#genshin build guide
Watch "UNDERRATED F2P DAMAGE! Complete Kaeya Build Guide [Best Artifacts, Weapons & Teams EXPLAINED] - 2.6" on YouTube
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prismatic-glow · 4 months
clorinde kit explained [genshin guide]
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Hello everyone! Sorry I haven't made an an actual post for a while, I've been super busy and honestly I'm gonna be even busier now but I'm hoping to make the time to post more
Anyways, Clorinde just came out and Hoyo has delivered another novel of a skill description so I'm here to explain how she works and how to play her. Let's get started!
╰┈➤ 1┊normal attacks In her default state, Clorinde's normal attacks are nothing special
╰┈➤ 2┊elemental skill Clorinde's skill is where things start to get complicated. The first press of it will cause Clorinde to enter a special state. In this state, her normal attacks become Electro pistolet shots. Her elemental skill becomes a lunging strike with no cooldown. Also, any healing she receives in this state will be converted to a Bond of Life worth 80% of the healing note: the pistolet shot damage is normal attack damage but not based on the multipliers of her regular normal attacks, so you won't need to level that. To increase their damage, level her skill instead if Clorinde has a bond of life worth less than 100% of her max HP, firing a pistolet shot (normal attack) will grant her a 35% bond of life and deal additional damage if Clorinde has a bond of life worth 100% or more of her max HP, firing a pistolet shot will deal damage with a lower multiplier So when you first use her skill, you'll want to use Pistolet shots until you have a bond of life worth 100% of her HP, since that's when their damage gets lower. Now, let's talk about her enhanced skill. It has 3 "levels" 1. If she has no Bond of Life, deal Electro damage 2. If she has a Bond of Life for less than 100% of her max HP, her slash deals slightly more damage and has slightly more range. Using this attack will heal her based on the Bond of Life value 3. If she has a bond of life over 100% of her max HP, the slash deals even more damage with even more range, as well as healing her for more than the level 2 skill does So, for the best damage, you only want to use her enhanced skill if she has over a Bond of Life over 100% of her max HP By combining these two strategies, the optimal combo is to fire pistolet shots (use normal attacks) until she has a bond of life for over 100% of her max HP. Then, clear it with an enhanced skill and repeat the combo until her state ends. Usually, this works out to be about 3 normal attacks and then a skill for as many times as you can To summarize, use her skill to enter the state. Preform normal attacks until you have a high enough Bond of Life, then clear it with her enhanced skill. Repeat for the duration of her state
╰┈➤ 3┊elemental burst Luckily, her burst is pretty simple. Gain a bond of life and then deal Electro damage
╰┈➤ 4┊passive talents Her first talent grants her up to 3 stacks of an Electro damage boost. You can gain stacks when any of your party members triggers an Electro elemental reaction Her second talent does two things 1. If she has 100% or higher Bond of Life, she gains crit rate when its value increases or decreases 2. If she receives healing during her skill, the bond of life gained from it will be increased from 80% of the healing value to 100% of the healing value.
So, there's her full kit broken down! I hope this cleared things up in case anybody was confused. As always, asks are open!!
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silvernyxchariot · 5 months
Hear me out: Self-sustaining Alhaitham
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He heals himself with the BP Black Sword plus Ocean-Hued Clam.
I'm talking about yet another uncommon, non-meta, build. Like, when I was first building Alhaitham and Kaveh, I was gunning for Deepwood pieces to start, but the Gilded part of the domain was being a little too generous; Alhaitham kept dying when he was on-field. But then I thought, what if I make him heal himself. Bennett's burst wasn't enough, and Shinobu is practically only used for hyperbloom, never mind healing.
Healer Alhaitham would only heal himself, but that just means he'd be alive longer to cause more damage, and you can add more buffer/off-field damage dealers to the team. He could still have the basic bitch build.¹ The healer build is plausible with the Blacksword from Battle Pass² and either Ocean-Hued Clam or Song of Days Past.³ Basically, have a high Crit rate if you use Clam to keep getting those Black Sword heals and OHC will cause extra damage.
I don't intend on testing this build myself any time soon because I have a Geo and a Freeze team on the way. But this'll be a little project that I do in the future.
¹ "Basic bitch" being the phrase I use for the generic DPS build ([stat %] sands, Element/Phy dmg goblet, & Crit circlet).
