#george Walter
fanficwritinggirl · 9 months
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My Montana (Cole Walter Fanfic)
Chapter 1
“Mom,” a desperate, tiny cry of a voice wailed as she sprinted towards the body. Turning her over onto her side she put her frail hands over the now scarlet top, trying to stop the bleeding. But there was no hope of saving her, she had been gone long before she had been able to get there. An adult has approximately 10 pints of blood pumping throughout their body. You never really realize how much blood that is, until it’s pooled on the floor, painting it a dark crimson color. The bloody handprints smeared on the door, creeping closer and closer to the door handle, never quite reaching it besides one lone maroon fingerprint. Dark chocolate waves of hair lay in the pool, covering her cold, white face, hiding the cuts and bruises on her face. “Mom, please wake up,” she cried again, shaking her. Her hands were covered in crimson blood. “Wake up.” 
“Josie!” a voice said loudly in her ear. Startled, her body shoots up, head turning quickly with her eyes wide, tears threatening to fall. “Hey, it's okay, it's just a nightmare, it's okay.” A warm hand sets itself upon her forearm causing her to turn her head and look at the brunette haired woman sitting on her bed, eyebrows pinched together and the corner of her lips pulled down ever so slightly. 
“You're okay Josie, you're not there anymore, he’s not here,” assurance was present in her voice as she ran her hand up and down the panicked girl's arm, offering comfort. Her fingers comed through her hair as she pulled the few parts out of her face and brought it together on one side of her shoulder.
“Same dream?” the brunette woman asked her as she removed her hand from Josie's arm and grabbed the glass of water that was sitting on the white bedside table. Trembling hands take the glass and bring it to her lips taking a sip. 
“It was the blood, it was everywhere. On her, on me. It's just…” she falters. “It was just everywhere Aunt Hat,” she cried, bringing her shaking hands down into her laps cradling the glass between them. 
“I know honey. But we have to remember that it was a long time ago, no one is going to come and hurt you, okay.” All she could do was nod, barely listening to her aunt and keeping herself focused on the glass.
“How long until school starts,” she asked, changing the subject.
“An hour, but I'm going to call Miss Jacobs and ask her if you can spend some time in her room this morning, just until you are ready to go back into class. That's okay?” Josie nods and lifts her head to give her aunt a small smile. Her aunt sighs, offering her the same expression before leaning forward and giving her a kiss on her forehead. 
“I love you Josie.” 
“I love you too Aunt Hat.” 
Tapping on the keyboard was all that could be heard in the room as Miss Jacobs typed her emails and Josie sat on the couch, a book in hand, losing herself in another world. Sitting in Miss Jacob's room was a normal occurance for her, she was in here most mornings of the week after the nightmares happened. Miss Jacobs never forced her to talk about anything she didn't want to. If she just wanted to sit and read a book then Miss Jacobs was happy to give her the space to do that, as long as she caught up with the classes that she missed, which was never a problem.
“Josie, how are you finding your classes at the minute?” Miss Jacobs asks from her desk. Josie lifts her head up and looks at the woman, her eyebrows coming together in the middle.
“Um fine… i think. I mean I am passing everything at the moment. I'm not making A's or anything but I don't think that's a bad thing.” The counselor laughs, shaking her head, standing up and walking towards her and taking a seat in front of her.
“No, I know that. Your grades are great, but are you having a hard time keeping those grades?Have the nightmares been affecting you in this aspect?” Josie leans back in her seat, crossing her arms and pursing her lips a little.
“I mean not really. Sometimes Chem can be a little hard to keep up with but nothing major, usually I can push through by finding some extra time to study,” her voice was filled with certainty and confusion.
“And the nightmares, do they affect any of this?” Miss Jacobs eyes travel around the young girl's face, taking in the bags under her eyes. Josie shrugs.
“Not really. I’m used to them by now. I just have learned to get along with them. That’s all I can do,” her voice was firm. Miss Jacobs gives a small smile and nods.
“Well that's good. Now if you ever have problems with chem just let me know and i can get some help for you.” Josie offers her a polite smile and nod before grabbing her book and returning to her page. Miss Jacobs, seeing that the conversation is over, stands up and returns to her desk continuing with her emails, hoping that one of these days Josie will open up to her.
Three knocks chimed on the door of Miss Jacobs office before opening, revealing the one and only Danny Walter. Danny though was not the most popular Walter boy was still liked around the school and many of the girls still had a crush on him, which Josie could understand. Danny has been her best friend since she moved here when she was nine and since the day that they got put together for a project, they had been attached at the hip, though over the past few years they do spend a little more time apart, she still loved him very much. Many have assumed over the years that the two are more than friends but that couldn't be further from the truth. Danny was her platonic soulmate, he understood her better than anyone and told him practically everything, she loved him, just not like that. He was the brother that she never had. 
“Oh Danny, lovely to see you again. I can guess why you are here,” Miss Jacob teases and Danny laughs. 
