. Just helping a friend make his crush jealous, nothing more.
His features flatten, and you worry you pushed too far. Then, a slight smirk pulls at the edge of his lips, and he pushes himself off of the stool. Cody’s hand closes around yours, warm and big, and he gives you a gentle tug towards the middle of the room.
“Okay. Let’s show them we’ve got.”
“Yes, sir.”
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commander2794 · 3 years
It’s all over
@firstofficerwiggles, My piece for the Clone Wars Victory Ball AU event.
mostly fluff, OC Clones and their OC Jedi.
Drift moved away from the crowds to lean against the wall and take a moment. The war was finally over. They’d won and he and all his brothers had been invited to this ball so that they could be shown off. He still didn’t believe that they were being appreciated for themselves by senators. But maybe time would make him believe. This party was too fancy, he’d been to a few fancy parties, ordered to attend fundraisers to be shown off and bragged about as one of the Republic's prize weapons. To try and encourage donations to the senator hosting the event. But he’d never gotten to really be part of the party and he felt so uncomfortable. This sort of event was not what he was used to. The war still weighed heavy on his mind and the future as well. The chancellor being a separatist was still making his head spin even now. How had everyone missed that? Even the Jedi, for everything they knew, they could sense, had missed it. 
Breeze passed by with a civilian on his arm and winked at him. He had to smile. It was admittedly nice to see his vode relaxing. They wouldn’t have to go to war again. They could finally learn to live like regular people. They wouldn’t die, forgotten on some battlefield. They’d get to live and meet people and do things. There was even a rumor that several Jedi were helping to craft a clone rights bill to get them all citizenship. His Jedi had whispered that there’d been a bit of an argument through the temple on which Jedi got to work on it. 
His Jedi, there was the topic that was still weighing on his mind. It had been one thing when they were general and commander and they were in the field all the time and the galaxy was at war. But now he got to add other things besides war to his life. Kyiari would return to the temple and to her life as a Jedi. Would he get to see her? Would she even want him anymore, now that they weren’t facing life and death every day? He didn’t know and he wasn’t sure he wanted to. He’d admitted he loved her long ago and he firmly believed that he would love her until something finally killed him. 
He wasn’t sure what life would look like now. But he hoped that everything would work out. The Jedi didn’t seem inclined to simply abandon them to figure out a galaxy that they quite literally hadn’t been created to ‘live’ in, alone. They were meant to die for it, not be part of it. And those damn chips. He reached his hand up and felt the small scar on his head again, just like he’d been doing since the thing was removed. The thought that someone could have used him, could have overrode his own will and forced him to hurt his Jedi, his Kyiari, the thought still chilled him. And that someone could have controlled his vode, that made him furious. He wasn’t usually one to be anxious about the future, but he couldn’t help it now. So much had happened and so much seemed uncertain. 
Another vod passing near drew his attention. This time it was Aspect. He was actually dancing. Aspect, who had always refused any opportunity to dance, even at 79’s, was dancing. Of course, it had a lot to do with his partner though, that much Drift was sure of. The Jedi healer, Elsie, who’d been brought into their legion as a field medic. They’d been spending time together since Elsie started coming around and Drift had been sure they were together. Seeing them now, together and how happy Aspect looked. He had no doubts. He wouldn’t push the medic to talk. He was just happy that his brothers were getting a chance to celebrate together. Not just the 727 and the RRL. But all of them, the entire GAR. 
He wasn’t surprised when a hand landed hard on each shoulder. He’d seen his boys trying to sneak up on him. Staying aware of his surroundings was a survival habit. He would likely never be rid of the ability. Checkmate stood on his left, likely having been next to Breeze, they were practically inseparable and always had been. Feedback was on his right and probably either on his way to Breeze and Checkmate or to the table full of food. Both of them had big grins and were simply staring at him. “What?” They didn’t bother to say anything, both just pointing at the entrance to this over the top event. There stood Kyiari, 
She wore the outer cloak of the Jedi over an actual dress. If he could have thought, he would have found it strange that she was wearing a dress, but he couldn’t think. He didn’t even notice Checkmate and Feedback moving away to continue the party. All he could see was her. It had been a couple days since he’d last seen her. She’d come by to explain some of what had happened and to check on the boys, but she’d been insisting on otherwise staying near General Windu. He’d apparently been injured in his fight with the Chancellor and according to Kyiari, both she and General Billaba were staying close. She turned her head and looked at him and started towards him, but was quickly swarmed by senators and some of the natborn who’d been invited. He chuckled, always attracting attention everywhere they went, that was his girl. 
He settled against the wall a bit more and just watched. The thoughts that had started to bother him finally settled down. They’d return later. But he could once again just enjoy the night off. 
As he waited for her to be able to slip away, his comm pinged. He’d been told it was a night off, so he almost didn’t check it, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw Checkmate pulling out his; Feedback and Aspect as well. Fishing them out of the suits they’d been given for the evening. It was a message from Kyiari. “Found a surprise a couple hours ago. Thought you’d all want to see, head over to the furthest lounge.” Across the massive room he could see the men of the 727 extracting themselves from whatever they were doing. It seemed the message had only been sent to one company in the battalion though, based on who was going. If he’d gotten it, the surprise must be for him as well.  
He joined the rest of them is trying to slip out as subtly as a group of clones could. Luckily, there were plenty of their brothers around to distract those who’d stop them. He saw Tempest Squad and Thunderwave among those moving. Sinks and the other company pilots. Even Bynn had gotten the message and he’d been transferred over to the Coruscant Guard a while back. Whatever their general had arranged for them. It must be big. 
The vode who had gotten to the room ahead of him were standing and staring when he got there. The room was empty except for a trooper standing near the window staring out, wearing a clean set of blacks instead of the suits or armor the rest were wearing. As he moves into the crowd around the door, they must have finally made enough noise to be noticed, because the vod at the window turned and Drift could swear he stopped breathing. Those tattoos, that stupid smile that was spreading over his face as he looked from face to face. Drift had never thought he’d see him again. That he was dead, another brother fallen on a dust ball far away who’s body couldn’t be retrieved. But there he stood, alive and smiling, hurt, but standing. Sinks was one of the first to move. They’d had a rivalry, but it had mostly been lighthearted. He’d been nearly broken when they’d lost Crash. The hug they shared was one of relief and joy and the shared comfort of familiarity. Drift let most of the others go first. He always put himself last, let his men, his brothers have their time, get what they needed first. But there was no denying that he was crying when he finally had the chance to embrace his vod’ika and welcome him home. 
It was a while before any of them felt like leaving that room. Having their vod come back made most want to stay close, as though he’d slip away again the minute they turned their back. It seemed Sinks and Coil weren’t about to let him go anytime soon. They were hovering so close that there was always a hand or arm or leg touching him at all times. Eventually though, most went back. After all, somebody had to serve as the distraction so that those who’d been closest to Crash could stay without being bothered by the natborns. 
Walking back into the main ballroom though, it felt a little like he’d been punched again. Kyiari had removed her robe, leaving her dress on full display. She was a vision. The dress was nearly the same dark brown as her robes. One shoulder was bare while a piece of softer brown satin brushed across her breasts to cover the other shoulder. Her waist was emphasized with the only embroidery on the dress, a gold leaf pattern stretching similar to a belt. The skirt, the skirt was full and reached to the floor, but there was a slit in the side all the way up to her thigh, her blue skin taunting him as she moved. This was not her usual attire. She usually stayed covered up in layers at these events. Wearing this, it was different, it was unusual, it was for him, it had to be. Especially as she turned and he caught sight of her necklace, a rather inexpensive thing. A small purple flower with three green leaves and lying partially hidden behind the flower, a durasteel ring, polished but handmade. His ring, on the necklace he’d given her.
 he was moving toward her before he even realized what he was doing, before he could stop and make it look like he was doing anything but making a beeline for his general though, she was walking towards him as well.  
“Hello Commander” His rank had never sounded so sweet as it did when she said it in that soft voice as she looked him over. But tonight, he wanted something more, the war was supposed to be over after all. 
“No titles today Kyiari,” He said softly, mindful of where they were. “It’s just us for now.”
The smile she gave him, that was the smile he’d fought for. “Drift.”
He needed to say it before he forgot, before that damn dress and his ring on her neck made him forget, He’d get more answers later, for now though, “Thank you for bringing Crash. It’s good to know he’s alive. To be able to see him and know he’s back and alive and with his vode where he belongs.”  
“I’ll always bring your brothers home whenever I can. You all deserved to be together as much as you want. He needed it too. To know he’s not alone anymore.” She slowly looked him up and down, that familiar glimmer in her eyes “you look nice, ankai’a”
He gently tugged at her hand, prompting her to twirl for him, before moving closer. “You look beautiful, cyare. Mesh’la” he let himself smirk just a bit. It was satisfying to know that she thought he looked better than he thought he did. “I don’t think I’m seen this dress before. It looks spectacular on you, wear this for someone special?”
 “Of course, I wore this for the best man I’ve ever met, and I love him very much. I thought a victory ball might be a nice place to dress up for him.”
He smiled and would have stayed there forever, but those battlefield senses hadn’t dulled in the days since the war ended. He could see the senators and their guests eyeing them and some moving closer, clearly trying to hear what they were whispering to each other. That just wouldn’t do. Maybe it was selfish, but he wanted his Jedi all to himself for just awhile longer. He’d have to share her with the rest of the galaxy soon enough. He lifted a hand and gestured to the dancefloor. “Care for a dance.” 
“Of course Drift, I’d love to” Kyiari placed her small blue hand in his and he led her out on the floor. As he pulled her in close and began swaying to the music, it seemed the galaxy narrowed. His brothers laughter surrounding him and his girl in his arms as the music swelled. It was almost enough to make him believe it was all truly over.
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howie-ner-cyare · 3 years
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A picture of Commander Wolffe attending the Grand Victory Ball in Coruscant. 
My fanart for the The Victory Ball Creator Event held by @firstofficerwiggles ! I’m aiming the old photo look for this one, and initially the picture has a hand holding a glass of champagne that’s blurred and close to the viewer but looking at it it’s like Wolffe is staring at the champagne 😂 that, and I hate how shitty I drew the champagne glass so off with it
Coloured version + without background under the cut:
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zinzinina · 3 years
This is just my little submission for the lovely @firstofficerwiggles’s wonderful Victory Ball AU event! I’m sneaking this drabble in on the last day; I hope that’s okay! x
Pairing: ARC Trooper Jesse x F!Reader Words: 500 CW: No warnings with this one! Just a soft little moment with Jesse.
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It’s much cooler on the balcony. The night air is soothing on your cheeks, still overheated from the crowded ballroom behind you. Letting the noise fade as you step out, you aren’t surprised to find him leaning against the balustrade.
“Everything alright? You said you were just getting us drinks. I didn’t know you were going to leave me there with Tup and Dogma. I can only hear that joke about the Trandoshan manicurist so many times.” Your tone is light and teasing as you rest your hand gently against his lower back, feeling the flex of muscle under his skin as he straightens.
“Just needed some fresh air.” He catches your hand in his own, bringing it to his lips and keeping his eyes trained on your face. “Have I told you yet how beautiful you look in that gown?”
You smile. “Only a few times.” His usual seriousness is underscored with a peculiar tension and you step a little closer, until you’re beside him. The city sparkles; innumerable speeders and windows winking with lights all the way into the skyscraper-blurred distance. Billions of people; working late into the night, stressed and distracted. Curled up together watching holodramas. Asleep in their beds. It’s dizzying, the sheer number of lives here, and the thought of how fragile their safety had been.
“Do you ever think about it?” you ask him. “What might’ve happened if Fives hadn’t found it?”
“It’s all I can think about.”
You can hear the frown in his voice. Here, away from illuminated chandeliers inside, the black halo of his tattoo obscures his expression. You let your head drop sideways, resting against his shoulder. The stiff dress uniform feels starchy against your cheek, but it’s still softer than plastoid. 
“I don’t think you would have hurt anybody.” You’re both still gazing outward as his arm snakes around your waist to hold you close, his other hand clasping yours. “Even if they’d... activated it. You would’ve fought it.”
“I don’t know.” He roughly clears his throat through a waver of some unnameable emotion. “Maybe I’d lose control of my own thoughts. I don’t think I would have been able to stop myself.”
“You would.” You don’t even hesitate with your response, voice firm. 
He’s quiet for a few moments, his arm tightening around your body. There’s a burst of raucous, masculine laughter, muffled by the closed doors at your back. When he speaks again, he sounds unsteady. “I don’t... know who I am without the war. I don’t know what to do next.”
You nod to yourself, weaving your fingers between his. The Clone Emancipation Act hasn’t been passed yet, but it’s a near-certainty. The reveal and subsequent removal of Sheev Palpatine had left a vacuum of authority, one which senators like Organa and Mothma had been all too ready to fill. For a man like Jesse, who had lived his entire life unreservedly prepared to die serving the Republic, it must be a terrifying change.
“You can do whatever you want,” you murmur. “You’ll figure it out. You can go anywhere in the galaxy now.”
“We.” You tilt your face up to look at him, confused. He continues. “We can go anywhere in the galaxy.” 
Backlit by the warm glow of the celebration behind you, the two of you stand wrapped close on the balcony for a good while longer.
Taglist: @kaorikoizumi​ @bvcketfvcker​ @saradika​ @mandaloriandin​ @whatanoof​ @thiccumz​ @smoldjarin​ @rexsjaigeyes​ @sgtdogmastyle​ @phoenixhalliwell​ @just-fics-i-read​ @tacticalsparkles​ @alucas528​ @chromia7567​ @sithwitch-crosshairs-toothpick​ @cannedsoupsucks​ @clanoffetts​ @delusionsxfgrandeur​ @bobas-missing-codpiece​ @ladyopress​ @writeforfandoms​ @pinkiemme​ @justanothersadperson93​ @just-fics-i-read​ @fuckyeahbeskar​ @hyperfixation-archives​ @parkotedarasuum​ @space-b33​ @14mcmd1122​ @justanotherstarwarswhore​ @vaderthepotater​ @dangerousstrawberrypie​ @infinity-mars​ @the-grey-jedi​ @jakiejellybean​ @meabravo​ @techposting​ @galacticgraffiti
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firstofficerwiggles · 3 years
The Victory Ball Creator Event
Introducing a new creator event to celebrate everyone’s favorite Star Wars clones! Like me, do you love the clone troopers and wish they could all get the happy ending they deserve? Well, let’s give it to them with the Victory Ball AU.
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(GIF by @starwars on Gify)
In this AU, the end of the Clone Wars doesn’t lead to the creation of the Galactic Empire but instead is a true victory for the Republic. When ARC Trooper Fives discovers the presence of the inhibitor chips and the sinister plot behind them, in this universe he makes it to the Jedi Temple and everyone believes him, allowing the Jedi to thwart Palpatine’s evil plan.
Fives lives (yay!) and then the Jedi go off to arrest Palpatine. Mace Windu ends up killing Palpatine (for good, none of this he survived somehow). Anakin arrests Dooku instead of killing him, and Obi-Wan still gets to kill Grievous or arrests him, whatever, the point is the war is over, the Republic survives, and our clones never turn evil (they promptly get their chips removed just in case though). Also all the Jedi live, Anakin never turns to the dark side, and we have general happiness all around. 
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To celebrate their amazing contribution to the Republic, all the clones are getting to attend the grand Victory Ball. This is the main theme for the event and I’m encouraging you to create fics, fanart, and whatever else you want to create in this AU. I think it will be great to see different people tell and show the different clones’ stories of how they get to celebrate their victory. Also big thanks to @rexsjaigeyes for encouraging me in this idea!
Primary dates for the event: starting now and going through July 31st (or longer if people get into this)
Use the tag #Clones Victory Ball AU or #Victory Ball AU to help me find your posts
Tag me @firstofficerwiggles so I can reblog your posts 
Fanfiction of almost all types is welcome but please be sure to add appropriate warnings when necessary (see Guideline 5 below)
Fanart of almost all types is welcome, but again, please be sure to add appropriate warnings when necessary (see Guideline 5 below)
For this event, I am asking that creators avoid the topics of clonecest, any type of clone x Ahsoka pairing, or anything related to underage sexual relationships 
Any and all clones are fair game - if you want to pretend that someone survived somehow, go for it
I’m tagging a few blogs that I think might be interested in participating but no pressure at all: @onabouteverything @501fettish @zinzinina @bvcketfvcker @tibbietibbs @cxptxinrex @sgtdogmastyle @pala-din-djarin @imabeautifulbutterfly
Also if you see this and are interested a reblog is appreciated to spread the word! Thanks and I hope you have fun creating!!
