magebunkshelf · 8 days
How would all your characters react to a big hug?
Don't recognise a name? Click here for the list on the wiki!
Mitch - The classic squeak of surprise, then melt. Mitch loves hugs, and while he's not entirely comfortable asking for them most of the time, he's definitely gotten better at accepting them! ^ ^
Aru - Massive cosy hug back. Aru loves hugs as well, but is very afraid of being too much and pushing people away. If you're sitting next to him at the shrine and hug him with one arm, he'll hug you back with a tail.
Jackson - turns completely red. He usually likes his space but can appreciate a hug.
David - "It's not like I'm enjoying it or anything" >:/
Bats - "Yeah you are, idiot!" (*^-^*)
Marco - Day has an answer for this!!
Ji'ya - "okay hello what's this- what does this mean?"
Prince Seris - He'd probably worry what people would think (for your sake), if it's allowed because of his station and elves being a little high-strung about humans... and then hug gratefully back.
Cay - Not the huggy type, he really appreciates his personal space, especially around people taller than felis. But sometimes you need a good hug. Let him come to you.
Raban - More feelings than I think I could comprehend. But he'd kindly ask you to stop, and ask you to save such gifts for the worthy.
Lochlan - A weak chuckle and "uhh, what's this for?" He's a little weird about hugs. Same with Cay, let him come to you.
Kai - A light-hearted deep happy sound and a gentle hug back. + a kiss on the top of your head cos you short
Gerrak - "...What are you doing?" out of genuine confusion. He's not bothered by it and won't stop you, he just doesn't get it.
Θ - Qeobxa. Kbbaib. Bjyoxzb.
The Snowboarder (Moth 2 & 3 speaker) - Assuming this comes from a demihuman, he'd be very surprised and ask if you're sure that's okay with you. He tries to keep a respectable distance and not come into physical contact. But if you insist on the hug he'd warmly appreciate it.
Nem - They'd go a little limp-armed for a moment, then warmly hug you back, with their arms first and then with their wings. They won't break the hug until you do.
Aspen - "Oi oi, WATCH IT human! ...alright but just a bit... B-But don't touch the ears! ...okay, a little scratch..."
The Moth - You guys tell me! :3
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txortam · 9 months
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Location: 42.8352999483071, -2.651056825650878
Gauza gutxik izutzen naute gerrek bezainbeste. Hondamendi naturalak, istripuak eta zorigaiztoko beste gertaera batzuk ere izugarriak dira, zalantzarik gabe, baina gerrek gizakiarengandik okerrena ateratzen dute. Gehien mintzen nauena da gerrak, orokorrean, gutxi batzuen interesak babesteko sortzen direla, eta horiek sufritzen dituztenak milioika direla.
Nahiko pertsona argitzat daukat neure burua, eta, beraz, ezezkortasunerako eta kexarako joera dut berez. Pentsamendu negatiboei buelta ematera behartu behar izaten dut neure burua, beti ikuspegi positiboa bilatuz. Horregatik sinbolo bat sortu nahi izan dut, gerrak gelditzeko eskatu beharrean bakea eskatzeko. Gerra gelditzeko modu asko daude, baina benetako bakea enpatiaren, ulermenaren eta bizikidetzaren bidez baino ez da lortzen. Bakea ez dago gerrak sortzen dituztenen mende, mundu mailan milaka gutxi batzuk dira, bizitza sinple, zoriontsu eta bakean bizi nahi dugun milaka milioien aldean.
Une honetan, beste aldera begiratzen utzi eta bakea eskatu behar da, ahaztu ezin den modu batean. Bakea eskatzen duen sinbolo bat erabiliz hastea proposatzen dizut, hau izan daiteke, nire maitasun guztiarekin sortu dudana, edozein kulturak ulertu eta bere gain har dezan saiatuz, edo identifikatzen zaituen beste edozein izan daiteke. Edozein keinu hasiera ona da, kamiseta bat, zure leihoan bandera bat, pegatina bat edo grafiti bat. Mesedez eskatzen dizudan gauza bakarra da, pauso txiki hau ematea. Munduko liderrek ulertu behar dute mundua benetan bultzatzen dugunok bakea nahi dugula, eta gizateriaren interesak defendatu nahi ditugula, ez pribilegiatu gutxi batzuenak.