“Lovely to see you too Miss. I am here for Miss Whitlock,” he turns and gives her a goofy grin and she snickers. He struts towards her with one hand behind his back, stopping in front of her and extending his hand to her. “Miss Whitlock, would you do the honor of coming with me to lunch,” to say that his posh accent was terrible would be an understatement. Josie puts her book down and shuffles to the edge, straightening her back and posing her face. 
“I do not know, kind sir. For I find that I actually have some much needed work that must be done and must therefore, with greatest regret, must decline your offer,” with that she leans back into the couch and bites down on her tongue to stop herself from laughing. Miss Jacobs sits in the corner watching the entire interaction with a smirk on her face, chuckling while eating her salad. 
“Oh my fair lady, how you have hurt me so,” Danny gets down on his knees and takes her hands in his. “Please dine with me or I shall die of a broken heart,” his hand touches his heart and Josie cannot do anything but laugh. 
“You are ridiculous,” she tells him before grabbing her bag and putting her book in. “Well i am only ridiculous for my bestest friend in the world, which just so happens to be you, Josie Whitlock,” Danny moves back as Josie stands up and turns to Miss Jacobs. 
“What would you say, Miss. Was our performance to your liking,” Miss Jacobs laughs. “I must say it exceeds it. I hope that it shall be a while until I see your next performance so that you have more time to prepare,” Danny’s face drops a little bit, understanding what she's saying but decides to ignore. “Understood Miss. I will make sure that the next time I see you I will give you that most amazing performance of your life,” Miss Jacob nods, shaking her head with a smile. Josie puts her hand on Danny’s shoulder and turns him. 
“Enough with the dramatics. Let's go, now that you are talking about lunch I want some,” Danny smirks at her and waves his hand towards Miss Jacobs as he walks out of the door. 
“Bye Miss Jacobs,” Josie says as they leave. Miss Jacob smiles to herself as she eats her salad, feeling the weight lifted ever so slightly, knowing that at least for now, everything was fine again for Josie. 
“So are you coming over tonight, we are having lasagna for dinner” Danny asks as he and Josie stroll towards the cafeteria. Josie smirks looking at him. 
“Danny, do you even have to ask? There is no point in me heading home because no doubt my aunt and your mom are going to end up on a job till late so what is the point of being home on my own.” Danny shrugs at her. 
“Well I don't know. Maybe you could have some friends over… A guy,” Josie turns and hits him on the arm. 
“Danny Walter, how dare you suggest that I would have a guy over. We all know what happens when others are given the opportunity. Trust me I have had to listen to many of our classmates' hookup stories,” she states as they walk into the cafeteria and walk towards the line. 
“Oh trust me, you do not have to have the house to yourself for people to take liberties about inviting ‘guests’ over for… that,” Danny informs her with slight discomfort which Josie can’t help but laugh at. 
“Let me guess Cole has had a ‘guest’ over recently,” grabbing a tray starts putting food on her tray. 
“Oh no, not for a while actually, which i'm confused about. Maybe he has decided to take a break for a while after Jackie sees Olivia sneaking out. Probably just goes to their house now,” Josie lifts her tray and pinches her eyebrows together and shrugs. 
“I don’t know, maybe. I mean it must be hard for Jackie being in a house full of people, not being able to get much privacy and then having to see someone sneaking out, knowing that they have done that, would be pretty awkward,” Josie trudges towards one of the table with Danny behind her with his own filled tray. 
“Oh yeah. And on top of that after the whole hair thing. Maybe he is feeling bad and deciding to stop being such an ass,” Danny concludes, tucking into his sandwich. Josie’s head falls to one side looking at her food and she plays with it with her fork, she shrugs.
“I mean… I don't know. I think after everything that happened with his leg and not being able to play football… really got to him. Ya know,” Danny nods, placing his sandwich down while finishing chewing. 
“I mean, I know he feels guilty after how much money mom and dad spent on his treatment. Sending him away for the summer just for it to come to nothing but he can’t just use that as an excuse,” Danny's voice was serious and Josie couldn't help but sigh. 
“I know. But maybe he is just a bit lost. Wouldn't you be if the one thing that you were good at was taken away from you. I mean what if you were never able to watch all of your movies, or study plays or whatever,” Josie puts a bit of her chicken in her mouth and looks at Danny as he sighs and leans back in his chair. 
“Fair point. It is just when you are dealing with his mood swings all the time you can forget. And I just don't like the way he treats people sometimes. Especially what he's like with girls,” Josie laughs and nods. 
“Trust me i agree but like you said it seems that maybe he is turning over a new leaf,” Danny raises an eyebrow and nods his head towards her. 
“We’ll see,” he concludes and Josie snickers at him. Nathan walks up to them with a tray in his hand and sits down next to them.
“Hey guys,” he greets as he sits, smiling at the pair. 
“Nathan, to what do we owe the pleasure,” Danny asks sarcastically. 
