allthingshetalia · 4 years
Can you do headcanons for Germany with an hardworking but very disorganized and easily distracted significant other, who tries always to do her best and to help others but even when she manages it's always an hurricane of mess ?
You’re his adorable little hurricane of mess. 
He’s the CEO or organization and handling people who were blessed with the attention span of a rock. 
1. A schedule would be the first thing to implement. 
when to get your work done
what work you have to be done
their due date 
the whole 9 yards. 
He loves that you want to help people....but he doesn’t want people to take advantage of you. 
Even though you may make some situations worse its the thought that counts, right? And if anyone has anything different to say they’ll be hearing for him. 
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themactually · 6 years
Guys I found my old reader insert Hetalia fanfiction it’s so cringeworthy
I mean I did really well with my femme domination scene but I also had Germany speaking with a shitty written accent and why
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scenario-requests · 9 years
How we met Germany x Reader  1
“Okay ___ tell me how you met?” Elizabeth asked. “Met whom?”  “Ludwig of course!” “Ohhh… um we met through his brother...or so. Geez I still don’t like him.” “Yeah Gilbert can be a pain in the ass!” she laugh. “I should buy you a frying pan as wedding present ha-ha!” “oh please, no” “Stop denying, you want to know how it feels to hit him. Maybe we could set up a game… Schlag den Gilbert.” “O gosh hahahahaha why not just-just please not on my wedding day okay. Hahahahaha Please Lizzy.” “Nawww it would be fun.” She complains. Ding dong. “Oh that must be Lily and Natalya,” Lizzy says. She stands up and walks to the front door. “Hallo” “Ej” “Hello Lily, Hey Natalya. Walk through ____ is in the living room.” “Hello Girls!” I great them. Lily Natalya Elizabeth and me meet today because tomorrow I’m going to marry my boyfriend of six years Ludwig Beilschmidt. And it’s bad luck to see the partner the 24  hours before the wedding he is of at Gilberts and I stay at Lizzys. Natalya was once into her brother and somewhat of crazy but just because she was lonely. Now she is together with Lily and not that scary anymore. Sure she is sometimes glaring dagers at someone but she does not try to kill someone, most of the time . She is not much of a talker but  nice if you know her better. I’m glad she is my friend. “So what do you want to do I the next 24 hours____?” Lily asks. “Uhmm…”“She was going to tell how she met Ludwig, was it bumping into him at the collage or did you wanted to kill yourself an he pulled you back as you were about to jump from a bridge?” “O god stop beeing so dramatic Lizz. And no it was nothing like … anyhing cliché like. It was …strange. I thought no hoped to never see him again.He was scary.” “Stop talking about it tell us something” Natalya says with a blanc stare. “Um yeah. Bit are you talking about the first meeting or how we became friends?” “First meeting! What was your impression, what happend?” “Ohh the first time I met him was the worst day in my life. I got to konw his brother on this day. About him I did not realy care.” It was a night like every night and I was still a taxi driver and drove through the streets. I hold at a bar and a silvery haired man walked towards my taxi. “Hallo hübsche Frau…kannst du mich mitnehmen? Maybe you could come with me later…Wouldn’t you like to not drive in the taxi but spend the night with the awesome me~?"he smirked. “Yes I can take you home but no I don’t want to spend the night with you. I’m working!” Urrgh one of this kind, I thought the kind that flirts with you the whole drive and never tops speking. He told me the adress and enterd the car. The first 20 minutes or something he was just talking some random shit. Not that I was listening, I blocked him out. When he stopped talkig I realised he was asleep, drunk much huh? I just let him be. Something else caught my attention. It was the mans little bird, I thought it was his. it walked in 8 over the seat next to me. Did he filled the little dude up?!!!!! Poor thing. I scooped him up and sat him in my scarf. He cuddled it and fall asleep. I smiled at it. He is so cute. I parked the car infront of his house and turn around. The windows of my car are down all for os them and the smell must have flewn out by driving, but the smell and the look of the in puke coverd man and the backseat of my cab shocked, surpised me. Oh godness.What do i do?????...! First of all take pictures. No, not to post them but to have pictures so that the idiot will pay the bil for cleaning. I get out and take some pics that make sure that it is his puke and that we are infront of his house. Idrag that idiot to the front door and get puke on my shirt too. Urrrgh. Lights are on so I just bang at the door. “HEY open