#george mendez x oc
👀 - smut
♧- angst
♡- fluff
☆- heartbreak
Ben Hardy
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A Christmas Family Tiff ♡
Bruises ♧♡
Friends who are affectionate towards each other ♡
Someone hogs the covers ♡
Roger Taylor
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This Can’t Be Over:
Part 1 ☆♧
Part 2 ♧♡☆
The Winner Takes it All:
Part 1 ☆
Part 2 ♡♧☆
A Secret Chord:
Part 1 ♧♡
Part 2 ♧
Part 3  ♧
Part 4 ♧
Part 5 ♧
Part 6   ♡
Part 7  ♡ ♧
Green ♡
Free Bird ♡
Friends who play strip poker together ♡
Roger tries to change for reader ♡
Roger catches reader crying ♡
Roger rudely wakes up Reader ♡
Ill cut my hair ♡
Pablo Schreiber 
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Smart, Funny, Sexy or Cute?  ♡
Migraine ♡
Mad Sweeney
Shower Sex is not the Best ♡👀
Wyatt Rivers
Prove it ♧👀
George Mendez
What Happens in Prison Stays in Prison [Series]
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
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What Happens in Prison stays in Prison - George Mendez x OC
Chapter 2 - Dry Hump in Your Own Time
Warnings: Profanity 🤫
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The cafeteria is always the worst when trying to avoid Mendez, especially now, since Red and the family are getting suspicious. At least with Red in the kitchen, the food is always some-what good. Grabbing my tray full of food, I make my way towards the table where Chapman and Vause are sitting. Mendez was standing by the door, watching me as I move towards the girls, I try my very best not to look in his direction, which is quite difficult, when he is giving me THAT look. 
Soon, all the girls join the table and we all get to talking about the most random shit, until Chapman makes a move on Vause. "Chapman! Dry hump in your own time. Not when inmates are trying to ingest their shit they call food!" I let out a small laugh, as all Piper did was put her arm around her girlfriend. Looking at him with a smile, he starts to smile back and looks quite proud of himself. In all honesty, I think he only did that to get attention. 
"I saw that," Piper says with a grin, "I don't know if you're laughing at him yelling at me, or making a big deal out of nothing, or insulting Reds food, OR you just wanted an excuse to look at him." She starts to laugh. I roll my eyes, "Oh my God! What is with people today, I don't encourage or flirt with or look for excuses to look at Pornstache!" Everyone starts laughing, all except Red. "Well which one is it?" Alex smiles, "The second one. Alright. It was the second one. I give up." I stand up, now very frustrated, drop off my tray and storm to my bunk. 
Taking a shower in this place is probably the worst and best part of my day. Its good to get clean, but at the same time I usually end up rushing it, its hard to believe, but listening to Morrelo and Nichols having sex is not always fun in the shower. 
Of course, when I walk out of the bathroom, there Mendez is in the hallway. I quickly start walking, trying to avoid any conversation. "So, you don't look for excuses to look at me." Of course, he was listening, I sigh as I turn around to face him, of course he has a huge grin on his face as well. "Oh, you only wish that I look for excuses to look in your direction." I hit back, now smiling, I hate how much he makes me smile with his stupidity, but in a good stupid way. 
"Well I – AND I BETTER NOT CATCH YOU WALKING AROUND TOPLESS AGAIN, INMATE OR THAT'S A SHOT!" He suddenly screams in my face as another inmate walks past us. "Well, thank you for giving me a reputation." I get annoyed, "I'm just trying to prevent you from getting in trouble with the Russian Bitch." I roll my eyes, "First of all, you seem to be trying to save your own ass, and second of all, I have not seen that girl in here before, and I'm sure neither has Red." "If that bitch gives you any trouble for talking to me then I swear to God I will-" I hold a hand up to stop him right there, "Don't talk about her like that and there's no trouble because its not like there's anything going on between us." That seemed to hurt him a bit. Why? I don't know. He clears his throat, "Listen, Inmate, I'm coming to drop off some laundry tomorrow, and my clothes better be fucking spotless!" Yup, I definitely said something wrong. I turn on my heel and started to walk away.
Once I climb into bed, Nichols walks into my bunk. "Good job, Davis. I heard Pornstache yelling at you in the hallway, I guess you don't have to worry about Red no more." "I guess not." I shrug, "Maybe you should walk around with your tits out more often around here." She yells while walking away. Damn it Pornstache.