“Ha ha ha,” Nathan counters, causing Josie to snicker at the pair. “So are you coming over tonight Josie, we are having lasagna,” Nathan asks and Danny rolls his eyes. 
“I have already been asked, and as always I would be honored” Josie smiles at him and Nathan shakes his head with a smile on his face. “I don't know why we even bother asking you anymore,” Nathan states and Josie and Danny look at each other and look at each other with a knowing look. 
“Well if you are coming over tonight can you teach me that one song that you do on the guitar that i like. I have been trying to figure out the chords but i can't get it,” Nathan shoves some food in his mouth and Josie nods her head at him. 
“I would love to, but I am going to have to stop at my house on the way to get my guitar,” she tells them and Danny nods his head. 
“I’ll make sure that Cole stops off,” Danny tells her and she nods back at him. Lifting her head up she sees Cole walking in with his hands in his pockets, hair messily laying on top of his head, covering his forehead. Cole looks over towards her direction and sends a small smirk towards her and Josie can't help turning her attention to the food on her tray, a maroon colour decorating her freckled cheeks. When it came to the Cole effect, to say the least she wasn't immune to it, if anything she was very much impacted by it. 
Authors Note- Read on Wattpad to get a playlist and cast list.
Wattpad - Fanfic_writing_girl
Taglist- @lol6sposts
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coraline-jones353 · 5 months
I'd Love to Dance with You
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If you're going to reblog give me credit!
Prompt: Soulmate Au (You see each other in your dreams)
Pairing: Alex Walter x reader (girl)
Summary: After Jackie moved in with the Walters she really missed her best friend Evangeline. After hearing from Katherine that Jackie is having a hard time adjusting she thinks it's a good idea to pay her best friend a visit.
Warnings: angst, there will be a part 2 if anyone wants it!
Jackie had just finished talking to Evangeline and she knew she already missed her. She sighs as she goes back to living her new life and forgetting about her old.
She goes downstairs to see Katherine talking to Cole about his grades but as she comes in Katherine puts on a smile and seemingly forgets about the entire issue.
Jackie waves at the pair as she walks out the door, thinking a jog would do good for her busy mind.
But what she doesn't know is that the fight between Cole and Katherine was just a way to get her out of the house so they could continue planning.
They could tell that she was missing her old life. Katherine after overhearing a conversation of the two girls where Evie said she wished she could come to visit came up with a plan to make that happen. She will arrive tomorrow after school and stay for 2 months to help cheer up Jackie.
I can't wait to go see Jackie. I think as I pack the last of my bags for the trip. It had been paid for by Richard who wanted to help lift his nieces spirits. I was now on my way to the airport hoping Jackie wouldn't try to call me again and ruin the surprise.
Jackie's school day has been so long. I had to just sit in her room and wait for her to get home, of course with the occasional asking if I wanted anything and me being polite, said yes to just about anything I wasn't allergic to.
I start to hear multiple footsteps so I know it is time to hide. Thank goodness for the fact that Jackie isn't one to hit you because you surprised her because this will surely make her jump.
As she walks in I hear her drop her bag on the floor and plop down on her bed in a huff. She seems tired or frustrated, I don't really know I hate trying to guess emotions.
I quickly and quietly open the closet door and plop on the bed next to her, "So what's got you all in a huff?" I say jokingly as I watch her jaw drop in shock. She quickly just pulls me into her embrace and I fear she won't ever let go. I just hold her while rubbing her back to soothe her.
After our beautiful reunion she walks me downstairs to meet the Brady bunch. I am terrible at names so I try to remember features or anything different about them. I categorized them by personality or something that made them stand out. Cole: arrogant, flirty, asshole. Lee: Skater boy. Issac: Lover boy. Danny: Actor. Andrew: musician. Parker: the only girl. Benny: the youngest. Will: The oldest/about to be married. Jordan: Why won't he stop filming me?!?!!?
Also why is their family so big!??! How am I supposed to remember all these names.
There was one other kid though. He came in late apologizing for his mistake and saying he didn't know he wouldn't make it in time for dinner. As we make eye contact I look at him shocked. Jackie has been telling me about her love triangle between Alex and Cole and now seeing him and noticing who he was I was freaking out.
Alex just sat down and kept staring at me and Jackie while I tried to avoid his eyes.
That night as I was brushing my teeth in the downstairs bathroom Alex came up behind me. I knew what he wanted to discuss but I just couldn't.
I turn to look at him after putting my tooth brush away and he just stays there staring at me. "I don't know what to say." I look at him puzzled that he decided that those would be the first words he says to his soulmate.
"I've imagined this moment; when I met you for so long. But I don't know how to proceed now that I know who you are. You and Jackie have a thing going on, i'm here to help her not make it worse."
Sincerely, Coraline Jones 🐈‍⬛
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fandomquotesaf · 7 months
'You can't win until you learn to lose."
