softerhaze · 1 year
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how did i spend the afternoon on my mental health day?? well....u see...
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doctorslippery · 11 months
Land guides
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psychologeek · 1 year
Random questions Google can't help me with:
(even if you don't know, reblog could help a LOT in getting to "the person who knows". So thank you 😊)
1. Islam - How likely it is that Jason use the Hijra (hijaric?) Calander during his time with the LoA🤔
2. Geo-history: spoken languages in Western Asia around 1,300-1,500? Doesn't have to be spesific by years, just sort of. I try to get the possible location, language, religious and calander for some things.
3. what language do the All-caste speak?
Current thoughts:
Probably somewhere in the Zagros Mountains? Maybe in the Iranian part. They do speak Arabic, but also Urdo, parasian and pashto. The main Dialect is Arabic, bc it's Ras Al-Ghul og language and that's how he taught his students.
(Also - mybe related to religious? Muslim probably (DoB ~1,300). And iirc being able to read the Qur'an properly has important meaning? I AM NOT MUSLIM PLZ CORRECT ME).
It has a lot of hiding places, wondering tribes, and places to grow food. Going to missions can hide as wonderers.
In the Himalayas, but "Himalayas" is f* HUGE.
WHERE??? Bhutan? China? India? Nepal? Pakistan?
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rte-66 · 7 months
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Psychogeography involves self published reports and maps, using the Situationist technique of detournement - using pre-found elements and subverting them. evoL PsychogeogrAphix 2003
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gleichschenklig · 1 year
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North America.-
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achingly-shy · 7 months
thinking about everyone hating on sabine for giving baylan the map and choosing ezra over the safety of the galaxy....like did we all just forget "EVERYTHING i did was for FAMILY for MANDALORE"
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wejustvibing · 1 year
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23 races in 2023
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yisanged · 2 months
scioly states finished..... very long day. our team placed 7th overall out of 40 high schools in the entire state. only top 6 place and get trophies. our school has come in 7th or otherwise top ten not placing every year for the past like decade LOL. except it's not as LOL as it really should be because WE DID SO GOOD THIS YEAR and literally two of our consistently best performing events got trialed meaning the scores for those events didn't count towards our overall because the test proctors made stupid mistakes during the set up. really sad :( especially because they're two events two of our most dedicated seniors work really hard for and this was their last year of scioly ever and we didn't get a trophy because the people running the events messed up. lowkey we also kind of ate shit in a few events like 30th and 25th place and a couple mid ones but otherwise we did good like top 20 and a considerable amount of placing so it's totally possible we could've gotten a trophy if those two events had just gone normally. sad for our seniors. also today was literally our schools prom..... so all the seniors and some juniors literally changed into their suits and dresses after they finished their events and just left to go to prom. crazy. but it's ok. funsies. I like science olympiad. I'm dedicating myself to fossils over the summer I've decided. plus geo it's fun. scioly is fun
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liyass · 1 year
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The Knight
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ducksbyday · 2 years
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[A Geology analysis of the Empires SMP season 2 Map]
Ello! My name is Day. I'm very new to Tumblr [always have been a lurker] but I decided it might be cool to post this :]
I'm a biology student from The Netherlands and I was desperately looking for ways to make studying for my upcoming Geology exam interesting and somehow that turned into this (Strangely enough, it worked!)
So yea, here is an analysis of the EmpiresSMP season 2 map. There is so much more I could dig into (like why Evermoore is a swamp while Sanctuary isn't, why there is still sand on the islands etc etc) but It would've gone on forever and I already spend like- 4 hours on this O.O)
If there are any other bio nerds out there, I'd love to know your opionion <3 (also if ur not a bio nerd)
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boycritter · 7 months
me when the science olympiad event i didnt want to be put on and thought i wouldnt care about is actually super fucking interesting
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my lack of geography knowledge has come back to bite me my seminar teacher has decided that since the actual class is over hes gonna teach us the social studies shit that we shouldve learned in like 4th grade and today he had us fill out maps (thank god he didnt ask us to label states) which like kinda got the mountain ranges got the rivers he asked for (protip its just the wobbly state borders) but apparently i only know like 5 state capitols and i had to ask multiple times where colorado is (and i called it vermont at least once). also apparently i just dont know where hawaii is?? like at all? hate that a canadian knows more us geography than me
skill issue
to be fair i dont know that much about us state capitals or mountains or whateever i know like four capitals. um. albany new york boston massachusetts santa fe new mexico (santa feeeeeee my old friend) juneau alaska. though tee bee haych i think thats more than u know about canada
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doctorslippery · 1 year
A15, Barton-upon-Humber DN18 5RF, UK
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virtuissimo · 8 months
Ok I was educated in the u.s. but how do people. Not know at least what region a country is in based on its name alone. You're a 40 year old man and can't point to chile on a map? You can't tell me what part of the world kazakhstan is in at LEAST? You think china and russia don't share a border? These are things I was taught IN SCHOOL in the 7th grade, what is fucking HAPPENING
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elceeu2morrow · 1 year
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gleichschenklig · 1 year
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