#generic viral hepatitis medicines
helpukiranagarwal · 5 months
World Hepatitis Day 2023 : Dr. Nikhil Gupta | विश्व हेपेटाइटिस दिवस 2023 : डॉ. निखिल गुप्ता
As we all know that The World Hepatitis Day, observed every 28th of July, serves as a moment of reflection on the progress and achievements in our fight against viral hepatitis. It is also an opportunity to address the gaps and needs in our efforts to eliminate this disease as a public health concern.
Under the theme, “One Life, One Liver,” this year’s World Hepatitis Day will highlight the importance of the liver for a healthy life, and the need to scale up viral hepatitis prevention, testing and treatment to optimize liver health, prevent liver disease and achieve the 2030 hepatitis elimination goals.
On World Hepatitis Day 2023, we are sharing valuable views of Dr Nikhil Gupta, Assistant Professor, Department of General Medicine, Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow in public interest.
#WorldHepatitisDay2023 #hepatitis #liver #worldhepatitisday #hepatitisc #hepatitisb #HepAware #worldhepatitisday #WHDRelay #hepatitisC #hepatitisB #NOhep  #health #hepatitisstigma
#NarendraModi #PMOIndia
#DrNikhilGupta #RMLIMS #RamManoharLohiaInstituteofMedicalSciences
#HelpUTrust #HelpUEducationalandCharitableTrust
#KiranAgarwal #DrRupalAgarwal #HarshVardhanAgarwal
@narendramodi @pmoindia
@HelpUEducationalAndCharitableTrust @HelpU.Trust
@HarshVardhanAgarwal.HVA @HVA.CLRS @HarshVardhanAgarwal.HelpUTrust
@HelpUTrustDrRupalAgarwal @RupalAgarwal.HELPU @drrupalagarwal
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drrupal-helputrust · 5 months
World Hepatitis Day 2023 : Dr. Nikhil Gupta | विश्व हेपेटाइटिस दिवस 2023 : डॉ. निखिल गुप्ता
As we all know that The World Hepatitis Day, observed every 28th of July, serves as a moment of reflection on the progress and achievements in our fight against viral hepatitis. It is also an opportunity to address the gaps and needs in our efforts to eliminate this disease as a public health concern.
Under the theme, “One Life, One Liver,” this year’s World Hepatitis Day will highlight the importance of the liver for a healthy life, and the need to scale up viral hepatitis prevention, testing and treatment to optimize liver health, prevent liver disease and achieve the 2030 hepatitis elimination goals.
On World Hepatitis Day 2023, we are sharing valuable views of Dr Nikhil Gupta, Assistant Professor, Department of General Medicine, Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow in public interest.
#WorldHepatitisDay2023 #hepatitis #liver #worldhepatitisday #hepatitisc #hepatitisb #HepAware #worldhepatitisday #WHDRelay #hepatitisC #hepatitisB #NOhep  #health #hepatitisstigma
#NarendraModi #PMOIndia
#DrNikhilGupta #RMLIMS #RamManoharLohiaInstituteofMedicalSciences
#HelpUTrust #HelpUEducationalandCharitableTrust
#KiranAgarwal #DrRupalAgarwal #HarshVardhanAgarwal
@narendramodi @pmoindia
@HelpUEducationalAndCharitableTrust @HelpU.Trust
@HarshVardhanAgarwal.HVA @HVA.CLRS @HarshVardhanAgarwal.HelpUTrust
@HelpUTrustDrRupalAgarwal @RupalAgarwal.HELPU @drrupalagarwal
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helputrust · 5 months
World Hepatitis Day 2023 : Dr. Nikhil Gupta | विश्व हेपेटाइटिस दिवस 2023 : डॉ. निखिल गुप्ता
As we all know that The World Hepatitis Day, observed every 28th of July, serves as a moment of reflection on the progress and achievements in our fight against viral hepatitis. It is also an opportunity to address the gaps and needs in our efforts to eliminate this disease as a public health concern.
Under the theme, “One Life, One Liver,” this year’s World Hepatitis Day will highlight the importance of the liver for a healthy life, and the need to scale up viral hepatitis prevention, testing and treatment to optimize liver health, prevent liver disease and achieve the 2030 hepatitis elimination goals.
On World Hepatitis Day 2023, we are sharing valuable views of Dr Nikhil Gupta, Assistant Professor, Department of General Medicine, Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow in public interest.
#WorldHepatitisDay2023 #hepatitis #liver #worldhepatitisday #hepatitisc #hepatitisb #HepAware #worldhepatitisday #WHDRelay #hepatitisC #hepatitisB #NOhep  #health #hepatitisstigma
#NarendraModi #PMOIndia
#DrNikhilGupta #RMLIMS #RamManoharLohiaInstituteofMedicalSciences
#HelpUTrust #HelpUEducationalandCharitableTrust
#KiranAgarwal #DrRupalAgarwal #HarshVardhanAgarwal
@narendramodi @pmoindia
@HelpUEducationalAndCharitableTrust @HelpU.Trust
@HarshVardhanAgarwal.HVA @HVA.CLRS @HarshVardhanAgarwal.HelpUTrust
@HelpUTrustDrRupalAgarwal @RupalAgarwal.HELPU @drrupalagarwal
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medicineforcare · 12 days
Rifagut 400mg
Rifaximin is the active component of the pharmaceutical drug Rifagut 400mg. It is an antibiotic that is mostly used to treat intestinal bacterial infections. Rifaximin functions by preventing bacteria in the intestines from multiplying and spreading.
Rifagut 400 mg is a high-dosage version of Rifagut 200mg as it is used for older patients with more severe diseases.
IBS-D, hepatic encephalopathy, and traveler’s diarrhea are among the disorders that are frequently treated with Rifagut 400mg. The drug is used to stop and treat diarrhea brought on by specific kinds of bacteria in travelers’ diarrhea. It is used to lessen IBS-D symptoms including diarrhea, bloating, and stomach discomfort. Rifagut 400mg is used to lessen the severity of symptoms including disorientation, amnesia, and difficulties concentrating in hepatic encephalopathy
Tablets containing Rifagut 400 mg are available and ought to be consumed orally. Depending on the illness being treated and the severity of the symptoms, the dose and length of the course of treatment may change. It’s crucial to take the medication precisely as your doctor has instructed.
Some adverse effects of Rifagut 400mg include nausea, vomiting, headaches, and stomach discomfort. And if you have suffered any of these adversative effects, Very important and crucial for you is to make sure you let your specialist know because they could call for treatment.
If you are taking viral care medicine first time than start with smaller does Rifagut 200mg and higher does also available Rifagut 550mg does We are also providing medicines like Cipmox 250mg, Levoquin 500mg, Naprosyn 500mg and Ivermectin 12mg.
Why You Must Consider It?
