#genshin Impact amber
momoiro-hime · 1 year
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Red characters  | Do NOT repost or use without permission.    
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ec-machlan · 10 months
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Amber you are SO cute I wish I knew how to use you well At All #girl
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dailyfigures · 5 months
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Amber & Venti & Diluc & Paimon ; Genshin Impact ☆ Bushiroad Creative
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Mondstadt Girls and an Inazuman Deserter!Reader - Amber, Rosaria & Eula x Male!Reader
A/N: A bit specific to be sure, but I hope it's still entertaining! C/W: Some mentions of frontline hardships and horrors.
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There weren't any early warning signs to what was about to befall Inazuma. 
It was as if the Almighty Shogun, so beloved by her people, one day decided to pay her subjects back by trampling on their ambitions. And so Inazumans were forced to, willingly or less so, give up their Visions. Not all went smoothly, however. An obvious backlash was what Narukami’s outrageous demand to hand over Watatsumi’s Visions had been met with, escalating into an invasion in a matter of days. 
At first, the small but professional army of your homeland managed to strike at Watatsumi's unprepared shores, but excited news reports of rapid progress soon died down. Watatsumi's resistance was ferocious, which in tandem with the enlistment of every Vision Bearer in the small state forced the shogunate’s troops back. Not only did they defend their home island, but also succeeded in taking the fight to the bordering Yashiori Island. Unofficial channels reported mounting losses, and with mounting losses came the dreaded mobilization. 
The recruiters and state officials chanted the word “defend!” at anyone who would listen. But what ethical merit had it when you were the aggressors? 
As a male in his prime years, you were one of the first to get drafted when things got rough for the Shogunate. The punishment for evading this duty was harsh - multiple years of prison and unavoidable social ostracism was what awaited you if you were to refuse the God of Thunder's call. With only 24 hours to pack, you took only the necessary items and said your goodbyes for what could very well be your final time. You were off to the frontlines, fighting a war you never asked for and had no business supporting. 
What awaited you was hell. 
With the competent commanders either dead, wounded or having deserted altogether, the military was condemned to fight under inexperienced and cowardly commanders. Soon the “meat assaults”, as your comrades called them, would become the staple of military tactics. There was scarce food, scarce medical assistance, intelligence, scouting, ammunition and everything necessary to fight, and your comrades were melting before your eyes. No friendship lasted - sooner or later a “category second load” was all that you were left with. Bodies were everywhere, rotting under artillery fire in the trenches, on the fields, beaches and forests with nobody to collect them, let alone give them a burial. You lived among them, getting weaker and sicker with each day. The stench was overpowering, barring you from keeping anything in your stomach - not that you had anything to eat but dry crackers and cat soup anyway. The wounded lay scattered among your unit, slowly bleeding out and succumbing to their injuries with few chances of being rescued and tended to. With the losses mounting, you soon came to regret your skill at avoiding suicidal assaults. You were surrounded with homeless and criminals forced into uniform. With the latter came prison discipline as rank integrity and morale decayed. You found your “comrades” to change from fellow citizens to murderers, rapists, robbers, smugglers, bandits - criminals both petty and serious. Humiliations, beatings, lynchings and animalisation became an integral part of your daily life as you found yourself amongst them. Until you couldn't take it anymore. 
You fled. You deserted your post, cast your weapon into the sea, burned your uniform and spent all your savings on bribing locals to smuggle you back to Ritou where you took off with the Krux towards the mainland. 
Whatever you faced there would be a far better life than one of chaos and decay on the frontlines. 
You survived, yes. You made it through hell with your life, but it didn't mean you were proud of it. In the eyes of your people, you have become a coward, a traitor and an unworthy man. Would others share their outlook?
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Your first encounter with a certain Outrider wasn't long after you've got yourself a job. As an equipment technician for the Knights of Favonius, you were charged with keeping her and the others’ weapons and armor in top condition. 
Amber made quite the impression on you when she came crashing through the balcony and into the workshop, scattering tools, weapons and outfits across the entire room. She knocked over a candle while bashfully apologizing, setting some fabric on fire. Despite the rough landing, the mess and the arson, her genuine smile and bright disposition sparked a true wildfire in your heart, one she - as you would come to know - shared. 
