thestars-aremycanvas · 6 months
The gaia hypothesis is known under other names in the scientific community by those who refuse to take a holistic approach to science. It is known as: geophysiology or earth system science. Nonetheless is follows the principles and ideas of the gaia hypothesis.
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sistervirtue · 8 months
here’s my guy: Stephan Flanagan. Steve or Stevie. Currently lives in NYC. He was born February 8th, 1983 and died May 12th, 2018.
He was employed at the Morgan Library & Museum at the time of his death in the role of a librarian focused on literature history and archiving. Steve’s close with his vampire sire and respects them after the training and mentorship he received. It’s all intellectual and occult training, because Steve is a willow twig of a man. He’s your run-of-the-mill, lost-in-a-crowd, everybody-yet-nobody guy from Springfield of the Midwest. Moved to New York at the age of 28.
He’s 6’4”, pasty white, has brown hair, slightly overgrown, brown eyes, stupid manicured cowboy-type mustache. He dresses like he robbed your grandparents’ closet, the one that also serves as a moth family’s vacation home.
He has heightened senses and is the only one of the group that can drive, but he refuses to break traffic laws. The value he hinges his morality on is the idea of innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, to the point that even if he personally believes a person’s guilty but doesn’t have evidence up to the legal standard he will still try his hardest to treat them as innocent until that point. He follows the rules and the law, but this is less of a moral decision and more of a… IDK I’m projecting this one onto him.
Strength: 2/5, Dexterity: 3/5, Stamina: 2/5, Charisma: 3/5, Manipulation: 1/5, Composure: 3/5, Intelligence: 4/5, Wits: 2/5, Resolve: 2/5
Skills & Hobbies: He’s a hobbyist carpenter, enjoys the field of geophysiology, likes to research niche topics and practice his trivia knowledge. He used to play the hurdy-gurdy as part of a folk-band he was in with his college buddies. He is good at etiquette and falls back on polite, formal correspondence when stressed or uncomfortable.
Early in the campaign so IDK how he’s gonna play out but he is simultaneously the oldest and the youngest (being 35 ish physically and a new vampire) he’s also the designated driver and has already wandered off to explore a museum exhibit. Also he hid in a storage container to avoid a fight not because he was against the fight (although he was) but because he’s a bit of a coward and doesn’t know how to fight.
virtue is shoving him into her purse full of sad, scrawny nerds that she keeps as companions as we speak get behind her steve she will protect you
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hepatosaurus · 11 months
Plex The shore of the lake is gradual and drawn With rivers threading into land Then suddenly it’s all land Now the land is dark And you can’t distinguish it from the water And the hot orange sun Turns everything dark purple Like a painting by Joan Mitchell It is unknowable It is knowable It is a sum of these It is not without birds and animals He is very elegant and kind Her intellectual complexion It is a beautiful word The flank of their poem goes to the lake To enter sweet new time Trees express the sky energetically So do they With all the rarity of tenderness Like the place where the base of the vase touches earth To speak into time deeply All the animals lie down together This is what they prefer It is explicitly their preference New roses happen Their Latin pleats Together they harbor the intimate excess of philosophy Which loves gardens Now admire their breadth Every flower is inverted And what the flower produces Is unknown You call this beauty As a way to express care Now call it wildrose Wildrose is resourceful Its geophysiology is vast It threw runners To make landbridge It threw pollen With voracious joy Underground network of wildrose Linking all the political lovers And infinite breathing flesh In each temporality experienced Is resurgent insurrection The form of life of wildrose Is experiment in relationship Also named Plex Earth the tousled rosebed! From which the brocaded and tarnishing yardgoods unfurl Some of the bronze threads blackening So that the ornate pattern is obscured Like dusk in a borderless tableau It glows from beneath Now time ripples from beneath Now they enter dusk’s happiness Rosebed is the lovepoem Belly and horizon! Wildrose suckers freely from underground stems and roots Forming dense colonies that run wild This wedding names everyone wildrose. —Lisa Robertson
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gnflorida · 2 years
Scientists announce new footage of what they believe to be most important recorded moment in Earth’s geophysiological history
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Global Flood
Tervetuloa esitysinstallaation!