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whatanoof · 3 years
At War's End
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Pairings: Relationships are (for once) not the primary focus of this fic, but there is Anakin Skywalker/Padme Amidala, Commander Bly/Aayla Secura if you squint
Word Count: ~3.6k
Warnings: angst and sadness, but comfort! minor violence, nothing too graphic, and also SPOILERS FOR THE CLONE WARS IN GENERAL
A/N: This was roughly inspired by @firstofficerwiggles and her Victory Ball Event! I know, I'm a little late but writer's block is a bitch and I'm here now? This is basically an AU of the ending of the Clone Wars, picking up around the events of Season 6. Super big kudos and thanks to @itsjml for helping me out with the Clone Wars timeline and figuring out small details. I am planning on this being a multi-chapter fic, just gotta see where it takes me:)
“Remind me why we’re here, Rex?” Anakin has never been to Saleucemi; the relatively peaceful nature of the planet itself meant that his war time was rarely spent on or around it. The only memory he has of it is Obi Wan’s reports of trying to chase down Grievous. Rex had been there then.
“Relax, sir. Just thought you should see something.” Anakin watches his captain’s body language carefully. There’s no tension in his shoulders, nor is there the familiar look in his eye that indicates battle readiness. Saleucami doesn’t mean “oasis” for nothing, Anakin reflects.
“I’m going to need your communicator, sir.”
Anakin looks suspiciously at Rex. His arm is extended, palm facing up. “Why?”
“Trust me, sir.”
Anakin does.
The wild flora and fauna adorning the planet's surface is beautiful in a strangely wild way. It twists and turns away from all sense of order, yet there is a pattern in how it grows, how each plant fights for survival in its own way and achieves it.
Then the plants flatten and become arranged into rows, and Anakin drags his attention from the surrounding landscape to look ahead to where Rex is leading him. The captain has been nothing but confident while trekking through what had appeared to be the middle of nowhere, and Anakin’s trust pays off when he spots the organized patterns of crops. In the distance, he spots a lifeform crouched in one of the fields. A farmer.
“Cut!” Rex calls with a relaxed ease, one that he reserves for only a few. “It’s been a long time.”
The man in the field straightens, and there’s something about the action that tells Anakin that he had met the man before. The smoothness of the motion despite obvious long hours crouched in the field, the darkened gold of the man’s skin, the way that he rolls his shoulders and stretches his neck to either side. The man even looks strangely familiar, though Anakin can’t quite seem to place his features. The unease of out of reach knowledge only further presses on Anakin’s mind as he and Rex approach ‘Cut’, and Anakin glances at Rex in hope that his friend will remind him of where they had met before.
But Rex’s answer doesn’t come in words, because as soon as Anakin glances at Rex he knows. The smooth athleticism of every movement, the similar skin tone, though the other man’s is darker by several shades from constant sun exposure. The puzzle pieces fall into place.
A clone on Saleucami...
And then they’re standing directly in front of Cut and Rex is giving introductions before pulling the man into a brotherly hug. The man is extending his hand to Anakin with golden brown eyes that only further betray the man’s heritage, eyes that reflect the wariness of a cornered animal. Anakin understands why Rex took his communicator.
“Cut Lawquane.” A defected clone.
Rex’s hand slaps Anakin on the pauldron, firmly enough that the impact aches through the armor. Anakin jerks and meets Rex’s eyes, the same eyes as Cut’s.
The eyes that are darting back towards the still outstretched arm belonging to said clone.
Anakin’s mouth opens--closes--opens one more time and he forces himself to speak, “General Anakin Skywalker.” He grasps the clone’s hand.
He hasn’t felt callouses like these for years. They remind him of a home from long ago, of the hand of a slave that he had felt one day at the marketplace before being sold. The human girl had belonged to a man from a farming planet, and was being sold to turn a profit from the failed farm.
For too long, he had only felt the hands of soldiers and warriors. All Jedi had a swordsman’s hands, built out of hours of form practice and sparring and the chafing that comes with pulling your lightsaber to your hand. Clones had identical rough patches on their hands from holding the standard issue blasters. Jedi and clones alike bore the hard won trophies of toughened skin worn into their hands from a whole life of carrying the same weapon.
And yet there was no trace of the soldier’s calluses on this clone’s hands. They were farmers’ hands, through and through. This man had been here for years, possibly since near the beginning of the Clone Wars. How long has Rex known?
“To what do I owe a visit from a Jedi General himself?” There’s a careful delicacy about how Cut examines Anakin, something more careful than the normal self-conscious fear he has seen in disobedient clones.
“Just a social call. No one knows that we’re here, not even my men.” Rex assures Cut, seemingly oblivious to the discomfort radiating from Anakin and Cut. “Can we sit?”
Cut nods slowly, tearing his eyes from Anakin’s steely gaze to beckon them over to a shelter on the edge of the field, a structure built for midday rest and respite from the blazing heat of the sun. Anakin scrubs at the back of his neck, the familiar feeling of burning skin only distinctive from Tatooine by the slight moisture collected in the atmosphere.
The shade lessens the heat by a few measly degrees, but the poetry of Cut’s hospitality is not lost on Anakin. The wary gaze has not left, though Cut’s attention seems to flick behind him more than past Rex and Anakin. It’s not the gaze of a nomad, though the extensive fields of crops indicate that as well. It’s more the pattern of a defender, of one who is looking to protect his home. He’s not looking to run away.
“I’m sure you know what I am, General.”
Anakin waves a hand, “Please, call me Anakin. And you are a deserted clone.” The words lift a weight off of the situation, but simultaneously dumps another back onto it now that the truth is floating in the air.
Cut offers no verbal affirmation but simply nods. He’s still tense, and Anakin draws upon the diplomacy lessons Obi Wan had given him.
‘First, let your intentions be known. Though,’ Anakin reflects, ‘he has no intentions.’ This is all Rex’s doing, dragging Anakin out here on a whim with no explanation other than the cryptic smile and gazes he had thrown his and Padme’s way. But Anakin will learn nothing of Rex’s purpose if Cut is too stressed to talk.
“Rex took my communicator and I am in no hurry to report you.” The tiniest bit of tension leaches out of Cut’s shoulders, and he nods with a small smile on his face.
“Thank you. You have no idea how much that means.”
Rex sits forward, a troubled look on his face, “Cut, I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t urgent, but General Skywalker and I are on a tight schedule. Would it be possible to talk to the others as well?”
Anakin tenses at the mention of ‘others’. Peaceful as Saleucemi may be at the moment, he is all too aware of how easily he and Rex could lose control of the situation in unknown territory. Cut too, is sitting up straighter with a serious look of contemplation steeling his features.
“Will I have any assurances of safety?”
Rex shakes his head, “We have nothing to give you other than our word. There can’t be any kind of trail leading here, or you will be even more at risk.”
“Then I will take your word. Swear yourself to secrecy.” The last sentence is said more to Anakin than to Rex.
Anakin chances a glance at his captain, who nods encouragingly. That’s all the reassurance he needs. “I swear on the Force that what I see here will stay here.”
Cut eyes him critically for a long moment, then nods and stands. “Follow me.”
The humble hut only serves to further remind Anakin of his home planet. Even though it is built to withstand different weather and created from native materials, Anakin is instantly transported back to Tatooine. And he misses it.
Something bursts out of the surrounding plants and slams into Cut, staggering him back a step with the sheer force of the two tiny living cannonballs.
“How was your day?” “Who’s this?”
“Uncle Rex!”
“Your hair is pretty.”
“Is that a lightsaber?!”
Anakin takes a step back in shock, completely overwhelmed by the rapid fire questions posed to him in quick succession by the two children. Mixed children, Anakin realizes as a Twi-lek woman appears in the doorway.
“You’re back early.” She calls with an amused look at Cut. Then to Rex, “And you’re back later than you should be.”
“In case you haven’t noticed, we’re in the middle of a war, Suu.” He hugs her quickly, then turns to Anakin with a real smile that Anakin has only ever seen him share with his brothers.
“Cut and Suu Lawquane and their children: Shaeeah and Jek.” Each of the children perk up when they hear their respective names, and Anakin chuckles as he kneels down. He extends his flesh hand to the children, and Shaeeah boldly shakes it first.
“Are you a Jedi?” She asks solemnly, large eyes fixated on his blue ones. Her grip is firm, but tiny. So tiny. So strong too.
“Yes, I am.”
“A real Jedi?” Jek grabs his hand out of his sister’s. “Like what Dad tells us about?”
Anakin darts a glance over at Cut, who is smiling as he watches his children, “Yes, exactly what I’ve told you.”
“So you can make stuff float with your brain?”
“And slice through stuff with your laser sword?” “And read people’s mi--”
“Okay, children--” Suu cuts in, her gentle tone still leaving no room for argument. “Stop harassing the man. Go inside and clean up, it is almost time for dinner.” She looks at Anakin, and he is struck by how her calm confidence hearkens back to his own beloved. “Would you like to join us?”
“Well?” Rex asks. They had just left, just finished waving goodbye to the children as they vanished through the crops.
Anakin sighs heavily, hand resting on his very full stomach as he tries his best not to waddle to their ship. Suu’s cooking was to die for after years of military rations. But the cooking isn’t what left the strongest impression on him.
“I think I know why you brought me here.” It’s impossible to miss the parallels after all, though maybe it is simply projection. But the family silhouette; a man, a woman, and two children. How Cut left the war by choice and continues to nurture and love his family despite it. Suu’s poise and elegance and her firm but kind hand in parenting the children.
‘A boy and a girl would be amazing.’ Anakin realizes. He has no control over the twins in Padme’s abdomen at the moment, but if they turned out like those kids he would be forever happy.
Anakin also realizes that wants what Cut and Suu had found.
“You ready?” Believe it or not, it’s Padme asking Anakin that as they stand before the doors. The Grand Republic Medical Facility is exactly what its name implies: grand. The doors are massive, as they lead to the room reserved for the Supreme Chancellor himself.
Padme had been confused when they requested an audience and were promptly directed here. Palpatine is almost never found outside of the Senate Building. The uncertainty of an unfamiliar environment only adds to the apprehension and anxiety of the moment as the couple stand before the doors.
Anakin grits his teeth and nods. His speech is already rehearsed and firmly in his head, mostly written by Padme when they agreed upon this course of action. Then Anakin’s jaw relaxes as he remembers the joy in Padme’s face when he had told her of his conviction. His hand tightens around hers. So long as she was here with him, he had a reminder of what he would fight for. Or rather, what he would stop fighting for to keep her.
He pushes the doors open and enters the room with confidence in his stride. “Hello Chancellor.”
“Anakin! My boy. And Senator Amidala, always a pleasure when you grace me with your presence.” The older man’s smile is nothing if not welcoming, he even rises from his chair to greet them. Padme’s politicking smile is firmly in place, all peaceful sweetness and empty promises. “Back from your short leave, I see?”
Anakin nods, “Yes, Chancellor. And there is something that I would like to talk to you about.”
“Of course my boy, my door is always open to you. But first--” Palpatine pulls three champagne flutes and a bottle from behind his desk, “-- a toast. To Padme--” he gestures the glass at her, “--and to all that we will save in this war.” Palpatine all but shoves the flute into their hands.
Anakin blinks, but raises the glass all the same and takes a small sip alongside the Chancellor, whose face is spread by a grin that stretches wrinkled skin across sharp bones. Padme politely holds the alcohol but doesn’t take a sip. “Actually, Chancellor, that is exactly what I wanted to talk about.”
The grin freezes in place, Palpatine’s eyes darting about the room before meeting Anakin’s steady gaze. His paper white jaw works in place, clenching and unclenching knotted facial muscles, “Well, spit it out my boy.” Padme squeezes his arm gently, not missing how Palpatine’s eyes are drawn to the small action.
Anakin sets the glass down on the massive desk, “I am leaving the war effort and the Jedi Order. Padme plans to resign from the Senate.”
The Chancellor seems at a loss for words, so Anakin presses on, “The solution was staring me in the face this whole time. I cannot protect Padme if I am constantly deployed across the galaxy, nor can I hope to raise a family. I love combat and the rush of battle, but I love my family more. I hope you understand, Chancellor, that this is what I want.”
Palpatine’s knuckles are white around the stem of the glass, so Anakin takes it from his slightly shaking grip and sets it onto the desk. “Padme and I, we’re pregnant. Twins, I feel them in the Force whenever I see her. I want to be there for them, to raise them--”
“Well who cares about the little brats?” The Chancellor snaps bitterly, taking Anakin and Padme aback with the pure venom in his voice. Padme’s hand drifts to her belly instinctively, offering her children what protection she can.
“Chancellor I--”
“You cannot leave the Order. There are too many plans in motion, I have worked far too hard for you to ruin them by just walking away.” His hands are curled into fists at his side and Anakin could cut the tension in the room with a vibroblade. He’s pacing back and forth behind the desk, glare firmly fixed on Anakin. “I will not let you leave.”
Padme steps forward, a firm hand on her husband’s arm as she fixes Palpatine with a cool glare. “All due respect, Chancellor, it is not within your power to forbid us from leaving. We are here as a courtesy to you, not to ask permission.”
Palpatine cackles, and Anakin’s eyes widen as he turns to fully face them. His eyes gleam with yellow fire that remind Anakin of the Sith on Tatooine. “How cordial of you, Senator Amidala--” But Maul and the Sith are dead. “--but that is where you are wrong.” He looks directly at Anakin, tawny gaze piercing through to his soul. “If you will not help me, then your rage will.” His hand drops below the edge of the desk. “I will have all of the power.”
He lunges over the desk in the blink of an eye, a crimson lightsaber trained at Padme’s stomach. Anakin reacts, years of experience speeding and smoothing his actions. He shoves Padme aside and draws his saber, and an arc of blue energy slices through the air.
The whole event happens in a few seconds, and the two men are left facing away from each other, bodies heaving with exertion and adrenaline after Palpatine’s momentum carries him past the pair. Anakin turns, clutching a burn on his arm, and Palpatine slides to the floor in a heap of dress robes and red light from the still ignited saber. Padme leans against the desk, clutching her stomach and staring with wide eyes.
Anakin looks at the pile on the floor, then at his saber, then to Padme. “What the fuck.”
“Supreme Chancellor. Jedi Master Shaak Ti and CT-5555 as requested.” The Coruscant Guard enters the room, escorting the announced individuals. Fives’ eyebrows rise when he sees Anakin, then instantly shove low on his brow when he glances at what used to be Chancellor Palpatine. Clones and Jedi alike freeze at the scene before them.
“What the fuck.”
“Padme?” Stress and anxiety float in the room, clogging the air between Anakin and Padme and for once it’s not about the two children floating innocently within her abdomen.
She looks up from adjusting her hairpiece to see Anakin, standing awkwardly in the doorway to their bedroom with his dress robes. They fit perfectly, yet he moves in the decorative garments as if they were too tight all around. There had not been many reasons for celebration that would prompt such a fancy get up, most of the party hosts were satisfied if the Jedi simply wore their traditional robes to certain events. But this is special.
Special. So special, because the rug had just been yanked out from underneath the entire Republic. Anakin and Padme’s jumping ship plan had been put on hold due to the sheer amount of politicking that was triggered by the events in the Medical Facility. There was a trial for Anakin, another trial for the late Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, an entirely separate hearing for CT-5555, better known as “Fives”, and a full government investigation following the hearing. And that was only the beginning of the Republic’s side of things, new complications were coming to light every day, and though Padme still burned with fury at Palpatine and what he had tried to do, not only to the galaxy but to her, she had to admit a grudging respect for the sheer brilliance of his plan. Layers were stacked upon layers, small counterplots that were carefully calculated to give off the desired appearances, only a mastermind could have engineered it and they were still discovering every detail.
Yet, in the middle of the chaos, someone had found time to schedule a celebrational ball for… for everyone. All Jedi, Senators, government personnel, even the aides to the Senate were invited. The clones were not, something that boiled pure rage in several of the Jedi Generals. But their hands were tied, their presences were required at the ball, and the clones were given the day off instead of invitations to the gala. And after further thought, the Jedi council agreed that the clones would probably rather receive valuable down time than hang around Senators and stuffy politicians.
“Ani? What’s wrong?”
“How do you do this everyday?” Anakin asks with a pitiful gesture down at his body. “Dressing up, knowing that you’re going to have to smile in front of everyone no matter how you feel.”
“It’s my job. Not everyone is good at it.” She straightens his collar. “But not everyone is good at facing down a droid army with a laser sword either.”
She continues to fuss with his clothing, if only because she’s basking in his presence, loving that he is home with her. His spot at her side had been empty for far too long, as had her spot at his side. Though maybe it was simply one spot that they each filled in the lives of each other, a spot that no one else could ever hope to step into in the same way.
“You look beautiful.”