All was well for a few months. Amber didn't take interest in politics, placing the war outside of her attention. She did once mention it, but stopped at simply wishing your family safety. She didn't pay much attention to your scars - she had many of her own from the various accidents she had and adventures she regularly embarked on. You having some too didn't really strike her as unusual. 
What Amber did notice was your attitude towards certain topics. Wherever her service in the Knights or war in general came up, you turned rather pessimistic and dismissive. Phrases akin to “we’ll die anyway” or “we are replaceable” would frequently reach her ears. This, combined with your general dislike towards war-related topics and scarce - if any - sharing of your past in Inazuma gave her more than enough clues. She quickly put two and two together and, preferring to stay genuine, asked you outright. 
After hearing about what got you in Mondstadt, she didn't know what to say. She just sat there, blinking, her mouth slightly agape. In her defense, nothing could have prepared Amber for a story about sleeping amongst rotting corpses or hearing another soldier cry for help for hours until he finally bled out. 
It's no wonder you wanted out. Nobody deserves this treatment for risking their lives for their god. What kind of god Raiden Shogun even is? One who strips her followers of their Visions and sends her soldiers to fight in these conditions, without even bothering to show up and support them? Your desertion, no, your escape is fully justified. If anything you should be proud to have made such a bold decision, risking execution if your despicable superiors were to find out. 
For Amber, hearing you doubt yourself as man was an honest surprise. In a situation as inhuman as that, how could you even consider societal expectations? Only people truly separated from reality would call you a wimp. These people are likely women or those fortunate enough to never experience actual war first hand, so you shouldn't bother about their opinions.
As for herself, well… Amber knows that, as an Outrider, she will be sent to the frontlines should the need arise. But she rests easy, knowing that offensive warfare isn't something very likely to be in Mondstadt’s future. Even if there will be, Amber is sure that it will happen only if absolutely necessary and in good cause. 
Amber: You've been through things that no man should ever experience. You are very brave to have said ‘enough’ and left that hell behind, no matter the risk. Now, my brave warrior, you deserve to rest - I swore to defend every citizen of Mondstadt, including you. If you could, leave the defending to me! I’ll make sure that you won't ever have to fight again! Outrider's promise!
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When you arrived in Mondstadt, you were obviously placed in Rosaria’s sights. Every outlander that takes residence in the city must be investigated, as per her orders. There wasn’t a lot to go off, as she found. You didn’t speak Mondstadtian, only the universal language of Teyvat. Your face was slightly different from the locals, hinting at a South-Eastern origin. You were of a rather sturdier stature, suggesting your previous occupation involved physical tasks. After a few weeks of witnessing absolutely ordinary behavior from you, she just tagged you as a blue collar immigrant and called it a day. 
The war left you hurt, but it did leave you with some skills too. You were in generally fit physical form - after eating up, that is - and more than remembered the training you received back in Inazuma. Being practical, you decided to start with a simple guard job. As it happened, the leader of the nation left his city to embark on a crusade of sorts, leaving the local force - The Knights of Favonius as you came to know them - very short handed. This meant that you were quickly accepted first as a squire and then promoted to a regular knight after a few months of work and some exams. 
Nobody wanted to be on guard duty. Except for you, that is. You were tired of killing, tired of constantly being on alert and risking your neck every second. You were thankful for the opportunity to lean back and pretend to work while still getting the money and the credit for standing in for someone else. And that’s how your life flowed for the most part. 
The first time Rosaria actually spoke to you in person came when she was outside the cathedral for her usual smoke break. Normally she would smoke inside the church, but that day she wasn’t in the mood to put up with the whining of that one young nun who would always make it out as if it was a big issue. When she reached into her pockets, as luck would have it, she couldn’t locate her cigarette pouch. When she started heading home, annoyed, she stumbled upon you, casually smoking in a secluded spot. It was a habit you caught from your comrades - the stress had to be resolved in some way, after all. When Rosaria came up to you and asked for one of your cigarettes, you gladly shared - and that’s how the relationship started. 