Agian gaur bakea egongo da bizi zaren lekuan, baina bihar gerra zure etxera iritsiko balitz, gustatuko litzaizuke planetaren gainerakoa alde batera uztea? Anima zaitez eta egin keinu hori gaur sufritzen ari direnekin.
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Pocas cosas me horrorizan tanto como las guerras. Desastres naturales, accidentes, y otra serie de sucesos fatídicos también son horribles, sin duda, pero las guerras sacan lo peor del ser humano. Lo que más me duele, es que generalmente las guerras se originan para proteger los intereses de unos pocos, y los que las sufren son millones.
Me considero una persona bastante lúcida, por lo que soy propenso a la negatividad y al lamento por naturaleza, y generalmente tengo que obligarme a darle la vuelta a los pensamientos negativos, buscando siempre el punto de vista positivo. Por eso he querido crear un símbolo, que en lugar de pedir que se paren las guerras, pida la paz. Hay muchas formas de detener una guerra, pero la verdadera paz solo se consigue mediante la empatía, el entendimiento, y la convivencia. La paz no depende de los que desencadenan las guerras, estos son unos pocos miles a nivel mundial, comparado con los miles de millones que solo deseamos tener una existencia sencilla, feliz y vivir en paz.
Este es el momento de dejar mirar hacia otro lado y pedir la paz de una manera que no pueda ser ignorada. Te propongo empezar utilizando un símbolo que exija la paz, puede ser este, que he creado con todo mi cariño, intentado que cualquier cultura lo pueda entender y asumir como propio, o puede ser cualquier otro con el que te identifiques. Cualquier gesto es un buen comienzo, una camiseta, una bandera en tu ventana, una pegatina o un grafiti. Lo único que te pido es que, por favor des este pequeño paso. Es el momento de que los lideres mundiales entiendan que la personas que realmente impulsamos el mundo, queremos la paz, y que queremos defender los intereses de la humanidad, no los de unos pocos privilegiados.
Puede que hoy haya paz en el lugar donde vives, pero si mañana la guerra llegase a tu casa ¿Te gustaría que el resto del planeta te ignorase? Anímate y ten por lo menos ese gesto con los que están sufriendo hoy.
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Few things horrify me as much as wars. Natural disasters, accidents, and other tragic events are also terrible, no doubt, but wars bring out the worst in human beings. What hurts me the most is that wars usually originate to protect the interests of a few, and those who suffer are millions.
I consider myself a fairly lucid person, so I am prone to negativity and lamentation by nature, and I generally have to force myself to turn negative thoughts around, always looking for the positive perspective. That’s why I wanted to create a symbol that, instead of asking for wars to stop, asks for peace. There are many ways to stop a war, but true peace can only be achieved through empathy, understanding, and coexistence. Peace does not depend on those who trigger wars, they are a few thousand worldwide, compared to the billions who only wish to have a simple, happy existence and live in peace.
This is the moment to stop looking the other way and ask for peace in a way that cannot be ignored. I suggest you start using a symbol that demands peace, it can be this one, which I created with all my love, trying to make it understandable and assumable by any culture, or it can be any other with which you identify. Any gesture is a good start, a t-shirt, a flag in your window, a sticker or graffiti. All I ask is that you please take this small step. It is time for world leaders to understand that the people who really drive the world want peace, and that we want to defend the interests of humanity, not those of a few privileged ones.
There may be peace where you live today, but if war were to come to your home tomorrow, would you like the rest of the planet to ignore you? I encourage you at least to make that gesture with those who are suffering today.