((english info in the end))
pe 7.12. avajaiset kl 17-20
la -su 8. -9.12. avoinna kl 12-18
ma 10.12. suljettu
ti - la 11.-15.12. avoinna kl 13-18
su 16.12. avoinna kl 11-15
Vuosi 2016 oli tiedemiesten mukaan lämpimin vuodesta 1880 alkaneella ajanjaksolla. Syksyllä 2018 julkaistiin IPCC:n tuorein raportti, jonka mukaan ihmiskunnan kasvihuonekaasupäästöjä  on vähennettävä voimakkaasti reilussa kymmenessä vuodessa, jotta maapallon lämpeneminen pysyisi siedettävissä rajoissa. Mitä hitaammin reagoimme ilmastonmuutokseen, sitä enemmän menetämme. Mitä on tehtävissä? Miten tehdä näkymätön näkyväksi ja ruumiilliseksi? Voiko tieteen tuottama tieto saada aikaan riittävän nopeaa poliittista muutosta? Voiko taiteella vaikuttaa? Minkälaisia käsitteellisiä työkaluja tarvitsemme, jotta ymmärtäisimme maapallon geofysiologiaa kokonaisuutena? Miten löytää toivoa musertavien kysymysten tulvan äärellä? Olen nuori esitystaiteilija ja isäni on luonnontieteiden emeritusprofessori. Tulemme erilaisista lähtökohdista mutta jaamme samoja huolia maailman tilasta ja sen tulevaisuudesta. Halusin tehdä yhteistyötä isäni kanssa ja pyysin häntä keksimään idean teokselle. Hän kehitti meille idean koneesta, joka demonstroi  ihmisen toiminnan aiheuttamaa ilmakehän kasvihuonekaasupitoisuuksien nousua, mikä johtaa ilmastonmuutokseen ja merenpinnan kohoamiseen sekä tulvaan rannikkoalueilla. Kone on kuin kosmologinen malli, joka kuvaa maapallon geofysiologiaa, tieteellisen Gaian ajatusta, ja sen antroposeenista eli ihmisen aiheuttamaa häiriötä. Rakensimme konetta yhdessä kesän 2017 ajan. Global Flood on tila ja esitys, joka muodostuu useasta osasta: se on kineettinen veistos, joka kuvaa maapallon toimintaa havainnollistaen sitä virtaavan veden avulla. Se on myös dokumentaarinen esitysinstallaatio isän ja tyttären, tiedemiehen ja taiteilijan taiteellisesta yhteistyöstä ilmastonmuutoksen kysymysten äärellä. Osa teosta on minun ja isäni läsnäolo esitystilassa ja mahdollisuus keskustella kanssamme. Teos  syntyy jatkuvasti yhteistyömme prosessissa ja muuttuu ja kasaantuu suhteessa siihen aikaan ja kontekstiin, jossa sitä esitetään. Esitysinstallaation ensi-ilta oli ANTI-festivaaleilla syyskuussa 2017,Kuopiossa kauppakeskus Aapelissa tyhjässä liiketilassa. Nyt kokoamme teoksesta uuden version Helsinkiin. Osoitteeseen Vuorikatu 14 / Fennia-kortteliin entiseen verotoimiston liiketilaan aukeaa 7.12.-16.12. 2018 viikoksi tila, jossa jatkamme vuosi sitten alkanutta yhteistä pohdintaamme yhdessä yleisön kanssa. Teos on pääsääntöisesti auki ti-su kl 13-18 sekä tapahtumien aikaan.
