#genshin morden au
apneicodette · 1 year
To be dead is to be alive. (Or is it the other way around?)
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Scaramouche x (gender neutral) reader oneshot
Modern AU
Warning: Mentions of death and abuse, Attempt at humor, hint of suicidal thoughts. (But happy end, this is fluff brah)
When bonding over dead family members who were complete assholes leads to a coffee date.
┏ ʟᴏᴜɪꜱᴇ - 【ᴛᴠ】 ɢɪʀʟ. ┐
1:01 ────●──────────── 3:15
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯
└ ┛
Louise, Louise
You can't be anybody's friend
Louise, Louise
I'll love you 'til I'm dead
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The cold air of winter brings you a sense of comfort. The feeling of almost freezing to death was something you grew fond of. That and also no bugs to disturb your peace.
Which is why you take the opportunity to visit your father's grave. But, really, it was mostly in the hopes of running into the boy who'd too visit a grave in the winter. A grave that just so happened to be right next to your father's.
"Was that your mother?" you asked even though it was quite obvious.
The boy usually ignored you, but you didn't really care. You watched as the snow clinged onto his violet hair and his long winter coat.
You lightly sighed as you eyed your fathers grave.
"I fucking hated him" you said.
Your expectation of silence was surprised by the boy's soft chuckle.
"That makes the two of us."
He left his mother's grave heading towards the exit of the cemetery leaving his footprints behind.
This was the first time he had conversed with you over the past week. And though it ended pretty quickly, you found some joy of gaining his attention. It's not like it'll be the last time you see him, as you both arrive at the cemetery same time everyday. Expect Sunday's, you prefer to stay home that day.
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"Paying your respects to my father?" You laughed as you walked towards your father's grave to which you were greeted by the boy eyeing the tombstone.
"A lawyer who helped criminals" He turned to meet your eyes, a purple hue analyzing your features for the first time, at least with you looking right at him as he does so.
"Ah, so you did your research. He was-uh, an interesting individual. I never did truly understand him."
"And what about now. With all the news." He was awfully chatty all of a sudden? You nodded your head, though you didn't say anything.
"What's your name?" You dismissed his question.
"I asked you something" he sternly said.
"Yeah, well, I don't feel like answering it. Is that fair?" You balanced back and forth with your hands in your coat pocket.
"Whatever." He scoffed.
"So....?" He looked as if he was contemplating whether or not he should humor your question since you did not answer his.
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You repeated his name constantly in your head. To say your intrigued by him is a understatement. He certainly made your life a tad bit more interesting. The fact he never asked your name told you he already knew it.
"Let's go on a date." You randomly proposed catching the boy off guard.
"Excuse me?" He coughed out.
"You heard me," you brightly said as you watched him regain his composure. You found his shielded defense personality adorable when he slips up.
"Yeah hard pass."
"Really? So you're telling me you rather be here and watch the same stiff ass tombstone of someone you don't even like than go on a date with a beautiful person such as myself?"
"Hmm, let me think about it.... yeah!"
"Oh be honest Kuni, you come here everyday, same time, in hopes of seeing me."
"In your dreams."
"More like reality asshat"
"Don't project your delusional romantic fantasies onto me."
You rolled your eyes at his rejection to your request. So you resorted to your over-exaggerated groans and heavy sighs of disappointment. And it worked considering the boy's short temper.
"What do you even gain from this date" he massaged the bridged of his nose, you were probably giving him an headache.
"Your attention."
"You have it now, dont you?"
"Yes, but I would rather not be in the same setting with you all the time. It feels like others are intruding on our conversations, dont you think?" You reference to the two tombstones in front of you both.
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You don't remember how, but somehow managed to convince the stubborn introverted mysterious boy to go to a cafe near the area with you.
"Dont you find it strange?" You lightly blew on your latte to cool it down.
The boy across the table from you arched a brow. You opened your mouth to clarify your statment.
"I feel like I've known you for the longest time. Its like we're soulmates!"
"Not this again" he groaned in annoyance.
"Haha, okay, I'll stop. But don't you feel it too -" you sighed at the death stare he gave you. "You don't really add much to a conversation."
You both sat in silent till it was his turn to finally contribute to the conversation you so wanted.
"I've seen you in school before."
"Oo tell me more tell me more, like did I have a car!" You sang as a means of encouragement and childness.
"Are you mentally okay?" To your suprise, he lightly chuckled at your randomness.
"Was that a laugh!?!? Little old me made you laugh!?" You put your hand on your chest for an exaggerated expression.
"I will kill you." He smiled disappeared, though you could tell he was biting his cheeks.
