quietwings-fics · 4 months
The Bar at the End of the World
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: N/A Fandom: The Magnus Archives Ship: Gen (With sides of Jon/Martin & Georgie/Melanie) Additional Tags: Drinking, Episode: e198 Precipice (The Magnus Archives), Angst and Humor, Established Martin Blackwood/Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Minor Georgie Barker/Melanie King, Sad Ending, Friendship, End of the World, Everything is Beautiful and Everything Hurts, The Magnus Archives Season 5, Autistic Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Drunk Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, its my story and i say that a drunk jon is a stimmy jon, Cuddling & Snuggling, this is going to be jossed as soon as the next epi comes out but for now Enjoy, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Dialogue Heavy Wordcount: 2264 Summary:
Post-Episode 198, Or: What is left of the crew gets drunk together.
It is the end of the world. In a way, it has always been the end of the world. When time and space saw that things were about to get apocalyptic, they looked at each other for a long moment, shrugged, and packed their bags for a vacation they didn’t plan to come back from. For some people, it has been the end of the world for a few months. For some, 2 years. And for a privileged few, always. Whatever the case, it’s a very good excuse for getting drunk.
Somewhere, a tape recorder whirrs to life, and one woman gives it a dirty look.
“You can destroy them,” says former podcast host, cat-owner, and cult leader Georgie Barker. Currently, her occupation is: Alcohol.
“Will it help?” Basira asks in a voice so thick with irritation that it’s a wonder she doesn’t choke on it. Georgie considers, waves a hand vaguely in the air, and drinks.
“It won’t stop it, but, I don’t know, it’s cathartic?” Basira nods, stands, walks over to the tape recorder, and picks it up. She turns it over in her hands, and it hums cheerfully as it feeds on the misery of the room. She taps her nails against the side. With sudden violence, she throws it at the ground, and it shatters, plastic and tape running away from the impact point in confusion. Basira steps on the corpse of it to see if that might make her feel like she’s accomplished something.
Somewhere, a tape recorder whirrs to life. This time, it’s nestled itself on the back of the ratty couch that used to hold The Archivist as he silently tried to find the bottom of his bottle. In the minutes since, his boyfriend, miraculously not filled with spiders, has joined him. The couch now holds Martin Blackwood and Jonathan Sims, and when the tape recorder joins them, Martin raises a hand to push it off. Then sighs, shakes his head, and drops it to pet Jon’s hair.
Jon, throughly intoxicated, makes a whirring noise that is suspiciously similar to the tape.
A note about finding drinks during the Apocalypse: It’s harder than you’d think. Not because it isn’t there, but because most of it isn’t alcohol proper and it’s rather unpleasant to open up a bottle only to be greeted by a wisp of fog symbolizing someone’s inability to be emotionally vulnerable. When it is to be found, (on a far back shelf of an empty grocery store where the announcement sound rings every seven minutes on the dot but is never followed by any announcements) the wine will be sour and the whiskey will be more poison than drink, but they’ll do the job just as well.
“It doesn’t actually make you feel better,” says Melanie King, who is on the same side of sober as Basira but for different reasons. She is having a hard time staying there. “It connects your anger with aggression. Next time, you’ll just want to destroy something again.” These are not her words, but they were good advice when she heard them.
“You didn’t stop me,” Basira points out. Melanie grimaces. It doesn’t seem like good advice anymore.
“I’ll wait until we know you have a next time to be worried about,” Melanie says.
“Which we will,” Martin says, “so, no more smashing things.” Melanie snorts but doesn’t argue. She thinks that if she were drunk, she would have. That’s part of the reason she hasn’t picked up a glass.
“Do you think everyone will remember? When it all shuts off,” Georgie asks, contemplative, “or will things go back to normal and we’ll be the only ones? We will remember, right?” Without meaning to, all eyes turn to Jon, seeking answers. He doesn’t respond to the sudden attention, not until Martin pokes him in the cheek.