Poikkeusaikatauluista ja tapahtumista tiedotetaan lähempänä tässä blogissa ja facebookissa: https://web.facebook.com/events/330852587512421/ Tervetuloa! IN ENGLISH: OPENING TIMES:
Fri 7.12. 7pm- 8pm opening event
Sat-  Sun 8. -9.12. open 12pm to 6 pm
Mon 10.12 closed
Tuesday - Saturday 11. - 15.12. open 1 pm to 6pm
Sunday 16.12. open 11 am to  3 pm
The year 2016 was the warmest since year 1880. In the autumn 2018 IPCC published its latest report  stating we have to reduce strongly the global greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 to limit global warming into a tolerable level. The more slowly we react to the climate change, the more we loose. What is there to be done? How to make the invisible visible and bodily? Can the scientific knowledge provoke political change fast enough? Can we influence through art? Which conceptual tools we need to understand the Earth’s geophysiology? How can we see hope in the overwhelming flood of questions? ”I am a young performance artist, and my father is a emeritus professor of natural sciences. We come from different contexts but share the same worry of the Earth’s condition and its future. I wanted to collaborate with my father and I asked him to invent an idea for collaboration. He came up with an idea of a machine which demonstrates climate change   and associated sea level rise, flood in coastal areas, resulting from human induced increase in  the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The machine is  like a cosmological model describing the geophysiology, an idea of an scientific Gaia and its Anthropocene, an error caused by human. We constructed the Flood machine together in the summer 2017. Global Flood is a space and a performance constructed of several parts: it is a kinetic sculpture that describes how Earth works through the flow of water. It is also a documentary performance about the collaboration between a father and a daughter, scientist and artist, facing the questions of climate change. Part of the experience is my and my dad’s presence in the performance space and the possibility to discuss  with us. Global Flood changes and accumulates all the time in relation to time and the context it is performed in. It was premiered in ANTI-festival September 2017 in Kuopio in shopping centre Aapeli. This autumn we will build it again to an empty space in Fennia shopping center (adress Vuorikatu 14 / former tax office). The installation will be open for one week during 7.12. - 16.12.2018 There we continue our discussions together with the audience. The space is open Tuesday-Sunday from 12 pm to 6 pm and when there are events or special programme. You can find the more accurate schedule later from this facebook event: https://web.facebook.com/events/330852587512421/
Welcome! /// TYÖRYHMÄ: Milla Alina Martikainen on esitystaiteilija ja skenografi, joka on erikoistunut muun muassa rakenne- ja tilanneveistoon, merkitysten tunnusteluun ja yhteensaattamisen alustamiseen. Hänen viimeisimpiä   tutkimuskohteitaan ovat olleet kriisin kokemus, ympäristöahdistus ja self-help,  hyönteiset sekä ei-inhimillisen näyttämön mahdollisuudet laitosteatterissa, suomalainen metsäkeskustelu, hengissäselviämisen estetiikka, maailmanloppu, muutos, hoiva ja huoli. Pertti J. Martikainen on biogeokemian emeritusprofessori, joka on erikoistunut pohjoisten maa- ja vesiekosysteemien ja ilmakehän välisen kasvihuonekaasuvirtojen ja kaasuvirroista vastaavien biologisten prosessien tutkimukseen. Viimeisimmät tutkimuskohteet ovat olleet ikirouta-alueilla Venäjän tundralla. WORKING GROUP: Milla Alina Martikainen is an artist & scenographer working with performance. She has specialised among other things into structural and situational-sculpting, looking for meaning and platforming social coagulation. Her latest research interests include the experience of crisis, environmental emotions and self help, insects and the possibilities of a non-human stage in theatre, Finnish forest discussion, the aesthetics of survival, the end of the world, change and care. Pertti J. Martikainen is an emeritus professor in biogeochemistry. He has a long experience in studies on greenhouse gas exchange between the atmosphere and northern terrestrial /aquatic ecosystems. Also  biological processes behind the greenhouse gas fluxes are part of his interest. The last studies have focused on permafrost areas in Russian tundra. /// TUKIJAT / SUPPORTED BY: Teatteri Circus Maximus / Theater Circus Maximus Suomen kulttuurirahasto / Finnish Cultural Foundation Taike / Arts Council Finland ANTI - festivaali / ANTI - festival
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Earth sciences or geoscience encompasses
Earth sciences or geoscience encompasses every area of earth technology related to planet. This is an advanced department of geology working primarily with all the bodily, chemical and biological composition of Earth's atmosphere and its surface area. Earth sciences usually are considered to be a part of planetary savoir, good results . an more mature history than that will of meteorology in addition to astronomy. The first proof of the world as a living organism is found in the fossilized remains of vegetation and animals. World sciences include biology, geology, chemistry, mineralogy, physics and architectural. The study associated with the earth's atmosphere and surface provides always been a part of earth sciences. The study associated with the earth's atmosphere provides data about climate change, the atmospheric radiation in addition to the composition from the atmosphere and surface area. Geophysical sciences handle the movement from the Earth, the composition of the Earth's crust, mantle and crustal fluids, and the movement in addition to distribution of rocks and sediments about Earth's surface. Geophysics studies the flow of various fluids and fluids through the Earth including drinking water and steam.