this fucking door!” The puke on my cloth smell and I want to puke myself. The man on my back starts snoring. Whyyyyyyy meeee? Just whyyyyy? All I want to do is get my money drive to the taxi building end my shift, bring this taxi to a car wash and go home. I bang at the door again. This time someone walks down the stairs with heavy steps. The door gets open abruptly: "Gilbert verdammt du hast nen Schlüssel! Kannst du den nicht nehmen?" A reeeeeaaaaaly handsome blond man stands in the door, ge is angry and sleepy. His messy hair stands to all directions. He is just in some pyjama pants and his naked torso looks hella trained. A blush sneaks on my face bit soon enough I get angry. "I think he has a key, BUT HE IS FUCKING ASLEEP ON MY BACK HE IS HEAVY AS FUCK AND I AM COVERD IN HIS PUKE! STOP RANTING ABOUT ME WAKING YOU UP!" He looks down and is rather embarrassed. "STOP LOOKING LIKE THAT AND GET HIM OFF!""Ja-Ja-Ja" he pulls him of and pushes him on the sofa, I just enter the house. "Hey what do you do in this house? I don't know where my brother picked you up but I can bring you home... if you want"he stutters. "What do you think?! Do I look like one if the girls that sleeps with every man that shows up?! There would be no way I would go with that idiot!" "He mught be drunk but that not gives you the right to insult my brother im my house. Leave this instant! " "I will leave when I get my money! I am a taxi driver and I a full with puke that also covers the backseat of the taxi I drive. You or your brother will not only pay for the drive but also for the cleaning service of my cloth AND the backseat. You will get the bills later, but you will pay for the drive now!" I don't like these men. I just want to punch them. But I think I will break my hand if I try to punch the blonde. "Gut!" He says calmer now, knowing that he had to pay. He gets out his purse and presses 100 € "That should be enough for the drive and your cloth! For the car you have the address. Now leave!" "Hm!" I take the money that should be more that enough. I leave and enter my cab. I phone my boss and inform him abou the accident. He says when I leave the car at the cleaning service and get it back for tomorrow at my shift, it is okay he'll take care of the rest. So I do as said I bring the cab to the service that is sti open and I can get it back tomorrow morning. I walk home, which is not far away and just run yo the bathroom to clean myself. I hope I will never see them again. "That is not romantic!"Lizzy complaints. "I know, Liz, but not everything is romantic. But It got better." I giggle. When I met him I wanted to punch him, now I want to... lets forget about it I have time for this after the marriage. "Tell us more", Lily begs. "Okay, but let's get something to drink first okay?" This is the first chapter of my requested Germany x reader fanfiction. The next chapters are already planned but this is build like the boyfriend scenarios. If you want something to happen like he gets drunk atound you or something let me know and I will do my best. You can also request me on deviant art. But I will upload things here. DA: http://drageekeksi.deviantart.com/
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Axis( with romano and prussia) reacting to their s/o who has chubby thighs in cute thigh highs. It can be nsfw if you want
Italy: He smiles as his eyes scanned his s/o, blushing lightly as he saw the thigh-highs on her legs. “Bella…you look so cute!” His s/o blushed, “You don’t think they look bad…? My thighs are kinda chubby…” Italy shook his head and wrapped his arms around her waist. “That’s what I like about you. I love your thick thighs…” he lightly brushed his hand against her thigh. She shivered and blushed. “Really?” He smiled and nodded. “Of course, bella.“ 
Romano: “Lovi, dear? Could you come take a look at what I’m wearing for a second?” Romano heard his s/o ask from their room. He sighed and put down his paperwork, getting up and going to see what all the fuss was about. “Ragazza, this better be important! You know I’m busy filling out paperwork-” he stopped mid-sentence as his eyes finally landed on his s/o wearing thigh-high socks. He bit his lip as he scanned her legs, seeing how beautifully fit and tight they were on her legs, perfectly shaping them. “Dammit, s/o…You look…so good…” he exhaled, extremely turned on. He then lifted them up and threw them to the bed. S/O blushed and looked up at him. “D-Don’t you have paperwork?” They stuttered. Romano growled playfully, “That can wait.“ 
Prussia: “S-So…W-What do you think?” Prussia heard his s/o ask. He turned around to see what to see what she had been bugging him about for the past hour, and when he scanned her, he saw the newly placed thigh-highs on her legs. The thigh-highs shaped her legs so tightly and beautifully, that he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. “Frau…you look goregous…but…” he proceeded to pin her to the wall, “Wear these only for me…" 