² Blacksword at R5, "Increases DMG dealt by Normal and Charged Attacks by 40%. Additionally, regenerates 100% of ATK as HP when Normal and Charged Attacks score a CRIT Hit. This effect can occur once every 5s."
³ Both of these sets also cause a little bit of damage based upon the healing amount from the character. It just depends on WHEN you want that damage to take place. OHC will deal damage every 3 seconds based on 90% of the accumulated healing. SoDP will deal extra damage based on 8% of healing about every 6 seconds on top of all your regular attacks. That's too my understanding of the lengthy ass descriptions.
Do with this information what you wish.
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leafyduckwebs · 6 months
sorry but this new training guide is absolute ass if you're AR 45+
why did it tell me to sacrifice some of my Venti's EM for crit. like. that is the EM guy. the og EM archon if you will. he does not need to crit. killing his enemies by sucking them into a fire/electro/water/ice infused black hole is enough.
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unaplays · 8 months
✨ Navia Geo DPS Build ✨
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🌕 I wasn't originally gonna pull for Navia but I was experiencing burn out with Genshin with no new character to build. I had planned to pull for either Nahida or C1 Neuvillette but when Navia's banner dropped, she seemed fun and overall just a very pretty character. As someone who takes pleasure in admiring character's design through game photography, I finally gave in to temptation and decided to just pull for her. If I lost, I'd keep it for other character.
🌕 Turns out, I got Navia and she easily made me relive my old glory days of being a Ningguang main. Being a geo character who doesn't scale off def like Itto or Noelle makes her versatile in terms of team comps. I can literally switch her out with Ningguang using the same team and she's good to go.
🌕 Disclaimer: This build is not perfect and by no means should be treated as a rigid rule. I just share what I have tested in game and what I know works for me. So always do your own research and take my guide with that note in mind!
Artifact Set
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🌕 Navia's BiS set comes at the same time as her release. Nighttime Whispers easily caters to her kit as her main source of damage comes from her skill. She also gets geo damage bonus from the 4 pc set while she's protected by crystallize shield.
🌕 But if you don't have a good 4 pc Nighttime Whispers on hand right now, you can use other mix sets in the mean time such as:
4 pc Golden Troupe (in quick swap team)
2 pc atk% (Gladiator/Shimenawa/Vermilion/Echoes) 2 pc Golden Troupe
2 pc atk% 2 pc atk% (Gladiator/Shimenawa/Vermilion/Echoes)
2 pc Archaic Petra 2 pc atk% (Gladiator/Shimenawa/Vermilion/Echoes)
2 pc Archaic Petra 2 pc Golden Troupe
🌕 Here are the stats:
Artifact stats: atk% sands, geo damage bonus goblet, crit circlet
Ratio to follow: 1:3 crit ratio with >70% crit rate (her damage is typical one shot, so she has to crit all the time otherwise it would be a dps lost), >2.000 atk, >130% ER (with double geo in the team)
Team Composition
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🌕 Since Navia scales off atk just like many other dps, she can easily benefit from the OG Genshin support such as Bennett and 2 pyro resonance. She's basically the 5* version of Ningguang from the team to her stats. Just note that Navia will rely a lot on crystallize production as gaining crystallize will increase her stack which will emphasize her damage output. So put another element that can create crystallize reaction (anything except dendro and anemo).
🌕 The 2 geo 2 pyro party is her most popular team comp for the moment as she gets buffed from 2 element the resonance. But you can also put her with another element or even hyper carry team with Furina and Mona.
🌕 A little tip from me: Don't bring more than 2 element in the team as it can mess up with the crystallize reaction. It's something that I learned trying to bring 3 elements (hydro, pyro, geo) in her team and before Navia can produce any crystallize, the element aura on enemies had disappeared first because of vaporize reaction thus the crystallize production becomes inconsistent.
Weapon Choice
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🌕 Navia (and many other Fontaine dps) are relatively f2p friendly when it comes to weapon choices. She can even use weapons with energy recharge stats on them and will still perform just fine. The easiest weapon to obtain is craftable from early game, and if you had the chance to finish the event Roses and Muskets, Ultimate Overlord also works amazing as it covers her ER needs and gives a bounty of atk% bonus.
