#gerudo ruins
daeyumi · 10 months
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Ruined Town 🪲⚡️
I’m actually super proud of this piece, I wanted to push myself out of my comfort zone to do something dynamic & complex with hopefully a somewhat interesting composition, and I really worked hard on it. I’ve been feeling kind of down on my art recently tbh, like I’ve stagnated a bit, and this piece really helped me to experiment a bit more & try out some new brushes & techniques. Can’t wait to experiment & draw more soon! 🩵
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eeleye-mcshitposts · 11 months
Considering that the Gerudo are entirely made up of women, I feel like Ganondorf having internalized misandry would make a funny amount of sense.
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iowacosediments · 1 month
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I always remember what Malons father said about his wife, Malon will always be a Gerudo in my heart ❤️
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metamatronic · 1 month
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ars-argury · 2 months
FUCK zelda fandom at large i LOVE ancient hero's aspect FUCK YOU if you dont love ancient hero's aspect
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smilesrobotlover · 9 months
Whumptober day 4- Shock
Ok I did as much research on this as possible and idk if it is actually accurate but I tried. Some of the stuff that is inaccurate can be assumed because they don’t know what they’re doing lol. Anyways, king of the Gerudo stuff! Centered around Orman, Ammon, and Terrako! Important to note that Ammon has a Sheikah prosthetic. Also fair warning, there is an electrical shock. Lofty, you know what’s about to happen….
Terrako sprinted across the ruins, hopping when he reached a strange looking pedestal on the other side. Orman and Ammon slowly followed the little guardian, cautious of their surroundings. They were investigating ruins found near the castle, and Orman was surprised at how unique the ruins were. He’s seen many Sheikah ruins, and even the legendary Zonai ruins, but they didn’t look anything like this. Inside the ruins, there were strange lights that lit up the place, and even though it was filled with debris, it was surprisingly empty, save for the pedestal Terrako was at.
“What is this place?” Ammon muttered underneath his breath. Orman shrugged and walked over to Terrako, noting an electric circuit near a door.
“What is that?” Ammon asked.
“Dunno. Looks like it keeps the door open.”
“How is it still working after all these years?”
“I don’t know.”
Ammon put his hands on his hips and gave Orman a teasing smile.
“Why don’t you know anything?”
“Because I like to remain blissfully ignorant. Now come on.”
Ammon stared at the door for a moment before catching up to Orman.
“What exactly are we looking for anyways?” He asked when he reached the pedestal.
“Dunno, we need to investigate this place and report back whatever we’ve found, so that’s what we’re doing.”
“Investigate… investigate what?”
“Investigate something, I don’t know. Didn’t you listen to Rhoam during the briefing?”
Ammon scoffed and crossed his arms, looking around for a moment. “Welp, there’s nothing here. We can go home now.”
“Hold on now, we haven’t seen everything.”
Ammon groaned and spun around, staring down the empty room. “It’s just an empty room.”
“An empty room with technology still working! I’m sure that’ll be useful information.” Terrako beeped in response and Orman rubbed his little head. “See? The guardian agrees with me!”
Ammon rolled his eyes. “Just get him to record everything so we can leave.”
“Sure thing,” Orman put his hands on his knees and looked at the little guardian. “Ok Terrako, be a good little guardian and record everything so Ammon doesn’t blow a fuse!”
Terrako made some beeps that Orman assumed was giggling, and he chuckled while Ammon huffed.
“Just wait until Rhoam hears about this. Harassment while on the job is no joke, you know!”
Orman smiled and rolled his eyes while Terrako looked around at some debris. He himself stared at the pedestal, having to agree with Ammon that there was nothing special of note here. He watched Terrako while Ammon continued to complain, curious at what the guardian was doing. Terrako studied every piece of rubbish and debris left in the ruin, and the little guardian found itself near a wall with a strange mark on it. Orman titled his head and walked over to Terrako, eyeing the symbol.
“What is that?” Ammon asked, not moving from his spot. Orman knelt down and brushed his hand against the symbol.