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Geochemistry deals with typically the chemical makeup associated with the Earth's brown crust area and mantle plus the process of recycling, breakdown, and the generation associated with heat and stress within the World. The geologist is concerned with how the earth functions chemically and thermally. Geology is the study of the particular geological good the particular earth. Geologists study the structure from the Earth's crust, layer and outer key to chart a brief history of the world. Geologists study typically the behavior of the planet by looking at exactly how it formed. Mineralogy is the research in the composition, structure, and movement of earth's surface, specifically the earth's vitamin surface. The minerals are the foundations of the world. They may be responsible for the earth's construction, structure from the life on earth plus the processes by which often these minerals are usually formed and transformed into the other nutrients. Geophysics works with studying the Earth's electromagnetic field. It provides typically the study of the effects of gravity on the Earth's surface and the particular relationship between the earth's gravitational pull and the motions and variations in the motion of typically the earth's surface that will are caused simply by atmospheric pressures, wind, rain, ice thunder storms, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and so forth Geography is usually the study regarding the earth searching at the Earth through satellites in addition to other means. Geographers map the earth applying satellite images, ground-based maps, and photo taking land survey details. The geographic info systems (GIS) usually are designed to help users with umschlüsselung and surveying difficulties. Geologists use GIS to map the particular earth in a 3 dimensional manner. Geographers map the earth by utilizing techniques just like topographic, and topographical models and computer programs. These usually are just a few fields of typically the many fields regarding geophysical sciences. A comprehensive list of geophysiology, biogeophysiology, chemistry aerodynamics, atmospheric geology in addition to solar physics could be found on the web. The geophysiology portion of the internet is a great place to start your search. Right now there is many different ways in order to describe geology. Geology is an old science that has been around for thousands of years. Geologists have made many discoveries about the earth. They will have mapped the particular earth's surface, determined its structure, the size of the mineral composition and processes of which form the Earth's surface and they have found approaches to predict future environment change based upon geophysical data. Geophysical sciences are very important to researchers because they decide the properties of the earth, which includes how it operates. They help them to understand the earth's behavior and exactly what our planet will end up being like in the long run. Geology can furthermore be split up into many types of disciplines. The most famous geologies usually are geology and geophysics. Geologists study geology by studying typically the earth from the properties of the rock and roll layers, the chemical composition of the rock, the construction of the rocks, typically the climate of the earth and the environment, and how the planet earth is moving. They will study the behavior in the earth's permanent magnet field by computing the Earth's central tilt, the strength of the globe's magnetic field, etc . Geologists study typically the earth's surface topography by studying the particular topography of typically the world. Geophysics studies how the earth's magnetic field interacts with the forces of nature, such since the magnetic field of the sunlight. Geophysics studies the particular earth's atmosphere by the way the temperature in the atmosphere is impacted by changes in typically the heat, moisture, gusts of wind and precipitation. Geologists use satellites in order to study the geosphere and the earth's atmosphere. The geophysiology field of geology studies how the particular earth is relocating through the ground, air, oceanic currents and the surface from the earth.
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ecotourismexamples · 3 years
Earth sciences or geoscience encompasses
Earth sciences or geoscience encompasses every area of earth technology related to planet. This is an advanced branch of geology dealing primarily with all the actual physical, chemical and neurological composition of Earth's atmosphere as well as its area. Earth sciences usually are considered to be part of planetary sciences, using an old history than that will of meteorology plus astronomy. The first proof of the earth as a dwelling organism is identified in the fossilized remains of plant life and animals. Earth sciences include the field of biology, geology, chemistry, mineralogy, physics and engineering. The study of the earth's atmosphere and surface has always been a part of earth savoir. The study associated with the earth's environment provides data concerning climate change, the atmospheric radiation in addition to the composition of the atmosphere and surface area. Geophysical sciences cope with the movement of the Earth, the structure of the Globe's crust, mantle plus crustal fluids, and the movement and distribution of rocks and sediments about Earth's surface. Geophysics studies the movement of various fluids and fluids from the Earth including normal water and steam. Geochemistry deals with the chemical makeup regarding the Earth's brown crust area and mantle in addition to the process of recycling, breakdown, in addition to the generation regarding heat and stress within the World. The geologist is concerned with how the earth capabilities chemically and thermally. Geology is typically the study of typically the geological history of the earth. Geologists study the structure in the Earth's crust, layer and outer key to chart a history of the earth. Geologists study the particular behavior in the world by looking at how it formed. Mineralogy is the examine in