🌕 Left to right:
Verdict (signature and BiS)
Serpent Spine (battle pass exclusive)
Ultimate Overlord's Mega Magic Sword (event exclusive)
Wolf's Gravestone (5* weapon available on standard banner)
Prototype Archaic (craftable)
Favonius Greatsword
Sacrificial Greatsword
Talent Priority
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🌕 I would recommend on prioritizing her skill first, and then you can level up the rest until 6 just to help a little with her damage while her skill is on cooldown. Tbh the damage multiplier isn't that great but it's still much appreciated.
So that’s pretty much my Navia build. Feel free to ask me questions if you have any through my ask box or just leave comment on this post and I’ll respond right away!
Don’t forget to check out my other builds here!
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potteraep · 1 month
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NEWW !!! :
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I’m still gonna switch his goblet when I’m done building Navia.. but yeah! thoughts?
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Furina build guide?
Ik we don’t know everything about her kit/gameplay but from the things we do know so far, what are some good f2p/low spender weapon/artifact choices for her? I have a guaranteed with well over enough wishes to guarantee her c0 by the time her banner comes out (I won’t be going for cons unless I get them by accident which I doubt will happen)
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hydrachea · 1 year
God I want to use Kaveh especially with how much it took to bring him home but I do NOT know HOW TO.
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threnodians · 6 months
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oops... my finger slipped 😅 🫣
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mimikyu-chr · 9 months
Nebby talks Genshin Impact part one of many many parts
Neuvillette building and playstyle for everyone who either has him but has no idea what they’re doing or wants him on his rerun (whenever that happens)
SO neuvi is a main DPS character that’s unusual for two reasons:
-his charged attacks are what you get most damage out of (which is why one of his constellations levels his normal attacks up by three)
-he scales on HP
Build guide first - You can build him on 4 piece heart of depths, or 4 piece nymph’s dream for hydro sets, but 4 piece Marachusee Hunter is also really good on him. HP%, crit rate, crit damage and energy recharge are my focus stats, but don’t neglect elemental mastery either. I’ve got him on the weapon Ballad of the Boundless Blue, but I know that’s an event weapon that not everyone is gonna have. Good alternatives would be: Tome of the Eternal Flow, Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds or Sacrificial Jade for 5 star and paid weapons, or The Widsith or Prototype Amber for free-to-play weapons
I have my Neuvillette at 1st constellation level, and I’d say that it’s alright but he’s just as good without any constellations in my opinion. If you’re someone who goes for as many constellations as possible, I’d go for 4 on him, as that’ll make more hydro balls and that means more charged attacks.
As for his playstyle, you’re gonna want to concentrate on charged attacks. When Neuvillette’s burst or skill hits an enemy little balls appear, and those let you charge up a charged attack faster. His burst allows for two charged attacks, and his skill for one. Because of his cool-downs, I usually do his skill, then a charged attack, then his burst, then two charged attacks, then skill and charged attack again. His normal attacks are okay, but I tend to avoid using them because they’re slow and clunky. Using his charged attack drains his health until it hits 50%, so keep that in mind. Collecting the balls while charging heals him too, so he’s self-sustaining if you always use the water balls to charge his attacks.
Teams for Neuvillette: crowd control is a must to maximise damage, so one of Kazuha, Venti or Sucrose is good to run with him. I also have a healer with him because of the HP cost of his charged attacks. I use Baizhu, and my fourth slot is filled by an electro or pyro user to have extra dendro reactions. I can see Neuvillette running well in freeze teams, but honestly he’d be good on any team where you need constant hydro applications or have off-field elements to react with.
I’m a really big fan of him, he’s my current main and I don’t think I’ll be swapping him any time soon.
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Watch "Criminally Strong 4★! Updated YANFEI GUIDE Best DPS Build & Gameplay Tips | Genshin Impact 2.2" on YouTube
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akasevenblog · 2 years
Guia da Nahida - SubDPS [Guias Compactos]
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prismatic-glow · 9 months
Let's build a freeze team for Ayaka!
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Hello everyone! I'm back now so I can start posting again :D
Before I get into it, yes I did change the banner lol. I just wanted to switch things up for a bit, I hope u like it!!
Anyways, with Ayaka's rerun currently ongoing, I wanted to make a guide for anybody who just got her and is a bit confused on her teams. Let's get into it!!