The closer you got to each other, the more interested Rosaria became in your past. You never spoke of it, and she could tell it was not the most pleasant of topics for you. She understood that - Rosaria herself disliked talking about her “was”, after all. But she couldn’t stop her curiosity from asking the questions - where did you get all these scars? From monsters? As if a guy like you would succumb to some Hilichurls. 
She would come to learn the truth one Friday night. Both of you had just a little too much to drink, resulting in the alcohol loosening your tongue. You went on and on about what happened to you in Inazuma, and Rosaria managed to remember enough of it to piece together a coherent backstory in the morning.
It was a story like many others she heard throughout her life. A mistreated soldier, fighting for a cause he didn’t support, escaping back to freedom. The recurrence of stories like yours didn’t make it any less tragic, of course. But that’s just it, no? It happened, and there was nothing you could do about it anymore. It was fate’s dark design, and no matter how much you would try, you couldn’t change it. The right course of action was to make peace with the past and move on. 
Much to her surprise, however, you didn’t seem to take the reasonable route this time. Your choice of desertion seemed to weigh you down. You were frequently referring to yourself as a traitor and a coward, both of which Rosaria would find amusing. Because you were neither. 
Rosaria: “Ah, really now? This “coward” you speak of somehow had the courage to go against the will of his god, just as this “traitor” saw the so-called conquest for what it was - a civil war. You refused to accept tyranny, you refused being treated by your god as some nameless cannon fodder. More - not only did you resist and escape with your life, but you also recovered. You rolled your sleeves up and returned to civilian life, determined to regain what was taken away from you. This is a feat no ordinary man is capable of, Y/N.”
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After an entire year in hell, there was no chance you would be willing to ever find yourself near a weapon anymore. Not professionally at least. You needed a job to keep yourself afloat, and you decided that the simpler, the better. You decided to do as many have - you took a loan and started your bakery. 
It was a difficult task at first, but you managed to get a foothold, and it was fairly simple from then on. Was it monotonous? Sure, but that’s what you signed up for. You decided that routine would do you good. 
During your uneventful but still busy days, you would turn your attention towards the streets and the people that walked them. One particular, blue haired woman caught your attention. She was clearly a member of the Knights, but unlike the others she wasn’t very popular among the people of Mondstadt, so much so that other shopkeepers oftentimes refused to sell her any of their wares. Was she a criminal of some sort? An outcast? You asked your fellow store owner for a reason, and it absolutely baffled you. 
It turned out she was Eula Lawrence, a woman from a tyrannical clan that once ruled the city. When you asked a few knights that did their shopping at your store about what kind of a person she was, your suspicions turned out to be true. She has been hurt by her family name and her somewhat distant attitude, on top of her way of speaking of course. 
When she came to you the first time, she asked if you also didn’t want her to visit your shop. Her face betrayed genuine surprise as you handed her a loaf of fresh bread, but she was even more suspicious when you refused to take her money. There was something very unusual about your attitude, so starkly different from how others treated her. 
Nonetheless, she accepted the gift. She accepted it the second time. And the third. And the fourth, and the fifth and over and over and over again. The profit decrease of a few loaves of bread was negligible, but Eula still insisted on paying for her food after being given so much. You still gave her a discount, though. 
Over time you started getting along better and better. You started looking out for her in more ways as well, getting her medication when she was sick or getting her back to the Knights of Favonious barracks when she went overboard with alcohol. It was a bad habit, and you tried distracting her from her worries with offers to go out, even if she wanted to drink - at least she wouldn’t drink alone. 
This quality time brought you closer, progressing up to the point of you inviting her to live in the same home. Eula obviously welcomed the chance to take her living conditions up a notch, as the barracks weren’t really a nice place to live in. You were overjoyed at her accepting the proposal, but anxiety lingered in your mind - how long would it be before she found out? And what would happen when she did? Eula was a woman of honor, a proud soldier with a well developed moral code and the determination to stick to it. How would she look at you when she found out you were nothing but a pathetic deserter? 