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agape358 · 2 years
zergatik gertatzen diren gerrakなぜ戦争が起こるのか(バスク語)
太陽と雲と青い空 agape of sky https://ello.co/evhaevha
TikTok天空の愛 https://www.tiktok.com/@agapejapan
天空の愛チャンネル 蓮友心さんの動画チャンネル https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1-e14AhOmhKFHzYNwpbVww
楽天ブログ 天空の愛~天空からのメッセージ~  https://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/agape358/diary/202208150000/
EVHA’s blog 天空の愛~天空からのメッセージ~ https://evha.hatenablog.com/
goo blog 天空の愛~天空からのメッセージ~ https://blog.goo.ne.jp/agape358
天からのメッセージを24時間!世界にツイート発信中! https://twitter.com/agapeasia2
蓮友心の天空からのブログ https://ameblo.jp/agape358/
連載掲載中!最後の転生~実録自伝人間<蓮友 心> https://ncode.syosetu.com/n9387fh/
蓮友心さんの撮られた写真 インスタグラム https://www.instagram.com/agape_of_sky/
蓮友心さんが天からのメッセージをリアルタイムにお届けします https://twitter.com/cocoro44448888
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saofish · 6 years
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a WHOLE BUNCH of assorted nonsense i’ve been piling into @spookyopercula’s inbox on twitter whoops xD;;; 
mostly a lot of character comparisons re: shipping and nebulous theoretical rp encounters.  feat: 
1) saoria meeting fahrir for the first time (hs feferi-ruling alternian empire au) and having the “OH NO I’M HOT FOR THAT” moment
2), 3), 4) spooks’ character sophia antagonizing lithi just by existing.  first one is toothy!verse lithi (based off the novel @bonyfish is writing), second is licl vampire! au in the 80′s, last is just me dressing sophia up because hot damn look at her
5), 6) spooks’ orc character “hot dad” gerrak a) encountering lithi in a vague theoretical trip to lanwhed’s castle (i do not think bridge trolls and orcs would get along if orcs existed in standard fairytale verse) & b) compared to dmitri (age ~17 on the left) and rbf (riou ~23, dmitri on the right ~28) riou is charmed.  dmitri is shy. gerrak thinks they’re both bitty and adorable probably. 
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stargate365 · 6 years
[SG-1] 9.07: Ex Deus Machina
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Previously on SG1… The Trust got Snaked, and Gerrak took over the Free Jaffa Nation…
Um… wat… did a Jaffa just get hit by a car???
So… why was a Jaffa on Earth? And whats this fancy company got to do with it?
Yes Gerrak, what do you plan to do.
Lol, Cam’s on a roll, and then: “Outsiders are not permitted to address the council.” “…nevermind.”
What the hell?? Garrek has the missing dude as a prisioner?? The missing dude is a Snake?? THE HELL?
Blonde lady annoys me… she’s bullshitting her way through this.
Oh… oh dear… Ba’al is on Earth?
Okay, wow, that suit.
Whelp… this is not going to go well…
Lol. This is one night this guy is going to wish he didn’t work late.
A… a naquada bomb? On earth? Well damn, Ba’al is stubborn af.
Wha… oh. Lol. Cam, you’re hilarious. Putting your mark on them. But at least you’re human and didn’t have to pee on them.
Oooh, we need some Pink Floyd for this now.
Not exactly?? >> Is… is Sam dating Jack now??
Excuse you Mr Jaffa Dude, this is OUR Moon.
Are… are you sure Teal’c? Are you sure they don’t already know??
Well crap… how are we going to fix this??
“How the hell are you going to get there?” *Sam beams out*
Oh… oh hell… There isn’t a bomb in the building, the building is the bomb.
Cam has had an Idea! :D
Oh… oh… that’s sneaky sneaky clever. I like Cam.
Gonna teleport the entire goddamn movie into space… So… how they gonna explain the missing building to the public??
Ba’al escaped, goddamn he’s one slippery weasel.
The Jaffa have Ba’al??
The Jaffa killed Ba’al??
I don’t buy it… it’s too easy…
I… what… more than one Ba’al?? He cloned himself??
Lol, Teal’c is done playing nice with the Jaffa.
A Gas Line Explosion?? Lol, wat?
Oooh… look at that. So pretty. Multiple Ba’al’s in one room… That’s… dangerous.