╰┈➤ why does Ayaka need freeze? You might have noticed that almost every Ayaka team is a Freeze team. There are 2 main reasons for this. The first is that, to maximize the damage of her burst by allowing it to always hit an enemy, enemies must be kept stationary via Freeze. The second is that Ayaka applies Cryo waaaay to fast with her burst to allow her to reliably trigger Melt reactions
╰┈➤ basic team outline Ayaka freeze teams usually follow this outline: ❀ Ayaka ❀ Anemo character on 4pc Viridescent Venerer ❀ Cryo battery (creates Cryo particles to supply energy) ❀ Hydro character for Freeze
╰┈➤ Anemo options ❀ Kazuha ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ The best option and usually the go-to. Kazuha provides Elemental damage bonus along with great grouping and his own personal damage ❀ Venti ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Great grouping and personal damage ❀ Jean ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Can consolidate the healer role which is useful in some teams. Great healer choice w/ Furina ❀ Sucrose ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Some grouping, Elemental DMG buff at C6. Works well enough as a substitute. Can run Thrilling Tales of Dragon slayers to give Ayaka lots of attack
╰┈➤ Cryo options ❀ Shenhe ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ The best option and usually the go-to. Provides buffs to Cryo damage along with Cryo resistance shred and elemental Burst damage ❀ Charlotte ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Consolidates a healer role but should really only be used in Furina teams ❀ Diona ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Can consolidate the healer role along with providing a shield ❀ Rosaria ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Good personal damage, buffs Crit Rate which can be useful to reach certain stat thresholds for Ayaka ❀ Ganyu ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Very strong personal damage from Burst. Decent Cryo damage buff and can share some field time. Works well in teams with Venti ❀ Kaeya ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Great budget option who provides tons of energy via Cryo particles. Good personal damage
╰┈➤ Hydro options ❀ Kokomi ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Usually the go-to option. Great AoE Hydro application that doesn't require normal attacking. Great healing. Can run Tenacity of the Millileth and Thrilling Tales of Dragon slayers to provide tons of Attack to Ayaka. ❀ Mona ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Hydro Application from skill has a much smaller AoE than Kokomi. Burst gives a large damage boost. Can run TTDS ❀ Furina ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Great Hydro application that doesn't require normal attacking. Incredible personal damage. Requires an all-party healer such as Charlotte or Jean. Furina teams can kinda be considered a different arychetype of Ayaka teams. ❀ Xingqiu ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Provides some defensive capability but requires normal attacking to apply Hydro which can make the team feel awkward ❀ Yelan ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Very strong personal damage but requires normal attacking. Passive can provide a damage boost to Ayaka ❀ Ayato ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Hydro application from burst has a very large AoE and good damage. Works very well with Venti. Can also share some field-time with his own DPS. ❀ Barbara ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Budget option. Good healing but her Hydro application is quite awkward. Can run TTDS.
╰┈➤ premium team Ayaka's best (non-Furina) freeze team is also referred to as her "premium" team because it uses all limited 5 stars. Here's a quick overview of their builds ❀ Ayaka ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 4PC Blizzard Strayer. Mistsplitter's Reforged/Amenoma Kageuchi/Finale of the Deep ❀ Shenhe ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 4PC Noblesse Oblige. Calamity Queller/Favonius Lance ❀ Kazuha ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 4PC Viridescent Venerer. Freedom-sworn/Xiphos' Moonlight/Favonius Sword/Iron Sting ❀ Kokomi ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 4PC Tenacity of the Millileth. Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers (TTDS)
╰┈➤ premium team vs. Furina The Furina variant of Ayaka teams (usually Kazuha/Furina/Charlotte) seems to preform similarly to the premium team (Shenhe/Kazuha/Kokomi)
╰┈➤ issues to look out for Ayaka's teams have 2 main issues 1 ・❥・ Many enemies in recent abyss cycles are immune to freeze 2 ・❥・ Without enough ER%, Her teams can feel kinda bad to play
And that's all for today! I hope you find this guide helpful and informative. If you have any questions, feel free to drop them in the replies or send in an ask (no question is too small!)
I hope you have a great day!!
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teyvatgaymer · 1 year
Nilou Build Guide
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It’s been a while since I’ve made a guide like this. I took a hiatus from the game but I’m back and very excited to see that Nilou has grown quite a bit in popularity! Since her banner just reran and Nilou has a very unique kit I thought I’d take some time to write up a guide for her!
When I stopped playing in 3.2, Nilou and Nahida had just dropped, and people were still getting used to Dendro as an element. Now in 3.6 Nilou Bloom is one of, if not the single most popular abyss teams in the game - and for good reason! If you’re thinking of pulling for Nilou or already have her and looking for ways to build her I hope this guide can help!