“I’m not sure what you asked, but whatever it is... I don’t know. Not here, anyway,” Jon says. He starts rubbing his hands together and sits up before he gets a crick in his neck from using Martin’s leg as a pillow. Sober Jon might have been embarrassed, but then again, sober Jon had been through more than one literal hell, so perhaps not. Georgie lets out a sigh of relief.
“That’s probably a good thing.” She leans back against Melanie’s chair. “You don’t want any?”
“You’ve asked me that already, hon. Twice.” Georgie blinks and gives her a weak smile.
“We know it’s working, then.” It’s a smile Melanie does her very best to return, with little success. A few domains over and uncountable miles away, the face she makes is adopted by an Avatar of the Spiral and used to send a woman into a fit of hysteria. Melanie will never know about this. She’ll still feel a lingering sense of guilt for it, but it’s a book that will fit right in on her extensive shelf of self-condemnation.
"Do you want to remember this? It hasn't exactly been..." Basira trails off. For a moment, she almost- This assignment's turning out to be a real hoot, Daisy would say, with sarcasm as sharp as fangs. "Fun." Basira finishes.
"Someone should. Might as well be us," Georgie says. Basira nods. In a selfish part of her heart, she would like to forget the monster Daisy became. In another part, one that's only gotten louder the longer she's had to walk the domains, she knows it wouldn't erase the monster she always was. (Basira is still only human, and sometimes the selfish part wins. Some days, she needs to remember Daisy's smile like she needs air.)
"I won't," Jon puts in. He's had enough time to figure out exactly what it is they're talking about now. "If I live." He adds, because he is impossible.
"Jon..." Martin warns. Jon lets his head drop to his boyfriend's shoulder, rubbing a hand along the scratchy couch cushions. Staying (mostly) upright is harder than he remembers, even sitting down.
"You don't get to die on us now, bastard." There's frustration in her voice, yes, but no real anger. "We dragged you this far. You're coming with us over the finish line." Against Martin's shoulder, Jon mouth turns up at the corners. It's not a smile, but it is happy. He thinks that getting drunk was a fantastic idea. It's giving him other fantastic ideas, too, like-
"Jon, where-" He stumbles to his feet, using Martin to lever himself despite an affronted squawk. He bats his boyfriend's worried hands away. He's fine; He remembers how to walk. Mostly. The only table they have is a small, dinky coffee table that is holding the remainder of the night's alcohol. Jon deems it sufficient for his purposes. Purposes being climbing atop it. It wobbles dangerously.
"I need to tell everyone-" He begins and wobbles again. Martin sucks in a sharp breath.
"Jon, get off the table before you hurt yourself." Basira says, but pointedly, neither she nor anyone else makes him do so. It's not like he can be hurt.
Although, it would just be their luck if The Archivist died during a drunken ramble by falling off a coffee table.
On second thought, Basira tenses and prepares to grabs Jon if he should fall.
"To. Tell everyone. That-" Jon continues, trying to keep his footing. He looks a bit like someone surfing, if the surfboard has been chewed at the edges by sharks and the person is more of a snorkeler by trade. "That I wouldn't be here without you. Not here, the end of the world, that's- That's always been my fault. But here. Under the institute. In Jurgen's rat tunnels. With you." He flaps his hands. Should you have asked him in the moment, Jon would have told you it was possibly the best speech he'd ever given in his life. If you'd have asked Georgie, she would have told you that he used to do this back at Uni, too. "And I love you. I love all of you. You're here, and... Thank you." He finishes, eloquent as ever. He looks down at the floor, which seems millions of miles away. This is not because space no longer works at the end of the world, nor is it because the Vast is planning an imminent assassination of Jonathan Sims. It's because he's a lot more drunk than he realized and whatever coordination he had to get up on this table has fled in a panic. "Uh."
"Alright, alright. Let's get you down." Georgie chuckles. Jon doesn't so much take her hand and let her guide him off as he does flop down into her arms. It's easier than it was at Uni. Jon hasn't gotten any bigger, but Georgie's gotten stronger. "Better?"
"Yes. Thank you." He steadies himself, puts his hands on her shoulders. "Georgie?"