Germany: A tomato could rival Germany’s face as he blushed tremendously. His s/o blushed lightly as she wore the thigh-highs. “Do you like them?” She asked as he scanned her. He gulped nodded. “Ja. I do…” He picked her up and laid her down on the bed. “Your thighs look so good in these, my love…” he whispered as he caressed her legs. She blushed and looked up at him. “You think so…?” He nodded and smiled, leaning in and kissing her forehead. 
Japan: He blushed heavily, his whole entire face red. “Y-You look very cute, s/o…” he said. She smiled and gave a little twirl as she wore a cute skirt and thigh-highs. He blushed more (if possible) and ran to the bathroom as his nose started to bleed while s/o giggled at his reaction.
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bonkers-4-hatter · 9 years
GermanyX!Chunky Reader-Wet Nights/Drabble
“Take it all off vight now (Name).” You looked up at your German Boyfriend who was standing in front of you. You were soaked by the sudden downpour that occurred outside on your way to Ludwig’s house and now here you were standing in his hallway dripping wet and freezing cold. You refused to take the wet clothes off like Ludwig demanded and change into some of his clothing because you didn’t want him to see your body in his cloths. You wore the baggy shirts and pants for a reason. They were to hide your unattractive, flabby body from your perfect, muscled German man. You knew he’d probably dump you right on the spot and quite frankly you didn’t want to take that chance. “Not a chance Luddy, besides I’m perfectly fine.” You flashed him a forced smile as you tried not to get your teeth to chatter. “You are a terrible liar Liebe.” He smirked at you most likely knowing you were really cold and miserable in your current state. ‘Stupid sexy smartass German hunk.’ You thought this to yourself as unknowingly to you, Ludwig advanced closer to you. “If you aren’t going to do as I say, zhen I’ll just take zhem off for you (Name).” Before you could question him any further, he had you in his arms and over his shoulder as he started to walk towards his room. With you of course making a commotion on his back. “Luddy put me down, I’m way too heavy for you!” You pounded on his solid rock like back and huffed in annoyance giving up as he suddenly plopped you onto his soft bed. You started to shield your body only to have his strong hands grab yours and easily pry them away from his access points. You felt your wet shirt come off as well as your pants as you made noises of protests only to have Ludwig smile down at you as he grabbed sweats and a shirt from one of his drawers. “I don’t know vhy you’re all vorked up (Name).” You sat up on the bed clad in only your undergarments as you sighed and looked up at Ludwig who sat the warm clothes next to you. “Because I didn’t want you to see all of this nastiness Luddy.” You grabbed you belly to prove your point. It was true, you weren’t thin in the slightest. You were quite chunky well everywhere. You slowly looked up at Ludwig afraid to see his face. You were surprisingly greeted by a smile and a sort of adoring look in his strikingly bright blue eyes. “Liebe, you’re beautiful zhis vay, being chunky iz adorable on you.” He sat next to you and pulled you into his lap making you blush and squirm in his lap since you were still only in your undergarments. “Adorable, but don’t I embarrass you Luddy?” You felt a kiss on your cheek as he nuzzled your neck. “(Name), you could never embarrass me, if I could I vould show you off to zhe entire vorld liebe.��� You felt a blush coming onto your (Skin color) skin as he continued to shower you in sweet compliments. You felt him move so he could pull down the covers of his bed as he laid you down on the mattress as he lay next to you and pulled the blankets over the two of you. “Luddy, I need to put some clothes on.” You started to get up from the warmth of the blankets only to have Ludwig pull you back down and onto his strong chest. One hand tangling itself in your (Hair color and length) locks while the other had an iron grip on your plump waist. “Nein you don’t (Name), I vant you like zhis, you’re too adorable to be covered up.” He pulled you even closer as you could feel his heat radiating off of him as you snuggled into him deeper inhaling his scent as you looped your arms around his shoulders pulling yourself up to settle your head in the crook of his strong neck. “I love you Luddy.” You kissed his neck and reached up to plant a light kiss on his lips. “I liebe you too (Name).” He pulled you into a more heated kiss as he rolled over and pinned you to the mattress yanking the covers back off and revealing yourself to him. “Just zhe way I like it.” You blushed at his statement but smiled nonetheless finally knowing Ludwig loved you and the way you looked. Let’s just say that night, you were never cold once.