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I think it is very important for new Star Trek fans, especially new TOS fans to know that in 2008, George Takei, who played Sulu, got married to his partner of 23 years, Brad Altman, and at their wedding, Nichelle Nichols, who played Uhura, and Walter Koenig, who played Chekov, served as Best Lady and Best Man.
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diioonysus · 10 months
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sleep + art
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atomic-chronoscaph · 2 months
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Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986)
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bonesfucker3000 · 14 days
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Sharing just some of my favourite TOS BTS photos 😍😍 (also BTS pictures of Chekov/Walter Koeing are just sooo funny, he just looks so uncomfortable and filled with unexplainable melancholy)
I cannot believe Star Trek as a franchise overall, is 58 years old?! LIKE HOW?!?!
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astralbondpro · 1 year
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Star Trek: The Original Series // S02E11: The Deadly Years
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enchantedbook · 10 months
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"Twinkletoes finds Nibblenuts' pocket-handkerchief" by Alfred Ernest Walter George Aris, (1882–1963)
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joeinct · 19 days
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Fiona Walter Campbell, Photo by Georges Dambier, 1957
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fanficwritinggirl · 9 months
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My Montana (Cole Walter fanfic)
Chapter 2
"Hey Montana," a voice calls as Josie opens her locker grabbing one of her textbooks. She rolls her eyes knowing exactly who it is. "What do you want Cole?" she asked as she turned and looked up at him. Cole was leaning against one of the lockers beside hers with his blue shirt covered arms crossed in front of his chest, a smirk plastered on his face.
"Well I just wanted to check on my favorite someone," flirtation was clear in his voice. Josie swallows a little before raising her eyebrows.
"Oh, I'm your favorite person, am I? Now how many other girls have you said that to Cole? Because let's see there was Erin, Olivia..." Cole cuts her off by taking a hold of one of her hands, running his fingers over it. His rough skin played against her smooth skin causing her to lose her breath a little. Cole smirks as he sees that and chuckles a little. Josie lifts her eyes and looks into his deep blue eyes.
"I can still take your breath away, can I?" he questions, causing Josie to scoff, pulling her hand away and turning back to her locker.
"None of that," her voice was stern and Cole faltered a little bit, moving back a little and nodding.
"Alright," is all he replies. Josie looks at him from the corner of her eye to see if he was going to anything more but once she sees that he doesn't decide to go back to getting her stuff. Having found the textbook she grabs it and closes her locker, Cole stands watching her the entire time.
"So are you coming over tonight?" Josie laughs at him, pivoting and sauntering towards her class, Cole trailing behind her.
"You know if I had a dollar everytime a Walter boy asked me if I was coming over for dinner, I would have three dollars, I could buy myself... i don't know a jar of peanut butter," Cole chuckles as he watches as she moves her arms and shoulders around as she speaks, taking in the smile that decorates her face.
"Well Montana, I am pretty sure there is a jar of peanut butter at home with your name on it so save your dollars," a giggle leaves Josie lips, turning her head and seeing that Cole's eyes are still firmly set on her, his full attention was hers.
"Well knowing your house is probably all gone, I've never seen food disappear so quickly," Cole shrugs.
"Well we are a big family, if you want something to yourself you are going to have to hide it, and well. And luckily for you Montana, I made sure to get you your own jar of peanut butter, put your name on it and everything and I have it hidden in a safe space just for you," Josie raises her eyebrows.
"Well where is this safe space," curiosity hangs in her voice.
"I'm keeping that a secret. A safe space isn't a safe space if people know about it now," he opens the door for her and leans against the door frame of the classroom, Josie standing across from him.
"But what if I want some? I'm just supposed to ask you for some," she crosses her arms as she asks him. Cole leans forward and lowers his voice. 
"Of course. Give you more reason to talk to me," is all he says before his eyes turn and look at the people sitting waiting for class to start looking at them both.
"And with that, I will see you later Montana," pushing himself off of the doorframe and striding away.
"You have to stop off at my house," Josie calls after him, causing him to turn and raise a knowing look.
"Let me guess, you have to grab your guitar," she knows that he is teasing her, more times than not he has to stop so she can grab her guitar.
"Yes... please" she tells him sweetly. Cole's lip falls between his lips and he bites it slightly, looking her up and down.
"I like it when you say please... should say it more," and then he was off down the hallway and out the door Feeling her cheeks heating up and turning scarlet, Josie turns and walks into class and tries to get her mind off of Cole Walter.
The bell rings, signaling that another school day and all Josie wanted to do was get out of there. Strolling out of the school building is met with the mayhem of the car park where the only thoughts on people's mind was getting home, which she could relate to.
"Josie, hey" Danny shouts from the car to her. Danny gets into the car while she saunters overs towards them. Upon reaching the car she can see that every single one of the Walters boys was there waiting for her. Alex, Isaac, Lee and Nathan sitting in the back. Danny was sitting in the front passenger seat and  Cole was sitting in the driver's seat, his head turned back to her through the window. Walking towards the back door she meets his gaze.