Nilou is an extremely unique and complex unit due to her very intricate elemental skill and Ascension 1 passive talent “Court of Dancing Petals.” There’s a lot to break down in the mechanics of Nilou, but the short version is she enables the absolute crap out of the Bloom reaction. Also, for her kit to work as intended, she can only be paired with Hydro and Dendro units. This was a big reason that Nilou wasn’t as popular on her initial release, since we only had 3 playable Dendro units at the time, none of which were healers or optimized for bloom.
Now we have Nahida, AlHaitham, YaoYao, Baizhu, and Kaveh. All of these characters slot extremely well into a Nilou core and allow more flexibility within the team comp.
Nilou is niche, but for good reason. She makes bloom so EZ mode that it wouldn’t be balanced in burgeon/hyperbloom comps and there’s more than enough reaction damage from bloom that you don’t need other elements to clear high level abyss floors. I also think that while Nilou is complex, she’s very forgiving in her damage output. So even if you’re a new player and can’t farm good artifacts/have no idea what you’re doing she’s still consistent with her personal hydro damage.
Kit Breakdown
The in game description for Nilou’s kit is probably the most wordy in the game. I’ll try to make it as simple as possible:
Auto Attacks
Nothing fancy here. Standard sword user but you’ll only ever be using her auto attacks during her dance which is explained under her Elemental Skill.
Elemental Skill
Nilou’s elemental skill (E) is a “dance” in which she uses auto attacks (A) or the skill button (E) to preform different “steps.” Nilou can preform 3 “steps” in her “dance.” The last step of her dance will have a different effect depending if you end it with (A) or (E). If the dance is ended with an auto attack (A): Nilou’s attacks will be converted to hydro for a duration and every third hit will deal AoE hydro damage. If the dance is ended with the elemental skill button (E): Nilou will create a Ring of Tranquility, which remains around the active character and rapidly applies the wet status in its AoE.
In simple terms you have two options when ending her Dance. You can remain on field and deal Hydro DMG with her attacks or set up the Ring of Tranquility and swap to different characters. 9/10 times you’ll pretty much always do the latter and set up Ring of Tranquility, as it allows her to enable quick swap playstyle and apply hydro while off field. But it’s nice to have flexibility as both on and off field unit!
Regardless what step you end the dance with Nilou’s Ascension 1 Passive, “Court of Dancing Petals” will activate. I will explain this passive in more detail below.
All of the damage associated with Nilou’s Elemental Skill scales off of her Max HP.
Elemental Burst
Her burst is much more simple, she deals AoE hydro damage around herself and marks enemies hit with a flower that then deals additional hydro damage after a duration.
All damage in this manner also scales with Nilou’s Max HP.
Passive Talents
Ascension 1 - Court of Dancing Petals
Upon use of the third step in Nilou’s dance: When the party consists of only the elements Hydro and Dendro, all Dendro Cores created from the Bloom reaction (Dendro + Hydro) instead become Bountiful Cores. Bountiful Cores rupture immediately and deal greater damage over a larger AoE. It’s basically Bloom on steroids.
Ascension 4 - Dreamy Dance of Aeons
Math time. For every 1000 HP points Nilou posses above 30k, Nilou increases the damage of all bountiful cores, including cores she did not make, by 9%. The maximum increase from this effect is 400%, meaning it caps at 77.5k max HP.
This passive along with the fact that of all her personal hydro Dmg scales off of HP% means you want to stack HP% as much as you possibly can.
Build Overview
In General, you want as much HP as physically possible on Nilou as well as some EM to help boost her bloom Dmg. You’ll also want some ER depending how frequently you need to use her burst. In Bloom you do not need Crit stats since Bloom can’t crit. Shoot for the following stats depending on your level of investment:
F2P Stat Goals
50-60k HP (with Hydro Resonance)
200-300 EM (with Dendro Resonance)
110-120% ER.
Invested Stat Goals
70-77k HP (with Hydro Resonance)
300 EM (with Dendro Resonance)
120-130% ER
I’d say if you’re f2p you wanna shoot for at least 50k Max HP with hydro resonance and a stretch goal of 60k. It’s really hard to get more than 50k without her weapon, though. If you have her signature weapon then shoot for 70-75k Max HP. 77.5k HP is where Nilou’s A4 party buff caps but you do not necessarily need to max the buff due to diminishing returns.