"I'm going to save our son." Melanie coughs. Loudly. Georgie makes a confused face, and then her light chuckle becomes a full laugh. "He's a good cat. The best cat."
"Worry about yourself, Jon. Not The Admiral." She pats his cheek. "Although, yes, we're going to save him." Jon nods.
"He didn't want to hurt anyone. He didn't mean to." Her smile wavers at the edges. "And he's sorry. The Admiral. He's sorry for getting so many people-" Georgie hugs him.
"I know." Jon hugs her back, and it's only partially because he's not sure how much his legs work anymore. After a minute, Martin comes over to retrieve him, and Jon goes without a fuss. Georgie kisses him on the forehead. "Good night, Jon." He mumbles something that's probably an answer.
"Night, all." Martin says for him. Basira waves. Melanie turns her head in their direction, lips pulled into a thin line.
It's not difficult to guide Jon back to their cot. Martin's glad he's never been one to start losing motor control when he's drunk. Jon seems to have enough of that for both of them. He goes where Martin leads him though, and he stares. Martin's more than used to that by now. Jon doesn't blink unless he's making a conscious effort to. It's nice, in a way, because Jon already knows his face, every freckle and stress line and the way he scrunches up his nose when he's frustrated, and he still wants to keep looking at it. It's not new knowledge to feed the Eye. It's looking for Jon's sake alone,  and that makes it... okay. Good. Cute. When they get to the bed and he lets go of Jon, his boyfriend follows the natural course of gravity and hits it with a thump.
"Make room." Martin whines at him, and Jon mimics the sound, smushed against the bed. Martin shoves him, a little ungraciously, but Jon just rolls with it. Nearly off the bed, but Martin catches him with a sigh. Martin counts the seconds down as he settles next to Jon. Four. Three. Two. And- There is suddenly an Jon-shaped octopus clinging to him with every available limb. Exactly as Martin planned. The perfect crime. Jon squirms until he's comfortable.
It's really hard to tell if he's asleep, Martin realizes five minutes later, because he's still staring at him.
"I wanted to cook for you," Jon murmurs. Not asleep, then.
"Didn't you? Before all of this. I specifically remember-" Martin says.
"No. No. Not that. We were going to have an adversary-"
"Shut up, Martin," Jon hides his face, and Martin grins. "I wanted to make you dinner. With candles. And romance."
"That's really sweet of you." It would require more coordination than Jon has and more energy than Martin can spare to properly kiss like this. Instead, Martin lifts his hand, kisses his index and middle finger, and then presses them against Jon's cheek. "Also, I'm really glad you had a plan. I think I was panicking a little. I had no idea if you'd even want to celebrate it, or how, or what to do... How did we spend our anniversary?"
"Time doesn't work here."
"Humor me."
"Hm." It's hard to see his face in the dark, but Jon looks up and frowns, trying to remember. "I think... That place where all the doors were mouths. One of them tried to eat you." Martin makes a face.
"Yes. Not particularly romantic."
"Guess we'll just have to have a do-over, when this is done," Martin says. Jon doesn't answer.
"Our world is ending," he says, finally, very quiet.
"The world's always ending."
"Our world." Jon finds Martin's hand by running his fingers down his arm. "Everything else is ending, but we were beginning." Jon's voice is a tremulous thing, hiding in the dark. "I wanted to cook for you," he repeats, "and repaint the bedroom. You never liked the color. You deserved to go home somewhere and know that it was where love lived." Martin breathes in, one long breath, and he holds it until the lump in his throat retreats. Jon is tracing nonsense patterns over his palm, and his voice is getting softer.
"We still could, you know."
"I'd like that." Jon finds an extra centimeter of space between them and snuggles closer. "I love you, Martin."
"I love you, too, Jon." He waits until Jon falls asleep. Makes sure this time, both that he is and that he'll stay asleep. Martin can't move without disturbing him, but he's always been a quiet crier. If anyone notices his eyes are still red tomorrow, he'll have the alcohol to blame, and the end of the world.