Unbeknownst to you, the Spindrift Knight has long since figured that something is up with you. No ordinary baker would have a body so rugged as yours, and you seemed aware of the fact - whenever she invited you for her ice baths, you would politely decline. On hot days you still wore a more revealing shirt, letting her see and examine your scars discreetly. She had seen many of such marks before, she herself had many, and it was easy to guess that they were man made. Your habits also supported her suspicions - she found a dagger under your pillow and a dusty spear in your closet, though she never saw you use either. 
One day, Eula decided enough was enough - if she were to love you with all the honesty of her heart, you would have to be genuine as well. She approached you with a stern expression and a single demand - “spar with me”. You accepted, being uncertain at first but later relaxing and giving it your all. You thought that a woman such as her wouldn’t be impressed with weakness, and so you called on all your experience and knowledge. What you didn’t realize was that Eula kept a close eye on you and concluded that you had to have any sort of military training to fight like you do. You still lost the fight though. The captain called you out and, not wanting to keep pretending anymore, you told her everything. 
Eula was, above all, pleased that you were able to be honest with her (and that she figured everything out correctly, of course). Admitting to such a decision required bravery, just as escaping the horrid conditions you were fighting in. Facing the risks involved with avoiding detection and sailing to a whole new nation, filled with foreign designs and speaking in a foreign language was a true testament to your courage. 
Second, far stronger, came the disgust. How could any soldier be treated as deplorably as the men of Inazuma were? No food, no water, no supplies and no help are the rewards for putting your lives on the line and taking the lives of others? Just the thought makes Eula’s teeth grit to this very day. To think that all these neglected aspects of planning might as well have killed you…
She didn’t need time to consider if she loved you now that she knew of your past. You were still the man that gave her bread that one day, still the man that faced monsters with her, side by side, still the patient and caring man that touched her heart. If anything, knowing of the extent of your bravery and determination only made her admire you more.
Eula: “The right to live isn’t something exclusive to women, children and the elderly, you know. Every man has the same right to not die in a war as a woman. Not only those that volunteered deserve respect - any soul that carried the burden of war deserves acknowledgment for their bravery. What you had been forced into was not war - it was a crime. And for that I will have vengeance on that god of yours, I swear it.
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Thanks for reading!
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erabu-san · 1 year
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Precious. Protect. Protect her smile... protect her
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daily-amber · 5 months
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day 123: life is tough, suck it up, we'll get through, no prob
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amphibiahawks321 · 2 months
M!Reader : Amber! AMBER!
M!Reader : Amber you can't hide from me! You will return my shirt! And I'll-
[Heard noises coming on top of the tree]
M!Reader : ......
[Y/N forms a devious smile]
M!Reader : Gosh if only I know where she is...
[Y/N punch the tree making it shake]
Amber : AAAAhhh!
[Amber fell down face first]
M!Reader : first of all,... You okay? Second of all, give me my shirt back....
Amber : First of all I'm okay, second of all fine.... ╥_╥
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melanie-the-artful · 6 months
Genshin Character Names' Meanings
Hello there! So, I remember I once saw a post about meanings of some characters' names in another fandom, and while some of those names probably were given to those characters just because they fit, some of them certainly were chosen for their meaning, and well, it was just interesting to read! And yeah, here I am, in today's series of "I have freaking nothing else to do" I brought you a list of meanings for Genshin characters' names (today only Travelers and Mondstadt).