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Hetalia: Never Surrender (One Shot)2
Germany and Rock Star
By Me
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
You are a rock star and you have a tour in Germany now.  Your voice is deep and amazing same with your appearance.  You really likes your fans in Germany and you have an awesome performance with your band.  Everybody enjoy it especially from your headbanging.  You perform it freely in the street. "Sigh.. How noisy.." said someone feel irritated. "Thankyou for all of you! You guys are rock!!" you yelled with power. You finished your performance and throw your necklace to the air. "Ouch--! What is that!?" your necklace hit someone's head and he looks so angry.  He looked at you frowned and clicking his tongue.  The crowd dissmissed by time after shakes hand with you or asking for your autograph.  You and your band take all your stuff and leave that place soon. But somebody touched your shoulder, Fans, huh? you thought.  He looks at to you fiercely then he handed you your necklace.  "This is yours? Don't throw that everything still can be use, frau." You amazed with his perfect appearance and his voice.  Looks strict but handsome. "I'm sorry.. You know what rock star like, right?" you chuckled. "Nein, just leave if you already finish your performance." he turned his body and ignore everything you would to say. You never felt so annoyed because never treated like that.  He must be so grateful to talk to me but why his reaction just like that? Your band member, Ronnie the lead guitarist, called you. "What's wrong, (y/n)? Let's keep going." You noticed that Ronnie called you and you nodded your head with still paralyzed.
You stayed in the hotel and drinking the orange juice.  You forgot about other performances in the next day.  Everyone busy to practising their skills.  Suddenly, Rosalind the bassist, opened your door and you choked because you are drinking the juice. "(y/n)!! What are you doing here!? Let's prepare ourselves to the next performances." "Okay, kay.." you get up from the bed reluctanly. Rosalind grab or more like pull your hand to the studio room in the agency hotel.  You are so lazy and sleepy.  Rosalind told you to wait here because she called by the staff.  You are became more bored and you walk along around that place.  You amazed with this german hotel, so neat and fantastic.  You looked to the paintings but your eyes caught a tall man with sleek blond hair talk with Carmen, the drummer. "YOU!?" you are so shocked because you can saw the guy that give back your necklace before. The guy rolled his eyes and saw you, "What? Is there any problem?" you can't catch any surprised feeling from the guy. "Aha, I know you are my biggest fans right? so you work here as the staff!" said you with winner pose. "That's not true. I just need the money, there is no use to make you as an idol." he said with chuckles. "Hey! How dare you say that to me!" you are so mad to him. "Ssh--! Don't be like that, (y/n). Ludwig, please ignore her.." Carmen shut your mouth and nodded with feeling worried. Ludwig smiled to Carmen and then take a look at you but with a smirk. 
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
The next day you finished your performances with 7 songs at that time.  Your fans so satisfied and called your name many times.  You laughed and gives them the german words (just learn it for a while) to them.  You huffed and look at your band members, so tired but happy.  The concert was amazingly succes!  You back to your hotel after a briefing with all staff after the last performance.  You want to take your phone on the drawer but you saw a small note in it.