Some bacteria that cause infections in the gastrointestinal system are reported to be resistant to Rifagut 400mg. This qualifies it as a viable choice for the healing of diseases including IBS-D and also hepatic encephalopathy it can also cause traveler’s diarrhea. Rifagut 400mg mostly remains in the gut and has little effect on the rest of the body due to its low bloodstream absorption. When treating diseases like hepatic encephalopathy, where the drug must target gut bacteria without harming the liver or other organs, this is especially helpful. Rifagut 400mg comes in tablet form, making it simple to use as directed. Depending on the ailment being treated and the degree of symptoms, the dosage and length of the course of treatment may change. Rifagut 400mg may lessen the symptoms of several medical disorders, including disorientation, bloating, stomach discomfort, and diarrhea. The quality of life and general well-being of the person may be enhanced as a result. Rifagut 400mg has a minimal incidence of adverse effects and is often well tolerated. This indicates that the majority of individuals may take it without having any serious negative effects.
Some Interesting Insights About it
The antibiotic drug Rifaximin is frequently prescribed to treat bacterial infections of the gastrointestinal system. It is a member of the rifamycin family of antibiotics, which prevents bacteria in the intestines from growing and spreading. Irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea which is abbreviated as (IBS-D) can also do hepatic encephalopathy, and traveler’s diarrhea are among the most common disorders that Rifaximin is used to treat. Rifaximin is used to prevent and treat diarrhea brought on by specific kinds of bacteria in travelers’ diarrhea. It is used to lessen IBS-D symptoms including diarrhea, bloating, and stomach discomfort. Rifaximin is used to lessen the severity of symptoms including disorientation, amnesia, and difficulties concentrating in hepatic encephalopathy. Tablets and oral suspension are only a couple of the several dosage forms of Rifaximin. The ailment being treated and the intensity of the symptoms may have an impact on the dose and length of the course of action. It is crucial to take the medication exactly as directed by your doctor or another healthcare professional.
How does it work?
Rifaximin works by preventing bacteria in the digestive tract from multiplying and spreading. It belongs to a group of antibiotics known as rifamycin, which function by concentrating on bacterial RNA polymerase, a crucial enzyme involved in the reproduction of bacterial DNA. Rifaximin specifically inhibits the activity of bacterial RNA polymerase by binding to a particular location on the enzyme. This stops the gut bacteria from proliferating and spreading by interfering with their ability to replicate their DNA. Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Shigella, and Campylobacter are just a few of the gastrointestinal tract bacteria that Rifaximin is particularly successful. Rifaximin can help in healing many diseases like traveler’s diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea by killing the bacteria that cause these symptoms, which include diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, and bloating (IBS-D). Rifaximin also has a low bloodstream absorption rate, which means it mainly stays in the stomach and has little effect on the rest of the body. When treating diseases like hepatic encephalopathy, where the drug must target gut bacteria without harming the liver or other organs, this is especially helpful.
How should I get it?
Rifaximin must only be purchased with a valid prescription from a healthcare professional as it is a prescription drug You should speak with your doctor if you believe Rifaximin would be a good option for treating your problem. They can assess your medical history, carry out any required tests or examinations, and decide whether Rifaximin is the best course of therapy for you. You will be given a prescription for Rifaximin if your doctor decides it is the best treatment option for your condition. There are several ways to get Rifaximin, including pills and oral suspension. Based on your particular requirements and the severity of your symptoms, your healthcare professional will decide on the right dose and length of therapy.
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drchandrashekar26 · 3 months
Best General Physicians for Rainy Season Ailments in Vashi, Navi Mumbai: Dr. Chandrashekhar Tulasigeri Leads the Way
Dengue and Malaria are prevalent during the rainy season, as the wet conditions are conducive to mosquito breeding. Dengue, caused by the dengue virus transmitted through Aedes mosquitoes, manifests with high fever, severe headache, joint and muscle pain, rash, and bleeding tendencies. Malaria, on the other hand, is caused by Plasmodium parasites transmitted by Anopheles mosquitoes, leading to symptoms such as fever, chills, sweating, headache, and muscle pain. Both diseases require prompt medical attention to prevent severe complications.
For top-notch care Best General Physicians In Vashi , Navi Mumbai Dr. Chandrashekhar Tulasigeri is a highly recommended General Physician. With extensive experience in diagnosing and treating a variety of conditions, including vector-borne diseases like Dengue and Malaria, Dr. Tulasigeri provides thorough and compassionate care. His clinic is well-equipped to offer comprehensive treatment plans tailored to each patient's needs, ensuring effective management and recovery.
During the rainy season, the region experiences an increase in certain health issues due to the humid and wet conditions. Common diseases prevalent during this time include:
Viral Infections: Colds, flu, and viral fever are common due to fluctuating temperatures and increased viral activity.
Waterborne Diseases: Contaminated water can lead to diseases such as cholera, typhoid, and hepatitis A.
Mosquito-Borne Diseases: Stagnant water during the rainy season can become breeding grounds for mosquitoes, leading to an increase in diseases like malaria and dengue fever.
Fungal Infections: The damp and humid environment can cause fungal infections, particularly affecting the skin.
Gastrointestinal Issues: Increased consumption of contaminated food and water can result in stomach infections and food poisoning.
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In Vashi, there are several reputable general physicians who are experienced in treating these conditions. One of the notable general physicians is Dr. Chandrashekhar Tulasigeri.
Tips for Staying Healthy During the Rainy Season
Maintain Hygiene: Regular handwashing and personal hygiene can prevent many infections.
Safe Drinking Water: Ensure that the water you drink is clean and purified.
Avoid Stagnant Water: Prevent mosquito breeding by avoiding stagnant water around your home.
Eat Fresh Food: Consume freshly prepared food and avoid street food to prevent gastrointestinal issues.
Protective Clothing: Wear appropriate clothing to protect against mosquito bites and fungal infections.
Malaria is a life-threatening disease caused by Plasmodium parasites, transmitted to humans through the bites of infected female Anopheles mosquitoes. Despite significant advances in treatment and prevention, malaria remains a major public health challenge in many parts of the world. Here are key aspects you should know about malaria:
Malaria is a serious disease caused by a parasite that infects a certain type of mosquito. Most people get malaria from the bite of an infective mosquito. Malaria can be a deadly disease if not diagnosed and treated quickly. Starting treatment as soon as possible can often prevent severe illness and death.
Dr. Chandrashekhar Tulasigeri - MBBS , MD. - Director Dept of Critical care Medicine NEW ERA Hospital, Navi Mumbai | Senior consultant Physician in NeuroOne Vashi & Kharghar, Navi Mumbai. 
Initial symptoms are flu-like and can include fever, chills, headache, muscle aches, and fatigue.
Without prompt treatment, malaria can progress to severe illness, causing complications such as anemia, jaundice, kidney failure, seizures, mental confusion, coma, and death.