She smiles, “Thank you. And you look very handsome.” She brushes a strand of hair out of his eyes, “Ready?”
“I always thought that I was going to end the war. But not like this.” He looks down at his hands, still seeing the blue and red light in his mind’s eye.
“Ani, you were cleared in the trial. It was self-defense, and you saved us.” She grasps his hand and pulls it to rest on her stomach gently. The children react, shifting gently inside of her in response to their father’s presence. “You saved the clones too.”
“No. That was Fives.”
“But you made the decision. You stood up to Palpatine.”
“So did you.”
“Tonight will be a celebration then. Of all three of us.”
“And Rex. Stars and Maker Above, can you imagine what could have happened if he hadn’t taken me to Saleucemi? If Palpatine had been allowed to carry out his plan?” More and more of the plot was being discovered daily, the most recent development being a facility on the lava planet Mustafar. It chills Anakin to the bone, knowing what his role in the war could have been.
Padme rubs his back reassuringly, “I would prefer not to think about that. It’s a lot of worrying for nothing. What we can worry about is disbanding his efforts. The Techno Union is the first of the Separatist factions to surrender, and soon the galaxy will be free of Palpatine’s influence.”
He nods after a long moment, “You’re right.” He offers his arm and she takes it. “Now let’s go before I lose my nerve.”
A/N: So... this is super self-indulgent I will be the first to admit. The next chapter will be up soon, it's mostly going to be the actual celebration of the war ending, maybe some minor plot points of where the Republic went wrong and how they're going to fight to correct it. But!
If you guys want to see certain characters in the celebration scenes, comment below and give me details! I want something happy and I want it to be happy for you too!
I don't really know who to tag because this is more out of pocket from my normal domain so I'm just gonna tag some moots: @marvelassassin221b, @itsjml, @keeper-of-the-sarlacc-pit, @laserbrains, @saradika, @parkotedarasuum, @rebelpitstop, @djarrex, @ironhoshi, @mothmansaysacab
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salomewithfeather · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: CC-1138 | Bacara/Ahsoka Tano, Padmé Amidala & Ahsoka Tano, Padmé Amidala & Eirtaé Characters: CC-1138 | Bacara, Ahsoka Tano, Padmé Amidala, Eirtaé (Star Wars) Additional Tags: Past Padmé Amidala/Anakin Skywalker, Good Friend Bail Organa, Naboo Royal Handmaidens (Star Wars), Mentioned Obi-Wan Kenobi, Lux Bonteri - Freeform, Victory Ball AU, Togruta Culture & Traditions (Star Wars), Young Leia Organa & Luke Skywalker, Padmé Amidala Lives, Padmé Amidala Needs a Hug, Nonbinary Character, hard of hearing character, Wordcount: Under 10.000
Bail quirks his brow. He knows that tone. “Oh?”
“Well Nova Corps has had two Marshal-Commanders as per last year and, truly, it is such an oversight that only one of them has received an invite.”
“Indeed,” he muses, taking a sip from his own juicy concoction. No doubt enriched. “What a gaffe,” he muses and hides his smile in another sip.
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notchesandbullets · 3 years
Wherever You Go, I Will Follow (Boxer! Metal Arm! Bakugou x Reader) Underground!AU
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Art credit: @/helloclonion on Instagram
Warnings: violence, drinking (everyone is of age), hints of ptsd and depression, mentions of cloning norms, angst but fluffy ending.
Synopsis: Bakugou doesn’t like to talk about what happened to his left arm. Years of fighting underground had made him harder than nails. Society was messed up. Children weren’t born, they were made and any who aren’t adopted are raised in mass orphanages. But you’re special. And you’ve chosen the light even though you’ve seen the darkness. Who else to get through to his heart other than someone like you?
Words: 7.8k
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The lights blind you momentarily as they flashed on. The humidity in such a crowded space packed with people was making your skin crawl but it was worth it for the greatly anticipated show.
An underground arena that had this much hype was rare since most fighters didn’t make it past their 20s due to injuries so severe from boxing that it cost them their lives.
There were zero qualified doctors here in the society riddled with old factories that didn't exist anymore and sleazy underground cities where nothing could grow anymore due to the pollution. It had fallen to ruin and only a select handful that could heal like they claimed to. 
Due to that little insignificant fact, that meant the expected lifespan of everyone down here wasn’t more than 30 years of age.
Of course, it varied from section to section, but there was enough pattern to know that there wasn’t long to live once you got to your teens.
Therefore, everyone lived fast and hard down here, trying to experience as much as they could before it was their time to go.
And while you couldn’t say that you blamed them, that wasn’t how you wanted to live. You wanted to fight back against the norm and make a difference that would change this world.
Which is why you were so interested in this particular fighter.
Bakugou Katsuki. 
A reformed individual with a criminal record after a looting with his crew went sideways. He was stronger than most with an attitude and ego bigger than the city itself.
He was renowned to be one of the baddest in the underground and had a personality as difficult as a cloned Siberian tiger.
You sighed and rolled your eyes. You didn’t know why Mic couldn’t come scout today instead of you, you hated how jam packed Bakugou’s fights got, which is why you always steered clear of them.
Well, that and because you weren’t exactly partial to his famed temper.
Then, the glint of metal had you on the edge of your seat, eyes sparkling with curiosity as you caught a better look the second time around as he stomped into the ring. 
Was that… a metal arm?
It looked like something straight out of Marvel’s Winter Soldier from back in the day. Scarily so. 
You faintly recalled that his opponent’s name was Shindou, supposedly the underground’s upcoming rising star to the top. His undefeated reputation preceded him and he certainly was easy on the eyes.
So why did you find your gaze drawn to the arrogant boxer with a cocky smirk on his face across from the guy that was cuter than him?
Metal arm flexing, sweat dripped down his brow, his crimson eyes narrowed in concentration and tinged with a hint of malice as his much larger rival took a swing at him to kick off the round.
Bakugou blocked it head on, retaliating with a force that sent him spiraling towards the cage. His wrapped hands were crusted with blood and he hastily brushed the dirtied, spiky hair that fell into his eyes out of his face, a ravenous hunger coming through as he bounced on the balls of his feet. 
“Is that all you fucking got, extra?!” He screamed in Shindou’s face and you actually had to cover your ears at the sheer volume that carried through the stadium, egging him on.
Your mouth dried as Bakugou caught him across the jaw the second he flew at him, knocking out his opponent in one go, calling the match in under thirty seconds flat. 
Holy shit, he’s good. You thought to yourself, thoroughly impressed, barely able to hear yourself over the crowd’s roar as Bakugou punched his fist in the air victoriously. 
His technique seemed rough to the naked eye but taking a closer look, his form and tactics were flawless. His overall strategy could use a little work, since he seemed particularly keen on using brute strength, but he was really good at turning the tables on his opponent in an instant.
And really good at making sure that they couldn’t get up again after he threw them down.
You had your share of good fighters. Not like that, you dirty minded creature, you were a scout for your father’s gym. 
Aizawa wasn’t a revered name by any means, but that didn’t mean he lacked skill. He was the one who could take down more people than any other pro could, but he absolutely hated media attention. Hence why almost no one knew of his abilities, other than a select few of his colleagues and fellow fighters. 
And you of course. You were so incredibly proud of your him.
He had recently been scouting new talent after taking in several kids: Shinsou, Todoroki and Midoriya. 
The female boxers in his ring were a literal force to be reckoned with. You weren’t sure you’d ever seen someone pack a punch with as much power as Uraraka when she got serious. And no one could beat Yaoyorozu when they stepped in the same arena as her.
In the underground, it was normal to come across those that talked big, but rarely have you ever seen them deliver.
This guy had some raw talent. Perfect. 
Looks like Uncle Hizashi’s instinct was right.
After the fights ended and the exciting night came to a close, you wormed your way through the rows of people lining up to claim their bets that they had placed at the beginning of the night. You were at least smart enough not to get sucked into all that. 
A cage match had too many variables. The odds could change in a split second, no matter how good or bad the fighter was. And since there were no rules, anybody could win. 
You found the boxer in the designated fighters’ alcove security had put there especially for them to wind down. Here, they would be hidden away from the crowd and only the fighters knew about this spot aside from those that protected it.
“You’re good.”
Bakugou snorted, not looking up at the sound of your voice as he continued to unwrap the tape from his hands. “Of course I am, dumbass.”
You cocked an eyebrow at his arrogant attitude but after a fight like that, you guessed the pride was well deserved. After all, the guy he went up against was undefeated. No one had beat him and after Shindou earned his reputation of tearing the limbs off of the fighters he faced, no one wanted to step into the ring with him after that.
But Bakugou didn’t back away, even going so far as to taunt this guy, boldly proclaiming that he’d beat him.
Normally, you would brush off those guys as no good but he made good on what he said he would do, so you were at least a little bit curious.
A little.
You still didn’t like his attitude though. 
Tossing the bloodied wraps in his bag, he ignored you as you just stood there like a lost puppy. People like you didn’t belong in the underground.
Bakugou scowled and huffed scornfully, throwing his bandages down with a little more force than necessary. 
Patching up wasn’t too bad this time around. He was lucky the round ended when it did though, that fucking extra had too much boisterous energy and willpower that had carried him this far. Still, it was better than fighting bare-knuckled. 
There was a time when wraps or gloves weren’t allowed. People liked the blood and violence, and craved someone to come out victorious by taking the other’s life.
Fucking sickos if anyone asked him. 
Bakugou slung his gym bag over his shoulder and shouldered his way past you since you had yet to say a word after that initial, begrudging praise. He couldn’t care less if you hung around but he wasn’t going to stick around for the damn media to catch whiff of this fight.
Once it was leaked that he had won, they would take a percentage of his cut and he would have to go without food for another week just to pay rent on that shitty place he stayed at. 
It wasn’t much but it was better than the streets.
“Wait.” You called out, inwardly chastising yourself for being so pathetic. 
You weren’t star-struck or nothing, so why were you feeling so tongue-tied?
Taking a deep breath when he snapped his head around to glare at you in annoyance for stopping him, you rolled your eyes when he tapped his foot impatiently. 
“You gonna take all fucking night, extra?” Bakugou barked at you, clearly not playing around. 
Your eyes widened as the metal plates on his left arm clinked together as he raised up his fist threateningly.
“I’ve got places to go and shit to do.” He grumbled. “So if you’re just going to stand there like a fucking—”
“Do you want to be a part of Aizawa’s gym?” You blurted out before he could get too carried away on his rant.
Bakugou arched an eyebrow in surprise. He hadn’t been expecting that. It was rare that the scruffy old man took on recruits.
Huffing, he stuffed his hands in his pockets and scrutinized you. “Who the hell are you?”
You cringed at how rough his voice laced with suspicion came out but you supposed you could understand. 
Collectors were far too common these days, usually rich scouts from corporations that searched for talented fighters to partake in their financial war when it turned bloody.
You weren’t really sure how it was possible for those airheads to train delinquents into soldiers for their military to fight in the wars that they created, but all you were really concerned about was dodging those scouts.
They weren’t people to trifle with.
Bakugou’s suspicions were misplaced this time around though and you jutted out your hip, planting your hand on it as you regarded him disinterestedly. 
There was only one thing that you could say to get him to trust you.
“He’s my dad.” You said quietly.
The boxer nearly choked on air and you flashed him a cheeky grin when he whipped his head around to glare at you.
“Fuck, seriously?”
You nodded and a heavy exhale whooshed out of his lungs in one breath.
Bakugou cocked up an eyebrow, seeing you in a completely different light. “Holy shit.”
You resisted the urge to dash away under his intrigue but you flinched when his eyes landed on you again.
“Sorry.” Bakugou muttered, averting his eyes. “Just never seen one before.”
You scratched the back of your neck, a habit you picked up from your introverted father whenever he was put in uncomfortable situations. “Yeah…”
Children weren’t born anymore, it was illegal. Partly because expenses couldn’t be covered if people got pregnant and partly because the kids would have nowhere to go, but mostly because the government wanted a controlled population. 
By controlling the gene pool, they could create whoever and whomever they chose, placing them in different status’ around the world to fill in the gaps and create the perfect society.
Except, it really wasn’t all that perfect.
You had been a product of your mom and dad’s unconditional love for each other, something else that was also forbidden, especially in the underground cities where disease ran rampant and claimed numerous innocent lives everyday. 
Your mother wasn’t dead but she did have to leave soon after you were born to protect you from the government officials that would come if she stayed.
Your dad was heartbroken but once every three years, the three of you were reunited under the bridge where seagulls cried and the waves crashed upon the shore.
Once upon a time.
Bakugou crossed his arms over his chest, his bicep bulging and you were willing to wager that he specifically got those measurements for his metal arm tailored to those specifications just so his huge muscles were distractingly the same size. 
He was still not entirely convinced you were who you said you were. He knew that you had to at least be a bastard’s biological child, no one was bold enough or fucking stupid to say that much out loud, but he still wasn’t sure that the old man was your dad.
Not bothering to be discreet as he eyed you up and down, he motioned for you to give him a little more information.
“Aizawa, huh?” Bakugou drawled. “You don’t fucking look like a brat that belongs to him.”
Clearing your throat, you smirked. Now you were the one tapping your foot impatiently. “Thanks, I’m told I have my mother’s eyes.”
He glared at your sarcasm but you didn’t care.
Craning your neck to the side to get a better look at that beautiful arm of his, you pouted when he ducked out of range.
“Prove that he’s your dad.” He demanded and you feigned innocence before shooting him a grin when he rolled his eyes irritably. 
Crossing your arms over your chest, you responded cheekily, “Coffee and cats are his two favorite things in the world, and he only tolerates Uncle Hizashi on a whim when he’s wasted.”
Bakugou barked out laughing and you smiled at the boisterous sound escaping from his lungs. 
“So,” You kicked your feet, scuffing the dirt as you sidled over to him. “You in or what?”
His left arm glinted in the dim, flickering light of the alcove and he tucked in his chin the slightest bit to stare down at you, the corner of his mouth quirked up.
“Hell yeah.”
Exactly one year later, you were weaving in between the clustered bodies in the dingy underground bar you were at to make your way to the obnoxious and rowdy group in the back, all while balancing a tray of beers in one hand.
They had just arrived a few minutes ago, eagerly chatting with your dad, who was their trainer, even though he looked like he’d rather be anywhere else but here.
Your skirt flared around your ankles as you sashayed through the crowd dancing on the dancefloor, a couple strands of hair sticking to your forehead from the exertion of how many tables you waited on already.
“First round’s here!!” You announced, beaming brightly at the packed group of 15.
Shoji, Mineta, and a few others couldn’t make it due to conflicting schedules. But it was alright, they would come again another time. Besides, you were quite sure that a special someone couldn’t care less if they made it or not for this particular day. 
“YES!!” Kaminari shouted escatically, throwing his hands up in the air.
A chorus of “thank you’s” came from the girls as Ashido eagerly reached for her first drink of the night, downing half the bottle in one go. You predicted she was going to be out like a light within the hour if she kept that pace up. 
“Don’t get shitfaced, Kaminari.” Jirou twirled a strand of her dark hair cockily as she teasingly held the last one out of arm’s reach. “Lightweight.”
“Jirou!!” Kaminari protested while the table burst into laughter.
The edgy fighter eventually gave into him, shaking her head in disapproval when he proceeded to chug all of it straight like it was some kind of shot. A knowing smirk appeared on her face when he choked.
“Told you so.” She rubbed in his face as Asui leaned into her side.
“Shut up!!” Kaminari shouted between violent bouts of coughing. It only got worse when Ashido slapped his back, already drunk.
But the slight pink dusted across his cheeks clued you in on what he was really doing.
You shook your head. If he was any more dense, you would’ve smacked him upside the head. Maybe then he would’ve come to his senses and that he didn’t need to do all these things to impress her. 
Jirou never hated anything more than someone who felt fake to her.
As you distributed the rest of the drinks to a clueless Todoroki, a way too eager Midoriya, and handed water to Koda, who thanked you shyly with a small nod.
You smiled at him, then left to the bar that your uncle was managing to get the order for the next table while Iida shouted for everyone to make sure they drank responsibly so that they didn’t cause any problems for you. 
But it was largely ignored in favor of raising their beers in a toast for the birthday boy.
Bakugou scowled in the corner that he was shoved into, wondering why he of all people had to be dragged to this shitty celebration for a birthday he couldn’t care less about. It was too loud here and it was making his head hurt. The only consolation he got was that you were a rare sight, wearing a dress that he had bought for you a week ago.
The seamstress who had made it for him specifically had charged him an incredible amount of money for it, since fabric of any kind that wasn’t made from recycled garbage liners was nearly impossible to come by.
But being a part of the ring of fighters that made up Aizawa’s Warriors gave him credibility and enabled him to make even more money than he did before, so it wasn’t a problem.