(Enjoyed it? Any interaction is welcomed. You can even support me on Ko-Fi <3)
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jmsclipart · 2 years
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some georgiemelanie feat. georgie dancing with admiral <3
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nudibranchii · 4 months
Half-return is Timsasha not a lot just forever GeorgieMelanie and anything Jonmartin btw just btw
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charlie-artlie · 4 years
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Hairstyles changes = character development 😌
ID under the cut!!!
[ID: two pictures, the first showing four drawings of Melanie King from the Magnus archives side by side. Her name is spelled out across the top in blue letters. In the first drawing, Melanie is thin and white and has long black hair pulled into a ponytail with a blue streak. She is wearing a black suit jacket with a purple turtleneck underneath and grey jeans with a black belt and a gold oval belt buckle. She is looking to the side with a stern expression and beneath her are the words ‘season 1’. In the next drawing Melanie has slightly longer black hair with a blue streak and blond roots beginning to show. She is wearing a red sweater with a white collar beneath it with the sleeves pulled up, showing some scars in her arms. She is wearing high waisted blue jeans with a black belt and a gold rectangle belt buckle. She is holding a knife to her side. She is facing the right with an aggressive expression and she has a scar on her cheek. Underneath her are the words ‘season2-3’. In the next picture Melanie is leaning against an unsee object with her arms crossed and a pensive expression. Her hair is black and in an undercut. She is wearing a dark blue short sleeve turtleneck and black jeans and has scars on her arms and her face. Underneath her are the words ‘season 4’. In the next picture Melanie is leaning against an unseen object and has a bittersweet expression. She has a mullet with her natural blonde hair growing through the black hair underneath. Her bangs are dyed blue and stick up slightly. She has scars on and around her eyes and has clear glass eyes in. She is wearing a purple hoodie with a ‘what the ghost’ logo on the front and black pants, and beneath her are the words ‘season 5’.
In the second picture there are four drawings on Georgie Barker from the Magnus archives side by side. Her name is spelled out above the drawings in blue letters. In the first picture Georgie is wearing a blue hoodie and light blue jeans. She is black and fat and has circular glasses and long curly hair pulled back in a ponytail. She is holding a yellow binder that says ‘21B❤️’ to her chest with both arms. She is looking to the side with an amused expression and bellow her is the word ‘university’. In the second picture Georgie has circular glasses and short curls with laid edges and a blank expression with glassy eyes. She is wearing a yellow shirt with a cream colored cardigan over it and black pants. Her arms are crossed and below her are the words ‘post end encounter’. In the third picture Georgie has circular glasses and long locs pulled back in a ponytail. She is leaning forward slightly and is wiggling her fingers with a playful expression. She is wearing a light pink collared shirt with a purple sweater over it that sags off one shoulder and grey jeans. Her fingernails are painted black. Underneath her are the words ‘season 1-4’. In the last picture Georgie is smiling and looking to the side. She has circular glasses and short curly hair pulled into a small ponytail with a pink hair tie. She is wearing a red turtleneck with blue jeans. Strapped to her chest is a blue and pink cat carrier that holds The Admiral, a white and grey cat that has his eyes closed in a pleaded expression. Georgies hands are folded on top of The Admiraks stomach. The cat carrier is light blue with light pink stripes. Underneath Georgie are the words ‘season 5’.]
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spookyoats · 4 years
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sometimes a family is you, your ghost podcast host gf, and her fluffy cat
happy pride!