“You ask a lot of questions, Ammon.” He pulled back his hand to look at the dust on his gloves. Ammon scoffed and turned back around.
“I ask a lot of questions you don’t know the answers to apparently,” he grumbled to himself.
“It’s a mysterious ruin that has stuff we don’t understand, how do you expect me to know everything?”
“I don’t know, why don’t you know?”
“I’ve never seen it before!”
“Sounds like a weakness to me…”
“You’re a weakness to me.”
“No you are!”
Orman burst out laughing and Ammon did the same. Such ridiculous banter, what were they? Children? Terrako made a beep noise and Orman rested his hand on his head.
“What is it, little one?” He asked, and Terrako continued beeping, staring at the symbol on the wall. Orman narrowed his eyes as Terrako’s beeping got strange.
Suddenly, a bright light appeared, and electricity burst out from the symbol, hitting Terrako. Orman yelped and jumped back from the guardian as electricity spewed out of him. The lights in the ruin went out one by one, and all the technology started to spew out electricity and shutting down. Including…
Orman gasped as he spun around and saw Ammon’s prosthetic arm spew out electricity. His whole body convulsed and he collapsed to the ground, his muscles continuing to spazz.
“AMMON!” Orman cried, running to his friend. He grabbed his spear and brought it down on the emergency release button on the prosthetic, releasing it from Ammon’s arm. He ripped Ammon’s sleeve off and threw the prosthetic far away from both of them. “Ammon,” his voice shook as his hand hovered over his friend. His eyes fluttered open, and he stared up at the ceiling, dazed. He wasn’t unconscious, that was good, but it didn’t mean that the injury wasn’t serious. Orman listened closely to his breathing as he checked Ammon’s nub, cringing at the burns on where the skin was in contact with the prosthetic. That looked painful.
“Ok,” he whispered, “what do I do, what do I do?” He stared at the arm for a moment, then reached into his pouch and grabbed a bright bloom seed, smacking it on the ground to light up the area he was in.
“Ammon,” he said as calmly as he could, and Ammon looked over at him. “Are you feeling alright?”
Ammon frowned, taking in a shaky breath. “I—I can't feel my arm…”
Orman stared at him for a moment, then pursed his lips. “Which one? You’re kind of missing one of them.”
Ammon glared at him and Orman looked down.
“I guess you still have some of it…”
Ammon took in another shaky breath. “It feels… numb…”
“Well, I’m not surprised. Just focus on breathing alright? I’ll take care of this.”
Ammon nodded slightly, and Orman listened to his struggled breaths. That wasn’t good that he was struggling to breathe, but he could worry about it when it got concerning. He pulled out his canteen and began pouring it onto his burns. When his water emptied out, he grabbed Ammon’s canteen and emptied that as well. He then grabbed bandages he had in his pouch and gently laid them over his burned nub. He checked Ammon’s breathing again, and it seemed to have evened out.
“Ammon? How are you feeling now?” He asked.
Ammon shuddered and squeezed his eyes shut. “Like sh—“
Orman jumped when he heard a loud beep coming from Terrako, and he spun around to see the little guardian beginning to wake up. He sighed, and looked down at Ammon who was beginning to sit up.
“It’s just Terrako,” he muttered, and Ammon nodded.
“Ok… we should get out of here before something like that happens again,” Ammon said, laying back down when he wasn’t strong enough to sit up
Orman looked at the door that they came through and sighed.
“I don’t think that’s gonna happen any time soon.”
“What do you mean?”
Orman stood up and walked over to the door. “The door is shut.”
Ammon groaned. “Are you serious?”
“All the technology here shut down, including the door that you showed no interest in earlier.” He looked over at Terrako who was beeping slowly and barely moving. “I doubt he could open up this door in his state.”
“Wonderful… we’re stuck here…”
Orman walked over to Ammon and watched him carefully. He looked exhausted, and his expression was pinched in pain.
“You alright?”
Orman rested his hand on his shoulder. They needed to find a way out, Orman would feel much better if an actual doctor took a look at him. Maybe princess Mipha or Queen Kailani would be able to help him. But he couldn’t do anything while stuck in here. He looked over at Terrako who began to crawl towards them, and he hummed.