Aether | Comes from the highest air layer - where the gods live, and from the god who embodies it in Greek mythology; Also not sure whether it's connected, but fun fact: in Latin "Iter" means «Journey»
Lumine | Literally «Light» in Latin
Kong (Chinese Aether) | «Heavenly», «Air» or «Sky» - Chinese Name
Ying (Chinese Lumine) | Literally «Glimmer», «Twinkling» or «Light» in Chinese and a Chinese Name
Sora (Japanese Aether) | Literally «Sky» in Japanese and a Japanese Name
Hotaru (Japanese Lumine) | Literally «Firefly» in Japanese and a Japanese Name
Paimon | Comes from King Paimon, the 9th of Goetia Demons 
Amber | Well, in her case it obviously references her eyes that carry that color, and it is also similar to the word «ember», which underlines her being a Pyro wielder; Also «Fierce» as an originally Arabic or Celtic Name
Kaeya | «Monsoon Flower» - Sanskrit Name
Lisa | «God's Promise» - German Name
Jean | «God is Gracious» - Originally French Name
Barbara | Although in our world it is believed to come from barbarians, in context of Genshin she might've been named so after Barbatos, the Archon rulling over her nation. It also makes sense considering how her father also serves at the church; Also «Foreign», «Strange» as an originally Greek Name
Diluc | Comes from «diluculum» - Latin for «Dawn»
Noelle | «Christmas» - Originally French Name
Klee | Literally «Clover» in German
Albedo | Term for the fraction of sunlight that is diffusely reflected by a body; also a Latinicized alchemical term meaning «Whiteness» and «Purification»
Sucrose | A chemical element, also known as C₁₂H₂₂O₁₁, or just sugar
Mona | «Solitary», «Adviser» or «Wish» - German Name
Fischl | Considering German grammatics, literally means «Little Fish» 
Amy | «Beloved», «Dearly Loved» - German Name
Bennett | «Blessed» - Originally French and Latin Name
Rosaria | «Rosary» or «Wreath of Roses» - Derives from originally Latin Name Rosarius/Rosarium
Diona | «Goddess» or «From the Sacred Spring» - German Name 
Eula | Could be based on the german word for owl Eule or the German Name Ulla which means «Will»
Mika | «Who is like God» - German Name 
Venti | Sounds similar to the word «windy», also literally «Winds» in Italian
Barbatos | Comes from Duke Barbatos, the 8th of Goetia Demons 
Crepus | Comes from «crepusculum» - Latin for «Dusk»
Seamus | «Supplanter» - Originally Irish Name
Frederica | «Peaceful Ruler» - German Name
Alice | «Noble» or «Exalted» - Originally German Name
Rhinedottir | Originally Rhine was a name for someone who lived by the Rhine river in German, yet the word itself originates from the word 'renos', which means «Flowing Water» or «Raging Flow»; meanwhile "dottir" is «Daughter» in Icelandic
Barbeloth | May derive from the Gnostic aeon Barbēlō, a supreme, androgynous entity in Gnosticism known as God's first thought, being his "feminine aspect" and the Mother-Father of the aeons
Nicole | «Victory of the People» - Originally French Name
Varka | Likely based on the Old Persian 𐎺𐎼𐎣 (varka), meaning «Wolf»
Decarabian | Comes from Marquis Decarabia, the 69th of Goetia Demons
Dvalin | Comes from a dwarf in Old Norse tales, meaning «The Dormant One» or «The One Slumbering» (akin to the Danish and Norwegian "dvale" and Swedish "dvala", meaning «Sleep, «Unconscious Condition» or «Hibernation»).
Durin | Overally associated with a dwarf named Durin, who is also from Norse tales, though some say it is of Latin origin and means «Firm», «Enduring»
Yeah, here it is! I know, I basically made a compilation of things you can find yourself in Google, buuuuuut in case you were too lazy or not curious enough to do so, I did so in your stead! And I have to admit that those are not names of my homeland, and I may not know all their variations or significance, yet I'm still interested, and I'll be happy if you're willling to correct me. And maybe I will even dig in deeper into the topic next time!
So, see you!
Edited: Yeah, I added a few more meaningful characters and Travelers' names on other languages + a few other tiny additions. I think now it seems a little more complete. Next up is Liyue!
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elven-isa · 3 months
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Almost through with the a’s
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raiusgames · 2 months
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Outrider Amber (Genshin)
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thread-theocracy · 2 years
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Lucifer dressed as Amber 🔥🔥🔥
(Request by @saphirdevil)
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heksedatteren · 2 years
f it they get their own besties post
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candlenekra · 2 years
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justakiro · 9 months
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୨୧ — ꒰You've just been reincarnated into the vast world of genshin impact! But you had instead reincarnated as a npc! How will you slowly fit in to a new environment and body?
A/n: Yes I do genshin impact and twisted wonderland. This is just random and I don't think I would be making part two till I can think of the full storyline
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The sounds of people chattering and wind blowing were heard as people strolled through the city of Mondstadt.
The legendary honorary knight Aether. Had just finished his preparations for his next adventure to Liyue along with his travel companion Paimon.