"I'm surprised you didn't leave me behind," she states, causing Cole to smirk at her. "Forget you Montana. Never." Josie shakes her head with her lips pulled in a small smile before climbing into the back next to Alex.
"Hey," he says quietly to her.
"Hey," she replies to him before doing a double take at the car.
"Hey, where is Jackie?" Cole starts the car and reverses. Turning to her, Alex gives her a small smile. "Don't worry she is going with Skylar and Grace to get some ice cream. He didn't leave her behind again. Did you Cole?" Alex pesters him and Cole just shakes his head staying focused on the road, not biting Alex's bait. Soon the car fell into a quiet with the occasional bickering between Isaac and Lee.
The Walter ranch had always been a second home for Josie, having spent most of her time there, more than her actual home. With her Aunt Hattie working with Katherine at the clinic, they had vast working hours which would leave Josie in the house on her own, so it was easier for her to be at the Walter home where she was able to get a well cooked meal and have people surrounding her.
Pulling up to the ranch, it was a scramble to get out of the car with so many teens wanting to get out and do their own thing. Josie to the trunk of the car and opens it grabbing her guitar which they had stopped to get on the way over. "Hey, so I am going to do my homework, so can you teach me that song after dinner," Nathan asks while putting his bag over his left shoulder. Josie nods.
"Yeah that's fine, i have got some homework to do as well," she tells him, he gives her a nod and a smile before walking into the house. Danny leans against the back of the car as Josie grabs her things. "So what homework are we going to start with, i'm thinking english," Josie chuckles.
"Of course you would want to start with English, my best class," she sasses and Danny mouths gaps in pretend offense as they walk up the steps of the house
"Well it is not my fault that you have an understanding of it, and hey music is your best subject and don't argue with me about it Josephine," Josie gasps loudly.
"I cannot believe that you called me by my full name Daniel," opening the front door she walks into the house. "Not my real name," Danny tells her as he closes the door. Walking down the hall, the two enter the kitchen and see George cooking dinner.
"Hey you two, how was school?" he asks the pair, giving Danny a pat on the shoulder and Josie a hug.
"Yeah it was good. Schools, school. Not really that interesting," Josie tells him as she sits down at the small table in the corner. "Yeah well it is very important Jos and you know that, and hey you are doing well aren't you?" he asks as he pours the sauce on top of the uncooked lasagna.
"Of course she is doing well, she's Josie, I don't think you have ever failed at anything," Danny comments while he takes out his text books.
"You are saying that I am getting A's of something. I think the highest grade I have ever got is a B+," she informs them and George shakes his head.
"That's still good honey, don't put pressure on yourself, enjoy it," Josie rolls her eyes and nods.
"Trust me George. I intend to," Josie turns to her bag and pulls out a pen while George picks up the lasagna and places it into the oven. Parker runs into the kitchen with Jordan close on her tail with his camera in hand.
"Jordan, stop chasing me. DAD!!!" Parker shouts as she rounds the table and hides behind her father.
"Jordan, what have I told you about chasing your sister? And put away that camera for five minutes," George's stern voice causes Jordan to turn off the camera and place it at his side.
"I was only having a little fun," he tries to justify and George just simply shakes his head.
"Yeah you might have been, but when your sister tells you to stop, you stop. Got it?"Jordan nodded his head, arguing and that was the end of it.
"Now, you two?" he says pointing at the pair sitting at the table. "Watch the dinner while I work. It shouldn't take me more than half an hour. And Jordan you can come with me to make sure that you don't bother your sister anymore," Jordan groans, putting down his camera and walking with him down out of the house. Parker turns and looks at the teens doing their homework and strolls over.
"What are you doing?" she asks, leaning over slightly to look at the textbooks that are sprawled out across the table.
"We are starting our homework, Park. Got to keep the grade up," Josie tells the younger girl as she lifts her head up to look at the girl, a small smile present on her face.
"What type of homework is it?"
"What do you have to do?"
"Read this book and write a paper on what we think about this character."
"What is the book?"
"Wuthering Height."
"Who is the character?"
"That's an odd name."
"Parker!!!" Danny snaps looking at his younger sister, his face scrunched up causing wrinkles on his forehead and his mouth to be closer to his mouth. "We are trying to do our homework and we can't get that done when you are here asking us a bunch of questions. I suspect that you will someday read this when you get to high school, maybe before. So until then can you please leave us alone," Danny tells her in as calm of a voice as he can. Parker simply rolls her eyes and puts her head back a little bit to emphasize what she was going to say.
"Fine" she sasses before turning. "I'm going to go out and play," she calls over her shoulder before opening the door and going outside. Josie giggles turning to Danny and seeing him shaking his head, his hand on one side of his face as he leans on it.
"I swear, it is impossible to get anything done here," he says looking at his text book. Josie snickers at him.
"It's always like this, why are you so shocked? And hey, she is just curious and at least she is showing some sort of interest in school," Danny just shakes his head again.
