#get krissed
soff34344 · 1 year
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strixton · 4 months
the grandpa:
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the father:
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the children
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kukekakuningaskris · 7 months
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crunchy ass kris images from MY phone? it's more likely than you'd think
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nataliabdraws · 20 hours
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heart to heart
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„Jeweled diadem gifted by Stellan and Elzar“
Of course, that could have been simply a sweet gesture BUT making it angsty is so much better in my opinion
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Because imagine Avar Kriss, a telepath so powerful she always hears so so much -enough for it to physically hurt her- being unable to keep her mental walls up because her energy is already drained… and imagine Elzar Mann and Stellan Gios, researching in the archives for weeks, finding the slightest hint of something that could help and then proceeding to forge the focus with their own hands… :ˋ)
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ihassheepquake · 2 months
I'm reading The Eye of Darkness and I just really love this line from Belin to Avar Kriss in chapter 29.
"You may be a Jedi, but you don't have to save everyone. You can't save everyone. It's the fact you even try that makes you different from the Nihil. You don't have to win, Avar Kriss. All you have to do is try. That's enough."
If that's not really the message of Star Wars, I don't know what is.
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ledalausnows · 10 days
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i could not decide which one of them fits it best so. all of Em
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bikananjarrus · 3 months
thinking about how the relationship between the firebrands was forever altered that night of starlight beacon's dedication
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jewishcissiekj · 3 months
so when are we getting their reunion? they presumably haven't seen each other since the fall of Starlight Beacon they have to meet again right. right.,?
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inbabylontheywept · 7 months
I hate to confess this, but sometimes, when I am reading books of some kind, I'll get this very happy feeling of 'Oh! I could do that!'
Sometimes, it's a very literal 'I could do that', as in, I fully believe I could do that today. I say this while loving Frankenstein, but when I read that book at age 18 there was a very visceral sensation that a fellow 18 year old wrote it. Other times, it's this feeling of 'Eh, it's not my style, but I could probably imitate. Better than ChatGPT at least.'
And I like that, because it makes me feel like this writing this is, while not easy, something that I am doing quite well in.
But other times, I will read something and I will feel painfully jealous because I will admit that I have absolutely no fucking idea how they did that, and it was beautiful and stunning and I want it but I can't even imagine a world where I could do it.
And to name names, the first writer I know that does this basically every time is Sam Kriss. Everything that Sam Kriss writes makes me want to join a cult. I wonder how my idiot ancestors were duped into following a 14 year old farmboy to Utah just to survive malaria 5 times in 5 years by the Great Salt Lake, and then I read Sam Kriss and go oh, that's why. This is a compulsion that I always had, that was always in me, and I didn't know until I ran into his work. Like I inherited shrapnel from my father and had no idea until I stepped into an MRI machine and gave birth to this bloody chunk of rusted steel and all I could do was look at it and go "Ah, right, guess I did inherit that. Lovely."
The second is Terry Pratchett, who is not just funny, which is easy, but is relentlessly funny. Always funny. It never stops. He is a marathon of comedy, and the insane part of it to me is not that I couldn't write a single sentence as funny as him, it's that I could not possibly write three to five hundred consecutive pages of it.
Anyway: To the fellow hobbyists out there, who does this for you? Or are you wise enough to never look at some popular work and think "Eh, you know, I could do this?"
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enchiiridion · 5 days
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Volo has met ( angered, befriended, and more ) very many individuals in his life. This is a small list of some notable past relations he's had.
ELMINSTER ( of Shadowdale ) AUMAR; his first, wisest, and accidental friend. When Volo began writing his Guide to All Things Magical, Mystra assigned Elminster with the job to keep him in check-- for the most part. He's not technically allowed to stop Volo, but he does get angered and annoyed by them pretty often. Over the years, he's turned Volo into a frog, a statue, and a statue of a frog on multiple occasions, sometimes for months or years at a time. More recently, these occurrences are a lot rarer, because Elminster has grown fond of him and his whimsical nature. Since Mystra made Volo into a Weave Anchor ( and technically a Chosen ), Elminster has had to keep a close eye on him. Whenever Volo ventures out for research, Elminster will often tag along or watch distantly. When they're apart, they write to each other frequently, even if most of their subject matter is about Volo's upcoming books.