Either way, ~200-300 EM is plenty of EM since her passive provides her such a large DMG bonus in place of EM. It’s totally fine to have more than 300 EM, but don’t sacrifice HP for it.
ER totally depends on how frequently you want to use her burst. 110-130% is plenty in most comps.
Level & Talents —————————
You definitely want to take Nilou to Lv90. The extra HP significantly increases the party’s bloom damage due to her A4 passive.
On the plus side, theoretically, you don’t have to touch Nilou’s talents at all since bloom damage isn’t affected by Talent Level. I do personally recommend at least taking her Skill and Burst to Level 6 though, since her raw Hydro damage is definitely nothing to sneeze at. If you plan to use her outside of bloom comps I’d take Skill and Burst to at least Lv9. There’s quite literally no reason to touch her auto attack talent at all.
Weapons ————————————
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - Key of Khaj-Nisut; Primordial Jade Cutter
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - Xiphos Moonlight; Toukabou Shigure; Iron Sting
No surprise, her signature weapon is absolutely busted on Nilou and if you have it you should definitely use it. It’s a massive HP stat stick and allows her to buff party EM based on her Max HP. Jade Cutter is good too since it also gives HP, but the crit is wasted in a bloom comp.
If you are f2p or just don’t have the Key, then Xiphos Moonlight, Toukabou Shigure, and Iron Sting are all great 4⭐️ options. Dark Iron Sword works too but the other options are just better.
Artifacts ———————————
Overall, Nilou is very easy to build bc HP is a common stat on artifacts. HP and EM are the most important stats with Nilou, with HP taking very high priority. You always want to run HP as the main stat on Sands, Goblet, and Circlet. 200-300 raw EM from sub stats is plenty, especially if you have the Key.
All this said, go with any of the following sets that achieve the goals I explained above:
2pc Tenacity / 2pc Vourukasha / 2pc Wanderer / 2pc Gilded / 2pc Flower of Paradise Lost
4pc Flower of Paradise Lost
4pc Vourukasha’s Glow
None of these sets are necessarily better or worse than the others. The 4pc passives from Flower and Vourukasha sets are both very useful but overall it’s better to have as much HP and EM as you can. Just go with whatever combination gives you the most HP and EM!
Constellations —————————
Nilou has very powerful constellations in c2 and c6, and her c1 gives her more uptime on her Ring of Tranquility. Despite the power level and QoL these constellations bring though, they are absolutely not necessary for her to function in her niche. She is a perfectly cracked unit at c0.
If you’re looking to roll on Nilou I personally recommend going for her weapon before going for any of her cons. The extra HP alone is reason enough and the party EM buff from the weapons passive is extremely clutch. Overall it just makes building her leagues easier. Beyond her weapon C2 is a hard stopping point imo. Only go for more cons after C2 if you just absolutely love her and want to maximize her fully.
Team Comps
This section is pretty obvious when you understand how Nilou’s kit works, but Nilou is more flexible than people give her credit for!
99.99% of time you will be running Nilou in a dedicated Bloom comp. This means she can only be paired with Dendro and other Hydro units in order for her A1 Talent to take effect. Her bloom comp options continue to expand as more Dendro units become playable. In general, you want consider the following in a Nilou Bloom Comp:
• Bloom rupture damages the active character. Nilou drastically increases the damage from rupture so a healer is absolutely necessary for survival, especially in abyss and if you’re driving with a squishy unit like Nahida. Kokomi and Baizhu are the premium options for this role but YaoYao and Barbara certainly work too. You can probably get around needing a dedicated healer with Kaveh and Xingqiu in the comp as long as Kaveh is the on field driver and you’re good with rotations. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference and how comfy you want the team to preform.
• Hydro Resonance increases Nilou’s max HP by 20% which in turn increases the entire party’s bloom damage. Kokomi, Yelan, and Xingqiu are the preferred hydro units for this role. Kamisato Ayato is also very effective at applying Hydro in AoE but you’ll need good enough off field dendro app to maintain dendro core generation.
• Dendro Resonance is almost as necessary as Hydro Resonance imo. It provides extra EM party wide as well as more Dendro application. Nahida is the premium Dendro unit in the game and she is no exception here. Nahida is certainly not a requirement though! Literally any Dendro character outside of Tighnari works here (and even Tighnari is good enough to get the job done). Collei is really good here if you have constellations!
