Virgil gets bored and embroiders parts of his clothing sometimes whilst he's still wearing them... tulip please make this faerie prince less relatable please everything you say about him I'm just oh same (<3)
Elliot catches their shirt on smth and it tears and Virgil just whips a sewing kit out of his pocket and fixes it where they stand alskdjaklsjd
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Episode 367 Doctor's Recommended Cigarette
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amirrortonature · 3 years
Heavenly Twins - Sep 23rd - Bruce Springsteen & Ray Charles
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Hello I got a digital art tablet yesterday I don't know how it works quiet yet because I've never done digital art but I'm thinking real hard about mpd and my favourite flower boy so I am going to commit some Victorian fashion crimes to figure out the controls
oh heck yeah, i hope you have fun and i’d love to see if youre willing to share!
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You have sparked a group chat debate of what precisely constitutes a furry, as of now the consensus is: catboy's, no; animal crossing oc's, yes; witches familiar's, maybe. Ps. I love the new group chat chapter so much <3
Group Chat debates sparking irl Group Chat debates delights me, and thank you !!!
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Hey petal me again sorry for spamming you I went through the blog and there's a tag that says some of the master list links are dead, that's maybe what happened?
nah its the damn mobile app ofc - the link opens fine on desktop, just not in the app. not sure how to fix except to try and copy/paste the link directly into your browser
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Very informative and cool response to that pronoun ask real question is though... Did violet get purple in his hair ? If so love that for her. I get if you were just using a sample sentence but it did sound pretty specific also I was not aware colour conditioner was a thing.
i did! its pretty much all washed out now is why im thinking about getting the condiioner but even if i dont the gradual bleed to a sort of dark blonde from the almost-black on top of my head looks cool anyway!
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Aaah the pieces verse is so good!! However you have given me anxiety about remus now being the only one whose life can be ruined by their parents. The touch starvation is just oof like Patton working on fixing it is adorable but they were babies, who is mean to babies???? I do not like the boys parents. You just keep making me feel things! Thank you!
aaaAAHH your welcome !! and yeah its very soft but Remus is about to have A Time Of It, poor bean
also yeah Fitzroy Parents Get Fucked Challenge
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#000753 is your vibe check colour
oooh, pretty blue!!!!!
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