“Over 600 channels and nothing to watch.” #MOOD
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herokita · 4 years
Tidak ramai yang kenal nama Michael Steinhardt, tetapi beliau merupakan seoang lagenda pelaburan. Dana miliknya, Steinhardt Partners mempunyai rekod prestasi yang mengagumkan di mana ia telah mencatatkan pulangan tahunan sekitar 24% bagi tempoh 28 tahun. Beliau telah menumpukan strategi dengan fokus kepada aset makro yang merangkumi saham, bon, opsyen, dan mata wang. Berikut merupakan 6 tips pelaburan jangka masa pendek dari Michael Steinhardt. 1. Lakukan Semua Kesalahan Di Awal Kehidupan Michael Steinhardt mengatakan bahawa semakin sukar pelajaran yang kita pelajari pada awalnya, semakin sedikit kesilapan yang kita mungkin akan lakukan di kemudian hari. Kesalahan umum kebanyakan pelabur muda adalah terlalu percaya dengan broker, penganalisis dan mereka yang berusaha untuk menjual saham buruk mereka. 2. Melakukan Sesuatu Yang Kita Gemari Dengan cara ini, kita dapat menumpukan sepenuh tenaga kepada perkara yang penting. Malah, lebih mudah untuk kita kecapi kejayaan dalam jangka masa panjang. Ianya dapat memupuk sikap pandai menguruskan masa dalam melakukan perkara yang lebih berfaedah. 3. Bersaing Secara Intelektual Terapkan sikap bersaing secara intelektual dalam urusan pelaburan kita. Buat kajian berterusan mengenai sesuatu yang boleh mendatangkan wang kepada kita. Caranya adalah dengan sentiasa mencari ilmu bagi meningkatkan tahap kewangan peribadi. Kita akan rasa perubahan besar berlaku dalam kehidupan. 4. Buat Keputusan Bijak Walaupun Maklumat Tidak Lengkap Michael Steinhardt pernah mengatakan bahawa pelabur tidak memiliki semua data yang diperlukan sebelum mereka meletakkan risiko terhadap wang milik mereka. Kemungkinan maklumat yang kita terima adalah tidak lengkap tetapi kita harus gunakan apa yang kita ada. Pastikan kita benar-benar fokus kepada fakta dan maklumat yang paling penting dalam membuat sesuatu pelaburan. 5. Sentiasa Percaya Gerak Hati Bagi Michael Steinhardt, gerak hati atau intuisi lebih daripada sekadar firasat. Gerrak hati ibarat supercomputer yang tersembunyi di dalam minda bahkan kita sendiri tidak menyedarinya. Ini dapat membantu kita melakukan perkara yang betul pada waktu yang tepat. Sebenarnya, kita akan merasai pengalaman perdagangan serta berpeluang mengasah gerak hati ini dari semasa ke semasa sehinggakan segala masalah dapat dielakkan. Oleh itu, percayalah gerak hati kita dalam membuat keputusan. 6. Elakkan Melakukan Pelaburan Kecil Sebenarnya, kita mempunyai banyak masa dan tenaga. Jadi sekiranya kita melakukan pelaburan kecil, pastinya ia akan merugikan masa kita. Apabila kita ingin membuat pelaburan, pastikan ganjaran dan pulangannya adalah tinggi dan berbaloi kepada masa, tenaga dan wang yang akan kita habiskan terhadapnya. Belajar sesuatu daripada tips pelaburan jangka masa pendek yang dikongsikan oleh Michael Steinhardt ini? Seorang pelabur yang bijak akan selalu belajar daripada kesilapan dan memperbaiki kelemahan mereka untuk menjadi lebih berjaya. Sumber Rujukan: https://investor.my/6-pelabur-dunia-disegani-dalam-dunia-pelaburan/ https://www.pragcap.com/6-rules-by-michael-steinhardt/ https://acquirersmultiple.com/2017/10/michael-steinhardt-being-contrarian-is-not-enough-you-have-to-be-right/ HEROKITA.com | Digital Talents On Demand Source link
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yeshua76-blog · 7 years
Nik ezagutzen ditudan guztiak nire deiak, lurrikarak, tsunamiak eta gerrak handiak diren neurrian azeleratzen ari direla badakit, esan dezaket Lurraren 12 eskala handi bat espero dela. Jainkoa hain hurbil dago, Jainkoa hain hurbil dago (Daniel kapitulu 12) eta (Revelations 8 & 16 & 18).