the composition, construction, and movement of earth's surface, especially the earth's mineral surface. The minerals are the foundations of the planet. They are responsible regarding the earth's construction, structure from the life on earth as well as the processes by which these minerals usually are formed and transformed into one other mineral deposits. Geophysics works with learning the Earth's electromagnetic field. It includes the particular study of the particular effects of the law of gravity on the Earth's surface and the particular relationship between the globe's gravitational pull and the motions and variations in the motion of typically the earth's surface that are caused by atmospheric pressures, wind flow, rain, ice storms, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, etc . Geography will be the study associated with the earth by looking at the Earth by means of satellites and other means. Geographers map our planet using satellite images, ground-based maps, and photographic land survey info. The geographic info systems (GIS) are usually designed to assist users with mapping and surveying issues. Geologists use GIS to map typically the earth within a three dimensional manner. Geographers map the earth by using techniques like topographic, and topographical models and computer programs. These are just a number of fields of the particular many fields regarding geophysical sciences. An extensive list of geophysiology, biogeophysiology, chemistry the rules of aerodynamics, atmospheric geology plus solar physics may be found on the web. The geophysiology part of the internet is a great place to start your search. Right now there is more than one way to describe geology. Geology is an historic science that provides been around for thousands of years. Geologists have produced many discoveries regarding the earth. They have mapped the particular earth's surface, determined its structure, the size of the mineral composition and processes that will form the Globe's surface and they have found methods to predict future climate change based about geophysical data. Geophysical sciences are really important to scientists because they determine the properties regarding the earth, which includes how it works. They help them to understand the earth's behavior and what our planet will be like in the future.
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Geology can likewise be broken into several types of procedures. The most popular geologies are usually geology and geophysics. Geologists study geology by studying typically the earth from the properties of the stone layers, the chemical composition of the rock, the framework from the rocks, the climate of typically the earth and the environment, and how the earth is moving. These people study the habits in the earth's magnet field by calculating the Earth's axial tilt, the durability of the earth's magnetic field, etc . Geologists study typically the earth's surface topography by studying the topography of the world. Geophysics scientific studies how the earth's magnetic field treats the forces associated with nature, such as the magnetic discipline of the sun. Geophysics studies typically the earth's atmosphere in addition the temperature in the atmosphere is affected by changes in the heat, moisture, winds and precipitation. Geologists use satellites to study the geosphere and the globe's atmosphere. The geophysiology field of geology studies how typically the earth is relocating through the ground, air, oceanic power and the area in the earth.
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kxowledge · 7 years
The Vanishing Face of Gaia by James Lovelock
PART I: A Summary
The core of the book is Gaia Theory: Earth as a living system, alive, with us as part of it. “The Earth System behaves as a single, self‐regulating system comprised of physical, chemical, biological and human components.”  “Geophysiology, the discipline of Gaia theory, had its origins in the 1960s Gaia hypothesis. Geophysiology sees the organisms of the Earth evolving by Darwinian natural selection in an environment that is the product of their ancestors and not simply a consequence of the Earth’s geological history. Thus the oxygen of the atmosphere is almost wholly the product of photosynthetic organisms and without it there would be no animals or invertebrates, nor would we burn fuels and so add carbon dioxide to the air. I find it amazing that it took so long for biologists even grudgingly to acknowledge that organisms adapted not to the static world conveniently but wrongly described by their geologist colleagues, but to a dynamic world built by the organisms themselves.”
“The Earth has not evolved solely for our benefit and any changes we make to it are at our own risk. This way of thinking makes clear that we have no special human rights; we are merely one of the partner species in the great enterprise of Gaia. We are creatures of Darwinian evolution, a transient species with a limited lifespan, as were all our numerous distant ancestors. But, unlike almost everything before we emerged on the planet, we are also intelligent social animals with the possibility of evolving to become a wiser and more intelligent animal, one that might have a greater potential as a partner for the rest of life on Earth. Our goal now is to survive and to live in a way that gives evolution beyond us the best chance.”
“Fight or flight is a characteristic of life, and the Earth itself, Gaia, has long been resisting our interventions through negative feedback; opposing the way we change the air with greenhouse gases and take away its natural forest cover for farmland. We have been doing this ever since we were hunter‐gatherers equipped with fire, but until the last hundred years there was little or no perceptible change in the Earth’s state. Now our interventions are too great to resist and the Earth system seems to be giving up its struggle and is preparing to flee to a safer place, a hot state with a stable climate, one that it has visited many times before. “
“Like it or not, we are the problem – and as a part of the Earth system, not as something separate from and above it.”