"Yeah, but cant she just wait until later to ask these questions, you know, when we are done." This time it is Josie who shakes her head with a smile on her face.
"Okay mister Sas. How about instead of talking about this, we actually do our work. Yeah?" Danny simply nods his head and turns his attention elsewhere. Josie's lips curl into a curve as she chuckles internally. Some things never change.
Disclaimer - I am not following the plotline of my life with the Walter boys as closely and am using the characters and making my own story. I will be taking some plotlines from the series but it won't directly follow the show. Also, this book is not going to focus on the build up to the relationship but the actual relationship.
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spirk-trek · 5 months
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S3E24: Turnabout Intruder ⋆.˚ ✧ · ˚⊹ ·
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harrisonarchive · 3 months
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At the world premiere of A Hard Day's Night, London, July 6, 1967. Photo 1 courtesy of womanandhome.com; photos 2 & 3, screen captures.
"There was a big party afterwards. Nobody thought that Princess Margaret would agree to come, so no one invited her. I said, ‘We should, at least, ask her.’ Anyway, it turned out that she and Lord Snowdon had an engagement for dinner but they’d love to be asked to stop in for a drink first. We were all in the anteroom, having drinks before going in for food. George gave me a look and whispered, ‘When do we eat?’ I told him, ‘We can’t, until Princess Margaret leaves.’ Although the Princess and Lord Snowdon had this dinner engagement, they stayed longer and longer at The Beatles’ party, having drinks and chatting. Finally, George went across to Princess Margaret and said, ‘Ma'am. We’re starved, and Walter says that we can’t eat until you leave.’ With that, the Princess just burst out laughing, and said, 'Come on, Tony. We’re in the way.’" - Walter Shenson, Off The Record (x)
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evviejo · 9 months
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STAR TREK // S2E12 The Deadly Years I don't know what's causing it, virus, bacteria, or evil spirits, but I'm trying to find out!
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pownicmania5000 · 2 months
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So I've been rewatching quite a bit of Arthur lately and goddamn it's so good, even more than I remembered it being
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Inside William’s Next Act: Tatler’s May issue goes behind the scenes as the Prince of Wales is rising above the noise — and playing the long game
The burden of leadership is falling upon Prince William, but as former BBC Royal Correspondent, Wesley Kerr OBE, explains in Tatler’s May cover story, the future king is taking charge
By Wesley Kerr OBE
21 March 2024
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When I first met Prince William in 2009, he asked me if I could tell him how he could win the National Lottery.
It was a jokey quip from someone who has since become the Prince of Wales, the holder of three dukedoms, three earldoms, two baronies and two knighthoods, and heir to the most prestigious throne on earth.
He was, of course, being relatable; I was representing the organisation that had allocated Lottery funding towards the Whitechapel Gallery and he wanted to put me at ease.
William is grand but different, royal but real.
At 6ft 3in, he has the bearing and looks great in uniform after a distinguished, gallant military career.
He will be one of the tallest of Britain’s kings since Edward Longshanks in the 14th century and should one day be crowned sitting above the Stone of Scone that Edward ‘borrowed.’
William, by contrast, has a deep affinity with Scotland and Wales, having lived in both nations and gained solace from the Scottish landscape after his mother died.
He’s popular in America and understands that the Crown’s relationship to the Commonwealth must evolve.
The Prince of Wales has long believed that ‘the Royal Family has to modernise and develop as it goes along, and it has to stay relevant’, as he once said in an interview.
He seeks his own way of being relatable, of benefitting everybody, in the context of an ancient institution undergoing significant challenge and upheaval, as the head of a nation divided by hard times, conflicts abroad, and social and political uncertainty.
We might recognise Shakespeare’s powerful line spoken by Claudius in Hamlet: ‘When sorrows come, they come not single spies, but in battalions.’
With the triple announcement in January and February of the Princess of Wales’s abdominal surgery and long convalescence, of King Charles’s prostate procedure and then of his cancer diagnosis, the burden of leadership has fallen on 76-year-old Queen Camilla and, crucially, on William.
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The Prince of Wales’s time has come to step up; and so he has deftly done.
In recent months, we have seen a fully-fledged deputy head of state putting into practice his long-held ideas, speaking out on the most contentious issue of the day and taking direct action on homelessness.
Last June, he unveiled the multi-agency Homewards initiative with the huge aspiration of ending homelessness, backed with £3 million from his Foundation to spearhead action across the UK.
He is consolidating Heads Together, the long-standing campaign on mental health, and fundraises for charities like London’s Air Ambulance Charity.
He was, of course, once a pilot for the East Anglian Air Ambulance services – a profession that had its downside: seeing people in extremis or at death’s door, he found himself ‘taking home people’s trauma, people’s sadness.’
Tom Cruise was a guest at the recent London’s Air Ambulance Charity fundraiser, William’s first gala event after Kate’s operation.
And more stardust followed when William showed that, even without his wife by his side, he could outclass any movie star at the Baftas.