That much. 
After rent on his rundown place and scrounging for food, he had saved up the rest for weeks before he was able to afford the pale blue satin dress edged with delicate white lace around the sleeves that cascaded off your shoulders. The tightly-fitted bodice that wrapped around your waist was a simple leather corset, accentuating those curves of yours more than should be legally allowed.
You looked absolutely delicious. 
You continued to sweep around the tavern, oblivious to the looks you were getting. You had a bit of expertise in waitressing due to the lack of income your dad was able to provide so you had to convince him that you really didn’t mind helping out with the staff tonight.
The bar, owned by your Uncle Hizashi, a retired fighter but not retired in spirit, had all the profits go to the orphanages the city couldn’t keep track of or be bothered to pay for; which enabled those kids who were abandoned to have a roof over their heads in all the uncertainty.
The state of those houses holding those homeless children were horrendous. 
But your dad and uncle were taking steps to create something new that would provide them with some relief and a new family.
Kirishima clapped the ash-blond on the shoulder, jarring him out of his annoyance. “Come on, Bakugou, loosen up!!” 
He clicked his tongue and scowled at the red-haired guy’s energy. No one would think that this fun-loving guy and people person would be such a terrifying fighter in the arena.
Kirishima frowned when he noticed his lack of enthusiasm. “C’mon man, I know this isn’t your scene but Y/N worked really hard on this.”
Bakugou’s drink nearly spilled as he set it down abruptly. He wasn’t expecting that. Aizawa had told him that his friends had arranged this.
Picking up on his confusion, Kirishima then proceeded to tell him about how you gathered everybody to ask if they’d be willing to attend the party and how all of them enthusiastically said yes. You had gotten special permission from your Uncle Hizashi to borrow the VIP section of his bar and convinced your father to go easy on their training today. 
Really, the grumpy man with the metal arm should be thanking you since you were the reason all of them weren’t sore to death with barely enough energy to keep their heads up. 
Kirishima was going to blame it on Aizawa. He was tough on them. Too tough. No one should be that determined to make their students push past their limits but everyone knew it came from him caring more than anyone else. 
They were all like his adopted children, in a weird, skewed way. But, no one was going to argue against it. None of them had their biological parents in the picture. 
Besides, Aizawa had enough room for them all to crash in his home. An abandoned mansion overrun with thick green vines but had no working electricity whatsoever looked like something straight out of one of those old horror movies back in the 3000s. 
Bakugou scoffed. Like hell should he care about whether or not you planned this. He didn’t ask you to do any of this, you decided to do it all on your own. 
“Whatever.” He grumbled, snatching his bottle before stalking away from his shocked friends left in the dust. 
Todoroki raised an eyebrow as Kirishima sighed and Midoriya’s expression saddened when he saw him leave. They were supposed to be celebrating…
And yet, all three of them knew why today was so hard for the explosive boxer.
You frowned as you noticed the slumped figure retreating to the back of the establishment. Finishing up serving the drinks for the table you were waiting on, you briefly made a detour to your uncle and asked if it was alright that you take a break.
Ever the doting uncle who loved to spoil you rotten, Mic’s eyes softened understandingly when he noticed who you were staring after and granted you permission.
“Just don’t tell your dad I let you off the hook.” He bargained with an exaggerated wink and you giggled.
“I won’t.” You reassured, setting down the tray and squeezing his hand in thanks.
Then, you followed Bakugou. 
He disappeared around the corner and as soon as you tailed him, you came to a stop in front of a heavy door. Your brow furrowed, wondering why he would be coming here. 
Step after familiar step you took until you eventually came to a standstill on the roof.
Behind you, the heavy door slammed close but it sounded different than usual. Something metal crashed into it, denting it by the sounds of it, and it wasn’t until you turned around that you found Bakugou’s vermilion eyes boring into yours.
The wind was stronger up here and you pinned your arms down to your side, knowing full well from experience how mortifying it would be if your skirt decided to flip up right now.
“What the fuck are you doing up here?” He snapped angrily.
To his surprise, you didn’t look the least bit fazed by his outburst.
“I live here.” You responded nonchalantly, undeterred by his characteristic abrasiveness. 
If Bakugou was startled at that revelation, he didn’t show it. If anything, he looked even more irked, though you didn’t know why. He didn’t have any reason to suspect you of lying but in this world, it was safer to be skeptical than sorry.
However, you hadn’t given him one reason to doubt you the entire year you’ve known him. Not one.
So if anything, he trusted you more than the majority of the rats in his rundown city and just as much as his small circle of extras. 
Picking your way past him carefully since the roof didn’t have a safety rail, you made your way towards the curtained tent hiding behind the generator. Pushing the tattered material back, you showed him the bedroll and small table set up with a few bottles of water, a case of beer and a worn book. 
Bakugou’s mouth dropped open but he recovered quickly so by the time you turned back around, he had the same indifferent, kind of irritated look on his face.
Then, he was a bit at a loss of what to do. It wasn’t often he was faced with the dilemma of being wrong so blatantly. Should he apologize? Even when he didn’t say anything but the thought that you were crazy ran through his head? Should he apologize for something you weren’t even aware of?
Nah, fuck that.
You gingerly took a seat at the edge of the roof, leaning back on your hands as your legs dangled. Patting the spot next to you invitingly, a soft smile curved on the corners of your mouth as he grumbled but came over anyway. He plopped down on your right side and you took a moment to study him. 
He looked exhausted, spirit whittled down to the bone until there was nothing left for him to salvage. His eyes were bloodshot and the beer bottle in his hand probably wasn’t doing any favors for him.
Glancing at him out of the corner of your eyes, you asked worriedly, “You okay?”
He huffed in annoyance at your question.
“Fine.” He ground out through clenched teeth and you shut your mouth.
Bakugou clearly wasn’t looking to talk but you yearned to help. You wanted to be there for him. 
Kirishima hadn’t told you much, only that the incident that took Bakugou’s arm happened a long time ago and wasn’t something he liked to relive. 
You didn’t push it. You had your own share of traumatic experiences in this god-forsaken place and hated nothing more than being forced to talk about by a well meaning friend. So you understood it well. 
Instead of pushing the topic, you sat with him in silence. You didn’t ask why he walked away from the party or why it looked like he was drowning himself in his sorrows to forget something, you just offered him a quiet place to sit, with the company of yours truly.
Fate was flawed. You knew that ever since you were born.
The warped sense of justice that the city had was suffocating. People were put away in prison only to be left to rot with no chance of redemption. Those that made it out were casted out to the underground with no hope to see the light. 
Combatants-for-hire wasn’t an unusual job to take on in the ruined city. All Might knew you too had been mixed up in some shit. 
But it was what made you strong in the end.
“I’m here.” Was all you said softly, staring out at the city lights that were especially illuminating tonight.
Thanks to the heavy pollution, the stars could no longer be seen with the naked eye so this was the closest thing you could get to those twinkling lights raised high in the sky. 
“It’s funny.”
You tilted your head towards him as he spoke and was a bit surprised to find him looking directly back at you with an expression you couldn’t quite decipher. 
His eyes were a little dazed, probably from the alcohol, but he looked a little more grounded than he did a minute ago.
Bakugou chuckled but it was short and grated against your ears for a second.
It was mocking.
He tipped his head back, downing the rest of his drink before harshly wiping his mouth with the back of his hand while he crushed the bottle in his metal fist.
Leaning over, he let go and let the shiny crystals plummet to the ground below. 
You smiled faintly, watching how they sparkled. It looked so pretty. 
Sitting back down, Bakugou mimicked your posture and huffed out a dry laugh. “Out of all the shitty extras in the world, you would be the only one to fucking get through to me.”
Your puzzlement must’ve shown through his alcohol-induced haze because the next thing you knew was that he teetered to the side as he lost control of his equilibrium and careened into you.
Out of reflex, you caught him and gasped at the temperature difference as his cold metal arm pressed against you. You could feel it through the thin fabric of your dress and latched onto it when he moved to pull away.
“Sorry.” Bakugou slurred curtly as he gathered his bearings and tried to detangle you from him. 
But his coordination wasn’t the best and he was growing more and more frustrated when you wouldn’t let go.
He snarled. “Let go.”
You shook your head firmly. “You could fall.”
Oh yeah. You two were on the roof. 
This was a bad idea. 
He didn’t know how he ended up here with you but he needed to leave. Immediately. 
Bakugou stumbled to his feet, somehow managing to lose his way halfway to the door and face-planted in something that smelled faintly of lavender. Snuggling into the soft thing that was rubbing against his face, his brow furrowed in annoyance as you giggled at him.
“You have to take me out on a date first if you want that.” You teased lightly and he immediately sat up as he realized he had crashed in your bed.
He scrambled upright, nearly falling over again in his haste. “Fuck, I’m—”
“It’s alright, Katsuki.” You reassured nonchalantly, coming down to sit beside him, but not close enough where your legs were touching.
Bakugou’s mouth twitched at the sound of his first name but his eyes softened the barest bit and he didn’t fight against it. 
Before he met you, he hated his name. It was a reminder that the place he came from was from a lab, cooked up like some sort of sick science experiment to fulfill a role in society that was chosen by some prick who had money.
It was a reminder that he wasn’t real. That he was expendable to all those bastards that ran the world.
But when you used it, when you spoke it with such tentative curiosity and genuine concern, he didn’t feel so unimportant anymore.
“Fuck.” Bakugou breathed as you leaned closer to examine his face.
Your forehead creased in worry and you raised a hand to his head to check his temperature to make sure he wasn’t running a fever. “Are you feeling alright?”
Squeaking when he suddenly grabbed your hand, you gasped in shock when he tugged you towards him. 
You crashed into his chest and your cheeks flushed hotly as his chiseled form honed from years of training molded against your front. 
His arm wrapped around your shoulders and it took a second to realize that his metal arm was planted firmly on the ground, keeping the two of you steady. 
But when you reached out your fingers to brush against it, he ripped away from you.
You pulled back immediately, apology weighing in your gaze as your eyes flicked away from him. “I’m sorry, I—”
“It’s fucking hideous.”
You balked at his tenor. “W-What?!”
Bakugou looked away from you, his gaze fixed on the ground behind you as he rested his chin on top of your head, stubbornly refusing to look you in the eye as you breathed steadily against the base of his neck.
You were warm. Delicate.
He didn’t expect someone like you to understand.
His vermilion eyes were shadowed by the ghosts of his past that continued to haunt him and he sighed heavily, curling his arm around you tighter. He didn’t want to let you go just let but he didn’t know why you weren’t pushing him away. 
Your soft voice rang out. “Katsuki, what do you mean? It’s not hideous at all.”
He clicked his tongue but otherwise didn’t verbalize his disagreement. 
“How could someone like you possibly understand this shit?” He spat but you didn’t recoil like he was half hoping you would.
At least then he would have an excuse to leave, under the guise that he had upset you. But you didn’t do any of that. 
Too fucking precious. Always saw the good in everything just like that shitty nerd. 
You closed your eyes in defeat. “No… I suppose I can’t.”
You didn’t quite understand him. 
The bite in his tone sounded like you had hit too close to home, and yet, his thumb was absentmindedly running over the satin of your dress that he had bought you, your side heating up under his chest and warmth bloomed from your heart.
And yet, he wasn’t pushing you away.
Leaning down, you rested your forehead against his shoulder, your heart beating too loud for your own ears. “You don’t have to say anything, but I know what it feels like to be an outcast too.”
Bakugou eyed you cautiously, wondering if this was some sort of trick because he was drunk and definitely not as attentive as normally but your tone was open.
“Yeah, maybe you do.” He scoffed, scorning you under his breath. “Maybe you don’t. It doesn’t fucking matter to me.”
“Maybe it doesn’t.” You whispered, tracing patterns on his chest as your head lolled to the side to gaze at him with complete vulnerability. “But just know that you aren’t alone.”
Bakugou whipped his head around as you stared at him. Didn’t you get it already? He didn’t want to fucking taint you with all of this shit that went on down here.
He didn’t want to tell you that he had to settle tinkering with whatever scrap metal he could find in the junkyard just to make his left arm operational again, didn’t want to tell you that the government had offered him a real replacement prosthetic but at the cost of becoming one of their combatants fighting in a war he never chose and as a result, he was casted to the side when something went wrong.
He had lost everything. 
The second he had been tossed out on the street, he had come crawling back to Kiko, a spunky little girl a part of the UA orphanage in the east, one of the ones that Mic funneled money towards to fund their food and supply them with fresh water every three days.
The girl, no more than ten at the time, with her dirty blonde pigtails sticking out on either side of her lopsided head, had been born with a unique appearance.
The officials called it a defect, as though they were talking about an object of mass production.
Fucking disgusting.
It never seemed to bother the girl though, and she often claimed that she was tougher than all those men in fancy suits. Bakugou liked her spirit already.
Kiko had had this habit of tracing her stubby little fingers all over the scars from his fights whenever he came to visit and it had been her idea to forgo a realistic prosthetic from the corporation that was looking to hire him and just go out, full badass, just like Bucky in the Winter Soldier.
It was her favorite movie but Bakugou claimed he had absolutely no idea where she learned that kind of language from. 
He had chuckled and patted her on the head at the time, swearing to hell and back that there was no fucking way he was going to build a metal arm. He would scare the kids if he did that, not to mention, full-grown adults.
But Kiko simply bounded over to him and beamed up at him like nothing was wrong in the world. It was fucking contagious, begging for him to at least consider it, selling the point of how cool it would look.
“You would be a superhero, Bakugou!!” She cheered, raising her hands up high, demanding for him to lift her up even though she wasn’t five anymore. “And you could save everybody, just like you want to!!”
He never got a chance to show her the finished product. Would she have liked it? Would she run around, screaming in his shitty apartment as she played with it when he detached it for cleaning? Would she try to hit him over the head with it when she thought he wasn’t looking like the cheeky brat he knew that she was?
Bakugou could hear her squeals of excitement so vividly some nights that he woke up from his terror of that night, soaked in cold sweat from a memory of the girl he had failed to save.
Defeated and overwhelmed by his circumstances after being rejected by the very people who sought him out because of his talent, he had ventured to the orphanage that night and on a whim, demanded her to live with him. He would take care of her, protect her, teach her things that she couldn’t learn from anyone else.
The widest smile he had ever seen stretched across Kiko’s face and she accepted his demands with eyes tearing up with joy. 
He vowed to protect her. 
He failed. 
He had an unsettled score with the government officials he had upset on his way out from the lab that day they told him he had been scraped from the program. 
The enraged fighter went on a rampage, tearing down anything in his path and clearing out the experiment rooms, offering freedom and a second chance to anyone willing and brave enough to take it. 
And as a result, many took him up on his offer and fled that place with white walls and food too bland to actually be considered nutritious.
There was no doubt about it. He pissed them off the day he saved the others.  
They had come for her and taken her last year on his birthday as revenge for freeing those they were experimenting on. He found a crumpled, poorly wrapped, newspaper covered package lost in the clutter of his apartment when he got home.
The creaking old door that kept out winter drafts had caved in, signifying that it had broken in with considerable force, and Kiko was gone.
That crushed gift hidden under the stairwell was the only thing that remained of her.
Inside, there was a small metal pin in the shape of an explosion. For his personality. Corny, but the little girl was simple-minded and liked the sentiment she found in things that she repurposed. 
Bakugou always thought it was fucking weird but he hadn’t taken it off ever since that day. 
The metal plates of his arm glided, clinking together softly as the polished steel lifted to trace your jaw, the pin visible on the inside of his wrist.
To keep her close to him always.
He had stormed their stronghold but by the time he got there, they were gone. Everything.
Every vial, all the equipment, every single one of the samples and officials had disappeared into thin air. 
Bakugou had tried everything to track Kiko down, paying off the highest crime organizations to get more eyes out on the street but nothing worked. She was gone.
And she wasn’t ever going to come back.
You were silent when he finished telling you his depressing life story, sure you were bored to death but when he started to get up, he found that he couldn’t get very far with you draped over his body like this.
Bakugou had a fleeting thought that you had fallen asleep while he had been lamenting and rehashing every depressing detail from his past but he noticed the stuttering rise and fall of your back.
Well, at least you weren’t asleep, but now he didn’t know how to feel when he had told you all of that and you had yet to say anything.
“I know you don’t want pity.” You whispered into his shoulder.
He raised an eyebrow but waited for you to continue.
“I know there’s nothing that I can say that would make the pain go away or bring Kiko back,” You said softly. “But I’m here for you.”
Bakugou pressed his cheek against your hair and inhaled your sweet scent, closing his eyes as an unseen weight lifted from off of his shoulders. 
“Thank you.” He murmured quietly with great difficulty. 
