#genji vibes
healpimp · 2 years
seeing ppl say tf2 has "no diversity" compared to ovw is so wild. the mercs literally all mentally ill AND they have pyro.
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megaclaudiolis · 4 months
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I want you to think that, "I can't live without you."
「光る君へ」 · 第二十二回 「越前の出会い」
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alexiela73 · 2 years
Can i have headcannons for mccree, hanzo, and blackwatch genji reacting to their trans (boy) kind getting bullied (in like a stalking ish way) and what they would do ? (Srry jcncn ik thats rly specific ive had a uh bad week if ya get me 😅)
If someone is stalking you, I am between call the police or go Rapunzel on his ass with a frying pan and see what he thinks then.
Also, was gonna post tomorrow but decided I couldn't wait.
Something started to bother you a few weeks ago
No matter how many times he asked you about it, you'd brush it off and say it was nothing or that he was imagining it
Except, he knew he wasn't. Jesse KNEW you, possibly too well
There was something off. You weren't as...happy, anymore. You seemed to look over your shoulder more often, and you didn't look excited about going to work anymore
Jesse would hold you at night and could feel you were still awake, hours after having said goodnight, and once even felt your tears on his shirt
One day, Jesse brought you lunch at work. He hadn't even made it into the store fully yet when he spotted you, and you looked so uncomfortable
Standing maybe barely a foot from you was a taller man leaning on the counter, almost looming over you. Jesse could see he was talking to you, and there was a twisted smile on his face as whatever he was saying
When you moved away, he just got right back up in your space and Jesse could see the tears shimmering in your eyes from there
Beyond pissed, Jesse put on the most easy going smile, walked over and slammed down his metal hand on the counter. "Hey darlin'," he said, giving you a wink. "How's my boy doing today?"
Startled to see your boyfriend, you immediately stepped back again from what Jesse now saw was your coworker. The coworker looked just as surprised, immediately followed by disgust
"She's your girlfriend, huh?" he asked, looking down at you.
"He is my boyfriend," Jesse emphasized, gritting his teeth. "And ya, I'mma pretty lucky fella to have y/n. He's an incredible guy. Who're you, by the way?" he asked, pulling out one of his cigars and lighting it in the store.
You started to open your mouth to stop him, but he waved you off, taking your hand and pulling you from behind the counter to nestle against his side. Perhaps it was a little inappropriate, but you knew Jesse was just protecting you.
The guy clearly wasn't getting the hint. "She's obviously a girl, man. I don't know how she has you fooled, but I can see her tits through that shirt-"
"Who on earth is Joe hiring these days?" Jesse asked you. "Must be desperate to be pullin' chumps like this one in."
"The fuck did you say to me?" the guy started, moving in from behind the counter.
The worker had no time to react, as Jesse grabbed the man and suddenly flipped him on his back beside the register. The man started to yell, but Jesse had taken a long drag of his cigar- and now shoved it into the guys gaping maw, cowing his mouth with his bionic hand.
The guy started to scream, muffled by Jesse and you immediately grabbed Jesse's arm.
"Jesse," you whispered frantically. "Stop it, please. This guy isn't worth it-"
"No," he agreed, "but you are. Now, look here," he drawled, leaning down so his face was near the mans. "You ever get in his space again, ever shit on him again like that or if I ever, ever see him shed another tear because of your sorry ass, I'll cut your tongue out and shove it up that ass of yours. Got it? And trust me, kid- jail couldn't stop me."
When he let go, the guy rolled over and choked out the cigar, ashes and drops of blood.
"Did you have to be that rough?" you whispered, but pressed your face into his neck, pressing a kiss to his skin gently.
"Darlin'-" Jesse shook his head and led you out for your break.
You told Hanzo that you had been receiving some distressing emails as of late
You volunteered with a few different organizations, and you hadn't had any issues with anyone regarding you being trans, but clearly someone was bothered by it
It wouldn't have concerned you, but other then vague threats and rather nasty messages, there were some pictures sent to you as well
Some included you walking down the road on your day off, others were of you at work- you could see whoever is was had taken pictures of you at your main work and one of your volunteer groups.
Hanzo was understandably upset by this
"So someone is following you around and threatening you?" he had said, his lips pulled tight. "I see. Why don't you take one of the dragons with you to your groups- preferably Ramen. Udon is far too nosey," he said dismissively.
"I...no, that's okay. If I react to it, then this guy will get the satisfaction of knowing he's got me all bothered," you said, rubbing your chin before scritching Udons cheeks as he rolled onto your lap.
"It is bothering you, and if nothing else, its bothering me. If these aren't empty words, then I'd never forgive myself for doing nothing," he'd said.
Over the next few days, Ramen would go with you everywhere, usually in your bag. On the fifth day, Hanzo walked over to your main office at so-and-so company, pushing a man in front of him.
You recognized the man as a volunteer at the shelter. The noodles were on either side of them, hissing and snapping at the man like angry cats and batting at his legs.
"This is the man that has been stalking you and spewing those vile things about your manhood," Hanzo said, holding a camera- it looked expensive too.