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What Happens in prison stays in prison - George Mendez x OC
Chapter 3 - Every couple has little fights
Warnings: Profanity 🤫
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The next day, I was basically running out of the bathroom to try and get away from the ridiculous name-calling between Pennsatucky and Leanne. Not even looking up while I run, I feel myself bump into a large solid figure. At first, I figured it was another inmate, because they didn't say anything at first, and then I heard it.
"What the fuck is wrong with you, Davis?!" He looks down at me with fury. "You are not meant to run. Full stop. THAT IS A SHOT!" Getting angry with the way he has been acting lately I snap, I know I am not meant to yell at a C.O, but I couldn't control it, the word vomit.
"What the fuck is your problem lately? What is with you?! One minute you are nice to me, smiling, treating me differently from everyone else. And then out of nowhere you're acting like a dick!" I could hear the girls around us gasping as they walk past, his eyes widened. Shit. I really screwed up this time, SHU here I come. 
He looked down at me, then he looked around at the other inmates, his shoes, then back at me, sighing he just said, "You better watch it inmate. Watch your mouth. Remember Ill be dropping off laundry later, you better fucking be there." He then walked away, it was very strange, watching him walk away like that, no shot, no being sent to SHU, nothing. I actually felt a little bad, I seemed to have hurt him. Again.
"Get out my fucking way, you fucking junky!" He screamed at one of the heroin addicts. 
Later at lunch I noticed he wasn't there. This is probably normal, it might not be about me. Maybe he is on a different shift, or maybe he went to go fetch his laundry that he keeps on reminding me about. I wasn't focused, and Red could tell, she knew something was up, she might even suspect its because Mendez wasn't in the cafeteria like he always is. Or maybe I am just overthinking everything.
"Hey Davis, why you looking so mopey? Is it because your boyfriend isn't here to watch you eat?" Nichols snapped me out of my train of thought, to which I replied with a deadly glare, to which Red gave me a glare back.
Nichols gave out a small laugh, "Please don't tell me this is true Lizzy." The Russian accent cut the silent glares, "No, its not true Red. They are just making a joke. I promise nothing is happening between me and Pornstache."
"Good because if there is, you know what will happen."
"I know, I know, Red." I did know, Ill be out of the family, I wont be protected anymore.
I started looking down at my food. "No, shes telling the truth. I saw them this morning yelling at each other." Chapman cut in. "Every couple has little fights." Red annoyingly replies, I reply with a sigh, showing how annoyed I was now.
Vause notices this, and comes to my defense, "Give her a break Red. Nothing is happening. Besides, there are more important things to worry about. Like, I don't know, being in prison?" At least I can count on Vause to save my ass against Red. 
It was about 4 in the afternoon, and I still hadn't seen the mustached guard anywhere since this morning, I must have really pissed him off. Even while I was waiting in line for the phones I noticed he wasn't standing talking to Bennett, making his dirty comments about the inmates like he usually does, thinking he is entertaining the one-legged C.O. 
Yes, I do know about the leg, needless to say I heard the Hispanic girls whispering about Dayanara and her little love affair, and it was quite obvious that they were talking about Bennett. Most of the prison knows about those two by now anyway, with the exception of basically all the staff, even Bennett isn't aware of the inmates knowing.  
It was finally my turn to get to the phone, I better call my mom, I haven't spoken to her in a while, and she is bound to be in a state.
Picking up the phone, I dial my mothers number, she sounded frantic over the fact that I haven't called her in a while, but then she could sense that something was wrong.
"Elizabeth? What is the matter? Did something happen?" I could hear the genuine worry in her voice, which created a lump in my throat, I've been here for 3 months and I still miss like crazy.
"Nothing really happened, mom. Its just, there is this guard, who often is quite friendly towards me and - "
"What did he do? Did he rape you? I saw something on the news about a guard that took advantage and raped a young girl at a prison in California. And I swear- "The way she said rape made me cringe.
"Mom, mom, no, no, he didn't do anything. And you should really stop watching the news, it worries you too much. I just wanted to say that hes being friendly, and it just makes me feel guilty with the other girls because he isn't so nice to them." I quickly changed what I was going to tell her, in fear that other C.Os are listening and more importantly that she'll worry more.
"Oh sweetie, you worried me, that's not too bad. It'll get better, besides you've always had that effect on people, don't worry too much. " The conversation carried on for a few more minutes until I realized the time.