Antimalarial Medications: The choice depends on the type of Plasmodium species, the severity of the disease, and the region of infection.
Common drugs include chloroquine, artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs), mefloquine, quinine, and primaquine.
Prompt and effective treatment is crucial to reduce morbidity and prevent mortality.
Vector Control: Using insecticide-treated bed nets (ITNs) and indoor residual spraying (IRS) to reduce mosquito populations.
Prophylactic Medications: Taking antimalarial drugs before, during, and after travel to endemic areas.
Global Impact:
Malaria is endemic in over 90 countries, mostly in Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, and parts of Latin America.
Children under five and pregnant women are the most vulnerable groups.
Ongoing efforts by organizations like WHO, UNICEF, and various national malaria control programs aim to reduce the incidence and burden of the disease.
Dr. Chandrashekhar Tulasigeri stands out as one of the best general physicians in Vashi, Navi Mumbai, particularly known for his expertise in managing health issues during the rainy season. His dedication to patient-centered care and proactive approach to disease prevention make him a valuable asset to the community, ensuring residents receive quality healthcare when they need it most.
Visit: https://drchandrashekhar-physician.com/
Contact: +91-77381 62020
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helputrust-drrupal · 5 months
World Hepatitis Day 2023 : Dr. Nikhil Gupta | विश्व हेपेटाइटिस दिवस 2023 : डॉ. निखिल गुप्ता
As we all know that The World Hepatitis Day, observed every 28th of July, serves as a moment of reflection on the progress and achievements in our fight against viral hepatitis. It is also an opportunity to address the gaps and needs in our efforts to eliminate this disease as a public health concern.
Under the theme, “One Life, One Liver,” this year’s World Hepatitis Day will highlight the importance of the liver for a healthy life, and the need to scale up viral hepatitis prevention, testing and treatment to optimize liver health, prevent liver disease and achieve the 2030 hepatitis elimination goals.
On World Hepatitis Day 2023, we are sharing valuable views of Dr Nikhil Gupta, Assistant Professor, Department of General Medicine, Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow in public interest.
#WorldHepatitisDay2023 #hepatitis #liver #worldhepatitisday #hepatitisc #hepatitisb #HepAware #worldhepatitisday #WHDRelay #hepatitisC #hepatitisB #NOhep  #health #hepatitisstigma
#NarendraModi #PMOIndia
#DrNikhilGupta #RMLIMS #RamManoharLohiaInstituteofMedicalSciences
#HelpUTrust #HelpUEducationalandCharitableTrust
#KiranAgarwal #DrRupalAgarwal #HarshVardhanAgarwal
@narendramodi @pmoindia
@HelpUEducationalAndCharitableTrust @HelpU.Trust
@HarshVardhanAgarwal.HVA @HVA.CLRS @HarshVardhanAgarwal.HelpUTrust
@HelpUTrustDrRupalAgarwal @RupalAgarwal.HELPU @drrupalagarwal
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helputrust-harsh · 5 months
World Hepatitis Day 2023 : Dr. Nikhil Gupta | विश्व हेपेटाइटिस दिवस 2023 : डॉ. निखिल गुप्ता
As we all know that The World Hepatitis Day, observed every 28th of July, serves as a moment of reflection on the progress and achievements in our fight against viral hepatitis. It is also an opportunity to address the gaps and needs in our efforts to eliminate this disease as a public health concern.
Under the theme, “One Life, One Liver,” this year’s World Hepatitis Day will highlight the importance of the liver for a healthy life, and the need to scale up viral hepatitis prevention, testing and treatment to optimize liver health, prevent liver disease and achieve the 2030 hepatitis elimination goals.
On World Hepatitis Day 2023, we are sharing valuable views of Dr Nikhil Gupta, Assistant Professor, Department of General Medicine, Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow in public interest.
#WorldHepatitisDay2023 #hepatitis #liver #worldhepatitisday #hepatitisc #hepatitisb #HepAware #worldhepatitisday #WHDRelay #hepatitisC #hepatitisB #NOhep  #health #hepatitisstigma
#NarendraModi #PMOIndia
#DrNikhilGupta #RMLIMS #RamManoharLohiaInstituteofMedicalSciences
#HelpUTrust #HelpUEducationalandCharitableTrust
#KiranAgarwal #DrRupalAgarwal #HarshVardhanAgarwal
@narendramodi @pmoindia
@HelpUEducationalAndCharitableTrust @HelpU.Trust
@HarshVardhanAgarwal.HVA @HVA.CLRS @HarshVardhanAgarwal.HelpUTrust
@HelpUTrustDrRupalAgarwal @RupalAgarwal.HELPU @drrupalagarwal
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organtransplantpune1 · 7 months
What Cause Liver Failure
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The liver is one of the most important organs working around the clock to keep you healthy and alive. It performs more than 500 tasks, including detoxification, protein synthesis and the production of bile that helps in the digestion of fats. Yet, several factors, including health problems, can cause serious liver diseases and lead to liver failure, a life-threatening condition that warrants immediate medical attention.
With is current generation and world-magnificence facilities, NewLife Gastro Liver Clinic , is famous for providing the best treatment for all degrees of liver sicknesses. If you’re involved approximately your liver health, examine on as our doctors  list the overall signs of common liver diseases and the way extraordinary situations can purpose liver failure.
Signs and Symptoms of liver disease
While liver ailment doesn’t constantly reason great signs, the subsequent symptoms and symptoms may also imply a few sort of liver issue. Also, signs may also range depending on the underlying reason.
Jaundice (yellow pores and skin and eyes)
Dark urine
Chronic fatigue
Itchy pores and skin
Easy bruising
Swollen legs
Seek hospital therapy when you have any of those signs or chronic symptoms and symptoms that fear you.
Causes of liver failure
The reason of liver failure relies upon at the type of liver failure – acute or persistent. Acute liver failure happens rapidly (in days or weeks), while persistent liver failure develops regularly over time.
Acute liver failure may be as a result of many extraordinary things, even though the precise purpose can be unknown in a few cases. Possible reasons are:
. Viral infections – like hepatitis A, B or E
. Reactions to prescription medicinal drugs together with antibiotics, antidepressants, anti-seizure medicinal drugs
. Reactions to few natural medicinal drugs and supplements
. Overuse of positive capsules like acetaminophen (Tylenol)
. Autoimmune situations like autoimmune hepatitis
. Metabolic problems together with Wilson’s disease
Chronic liver failure regularly outcomes from cirrhosis (intense scarring of the liver), making it difficult or not possible on your liver to function. Cirrhosis is because of many types of liver sicknesses and situations together with alcohol-associated liver sicknesses, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), persistent hepatitis B or C infection, sicknesses that have an effect on your bile ducts like biliary stricture, biliary atresia etc.