There’s also his immense aim of helping to ‘repair the planet’ itself with his Earthshot Prize: five annual awards of £1 million for transformative environmental projects with worldwide application.
This project has a laser focus on biodiversity, better air quality, cleaner seas, reducing waste and combating climate change. Similar aims to his father; different means to achieve the goal.
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On the issue which has caused huge convulsions – the Middle East conflict – William’s 20 February statement from Kensington Palace grabbed attention.
He said he was ‘deeply concerned about the terrible human cost of the conflict since the Hamas terrorist attack on 7 October. Too many have been killed.’
There were criticisms – along the lines of ‘the late Queen would have never spoken out like this’ or ‘what right does he have to meddle in politics?’ – but it was hard to disagree with his carefully calibrated words.
His call for peace, the ‘desperate need’ for humanitarian aid, the return of the hostages.
The statement was approved by His Majesty’s Government, likely cleared with the King himself at Sandringham the previous weekend and also backed by the chief rabbi of Great Britain, Sir Ephraim Mirvis.
Indeed, William and Catherine had immediately spoken out on the horrors of 7 October.
William followed up the week after his Kensington Palace statement by visiting a synagogue and sending a ‘powerful message’, according to the chief rabbi, by meeting a Holocaust survivor and condemning anti-Semitism.
This is rooted in deep personal conviction following William’s 2018 visit to Israel and the West Bank, says Valentine Low, the distinguished author of Courtiers and The Times’s royal correspondent of 15 years, who was on that 2018 trip.
‘William was so moved by his visit to Israel and the West Bank, he found it very affecting, and he was not going to drop this issue – he was going to pay attention to it for the rest of his life,’ says Low.
‘He must feel that… not to say something on the most important issue in the world [at that moment] would be a bit odd if you feel so strongly about it.’
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There was concern from some commentators about politicising the monarchy, but this rose above the particulars of party politics.
As Prince of Wales, like his father before him, there is perhaps space to speak out sparingly on carefully chosen issues.
On this occasion, his views were in line with majority public opinion.
On homelessness, news came that same week that William was planning to build 24 homes for the homeless on his Duchy of Cornwall estate.
‘William’s impact is very personal,’ says Mick Clarke, chief executive of The Passage, a charity providing emergency accommodation for London’s homeless.
‘Two weeks before Christmas, the prince came to our Resource Centre in Victoria for a Christmas lunch for 150 people.
He was scheduled to stay for an hour, to help serve, wash up, and talk to people.
He ended up staying for two and a quarter hours, during which time he went from table to table and spoke to every single person.’
Clarke continues:
‘William has an ability to listen, talk and to put people at ease. During the November 2020 lockdown, he came on three separate occasions to help.
It gave the team a boost that he took the time; it was his way of saying: “I support you; you’re doing a great job.”’
Seyi Obakin, chief executive of Centrepoint, one of the prince’s best-known causes, adds:
‘People associate his patronage with the big moments like the time he and I slept under Blackfriars Bridge.
The things that stick with me are smaller in scale and the more profound for it – in quieter moments, away from the cameras, where he has volunteered his time.’
It is a different approach from the King’s.
As Prince of Wales, he was involved in the minutiae of dozens of issues at any one time, working into the night to follow up on emails, crafting his speeches, writing or dictating notes.
Add to that much nationwide touring over 40 years (after he left active military service in 1976), fitting in multiple engagements, often being greeted formally by lord lieutenants.
This is not William’s style. He has commended his father’s model, but he does things his own way.
Although patronages are under review, William has up till now far fewer than either his father or his grandparents.
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Charles is sympathetic to William’s approach and his desire to make time with his young family sacrosanct.
They are confidantes, attested by the night of Queen Elizabeth’s death.
They were both at Birkhall with Camilla, reviewing funeral arrangements while the rest of the grieving family were nearby at Balmoral, hosted by the Princess Royal.
Charles has had almost six decades in public life and is the senior statesman of our time, with even longer in the spotlight than Joe Biden.
After Eton and St Andrew’s University, where he met Catherine, William served in three branches of the military between 2006 and 2013, finishing as a seasoned and skilled helicopter rescue pilot.
His later employment as an air ambulance pilot stopped in 2017, when he became a full-time working royal.
At that time, not so long ago – with Harry unmarried, Andrew undisgraced, and Philip and Elizabeth still active – William shared the spotlight.
Now, after the King, he’s the key man.
He can look back on the success of his first big campaign initially launched with his wife and brother in 2016: Heads Together.
‘We are delighted that Prince William should have become such a positive and sympathetic advocate for mental health through his Heads Together initiative and now well-established text service, Shout, among other projects,’ says the longtime CEO and founder of Sane, the remarkable Marjorie Wallace CBE.
‘It is not always known that he follows in the footsteps of his father, the King, whose inspiration and vision were vital in the creation of our mental health charity Sane.
As founding patron, he was instrumental in establishing our 365-days-a-year helpline and was a remarkable and selfless support to me in setting up the Prince of Wales International Centre for Sane Research.’
