#James Lovelock
gravity-rainbow · 1 year
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“One thing that being a scientist has taught me is that you can never be certain about anything. You never know the truth. You can only approach it and hope to get a bit nearer to it each time. You iterate towards the truth. You don't know it.”
—James Lovelock
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kp777 · 2 years
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constanthinople · 9 months
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They're so fucking important to me.
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waiting-eyez · 2 years
Sadly, it's much easier to create a desert than a forest.
(James Lovelock)
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We live at a time when emotions and feelings count more than truth, and there is a vast ignorance of science.
James Lovelock
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aliyyaharte · 12 days
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It's worth noting that James Lovelock has a Wikipedia article, and Dian Hitchcock does not. Google her name, and you either get a reference to her contributions to the Gaia hypothesis... or this article.
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prose2passion · 19 days
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zurcnaaitsirhc · 19 days
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conscienciacoletiva · 3 months
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davidperezmartorell · 5 months
La hipótesis de Gaia sugiere que la biosfera terrestre funciona como un organismo colectivo que se autorregula para mantener un ambiente propicio para la vida.
Gaia. La tierra es un ser vivo. Enviado por Jano Navarro el Dom, 22/06/2008 – 15:24. Según Lovelock, las pruebas demostraban que toda la biosfera del planeta tierra, hasta el ultimo ser viviente que lo habita, podía ser considerada como un único organismo a escala planetaria en el que todas sus partes estaban casi tan relacionadas y eran tan independientes como las células de nuestro…
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I started reading braiding sweetgrass (it's amazing!!) and as someone who grew up in a very christian community I really wonder how a person can look at these practices and think of them as evil or wrong, it's crazy to think how detached many of us are from nature....
also if you speak german or french I really recommend this documentary by arte, very interesting and kept reminding me of the book
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jadelaflamme · 2 years
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brothfan1997 · 5 months
i want to get into evolutionary biology bc i want to know why so many life forms are so chill. like why so many different species are immediately ready to hang out with/take care of each other and WHY we all have this desire to do so……….it’s almost like life itself evolved to coexist change and nourish itself in perpetuity at any cost and i KNOW the gaia hypothesis is widely disputed but is it not just the natural state of matter to cycle through itself? endlessly? and live for as long as it can? i want to know how it feels to be a crystal forming in the earth. some of the molecules in my cells must remember? surely
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moonbreezes · 7 months
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im vibrating because of this cape and those boots
pspspsp come home georgie pspspsps
(Via @/nicholasgalitzine if story)
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resplendentoutfit · 11 months
The extravagant, outrageous, and often humorous outfits worn by subjects of old portraits.
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Anthony Van Dyck (Flemish, 1599-1641) • James Stuart, 1st Duke of Richmond and Lenox • 1633
The duke is sporting the latest in hairstyles - the lovelock. Also called a Bourbon lock, French lock, or heart breaker. He must've missed the scathing indicment below.
“Although considered quite fashionable, many people detested lovelocks, considering them unnecessary and extravagant. In 1628 a sixty-three page book denouncing lovelocks was published. The author, William Prynne, railed against the wearing of lovelocks as “Unlovely, Sinfull, Unlawfull, Fantastique, Disolute, Singular, Incendiary, Ruffianly, Graceless, Whorish, Ungodly, Horred [Horrid], Strange, Outlandish, Impudent, Pernicious, Offensive, Ridiculous, Foolish, Childish, Unchristian, Hatefull, Exorbitant, Contemptible, Sloathfull, Unmanly, Depraving, Vaine, and Unseemly,” according to Richard Corson in Fashions in Hair.”
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Anthony van Dyck (Flemish, 1599-1641) • Henri II de Lorraine • 1634 • National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
Sorry, girls and boys, this gent is spoken for. Henri is wearing ribbons in his lovelock, which symbolizes a token from a romantic interest. He didn't read the memo, either.
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