"Okay, okay, but as you were saying."
"You get bullied a lot."
"Jee, thanks."
"It clearly bothers you, though you dont show it."
"I mean, I could say the same about you. Same but not the same. I mean, I'm not an asshole but because my dad practically was, I get shitted on. You ARE an asshole and people shit on you for it because your mom was practically an angel"
You wonder where he was going with the sudden topic, but he took it no further as he drank the rest of his coffee. "Truly are the devil. Black Coffee? No sugar?"
"You can say, I'm just as bitter as it taste."
"I bet you thought you looked really cool as you said that."
"Im leaving."
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Not this again. Many lights flashed in your eyes at such a rapid speed. You were sure you'd go blind. The sounds of cameras taking pictures of you in many angels were becoming so overwhelming that you couldn't understand the many questions these reporters were bombarding you with.
Only mumbled voices invaded your head as you desperately tried to find a way out. A mic was shoved in your face as you stared into the camera zooming in your face.
"Huh," you were out of breath, and that was the only word that managed to come out. The reporter pointed the mic towards themselves to repeat their question before returning it to you.
"Do you plan to follow in your Father's footsteps? It was believed one of his clients killed him. Is it true? Did you support your father's action? Are the rumors of his abusive behavior towards you true as well?"
You swore everything was spining, "No?" You said still looking for a way out. Your unsure response caused a uproar of questions. You started to lose your composer.
"Get the fuck of me!" You shoved the mic away from your face as you forcibly pushed your self through the crowd.
This always happened. Why? Because a stupid lawyer decided to help criminals escape from death threatening sentences. And, it was the fact he was good at his job and so willingly used his intelligence to help these horrid human beings is what cursed his name, and in return, you. All for the sake of money.
Seeing the reporters shortly following after you, you started to run in the hopes of losing them. But of course, these drama, thirsty reporters know how to chase down a story.
A sound of a motorcycle raising its engine caught your attention. "Get in" Kunikuzushi's voice called out to you. Never have been more happy to see his face.
You didn't waste any time to climb on the back, grabbing his waist as he sped off, not even caring for the red light that shined. You turned your head watching as the reporters disappeared from your line of sight.
Finally, you can breathe.
You relaxed your body leaning into the warmth of Scaramouche's body. "Thank you."
He didn't say anything, but he never really needs to when it comes to you. His actions always speak louder.
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You both had stopped at a convenient store at a quiet neighborhood sitting at the edge of the sidewalk after buying snacks to eat.
"I've should've known you owned a motorcycle." You commented already missing the feeling of being on it.
"I bet you thought I was hot." He smugly said.
"Alright let's not get too cocky now." You mocked.
"But you're not denying it."
You laughed at you stared at the distant forest the blue sky peeking through the leaves.
"They often bother you?" He asked.
You hummed, "Occasionally, but never as much as they did today. Their so fucking annyoing."
"They're just assholes who are trying to make a profit out of other people's misery."
"You can say that again."
"Here," He handed you a side of his wired headphones and you plugged it to your ears. You both zoned out off into to the distance. You both had grown comfortable with each other after your little coffee date, and the ones that shortly came after it.
You perferred to be alone, but you never imagine how good it'd feel to be alone with someone else. The soft music in your ear was slowly lulling you to sleep as you rested your head on Kunikuzushi's shoulder.
Your hands slowly brushed. You almost retracted it back until Kunikuzushi hand firmly sat on top of yours. He let out a shaky breath.
"Fuck." He said softly. How could one cursed so nicely you thought.
"I hate you."
"That's cute."
You both laughed. Not the first time he said such a thing but you both knew it was utter bullshit.
"Don't do it." His voice got quiter, more serious. You brought your head back up in confusion towards his vague comment.
"Hmm? Do what?"
"Your stupid email sent early, you clearly didnt mean for it to."
You froze as your heart sank. "I- I." For once you had a lost for words.
"Not yet..... just wait it out. And if it really gets bad then, I'll go with you. Deal?"
"Kuni-" he cut you off.
"Just say yes." He looked at your eyes searching for an answer.
You gently placed your hand on his face, placing a light feathery kiss on his lips, he leaned into your touch holding tightly to the hand on his cheek.
The sun was setting.
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mayullla · 2 years
I just listened to "May I" by Trading Yesterday again. It's one of my favorite songs. Now all I can imagine is the MC in the Doll AU or Orphanage AU slow dancing with the boys to this song, perhaps in lonely or just painfully bad nights. The chorus goes: "May I hold you / As you fall to sleep / When the world is closing in / And you can't breathe / May I love you / May I be your shield / When no one can be found / May I lay you down" (1)
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REEEEEEEE! My heart- TvT This is just too cute what the heck!!