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mcwebby · 4 years
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pov you’re jon sims and you show up to your ex and her blind girlfriend’s flat asking for help (and they say no)
melanie & the admiral: kn7feplay on instagram & on tiktok ♡
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possumsquat · 4 years
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I seem to find myself with the craziest of dames
They get the ball on me, I do forget the chains
yeah, yeah, yeah
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kayleerowena · 4 years
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jonny may i please see the girls. please can i see some girls in this podcast. please, mr sims, can i get just a glimpse at how they’re doing, pretty please
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screechfoxes · 4 years
melanie/georgie fic recs
inspired by @dathen‘s post on supporting the content we want to see, i went through the melanie/georgie tag on AO3 today and i wanted to rec some of my favourites! after all, the way to get more content is to support what’s there!
i’ve sorted this into three: fics set in a single time period, fics set across the series, and a bonus category for melanie/georgie/other characters!
i hope you find something you enjoy here!
single time period
take me to your room by crucify - 1.2k, a lovely snapshot of melanie going to georgie’s after the performance review
Sing Your Heart Out by Zykaben - 2.5k, georgie takes melanie to a karaoke night after therapy to release some anger. getting together fic
the body sometimes needs a storm to rearrange its parts by smallredboy - 1k, a very sweet and tender fic just before and after melanie blinds herself
a clean break by Wildehack - 1.2k, another fic dealing with melanie blinding herself, this time from georgie’s POV. georgie is wonderful and driven
we were rising from the grave by blackwood - 2.5k, non-linear snippets of melanie’s recovery, and the way she deals with anger
journeys at the end of the world by skuls - 8k, melanie searches for georgie after the apocalypse. painfully in character wrt her anger and how she handles it
(EXPLICIT) the angel of death fists you and then you lead a long, happy life by bloodscout - 3.5k, post-155. lovely fluffy smut 
multiple time periods
shake your graveclothes off by gruhukens - 11k, and i think this tag says it best: “Enemies to Friends to Maybe-Lovers to Enemies to Friends to Lovers”
whatever here that’s left of me is yours just as it was by evanescent - 7.1k, essentially a melanie character study from s2 to s4. really sharply characterised
bonus category - melanie/georgie/other people
Until the Water Runs Clear by KingOuija - 4k, melanie/georgie/sasha, dealing with insecurities in a relationship, lovely and domestic and a nice happy ending!
true love has its benefits and i plan to reap ‘em by blackwood - 1k, melanie/georgie + melanie/jon, melanie and jon are both menaces and it’s all very cute and domestic
(EXPLICIT) they wish they had love like this by skvadern - 4k, georgie/melanie/jon, some very lovely domestic pet play after a hard day of work
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hedonistbyheart · 4 years
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Some ghost-hunters in the eyepocalypse.
Georgie seems to have just noticed something…
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acesjonny · 4 years
jonny said sorry for taking helen away from you here’s georgiemelanie cult to make up for it
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helen-richardson · 5 years
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statementends · 5 years
AU where Georgie and Melanie own a bookshop and the Admiral is their bookshop cat.
Melanie is blind so there's a big audio book section and brail. She knows every inch of the store and is very open about how she's still learning brail herself and encourages others.
She and Jon are frenemies because of course they are. They care about each other but they also like arguing.
Jon is often there also because he gets to pet the Admiral.
Georgie still does her podcast and is always talking about how much she loves her girlfriend.
Georgie also has started narrating audio books.
Martin owns an independent tea shop next door (another reason Jon might be visiting a lot).
Georgie does reading days for the kids and Melanie loves listening to her read.
There is a little Hungarian place across the way that knows their order by heart now and may have adopted Georgie as their own.
The Admiral has a Facebook page and he's a minor book cat celebrity.
They have come across Leitners and have a disposal system now.
Georgie and Melanie do a girls night/double date drinking night with Basira and Daisy.
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lamellas · 5 years
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Au where What the Ghost and Ghost Hunt UK are the spookiest things any of them have to deal with and Melanie helps her girlfriend with a promotional photoshoot in the style of an old movie poster (and then they kiss and hold hands 😳)
(Image description: on a purple to green gradient, Georgie, a smiling woman with a medium skintone and curly shoulder length brown hair turns to face the veiwer. She is wearing a red 50’s style dress, and eyes drawn with green lines look at her. In red text the poster reads, “Georgiana Barker stars in What the Ghost” and “Written and Directed by Georgie Barker”)
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charlie-artlie · 4 years
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My Spotify unwrapped raked me over the coals so now you all have to deal with the fall out
ID under the cut!!