“The real Earth does not need saving. It can, will and always has saved itself and it is now starting to do so by changing to a state much less favourable for us and other animals. What people mean by the plea is ‘save the planet as we know it’, and that is now impossible. […] Keep in mind that it is hubris to think that we know how to save the Earth: our planet looks after itself. All that we can do is try to save ourselves.”
It is not simply too much carbon dioxide in the air or the loss of biodiversity as forests are cleared; the root cause is too many people, their pets and their livestock – more than the Earth can carry.
“Breathing is a potent source of carbon dioxide, but did you know that the exhalations of breath and other gaseous emissions by the nearly 7 billion people on Earth, their pets and their livestock are responsible for 23 per cent of all greenhouse gas emissions? If you add on the fossil fuel burnt in the total activity of growing, gathering, selling and serving food, all of this adds up to about half of all carbon dioxide emissions. Think of farm machinery, the transport of food from the farms and the transport of fertilizer, pesticides and the fuel used in their manufacture; the road building and maintenance; supermarket operation and the packaging industry; to say nothing of the energy used in cooking, refrigerating and serving food. As if this were not enough, think of how farmland fails to serve Gaia as the forests it replaced did. If, just by living with our pets and livestock, we are responsible for nearly half the emissions of carbon dioxide, I do not see how the 60 per cent reduction can be achieved without a great loss of life.”
“No voluntary human act can reduce our numbers fast enough even to slow climate change. Merely by existing, people and their dependent animals are responsible for more than ten times the greenhouse gas emissions of all the airline travel in the world.”
Current policies are not sufficient. Politicians of the developed world acknowledge climate change but their policies still appear to be those of the twentieth century, based on the advice of green lobbyists and those of the business community who see massive short‐term gain from subsidized energy schemes.
The words used to express the consequences of global heating were blurred until they were acceptable to representatives from the oil‐producing nations, who saw their national interests threatened by the scientific truth. If this is what the UN means by consensus, scientific truth cannot be expected to come from its deliberations and we are misled about the dangers of global heating
The assumption that the climate can be stabilized by a reduction in emissions at a carbon dioxide abundance of 550 ppm and a global temperature 2°C higher than normal has no secure foundation in science. Instead the Earth system could already be committed to irreversible change, even if we implement in full the recommended 60 per cent reduction of emissions.
Climate change is a complex non-linear system. Don’t expect climate models to be reliable.
“For too long we have seen the Earth as an infinite resource, or at least an ample resource until technology finds us an equally useful replacement. We are beginning to glimpse the possibility that it may be finite and soon empty, but still we try to make sure that we at least get what we need from the dwindling remainder. In fact, the Earth is neither finite nor infinite but instead always tries to replace itself, as did the forest in which lived our pre‐fire ancestors. The forest supplied them with food and raw materials but they had to pay by living in and with it. For us now, Gaia is like the forest. If we think in these terms we see that fossil fuel is renewable energy. Our error is to take more than the Earth renews”
But "Guilt is inappropriate; we seek restitution and the restoration of our lost world, not punishment”
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poetrysupportgroup · 7 years
for Sara and Roy The shore of the lake is gradual and drawn With rivers threading into land Then suddenly it’s all land Now the land is dark And you can’t distinguish it from the water And the hot orange sun Turns everything dark purple Like a painting by Joan Mitchell It is unknowable It is knowable It is a sum of these It is not without birds and animals He is very elegant and kind Her intellectual complexion It is a beautiful word The flank of their poem goes to the lake To enter sweet new time Trees express the sky energetically So do they With all the rarity of tenderness Like the place where the base of the vase touches earth To speak into time deeply All the animals lie down together This is what they prefer It is explicitly their preference New roses happen Their Latin pleats Together they harbor the intimate excess of philosophy Which loves gardens Now admire their breadth Every flower is inverted And what the flower produces Is unknown You call this beauty As a way to express care Now call it wildrose Wildrose is resourceful Its geophysiology is vast It threw runners To make landbridge It threw pollen With voracious joy Underground network of wildrose Linking all the political lovers And infinite breathing flesh In each temporality experienced Is resurgent insurrection The form of life of wildrose Is experiment in relationship Also named Plex Earth the tousled rosebed! From which the brocaded and tarnishing yardgoods unfurl Some of the bronze threads blackening So that the ornate pattern is obscured Like dusk in a borderless tableau It glows from beneath Now time ripples from beneath Now they enter dusk’s happiness Rosebed is the lovepoem Belly and horizon! Wildrose suckers freely from underground stems and roots Forming dense colonies that run wild This wedding names everyone wildrose.