You smiled slightly, glad that you were able to provide him with a little bit of comfort. “Anytime.”
The two of you stayed entwined for a few more moments, time stretching as he held onto you, soaking up your soothing presence while you relaxed against his hold.
“Katsuki?” You called quietly when he still didn’t let go after five more minutes.
Tightening his arm around you, he frowned when you struggled in his grip. 
“Stop fucking moving.” He demanded and you ceased fighting in favor of pulling back to flick him on the forehead. “Oi, did you just fucking flick me?!”
“Yes.” You replied bluntly, snickering when he rolled his eyes. 
There he was.
Bakugou protested hotly when you pushed down his arms to untangle from him but you shushed him with a giggle, leaning back to open the box of beer by your bed, grabbing two bottles and fishing for something from underneath your pillow
In the underground city where liquor was the only thing that was plentiful, you would take what you could get. 
Bakugou caught the beer that you threw at him in midair with an expression a mix between annoyance that you tossed it at his face and gratitude that you knew how he needed another drink after that tale. 
“What the fuck is that for?” He scoffed, pointing to the roll of gauze in your hand. “You get a papercut or some shit?”
You rolled your eyes in disbelief, failing to notice how his eyes raked over you to look for any kind of injury you might be hiding from him, and held it up to him. “No, but it looks like you did.”
He almost spilled his beer that he just popped the lid off of, mouth furrowing in a deep-seated frown when he followed your gaze and landed on the cuts on his knuckles from the fight that happened earlier that night.
“Fuck.” He cursed, setting down the beer hard to wipe up the blood.
He hadn’t even known when he got hurt. 
But he didn’t even get started on tending to it when your gentle hands wrapped around his and you took over for him. 
“Here.” You murmured, pouring some water onto a clean cloth and dabbing carefully at his cuts. “Let me.”
“You’re fucking weird.” Bakugou grumbled but allowed you to take over. 
Your touch was so much lighter than the rough pads of his fingers. He was always too impatient whenever he had to patch himself up, jerking at the bandages to get them to lay flat when they wouldn’t cooperate.
It was a fucking pain to stop the bleeding when his shitty fingers fumbled with it. It was a trip to hell and back every single time he had to attend to wounds he got from boxing.
Your nose scrunched up in concentration as you finished cleaning the area before securely wrapping the soft cotton around his knuckles.
“There.” You declared in satisfaction, sitting back on your knees.
Admiring your handiwork with an unreadable expression, it was a second before Bakugou nodded begrudgingly with thanks.
“It’s not complete shit.” 
You giggled. “Thanks.”
He picked back up his drink and took a swig.
Offering up yours, you hid your surprise when he actually recognized the gesture and clinked his glass against yours.
The distinct hum from the music in the establishment below filtered up to the roof, filling the silence and the occasional echo of steel grating against each other. The low lights were pleasant and the ambiance was soothing as you two drank away the night.
You shivered, catching a chill as the night air blew by, but before you could reach for your blanket, Bakugou was tucking you in his side. 
“Get over here, dumbass.” He mumbled, turning his face away so that you wouldn’t see his blush. “You’re gonna get fucking sick.”
You noticed how he still kept your metal arm away from you. That wound was still too fresh and somehow you had a feeling that no matter how much time would pass, things would never quite be the same again.
Playing with the hem of your dress, you smiled softly. “But I wanted to wear it today, it was a special occasion.”
Special occasion his ass. It was fucking freezing out here and all you were wearing was that summer dress. His brow knitted as you puffed out your cheeks, breath visible, and he wasn’t so sure he wanted to leave you out here when it was so cold out.
“I’m sorry.” Bakugou apologized quietly as you lost interest in toying with the pale blue satin and folded your hands neatly in your lap.
At your questioning gaze, he suppressed the urge to roll his eyes but heat crept up his neck.
“For storming out on the celebration you planned, dumbass.” He grumbled, flicking you on the forehead in a similar fashion hat you had done earlier.
Whining, you held onto your forehead as you made an exaggeration of pain. He rolled his eyes at your antics and you giggled, snuggling further into his side.
“You’re warm.” You mused.
Bakugou scowled, cheeks still pink from the embarrassment tingling through his whole body. “Oi, are you fucking ignoring m—”
“Of course not.” You retorted, pinching his side in retaliation for the flick he gave you before your voice dropped a little. “It’s just— There isn’t anything you need to apologize for. I understand.”
Those words, they were so simple and yet, warmth bloomed in his chest from how they fell from your lips. 
And he could see that you were truly genuine.
He had rejected your kindness earlier when Kirishima had told him you had planned out all of this for him. He had never quite been accustomed to generously that lacked a price or some kind of condition.
Then again, he had never met someone quite like you. 
As you rested against his shoulder, Bakugou took the empty beer bottle from you and placed it on the other side of him so that you didn’t break it and cut yourself when you woke up from your little nap.
He gazed out into the city that had caused him so much misery and wondered how it was even possible for someone like you to exist.
Birthdays, he still hated them, but maybe, just maybe, he could start to heal.
It would start by telling that old man that you fucking needed a new place to sleep that wasn’t the goddamn roof.
It was a good thing he knew just the place you could go.
Brushing back the hair out of your eyes, he allowed a small smile to form on his face as you breathed softly, evenly and he smirked against the top of your head as a thought crossed his mind. And even though he knew you couldn’t hear him, he still murmured quietly.
“How do you feel about seagulls and sand, princess?”
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Moving On - Master List
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AO3 Link (Wolffe x OC) - COMPLETED
Fresh Start  
One step forward 
The First Mile
Once Around the Block
Marching On
It’s Over Pt. 3 
One Year
Under the Weather
70 notes · View notes
loopy777 · 5 years
What are some of the worst Star Wars novels you've ever read? Surely there must be quite a few badly written ones out there you've had the misfortune of reading.
Most Star Wars novels are, honestly, just merely okay. I’m thinking of the core of the Bantam run, during the 90′s, when Luke, Leia, and Han were saving the galaxy from some random Imperial warlord weilding a random superweapon. I wouldn’t say those stories ever descended into being formulaic, but they were like episodes of a TV show, with the broad strokes always being pretty much the same, but for some reason expanded into an entire novel- or worse, a trilogy of novels. I think the worst of the lot is probably “The Black Fleet Crisis,” with its three unrelated plots. I always enjoyed it much more when we got stories about other characters, with smaller stakes, because those had the freedom to do interesting things.
Ironically, the worst Star Wars books are the ones that tried to shake this formula up. I’m talking, of course, about the ‘New Jedi Order’ series and its sequels.
But that includes a whopping 37 novels. Which ones are the standout worsts?
Well, the one I absolutely loathe the most is Fate of the Jedi: Apocalypse, by Troy Denning.
It’s excessively violent, both in terms of the shear amount of violence and fighting in the book, as well as descriptiveness. We get vivid descriptions of disembowelings. We also get half the book devoted to the Jedi characters fighting their way up the Jedi Temple against hordes of nameless Sith mooks, to the point where it seemed like a transcription of a storyless video game. Worst of all, the Jedi glorify in the violence and death. There’s not even a false note of regret. Instead, we have Jaina Solo gleefully making a joke about how her sabotage of a high-speed transport tube means that the Sith attempting to use are going to become a “goo fountain.” There’s also the casual deaths of billions, perhaps trillions of people when Coruscant is devastated by some kind of volcanic disaster, but no one reacts much to that. It’s just numbing, and robs it all of any sense of victory. This is the book I think of when I say that Legends had Luke Skywalker turning the Jedi into a new Sith Order, founded on death and rivalry.
What little plot the book has railroads the characters to conclusions of subplots and storyarcs that don’t have any sense of fulfillment. One character is a girl raised in a Sith culture who decides that, in a gag-worthy storyline that ties her change of heart to a forced romance with Luke’s son Ben Skywalker, she’d rather be a Jedi instead of a Sith because it comes with people not trying to kill you all the time. I’ll ignore what happened in the previous novels, because this one does, too. In this book, she still wants to be a Jedi but has started to resign herself to the fact that might just be too evil. Instead of really making a choice, she actually winds up in a situation where she just pretends to rejoin the Sith, but then the good guys catch her doing that, assume she’s really evil, and try to kill her. That’s it, she figures she can never go back, and devotes herself to accumulating power and killing whoever stands in her way. It’s so weird and decoupled from the character herself, almost an anti-climax to the previous 7 books of focus on her. Never mind how un-StarWarsy it is, but Denning has said that was the point.
I guess it’s reflective of the greater theme of the book, which Luke Skywalker sums up at the end in plain words at the end: the galaxy and the Force are meant to be embroiled in never-ending conflict, and the Force is only in balance when there are both Jedi and Sith to make eternal war on each other.
And that’s when I quit reading books in that continuity about Luke Skywalker. I have never read the novel Crucible, also written by Troy Denning and set after Apocalypse, nor will I ever. I’m still confident, though, that even with Disney’s sequel trilogy having ended on a soulless, stupid note, it’s still better than how the Fate of the Jedi series ended.
So, that was a good rant. XD
What other books really stand out to me?
Well, I think the book that starts off the New Jedi Order, Vector Prime by R A Salvatore, is very weak and sabotages everything that comes after. It has a meandering plot that tries to introduce new readers to the continuity-heavy setting while also flubbing every single continuity reference it makes. That’s quite a feat. It also has a lot of heavy-handed commentary, both in the themes and actual character dialogue, about how everything is NEW and DIFFERENT and DANGEROUS and THERE ARE NO ‘CHARACTER SHIELDS’ ANYMORE SO ANYONE CAN DIE. Chewbacca dies in this book, and it’s an obvious stunt, but only one other major characters dies in the whole 23-book series, and it’s not one of the sacred movie characters, so the Character Shields still wound up in place. And I still think the Vong aliens are dumb, teenage-edgelord garbage in their evil pain-worship, combined with implausible biotech. Even in the Star Wars setting, I have trouble imagining organic spaceships that can generate black holes as casual pinpoint-defense shields. Like, if they can do that, why are they shooting lava-balls like lasers? Never mind the snake-whips their warriors wield that can harden at will to the point where they can deflect lightsaber blades. It’s all so dumb, but taken so seriously! Actually, that’s a good descriptor of the NJO series as a whole. There are some decent books in there, but they’re still saddled with this dumb context.
I think I also kind of hate Legacy of the Jedi: Sacrifice, by Karen Traviss. It’s a fairly boring book that, like most of Traviss’s stuff (I think she wrote 2.5 good books, overall, out of 9), feigns sophistication by focusing on sad mercenaries hanging out on farms while failing to say anything more interesting than, “Finding something to live and fight for is good.” It has a dumb subplot where Jacen Solo, son of Han and Leia (and Kylo Ren’s more boring AU counterpart), takes over the Republic by getting a lawyer droid to sneak a loophole into a security bill that lets him declare himself king of the galaxy. Seriously. So much for Palpatine’s decades-spanning manipulations! And the books ends with a railroading of Mara Jade so that she can die to raise the stakes in the story (and so that her male family members, Luke and Ben, can be sad and angry for the rest of the series). It gets even weirder with how it’s juxtapositioned with Boba Fett recovering his eternally young hot ex-wife (established in a comic that wasn’t even in continuity before that) as a reward for realizing that family probably matters a little. You can see where the claims might come from that Traviss favors the clone-related characters a little too much.
So yeah, those are the three books that really make me cringe when I remember them.
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ooh! Colorblind soulmate au with Loginceit (Logan x Roman x Deceit) if it isnt too much?
Warnings: Crying, bullying, self doubt
Pairings: Loginceit
Word Count: 1.2k
When Roman and Logan met, how could they have known that the coloured burst they saw wasn’t the whole experience? They’d heard all their lives that Soulmates started to see colour when they met, so when they’d accidentally brushed hands in class a year ago–they’d been in physics together for months but never talked to each other–it never occured to them that they didn’t get the whole spectrum of colour. As far as they were concerned, this was exactly what every Soulmate saw.
So, of course, they paid no attention to the new student that showed up the following year. He was tucked into himself, kept away from others, and would hiss at anyone that got close. Logan and Roman didn’t know his name, but they’d heard him called Krueger on multiple occasions. Though, it was impossible to tell if it was his actual name, or if it was a cruel nickname that came from the scar covering the left half of his face.
For the most part, everyone just started to ignore him. It seemed that was what he wanted.
Kreuger was left on his own for nearly the whole year. It wasn’t until a gym class that he finally talked to Roman. He’d tripped, bashing his head against the ground. Everyone went silent, watching Roman struggle to get up, and Kreuger scoffed and rolled his eyes.
“Are you idiots just going to stand there?” he growled. He marched over to Roman and knelt down, carefully touching his shoulder to try and help him up, when a burst of colour caused him to recoil. Roman looked terrified, staring up at Kreuger with big eyes. 
Kreuger couldn’t help noticing that Roman’s eyes were a gorgeous green. But something seemed off. Why was so much still grey?
Before either of them could say anything, the gym coach walked up and pushed Kreuger back so he could help Roman, who could hardly hear what the coach was saying as he glanced over his shoulder to watch the scared eyes of Kreuger retreating before he turned tail and ran back into the school.
“Do you want me to come over after school?”
“No, I don’t want you to get sick. I’ll be fine, Logy bear.”
“You’ve been away for almost a week now. I’m not so sure that you’re getting better. Have you been resting? Do you have medicine?”
Roman’s heart sinks. It hurts him to hide from Logan, he cares so much. But he needs to figure this out. He needs to come to a conclusion before he can talk to either of them. Normally Logan would help him with his problems, but he couldn’t go to Logan right now.
Why had Kreuger made him see more colours? Nothing was grey anymore.
Roman starts at Logan’s voice, snapping him out of his thoughts. “Wha–er, I didn’t hear you. I was spacing out.”
On the other end, Logan lets out a sigh. “Roman, I’m so worried about you.” His voice is breaking. “And there’s something I need to talk about with you–”
“I need to go, Lo. My, uh, my mom’s calling.” Roman fumbles with the phone, pressing the button to cut off the call. He knew that if he talked any longer with Logan, he would start telling him everything. He doesn’t want Logan to get mad. He buries his face in his hands, letting out a long breath. Logan’s going to be mad anyways, isn’t he?
Roman cursed himself for his feelings. Ever since that new burst of colour, he couldn’t stop his thoughts from wandering to Kreuger. He’d been worried about him. He’d wanted to help him when he fell. A small smile forces its way onto Roman’s lips, and he has to strain to keep it away. 
He feels like a freak. Who has two Soulmates? Was Logan going to break up with him? Is that what he was talking about? Did he not see the colours anymore? Was it Roman’s fault?
Roman didn’t even know he fell asleep until he was woken up by the sound of a door. He ignored it, his brother probably just got home. When a knock came at his door, he rolled his eyes and scoffed. “What do you want, Remy?”
“Roman?” It was Logan. Roman held his breath. “Roman, I’m coming in.”
"No, wait, why are you–”
Roman stared helplessly at the doorway as Logan opened the door and came in. “Roman…” he hardly started talking and Roman burst into tears. Logan knelt by him, holding him to his chest as Roman cried. “It’s okay Roman, everything’s alright.”
“No, no it’s not!” Roman sobs. “I think… I think I’m… broken,” he hiccups. “Last week, I-I, I didn’t mean to, h-he–” here it comes, all spilling out, Logan’s going to hate him. “I-I got hurt, and Kreuger came over to help me, and–”
“I know about that,” Logan murmurs. “And he prefers to be called Emery.”
Roman nearly stopped crying in his confusion. He looks up to see another bleary form in his doorway, and he can see the telltale scar. His heart skips and he can swear it stops for a second too as he walks into the room. Emery… Roman finally knows his name.
“But… but I thought you’d be mad… I thought you would hate me. When Emery touched me,” the new name was awkward on is tongue, but he didn’t dare use the cruel nickname that no doubt would hurt him, “I… I saw more colours. Everything used to be weird. There was grey in some places and colour in others, and then Emery… he made me see all of them.” More tears pushed at Roman’s eyes, and he forced them back.
Logan smiled softly. “He made me see them all too.”
Roman lifts his eyes to meet Emery’s. He stands timidly in the doorway, the look in his eyes hopeful as he watches Roman’s lips twitch into a grin. He had to admit, Emery was very handsome when he smiled. When he wasn’t reclusive and closed off, when he let himself be around others.
“That can… happen?” Roman asked. Logan smiled wide and nodded.
“We did research. What happened when you and I met… we only got part of our colour. There are plenty of people who have multiple Soulmates, and they see all of their colour after meeting them all. Emery made us complete.” He lifts his head, turning to meet Emery’s eyes, who smiles down, that hopeful glint still in his eyes, like he’s so close to victory, but still scared that Roman might reject him.