'Indeed,' says Wallace, 'this is where Prince William echoes the work of his father, showing the same ‘understanding and compassion for people struggling through dark and difficult times of their lives and has done much to raise awareness and encourage those affected to speak out and seek help.
We owe a huge debt to His Majesty and the Prince of Wales for their involvement in this still-neglected area.’
Just as I saw all those years ago at that early solo engagement in Whitechapel, William still approaches his public duties with humour and fun.
‘He defuses the formality with jocularity,’ says Valentine Low, citing two public events in 2023 that he witnessed.
In April last year, while on a visit to Birmingham, William randomly answered the phone in an Indian restaurant he was being shown around and took a table booking from a customer – an endearing act of spontaneity.
On his arrival later that day, the unsuspecting diner was surprised to be told exactly whom he had been talking to.
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In October, Low reported, William ‘unleashed his inner flirt as he hugged his way through a visit with Caribbean elders [in Cardiff] to mark Black History Month.
As he gave one woman a hug – for longer than she expected – he joked: “I draw the line at kissing.”
And while posing for a group photograph, he prompted gales of laughter when he quipped: “Who is pinching my bottom?”’
Low believes that when William eventually becomes king, he will be more ‘radical’ than his father but wonders if people will respond to ‘call me William’ when ‘the whole point of the Royal Family is mystique and being different.’
However, William has thought deeply about his current role and is prepared for whatever his future holds.
For now, there is a decision to be made on Prince George’s secondary schooling. It’s said that five public schools are being considered, all fee-paying.
Eton is single-sex and boarding but close to home. Marlborough (Catherine’s alma mater) is co-ed and full boarding. And Oundle, St Edward’s Oxford and Bradfield College (close to Kate’s parents) are co-ed with a mix of boarding and day.
As parents, William and Catherine aspire to raise their children ‘as good people with the idea of service and duty to others as very important’, William said in an interview with the BBC in 2016.
‘Within our family unit, we are a normal family.’ Which may be one reason why he is so resistant to their privacy being compromised either by the media or close family members.
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The 19th-century author Walter Bagehot wrote:
‘A family on the throne is an interesting idea also. It brings down the pride of sovereignty to the level of petty life… a princely marriage is the brilliant edition of a universal fact, and, as such, it rivets mankind.’
If hereditary monarchy is to survive, it must beguile us but also demonstrate its utility, that it is a force for good.
William said in that 2016 interview, ‘I’m going to get plenty of criticism over my lifetime,’ echoing Queen Elizabeth II’s famous Guildhall speech in 1992 ‘that criticism is good for people and institutions that are part of public life. No institution – city, monarchy, whatever – should expect to be free from the scrutiny of those who give it their loyalty and support, not to mention those who don’t.’
William saw close up his mother’s ability to bring public focus and her own personal magnetism to any subject or cause she focused on.
He admires his father’s work ethic, the way he ‘really digs down,’ sometimes literally (I understand that gardening is giving the King solace during his cancer treatment).
But the biggest influence for William was Her late Majesty, as he said on her 90th birthday.
As an Eton schoolboy, William made weekend visits to the big house on the hill, being mentored by Granny rather as she had been tutored in the Second World War by the then vice-provost of Eton, Sir Henry Marten.
William said in 2016:
‘In the Queen, I have an extraordinary example of somebody who’s done an enormous amount of good and she’s probably the best role model I could have.’
That said, his aim was ‘finding your own path but with very good examples and guidance around you to support you.'
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Queen Elizabeth II had a brilliant way of rising above the fray and usually being either a step ahead of public opinion or in tune with it.
If you are at the helm of affairs in a privileged hereditary position, your duty is to serve and use your pulpit for the benefit of others.
In a democracy, monarchy is accountable.
The scrutiny is intense, with an army of commentators paid for wisdom and hot air about each no-show, parsing each announcement, interpreting each image.
William takes the long view. He has ‘wide horizons,’ says Mick Clarke.
‘There are so many causes that are more palatable and easier to achieve than ending homelessness, but his commitment and drive are 100 per cent.’
The prince seeks a different way of being royal in an ancient institution that must move with the times. His task? To develop something modern in an ever-changing world.
He faces all sorts of new issues – or old issues in new guises.
Noises off from within the family don’t help – Andrew’s difficulties, or the suggestions of prejudice from Montecito a couple of years ago (now seemingly withdrawn), which prompted William’s most vehement soundbite: ‘We’re very much not a racist family.’
William is maybe a new kind of leader who can keep the monarchy relevant and resonant in the coming decades.
Queen Elizabeth II is a powerful exemplar and memory, but she was of her time. William is his own man.
He must overcome and think beyond ‘the unforgiving minute.’
Indeed, he could seek inspiration in Rudyard Kipling’s poem, If.
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch[…]
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!
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This article was first published in the May 2024 issue, on sale Thursday, 28 March.
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