Generally, liver failure takes place after cirrhosis, which frequently has no symptoms and symptoms or signs and symptoms at some stage in preliminary section and the liver is just too broken to preserve working. So, it’s a slow method in maximum cases.
Treatment and prevention of liver failure
The main purpose of treatment is to cope with the basic purpose of liver damage Treatment alternatives for liver failure are medication, supportive care, and liver transplant. In human beings with cirrhosis or give up degree liver disease, a liver transplant is frequently required. Lifestyle adjustments are frequently endorsed as a part of remedy.
You can reduce your risk of liver failure with the aid of using taking easy steps such as:
. Eating a wholesome food regimen wealthy in culmination and greens at the same time as reducing lower back on fatty foods.
. Maintaining a wholesome weight.
. Avoiding alcohol consumption.
. Getting vaccinated towards hepatitis A and B.
. Following guidelines whilst the usage of medications.
. Practicing appropriate private hygiene.
. Having ordinary physical examinations together along with your doctor.
Dr. Ninad Deshmukh is one of the best Liver transplant surgeon in pune India. He has performed more than 100 liver transplant surgeries as a Chief Surgeon. Currently, he is available at Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital Pune. He is an expert in all types of liver transplants and is the preferred choice for domestic as well as international patients. NewLife Gastro Liver Clinic is one of the best liver transplantation clinics in India. If you have any liver-related problems, Dr. Ninad Deshmukh is the best doctor for you.
Book your Appointment Now!
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ayurveda-melbourne · 1 year
Ayurvedic Treatment for Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP)
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Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP) is a medical disorder characterized by a low platelet count in the blood, usually defined as less than 100,000 platelets per microliter. Platelets are crucial for blood clotting, and a reduced platelet count in ITP can lead to a heightened risk of spontaneous bleeding or bruising. ITP primarily occurs when the immune system mistakenly identifies platelets as foreign invaders and produces antibodies to destroy them.
The exact cause of this autoimmune response is often unknown, but it can be triggered by various factors, including viral infections, medications, or underlying autoimmune conditions. ITP can affect individuals of all ages, although it is more common in children and young adults. Its symptoms can range from mild, with minimal bleeding, to severe, resulting in potentially life-threatening hemorrhages. Diagnosis typically involves blood tests to assess platelet counts and rule out other conditions with similar symptoms.
There are two main types of ITP: Acute and Chronic:
Acute Thrombocytopenic Purpura
Acute Thrombocytopenic Purpura is a medical condition characterized by a sudden and significant decrease in the number of platelets in the blood. Platelets are essential for blood clotting, and a low platelet count in this condition can lead to easy bruising, petechiae (small red or purple spots on the skin), and, in severe cases, spontaneous bleeding.
Acute Thrombocytopenic Purpura is typically caused by the immune system mistakenly attacking and destroying platelets and its exact underlying cause is often unclear. While it can affect individuals of all ages, it is more commonly diagnosed in children.
Chronic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
Chronic Thrombocytopenic Purpura is a long-term medical condition characterized by a persistent and low platelet count in the blood. Platelets play a crucial role in blood clotting, and a reduced platelet count in this condition can result in easy bruising, petechiae (small red or purple spots on the skin), and, in severe cases, spontaneous bleeding.
Chronic Thrombocytopenic Purpura is primarily caused by the immune system mistakenly attacking and destroying platelets, although the exact underlying cause remains uncertain in many cases.
Symptoms of Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP) typically encompass:
Easy Bruising: You might get bruises easily, especially on your face.
Purple Spots: You could see purple spots on your skin that look like big freckles.
Tiny Red or Purple Dots: You might have small red or purple dots on your skin, kind of like a rash.
Bleeding: Sometimes, you can bleed from your gums, nose, or tummy.
Feeling very tired: You may feel more tired than usual like you need a lot of rest.
Bone Hurts: Your bones might hurt a bit, but not everyone with ITP feels this.
Swollen Lumps: You could have lumps under your skin, like in your neck or armpits that feel swollen.
External factors which can lead to the development of ITP can be:
Consumption of over-the-counter medicine without considering the side effects and prolonged usage of OTC medicines
Viral infections that lead to chickenpox, hepatitis C, and AIDS can prompt antibodies that cross-react with platelets
Pregnancy can alter immunity and sometimes lead to ITP
Auto-immune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, etc.
Low-grade lymphoma and leukemia
General Precautions
Avoid certain medicines that can affect platelet function
Avoid alcohol, spicy food, etc.
Always choose low-impact to decrease your risk of injury and bleeding.
Consume a well-balanced diet like lean meat, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products.
Maintain an ideal body weight.
Ayurclinic Holistic Approach to ITP
Ayurveda classifies ITP under “Tiryaka Raktapitta, a blood disorder. In “Tiryaka Raktapitta”, all three Dosha of the body’s bloodstream; Vata, Pitta, and Kapha are vitiated resulting in the imbalance of the metabolism of the bloodstream or resulting the imbalance of the Agni in the Rakta Dhatu. This imbalance affects the immune system and creates an error where the immune system of the body starts attacking one component of the blood: Platelets.
Ayurvedic treatments for ITP typically involve a holistic approach aimed at restoring balance in the body and improving overall health and well-being.
Here are key aspects of Ayurclinic’s approach:
Individualized Ayurvedic Consultations: The journey towards healing begins with a thorough consultation by experienced Ayurvedic practitioners. We assess the individual’s unique constitution (Prakriti), the current state of imbalance (Vikriti), and any underlying factors contributing to ITP
Customized Herbal Therapies: Our Ayurvedic practitioners often prescribe certain herbal remedies tailored to an individual’s constitution and specific imbalances. Personalized Ayurveda therapies are focused on balancing the immune system, boosting platelet production, and enhancing overall blood health. These herbal formulations are tailored to the specific needs of the patient.
Dietary Guidance: Nutrition plays a vital role in Ayurveda. Ayurclinic provides dietary recommendations to support platelet production and immune system regulation. Specific foods and dietary habits are suggested to align with the patient’s constitution and current health condition.
Lifestyle Modifications: Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of a balanced lifestyle. Ayurclinic advises on lifestyle modifications that can help reduce stress, enhance immunity, and promote overall well-being. Stress management techniques such as yoga and meditation may also be recommended.
Panchakarma Therapies: Panchakarma is a comprehensive detoxification and rejuvenation therapy that involves five cleansing procedures: Snehana (Oleation), Swedana (Sweating), Virechana (purgation), Basti (Medicated Enema), and Nasya (Nasal Cleansing). While these therapies are traditionally used for various purposes, when applied appropriately and under the guidance of a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner, they may help improve overall health and potentially address the underlying causes of ITP.
Periodic Monitoring: Ayurclinic closely monitors the progress of ITP patients throughout their treatment journey. Adjustments to herbal formulations and lifestyle recommendations are made as needed to ensure the best possible outcome.