[ID: a black and white comic strip showing Melanie King and Georgie Barker from the Magnus Archives. The first three panels show Georgie dancing as she sings ‘Oh, knowing what we know, knowing what we don't know / This is gonna change our world / Feeling how I feel, I'll accept the unreal’. Music notes float around the lyrics. Georgie is fat and black with short curly hair tied up in a scrunchie. She has circular glasses and is wearing a baggy sweatshirt and capri leggings and socks. The Admiral is walking along her feet as she dances looking up at her.
In the fourth panel Georgie turns to face the viewer, pointing forward and blushing and smiling as she sings ‘If you be my no-eyed girl’. There are hearts around her head and action lines around her and the text.
In the fifth panel Georgie is frozen still pointing at Melanie and visibly sweating as she waits for a reaction. The admiral is now on his back looking up at Georgie. Melanie stands on the other side of the room with her arms crossed and an unimpressed expression. She is thin and white and has light colored hair with darker tips styled in a mullet. She is wearing a baggy shirt and large boxer shorts with long baggy socks. She has no pupils.
In the sixth panel Melanie has joined Georgie in dancing as they stand back to back and sing ‘from nowhere mankind can go’ with music notes and hearts around them.]
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sazandorable · 5 years
Writing prompt: Melanie/Georgie, "begin again"
mag157 spoilers (i’ve really wanted to write something like this for the past two weeks so thank you so much for this prompt)
They kiss at a party, at uni. Georgie is pretty drunk, and Melanie is not quite as much, but she pretends to be, because that’s easier in the morning when everyone is sober again and Georgie cleans up at the bathroom sink for a date with that weird occult nerd. Melanie helps her retouch her dark lipstick, and waits until Georgie is out the door before checking if there’s any of it left on her own lips.
(There isn’t; not a trace of it.)
A couple weeks later and the nerd is actually Georgie’s boyfriend, even though when Melanie will tell her she’s too good for him Georgie will sigh and agree (“but he cooks so well, Melanie!”).
They kiss again half a decade later, in the dark of Georgie’s flat. There’s a pack of sangria open on the wobbly coffee table but it’s not the alcohol that makes it happen this time, it’s the tears and terror and anger and Melanie desperately needing someone to hold her and Georgie being willing to. Melanie breathes through her nose and Georgie kisses her until she’s stopped shaking quite so much, and lets Melanie clutch her hands way too hard even after they’ve stopped kissing.
Then she says, very calmly: “I’m not doing this if I’m going to lose you, though.”
Which is — as unfair as anything Melanie has ever been told through her life, unfair unfair unfair how fucking cruel how fucking mean she doesn’t deserve any of this she deserves so much more than this — and then Melanie closes her eyes and breathes again and pummels the anger back down into her rib cage and, no, right, it’s fair, actually, that’s fair.
Months later, they’re holding hands in the tube and Melanie says, “What if you weren’t going to lose me?”
They don’t kiss then, though.
They kiss at the hospital. Melanie isn’t thinking about it, to be honest, kind of hard to think much at all from the pain and shock and meds combined. Georgie sits at her bedside in silence for so long that Melanie vaguely assumes she’s gone, until she says, deadly cold calm: “That was not what I was signing up for, you know.”
Melanie tries to understand what she means. But it’s hard to understand even the first, surface-level of her sentence, so she gives up, makes a little mumbling sound, and then Georgie says, “But it’s not losing you, so I can work with it,” and then there’s her mouth on Melanie’s mouth, and then Georgie pats her cheek and she says, “I’ll be back tomorrow,” and then she’s gone.
They kiss again, or, like, for real, when Melanie’s a little less out of it from the meds, and again when she’s discharged, and again in the middle of Georgie’s flat, their flat, and again after Melanie’s back from therapy and again after Georgie’s weird occult nerd ex-boyfriend visits and Georgie is so riled up but Melanie isn’t, so she kisses Georgie again, and she will do it again tomorrow, and again later, and again whenever she likes, because she has all the time in the world to decide how to start her life again this time around.
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