"Okay mom thanks, I have to go, its almost my shift, speak to you soon." And with a goodbye from her side, I hang up and make my way to laundry.
To be continued...
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What happens in prison stays in prison - George Mendez x OC
Chapter 4 - We need to talk.
Warnings: Profanity and fluff
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My shift was almost over, the laundry was closed for anyone bringing in laundry, and still no sign of Mendez, I was starting to get oddly worried. Going through all the dirty clothes, thinking to myself, a loud noise suddenly comes from the entrance, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Its closed!" I shouted to whoever decided to show up late, and of course with my luck, there he stood, holding a big bag of laundry, staring me down. "Not for me, its not." He said with a stupid smirk. 
I write down his number and hand it to him, trading for his over-sized laundry bag. Sometimes I don't mind doing the guards laundry, but sometimes it just becomes annoying because they will give their clothes from the whole week, like he did.
"You're late." I say with a cheeky smirk to  break the silence, he looks me in the eye, damn it, caught his eyes again. "Well I did say I was coming, didn't I? I didn't specify a time." I roll my eyes, "Okay, well you know the deal. Your clothes should be ready by tomorrow afternoon, I might not be working that shift, so just collect them from whoever is working that shift."
He starts to walk out while nodding his head, before turning on his heel as if he forgot something, "Oh and make sure you empty all the pockets, I don't want my clothes to get messed up." I get annoyed that he didn't do that himself, but I give a huge obvious smile and a thumbs up, "You got it!" He then replies by flipping me off and walking out the door. What an asshole.
Searching the pockets, I feel a piece of paper, probably from his Shot notebook, I take it out expecting to see who has been getting shots lately, and instead I am greeted with a neatly folded piece of paper that neatly reads Davis on it. Extremely confused I unfold the note and I am surprised to be greeted with what seems to be a letter from Mendez:
We need to talk. 
Meet me in the chapel after your shift ends. 
Be there.
-You know who.
It seemed quite forceful, I have no idea what he was actually going for there. But I better show up, I don't want to think about what he might do if I don't obey. With that, I put the note in my pocket and carry on with my shift, not letting it distract me from my work.
In the chapel, all I could think about was what was this all about? Did he want to punish me for yelling at him? Try and sell me drugs? All these thoughts came rushing to my head I sat on the stage dangling my feet off the edge, that's when he walked in. As he came through the door, he immediately locked it behind him, and as he was walking across to lock the other door, he looked at me, not breaking eye contact for a second. This cannot be good. 
Looking at the floor he strutted over to me, stopping next to me, not taking his eyes off the floor. I didn't know what to say, I couldn't speak out of the fear of why I was here.
He then broke the silence, stuttering, "Um, I- I want to firstly apologize for my behavior, its just when you said there's nothing going on between us, it upset me." I was very confused by this revelation. "Why?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, sounding more judgemental than I intended.
Instead of talking he lifted up his hand to my face and gently stroked my hair behind my ear. I regrettable flinched as he did this, receiving quite a hurt look from him.
"You don't have to be afraid of me, I will never do anything to hurt you." This eased my mind, and I started to relax under his touch. But I was still confused, "Where is all this coming from?" I looked up at him, and for the first time I didn't try and avoid eye contact.
"You are the only woman here that doesn't treat me like I am about to rape them or hates me. You give snarky comments back to me and play along, you hold your own and don't even care what I might do." All of that was not entirely true, but I didn't want to hurt him, and I started to let myself feel what I have felt in a long time. 
I smiled, and held his hand against my cheek, which gave him the go-ahead to move his way in front of me, luckily since I was sitting, he didn't seem THAT much taller than me. He held my face gently and started to lean in, but I stopped it, raising my hand.
"If we do this. Nobody can find out, I mean nobody, none of the inmates, I didn't want this to end up like Daya and Bennett." He nodded, "And no more drugs. You have to be better to Red, and after Tricia, I cant be with you if you are still going to do that shit." He hesitated, looked a bit angry for a split second, and then it faded, his face softened, and he gave me a small smile. "Deal." I gave him a huge smile and bit my bottom lip. 
Gently, he pushed his lips against mine, and kissed me so tenderly, softly, softer than I could ever expect from him, soon our kiss became more and more passionate, but nothing came of it. I am not going to have sex with him, give him the wrong idea. Hopefully this works, because God forbid it didn't, this could end very badly for both of us.
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