Patient Education: Empowering patients with knowledge about their condition and Ayurvedic treatments is a fundamental aspect of Ayurclinic’s approach. Patients are educated about the importance of compliance, lifestyle changes, and the holistic nature of their treatment.
At Ayurclinic, we adopt a comprehensive and holistic approach to managing Immune Thrombocytopenia. Central to this approach is the principle of addressing the root cause of the condition, rather than merely alleviating symptoms. Ayurclinic’s commitment in treating Immune Thrombocytopenia goes beyond symptom management. We aim to restore balance to the body, strengthen immunity, and improve the overall quality of life for individuals facing this autoimmune disorder.
Consulting with our Ayurvedic practitioners can provide a path to better health and improved quality of life for ITP patients. If you are suffering from ITP and looking for treatment of ITP in Melbourne, book an appointment with us.
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john9028 · 1 year
Gallic Acid Market future growth, trends and forecast analysis 2022-2033
Market Overview
The Global Gallic Acid Market size was at USD 76.49 Million in 2022, and it is predicted that it will reach a valuation of USD 150.37 Million by the end of 2033 with an annual development rate (CAGR) of 7.80% between 2022 and 2033.
The amorphous solid is called Gallic Acid. It has a white to off-white colour. It is soluble in water and hygroscopic in nature. It is an anti-oxidant which occurs naturally in various natural products such as red fruits, tea leaves, sumac, bear berry, hazelnut, oak bark and other serval plants. Sometimes, it can be found in the form of hydrolysable and ester as well. It is a photosensitive material, and it has to be kept in a dark and cold room. The increasing demand for Gallic Acid in the pharmaceutical industry is expected to register substantial growth over the forecast period. Gallic Acid has Anti-Viral and Anti-fungal qualities, and is a strong anti-oxidant product that aids in protecting cells from oxidative damage. Gallic Acid has a unique ability to fight against cancer cells without damaging the healthy cells. Furthermore, it is also used for treating diabetes and albuminuria. The Uprising use of Gallic Acid to treat inflammation, cancer, neurological disorders, hepatitis C, HCV infection and cardiovascular maladies is anticipated to accelerate the market demand.
Request Sample Reports: https://wemarketresearch.com/sample-request/gallic-acid-market/159
Day by day, the knowledge about the Gallic Acid has been spreading in the market. Therefore, the demand for Gallic Acid in the general food industry is anticipated to grow as a food additive in food products, which it not found naturally. It will accelerate the progression of the Gallic Acid market. Gallic acid is being used in pharmacology to communicate medicinal properties that are neuroprotective and hepatoprotective, and its anti-microbial and anti-carcinogenic qualities make it an essential intermediary. Ongoing research on Gallic Acid demonstrates an excellent future for the Gallic acid market in the therapeutic and pharmaceutical industry.. Read More: https://wemarketresearch.com/reports/gallic-acid-market/159
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drninad · 1 year
What Cause Liver Failure
The liver is one of the most important organs working around the clock to keep you healthy and alive. It performs more than 500 tasks, including detoxification, protein synthesis and the production of bile that helps in the digestion of fats. Yet, several factors, including health problems, can cause serious liver diseases and lead to liver failure, a life-threatening condition that warrants immediate medical attention.
With is current generation and world-magnificence facilities, NewLife Gastro Liver Clinic , is famous for providing the best treatment for all degrees of liver sicknesses. If you’re involved approximately your liver health, examine on as our doctors  list the overall signs of common liver diseases and the way extraordinary situations can purpose liver failure.
Signs and Symptoms of liver disease
While liver ailment doesn’t constantly reason great signs, the subsequent symptoms and symptoms may also imply a few sort of liver issue. Also, signs may also range depending on the underlying reason.
Jaundice (yellow pores and skin and eyes)
Dark urine
Chronic fatigue
Itchy pores and skin
Easy bruising
Swollen legs
Seek hospital therapy when you have any of those signs or chronic symptoms and symptoms that fear you.
Causes of liver failureThe reason of liver failure relies upon at the type of liver failure – acute or persistent. Acute liver failure happens rapidly (in days or weeks), while persistent liver failure develops regularly over time.
Acute liver failure may be as a result of many extraordinary things, even though the precise purpose can be unknown in a few cases. Possible reasons are:
. Viral infections – like hepatitis A, B or E
. Reactions to prescription medicinal drugs together with antibiotics, antidepressants, anti-seizure medicinal drugs
. Reactions to few natural medicinal drugs and supplements
. Overuse of positive capsules like acetaminophen (Tylenol)
. Autoimmune situations like autoimmune hepatitis
. Metabolic problems together with Wilson’s disease
Chronic liver failure regularly outcomes from cirrhosis (intense scarring of the liver), making it difficult or not possible on your liver to function. Cirrhosis is because of many types of liver sicknesses and situations together with alcohol-associated liver sicknesses, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), persistent hepatitis B or C infection, sicknesses that have an effect on your bile ducts like biliary stricture, biliary atresia etc.
Generally, liver failure takes place after cirrhosis, which frequently has no symptoms and symptoms or signs and symptoms at some stage in preliminary section and the liver is just too broken to preserve working. So, it’s a slow method in maximum cases.
Treatment and prevention of liver failure
The main purpose of treatment is to cope with the basic purpose of liver damage Treatment alternatives for liver failure are medication, supportive care, and liver transplant. In human beings with cirrhosis or give up degree liver disease, a liver transplant is frequently required. Lifestyle adjustments are frequently endorsed as a part of remedy.
You can reduce your risk of liver failure with the aid of using taking easy steps such as:
. Eating a wholesome food regimen wealthy in culmination and greens at the same time as reducing lower back on fatty foods.
. Maintaining a wholesome weight.
. Avoiding alcohol consumption.
. Getting vaccinated towards hepatitis A and B.
. Following guidelines whilst the usage of medications.
. Practicing appropriate private hygiene.
. Having ordinary physical examinations together along with your doctor.
Dr. Ninad Deshmukh is one of the best Liver transplant surgeon in pune India. He has performed more than 100 liver transplant surgeries as a Chief Surgeon. Currently, he is available at Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital pune. He is an expert in all types of liver transplants and is the preferred choice for domestic as well as international patients. NewLife Gastro Liver Clinic is one of the best liver transplantation clinics in India. If you have any liver related problems ,Dr Ninad Deshmukh is the best doctor for you. Book your Appointment Now!