“Terrako, do you have enough energy to call for help?”
Terrako beeped and Ammon sighed. “Shouldn’t he… save his energy… to open up the door?”
“It might take too long to do that. If we could call for help on the Sheikah slate, maybe someone can come for us?”
“Will that… even work?”
“I don’t know! Technology is weird, so it might!”
“Ah… well… let’s hope… so…”
Orman looked at Ammon worried as he began to drift off. He panicked for a moment and shook him gently.
“Hey, I don’t know if it’s safe for you to sleep, Ammon.”
Ammon groaned and kept his eyes closed, and Orman shook him again.
“Come on Ammon, please don’t fall asleep. I—I don’t know if I’ll be able to wake you up.”
Ammon opened his blue eyes and gave Orman a blank look. Orman sighed.
“I’m sorry, I’m sure you’re tired, but I’m not taking any chances until we can get out…”
Ammon sighed, annoyed and rested his head back, staring at the ceiling. Orman smiled slightly, then looked back at Terrako, who was barely moving. He didn’t know what the right thing to do was. They needed to get out to help out Ammon, but Terrako seemed to have used up all his energy on crawling towards them. Waiting for him to be strong enough to send a signal or to open the door would take too long, but what else was he supposed to do? And which one would be the fastest option? Orman groaned and leaned back against the rock, feeling his mouth drying up. Just great. He used up all of his and Ammon’s water to deal with the burn. They really couldn’t stay for long. Terrako beeped and began crawling to a wall, examining it.
“Hey, don’t send another electric shock through the building,” Orman warned. Terrako beeped again and clawed at the wall, and Orman gasped when some of it crumbled away. He shot up and knelt at the wall, pushing some of the rocks away. He felt a draft from a gap in the rocks and he cheered. “I think I found a way out!” Terrako made an offended beep and Orman chuckled. “Sorry. Terrako found a way out.”
Ammon cheered tiredly as Orman began moving the rocks out of the way, feeling the fresh air hit his face as the wall crumbled away, and soon there was a big enough hole for Orman to crawl through. He jogged over to Ammon who had his eyes closed, and Orman’s heart skipped a beat.
“Hey,” he shook him, a little too aggressively, and Ammon groaned. “I’m sorry, but I need you to stay awake.”
Ammon glared at him, lifting himself up shakily. Orman helped him sit up and he pointed to the hole.
“Do you think you could crawl through that hole?”
“Yeah, yeah I can do that,” Ammon muttered, slowly standing up with Orman’s help. But when he took a step, his knees buckled, and Orman nearly yelped when he caught him.
“Ok, just wait here…” Orman gave Ammon a pat on the shoulder before standing up and grabbing Ammon’s arm. He then took his belt and Ammon’s belt and strapped the exhausted Terrako to his chest. He swung Ammon’s arm over his shoulders and walked over to the hole.
“I’m fine, Orman. I can crawl through on my own,” Ammon said, sounding more sure of himself this time. Orman nodded, figuring Ammon needed to get used to his legs a little more. Orman went in first, sighing with relief when he was outside, and helped Ammon crawl out. He stood up, helping Ammon on his feet and looked at the castle.
“How are we gonna explain this?” Orman muttered to himself, thinking about what they found at the ruins. “The weird electrical shock, the symbol that caused all this… all of it…”
“Just tell Rhoam Terrako did it,” Ammon said, causing Terrako to make an offended beep. “Hey, I’m not technically wrong.”
Orman chuckled at the two and pulled Ammon’s arm slightly.
“Well, we have time to figure it out, come on, you need help.”
Ammon nodded and stuck close to Orman’s side as they began walking towards castle town. Orman kept a close eye on his dear friend, the feeling of worry never really going away even as he walked along the field. But he supposed that there was not much else he could do except to make sure he was well enough to make it to a healer. Until then, all he could do was worry.