He crushed it in his hand as if it were made of paper, causing the man to sputter angrily, before dropping it and immediately the two dragons pounced and started burning and batting it around.
"Really? Why? You seemed so nice-" you started to say, but the man spat at your feet.
"God made you a woman and you think you can change his will?" he snarled, making Hanzo roll his eyes.
A sharp shake made the man hiss, and you had no idea what bound his hands behind his back. "You will speak when I say you can, pathetic fool," Hanzo growled. "We'll be going to the police with this and getting a restraining order. I've had enough of this whelp and his presence."
Sighing, you knew Hanzo was right. Letting the man go would likely just cause further problems down the road.
"Okay. Just let me send an email saying I'm done early for the day," you said, before leaning over and to the mans disgust, you pecked Hanzo on the lips. "Thanks, baby."
Hanzo reached up, cupping your chin and swiping his thumb over your bottom lip. "Always," he said softly.
Blackwatch Genji
The person who started bullying you was one of the recruits
Sadly, it was someone you actually worked really well with, until he saw you changing in the mens room and saw your binder
Since then, it has been snarky comments, circulating whispers and some of the people who you did your workouts with stopped talking to you
It even turned to school based bullying- shoulder checks, getting tripped, your clothes getting stolen
This went on for a total of two weeks, because thats exactly how long your boyfriend was away on a mission
No one knew that you two were dating- Genji was cold to most, very distant, and was usually considered harsh. Plus, he was often in charge of the recruits work outs and training regimes, so it seemed like a bad idea to let people know the two of you were intimate
You had no idea that Genji was home that day, back at base. He'd decided to come and visit the recuits- he watched as McCree put you all through the works, not fully paying attention as he was looking at some cowboy magazine
Genji saw the moment you were tripped while doing the 20 km run- he saw exactly who did it and the way some of them snickered. Part of him wanted to come help you up, but he refrained
He asked McCree if he'd noticed any shift in behavior amongst the ranks, and to his surprise, McCree put down the magazine and looked much more serious
"I have. Some of the guys found out about y/n being trans and I guess it didn't sit well with them. Almost everyone at camp knows now, and he often sits alone. I tried talkin' to the brats, but they won't take me seriously and Reyes is still away," he grunts, rubbing his chin. Genji didn't often see him bothered like this.
The rage he felt was unexplainable.
You didn't see him, but you were able to get out of the locker room before the other guys were done with their routine. It was a bad day overall, and you needed to get to the mess hall to start dinner, as it was your turn tonight.
When the men were showering and changing, Genji slipped in and locked the door
The men were shocked- Genji had never entered the mens change room. He often referred to the idea being akin to changing with a herd of sloppy pigs.
The look in his eyes though- they'd only seen it on missions. It was bloodthirsty
"McCree tells me you all have an issue with y/n," he said, his voice low and dangerous.
One of the guys, the one who'd started the whole thing, had the audacity to laugh. "Y/n is actually a woman," he said. "Pretending to be a guy. Can you believe it? I can't believe they let her change in here with us. You wouldn't believe what its been like-"
Genji grabbed him by the throat, slamming him into a locker so hard the frame bent, and snatched the mans tongue. He started choking, and some of the guys backed further away, too scared to interfere.
Genji's reputation as to what happened to those who angered him was well known.
"You filthy bastard," Genji said, tilting his head, eyes glinting crimson. "It's like you want to die, don't you? I should cut out your tongue- it'd be easy," he said.
So quickly did the hand on the guys throat become his elbow pressing down on his airway, and something sharp pricked against the mans tongue, drawing blood.
"Should I? Cut out your tongue?"Genji asked, tilting his head.
There was silence, the recruit struggling to breathe. The minutes stretched, before finally Genji let go.
The man slid to the ground, gasping hard, a drip of blood on his chin.
When he looked at them all, Genji lifted his blade and slowly ran his finger down it. "The next time one of you touches him. Looks at him. So much as thinks about him like that again...I will kill you. I'll kill all of you and I won't hesitate...and no one will stop me," he said.
When he left, Genji went straight to you. He had no doubt everyone believed him.
When he found you, Genji embraced you and kissed the top of your head. "I love you," he had said low in your ear. "As you are."
Not knowing what he meant, you just hugged him tighter, sighing softly. "I love you too, Genji. Please don't leave again without me."
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aditigoswami28ag · 1 year
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not alone, yet so lonely
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nitewrighter · 1 year
Ooh, I loved those last Kiriko ones. Got any more interactions in mind? Gotta agree, I think Kiriko could be a little more of a sweetheart. I get she's supposed to be playful, but she just sounds so rude doing so.
To be fair, there's a difference between her dialogue in a short where the main people she's interacting with (aside from a bunch of bad guys) are an old man, little girl, and her own mom, and her dialogue in a game where she's hanging out with a bunch of mercenaries. She also acted significantly different in her lore short story with her crew, definitely a lot more 'mature,' but arguably that was because she held herself responsible for their actions. So basically because her character is being pulled in these multiple directions ultimately her game dialogue boils down to just a bunch of 'cool girl' aphorisms that straddle between Marvel 'THAT just happened' dialogue and making it painfully obvious she's not nearly as memorable as the rest of the cast.