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hardynwa · 1 year
Hepatitis may kill more people than malaria, TB, HIV combined — WHO
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The World Health Organisation has raised the alarm that viral hepatitis could kill more people than malaria, tuberculosis, and HIV combined by 2040 if the current infection rate continues. According to WHO, hepatitis causes liver damage and cancer and kills over a million people annually. Of the 5 types of hepatitis infections, hepatitis B and C cause most of the disease and deaths. WHO made this known in a statement it issued as the global health body joined the rest of the world to celebrate the 2023 World Hepatitis Day, themed, “One life, one liver”. The health organisation noted that while Hepatitis C could be cured, only 21 per cent of the people living with the infection are diagnosed and only 13 per cent have received curative treatment. Who added that only 10 per cent of people living with chronic hepatitis B are diagnosed, and only 2 per cent of those infected are receiving lifesaving medicine. “Viral hepatitis could kill more people than malaria, tuberculosis, and HIV combined by 2040 if current infection trends continue. “Hepatitis causes liver damage and cancer and kills over a million people annually. Of the 5 types of hepatitis infections, hepatitis B and C cause most of the disease and deaths. Hepatitis C can be cured; however, only 21% of people living with hepatitis C infection are diagnosed and only 13% have received curative treatment. “Just 10 per cent of people living with chronic hepatitis B are diagnosed, and only 2per cent of those infected are receiving the lifesaving medicine.” WHO emphasised the importance of protecting the liver against hepatitis for living a long, healthy life, saying, “Good liver health also benefits other vital organs – including the heart, b, rain, and kidneys – that rely on the liver to function.” WHO Director-General, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, stated that despite available preventive measures and treatment, many people are undiagnosed.“WHO remains committed to supporting countries to expand the use of those tools, including increasingly cost-effective curative medication, to save lives and end hepatitis,” said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. To combat viral hepatitis, WHo called for global communities to ensure access to treatment for all pregnant women and vaccines for babies at birth. “To reduce new infections and deaths from hepatitis B and C, countries must: ensure access to treatment for all pregnant women living with hepatitis B, provide hepatitis B vaccines for their babies at birth, diagnose 90% of people living with hepatitis B and/or hepatitis C, and provide treatment to 80% of all people diagnosed with hepatitis. “They must also act to ensure optimal blood transfusion, safe injections, and harm reduction. “The reduction of hepatitis B infections in children through vaccination is a key intervention to limit viral hepatitis infections overall. The target for hepatitis B incidence is the only Sustainable Development Goal health target that was met in 2020 and is on track for 2030. “However, many countries in Africa do not have access to the birth dose hepatitis B vaccines. Gavi’s recent restart of its Vaccine Investment Strategy 2018 – which includes the birth dose hepatitis B vaccine – will jumpstart newborn vaccination programs in West and Central Africa, where mother-to-child hepatitis B transmission rates remain very high. “To help eliminate mother-to-child transmission, WHO recommends that all pregnant women should be tested for hepatitis B during their pregnancy. If positive, they should receive treatment and vaccines should be provided to their newborns. However, a new WHO report shows that of the 64 countries with a policy, only 32 countries reported implementing activities to screen for and manage hepatitis B in antenatal clinics. “For people who want to maintain liver health, WHO recommends hepatitis testing, treatment if diagnosed, and vaccination against hepatitis B. Reducing alcohol consumption, achieving a healthy weight, and managing diabetes or hypertension also benefit liver health,” WHO stated. Read the full article
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Avail the Best Treatment for Liver Transplant in Delhi
One of the largest internal organs in the human body, the liver serves numerous essential purposes. It generates biochemical, synthesizes the proteins required for digestion, and aids in the detoxification of different metabolites. Numerous end-stage liver illnesses can impair the liver’s ability to function properly, which may result in liver failure. An unfit liver or a piece containing an unfit liver of a living or deceased donor is surgically placed in place of an unfit liver to restore proper function.
During a liver transplant hospital in Delhi surgery, a healthy liver from a donor or another individual is substituted for a non-functioning liver. A deceased person or someone in good health who is ready to donate part of their liver can both serve as donors.
● Cadaver: A deceased donor who passed away after suffering a fatal brain injury or brain death.
● A healthy relative or another person whose blood type is a good match is regarded as a living donor.
Who needs a liver transplant?
Since no device or technology can yet consistently carry out all of the duties of the liver, a liver transplant hospital in Delhi is currently the sole option for therapy in liver failure. People who need liver transplants often have chronic liver disease instead of acute liver failure. When a formerly healthy liver is injured and becomes insufficient, acute liver failure ensues. Alongside viral hepatitis, additional illnesses that include congenital liver problems, weight gain, metabolic and autoimmune conditions, addiction to alcohol, or cancer of the liver may additionally result in chronic liver failure. The word “cirrhosis” means a serious type of liver damage that is irreversible and incurable. A liver transplant by Dr. Vishal Chorasiya liver transplant surgeon is the only treatment option for liver failure, even though certain medications can assist with the symptoms.
For whom is a liver transplant appropriate?
If you’re suffering from liver disease, a severe form of liver damage, a transplant of your liver from Dr Vishal Chorasiya liver transplant surgeon might be the treatment you need. If any or all of these disorders have severely harmed your liver, you could need it:
● Non-alcohol-related fatty liver disease (NAFLD), one of the metabolism problems brought on by hepatitis, affects both biological and chemical reactions which maintain the liver working.
● certain liver malignancies, especially hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)
● illness with polycystic livers
● poisoning from paracetamol
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Indian Operative Information for Liver Transplants
The treatment that entails three operations is the liver transplant.
● The first procedure is to remove the donor’s liver. A patient needs a donor liver for a liver transplant operation so that their damaged liver can be replaced. Two categories of liver donors exist:
Cadaver donor who passed away: A donor is typically an unfortunate individual who has experienced irreparable brain damage, brain death, or a live person.
Donor Liver: The liver can regenerate. A living donor can therefore donate a piece of their liver to an individual who needs it. The medical staff maintains the donor’s organ’s function with the aid of medicines as well as additional “life-sustaining” tools. Dr Vishal Chorasiya liver transplant surgeon takes out the donated organs and keeps them alive until they can be implanted using ice and specific treatments. The liver must be transplanted within six hours of being removed.
● Second Operation: Removing the recipient’s damaged Liver- Depending on the patient’s health, the removal of the damaged liver might be very straightforward or quite challenging (especially in cases where the patient has already undergone liver surgery). The patient’s liver is removed using a curved cut performed by the surgeon on the upper belly.
● The third procedure involves implanting the donor’s liver. The patient’s liver is switched to the donor’s liver in the final phase of the surgery. Immediately following the liver transplant hospital in Delhi, the donor’s liver is bound (sewn) to the recipient’s veins & bile duct.
The intensive care unit must keep a patient for 6 to 10 days to monitor them. Following surgery, there is a 5- to 7-week healing period before the liver regenerates. Most patients feel better and have no symptoms after surgery from Dr Vishal Chorasiya liver transplant surgeon. To enhance their quality of life, they must, nevertheless, take specific safety measures and medications continuously.