“I was really worried that I broke something,” Emery finally says. It’s almost a shock. This is only the second time that Roman had heard his voice and they were Soulmates. “I thought I took away your colours to see my own, because I still saw a lot of grey. When I went to Logan to apologize, and to ask him how to fix it… that’s when we figured it out.”
Roman slowly pushed the covers off of him and stood up. Emery flinches, like he’s scared that Roman will hit him, but he walks up and wraps his arms around Emery instead. He looks shocked for a moment before tucking his face into Roman’s neck, hands balling up in his shirt. 
After spending his life thinking he was unlovable, Emery had two Soulmates.
Send me a Soulmate AU prompt!
My Other Fics
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sanjuno · 6 years
Could you please list out the various au!ideas you have at some point? I really want to find a certain one every now and then but then have trouble remembering what you called it
You asked for this…
An incomplete AU Master List for Sanjuno’s Ficwork:
1.1.  Coordinates T by H: Eren’s coordinatorabilities allow him to metaphysically bond with other humans, thereby givingeveryone in the group the ability to psychically communicate with the rest andalso boosting everyone’s healing ability exponentially to be on par with theTitan Shifters. Chaptered, WIP
2.    BLEACH
2.1. What Happens on Vacation: Crossoverwith YYH – turns out that Kurosaki Misaki was a senior ferry girl on sabbatical(which translates as living a mortal life unaware of her true nature) and shewas late returning to work due to being trapped in Grand Fishers gut. Ichigoand Uryuu are very confused when their “cousin” Kazuma shows up to introducehis new bride to the family. Koenma is just really pissed off by all the paperworkhe needs to deal with while cleaning up his father’s mismanaged pet project. WIP
3.1.  A Code of Ice and Fire: Crossover withGOT – Lelouch, his two younger siblings, and Lelouch’s most loyal followers arereincarnated into Westeros. Lelouch proceeds to make it his lifelong mission todrive Cersei into frothing fits and strengthens the Baratheon dynasty to thepoint that even Tywin is impressed by his grandson’s machinations. Then CCshows up with dragons and Ned Stark starts to think that maybe Robert’s ontosomething with the “drinking to forget” idea. Meta
3.2.  Abandon Thyself: Post-Zero RequiemSuzaku travels back in time to the scene in the Shinjuku Ghettos when the truckexplodes. Given that the people closest to him haven’t actually spoken to Suzakuin years, the origins of Suzaku’s obvious mental instability is hilariouslymisattributed by various outside PoVs. So when Suzaku hits his knees in frontof Lelouch, swearing eternal devotion and vowing to make Lelouch the next emperornobody panics. (They should really reconsider panicking.) Drabbles, WIP
3.3.  The Sun Also Rises: At the moment ofhis death in the Zero Requiem, Lelouch travels back in time to his childhoodbody. With only a week to go before Marianne is “assassinated by terrorists”Lelouch sets out to rearrange the board in a way none of the other players willsee coming until it’s far too late. Lelouch has been given a second chance tomake things right, and Lelouch wouldn’t be Lelouch if he didn’t plan big. Thistime around, Lelouch plans for his victory to be a bit more obvious. Chaptered, WIP
4.    DCU
4.1.  Time Enough: Terry McGinnis, his littlebrother Matt, and their dogs are the only members of their timeline to survivebecause Bruce Wayne was too old to see any more of his sons die in front of him.So they all got knocked out, shoved into an escape capsule, and ejected fromthe Batman Beyond timeline before it crumbles. Said time pod crashes into themiddle of a Red Hood versus Match throw down, and Terry’s Wayne-inheritedcharisma is so powerful it allows him to banter his way into good graces ofboth villains. Jason drags them all off to his lair because every single memberof the Batfam hoards orphans. Chaptered, WIP
5.1.  Saiyajin Pride: Alien biology has alarger impact on characterization that it does in canon. Mirai comes back to themain timeline live in sin with Videl and Gohan. Vegeta and Goku deal with someshit that comes from being the last full-blooded members of their species. Thenjust as things are settling down… Garlic is an idiot who thinks up a loopholein the “can’t wish people dead” rule and wishes Goku and Vegeta’s familiesstraight out of existence and they end up in an entirely different reality. Theonly upside is that Vegeta finally gets to kill Frieza. Chaptered, WIP
6.1.  Flight Of Dragons: Future!Lucy missesher target and ends up landing further back in time, during the same year Natsuand the rest of the Dragon Slayer kids were brought to when they were pulledforward in time.  Fairy Tail luckkicks in, and future!Lucy runs into child!Laxus as he escapes from his fatherafter being fed the Lightning Dragon Lacrima. Laxus is handed a Prophecy andruns with it. Children have never needed Fairy Tales to tell them that Dragonsexist, but they certainly help. Chaptered,WIP
6.2.  My Heart Overflows: Juvia and Grey havefinally started dating, but the Fairy Tail Mage Guild has some interestingtraditions when it comes to proving the validity of a romantic relationship. Oneshot - Complete
7.1.  A Velvet Glove: Crossover with TMNT –Leonardo gets summoned to be Louise’s Familiar. Since all of his brothers aredead, Leo sees no reason not to make the most of this “lifelong bond of magicand spirit” and adopts Louise as his little sister. Halgenkia is not preparedfor a Louise Francois le Blanc de la Valliere with ninja training. Henrietta isprobably far too gleeful over making her best friend her Spymaster, but it’snot like anyone knows enough about what they’re doing to stop her. Reconquistagets exposed and smashed, and Wardes really should have respected his fiancéemore. Chaptered, WIP
8.1.  A Dirge of Ice and Fire: Crossover withGOT – Several members of Avalanche and the Elite Soldiers are reincarnated asthe spares and bastards of Westeros’ Great Houses. Given that Rhaenys Targaryenused to be Cid Highwind, the Sack of King’s Landing goes very differently. Meta
8.2.  A Feather’s Weight: Crossover withNaruto – Kakashi and Obito, along with their respective subordinates, arereincarnated in Wutai, and are thus in position to undermine a lot of Hojo’splans simply by being themselves. Wutai still loses, but by a much smallermargin, and SHIN-RA realizes much too late that Wutai’s “concession” was atrap. Kakashi is a big shiny distraction for Sephiroth, the SOLDIERS revolt,and nobody knows who assassinated President Shinra. WIP
8.3.  Antiviral: Woden and Gaia conspire tocreate antibodies to fight off Jenova’s infection. Cid and Vincent end upbearing the brunt of this decision, get roofied by Divine Intervention, andalso end up the Gaian equivalent of demonic werewolves. Also the Planet istransforming all the SOLDIERS into werewolves too, yes, even the dead ones. Chaptered, WIP
8.4.  For Love Of: Cid Highwind crashes theTiny Bronco into Lucrecia’s cave, does the metaphysical equivalent of tearingher heart out and eating it to absorb her power, and them proceeds to adoptGeneral Sephiroth as his son because it’s not like anyone can stop him. CidHighwind does what he wants. Sephiroth does what Mother wants. SHIN-RA soonregrets everything because Cid Highwind is a hell of a lot better at rewritingthe social order than Avalanche is. Chaptered,WIP
8.5.  Hindsight is 20-20: CHAOS decides torewrite time because they have a massive crush on Cid and they don’t want himto die. CHAOS fumbles the landing and Cid ends up in the body of some weirdLucrecia/Ancient-Cetra-Who-Was-Jenova’s-Host Clone and ends up giving birth toSephiroth. Things only get worse from there. Chaptered, WIP
8.6.  Like it Rough: Cid likes Vincent a lotand also has a bit of a kink for scars. Cid walks in on Vincent naked, runsaway to hide his raging boner, and Vincent ends up chasing Cid around theairship until he can pin his friend down in the Captain’s bunk because thedemons are all drunk on the pheromones. Oneshot- Complete
8.7.  Names of Power: Jenova’s taintgetting mixed into the Lifestream has far-reaching consequences, and Avalanchegets tapped to handle the fallout whither they like it or not. WIP
8.7.1.    SmallPackages: The Lifestream meddles in Avalanches lives even after the Planethas been saved. There are clones and ancient powers better off left alone butit’s not like Avalanche ever gets a say in the matter.
8.7.2.    HistoryInverted: Jenova isn’t all the way gone and the Planet really doesn’t careif Humanity survives or not as long as the infection is burned away. Aerithshoves the spirits of Avalanche and their children into a new timeline becauseshe doesn’t want to watch their souls get shredded. Avalanche proceeds to moseyalong and wreak havoc in the way only they can manage.
8.8.  To Earn the Sky: Echidna, Mother ofMonsters and Heroes, and Jenova, the Calamity From the Skies, are at war. Hojomakes a very big mistake when he uses the Blood of Echidna’s Children in hisRevenant Project. Cid Highwind is a good son, and his Mother wants to meet hernew Grandchildren.
9.1.  A Light of Ice and Fire: Crossover withFFVX – Noctis, his Retinue, and the loyal members of the Kingsglaive andCrownsguard are reincarnated into Westeros. Jorah Mormont is Cor Leonis, but CorLeonis is not Jorah Mormont, and so the Northern Forces are something to fearin Robert’s Rebellion. By the time King Robert visits Winterfell, it will be avery different Northern Kingdom that he finds there.
10.1.              CrossoverFixits to Help Westeros be Less Miserably Doomed: Various casts fromother series end up reborn in Westeros and use knowledge from their previouslives to change the Game. Meta
10.1.1. An Assemblage of Ice and Fire:Crossover with MCU – Team Iron Man focus, since Tony is reincarnated as NedStark. Starks are made of Iron, and Winter is coming. Tony’s genius intellect,knowledge of politics and economics, experience with magic and alternaterealities, and the fact that Extremis carried over through his reincarnationand adapted to work with First Man magic means that the Stark siblings who goto the Tourney of Harrenhal are nothing like the canon versions. Rhaegar getshis Stark bride, and he proceeds to regret it for the rest of his life.
10.1.2. A Balance of Ice and Fire: Crossoverwith SW – Qui-Gon Jinn’s three Padawan Learners and Padme (who got taken inAnakin’s place) are reincarnated as the Tyrell siblings. They proceed to followthe Will of the Force and prepare the Seven Kingdoms to win against the LongNight.
10.1.3. A Code of Ice and Fire: Crossover withCG – Lelouch, his two younger siblings, and Lelouch’s most loyal followers arereincarnated into Westeros. Lelouch proceeds to make it his lifelong mission todrive Cersei into frothing fits and strengthens the Baratheon dynasty to thepoint that even Tywin is impressed by his grandson’s machinations. Then CCshows up with dragons and Ned Stark starts to think that maybe Robert’s ontosomething with the “drinking to forget” thing.
10.1.4. A Dirge of Ice and Fire: Crossover withFFVII – Several members of Avalanche and the Elite Soldiers are reincarnated asthe spares and bastards of Westeros’ Great Houses. Given that Rhaenys Targaryenused to be Cid Highwind, the Sack of King’s Landing goes very differently.
10.1.5. A Dying Will of Ice and Fire: Crossoverwith KHR – The Tri-Ni-Sette holders and all those bonded to them arereincarnated into Westeros Noble Houses. Xanxus is born as Robert’s eldesttrueborn son and Heir to the Iron Throne, and so all it takes is one look atthe Wall to know that there is something to fear on the other side. Tsuna isbusy swooning over Arya’s muscles but in-between reciting odes to his amazingbetrothed he takes time to tell Nono’s ghost “I told you Xanxus would make thebetter Heir.”
10.1.6. A Light of Ice and Fire: Crossover withFFVX – Noctis, his Retinue, and the loyal members of the Kingsglaive andCrownsguard are reincarnated into Westeros. Jorah Mormont is Cor Leonis, butCor Leonis is not Jorah Mormont, and so the Northern Forces are something tofear in Robert’s Rebellion. By the time King Robert visits Winterfell, it willbe a very different Northern Kingdom that he finds there.
10.1.7. A Space Between Ice and Fire: Crossoverwith Naruto WCE – The Konoha Founders and their siblings are reincarnated asStarks and Baratheons and manage to save the Realms of Men while resolvingtheir many and varied issues with one another.
10.1.8. A Transformation of Ice and Fire: Crossoverwith TFG1 – Most of the Cybertronians who died during Unicron’s Awakening endup reincarnated as dragons (Seekers) and Direwolves (Autobots). The sapience ofthe animals causes significant changes to outcome of several key canon events.
10.2.             SingingIn A Different Key: SI is reborn as Jon Snow, who then precedes toMachiavelli the fuck out of the North in preparation for the coming Long Nightand also to screw over the Lannisters. Because fuck the Lannisters. WIP
10.3.              Wolf AtThe Door: When Ice takes the head of Eddard Stark, Valeryian magic mixeswith the Blood of the First Men. It’s wild, uncontrolled, and Ned ends up as afour year old in Winterfell’s Godswood, staring at his reflection in the water.Eddara Stark, second-born child and first-born daughter of Rikard and LyarraStark looks back up at him. Ned, fully believing that this is his punishmentfor failing his family and best friend the first time around, decides to fixthe Realm by fulfilling the Pact of Fire and Ice. The thing about being a womanis that no one ever expects you to be a threat, not even other women. The thingabout being the Quiet Wolf is that everyone overlooks you until the moment yourteeth sink into their throat. Meta inDevelopment
11. GetBackers
12.1.              The OtherSide of the River: One of the Jagermonsters manages to catch wind ofLucrecia’s plans and absconds with Klaus Barry during the confusion caused by thefirst explosion. This understandably causes some disruption in everyones planswhen KB and his nanny run into Agatha during her time with the Circus. WIP
12.2.              ThreefoldPath: Agatha, Gil, and Tarvek get their brains booted back in time duringthe si vales valeo and decided to run away and join the circus until they’reold enough to take over the world properly. WIP
13. GundamWing
14.1.              Black AsHis Name: Sirius Back lives! Because the Veil dumps his mind-and-soul intothe empty body of his younger self in a world where Walburga Black lost it onher eldest son much earlier in life and Sirius was tortured until he was leftbrain-dead. Arcturus Black is pissed off over the treatment of one of his Heirsand since Sirius’ magic is still intact, names Sirius the Heir to House Blackand proceeds to hold the Heirship over everybody’s heads for spite for as longas Sirius continues to “live”. Everyone in the Black Family is very surprisedwhen the annual shaming ritual disguised as Sirius’ birthday party is crashed. Bynone other than the birthday boy himself. Sirius rolls with it and becomes aTrue Black in the most Marauder manner possible. WIP
14.2.              BlackHunt Under Bloody Skies: Crossover with KHR – Regulus and Sirius both endup dumped into KHR because Death owes them a favour on the Master’s behalf.Things start to get weird after the Arcobaleno curse is broken. Regulus isactually Skull and Sirius is his Sky and they confuse the entire Mafia so much.WIP
15.1.              A Jump ToThe Left Behind: Post game reality has all the races living in a GalacticRepublic, and the Troll Ancestors and Human Guardians all need to team up inorder to solve the mystery of the planetoid-sized meteor that just barreledinto the middle of their busiest spacelane because their names are written allover it. In the process of exploring the meteor they accidently wake up thePlayers and Sprites. Chaos ensues. Meta
15.2.              Pandora’sFinal Gift: A mermaid AU where a Deep Old One gives Eridan (and onlyEridan) the memories of his Game Player Self as a lark. Eridan hits the levelcap for his current reality, freaks out, saves Sollux’s life, and then abscondsas far away from the center of the Empire as he can get. Meta
16. InuYasha
17.1.              A DyingWill of Ice and Fire: Crossover with GOT – The Tri-Ni-Sette holders and allthose bonded to them are reincarnated into Westeros Noble Houses. Xanxus isborn as Robert’s eldest trueborn son and Heir to the Iron Throne, and so all ittakes is one look at the Wall to know that there is something to fear on theother side. Tsuna is busy swooning over Arya’s muscles but in-between recitingodes to his amazing betrothed he takes time to tell Nono’s ghost “I told youXanxus would make the better Heir.”