(13 Step-brother au)
It was a dance that your kindergarten, the teacher taught you how to move and twirl to the rhythm. You weren't the most fathering on compared to that one kid who always takes dance lessons but you are trying. You were having fun, you were excited when you heard that your kindergarten would be putting on a show for parents to watch.
You worked hard, as you tried to carefully listen to what your teacher was saying only to daze in the end but you tried and at the end of the day you remembered most of the pattern. Childe was the one who picked you up that day!
You told him about your dance and that you where so excited. Childe kept his eyes on the road as he continued to ask you questions, if you guys weren't on the care he would probably give you full attention and a little more as his eyes sparkled. You didnt mind this was better than when you where with your father wouldnt listen to you and instead take call in the car almost having no time for you and when he doesnt he would just kindly tell you that he needs to focus on the road.
You didn't know that Childe was already planning to beg La Signora and Scaramouche to cover him that day. To the point that he would bow, really Signora and Scara didn't know this man who adores his little sister. Really it is just creepy to them-
Going up to the residence, you told your other brothers about the show that was happening in your kindergarten. Your brothers asked you multiple questions like what time and where, immediately checking their schedules and phones to see if they have time. Albedo was the one who asked if you could show them your dance.
To which you gleefully nodded, you were too excited to show it to them than to tell them that it was a secret and that they must watch the show to see you dance.
Kaeya was quick to turn on the camera on his phone as well as Childe, Venti asking them to send it to him later. It was never said as they watched you dance, but dear you are just so adorable!! Zhongli was brought back to time and started reminiscing that time when others where just small kids that he had to look after. Chongyun, Itto and Bennet hyping you up as you dance.
Venti was the first one to move taking your hands he started to guide you, "I want to dance with my little sister~" He told you as he twirled you. Your smile soon changed to laughter in the house as Venti tried to invite others to dance with them. They were hesitant, some also didn't want to but could not deny you when you grabbed their hands and looked at them with either the brightest smile or your sparkly puppy dog's eyes.
When it was Kaeya's turn he tossed his phone to his brother Diluc as he took your hands dancing with twirls and laughter, Childe also tossed his phone to Xiao telling the boy if he didn't want to dance then he should at least take a video. Xiao growled at his older brother but reluctantly started taking a video with you in the middle as Childe grabbed you lifting you in the air as he twirled.
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xenont · 3 years
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Tartaglia | Childe/Zhongli (Genshin Impact), Diluc/Kaeya (Genshin Impact), Venti/Xiao | Alatus (Genshin Impact), Chongyun/Xingqiu (Genshin Impact) Characters: Tartaglia | Childe (Genshin Impact), Zhongli (Genshin Impact), Kaeya (Genshin Impact), Diluc (Genshin Impact), Venti (Genshin Impact), Xiao | Alatus (Genshin Impact), Chongyun (Genshin Impact), Xingqiu (Genshin Impact) Summary: Childe tries, he really does, to fit into this new life that he had chosen for himself. To be fair, if anyone had a past just like him, they would really prefer to just start a new one
But he can't smile through the pain forever, can he?
That's where the new friends he made come in
One day Kaeya introduces Childe to Zhongli, and it works out better than imagined :p
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xxyumeno · 3 years
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Beginning to run out of juice for writing more replies lol. I shall resume my shenanigans tomorrow.  I have a random ideas below the cut. Other than that I’m off to bed! Good night and pleasant dreams everyone~
Also also, Kaeya being able to speak fluent elvish and getting smacked on the back side of his head by Alice for saying something he shouldn’t have said around Klee. Even though she think what he said was funny. Klee doesn’t understand so is confused. 
Another also, Teyvet being it own Pokemon region, Venti being the first gym you need to challenge. With Venti being the elusive gym leader it take forever to get that first badge. The challenge itself instead of battling him to get the badge it to track him down. Joke on the trainer you still have to battle him to get the gym badge. :D I’m going to eventually write this all out.
My 3H Claude muse getting a Genshin Impact verse as an Anemo vision holder hailing from Sumeru, Archer, and primarily single target burst blah blah blah. Coming soon.
Dainsleif morden AU as a bodyguard. Bodyguard to an idol? Royal family member? Politician? Who knows, but he take his job seriously and he hard nut to crack.
Fate verse for Albedo as an alchemist/old school mage and Childe as a summonable servant. Summon as an Archer, NP is his Foul Legacy Mode and class chances to Lancer because why not (mostly because of Hydro polearm). Lisa maybe as well who still practices old school magic? Don’t know it a thought.
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