I'm your biggest fans. Meet me on the top of the hotel when you look this note. ╚═══════════════════════╝
Okay this is crazy.  Suddenly you think of the guy with sleek blond hair that annoyed you. "Wait! What I thinking!? Stupid!" But your body already move to the lift and going up.  You didn't know why you agree to meet the person, just curious.  You opened the door and saw Ludwig on the balcony.  Hey.. this isn't real, right? You really want to back to your country and didn't go anywhere again. "Tch. You are so late.." said him look at your appearances. "What? if you just want to make me annoyed I will go down now." you said impatiently. "I think you are more beautiful if you didn't tie your hair." His hand closer to your messy hair and remove your ribbon. "Wha--" you blushed a little. He hug you in sudden, "I like you, (y/n)." "huh? You said you didn't like me, right? Ludwig?" your still surprised with the hugs. "It was a lie, you are so easy to bully. Haha." he chuckles and sniff your hair. "Hey don't laughing at me!" said you with blushes more.
✦ ✦ ✦ The End✦ ✦ ✦
I'm trying to make it.. please don't mad to me. This is hetalia fanfic. Hetalia characters x reader. I hope you like it.
(Originally posted on Quotev)
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sinisterred · 10 years
Germany x Reader ch.2
Germany x Reader
..::The Only One I Want::..
  You awoke soundly with an arm around your waist, you shifted a bit and heard the German groan he removed his arm from your waist knowing you were awake. You flopped on your back and turned your head to look at the sleeping blond beside you ‘he looks so calm and peaceful when he sleeps’ you thought to yourself. You stared at him for a moment until he opened his sleepy eyes, he looked down and seen you staring at him you blushed slightly and looked away he giggled.
“So I guess we are dating?” Germany said with a questioning tone you turned to him and nodded in approval smiling warmly. He smiles sweetly you blush at the sweet smile, “I’m going to take a shower” you said he nods and you get up and head over to the bathroom, as you entered you closed the door behind you, you noticed the door doesn’t have a lock ‘ahh great’ you thought you just hoped that Germany doesn’t come in. You undressed and turned on the shower and jumped straight in and started humming (F/S) as you scrubbed your hair with shampoo then washed it out.
After you were done in the shower you heard a loud rugged scream, you quickly got dressed into your (F/C) jeans and (F/C) shirt the quickly rushed out of the bathroom and ran down the hall to where you heard the scream. As you ran down the hall you heard another rugged scream and pin pointed the sound and ran to a door and swung it open the door, as you entered your eyes where met with Germany on one knee with his right hand over his stomach which was seeping blood and Italy above him with a knife in hand and a sick smile on his face, you were snapped out of your thoughts when Italy began to laugh madly, after a moment Italy gathered himself he said.
“If I can’t have Germany then no one else can” he said with an angry tone, then he charged at you with his knife he swung at you, dodging his attack you ran over to a desk that was placed at the back of the room and grabbed a hidden gun under the desk. As you whipped it out Italy threw his knife at you, as you narrowly dodged it leaving a medium size cut on your right cheek you fired the gun into his left shoulder, as he fell down you quickly ran to Germany’s aid.
“Germany you’re hurt! I need to get you to the hospital” you exclaimed as you were helping him up. When Germany was on his feet with his right hand on the stab wound as you supported him with your hand around his waist you carried him to the door you gave one last glace back at Italy still whimpering on the ground with his hand on his shoulder with you shot him.
After the incident with Italy you had taking Germany to the hospital and got treatment from a doctor later on you went to the police and told them what happened. You went back to the hospital to see Germany, as you entered you walked up to the desk to ask what room he was in but to you discomfort the was nobody there.
“H-hello? …..is anybody here?” You said load enough to echo through the hospital halls, you got the shivers up your spine as no body answered. You looked over the desk and seen a trail of blood lead under the desk, you gasped and seen a clipboard with recent patients written on it you quickly grabbed it and looked at it trying to find Germany’s name.