17.2.              BlackHunt Under Bloody Skies: Crossover with HP – Regulus and Sirius both end updumped into KHR because Death owes them a favour on the Master’s behalf. Thingsstart to get weird after the Arcobaleno curse is broken. Regulus is actuallySkull and Sirius is his Sky and they confuse the entire Mafia so much. WIP
17.3.              BurningSalt Water: Crossover with OP – Xanxus gets dumped onto the Oro Jacksonduring the Pirate King’s last voyage when Nono’s Zero Point goes sideways andhe ends up adopted by Rouge and Roger while he heals. After the executionXanxus ends up raising the ASL trio to take over the Pirate Throne and Ace setsthe Moby Dick on fire when Whitebeard kidnaps him. WIP
17.4.              Cat’sPaws: Uri has seen enough Time Travel bullshit to know how it works, and sowhen Hayato gets himself killed she grabs his soul and flings herself backwardsin time because fuck the timeline this is her human and he’s not allowed toabandon her again. The other Box Animals think it’s a great idea and do thesame with their humans, and this results in the kind of alternate timeline thatgives Byakuran a headache. In other words, Uri creates a timeline where FlameActives are a lot more Alien than they used to be and now everyone thinksYoukai and other myths are real. Chapters,WIP
17.5.              FireShall Waken: All of Nono’s sons are still alive when the Cradle Affair happensand it results in the entire 10th Generation gathering up theirHarmonies, rolling Xanxus into a blanket burrito, and taking off to Japan underassumed names where they proceed to spend the next eight years coddling Tsunaand being spoiled rotten by Nana in return. Meta
17.6.              GremlinsDella Varia: Mammon’s experiments with the Curse have had some odd sideeffects on the Varia. It all comes out during the Ring Battles and the otherArcobaleno are Judging You, Viper. Drabbles
17.7.              Karma,and the Repercussions Thereof: Crossover with Naruto. Legendary Ninjafrom the Elemental Countries get reincarnated into KHR and proceed to adopt allthe Magic Rainbow Fire Children. Nono and Iemitsu suffer.
17.7.1. Karmic Balance: Kakashi and Obito areninja married from the very start because of metaphysical bonding and someminor haunting during their last lives. Between Ninshu Shinobi needing to be inClans and Flame Actives needing to be in Harmonies it does not take long beforethe child stealing begins. Gokudera Kakashi is the best wife and Dokuro Obitorepents, repeatedly and often, while also having the time of his second life.Tsuna loves his Kakashi-sensei and wants to be just like him when he grows up. Chaptered WIP
17.7.2. Karmic Justice: Madara and his brothersare reborn as Fon’s nephews and do not take kindly to the Arcobaleno cursebeing put on one of their relatives. The Hibari Clan proceeds to start huntingfor the Man in the Iron Man en mass. Madara and his brothers hit Namimoriduring Nono’s visit and witness the sealing of Tsunayoshi. They don’t take wellto this either. Things go worse for Tsuna than they do in canon and Madarahunts down Tobirama because he needs the resurrection to be done perfectly.Tsuna loves his Madara-shishou and wants to be just like him when he grows up. Oneshots, WIP     KarmicJustice – Hubris: Madara comes across Xanxus in the ice while investigatingthe Vongola and despite Xanxus being a bit older than the usual target forchild stealing decides to steal him anyway. After resurrecting Tsuna, Madaraand Tobirama’s next project is defrosting Xanxus. WIP     KarmicJustice – Providence: Madara finds Xanxus on the streets while hunting inItaly for the Man in the Iron Mask. Wrath Flame calls to Wrath Flame and Madarainstantly adopts the delightfully savage little boy. Then Namimori happens, andTsuna’s seal gets him temporarily killed, and Xanxus reaches100-year-vengance-plot levels of overprotective big brother. WIP
17.8.              Music ofthe Spheres: Crossover with SM – Post Stars Usagi and Post Vongola InheritanceTsuna are cousins who meet for the first time ever only after the Vongola’senemies kidnap Ikkuko and Shingo. Usagi gets taken into protective custody byher Mafia relatives without being given the chance to say she doesn’t need it.Usagi then proceeds to seduce all the women, charm all the men, and accidentlythrow Iemitsu out the nearest window every time he’s in the same room she is. WIP
17.9.              Overlookingthe Obvious: They say that to truly know someone you need to walk a mile intheir shoes. The adage is proven true rather dramatically when amisappropriated Possession Bullet ends up switching Gokudera and Hibari intoeach other’s bodies. Oneshot
17.10.          Reach ForThe Sky: Kamen Rider Sora and his team are the protectors of Namimoriagainst the invasion of Youma from the dark dimension. Reborn shows up to tutorthe last remaining Vongola Heir and ends up in the middle of a longstandingbattle against the Forces of Evil. Does the World Greatest Hitman have what ittakes to guide the mysterious masked Rider towards his true strength? Staytuned to find out! Oneshots, WIP
17.11.          When theNightingale Sings: Sky Flames are Dragons, and when a Sky is Sealed theyturn into True Dragons once said Seal breaks. Tsuna has the Best TreasuresEver. Reborn is confused but willing to roll with it. Hayato needs to do allthe research. Drabbles, WIP
17.12.          Where theSky Meets the Sea: Crossover with OP – The ASL Trio are reborn as SawadaTsunayoshi’s younger brothers, and the Will of D means they remembereverything. Sawada Iemitsu might once have been Akagami no Shanks and despitelacking his memories knows better than to keep secrets from his wife. (Iemitsudoes keep a lot of secrets from Nono, such as the fact that he has more thanone son.) Iemitsu redirects Xanxus’ attention to the Family traitors, Nononever meets Tsuna, and nobody gets sealed. Then Reborn shows up, and everythingis now on fire. Drabbles, WIP
18. KyouKara Maoh
19.1.              AnAssemblage of Ice and Fire: Crossover with GOT – Team Iron Man focus, sinceTony is reincarnated as Ned Stark. Starks are made of Iron, and Winter iscoming. Tony’s genius intellect, knowledge of politics and economics,experience with magic and alternate realities, and the fact that Extremiscarried over through his reincarnation and adapted to work with First Man magicmeans that the Stark siblings who go to the Tourney of Harrenhal are nothinglike the canon versions. Rhaegar gets his Stark bride, and he proceeds toregret it for the rest of his life. Meta
19.2.              IronLaced: Crossover with TMNT – Maria Carbonell was actually Oroku Karai indisguise because she was on vacation from being a member of the Council ofShadows. Karai and all the Turtles accessed magic ninja dragon powers when theytook over the Council and Karai-as-Maria passed that down to Tony. So Tony isactually a dragon and an encounter with the Enchantress leaves him locked inhis dragon form. WIP
19.3.              Miles ToGo: Post-MCU Civil War almost-Time Travel where Tony grieves so hard hesends an Extremis injector capsule to the year before the Winter Soldier murderedhis parents. Said capsule lands in front of a wasted 15-year-old Tony in theaftermath of a frat party. Cue the face hugger scene. Tony gets an Extremisupgrade about 30 years ahead of schedule and it’s the only reason he survivesthe memory download without his brain turning into mush. WIP
19.4.              Perception:Instead of killing Scott in X3, Dark Phoenix instead fixes the brain damagethat prevented him from controlling his optic blasts and then shunts him troughtime an space. Scott wakes up 18-years-old in Stryker’s lab and proceeds tohijack Wolverine’s rampage so that they can both escape. James Howlett isimpressed, and Cyclops hates everything but especially time travel because itruins all his fallback plans. WIP
20.1.              AFeather’s Weight: Crossover with FFVII – Kakashi and Obito, along withtheir respective subordinates, are reincarnated in Wutai, and are thus inposition to undermine a lot of Hojo’s plans simply by being themselves. Wutaistill loses, but by a much smaller margin, and SHIN-RA realizes much too latethat Wutai’s “concession” was a trap. Kakashi is a big shiny distraction forSephiroth, the SOLDIERS revolt, and nobody knows who assassinated PresidentShinra. WIP
20.2.              A SpaceBetween Ice and Fire: Crossover with GOT – The Konoha Founders and theirsiblings are reincarnated as Starks and Baratheons and manage to save theRealms of Men while resolving their many and varied issues with one another.
20.3.              AWidening Gyre: Rin survives the Chidori and her existence is now an S-classsecret. Said S-class secret distracts Obito on his way to ambush Kushina’slabour and several different chase scenes take place. They all end up in theROOT base made from one of Tobirama’s old labs and instead of Kyuubi gettingloose Team Ro, the Fourth Hokage’s team of bodyguards, Obito, Anko, and all ofROOT plus Danzo himself get dumped into the Warring Clans Era. Obito killsDanzo in a panic when he realizes that taking the Bijuu means killing Rin,Kakashi sacrifices himself again, and there is a lot more running around. Kakashisuborns ROOT en masse, Obito is stupidly overpowered and homicidal but it’sokay because Kakashi is playing damsel in distress and distracting him. TheSenju and the Uchiha are all really confused by these kids, there are far toomany mistaken identities, and Konoha gets founded much earlier than in canon. Meta
20.4.              Accordingto Custom: Hashirama and Madara should not be left unsupervised (that’s whyMito and Touka tend to lurk nearby when they have tea together) because itcauses them to get Brilliant Ideas. This time they decide to make friends withone another’s little brothers. How Madara went from being “nice” to Tobirama tocourting the oblivious younger Senju is still something of a mystery, but thereare several bets riding on when Tobirama is going to realize what’s going on. Long Oneshots, WIP
20.5.              Aroundthe River Bend: Tobirama feels Itama die and runs to the river to mourn.Quite predictably he meets Madara there, and the course of History changes. Oneshot
20.6.              Coloursand Promises: Set a decade after the Evil has been defeated and lifereturned to normal, Tobirama (once the magical superhero Dragon) is stillliving with the side effects of sacrificing everything to save the world whilehe was still a teenager. Notes on a piano, and a familiar voice singing afamiliar song. Tobirama finds Madara (once the magical superhero Phoenix) andfinally gets to enjoy his victory. Love can be killed, but it never dies, onlyever taking on new shapes as we move on with our lives. Drabbles, WIP
20.7.              Heavy asthe Mountain: Team 7 is loosing the fight against Kaguya, but Obito andKakashi perform a last minute sacrifice that means the kids survive. It alsocauses them all to be de-aged by over a decade and thrown back in time to theWarring Clans Era. Kakashi and Obito die, Team 7 gets adopted bypresumably-Hatake Kanna, then a few years later they run into Uchiha Izuna andit all descends into chaos. (Team 7 takes total advantage of everything to gettheir revenge on Zetsu and maybe fix some of Konoha’s longstanding issues at thesame time.) WIP
20.8.              InKonoha We Dance: The Uchiha Clan has a tradition of belly dancing andit fixes everything that was wrong with Konoha in canon. Oneshots
20.8.1. O-Bon Appetite: Thanks to his dancetraining Izuna manages the core control to dodge Tobirama’s sword enough toavoid a fatal wound and Konoha starts off on more equal footing. Tobirama thenwalks into a traditional Uchiha celebration and his brain shuts off.
20.8.2. Hot Like Burning: Kushina drags Minatoto the Uchiha Police Office Party so she can make time with Mikoto and there isso much skin, Minato was not emotionally prepared for this. Fugaku takesadvantage of the Yondaime’s weakness as only an Uchiha can and the glorious‘ship FuMiKuMi sets sail.
20.8.3. Got This Fire Burning: Overnight shiftsat the Mission Desk gets boring. Konoha ninja like to dance, because dancingisn’t boring. Kakashi shows them all how it’s done when a member of Team 7 hitsit.
20.9.              Karma,and the Repercussions Thereof: Crossover with KHR – Legendary Ninjafrom the Elemental Countries get reincarnated into KHR and proceed to adopt allthe Magic Rainbow Fire Children. Nono and Iemitsu suffer.
20.9.1. Karmic Balance: Kakashi and Obito areninja married from the very start because of metaphysical bonding and someminor haunting during their last lives. Between Ninshu Shinobi needing to be inClans and Flame Actives needing to be in Harmonies it does not take long beforethe child stealing begins. Gokudera Kakashi is the best wife and Dokuro Obitorepents, repeatedly and often, while also having the time of his second life.Tsuna loves his Kakashi-sensei and wants to be just like him when he grows up. WIP
20.9.2. Karmic Justice: Madara and his brothersare reborn as Fon’s nephews and do not take kindly to the Arcobaleno cursebeing put on one of their relatives. The Hibari Clan proceeds to start huntingfor the Man in the Iron Man en mass. Madara and his brothers hit Namimoriduring Nono’s visit and witness the sealing of Tsunayoshi. They don’t take wellto this either. Things go worse for Tsuna than they do in canon and Madarahunts down Tobirama because he needs the resurrection to be done perfectly.Tsuna loves his Madara-shishou and wants to be just like him when he grows up. WIP     KarmicJustice – Hubris: Madara comes across Xanxus in the ice while investigatingthe Vongola and despite Xanxus being a bit older than the usual target forchild stealing decides to steal him anyway. After resurrecting Tsuna, Madaraand Tobirama’s next project is defrosting Xanxus. WIP     KarmicJustice – Providence: Madara finds Xanxus on the streets while hunting inItaly for the Man in the Iron Mask. Wrath Flame calls to Wrath Flame and Madarainstantly adopts the delightfully savage little boy. Then Namimori happens, andTsuna’s seal gets him temporarily killed, and Xanxus reaches 100-year-Xanatos-Gambit-vengance-plotlevels of overprotective big brother. WIP
20.10.          Look theInnocent Flower: Orochimaru gets the Hat instead of Minato because insteadof working for Danzo he creates his Baby-no-Jutsu (the same one that producedRogu and Mitsuki) and that’s how Orochimaru accidently turns Tenzo into theOrochimaru-and-Tsunade lovechild while field testing some gene-splicingadoption techniques. Sarutobi is so delighted by all the babies he namesOrochimaru his successor without any further debate. Konoha proceeds to becomea somewhat androgynous, gender-fluid utopia full off affectionate, friendlypeople who only want you for your body. Orochimaru refuses to allow hypocrisyin his Konoha and loyalty to ones comrades is not only encouraged, it’senforced. Meta
20.11.          Negotiationis an Artform: Remix of The Art of Negotiation by Kage88 – Konoha’sFounders take a trip to Uzushio and the Uzumaki are annoyingly persistent intheir attentions, even when said attentions are unwanted. Tobirama’s politicalsavvy is not to be underestimated, and Tobirama’s just as ridiculouslyoverprotective of his loved ones as his relatives are of him. Bitchy piningresolves into dating, and the only reason Tobirama lets Hashirama get away withbetting on his love life is because Hashirama was the only one who had faith inTobirama making the first move. Oneshot -Complete
20.12.          Red inHand and Claw: Madara has Raptor Summons. This fact is significantly moreterrifying than anyone outside of the Uchiha Clan is really aware of. Oneshot
20.13.          Roads Diverged:Kakashi from a Darker-Than-Canon AU ends his fight with Obito with mutualdestruction, and as they both lay dying Kakashi confesses to having alwaysloved Obito. Obito being Obito and therefore unholy levels of Extra even for anUchiha, proceeds to use Edo Tensai on Team 7 in order to heal Kakashi and thenfling him through dimensions until he lands in a Lighter-Than-Canon AU whereKakashi sees Rin in time to avoid hitting her with the Chidori. Things spiralfrom there. WIP
20.14.          That WeAnswer to Our Stars: Crossover with SW – Kaguya’s reality warp has somestrange side effects to the point of ridiculousness. All the Uchiha to everexist are resurrected and then dumped wholesale onto an alien deathworld thatis essentially what Training Ground 44 would be if it was allowed to cover anentire planet. The Uchiha proceed to seduce the Jedi and foil all ofPalpatine’s plans for galactic domination. Meta
20.15.          The ThinLine: Kakashi loses patience with the Sandaime when no appreciable actionis taken to remove Danzo from power even after Kakashi literally reports toSarutobi’s face that he was ordered by Danzo to assassinate the Third Hokage.So Kakashi crashes an Uchiha Clan meeting and asks them to run away with himand his cute little brothers to a lovely tropical Island. Cue the Uchiha ExodusThat Fucks Over Canon. Kakashi and the Uchiha Clan proceed to re-found Uzushioand collect a few S-class missing nin along the way. WIP
20.16.          TheWaters and the Wild: The Senju are High Court Fae, and the Uchiha are WildHunt Shapeshifters. Tobirama attempts to interrupt Hashirama and Madara duringtheir riverside meeting, only it backfires when he realizes that Madara is hisSoulmate. Also the Uchiha are “clothing optional” and Tobirama was notemotionally prepared for this. Drabbles,WIP
20.17.          Truthin Hyperbole: Shinobi are what happen when Aliens and Humans have kids,Bloodline Talents are what happens when Kami and Youkai ancestry gets added tothe pot. Most of the time Shinobi stay mostly Human. Sometimes they don’t.Sometimes they really don’t. Series - WIP
20.17.1.               BloodPrice: Tobirama wakes up after being killed and proceeds to resurrect hislittle brothers and Madara’s little brothers. Tobirama would resurrect Madaratoo but Madara had already managed to resurrect himself.
20.17.2.               StillWaters Run: The Sage of Six Paths gets his ass kicked by his ex-wife, hisdaughter-in-law, and Tobirama’s mother.