Modern equipment that can operate around the clock is available to the doctor. With the most extensive backgrounds in the field, the transplant team has the honor. Surgery is frequently carried out for illnesses like cancer of the pancreas, carcinoma of the liver, or cancer of the gall bladder. These surgeries are technically tricky and sophisticated. The members of the liver transplant hospital in Delhi team have extensive expertise in managing patients with liver disease and carrying out liver transplants in India and have received training at some of the leading facilities in the world. The best possible patient care is made feasible by competent nursing and technological support staff. A dedicated and hardworking group of nutritionists and physiotherapists supports the team as well. Dr Vishal Chorasiya liver transplant surgeon has also been successful in developing a deceased donor transplant program and has successfully recovered and transplanted the most deceased donor organs in Delhi.
Content Source: https://medium.com/@aasltsuperspecialty/avail-the-best-treatment-for-liver-transplant-in-delhi-d1d293d2d797
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geclinicsblog · 1 year
Gastroenterologist Doctor In Omr
Gastroenterology: GI and Digestive Tract Treatment
Gastroenterology is a branch of medicine that focuses on the health of the digestive system, gastrointestinal tract or GI tract, and liver. Gastroenterologists can treat everything starting from irritable bowel syndrome to hepatitis C. The digestive system contains many important digestive organs, including: 
The mouth
Small and large bowels
Rectum and anus
Esophagus(the “feeding pipe”)
Symptoms and Signs of Gastrointestinal Diseases
The signs of a Gastroenterology problem may vary but they include:
Abdominal pain and discomfort
bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract
constipation and diarrhea
difficulty swallowing
Severe and persistent heartburn/indigestion
stomach discomfort, nausea, vomiting
unexplained weight loss
When such a situation arises, consult the best gastroenterologist doctor in OMR.There are many different diagnoses that apply to gastrointestinal disorders. First, the medical team asks questions about the person's symptoms and recent activities to make the diagnosis. There are many types of gastrointestinal diseases, such as viral gastroenteritis, food poisoning, and constipation.These are specialists who focus on:
Digestive physiology or normal function
Motility or movement of food via digestive tract
Digestion or breakdown of food
Absorption of nutrients
Removing waste products from the body
All normal activities and disorders of the digestive system are treated by a gastroenterologist. They care for patients in outpatient/clinics or hospitals. Gastroenterologists focus on specific areas of the digestive system. This includes the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, etc. This somewhat overlapswith the treatment given by general practitioners, ear, nose, and throat surgeons (ENT), upper gastrointestinal surgeons, and colon surgeons.
Treatment usually includes short-term or long-term medications such as Kamagra. However, the general practitioners t may refer the patient to a gastroenterologist if surgery is required. One of the most important interventions for gastroenterologists is endoscopy. A thin, flexible tube with a built-in video camera that can be inserted into the intestine is used. It helps doctors visualize the inside of the digestive tract and effectively diagnose bowel disorders.
𝐆𝐄𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐂&𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐏𝐘𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐑𝐄 have the medical expertise in treating various conditions related to the digestive system. Dr.S.Ganesh, the best gastroenterologist doctor in OMR at 𝐆𝐄𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐂&𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐏𝐘𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐑𝐄 provides exceptional gastro and digestive care solutions involving prevention, diagnosis, & treatment.
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medicineforcare · 12 days
Rifagut 400mg
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Rifaximin is the active component of the pharmaceutical drug Rifagut 400mg. It is an antibiotic that is mostly used to treat intestinal bacterial infections. Rifaximin functions by preventing bacteria in the intestines from multiplying and spreading.
Rifagut 400 mg is a high-dosage version of Rifagut 200mg as it is used for older patients with more severe diseases.
IBS-D, hepatic encephalopathy, and traveler’s diarrhea are among the disorders that are frequently treated with Rifagut 400mg. The drug is used to stop and treat diarrhea brought on by specific kinds of bacteria in travelers’ diarrhea. It is used to lessen IBS-D symptoms including diarrhea, bloating, and stomach discomfort. Rifagut 400mg is used to lessen the severity of symptoms including disorientation, amnesia, and difficulties concentrating in hepatic encephalopathy
Tablets containing Rifagut 400 mg are available and ought to be consumed orally. Depending on the illness being treated and the severity of the symptoms, the dose and length of the course of treatment may change. It’s crucial to take the medication precisely as your doctor has instructed.
Some adverse effects of Rifagut 400mg include nausea, vomiting, headaches, and stomach discomfort. And if you have suffered any of these adversative effects, Very important and crucial for you is to make sure you let your specialist know because they could call for treatment.
If you are taking viral care medicine first time than start with smaller does Rifagut 200mg and higher does also available Rifagut 550mg does We are also providing medicines like Cipmox 250mg, Levoquin 500mg, Naprosyn 500mg and Ivermectin 12mg.
Why You Must Consider It?
Some bacteria that cause infections in the gastrointestinal system are reported to be resistant to Rifagut 400mg. This qualifies it as a viable choice for the healing of diseases including IBS-D and also hepatic encephalopathy it can also cause traveler’s diarrhea. Rifagut 400mg mostly remains in the gut and has little effect on the rest of the body due to its low bloodstream absorption. When treating diseases like hepatic encephalopathy, where the drug must target gut bacteria without harming the liver or other organs, this is especially helpful. Rifagut 400mg comes in tablet form, making it simple to use as directed. Depending on the ailment being treated and the degree of symptoms, the dosage and length of the course of treatment may change. Rifagut 400mg may lessen the symptoms of several medical disorders, including disorientation, bloating, stomach discomfort, and diarrhea. The quality of life and general well-being of the person may be enhanced as a result. Rifagut 400mg has a minimal incidence of adverse effects and is often well tolerated. This indicates that the majority of individuals may take it without having any serious negative effects.
Some Interesting Insights About it
The antibiotic drug Rifaximin is frequently prescribed to treat bacterial infections of the gastrointestinal system. It is a member of the rifamycin family of antibiotics, which prevents bacteria in the intestines from growing and spreading. Irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea which is abbreviated as (IBS-D) can also do hepatic encephalopathy, and traveler’s diarrhea are among the most common disorders that Rifaximin is used to treat. Rifaximin is used to prevent and treat diarrhea brought on by specific kinds of bacteria in travelers’ diarrhea. It is used to lessen IBS-D symptoms including diarrhea, bloating, and stomach discomfort. Rifaximin is used to lessen the severity of symptoms including disorientation, amnesia, and difficulties concentrating in hepatic encephalopathy. Tablets and oral suspension are only a couple of the several dosage forms of Rifaximin. The ailment being treated and the intensity of the symptoms may have an impact on the dose and length of the course of action. It is crucial to take the medication exactly as directed by your doctor or another healthcare professional.
How does it work?