RAVITHARA ( and her son, Emmeros ) SILMERHELVE; his first long-lasting relationship. While researching the wealth sources of one of the many noble families in Waterdeep, Volo came into contact with Ravithara. She would occasionally work as his informant, but the two grew infatuated with each other and it wasn't long before it turned out she was going to have his baby. While Volo would've loved nothing more than to run away with her, her family would forever hunt them, and he went missing for a time ( part of that was because a wizard turned him into a bird and forced him to fly into walls for a few weeks ). Any time he has the chance to in Waterdeep, he takes the time to visit both her and Emmeros. They've fallen out of love, but still care for each other deeply. Sometimes, when Volo is short on coin, Ravithara will offer him some ( but he's always declined ). Elminster says Emmeros looks an awful lot like Volo ( but also if the Silmerhelve family ever found out, Volo was practically dead ).
SA'SANI; his first rejection ( kind of ). While working with a merchant company near Neverwinter, he fell in love with Sa'Sani. She disliked him heavily, and often had very cold and dry responses to his advances, so he didn't push it ( despite still being attracted to her ). During their time working together, she did a blood ritual with him; it would increase his alcohol tolerance greatly ( so he often faked inebriation ), but unbeknownst to him, she could drain his life force to return to life if she ever died. An odd side-effect has been that Sa'Sani will occasionally hear Volo's thoughts randomly. It allowed her to keep tabs on his whereabouts, but she inadvertently fell in love with his genuine naivety and aloofness, despite originally being annoyed with him.
NANTHÉ RYDDORN; his most daring rescue. At the time, Volo had been researching underground smugglers and rings. However, he caught the nasty attention of some smugglers in Suzail-- through some daring luck, he had saved Nanthé, a war wizard working undercover to help uncover this exact smuggling ring. She was charmed by Volo, despite calling them a 'loathsome worm', and mentioned he had a 'unique musk' ( which she quite liked ). She offered him a few drinks in return for saving him, and they grew a budding friendship. During Volo's visits to Suzail, they would occasionally meet to catch up, share drinks, and sleep together. Because of her, Volo invested in a few properties in Suzail, finding excuses to go and visit her often. Sa'Sani considers Nanthé as a good ally to Volo and doesn't fear any sort of "competition" between each other for Volo's affections ( to this day, she has yet to inform him that she returns the feelings ).
FLOON BLAGMAAR & RANEAR NEVEREMBER; his first polycule. While visiting Ravithara and Emmeros one night, Volo employed Floon ( who was a sex worker at the time ) for his company when he'd felt particularly lonely. The next evening, he met Ranear, and in a haze mistook him for Floon. In conversation, he found out that the two were actually friends, and thought it would be nice to join them for drinks that night. Floon and Ranear were already together, but found themselves infatuated with Volo's nature. Ranear already had issues with his family being hostile towards Floon ( first for being a man, second for being a sex worker ), but he had additional problems if he were to be involved with Volo ( not just for also being a man, but due to the reputation he's garnered ). This was resolved during W:DH, and they would occasionally travel together whenever Volo is traveling for reasons outside of work. Neither Floon nor Ranear minded Nanthé's involvement with him, and neither did she. Sa'Sani generally dislikes them, but is starting to warm up to them the more of Volo's thoughts that she hears.
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Just some kiddos, nothing bad will ever happen to them
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Yep, nothing bad, not ever. What do you mean, I’m not delusional, they’re happy and still besties to this day?
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soneakyr · 23 days
There is something so funny and soft about Elzar being always in Avar's mind before doing something reckless.
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ledalausnows · 10 months
the mental image of elzar visibly trembling as he turns around to see the woman he fought to bring home for an entire year, losing himself along the way, and not able to utter even a single word at the sight of her i’m giggling and kicking my feet are you serious someone call jane austen NOW
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bikananjarrus · 3 months
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rebelcaptain, elvar, & mirrors
[the eye of darkness by george mann; diego luna & felicity jones interview (article / video version)]
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