Poem of the day: February 9, 2017 Plex // Lisa Robertson
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bookclub4ever · 6 years
Gaia: The Practical Science of Planetary Medicine
by James Lovelock
co-author of the Gaia Hypothesis, proposing that the earth is a dynamic entity able to control its own life processes. Here is a new story about the life of the earth, which might change our view of the human presence in the natural world. Through his vivid description of the geophysiology of the planet, Lovelock reformulates the master theme of Sacred Nature in the context of Technology. The debate over Gaia introduces a new scientific paradigm that challenges many religious and scientific beliefs. 
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audiopedia2016 · 7 years
What is GEOPHYSIOLOGY? What does GEOPHYSIOLOGY mean? GEOPHYSIOLOGY meaning - GEOPHYSIOLOGY pronunciation - GEOPHYSIOLOGY definition - GEOPHYSIOLOGY explanation - How to pronounce GEOPHYSIOLOGY? Source: Wikipedia.org article, adapted under http://ift.tt/yjiNZw license. Geophysiology (Geo, earth + physiology, the study of living bodies) is the study of interaction among living organisms on the Earth operating under the hypothesis that the Earth itself acts as a single living organism. The term "geophysiology" was popularized by James Lovelock in his writings on the Gaia hypothesis. The term was in fact foreshadowed by many others. James Hutton (1726-1797), the "Father of Geology" in 1789, in a lecture presented on his behalf by Dr. Black, wrote "I consider the Earth to be a super-organism and that its proper study should be by physiology." This view that the Earth in some ways could be viewed as a superorganism was widely held in the early 19th century, and was supported even by such early biologists as Huxley (1825-1895), but is disputed today. An analogous alternative geophysiology which views the Earth as a single cell was developed by Lewis Thomas in his The Lives of a Cell: Notes of a Biology Watcher (1974). Vladimir Vernadsky (1863-1945), founder of biogeochemistry suggested that geophysiological processes were responsible for the development of the Earth through a succession of phases in which the geosphere (of inanimate matter) develops into the biosphere (of biological life). Vernadsky's thinking significantly influenced the development of ecology in Russia, culminating in the "Russian Paradigm" (a term first coined by Georgii A. Zavarzin in 1995). The basic tenets of this approach are i) that life can only exist in the form of interconnected nutrient cycles (i.e. the ecosystem); ii) that ecosystem assembly is an organized process as opposed a haphazard one; iii) that the emergence of life on earth was congruent with respect to the appearance of primordial nutrient cycles; iv) that in addition to the evolution of species there exists a separate process of ecological evolution the direction of which is predetermined by community composition and dynamics (Lekevičius, 2006). Frederic Clements (1874-1945) of the Carnegie Institute of Washington, who popularized the idea of vegetation climax also introduced the idea of physiology to ecology, considering the interlocking natures of plants and animals as metabolic processes within a single superorganism. The British biologist, Arthur Tansey (1871-1955), who introduced the term ecosystem, also considered the possibility that plant communities could be considered to be boundary-less quasi-organisms, although he never extended his ideas to a planetary scale. G. Evelyn Hutchison, studied the way logistic growth, biological feedback systems and self-regulation tended to explain many of the features of ecological systems, and Raymond Lindeman has further extended the way energy flows between various trophic levels in his "trophic-dynamic" model, further developed by Mark McMenamin and Dianna McMenamin's thesis of "Hypersea", which looks at the rate of water flow through the Gaian biological environment. Tyler Volk, has also looked at the trophic cycling of various elements upon which life depends, and argues that this is central to an understanding of geophysiology. Toby Tyrrell has however argued that neither the Gaia hypothesis nor the idea that the Earth is (in any meaningful way) a superorganism are supported by the available scientific evidence. Eugene Odum believed that homeostasis and stability in ecosystems was a result of evolutionary processes, and Howard Odum (his brother) extended this work to include thermodynamic effects in producing ecological "steady states". Howard Odum also extended the nature of the scale of ecosystems from that of a single pond upwards, showing that a "nested hierarchy", "heterarchy" or "holarchy" existed in which systems could be considered as elements of larger systems (leaf to tree to glade to forest to bioregion to biotic realm or biomes). On the basis of this, Gaia theory and geophysiology represent the ultimate extension of these principles.
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