Rifaximin works by preventing bacteria in the digestive tract from multiplying and spreading. It belongs to a group of antibiotics known as rifamycin, which function by concentrating on bacterial RNA polymerase, a crucial enzyme involved in the reproduction of bacterial DNA. Rifaximin specifically inhibits the activity of bacterial RNA polymerase by binding to a particular location on the enzyme. This stops the gut bacteria from proliferating and spreading by interfering with their ability to replicate their DNA. Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Shigella, and Campylobacter are just a few of the gastrointestinal tract bacteria that Rifaximin is particularly successful. Rifaximin can help in healing many diseases like traveler’s diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea by killing the bacteria that cause these symptoms, which include diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, and bloating (IBS-D). Rifaximin also has a low bloodstream absorption rate, which means it mainly stays in the stomach and has little effect on the rest of the body. When treating diseases like hepatic encephalopathy, where the drug must target gut bacteria without harming the liver or other organs, this is especially helpful.
How should I get it?
Rifaximin must only be purchased with a valid prescription from a healthcare professional as it is a prescription drug You should speak with your doctor if you believe Rifaximin would be a good option for treating your problem. They can assess your medical history, carry out any required tests or examinations, and decide whether Rifaximin is the best course of therapy for you. You will be given a prescription for Rifaximin if your doctor decides it is the best treatment option for your condition. There are several ways to get Rifaximin, including pills and oral suspension. Based on your particular requirements and the severity of your symptoms, your healthcare professional will decide on the right dose and length of therapy.
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drchandrashekar26 · 4 months
Expert Care in Navi Mumbai: Dr. Chandrashekhar Tulasigeri, General Physician with 22+ Years of Experience
Dr. Chandrashekhar Tulasigeri is a distinguished General physician in navi Mumbai and the esteemed Director of the Department of Critical Care Medicine at NEW ERA Hospital in Navi Mumbai. With extensive experience and expertise in critical care, he leads the ICU with precision and compassion. Dr. Tulasigeri is renowned for his commitment to patient well-being, employing cutting-edge medical techniques and compassionate care to ensure optimal outcomes. His leadership in critical care medicine exemplifies excellence, setting a new standard in healthcare delivery. 
During an exclusive interview, Dr. Tulasigeri shared his comprehensive understanding of common rainy season afflictions such as viral fevers, dengue, leptospirosis, and respiratory infections. His emphasis on preventive measures underscores the importance of proactive healthcare practices, including vaccination awareness, maintaining hygiene, and avoiding stagnant water breeding grounds for mosquitoes and bacteria.
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The rainy season in Navi Mumbai brings a unique set of health challenges, ranging from waterborne illnesses to respiratory infections and skin problems. Dr. Chandrashekhar Tulasigeri's vast experience enables him to offer nuanced insights and practical advice to help patients safeguard their health during this time. From recommending vaccination schedules to educating about hygiene practices and providing timely treatment for common ailments, his approach is holistic and patient-centric.
As the monsoon clouds gather over Navi Mumbai, the city gears up for its annual dance with the rains. Amidst this season of lush greenery and occasional downpours, the importance of health and wellness takes center stage. In such times, having a seasoned healthcare professional by your side becomes invaluable. Dr. Chandrashekhar Tulasigeri, a highly experienced general physician, stands as a beacon of healthcare expertise, guiding patients through the nuances of staying healthy during the rainy season.
Dr. Chandrashekhar Tulasigeri - MBBS , MD. - Director Dept of Critical care Medicine NEW ERA Hospital, Navi Mumbai | Senior consultant Physician in NeuroOne Vashi & Kharghar, Navi Mumbai. Dr Chandrashekhar is a qualified MBBS, MD Physician and his area of expertise includes Diabetes, Hypertension, Asthma, Cardiac Illness, 2D Echo, Stress test, Preventive Medicine, Thyroid and Infective Diseases like Malaria, Dengue Preventive Medicine, Pneumonia, respiratory Infection, hepatitis etc.
Patients from all around Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Panvel and Raigad visit Dr. Chandrashekhar Tulasigeri with lots of hopes due to his more than 22 years of experience and superior treatment.   
Waterborne diseases pose another significant threat during this time. Dr. Tulasigeri emphasizes the need for clean drinking water and proper sanitation practices to prevent conditions like cholera, typhoid, and hepatitis. His proactive approach includes educating communities about water purification methods and advocating for municipal initiatives to ensure safe water supply.
Respiratory issues, such as asthma and allergies, often worsen in the damp and moldy environment that accompanies the rainy season. Dr. Tulasigeri conducts thorough assessments, including lung function tests and allergy screenings, to diagnose and manage these conditions effectively. He also advises patients on indoor air quality measures and recommends appropriate medications and lifestyle modifications to alleviate symptoms.
Preventive Healthcare: Dr. Tulasigeri emphasizes the importance of preventive measures such as vaccination against waterborne diseases like typhoid and hepatitis A, especially during the rainy season when the risk of contamination is higher.
Respiratory Health: Given the increase in humidity and moisture levels, respiratory infections are common. Dr. Tulasigeri educates patients on maintaining indoor air quality, recognizing early symptoms, and seeking timely medical intervention.
Nutrition and Hydration: Proper nutrition and hydration play a vital role in bolstering the immune system. Dr. Tulasigeri offers dietary recommendations tailored to the season and advises on maintaining adequate hydration levels.
Areas of Expertise
Dr. Tulasigeri's repertoire of expertise spans a diverse array of medical specialties, making him a versatile and trusted healthcare provider. Among his areas of specialization are:
Diabetes: With a deep understanding of the complexities of diabetes, Dr. Tulasigeri offers personalized treatment plans to help patients effectively manage their condition and lead fulfilling lives.
Hypertension: As a leading expert in hypertension management, Dr. Tulasigeri employs evidence-based approaches to control blood pressure and mitigate the risk of associated complications.
Asthma Care: With a compassionate approach, Dr. Tulasigeri assists asthma patients in achieving optimal control over their condition, enabling them to breathe easier and enjoy an improved quality of life.
Cardiac Health: Dr. Tulasigeri specializes in cardiac illness management, utilizing advanced diagnostic techniques such as 2D Echo and stress tests to assess heart function and formulate tailored treatment plans.
Infectious Diseases: Dr. Tulasigeri possesses extensive experience in managing infectious diseases such as malaria, dengue, pneumonia, and hepatitis, employing a multidisciplinary approach to ensure prompt diagnosis and effective treatment.
Commitment to Patient Care
At the core of Dr. Tulasigeri's practice is a steadfast commitment to providing compassionate and patient-centric care. He takes the time to listen to his patients' concerns, thoroughly assess their medical history, and collaborate with them to develop tailored treatment plans that align with their individual needs and preferences. His empathetic demeanor and unwavering dedication to his patients' well-being have earned him the trust and admiration of the community he serves.
Visit: https://drchandrashekhar-physician.com/
Contact: +91-77381 62020
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