They setted off to their adventure to Liyue, after helping solve Mondstadts problem with Dvalin. And soon brought back peace to the city.
'Are they finally gone?'
Name thought to themselves while hiding in a alleyway looking left and right, the people passing by couldn't really notice the strange behavior of the person.
After Name confirmed the person who they were looking for was gone, they slowly got out of the alleyway and back into the light.
Name slowly walked into the city of Mondstadt, trying to not stand out too much and blend in with the loud crowd of people.
'You might be asking me, why the heck are you acting so shady Name?'
Name said, thinking in their head like they were some sort of narrator.
'To answer your question, I just want to avoid any important characters in the story! Because I want to live my peaceful life!'
Name continued to say those things in their head while glancing around their surroundings carefully.
Let's have an actual explanation now.
Name was a normal human, living in earth peacefully, or so they thought till they were crushed by falling cement when an earthquake was happening.
They thought it was the end and all of it will just be completely black, Till they suddenly got reincarnated as an NPC of Genshin Impact!
The body Name reincarnated wasn't really special, just another npc to fill in the surroundings. The npc had no name in Name's perspective, Heck when Name looks at the information of the NPC it would just be blank.
Name was confused at first with the sudden change, but then after 2 weeks of being in an NPC'S body they got used to it.
But they've read all the Mangas and shows, the moment you try to make contact with the Mc or an important character something is bound to come falling down on you.
So, name was actually going to be smart(ish), by avoiding contact with the important characters at all costs!.
The past 2 weeks it's been smooth sailing and their plan was working! All Name had to do was continue the plan for their entire life and it would feel just like home.. Kinda.
Present time, Mondstat city
Name wandered around the city for a bit, buying groceries and foods that can benefit them while also taking some unique things that they're unfamiliar with on earth.
Name looked around their surroundings for a few seconds, making sure that they were away from any important casts to not get dragged into destruction.
They sighed in relief after the coast was clear, they happily hummed a song holding their groceries and was making their way back home for lunch.
After all what happened, nothing too bad came up with their life. And Name wanted it to stay that way, peace and quiet without fighting and chaos. After all, They are just an NPC.
"Milk, butter, eggs, onion..."
Name checked their groceries, making sure they didn't forget anything. Unbeknownst to Name, they bumped into someone's back.
Name jolted a bit in suprise "I'm so sorry!" Name began to apologize to the person bowing their head a bit, after a moment they raised their head to look at the person they bumped into. Their heart dropping in the process
"Hm? Oh it's fine! Are you alright?"
A girl with a red headband and brown hazel eyes with long brown hair said to Name with a smile. Name couldn't believe that this was happening, just their luck that they bumped into Outrider Amber.
Amber is a kind and enthusiastic character in genshin impact, and also one of the first starter characters you achieve when you first start the game.
Name gulped and shaked their head, hoping they wouldn't mess up with their words
"No, I'm fine. I apologize for bumping into you, if you don't mind I'll be going now"
Name said turning around sweat dropping if they seemed like a nervous wreck, Amber tilted her head at Name's behavior
"You seem agitated, is there something wrong?"
Amber said raising a brow, Name shook their head again "No! Oh-- what I meant was there's nothing wrong, just in a hurry haha"
Name said in a more calm tone to lower down Amber's suspicions. Amber nodded placing her hand on her chest
"I see, well then please take care. If anything becomes a bother to you, just call Outrider Amber!"
Amber said in an enthusiastic tone, smiling at Name. They nodded "Will do, Thank you" Name said waving goodbye to Amber
"Good bye Name!"
Amber said waving goodbye to Name. Name continued to walk home with a smile on their face, feeling more calm and relaxed after the unexpected encounter with an important cast.
"I guess that wasn't so bad"
Name mumbled to themselves with a small smile, just as they were about to reach their door they stopped mid way. Their eyes slowly starting to widen
"Wait, When did I give my name to her?"
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A/n: I didn't double check this so its shitty, anyway next post will be TWST unless I got an idea for this one
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Smut Headcanons - Amber
CW: Male!Reader, outdoors, scent kink, sloppy sex.