“Raivis…Alfred…” You mumbled as you looked through the names then you spotted Germany’s name you looked though and seen what room he was placed in, “Room No. 242” You said to yourself placing the clipboard down and quickly picking up the phone to dial the police but to your dismay the phone was dead so you tried your phone and you thanked god that it worked. After getting off the phone from the police and telling them what’s going on you smashed open a glass case with a chair and grabbing the fire axe to protect yourself from a psychopath and headed to the room 242.
As you headed up some stairs you hear something or someone, you readied yourself with the trusty fire axe, making your way to the top of the flight of stairs walking quietly you heard some shuffling and groaning you quickly hid behind a curtain they use to separate the hospital patients. The shuffling was growing louder and louder, you took a quiet deep breath and took a peak through the curtain only to see a cut up Germany.
“Oh my god” You exclaimed quietly tears starting to well up but just as you where to burst out and help Germany you heard a voice. “Well, Well look what we have here, a beat and shredded up fool” A dark voice said coming out of nowhere you were shocked to have seen who it was.
To be continued……
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let-gavin-free · 11 years
I decided to share on of my popular stories that i have written on deviantart.com. Tell me what chu think of it in the comments or in my ask box on my blog :D
by xXShadowfan2Xx
You plopped onto the couch and imediately looked at your chubbiness. How you hated being fat. Other girls mocking you with their skinny waists, curvy figures, and can eat anything with out gaining a pound. But your boyfriend, Ludwig, insists your not fat. He says he loves how cute you are with it. You even asked why he was with you, and he replied with a simple, "because your beautiful and i love you". "(name) vanna lick zhe spoon zhat haz zhe frosting?" he asked from the kitchen "No thank you Ludwig" you replied Then you heard the fumbling of pots, then a series of feet coming towards you. This told you that your boyfriend was coming to y
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sinisterred · 11 years
Germany x Reader !Smut! ch.1
Germany x Reader
..::The Only One I Want::..
  It’s been a few months since you have been with the axis group and you have grown quite fond of them especially Germany. Every time you four would go for a run in the early mornings you would always try to catch up with Germany he would push you and Italy the most in the training exercises. For a while now you had been watching Germany stealing little glances at him and making sure he didn’t catch you in the process.
But little did you know Germany had been keeping an eye on you as well, even during training he’d be checking you out secretly and wondering what he could do with your body. (winkie face)
~One late afternoon~
You had just finished afternoon training by yourself unaware that someone was watching you, you felt eyes on you but shrugged it off and made your way to the bathroom to go clean up. As you opened the door and closed it, forgetting to lock it you went over to the shower and turned the water on and let it run for a bit then striped down and jumped into the shower. As you were in the shower you couldn’t help but think about Germany, about his sexy body and the way he speaks in his thick German accent and his slicked back blond hair and oh god his eyes those blue gems just melted you when you looked into them just thinking about him made you feel excited. Then you were snapped out of your thoughts when you felt someone wrap their arms around you, you tried to get out of their grasp but then heard the person that was holding you whisper in your ear
“It’s ok ________it’s me’’ you heard him say in a thick accent and you knew straight away who it was and you blushed madly, the water now gently spraying you both as you turned around slowly to meet his beautiful blue gaze.
You were now facing him staring into his blue orbs then you spoke up.
“G-Germany why a-are you here?’’ you asked nervously still blushing at the extremely close contact between you and him because of the small shower you two where in.
“because I’ve been watching you________’’ he said in a seductive way that made you almost had a nose bleed “and I know you’ve been watching me’’ he said with a lust full look in his eyes, you were about to ask him how he knew but instead he pulled you in for a kiss, it was a little rough but gentle and lust full. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you even closer creating friction between your thighs, you felt his manhood rub against you but couldn’t believe it, he was bigger than you thought it to be.
He licked your bottom lip asking for entrance and you accepted, after a moment of tongue wrestling and exploring each other’s wet caverns you both pulled away for air. You both stared at each other for a moment and he said “________ I want you, I want you to be mine forever’’ he said lustfully you were shocked to find that the guy you loved wanted you to be his.