20.17.3.               A ThingWith Feathers: Madara’s side of the story of their transformation intominor kami.
20.17.4.               Come Away:Zetsu is targeting Obito in another attempt to create the Rinnegan. Kakashi hashis first “near death” experience and Obito is not amused at all. Neither isRin. Team 7 is overprotective and codependent regardless of the generation inquestion.
20.17.5.               Quoth theRaven: Danzo’s schemes got him chased out of Konoha to escape execution,and he invades during the Chunin Exams in order to get his revenge. SummoningTobirama using the Edo Tensai was probably not the best plan.
20.18.          TsukumogamiNo Kankurou: While he is still very young, Kankurou signs a Summonscontract with the Tsukumogami (aka the Muppet Theater Troupe) and then proceedsto interrupt Yashamaru’s “attack” on Gaara while simultaneously wreaking havocacross the entirety of Sunagakure. All of this is done to get back at Rasa fornot letting Kankurou play with his baby brother. The Middle Child Syndrome isstrong in this one. Never underestimate the power of petty spite. Oneshot - Completed
20.19.          Twice isHappenstance: As a side effect of the battle against Kaguya breakingthrough dimensions, the ghosts of the Uchiha Clan send their memories as farback as possible. On the eve of his younger brother’s assassinations, UchihaMadara wakes up with memories of being Indra and Sasuke. All the Uchiha havememories of their past and future lives combining with their current selves,and it causes something of a fracas while it gets sorted out. Cue the UchihaExodus That Fucks Over Canon. Oneshot - Complete
20.19.1.               EnemyAction: The building of Uchihatlantis, the knockback effects of rememberingmore than one lifetime, and what happens when the Uchiha start to go back outinto the world in order to hunt down their spouses and mess up Zetsu’s plans. Meta
20.20.          Two StepsBack: Retired Rokudaime Hatake Kakashi accidently has his first vacationever interrupted when he visits the Uzushiogakure ruins and gets slingshot backan incarnation or two due to triggering a derelict seal. Kakashi being Kakashi,he proceeds to continue with his vacation until he has a drunken bar hookupwith Uchiha Izuna and now the beloved younger brother of Uchiha “I-can-fight-five-armies-and-win”Madara is stalking Kakashi in order to recite (hilariously awful) poetry aboutthe beauty of Kakashi’s kenjutsu. This is not the retirement Kakashi signed upfor. WIP - Drabbles
20.21.          TwoTruths and a Lie: Mikoto and Kushina have been fake!dating for years tokeep the more annoying Uchiha relatives from trying to get her married off.It’s a brilliant plan, and it works perfectly. But times change, and Kushina’seyes are very pretty. Oneshot - Complete
20.22.          Wills ofFire and Conquest: Crossover with OP – Kakashi is Rouge’s little brotherand ends up raising the ASL trio while also searching for other reincarnatedshinobi. Obito and the rest of Akatsuki become the Red Dawn Pirates and Kakashieventually founds a new Uzushiogakure on the Red Line. Ace decides he wants tobe the Nidaime Uzukage, and Whitebeard accidently insults Ace’s mother so badlyduring the “recruitment” debacle that Ace spends 100 days trying to beat anapology out of the arrogant old goat. Shinobi-versus-pirate culture clash isfrequent and hilarious. WIP
20.23.          Worth ofa Thousand Words: Political Hostage!Tobirama gets caught by the Uchiha justbefore he manages to use Hiraishin in battle for the first time. The Uchiha areall sensors that use Ninshu techniques otherwise since lost to time tocommunicate among themselves. This results in a much more united Uchiha Clanwho are perfectly willing to let Madara push for a peace treaty with the Senjunow that Tobirama’s capture has given them the leverage to do so. Meta
21.1.              1001Demonic Nights: An AU Rikuo who was dragged into Yomi along with his HakkaiYakko during the battle against the Nue manages to escape from hell by jumpinginto an alternate reality where his mother Wakana had a threesome with Rihanand Otome. Wakana left to take over her family shrine without telling herlovers that she was pregnant. The Rikuo who was born as a result died as aninfant from the Nue’s curse on Nurarihyon’s bloodline. Both Rikuo and Otome’sdaughter were conceived on the same night and are both half-demons due to Rihanshifting forms for kinky species-play. WIP
22.1.              BurningSalt Water: Crossover with KHR – Xanxus gets dumped onto the Oro Jacksonduring the Pirate King’s last voyage when Nono’s Zero Point goes sideways andhe ends up adopted by Rouge and Roger while he heals. After the executionXanxus ends up raising the ASL trio to take over the Pirate Throne and Ace setsthe Moby Dick on fire when Whitebeard kidnaps him. WIP
22.2.              How FarI’ll Go: Roger had other lovers before he met Rouge and one of them was aFishwife that he met at a Peacemoot. Their daughter was a mermaid and thusneeded to remain on Fishman Island for her own safety. The World Government isso Human-centric that they don’t bother looking into any of Roger’s ladyfriends from the other races. Gol D Ann gives no shits about anybodiesprejudices and when her mixed up genetics mean her feet come in about 20 yearsearly she immediately takes off to track down her baby brother. Goldfish isLuffy’s favourite sibling and Ann is delighted to find three baby brothers forthe price of one. WIP
22.3.              Rumour,Slander, Hearsay: Garp is even worse at interpersonal communication than incanon and now the entire Marine fleet thinks that Monkey D Dragon is anoversexed degenerate who keep dumping his illegitimate spawn on his poor heroicfather’s doorstep. Otherwise known as Dragon adopts ASL and they seek aglorious Revolution. Meta
22.4.              Those WhoFavour Fire: Ace survives Marineford, even if only in spirit, because theGoddess of the Sea answered the prayer of another version of Ace. Waking up inthe place of his 17-year-old murdered doppelganger, Ace now has to deal withraising a 7-year-old Luffy and escaping the notice of the Marines. Oh, and hismurdered younger self is hanging around as a ghost, all the younger versions ofLuffy’s crewmates keep showing up on Ace’s boat, and Ace keeps getting trippedup over how much more horrible this world is compared to the one he came from. WIP
22.5.              Where theSky Meets the Sea: Crossover with KHR – The ASL Trio are reborn as SawadaTsunayoshi’s younger brothers, and the Will of D means they remembereverything. Sawada Iemitsu might once have been Akagami no Shanks and despitelacking his memories knows better than to keep secrets from his wife. (Iemitsudoes keep a lot of secrets from Nono, such as the fact that he has more thanone son.) Iemitsu redirects Xanxus’ attention to the Family traitors, Nononever meets Tsuna, and nobody gets sealed. Then Reborn shows up, and everythingis now on fire. Drabbles - WIP
22.6.              WildfireHearts: Ace goes back in time from his death to the Grey Terminal Fire, figuresout how to use natural fire to heal himself, saves child!Ace and child!Luffy,changes his name to Portgas D Riot, runs away to the Grand Line with his babybrothers, puts together a new pirate crew, and hits on Marco so hard thePhoenix forgets how to complete his sentences. Everything works out for thebetter. WIP
22.6.1. Heave A Sigh And A Wish For Me – WH SpinoffAU: SI-Clearfin Lionfish Mermaid named Occhio D Vittoria gets tapped in bythe Ocean Goddess to help Riot et al from WildfireHearts succeed in their adventures. WIP
22.7.              Wills ofFire and Conquest: Crossover with Naruto – Kakashi is Rouge’s littlebrother and ends up raising the ASL trio while also searching for otherreincarnated shinobi. Obito and the rest of Akatsuki become the Red DawnPirates and Kakashi eventually founds a new Uzushio on the Red Line. Acedecides he wants to be the Nidaime Uzukage, and Whitebeard accidently insultsAce’s mother so badly during the “recruitment” debacle that Ace spends 100 daystrying to beat an apology out of the arrogant old goat. Shinobi-versus-pirateculture clash is frequent and hilarious. WIP
23.1.              EventHorizons: Leon isn’t human, and that changes things in the aftermath of theconfrontation with Papa D. Count D wants to unravel the mystery of hisfavourite Detective, and Leon is starting to wake up. Hopefully they both findthe knowledge they’re looking for before it’s too late and their enemy findsthem. WIP – Under Revision
24.1.              FromOlympus to Mu: The Senshi go to college and Mamoru reunites with the Shitennou.Basis of headcanons and characterization for any further post-canon SM fic. WIP
24.2.              Music ofthe Spheres: Crossover with KHR – Post Stars Usagi and Post VongolaInheritance Tsuna are cousins who meet for the first time ever only after theVongola’s enemies kidnap Ikkuko and Shingo. Usagi gets taken into protectivecustody by her Mafia relatives without being given the chance to say shedoesn’t need it. Usagi then proceeds to seduce all the women, charm all themen, and accidently throw Iemitsu out the nearest window every time he’s in thesame room she is. WIP
24.2.1. Celestial Chorus – MotS Spinoff AU: Chibiusa’sarrival has Usagi dragging her family to Namimori to prove that Chibiusa isn’t their cousin and things get wildly out ofhand. In Meta
24.3.              The SharpKnife Of A Short Life: SI is reborn as Tsukino Shingo under the aegis ofthe Roman God Janus and then proceeds to merrily say ‘screw canon, my sistergets to be happy or else’. WIP, Drabbles
25.1.              InfiniteBlue: Zelgadis starts paying more attention to the deeper practices ofShamanism and gets in touch with his demonic side while achieving deeperharmony in himself. Xellos approves and it all results in magic explosions andvery strange demonic courtship rituals. WIP
26.1.              SkippedTracks: The triplets from Underground end up transmigrating into therecently deceased bodies of their counterparts in a SatAM reality and proceedto rock out and confuse everyone. WIP
27. Stargate
28.1.              A Balanceof Ice and Fire: Crossover with GOT – Qui-Gon Jinn’s three Padawan Learnersand Padme (who got taken in Anakin’s place) are reincarnated as the Tyrellsiblings. They proceed to follow the Will of the Force and prepare the SevenKingdoms to win against the Long Night.
28.2.              A Robe ofStars: Crossover with TMNT – The turtles and Karai help Obi-wan save theInitiates and babies in the Jedi crèche before the Temple gets razed. Once thechildren are safe, Obi-wan and his new allies turn their attention to savingthe Vod’ade. WIP
28.3.              That WeAnswer to Our Stars: Crossover with Naruto – Kaguya’s reality warp has somestrange side effects to the point of ridiculousness. All the Uchiha to everexist are resurrected and then dumped wholesale onto an alien deathworld thatis essentially what Training Ground 44 would be if it hadn’t been fenced in.The Uchiha proceed to seduce the Jedi and foil all of Palpatine’s plans forgalactic domination. Meta
29.1.              A Robe ofStars: Crossover with SW – The turtles and Karai help Obi-wan save theInitiates and babies in the Jedi crèche before the Temple gets razed. Once thechildren are safe, Obi-wan and his new allies turn their attention to savingthe Vod’ade. WIP
29.2.              A VelvetGlove: Crossover with FOZ – Leonardo gets summoned to be Louise’s Familiar.Since all of his brothers are dead, Leo sees no reason not to make the most ofthis “lifelong bond of magic and spirit” and adopts Louise as his littlesister. Halgenkia is not prepared for a Louise Francois le Blanc de la Vallierewith ninja training. Henrietta is probably far too gleeful over making her bestfriend her Spymaster, but it’s not like anyone knows enough about what they’redoing to stop her. Reconquista gets exposed and smashed, and Wardes reallyshould have respected his fiancée more. Chaptered,WIP
29.3.              IronLaced: Crossover with TMNT – Maria Carbonell was actually Oroku Karai indisguise because she was on vacation from being a member of the Council ofShadows. Karai and all the Turtles accessed magic ninja dragon powers when theytook over the Council and Karai-as-Maria passed that down to Tony. So Tony isactually a dragon and an encounter with the Enchantress leaves him locked inhis dragon form. WIP
29.4.              PaperFlowers: Leonardo and Michelangelo reconnect after years of separation anddeal with some leftover issues from their childhood while they prepare towelcome the next generation of Ninja Turtles into the world. WIP
29.5.              Patchingthe Trousers: Starting from the end of the Fast Forward arc, Leonardo getslost in the multiverse and proceeds to adopt all the secondary turtles. All ofthem. Leonardo is the Mom Friend, only he’s not a friend he’s just a Mom. Chaptered, WIP
29.6.              StainedBandages: Realistic resolution to the most common dark!Splinter tropes. Leodoesn’t really care about himself, but if you touch his brothers he will killyou. Splinter touches Raphael. Karai is gifted with Splinter’s decapitated headin a box. Oneshot, Completed
29.7.              UnraveledSleeves: After First Contact and Splinter’s death from old age, the Turtlesscattered to live their lives. Leonardo is the only one who stayed in the Lair.Making peace with the Karai was only the first step towards healing, and Leomakes peace with himself as he takes on students and his family grows again. Chaptered, WIP
30.1.              A Transformationof Ice and Fire: Crossover with GOT – Most of the Cybertronians who diedduring Unicron’s Awakening end up reincarnated as dragons (Seekers) andDirewolves (Autobots). The sapience of the animals causes significant changesto outcome of several key canon events.
30.2.              Action Equals Reaction
30.3.              CompromisingPositions: Bay’verse Shattered Glass – Megatron knows that there’ssomething wrong with his brother, but nobody will listen to him. Oneshot, Complete
30.4.              HighStakes Wagers: Decepticon Romantic Gestures at their finest. Series of Oneshots
30.4.1. The Bet: Soundwave saves Starscream’slife after he gets blasted away from Unicron and they proceed to have wild,kinky spark-bonding and that’s it that’s the plot.
30.4.2. The Rebirth: Starscream and Soundwavehead off Galvatron and Zarak’s attempt to destroy Cybertron (and Earth, butthat’s really secondary to them) and earn their just rewards for being on thewinning side.
30.5.              NineRings of Vos: The Epic Seeker Saga where Starscream is the uncontestedleader of the Seekers and he’s using the Great War as a cover to renew his people’spopulation numbers, add some variety to their core coding, and also destroy theCybertronian Government because they liked to make Seekers into their slaves. Seven Story Arcs, Chaptered, WIP
30.5.1. Before Dawn: A Rings spin-off where theSeekers are actually all sparklings who disguised themselves as their parentsin order to survive the Great War. Crash-landing on Earth precipitates the BigReveal and also the actual adult Seekers get woken from Government sanctionedstasis thanks to the energy surges caused by resource shipments coming in fromEarth. Chaptered shortfic, WIP
30.6.              No Evil:Starscream is a scientist who wants to stay a scientist but he’s so damn goodat being Air Commander that he gets promoted anyway. Also his bestfriend/roommate from the War Academy is the closest thing to a therapist thatthe Decepticons have and that means Starscream stays mostly sane. Meta in Production
30.7.              Out From Under
30.8.              Thundercracker’sSo Crazy in Love: Seekers Go Into Heat and that will put the War onpause for a bit because of the crazy. Oneshotseries
30.8.1. Always the Quiet Ones: Thundercrackerterrorizes the Decepticon forces on Earth while displaying for his Wingmatesand accidently kills Megatron.
30.8.2. Decepticon Service Announcement:Thundercracker is the new Supreme Leader of the Decepticons and he’s decidedthat they’re in a good position to negotiate peace terms with the Autobots now.
31. YU-GI-OH
31.1.              Old Game,New Rules: Sentinels and Guides are a built in part of society and acertain playing card game ties into that a bit more than most people wouldexpect. There’s a lot of gratuitous soul-bonding smut, worldbuilding runsrampant, and there’s a lot of social commentary on the futility of stereotypingany portion of the population based on a single point of commonality. WIP
31.2.              TheFuture of the Past: Jounouchi’s past life left a surprise in their soulthat the trip to memory world triggers and now Katsuya is living through all ofJono’s memories. WIP – Under Revision
32.1.             Bonds:Koenma and Yusuke are soulmates and Enma Daioh interferes because one his bratson is properly wedded and bedded Enma can take a long overdue vacation. Oneshot, PWP-ish
32.1.1.                 TiesThat Bind: Koenma and Yusuke are just starting to get used to being bondedmates when a new/old-and-forgotten enemy shows up to complicate things. WIP – Under Revision
32.2.             WhatHappens on Vacation: Crossover with Bleach – turns out that Kurosaki Misakiwas a senior ferry girl on sabbatical (which translates as living a mortal lifeunaware of her true nature) and she was late returning to work due to beingtrapped in Grand Fishers gut. Ichigo and Uryuu are very confused when their“cousin” Kazuma shows up to introduce his new bride to the family. Koenma isjust really pissed off by all the paperwork he needs to deal with whilecleaning up his father’s mismanaged pet project. WIP
… Ta-dah. And also I apologize to the mobile users.
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