• Bloom ownership can be a bit complicated due to elemental gauge mechanics which is another post in itself entirely lol. To make it simple, in most bloom comps it’s safe to assume the hydro units will be the ones triggering *most* of the blooms, so you’ll want high amount EM on your hydro characters (Nilou being the exception especially if you have her weapon.) But, it’s likely that depending on rotations etc that everyone in the comp will trigger blooms to some degree. Nilou’s A4 helps with this as it increases bountiful core damage regardless who triggers the core, but it’s still something to consider. Whoever is triggering in the team comp needs to have a lot EM and be Lv90!
Non-Bloom Nilou?
It’s not her preferred comp for obvious reasons, but Nilou’s insane amount of HP scaling and hydro application definitely allows her flexibility in other teams outside of Bloom. You can slot her into really any comp where Hydro app is needed: Freeze, Electro-Charge, Vape and even Fridge/Hyperbloom/Burgeon. Just be aware she won’t reach her full potential outside of Bloom.
Nilou is a very unique character and single handedly made Bloom one of the most, if not the single most busted reaction in the game. Despite her complex kit Nilou is surprisingly very forgiving in her playstyle and can preform well even if you don’t know what you’re doing. But if you do know what you’re doing she’s just straight up busted. Overall, she’s a very strong unit within her niche and I think she’ll only get better as more Dendro and Hydro units are added to the game.
As always I hope this guide was somewhat helpful! 🪷
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kabu-writes · 1 year
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yume-fanfare · 2 years
venti!! i like him a lot as well he is very gender… i have a venti but i dont use him much how do you utilize his playstyle and build him properly
ooooo!!! here is a quick how-to-venti guide!
his play style is p simple, just use his ult and it will generate this vortex that vacuums (small-ish) enemies on the field and deals anemo dmg. if the vortex comes into contact with another element, it'll swirl it and become infused in said element (it'll deal anemo damage And damage of that other element). a cool thing to know about it is that it "snapshots": if you use it while bennett's atk buff is up it will deal buffed damage even if the buff runs out before the vortex vanishes :)
HOWEVER an important important thing to know is that his ult is a bit elevated from the ground and not all characters can reach it, so here's a spreadsheet that compiles who can and who can't :D
the elemental skill deals aoe anemo damage and launches the enemies into the sky a bit (it stuns them and will, for example, stop abyss mages from putting up their shield again). if you hold the skill it will have a bigger aoe And create a wind current to let you fly up :) it's very useful in exploration to help you reach higher places too!
you don't really have to use his normal attacks so don't worry about that 👍
and as for build, venti uses 4pc viridiscent veneerer and the first thing to know is that you'll need around 160-170 of energy recharge. you can have some more if you want to but this is like the most important requirement because you'll use his ult the most.
and now i often joke that all of us venti mains are insane and crit build him and the function in game that lets you see what artifacts do most people use has happened to prove me right aldjskdjsk but the crit build vs elemental mastery build is a bit of an ongoing thing so i can try to summarize points to take into account:
the basics are: a em build will give you a more support-oriented venti, while a crit build will have him deal more personal damage
so, crit builds Can reach a higher damage ceiling
however you will need a lot of good crit rolls to reach a decent ratio between crit dmg and crit ratio (because venti has an energy recharge ascension)
meanwhile em builds can reach a very good damage ceiling even if your substats aren't that good: the em you get from main stats should be enough more or less
still, the viridiscent veneerer domain rng kinda sucks so em pieces might still be hard to find
(fun fact: if you need an offset em artifact, the husk of opulent dreams domain is your best bet, because the rng there makes it harder to get def pieces but easier to find em ones. similarly, some of your best crit pieces may come from the maiden beloved set)
another thing to take into account is the team: if he's in a team without many reactions a crit build is a better investment
so, for a crit build you'd use ATK/Anemo DMG/CRIT for main stats and for an elemental mastery build you'll need EM/EM/EM if possible. you can also perfectly use an energy recharge sands to meet er requirements
as for weapons, his best f2p one is the stringless, and it's very very good for both crit and em builds, it may even beat the 5*s in some aspects. and if we're talking about 5* bows, elegy for the end is perfect for a support venti while the skyward harp is better for crit venti. other good 4* options are the sacrificial bow and the favonius bow, to help meet er requirements
and that's all i think? i also greatly recommend checking out the very cool venti guide at keqingmains.com as it has much more info about other stuff like talents, constellations and cool team compositions :)
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