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Amber’s Vision is very well deserved - she's optimistic, extraverted and very active. But on top of that? This. Girl. Is. Insatiable.
Her libido burns as brightly as the fire she uses. No matter the time of the day, Amber is more than ready to get some dick. What does she want to do with it? It doesn't matter if it's jerking it, licking, sucking or fucking - Amber is down. 
Don't you think she’ll go down easy! Her body is very fit and healthy, and so is her stamina. No matter how many times she cums, no matter how good you dick her, no matter if she's barely lucid from the hours upon hours of fucking - with slurred words, Amber’s going to beg you for one more round, one more orgasm, just one more…
The bunny vibe she's going for perfectly suits her - she definitely breeds like one. 
She can't be satisfied for longer, yes, but she still can be temporarily subdued. If handled right, Amber will settle down for a good while. Don't enjoy this too long though - she'll bounce back thirsty and ready to go. 
Drop that rubber because Amber likes it raw and natural. A hard cock and a wet pussy, plus some hands and mouths, are more than enough to have loads of fun. Some lube here and there helps too. 
When she was single, Amber had just a handful of toys to keep her raging sex drive under control. She jerked off very often, sometimes even daily with her fingers or a rubber dick. These days are long gone, and she couldn't be happier about it. She doesn't want to replace your wonderful rod for an artificial one, yes, but fingers are still fine by her - if it's you who's blasting her cunt, that is. 
Amber’s an outdoorsy girl, and she's always ready for some sightseeing - especially with you balls deep inside her. Being the Outrider has many perks, some of them being the knowledge of how Mondstadt’s reconnaissance works. She knows all the patrol routes by heart, and is more than familiar with a handpicked selection of safe, scenic and isolated spots. Most outings of this character are very much like picnics - a blanket, tasty food, drinks and lube is all she needs to get the party started. Nothing beats creaming on your dick to the wonderful sight of the mountains, she thinks. She likes to race to the spot two - the first gets to undress the other! 
Even if these spots are isolated, some precautions need to be taken, like, for example, stuffing her mouth with something. Amber is very vocal, so much so that a handful of noise complaints were filed by the neighbors after especially heated nights. Her moans are quite average in tone, but do take a higher pitch if you hit all the right spots. Sounds of her being sodomized would attract attention and spoil the mood, so the gag is a necessity. 
But she’s fine with it. Sure, gags made of her own panties are cool and all, but what about yours? Why not stuff her face full with your boxers?
Amber stuffers from a severe case of a scent kink. She's no stranger to sweat - sports and general physical activity are her hobbies, after all. But there's just something so sexy about the strong smell of your body right after a jog or a thorough exercise session. It really tickles her brain, as just a whiff brings up how beautifully your perfect muscles flex and move when you work out, and how wet all your groans make her… Don’t judge! She finds the overpowering smell of sweaty cock and balls much more arousing than her cunt’s, so she'll be glad to get a solid whiff of your pants if you let her! 
Amber likes to get some of that fresh adrenaline into sex. She likes to fuck right after some solid exercise, when you're hearts are still racing and veins pumping with activity. And yeah, all sweaty, just like that. 
She's really into sloppy stuff. Rimming? Anal? Facials? Getting her face fucked? Swallowing loads of salty cum? Pressing her face right into your big, smelly, sweaty balls? Controversial to some, but hot as hell in her books!
Loves to race you to your spots of choice. The winner gets to top!
Amber doesn't really have a strong preference for where she wants to be - she can both fuck and be fucked, that's more than fine by her. That said, she does lean towards being submissive to you.
She just wants to feel that male strength, you know? Be completely pinned by your strong arms, hear you groan into her ear as you use her pussy so rough her thighs tremble for hours after you're done. Or feel that large hand slap her ass, leaving painful, red handprints on her delicate skin. Or maybe be lifted, be completely trapped by your muscular frame and used like a warm, moaning cock sleeve~
Treat her right and you'll end up with a happy, spent (temporarily) bunny curled into your body while your mind still spins from the inhuman effort it took to bring your girl down. 
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Thanks for reading!
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carbone-arts · 1 year
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I'm proud of me too
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