After you both finished in the shower you both went to Germany’s room, as you entered room making your way to the bed before him, he closed the door behind him locked it so a certain Italian wont barge in on you two. You turned to him and seen him walking closer to you as well as looking at you with a hungry and lustful look he also had a grin on his face that you never seen before as soon as he made it to you he pushed you onto the bed behind you and crawled on you he grabbed your wrists and held them on each side of your head.
He then leaned down and whispered in your ear “now let’s finished what we started’’ he said in the most seductive way that just made you really excited, he pressed his lips against yours then released your wrists and ripped off your shirt like it was nothing whilst he was still kissing you. Then you felt a hand on your womanhood, he was touching you and teasing you when he groped you vital regions in your pants, he broke away from the kiss you were panting and blushing so much your face looked like one of Romano’s tomatoes he giggled deeply and stared into your (e/c) eyes then smirked and said “time for your punishment’’ he said and you looked at him with a grin forming on your face, you knew exactly what he meant. He then got off of you, you sat up and looked down at his pants and they look very tight near the crouch area it was very noticeable even in the dim light as the sun was setting, he walked over to his closest and you heard rattles of chains and locks lightly bashing together.
You then seen him walk over to you with the chains and locks in his hands with a sexy smile on his face, he told you to move on the bed completely so that he could chain you up after a he brought out a riding crop at this time you were really turned on seeing him in this manner made your lower regions tingly and made your body hot and bothered, he had your arms and legs chained up with only your bra and underwear on, he then teasingly whipped your inner thigh then removed the remaining clothing on him and crawled on top of you with his legs on either side of you, his now fully exposed body making you really want him but he was teasing you he then ripped off your  bra and underwear and now you were now fully exposed to him you tried to cover yourself but it failed because your arms and legs was bound by the chains.
He looked at you with a hungry look in his eyes he then went down on you, he teased you his tongue flickering your clitoris and that you moaned softly but enough for him to hear then he went rough on you. You moaned even louder than before you’ve never felt so good before but doing this with Germany made you even more aroused, after a few minutes of sucking and teasing you were in a moaning fit you were on the verge of coming but he stopped and you whined at the sudden halt of your pleasure you looked at him and seen him chuckling. He whipped the riding crop on your outer thigh you whimpered still looking at him but with pleading eyes.
“Do you want me to fuck you?” he purred seductively, you nodded rapidly then he shouted
“DO YOU WANT ME TO FUCK YOU!!” he ordered,
“Y-YES FUCK ME, FUCK ME!” you yelled you just wanted him inside you.
He then unclipped the chains from your arms and legs then he told you to get on all fours, then rammed into causing you to whimper in the slight pain then you adjusted to his size, he then started to thrust in to you at a moderate pace then gradually pick up the speed causing you to moan you both were all hot and sweaty which made you even more horny than you were.
Germany has never felt so good in all his life he always thought he’d never find someone who shared the same feelings he was so happy ‘having sex with ________ just felt so amazing’ he thought as hewas screwing you ‘the way she moans is just enough to send me over the edge’.
  As he kept pounding into you, you were getting close to your climax and so was he, he picked up speed and you could hear him panting heavily then he quickly flipped you on your back so he could get a better look at you, a few thrusts and he hit your g-spot and he pounded harder into you, then you were sent over board arching your back and into a moaning fit you came as your body twitched all over, then Germany came shooting his hot seed into you along with moans and whimpers, giving you few more thrusts before pulling out of you he then laid next to you slowly breathing and still a bit sweaty but you didn’t mind.
Now both calming down from your high you both looked into each other’s eyes he smiled at you and said,
“Ich liebe dich” he said in his native tongue which made you blush and say,
“Ich liebe sie” you said lovingly he gave you a genuine smile then you started to drift off to sleep, he noticed this a started to stoke your (h/c) (h/c) hair “I want you to be mine and only mine’’ he said softly then slowly nodded off into a deep sleep.
In the next room was a very jealous Italian, he had heard all of it and now he wants Germany, Germany is his man and no one else’s.  
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