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atxuak-blog · 7 years
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Gizarte hezkuntzaren ibilbidearen inguruko denbora-lerroa egin ondoren, oso berandu ofizializatu zen lana izan zela iruditzen zaigu. Izan ere, 1945a baina lehenago zegoen lanbidea zela uste dugu, baina ez zela ezagutzen, eta Bigarren Mundu Gerrak eragindako sarraskiek lanbidearen garrantzia ugaritu eta ofizializatu zutela. Handik aurrera, pixkanaka indartzen joan den gradua izan dela uste dugu, baina beste ikasketa askorekin alderatuaz, hala nola pedagogiarekin, oso berandu sortu zela.Hala ere, lehen esan bezala azken urteetan gizarte hezkuntzaren inguruko hainbat erakunde sortzeak lanbide pixka bat indartu duela uste dugu, eta azken urteetan protagonismoa hartzen joan dela.
Hezitzailearen lana beharrezkoa iruditzen zaigu, mundu gatazkatsuan bizi garela eta gizartean dauden ezberdintasun eta injustiziak izugarriak baitira, eta beti boterea indartsuenek edukitzen baitute.
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magebunkshelf · 4 months
You never knew you were a merfolk
Does the siren from this audio have a design ref? Or can you give me pointers?:3
:O !
Gerrak? Not really much for him no. He's a full merfolk, just a tail, with notably sharp teeth and I'd imagine webbed fingers. Beyond that Id leave it up to listener interpretation :3
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stargate365 · 6 years
[SG-1] 9.06: Beachhead
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Previously on SG1… Cam takes command, fails to talk Sam into coming back; Vala wiggles her way into the SGC, and we lose a planet to the Ori.
This Ori dude is very fire and brimstone… #Rude
What’s with the glow-y-ness??
Vala and Teal’c teaming up to win at basketball.
“I’m gonna kick your ass.” “Promises, promises.”
“Wow, we look cool.” “Don’t let it go to your head.”
Daniel looks so very confused/surprised by this dude knowing who he is.
He also looks so disappointed to not meet Jack or Sam.
“this isn’t at all the way I imagined it.”
“no seeds. how is that possible?” “it’s a state secret, but we’re willing to negotiate.” Pfft.
Did he just say Yaffa?
Vala taking full advantage of free food. Yes. #Mood
Sam! My love!!
“yeah, she’s standing right here… you’re a funny man jack.” Lol, Jack is still pulling pranks on people. :D
Walter looks so sad that the seventh chevron won’t lock.
“and here I was trying to have a nuke-free career.”
I love Sam’s hair. It’s so… surfer girl? That, or ‘scientist who doesn’t have time for this’
Vala is a drama Queen and I love her for it!! #WantToBeHerWhenIGrowUp
“Vala, this is a military vessel,” “I know darling, I’ve stolen it before.”
Can’t we just… borrow an asgard beam and teleport the gate off the planet??
“yo, my name is Lt Col Camer—” “I know who you are.”
Okay, Daniel, that… that sounded like a kid in the schoolyard.
…and the prior just goes back to his book…
the fuckk…? the jaffa are firing on the planet and ignoring us.
anybody else notice how gerrak is sitting just like the snakes used too…?
well crap, I don’t think that worked out the way we planned it…
y’know I really don’t think I like this gerrak dude. He’s a bit of an asshole.
the… the snake is working for the Ori??
Well crap, what’s that??
So blow them up dammit!!
Huh… they look… like strange little wedges… kinda like the stargate chevrons, but less pointy…
Um… wat? Wat are the wedges doing…?
That… is that what I think it is…?
Crap, you could fly Atlantis through it…
Vala… Vala what are you thinking?? Wait… where are you going?
“oh no,” he says, when nobody was watching.
Daniel panicking and freaking out bc Vala is gone.
well hell… what if it nudges her out of the way… whoops.
Can’t you beam her out dammit?? NOW PLEASE!!!
Ohmygod… where’s Vala??
Oh god…
Make him suffer for this Hank. For Vala.
Wait, Vala might be alive??? Yas Queen!!
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