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frayedblorbos · 2 months
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fuck-em-up-your-grace · 3 months
I love love love the Gerudo but I hate Nintendo
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enapyen · 1 year
No because WHY is totk so SCARY- IM SO SPOOKED RN
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party-pixie · 7 months
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i've taken a lot of photos but i think these are my favorites
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gerudospiriit · 7 months
What is your character arc?
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tragic hero arc
we all know how this story goes. when it began, you were almost the perfect hero, but almost is never enough. you lacked introspection, or you were too stubborn or vengeful or reckless - as reckless as the world that helped to ruin you. you were not perfect, and that's okay. we knew the story ended in blood and we watched it anyway. we knew you would die in the end and we still couldn't help but love you, just a little bit. at the very least, you are more human than a hero could ever be.
tagged by: @whiimsicaldream thank you! tagging: everyone
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probably-ace-ok · 2 years
Ruins of Hyrule: Gerudo Desert
an apocalypse/horror loz au
The Gerudo saw everything going on in the rest of Hyrule and decided to get out as fast as they possibly could. Retreating further into the desert and splitting into small and hidden communities far out in the sands, they’re now a rare sight in Hyrule outside of a few descendants of Gerudo who chose to go underground with their Hylian family. Those who went to the desert however, adopted a new way of life, using the giant insects of the deep sands to move around, and living in the abandoned homes of giant ant-like monsters that they hunt for food. When Link arrives to ask for their help, they’re at war with a colony of these monsters. They’re struggling against them due to a lack of unified leadership since their last chief was assassinated at the same time as the Zora royals.
(please send asks if you’re curious about this au! it helps me work new stuff out!)
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elfindreams · 1 year
I am a normal person with a job and various normal hobbies but also if you sliced open my brain you would find a region which has existed for years and is singularly dedicated to storing my needlessly overspecific post-OOT / MM Zelda headcanons covering the span of several in-universe decades and in fact aren’t headcanons because they are all completely correct and accurate and ~thematic~
#okay so canon strongly suggests that TP Link is a descendant of OOT Link but I dislike the trope of biology/bloodlines = magic destiny#also OOT Link was raised by a talking tree and literally never even met an adult until he was like. eleven.#therefore dude has no attachment to the concept of marriage or a ✨nuclear family✨ and by the time he grows into adulthood again#he gives like. negative fucks about anything. he’s paid his dues to the world man.#therefore he ends up in some kind of polycule thing + raises a bunch of kids some of whom are maybe ‘’his’’ but several are adopted orphans#so like. inherited generational Stuff is going on and he’s a parent in every way that matters but as far as biological ancestry: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯#he obsessively teaches them all the survival skills he knows but is super lax in most other respects#(no sword training tho bc he didn’t want them to HAVE to know and then by the time he was maybe ready he physically couldn’t anymore)#and is thrilled to see them turn all rowdy and rebellious bc he feels like his life would’ve gone better if he’d been that way as a kid#in the same way that Link was somewhat modeled after Peter Pan (or really one of the lost boys to be more accurate)#the kids end up akin to Robin Hood and the outlaws especially after Link dies at a fairly young age bc they’re quite reasonably like#‘’hey fuck you queen Zelda you ruined our dad’s life fuck off fuck offffffffff’’#(cue them being derisively called a wolf pack—foreshadowing the whole Assigned Wolf Fursona at Death thing lmfao)#this ends up being extremely relevant to 1.) what happened to the actual ocarina of time between MM and TP#2.) Ordona becoming a semi-independent province within that timespan as well#but BEFORE ALL THAT HAPPENS so like relations between Hyrule and the Gerudo people are like. Very Poor at this point. for many reasons.#so by the time zelda actually becomes the ruling queen—
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astral-catastrophe · 1 year
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smilesrobotlover · 7 months
how is link and mipha relationship going did they have any setbacks
Uh, no? Idk why there would be any setbacks
I don’t know if they’re pining, dating, engaged, or married yet, I’m still thinking about that honestly
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seagullcharmer · 1 year
thinking abt chain link fences again and i think it would be SO funny if bee and honey had BOTH had to deal with the windfish's dream
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