Anyway, let's do some fanteractions!
Kiriko: So did you pick the angel theme yourself or...?
Mercy: I wanted it to be a valkyrie. It's called the valkyrie suit! But optics said 'chooser of the slain' was a too grim, so here we are.
Kiriko: I feel like the white would get scuffed really easily.
Mercy: *clearly frustrated* It gets scuffed so easily! I would have changed it with the recall, but people still needed to be able to recognize me, so I just updated the suit.
Kiriko: *snort* Glad I don't have to worry about optics or brand recognition.
Mercy: *blankly* Oh. So the ears are a choice, then.
Kiriko: So... floating, huh?
Zenyatta: Indeed.
Kiriko: So, like, hypothetically, would you be faster or slower if you just ran?
Zenyatta: What matters is the journey, not the destination.
Kiriko: I feel like the destination matters a little bit.
Kiriko: Genji says you helped him out a lot.
Zenyatta: Yes, though the best students teach us much about ourselves.
Kiriko: Uh huh, uh huh...so... any embarrassing stories?
Zenyatta: Oh... so many.
Kiriko: Woah! What is your routine?
Junker Queen: Eh?
Kiriko: I just--How did you get those abs?
Junker Queen: I'unno. Killin' people?
Kiriko: Little old school, little new school! I can dig it!
Brigitte: *giggle* Thanks. I could say the same.
[During setup on Hanamura]
Brigitte: Hey--know any good bakeries around here?
Kiriko: Depends! What are your thoughts on donuts?
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cybernightart · 1 year
Playing genji has 2(ish) moods
playing genji is either "OMG HOW AM I NOT DEAD/HOW DID I PULL THAT OFF/IM A GOD!!!! *did a small thing but thought you would die while doing it and didn't*/ i don't know where this sudden bloodlust has come from but I AM FEEDING IT" or "i am Genji Shimada but you can call me 007 cuz i still haven't gotten a single elim but have died more times then i though possible with how long the game has been going *game just started*/ oh yay....the entire enemy team are my hard counters.....lovely....../ WOW i just watched myself get nerfed in real time /PLEASE NO MORE NERFS" and sometimes it switches between the two rapidly! still gonna play him though... green cyborg ninja dude go brrrrr
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kiingbiing · 8 months
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pochapal · 1 year
haunted and vexed by the way this man is forcing me to reconsider the definition of "furniture"
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lavenderpop · 2 years
i wanna make a tmnt crossover au, but the only ones i have ideas for are overwatch and bnha
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termagax · 1 year
Mr. Brightside and Wake Me Up with your overwatch s/i? - @savoryangel :]
MR. BRIGHTSIDE :: If your s/i had to describe themselves, what would that description be? Would they be honest with how they describe themselves?
honestly the most youll probably get out of them is "just some jackass". they dont really think very highly of themselves and try to avoid thinking about Who They Are as much as possible. if you got them when theyre feeling vulnerable you might get an im all thats left or maybe all there ever was out of them though, which is probably the most honest answer theyre capable of. most of the time though i think they dont really feel like anything.
WAKE ME UP :: If someone had to befriend your s/i, what’s the one thing they could do and/or say to immediately get on their good side?
they like people who will commit to some kind of bit with them whether they know it or not. they like getting a reaction out of people and so they gravitate towards people who are either willing to play along (junkrat, tracer, the genji gang) or really easy to annoy and always take the bait (hanzo) or some combination of the two (they like cassidy because he'll play along a little bit but hes also just easy to freak out by doing weird fishman shit. two bits for the price of one)
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ataleoftwodragons · 1 year
For Genji. Hands down.
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alikestory · 21 hours
i spent all my free time today trying to translate genji....... i forgot to take the chicken out of the oven.... it was fine i did turn it off and then i LEFT IT THERE. it wasn't burnt just dry it was fine ANYWAY i know like five words in japanese and all of them were in the first speech bubble and my confidence was too high u___u;;;; i made it through like two pages. this series is eight volumes long.
okay read the tags before this part i typed them and then remembered... bc i did like, go through the first volume and there's this
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this peacock???? anyway that's all i have to say. :v currently.
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megaclaudiolis · 3 months
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柄本 佑 || 「光る君へ」 (2024) · 第二十五回 「決意」 ​​​
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aditigoswami28ag · 9 months
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penning my heart out
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shslpunkartist99 · 7 months
The want for casual gamers that play comp in ow2..
It's fuckin 9 am and I'm at work. Gotta stop watching ow vids
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iheartbow · 5 months
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marcel, chelsea, a tweaked version of sasha’s, and genji’s interiors! took major inspo from a @muddycake interior that i saw on pinterest, and felt that it fit my vision for chelsea perfectly! i just tweaked some items to fit her interests / vibe (*´︶`*)☆
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